Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 21 2018

Wow good it's great to see you guys today I have a big huge 50 Cal Fox tool

on Jurassic world old fallen Kingdom little dinosaur toys including many of

the new Dino rivals dinosaurs awesome let's go ahead okay our first one is

going to be the dual attack Triceratops and then next we have our dual attack

contaminator all small guys cool and then next we have our duel Dino rival

dual attack Stegosaurus and then we have our biggest Dino rivals yet the bite and

fight Tyrannosaurus Rex head sideways

New Jurassic World 50 Gallon Surprise Box Dinosaur Toys DINO RIVALS Fallen Kingdom Mattel T-Rex VS

okay and here we have our Dino rivals Draco racks and our Dino rivals

Procera dogs and then we had our Dino rivals for incus and over here was our

Dino rivals Parasaurolophus this is another dual

attack and then we had our Dino rivals do attack suka - this one is awesome

I loved yellow coloring there is a custom made this is the classic chomping

t-rex but it's custom painted to look like the Diablo t-rex this one is really

awesome looking I call him the zombie rags and the next one here this is from

the quest for the indominus rex pack these guys the ones I'm showing you guys

here most of these I have reviewed and done battles on so today we're just

going to look at them really quickly this is the skeleton of the indominus

rex and it is perfectly sized and the and then we have the coolest Jurassic

world falling Kingdom toy you are ever going to get this is outfit raining blue

you can't even get this one yeah very soon you'll be able to get it I did

a full review of this guy and he is totally awesome

so I dress up as Owen and train this guy because you actually have to train him

so he is one really cool Dino and he likes to get past and check out that

video and then I got another Jurassic world falling kingdoms Legacy Collection

this one is chompin spinosaurus I have to actually buy this one from Great

Britain because they don't sell him in the US and he is awesome his mouths open

because they didn't Jam when they doing there well that's the only way you could

get him to totally keep and then another really cool

I have not reviewed this one yet I will be doing a review of this one ah

probably the end of this week this is it the UH Anatomy t-rex so it

looks exactly like the t-rex but you could take it apart see inside take out

the muscles and the bones and stuff it is awesome and then we have the roarin

side of Jericho

and then we have another awesome Tran Adan

this is from the destructor Sora's helicopter set this one is the biggest

TriNet on I've seen in years and then we have the orange head Baryonyx with

chomping action this came with the lava search Sat which is a slime set it

checked out now I slime a budget and then we have the mini which is another

and then the Protoceratops mother really cool and then the pro Ceratosaurus so

this guy almost looks like some type of miniature Velociraptor with Dhokla third

claw and then we have for hatching Dino eggs go ahead push that down and the

dinos pop up ah so this one is Velociraptor blue so it

is a baby blue and then we have a cute baby Triceratops we have baby Stig Ebola

with rolling spikes and then acute baby t-rex

that turns into and evil racks check out this deep into the teeth drought when

you turn this dial hahaha awesome so this huge guy here is a battle damage

colossal roaring t-rex that was custom colored and custom teeth let's check

this guy out

does roar custom teeth all of these I do have full reviews and battles of guys so

check out my playlist and then I got some big ones I could even fit into the

box this is the original colossal t-rex oh no sound but he will swallow a bunch

of action figures which you could take out

and this next one is the original Battle Damage roarin colossal t-rex which was

sold at Walmart so this is the one you've seen the very first one fucking

customized so he does make sound he's got all the Battle Damage on him all

over really cool Dino and then another really cool one probably my coolest one

this is a custom Jurassic world thrash and throw t-rex so this is the one

that's got the movement on the tail just crash your back to pull there roars

stomp but this one is custom made custom color and it has and then this one here

is just like the one you seen the one you just seen was this guy customized so

this is the trash and throw t-rex with all the controls through the tail the

stomping action really cool and this one here is the legacy edition chompin t-rex

big huge I mean he looks like one of those

singers from the band yes and then this one is the same Dino

but exclusive to Walmart with

so basically just damaged community now one of the coolest ones I got this is a

new one I just got this is the grab and growl in the Raptor so it's got full

movement through the head puppeteer type movement it does also grab its arm when

you turn the dial and it has sound and the eyes light up and then down here is

the original in the Raptor so they do look pretty identical but this doesn't

light up doesn't make sound this is just almost like a generic version of the one

I just showed and then down here we have a Spinosaurus look-alike from the

Spinosaurus family this is the suku - this one doesn't have sound but you push

the button here it does open in chocolate wow this is awesome

like I said cool reviews and battles of all of these check out the playlist at

the end of the channel and then we have big huge mega Soros so this guy's action

feature is he swings his tail back and forth

huge Stegosaurus and then back here we have a huge Pteranodon check this guy

out this is the biggest trend on I've seen

and the most accurate looking to like movement in wine and then over here we

have a giant sized Velociraptor blue so you'll see when I get to the other the

other Raptors are about the size of the Stiggy so this blue is way bigger I

believe it's a 12 inch bigger from head to tail and then here is a cool one I

found at Target this one Oh

so different dinos you play games and stuff and it comes with two and then

I've got some movie theater exclusives these were in different countries you

could buy these this is in the Raptor head pops open you could fill it full of

popcorn and the same with this t-rex the head pops open you could fill it full

force these ones I bought from Mexico and then they also had this huge

Jurassic world egg here which I believe in Mexico this was used for popcorn or

ice cream so put a full ice cream in there just said Jurassic world solo and

then also with that - I bought this giant gyrosphere then you fill up with

popcorn you can eat it right out of there and some other really cool ones is

I have an indoor-outdoor mask here you put the straps on and when you talk the

mask opens and closes as your mouth does and the same with the t-rex you put the

mask on when you talk it chops and then the coolest mask of all is this

Velociraptor blue one as you open the mouth it makes some and

the eye it's like a glass eye I mean it's very

realistic this is and then we have a gyrosphere launcher vehicle by matchbox

push this it launches the gyrosphere right out the front of the truck

you can pull characters in here it's a really cool looking vehicle and then

over here I have aa remote control drivers this one it does move forward

and it's been really cool we have another gyrosphere this is from the

gyrosphere and Clare story set look like a broken off and we have the sub from

the movie that goes down finds the indominus rex is body and the bottom of

the sea and I believe this the Mosasaurus also does

and then over here I have Raptor attack remote control here

so this one does drive the seat pops open it throws Oh and out when the

Raptor Springs forward it hits a spot here the seat pops out and it looks like

the Raptor actually got goin right out of the Jeep and then I have a legacy

Edition Jeep Wrangler from Jurassic Park this one is sold at Target with working

winch I've got a big like Dino transport truck here with sound working lights

opening doors to pull characters inside you could put the dinos in the back even

bigger dinos like the suit problem it will fit right in there so this was a

bleep made wide matchworks and then we have this big huge real field mosasaur

ass so this guy is a huge rubber dinosaur you could actually take this

kids could play with this one in the back

and to go with the Velociraptor blue mask I showed you earlier you got some

awesome brother velociraptor and then here is one of the corridors

Ceratosaurus and then I have a nice big Carnotaurus with chomping mouth I

actually gave this one away in a giveaway a brand new one so keep

watching for giveaways and then over here I have a Jurassic Park

remote-control Jeep with mud splattered all over it

and a big huge Imaginext in the rafters so this guy actually it comes with like

a Jeep and this guy will chase the Jeep let me see I believe I could show you

the running action if I turn this there we go so it looks almost like he's

riding a bicycle it is hilarious and then we have big huge Inc Lea Soros with

swinging club tail we have a metric and the Soros chomping action is sound

we have chop chomping Allosaurus with chomping action is sound we have an

awesome Jurassic world matchbox portable set and we have some

little ones this is one of the attack packs dive work with

and then we have Battle Damage sticking the lock you see this guy's yeah he's a

little shiny I had I put this guy into a slime pool so yeah I hope it actually

washes off yeah okay here we have a really cool Velociraptor blue and a red

Velociraptor which is uh it's an exclusive pack that is sold at Kohl's

stores and then we have pachycephalosaurus with head springing

action there back here we have an awesome

Triceratops movses edge and wow we have a lot of Dinos from drastic world fallen

Kingdom here we have Velociraptor blue with springing action here we have cool

Dilophosaurus it's grilles there and then we have a

lot of Gallimimus is we have an orange yellow my man gray Gallimimus we have

green Velociraptor we have baby t-rex we have another brown Velociraptor

with the springing action I believe this is one of the legacy edition ones this

is another legacy edition one with drinking action and then we have a

battle damage monolith asaurus we have another awesome loss eruptive blue here

we have classic edition one of the legacy edition Pteranodons and here we

have battle damage Triceratops but they actually put the horn on backwards

here we have the Velociraptor this is the one that actually goes on that

attack rank Jeep Wrangler this one the one that swings forward and attack oh

let me see we have an Owen on a motorcycle here this is like the rip and

roar motorcycle we have some fun Co ones this is a Funko t-rex this is a fun Cup

iron Malcolm we have a Funko dr. grant over here we have bunko bunko Dennis

Nedry Funko John Hammond we have round yellow - Battle Damage we have Baryonyx

with Chompy inside and then we have another Jarvis sphere so a lot of the

set there's three or four drivers spheres you could get in the sense we

have while Battle Damage the rarest Norris is dead we hit him opens up

chomping cool then we have ah awesome like rip and roar velociraptors roaring

attaches to Owens motorcycle and we have green then officers with ball drills we

have awesome work

yeah this is the four-wheeler that goes to the in director set this is the one

Owen rights and in director chases and we have Funko Dilophosaurus we have a

green Gallimimus over here we have a crushed t-rex mask we have like greenish

blue Velociraptor would thus bringing action over here we have these ones are

really cool these are the Takara Tomy original license products so this is

these are from fallen Kingdom the fallen kingdom t-rex in the raptor is diggie

malach Mosasaurus Velociraptor blue and Carnotaurus and then so far I have a

bunch of the action figures just get up pull these off really quick

so we can see the different action figures because there is quite a few of


so that that's one thing that's awesome they've brought back the action figures

the other the first Jurassic world set they had one action figure which was

goin with the Velociraptor blue set so this one not only brings the Jurassic

world characters they bring back a lot of the classic characters from Jurassic

Park so to the Jurassic world legacy edition and then I have a box huge bag

full of Jurassic world miniatures these are from 15 packs from Walmart Battle

Damage and for most of these are from blind bags I have three of the Jurassic

world dinosaur skeleton sets you have the Triceratops the Velociraptor and the

Stevie malach and a bag full of Matchbox cars from the fallen kingdom movie and a

bag full of Imaginext dinosaurs Wow that moves a lot oops almost forgot

one more like almost light orange brown color yellow - that's a lot of Dinos and

they still are coming out with more so keep watching to see even more okay I

almost forgot I also do have all of the drastic world LEGO sets which I've put

together and stop-motion animation those are cool I believe there was 14 of

the Lego fallen Kingdom sets the dinos are the Carnotaurus a brand-new t-rex

mold the original t-rex mold the Indo Raptor we have a classic Velociraptor

classic they lost so RS we have this Liga Moloch we have two of the

velociraptor blues a green classic velociraptor and Pteranodon so those are

the label and then my final one is the remote control Pteranodon

Wow guys that box was totally also if you guys enjoyed that video I do got

over a thousand more check out the playlist on my channel for more fun

ballin Jurassic world always videos check out the playlist you guys are

awesome in today's secret word is the word

go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video

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fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new

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even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic World 50 Gallon Surprise Box Dinosaur Toys DINO RIVALS Fallen Kingdom Mattel T-Rex VS - Duration: 27:12.


