Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 19 2018

In this Episode we'll explain how to make parts

with fiberglass and how to properly use fiberglass

Run the Intro!


to a new Episode of FC Autos

and today we'll explain how you can make

parts with fiberglass

or how can you use fiberglass

to make whatever you want to

This Episode was brought to you once again

thanks to our Partnership with

with Valvoline!

Valvoline thanks again so much for

partnering with us

we remind you that in Team Valvoline .com

they have a tab called Night School

with DIY videos in English & Spanish

and we've already made a DIY video

that you can watch on their site

we also remind you about their new Instagram

page in Spanish @ Garage Valvoline

and if you subscribe to them

please let them know you're there because of FC Autos

we've already seen some of your comments

in their Instagram page and we've been giving them a Like

Ok, then. This is what we're going to need

For more infomation >> COMO USAR FIBRA DE VIDRIO EN AUTOS (COMPLETO) - Duration: 24:31.


Elif 823. Bölüm | Gözüm Üzerinde! (English & Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 2:50.

You could succeed!

What now?

That evil plan of yours failed as you can see

What are you trying to say?

You sneaked into this company with deceptiveness

What more you want?

It seems like you got nervous

Why don't you take some time off?

It can helpful for your mental health

Look carefully that newspaper

the mud you threw got cleaned!

You won't be able to beat my family!

You cannot hurt me or my family!

Be careful with your steps!

...or you will be wallowing in your own dirt


You sound so daring but...

...sorry you are in the wrong place

Find the person who did that to you and face them

I wouldn't expect you to confess anyway

I just want you to be prepared if you dare to play dirty games like this in the future

Kerem Haktanır! We may not like each other...

...we may be hating each other even

...but you are missing one point

Just like you I also work for this company

Sure, of course like you give a damn about this company

I know what you are up to!

Your anger blinds you

If you could use your logic... would understand that I wouldnt' do such thing

I think you are the one who should use her logic!

Because you gave yourself away

Big time!

Do I look like an idiot from there?

If I was intented to do such thing... would be history so far

What a confidence!

Let me tell you something, this company may belong to your family...

...but any scandal your family gets involved... this company from the bottom

Since I'm one of the shareholders, this would harm me as well

I'm not that idiot to shoot myself from the foot

You would do anyhing when it comes to evilness

Watch your step starting from now

My Eyes always will be on you!

For more infomation >> Elif 823. Bölüm | Gözüm Üzerinde! (English & Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 2:50.


Cómo armar una maleta para cuatro meses 💼 ✈️ - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Cómo armar una maleta para cuatro meses 💼 ✈️ - Duration: 4:19.


Never Do This When Changing Your Brake Pads - Duration: 5:13.

rev up your engines, Curtis say hey Scotty

what is the strangest homemade repair you had to correct Thanks, I have to say

strangest was somebody did a brake job on their car and they put them on

backwards, and of course when they put them on they stopped

because they're the same shape, but instead of having

the brake pad material squeezing the rotors, it was the metal backing

squeezing it, and of course I had to replace the rotors too cuz the

metal-on-metal ate it all up I do have to say that was probably the

strangest thing, now it can be done you know, you can put them on backwards cuz

they're the same shape it's just that one side has brake pads and the other

has solid metal, so you never want to do something like that on a vehicle you're

working yourself, Westy testy says should I get used

they're completely new tires I need all new four tires, I advise buying new tires,

now here's the thing if you're talking about used tires, why did the person get

rid of the tires in the first place generally cuz they're old and cracked and

they're worn out, now if you live in an area where there's a bunch of rich

people and a bunch of crooked mechanics, hey maybe you can get good used tires, I had

a customer and she did cpa work and one of her clients was this rich guy who was a

millionaire and he had a Volvo, and he took it into these mechanics that were

absolute crooks, this Volvo had 18,000 miles on it and they already sold him

three sets of brake pads, there's no way you can wear them out that fast and three

sets of tires, well now if you could get the used tires from that guy I'm sure they

were really good shape go right ahead, but normally people

get rid of tires cuz they got problems and cracked or worn and you don't want to

buy one of those used tires, but maybe if you can find a

crooked mechanic that takes perfectly good tires off people's cars, sells them

new ones and he sells those go right ahead, mr.

anaconda says which car is more reliable out of a Grand Am, the 3400 or the g6

with the 3,500, the 3400 was a more reliable engine, the 3400 really was one

of the most reliable engines that GM made they're pretty good engines you

know, I mean the rest of the car I'm not in love with, their automatic

transmissions were garbage as they age their electrical systems

tend to go haywire but out of

those, the 3400 was actually a pretty good engine

it's just that the rest of the vehicles weren't all that hot and you know they

don't make them, they haven't made Pontiac for years now, GM decided to stop making

them to cut costs, fresh fiz says Scotty I'm thinking about buying a 2002 BMW m3

with 60,000 kilometers what do you think, okay well the M series were special

series of cars and they are fun to drive, and what 60,000 kilometers is like

32,000 miles that's not much mileage, if you don't have to pay too much, now those

are collectors items so you're gonna have to pay a certain

amount of money, but if you like that type of car and you're not gonna put

heavy mileage on it, say it's gonna be your weekend toy, they can be a very fun

car, I got a customer with one he loves the car, he's nuts about it, so you know his

girlfriend drives something that I think it's a Toyota Highlander and they use

that when they travel around all the place and these the m3 for toy, and it

can be fun you know, just don't pay really really high dollar for it, you're gonna

have to pay something though because they are collectors items

Alexander Dierker says Scotty my wife's 03 Corolla has multiple misfire

codes and is spitting liquid out of the exhausts, never seen this before what could

it be, well sadly that's often a blowing head

gasket, if you get liquid coming out of the back, it doesn't run right it's

almost always a blown head gasket, now you can easily check it yourself I've

got a video, how to tell if your head gasket is blown, and you can get the test

kit from Amazon for like 30 bucks and test it yourself, and if that's the

case, you might think about getting rid of the vehicle because it's gonna cost a

lot of money to tear that engine apart and put it together, and very few guys

these days really know how to rebuild engines, when I was younger it was a lot

easier, they were simple engines, you could take them apart and put them

together in four or five hours, but the new ones are very complex, do that test

first, the Andy Tran episode says Scotty is there any cheap car mods for

an interior to make it a little more unique, sure you can get those cool

lighting kits LED lighting kits with remotes that you can stick all inside

that makes it look unique, the different colors and everything that goes on, or

you can go and get colored LED bulbs and just put different bulbs in where you

want, and there are some very fancy mat systems I put one of my wife's Lexus

that it's got a nice leather underlayment and then the mats snap-on

inside there and it really fixes up a worn down a rug system because it covers

everything up, there's some stuff you can do

without spending a fortune that you can easily do yourself, so if you never want

to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Never Do This When Changing Your Brake Pads - Duration: 5:13.


