Saturday, September 1, 2018

Youtube daily report w Sep 1 2018


Don't forget to smash that like button in the face I will give you seven seconds to do it

You are boss if you hit that button

Down below using the #LIKEDLIKEABOSS! Now hit the subscribe button to my channel for more videos like this

and ring the Bell notifications, let me know what you'd like to see next and watch my latest video about CENSORED

That's all I got today subscriber squad. I will see you in the next video, but first donate on patreon. PEACE

That was an example of what YouTubers will do sometimes to get viewer interaction.

We're now going to be diving into the data behind whether asking viewers to smash that like button actually

Results in viewers smashing that like button. We will be examining two informal polls we conducted on our peers, one reddit post and some quora articles.

Hopefully by the end of the video you'll have a better understanding behind the banking for likes and subscriptions

First we decided to conduct a straw poll with our peers. The question we asked was when you hear hit that like button

Are you more or less likely to do so? six people voted for less likely and seven voted for neither. Nobody,

however, said that it would make them more likely to do so.

This tells us that the general public does not appreciate hearing people ask for likes and it's probable this data can be extrapolated

For the general public audience. Before we go any further

Let's talk about SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization

Which basically means how much attention and publicity your video is getting. The higher your video's SEO, the more likely people will see your video.

YouTube increases your SEO based on 2 factors: video content and user engagement.

Video content is simply the youtubers content but user engagement depends on the viewers.

This is what we'll be focusing on

I found a reddit post on r/

out of the loop that talks about this topic. A user explained that when a video has more likes, comments, favorites, and

even dislikes, it gets a higher SEO score. higher SEO means YouTube pushes the video to more people

So even if you dislike a YouTube video for asking for likes you're giving them what they are looking for, more views

which means more money. I also found an interesting article on quora about the

usefulness of asking for user engagement

the writer said that if youtubers don't ask the viewers will just pass by without doing anything and therefore not benefiting the videos SEO as much. one

Writer also says that youtubers who don't ask for likes shares or sub will get about 40% less of that.

so calling viewers to do these actions is in fact very effective so does hearing

Smash that like button make you more likely to check like on the video according to our straw poll

The answer was 100% No, but the information from the reddit and quora articles say otherwise

It means that this is not just a cringey meme but a valid marketing method!

Another poll we did asked: A)

What makes a good YouTube video and B) if you have ever liked a video on YouTube what made you like that video?

The majority of the eight answers we got indicated that high quality

Enjoyable YouTube videos with interesting content are most likely to make them click like on the video in this video

In this video, we have shown that asking for likes lowers viewers appreciation of the yt video.

However, it is clear that even though people don't like it,

It generates more ad revenue by making more people see the video

It is not a kind strategy, but one that must be used nonetheless

Reminding viewers to press like does not have to be a 30-second cringefest this here's what we're asking:

Youtubers: focus on making high quality videos. dont go over the top when asking for likes. a simple like would be appreciated will do.

viewers, support the youtubers big or small that make enjoyable content.

Thank you for watching. And if you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and spread the word :)


For more infomation >> Does "Like Begging" Actually Work? | w/ Xernical - Duration: 4:36.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT COMFORTLINE 5DRS. AC/CV+AB/ELEK.RAMEN/10.000KM!! - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT COMFORTLINE 5DRS. AC/CV+AB/ELEK.RAMEN/10.000KM!! - Duration: 1:12.


Peugeot 208 1.2 E-VTI 82PK AUTOMAAT 5Drs BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE *Navigatie | Lm-velgen | Climate Contr - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.2 E-VTI 82PK AUTOMAAT 5Drs BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE *Navigatie | Lm-velgen | Climate Contr - Duration: 1:11.


Volkswagen Golf 1.6 16V FSI COMFORTLINE 5DRS. AC/NAVI/LMV/TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.6 16V FSI COMFORTLINE 5DRS. AC/NAVI/LMV/TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:07.


Dimmi dove accumuli il grasso, e ti dirò cosa fare - Duration: 2:25.

Se i risultati di attività fisica e dieta non sono quelli che ti aspettavi,

forse non stai adottando i metodi giusti.

Di seguito ti spieghiamo come agire sul grasso localizzato,

per disfarsene più velocemente.

Molte persone non sanno che esistono tipi diversi di obesità,

e modi diversi per disfarsene.

Obesità a causa dell'alimentazione.

E' causata dal consumo eccessivo di alimenti zuccherati.

Riduci la quantità di zuccheri nella tua dieta, da sostituire con miele o stevia.

Realizza esercizi cardio per almeno 30 minuti al giorno.

Obesità causa "stomaco nervoso".

Stress, nervosismo, depressione e ansia causano l'accumulo di grasso in quest'area.

Fai attività per alleviare lo stress, come yoga o pilates.

Bevi una camomilla prima di andare a dormire, e consuma alimenti ricchi di fibra.

Obesità da glutine.

Alcune persone tendono a sviluppare la sensibilità al glutine durante l'adolescenza.

Riduci o evita il consumo di alimenti con glutine (pasta, pane, alimenti integrali).

Obesità metabolica aterogenica.

Si tende ad accumulare grasso sull'addome, e ad avere problemi respiratori.

Riduci il consumo di alcool, effettua esercizi aerobici e yoga.

Obesità a causa di circolazione venosa. Si eredita geneticamente.

Pratica molta attività fisica, fissa degli orari per i pasti e seguili rigorosamente.

Fai controllare la ghiandola tiroidea da un medico. Obesità da sedentarietà.

Non saltare i pasti e pratica attività fisica (ad esempio, zumba).

Bevi molta acqua.

For more infomation >> Dimmi dove accumuli il grasso, e ti dirò cosa fare - Duration: 2:25.


Fragatas da Espanha e Canadá seguem rumo à Romênia para exercícios da OTAN - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Fragatas da Espanha e Canadá seguem rumo à Romênia para exercícios da OTAN - Duration: 1:59.


Rimedio semplice e naturale per la sinusite - Duration: 5:48.

Per migliorare la sinusite, oltre a realizzare un trattamento nasale, è molto importante evitare quegli alimenti che favoriscono la formazione di muco, come il latte e le farine raffinate.

La sinusite è una malattia infiammatoria che colpisce i seni paranasali o le cavità vuote delle ossa del naso.

Le cause delle sinusite possono essere diverse e la malattia può diventare acuta o cronica.

In questo articolo vi illustreremo un metodo semplice, economico e naturale per il trattamento della sinusite e i suoi sintomi,

cioè muco, congestione, senso di pesantezza alla testa, dolore in diverse zone della testa, tosse e stanchezza.

Vi riveleremo anche quali alimenti aumentano la quantità di muco e alcuni semplici consigli per completare questo trattamento naturale.

Trattamento naturale; Per trattare la sinusite in modo naturale, potete ricorrere a questo rimedio semplice ed economico, ma soprattutto efficace.

Avrete bisogno di: Una lota tibetana, di ceramica o di plastica, per il lavaggio nasale:

è uno strumento simile ad una piccola caraffa che permette di fare dei lavaggi nasali e liberare le vie respiratorie.