5 Trucos para caer bien al instante | Carisma Irresistible 2 - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> 5 Trucos para caer bien al instante | Carisma Irresistible 2 - Duration: 9:34.


La Familia P. Luche | Junior finge ser un inversionista - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> La Familia P. Luche | Junior finge ser un inversionista - Duration: 2:59.


DÍA 3 - 1a OLIMPIADA DE JUGUETES ROBÓTICOS 2018 por Honestips - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> DÍA 3 - 1a OLIMPIADA DE JUGUETES ROBÓTICOS 2018 por Honestips - Duration: 4:11.



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Malagurski: Ko je ličnost 2018. godine? - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Malagurski: Ko je ličnost 2018. godine? - Duration: 5:26.


Live PD: Come Out Come Out (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:50.

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Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 15) Finale Ending {Diamonds} - Duration: 42:21.

Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 15) Finale Ending {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 15) Finale Ending {Diamonds Used}

Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 15) {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 15) {Diamonds Used}

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Choices: The Senior (Chapter 15) {Diamonds}

For more infomation >> Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 15) Finale Ending {Diamonds} - Duration: 42:21.


The County Seat - Discussing Coal Mining in Southern Utah - Duration: 28:51.

Hello again and welcome to The

County Seat I'm your host Chad

Booth. We are on location this week

and we at the Coal Hollow Mine

which if part of Alton Coal and we are

at the mine office on site today to

bring you a firsthand look at the

Alton Coal Operation. We are going

to start by taking a look at what the

coal mining process is from the day

they first scratch the surfaced to the

time they turn it over to the birds the

bees and the critters. We will start


This mine out here is called the Coal Hallow

Mine, operated by Alton Coal Development.

Right now we have acquired federal coal; we

have been mining private coal, which will

extend the life of this mine out here 30 to 35


First process we do is we take of the top soil,

and sub soil, it is put in special piles, so as its

reclaimed it can be brought back and put on the

owner's property.

Next process the excavators on top will be

taking off over burden and this goes all the way

down in this pit 50 to 60 feet before we hit coal.

This pit of coal to the left of me it's going to

take them a week a week and a half to take that

out 20 to 25,000 Ton of coal they will take out.

This is where we process our coal, coal is

brought up and stockpiled behind me on the hill

its loaded into the bin right here goes up the

raw feed belt to a crusher the coal is crushed

and its just kept there in the pile until its loaded

on the trucks that haul it to our customer.

After the coal has been removed, it's time to

reclaim; All the overburden is put back into the

pit, sub soil is put on top. Top soil at the very

top, and then the area is planted, this area

behind me all the coal has been mined out its

been reclaimed, it's been planted and this is

what the final product is.

After it's all completed and it's given back to the

owner he can do whatever he wants with it.

I love my job it's how I provide for my family it's

how all these guys provide for their families its

their other source of income, some of the guys

out here are farmers and ranchers and stuff.

This makes a big impact on the whole

community around here.

With the federal coal there will be royalty

money coming to the county there will be more

people employed there will be more truck

drivers hauling the finished product out of here

so it will be a big impact to the surrounding


It's fun, Its exciting its new to all of us, this is

just a chance for us to make an impact for the

County I should say.

uncover in the process of the mining

operation mostly like the challenges

that it takes to get something like this

started we will look at those benefits

and costs when we come back with

our panel on the county seat.

Welcome back to The County Seat we

go we are on location at the Alton

Coal Mine in Alton Utah and we are

about ready to start discussion now

that you have seen what a modern

efficient coal mining operation looks

like joining us for our conversation is

the general manager here at the

mine Larry Johnson, Lamont Smith

who is a commissioner of Kane

County and Byroad Kershaw who is a

consultant and all around know it all

guy with all this kind of stuff. Thank

you for taking the time to drive all the

way out here in the middle of

nowhere for this interview thank you.

I want to start by focusing on the coal

itself for 40 years we have been

hearing about the remarkable coal in

southern Utah what benefit is there

from this particular kind of coal.

Well in Southern Utah right now

there is probably about 4 billion tons

of in place coal within all the coal

fields here in southern Utah. This

coal can be mined from the surface a

good part of it with open pit and high

wall mining methods and that helps

with the costs, cuts it down. Eastern

Utah and the coal up in there been

mined for 100 plus years and it's

getting harder and harder to get that

resource out of the ground. I can see

right now that the state coal

resources is going to be in southern


Is this a better quality coal than West

Virginia's coal?

It depends on where you are at. If

you are over Smokey hollow it's a lot

better quality coal it's a good steam

coal it's not necessarily net coal but it

does have a button where we are

mining it's more of a subbituminous

coal it's not quite the quality that you

get in a good steam coal but its good

enough and we can sell it at a

cheaper price that power plants and

cement plants can see more lucrative

bottom line.

One of the things we talked about

before we started our conversation

today was just there has been so

much pressure in past

administrations to throttle coal

completely there was no secret in our

last presidents campaign when he

first took office 10 years ago he was

going to necessarily bankrupt the coal

industry he said it on the campaign

trail you could hear it come out of his

admiration looks like they went a

long way to do that but the practical

question that keeps coming back to

mind is what do you do if you do not

have coal to power this nation. Can

the other supplies of power actually

take over?

I can only tell you my opinion on that

and my opinion is this solar and wind

power cannot constantly give power

to the nation like it needs to have.

Coal oil and gas is still necessary in

regards to powering our nation its

coal the coal powered plants are a

continuous power source that allows

us to have worry free power in our

homes and industry and we don't

have brown or black outs and things

like that. Other greener energies that

are still developing there are some

problematic power interruptions

because of either the sun or wind. I

really believe that coal is going to be

a source of demand for several more


I want to take a shift I want to talk

about this coal mine in this county

and some of its impact. Lamont you

have been in public life in this county

for years. This whole operation has

been operating now for 8 years, has

this made an impact on the economy

of the county.

It has you know we are transitioning

to more tourists oriented because of

the loss of timber and other things

around here I was the sheriff when

looking at the coal mine and we really

had high hopes that would develop

and help our county out and get us

going we were a very poor county

when we heard about Alton mine

coming in it was a big boost to us to

look at something besides tourisms

along with tourism to finance the

county make it so we could have our

kids come back and live.

When a county gets someone who is

willing to come in and operate a coal

mine most people think you guys

came onto the scene in 2011 one day

and said they want to invest money

into a coal mine and start ripping

away the top off and pulling the coal

out. How long does that process

actually take before you can start and

partially on federal land?

It is a fairly lengthy process. We

started a lease by application for the

Alton Coal Field here in May of 2004.

Today is December of 2018 we have

finally got that lease a week or two

ago. Now what we had to go through

with the federal government and the

BLM was the fact that we had to do

an environmental impact statement.

It took into account all the particular

impacts whether positive or negative

for this coal mine to be developed all

the social economics the water

resources your biology and

vegetation air quality and that had to

be completed before it was done. I

think it was well over done that is

what had to happen. We had a draft

EIS first done then public notice after

that we did another supplemental EIS

draft that coordinates with the

original draft EIS that all had to be

done with another public notice and

public meetings had to be held after

that during this administration we

have received a final EIS which

allowed us to go to a record of

decision which allowed us to go to

the bid process which we were

awarded that bid a week or so ago.

One of the things Larry the IES was in

place for noise and light.

It had a lot to do with the parks Bryce

canyon and we had to remodel night

skis and the lights we put in that we

used down here that would be

reflected up there now even though

the Bryce canyon is 6 canyons away

and 7 ridges away from us and we are

about 2000 feet lower then Bryce

canyon that became an issue with the

BLM and so a supplemental had to be

put back together it also included the

optics on those night skis and also

included air quality.

Do you think some of that was

triggered by the fact that the Sierra

Club had pictures out there that said

you could see the mine from Bryce


Absolutely. You absolutely cannot

see the mine anywhere in Bryce


Let me tell you another story a local

paper came out here about 7 years

ago and tool a nice picture of our coal

yard out here with these beautiful

pink ledges behind us and wrote a

story how we are mining and you can

the beautiful pink ledges of Bryce

canyon. It was on top page of the

newspaper and we took them to task

and after all was said and done they

recanted but they recanted on page 7

right at the bottom of the column

with one paragraph.

That's typical.

This is not Bryce canyon behind us

and we have been having to deal with

this all the time.

I wanted to take a minute and set

that record straight. We are going to

take a quick break when we come

back with our conversation about

coal in southern Utah its future and

what it does for the economies. We

will be right back on The County Seat.

Welcome back to The County Seat we

are talking today about coal in Kane

County a coal mine as a kid I did not

think about as being coal region but

it's been operating since 2011. I

wanted to address the issue of how

hard it was to get started on private

land. How did you find the coal here

and how long did it take you on

private land to get started.

Well in the 60's a company called

Utah international came in did a lot

of core holes and sampling they were

planning on mining as coal. When we

started to look at it was in the early

2000 we went to the BLM and went

to the county and researched what

was private and what was not. What

was private surface what was not

private surface, what was private coal

what was not private coal at that

time we brought in the lease by

application. We knew the lease by

application on the federal part was

going to take some time so we were

counting on getting this private coal

so we would have enough time to be

mining and getting things opened

putting a footprint down and then

going ahead and getting into the

federal. So that is what we did the

private coal we only had to go

through the state and the office of

surface mining for that application.

Are their standards less stringent

than the land that is being reclaimed

and final done on private land under

state regulation any less than what is

on federal land.

They are not. Those regulation are

the same they have primacy with the

divisions of oil gas and mining but

their oversite is the office of surface

and mining however we do not have

the regulation with the BLM and

other federal coal surface owners.

Is much of this regulatory problem at

the federal level just a regulatory

problem or actually does it have an

impact on how the mines operate?

It definitely has an effect on how the

mines operate. You have mostly

safety and air quality.

More stringent than the state


I think the federal requirements are

more stringent than the state

requirements, is that correct Larry?

That is true we have to deal with

mine safety and health

administration in regards to safety

and healthy on the property that is an

organization that is part of the

federal government and we have

regulations and inspections from


I'd like to spend some time talking

about the expansion and you are

going to add 100 jobs roughly what

kind of impact does that have on

Kane County?

Well we are not just talking 100 jobs

we are talking jobs that are family

sustaining jobs. These are higher paid

jobs than the tourism that we now

have with cleaning motels and such if

we could look at it over the 10 to 20

year project will bring a lot of our

local kids back home to work be able

to raise their families and working

one job it's just enormous for Kane

county if it puts us into a level of a

mineral producing county which gives

other benefits when we want to be

able to build a big fire station or

anything for the county we are more

apt to bet funding for that because

we now are a mineral producer.

It also concludes CIB money and the

royalties off the federal coal a good

portion of that goes back to the

county. 12 percent total and the

federal takes it and then distributed

back to the state and back to the


Not only that it's a good partnership

because this area you have to build

the roads to meet the needs the big

trucks that haul out of here and in

those roads we partnership on and

that makes them longer lasting and

better roads.

I am highly appreciative of this as

when I come to southern Utah and

cross highway 20 it's not like it was

30 years ago it's a descent ride. We

are going to take a quick break and

be right back with our final thoughts

at the Alton Coal Mine.

