Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 19 2018

Pork Sirloin, bacon, mustard, honey...

A win-win recipe that for these end of the year feasts!

Let's begin by mixing...



I will paint my sirloin with this lovely mixture.

Good, now...


The whole piece.

I will first season it with some SALT & PEPPER.

We sure you season it all the sides.

Perfect, now...

time to use this lovely mixture we prepared.

I will paint the sirloin.

I chose mustard and honey, but you can add any ingredient you prefer.

Maybe some barbecue.

It's perfect if you have a brush to do this...

so you can reach all the sirloin.

And you can soak it well.

If you don't have a brush you can use your hands, of coarse!

Now, time to wrap it in bacon.

150 GRS. SMOKED BACON in slices.

We will cover the whole piece of pork.

Put one slice beside the other.


And now, what we will do for it to remain it's lovely shape...

is to tie it up.

Make a good, strong knot at the beginning...

and continue like this.

Be patient.

And be careful with the bacon.

And then...

at the end...

I'll make a final knot to join the first and last knot and make a round shape.

And lovely.

Now, oven time.

Add some OLIVE OIL in an oven tray.

Take your pork sirloin to it.

Before taking this beauty to the oven...

I will use 2 TBSP. HONEY to brush the pork and bacon.

This will make it shinier and add a lovely sweet touch to the bacon.

Smoked bacon and honey are a perfect marriage.

It's a fabulous combination.

Salty, sweet and crunchy.

180ºC / 356ºF

till it's well done.

At the last 10 minutes, high heat to make the bacon crispy and golden.

While the sirloin is in the oven, we will prepare a fresh sauce to go with it.

I will use pineapple, onion, coriander, chili, etc.


1/2 RED ONION. Chop it into super thin slices.


This will add some colour and freshness.


Some drops on top.


SEA SALT, and time to look for our sirloin.

Sirloin ready, crispy bacon.

Let's take a look at this beauty.

Remove the thread.

Ready. let's take it to a table.

What a babe!

Let's cut it to check it out the inside.

You can see that it's shape is perfect and super tidy because of the thread.


Perfectly cooked.

Remember our salad, sauce, dip.

Is here to refresh our dish.

Bittersweet Pork Sirloin

A perfect party!

For more infomation >> Solomillo Agridulce para Navidad | Felicitas Pizarro - Duration: 4:07.


DERINKUYU la Ciudad Subterránea más Misteriosa del Mundo - Duration: 21:27.

For more infomation >> DERINKUYU la Ciudad Subterránea más Misteriosa del Mundo - Duration: 21:27.


WHY I CHANGE M'Y CHANNEL NAME | قرن ما هبطتش فيديو - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> WHY I CHANGE M'Y CHANNEL NAME | قرن ما هبطتش فيديو - Duration: 2:32.


Las 10 CASCADAS más ALUCINANTES de ISLANDIA - Duration: 1:57.

In Iceland, the incessant rain, as a result of its geographic situation

and the melting of the vast glaciers, generate a huge flow of water

Gullfoss waterfall

You ruined my video!

Here, Icelanders can drink water directly from their rivers

cause it has the best quality on Earth

What justifies that they take pride in making the best drinks

Ah! and as you can see thy´re very explicit when it's about taking care of their environment

Well, as canyoneers we couldn't stop exploring the great potential that this country offers

The water rushes forming stunning waterfalls

when encountering the unevenness produced by a very active and really impressive geology

Congratulations Iceland!

For more infomation >> Las 10 CASCADAS más ALUCINANTES de ISLANDIA - Duration: 1:57.


La Rosa de Guadalupe - La fuerza del pasado - Duration: 44:00.

For more infomation >> La Rosa de Guadalupe - La fuerza del pasado - Duration: 44:00.


Game of Thrones 5x1 REACTION ¨THE WARS TO COME¨ - Duration: 18:00.

Hello everyone! Welcome to my reaction channel!

My name is Pilar.

And today I'm going to be reacting to the first episode of season 5 of Game of Thrones.

Well.. finally!! Here we are at season 5!!

I'm SO excited for this one!

I have a feeling that it's going to be AMAZING!

Well the truth is that everything in this series is amazing,

The first one, the second one, the third one, fourth one,

everyone of them! But-

Specifically this season I feel that-

-Like I said in the last reaction-

the one which most changes will bring along, cause...

I assume that now all the houses alliances will change.

I mean, since Tywin Lannister is gone-

the one who made the alliances, and was at the top of everything all the time...

I wonder who will take his place now, and be the-

hand of the king.

I wonder who Tommen will marry now.

Cause I assume Cersei is not going to allow him to marry Margaery.

So yea, what's going to happen with the alliance with the Tyrells.

-what else-

Where's Tyrion going? Is he heading to the Wall?

Where is he going? I can't think of one place..

Varys is coming along with him.

So we have to see where are this two going.

This two- amazing- characters.


A lot of things! Lots of things that I want to watch right now!

Those, I think, were the main ones I wanted to point out before starting this episode.

Let's start the reaction now,

Oh and remember for those that really enjoy my reactions and would love to see more

You can find me on Patreon.

There you will find reactions that have not yet been uploaded on youtube.

I think I'm like 4 or 5 reactions ahead on there.

So if you would like to see more, you can do it there on my patreon page.

I will leave the link down below.

Ok now let's press play, and I hope you enjoy this reaction.

Who are they?

Is that Cersei?

Yup. That's Cersei.

Is this a flashback of Cersei when she was a child?



That the three of them will die?

Tywin's funeral?

Aghh- How creepy are those things they put on his eyes.

Oh God, please don't have sex under your father's grave cause -

your father's dead body -

Cause I'm done-

Like they did in Joffrey's funeral.

¨The world is ours¨

What I just said?

Jaime don't let her mak-

Don't let Cersei make you feel guilty.

No Jaime. Is not your fault.

The thing is that Tyrion is very recognizable.

I mean he is a dwarf...

How is he going to hide?


Varys is the best, my Goodness.

What beautiful locations, I mean those sets they make!

They is spectacular, so beautiful!

Oh Gross.


That's disgusting.


Aren't this men's ¨pilar and stones¨ removed?

I don't get it. What is he doing on a brothel?

What is it?

Oh God.

She better not lay her hands on Jon Snow cause I'll get jealous.

Btw where's Gendry?

At Kingslanding?

Don't look at him.

Don't look at him.

Don't smile at him.

And don't look at him.


I'm jealous now.

*some cursing*

I her hair darker?

Oh, they are gonna-

I get it.

They are going to leave him there to train?

Oh no, now what?

*Some more cursing*

Where? Where? Where is it?

Oh God.

She's done with them.

She's done with the Tyrells.

Oh God.

Can you please at least once lock the door if you´re going to do THAT.

What does she mean by that?

Are they going to poision Cersei? Shut up...




Oh please meet already!

My heart.

Oh please please please

Oh okay.

Oh they are officially lovers now.

Yeah I mean... How do you control dragons?

Now what?

Fu$%&/ shit.

3 dragons and no control over them.

How do you tame a Dragon?

You go and convince him Jon.

Oh God.

Oh God, no.

Wtf do you want?


No. Stop it. No.

I don't want to see.

I like him.

I don't want him to be burn alive,

Stop it with that bend the knee shit.

Can't you just say...

another thing different from bend the knee?

It's like...

Stannis's pride is pissing me of.

Stannis don't, pleeease.

Jon say something.

Please someone say something.

Melisandre say something.

Jon Snow is like, wtf is she saying.

Jon do soemthing!

What an awful way to die.

Do something.

Oh, he is just leaving?

Jon Snow is such a...

Marvelous, incredible, good boy, good man, good sir.

What a nice way to end the episode.

I love Jon Snow he is fantastic.

I'm trying to think about what it's going to happen now to the rest of the wildlings.



Are they going to kill all of them now that their leader didn't want to bend the knee?


Or what are they gonna do with the rest of the wildlings?

Let me know if I'm wrong but: Could it be possible that this is the first time that

this is the first time we see a flashback scene in this show?

I don't remember seeing any other flashback.

Only this young Cersei scene.

I thought it was very cool.

What that witch told her is that her three sons will die? That's what she meant?

That the three of them will be kings/queen but will die?

I really like that scene, I LOVE flashbacks. I want more!

We can see how Cersei was clever, evil and witted since she was a child.

I liked it.

Another thing, I don't have any idea how is Daenerys going to tame her dragons.

I can't even try to make a prediction about it cause I don't have a clue.

Unless she tries to ride them...

Like, ride them and be able to establish some sort of connection as they fly together.

That's the only thing I can think of, but yea Idk.

Another thing: I'M A FAN OF LORD VARYS!

What an amazing man he is.

God! Can't wait for Tyrion to meet Daenerys!

I want to see what happen. Can't wait, Godd!

I'm sure Daenerys will find out he is a Lannister and-

How can Daenerys possible trust him?

Explain to me, how is she going to trust him now?

I mean, what will Tyrion say to convince her that he is on her side.

Nono, I don't know.

We have to see if Daenerys will believe in him and want him by her side.

I love that Varys wants Daenerys to sit on the Iron Throne.

I love it, I love him!!!

We also have left to see if..-

Where's Brienne and Podrick going to go now. And what will they do.

We don't know much about that yet.

And also where's it that Sansa and Little Finger are heading to

They said that to a far away place, but.. where?

I wonder if it is a place I already know. Or is it somewhere new.

Ok I think that's all for now.

I hope you enjoyed this reaction! Don't forget to leave your comments.

about something that I forgot to discuss or that you would like to know my opinion on.

you can leave them down below.

Thank you so much for watching til the end!

I'll see you guys for episode number 2!

Big kiss to you all!

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones 5x1 REACTION ¨THE WARS TO COME¨ - Duration: 18:00.


Titanic - I'll be the First - Deleted scene #01 - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Titanic - I'll be the First - Deleted scene #01 - Duration: 1:34.


"Make a Wish" hace realidad el sueño de una niña que sufre de cáncer - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> "Make a Wish" hace realidad el sueño de una niña que sufre de cáncer - Duration: 2:14.


Opel Movano L3H2 2.3 CDTI 125pk | Navi - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Movano L3H2 2.3 CDTI 125pk | Navi - Duration: 1:04.


Peugeot 3008 1.6 THP 156pk Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 3008 1.6 THP 156pk Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 1:04.


أغنية راي جديدة حزينة جدا ابكت العالم مؤلمة جدا اتحداك ما تعجبك Music Rai 2019 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> أغنية راي جديدة حزينة جدا ابكت العالم مؤلمة جدا اتحداك ما تعجبك Music Rai 2019 - Duration: 4:25.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI 115pk T-Roc Style - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI 115pk T-Roc Style - Duration: 1:13.


Choices: A Courtesan Of Rome (Chapter 7) {Diamonds Used} - Duration: 45:21.

Choices: A Courtesan Of Rome (Chapter 7) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: A Courtesan Of Rome (Chapter 7) {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - A Courtesan Of Rome (Chapter 7) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: Stories You Play - A Courtesan Of Rome (Chapter 7) {Diamonds}

For more infomation >> Choices: A Courtesan Of Rome (Chapter 7) {Diamonds Used} - Duration: 45:21.