Potete trovare la lota nelle erboristerie e nei negozi di prodotti naturali e per la salute.

La lota è molto più sicura delle siringhe, che sono invece aggressive e intorducono l'acqua con troppa pressione.

Dell'acqua di mare mescolata con acqua naturale in questo modo: una parte di acqua di mare ogni due parti e mezza di acqua naturale.

Potete trovare l'acqua di mare nelle erboristerie, nei negozi di prodotti dietetici e in alcuni negozi specifici o nei supermercati.

Se non la trovate, mescolate 1 litro di acqua naturale con tre cucchiai di sale marino fino a quando non si sarà completamente sciolto.

Come si realizza? Per realizzare la tecnica di pulizia nasale con la lota e l'acqua salata, dovete seguire i seguenti passaggi: Introdurre il liquido salato nella lota,

avendo cura di farlo sopra ad un recipiente dove possa eventualmente cadere l'acqua.

È fondamentale realizzare questa tecnica con la bocca aperta, respirando appunto per la bocca, quindi bisogna inclinare il corpo in avanti.

Introdurre la lota per la cavità nasale sinistra, rilassarsi e lasciare entrare l'acqua per poi vederla uscire dalla narice destra.

Una volta esaurito il liquido, bisogna pulire con cura il naso, espirando leggermente per eliminare i resti di muco e tossine. Ripetere la tecnica introducendo l'acqua nella narice destra.

Benefici; Se ricorrete a questa tecnica tutti i giorni, vi darà i seguenti benefici: Migliora la respirazione in generale; Elimina il muco accumulato nei seni paranasali,

come anche i batteri e le tossine; Aiuta a pulire e liberare i condotti che uniscono le orecchie, gli occhi e il naso; Attiva terminazioni nervose collegate al cervello;

Allevia l'emicrania; Migliora la concentrazione; Previene l'insonnia; Apporta una sensazione di benessere e di relax; Riduce il russare notturno.

Alimenti che aumentano la produzione di muco; Così come è importante la pulizia nasale,

bisogna anche eliminare dalla dieta tutti quei prodotti che aumentano la produzione di muco,

che sono principalmente i seguenti: Latte e suoi derivati, specialmente se si tratta di latte vaccino.

Potete sostituirli con quelli che derivano dalla capra, dalla pecora o altri animali oppure optare per le bevande vegetali (per esempio, latte d'avena, di riso o di mandorle).

Farine raffinate, soprattutto quelle presenti nel pane e nei prodotti dolciari.

Bisogna ridurne il consumo il più possibile e sostituire questi prodotti con pane destrinizzato (come le fette biscottate tostate) o con le gallette di riso o mais.

Altri consigli; Inoltre, potete completare e potenziare questo trattamento con alcuni antichi rimedi naturali: Infusi di ortica: l'ortica ha proprietà depurative ed aiuta ad eliminare il muco.

Potete aggiungerlo ai vostri piatti (e seguire la cura tibetana dell'aglio) oppure optare per le compresse se avete problemi a digerirlo. Aglio crudo: ha la proprietà di sciogliere il muco.

Esiste anche un antico rimedio che proviene dalla cultura degli Indiani d'America.

Si chiamano "candele auricolari" o "candele Hopi" e sono dei coni artigianali fatti di cera d'api, erbe e altri estratti medicinali che funzionano in maniera semplice ed efficace.

È vero che eliminano il cerume e le tossine dalle orecchie, ma indirettamente puliscono e liberano tutti i condotti della testa.

Queste candele sono reperibili in farmacia, in erboristeria e nei negozi di prodototti naturali.

Non vanno usate in caso di perforazione del timpano, allergie, problemi che riguardano la pelle della parte esterna dell'orecchio, in caso di otite o infezioni all'orecchio.

Immagini per gentilce concessione di Chiot's Run, Suzanne Schroeter e Breigh Hammarlund. Seguite sempre attentamente le istruzioni riportate sulla confezione.

For more infomation >> Rimedio semplice e naturale per la sinusite - Duration: 5:48.


Últimas notícia de hoje : PCDOB: TSE DECIDIU AFRONTAR A DEMOCRACIA - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : PCDOB: TSE DECIDIU AFRONTAR A DEMOCRACIA - Duration: 5:40.


A Eutimia do Processo: Fotografando em 8x10" - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> A Eutimia do Processo: Fotografando em 8x10" - Duration: 5:12.


Peugeot 208 1.2 E-VTI 82PK AUTOMAAT 5Drs BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE *Navigatie | Lm-velgen | Climate Contr - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.2 E-VTI 82PK AUTOMAAT 5Drs BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE *Navigatie | Lm-velgen | Climate Contr - Duration: 1:11.


How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Your Dog Or Cat Naturally - Duration: 3:05.

Who does not like summer?

The sun and the higher temperatures wind up motivating us to do more activities

open air.

But in the case of dogs, summer It's not always so fun.

Have you heard the expression "dog in summer day"?

It is believed that it arose from the fact that dogs get lazier during these

days, because exercise with a lot of hair is not easy at times

of the year.

Another problem that appears most often in summer are fleas and ticks, which

insist on sucking the blood of our pets pet, and even spread diseases,

as is the case with ticks.

Fleas can become dormant for several months, and appear just in the summer,

when temperatures are more pleasant for them.

And eliminating these pests is not easy at all.

Fleas, for example, like to jump to far away when they feel threatened.

There is a wide range of products to eliminate fleas, but only work when

well-chosen, taking into account the environment and the different stages of infestation.

A bad choice of product can even endanger your friend's health.

In today's video, we'll teach you a recipe easy and cost-effective solution you can apply

in dogs and cats to eliminate fleas and ticks effectively.

The ingredients are very simple and beyond make the animal's hair very soft.

Here's how:

200ml of apple cider vinegar; Half a teaspoon of sea salt;

Half a teaspoon of baking soda; Two or three tablespoons of lukewarm water.

How to make First, mix the vinegar, the salt and the bicarbonate

and put them in a spray bottle.

After that, add the tablespoons of water warm and shake the bottle to mix.

Spray the mixture on your pet's coat especially in the ears

legs and neck.

Another important tip is to always inspect the hairs of your bugs to remove fleas

and ticks that have not left with the medicine.

Brushing the dog and the cat is also a good practice against pests.

But before anything else, take a skin test your pet to see if it will not


Each organism reacts in a way and with dogs and cats is no different.

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Your Dog Or Cat Naturally - Duration: 3:05.



