Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 21 2018




Lo Mejor de Ser Programador | Vida de Programador #157 - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Lo Mejor de Ser Programador | Vida de Programador #157 - Duration: 7:11.


¡Adamari vuelve a Un Nuevo Día el próximo 7 de enero! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> ¡Adamari vuelve a Un Nuevo Día el próximo 7 de enero! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:50.


Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Buñuelos Mexicanos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Buñuelos Mexicanos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:01.


¡JLo le cuenta "el secreto del éxito" a una madre latina! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> ¡JLo le cuenta "el secreto del éxito" a una madre latina! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 8:52.


Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Kick Buttowski en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Huevo Sorpresa Gigante de Kick Buttowski en Español de Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 11:05.


El Krav-Maga y la Prevención del Delito - Duration: 11:46.

Shalom dear friends

Here Gabi Shai, again with you, this time in Spanish

It's been a while since I had shared anything

in Spanish


Seizing the opportunity that I'm back

from my tour in Latin America

and some european countries

I think that it is a good opportunity

to keep sharing with you some ideas

and this time related to the relationship

that exists or should exist between

self-defense systems

including Krav-Maga and similar

with Crime Prevention

It is not secret that everybody declares

I think everyone

that the main objective of those who train

is to prepare


to face successfully

those incidents that can occur in real life

that occur daily on the street

we have to take into consideration that an incident

does not start

when the aggressor is already with the gun in his hand

or when he

attacks with a knife

or strangle...

yes, there are situations in which the surprise factor is so high

that everything we have done does not work

then, we could get to that situation

but usually an incident has its preliminary actions

and its activities that continue

or that should continue after the incident

incident does not start or end with the realization of a technique

I reiterate again, as I have always done,

the technique is of the utmost importance

but it is not the only component that we must develop


during this training tour

something has happened that makes me very happy

I have heard more and more

instructors, Masters, experts, Grand Masters

and respectable organizations

talking more about the importance

of prevention related elements

related to situational awareness

development of situational awareness

suspects identification, body language, etc...

which, again, has made me very happy

for various reasons

one of those reasons

that means that apparently, the path of OKM

that integrates in its activities

elements related to



several decades

from the mid 80's

it seems to be the right path

the other reason is that

it is also a great joy

to be able to influence positively

in those who begin to understand

the importance

of such integration

the importance of the various elements

related to prevention

within all related systems, or dedicated to self-defense

It would be different

possibly for those who are still training

Krav-Maga and other systems

as if they were an additional Martial Art

in this case the objective would be different

whether declared or undeclared objective

But hey, you already know my opinion about it

and the idea is that, although the technique is an element of maximum importance

It is not the only element

that we should integrate in our workouts

which we do through experiential learning

the question is whether it is enough to mention

the importance of prevention

or if something else should be done

I have already seen some programs

of known instructors

who within the program integrate the concepts

I have not seen it yet in practice

that is, being integrated into the program is a very important step forward

But the question is to know if they really do it or how they do it?

and on the other side I've heard some...


who recognize the importance of integrating

crime prevention elements

but having them a purely technical training program

they declare that this is not necessary

because supposedly, everyone who is a Krav-Maga or self-defense instructor

is considered a professional expert

I totally disagree

with this statement

but anyone with his professional path

And again, the question is

Is it enough to talk about this?

to strengthen

my opinion about it

I want to share with you a story

Some time ago

a person died

doesn't matter the reason

from the simple fact that death is part of life, there are reasons to spare

accidents, diseases, violence, etc

The behavior of this person, during his life

changed from a very positive behavior

to behavior, sometimes, negative

and in his wat to the afterlife

suddenly finds himself with a retinue

which surprised him a lot

in the entourage there were representatives of paradise

and hell representatives

surprised he asked

what happens now?

where I'm going to?

and they answer

look, you have not maintained strict behavior

but you did some very good actions

but, at the same time

sometimes you pretty much fail

and for that reason we have not come to the conclusion

if you go to paradise or hell

then we have decided

to give you the chance

to take your own decision

Very interesting, said this person

good, and this how it is done?

very simply

we have here the door to access paradise

and the access door to hell

we will give to you some time

so that I can observe what happens here and what happens there

and then you will decide

It sounds very good to me, thank you

I will start observing what is happening in paradise

he approaches, opens the door, observes, listen

classic music, very quiet

people lying down, doing meditation

mineral water...

everything very healthy

He closes the door or says, well, interesting ...

and he approaches the door of...


opens hell's door

and at the moment it opens, music ...