Connecting With Michigan Alumni On UCAN - Duration: 2:02.

So you've heard that networking with U-M alumni is a good idea when looking for a job or internship.

Or when you're applying to graduate school. Or when you're moving to a new city.

But did you hear that there's a super easy way to do that?

The University Career Alumni Network, also known as UCAN,

takes all the work and worry out of networking.

So, what's stopping you?

For example, is it that you think you don't have the time? Or that you think you don't know what to say?

If so...

let's break those down. If you think you don't have the time, the good thing to know is that the average time

to find an alum and reach out to them on UCAN is five minutes.

If you don't know what to ask

consider thinking about what you want to know.

For example, what's a typical day like?

What are the necessary skills?

What are some things to do on campus now to prepare?

You know ⏤ those kinds of things.


there's also a good chance that the alum will step in with

tons of great info before you even get a chance to ask all of your questions.

Networking might be new to you. So it's okay if you're a little nervous.

Just don't let it hold you back from getting great advice.

There are other students who love UCAN. And the funny thing is they felt just like you before they used it.

Here's what other students have to say about UCAN.

Don't miss out. Go to UCAN now.

You can do it. Get it? Cheesy? Who cares. It's true.

For more infomation >> Connecting With Michigan Alumni On UCAN - Duration: 2:02.


Titanic - I'll be the First - Deleted scene #01 - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Titanic - I'll be the First - Deleted scene #01 - Duration: 1:34.


WHY I CHANGE M'Y CHANNEL NAME | قرن ما هبطتش فيديو - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> WHY I CHANGE M'Y CHANNEL NAME | قرن ما هبطتش فيديو - Duration: 2:32.


Yasak Elma 27.Bölüm - Alihan Zeynep'i Kıskanıyor - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Yasak Elma 27.Bölüm - Alihan Zeynep'i Kıskanıyor - Duration: 2:09.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i - Duration: 1:04.


Hyundai i20 1.2i 78PK Plus 5drs *Climatronic | Bluetooth | Elektrische ramen voor* - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i 78PK Plus 5drs *Climatronic | Bluetooth | Elektrische ramen voor* - Duration: 1:08.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf.+ - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf.+ - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Energy | Navi | Camera - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Energy | Navi | Camera - Duration: 0:50.


"Slavili jsme Vánoce i Chanuku, a tak dostávali dvojnásob dárků," vzpomíná Angličanka Ruth - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> "Slavili jsme Vánoce i Chanuku, a tak dostávali dvojnásob dárků," vzpomíná Angličanka Ruth - Duration: 2:00.


Top 10 Scary Diary Entries - Duration: 9:53.

Welcome back everyone - how many of you keep a diary?

I think its a great thing to do - it helps keep your thoughts organised and its really

fun to look back on years later.

Sometimes though, diarys can capture some very creepy moments in peoples lives.

Sometimes the scary thing happened to them, other times theyre the ones who caused it.

Lets turn the pages and take a look inside these famous diaries to see what secrets we

will find.

My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Diary Entries.

Starting off at number 10 we have Pearl Moen.

On the morning of November 17th 2015, 17 year old Pearl watched a couple enjoy the last

minutes of their date.

When the man ran upstairs to go to the bathroom, the woman dozed off in the morning light.

Thats when Peal Moen struck - she burst from the bushes and stabbed the woman 21 times,

leaving her to bleed out.

She went home that day and wrote in her diary -So, okay, I'll start with the exciting


I stabbed an innocent woman to death earlier today.

(Technically yesterday since it's 1 am).

It was absolutely fantastic.

Murder gives me a high unlike any other.

It feels like this crisp unreality, flashing and sparkling, adrenaline and shock.

Fight or flight mode.

How do I even go about describing it.

The whole thing was unreal.

I'm so proud of myself.

I stabbed her like 20 times.

Maybe more.

I wasn't counting.

She screamed & grabbed at me saying "what the f—?!


Leave.- … what Pearl didnt know though was that her victim survived and eventually testified

against her.

She is currently in prison serving a 15 jail sentence.

Moving on to number 9 now we have Theodore Roosevelt.

On February 14th 1884, former US president Theodore Roosevelt received the shocking news

that both his mother and wife had died within hours of one another in the family home in

New York City.

His mother had died from typhus while his wife Alice had died giving birth.

He was so overcome with grief that he simply wrote an X above one striking sentence - The

light has gone out of my life.

Moving on to number 8 now we have Alyssa Bustamante.

On October 21st 2009, at the age of 15, Alyssa took her 9 year old neighbour Elizabeth out

into the woods, she strangled her, cut her throat and then buried the body in the ground.

She was eventually caught and charged and given 35 years in prison.

It was a crime that shocked America.

During the trial, prosecutors referenced her diary from that day - it read -I just f***ing

killed someone.

I strangled them and slit their throat and stabbed them now they're dead.

I don't know how to feel ATM.

It was amazing.

As soon as you get over the 'ohmygawd I can't do this' feeling, it's pretty enjoyable.

I'm kinda nervous and shaky though right now.

Kay, I gotta go to church … if thats not the signs of a seriously disturbed

individual, I don't know what is.

Coming in at number 7 we have The Kamikaze Pilot.

Bit of a different one here to the rest of the entries weve talked about.

This one was written by a Japanese kamikaze pilot - they were told to fly their planes

straight into American ships in order to cause maximum damage.

It was a desperate attempt in a war that Japan was losing - and the pilots knew it was suicide.

Many people think they did it willingly or that they had been brainwashed by their Emperor

- but this diary entry paints a different picture.

It reads -To be honest, I cannot say that the wish to die for the emperor is genuine,

coming from my heart.

However, it is decided for me that I die for the emperor.

I shall not be afraid of the moment of my death.

But I am afraid of how the fear of death will perturb my life . . . Even for a short life,

there are many memories.

For someone who had a good life, it is very difficult to part with it.

But I reached a point of no return.

I must plunge into an enemy vessel.

As the preparation for the takeoff nears, I feel a heavy pressure on me.

I don't think I can stare at death...

I tried my best to escape in vain.

So, now that I don't have a choice, I must go valiantly.-

Moving onto number 6 we have Dylan Klebold[a].

He was one half of the duo responsible for the Columbine massacre in 1999 in which the

pair shot killed 13 students and teachers at Columbine High school in Colorado.

They killed themselves before they could be caught.

Police found Dylans diary which explain their plan for the shooting in detail.

It reads -Walk in, set bombs at 11:09, for 11:17 Leave, set car bombs.

Drive to Clemente Park.

Gear up.

Get back by 11:15.

Park cars, set bombs for 11:18.

Get out, go to outside hill, wait- … soon after, one of the deadliest high school shootings

in the US took place …

Moving onto number 5 we have Zygmunt Klukowski.

He was a doctor in a small town in Poland who kept a journal when the Nazis invaded

and began making preparations for the holocaust which would end up killing around 6 million

Jewish people.

Zygmunt wrote in his diary -All Jews will be shot.

Between 400 and 500 have been killed.

Poles were forced to begin digging graves in the Jewish cemetery.

From information I received approximately 2,000 people are in hiding.

The arrested Jews were loaded into a train at the railroad station to be moved to an

unknown location.

It was a terrifying day, I cannot describe everything that took place.

You cannot imagine the barbarism of the Germans.

I am completely broken and cannot seem to find myself.- … its one thing hearing the

numbers of how many people the Nazis killed, its another hearing a 1st person account of

it happening …

Moving on to number 4 now we have Kathleen Folbigg.

This Australian woman is famous in that country for the murder of her children during the


During that decade, her children kept dying in what was described as -crib death- … that

seemed to be the official consensus until her husband came across her diaries.

To his horror, he found out that she had been the one who killed them.

She wrote -My guilt of how responsible I feel for them all, haunts me, my fear of it happening

again, haunts me...

I'm ready this time.

And I know I'll have help and support this time.

When I think I'm going to lose control like last time, I'll just hand baby over to someone

else …- … one time, she even wrote -Obviously I am my fathers daughter- … her father was

convicted and sent to jail for the murder of her mother.

She is currently serving a 40 year sentence.

Next up at number 3 we have Eric Harris.

Were returning to the columbine school massacre to look at the diary of the other perpetrator

- Eric Harris.

His diary was the disturbing tale of a guy who felt like the world was against him, that

was unwanted in the world and shunned by all around him.

Eventually, these feelings of displacement led him to kill his schoolmates.

The final entry is perhaps the most disturbing, it read -I hate you people for leaving me

out of so many fun things.

And no, don't f****** say that 'well that's your fault' because it isn't, you people

had my phone# and I asked and all, but no.

No no no, don't let the weird looking Eric kid come along, ohhh f*** no-

Moving on to number 2 we have Robert Scott[b].

Some of you may know who this is if I tell you his nickname is often Scott of the Antarctic

after the film that was made about his ill fated trip to the antarctic.

His first one went fine but his second saw him and his team get pinned down in gale force

winds on their way back from the South Pole.

In his diary, Scott wrote -Since the 21st, we have had a continuous gale from W.S.W.

and S.W.

We had fuel to make two cups of tea apiece and bare food for two days on the 20th.

Every day we have been ready to start for our depot 11 miles away, but outside the door

of the tent it remains a scene of whirling drift.

I do not think we can hope for any better things now.

We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker, of course, and the end cannot

be far.- … this was one of his final diary entries.

Its thought that he and the others died a few days later on March 29th 1912.

His body was discovered in the ice 8 months later …

And finally at number 1 we have Jason Massey[c].

In 1993, at the age of 20, Jason Massey Killed two teenagers in Texas - a 14 year old boy

and his 13 year old step sister.

He received the death penalty for his crime.

Officials found his diaries from before the murders took place - and they were disturbing.

He wrote about wanting to be a famous serial killer and also his necrophilia fantasies.

He once described killing a girls dog and then smearing the blood on her car.

One of the most chilling lines simply read -My goal is 700 people in twenty years- … he

was executed via lethal injection in 2001.

Alright guys, that was all very intense, let me know what you thought about it all - lets

wind down a bit now with some of your comments.

These came from my Real Devil Encounters- video.

We had a few jokers Daniel Murillo said -Ive seen the devil before as well.

When youre latino and accidentally cus at your mom.

Youll see the devil my friend- … very good, Snailzy also said -this list is wrong, I cant

find my ex- … yes yes very good …

I was starting to wonder if anyone had any serious experiences and then I saw this one

from Andi Muhelstein.

She said -My sisters ex boyfriend did devil worship in our basement.

We had plenty of encounters with demons in our house.

Including one that I named Greg that would stalk you down the hallway and fill you with

incredible amounts of dread and he would also leave handprints on our bathroom mirror when

it got steamy but the fingers were abnormally long.- … OK, yeah, thats creepy.

I asked for a serious one - and now Im kind of regretting it.

That was pretty creepy.

Shall we do a part 2 of that one guys?

Or would you like more diary entry videos?

So much to choose from, until then, thanks for watching as always, my name is Danny Burke

and Ill see you all in the next video!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Diary Entries - Duration: 9:53.