Welcome back to the County Seat our

final couple minutes here today I

wanted to talk about who benefits

we have already established that

people who need coal power plants

have a cost effective supply we have

talked about the community now

that we are moving onto federal

ground there will be some revenues

coming to the county through

royalties and have access through CIB

let's talk about who else benefits

from this mining operation. From

start to finish from the time you

uncover and expose the coal to the

time that you say we are done and

walk away from it. Who benefits and

what happens.

The way we have to uncover the coal

is actually dig a big hole to get there

and the majority of people look at

that and say oh you are leaving that

and that's bad and terrible but we

have to go through steps and a

reclamation process we have to fill

that hole back in and then we have to

reclaim it with a recipe of seeds that

is beneficial not only to wildlife but to

the community and the ranchers and

the people that own the property

including the BLM. Pinion and

Junipers are a big deal here and they

are considered kind of a weed

because they kill everything

underneath them and you will notice

on our reclamation that that will not

be the case where we have reclaimed

the land we have reclaimed over 300

some odd acres that is a big benefit I


You're entire footprint from the time

you start is about 400 acres.

It's about 4500 acres.

Basically speaking you are 150 acres

exposed at any given time and the

rest of it is in the process?

Actually less than that our major

reclamation is about 350 acres when

we are in the process of reclaiming

we claim about 50 to 60 acres.

How long does it take from the time

you smooth over the mine and you

start the seeds to the point where

someone would walk through there

and I can't tell.

You have to wait about 10 years.

You have a 10 year period you go

through 3 phases. Phase 1 is putting

the earth back Phase 2 is seeding it

Phase 3 is the first release on

vegetation and then it's monitored

there it can be released any place

from 6 to 10 years from that point.

When you go back it's like it never

was there.

You would never know that there was

a mine underneath it.

That is the point that I think needs to

be made.

Gentlemen thank you for your time

today we appreciate it we appreciate

you tuning in every week to join us

for our program remember local

government is where your life

happens get involved in this

conversation share with friends and

respond to us on social media these

gentlemen, us and other leaders

would like to hear your comments

and reactions we will see you next

week on the county seat.

For more infomation >> The County Seat - Discussing Coal Mining in Southern Utah - Duration: 28:51.


Rating negativo?! - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Rating negativo?! - Duration: 3:37.


How Do I Deal With Relatives at Christmas - Day 9 - Duration: 1:19.

Establish dominance.

Find the tallest, biggest, bravest member of your family

and break his or her thumbs.

Then you're going to want to go to the store

Do you have a list? Do you have a pen and paper? Write this down.

So if you've seen Home Alone it's basically like you

set up traps along the stairs so that if they're coming to get you

at this point in time...that you're protected, right?

So essentially you're going to have the fire going the whole time

In the fireplace. Casual. You're going to fill the Christmas

bulbs with the black powder that you can directly throw in there at any given time.

It's the perfect defense.

Now during Christmas dinner

it's gonna be hard not to eat a bunch because it's Christmas dinner, it's delicious

but you're gonna want to be light on your feet.

You're gonna have to be quick. You're moving ok?

So don't bulk up on too much turkey or stuffing

or whatever mince pies your family has.

I think the real problem is going to be with Grandma because she actually

does love you.

So there might be some moral qualms with that.

Alright, what's critically important is to put away the utensils immediately

after dinner, you do not want them to be armed

in any sense of the word-

-Alright cut it

it sounds, it sounds great but

the video is supposed to be like for a church

so I feel like we have to go a little different

ok well

Be nice

How's that? Does that work?


For more infomation >> How Do I Deal With Relatives at Christmas - Day 9 - Duration: 1:19.


PK Abenteuer | Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Blind Deutsch Let's Play - Duration: 34:46.

For more infomation >> PK Abenteuer | Super Smash Bros Ultimate | Blind Deutsch Let's Play - Duration: 34:46.


GARRY'S MOD СТРИМ ► HD | 21.12.18 | LIVE ► ПОИСКИ БАГОВ - Duration: 1:02:05.

For more infomation >> GARRY'S MOD СТРИМ ► HD | 21.12.18 | LIVE ► ПОИСКИ БАГОВ - Duration: 1:02:05.


I Tried To Sell My Used Panties Online - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> I Tried To Sell My Used Panties Online - Duration: 11:04.


Is Bass Easier Than Guitar? - Duration: 5:27.

Have you ever heard someone say that bass is easier than guitar because it only has

4 strings?

Or that bass players are guitarists who somehow 'failed'?

Maybe you've even joked around about this yourself!

I know I used to.

Hi, I'm Luke from Become A Bassist and in this video, we're going to examine this

idea see if there's any truth to this claim that bass is easier than guitar.

[Video Intro]

Short answer - NO!

Over the long term, bass isn't easier than guitar.

But by the same token, guitar isn't easier than bass and frankly, the entire question

of which one is easier or harder is kind of silly.

But you see this conversation go down all the time.

Some idiotic guitarist with an inferiority complex tries to rag on bass players saying

it's so easy to play, then inevitably some outraged bass player comes into the fray saying

that the guitars wouldn't sound any good if the bass wasn't there, and around and

around it goes.

This whole bass vs. guitar thing misses the point entirely.

In fact, over the long term, I'd argue that no instrument is easier or harder to master.

Now some instruments ARE easier to get started on and I'd argue that both guitar and bass

are really easy to get started on.

I could take someone who's never played an instrument in their life and get them playing

some simple bass lines or strumming a few simple guitar chords in very little time,

but to master either instrument - that will always take years of dedicated practice.

Other instruments like the oboe or the violin for example - they're much harder to get

started on.

They can take years just to get a good sound, whereas with bass or guitar, you can plug

in and get at least a reasonable sound pretty quickly . And of course these other instruments

like your stringed instruments and your woodwinds - they take years to master as well - just

like every other instrument.

There's a reason you see tons of garage bands playing guitars, drums and bass, but

very rarely do you hear about garage string quartets or garage wind ensembles.

Both guitar and bass are much easier to get started on and are a lot more accessible than

a ton of other instruments, but over the long term, the difference in difficulty dissolves


It's like trying to compare olympic events.

Do you think Olympic 100m runners look at Olympic shot putters and say, "All they

do is throw a little ball - that's easy".

And do you think the shot putter looks at the 100m runner and says, "Anyone can run

- that's so easy".

The reality is that both athletes trained equally hard for years and years to get to

the Olympics.

The big difference here is that music ISN'T a competition and the people that say things

like bass is so much easier than guitar they're usually either picking a fight or trolling

or they haven't gotten past their beginners mindset yet.

If you still try to seriously make these arguments that x-instrument is easier or harder than

y-instrument, I'd challenge you to look at why you think that and ask yourself if

you're still thinking like a beginner.

Once you realize that once you go down the rabbit hole on any instrument, that there

is always more and more to learn, you'll see exactly how silly this argument really


Now if you're an absolute beginner and you're trying to decide whether to play guitar or

bass, I'd suggest you try both out and just see which one you feel more 'at home'


Also think about what you're most drawn to in the music you listen to.

Do you love the raw, visceral feeling of the bass?

Or the way that it grounds the whole band and glues everything together?

Or do you love the sound of a guitar strumming in the middle of a mix or even playing soaring

melodies over the top?

Above all though, don't make this decision based on what you think will be easier or


Play the instrument that speaks to you and you enjoy the most.

No matter what you choose, that will make it easy to pick up and develop a practice


If you can make it easy for yourself to get in the habit of regular practice, everything

will become easier.

Like I said, bass isn't inherently harder or easier than guitar, but if you're a beginner,

ANY instrument can be intimidating and if you don't know where to start, you can quit

before you've even started and I don't want that for you.

So if you think bass is the instrument for you and you're wanting to take the first

steps as a bass player, I have the perfect thing for you - it's what I call the Beginner's

Starter Pack.

It's a collection of some of my absolute best material for bass players at the start

of their journey.

Inside it, you'll learn the 3 things to focus on that will put you ahead of 95% of

other beginners out there, plus you'll discover the order to learn everything in so you can

start making real progress.

To get the starter pack, just click the link in the description, fill out the form on that

page and I'll send it straight to your email - totally free.

If there's one thing I'd want you to take away from this video, it's that the road

to mastery isn't ever quick or easy for anything you do and that no instrument can

claim to be harder or easier over the long term.

That won't stop people from arguing though, and I say, let them.

In the meantime, I'll keep working and improving, and I'd encourage you to do the same.

Thanks so much for watching - I really appreciate it.

Hopefully I'll see you in the Beginner's Starter Pack as well - it's a bunch of fun,

so be sure to head to the site and check it out.

I'm Luke from Become A Bassist and I'll catch you in another video soon.

For more infomation >> Is Bass Easier Than Guitar? - Duration: 5:27.


Malagurski: Ko je ličnost 2018. godine? - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Malagurski: Ko je ličnost 2018. godine? - Duration: 5:26.


Can I Get Life Insurance if I'm Unemployed? | Quotacy Q&A Friday - Duration: 3:41.

Welcome to Quotacy's Q&A Friday

where we answer your life insurance questions.

Quotacy is an online life insurance agency

where you can get life insurance on your terms.

I'm Jeanna

and I'm Natasha.

Today's question is:

Can I get life insurance even if I'm unemployed?

There are some situations in which you can get

life insurance coverage even if you do not currently have a job.

There are a couple factors though that a life insurance company

will look at to determine if they can approve your application.

And these factors are

How longer have you been unemployed? and

What assets do you have?

If your current unemployment situation

is expected to be very temporary

for example, if you were part of a collective layoff

but you have a strong resume, good skill sets,

and a history of steady employment,

then many insurance companies would still consider

approving your life insurance application.

The industry you are working in would be considered as well.

For example, if you worked in an IT field,

you probably won't have an issue getting a new job.

However, if you worked in a declining industry

that provides fewer and fewer jobs

the insurance company may want to postpone your application

until you are employed again just in case.

And there are some "unemployment" cases

that don't really fit the mold.

For example, if you quit working to be a stay-at-home parent,

this is an entirely different situation altogether.

While you are technically unemployed, you still work.

Stay-at-home parents can definitely obtain life insurance

and they should.

Most insurance companies have two general rules

when it comes to insuring stay-at-home parents.

The working parent needs to have life insurance coverage

in place first, and the stay-at-home parent

cannot be insured for more than the working parent.

The second factor insurance companies consider

if you're unemployed and applying for life insurance

is your current financial situation.

They want to be sure you have the means

to pay your policy's premiums.

If you are unemployed, but have other means of income

such as a large inheritance or

you're a penny-pincher and have a decent savings,

the insurance company may approve your application.

If you have been unemployed for some time

and don't have the funds to keep up with policy payments,

your life insurance application will likely be postponed or declined altogether.

If you're currently unemployed and looking to buy life insurance

Natasha and I have some tips to help you

increase your chances of getting approved.

Tip number one: work with an experienced

life insurance broker or independent agency.

Quotacy has experience working with many

top rated life insurance companies and can shop your case

with multiple companies to find the one that

will consider your situation the most favorably.

Tip number two: be able to show that you are capable.

Have a copy of your resume handy

to send into the insurance company

and maybe even a list of jobs you are applying to.

The key is to demonstrate

that your unemployment status is temporary.

Tip number three: show your financial strength.