Tercios Españoles, siglo XVII - Zvezda, 1/72 - - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Tercios Españoles, siglo XVII - Zvezda, 1/72 - - Duration: 3:51.


La Rosa de Guadalupe - De la mano del amor HD - Duration: 45:05.

For more infomation >> La Rosa de Guadalupe - De la mano del amor HD - Duration: 45:05.


School Bus, Trucks, Excavator, Bus,Ambulance & Sport Car Toy Vehicles for Kids - Video for Kids - Duration: 4:03.

School Bus, Trucks, Excavator, Bus,Ambulance & Sport Car Toy Vehicles for Kids - Video for Kids

For more infomation >> School Bus, Trucks, Excavator, Bus,Ambulance & Sport Car Toy Vehicles for Kids - Video for Kids - Duration: 4:03.


T.D Jakes 2018 Sermons - Open Your Mind To Positive Changes - Duration: 1:39:17.

For more infomation >> T.D Jakes 2018 Sermons - Open Your Mind To Positive Changes - Duration: 1:39:17.


Video: taxi embiste a motociclista en Ecatepec - Duration: 1:02.

 Un motociclista murió tras ser embestido por un taxi cuando circulaba por el puente vehicular de Boulevard de los Aztecas y avenida Central, en la primera sección de Ecatepec, Estado de México

 En el video del C5 del Estado de México se observa que el motociclista salió disparado de su vehículo cuando el taxi chocó contra él, por lo que cayó en el asfalto y murió

 En el lugar se encuentran servicios de emergencia y de Seguridad del Estado de México y de Ecatepec para atender el incidente

  EB ​ ​

For more infomation >> Video: taxi embiste a motociclista en Ecatepec - Duration: 1:02.



For more infomation >> CONVERSACIONES GRACIOSAS #1 - Duration: 3:14.


Canciller de Educación de Nueva York anuncia millonaria inversión para programas de arte en escuelas - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Canciller de Educación de Nueva York anuncia millonaria inversión para programas de arte en escuelas - Duration: 2:01.


Renacimiento, menú de labradores - Duration: 6:23.

Today we are going to the Renaissance.

We are going to prepare a small menu of farmers of the time

While cooking, we will listen to music of two important composers.

Of the first, Juan del Encina, who was born in Fermoselle in 1468,

we will hear "Let's eat and drink today", and let's sing, and let's enjoy, tomorrow we will fast.

A small popular feast before the difficult days of fasting of Lent.

Of the second, Juan de Anchieta, born in Guipuzcoa in 1462,

we will listen to a very delicate song,

"With love my mother sleeps me"

while cooking a delicate recipe called Alboronía

Let's get started!

We start with some "Duels and losses",

the dish that as Cervantes tells us, was Don Quixote's nourishment on Saturdays,

before his adventures.

Cut the pork belly and chorizo ​​into small pieces.

Fry first the bpork belly, and when it starts to be toasted

add the chorizo

When both are very well fried, add the beaten eggs and salt.

Put out the fire, because with the heat of the clay

the dish will get ready while we stir.

Let's go with a dish of Arab influence: the Alboronía.

The word Alboronía comes from the arabic word "Al-Baraniya"

which means "true delicacy".

This simple stew is the father of the ratatouille,

still lacking the exotic tomatoes and peppers that were arriving from the New World,

and to which initially only the nobles had access.

But the farmers of our recipe had a few spices to enhance the dish,

as spices were also a treasure at the time.

Let's then prepare the Alboronia

And I keep quiet so you can listen to the music.

For more infomation >> Renacimiento, menú de labradores - Duration: 6:23.


¿Cuáles son las responsabilidades de ciudadanos elegidos para cargos públicos? - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuáles son las responsabilidades de ciudadanos elegidos para cargos públicos? - Duration: 1:53.


"Si je meurs, les gens s'en moquent" : après son message suicidaire du week-end dernier, - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> "Si je meurs, les gens s'en moquent" : après son message suicidaire du week-end dernier, - Duration: 2:15.


Here's the Dirt U of I Extension - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Here's the Dirt U of I Extension - Duration: 5:35.


🔴✅COMO BAJAR LA PRESION ALTA RAPIDAMENTE en Casa | Bajar la Presión Alta Naturalmente - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> 🔴✅COMO BAJAR LA PRESION ALTA RAPIDAMENTE en Casa | Bajar la Presión Alta Naturalmente - Duration: 7:23.


Never Do This When Changing Your Brake Pads - Duration: 5:13.

rev up your engines, Curtis say hey Scotty

what is the strangest homemade repair you had to correct Thanks, I have to say

strangest was somebody did a brake job on their car and they put them on

backwards, and of course when they put them on they stopped

because they're the same shape, but instead of having

the brake pad material squeezing the rotors, it was the metal backing

squeezing it, and of course I had to replace the rotors too cuz the

metal-on-metal ate it all up I do have to say that was probably the

strangest thing, now it can be done you know, you can put them on backwards cuz

they're the same shape it's just that one side has brake pads and the other

has solid metal, so you never want to do something like that on a vehicle you're

working yourself, Westy testy says should I get used

they're completely new tires I need all new four tires, I advise buying new tires,

now here's the thing if you're talking about used tires, why did the person get

rid of the tires in the first place generally cuz they're old and cracked and

they're worn out, now if you live in an area where there's a bunch of rich

people and a bunch of crooked mechanics, hey maybe you can get good used tires, I had

a customer and she did cpa work and one of her clients was this rich guy who was a

millionaire and he had a Volvo, and he took it into these mechanics that were

absolute crooks, this Volvo had 18,000 miles on it and they already sold him

three sets of brake pads, there's no way you can wear them out that fast and three

sets of tires, well now if you could get the used tires from that guy I'm sure they

were really good shape go right ahead, but normally people

get rid of tires cuz they got problems and cracked or worn and you don't want to

buy one of those used tires, but maybe if you can find a

crooked mechanic that takes perfectly good tires off people's cars, sells them

new ones and he sells those go right ahead, mr.