YouTube Is Killing The Horror Community!! (Rant) - Duration: 11:36.

All right, hey guys, what is up

And out here today bringing you guys another video. So in this video we're going to be doing something totally different than my

Creepypasta, is any of the horror stories any of that stuff. We are actually

We are actually going to be doing a video

It's gonna be a rant video. And basically what I want to rant about today is that YouTube is

killing or attacking

Probably more like killing the horror section of YouTube

So where I want to start off with that is I got two different stories about it. So a

Couple weeks ago I want to say it was maybe it was a lot like a month ago

your maker

Which is a reddit horror story youtuber he put out a tweet on Twitter and I'm gonna put it up somewhere

Over here like on my screen it's gonna pop up somewhere on this screen and the you know on the background of the gameplay

That's in the back

He tweeted out it said both my channels are now demonetized. I am shaking so bad

oMG WTF at YouTube I have been in your creator program and told I am fine and

Then he also tweeted out later that day

This was November 27th, by the way, any advice at Philly D at h3h3 productions?

at Kean store on how to get actual people to fix this

I have been into creator programs both of the people

I was teamed up with have watched my content. It just doesn't make any sense

it is my footage and audio it is hitting a lot of narrators and

then he shows a picture which I'm gonna show right here where it says that his account status is

D monetized currently and eligible for monetization and

It says that it was because it was reused

Content is why they're saying that he is not able to be monetized in mind you this guy has a lot of subscribers

like a lot of subscribers

So Team YouTube tweeted back adding and they said thanks for tagging us your maker 69

Please note that if you make updates to your content

You can reapply for ypp and 30 days to prepare to reapply review the details and help

resources on the monetization page and creator studio and

That was like nothing at all to do with his issue like he was getting D monetized

because they said that he was doing like reused content like he was stealing somebody else's content and

They were flagging it down. So

He tweeted that - I can't read the whole tweet at the moment, but it says nothing to do with my issue

Oh, yeah, I got I got it. This has nothing to do with my issue

I am the owner to the rights of the content. Nothing needs to be fixed. This is a hundred percent in error

So I need to wait two months essentially and meanwhile

You won't finalize my earnings to Adsense meaning all my work last month. I don't get paid for either

This is so wrong on so many levels. I have literally been in two of your creator programs and worked with two of your employees

YouTube Partner managers both have seen my content and have set it as fine

I can I can even provide both their emails if you need to talk to them

You also have given none of us who have had these false issues and actual reason it happened in

Fact I have been told by your team. They can't give a specific reason

How would I fix that? You won't tell me what is wrong?

I can literally give you proof that

All of this is mine

Why is this a thing?

I am just at a loss and rowing YouTube creator program get classes from YouTube work with partners

managers do what they say and follow all guidelines and never got a strike all

Content I have rights for this makes zero sense

Please just fix this mistake can provide proof?


There any way Fupa can help any video you want proof or use?

I can provide any and all proof that I am in the right. I really am not sure what to do

My content is a hundred percent. Okay by YouTube's guidelines

I have even read them multiple more times

And then he also tweeted out your maker did he said the sad reality of at YouTube at Team YouTube?

They do not want horror narrations on their platform

and as you guys can see from the picture your guys's selves that's a retweet from he retweeted something that candy YouTube said and

It was a video that he addressed it's basically a video like this

I've never heard of candy youtuber don't know who he is

but it's basically a video like this of where he's

addressing like YouTube attacking the horror community just like what I'm doing right now in a rant, so

Later on that he later on. He basically got that stuff resolved

He got both of his channels monetized again, but a couple days ago or a couple weeks ago. There was another

youtuber who had the same issue and I believe

I saved the tweet and my phone give me one second. I did

Okay, so it was creepy ghost stories and I don't remember when this was posted

But he tweeted out and the only reason I've seen this is because your maker retweeted it from him

I've never even actually heard of this guy, but I went to check him out after I heard about this. So, uh

By the way, all the channels in this video are gonna be linked down in the description below

I forgot to mention that anyway, so I checked out this guy. He's pretty cool

But he tweeted out at Team YouTube at corpse husband at your maker

Honestly, I create my own stories in my own image yet other narration youtubers are getting monetized. What else do you need from me? And

that he got an email from

YouTube that said

your channel is not approved for the YouTube Partner Program learn how to reapply and

there was an email about it and basically it's just

YouTube is

Starting to kill off the horror section like if you noticed not with just my channel

My channel is my own fault because I'm so inactive like I come

And I go and I come and I go and I come and I go and I just I just keep I just keep doing

the same rinse and repeat cycle

Well with these people there's people who upload like horror stories every day like Reddit horror stories or cartoon horror

Stories or whatever like you can even see it in the shadow readers videos which no offense to him. I like him. He's cool

really cool guy

but you could see it like his views on the horror stories have dropped like he's getting more views on his rants and stuff like

that where like

Also your maker and mr

Creepypasta increase in Acosta and all them people all their horror stories and it's like reddit horror stories like real life horror stories

They are all getting

they are all getting less views because YouTube is recommending us less and also

They are starting to D monetize our biggest users in the creepypasta section or in the horror section of YouTube

So if what it seems like is going on is that YouTube is trying to fully kill

The horror section of YouTube and it's probably something to do with

Advertisers most likely it's probably like all these guys are telling gruesome stories. These reddit creepy stories are

these reddit creepy stories are like

re-enacting like supposed real-life stories that are happening or that have happened and

They are basically being too gruesome about the stories

It's time to strike them down time to you know, get that get rid of them because it's just too gruesome

You even see it with Rob Dyke like Rob Dyke

He was he was on Twitter and on video talking about it and complaining about it that his you know

Creator of a or creation of a murder series or the murder series that he does. I can't remember the name of it

it's not getting recommended anymore and that his views have went from getting like

500,000 like a million views of video to now it's like dropped significantly

Which isn't like Rob dykes fault

But it's because YouTube doesn't want to promote the the horror section gruesome stuff of it

So they're basically killing that community

Which sucks and that's why I'm doing this rant talking about it because I honestly did it for a while

Enjoy being part of the horror section now anymore

I'm ready to kind of like move on mature, you know do something else and I'm ready to like rant and you know

Just talk about real things. Maybe do some vlog stuff like that every once in a while, but

The horror section it's just it's just gonna go down the tube we're all getting demonetised. It's just gonna go down the tube and

YouTube's to blame for it. The advertisers are to blame for it. You can no longer do like gruesome stuff

You've got to basically be family-friendly no cuss words

nothing like that and

This is you got to basically do the best you can

but you can't be your most entertaining because you got to be careful what you do because if you trigger a

certain group of people or you trigger a certain type of people

your videos are gonna get striked and flagged like that's another reason I'm having issues with

My channel and my horror stories is because I got Viacom coming at me

They they always clean my videos all the time

they're always claiming my

creepypasta videos and

Then they're taking all the income Omega from that and it's basically like I'm not partnered even though I am a YouTube Partner

I'm not partnered through a network anymore, but I am a YouTube partner

Viacom coming through and being like hey, we're gonna go ahead and claim this video. We're gonna take all the money from it and

Thank you, buddy. That that screws me over. It's like not being a YouTube partner

but with that said guys, um

I hope you guys have enjoyed this video if you guys have be sure to drop a like

Hit that subscribe button down below with a notification belt on to be notified when I upload

I am gonna start getting on a regular upload basis. I'm also gonna start live streaming on Twitch

Constantly guys

so make sure you guys go follow my twitch that link is down in the description below as

well with the link to my snapchat my Twitter and my

Discord and my reddit be sure to go check all those out

Join in the disc or join the reddit it's going to be pretty cool. It's all pretty lit

Also, I'm thinking about doing like a Skyrim

Let's play like I don't know if I'm gonna like just do like a livestream of a sky

Let's play or if I'm going to do a whole let's play, you know what I mean like on YouTube or whatever

Let me know in the comments section down below whether you guys want to see me do a let's play or whether you guys want

To see more rants or what other kind of videos you guys want to see from me

I've got a notepad that I'm writing all this stuff down on guys, and I'm hoping to make a great return to YouTube

But that said I will see you guys in the next video. Peace out

For more infomation >> YouTube Is Killing The Horror Community!! (Rant) - Duration: 11:36.


The Great War: Turning the Tide - Duration: 12:08.

So in July of 1918 the Germans have conducted three attacks two of which had

achieved spectacular results but they're also losing men

So Ferdinand Foch looking at the situation it is recognizing that despite

their significant territorial gains, the Germans are no closer to winning a

strategic victory on the Western Front. And what Foch is starting to do is he's

looking for the place where the Allies can go on the offensive.

Ludendorff's objective during the spring offensives had been to separate the

British from the French push them off of the European continent and isolate the

French. So Ludendorff's idea is to attack the British again he wants to pull all

Allied reserves particularly French reserves away from the British sector so

he is going to determine that another attack in the same vicinity of where the

Blucher assault had been conducted is the way to do this. So Ludendorff designs

a plan for an offensive targeted at capturing the French city of Reims

the idea being attacking on both sides of Reims

and essentially encircling the city and then capturing it.

At the same time Foch consults with the Pétain, Haig, and with Pershing and believes

that the Germans are going to make another attack and he wants to blunt the

German attack and then immediately counter-attack.

The most enticing area is the Marne salient and so he, along with Pétain,

and the French commanders are going to plan an operation for a major assault against

the Marne salient. The general idea is going to be weather a German offensive and

then launch a lightning strike against the shoulder of the salient near the

French city of Soissons. The idea being that if you could punch into the shoulder and

cut the logistical lines into the salient then it would dislodge the

entire German position so the main assault is gonna be on the western edge

of the salient. Both sides now have a plan now it's just a position of waiting.

Now unfortunately for the Germans on 15 July hours before the German

offensive was set to begin an Allied patrol had captured several German

prisoners including a German officer. The officer had orders designating when

the offensive was to begin. That information was quickly relayed up the

chain of command and the Allies prepared to launch an anticipatory artillery

strike against the Germans before they began their offensive and in fact this

is what they do. About 15 minutes before the German offensive was set to go off

while the German ground forces were gathering in their staging area the

Allies launched a massive artillery barrage, killing many Germans, disrupting

much of the German organization and indicating clearly that the Germans did

not have the element of surprise. However, as is so often the case plans are in

motion and it's too late to alter them at this point. So at the set time the

German batteries commence firing on the Allied lines. So not only have the

Germans lost the element of surprise but they're also facing the Allies who have

arranged their forces in a much more sophisticated way. The French by this

point have understood the concept of a defense in depth and they're going to

utilize that on a large section of their frontage. This enables them to bear the

initial brunt of the enemy attack, and then stop it and push it back. So the

Germans are going to launch their assault on 15 July, and they're gonna

have limited success to the east of Reims, to the west of Reims they're gonna fight

a very, very, difficult, drawn-out battle against the French and American forces

ingrained there. The most significant of which is going to be the fight against

the American 3rd division Cubry Valley, but the Americans

and the French are going to hold and succeed in providing Foch what he

needs which is that initial stoppage of the Germans which allows Foch to launch

his counter-attack. It is going to begin on 18 July.

