rev up your engines, Curtis say hey Scotty
what is the strangest homemade repair you had to correct Thanks, I have to say
strangest was somebody did a brake job on their car and they put them on
backwards, and of course when they put them on they stopped
because they're the same shape, but instead of having
the brake pad material squeezing the rotors, it was the metal backing
squeezing it, and of course I had to replace the rotors too cuz the
metal-on-metal ate it all up I do have to say that was probably the
strangest thing, now it can be done you know, you can put them on backwards cuz
they're the same shape it's just that one side has brake pads and the other
has solid metal, so you never want to do something like that on a vehicle you're
working yourself, Westy testy says should I get used
they're completely new tires I need all new four tires, I advise buying new tires,
now here's the thing if you're talking about used tires, why did the person get
rid of the tires in the first place generally cuz they're old and cracked and
they're worn out, now if you live in an area where there's a bunch of rich
people and a bunch of crooked mechanics, hey maybe you can get good used tires, I had
a customer and she did cpa work and one of her clients was this rich guy who was a
millionaire and he had a Volvo, and he took it into these mechanics that were
absolute crooks, this Volvo had 18,000 miles on it and they already sold him
three sets of brake pads, there's no way you can wear them out that fast and three
sets of tires, well now if you could get the used tires from that guy I'm sure they
were really good shape go right ahead, but normally people
get rid of tires cuz they got problems and cracked or worn and you don't want to
buy one of those used tires, but maybe if you can find a
crooked mechanic that takes perfectly good tires off people's cars, sells them
new ones and he sells those go right ahead, mr.
anaconda says which car is more reliable out of a Grand Am, the 3400 or the g6
with the 3,500, the 3400 was a more reliable engine, the 3400 really was one
of the most reliable engines that GM made they're pretty good engines you
know, I mean the rest of the car I'm not in love with, their automatic
transmissions were garbage as they age their electrical systems
tend to go haywire but out of
those, the 3400 was actually a pretty good engine
it's just that the rest of the vehicles weren't all that hot and you know they
don't make them, they haven't made Pontiac for years now, GM decided to stop making
them to cut costs, fresh fiz says Scotty I'm thinking about buying a 2002 BMW m3
with 60,000 kilometers what do you think, okay well the M series were special
series of cars and they are fun to drive, and what 60,000 kilometers is like
32,000 miles that's not much mileage, if you don't have to pay too much, now those
are collectors items so you're gonna have to pay a certain
amount of money, but if you like that type of car and you're not gonna put
heavy mileage on it, say it's gonna be your weekend toy, they can be a very fun
car, I got a customer with one he loves the car, he's nuts about it, so you know his
girlfriend drives something that I think it's a Toyota Highlander and they use
that when they travel around all the place and these the m3 for toy, and it
can be fun you know, just don't pay really really high dollar for it, you're gonna
have to pay something though because they are collectors items
Alexander Dierker says Scotty my wife's 03 Corolla has multiple misfire
codes and is spitting liquid out of the exhausts, never seen this before what could
it be, well sadly that's often a blowing head
gasket, if you get liquid coming out of the back, it doesn't run right it's
almost always a blown head gasket, now you can easily check it yourself I've
got a video, how to tell if your head gasket is blown, and you can get the test
kit from Amazon for like 30 bucks and test it yourself, and if that's the
case, you might think about getting rid of the vehicle because it's gonna cost a
lot of money to tear that engine apart and put it together, and very few guys
these days really know how to rebuild engines, when I was younger it was a lot
easier, they were simple engines, you could take them apart and put them
together in four or five hours, but the new ones are very complex, do that test
first, the Andy Tran episode says Scotty is there any cheap car mods for
an interior to make it a little more unique, sure you can get those cool
lighting kits LED lighting kits with remotes that you can stick all inside
that makes it look unique, the different colors and everything that goes on, or
you can go and get colored LED bulbs and just put different bulbs in where you
want, and there are some very fancy mat systems I put one of my wife's Lexus
that it's got a nice leather underlayment and then the mats snap-on
inside there and it really fixes up a worn down a rug system because it covers
everything up, there's some stuff you can do
without spending a fortune that you can easily do yourself, so if you never want
to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
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