Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 22 2018

Hello, and welcome to Slice of Ace! This is the final video in my video series on

asexual relationships. While I'm talking at the moment, I'm going to link the

videos at the top of the screen... I really need to remember which side of the

screen it's on, but at the top. And also in the description below, you can find the

links to all the videos in this series. I first talked about ace-ace relationships

and then did two videos on ace-allo relationships, and to round this off I'm

going to be talking about non-"traditional" relationships. What is

"traditional", you may ask. Well, the definition I'm using today for

"traditional" is a monogamous, romantic relationship, so anything that doesn't

fall under that bracket is going to be considered in this video. Of course, this

isn't going to be a comprehensive documentary. I'm just going to cover what

I think are the three main types of non-"traditional" relationship that are

often mentioned within the asexual community. These are open relationships,

polyamory, and queer platonic relationships (QPR). If you're

interested in solely a single part of video, I will leave links in the

description below for every part. So, with all that out of the way, let's get

started. I'm going to begin this discussion talking about open

relationships because out of the three that I have chosen it is by far the

simplest. An open relationship is a committed relationship

where the people are allowed to pursue sexual interests outside of their

relationship. But in the case of ace-allo relationships, the asexual could allow

the allosexual to fulfill their sexual need outside of their relationship. This

is particularly useful in ace-allo relationships as it removes the pressure

from the ace to compromise sexually solely for the benefit of the allo. How an

open relationship works completely depends on the people involved. For

example, some people may be happy letting their partner have one-night stands with

whomever they wish. However, some open relationships may be strictly regimented

on who the people have sex with and how often. Of course, this isn't an

exclusively asexual thing, but it can be very useful for some asexuals who are

sex averse or don't want the sex to be a part of their life at all,

but they still want a romantic involvement with someone who is allosexual.

However, in this situation communication is even more necessary

than in an exclusive relationship. If the partners don't trust each other to stay

loyal in their committed relationship then this might not be ideal. Moving on

to something which is very different, but people often get confused. Polyamory is

when a person is open to multiple committed relationships. These can either

be in the form of dating two or more people in separate relationships, or

alternatively having a relationship between three or more people. It is worth

noting that someone can consider themselves polyamorous even if they are

single. It is simply an openness and a desire to

be dating more than one person simultaneously. As you can imagine,

polyamory takes many different forms. I'm just going to go through some common

examples. Now, from the research that I've done, these are often described using

letters or shapes. Some common examples include a V. A V is where one person is

in a committed relationship with two people but those two people aren't in

the committed relationship with each other. You might also have a pentagon,

where everyone in the polyamorous relationship is in a relationship with

two other people. Or a W, which looks like a W, and I could go on. So, there really

are many different ways that polyamorous relationships can form, and even within

this, the types of relationships that the people within a polyamorous

relationship group will share could differ. Going back to the V structure, let's

take this relationship between Bill, Elsebeth, and Kaylee. Bill is romantically

involved with Elsebeth, but Elsebeth is both romantically and sexually involved

with Kaylee. Kaylee and Bill may be friends, but they're not romantically or

sexually involved at all. Similarly to open relationships, this can be a good

way to alleviate the pressure of having to

compromise for sex in an ace-allo relationship. Really, in polyamorous

relationships, the possibilities are endless. As this topic is so complex, I

don't have time to go into it at this point in time, and if I did I really

would need someone in a polyamorous relationship to best explain it.

However, I'm going to leave some links in the description to resources that I have

found useful in learning about polyamory. I'd like to thank people on the

polyamory subreddit for smoothing out some of the miscommunication that I was

brewing in my first take of this video. And finally we come to queer platonic

relationships, or QPR. If you don't like the word queer, I've also heard this

referred to as a quasi platonic relationship, or QPR. A QPR is a non

romantic relationship that still has a strong emotional and platonic bond which

transcends what is normally thought of as a friendship. So you may be wondering

how you distinguish between a friendship and a QPR. Well, the level of commitment

that you'd see in a QPR is often much greater than a friendship to the point

that rivals that of a romantic relationship. So the people in a QPR

might live together, they might raise children together, but they're just not

romantically involved. In a romantic relationship, you have a boyfriend or a

girlfriend. So, what do you have in a QPR? Well, somewhat strangely, your partner in

a QPR is known as a zucchini. which is American

for courgette, I believe. From what I understand, this started as a joke but

then caught on, and now everyone refers to each other as vegetables. Which is

hilarious and adorable. Once again, the benefits of this type of

relationship for an asexual person are obvious - no sex. It's also particularly

useful for people on the aromantic spectrum. Someone may want to have a

committed relationship, but if they don't feel romantic attraction, that leaves

them in a bit of a bind, the same way as asexuality. So having a QPR is a

really good way for an aromantic person to have a committed relationship

without having to deal with the romantic side of it.

Okay, that is all I had to say today on my Whistlestop tour of some

alternatives to monogamous romantic relationships! These can be useful for

people in the asexual community as it allows them to bypass that prerequisite

that is sex. I will leave a bunch of links in the description which will go

into much more depth, so if you want to know more about any of these things then

please check the links in the description below. I am not polyamorous,

I've never been in a QPR, or an open relationship,

so if I have misrepresented anything in this video, please do tell me and I will

do my best one amends it, either in a future video or, if it is irreparable, I

will take this video down and do it again. And that wraps up my series on

asexual relationships. This was really just the surface level of all these

topics, so if there is something you want me to go into in more detail, whether that

be sharing my thoughts, getting the thoughts of the ace community, or just exploring

in more factual detail, then please do tell me - comment below. If you enjoyed

this video, then please leave a like. I post videos every Saturday - except next

Saturday. Next Saturday is going to be my week off because of Christmas and

visiting family and such. But do not worry, the schedule will be back on as

normal after next week, so if you want to see more, then feel free to subscribe.