It is tremendously successful. To the north near Soissons, the American

First Division, the American Second Division, and French 10th Moroccan Division are

going to drive into the German lines, advancing as many as five to ten

kilometers over three days, effectively bringing the German logistical system

under threat of artillery barrage. Which does exactly what Foch wanted, which

was to force the Germans to begin withdrawing from the Marne salient.

The attack is not so successful that it completely surrounds the German forces

within the salient, but it does batter the Germans to a degree that they now

have to withdraw. In the process of doing this, the First and Second Division

suffer a tremendous number of casualties. They are going to be rendered combat

ineffective for at least a month. They will not go back into action until early

to mid September.

Americans are still having problems with coordinating infantry, and artillery, and

armor, so combined warfare but they're learning. Several days after the initial

attack on 18 July, Allied forces all along the salient begin a general

offensive and over the next roughly two weeks

the Germans are going to conduct a fighting withdrawal from the edges of

the salient. They are going to pull back to a series of defensive lines, that they

have established, trying to hold off the advancing Allies.

By early August the Germans have withdrawn all the way to the Vesle River.

The Americans and the French have followed them and most significantly the

Americans take up position near the front small French town of Beine. At this

point the salient has effectively been reduced and the Allies have seized the

strategic initiative.

About a week after the attack, Foch pulls together the Allied commanders in

chief for a conference.

What Foch wants to do is conduct operations that reduce the other

salients to improve Allied logistics and will allow them to have a better

position on the line to launch a series of massive assaults on the realm. To be

theoretically win the war. With the reduction of the Marne salient already underway,

there is another salient up near the Belgian town of Ypres. Just south of it, in

the British zone, there's also a large salient near the city of Amiens.

These will be reduced by the British in coordination with the Belgians and the

French. To the east, there is a large salient surrounding the town of Saint-Mihiel,

just south of Verdun. This task is going to go to the Americans.

Pershing has been negotiating with Foch over the course of the summer to create an

independent American Army. With the battle experience that American

divisions are gaining, Foch now agrees that the time is right to go ahead and

form an American Army. Because most American training and logistical

networks are located in Lorraine this makes Saint-Mihiel an ideal location for

an assault by the American Army. Pershing, acting upon his agreement with Foch,

is going to call for the formation of the American 1st Army, which will come

together formally on 10 August.

So with the Germans reeling after the loss of the Marne salient, and the

significant casualties that the Allies have inflicted upon them, they have

effectively ceded the strategic initiative to the Allies. And Foch is

more than willing to take up that initiative and go on the offensive all

along the Western Front.

He is going to coordinate an assault by not only a Franco-American

force on the Marne salient, but he's planning an American attack at Saint-Mihiel

and a British attack near Amiens.

So now we start to see, finally, after four years, that the Allies are

going to be conducting operations in a coordinated manner denying the Germans the

ability to deal with one assault individually before turning to another.

Now the Germans are going to have to defend everywhere. This series of events

is going to set the stage for what will be known as the Second Battle of the


For more infomation >> The Great War: Turning the Tide - Duration: 12:08.


[FREE] Hard Aggressive Rap Beat Hip Hop Instrumental 2018 #215 | Free Beats By MR. HODEN ► - Duration: 3:36.


For more infomation >> [FREE] Hard Aggressive Rap Beat Hip Hop Instrumental 2018 #215 | Free Beats By MR. HODEN ► - Duration: 3:36.


Bumblebee (2018 Movie) Ending Explained: The Best Transformer - Duration: 4:17.

Bumblebee is the best Transformers movie by a country mile.

I know I know, the bar hasn't necessarily been set high.

And other than being the best in this franchise it's also just a fantastic film.

An old-school, 1980s nostalgic adventure family movie that finally nails what we all love

about Transformers in the first place.

Yes the action is cool and everything and it never gets old seeing these giant robots

constantly transform into cars, but it's their personalities that really shine.

Whether it's Optimus or Bumblebee, we all just want to hangout with these alien robots.

Also, you can actually follow along with the action sequences, I know who would've thought

that would be possible?

Let's break this down.

So first off Travis Knight directed this film and he's the same guy who made Kubo and

the Two Strings, which is like one of the best animated movies ever made.

So actually, it shouldn't be a surprise that Bumblebee is so good.

The story begins with an epic battle sequence on Cybertron, where Optimus and his Autobots

are about to lose their civil war against the no-good Decepticons.

The Autobots want to leave and so Optimus sends B-127, aka Bee, to Earth to scout the


He arrives in Northern California, crash lands on Sector 7, some secret government agency

where John Cena aka Jack Burns is an agent at.

Bee gets chased into a forest and gets his voice box ripped out by Blitzwing and his

memory lost in yet another awesome action sequence.

But you know Bee, voice box or not he still takes out Blitzwing and transforms into an

old-school Volkswagen beetle and hides out.

Then we met one of the best parts of this movie and honestly why it works so well in

the first place, and that's a fantastic central character in Charlie Watson.

A teenage girl who's having a tough time coping with her father's recent passing

and everyone in her family moving on except for her.

Right off the bat we instantly feel sympathetic for Charlie cause she's so relatable.

And when someone as likeable as her teams up with arguably the fan-favorite Transformer

in Bumblebee, who you can't help but love, you got yourself a buddy comedy with great

pacing, writing, editing, well great everything.

Once Charlie meets Bee they instantly become best friends and a large chunk of the movie

is them hanging out.

Charlie gets a love interest and starts getting her life back together with Bee in the picture,

while Bee is having a classic fish out of water scenario, trying to get used to Earth

and people in general.

And yes, we get the classic scene where Bee is accidentally destroying Charlie's room

and house.

You know, the same scene we got in the first Transformers movie but a lot more charming

and heartfelt.

While Bee and Charlie are having the time of their lives, two Decepticons named Shatter

and Dropkick arrive on Earth after Charlie accidentally sends out a homing signal.

They're trying to find Bee and learn what the Autobots are planning and where they're

hiding out.

You know how Steven Spielberg is an executive producer on this whole franchise, well Bumblebee

is the one Transformers film that evokes the most from Spielberg's classic movies.

It's so obvious Bumblebee takes inspiration from something like E.T., with a dope 80s

soundtracks and aesthetic.

Also, the Transformers designs are a lot more simple here but evoke the classic design from

the original cartoons.

It's a much-needed change that fits in well with the 80s setting.

Bumblebee is yet another example of why taking a more restrained and simple approach to the

storytelling and worldbuilding is a great thing.

Keeping things simple with kickstarting or reviving a franchise is incredibly important.

So eventually Charlie and Bee are able to unlock a message from Optimus telling Bee

he needs to defend Earth in the Autobots' absence.

But Dropkick and Shatter are able to capture Bee, torture him for info, and are looking

to contact the rest of the Decepticons to bring them to earth.

In the end, Bee defeats both of the Decepticons with the help from Jack Burns, who realizes

Bee is actually a good guy.


Burns is distracting the sector 7 army while Bee and Charlie flee.

And once they arrive by the Golden State Bridge, Charlie realizes she needs to let Bee go cause

he has a bigger purpose on Earth unfortunately.

Charlie is finally able to accept and cope with her father's passing with the help

from Bee, as she continues to fix the car she was working on with her dad.

Meanwhile, Bee transforms into a more modern car and he is joined by Optimus Prime, who

thanks him for protecting Earth.

And then a bunch more Autobots arrive as well, setting up a sequel and the start of a new

Transformers franchise.

At this point, don't expect Michael Bay's version to continue on.

Instead, we're getting a fresh start for a beloved IP, and it definitely has been a

very long time coming.

For more infomation >> Bumblebee (2018 Movie) Ending Explained: The Best Transformer - Duration: 4:17.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Comfort - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Comfort - Duration: 1:07.


Curse Your Neighbors for Fun and Profit! (Ancient Greek Edition) - Duration: 4:29.

Hi, I'm Dr. Word Person,

and today, we're going to talk about Ancient Greek curse tablets. Much as we like to think of the ancient Greeks as heroes of rationality,

hexing your competitors was very much a normal part of ancient Greek life and religious practice.

These katadesmoi, or "curse tablets,"

were all about getting the chthonic gods to disable your competition. People would hex commercial competition!

They'd hex their fellow athletes and performers!

They'd hex romantic rivals! Got a lawsuit? Yeah, time for hexing!

There were lots of ways to do this. You could do it yourself,

you could hire one of the many professional curse-o-mancers who hung outside rich people's houses

waiting for them to come by and, like, maybe buy a cursing or two...

uh, you could even use voodoo dolls! Aaaaaahhhh!

Sometimes these curses were pretty simple, just someone's name, but sometimes they could get really elaborate.

Let's look at an example.

Katado Kallian ton kapelon!

Fuck Kallias the tavernkeeper, the one who's my neighbor, and his wife

Thratta, and the tavern of the bald guy, and Anthemion's tavern, the one next door, and Philo the tavern keeper.

For all of them, I fuck up their

soul, work,

hands, feet...

their taverns!

Katado Sosimenen, ton adelphon! Fuck Sosimenes, his brother, and Karpos his slave, the linen-seller, and Glycanthis,

the one they call a pussy, and

Agathon the tavern keeper, Sosimenes' slave. For all of them,

I fuck up their soul, work, life, hands, feet. Katado Kitton, ton geitona, ton

kannabiorgon! Fuck Kitto,

my neighbor, the rope maker, and Kitto's craft, and the work and soul and mind and tongue of Kitto.

Katado Manian, ten kapelin, ten epi krene,

Fuck Mania the tavern keeper, the one by the spring, and the tavern of Aristander the Eleusinian, and their work and mind.

Psuchen kheiras glottan podas non. Soul hands tongue feet mind!

Toutous pantas katado in mnemasi

aspharagiai pros ton katokhon Hermen! All of these I bind in unsealed tombs

to Hermes the restrainer!

Anyway, in case you weren't keeping track, this guy put curses on--let's check the list--

six taverns, four tavern-keepers, and five other people, at an average of 3.2 body parts per person, and

the entire profession of ropemaking! What can I say?

there's someone like this in every bar, in every forum, in every HOA meeting. And

speaking of these body parts,

The point of these curses was not to kill your enemies,

but to incap them, to render them ineffective. So, much of the curse is devoted to

disabling body parts that could be a problem for you. Obviously hands, feet, tongue, soul, and mind were pretty popular,

But there is one tablet that curses a romantic rival's

butt. The verb katado that I'm translating here as "fuck" or "fuck up"

literally means "bind,"

hence the idea of accompanying these curses with lead or wax or clay voodoo dolls with their hands or feet bound.

I don't think I can do that to this delicious donut version.

And from there,

it was only a matter of

depositing the tablet and/or the voodoo dolls in a temple, well, or, more commonly, some poor rando's grave.

No, seriously, in ancient Greece,

It was apparently a relatively common occurrence to go to a graveyard and see a bunch of voodoo dolls there.

You've got to make sure the infernal gods get the message, right?

And these curses were generally thought to be very effective!

Like, if some orator suddenly froze up during his big speech, the culprit was usually thought to be some kind of binding curse.