anaconda says which car is more reliable out of a Grand Am, the 3400 or the g6

with the 3,500, the 3400 was a more reliable engine, the 3400 really was one

of the most reliable engines that GM made they're pretty good engines you

know, I mean the rest of the car I'm not in love with, their automatic

transmissions were garbage as they age their electrical systems

tend to go haywire but out of

those, the 3400 was actually a pretty good engine

it's just that the rest of the vehicles weren't all that hot and you know they

don't make them, they haven't made Pontiac for years now, GM decided to stop making

them to cut costs, fresh fiz says Scotty I'm thinking about buying a 2002 BMW m3

with 60,000 kilometers what do you think, okay well the M series were special

series of cars and they are fun to drive, and what 60,000 kilometers is like

32,000 miles that's not much mileage, if you don't have to pay too much, now those

are collectors items so you're gonna have to pay a certain

amount of money, but if you like that type of car and you're not gonna put

heavy mileage on it, say it's gonna be your weekend toy, they can be a very fun

car, I got a customer with one he loves the car, he's nuts about it, so you know his

girlfriend drives something that I think it's a Toyota Highlander and they use

that when they travel around all the place and these the m3 for toy, and it

can be fun you know, just don't pay really really high dollar for it, you're gonna

have to pay something though because they are collectors items

Alexander Dierker says Scotty my wife's 03 Corolla has multiple misfire

codes and is spitting liquid out of the exhausts, never seen this before what could

it be, well sadly that's often a blowing head

gasket, if you get liquid coming out of the back, it doesn't run right it's

almost always a blown head gasket, now you can easily check it yourself I've

got a video, how to tell if your head gasket is blown, and you can get the test

kit from Amazon for like 30 bucks and test it yourself, and if that's the

case, you might think about getting rid of the vehicle because it's gonna cost a

lot of money to tear that engine apart and put it together, and very few guys

these days really know how to rebuild engines, when I was younger it was a lot

easier, they were simple engines, you could take them apart and put them

together in four or five hours, but the new ones are very complex, do that test

first, the Andy Tran episode says Scotty is there any cheap car mods for

an interior to make it a little more unique, sure you can get those cool

lighting kits LED lighting kits with remotes that you can stick all inside

that makes it look unique, the different colors and everything that goes on, or

you can go and get colored LED bulbs and just put different bulbs in where you

want, and there are some very fancy mat systems I put one of my wife's Lexus

that it's got a nice leather underlayment and then the mats snap-on

inside there and it really fixes up a worn down a rug system because it covers

everything up, there's some stuff you can do

without spending a fortune that you can easily do yourself, so if you never want

to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Never Do This When Changing Your Brake Pads - Duration: 5:13.


Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.6 T-GDi 180pk DCT7 DynamicPlusLine - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.6 T-GDi 180pk DCT7 DynamicPlusLine - Duration: 1:13.


Opel Insignia Grand Sport 1.6 Turbo 200pk Start/Stop Business Executive - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Grand Sport 1.6 Turbo 200pk Start/Stop Business Executive - Duration: 1:06.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid Executive - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid Executive - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> CONVERSACIONES GRACIOSAS #1 - Duration: 3:14.


Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk FR - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk FR - Duration: 1:09.


My longest What If I'm the Monster (World Record) by Gabbie Hanna - Duration: 3:36.

*fixing camera*


i want to comit not alive

*closing eyes*

*dancing like an idiot*

wHaT If iM ThE mOn




hohhh mah ged

di-dis vas not subbost to happen *talks with accent*


let me- let me tri uon morr taim okei


*very scared*


*imagnes shes the best singer*

wHaT If iM ThE MoN



dis vas not suppost to happen okei

juan morr taim juan morr taim

*imagines shes the best singer INSENSIFIES*



*laughs in Liliam Pumpalot*


*suprise pikachu*

I dont kno wut is goin on okei

dis is nut suppost tu happen

*says ''dis is not suppost to happen'' for the 69th time*

juan morr taim

*gets ready to hit those notes yasss gurl*






why?? the singing was amazing!

*looks at hands*

*sister scared*



*looks to the left*

*blows air out of mouth*

*blows air out of mouth*

why are we still here? just to suffer




I want to talk to you guys in this video it has been so hard. It's almost been an impossible week.

It's hard – it's the hardest thing I've ever done.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for you guys. I'm so sorry for disappointing you.

I, six years ago, decided to re-tweet things that were so vile and hurtful. I was so stupid and ignorant.

And I have no excuses here today; I'm not here to give you an excuse.


I'm only here to say that I'm so sorry. -Laura Lee

what was that?

tHaT HaS BeEn tHeRe aLl aLoNg


im done writing

For more infomation >> My longest What If I'm the Monster (World Record) by Gabbie Hanna - Duration: 3:36.


Ngỡ ngàng NHỮNG CON HẺM trang trí LỘNG LẪY GIÁNG SINH - Khu người BẮC DI CƯ 1954 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 16:10.

For more infomation >> Ngỡ ngàng NHỮNG CON HẺM trang trí LỘNG LẪY GIÁNG SINH - Khu người BẮC DI CƯ 1954 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 16:10.


2019 Gold's Gym Challenge - Priscilla Harris Finds Motivation In Gold's Gym - Duration: 0:46.

My mom passed away last year in April.

She had six months to live and she passed away in two.

I decided that I would join the Gold's Gym Challenge, it would give me a little motivation.

I knew there was other people doing the Challenge so we could all go through the Challenge together.

I have a two year old son at home.

He is my motivation because I have to be around for him when he gets older just like my mom

was there for me as I grew older.

It changed my life because I feel like if my mom was still here, she'd be proud of me.

Because no matter what happened, I kept going.

This Challenge motivated me and it just inspired me because I know if she was here, she'd

tell me "Good job baby, you did it!

You did it!"

That just changed me because now that I know with this Challenge that I completed, I can

complete anything if I just keep my mind to it.

My name is Priscilla Harris and I won the Gold's Gym Challenge.

I lost 17 pounds and 12 inches in just 12 weeks!

For more infomation >> 2019 Gold's Gym Challenge - Priscilla Harris Finds Motivation In Gold's Gym - Duration: 0:46.


Here's the Dirt U of I Extension - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Here's the Dirt U of I Extension - Duration: 5:35.


How do I reply to a discussion in the Student app on my Apple Device - Duration: 1:03.

- This is a video on how to reply

to a discussion in the Canvas Student app

on an Apple or iOS device.

First, you'll go into the Canvas dashboard

and go in to that particular course.

You'll tap and choose Discussions on the left.

Tap on the specific discussion that you want to reply to.

Towards the top of the page, here

is the Reply button which you will tap on.

Type in your response.

Tap Done.