Chiedere alla donna che si ama di sposarsi è un gesto di grande amore, spesso spettacolare, a volte originale, nel caso di un uomo britannico decisamente unico

Chris Gospel, un contadino di 30 anni, ha chiesto a Eilidh Fraser di sposarlo scrivendoglielo su una mucca, la preferita della sua donna

Chris ha portato la sua donna al pascolo e ha mostrato la mucca con la scritta blu: «Vuoi sposarmi?», poi si è messo in ginocchio e le ha mostrato l'anello

A quel punto Eilidh, che lavora come tecnica di laboratorio, non ha potuto che dire di sì

Curlytop è la mucca preferita di Eilidh, per mesi l'ha allevata, le ha dato il fieno e si è molto affezionata a lei, così al suo uomo è sembrato carino coinvolgere l'animale nella richiesta

La coppia deve ancora decidere il luogo di matrimonio e la data, come riporta anche l'Independent, tuttavia Chris ha già annunciato di voler controllare il regolamente per scoprire se potrà essere possibile far partecipare in qualche modo Curlytop alle nozze e renderla parte del loro giorno speciale




リンゴとバナナ こどものうたメドレー「Apples & Bananas + More」| こどものうた | Super Simple 日本語 - Duration: 56:21.

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas

Now let's make a long "a" sound

ay-ples and ba-nay-nays

I like to ate, ate, ate

ay-ples and ba-nay-nays

I like to ate, ate, ate

ay-ples and ba-nay-nays

How about a long "i" sound

i-ples and ba-nigh-nighs

I like to ite, ite, ite

i-ples and ba-nigh-nighs

I like to ite, ite, ite

i-ples and ba-nigh-nighs

I know let's make an "oo" sound

oo-ples and ba-noo-noos

I like to oot, oot, oot

oo-ples and ba-noo-noos

I like to oot, oot, oot

oo-ples and ba-noo-noos

Let's try a long "e" sound

ee-ples and ba-nee-nees

I like to eat, eat, eat

ee-ples and ba-nee-nees

I like to eat, eat, eat

ee-ples and ba-nee-nees


let's sing it with a long "o" sound

oh-ples and ba-no-nos

I like to ote, ote, ote

oh-ples and ba-no-nos

I like to ote, ote, ote

oh-ples and ba-no-nos

Last one...apples and bananas!

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas

I like to eat, eat, eat

apples and bananas

For more infomation >> リンゴとバナナ こどものうたメドレー「Apples & Bananas + More」| こどものうた | Super Simple 日本語 - Duration: 56:21.


Back Together? Halsey and G-Eazy Kiss Onstage During Steamy Concert — See the Steamy Smooch! - News - Duration: 3:15.

 Is this proof that Halsey and G-Eazy are officially back together again?  Nearly two weeks after the former couple were photographed holding hands in New York City, they reunited on Friday during the 29-year-old's rapper concert in Holmdel, New Jersey

 "Make some noise for the most beautiful woman on this planet right now," G-Eazy, 29, told the crowd during the show as they performed their song "Him & I," according to E! News

 In a video of the pair's lip lock that was captured by a fan, Halsey, 23, wraps her arms around the rapper's neck before they both lean in to share an affectionate kiss on the lips

 Adding fuel to the fire, G-Eazy went on to share some steamy photos of the pair getting very cozy during their performance on his Instagram feed

Halsey previously confirmed the pair were on a break on July 3. "I normally keep this kind of thing private but provided our public nature I feel the need to inform my fans

G-Eazy and I are taking some time apart," she wrote in a note posted to her Instagram Story

 "I'm eager to continue the upcoming passage of time dedicating myself to my art and my career, and the duration of my tour

I wish him the best. Thanks for respecting our privacy at this time."  In an interview with Marie Claire that was conducted before their split (but published after), Halsey gushed about their relationship, saying, "I love everything about him

"  The two had met two and a half years ago at a party and had immediate chemistry, she said, but didn't pursue a relationship until later

 "We both knew right away. We just didn't act on it," Halsey told Marie Claire

"I had just gotten out of a breakup; he just got out of a breakup. We were both, like, at the peak of our careers

'Me, Myself & I' had gone seven times platinum. 'Closer' was, like, the biggest thing in the world

I just didn't have time."  They eventually would begin dating in the summer of 2017 and bonded quickly, collaborating on their hit song "Him & I


For more infomation >> Back Together? Halsey and G-Eazy Kiss Onstage During Steamy Concert — See the Steamy Smooch! - News - Duration: 3:15.


Beppe Grillo incontra Pepe Mujica: "Per noi ognuno deve avere un reddito, non un lavoro" - Duration: 4:37.

 Incontro a Milano nel "Barber shop. Un'idea in testa" per Beppe Grillo e l'ex presidente dell'Uruguay José Pepe Mujica

A rivelarlo è lo stesso Grillo sul suo blog. "È un esempio straordinario di cosa voglia dire fare politica al servizio degli altri

Da tempo le nostre strade si incrociavano ed oggi siamo riusciti a conoscerci", afferma il fondatore del M5S

 "Io sono per il reddito universale, il diritto dell'uomo ad avere un reddito, per me e per il M5S è un punto fondamentale

È rovesciare il mercato del lavoro e mettere la persona al centro e dare gli strumenti alla persona di diventare Leonardo Da Vinci, Shakespeare, D'Annunzio" ha detto Grillo nel corso dell'incontro

"La metà dei lavori conosciuti sparirà, questo mostro che arriva della connessione dati, sei seguito da quest'ombra, ti muovi e diventi merce, sei un prodotto, quindi il pericolo è quello"

 Il fondatore dei 5 Stelle aggiunge che "questo è un Paese di vecchi dentro. Visioni del mondo di due giorni, visioni dell'energia di due giorni

Tu sei un pensatore straordinario - dice Grillo a Mujica - sei un filosofo della politica, tu hai messo al centro la persona

Oggi abbiamo 8 milioni di poveri che hanno tre lavori, quindi il lavoro non garantisce che uno emerga dalla povertà

È triste, non c'è tempo per stare con la propria famiglia. I raccoglitori agricoli dell'antichità lavoravano 4 ore e poi parlavano

I nomadi Kalahari lavorano due ore, e vivono, e il resto del tempo lo passano facendo festa", gli fa eco il presidente "tupamaro"

"Noi abbiamo perso l'intelligenza della povertà. Oggi compri falsi, vitello per manzo, plastica per pelle, consumiamo per vendere, vendiamo per produrre e produciamo per lavorare

Un bambino ha 200 giochi in casa, ma gioca con dieci. Siamo la società del parossismo", afferma ancora Grillo

 Beppe Grillo ha anche modo di parlare dell'alleanza di Governo fra i 5 Stelle e la Lega, sottolineando che "il Movimento è nato dagli spettacoli che facevo, parlavo di economia, politica, tecnologia

Un comico e un manager dell'Olivetti (Gianroberto Casaleggio) hanno creato questa cosa inaspettata, una bomba, nata senza soldi

E l'utopia si è realizzata, nessuno lo pensava. E siamo arrivati al governo mettendoci il rapporto con questa Lega che

teniamo in equilibrio, con un accordo con dei programmi precisi".

For more infomation >> Beppe Grillo incontra Pepe Mujica: "Per noi ognuno deve avere un reddito, non un lavoro" - Duration: 4:37.


VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:13.


Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS - Duration: 1:12.


Peugeot 607 3.0-24V Executive alle optie's leer automaat benzine 124.000km - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 607 3.0-24V Executive alle optie's leer automaat benzine 124.000km - Duration: 0:54.