I mean, it makes sense if you think about it--

We today tend to think of religion as appealing to holiness and goodness and, in general, our higher

impulses, but to the ancient Greeks, this sort of malevolent cursing was

just as much a part of religion as anything else. All right, that was my show; thanks for watching!

Please be sure to LIKE and subscribe and I have put additional reading in the doobly-doo!

For more infomation >> Curse Your Neighbors for Fun and Profit! (Ancient Greek Edition) - Duration: 4:29.


Comey's Testimony: Truth or Lies? | Declassified - Duration: 11:40.

Hello and welcome, I'm Gina Shakespeare,

today on Declassified,

Comey's testimony truth or lies? We have key revelations,

this story by Jeff Carlson,

just before we get underway, please feel free to subscribe,

like and hit the notifications button,

you can also join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook.

The recent congressional testimony by former FBI Director James Comey

has caused no shortage of outrage over his lack of recollection and ongoing deflections.

But lost within that outrage have been a number of important facts

that were actually communicated during his testimony,

today we're going to discover it all.

So Comey's interview was notably not under oath,

but he was required by law to answer questions from Congress truthfully,

which has suddenly gained significant weight

after special counsel Robert Mueller prosecuted former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen,

for lying to Congress.

Consider this crucial and telling statement by Comey regarding the Steele dossier,

now you all know about the Steele dossier because we've covered it on our channel in depth.

"What I understand by verified is we then try to replicate the source information,

so that it becomes FBI investigation and our conclusions rather than a reliable source's.

That's what I understand it, the difference to be.

"And that work wasn't completed by the time I left in May of 2017,

to my knowledge."

Comey is telling congressional investigators the Steele dossier wasn't verified as of May 2017.

The dossier was used as the primary piece of evidence by the FBI to obtain the Carter Page FISA warrant,

remember the date? On Oct. 21, 2016.

Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified to the House Intelligence Committee in December 2017

that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.

The importance of Comey's statement can't be overemphasized.

The Steele dossier was never confirmed or verified by the FBI,

yet it was used by the FBI as the primary piece of evidence before the FISA Court.

Ok next, Another crucial exchange occurred during an exchange with Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).

In this instance,

Comey is discussing the difficulty in prosecuting Hillary Clinton,

due to the inability of the FBI to prove intent

the lack of evidence proving Clinton intentionally placed classified information with another party.

Word for word here we go.

Gowdy said: Director Comey, what element was missing in July of 2016,

when you had the press conference,

that might have been found in October on Anthony Weiner's computer?

Comey: I don't know it's an element,

but what was—the key ingredient that was missing in the Clinton investigation

was any indication that she knew she was doing something she shouldn't be doing.

And so what the Weiner trove potentially held was evidence of that intention,

especially in the form of the emails from her BlackBerry during her first three months as Secretary of State.

The Justice Department (DOJ) Inspector General's report released in June

generally agrees with Comey's assessment on lack of intent,

noting that "Section 793(f)(1) likely required a state of mind

that was 'so gross as to almost suggest deliberate intention,' criminally reckless,

or 'something that falls just short of being willful,' as well as evidence

that the individuals who sent emails containing classified information 'knowingly'

included or transferred such information onto unclassified systems."

I know theres a lot of details in here,

but just stick with me, this is heating up.

Remember we're digging into Comey's Testimony to establish is it: Truth or is it Lies?

Comey then discussed the potential importance of the Clinton emails contained on Weiner's laptop:

Gowdy said, Tell me how the existence of that information may have impacted the element of intent.

Comey said, "My understanding is …

the Department of Justice has always required before it will bring those

misdemeanor indications of intention or harm to the United States or obstruction of justice,

those kinds of things."

And that was the ingredient we didn't have in the Clinton case.

And so the Weiner trove held the prospect that we

because it might contain evidence of the beginning of her use of her unclassified system,

might hold that evidence.

… What made Weiner's computer a horse of a different color

was the size of the trove and the emails potentially from the first three months

as Secretary of State a very different kettle of fish.

Comey then clarified his thought process behind the potential value within those early emails:

Gowdy said What, in particular,

in the beginning stages of her tenure would have addressed an element that you thought was missing?

Comey said Oh, that's easy to answer.

If there was going to be evidence that she knew she was communicating in a way she shouldn't

explicit evidence—common sense tells you it's likely to be at the beginning,

when someone encountered her mode or means of communication and said: Hey, boss,

you know you can't do that.

You know you can't talk about this kind of thing or that kind of thing on an unclassified system.

It's much more likely to be at the beginning,

which we never found, those three months, than much later.

Based on the IG report,

it seems clear that McCabe had been briefed on—and understood

the significance of the emails on Weiner's laptop.

Less clear is when McCabe made Comey fully aware of the find on Weiner's laptop.

We know that McCabe told the Office of the Inspector General

that he recalled talking to Comey about the issue "right around the time [McCabe] found out about it."

McCabe described it as a "fly-by," where the Weiner laptop was "like one in a list of things that we discussed."

We also know that "text messages of FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok indicated that he,

McCabe, and Priestap discussed the Weiner laptop on Sept. 28."

The IG report tells us: "Following the briefing from the FBI Midyear team on Oct.27, 2016,

Comey authorized the Midyear team to seek a search warrant,

telling the OIG that 'the volume of emails' and the presence of BlackBerry emails on the Weiner laptop

were 'two highly significant facts.'

McCabe joined this meeting by phone but was asked not to participate,

and subsequently recused himself from the Midyear investigation

into Clinton's use of a private email server, on Nov. 1, 2016."

Ok lets move onto the next part of this story,

Comey Didn't Know Steele Worked for Fusion GPS.

Now you all know Christopher Steele from our Spygate coverage,

that's the former M16 officer,

who co-founded Orbis and was hired by Fusion GPS to producer the Dossier on Trump.

Another important factor to consider from Comey's testimony are some answers to basic questions.

Recall that while Comey is not under oath,

recent prosecutions for lying to Congress have re-established meaningful penalties for doing so

Gowdy: Who is Christopher Steele?

Comey: My understanding is that Christopher Steele is a former intelligence officer of an allied nation,

who prepared a series of reports in the summer of 2016 that have become known as the Steele dossier.

Gowdy: How long did he have a relationship with the FBI?

Comey: I don't know.

Gowdy: Did you ever meet him?

Comey: No.

Gowdy: When did you learn he was working for Fusion GPS?

Comey: I don't know that I ever knew that—certainly while I worked at the FBI.

Comey also stated he didn't know that Steele had been terminated by the FBI as a source:

Comey: As I sit here today, since I left the FBI,

I've read stuff in the media about that.

I don't believe I had ever heard anything about that while I was still at the FBI.

Comey was equally unaware that DOJ official Bruce Ohr had an ongoing relationship with Steele,

and that Ohr was transmitting information from Steele to the FBI until May 2017.

Comey would later reiterate most of those assertions regarding Steele

and Ohr during questioning with Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio.

Next up, Comey Unaware That Perkins Coie Associate Passed Information to FBI

On Comey's knowledge of the involvement by Democratic national Committee law firm Perkins Coie,

and FBI General Counsel James Baker,

during an exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.):

Comey said: I, when I was FBI director,

don't remember ever being told anything about Perkins Coie.

I think I've since read stuff in the media,

but not when I was director.

Meadows: So are you saying that James Baker, your general counsel,

who received direct information from Perkins Coie,

did so and conveyed that to your team without your knowledge?

Comey is saying that he didn't know Steele and was unaware Steele was working for Fusion GPS.

He also says he didn't know that Steele had been terminated by the FBI

as a source for leaking to the media

which also implies he didn't know that Steele had leaked.

Comey also didn't know that Steele had a long-standing relationship with DOJ official Ohr,

let alone the fact that Ohr was transmitting information from Steele to the FBI.

Comey also didn't know about the involvement of Perkins Coie.

Finally, Comey was unaware that the FBI's top legal counsel, James Baker,

was receiving information from Perkins Coie

and transmitting that information to FBI investigators under Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc.

So truth or lies?

These could all be lies on Comey's part.

If so, they are now part of the congressional record,

and Comey could be referred for lying to Congress.

Alternatively, Comey could be simply telling the truth

that he was unaware of these actions being carried out by the FBI team working under Deputy Director McCabe.

So what is The Timing of Brennan's Involvement here?

Finally, we have another particularly telling exchange

regarding the initiation of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation

known as "Crossfire Hurricane." Sounds very dramatic.

Specifically, we are given a distinct timeframe as to when Comey first became aware

according to him—of any information that any Americans might be working with Russia

That's right, Russia Russia Russia.

Meadows said: Prior to July 31,

2016, when you opened what is now known as,

I guess, Crossfire Hurricane, or this investigation,

was there no effort on part—on the part of the FBI or no knowledge

let me correct that—no knowledge on the part of the FBI of anybody

George Papadopoulos or any others—that potentially could have been involved in this Russian narrative?

At this juncture, Comey cuts off the objections of FBI counsel and answers Meadows's question:

Comey: The first information we had,

certainly the first information that came to my attention that Americans

might be working with the Russians as part of their efforts,

came at the end of July—I think the 31st is too late,

but the last week of July—when we received information from an allied nation

about the conversations their ambassador had in England with George Papadopoulos.

That was the beginning of it,

which is the first time we turned to trying to figure out whether any Americans were working with the Russians.

The first time Comey was made aware of any information

regarding the possible involvement of Americans with Russia was the final week of July 2016,

coming from information passed informally from Australia.

Contrast Comey's statements with previous testimony from CIA Director John Brennan:

"I made sure that anything that was involving U.S. persons,

including anything involving the individuals involved in the Trump campaign,

was shared with the bureau [FBI]."

Note that Brennan says "the bureau"–not Comey.

The BBC reported that Brennan's receipt of information may be traced back to April of 2016:

"Last April [2016], the CIA director was shown intelligence that worried him.

It was—allegedly—a tape recording of a conversation about money

from the Kremlin going into the U.S. presidential campaign."

Brennan would also state that his "intelligence" served as the basis for the FBI counterintelligence investigation:

"I was aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials

and U.S. persons … and it served as the basis for the FBI investigation."

Notably, Brennan reportedly selected FBI agent Strzok

to work on the Intelligence Community Assessment that was issued on Jan. 6, 2017.

Strzok was referred to as "the intermediary between Brennan and [former FBI Director James] Comey,

and he was one of the authors of the ICAl,"

according to an unidentified source talking to reporter Paul Sperry.

A notable question for Brennan: Whom within "the bureau" did he notify?

So Truth or Lies? What do you think? Please leave your comments in the section below.

From all of us here at Declassified,

thank you for watching and we look forward to seeing you in the next episode.

For more infomation >> Comey's Testimony: Truth or Lies? | Declassified - Duration: 11:40.


Undefeated Indian Food Challenge w/ 5 Curries & 1kg Mixed Grill!! - Duration: 9:17.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel 'Atlas' and i am very very excited

tonight because i'm going for overall win number 621 and it will be my first

quantity food Indian food challenge! I am at Prince of Punjab in Leicester, England

of the UK I'm here with the person who helped cook this Kiki, she's going to

explain the challenge what all did I go with?

for the naan we have a sweet naan

then we've got a garlic curry naan and a garlic and chilli naan

then we've got a cheese naan and another naan, and then to help him we've got

some yogurt and we've got chutneys with the grill which consists of lamb chops,

tender chicken, and a variety of wings, other meats, and kebabs.