Having evidence that shows you are financially stable

may sway the insurance company to consider

your application more favorably.

Examples of financial strength can include

savings and/or investment accounts,

having little to no debt, and having good credit.

Tip number four: apply for a lower face amount.

If you're unemployed, but apply for one million dollars

of life insurance coverage,

insurance companies may be a bit leery of this.

The more coverage, the higher the premiums; therefore,

the insurance company is going to be concerned

that you won't be able to keep up with the payments.

Applying for a lower amount, may be easier to get approved for.

Just because you're unemployed,

doesn't mean you don't have a need for life insurance.

Quotacy can help.

Thanks for watching.

If you have any questions about life insurance,

make sure to leave us a comment.

And if you have any questions regarding today's topic,

check out the blog link posted below.

Otherwise, tune in next week when we talk about

how to buy multiple life insurance policies.


For more infomation >> Can I Get Life Insurance if I'm Unemployed? | Quotacy Q&A Friday - Duration: 3:41.


How Do I Deal With Relatives at Christmas - Day 9 - Duration: 1:19.

Establish dominance.

Find the tallest, biggest, bravest member of your family

and break his or her thumbs.

Then you're going to want to go to the store

Do you have a list? Do you have a pen and paper? Write this down.

So if you've seen Home Alone it's basically like you

set up traps along the stairs so that if they're coming to get you

at this point in time...that you're protected, right?

So essentially you're going to have the fire going the whole time

In the fireplace. Casual. You're going to fill the Christmas

bulbs with the black powder that you can directly throw in there at any given time.

It's the perfect defense.

Now during Christmas dinner

it's gonna be hard not to eat a bunch because it's Christmas dinner, it's delicious

but you're gonna want to be light on your feet.

You're gonna have to be quick. You're moving ok?

So don't bulk up on too much turkey or stuffing

or whatever mince pies your family has.

I think the real problem is going to be with Grandma because she actually

does love you.

So there might be some moral qualms with that.

Alright, what's critically important is to put away the utensils immediately

after dinner, you do not want them to be armed

in any sense of the word-

-Alright cut it

it sounds, it sounds great but

the video is supposed to be like for a church

so I feel like we have to go a little different

ok well

Be nice

How's that? Does that work?


For more infomation >> How Do I Deal With Relatives at Christmas - Day 9 - Duration: 1:19.


「Nightcore」→ Paris ♪ (Sabrina Carpenter) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 3:18.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Paris ♪ (Sabrina Carpenter) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 3:18.


What I fear of when im home alone - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> What I fear of when im home alone - Duration: 0:31.


The Carbonaro Effect - Carnivorous Vegan Plant (Tease) | truTV - Duration: 1:44.

It's a special order, this one.

We're gonna box it up,

and someone's gonna come on in and pick it up.

So we want to be extra-special.

Maybe just wipe down the pot for me here.


And I'll see what the rest of the invoice has on it.

Nope. This is for later. Oh, one of the vegan plants.

I have these over here. Okay.

All right, so, we can put that --

Be very careful here.

Yeah. All right.

Just delicately in here.

There she goes. There you go, little darling.

-In the box? -Yeah.

We'll keep it like this, and then our messenger's

gonna bring it right to the front door.

-Okay. -Yeah.

So it was that, and, then, this is...

the vegan plant.

That's one of these guys right here.

This is kind of like a --

well, it's a carnivorous plant, like the Venus flytrap.


Except it actually eats vegetation.


They call it a flytrap, but it actually doesn't trap flies.

Yeah, what I do is I usually feed them.

And actually, there's carrots right over here.

Can I have one of the carrots?

Great. Oh, that's great.

Okay, good. Yeah, it's a very bizarre plant.

Yeah. Never saw one.

One of the most peculiar there is.

It's actually the only plant that they know

that actually eats other plant life.

So, you just kind of tickle its bristles up here.

-Mm-hmm. -Let it smell the food.

And then you hold it near the mouth and, then,

real quickly -- there.

Right down its throat.

For more infomation >> The Carbonaro Effect - Carnivorous Vegan Plant (Tease) | truTV - Duration: 1:44.


The Oldest People Of All Time - Duration: 1:29.

EXO PICTURES - The Oldest People Of All Time

For more infomation >> The Oldest People Of All Time - Duration: 1:29.


Wolves vs Liverpool, LIVE: Follow all the Premier League action here - Duration: 4:53.

Liverpool will be looking to seal top spot at the top of the Premier League table over Christmas as they visit Wolverhampton Wanderers to get the weekend's drama underway

 Jurgen Klopp's side are one point ahead of Manchester City heading into the game and will also be looking to retain their unbeaten start to the season in the Friday night clash at Molineux

Wolves have settled well in their first season back in the top flight though and will be confident of avoiding defeat on home soil having already beaten Chelsea and drawn with City in the West Midlands this term

Follow all the live action with DAN RIPLEY as it happens. Dan Ripley  Host commentator Auto-update 18:44 Tonight's match programme cover could be the story of the evening  Mohamed Salah vs Rui Patricio? I say that with very little conference and it is because Wolves look like being this season's coupon busters

 For every home victory over Chelsea, there is a slumping defeat at the hands of Huddersfield Town

18:34 .but they will want to forget their last Molineux meeting with Liverpool  Two games before Mick McCarthy was sacked in 2012, Liverpool rocked up to the West Midlands and stuck three past hapless Wolves who would go on to get relegated

 It was only six years ago but seeing Andy Carroll, Dirk Kuyt and Craig Bellamy on the score sheet makes it seem like an age  - especially when you see the youthful pictures of Jordan Henderson

 Wolves did win the last meeting between the teams though, with Paul Lambert's side grabbing a shock FA Cup victory at Anfield last year

Andy Carroll scored in Liverpool's 3-0 win at Molineux back in 2012 Carroll is congratulated on his strike by Liverpool team-mate Jordan Henderson 18:28 Wolves have good memories of this fixture in the top flight

18:21 And here's Gary Neville looking like he is getting the xmas party started  Took me a while to realise that was not a maracca in his hand but a microphone instead

Thought he was in proper Happy Mondays mode as he helps Jamie Carragher lead the TV punditry this evening at Molineux

18:17 Here are all of this weekend's final Premier League fixtures before xmas  Click here for more fixtures, tables and results with our Match Zone 18:13 Molineux is ready for the evening's clash between Wolves and Liverpool  I always get a little excited when I see four goal frames on the pitch - in the hope that at the last minute there is a new regulation in place that gives both teams double the chance to score

If only for the chaos it would cause.  Yet, within a second you have to remind yourself it is just for the warm ups

One day maybe, one day. Molineux is ready to host Wolves v Liverpool in Friday's Premier League clash Liverpool's nameplate is all set in place in the visitors' dugout at the ground 18:05 The race is on for the Christmas No 1

 Not that any trophies are handed out in December of course but from a fan perspective there can't be much better feeling this time of year than waking up on the 25th knowing your team is on top of the table

 A win tonight for Liverpool and it will be the Reds around Stanley Park and beyond with that joy as I welcome you to our live coverage of Jurgen Klopp side's trip to Wolverhampton Wanderers


html","status":"running","greenBox":{"body":""},"modifiedOrder":1} 0 0 If you are using the app, please click here to view today's live blog 

For more infomation >> Wolves vs Liverpool, LIVE: Follow all the Premier League action here - Duration: 4:53.


Avengers Endgame Doctor Strange's PLAN REVEALED! - Antman Infinity War & Avengers 4 Theory! - Duration: 13:35.

but does your friend often do that strange all right

hey what was that look for in time to view alternate futures to see all the

possible outcomes of becoming conflict how many did you see fourteen million

six hundred and five how many we win

why did you do we're in the anger

what is good do to Warstu here a weird video on Avengers end game which

is Avengers 4 if you're new to the channel make sure subscribe to never

miss any videos just like this and we also are doing a giveaway for either the

Avengers infinity war Deadpool super uber 2 or ant-man and the wasps all

you've got to do is subscribe to the channel and let me know down below who

is your favorite suher what is n game everyone's talking about end game what

is n game so the most important thing we need to know is why are we in endgame so

Doctor Strange said in infinity war we're in the end game so remember in

Avengers infinity war Doctor Strange said I went forward in time to view

alternate futures to see all the possible outcomes of the common conflict

how when did you see 14 million 605 how many did we win 1 so during this scene

this is where Doctor Strange seen everything but it didn't see Goku he

didn't see Superman he didn't see Batman but he's seen everything else he's seen

all the possible futures that could potentially happen potentially alternate

realities where we could potentially see Thor die I am and die I think if they're

not gonna kill them characters off which they shouldn't do we should get to see

alternate timelines of them happening of that happening but it wouldn't really

happen in this universe so you're in infinity war this scene sets up the

whole of Avengers endgame so when they're on Titan remember dr. Steven

strains swore an oath to protect the time stone with his life or with our

life as direct paraphrase so he repeatedly said that to Tony I think at

least two times don't quote me he said if it comes down to saving you other kid

all the time stone I will not hesitate to let either of you die so in victory

in the future of victory that Doctor Strange seen the only way to win was to

give Thanos the only thing he wanted which was the time stone but be more

like who swore an oath to protect his time stone with his life Doctor Strange

willingness - hand over time stone to Thanos there

by sealing the universe - a terrible fate of the decimation so if you don't

read comics the Avengers for prelude it they've called the fingers now the

decimation it's safe to say that dr. strange has got a few tricks up his

sleeve because is the sorcerer supreme so in his own its standalone movie even

though he went from being a surgical doctor through to a time doctor I guess

you could say he outplayed one of the strongest beings in the whole of the

Marvel Cinematic Universe being door mahmu and he gave up the time stone that

easily really so they proposed they lost a fight on Titan even though they came

so close to taking the Infinity Gauntlet off if you don't know spider-man in the

comics and Tony Stark with that suit on are extremely strong they can produce so

much force but they still can take it off Doctor Strange knew they were gonna

lose that was part of his plan they weren't trying to be they weren't trying

to beat Thanos they were just trying to stall they were trying to waste time

until the decimation but only dr. strange knew about this so they all put

the lot they all put the blame on star-lord because every single movement

of this chess game was orchestrated by the chess master dr. strange he is

playing the chess game with fast but Thanos doesn't know what game he's

really playing so we need to break this down because we know how long dr.

strange spent in the Dark Dimension a lot longer than most people think

Symone piece most people left that movie thinking he could have chucked him into

another portal could have sent to another universe could have chopped his

arm off why didn't he do that so we know just from the Doctor Strange solo movie

that he truly is the master of the mystical arts trapping Dormammu in a

time loop until he gave up until he gave up one of the strongest beings in the

universe gave up because the scene kept repeating and repeating and repeating

and now dr. Steven strange has the famous align it's a meme go Never

I've come to bargain so infinity war the bargain was him giving the time stone to