TPM e óleo de Prímula Funciona? Benefícios do óleo de Prímula na TPM com ALEEVIO - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> TPM e óleo de Prímula Funciona? Benefícios do óleo de Prímula na TPM com ALEEVIO - Duration: 3:56.


01/09/18 9:58 AM (R. da Glória, 3034 - Alemães, Piracicaba - SP, 13401-210,) - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> 01/09/18 9:58 AM (R. da Glória, 3034 - Alemães, Piracicaba - SP, 13401-210,) - Duration: 10:07.


Does "Like Begging" Actually Work? | w/ Xernical - Duration: 4:36.


Don't forget to smash that like button in the face I will give you seven seconds to do it

You are boss if you hit that button

Down below using the #LIKEDLIKEABOSS! Now hit the subscribe button to my channel for more videos like this

and ring the Bell notifications, let me know what you'd like to see next and watch my latest video about CENSORED

That's all I got today subscriber squad. I will see you in the next video, but first donate on patreon. PEACE

That was an example of what YouTubers will do sometimes to get viewer interaction.

We're now going to be diving into the data behind whether asking viewers to smash that like button actually

Results in viewers smashing that like button. We will be examining two informal polls we conducted on our peers, one reddit post and some quora articles.

Hopefully by the end of the video you'll have a better understanding behind the banking for likes and subscriptions

First we decided to conduct a straw poll with our peers. The question we asked was when you hear hit that like button

Are you more or less likely to do so? six people voted for less likely and seven voted for neither. Nobody,

however, said that it would make them more likely to do so.

This tells us that the general public does not appreciate hearing people ask for likes and it's probable this data can be extrapolated

For the general public audience. Before we go any further

Let's talk about SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization

Which basically means how much attention and publicity your video is getting. The higher your video's SEO, the more likely people will see your video.

YouTube increases your SEO based on 2 factors: video content and user engagement.

Video content is simply the youtubers content but user engagement depends on the viewers.

This is what we'll be focusing on

I found a reddit post on r/

out of the loop that talks about this topic. A user explained that when a video has more likes, comments, favorites, and

even dislikes, it gets a higher SEO score. higher SEO means YouTube pushes the video to more people

So even if you dislike a YouTube video for asking for likes you're giving them what they are looking for, more views

which means more money. I also found an interesting article on quora about the

usefulness of asking for user engagement

the writer said that if youtubers don't ask the viewers will just pass by without doing anything and therefore not benefiting the videos SEO as much. one

Writer also says that youtubers who don't ask for likes shares or sub will get about 40% less of that.

so calling viewers to do these actions is in fact very effective so does hearing

Smash that like button make you more likely to check like on the video according to our straw poll

The answer was 100% No, but the information from the reddit and quora articles say otherwise

It means that this is not just a cringey meme but a valid marketing method!

Another poll we did asked: A)

What makes a good YouTube video and B) if you have ever liked a video on YouTube what made you like that video?

The majority of the eight answers we got indicated that high quality

Enjoyable YouTube videos with interesting content are most likely to make them click like on the video in this video

In this video, we have shown that asking for likes lowers viewers appreciation of the yt video.

However, it is clear that even though people don't like it,

It generates more ad revenue by making more people see the video

It is not a kind strategy, but one that must be used nonetheless

Reminding viewers to press like does not have to be a 30-second cringefest this here's what we're asking:

Youtubers: focus on making high quality videos. dont go over the top when asking for likes. a simple like would be appreciated will do.

viewers, support the youtubers big or small that make enjoyable content.

Thank you for watching. And if you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and spread the word :)


For more infomation >> Does "Like Begging" Actually Work? | w/ Xernical - Duration: 4:36.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT COMFORTLINE 5DRS. AC/CV+AB/ELEK.RAMEN/10.000KM!! - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT COMFORTLINE 5DRS. AC/CV+AB/ELEK.RAMEN/10.000KM!! - Duration: 1:12.


Peugeot 208 1.2 E-VTI 82PK AUTOMAAT 5Drs BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE *Navigatie | Lm-velgen | Climate Contr - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.2 E-VTI 82PK AUTOMAAT 5Drs BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE *Navigatie | Lm-velgen | Climate Contr - Duration: 1:11.


Volkswagen Golf 1.6 16V FSI COMFORTLINE 5DRS. AC/NAVI/LMV/TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.6 16V FSI COMFORTLINE 5DRS. AC/NAVI/LMV/TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:07.


Breast Cancer Blood Test

For more infomation >> Breast Cancer Blood Test


Volvo V70 2.4 T Comfort Line (Volvo specialist onderhouden) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4 T Comfort Line (Volvo specialist onderhouden) - Duration: 1:11.


The Worst Mistake - Duration: 4:28.

y'know if anyone asks me what game do I play, or what I'm kinda good at

I would say osu!

y'know, where we see a circle and click

you see a slider we hold and drag and move into the other direction when it's a reverse arrow

nobody knows why spinners exist in the game

well even though I can play osu!, what I can't do is click slow circles to the beat

like, I can't read low AR

I mean, if you gave me an easy map, yes I can do it, but low AR on a difficult map...

that would be...

basically this

extremely dense map

for me to deal with these dense Maps

I usually lower my screen's gamma

basically gamma is like uhh, it's like brightness on your monitor

except that it changes like, brightness and contrast at the same time

it makes it where... the circles fade in slower so it gives an illusion that the AR is higher

one day

hmm maybe if I got a 144hz screen that would fix my problem

I won't need to lower gamma anymore

hmm I wonder what I should get, lemme call my friend

hey dude what 144hz screen should I get?

oh uh, BenQ

thanks! I'll save up for that one

oh actually uhh, I have an extra 240hz screen that I accidentally ordered and never opened

I can sell that one to you if you want, for cheap


uh okay, sooo wanna anime and hang out?


sooo... wanna do somethi-

I'll be taking the screen






I still can't read AR9

buuuut I can read AR11 now, the fastest AR

but I have to use higher gamma because it makes it slightly easier to see

but when you up gamma, the background dimming when you start a map becomes like slower

and when you start a map you still can see the background

yeah you can still see it

you can still see the background image when the first circle appears and that's like

super annoying when you're playing at the fastest approach speed and the highest overall difficulty

so um maybe the best way to deal with this is to turn all my backgrounds black cause

if it's already black there's nothing to dim out on

but I can't just delete every background I'm using uhh

but if I delete all my backgrounds there's going to be that really old and outdated peppy message that would show up

like, nobody deletes backgrounds anymore why is that there

so I was thinking, hmm, rrtyui's backgrounds are all grey

I wonder how he did it

and I remember somewhere on the osu! forums, someone created a software to change all the background pictures on osu!

to whatever picture you want, and it's temporary

I can just change it to black

huh wait, lemme google

and I see a reddit post on rrtyui's grey background thing and I see a download link

alright, I'll download this

okay so inside this zip file there's only an .exe file and there's no instructions whatsoever

only the reddit post saying 'put this into your osu! folder and run it'

well, alright

I wonder if there's going to be like an interface

like if I can change what picture I want everything to be changed to or a backup


alright, let's just do this





wh-what what no NO

For more infomation >> The Worst Mistake - Duration: 4:28.