And now you have replied to a Canvas discussion

in the Canvas Student app on your Apple device.

For more infomation >> How do I reply to a discussion in the Student app on my Apple Device - Duration: 1:03.


How do I send a message in the Student app on my iOS device - Duration: 1:17.

This is a video on how to send a message in the Canvas Student

app on an apple or iOS device.

The first step is to tap on the Inbox option

at the bottom of the screen.

At the top, you're going to tap on the Plus sign

to Create a new message.

You will then Select the course of the person

that you want to send the message to,

the course that you guys are in together.

Under that you will tap on the Plus sign

to choose specifically who you want to send the message to.

From there you would just fill out your message.

And then you would tap Send.

For more infomation >> How do I send a message in the Student app on my iOS device - Duration: 1:17.


How do I reply to an announcement in the Canvas student app for my Apple device - Duration: 1:06.

- You will learn how to reply to an announcement in the Canvas

student app on an Apple device.

This is dependent on whether the instructor has allowed replies

to course announcements.

The first step is to go into the desired course.

You'll tap on the Announcements option on the left,

and then tap on the particular announcement.

You'll tap on the word Reply, and then type your response.

Click the Done button.

And now this is how to post an announcement reply in Canvas.

For more infomation >> How do I reply to an announcement in the Canvas student app for my Apple device - Duration: 1:06.


How do I set my notification preferences in the student app on an iOS device - Duration: 1:14.

- On how to set your notification

preferences in Canvas student app on an Apple device.

To begin, you'll tap on the menu icons on the dashboard.

From there, you'll tap on the settings icon,

which looks like a gear.

You'll then tap on the notification preferences


You'll then tap on the allow notifications in settings.

Make sure to toggle to enable those notifications.

And that is how you enable notifications.

For more infomation >> How do I set my notification preferences in the student app on an iOS device - Duration: 1:14.


How do I schedule a reminder for an assignment in the Student app on my iOS device - Duration: 1:09.

- --video on how to schedule a reminder for an assignment

in the Canvas student app on an Apple device.

The first step is to tap on the particular course

that you want to go into.

From there, you'll tap on the Assignments link

on the left side.

From there, tap on the specific assignment.

And in the top right corner, you'll

see the reminder icon that looks like a clock.

You'll tap on that, and you'll choose

when you want a reminder.

It could be from five minutes until the assignment is due,

one hour until the due date, one day before, or three days.

I'll choose-- you'll choose your option.

And you have now set a reminder.

And now you have set a reminder for yourself.

For more infomation >> How do I schedule a reminder for an assignment in the Student app on my iOS device - Duration: 1:09.


How do I submit assignments in the Canvas student app on my iOS device - Duration: 1:43.

- First you'll select the particular course that you

want from your dashboard.

From there you'll tap on the assignments.

From there you'll tap on the specific assignment

that you're getting ready to submit.

Then tap on the Submission tab on the right side.

You'll then tap up on the Turn In option,

and it brings up the options down below

depending on the type of submission.

Not all submission types are available, necessarily,

on all Apple devices.

From here you can choose from a file upload, media recording,

text entry, or an online URL.

For this example, we'll choose a media recording.

You can choose to record video, or choose a previously recorded

video, or just audio to record.

We would then tap on the record button.

This is a test.

You would tap Use for this example.

And you have submitted your media recording.

For more infomation >> How do I submit assignments in the Canvas student app on my iOS device - Duration: 1:43.


How do I make a comment about an assignment in the Canvas Student app on my Apply device - Duration: 1:02.

- This is a video on how to make a comment about an assignment

in the Canvas Student app on your Apple or iOS device.

On the dashboard, you're going to tap on the course

that you want to go into.

You will then tap on the assignments option on the left.

From there, you'll tap and choose the specific assignment.

From there, you will tap on the submission tab

over on the right side for the assignment.

Choose the Comment option.

Then you can go in and type your comment.

And you'll hit Send.

And there is your message for your Canvas assignment.

For more infomation >> How do I make a comment about an assignment in the Canvas Student app on my Apply device - Duration: 1:02.


How do I set a landing page in the Student app on my iOS device - Duration: 1:08.

- Video on how to set your landing page and your device

page when you go in to Canvas on your mobile app for your Apple

or iOS devices.

The first step is to tap on the Menu icon on your dashboard.

It's in your top-left corner.

It looks like three lines.

And you'll then click on the Settings

icon, which looks like a gear.

From there, you'll tap on the Landing Page option.

And from here, you can choose which

page opens up when you first open up

the Canvas app on your device.

And all you need to do is tap on an option.

You will tap on the Settings option to go back.

Then you'll tap the Done button.

And now you have set your landing page in Canvas.

For more infomation >> How do I set a landing page in the Student app on my iOS device - Duration: 1:08.


MINI 1.6I 163PK Cooper S - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6I 163PK Cooper S - Duration: 1:10.


ASMR ARBY'S Buffalo Chicken Sandwich + Arbynator & Onion Rings Mukbang (No Talking) EATING SOUNDS - Duration: 10:36.

Hey guys! Welcome back ^^

Today is an Arby's mukbang :D

[ Onion Rings ]

[ Buffalo Chicken Sandwhich ]

[ Arbynator ]

Let's eat!!

The first bite of the Buffalo Chicken Sandwich is for you :)

So good! Just the right amount of spice!

Time for one of these crispy looking onion rings :D

They are soo CRUNCHY!

Time for the Arbynator! This is the first time I'm trying this sandwich :)

Yummy! The meat is so tender and juicy!

Onion Ring cheers!

Thanks for watching! <333 See ya on the next one ^^

For more infomation >> ASMR ARBY'S Buffalo Chicken Sandwich + Arbynator & Onion Rings Mukbang (No Talking) EATING SOUNDS - Duration: 10:36.


Returning to the USA After One Year in Brazil - Duration: 11:33.

Hey I'm at South Beach in Miami Florida United States of America.

We are an American family of 7 living, working and loving Brazil. Welcome to theadventures of Our Brazilian Life.

Good morning. I am here at my Airbnb in Miami.

It's this really cute house and I love it because it has a bathtub. Like an actual

bathtub. I have not seen or been in a bathtub since I moved to Brazil. Out of

all the places we've stayed or been to, I have not seen a bathtub. So Brazilians I

want to show you what you will find in every American home and apartment in the

United States. It's a tub. So kids love taking baths and

so do adults. I'm one of them. I love a good hot bath. so I'm gonna show you, in

the bathroom, what a bathtub is check it out. Okay so this is a shower and a bathtub.

