men are talking and here's what they want hi I'm Jaki Sabourin and I've posted
over a hundred videos on my youtube channel engaged at any age and here's
what I discovered then in the comment section men are posting common these
comments are gold because they're telling us exactly what they want from
us so here's what I did for you I took my top three most popular videos and
repurposed them for you because they're home run so if you want to attract a man
that will love cherish and adore you without feeling needy and desperate I
want you to watch these three free videos and the first one is how to take
your power back I'll see you in the video hi ladies Jaki Sabourin here how
are you doing today I'm so excited to make this video for you I want to talk
to you about how to take your power back when he's pulling away oh my gosh this
is so hard to do because we tend to get attached very quickly if special
sleeping like a guy but that's not like the worst thing you can do in dating is
to get attached so you need to know how to take your power back when you fill
him pulling away and so you know we just want to examine why we do this to begin
with we have to really start to look at why we have this neurotic need neurotic
need for men to to respond to us to reach out to it to constantly reassure
us that they're into us if they like us but they here the thing with this is is
that it pushes men away in that process when we have this this unconscious
neurotic need for their approval for their attention Anya don't get me wrong
it feels good to have a man into you like you chasing you and wanting you and
until you have that feeling until you know that he's chasing you and you're
going after you and wanting you then you need to remain detached because
otherwise we get a little crazy right and what happens is we become powerless
in that process and we because we give up our power because we're pretty much
putting now all of our power into whether or not or all of our self-worth
and our self-esteem into whether or not they're getting back to us or they're
pursuing us so when they start to pull away
what you need to do here's the big cliffhanger you need to do nothing
doing nothing is something believe me it is and it takes a lot of mastery I guess
to do nothing and so when a man starts to pull away what I do is just I let him
to see how far he'll go because in that process of whatever he's doing if he's
feeling fear or if he's not sure about you whatever's going on the worst thing
you can do is chart to go towards him and it seems like that's what you should
do you want to reach out and touch face make up some kind of excuse why you
should get in touch with him so that you can reestablish that content can't
contact a cun connection sorry so you're trying to reestablish that connection
but in the process of doing that you end up chasing him and you give your power
away and you start to feel powerless and then he's got the upper hand and what
happens is your emotion starts to come in to play so you're you're not in the
driver's seat anymore your emotions are in the driver's seat and it makes you
feel worthless right and so you you want to show it more confidently and so
basically it really comes down to a detaching from from the relationship
unless it's a committed inclusive relationship and you're just dating you
need to keep dating other men need to keep fostering your relationships with
your girlfriend's you need to continue to to go out and do things for yourself
and to really train yourself away from constantly looking at your phone trying
to you know trying to establish some kind of connection with him have you
ever done this have you ever been sitting there and you're like okay I'm
not even gonna bother I'm done with this you put your phone down and you go out
and then you come back and boom there it is there's there's the text from him or
he called you it's uncanny because it's energy so if he pulls away and you move
towards him he's gonna sense it back up even more so you really need to to just
inspire him to reach back out to you by doing nothing for one but also when
you're with him you're wanting to notice things about him that makes him feel
special I mean when my husband does things for me and
I really make a big deal out of it because I wanted to keep doing those
things and so when you don't want to make it easy for them though you want
them to work for it men do like to work for it so and doing things on dates like
especially when you're dating them especially when you first start dating
you want to make sure that you are allowing him to lead you're leaning back
and you're just inviting him into your space into your beautiful wonderful
space where he can do for you and when he does things for you like pull out
your chair or notice something about you or give the card or or pick up the tab
that's when you gush that's and you say thank you so much you're such a
gentleman men love to hear that and it's how you make him feel that's going to
want to bring him back but when he senses that you are into him overly into
him or you're you have you already like him and you're showing him if you say I
love you before he does or if you're asking him out or asking him questions
that might indicate to him they're little jealous or you don't trust him or
anything like that it's definitely gonna push him away because he's gonna feel
like he's losing his freedom with you already and you haven't even gotten
started and so you just have to remember that he's the one is the doer and you're
the receiver and as long as did that receiving and you'll be you'll be fine
