Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 20 2018

 Dietro la durissima trattativa sulla manovra economica dell'Italia tra Bruxelles e il governo Lega-M5s (trattativa, ora, che pare conclusa), ci sarebbe una partita ben più grande che Matteo Salvini vuol giocarsi in tempi brevi e punta dritto ai palazzi del potere dell'Unione europea

Nella Lega sono sempre più convinti che dopo le prossime elezioni Europee ci sarà un'Europa ben diversa da quella di oggi

Secondo il retroscena di Augusto Minzolini sul Giornale, tra le fila del Carroccio non manca chi insiste nel far la voce grossa con Bruxelles, rinviando la resa dei conti al 2020: "Se vogliono il 2% - avrebbe detto infervorato il viceministro dello Sviluppo, il leghista Dario Galli - e non il 2,04, diamoglielo, dicendoci che ci fanno pena

Anche perché poi i conti si vedranno nel consuntivo che non arriverà prima del 2020

E a quel punto a Bruxelles non ci saranno personaggetti come Jucnker, Moscovici, o quel Dombrovskis che fa la voce grossa quanto rappresenta un Paese che dà appena 200 milioni alla Ue"

 La strategia della Lega ha una strada segnata verso una clamorosa conquista, finora neanche mai sognata dal polo sovranista: "Nel 2020 ci sarà un'altra Europa - tuona Galli - e, magari, in Commissione ci sarà Salvini

Perché non abbiamo accettato l'1,9%, che ci chiedeva l'Ue e giocato la partita tutta sul consuntivo? Perché, come sull'immigrazione, Salvini doveva dimostrare alla gente del bar che sa fare la voce grossa con l'Ue

E nelle urne il voto di un cliente del bar vale quelli di Monti".

For more infomation >> Matteo Salvini, il piano dopo la manovra: Augusto Minzolini rivela, nel mirino la Commissione europe - Duration: 2:06.


Dragon Ball Heroes Capitulo 8: "El Enemigo Definitivo Aparece" - - Duration: 15:51.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Heroes Capitulo 8: "El Enemigo Definitivo Aparece" - - Duration: 15:51.


Roberto Garofoli, si dimette il capo di gabinetto di Giovanni Tria: terremoto al governo - Duration: 2:54.

 Nel giorno in cui pare essersi sbloccata la partita sulla manovra, cade una pesantissima testa: Roberto Garofoli, capo di gabinetto del ministero dell'Economia, ha infatti rassegnato le dimissioni

Da tempo nel mirino del M5s, il suo passo indietro terremota via XX Settembre a poche ora dell'intesa tra governo gialloverde e Commissione europea

Stando ai rumors, il suo passo indietro potrebbe essere seguito da altre dimissioni di peso al dicastero guidato da Giovanni Tria, i cui rapporti con l'esecutivo, in particolar modo con i grillini, volgono sempre più al peggio

 Ex magistrato, arrivato al Tesoro con Piero Carlo Padoan, Garofoli è stato accusato dal M5s di essere la fantomatica "manina" che aveva introdotto in manovra una norma a favore della croce rossa

Al suo posto, si apprende, potrebbe arrivare Luigi Carbone, esperto di semplificazione amministrativa e già componente dell'autorità per l'Energia elettrica

Secondo l'Huffington Post, in pole ci sarebbe al contrario Fortunato Lambiase, attuale capo della Segreteria tecnica del Tesoro

 Come detto, però, potrebbero esserci altre defezioni, tutte di uomini vicini o vicinissimi a Tria

Sempre l'Huffpost fa sapere che il capo del coordinamento legislativo del dicastero di via XX Settembre, Gerardo Mastrandrea e il suo braccio destro Michele Torsello sarebbero già pronti a fare un passo indietro

Segno che la manovra ha pesantemente compromesso gli equilibri nell'esecutivo. E segno, soprattutto, del fatto che lo stesso Tria potrebbe presto dimettersi

Da tempo si rincorrono voci sul passo indietro del titolare del dicastero, da più parti annunciato per gennaio

E a gennaio mancano soltanto pochi giorni.