So you come, you can close the shower. You can take this off the

handle. Reach those hard-to-reach places. If you want to take a shower.

This is how you turn on the water. So turn this on. First you get the plug

and you stop the water so it won't drain. Then turn on the hot water.

Super stoked I've been taking baths almost every day because I miss it so much.

So don't mind me. I'm gonna go take a bath.

Okay so I went in bought Mr. Teal's epson salt and foam bath so I can get my

soak on. This is eucalyptus and spearmint so this is going to be a good

spa experience right now.

Okay I'm at Starbucks I got a hot chocolate and these amazing egg whites and a donut.

I came walking out of this store and I spotted my old car. I used to have a

gigantic awesome suburban just like this one. Black, it looks exactly the same.

I miss it.

I am on American soil for the first time in 14 months and it feels awesome. It's

been such a great trip. I've been shopping and eating Thai food and Taco

Bell and all the things I can't get in Brazil. I'm here without the kids and the

husband so I've been relaxing, getting my nails done, taking baths coming to the

beach. So it's been an awesome week. I stepped off the plane and people were

speaking English! They were speaking English and I loved it. I could

understand everything and it was great. I miss speaking English. I love learning

Portuguese and I'm slowly learning that too but there is nothing like being home!

South Beach has the cutest lifeguard towers check it out. How fun is that.

I'm getting ready to have lunch at one of my favorite spots. Taco Bell. So my favorite

things at Taco Bell are the Mexican pizza. On point, crispy, crunchy, delicious

and a chalupa. So I'm getting ready to eat. I'm super excited. My other favorite

things about Taco Bell is the hot sauce packages. Because they always have cute

little messages on them. This one says "I'm the hot one" and this one says

"Are you going to finish that?"I think it's funny. It's cute.

You don't need these jackets in Brazil at all.

I'm up in Costco. This used to be my favorite store.

I shopped here all the time for clothes and food. I'm super excited to be back. There's a

store that's similar to this in Brazil it's called Atacadão and they sell

bulk foods. Okay this is what I came here for.

I miss my North American cheese. Check this out.

We have Havarti. We've got provolone, feta. Oh, I've missed you so much.

And, extra sharp cheddar cheese. Oh yeah, oh yeah!

That's the other thing I miss; all the free samples. All the free samples at

Costco are awesome! Pretty much just come here for lunch.

You guys this is like home to me I'm like so nostalgic right now walking through

Costco looking at all the food we used to eat. Eggnog.

Alright, so I'm in Miami and of course I had to find a Brazilian restaurant to

see if they really know how to make Brazilian food and now I can be the

judge of that. So here we are, we're at a restaurant called Boteca Copacabana.

Boteca Copacabana.

Hello. Brazilian restaurant?

Do you speak Portuguese?

I'm checking out their menu and they have pão de queijo, coxinha de frango.

They have picanha. They also have grilled chicken, chicken stroganoff.

They have all kinds of good stuff and also I see that they have moqueca.

They have moqueca with shrimp. Around $31. I just got my food and it looks delicious. Let's see how it tastes.

That's great! That is really good. The shrimp was

delicious and look what I'm having for dessert. Brigadeiro. Let's see

if they know how to make it right it's very good and it tastes like

Brazilian brigadeiro.

I am in the airplane right now I'm flying with LATAM

all the way back to my home in Salvador Brazil. It was a great weekend in Miami

Florida. It was good to be back on US soil. I had a wonderful week. It was just

me, no kids, no husband and so I got to relax and chill and read books go to the

beach, take baths but then I also got Christmas shopping done.

I got a lot of things done as well and I love Miami. It was really cool, really

diverse and beautiful. It reminded me a little bit of Brazil with just all the

palm trees and the tropical weather.

I was super stoked to eat some of my

favorite foods that I haven't had in over a year, which of course would be

Taco Bell, Thai food and lots of cheese. So all the cheeses that I can't find in

Brazil, good cheddar, Havarti, Gouda so I had a great time back in my country and

I love it. I love the United States and I love Brazil and I feel really blessed

to get to experience both. I am headed home to Salvador. I'm on this awesome new

flight it's a direct flight from Salvador to Miami so I'm gonna fly

through the night and wake up in Salvador and that'll be perfect.

One quick question, if any of you know where to find any Thai food in Salvador

please let me know. Thai food or Indian food. I miss that so much so if you know

of any restaurants please let me know in the comments and love you guys. See you soon. Tchau.

For more infomation >> Returning to the USA After One Year in Brazil - Duration: 11:33.


Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Catcher | Navigatie | Panoramadak | Parkeersensoren V+A - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Catcher | Navigatie | Panoramadak | Parkeersensoren V+A - Duration: 0:53.


R. I. P. to Rip it - Duration: 2:41.

haha I stumbled across this little beauty on the Internet today

come on rip it what are you thinking press F down to pay respects just cuz

you F-ed up? if you want to get bodied allow me to bury you. You are the main

cause of mid-mission diarrhea ever sit next to a guy in a Humvee going 60 miles

an hour in a dirt road while he's trying to take a shit in an ammo can in a hundred

forty degree weather? thanks rip it! the only reason you

relevant is because the US military didn't want to dish out top dollar for

red bull. Your original flavors were citrus-x and power. Powers not even a flavor

it was red and it tastes like expired children's cough syrup. The only place

your sold in the United States are corner store bodegas in the hood and

dollar stores shelves at room temperature. Drinking a Rip-it is a lot

like drinking a 40-ounce. it's cool furnace nostalgic purposes but

if you're drinking it on the daily your life is taking a turn for the worse.

Rip-it is the domestic violence of energy drinks. it's the white wife beater with

yellow stains on i.t you're a barbed wire tattoo. you're like

an incest kiss goodnight. you're like saying thank you for your service to a

guard outside a concentration camp. the only thing getting buried in that photo

are my taste buds after drinking a Rip-it and having that whole first layer

of skin come off your tongue. every time I drink a rip-it I have to brush rat shit

off the top of the can, I don't even know where else rats shit! four or five

doctors recommend Rip-its to induce vomiting

you're the reason every deployed soldier is guaranteed 20% disability from the VA

side effects of drinking a Rip-it may include butt chugging dip spit. NASCAR

Tourette's, where you randomly screen Dale Jr. and make left-hand turns for

the next three and a half hours. Allowing your children to wear Ed Hardy gear

you dip peach flavored skulls pouches TBI from crushing too many bush lite

cans against your skull. females using Rip-it may observe several changes

notify your doctor if you... publicly brag about having massive shifts. have over

aggressive urine streams, basically sounds like a pressure washer going

across the top of a pool tarp. leaving used tampons or pads on top of the trash

bin in the bathroom so the rest of the house

Woo! I'm parched mmmm

don't mind if I do. oh! it tastes like PTSD. makes me want to play with c4 and

blow up some shi. boop, drop charge this tastes like how Eagles fuck, like a day

out on the range, reminds me of boning that specialist

from the S2 shop during a sandstorm

For more infomation >> R. I. P. to Rip it - Duration: 2:41.