That was perfect! Like I said I've got all that and I've got 45 minutes to finish the total

of this added up to be 61 quid, this challenge is awesome because I'm pretty

much betting the restaurant - if I fail I'm going to have to pay the 61 quid but

if I win I'll get the meal free and I will get 61 quid cash backs which will

help us pay for our trip expenses let's get this challenge started!

Big thanks to our friend Harpreet and his family at Prince of Punjab for

inviting us here for this challenge! I've been excited for this one for a while!

Like I said I haven't ever had a quantity Indian food challenge now

they've had this going on for a while but everybody's been too scared to attempt

it, so I am the first to try it and we will get the first victory I am NOT

going to speed quickly through this. I'll speed through it moderately and enjoy

1, 2, 3. . . Boom!

The chicken wing I had was just super tender!

I'm having some of the naan with several of these curries I'm gonna get some out

of the way, but they're so good so flavorfu,l all

right with medium for the spice!

We're under nine and a half minutes in I don't know if I ever actually had lamb

before but this is lamb and the first one was delicious, so let's get this when

the rest of the meat along the way we will do the rest of these curries!

All right we're 18 minutes 20 seconds in the next drill is gone now we got two

curries, the optional yogurt and then the dessert nine let's finish!

this naan I'm finishing up with has lamb mince in it which is very very good!

23 minutes and 40 seconds in I left the butter chicken to last because it's one

of the favorites here that I'm going to finish off with the dessert, the sweet

naan that I got but let's get this down!

Yeah this was a stupid strategy, but it's delicious it's just happy I should have

done it earlier!

I feel like I did a 70 on steak yesterday!

The first person to win, so the new record for the challenge here! I really

like the butter chicken, but we should have had it earlier the, naans were all

delicious, the mixed grill all those meats were so tender so flavorful so

Thank you guys for supporting our channel! it was my seventh consecutive undefeated

food challenge win in Ireland, and two in England, so thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> Undefeated Indian Food Challenge w/ 5 Curries & 1kg Mixed Grill!! - Duration: 9:17.


Dealing with Difficult and Toxic People During the Holidays - What To Do - Duration: 10:38.

what up y'all this is Patrick Haize and today what I want to talk about is how

to deal with toxic people how to deal with difficult people especially in

regards to the holiday season you know a lot of us have different you know events

community events we might be going to and we may be anticipating running into

that person that we don't want to run into is especially pertinent for people

that have toxic family members that know that you know when they're at that

dinner table this year they're gonna have to sit right across from or next to

that person that really irks them they don't really know how to deal with that

situation how to prepare for it properly so I want to talk a little bit about

that and I want to give some really really powerful advice that I've

uncovered and discovered over the last decade for how to deal with these people

and how to prepare for it properly so the first thing is identifying these

toxic relationships identifying the relationship dynamics that you have with

other people that or these specific people that are toxic that you feel

apprehensive about that you that kind of hurt you and that make the engagement

with your family or in the engagement with your your workplace at these

holidays events something that you feel apprehensive about so you want to

identify those people it's probably pretty easy because you know when you

think about like what don't you want to experience or who do you not want to run

into it's like boom pops right up into your mind because you know there's a

heavy charge but it's important to be able to identify them and actually think

about it in a strategic way so identify who are these people maybe it's my you

know uncle Hal or whatever it is so uncle Hal he's kind of a douchebag and

he says douchey stuffed me every time you know we hang out at the dinner table

so her nose itching really bad right now so I want to prepare for how to deal

with uncle house so first identify uncle Hal he's the jerk right now the first

thing to do after identifying that is to be honest with yourself and admit that

this is a toxic dynamic it's not just uncle Hal I have a part to play in this

also right and my part is any negativity that I bring to the idea of this

relationship so even though uncle Hal might be the one that's more of the jerk

he says the jerky things he's the one that's being

mental he's the one that's you know doing the things that are not cool right

even though that may be true any negative emotions or negative

perspectives that I have that I have some sort of charge within me regarding

is my responsibility and this is something that I'm bringing to the

dynamic this is my toxic or difficult ingredient this is something we need to

own in order to empower ourselves to shift the dynamic or shift our

experience of the dynamic so first things to identify who it is that we

have the negative dynamic with who is the toxic person right and the second

thing is to identify that it's a toxic dynamic that I am bringing ingredients

to right and then I have a part to play so once we've done that the next step is

to find a positive way of interpreting this dynamic find a positive way of

interpreting the relationship so uncle Hal is a jerk he always says demeaning

things to me how can I look at the dynamic between me and how as something

that I can positively generate from something that can help me in some way

here's a great one this is a relatively universal perspective that we can take

to any situation that's difficult and this is this situation is an opportunity

for me to grow it's an opportunity for me to be in the face of something that's

difficult uncomfortable and for me to respond in a way that's positive right

so this opportunity for me to grow so I can thank uncle Hal for pushing my

comfort zones and giving me the opportunity to benchpress my resiliency

until I build more resiliency so that these kinds of things won't bother me as

much and so this is a great universal tool we can use but the idea is to look

for you know as many different ones as you can maybe it's an opportunity for

you to you know heal some some sort of issue with your family maybe it's the

opportunity for you to feel compassion for somebody else that is always in a

negative state maybe he's always in a grumpy negative state because he's

depressed about his life so maybe you can ask

yourself well you know what what is it that makes him so depressed why is he so

angry you know and when you start uncovering why he would be angry maybe

you can feel a little compassion and maybe this thing can be an opportunity

for you to express more compassion would be surprised how the shift in your

dynamic or the shift in your own energy can shift the dynamic between you and

another person that have say like a rivalry right it's amazing how things

can ship you'd be surprised I remember I used to have a negative

dynamic that I would get into with my brother from time to time it's not that

common we typically get along pretty well but there was a there's a pattern

that would come up from time to time and it would happen kinda the same way where

you know we would go back and forth on something and then one of us will get

fired up and then the other one would get even more fired up and it would spin

out of control but what I realized was before I went to you know family

situation I I said to myself well I know that you know if this comes up this time

I'm not gonna get fired up and if he gets fired up I'm just gonna be extra

nice to him and sure enough that did happen and I was extra nice to him and

to this day he still talks about that moment where he's like you know what

that really like shifted things for me like when you responded that way I

realized how ridiculous it was that I was acting so fired up and getting so

angry about this and you know it brought things back into perspective and it

created a new pathway for us to relate to each other in a different way so

there's a great example of how this works when we're able to relate to the

situation differently and then respond to the situation differently they can

shift the dynamic so how do we do that how do we prepare ourself to do that

because that's a difficult thing I mean it's good to be able to look at it

positively and framing in positive terms and that's really easy kind of when

you're on your own because I mean maybe it isn't easy but it's a lot easier when

you're on your own then when you're actually like facing it head-on

so how do we prepare to face it head-on in a way that ups our chances for

success and this is through doing something that I call priming actually I

think I don't know if he coined the term but Tony Robbins talks about priming in

priming is you super-powerful technique so priming is

anticipate in this context anticipating the potential difficult situations that

you could run into so before you go to dinner you know huncle how it's gonna be

there so I'm thinking about how to positively frame the situation and then

the next step is I'm going to may anticipate being in a difficult

situation with them and I'm going to visualize myself responding to it

differently so I might go through you know five or

ten different imaginations of how he could come off in a a brash or

insensitive or cruel way and then I'm gonna imagine myself responding to that

in the way that I'd like to respond in a positive way and by doing that I'm

priming myself so I've already seen myself succeed ten or fifteen times

inside my head see what people normally do is when they're anticipating

something that's undesirable when they're anticipating going into a

situation where they're gonna face somebody that they don't like her that

that is difficult to deal with they're kind of irked about it and

they're they don't want to do it and they're cycling through their head

actually all of the things that are going to piss them off they're thinking

about like oh he's gonna see this and this is gonna bother me and I hate it

when he does that and I hate it when he does this and so they're actually

negatively priming themselves so then when they actually walk into the

situation it's like the second they say something someone's like they're even

oversensitive because they've already kind of gotten into arguments inside

their head with this person before they've even seen them so the second the

person says something it's like they're already like jumping down their throat

right so the idea is you're doing the reverse you're positively priming

yourself to respond with the kind of response that you intend to respond with

it do you want to respond with in order to shift the dynamic in order to at

least play your part in creating more of a healthy dynamic between you and the

person so these are the basic tools I use they can be brought into many

different areas of life so this isn't just about the holidays and priming

isn't just about working with people priming to be used for any situation

that dealing with in general any difficult

situations and actually can be really useful to crime in the morning just

anticipating any misfortunes or mishaps that happen throughout the day you could

say that you know there's a chance that something could come along today that

could be really annoying or frustrating or could really suck and so what I'm

doing is spending my morning thinking you know imagining Oh something came up

that sucked and I responded to it well I knew how to flip it into my favor and

think of it positively so priming is something that can be used you know

across the board it's a lot of different things so I encourage you to explore

this so explore using these tools you know identify what it is admit that you

have your part in it positively frame your relationship with the situation of

the person and then prime yourself to respond well in this situation

especially right before you walk into a situation that you know is going to be

difficult and I guarantee you if you really put some time and effort into

practicing these different steps you will have a much more successful

engagement with these toxic or difficult people the next time you engage in them

so thanks so much for tuning in this is Patrick Hayes like subscribe share with

your friends and I'll talk to you next time one love if you like the video you

just saw and you want to support me in bringing more content like that to you

donate to my patreon page there's a link pinned in the comments below and when

you donate to the page you get access to all sorts of cool giveaways like

exclusive content free music downloads monthly group chats with me and more now

every single donation that comes in goes directly to improving the quality and

the quantity of my content so thanks so much for your support and I'll see you

on the flip side


For more infomation >> Dealing with Difficult and Toxic People During the Holidays - What To Do - Duration: 10:38.


Opel Zafira 2.2i EXECUTIVE *7-PERS.* / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / *APK TOT 5-20 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira 2.2i EXECUTIVE *7-PERS.* / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / *APK TOT 5-20 - Duration: 1:11.


Apply for a Mortgage-Get Pre-Approved!-Don't Make This Mistake!🚫 - Duration: 3:12.