For more infomation >> Roberto Garofoli, si dimette il capo di gabinetto di Giovanni Tria: terremoto al governo - Duration: 2:54.





Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi Limited R-Link Navi-multimedia, Trekhaak, Bovag garantie Incl. - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi Limited R-Link Navi-multimedia, Trekhaak, Bovag garantie Incl. - Duration: 1:05.


Loretta Lynch gets questioned by House Republicans on Capitol Hill - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Loretta Lynch gets questioned by House Republicans on Capitol Hill - Duration: 5:24.


Wedding Photos | VLOG - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> Wedding Photos | VLOG - Duration: 11:36.


Volvo S60 2.0 T4 R-Design 190PK Trekhaak xenon multimedia na vigatie - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 2.0 T4 R-Design 190PK Trekhaak xenon multimedia na vigatie - Duration: 0:56.


หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 20/12/61 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(Vietnam xổ số Hà Nội) - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 20/12/61 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(Vietnam xổ số Hà Nội) - Duration: 11:34.


CОЛО глитч на деньги в ГТА онлайн 1.46 попытка №2 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> CОЛО глитч на деньги в ГТА онлайн 1.46 попытка №2 - Duration: 2:53.


Xavier Truss signs to play football at Georgia - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Xavier Truss signs to play football at Georgia - Duration: 0:35.


Seat Ibiza 1.2-12V Trendstyle, 5Drs, Boekjes, Airco, Cruise, ... Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.2-12V Trendstyle, 5Drs, Boekjes, Airco, Cruise, ... Dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I SPORT 5DRS AUTOMAAT AC/CV+AB/LMV/MIST.LAMP/SPOILER - Duration: 1:07.


Ford Focus 1.0 - 126PK TITANIUM EDITION 5DRS **NW.MODEL** / NAVI / AIRC0-ECC / XENON / CRUISE CTR. / - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.0 - 126PK TITANIUM EDITION 5DRS **NW.MODEL** / NAVI / AIRC0-ECC / XENON / CRUISE CTR. / - Duration: 1:12.


Introducing The Gatecracher 1

For more infomation >> Introducing The Gatecracher 1



For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4 T COMFORT LINE *YOUNGTIMER* LPG-G3 / LEER / LM-VELGEN / AUDIO / TREKHAAK *A.S. ZONDAG - Duration: 1:08.


Dethleffs Advantage T - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Dethleffs Advantage T - Duration: 1:09.


10 ways to increase YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS! by Aiza Mercado - Duration: 10:05.

Hello and this is Aiza Mercado!

And today's video

I will teach you some ways

or my experience where i get and increase my Youtube Subscribers.

Watch this whole video

coz i will be giving 10 smart ways

to get and increase your Youtube Subscribers.

Do you want to earn extra money online?

Just click the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and the bell as well,

to get notified for my next videos where we can all earn extra money online.

Hello and welcome back to my Youtube Channel

which is "Earn Money with Aiza".

And if you are new here in my channel,

consider SUBSCRIBING and hit the like button.

Lets talk about on

how we can get lots of Youtube Subscribers.

and i will share 10 ways how to do that.

Tip # 1: Create High Quality Content Videos

Which means, we need to be consistent in uploading just 1 topic or content.

For example,

here in my Youtube Channel,

literally, my name here is "Earn Money with Aiza".

So all my content videos should be

all about how to earn money online or how to earn extra money online.

"Why should we subscribe to your channel while you change your content for every video?"

So let make take an example

on how to consistent in uploading same content videos.

Alright, so here in my Youtube channel...

I uploaded different content video

which i review one of the cheapest microphone for beginners.

Here it is.

Affordable Microphone for beginners (BM 800 MICROPHONE CONDENSER) by Aiza Mercado

I got little views here which is

1,136 views only.

Now, lets compare it to my other video

which i just uploaded last day.

This Free Bitcoin Claim Button video.

As you can see...

I uploaded this last day,

and i got 12,377 views.

Which means...

i got my subscribers because of my content which is how to earn money online.