Thanos Thanos thought he had won Tony was confused like what the fuck why

would you do that he didn't understand it the endgame plan involves Tony Stark

it won't work with that Tony Stark yes dr. strange faded away but that's

not what it's important here what's important is he set the stones in

motion before being decimated turning to dust some people will leave the stone is

cursed or in fact the time stone was sent to the future we'll get on site in

a minute Doctor Strange will return in Avengers for we know that he is

currently either in the soul world or in the bridging gap between the parallel

universes that were set during the finger snap because although Russo

buzzer did tellus stuff can be really trusted Russo brothers the movie has

been marketed very different to any other movie that we've ever seen when it

comes to Marvel Studios so if the Russo brothers or you do hear something during

an interview take it with a pinch of salt so in order for the Avengers to win

they had to lose they had to lose so badly

Captain America had to lose his best friend Bucky Tony Stark had to lose

spider-man which was a very emotional scene and it's gonna affect Tony Stark

forever but they needed they needed that emotional loss in order to return the

victor at the end of Avengers end game Tony Stark is very important within

endgame now he will and must figure out what Doctor Strange said when he warned

him about the we're in endgame the only way to stop phallus from killing Tony

was in order for Doctor Strange to give the time stone up Tony is the only

person who can put the plans already motion to work he bled during this so

obviously they were joking around at the start wearing the Doctor Strange

sanctorium when he thought Tony Stark was a bit of a jerk but now that we're

after he's seen blood coming off Tony Stark Tony Stark would give him or give

his life to save the world Tony Stark is the most important person

in the MCU even if you don't like him he is the most important person he sired

everything in Ironman one in desperation when he was taken hostage

forced to make sing and he essentially created the Iron Man character back then

avengers endgame will bring full circle to the original Avengers so it makes

sense why the original Avengers are the only people elastic Iron Man is the

brains Captain America is the leader of the team

he's the soldier these two will make up I know Civil War they all fell out that

was the whole point of the scenes in Wakanda and the scenes in Titan the

Avengers are gonna stand together in order to defeat Thanos so during the

fight on Titan it was all calculated even star-lords little scene where he

looked like the plan failed remember Doctor Strange throughout the

whole movie he's trying to outsmart everyone including the audience

so he's just stalling for time for ant-man so when dr. strange went forward

in time he's seen ant-man being the key to help in Iron Man so he figured out he

needed to keep Thanos busy so it happened exactly when ant-man was inside

the quantum realm dr. strange even went through the quantum realm in his own

movie so he understands the quantum realm he's the master of everything so

the quantum realm is a reality where the concept of time and space become

irrelevant that is why Scott Lang wasn't effective

from the snap Kevin Feige even suggested there are various levels to the quantum

realm and the laws of the universe apply in many different ways at each level the

time vortex will come into play massively that's why Janet said don't

fall in to a time of water during endgame they've clearly insert Scott

Lang in the trailer to confuse people into conversations everywhere online is

that scene at the end of the endgame trailer in the present-day or is it in

the past they've cleverly inserted text on the left hand corner

some people said it's at 1983 where other people said it said archive it's

not really relevant they're trying to confuse you

they've casted an older Cassie Lang so this does confirm at some point

throughout the movie there's going have to be a time jump like before

Doctor Strange set it all up so he would be trapped in the quantum realm

during the slap but when he gets out Scott Lang won't know anything the last

thing he's gonna know is everyone left him and there was nothing there so

whilst editing this video which is pretty interested in I came across a

reddit post from back in August that literally says the same thing

so the redditor says this so I saw a good point that dr. strange was probably

waiting for Thor to get strong storm breaker to kill thanos I don't think

that's right I only just watched ant-man the wasp last night finally and I think

Doctor Strange was waiting for ant-man to get in the quantum realm at the exact

point before the Pym got to snap any sooner and he wouldn't be able to enter

the quantum realm where he can intercept a time vortex

now I actually agree with him I really think the whole reason was to outplay

Thanos so nebula was there on Titan he didn't see that coming

that is the emotional stake there is some emotion there still between both of

them she is key in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline

if you don't know nebula takes the gauntlet from Thanos while he's in an

astral form and his body is left vulnerable

using its power she undoes fallacies work restoring life of all the people he

wiped out from the universe so that's another thing to think of nebula is

going to be key we already know from recent reports the nebulas got daddy

issues that would come through ition in avengers endgame but obviously Karen

Gillihan the person who is the actress that plays nebula couldn't say anything

anything else other than that and it's also worth noting that the time stone

before Doctor Strange called it up when he gave

it to Thanos came from nowhere and it was lit up and people know that the

stones only light up when they're in use so is it coming from a future where they

win Doctor Strange need a Nick Fury to call Captain Marvel in the future where

they win Captain Marvel is there playing with the Avengers kicking ass so he

needed the decimation to win he needed it to happen although this sounds kind

of far-fetched there's a lot of logical reasoning in this

I put a lot of work into this video my voice actually sounds bad I've got some

kind of cold or something so yeah if my voice sounds a bit off that it's

probably white so guys I'm still doing that 50,000 scrub giveaway Sienna says

so many people that are gonna be entering that still I'm going to run it

through to New Year's Eve then announce the winner on New Year's Eve so I get it

out to you in January depending on where you live

roughly it takes like two eight days to get to you depending on where you are in

the world so yeah we're going to run it through to New Year's Eve now so guys

what I want you to do is please like subscribe and comment and say I made it

to the end of the end game movie in the comments section if you got there or

just put team wars chew anyway guys please like subscribe and comment that

would be awesome and I will catch ya later

For more infomation >> Avengers Endgame Doctor Strange's PLAN REVEALED! - Antman Infinity War & Avengers 4 Theory! - Duration: 13:35.


Space (1999) Cast - Then And Now 2018 - Duration: 2:22.

Space (1999) Cast - Then And Now 2018

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Oh, baby

I'm crazy

What you've been that bad for me

Meatballs done got your feet both flood. You'll get to flap with me


Can take you down fall

Take you

Crosswalk instead like

Oh, baby

So I am crazy

My baby

They were in nature. So I'm crazy

But you've been that back we musta got your feet

You get to fly

I can take you down for right take you around

Fucking block

For more infomation >> Space (1999) Cast - Then And Now 2018 - Duration: 2:22.


FBI Targets Environmental Activists - Duration: 4:56.

Now let's talk about another story that came out recently about the FBI apparently keeping

files on climate change protestors, and so Mike Papantonio does Ring of Fire that's on

the TYT Network.

He does several different shows, so he does the news all the time, and he cares deeply

about these, and he's progressive.

That's why I'm asking you about it.

So Pap, what did the FBI do here and how concerned are you?

Well, well we've learned in the last few weeks is that the government hasn't stopped spying

on citizens since the 1940s.

You know, Truman came out with what he called, I believe, the shamrock project in 1947.

It created, in the NSA, the ability to spy on Americans.

The only thing that's changed since the '40s is we've stopped paying attention to the problem.

Right now, the FBI, CIA, NSA, and all of the other spy agencies in this country are treating

environmental activists.

That's where this is really going.

Environmental activists are under heavy pressure.

It's as if they're terrorists.

I mean, we're talking about people being spied on an Iowa peaceful, civil disobedience taking

place in Iowa.

Bill McKibben, who you've interviewed, I think a couple of times.

Bill McKibben has led the charge for climate change.

He's the only guy out there that's really, really willing to push the limits and civil

disobedience, but he's a target.

That's actually the word that the agencies use is terrorists.

That's what they call these environmentalists who were engaged in peaceful, civil disobedience

according to the documents that we've released.

The problem is very real.

If you've ever shown up at a pipeline protest, which you have, I remember you being right

in the middle of the protest.

Your name, I can assure you, Cenk, you are on their watch list, a climate march or engaged

in any kind of activities that might make the world a better place.

There's a good chance that you're probably going to be followed by some of those intelligence

agencies, and you know, when you were out there, you probably had a sense that that

was going on, but now we have the documents, Cenk.

We didn't have the documents before.

We had supposition.

We knew about the Frank Church hearings, right?

We knew that in 1975, Frank Church found the FBI and the NSA actually spying on American

citizens, spying on Martin Luther King, spying on Mohammed Ali, spying on Seymour Hersh because

of their activities that was contrary to governmental interest.

So the church hearings haven't changed any of that and we knew about the Frank Church

hearings, but I think we forgot about what Frank Church found out in those hearings;

that these agencies had been monitoring citizens a warrant for decades, and here we are, decades

later, finding out that the domestic spying programs really never stopped.

In fact, they've become more sophisticated.

So I think that's something that people, you know, we too easily dismissed this idea that

it's okay to spy on us, but when you have environmental activists or civil rights activists

that are out there trying to make a change, and we realized the government feels that

they are terrorists, that's a pretty serious indictment of democracy.

And at the same time they deemphasize the FBI tracking extremist, right wing groups,

who actually oftentimes have done terrorism in America.

Actual terrorism.

Well, I mean to blow up buildings, murders, shootings, etc.

And so the priorities are all screwed up.

So last question about that, Pap, is it sounds like that's another case of, in a sense, corporate

capture, right?

Well, yes it is.

It's the modern Pinkertons is what is what we have here.

We have these agencies that have become an extension of corporations.

It's hard to really put your arms around that, but they're out there because Exxon doesn't

want what's happening to go on.

DuPont or Dow or whoever it is, they have access to senators and representatives and

agencies that they can get them all chummed up on the idea that we got to do something

about these people, and unfortunately that is the norm.

That's the new norm.

If you think back to the Pinkertons in the '30s and the '40s, all they were were an extension

of corporate America.

We had to stop the unions.

They were actually franchised to a great deal by the American government, so there's really

no difference here.

It's just that we haven't paid attention to it.

For more infomation >> FBI Targets Environmental Activists - Duration: 4:56.


Only Ultra Legends Will Find It Funny V3 - Duration: 13:15.

Only Ultra Legends Will Find It Funny V3

For more infomation >> Only Ultra Legends Will Find It Funny V3 - Duration: 13:15.


FIANCE ARRESTED: Patrick Frazee charged with murder of Colorado mom missing since Thanksgiving - Duration: 14:03.

For more infomation >> FIANCE ARRESTED: Patrick Frazee charged with murder of Colorado mom missing since Thanksgiving - Duration: 14:03.


The Most Satisfying Christmas Slime Video #6 - Xmas Tree Slime 🎄 - Duration: 10:07.

The Most Satisfying Christmas Slime Video #6 - Xmas Tree Slime 🎄

For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Christmas Slime Video #6 - Xmas Tree Slime 🎄 - Duration: 10:07.


ImJayStation ruined Christmas. - Duration: 21:18.

Hi! My name is Tatum Borealis and if I were to have any friends, I would

definitely be the mom friend. So to fit in with my mommy aesthetic I thought

initially that for Christmas I should do a video on elf on the shelf. I thought it

would be really funny if I could find a bunch of videos of moms saying how they

like to harass their children with this doll. But when I looked for elf on the

shelf videos on YouTube, all I could find was children's content like Fun Kids

Videos Top 5 Elf on the Shelf Videos.

Now I loved the baby shark part of this video because again... mom person but I was

not as big of a fan as the horrifying clown face.

That channel also posted a wonderful video of them harassing their child with

the elf on the shelf.

Those creepy elf on those shelves are here! I better be quiet. I don't know

what's creepier about this video, the actual animated elf

in the video or the fact that the parents made their child do this for


I'm gonna go with the parents forcing their child to film herself in a closet.

These elf on the shelf videos were so creepy to me that I knew ImJayStation

would definitely be trying to profit off of it. And of course he did! Just a week

ago he posted his video "Do not call elf on the shelf at 3 a.m."

oh my god

Tonight we are calling the elf on the shelf. This is the North Pole guys I'm

freaking out I'm freaking scared right now. Oh my god. Yo! I like your voice! It's

really cool. So I was just curious if you're by Santa, could you tell him that

I've actually been like a nice boy this year? Santa has access to famous

birthdays just like me... He knows you're not a boy. He knows

you're a fully grown 28 year old man. It's crazy to think that all of these

photos have a horny snapchat caption cropped out of them.