For more infomation >> OUR FIRST VLOG! | WIFEY HITS A MILESTONE | JOIN THE FAM - Duration: 19:21.


How do I reply to a message in the Canvas student app on my apple device - Duration: 1:05.

- --on how to reply to a message in the Canvas student app

on an Apple device.

The first step is to tap on the Inbox option at the bottom.

And then you can tap on the particular message.

At the bottom of the message, there is the word Reply.

You'll tap on the word Reply, then type in your response

and hit Send.

And that is how you reply to a message in the Canvas student


For more infomation >> How do I reply to a message in the Canvas student app on my apple device - Duration: 1:05.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comfort NL-Auto!! Climate/cruise - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comfort NL-Auto!! Climate/cruise - Duration: 0:49.


string art diseño o boceto cubo de metatron by jorge de la tierra - Duration: 4:02.

hello such friends welcome to a new tutorial on how to perform

designs or sketches for string art works, today we will make the cube of

metatron, for this we will use a table of dimensions 62 x 60 centimeters

The first thing we are going to do is leave a margin of the horizontal sides and

the vertical sides of 2 centimeters

then we will draw the diagonals to find the center and we will also trace the

vertical axis that in this case will have a distance of 29 centimeters

from the center we will build a circumference of radius 56 centimeters

and then with the help of the transporter we are going to subdivide that circumference into

angles of 60 degrees, we will draw two diagonals from the points that

we marked previously

now we will build two more circles from the central with the same

radius 5.6 centimeters, two of this side of the bottom two of the part

upper and two in the diagonals of the lower part as in the part



now we will join the center points of the outer circumferences

to build a hexagon, we just have to make some divisions to

Then place the nails. for this work we will use the following

number of nails or nails: for the central circumference we will use 12

one-inch nails separated one from the other 30 degrees and for the

outermost circumferences we will use 18 nails for each of

they separated one from the other 20 degrees and a 2 inch nail in the

center of each of the circumferences except the

Circumference centers, in total for this work we will use 240 nails. if you

like this video do not forget to give me like subscribe to my channel activate the option

of notifications so that when you upload another video you are aware. never forget

share thanks



For more infomation >> string art diseño o boceto cubo de metatron by jorge de la tierra - Duration: 4:02.



For more infomation >> COMO PEGAR O EMBLEMA VISÃO DE MEYRIN - DESTINY 2 - PC - Duration: 1:15.


Quem Deve Ficar Na Sua Empresa? - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Quem Deve Ficar Na Sua Empresa? - Duration: 2:07.


Lívia Andrade Descobre Quem Fez Denúncia Grave contra Ela e Vai até Silvio Santos e é ignorada - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Lívia Andrade Descobre Quem Fez Denúncia Grave contra Ela e Vai até Silvio Santos e é ignorada - Duration: 1:26.



In this Episode we'll explain how to make parts

with fiberglass and how to properly use fiberglass

Run the Intro!


to a new Episode of FC Autos

and today we'll explain how you can make

parts with fiberglass

or how can you use fiberglass

to make whatever you want to

This Episode was brought to you once again

thanks to our Partnership with

with Valvoline!

Valvoline thanks again so much for

partnering with us

we remind you that in Team Valvoline .com

they have a tab called Night School

with DIY videos in English & Spanish

and we've already made a DIY video

that you can watch on their site

we also remind you about their new Instagram

page in Spanish @ Garage Valvoline

and if you subscribe to them

please let them know you're there because of FC Autos

we've already seen some of your comments

in their Instagram page and we've been giving them a Like

Ok, then. This is what we're going to need

For more infomation >> COMO USAR FIBRA DE VIDRIO EN AUTOS (COMPLETO) - Duration: 24:31.


Go Vacation | Wii | #31 (Comentado) - O Final - Duration: 44:58.

For more infomation >> Go Vacation | Wii | #31 (Comentado) - O Final - Duration: 44:58.


Returning to the USA After One Year in Brazil - Duration: 11:33.

Hey I'm at South Beach in Miami Florida United States of America.

We are an American family of 7 living, working and loving Brazil. Welcome to theadventures of Our Brazilian Life.

Good morning. I am here at my Airbnb in Miami.

It's this really cute house and I love it because it has a bathtub. Like an actual

bathtub. I have not seen or been in a bathtub since I moved to Brazil. Out of

all the places we've stayed or been to, I have not seen a bathtub. So Brazilians I

want to show you what you will find in every American home and apartment in the

United States. It's a tub. So kids love taking baths and

so do adults. I'm one of them. I love a good hot bath. so I'm gonna show you, in

the bathroom, what a bathtub is check it out. Okay so this is a shower and a bathtub.

So you come, you can close the shower. You can take this off the

handle. Reach those hard-to-reach places. If you want to take a shower.

This is how you turn on the water. So turn this on. First you get the plug

and you stop the water so it won't drain. Then turn on the hot water.

Super stoked I've been taking baths almost every day because I miss it so much.

So don't mind me. I'm gonna go take a bath.

Okay so I went in bought Mr. Teal's epson salt and foam bath so I can get my

soak on. This is eucalyptus and spearmint so this is going to be a good

spa experience right now.

Okay I'm at Starbucks I got a hot chocolate and these amazing egg whites and a donut.

I came walking out of this store and I spotted my old car. I used to have a

gigantic awesome suburban just like this one. Black, it looks exactly the same.

I miss it.

I am on American soil for the first time in 14 months and it feels awesome. It's

been such a great trip. I've been shopping and eating Thai food and Taco

Bell and all the things I can't get in Brazil. I'm here without the kids and the

husband so I've been relaxing, getting my nails done, taking baths coming to the

beach. So it's been an awesome week. I stepped off the plane and people were

speaking English! They were speaking English and I loved it. I could

understand everything and it was great. I miss speaking English. I love learning

Portuguese and I'm slowly learning that too but there is nothing like being home!

South Beach has the cutest lifeguard towers check it out. How fun is that.