And compared to my video BM 800 microphone condenser review,

i only got small views

because my channel is not all about reviewing gadgets or any microphone.

Tip # 2: Create Good and Attractive Video Intro

You can Google that to search for

on how to create video intros.

There's default intros with templates too

which you can edit and download as well.

For example, for my video intro...

i will say that

Do you want to earn extra money online?

Just click the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and the bell as well,

to get notified for my next videos where we can all earn extra money online.

Here in my intro,

I'm inviting my viewers to subsribe in my channel

so that they can have ideas on how to earn money online.

So the next time you do intro,

you can always tell them

whats the main content of your videos

and why they have to subscribe in your Youtube Channel.

Tip # 3: Always Say "Subscribe and Like Now!"

Just always say the word "Subscribe and Like"

because the more you say it,

the more they will subscribe and like!

Tip # 4: Use Youtube Branding

How to do this,

just go to your Youtube Channel settings.

And here in the left side,

you will see "Channel" and just go click "Branding".

Click "add watermark" to make it appear on all of your videos.

Then choose image you wanted to upload.

For example, here in our Google Search

you can type "Subscribe Youtube"

and lots of Youtube logo will appear.

This image, we click "save image as.."

and save it in my desktop,

and this will be the image I will use for my branding.

Click choose files.

just go to the file location where you save the image earlier.

If done, you can now click "save".

and it will appear out on all of your Youtube videos.

Display Time: Entire Video

then click update.

And you will see in the right bottom of your video

the branding/watermark that we create a while ago.

This branding will appear in your entire video.

Tip # 5: Put "Subscribe now" in Your Video Description.

Like for example, you can see in my videos

"Please Subscribe"

then I put the URL or the link of my Youtube Channel.

Tip # 6: Always Reply in Comments

Specially, for new Youtubers or new Vloggers out there

much better if you could reply all the comments commenting in your videos

because they seems to be the ones who's inquiring regarding your videos.

Tip # 7: Use Pinned Comments

How to do that?

Just go to your video,

copy the "please subscribe" you entered in your video description

then go to your comment section.

Add a public comment,

just paste it right here then click "add comment".

How to pin this comment?

just click this 3 dots then click "Pin".

What is this for? To all your viewers who are reading comments

they will read first your pinned comment.

Tip # 8: Turn on your Youtube Recommendation Channel

How to do this?

Go to your youtube channel settings again.

and here in left side channel section,

click this "Advanced".

Scroll it down,

you will see the channel recommendations.

You need to select this

"Allow my channel to appear in other channel's recommendations."

This is in regards to the related topics and related contents

that other Youtubers have and it will all appear in their Youtube Recommendation Section

Alright, where to see it?

Here in your Youtube Main Page,

you will see here "Related Channels".

Tip # 9: Collaborations With Other Youtubers and Vloggers

One factor is also to collaborate with other youtube vloggers or youtubers,

then they can share your youtube channel

and tell their subscribers that they had done collaboration with you.

Tip # 10: Share Your Video/Channel on Any Social Media Platforms.

How to do that?

Select any video,

and you will see here the "share"button.

All you have to do

is to copy your link url

paste it and broadcast it to any Social Media Platform

such as Facebook,


Telegram, Snapchat,

Instagram and etc.

And here is my 10 ways on how i get and increase my Youtube Channel

which is Earn Money With Aiza

I hope i helped you with video,

and i hoped 1 day we all have more subscribers to come!

If i helped you with regards on how to get and increase your Youtube Subcribers,

please hit the like button.

And don't forget to click the Subscribe button.

subscribes also to my Telegram Channel.

Thank you again for watching.

This is Aiza Mercado and this is my top 10 ways

how to get and increase your Youtube Subscribers.

Thank you and have a great day!

For more infomation >> 10 ways to increase YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS! by Aiza Mercado - Duration: 10:05.


Volvo V70 Cross Country 2.4 T COMFORT LINE AUT. / NAVI / LEDER / PDC / AIRO-ECC / TREKHAAK *A.S. ZON - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 Cross Country 2.4 T COMFORT LINE AUT. / NAVI / LEDER / PDC / AIRO-ECC / TREKHAAK *A.S. ZON - Duration: 1:12.