Rock music, naked man and women dancing

drinking alcohol


everyone happy

door closes

Astonished, the person says

it seems that those who enjoyed life, still enjoying now

I think that that is the way for me

he returns to the entourage

and they ask him


what is your decision?

he answered, I've decided to go to hell

In this right moment, hell's door opens

two demons come out

carrying their traditional tridents

they puncture him, they throw it inside ...

he falls inside the shit

I'm going to censor some words

they start to do everything, to punish him, to beat him

to torture him



and so on, and continues and continues

and the moment he manages to get his mouth out of where he was submerged

he asks, said...


this is not what I saw a few moments ago

and the answer he gets ...

what you saw

and heard a few moments ago

that's the marketing

that's the propaganda

Propaganda has nothing to do with reality ... this is the real thing


then friends

it is enough that somebody speaks about

the importance of the elements related to prevention

the development of situational awareness

the recognition of models of people abnormal

and others related components

of outmost importance

or maybe not???

I think that the answer is obvious

investigate, listen

do not trust only, in what is published

do not trust yourself, in one or the other video

in what someone says, but

but go, be present

verify training programs

Verify training method

do not compromise yourself

and only, being convinced that this is the right path

continue forward successfully

Also, I take this opportunity

to wish to all my dear friends

season greetings

a very happy new year




a lot of success



For more infomation >> El Krav-Maga y la Prevención del Delito - Duration: 11:46.


How to make Nutella crepes recipe fast and easy by ItalianCakes - Duration: 3:44.

Welcome to ItalianCakes. Today there we present a family recipe: crepes.

Ingredients: milk, eggs, flour, granulated sugar, salt and sunflower

seeds oil. If we prepare the crepes by hand: pour

in a container two eggs,

2 tablespoons of sunflower oil,

half a teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, one third

of milk (from a total of 250 milliliters) and 150 grams of flour. We mix the

all with the whisk until all the powders will not be well dissolved or not

there will be more lumps.

Now we can add the remaining part of milk for a total of 250

milliliters and mix. In this way we are sure that we have created a mixture

homogeneous. Let the mixture rest for about

30 minutes. If we use a blender: enough

add all the ingredients in one once alone and then blend for about 30


We used a 28 cm frying pan in diameter where we put a drop

of sunflower seeds oil. For who is it novice, we recommend the use of a

ladle to pour the mixture, for be able to dose the amount of liquid.

It is important that the pan is very hot before pouring the dough.

The cooking of each crepe takes about two minutes.

We stuffed with Nutella and dusted with powdered sugar.

If you want to try adding some dried prunes cut into cubes.

Did you like the video? Click I Like it and enter a comment to let us know

what do you think. We ask you to subscribe to our channel. Thanks and

see you later.

For more infomation >> How to make Nutella crepes recipe fast and easy by ItalianCakes - Duration: 3:44.


1.5 Juego en Español - Adivina el País [Guess the Country] - Duration: 5:00.

Hi guys

and welcome to another practice activity with

Today we have a special game

to practice the countries and nationalities in Spanish.

I'm Karin, your favorite teacher

and I'm here to help you learn Spanish.

In this game there are three rounds:

Each round with ten questions.

For each question

you have to say the name of the country

or nationality

in less than five seconds.

Write in the comments

what number you got to

before making a mistake.

So guys, let's go!

Did you get to the end without making any mistakes?

If you said "Chilean" for the last question,

That's worth 100 points.

It's like winning the game twice!

Well, guys,

See you in the next lesson!


For more infomation >> 1.5 Juego en Español - Adivina el País [Guess the Country] - Duration: 5:00.


Froome, Valverde y Dumoulin dan brillo al primer Tour de los Emiratos - LeGossip 247 - Duration: 2:17.