That is all I had to say today, have a wonderful day and I shall see you next


A QPR is defined...

by something I need to look up because I don't want to get it wrong.

For more infomation >> Non-"traditional" Relationships - Asexual Relationships Part 3 | Slice of Ace - Duration: 8:27.


Google Home Mini - Modifica AUX e SUONO !! - Duration: 10:59.

hello guys welcome back to all of clint

Hardware and today we will see

very fast how to modify the

google men to make it more versatile

and to reduce costs but will explain

very shortly

boys the worst feature of the

google men that would make me

avoid at all costs and buy it

lack of a jack from three thirty something

This involves only use the cash

google or small mines

I work for this because I keep

in the living room behind me with the

television and a 5.1 sound system with

bars and anything else I wanted to be able to

used with a year definitely

best I have to say that put the percent


It sounds strong but not very low

so since I have a samba with

subwoofer and everything I said because

do not try to connect them off well

bluetooth not connected there is no

way to connect wireless then

What will I went thought as

Net Case with must be connected

in some way instead of getting off

then make it unusable because

not to make a bridge with a cable

common cable by three female and thus the midst

that you can connect the jack cable

male male to connect the

soundbar to another device with a

spending just two Euros for the cable

the donor females

I went immediately to make the

Now change that you will see in video

I said I went to make the

modification eliminating the part below the

google mini yellow and

of orange in my case that is not

other than a layer of rubber below the

which in fact there are four Torx screws

from having to take to access

inside the enclosure and system

Management of all men google removed

these first four Torx screws are

are four other screws

larger size with a head I

Apparently I still twice as big

to dismantle everything I bought the

minikit also eliminated these four

screws we can see that

the thread is really very very thin

linking the chest to the source

management of google or not this thing

it means that we will be very much

attention when we're going to

Strip the two red and black wires

be able to connect our children

I have female adapter

sought the help of a scalpel or

go to strip laterally floor

Flush floor everything I tried

beginning with a lighter to try

to dissolve the rubber but let's say that the

son was too thin so that

noted from the outset that

overheated before the wire itself that

then the rubber

oh well exceeded this little problem

we access the thread let's pretend

We already starry wires

I what I did instead of cutting and

skinned that they more comfortable but on wires

with so little total distance

I do not trust simply this

because then maybe it's too little thread

you must make a change in short open

even more time

I just went to remove a

small rubber flap and go to

connect over the new yarn

by rolling and in my case I have

tinned but also say that even with

two drops of hot glue being very

attention could have been resolved

all the hot glue I generally the

discourage because in case of changes

our error

and go again intervene is

truly a finger in the ass

remove make this change I

sure there were no contacts

between the two wires and went to close

with the electrician's tape

blue for my case because

honestly he does not care the roof of

color or connected to me

have found that turning on and here

unfortunately my surprise was extinguished

immediately went short

beginning I also made a small I

said ok I burned but no

covering photos

This is here that I did and I put you

all the time overlay

I noticed that the cable that I had

I had detached from google Armenians

simply attached upside if

not you noticed and you want to do

know that the red wire so the

red side and the black side should be

with the red part towards the inside of

google and belong either to the

Side view that the external fact

This I ascertained that fact

worked and here again there was the

problem was the audio for a second

It worked after the second onward 0

I did not understand why then dismantled

Here from the station I said

stupidly because I have not tried

before the open table are all nice

I came back I said it opened

it may be that it was not perhaps the verse

son to the problem but no it is not

simply the volume was one hundred

one hundred

I do not know why book gave problems in fact

I said we do a test I did ok

Google sets volume 50 percent and I

Now I heard it then surely

microphone in fact or kay google sets

volume 10 per cent

Now we will promptly do a test for

prove that it actually works

what do we have to do

here telecomandino of my blood

now we blow out ok google Volume 60

percent and American knows ok google

volume 10 per cent

ok take care now to the volume

10 percent do not know if you feel

just to drive for a while ok google

volume to 20 percent

ok now do a test right away

in the field and turn the blood with

aux jack cable already connected and feel

the boost and then in a few words

show you but I do not think there is

need that everything works and that

It did a spell is ok

turning aux connection ok google

volume but ten percent

ok I also lowered as a matter of

copyright because if not now by the volume

the more we increase it on Sanbar

we see took him three who

put everything from samba ok button

fast method painless not miss

the guarantee also ensured because

inside of the screws and introduces the

classic blue dye that shows that

you have tampered with but anyway it is also

easy to understand as you go

perform like I did

a hole in the plastic to pass

the extension cord so but I have to

say that the result satisfies me

lot I could connect my

soundbar and do not know why we say maybe

It was not compatible weapons and then I

I had to do this though flapping in

typically almost all sang in the bar

pocket that allows via google

men of being able to precisely connect

so I do not know but let's pretend

you wanted to connect it to another


maybe even computer speakers

maybe your own computer itself


perhaps a smartphone do not know not

are a whatever that is

short tutorial photos not those put

I could do a video because

honestly I had no concussion

to show that I cut shouting each

three seconds because everything really

little serious attention is paid to

My giants but I like and I

so the little kids did not want

already going out the window after the first

three minutes of work, but that's okay ok


tell me a joke there are two

oranges on a tree care for two dogs

help and the other will still answer

the audio was not working

absolutely changed to video

I simply pressed the button and

let's see if you can see the well-known key is the

No. Let's do ok google button

I want to tell me a part of the age

an astronaut troubles ok maybe the time

I hate the quality will not be the best

because it is not prepared to do this

maybe it's better to buy google hong

the 80 euro's about right now not

I remember

maybe it is better to make your business

I do not know I bought this with

black friday I did not know what to do

stupidly I realized after

I could not connect the soundbar without

wires so I took the drill I took

the welder

I took a bit of medical malpractice is that of

Internet never hurt

I first tried a little guide

perhaps with some pictures to see

exactly what I needed I do not

nothing found

so roll if it can be useful to

somebody else

having said that I greet you hello to all

See you guys at the next video

stroke in the direction that broke high


For more infomation >> Google Home Mini - Modifica AUX e SUONO !! - Duration: 10:59.