映画館に"T"あるかな?チョコプラ扮するTT兄弟が劇場CMに登場、全国で上映 - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 映画館に"T"あるかな?チョコプラ扮するTT兄弟が劇場CMに登場、全国で上映 - Duration: 2:17.


Carlsbad restaurants struggle to hire, retain employees - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Carlsbad restaurants struggle to hire, retain employees - Duration: 2:21.


Hannity 12/19/18 9PM | December 19, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:24.

For more infomation >> Hannity 12/19/18 9PM | December 19, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 36:24.


Drink Eat Man Woman - Chinese Cooking - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Drink Eat Man Woman - Chinese Cooking - Duration: 4:32.


唐嫣与罗晋在大婚之后被爆料怀孕四个月?网友:多管闲事! - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 唐嫣与罗晋在大婚之后被爆料怀孕四个月?网友:多管闲事! - Duration: 4:42.


Ah..why Jade carry newborn baby Julina upside down like this-Julina cry silently,Wildlife Trailer - Duration: 12:46.

Ah..why Jade carry newborn baby Julina upside down like this-Julina cry silently,Wildlife Trailer

For more infomation >> Ah..why Jade carry newborn baby Julina upside down like this-Julina cry silently,Wildlife Trailer - Duration: 12:46.


Happy Poor Heidi eat food with delicious & not thirsty | Heidi will happy ever | Monkey Daily 2242 - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Happy Poor Heidi eat food with delicious & not thirsty | Heidi will happy ever | Monkey Daily 2242 - Duration: 10:22.


Third Canadian detained in China amid diplomatic tensions - Duration: 0:39.

Canada's foreign ministry says a third Canadian national has been detained in

China the move threatens to escalate an already tense diplomatic feud between

the two nations which came after the arrest of a Chinese executive in Canada

earlier this month since then two Canadians have been

detained in China but Ottawa officials say they don't believe the third arrest

is linked to those arrests Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed

concerns saying more information is currently being collected Beijing's

foreign ministry meanwhile said it was unaware of the third arrest

For more infomation >> Third Canadian detained in China amid diplomatic tensions - Duration: 0:39.


Jade activities before deliver baby-Jade let midwife checking her stomach,Wildlife Trailer - Duration: 10:42.

Jade activities before deliver baby-Jade let midwife checking her stomach,Wildlife Trailer

For more infomation >> Jade activities before deliver baby-Jade let midwife checking her stomach,Wildlife Trailer - Duration: 10:42.


Stunning 40x10 Tiny Home, Salem, OR - Duration: 2:24.

Stunning 40x10 Tiny Home, Salem, OR

For more infomation >> Stunning 40x10 Tiny Home, Salem, OR - Duration: 2:24.


Renault Grand Espace 2.0T 170PK EXPRESSION 6 PERS. / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / AUDIO / CRUISE CTR. / PDC / - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Espace 2.0T 170PK EXPRESSION 6 PERS. / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / AUDIO / CRUISE CTR. / PDC / - Duration: 0:53.


Dodge Caliber 1.8 S / AIRCO / PARROT RADIO-CD / AUX / *APK 04-2019* *A.S. ZONDAG GEOPEND VAN 12:00 T - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Dodge Caliber 1.8 S / AIRCO / PARROT RADIO-CD / AUX / *APK 04-2019* *A.S. ZONDAG GEOPEND VAN 12:00 T - Duration: 1:10.


Harry Kane MOCKS Piers Morgan 17 days after Arsenal fan goads Tottenham striker - Duration: 2:17.