Hey everyone it's Anne-Marie Priske with The Priske Homes Team. I just thought

I'd make a quick video of something that happened to me today because I think

it's really super important for all buyers. I've been working with some

clients now for the past few months that I met at an open house and at the time they

weren't ready to buy but they were looking and they did have some

particular things on their list of must-haves like RV parking, three-car

garage, but the most important thing that they had on their list was a pool. So I

urged them to get with a lender. I gave them a couple of names of people who I

work closely with and I urged them to get credit approved. Why? Because that way

you have your price point set of what you can afford and if we find something

then we're able to place an offer. Well they've been looking at homes for a

while and one of the homes that they were looking at was perfect. RV parking,

pool, everything. They've been eyeing it for a long time, but it was a little bit

out of their price range and all of a sudden last night they call me saying

that they have to go see this house tomorrow. The price had just dropped

$40,000... but they never got credit approved. So we go see this house today

and guess what happens? While we're in the backyard, somebody else pulls up. It's

another agent with their buyer. This other buyer has his measuring tape out

and he's measuring that RV space. My clients start to freak out because they

know that they're not in the position to place an offer. Here's a house that's

perfect for them. They were going to jump on it because it's now even below their

price point and they're panicky because they're not pre-approved. This house may

slip through their fingers or in order to beat out this interested buyer,

they may feel that they need to offer more than they have to. So if you want to

be ready to jump on that right house this upcoming buying season, you need to

call your lender, get a referral to a great lender and get pre-approved to get

all your ducks in a row. You don't want to be desperate. You wouldn't want to go

on a job interview without being prepared or a date

without putting on your lipstick. So make sure that you have the leverage and

control over this situation because at the end of the day it's not

going to be the offer that is the most money that wins.

It's the buyer that can close the deal. It's the buyer that's strong enough to

move through that process of an escrow and complete the purchase of a house

and that's what a seller wants. So anyway if you want to get prepared and I mean

really prepared to buy a house, then give me a call and I'll put you in touch with

some fantastic lenders. Then we can go out and find that house of your dreams

this next buying season. I hope you found this video helpful. Thanks for watching

and I will see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> Apply for a Mortgage-Get Pre-Approved!-Don't Make This Mistake!🚫 - Duration: 3:12.


3 DORAMAS que fazem SUCESSO NO NETFLIX! - Duration: 12:14.

For more infomation >> 3 DORAMAS que fazem SUCESSO NO NETFLIX! - Duration: 12:14.



In order to activate the subtitles

you just have to click on the three little dots

on the screen of your mobile

or on the gear if you are on a computer

My name is Rodger Koller and this video is going to be very quick

This is part of a new series of videos in which I'll just come here to the camera and I'll start talking to you

naturally about whatever pops up to my head, but it's going to be different from my series: "Real-life English"

because this series here will be more personal

2 weeks ago, I posted a video saying that I'd probably delete my channel, I would give up Youtube

and I was really demotivated to continue because of the low results

and you've seen the video, so I won't tell you again what I said in that video, but the thing is...I received

a very positive feedback. The comments were really positive. People were asking me not to end the channel

because it was really important to them

and the comments really boosted my desire to continue, so, yeah!

I'm not going to end the channel, I'm going to keep on making videos

But I want to make better videos and I want to provide you with a better expeirience watching my channel

I really truly wantyou to learn English from my videos. I really believe that that's possible

so I want to provide you with a better experience watching my videos, but I also want to have better results, so

My question for you is "What do you want to watch?"

because recently I've been thinking about my channel through its numbers

analytics and everything

and the numbers have been talking to me

and I'm going to share with you what they have told me

and its quite intriguing

Check it out

As I was saying, many people have sent me many positive messages telling me not to give up

The comments were just amazing!

and I can't thank you enough, you know

The comments have really motivated me to continue

with the project and yeah, I promise you...I will keep on making videos

but I was curious about what you truly want

I was talking to my subscribers on Telegram and

and we got to a conclusion

because some people ask me why it has been such a long time since I posted a video talking about grammar

I mean, explicitly talking about grammar

like... "I'm going to teach you the future"

or "Today I'm going to teach you the present continuous"

or "I'm going to teach you the present perfect"

yes, it's been a long time since I posted a video like that

and some people started asking me "Rodger, please post more videos about grammar...

"We loved your videos about grammar"

And I was thinking

Hmmmm really?

The thing is, let's analyse the numbers

with me, let's get a video here, for example:

The day that I posted a video about the differences between *will* and *going to*

So, this is a grammar video

I'm really just teaching you the differences between "will" and "going to"

Look, this video has 541 views, 92 likes and 17 comments

Today is the 17th of December

this is what I got...Ok!!!

Maybe it's a good number, maybe

So, this is a video about grammar

then I'll go to another video about grammar

this one about collocations in English

that I'm clearly just talking about grammar, I'm teaching English, you know

I'm just teaching English. It has 203 views, 49 likes and 7 comments

but then I posted a video yesterday

about Felipe Neto

and it has over a thousand views


and 123 comments

and I'm not talking about grammar and then

another controversial video

in which I talked about Bolsonaro and Roger Waters

This one has 2744 views, 366 likes and

and 185 comments

So I've been thinking. Do you really want me to make videos teaching English?

Like...Another video here

The differences between American English and British English

So, this is a class

it has 273 views, 52 likes and 18 comments

This is a video in which I'm just being a teacher

and teaching you English

but then I made a video named

I broke up with my girlfriend over the Internet and then

this video has 2609 views, 365 likes and 135 comments

So, the question is...Should I keep making videos teaching English?

because I really like it. I started this channel in order to teach English here

My idea was just to come here and teach you from the basic to the advanced course

and this is still my objective, but every time I post a video related to teaching English, the views, comments

and likes are really low

in comparison to when I post a video with a controversial topic

about Bolsonaro, about politics, about relationships

So, that's what the numbers are telling me

but I don't know if I could trust these numbers so, that's why I asking you what you truly want to watch

Do you want to watch more controversial videos? Do yo want to watch more grammar videos?

What do you want from this channel?

I want to provide you with the best experience Ialso want to have the best results

from this whole thing

Thank you very much for watching this video

Please hit the LIKE button and

leave a comment, it's really important for the engagement

of the channel but it's also important for me to understand what you want

from the channel and

I'll give you whatever you want

Meanwhile on Instagram (follow me @rodgerkoller)

I'm here in the car with you. I'm in the trunk of your car and I can hear everything you say from here

What are you doing in the boot, mate? Why are you there?

I'm here because...


Can I sing a song to answer this question?

No, don't do that!

Ok, it goes something like this:

Every breath you take


Every move you make

Every bond you break, every step you take

I'll be watching you

Just stop it!!!

Oh can't you see?!

You belong to me!!!!


What do you want?

I want you


Please click the big red button to subscribe

it really helps me when you do that and click the bell to allow notifications, so you'll never miss new videos

Thank you very much

Please leave your LIKE and a comment. Thanks.

Subscribe and receive my PDF files for free. (Read the description)

For more infomation >> PLEASE, ANSWER MY QUESTION || ACTIVATE THE SUBTITLES - Duration: 7:45.


MÉXICO - Xalapa| AULA TOP de COMIDA MEXICANA! [T11 EP22] - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> MÉXICO - Xalapa| AULA TOP de COMIDA MEXICANA! [T11 EP22] - Duration: 10:03.


Step 7 of Google Ads Optimization - Keyword Optimization Techniques - Duration: 6:57.

Today we are in step #7 of our 21 Steps to Google Ads Optimization Series, and we

are going to be talking about killing keywords.

Let's get to it.


I'm Mike Mancini with

Thanks so much for joining us.

Today we are in step seven, and we're talking about keywords, and we're talking about killing


Now, I know that sounds a little bit violent, but these keywords are not doing you any good,

and we want to get rid of them.

Which keywords are we talking about?

I want you to go into your campaign, and I want you to click on the campaign itself,

and then click on keywords.

Once in here, make sure you're on the search keywords tab.

These are keywords that you have added into your account.

I'm not going to show you all of these because they're really not relevant, so that's why

they're blurred out, and this is actually a client's account, so that's another reason


Once you're in here, I want you to go up, and I want you to click on the dates, and

I want you to go back a ways, so go back probably at least six months if you've been spending

quite a bit.

If not, go back a year, a good period of time, or if you have not really touched your account

in some time, even go back and look at it all time.

Once you've got that figured out, I want you to click, and I want you to sort by impressions.

Let's scroll all the way down to the bottom, and let's get as many of these on the same

page as we can, so you can click on show rows.

Let's just show 500 because we have 333 keywords in this account.

I'm going to show you what we're talking about here.

I've sorted by impressions, and out of those 333 keywords that we have added to that account,

only 99 of them even have impressions.

That means the rest of these keywords are weighing the campaign down, meaning they could

be sitting in our ad groups, and maybe they're not getting enough searches to trigger ads,

which is obviously Google Ads 101.

Pause those keywords.

Get rid of them.

They could be of poor-quality score, and once again, bringing our ad groups down.

Pause them, get rid of them.

Or, they could be not very focused, and maybe the keyword has nothing to do with the rest

of the keywords in the ad group.

If it's a keyword that you absolutely need to have, then take it out and put it in its

own ad group.

Like I said, out of those 333 keywords, 234 of them have never gotten a click or even

an impression.

As you can see, we have paused all of these keywords.

This is obviously a campaign we've already done this with, but let's continue this on,

shall we?

Go back up to the top and sort by clicks.

Scroll down until you do not see any clicks, and there we've narrowed it down even further

because we're talking about, we, out of those 333 keywords, only 85 of them even have clicks.

If I've gone back a year, maybe this one's had a lot of impressions, but it's never had

a click.

Guess what?

It's gone.

I would go down and I would just highlight all of these, and I would click pause.

What you need to remember is Google likes efficient ad groups.

It likes to see ad groups that are very tightly-knit with their keywords, that the ads are representative

of all of the keywords in that ad group, and that the ad group is performing well.

The better your ads perform, the cheaper it is for you.

Google will actually give you a discounted price on your clicks if it's bringing people

to pages and getting them to take action on what they're looking for.

Having a bunch of dead keywords inside your ad groups just basically weighs it down.

Think of it like a flower.

If you've got a flower that's got five petals, but four petals on that are dead, chances

are it's going to take the fifth one with it and kill the entire flower.

However, if you take those four dead petals off, that one petal that's remaining now has

a better chance of survival because the flower is using all of its nutrients and everything

for that one petal.

It's not trying to keep the other four alive anymore.

I know that might be kind of a cheesy example, but hopefully it gets my point through.

You want your campaign to perform well, and you start that by getting your keywords to

perform well, getting your ad groups to perform well, and obviously then your whole campaign

is performing well, but you have to start at the keyword level, and this is a way to

do that.

Go through and kill all of those nonperforming keywords that are not getting any impressions

or not getting any clicks.

A lot of people will get freaked out by this because they're taking a look and saying,

"I have 333 keywords, and I just got rid of 2/3 of them.

What if somebody searches one of those?"

If somebody searches one of those keywords, chances are it revolves around one of your

other keywords already in your ad group.

Google knows this, and just because you don't have a particular keyword in there, if you

go up and you click on search terms, those are what people are actually typing in.

But as you can see, all of these have been added, but if I scroll down here, here's one

that's not been added, and it's gotten me 14 clicks.

This is one I have not added, and it's gotten me five clicks.

You get the idea.

Google is showing our ads for keywords that we don't even have in our campaign, but Google

knows that those keywords that people are typing in are related to what we have to offer,

so they're showing our ads for keywords that we do not have in our campaign.

This is where you want your keywords coming from, what people are actually searching in.

If you go back here and you've got a bunch of keywords that you've put in that are not

performing, get rid of them.

Down below in the comments, let us know how many keywords you cleaned out of your account.