E ai, garota... - Duration: 3:23.

Hey girl...

Excuse me...

Sorry to interrupt, but uh...

Hey girl...

Feel my jacket.

Just feel it!

Do you know what this is made of?

Boyfriend material...

Just like my heart.

We're gonna start our meeting, do you need anything?

Yeah, I just needed her phone number.

Hey girl...

Keep up the studying.

You're gonna pass.


I believe in you.

What are you working on?



What's your name?



My name is Juan,

- nice to meet you... - nice to meet you...


What do you say we hang out sometime and you can blow off some steam from studying one day?


All right...

Can i get your phone number?

Yeah, sure.

Hey girl...

I could take you to the candy shop?

Oh my god...

You so cute...

Hey girl...

Do you need something?

No, I'm just came to say to keep working hard.

It looks good on you.

Okay, thank you.

Know what else would look good on you?



Hey girls...

Hey girls...

Hey girl...

Hey girl...

We should start out slow, but I just want you to know I can't wait to meet your parents and all your friends.

Are you getting a free coffee?

You're giving me a free coffee?

Are you getting a free coffee?

If you give me one...

não consegui entender...

No, no... is this...

I was just hitting on you for no reason...


You know, I saw your nose ring and I was like:

"Hey she's cute"

Hey girl...


Ditch him...

I'll treat you better.


She wants a real man.

Oh, looks like I'm here at right time, right?

Hey girl...

Hi, how are you doing today?



I can see that you're busy, so I guess I'll just get straight to the point.

I want you...

Excuse me?

I want to take you home...

cuddle in blankets...

- No, thanks...

and watch Disney movies all night...

I'm gonna have to say no, sorry...

I just kidding...

I wasn't kidding.

Hey viewer...

thanks for watching my video.

Be sure to subscribe and follow me on social media.

And don't forget...

stay sexy!

"Making the world smile one clip at a time"

For more infomation >> E ai, garota... - Duration: 3:23.


DISFUNÇÃO ERÉTIL EM JOVENS - Causas, Sintomas e Tratamento RÁPIDO e DEFINITIVO - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> DISFUNÇÃO ERÉTIL EM JOVENS - Causas, Sintomas e Tratamento RÁPIDO e DEFINITIVO - Duration: 6:13.


Homemade Baguette recipe / Baguette fatta in casa - Duration: 13:27.

Hi everyone!

Making your own baguette for the first time can be a bit intimidating but you really have

nothing to worry about.

This baguette recipe along with my tips will help you tackle baguette baking with ease

and confidence; with just a few ingredients and a very simple preparation, you can bake

delicious baguette in your kitchen at home.

This recipe doesn't require any preferments or starters such as biga or poolish, just

a small amount of yeast and a cold fermentation for 24 hours in the fridge.

Proofing the dough in the fridge will retard the second rise by slowing down the yeast

activity, giving our baguette a wonderful flavor, a more open crumb structure and enhanced

digestibility; all desirable characteristics we want in our baguette.

but let's see the ingredients we need:

flour, i'm using a combination of whole wheat flour,

bread flour and all-purpose flour.

water, room temperature; active dry yeast

salt and sugar

Place the yeast and sugar in a small bowl or a glass, add two tablespoons water and

leave until yeast has dissolved.

Meanwhile, mix and sift the flours, returning the bran to the flour after sifting and stir

until well-blended.

Pour remaining water into the mixing bowl of a stand mixer with the dough hook attached.

Add dissolved yeast mixture and begin mixing on medium speed.

Gradually add the flour and salt, and knead until dough becomes smooth and elastic, about 7-8 minutes.

Transfer baguette dough to a lightly oiled bowl or container, cover with plastic wrap or the

lid and allow to rise until doubled in size, about 3-4 hours depending on the temperature

of your room.

After the dough has risen, gently fold it onto itself to deflate, then flip it seam

side down.

Cover and refrigerate the dough for 24 hours or at least overnight.

Halfway through the fermentation process take dough out of fridge, gently stretch it out,

and fold it back over itself, then return to the fridge.

When you are ready to bake, remove the dough from the fridge and let it stand at room temperature

for 30 minutes.

Now turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface, and divide it in half with a bench scraper.

Weigh each piece on a kitchen scale, adjusting the quantity if necessary.

Preshape the dough by stretching the sides and fold the stretched sides on top so they

overlap, then gently roll up each piece into a log shape.

Pre-shaping the dough stretches the gluten, easing the final shaping process.

Cover and leave to rest for 20-30 minutes.

While dough is resting, stack two or three cotton dish towels, then cut two sheets of

parchment paper wide enough to fit your baking sheet or your pizza stone.

If you have a baguette couche, dust it lightly with flour.

After the preshaped dough has rested, turn it over, seam-side up, and gently flatten

with the palms of your hands into a rectangular shape.

Now fold the long sides of the rectangle into the middle and gently press with your finger tips to seal.

Fold the dough in half and close up again, pressing and pinching the ends together to

seal them completely.

Use the dough scraper to keep the surface of the board clean and lightly flour both

your work surface and your hands to prevent the dough from sticking.

Starting with hands in the middle and moving

outward, gently roll the dough into a long rope that fits your baking sheet or pizza


If you prefer the pointed ends, roll them under your palms moving in opposite directions.