🔴T cell lymphoma by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. Element connected to heavenly world. - Duration: 10:58.

It is a healing video channel that can experience the frequency which is said to increase self healing power by listening with earphones.

This sound source contains frequencies of bands that can not be heard much.

Early disabled people can expect effects by vibration from the earphone.

After exiting, please take enough moisture. Please turn off the fluorescent light.

To obtain the effect of this video please listen for at least 5 minutes.

All videos are posted on the official page "428 Hz Hybrid Sound".

We are waiting for requests.

Please register your channel.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> 🔴T cell lymphoma by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. Element connected to heavenly world. - Duration: 10:58.


Liverpool news: Alisson reveals dressing room chat after Leicester blunder - Duration: 3:42.

 Liverpool splashed the cash on Alisson this summer in a bid to end the hoodoo that has surrounded the Reds goalkeeper position for the past few years

 And the Brazilian made a strong start to life at Anfield, suggesting the £65m splashed out on him will prove money well spent

 Alisson caused a few spectators' heart rates to rise when he chipped the ball over Anthony Knockaert during Liverpool's win over Brighton last weekend

 That time his fancy footwork came off, but it wasn't the case against Leicester when he attempted to trick Kelechi Iheanacho with a Cruyff turn

 Alisson lost the ball to the Foxes striker who proceeded to square it to Rachid Ghezzal for a simple finish

 Liverpool managed to hold on for a 2-1 win which maintains their 100 per cent start to the season

 But doubts over whether Alisson should be spend so much time with the ball at his feet in future have arisen

 The former Roma ace's mistake came after a slightly wayward back-pass from central defender Van Dijk

 And Alisson has revealed he took issue with his team-mate post-match when they had a dressing room chat about the incident

 "It was a 'reading the play' mistake by me," Alisson told ESPN Brasil. "I didn't receive that good of a pass, we talked about that in the locker room, I spoke to Virgil, it wasn't that good of a pass

" Alisson admits the blame for the goal, which almost handed Leicester a way back into the match, lies with him though

 "I also had all the conditions to kick the ball away and tried to keep playing, keep the possession," Alisson added

 "Everyone analyses the games. "Obviously, I won't be stupid to make the same mistake

 "We have to learn from our mistakes. "But it's part of my game, I won't be arrogant of saying that I will keep doing this

 "We have to learn from our mistakes. "If it's necessary, the dribble has to be the last resource

 "Unfortunately, today it caused that goal. "I think that it was a foul, but we can't support ourselves on that

 "In this kind of play, here in the Premier League, not every collision is a foul

 "In my opinion it was, but it's part of the game, we can't give room for that to happen on the pitch

" Liverpool now face a two-week wait to take on Tottenham thanks to the oncoming international break

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Alisson reveals dressing room chat after Leicester blunder - Duration: 3:42.


The Blacklist S01 E01 - القائمة السوداء الموسم 01 الحلقة 01 - Duration: 41:37.

For more infomation >> The Blacklist S01 E01 - القائمة السوداء الموسم 01 الحلقة 01 - Duration: 41:37.


VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:13.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 Dig-t 115PK ACENTA Automaat *Hoge zit | Trekhaak | Cruise controle | Climate Cont - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 Dig-t 115PK ACENTA Automaat *Hoge zit | Trekhaak | Cruise controle | Climate Cont - Duration: 1:11.


Tyga Claims He 'Had a Lot To Do' with Ex Kylie Jenner's Career — Including Her Lip Kits - Duration: 4:08.

 Tyga says he had a hand in helping put his ex-girlfriend Kylie Jenner on the map

 In an interview on Thursday's episode of Nicki Minaj's Queen Radio, the "Rack City" rapper, 28, didn't hesitate for a moment when asked whether he "felt like you helped at all" in establishing the 21-year-old reality star's career

 "Everybody know that, that's public…we ain't gonna run from that," he told Minaj, 35

 "But a lot of men say stuff like that, Tyga," the "Ganja Burns" rapper replied

"But what about all the work that this person is doing as well for their career?"  Explaining himself, Tyga continued: "You gotta look at the before and after

 She always had a platform and she was always destined to be what she was going to be regardless, but, when I stepped in, there was a lot of codes being taught

"  "It was like, you could do this, you should start this, you should start doing your hair like this, you should add that because you need black people to f— with you", he continued, adding, "if you ain't got black people behind you, you ain't got nothing

"  "I had a lot to do with all that, which I don't need credit for," Tyga continued, before also claiming that he helped the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star, whom he dated for nearly three years, out with her line of incredibly successful Lip Kits

 "I don't need to go online and tell people I did this and I'm the one that helped her coming up with these colors and names on her…what is it, the lip line things? It was a lot of stuff," he shared

 Last month, Forbes predicted that since her Kylie Cosmetics empire is worth $900 million, putting Jenner on track to become the "youngest self-made billionaire ever, male or female

"  The rapper went on to remark that the pair "had a good time" during their relationship, and he wasn't "bitter" about their split

 "We went our separate ways and we're both doing good," he continued, having previously shared during the episode that he didn't miss her

 "Nah, I'm good," he remarked.  Tyga's appearance on Minaj's radio show came almost two weeks after Minaj accused Jenner of helping her boyfriend Travis Scott promote his new album, which still held the top spot on the Billboard 200 chart when Minaj dropped her latest album earlier this month

 "I put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling ppl to come see her & Stormi

Lol. Im actually laughing," Minaj wrote on Twitter, referencing an Instagram post Jenner had recently posted, included a link to his Astroworld shop, in which she wrote that both she and the couple's daughter would be joining him on tour

 However, Minaj later clarified on an episode of her Queen Radio show that she had nothing but love for Jenner as she shut down rumors of a feud between them

 "I f— love Kylie and that's never gonna change," she shared. "It's obvious she got to ride with her man — why the f— wouldn't she? We're not going to make this something this is not

She's not done anything wrong."

For more infomation >> Tyga Claims He 'Had a Lot To Do' with Ex Kylie Jenner's Career — Including Her Lip Kits - Duration: 4:08.


Does "Like Begging" Actually Work? | w/ Xernical - Duration: 4:36.


Don't forget to smash that like button in the face I will give you seven seconds to do it

You are boss if you hit that button

Down below using the #LIKEDLIKEABOSS! Now hit the subscribe button to my channel for more videos like this

and ring the Bell notifications, let me know what you'd like to see next and watch my latest video about CENSORED

That's all I got today subscriber squad. I will see you in the next video, but first donate on patreon. PEACE

That was an example of what YouTubers will do sometimes to get viewer interaction.

We're now going to be diving into the data behind whether asking viewers to smash that like button actually

Results in viewers smashing that like button. We will be examining two informal polls we conducted on our peers, one reddit post and some quora articles.