 Tottenham star Kane was on the winning side on Wednesday night as Arsenal were beaten 2-0 in the Carabao Cup

 Arsenal were lacklustre throughout and Spurs won the game thanks to goals from Son Heung-Min and Dele Alli

 Morgan had tweeted Kane back on December 2 after Arsenal had beaten Spurs 4-2 in the league

 He wrote: "Hi mate @HKane - you ok?" And only now, more than two weeks later, has Kane replied

 "I'm good thanks you ??," he wrote. The twerk had already received thousands of likes and retweets within 15 minutes of posting

 Morgan was also made to wear a Tottenham shirt during the draw for the semi-finals of the Carabao Cup

 Tottenham boss Mauricio Pochettino said after the game: "Arsenal could rest players in the Europa League because they had qualified but we couldn't in the Champions League

 "The level of our fitness was fantastic." Spurs will play Chelsea in the semi-finals and Pochettino is wary about facing their London rivals

 "A very difficult draw, another London derby. We have already played Watford, West Ham and Arsenal," he added

 "We shall see, Chelsea are a great team but we are excited. To be in the semi-final is fantastic for us

 "I am very pleased tonight. The most important thing was to play well and win the game

We deserved it. We kept a clean sheet here after a very busy period."

For more infomation >> Harry Kane MOCKS Piers Morgan 17 days after Arsenal fan goads Tottenham striker - Duration: 2:17.


Google Wifi Mesh Router Review // Still the BEST wifi on the market? - Duration: 8:01.

This is Google Wi-Fi.

It claims to be a smart and simple mesh Wi-Fi system.

Basically if you have Wi-Fi problems Google Wi-Fi

should be able to fix it.

These have been out for almost two years

but are they still great?

I'm Titus.

This is The Search For Awesome.

And this is my Google Wi-Fi Review.

One interesting thing that Google claims

is Google Wi-Fi smartly manages the traffic

of the devices trying to connect your Wi-Fi.

It does this auto magically so at all times so you are getting

the best Wi-Fi experience.

Personally I think this might be its best feature although

I might just be falling for their marketing

because maybe other routers do this to some degree but I've

been using it for a few weeks now and I've almost

run into like no Wi-Fi issues whereas my previous

Wi-Fi system when given to me by AT&T I had lots of problems.

One thing to Wi-Fi allows you to do is to give

priority to certain devices on your network.

So let's say I was live streaming on my MacBook

or something.

I can make sure that the network gives

as much bandwidth as possible to my laptop and you can even

do something as simple as controlling

the brightness of the Wi-Fis LED I turn mine off

because one of them is next to a TV and another

one is in a bedroom.

And neither of those places do any that light

in terms of speed.

I'd have just 60 megabits per second.

And now I get that speed all throughout my house.

I think a lot of you are going to be just as interested

on how easy it is to set up as you are and how

well it blankets your house and Wi-Fi goodness.

Now they sell these as just one unit.

And also as a three pack My house is two

stories and 2000 square feet.

So it might be small enough for just one but I'll

probably need at least two of these.

And look at that.

That's a nice looking box.

Now on the bottom here you can see there's

like a spot to charge it.

USB-C style and then two Ethernet jacks.

So I just set up the Google Wi-Fi and it seems

like it's going to be a pretty fast process.

I need to just plug the Ethernet from my

modem into it and then plug this into the wall.

And there you go.

It is now flashing blue.

That means it's ready for me to set up with the app.

But before I do that I'm going to go plug another one

of these into a wall upstairs.


Those are both set up.

One thing that is probably worth noting is you do

need a smartphone to set up Google Wi-Fi and Android

or an iPhone will do.

So I'm downloading the Google Wi-Fi app right now.

OK says Google Wi-Fi point found and so it's telling me

to select my primary Wi-Fi.


It's this one.

So now wants me to get a picture of little

code at the very bottom so I'll be right back.

So after I took that picture it has been doing all

kinds of things and I like the animations here.

So now it's asking if I hooked up other Wi-Fi points and now

I have to scan another QR code.

Okay so just installing software updates right

now for the Google Wi-Fi.

The whole process of doing this is like 10 minutes.

That's really fast and it's just kind

of doing all the hard work for you which is awesome.

Now I do have fiber internet from AT&T and I can upgrade

my speed to one gigabit at basically any time I want to.

I don't mind paying a bit more.