Gently lift the baguettes and place them, seam down, on your prepared couche lined with

parchment paper strips, then fold the towel to create dividing walls on both sides of each


This helps the baguettes to maintain their shape during proofing and also prevents them

them from sticking together.

Cover with a kitchen towel and allow to rise for 30-45 minutes.

At least an hour before baking the baguette, place a pizza stone or an inverted baking

sheet, on lowest oven rack, and a shallow metal pan on the floor of the oven to create steam.

Steam is an important factor during the initial phase of baking, it allows the dough to rise

fully and helps develop a beautiful, crackly crust.

Preheat to 230 degrees Celsius / 446 degrees Fahrenheit.

Just before putting the baguettes in the oven, score them with three nearly vertical cuts.

Place the baguette in the oven and carefully pour hot water into the pan, and immediately

close the oven door.

Bake for 10 minutes then remove the pan from the oven.

Lower the temperature to 210 degrees C / 410 degrees F and bake for another 20 -25 minutes

or until the baguettes are golden brown and crusty and sound hollow when tapped on the


Transfer to wire rack, and cool completely, before slicing.

Warm baguette fresh of the oven.

Easy to prepare and totally delicious, this whole wheat baguette has a crackly crust,

with a soft interior and a wonderful flavor, mainly, thanks to the long and slow fermentation process.

Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video, please leave a '' like '', and

don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Homemade Baguette recipe / Baguette fatta in casa - Duration: 13:27.


Acusan de asesinato a novio de madre desaparecida | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Acusan de asesinato a novio de madre desaparecida | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.


Mujer estadounidense escapa de secta basada en Guatemala | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mujer estadounidense escapa de secta basada en Guatemala | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.


Fabiano RESPONDE // Fotos de Paisagens sempre com aberturas pequenas, SIM ou NÃO? - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Fabiano RESPONDE // Fotos de Paisagens sempre com aberturas pequenas, SIM ou NÃO? - Duration: 0:45.


Exclusivo: acompañamos a Kate del Castillo en su regreso a México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Exclusivo: acompañamos a Kate del Castillo en su regreso a México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 5:19.


Estudiante intenta envenenar a su compañero de cuarto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Estudiante intenta envenenar a su compañero de cuarto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.


Arrestan a empleados de bar que sirvieron tragos a menor | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Arrestan a empleados de bar que sirvieron tragos a menor | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.


Juez de Texas ordena arresto del rapero Tekashi | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Juez de Texas ordena arresto del rapero Tekashi | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.


Hispana sufre ataque racista por hablar español | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Hispana sufre ataque racista por hablar español | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:40.


El mar penetra con fuerza en isla de la Florida | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> El mar penetra con fuerza en isla de la Florida | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.


Kate del Castillo reunió a la prensa a su llegada a México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Kate del Castillo reunió a la prensa a su llegada a México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:25.


Persecución policial de película en San Diego | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Persecución policial de película en San Diego | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:41.


Shakira canta juntro a su papá y lo comparte | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Shakira canta juntro a su papá y lo comparte | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


Carro sale volando al mejor estilo Rápido y Furioso | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Carro sale volando al mejor estilo Rápido y Furioso | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.


Diseñadora crea línea de ropa hecha con hojas de piña | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Diseñadora crea línea de ropa hecha con hojas de piña | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.


Santa Claus también tiene casa en Guadalajara | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Santa Claus también tiene casa en Guadalajara | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:45.


Noche muy navideña con la Banda Seducción | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Noche muy navideña con la Banda Seducción | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:04.


Non-"traditional" Relationships - Asexual Relationships Part 3 | Slice of Ace - Duration: 8:27.

Hello, and welcome to Slice of Ace! This is the final video in my video series on

asexual relationships. While I'm talking at the moment, I'm going to link the

videos at the top of the screen... I really need to remember which side of the

screen it's on, but at the top. And also in the description below, you can find the

links to all the videos in this series. I first talked about ace-ace relationships

and then did two videos on ace-allo relationships, and to round this off I'm

going to be talking about non-"traditional" relationships. What is

"traditional", you may ask. Well, the definition I'm using today for

"traditional" is a monogamous, romantic relationship, so anything that doesn't

fall under that bracket is going to be considered in this video. Of course, this

isn't going to be a comprehensive documentary. I'm just going to cover what

I think are the three main types of non-"traditional" relationship that are

often mentioned within the asexual community. These are open relationships,

polyamory, and queer platonic relationships (QPR). If you're

interested in solely a single part of video, I will leave links in the

description below for every part. So, with all that out of the way, let's get

started. I'm going to begin this discussion talking about open

relationships because out of the three that I have chosen it is by far the

simplest. An open relationship is a committed relationship

where the people are allowed to pursue sexual interests outside of their

relationship. But in the case of ace-allo relationships, the asexual could allow

the allosexual to fulfill their sexual need outside of their relationship. This

is particularly useful in ace-allo relationships as it removes the pressure

from the ace to compromise sexually solely for the benefit of the allo. How an

open relationship works completely depends on the people involved. For

example, some people may be happy letting their partner have one-night stands with

whomever they wish. However, some open relationships may be strictly regimented

on who the people have sex with and how often. Of course, this isn't an

exclusively asexual thing, but it can be very useful for some asexuals who are

sex averse or don't want the sex to be a part of their life at all,

but they still want a romantic involvement with someone who is allosexual.