Hopefully by the end of the video you'll have a better understanding behind the banking for likes and subscriptions

First we decided to conduct a straw poll with our peers. The question we asked was when you hear hit that like button

Are you more or less likely to do so? six people voted for less likely and seven voted for neither. Nobody,

however, said that it would make them more likely to do so.

This tells us that the general public does not appreciate hearing people ask for likes and it's probable this data can be extrapolated

For the general public audience. Before we go any further

Let's talk about SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization

Which basically means how much attention and publicity your video is getting. The higher your video's SEO, the more likely people will see your video.

YouTube increases your SEO based on 2 factors: video content and user engagement.

Video content is simply the youtubers content but user engagement depends on the viewers.

This is what we'll be focusing on

I found a reddit post on r/

out of the loop that talks about this topic. A user explained that when a video has more likes, comments, favorites, and

even dislikes, it gets a higher SEO score. higher SEO means YouTube pushes the video to more people

So even if you dislike a YouTube video for asking for likes you're giving them what they are looking for, more views

which means more money. I also found an interesting article on quora about the

usefulness of asking for user engagement

the writer said that if youtubers don't ask the viewers will just pass by without doing anything and therefore not benefiting the videos SEO as much. one

Writer also says that youtubers who don't ask for likes shares or sub will get about 40% less of that.

so calling viewers to do these actions is in fact very effective so does hearing

Smash that like button make you more likely to check like on the video according to our straw poll

The answer was 100% No, but the information from the reddit and quora articles say otherwise

It means that this is not just a cringey meme but a valid marketing method!

Another poll we did asked: A)

What makes a good YouTube video and B) if you have ever liked a video on YouTube what made you like that video?

The majority of the eight answers we got indicated that high quality

Enjoyable YouTube videos with interesting content are most likely to make them click like on the video in this video

In this video, we have shown that asking for likes lowers viewers appreciation of the yt video.

However, it is clear that even though people don't like it,

It generates more ad revenue by making more people see the video

It is not a kind strategy, but one that must be used nonetheless

Reminding viewers to press like does not have to be a 30-second cringefest this here's what we're asking:

Youtubers: focus on making high quality videos. dont go over the top when asking for likes. a simple like would be appreciated will do.

viewers, support the youtubers big or small that make enjoyable content.

Thank you for watching. And if you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and spread the word :)


For more infomation >> Does "Like Begging" Actually Work? | w/ Xernical - Duration: 4:36.


A Family of Four Living in a DIY School Bus Conversion | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> A Family of Four Living in a DIY School Bus Conversion | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:55.


Barbecue party board game play | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:58.

Barbecue party board game play | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Barbecue party board game play | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:58.


Royalty Free Music For Youtube Track 5 | Royalty Free Background Music - Duration: 2:28.

Royalty Free Music For Youtube

Royalty Free Music For Youtube Videos

Royalty Free Music

Royalty Free Background Music

For more infomation >> Royalty Free Music For Youtube Track 5 | Royalty Free Background Music - Duration: 2:28.


Back Together? Halsey and G-Eazy Kiss Onstage During Steamy Concert — See the Steamy Smooch! - News - Duration: 3:15.

 Is this proof that Halsey and G-Eazy are officially back together again?  Nearly two weeks after the former couple were photographed holding hands in New York City, they reunited on Friday during the 29-year-old's rapper concert in Holmdel, New Jersey

 "Make some noise for the most beautiful woman on this planet right now," G-Eazy, 29, told the crowd during the show as they performed their song "Him & I," according to E! News

 In a video of the pair's lip lock that was captured by a fan, Halsey, 23, wraps her arms around the rapper's neck before they both lean in to share an affectionate kiss on the lips

 Adding fuel to the fire, G-Eazy went on to share some steamy photos of the pair getting very cozy during their performance on his Instagram feed

Halsey previously confirmed the pair were on a break on July 3. "I normally keep this kind of thing private but provided our public nature I feel the need to inform my fans

G-Eazy and I are taking some time apart," she wrote in a note posted to her Instagram Story

 "I'm eager to continue the upcoming passage of time dedicating myself to my art and my career, and the duration of my tour

I wish him the best. Thanks for respecting our privacy at this time."  In an interview with Marie Claire that was conducted before their split (but published after), Halsey gushed about their relationship, saying, "I love everything about him

"  The two had met two and a half years ago at a party and had immediate chemistry, she said, but didn't pursue a relationship until later

 "We both knew right away. We just didn't act on it," Halsey told Marie Claire

"I had just gotten out of a breakup; he just got out of a breakup. We were both, like, at the peak of our careers

'Me, Myself & I' had gone seven times platinum. 'Closer' was, like, the biggest thing in the world

I just didn't have time."  They eventually would begin dating in the summer of 2017 and bonded quickly, collaborating on their hit song "Him & I


For more infomation >> Back Together? Halsey and G-Eazy Kiss Onstage During Steamy Concert — See the Steamy Smooch! - News - Duration: 3:15.


Colorado airport installs unmanned control towers using cameras - Daily News - Duration: 3:09.

A Colorado airport is testing out a new type of high-tech remote control tower that doesn't have to be manned and can interact with pilots though cameras

The tower was recently installed at Northern Colorado Regional Airport and will be tested for the next year

  David Ulane, the director of the Colorado Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics, told CBS Denver that the unmanned control tower will be the first of its kind to combine radar and track-based information with video-based information

 He said it will 'provide an even better situational picture of what's happening here'

  Share this article Share According to the department of transportation, cameras will be mounted on three steel masts that rise 22 to 56 feet above the ground

 , the same as if the controller was actually looking out the window of the tower

The cameras will stream into a room that resembles a virtual tower control Ulane said inside the room is a large video wall that's made to look like the airport grounds

 Jason Licon, the Airport Direcot at NCRA said the remote tower will provide better safety for the different types of aircraft that use the airport

 'It will allow additional traffic to come in in a safe way. As we grow over time it will continue to be able to accommodate that growth,' Licon said

'Having a safe airport is critical to market to those airlines.' Ulane added: 'A more efficient, a safer facility and certainly one that if airline service resumes has a bigger economic impact on this community'

 The department also said the towers will 'eliminate the need for airports to build, maintain and staff a physical air traffic control tower'

The Division of Aeronautics has spent more than $8million on the remote tower project and hopes to have it fully operational by the end of 2020

State officials hope the remote tower could be used at other airports in the future

 'We have a number of our airports in the state that could use air traffic controls services like this, even part of the year,' Ulane told the outlet


For more infomation >> Colorado airport installs unmanned control towers using cameras - Daily News - Duration: 3:09.


Gcash to How to Send Money from Gcash to (Fast) 2018 - Duration: 5:25.

And then send.

So, once everything is successful, you will receive a text message from 2882 or Gcash

and that the process has been successfully completed and the money has been successfully

transferred to your account.

Hey guys, my name is Dennis and welcome to another video.

Today, I will be teaching you on how to transfer money from Gcash the

So, if you're new here, make sure to subscribe so you're not new and click the bell icon

to receive a notification when I have a new tutorial that might benefit you, okay.