So I was just curious if you're by Santa, could you

tell them that I've actually been like a nice boy this year? Wait a minute, is this ImJayStation!? You know my name! Oh

my god. Oh my god.

That's right ladies over the age of 18 ImJayStation has been a naughty boy

this year. I'm freaking out like I've really got to get

on the nice list. I tried to convince him to lie or something, guys. Like you guys

know me, I'm not that bad like I haven't done anything really that bad, guys! I

mean playing with the Ouija board and calling demons is pretty bad. Yeah, that's

pretty bad but you've done worse... We actually got a memorial set up of Mac

Miller. We got some candles. We're gonna light it up right now, guys. Today we're

going to do an EVP session to try to communicate with Mac Miller. Go on

though. Oh my god, I'm gonna try this one more time on FaceTime right now, guys. There's

actually a FaceTime button right there. It says video right beside the call

button. I'm freaking scared, okay. He's gonna be mad. I'm calling him again at

3:00 a.m. That's three times in a row, guys. Alright, here we go. Oh it's

ringing! Guys! Whoa, I just took a screenshot by accident. Oh my god, guys.

Come on. Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa! Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm sorry!

In my opinion threatening kids to like and subscribe is maybe worse than fake

conjuring demons for YouTube videos. Threatening is a pretty strong word but

I can only imagine that it could be really scary for a little kid to think

that he would be on Santa's naughty list if he wasn't able to like and subscribe.

I mean just look at how desperate this fully-grown adult is to get off the

naughty list. Well how can I get on the nice list? I

want to be on the nice

not forever. Please! Please! I'll do anything! Please! I'll do anything,

please. I'm begging you! Like I'm getting on my hands and knees. I beg you! I beg

you! But who knows maybe it's worth it to manipulate your audience in to liking

and subscribing. I mean, he has 3 million subscribers after all so maybe I should

give it a try. Every one of you watching isn't gonna make it onto my extra

naughty list unless you like and subscribe. My 2 favorite parts of this

video are at the end though. The first one being where he admits that he should

have kept the camera on the elf when he disappeared. I had no idea what he was gonna do!

Oh my god. Horror movies would be so much more enjoyable to me if the

characters accepted their mistakes like this.

Hey guys... Um, I'm realizing now that I probably shouldn't have locked myself

into a bathroom... umm. Wish me luck! And lastly this Christmas

card gets me every single time. I got a freaking present from him. He said he'll

give me one chance to get on the nice list if I wait till freakin like one

week before December to open this gift, guys. But like how is he gonna know, okay?

Like literally how is he gonna know, guys? I'm just gonna open this gift. I swear,

guys, don't tell Santa. Okay? I said like I'm trusting you guys please don't tell

Santa I'm opening this gift. Like, I'm gonna show you guys what's inside of it. Oh my

god, okay. First let's start with the card. Whoa it says, "Don't be naughty!-- Have a

fun-filled holiday!-- We are always watching! The card wasn't even that

necessary. You could have just used a blank piece of paper, and blank Christmas

cards do exist... Santa would know that a fun-filled

holiday for ImJayStation would include ordering Christmas presents off of the

dark web and poisoning Santa with potions... from the dark web. In this video

and all of his other Christmas themed videos, he mentions his black Santa video.

We called up black Santa at 3 a.m. and he got so mad guys! He told us that we're

on the naughty list. He even gave us coal guys. And because ImJayStation films

these horror type YouTube videos I naively thought that black Santa would

be an evil Santa who just wears a black costume but... no.

3 a.m. challenge guys. It is almost December. It is Christmas

season. Last year we actually called up Santa Claus at 3:00 a.m. and he came to

our house, guys. It was crazy. Santa is evil at 3:00 a.m., guys. But I was at the

mall yesterday and I actually saw a black Santa, guys. I didn't even know

black Santa existed so I was gonna tell my boys Stromedy and Jay Hills about the

black Santa and when I went inside of my phone to text them, I actually saw a black

Santa emoji, guys! Why didn't I know that black Santa existed, guys? I thought Santa

was white but no I guess there's two Santa Claus, guys! Tonight we're actually

gonna FaceTime black Santa at 3 a.m. Black Santa is the Santa that breaks into your

house, makes you buy him Fried Chicken, and smokes a lot of weed. Hmm... I wonder if

this video is going to be racially insensitive! Why do you think there's a

black Santa? Like maybe black Santa goes to the black kids and the white one goes

to the white kids or what? I don't even know what do you think? So is there just

a black Santa and a white one or is there a Chinese one too? Is there a Santa for dwarves?

Maybe there's a black dwarf! Oooh! Oooh! This part makes me laugh so hard but only because,

he is so stupid. They are so stupid. You edited this video for hours and in

that time it never crossed your mind that maybe you definitely should not

post this? Right now guys we're gonna actually message him just because we

don't know if he's actually real or not. Yeah you gotta make

sure you got a verified to see if he's actually you know even willing to

FaceTime. He could be busy getting ready. Santa. Yeah, he's probably gonna pairing or just

us, right? That's right, and we're white like... Exactly! like maybe we will call him

and he'll refers to the white Santa line. Maybe he'll refer you to the... stupid

Santa. They say he

actually gets up in the house but this is a fake fireplace. Oh my god, I'm

actually gonna turn that on in case he tries to come down it, guys. Like I do not

want them coming down there. I'm freaking scared. Alright guys?! So we got the

fireplace going right now. If Santa Claus comes down here you will get burned, guys.

Like I don't even know. I know white Santa

he's evil at 3:00 a.m., guys. I don't know about the black Santa. I am just putting

on the fireplace just in case, guys. You never know if he's evil and if he's

gonna come for us for real. Fake fireplaces

don't have a chimney or anything. A lot of the time they're just a wall insert.

But yeah, you gotta love how three white guys are talking about how excited

they're gonna be if they get to burn black Santa to death in their

non-existent chimney. Well if he does come down there, he's gonna burn his ass

off! Oh, I'm telling you that for sure! For real! Oh my god! You think he's gonna

answer? I'm freaking scared.

He just swore! Santa, how can I get off the naughty list?! Cursing and demanding

fried chicken?? White Santa would never do that only a black pe-- only black Santa would

do that...

What is he doing? Sorry Santa! Oh my god! Yo, oh my god! He walked in there with

smokey upstairs. What was he doing in the room? Oh my god, did you think was smoking in

there? Yeah, he was definitely smoking. Was he like hot-boxing because he's like

a swagger Santa? Yeah, maybe he was smoking because he's a gangsta! That's a

totally positive stereotype for black people. Right? It's amazing to me that

this video still has more likes than dislikes. But again it's because he's

emotionally manipulating his very young audience into supporting this strange

behavior just so that they don't get on the naughty list.

You guys smash the like button and subscribe right now and you guys will be on

the good list! Anybody who doesn't like and subscribe will be on the naughty

list with us, guys. With all that being said, I'll see you guys in the next one.

Besides 3 a.m. challenges ImJayStation is also really big into dark web mystery

boxes and of course there's a Christmas version. Tonight we're opening all four

Christmas presents from the dark web for you guys. I have no idea what to expect

what's gonna be inside of these Christmas dark web boxes. But guys they

were extremely cheap. I don't know, they were like telling these things as really

inexpensive boxes for Christmas. I'm guessing for families that don't have

very much money, guys. So we're gonna open them right now. I'm gonna open up this

one. Hopefully it's Lego, guys! Like that definitely sounds like Lego and I love

Lego! Okay guys, we're gonna open this one up. I'm freaking nervous, guys. Seriously...

Okay let's do it. Yo guys! What the hell!

Yo it's freaking razer kraken 7.1 headset oh my freaking god. There we go

like the seal was still closed guys okay let's see

no way no freaking way guys oh my god what in the hell oh my god okay guys

look at this this is freaking crazy imagine a little

kid opening this box guys what what the hell Oh

needles I wonder why he intentionally purchased those for himself so I have

tor browser which is a browser that allows you to access the real dark web

and so I decided to go on to the dark web's most popular marketplace which is

Silk Road and to my surprise there's no results for mystery boxes the

only thing on here is drugs lots of xanax specifically 10k s 9:03 green

hulks XANA

for only $7,000 I'm guessing for families that don't have very much money

guys the real dark web is a place that I would not want children trying to go to

so I hate that he's making so many videos on it and hopefully most of his

audience isn't actually trying to access the dark web or else that he could

access the Mexican mob his website and try to order a hitman for me for a low

low price of five thousand five hundred dollars for a standard shoot and run oh

but if they want to make it look like it's an accident it's at least fifteen

thousand dollars and remember that this is all in cryptocurrency don't think a

lot of four to ten year olds we're investing in Bitcoin so I think I'll be

okay I think in order to make this type of content for children you have to hate

children kids love scary things now in days

that's all the rage but it doesn't mean that that's the best thing to be

entertaining them with and as a responsible adult you should see that so

it makes me sad to see people creating content for children that is so devoid

of values and education and that ruined my Christmas if you want to make my

Christmas any better it would mean the world if you shared this with your

friends and remind people to never let their children watch this channel and

remember to like this video and subscribe if you want to get on my extra

naughty list

For more infomation >> ImJayStation ruined Christmas. - Duration: 21:18.


Turning The Day Around - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> Turning The Day Around - Duration: 10:48.


Honda FR-V 1.8 i VTEC LIFESTYLE - 6 persoons - Licht metalen velgen - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Honda FR-V 1.8 i VTEC LIFESTYLE - 6 persoons - Licht metalen velgen - Duration: 1:06.


Learn American Sign Language at Union College - Duration: 1:40.

So I just started showing up for the sign language class

because I enjoy communicating physically.

I tend to talk with body language and my hands a lot anyways.

I also like being able to talk to other people

in ways that I wouldn't usually be able to.

So like learning new languages like sign language.

I really enjoyed ASL

specifically because it is a hands-on class

and I'm a very hands-on person.

I don't really do well in lectures.

So I really enjoyed that.

My favorite thing about ASL was all the interactive games

because I got to have lots of fun while learning to sign as well.

I like American Sign Language because it is active

and it connects me to another culture within the United States.

So I'm dyslexic and my dylexia is auditory

so it's easier for someone like me to do movement

and be more active and engaged than having to sit there and be like,

"Wait, what's this letter? What's that sound?"

That doesn't click in my mind.

For more infomation >> Learn American Sign Language at Union College - Duration: 1:40.


Audi RS5 4.2 FSI RS5 QUATTRO B & O Camera Keyless Go 450PK! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Audi RS5 4.2 FSI RS5 QUATTRO B & O Camera Keyless Go 450PK! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:11.


Ninja Turtles vs. Snowmen! ☃️ Holiday Stop-Motion Exclusive | Rise of TMNT | Nick - Duration: 3:55.


This is our chance to finally use these babies. It's go time.


Watch and learn, babies.

Hey, hey, hey.

That is not how you're supposed to use those. I spent a lot of time on--



What the-- What happened?

Cannon ball!


Land safely...

- Oh, whoa! - Whoa! Whoa!

- April! - Hey, there you are.

Check this out.

- It's beautiful. - How'd you do that?

Look guys, you know how these things go.


What is the hold up, guys?