However, in this situation communication is even more necessary

than in an exclusive relationship. If the partners don't trust each other to stay

loyal in their committed relationship then this might not be ideal. Moving on

to something which is very different, but people often get confused. Polyamory is

when a person is open to multiple committed relationships. These can either

be in the form of dating two or more people in separate relationships, or

alternatively having a relationship between three or more people. It is worth

noting that someone can consider themselves polyamorous even if they are

single. It is simply an openness and a desire to

be dating more than one person simultaneously. As you can imagine,

polyamory takes many different forms. I'm just going to go through some common

examples. Now, from the research that I've done, these are often described using

letters or shapes. Some common examples include a V. A V is where one person is

in a committed relationship with two people but those two people aren't in

the committed relationship with each other. You might also have a pentagon,

where everyone in the polyamorous relationship is in a relationship with

two other people. Or a W, which looks like a W, and I could go on. So, there really

are many different ways that polyamorous relationships can form, and even within

this, the types of relationships that the people within a polyamorous

relationship group will share could differ. Going back to the V structure, let's

take this relationship between Bill, Elsebeth, and Kaylee. Bill is romantically

involved with Elsebeth, but Elsebeth is both romantically and sexually involved

with Kaylee. Kaylee and Bill may be friends, but they're not romantically or

sexually involved at all. Similarly to open relationships, this can be a good

way to alleviate the pressure of having to

compromise for sex in an ace-allo relationship. Really, in polyamorous

relationships, the possibilities are endless. As this topic is so complex, I

don't have time to go into it at this point in time, and if I did I really

would need someone in a polyamorous relationship to best explain it.

However, I'm going to leave some links in the description to resources that I have

found useful in learning about polyamory. I'd like to thank people on the

polyamory subreddit for smoothing out some of the miscommunication that I was

brewing in my first take of this video. And finally we come to queer platonic

relationships, or QPR. If you don't like the word queer, I've also heard this

referred to as a quasi platonic relationship, or QPR. A QPR is a non

romantic relationship that still has a strong emotional and platonic bond which

transcends what is normally thought of as a friendship. So you may be wondering

how you distinguish between a friendship and a QPR. Well, the level of commitment

that you'd see in a QPR is often much greater than a friendship to the point

that rivals that of a romantic relationship. So the people in a QPR

might live together, they might raise children together, but they're just not

romantically involved. In a romantic relationship, you have a boyfriend or a

girlfriend. So, what do you have in a QPR? Well, somewhat strangely, your partner in

a QPR is known as a zucchini. which is American

for courgette, I believe. From what I understand, this started as a joke but

then caught on, and now everyone refers to each other as vegetables. Which is

hilarious and adorable. Once again, the benefits of this type of

relationship for an asexual person are obvious - no sex. It's also particularly

useful for people on the aromantic spectrum. Someone may want to have a

committed relationship, but if they don't feel romantic attraction, that leaves

them in a bit of a bind, the same way as asexuality. So having a QPR is a

really good way for an aromantic person to have a committed relationship

without having to deal with the romantic side of it.

Okay, that is all I had to say today on my Whistlestop tour of some

alternatives to monogamous romantic relationships! These can be useful for

people in the asexual community as it allows them to bypass that prerequisite

that is sex. I will leave a bunch of links in the description which will go

into much more depth, so if you want to know more about any of these things then

please check the links in the description below. I am not polyamorous,

I've never been in a QPR, or an open relationship,

so if I have misrepresented anything in this video, please do tell me and I will

do my best one amends it, either in a future video or, if it is irreparable, I

will take this video down and do it again. And that wraps up my series on

asexual relationships. This was really just the surface level of all these

topics, so if there is something you want me to go into in more detail, whether that

be sharing my thoughts, getting the thoughts of the ace community, or just exploring

in more factual detail, then please do tell me - comment below. If you enjoyed

this video, then please leave a like. I post videos every Saturday - except next

Saturday. Next Saturday is going to be my week off because of Christmas and

visiting family and such. But do not worry, the schedule will be back on as

normal after next week, so if you want to see more, then feel free to subscribe.

That is all I had to say today, have a wonderful day and I shall see you next


A QPR is defined...

by something I need to look up because I don't want to get it wrong.

For more infomation >> Non-"traditional" Relationships - Asexual Relationships Part 3 | Slice of Ace - Duration: 8:27.


Vikings, Lynx, T-Wolves get custom kicks from MN man - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Vikings, Lynx, T-Wolves get custom kicks from MN man - Duration: 4:46.


Ohio Clothing Company Seeks To Trademark 'Yinzer' For T-Shirts - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Ohio Clothing Company Seeks To Trademark 'Yinzer' For T-Shirts - Duration: 2:30.


Piece by piece: Pickett dismantles Model T he smuggled into Capitol - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Piece by piece: Pickett dismantles Model T he smuggled into Capitol - Duration: 2:25.


Don't let your Christmas go up in smoke this holiday - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Don't let your Christmas go up in smoke this holiday - Duration: 1:59.


Is Trump Getting His Border Wall Funding? - Duration: 15:55.

For more infomation >> Is Trump Getting His Border Wall Funding? - Duration: 15:55.


TAKE A LOOK BACK: Top news stories of 2018 | ABC7 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> TAKE A LOOK BACK: Top news stories of 2018 | ABC7 - Duration: 2:47.


Alleged Burge Victim Will Not Be Home For The Holidays - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Alleged Burge Victim Will Not Be Home For The Holidays - Duration: 0:28.


Absolutely Stunning 26ft Tiny Home - Cozy and Bright! in Delta, British Columbia - Duration: 3:59.

Absolutely Stunning 26ft Tiny Home - Cozy and Bright! in Delta, British Columbia

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning 26ft Tiny Home - Cozy and Bright! in Delta, British Columbia - Duration: 3:59.


【Japanese Events】Sweets Exhibit【スイーツ展】 - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 【Japanese Events】Sweets Exhibit【スイーツ展】 - Duration: 4:19.