So I was curious about what is the max speed

that this Wi-Fi system supports.

I didn't have a way of testing this so I looked online

and trusted reviews claims it doesn't really get

much faster than about 500 megabits per second.

But as you can see here that's sort of the best case scenario

because as you get further and further away from your main

router speeds can drop to as low as 50 megabits per second

which I will note is still pretty good

speed but maybe not fantastic.

I also took advantage of its ability to set up a guest

network within the Google Wi-Fi app.

So I can let guests use my Wi-Fi without having

access to my entire network.

And what's cool is in the app the passwords

to both of my networks are really easy to find

inside the app.

But I would like to see some more smarts here like a way

to maybe push a button on the Wi-Fi unit

and then give a guest internet access auto

magically but this works well enough.

I think what I like most is that Google Wi-Fi just

doesn't get in the way it just makes things really easy

and even after you've set it up there's a test you can

run within the Wi-Fi app to make sure that your Wi-Fi

units are getting good internet signal and can

communicate well if they're close enough together

if you do that test and then it gives

you a thumbs up and then you should be

just fine.

It has family friendly options where you can limit your kids

devices access to the Internet.

So for your kids phone laptop tablet you can enable Google

safe search and that will help keep their innocent eyes

from things they shouldn't see.

Although from what I understand this isn't exactly a magic

bullet but it's good to have you can set timers to lock

your kids devices off the internet like let's say

during dinnertime or maybe at nighttime or you could just use

this feature to annoy your wife.

Not that I would ever do that and through the app

you can even set it up to allow you to control

your network on the go.

So if you're traveling and little Timmy isn't behaving

you can just flip off his Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi is for good little boys TImmy.

Now I didn't get around to trying this but it even

has Google home and echo support.

So in theory you can control your Wi-Fi with your voice.

Now Google Wi-Fi is made by Google right

so they love collecting data.

To be honest this concerns me a bit

because they could in theory use my

awesome new Wi-Fi to see everything that I'm

doing on the Internet.

One thing that does give me comfort though is according

to CNET Google says the Wi-Fi doesn't collect user activity

data like what sites you're visiting and by default

it only appears to collect like hardware app

and network related information although

you can disable that inside the Wi-Fi app if you please.

One last thing I will mention is for my day job I sometimes

you have to work from home and to do that I have to access

my works VPN and my old router did a horrible job of kicking

me off constantly from the VPN.

I have to reconnect reauthenticate.

It was very annoying with Google Wi-Fi.

This just doesn't happen nearly as much.

It does happen from time to time still

but it's much more workable.

It's like once every four hours.

Maybe I'll get kicked off.

So conclusion time CNET says that Google Wi-Fi

is the best way to blanket your entire home with Wi-Fi.

And I can't help but agree.

Normally Google updates their products on a yearly basis

but perhaps this Wi-Fi router was so ahead of its time

that I guess they figured why fix what isn't broken

so they haven't updated in a while but it's still

great but I'll be frank I don't know if this is the best Wi-Fi

mesh on the market but this has met and exceeded

my expectations.

It's just crazy easy to manage and crazy easy to setup.

I'm sure there are more cost effective options

because this isn't exactly a cheap Wi-Fi system

but this one is very popular and there

is what I like to call safety in numbers when it comes

to tech.

It's kind of like this like if you remember

recently when the iPhone was accused of having a beauty

mode on their newest iPhones.

It was like front page everywhere and even though

it wasn't exactly true it seemed like it was more of a bug.

But tons of people were upset and Apple was forced to fix

the issue and sort of like that Google Wi-Fi is very

popular and if there's an issue they will be accountable

and it's backed by Google and I sort of kind

of blindly trust Google even though I probably shouldn't.

In any case if your current Wi-Fi setup

isn't doing it for you I can absolutely

recommend Google Wi-Fi.

Thanks for watching and if you don't mind let

me know what you thought with a like or dislike

and if you really liked it.

Please subscribe because I have more

tech content just like this coming up very soon.

Thanks again.

And I guess I'll see you next time when The Search

For Awesome continues.

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