I'm getting ready to have lunch at one of my favorite spots. Taco Bell. So my favorite

things at Taco Bell are the Mexican pizza. On point, crispy, crunchy, delicious

and a chalupa. So I'm getting ready to eat. I'm super excited. My other favorite

things about Taco Bell is the hot sauce packages. Because they always have cute

little messages on them. This one says "I'm the hot one" and this one says

"Are you going to finish that?"I think it's funny. It's cute.

You don't need these jackets in Brazil at all.

I'm up in Costco. This used to be my favorite store.

I shopped here all the time for clothes and food. I'm super excited to be back. There's a

store that's similar to this in Brazil it's called Atacadão and they sell

bulk foods. Okay this is what I came here for.

I miss my North American cheese. Check this out.

We have Havarti. We've got provolone, feta. Oh, I've missed you so much.

And, extra sharp cheddar cheese. Oh yeah, oh yeah!

That's the other thing I miss; all the free samples. All the free samples at

Costco are awesome! Pretty much just come here for lunch.

You guys this is like home to me I'm like so nostalgic right now walking through

Costco looking at all the food we used to eat. Eggnog.

Alright, so I'm in Miami and of course I had to find a Brazilian restaurant to

see if they really know how to make Brazilian food and now I can be the

judge of that. So here we are, we're at a restaurant called Boteca Copacabana.

Boteca Copacabana.

Hello. Brazilian restaurant?

Do you speak Portuguese?

I'm checking out their menu and they have pão de queijo, coxinha de frango.

They have picanha. They also have grilled chicken, chicken stroganoff.

They have all kinds of good stuff and also I see that they have moqueca.

They have moqueca with shrimp. Around $31. I just got my food and it looks delicious. Let's see how it tastes.

That's great! That is really good. The shrimp was

delicious and look what I'm having for dessert. Brigadeiro. Let's see

if they know how to make it right it's very good and it tastes like

Brazilian brigadeiro.

I am in the airplane right now I'm flying with LATAM

all the way back to my home in Salvador Brazil. It was a great weekend in Miami

Florida. It was good to be back on US soil. I had a wonderful week. It was just

me, no kids, no husband and so I got to relax and chill and read books go to the

beach, take baths but then I also got Christmas shopping done.

I got a lot of things done as well and I love Miami. It was really cool, really

diverse and beautiful. It reminded me a little bit of Brazil with just all the

palm trees and the tropical weather.

I was super stoked to eat some of my

favorite foods that I haven't had in over a year, which of course would be

Taco Bell, Thai food and lots of cheese. So all the cheeses that I can't find in

Brazil, good cheddar, Havarti, Gouda so I had a great time back in my country and

I love it. I love the United States and I love Brazil and I feel really blessed

to get to experience both. I am headed home to Salvador. I'm on this awesome new

flight it's a direct flight from Salvador to Miami so I'm gonna fly

through the night and wake up in Salvador and that'll be perfect.

One quick question, if any of you know where to find any Thai food in Salvador

please let me know. Thai food or Indian food. I miss that so much so if you know

of any restaurants please let me know in the comments and love you guys. See you soon. Tchau.

For more infomation >> Returning to the USA After One Year in Brazil - Duration: 11:33.


🔴✅COMO BAJAR LA PRESION ALTA RAPIDAMENTE en Casa | Bajar la Presión Alta Naturalmente - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> 🔴✅COMO BAJAR LA PRESION ALTA RAPIDAMENTE en Casa | Bajar la Presión Alta Naturalmente - Duration: 7:23.


Safety a top concern after Durham townhouse engulfed with flames in Christmas tree fire - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Safety a top concern after Durham townhouse engulfed with flames in Christmas tree fire - Duration: 2:07.


Seu Siriri - Edson Duarte - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Seu Siriri - Edson Duarte - Duration: 2:17.


Man In Custody After Attempting To Enter Cockpit On Flight That Landed In Chicago - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Man In Custody After Attempting To Enter Cockpit On Flight That Landed In Chicago - Duration: 2:43.


みずのほとり #2「Down By The Bay #2」 | こどものうた | Super Simple 日本語 - Duration: 2:42.

down by the bay

where the watermelons grow

back to my home

I dare not go

my mother

would ask me

"Did you ever see a bee drinking some tea?"

down by the bay

where the watermelons grow

back to my home

I dare not go

my mother

would ask me

"Did you ever see a fish washing a dish?"

down by the bay

where the watermelons grow

back to my home

I dare not go

my mother

would ask me

"Did you ever see a snail delivering the mail?"

down by the bay

where the watermelons grow

back to my home

I dare not go

my mother

would ask me

"Did you ever see a dog out for a jog?"

down by the bay

where the watermelons grow

back to my home

I dare not go

my mother

would ask me

"Did you ever see a cow taking a bow?"

down by the bay

where the watermelons grow

back to my home

I dare not go

my mother

would ask me

"Did you ever see a sloth folding clothes?"

did you see?

did you see?

For more infomation >> みずのほとり #2「Down By The Bay #2」 | こどものうた | Super Simple 日本語 - Duration: 2:42.


Never Do This When Changing Your Brake Pads - Duration: 5:13.

rev up your engines, Curtis say hey Scotty

what is the strangest homemade repair you had to correct Thanks, I have to say

strangest was somebody did a brake job on their car and they put them on

backwards, and of course when they put them on they stopped

because they're the same shape, but instead of having

the brake pad material squeezing the rotors, it was the metal backing

squeezing it, and of course I had to replace the rotors too cuz the

metal-on-metal ate it all up I do have to say that was probably the

strangest thing, now it can be done you know, you can put them on backwards cuz

they're the same shape it's just that one side has brake pads and the other

has solid metal, so you never want to do something like that on a vehicle you're

working yourself, Westy testy says should I get used

they're completely new tires I need all new four tires, I advise buying new tires,

now here's the thing if you're talking about used tires, why did the person get

rid of the tires in the first place generally cuz they're old and cracked and

they're worn out, now if you live in an area where there's a bunch of rich

people and a bunch of crooked mechanics, hey maybe you can get good used tires, I had

a customer and she did cpa work and one of her clients was this rich guy who was a

millionaire and he had a Volvo, and he took it into these mechanics that were

absolute crooks, this Volvo had 18,000 miles on it and they already sold him

three sets of brake pads, there's no way you can wear them out that fast and three

sets of tires, well now if you could get the used tires from that guy I'm sure they

were really good shape go right ahead, but normally people

get rid of tires cuz they got problems and cracked or worn and you don't want to

buy one of those used tires, but maybe if you can find a

crooked mechanic that takes perfectly good tires off people's cars, sells them

new ones and he sells those go right ahead, mr.