Montgomery County schools getting creative to keep students safe - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Montgomery County schools getting creative to keep students safe - Duration: 1:26.


Three years on, a San Antonio mother continues search for her son - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Three years on, a San Antonio mother continues search for her son - Duration: 2:39.


Joan Boyce LongSleeve VNeck Top with Crystal Detail - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Joan Boyce LongSleeve VNeck Top with Crystal Detail - Duration: 6:26.


Gorgeous Beautiful Kudos Single Holiday Lodge with Contemporary Kitchen - Duration: 2:39.

Gorgeous Beautiful Kudos Single Holiday Lodge with Contemporary Kitchen

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful Kudos Single Holiday Lodge with Contemporary Kitchen - Duration: 2:39.


IBUKU PERMATAKU | Puisi untuk Ibu Memperingati Hari Ibu | Kolaborasi Youtube Kids Indonesia - Duration: 4:11.

My mother, My gem

My mother, My gem

When restless

You're always

on my side

With a touch

of love

For more infomation >> IBUKU PERMATAKU | Puisi untuk Ibu Memperingati Hari Ibu | Kolaborasi Youtube Kids Indonesia - Duration: 4:11.


Mo Salah's incredible gesture to blind Liverpool fan who doesn't miss a match - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Mo Salah's incredible gesture to blind Liverpool fan who doesn't miss a match - Duration: 1:43.


The Ultimate Smash Down - Duration: 3:52.

Old Godzilla was hoppin' around...

...Tokyo City like a big playground,

when suddenly Batman burst from the shade,

and hit Godzilla with a Bat-Grenade!

Godzilla got pissed and began to attack,

but didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq,

who proceeded to open up a can of Shaq-Fu,

when Aaron Carter came out of the blue...

...and he started beating up Shaquille O'neal,

then they both got flattened by the Bat-Mobile!

Before he could make it back to the Bat Cave,

Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave

and took an AK-47 out from under his hat...

...blew Batman away with a rata-tat-tat,

but he ran out of bullets and he ran away,

because Optimus Prime came to save the day!

This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!

Good guys, bad guys, and explosions... far as the eye can see!

And only one will survive; I wonder who it will be!

This is the Ultimate Showdown...

...of Ultimate Destiny!

Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime... Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime!

And then Shaq came back covered in a tire track,

but Jackie Chan jumped out and landed on his back!

And Batman was injured, and trying to get steady,

when Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete,

but suddenly, something caught his leg and he tripped...

Indiana Jones took him out with his whip!

Then he saw Godzilla sneakin' up from behind,

and he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find...

...'Cause Batman stole it, and he shot and he missed...

And Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist...

Then he jumped in the air and he did a somersault,

while Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault...

...onto Optimus Prime, but they collided in the air,

then they both got hit by a Care Bare Stare!

This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!

Good guys, bad guys, and explosions... far as the eye can see!

And only one will survive; I wonder who it will be!

This is the Ultimate Showdown...

Angels sang out... in immaculate chorus...

Down from the heavens... descended Chuck Norris...

Who delivered a kick... which could shatter bones...

Into the crotch... of Indiana Jones...

Who fell over on the ground... writhing in pain...

As Batman changed back... into Bruce Wayne...

But Chuck saw through... his clever disguise...

And he crushed Batman's head... in between his thighs...

Then Gandalf the Gray, and Gandalf the White...

And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight...

And Benito Mussolini, and the Blue Meanie...

And Cowboy Curtis, and Jambie the Genie...

Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader,

Lo-pan, Superman,

every single Power Ranger!

Bill S. Preston, and Theodore Logan...

Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan!-

-All came out of nowhere lightning fast,

and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass!

It was the bloodiest battle that the world ever saw,

with civilians looking on in total awe!

The fight raged on for a century...

...many lives were claimed but eventually,

The champion stood, the rest saw their better

Mr. Rogers in a blood-stained sweater.

This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!

Good guys, bad guys, and explosions... far as the eye can see!

And only one will survive; I wonder who it will be!

This is the Ultimate Showdown! (This is the Ultimate Showdown!)

This is the Ultimate Showdown! (This is the Ultimate Showdown!)

This is the Ultimate Showdown...

...of Ultimate Destiny!

For more infomation >> The Ultimate Smash Down - Duration: 3:52.


22 декабря – ДЕНЬ ЭНЕРГЕТИКА!Прикольное поздравление от Карлсона #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> 22 декабря – ДЕНЬ ЭНЕРГЕТИКА!Прикольное поздравление от Карлсона #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 0:46.


Lagu Indonesia Terbaru 2019 - Lagu Dangdut Koplo 2019 - Top Lagu Terbaik - Duration: 1:55:59.

For more infomation >> Lagu Indonesia Terbaru 2019 - Lagu Dangdut Koplo 2019 - Top Lagu Terbaik - Duration: 1:55:59.



i literally sprayed so much perfume on before I started filming the video and I

don't really know why because you guys can't smell me

hey guys what's up it's Amanda and welcome back to my youtube channel as

you know by the title already I'm going to be doing a haul I think this is my

first ever haul I really did on my channel I don't know but I really love

fashion and I want to get into that world more so this is the beginning so

right now I'm wearing a sweater jacket I would have included it in the video but

I wanted to wear it for the video um i got it at forever 21 it's really really

comfy it's so cozy I love it I love it it's cute its cozy it's comfy

we love that so today's video is not sponsored or anything I just want to

show sort of my fashion style side to me so basically I'm going to be showing you