So first, what we are going to do is we are going to transfer this money, the 2,000 pesos

to my account.

So first is you need to click on cash in and then choose Gcash.

Here, globe Gcash via dragonpay.

It is an instant payment so you don't need to wait for any time.

So, just click that and then click on next step.

So, we are going to transfer 2500 pesos.

Just type in the amount on the space provided and then click on next step.

You can see there the fee which is 25 pesos.

So, the total amount that will be deducted is 2525 pesos.

Please remember that there is also a 10 pesos service fee, charged by Dragonpay to your

Gcash account.

So the total amount will be 2,535 pesos.

You need to make sure that you have that amount on your Gcash account so that the process

will be seamless.

Let's go back to and Just click on next step.

So here is the complete details on how you can pay that amount.

It says here waiting for your payment.

It's 2525 but the only amount that will appear on your is 2,500 pesos.

Click on pay with Dragonpay and it will lead us to the Dragonpay website.

Just type your mobile number there, your Gcash mobile number where the money will be coming

from and then click on pay.

You will receive a text message from Dragonpay, requesting or your MPIN and you can also see

the amount there.

That's 2,535 pesos, that's the total amount that will be deducted from your Gcash account.

Just reply with your MPIN and make sure that you are using the SIM card which is registered

to Gcash.

I will be typing in my MPIN and then send.

So, once everything is successful, you will receive a text message from 2882 or Gcash

and that the process has been successfully completed and the money has been successfully

transferred to your account.

Let's check our Gcash account again and let's see the balance.

There, you can see that the balance has been automatically deducted to your Gcash account

and it is automatically Added to your account.

Let's check my wallet again and let's see if it's added.

There, you can see that the money has been successfully added to the account.

That's the process of transferring money from Gcash to

Again, if you enjoyed this video, please like this video, it will help me a lot and share

to those who need this tutorial.

So again, if you have any question, comment it below or you can also message me on messenger,


Again, my name is Dennis.

Thank you for watching and have a great day!

For more infomation >> Gcash to How to Send Money from Gcash to (Fast) 2018 - Duration: 5:25.


مسلسل نفس على نفس الحلقة 5 إعلان 2 مترجم للعربية - Duration: 1:09.

What about your mother?

- Youssef - We were always running after my father...

We didn't search for your mother

Whose daughter am I, Father?

I thought you would disappear

My hands, my hair, my eyes... who do I take after?

You said that you let the girl go, why?

You don't care what happens to us

You only think about yourself

Do not act foolishly, surrender You can't escape

It's so bad, we've been raided

All of this happened to us because of you

It's all because of you

Whoever is in this...

I'll eliminate them all

Be careful, it's dark waters

When you take your revenge...

You'll drown

For more infomation >> مسلسل نفس على نفس الحلقة 5 إعلان 2 مترجم للعربية - Duration: 1:09.



Hi guys, my name is Miranda. Welcome to my youtube channel. This is my very first video

And today I'm gonna be talking about my everyday skincare routine. So I have a


basket full of goodies here that I use

every single day

which is a lot of stuff. So I am just going to go ahead and

Go through the products as I would use them throughout the day

And I'll let you know which ones are different when I use them at night time and I'll show you the ones I use at

night. It depends when it is in the week because I only exfoliate about twice a week.

So if it's an exfoliating day, I have lately been really into Dr. Brandt's

microdermabrasion age defying exfoliator.

It says this renews skin radiance,

polishes and smoothes, and helps diminish the look of fine lines. What I like about it is that it's

microdermabrasion as it says in the title, so it's like a micro exfoliant. So


exfoliating properties are not really harsh on the skin at all, but it's really fine.

And it definitely works it definitely feels like it's working on your skin and it feels like it's sort of renewing your skin and polishing

it. But it just it does just that it polishes. It doesn't like

harshly exfoliate so I really like that about this. But I do at times switch out this

exfoliator for a different one and when I do use a different one, I've lately also been into Kate Somerville exfolikate.

This is a product that I have been really interested in for a while.

It's kind of hyped. I think I've heard about it on YouTube a decent amount. So I

decided to

Try it out. And that's not true. It came in a fab fit fun box, but what am I saying?

Funny story actually, both of these exfoliators came in a fab fit fun box.

Not a partner. Would be happy to be but both the these came in fab fit fun boxes

And I love them and I use them religiously. I

kind of switch it out. But yeah, I I really enjoy both of these exfoliators. This one is a little bit harsher.

I don't to say it's harsh. I want to be careful with the word harsh because I don't think it's harsh.

It says it's an intensive exfoliating treatment. So I would say it's definitely more intensive than this one because like I said, this is microdermabrasion.

But I really enjoyed both of these. So I

exfoliate with these if it's an exfoliating day.

During the week and then when I wash my face

in the morning, I use Estee Lauder's Perfectly Clean

Multi-action Cream Cleanser slash Moisture Mask. So I have really dry skin,

so I knew that I needed a new cleanser.

So I went to the Estee Lauder counter and I asked them which cleanser of theirs is most

hydrating and is the best for dry like dehydrated skin

and they told me that this is the best one.

And I actually really enjoy it. So it's not it I would say it's not at all like a



or face wash.

So if you're used to a face wash that lathers a lot

or that you feel is almost like a body wash and how it deals with your face that it really lathers and cleanses deeply

you're not going to


enjoy this that much.

However, I am used to a lot of cream cleansers or like foam cleansers because my skin is so dry

so I really I really really like this it leaves my skin feeling really really refreshed and

moisturized which is its job, obviously, so I have really been enjoying

this cleanser it's it is a little bit on the pricier side because it's Estee Lauder

But as far as sort of high-end skincare goes it's not bad at all.

And I think that between skincare and makeup skincare it's definitely more of the investment. You can definitely

go to the drugstore and find really great makeup products and I'm not saying that there aren't good

skincare finds at the drugstore as well. But if you're gonna splurge on one of the two, I would definitely say splurge on skincare.

So yeah, anyway back to the point is I really enjoy this

cleanser. The cleanser that I use at night time is also an Estee Lauder cleanser.

This is the advanced night micro cleansing balm. So

something that I was doing for a long time

when I first got this cleanser was that I was using it I would wet my face after I had removed my makeup

And I think you can actually use this as a makeup remover, but I haven't really done that.

I usually remove my makeup before I wash my face

but I

Was wetting my face and then I was dipping my fingers into it and working it into my face

but I actually read the instructions on the back and it

specifically says to use it on dry skin.

So not that it was bad when I used it with wet skin,

but I definitely think it works better if you use it on dry skin.

Basically, it's just a balm, just a cleansing balm.

This thing is really hard to get off.

Okay, there we go. Um, it's just a cleansing balm. It's just like a clear sort of white on the inside.

I don't know if you can see that really well, but

yeah, it's really nice. It's it's sort of a rich kind of luxurious product

which I really really enjoy. Once I have cleansed and

exfoliated the next thing I do is I tone.

And lately I have been using this Caudalie moisturizing toner.

I really like this.