anaconda says which car is more reliable out of a Grand Am, the 3400 or the g6

with the 3,500, the 3400 was a more reliable engine, the 3400 really was one

of the most reliable engines that GM made they're pretty good engines you

know, I mean the rest of the car I'm not in love with, their automatic

transmissions were garbage as they age their electrical systems

tend to go haywire but out of

those, the 3400 was actually a pretty good engine

it's just that the rest of the vehicles weren't all that hot and you know they

don't make them, they haven't made Pontiac for years now, GM decided to stop making

them to cut costs, fresh fiz says Scotty I'm thinking about buying a 2002 BMW m3

with 60,000 kilometers what do you think, okay well the M series were special

series of cars and they are fun to drive, and what 60,000 kilometers is like

32,000 miles that's not much mileage, if you don't have to pay too much, now those

are collectors items so you're gonna have to pay a certain

amount of money, but if you like that type of car and you're not gonna put

heavy mileage on it, say it's gonna be your weekend toy, they can be a very fun

car, I got a customer with one he loves the car, he's nuts about it, so you know his

girlfriend drives something that I think it's a Toyota Highlander and they use

that when they travel around all the place and these the m3 for toy, and it

can be fun you know, just don't pay really really high dollar for it, you're gonna

have to pay something though because they are collectors items

Alexander Dierker says Scotty my wife's 03 Corolla has multiple misfire

codes and is spitting liquid out of the exhausts, never seen this before what could

it be, well sadly that's often a blowing head

gasket, if you get liquid coming out of the back, it doesn't run right it's

almost always a blown head gasket, now you can easily check it yourself I've

got a video, how to tell if your head gasket is blown, and you can get the test

kit from Amazon for like 30 bucks and test it yourself, and if that's the

case, you might think about getting rid of the vehicle because it's gonna cost a

lot of money to tear that engine apart and put it together, and very few guys

these days really know how to rebuild engines, when I was younger it was a lot

easier, they were simple engines, you could take them apart and put them

together in four or five hours, but the new ones are very complex, do that test

first, the Andy Tran episode says Scotty is there any cheap car mods for

an interior to make it a little more unique, sure you can get those cool

lighting kits LED lighting kits with remotes that you can stick all inside

that makes it look unique, the different colors and everything that goes on, or

you can go and get colored LED bulbs and just put different bulbs in where you

want, and there are some very fancy mat systems I put one of my wife's Lexus

that it's got a nice leather underlayment and then the mats snap-on

inside there and it really fixes up a worn down a rug system because it covers

everything up, there's some stuff you can do

without spending a fortune that you can easily do yourself, so if you never want

to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Never Do This When Changing Your Brake Pads - Duration: 5:13.


School Bus, Trucks, Excavator, Bus,Ambulance & Sport Car Toy Vehicles for Kids - Video for Kids - Duration: 4:03.

School Bus, Trucks, Excavator, Bus,Ambulance & Sport Car Toy Vehicles for Kids - Video for Kids

For more infomation >> School Bus, Trucks, Excavator, Bus,Ambulance & Sport Car Toy Vehicles for Kids - Video for Kids - Duration: 4:03.


Tercios Españoles, siglo XVII - Zvezda, 1/72 - - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Tercios Españoles, siglo XVII - Zvezda, 1/72 - - Duration: 3:51.


Through Movement | Arts in Context Shorts - Duration: 4:41.

- Five, six, seven, eight (clapping)

I take emotions that are in peoples' bodies.

I locate them in their muscles

and I'm able to pull them out,

sometimes with my hands, moving their bodies around.

Sometimes it takes questioning.

Sometimes it takes discovery through movement.

And, once I can do that with individuals,

then I can do that with groups.

And what that does is creates this space

for people to just kind of be themselves.

Five, six, here we go and

(clapping and stomping)


One more time?

That was good, but are you breathing?

Did you breathe?

Cause if you don't breathe when you do this dance,

you will die. (group laughing)

You will.

There's no way, there's no way

that you're going to make it.

You gonna hold you're breath like this

and the curtain gonna close

and the lights are gonna go out

and you're gonna go (laughing)

Don't do it.

Dance saved my life.

I would be a statistic or I just wouldn't have,

I would have taken my life already,

if I didn't have this thing.

I see it in other people.

And people think that

because you go through certain things.

You have certain trauma in your upbringing

or maybe even in your adult life or young adult life

that that's who you are.

It's not necessarily who you are,

but it's also not something to run away from.

And, so, what movement does is

it takes the truth out of that.

It funnels it into beauty and then

it puts it out as light into the world

for other people to see and relate to.

I believe that movement is way better than words,

because it gets past the pre-frontal cortex

which is like our language barrier.

Here comes the psychologist in me, right?


(soft piano music)

You ask me ten, five years ago

if I was ever gonna have a company

and I would say no.

Like adamantly, I do not want that.

Because I understood what my dance teachers did for me

and I just didn't feel like I had enough

or was qualified enough or was just enough, in general,

in order to do that for other people.

Because what dance did, it revolutionized my life.

It revolutionized the way that I see the world.

Don't try to make both legs leap.

Instead of going back up like this,

go up like this.

Did you see that?


Okay, so we have step, put the flat step,

go to a kick, a kick.

Flex the hip inside.

Put the femur inside of the hip.

So drop this down and then, yep, inside.

There you go.

(soft piano music)

- Like I feel more confident.

I feel more supported as a team.

Like I really feel like that we are a team,

like we're more so like a family,

because we're so in-sync with each other.

- For me, everything's like theory.

Then I come into class and you, basically,

you knew what I've been thinking about.

And all of a sudden, you're like pulling it out of my brain

and putting it inside of my body

and teaching me what that looks like,

what shifting energy looks like,

what healing and recognizing your emotions looks like

- We come here and we get healing

if we're having a bad day.

But what you've taught me to do is to come back

After you've been healed

and you think you're fine, come back.

If you're stressed the next day, come back

to push and grow and become that new person

while accepting who I am now.

- [Sade] Dance was a way for me to express.

Dance was a way for me to connect

with those feelings and actually feel those feelings

and not say, okay, I'm processing through

or people like to say I'm doing the work,

but like, actually get in there,

let those feelings out in a very safe way

and then turn them into something beautiful

and turn them into something useful.

So that way, dance is not just about entertainment.

Dance is about healing,

because that's what art is for anyway.

(uplifting piano music)

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