my favorite comfy sweaters crewnecks whatever you want to call it that I own

um and I hope you guys enjoy it these are mostly from Urban Outfitters

um forever 21 H&M or she in I'm gonna try and tell you where it's from but I

could be forgetful because that is that's just me um so let's begin


so the first sweater I want to show you guys is this a comfy turtleneck yes

turtleneck um the turtleneck is long so what I like to do like curve it in a bit

when I wear it and it's a little bit cropped if you can see at the bottom it

has like these little frill type of things so it's a little bit cropped um

the sleeves are very long its very very warm so I live in Montreal it's cold

here ninety percent of the time so I love it um I usually wear it with

high-waisted pants just because it's cold I don't want to wear a crop top

outside the next sweater I want to show you is also sort of cropped it looks like

this so it has like a little zipper here so you can either be like risky or you

can zip it up and be cozy I'm just kidding but like usually I zip it up

because I just like it that way um so it's a little bit cropped like I was

saying again if you can tell my style by now it has more loose sleeves and

then a tighter grip on the wrist um it has blue like navy blue red white

and navy blue again it's super duper comfy um I like to either I wear like the tank

top underneath I would shove this on top just to have like an extra layer because

like I said it's cold outside in the back it has nothing um so just like a

little cute sweater this one is from H&M um super duper cute I love it

the next one is a little less cozy but it's more cute um it is from SHEIN which

is a online store I don't really think they have any actual stores but it's

from an online store I just ordered it ordered from it for the first time I

love online shopping with like different stores because I just like to see their

stuff oh yeah so it's from SHEIN um it's not that cozy I was expecting it

to be more fluffy and stuff so it's a little a little disappointing in that

factor but it's still super cute I love the fact that it's half black half stars

um I think it gives it a more unique look especially like this part how it's

like stars then stars and like black and stars and then like that I don't know I

just think it's really super cute um very me

I love it um yeah so the front that looks like this and the back that looks

like it looks like this I'm super cute I just like I said wish it was a bit more

thick so I probably would not just wear this outside

I'd probably wear it and layer it or somehow but super cute the next one is

also from SHEIN um it's called a teddy bear sweater um I thought it would

be longer but that's okay the sleeves are pretty long and fluffy

it's very very soft I thought when I ordered it it would be more like

cheap material but it's actually super duper soft I love soft things as you

can see it's supposed to be a turtleneck so that's why this layer is a bit higher

um I thought the color would be a bit more darker but it's okay we love grey

so it looks like this um it's literally just wool all around it super cute super

super warm if you want to wear it outside or something if you want to take

photos and you just want to have like an actual shirt on not your jacket your

freaking fluffy big marshmallow jacket I would highly suggest sweaters like this

because they're super comfy super warm and you wont freeze your body so this was

super duper cute super soft um yeah I mean I could like wear stuff like this

all the time I love it the next one is literally I look like I'm just like

these type of shirts but this one is a cropped one also um

it's the same type of material wool it's super soft it's purple which we love

also very warm but like I said since its cropped you would rather wear like

high-waisted something just to keep your tummy warm so it looks like this it's

a little bit lower in the front range and then in the back it's just like a

regular high um the sleeves are super long and comfy

it's kind of loose everywhere they're not like a tight grip on the wrists

so that's different for me but I love it this one is from Urban Outfitters um I

got it on sale I did not pay that outrageous amount of

money but yeah this is from urban and it's super duper cute super nice to wear

every day the next one is from garage I love this um it's a very colorful it

has orange burgundy orange pink blue I love it because I'm like the type of

person that I wear like solid colors all the damn time and I thought I should be

different should wear different things be more out there so yeah I got this

it's soft it's not too too thick so it's good to wear on like more of a fall day

not like a winter day but if you wear a Jacket on top obviously you're fine

but yeah so it's thick but not too thick um I love I love the feeling of it I

love the look of it it's a little tiny bit cropped but not too cropped um so

this is what the front looks like this is what the back looks like super cute

super comfy great for photos if you want to see photos by the time this is up I

probably have it on Instagram so little self plug-in um go follow me on Instagram but

this is what it looks like and the last one is one you've probably seen if you

do follow me on Instagram it is this sweater I am obsessed I'm obsessed with

it it's super cute super comfy um it's cropped which like ninety- ninety

percent of them are cropped but it's cropped but not too cropped it has a darker

thicker layer on the top and the bottom making more tight there and on the arms

it's like that too so it's really cool how it all flows together I love the

feel of it I don't know how to explain this feeling like this it's like a dark

brownish color but orange at the same time don't really know how to explain

the color but it's super cute um so this is what it looks like from forever 21 I

literally get half my comfy sweaters from there because it's affordable and

they're still cute so that's what this looks like so those are my favorite

comfy sweaters that I own I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want me

to do more try on hauls more fashion based videos please let me know because

I'm really into that and I don't know if you guys are but I hope you are I love

fashion and I really want to incorporate that more on my social media and

stuff so please let me know if you're interested in that so if you guys

enjoyed this video please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to me below if

you guys want to please please share with me some online stores that you guys

like to shop for comfy stuff night out stuff stuff like that

I really like wanna know more stores because my brain for stores right now is like this

big and i wanna get it this big so let me know your favorite stores to shop

at that are online so I can have access to it I have been posting every single

week now for over a month so good job to me on that because that shit was hard

but I'm very I'm very I want to be doing this so I hope that it'll keep getting

better I don't know what I'm saying ok we're gunna stop now

um so yeah if you guys liked it you give it

a thumbs up subscribe to me below and I'll see you next time

and remember live life

don't think twice I'm out of here




[ENG SUB] Code Name is ATEEZ Ep.3 (1/4) - Duration: 10:03.

[Too Excited~]

- Let's go to eat some water~!

[Hilarious ATEEZ!]

- Isn't it our first time to go out together!

- Yes, It's first time!

[ Where're they going?..]

[They got a new mission]

- Mission?Again..?

- Your first official schedule will be..

- Oh schedule?

- At a water park..