I just put a little bit of it on a cotton round and put it all over my face.

I have noticed that even if I remove my makeup at nighttime

With a makeup remover and I use a cleanser and a lot of times at night

I double cleanse, like I will do two washes, two different washes. And then when I

put this on a cotton round and I clean my face makeup or like dirt will still come off of it.

So this is actually really good at like removing any leftover

makeup or dirt or gunk that has just accumulated on your face and neck throughout the day.

So yeah, I really enjoy this. It's a really good toner.

I don't know that I'm going to repurchase it just because I am interested in trying out a few new

toners that I have on my Sephora loves list if you know what I mean. But yeah,

I'm not opposed to repurchasing it in the future, but when I finish this bottle, I think I might try something else out.

Immediately after I finish cleansing and toning my face. The first thing I do is apply a face oil and

the face oil that I use currently is the Kora Organics Noni Glow face oil. Full disclosure

I bought this because Miranda Kerr

helped create this and she used it in like a vogue

sort of get ready with me video and I saw it and I was like, "Oh my word that looks so good," and it's Miranda Kerr.

So I did buy this because of that but I will say this is a lovely oil and I really do enjoy using it.

I use it straight after I tone.

I just put a few drops onto my hand and then just pat it into my skin and down my neck.

It's really important that you take it down your neck as well so that your neck is getting the same sort of

treatment and love that your face is so specifically this is intended to smooth nourish and brighten your skin.

And it's a glow oil so I will say that my skin does feel really glowy.

I really like using it in the mornings and night times.

At nighttime, it makes my skin feel really fresh in the morning.

And when I use it in the morning, I like how it looks under makeup. It does have a really nice glowy finish to it.

So yeah, this is a great oil that I really enjoy.

That's all I have to say about it.

So moving on to

moisturizer moving on to moisturizer.

The moisturizer that I use during the daytime is the Estee Lauder Day Wear

Multi Protection Antioxidant 24 hour Moisture Cream Broad-Spectrum SPF 15. Quite a mouthful, but

mainly to be honest with you, one of the remain reasons I got this was because of the SPF in it. I

really wanted a product that was gonna have some sun protection in it. I am currently on the lookout for another

sunscreen that I can use underneath this.

But I wanted some at least had something in it until I found a sunscreen that I really liked

This product smells really good.

It doesn't really have a strong sunscreen smell. This one I think is scented, but it's not really really strong.

It's not like overpowering. It is a nice kind of fresh

scent that I enjoy. So this is the

moisturizer that I use during the daytime. The moisturizer that I use at night is the Origins High

Potency Night-A-Mins Mineral Enriched Renewal Cream

So the one that I have is not the oil free version; it has oils in it and

again, one of the main reasons that I that I got it with the oils in it is because I have really dry and dehydrated



I really really do like this product. I would say that it is thicker than I was expecting

It's it is very very creamy and once you apply it, it does become kind of oily

which is a reason why you would only want to use it at nighttime. It is a night cream

and I would recommend only using it at nighttime. I

really love the smell. It smells like oranges. And so

every time I use it, I'm like, "My face smells so good!"

But it is a really really rich moisturizer. So I don't know what the oil free version is

like I think if you have sort of normal to oily skin

that one would be a much better option probably than this one.

But if you have really dry skin like I do, I do recommend this product. I do enjoy it.

It is really luxurious and really creamy and rich, so I do like it.

But again, sometimes you just have to apply it sparingly.

Just don't like really dip your fingers in there and use it a ton of the product. Just apply it sparingly to your face

sort of in like little dots is how I do it and

it works out great. In the morning, I find that my skin is almost like bouncy because of this product and it does feel really

really loved on and

hydrated and stuff. Eye cream! So the eye cream that I you is the Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with avocado.

I don't think this is like an incredible eye cream. I do like it. I do enjoy it. There's nothing wrong with it.

I don't think it's necessarily like a game-changer.

I'll probably try out a different one when I'm done with it, but I but I do like it. It's a good eye cream.

Okay now moving on to lips because they are a part of your face and they are a part of your skin care.

The lip scrub that I have been using lately is the Mint Julips Lip Scrub. It's a sugar scrub by Lush.

It smells good, it tastes good, and overall, I think it does a really nice job.

So it's as far as lip scrubs go, it's it's good, it's fine.

But what I really like pairing it with after I've used it is the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask. This is a great mask.

I use this at nighttime, during the day.

Basically all the time I use this. It's supposed to be specifically a lip sleeping mask,

but I do like using it all of the time.

It's just like this little

pinky color and as you can tell I've had this for like a couple of months and I've barely made a dent in it.

So I think that it lasts a really long time.

I think something that helps me conserve a lot of product with this as well is the fact that it comes with this little


It kind of almost looks like like one of those disposable ones that used to come with like drugstore eyeshadow palettes.

I don't know what they're called.

I don't know if it's like it's not really a doe foot applicator, but it comes with one that is like silicone on the end

which is really

sanitary and

it also is really nice to use with this because you don't have to worry about getting product on your finger and then having it

left over and and wasting it or whatever, wiping it off.

So I think that that does help conserve product and I just really like that this kit comes with it and it comes with its

own little case to keep it inside.

And you can travel with it. It's super easy. You can just toss it in your purse at any time or your backpack or whatever.

So, yeah.

This is a really great mask.

I take my makeup off every night with the Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes, and these are just like the

basic ones I believe. It's just the blue color.

I'm pretty sure I bought this in like a big pack at Costco 'cause they're cheaper there.

Yeah, I think probably everyone and their mom has seen these or used to these.

I just find that they are kind of the best thing I've been able to find at the drugstore.

I've tried like Yes to Cucumbers and I've tried Aveeno, and I've tried

Garnier, and I've just tried a bunch of different cleansing towelettes and makeup remover

towelettes and I've just found that these are the best ones. They don't irritate my skin.

I don't feel like I have to tug to get makeup off

I don't usually worry about getting every single stitch of makeup off and every little tiny drop off of my face when I take it off

with this because I cleanse my face immediately after.

But I just find that these take it off the easiest and I don't, they don't irritate my skin. So

that's why I've kind of stuck with this classic and everything else like from Sephora. I'm sorry

I just can't buy it because it's way too expensive

for makeup towelettes.

Like I just I can never justify paying like $20 for a packet of these. I just, I just couldn't. So, yeah.

These are kind of just a classic that I continue using. So anyways, that is all I have for today.

I hope you guys enjoyed my very first Youtube video. I will be sure and link all the products that I mentioned in the description.

And stay tuned because I am hopefully gonna be uploading at least, at least I'm hopefully gonna be uploading one video a week.

I'd like to do two,

but I'm not sure if I can stick to that schedule so I don't want to promise that, but I am hoping to do

one video a week. If you guys liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my new channel


you should turn on the notifications bell as well so that you can see whenever I upload a new video

which will be once a week.

I hope

Anyway, umm, alrighty, so that is it for today. I am gonna see you guys in my next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> EVERYDAY SKINCARE ROUTINE - Duration: 15:35.


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