Was it 10?

Was it 20?

Was it 1,000?

Because we've gone into campaigns and literally cleaned out 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 keywords

in a campaign, and it was way too many keywords for what that person had budgeted.

Let us know in the comments below, and we'll see you in the next video.

Thanks for watching our video.

If you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe to our channel, or share a video with someone

who might find it interesting.

Or if you know someone who's in need of PPC or Google Ad Services, please forward our

information to them.

We'd love to help.

Thanks so much.

For more infomation >> Step 7 of Google Ads Optimization - Keyword Optimization Techniques - Duration: 6:57.


Coisas que NINGUÉM NUNCA TE CONTO! Essa Planta ATRAI Dinheiro, Sorte e Prosperidade na Sua Casa - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Coisas que NINGUÉM NUNCA TE CONTO! Essa Planta ATRAI Dinheiro, Sorte e Prosperidade na Sua Casa - Duration: 2:39.


HELLBOY | Trailer Oficial (2019) Legendado HD - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> HELLBOY | Trailer Oficial (2019) Legendado HD - Duration: 2:43.


AGU Explica - Regime Jurídico dos Bens Públicos - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> AGU Explica - Regime Jurídico dos Bens Públicos - Duration: 3:20.


Un grupo de niños de escasos recursos se va de compras navideñas con policías de Miami - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Un grupo de niños de escasos recursos se va de compras navideñas con policías de Miami - Duration: 1:32.


Top 10 Animes Donde el Protagonista Débil al Principio Obtiene Poderes y se Vuelve el Más Fuerte - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Animes Donde el Protagonista Débil al Principio Obtiene Poderes y se Vuelve el Más Fuerte - Duration: 11:33.


Faber Castell Art Makeover | When God Doesn't Answer (Daniel 3:18) - Duration: 10:17.


Welcome to my channel.

Ginger here.

I was going through some old paintings and found a watercolor piece I made two decades ago.

This video is about transforming this old painting from this … to this.

And I'll make the change using Faber Castell's Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils.

Someone told me I shouldn't touch my old paintings because they give people a reference

point that helps them to see how I developed as an artist through the years.

In a way, that's true.

But when I look at my old paintings, sometimes I cringe at how ugly they look.

It makes me wonder what I was thinking when I was painting them.

However, when I analyze again these old paintings, I realize how my techniques have evolved.

But then again, this watercolor painting I'm restoring right now, this just needs to be


To be honest, I can't stand the neon pink everywhere.

Like, what?

This glaring pink here, feels like it's glowing in the dark.

I can't stand it!

That has to go.

So it might have been the fad in the 90s, who knows?

But it doesn't look cool right now.

This watercolor cityscape, it was from my 1998 collection.

As far as I can remember, I only used a cheap, student-grade watercolor pan set.

And there was nothing special with my materials.

Even the watercolor paper was not the best.

You might be wondering.

What's my point in doing this?

What's my point in making a video about a painting makeover?

Of course, it's cool to see the before and after pictures, which I'll show you later


But more than that, what I really want to talk about is the kind of transformation that

happens when we live through hard times in our lives.

I want to share with you, in a kind of graphic way, how God also restores us through our


Let's admit it.

We are ugly too.

Just like my old painting here, there's ugliness in us too.

There's something inside of us that also needs a fresh scrubbing of color.

So friends, while you're watching my hands work through this urban scene, please stay

with me and listen to my story.

It's a true story of a very brave woman I know.

I want her to stay anonymous so for the sake of my story, let's just call her Ela.

Now, Ela got married late in life to a handsome man.

He's a God-fearing man.

Their marriage was a match made in heaven.

Both of them had strong faith even when they had to go through a lot of difficulties in


You see, Ela conceived a beautiful girl.

And being a doctor, my friend knew how to mind her health more than any average person.

She and her husband did everything medically possible to provide the best care for the


But shortly after the baby was born, things just went downhill.

Doctors couldn't figure out what was going on, but despite the many interventions, the

baby's health just started to fail.

Family and friends continued to pray.

And because of the struggle, more people joined in the prayers.

Before we knew it, the couple's first child became everybody's sweetheart.

So it came as devastating news to everyone that the baby died, a few days after birth.

She was the first child and the last child of this beautiful couple.

So you can just imagine how painful it was that God took the baby away.

No one could blame them if they decided to turn their hearts against God, right?

But the most amazing thing is, this couple became even more devoted to the Lord, even

through their grief.

This experience brings to mind one of the famous stories in the Bible, in the book of

Daniel, when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to the golden image which the

king ordered everyone to worship.

This was King Nebuchadnezzar we're talking about, the king of Babylon.

He was the one who gave the order for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to be dumped inside

a fiery furnace.

Now, can you imagine getting cremated alive?

It was no joke.

It was a scary threat.

Anyone would give in without a second thought.

But these three men, they didn't budge.

In the book of Daniel, you can read what they said.

They said, "If you throw us into the blazing furnace, then the God we serve is able to

rescue us from a furnace of blazing fire and release us from your power, Your Majesty.

But even if He does not, O king, you can be sure that we still will not serve your gods."

See how fearless they were?

These three men sort or made bold claims here.

They were kind of reckless by saying something like – "Hey, king, you can burn us in

the fire however way you want to, or however long you want to roast us.

It's okay.

It doesn't matter because our God is able to save us."

That's what these men were trying to say which was shocking in itself.

But the shock didn't end there.

They went a step further in their faith.

They had the boldness to also say, "But even if God does not save us, we're okay

with it.

Even if God doesn't show up and come through for us, we're okay.

We will still not bow to your idols.

We will still worship the Lord.

We won't take this against Him."

That statement, right there, is one of the sharpest statements written in the bible.

"Even if He does not rescue us, you can be sure that we will still not serve your gods."

Even if God does not.

That, my friend, is a phrase that packs a punch.

And you know what?

Because of that courage, Nebuchadnezzar got so mad that he ordered the heat of the furnace

to be turned up seven times more.

Imagine that!

Baking at 200 degrees can already burn your cookies.

Imagine cooking at 1400 degrees.

I did a bit of research and I found out that the lit side of a cigarette is about 750 degrees

Fahrenheit already.

A typical flame is about 1,100 degrees.

Can you picture what it was like for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?

Anyone in their situation could easily turn against God and worship the golden idol.

Because the furnace was so hot, the soldiers who brought the men closer to the furnace

died right away.

It was that hot.

You'd get more than just a heatstroke by standing there.

Now why am I sharing this?

Friends, let me ask you.

When was the last time you got thrown into a furnace?

When life has dealt you a hard blow, when things aren't going your way, when sickness

has crippled you, or maybe you lost a job or a loved one, when bad things happen to

you, can you tell God, with the same boldness … can you say, "Even if you don't rescue

me, Lord, I will still love you."

Can you say that?

Let's be honest for a second.

It's hard, isn't it?

That small phrase … "Even if you don't" … it's packed with power.

That kind of prayer my friend Ela said when she lost her baby to an unknown disease.

That's what Ela said.

And with that fragile daughter on her arms, her tiny body still warm although she was

already dead, my friend was able to still say, "Lord, even if you took my only child

away from me, even if it hurts so bad, I will still serve you."

And that's what her life has been ever since.

Faithful and strong.


Solid in faith.

Friends, our lives have a lot of moments like these.

Moments when God didn't pull through even with our most intense prayers.

Moments when He didn't heal, or He didn't give the dream job we wished for, or when

He didn't save the child from the accident we hoped she'd never encounter.

If you ask me why God allowed these things, I have no answer to you.

Our understanding as humans is just so limited.

Even the best of us can't figure the mind of God.

But I do know one thing.

When God permits pain to penetrate our lives, He's painting a better picture.

God is painting a better picture each time we're broken and thrown into the fire.

God is not satisfied with how our current picture looks like.

It's the same way with my painting here.

It's imperfect and needs further work, our souls also need work.

Our character needs more scrubbing and burnishing and retouching until the colors pop out.

It may be hard for you to believe it, but we actually become flat, one-dimensional people

if life is so happy and easy-going.

That will make us boring, spoiled brats.

But brokenness, that's a different story.

Suffering is what makes us authentic.

It's the cross that makes us wise and deep.

And so God wants to throw us enough times into the fire, until we too can boldly say,

"Even if you don't, O Lord … I will still."

Friends, thank you for joining me in another episode of Art That Plays and Prays.

This is Ginger, always praying with you.

Let's keep the faith together, until we meet again.

For more infomation >> Faber Castell Art Makeover | When God Doesn't Answer (Daniel 3:18) - Duration: 10:17.


Kubilay Aka Sosyal Medyadan Gelen Soruları Yanıtlıyor! 🎙️😮😀 - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> Kubilay Aka Sosyal Medyadan Gelen Soruları Yanıtlıyor! 🎙️😮😀 - Duration: 9:19.


Ford EcoSport - Duration: 0:42.

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Ford EcoSport - Duration: 0:49.

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Ford EcoSport - Duration: 1:05.

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For more infomation >> Susanna ci parla di W la dislessia - Duration: 4:20.


Matheus Skull, Lisboa - (Des)caminhos [prod. 808bbto] - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Matheus Skull, Lisboa - (Des)caminhos [prod. 808bbto] - Duration: 2:57.


"Kevin sam w domu" powrócił! Macaulay Culkin w świątecznej reklamie Google! Zobacz WIDEO - Duration: 2:06.

 Macaulay Culkin zrobił swoim fanom wielką niespodziankę! Aktor, który 26 lat temu zagrał w filmie "Kevin sam w domu", znów przed świętami stał się Kevinem! Do sieci trafiła właśnie reklama Google, w której aktor zagrał główną rolę i znów wcielił się w Kevina

Zobacz wideo! Macaulay Culkin w reklamie Google jako Kevin  Macaulay Culkin zagrał w kultowym "Kevinie" w 1992 roku

Film opowiada historię chłopa, który zostaje sam na święta, ponieważ jego rodzice zapomnieli zabrać go w podróż do Paryża! Liczne rodzeństwo, które nie przepadało za Kevinem, również nie zauważyło jego nieobecności

Kevin zostaje sam w domu i musi radzić sobie ze złodziejami, którzy w świąteczny wieczór próbują okraść jego dom

   W reklamie Google Kevin nie musi martwić się o swój dom, ponieważ jest wyposażony w nowoczesne narzędzia gwarantujące mu poczucie bezpieczeństwa

Trzeba przyznać, że aktor z dużym dystansem podszedł do tej reklamy i dobrze bawił się na planie, a producenci zadbali o to, żeby dom z reklamy przypominał ten z filmu

Cieszy nas również fakt, że aktor który przez lata walczył z uzależnieniem od narkotyków i nie potrafił odciąć się od kultowego Kevina, teraz wygląda zdecydowanie lepiej i już też nie walczy z łatką dziecięcego aktora ze znanego filmu

 Zobacz reklamę:   Polecamy: Jak dziś wyglądają bohaterowie filmów o Kevinie?! Niektórych nigdy byś nie poznał! ZDJĘCIA  Macaulay Culkin w reklamie Google jako Kevin sam w domu  Wypadł rewelacyjnie!

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