This situation calls for a dose of my psycho acrobatics.

Mikey, that was awesome!

Ha, what can I say? I'm the best!

Come on, if you guys wanna see some real skill, look right here.


Oh, I've been wanting to try this.

Hey fellas, give it up.

Woo! Let me try.

Don't mess this up, Raph. Don't mess this up. Here goes.

- I don't think he's got this. - Hey, you know he chokes under pressure.

Leo, he's even more self-conscious when you talk about it!

Enough, Leo!


OK, which one of you made Raph angry?

Hot soup!

Raph's got this, because in big-time moments,

leaders make big-time shots.


I can't watch, but I can't not watch.


Close one.

Oh, man.

This is crazy cool.

First turtle to ever skate through-- Oh, no, no, no!


My work is done here.

Uh, hey guys, what's Dad doing down there?

Time for today's training.

Dun, dun, dun!

Jumping Jack Flash! Seriously?

Ah, he looked at me!


Alright guys, time to put our training to use.

What training? You guys have been training?


We gotta go stealth.

Sneak jitsu 101.

- Are we gonna need a protractor? - No.

- An abacus? - Literally never.

A bag full of--

Ah, he's behind us!

- He is directly behind us! - Ah!

You didn't have plans right now, did you April?

Ha, oh I'm staying.


Someday you will be great ninjas with a little practice.


Ah, that can't be good.

Look guys, it'll be fine.

As long as we stick together and don't split up, we'll be OK.

'Cause we're like nothing you've ever seen.

Game on! Come on, guys!

Oh, snap.


We're getting nowhere fighting these guys. We've got to take out the source.

Where'd Splinter go?


Look at you, Red.

It's go time!


What's that?




I think we won.

- Ha-ha, yeah! - We did it!

Couldn't have done it without you, April. Our girl with the plan.

- Movie night later? - Your treat!


[music playing]

Boy howdy, let me tell you, be sure to watch Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Only on Nick.


I'm sorry, it's cold out here.

Imagine how I'm gonna feel in the summer.

I'm gonna go inside. Bye!

For more infomation >> Ninja Turtles vs. Snowmen! ☃️ Holiday Stop-Motion Exclusive | Rise of TMNT | Nick - Duration: 3:55.


Minuto IBGE - Natal e Religião [ÁUDIO] - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Minuto IBGE - Natal e Religião [ÁUDIO] - Duration: 1:53.


La tradición de los nacimientos navideños en Guatemala | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> La tradición de los nacimientos navideños en Guatemala | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:50.



For more infomation >> KIDRIVER - BONTOM ( OFFICIAL AUDIO ) - Duration: 2:24.


Let The Whole World Know (Music Video) - Opposite Way - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Let The Whole World Know (Music Video) - Opposite Way - Duration: 3:51.


Irish Guinness Beef Stew recipe / how to make - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> Irish Guinness Beef Stew recipe / how to make - Duration: 9:30.


A DECADÊNCIA de LUÍSA SONZA 👎 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> A DECADÊNCIA de LUÍSA SONZA 👎 - Duration: 2:46.


You Won't Believe Who Is Leading The Democratic Field For President - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> You Won't Believe Who Is Leading The Democratic Field For President - Duration: 3:23.


New Jurassic World 50 Gallon Surprise Box Dinosaur Toys DINO RIVALS Fallen Kingdom Mattel T-Rex VS - Duration: 27:12.

Wow good it's great to see you guys today I have a big huge 50 Cal Fox tool

on Jurassic world old fallen Kingdom little dinosaur toys including many of

the new Dino rivals dinosaurs awesome let's go ahead okay our first one is

going to be the dual attack Triceratops and then next we have our dual attack

contaminator all small guys cool and then next we have our duel Dino rival

dual attack Stegosaurus and then we have our biggest Dino rivals yet the bite and

fight Tyrannosaurus Rex head sideways

New Jurassic World 50 Gallon Surprise Box Dinosaur Toys DINO RIVALS Fallen Kingdom Mattel T-Rex VS

okay and here we have our Dino rivals Draco racks and our Dino rivals

Procera dogs and then we had our Dino rivals for incus and over here was our

Dino rivals Parasaurolophus this is another dual

attack and then we had our Dino rivals do attack suka - this one is awesome

I loved yellow coloring there is a custom made this is the classic chomping

t-rex but it's custom painted to look like the Diablo t-rex this one is really

awesome looking I call him the zombie rags and the next one here this is from

the quest for the indominus rex pack these guys the ones I'm showing you guys

here most of these I have reviewed and done battles on so today we're just

going to look at them really quickly this is the skeleton of the indominus

rex and it is perfectly sized and the and then we have the coolest Jurassic

world falling Kingdom toy you are ever going to get this is outfit raining blue

you can't even get this one yeah very soon you'll be able to get it I did

a full review of this guy and he is totally awesome

so I dress up as Owen and train this guy because you actually have to train him

so he is one really cool Dino and he likes to get past and check out that

video and then I got another Jurassic world falling kingdoms Legacy Collection

this one is chompin spinosaurus I have to actually buy this one from Great

Britain because they don't sell him in the US and he is awesome his mouths open

because they didn't Jam when they doing there well that's the only way you could

get him to totally keep and then another really cool

I have not reviewed this one yet I will be doing a review of this one ah

probably the end of this week this is it the UH Anatomy t-rex so it

looks exactly like the t-rex but you could take it apart see inside take out

the muscles and the bones and stuff it is awesome and then we have the roarin

side of Jericho

and then we have another awesome Tran Adan

this is from the destructor Sora's helicopter set this one is the biggest

TriNet on I've seen in years and then we have the orange head Baryonyx with

chomping action this came with the lava search Sat which is a slime set it

checked out now I slime a budget and then we have the mini which is another

and then the Protoceratops mother really cool and then the pro Ceratosaurus so

this guy almost looks like some type of miniature Velociraptor with Dhokla third

claw and then we have for hatching Dino eggs go ahead push that down and the

dinos pop up ah so this one is Velociraptor blue so it

is a baby blue and then we have a cute baby Triceratops we have baby Stig Ebola

with rolling spikes and then acute baby t-rex

that turns into and evil racks check out this deep into the teeth drought when

you turn this dial hahaha awesome so this huge guy here is a battle damage

colossal roaring t-rex that was custom colored and custom teeth let's check

this guy out

does roar custom teeth all of these I do have full reviews and battles of guys so

check out my playlist and then I got some big ones I could even fit into the

box this is the original colossal t-rex oh no sound but he will swallow a bunch

of action figures which you could take out

and this next one is the original Battle Damage roarin colossal t-rex which was

sold at Walmart so this is the one you've seen the very first one fucking

customized so he does make sound he's got all the Battle Damage on him all

over really cool Dino and then another really cool one probably my coolest one

this is a custom Jurassic world thrash and throw t-rex so this is the one

that's got the movement on the tail just crash your back to pull there roars

stomp but this one is custom made custom color and it has and then this one here

is just like the one you seen the one you just seen was this guy customized so

this is the trash and throw t-rex with all the controls through the tail the

stomping action really cool and this one here is the legacy edition chompin t-rex

big huge I mean he looks like one of those

singers from the band yes and then this one is the same Dino

but exclusive to Walmart with

so basically just damaged community now one of the coolest ones I got this is a

new one I just got this is the grab and growl in the Raptor so it's got full

movement through the head puppeteer type movement it does also grab its arm when

you turn the dial and it has sound and the eyes light up and then down here is

the original in the Raptor so they do look pretty identical but this doesn't

light up doesn't make sound this is just almost like a generic version of the one