- Go there and have fun with water games

- Also you gonna get a photo shoot!

- Oh..You mean we'll be having that...?

( We'll do that there?)

[ We'll do that even before our debut!]

[ On their way to water park!]

- Is there a rest stop along our road?

- No, The road will take just 1 hour

- I haven't ever gone to a water park before.. - Me too!

- Is it possible that water games gonna be on the lake?

- The lake is too big!

- It's not Han River?

[ Let's pretend as we heard]

- There would be many games..Do you have something that you would like to try?

- I want to get a ride in banana boat..that thing which fall..

- I want to try water skiing!

- What is it called..something that push water..

- Ahh you mean Jet Bag!

- Guys!

(What's wrong YeoSang?)

- We got to do that stone drop..(?) **He pronounced it wrongly**

( What's that..?)

- Ah..You mean stone throwing..

[ YeoSang is embarrassed ]

[ Next Subjet ]

- ATEEZ first schedule is photo shooting!

- I wanted to do that since long time really~

- Do you think of any Concept?

- You know that.. Men's romance concept!

- When men get out of water..

(Already laughing)

- With a drizzling wet hair moving with wind!

- And water droplets floating in the air above their head

[ Lethal & dreamy illusion vibes.. lol ]

- JongHo has flashed some sparkles now..

- It's not realistic at all!

- When you get out water the way you said's not right..

- The real sexy vibes exist when you get out water then..


- Then you pull your neck back 'til this !

( As it's expected!)

- He's overflowing with sexy lessons lol!

Point 1 [ When you get out water pick up your neck with some strength till this level..

- Till this you hold for a little..then..

Point 2 [ Sweep your hair with both hands and give that sexy eyes glaze]

[This is how to be really sexy ]

( Like this?)

- Oh you gave us a big lesson today too..

- I got a thought..

- Fizzy refreshing man!

**haha omg**

[ Too cool that got them shuddered!]

- There's another concept.. Working out to stay in shape

- I'm preparing my body for you *damn


[ That's really awkward..]

[ Trying hard not to laugh]

- There's someone who's more nervous than me..

( Finally it's my turn...)

- The most ATEEZ Boyfriend material..

- I used to act like that kind and gentle boyfriend..

- But now i gonna reflect my charm in a cool way

(What does he mean..)

- Chic YeoSang

- Ohh show us then!

[They're all anticipating...]

- Chic YeoSang reflected charm?

- Is it your first time at water park?

- Is this.. Chic..?

- It's my first time too..

[ Last week YeoSang was challenged to act as a sweet boyfriend]

- Let's compare it with what he did now..

Sweet Boyfriend Mode Vs. Chic Arrogant Mode

[ With the same head tilt..but..]

[ What a steady man...]

[ It's hella funny ]

- I couldn't even imagine it!

[ Is it your first time to see my charm?]

- Last week YeoSang has left a big affection on us so..

- Do you mean that poetry game?

[Last Week]

**This poetry game is like choosing a Korean word with two syllables then you got to make 2 phrases which start with each syllable**

[Let's play poetry game again!]

The loser will have a penalty as getting a slap on forehead by JongHo

[Ahh..That's really tough..]

-JongHo's slap could break a small watermelon into half

- It's not just a's a hell lol

- You'll just faint straightly if he hit your forehead..

- let's start with SeongHwa.. use "GaPyeong" word

- "Ga.."

- Let's go to enjoy our time..

- "Pyeong"..

- We'll make unforgettable memories

- You did great!

- I need to make such good poet lines~

[SeongHwa passed his turn safely]

- It's YunHo's turn..

- "Ga".. I should do gargling..

- " Peyong" .. **Sound of a spit lol**


[YunHo passed his turn too]

- Next is MinGi..

** "Gaja" means ..Let's go!

- "Pyeong-dang".. it's like fall in love..

[Clapping even without knowing its meaning]

- Is that fun?

- In my standards he could pass!

- On a scale of 10 i'll give you 1 or 2 ..

[ Mingi is shocked lol ]

- Your turn..start with "Ga"..

- I'm staying still...

- "Pyeong"..

- Are we going to water park?

[ What the hell is that...]

- I'm sorry...

[No jam HongJoong confirmed he'll get the penalty now]

- There's something that i wanna ask about..

- Should i hit lightly or...

- Hey this a reality show! so you got to do it right lol..

[ Supporting his neck... ]

[Preparing himself for doing the penalty]

- You got to support my neck well..

( Our poor


[ Passed away...]

[ What's wrong with him..??lol]

[ Ahh he was really a good leader..]

[ Next challenger is YeoSang ]

- He looks nervous..

[ Pressure ]

(How much funny would it be this time..?)

- If you ordered that at sudden..

(He'll do good as expected...)

[Their expectations are really high..]

- It won't hit the flat??#$%

[ What the hell was that...]

- I'm sorry.. - We're sorry..

- How could you say this after winning last week..

- How have i even won last week...?

- So no jam YeoSang will get his penalty..

- Guys i wanna get to the water park alive... lol

- Please hold my neck from the back..

[ Penalty's performer JongHo]

***Oh lord...***

[ Guys... I'm leaving first...]

**That looked really hurtful..**

[ YeoSang will leave to water park with his soul lol..]

- Guys we'll arrive water park within some minutes..

[ ATEEZ got to waterpark's entrance]

- Is it really here?

[Looking out window with flattering hearts]

[ 8 Members arrived together to get their first summer vacation!]

[This is where you can get exciting memories]

[ Water park's arrival ]

- The weather is perfect to play with water!

- We came to get fun!

- Come on~Huury up!

[ Trying to walk fast..]

[Your heart will tighten from exciting with such a view front your eyes..]

- That's great!

*** To Be Continued !! ***

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