and believe me there's a lot of information that you need to know about
when he isn't reaching out to you it could mean several several things one it
could mean that he's interested in somebody else and he's dating other
women which is likely because you're dating also you have to remember that
he's dating other women and two if he in not you know when he pulls away and he
doesn't come back around that's the information you need to see you need to
know whether he's really into you or not and that's why if you reach out to him
before he comes back around you will never have that information because
it'll be you you're the one who instigated that you're the one who you
you know got that ball rolling again and he'll respond to you assure each like hi
nice to hear from you Linda and he'll be like yeah that's nice but you didn't he
didn't initiate it and so it's gonna feel it's gonna feel like you're
pursuing him and so he's kind of fizzling it's gonna make
him to be less interested in you and it's just the dynamics that we there
between men and women you just have to to just get on board with the way men
and women interact with each other I mean not caring about whether he likes
you or not not caring whether anybody likes you or not I mean that's what it
comes down to it's like it stopped being so concerned you know if he likes you or
not I mean you're out there to win it you're out there to meet him an amazing
man to get into a relationship until that man shows you that he's interested
in you and then he wants to make plans with you and be with you you need to not
show so much concern not take anything personal you've got to stay really
neutral because it's in that space that he senses that's what creates attention
and I just made a video about how to keep the tension on that's what keeps
the tension on is your lack of concern so nothing you don't care about him or
dating or being in a relationship it's that you don't care about whether or not
he gets back to you because until he prose and he's worked for it then then
you don't really want to be with him anyway because you that's gonna show you
a lot about what he's going to be like in a relationship with you he's not
gonna pursue it he's gonna get lazy he's going to not step up and that's gonna
drive you crazy and so that's that's that's I know it's really hard to do
this and it's easier said than done right I can sit here and tell you all
day like you know to to not text him and not call him not care but the truth is
that dating is can be really challenging it can be really hard but it is so worth
it because there's love at the end of it when you master this skill set and
that's what it is this is a skill set it's like if you go into a practice by
going out going out to a bar and flirt with reckless abandon and just don't
care if what if they like you or not don't care if the man's not interested
in you wink at him wave at him say hi who cares right who cares is such a
powerful word in dating you buddy use the who cares who cares
in that who cares there's so much freedom in it he sees it
you're really not attached to an outcome and and when you do that he's gonna come
back around it's gonna be more interested in trying to win you over and
so you really want to it just feels so much better it feels so much better when
you're the in that who cares who cares if you like me mode versus I hope you
like me I hope you like me do you see how that energy feels different well men
can feel that and that's why it's so important that you practice this I
recommend that you go up this weekend go out tonight and and go to a really busy
bar and not for the purpose of picking up a man or anything like that just go
and be flirtatious and fun and smile and laugh and banter with the waiters and
the waitstaff and the people that are there men or women and just don't worry
about it stop worrying about how you look and how
you're coming across to people just stop caring about what everybody thinks about
you only care what you think about you because when you care about you think
about you others can sense it may consist sense that vibe it's very
attractive and it's very confident and it's like I
love me I accept me and Here I am and and men love that okay the most average
women that you think that you know you see women out there that are like well
what does she have that I don't know but they have these amazing men because they
have that they know the key to keeping a man interested in them is developing
their own interest having their own lives and not placing their emotional
wholeness in a man's hands he cannot be everything all that to you my husband is
and I'm there for me and and and he knows that and it keeps the tension on
after six years we have a relief I'm healthy a lot of tension relationship
like he can't wait to come home at night to see me it's because I don't place my
happiness in his hand then he knows that and a lot of times I'm like go ahead you
know I don't care because I in my life I my life to live and it's a great life
because I created it and it's you don't feel happy about your life and
you can change that because you're the creator of your life you can change your
life just it's one step at a time ladies do you need more from me if you leave a
question in the comment box below I'll be sure to answer it also don't forget
to subscribe to my channel so you never miss an episode and today I want to give
you a gift my ebook single two committed seven steps to attract and keep the love
of your life this is the exact method I used to
attract my soulmate Michael okay ladies I'll see you in the next
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