I just showed and then down here we have a Spinosaurus look-alike from the

Spinosaurus family this is the suku - this one doesn't have sound but you push

the button here it does open in chocolate wow this is awesome

like I said cool reviews and battles of all of these check out the playlist at

the end of the channel and then we have big huge mega Soros so this guy's action

feature is he swings his tail back and forth

huge Stegosaurus and then back here we have a huge Pteranodon check this guy

out this is the biggest trend on I've seen

and the most accurate looking to like movement in wine and then over here we

have a giant sized Velociraptor blue so you'll see when I get to the other the

other Raptors are about the size of the Stiggy so this blue is way bigger I

believe it's a 12 inch bigger from head to tail and then here is a cool one I

found at Target this one Oh

so different dinos you play games and stuff and it comes with two and then

I've got some movie theater exclusives these were in different countries you

could buy these this is in the Raptor head pops open you could fill it full of

popcorn and the same with this t-rex the head pops open you could fill it full

force these ones I bought from Mexico and then they also had this huge

Jurassic world egg here which I believe in Mexico this was used for popcorn or

ice cream so put a full ice cream in there just said Jurassic world solo and

then also with that - I bought this giant gyrosphere then you fill up with

popcorn you can eat it right out of there and some other really cool ones is

I have an indoor-outdoor mask here you put the straps on and when you talk the

mask opens and closes as your mouth does and the same with the t-rex you put the

mask on when you talk it chops and then the coolest mask of all is this

Velociraptor blue one as you open the mouth it makes some and

the eye it's like a glass eye I mean it's very

realistic this is and then we have a gyrosphere launcher vehicle by matchbox

push this it launches the gyrosphere right out the front of the truck

you can pull characters in here it's a really cool looking vehicle and then

over here I have aa remote control drivers this one it does move forward

and it's been really cool we have another gyrosphere this is from the

gyrosphere and Clare story set look like a broken off and we have the sub from

the movie that goes down finds the indominus rex is body and the bottom of

the sea and I believe this the Mosasaurus also does

and then over here I have Raptor attack remote control here

so this one does drive the seat pops open it throws Oh and out when the

Raptor Springs forward it hits a spot here the seat pops out and it looks like

the Raptor actually got goin right out of the Jeep and then I have a legacy

Edition Jeep Wrangler from Jurassic Park this one is sold at Target with working

winch I've got a big like Dino transport truck here with sound working lights

opening doors to pull characters inside you could put the dinos in the back even

bigger dinos like the suit problem it will fit right in there so this was a

bleep made wide matchworks and then we have this big huge real field mosasaur

ass so this guy is a huge rubber dinosaur you could actually take this

kids could play with this one in the back

and to go with the Velociraptor blue mask I showed you earlier you got some

awesome brother velociraptor and then here is one of the corridors

Ceratosaurus and then I have a nice big Carnotaurus with chomping mouth I

actually gave this one away in a giveaway a brand new one so keep

watching for giveaways and then over here I have a Jurassic Park

remote-control Jeep with mud splattered all over it

and a big huge Imaginext in the rafters so this guy actually it comes with like

a Jeep and this guy will chase the Jeep let me see I believe I could show you

the running action if I turn this there we go so it looks almost like he's

riding a bicycle it is hilarious and then we have big huge Inc Lea Soros with

swinging club tail we have a metric and the Soros chomping action is sound

we have chop chomping Allosaurus with chomping action is sound we have an

awesome Jurassic world matchbox portable set and we have some

little ones this is one of the attack packs dive work with

and then we have Battle Damage sticking the lock you see this guy's yeah he's a

little shiny I had I put this guy into a slime pool so yeah I hope it actually

washes off yeah okay here we have a really cool Velociraptor blue and a red

Velociraptor which is uh it's an exclusive pack that is sold at Kohl's

stores and then we have pachycephalosaurus with head springing

action there back here we have an awesome

Triceratops movses edge and wow we have a lot of Dinos from drastic world fallen

Kingdom here we have Velociraptor blue with springing action here we have cool

Dilophosaurus it's grilles there and then we have a

lot of Gallimimus is we have an orange yellow my man gray Gallimimus we have

green Velociraptor we have baby t-rex we have another brown Velociraptor

with the springing action I believe this is one of the legacy edition ones this

is another legacy edition one with drinking action and then we have a

battle damage monolith asaurus we have another awesome loss eruptive blue here

we have classic edition one of the legacy edition Pteranodons and here we

have battle damage Triceratops but they actually put the horn on backwards

here we have the Velociraptor this is the one that actually goes on that

attack rank Jeep Wrangler this one the one that swings forward and attack oh

let me see we have an Owen on a motorcycle here this is like the rip and

roar motorcycle we have some fun Co ones this is a Funko t-rex this is a fun Cup

iron Malcolm we have a Funko dr. grant over here we have bunko bunko Dennis

Nedry Funko John Hammond we have round yellow - Battle Damage we have Baryonyx

with Chompy inside and then we have another Jarvis sphere so a lot of the

set there's three or four drivers spheres you could get in the sense we

have while Battle Damage the rarest Norris is dead we hit him opens up

chomping cool then we have ah awesome like rip and roar velociraptors roaring

attaches to Owens motorcycle and we have green then officers with ball drills we

have awesome work

yeah this is the four-wheeler that goes to the in director set this is the one

Owen rights and in director chases and we have Funko Dilophosaurus we have a

green Gallimimus over here we have a crushed t-rex mask we have like greenish

blue Velociraptor would thus bringing action over here we have these ones are

really cool these are the Takara Tomy original license products so this is

these are from fallen Kingdom the fallen kingdom t-rex in the raptor is diggie

malach Mosasaurus Velociraptor blue and Carnotaurus and then so far I have a

bunch of the action figures just get up pull these off really quick

so we can see the different action figures because there is quite a few of


so that that's one thing that's awesome they've brought back the action figures

the other the first Jurassic world set they had one action figure which was

goin with the Velociraptor blue set so this one not only brings the Jurassic

world characters they bring back a lot of the classic characters from Jurassic

Park so to the Jurassic world legacy edition and then I have a box huge bag

full of Jurassic world miniatures these are from 15 packs from Walmart Battle

Damage and for most of these are from blind bags I have three of the Jurassic

world dinosaur skeleton sets you have the Triceratops the Velociraptor and the

Stevie malach and a bag full of Matchbox cars from the fallen kingdom movie and a

bag full of Imaginext dinosaurs Wow that moves a lot oops almost forgot

one more like almost light orange brown color yellow - that's a lot of Dinos and

they still are coming out with more so keep watching to see even more okay I

almost forgot I also do have all of the drastic world LEGO sets which I've put

together and stop-motion animation those are cool I believe there was 14 of

the Lego fallen Kingdom sets the dinos are the Carnotaurus a brand-new t-rex

mold the original t-rex mold the Indo Raptor we have a classic Velociraptor

classic they lost so RS we have this Liga Moloch we have two of the

velociraptor blues a green classic velociraptor and Pteranodon so those are

the label and then my final one is the remote control Pteranodon

Wow guys that box was totally also if you guys enjoyed that video I do got

over a thousand more check out the playlist on my channel for more fun

ballin Jurassic world always videos check out the playlist you guys are

awesome in today's secret word is the word

go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video

I don't you remember my club click the subscribe button below for a lot more

fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new

video click the boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see

even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Jurassic World 50 Gallon Surprise Box Dinosaur Toys DINO RIVALS Fallen Kingdom Mattel T-Rex VS - Duration: 27:12.


O que o Caminho da Esperança ensina para o nosso crescimento pessoal - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> O que o Caminho da Esperança ensina para o nosso crescimento pessoal - Duration: 3:52.


✅ Marcelo Ié Ié nega que tenha traÃdo Flávia Viana e desabafa - Duration: 1:37.

O término de namoro entre Marcelo Ié Ié e Flávia Viana ainda está dando o que falar e o humorista decidiu abrir o jogo mais uma vez sobre o assunto

  Em entrevista para o programa Pânico na Jovem Pan, ele explicou sobre o fim repentino e desabafou sobre acharem que ele tinha traído ela

  "Eu nunca chifrei namorada nenhuma! Eu vivo o que eu quero viver e se eu estou namorando, estou 100% entregue

Sempre vou respeitar quem estiver do meu lado. Não existe esse motivo, e muita gente veio 'com dois pés no peito' falando isso", disse ele

  Marcelo garantiu que também ficou triste com a situação e que ainda existe amor, mas não tem como continuarem juntos

  "O amor é aquilo que você vive naquele momento e naquele momento foi uma história linda, não deu errado, naquele momento deu certo

Mas o amor ainda existe, a Flávia é uma pessoa totalmente fora da caixa, totalmente diferente", elogiou ele

  Confira a entrevista:  Notícias Relacionadas   12/12/2018 | 18h05m - Julia Teixeira A Fazenda: 'Ela queria agressão', diz Evandro sobre Gabi   06/12/2018 | 19h00m - Pedro Ungheria Termina relacionamento de Flávia Viana e Marcelo Ié Ié   05/10/2018 | 16h35m - Julia Teixeira A Fazenda: 'A casa está a ponto de explodir', diz Sandro

For more infomation >> ✅ Marcelo Ié Ié nega que tenha traÃdo Flávia Viana e desabafa - Duration: 1:37.


New Kris Jenner kupiła wnukowi kurtkę Versace za... 11 TYSIĘCY! Gustowna? - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> New Kris Jenner kupiła wnukowi kurtkę Versace za... 11 TYSIĘCY! Gustowna? - Duration: 3:27.


Oprah's Favorite Things - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Oprah's Favorite Things - Duration: 1:24.


Detective Christmas Tree finds the clues to Jasir's sabre - Duration: 6:01.

yeah well you should have gotten medicine before you got stranded in your

house how sad story so I need to park somewhere okay here it's completely

legal to park are you sure of course I can park on the zebra okay dude we're

fall down I wanted to stay up and go okay fine night we survived okay

survivor rank up I thought I was gonna die another six-shooter why not burn oh


really I under water and I'm still freaking on fire okay I really die as

well just to teleport I'm not dying you teleporter than I have to go all the way

it's called Karma right

okay I'm here oh you're here somewhere did you stole my car in the

meantime no hurry up and come down watching and waiting for you oh you

should that's not my card anything with travel a driver like this oh really

good job

I see how those the five-string if you've managed to hit the sake of them

driving up the mountain Oh God okay stole my car I'm going back

to the apartment so the cemetery clandestinely and it's in the few of the

bodies given the state of the region I'll show you how it could accomplish

this task especially with conditions hmm how they are and I ever have the

distraction so they take their Christmas tree you managed to find the last clue

oh god I just punched the wall on the door flew open broken legs for you that

that they have a need to go hey where is detective Christmas tree to going boom

broken but for you eh oh don't eat that that's gross


both of us yeah pros I'm inside I need your help

I'm on my way eta 45 minutes that sounds great I don't

a lot of ammo oh they have penises whose idea was to

go here during the day yours okay but still I don't see anything it's so white

it's so blue double racist hey racing about that blue you're being racist to

blue Oh guess who's not gonna use the car for getting away from here

wrong button oh you totally didn't hear us coming

holy crap it's or just break through the fence

oh god what a used card game over a chicken I'm going to buy a katana no

chickens no I just screech I think everything-everything you can it would

be much more Easter interesting if you took a picture of every of different

parts of the story not just five times the same sentence

For more infomation >> Detective Christmas Tree finds the clues to Jasir's sabre - Duration: 6:01.



For more infomation >> EL MEJOR REGALO QUE PUEDES DAR - Duration: 4:13.


Rochester Ginger Non Alcoholic Drinks | MBS Festival Brisbane - Duration: 3:07.

- Hi, I'm Rob from

Rochester Ginger and Natural Remedy Tonics.

Here at MindBodySpirit Festival,

we're sampling our non-alcoholic ginger drinks,

which have got a real kick of two very angry mules.

And we're also showcasing our new range

of nutraceutical tonics.

The first one is our ginseng, ginkgo, and brahmi.

It's designed for memory and concentration.

Ginseng being around for thousands of years

as a natural pick-me-up for endurance, energy,

to give you longer.

It has beautiful colours of blueberries,

green tea, and chrysanthemums.

It's my tonic for the brain fog at two o'clock

when I feel tired, tried coffee, need something sweet.

It's so good for you, and tastes so nice as well.

Our second tonic is our turmeric tonic.

Turmeric is amazing as a super-herb with so many benefits.

But did you know that the active ingredient

within turmeric is called curcumin,

and curcumin is 40 times stronger

than standard turmeric powder?

So one serving of this turmeric powder

is equivalent of three tablespoons of turmeric.

The colour looks amazing.

It has licorice, mango, cinnamon,

ginger, orange, black pepper,

and absorbs really well into the system.

That's our turmeric tonic.

Amazing for it's bioavailability,

you can put it into some juice, tea, water.

We like it with coconut milk,

and that's how we're serving it today.

It absorbs well.

And the final of our tonics

is one of my favourites,

as it conjures up some great, nostalgic memories.


For me, sarsaparilla reminds me of

long road trips in the car.

Hot days, we'd bring out the sarsaparilla, so refreshing.

It's one of those flavours

that you'll remember for the rest of your life.

And what we've done is created a sarsaparilla tonic

that mirrors a classic sarsaparilla back in the late 1800s,

before the soft drink manufacturers took hold of it

and changed the recipe.

So, in this one, you can say bye-bye to artificial colours,

and flavours and 70% sugar, the nasty 150D caramel colour.

And instead, what we've done is we've replaced it

with real sarsaparilla root, with licorice, molasses,

ginseng, brown pears, no added sugar.

You can see that the beautiful colours of the herbs there,

with licorice, molasses, really good for adrenals, skin,

it's a natural pick-me-up, and it tastes so amazing.

So it goes to show you, you don't need refined cane sugar

or artificial sweeteners or tasters to make a tonic,

not just healthy for you, but tastes fantastic as well.

I just love sipping on that.

It takes me back to the good old days

when things used to be slow, times were great,

and drinks just tasted so much better.

So come in and see us at MindBodySpirit Festival.

You can try these tonics and ginger, and more,

and we'd love to see you there soon.

For more infomation >> Rochester Ginger Non Alcoholic Drinks | MBS Festival Brisbane - Duration: 3:07.


✅ Neymar Jr. aparece curtindo dia inédito de folga na piscina com os amigos - Duration: 1:06.

 A maioria das pessoas estão entrando na melhor época do ano e aproveitando a temporada de férias!  A situação não é diferente para Neymar Jr

! Mesmo com uma agenda lotada e vários compromissos ligados ao time que joga, Paris Saint Germain, o jogador está de volta ao Brasil curtindo dias tranquilos ao lado da família e amigos

 Para aproveitar o calor desta sexta-feira, 21, e começar o final de semana daquele jeito, o camisa 10 foi clicado curtindo um dia de folga ao lado dos amigos na piscina e ainda exibiu o novo penteado

   Fora do resto da temporada do PSG por estar machucado, Ney já aproveitou para jantar ao lado dos familiares e dar uma volta em um shopping paulistano e causou tumulto na última quinta-feira, 20

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