El español Alejandro Valverde (Movistar), campeón mundial en ruta, lucirá su camiseta arcoíris en el primer Tour de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos que se disputará del 24 de febrero al 2 de marzo,

donde coincidirá con otros destacados corredores como el británico Chris Froome (Sky), cuádruple ganador del Tour y el holandés Tom Dumoulin (Sunweb), ganador del Giro 2017.

Valverde estará presente en la primera edición de esta prueba del calendario World Tour como parte de su preparación para las grandes clásicas de primavera,

pero el murciano, siempre ambicioso, buscará la victoria ante rivales de nivel, como Froome, Dumoulin y el italiano Vincenzo Nibali, uno de los siete corredores de la historia con las tres grandes en su palmarés.

La única carrera del World Tour en Oriente Medio acoge a los 18 equipos de máxima categoría, donde se incluyen otros nombres ilustres como el australiano Rohan Dennis, campeón del Mundo contrarreloj, y de velocistas como el italiano Elia Viviani y el alemán Marcel Kittel.

El Tour de los EAU discurrirá por los siete Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Las primeras tres etapas se disputarán en Abu Dhabi, la cuarta en Dubai, Sharjah y Ras-al-Khaimah, la quinta atravesará Sharjah,

Ras-al-Khaimah y Fujairah, la sexta transitará por Ajman, Umm-al-Quwain y Ras-al-Khaimah, mientras que la etapa final regresará a Dubai.

El recorrido tiene una distancia total de 1.090 kilómetros. Para empezar, una contrarreloj por equipos.

Luego el diseño de la carrera ofrece tres etapas a los velocistas, una a los "rematadores" en finales elevados y dos para escaladores.

For more infomation >> Froome, Valverde y Dumoulin dan brillo al primer Tour de los Emiratos - LeGossip 247 - Duration: 2:17.


La crisis de Oriente Medio: un enfoque transversal - Duration: 1:02:06.

For more infomation >> La crisis de Oriente Medio: un enfoque transversal - Duration: 1:02:06.


Scrape Up - In It To Win It (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [4K HD] - Duration: 3:30.

Scrape Up - In It To Win It (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [4K HD]

For more infomation >> Scrape Up - In It To Win It (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [4K HD] - Duration: 3:30.


🎅🎄 ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN Christmas🌙✨ - Duration: 6:00.

You gift

Press "Like" if you want more

Comic and trigger videos

More triggers!

More videos!

For more infomation >> 🎅🎄 ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN Christmas🌙✨ - Duration: 6:00.


PLANTS vs ZOMBIES Animation Episode 31 - Animation 2018 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> PLANTS vs ZOMBIES Animation Episode 31 - Animation 2018 - Duration: 3:52.


Grow with Google: Bringing digital skills training to you - Duration: 1:21.

Man: Well for the first time Google was in our city

to host a workshop.

Woman: Teaching people how to optimize their online presence to grow their business.

Newsreel: Google Canada has announced a course targeting the digital divide.

Eric Morris, Google Canada: Today we are joined by many entrepreneurs,

small businesses and individuals.

All of whom are dedicated to building a thriving tech community.

One of the reasons we decided to launch Grow with Google

is because of our commitment to helping people

prepare for the jobs of today and for tomorrow.

We believe that the tools and resources through Grow with Google

will help everyone here develop the skills they need

to help grow their business.

In so many ways today really is just the beginning,

everyone who's here today is committed

to advancing digital skills.

Man 2: It is so important to stay up to date

with digital stuff as a business owner

because it's a constantly changing landscape.

Woman 2: I know how quickly things change

and if you don't stay on top of it,

what worked a month ago may not work next month.

Eric: You're here because you're committed

to growth and opportunity.

For more infomation >> Grow with Google: Bringing digital skills training to you - Duration: 1:21.


Journey through the new year's tale in Moscow! The journey to Christmas. - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> Journey through the new year's tale in Moscow! The journey to Christmas. - Duration: 10:13.


Grow with Google Hamilton - Duration: 0:34.

It's important for us to be here today because literally our entire business

revolves around online and Google and that's how people are finding us every

single day. A lot of our potential clients look for is just simplicity they

just want to find your business, see what you're about, see what they can expect

from you, and I feel like this Google workshop actually offers a really good

insight and how to do exactly that.

For more infomation >> Grow with Google Hamilton - Duration: 0:34.


Grow with Google St. John's - Duration: 0:38.

I came today to grow with Google because I think it's really important to stay up

to date with what's going on in the digital world because the opportunities

are myriad, yet there are so many things going on and so many ways of reaching your

customer that being on top of what the opportunities are for reaching those

customers is really important.

For more infomation >> Grow with Google St. John's - Duration: 0:38.


Padre militar sorprende a su familia al reaparecer como regalo de Navidad - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Padre militar sorprende a su familia al reaparecer como regalo de Navidad - Duration: 1:35.


Geocaching - 📦 Unboxing 📦 Jour 21 calendrier de l'avent 2018 🎄 - Duration: 4:14.

Hello Geo subscribers I hope you are well today

exceptionally it is both for the boxing December 21 already already

it remains more than three envelopes before the box

bimonthly Christmas and it's going to be fun too

I felt my cap chu cap without delay

I have my assistant I done anything theft I opened the box

and end of construction. She is very light small object I think

a little thickness, there is a little trick. Good low will open there ^^

The suspense is at its peak ! not do that gently like you

a nano camouflage, with its nano rool

Watch for the best seen, I do not know if the plastic that will not shine

it is super nice like that yeah

It loving well, we see that loving the Nano, it was nice

Also today a science and nature card but we will meet

question yesterday which was a sports and leisure card so it was on the

Jasmer challenge so the challenge we spoke I believe there are no

long on Discord had to answer the response (C) so for

Jasmer succeed the challenge of the name of the geocacher who has Jarmerb

had the idea you have to focus on the installation date of the caches

we must find at least one cache that was placed by months since

geocaching birth in May 2000 thus found a hiding laid in May 2000

a laid and in June 2000 until December 2018 etc etc you today

should definitely travel to find the oldest still active all

continuing to find new

a real adventure then this is true I think until 2003 2004 level

europe it starts to get a bit limited we really start to

united states in any case if you want to accomplish that before 2004

I "Jasmer" but either way memory it takes at least from the usa

once this is not a concern I valid and I let you ask

science and nature then the question of the day all the Geocaches

are not equal cope with time depending on the exposure or their

attendance it can take moisture and

require more or less maintenance ie intervention for

repair replace or change a damp log book a good trick is to

put her hiding in a plastic bag that protects it from any real or fake

So as usual you answer the question in the survey to your

So right on our left us there and you called us what you thought

the gift and then you think of all

Calendar can be slowly begin to make a small balance slowly

See you tomorrow Geo subscribers

normally it will be much more likely to do the unboxing tomorrow

but I think with that mystery ^^ Geo friendship subscribers pamper yourself Ciao Ciao

Ciao Ciao also by the same thereby

For more infomation >> Geocaching - 📦 Unboxing 📦 Jour 21 calendrier de l'avent 2018 🎄 - Duration: 4:14.


New Heart Touching Shayari whatsapp status - very sad whatsapp status - Duration: 0:55.

Best sad status for whatsapp

For more infomation >> New Heart Touching Shayari whatsapp status - very sad whatsapp status - Duration: 0:55.


Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk FR - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk FR - Duration: 1:09.


Santa is Scary | NEW CHRISTMAS MUSIC video | Pillow Talk TV comedy - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Santa is Scary | NEW CHRISTMAS MUSIC video | Pillow Talk TV comedy - Duration: 3:16.


Vợ Qua Đời, Người Đàn Ông Sống Với Con Gái Thì Xảy Ra Chuyện Này | Trích phim Cha Rơi - Duration: 5:49.

Rent is delayed two days

I put money on the cabinet

I know

should not do that

The next few days I have money to buy hairpin for you.

For more infomation >> Vợ Qua Đời, Người Đàn Ông Sống Với Con Gái Thì Xảy Ra Chuyện Này | Trích phim Cha Rơi - Duration: 5:49.


WinWorker Tipps & Tricks E42: Abschlagsanforderungen in Prozent angeben - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> WinWorker Tipps & Tricks E42: Abschlagsanforderungen in Prozent angeben - Duration: 1:25.


SUGAR AND IBS: How Sweet (But Not Sugar) Can Support Your Weak Gut - Duration: 5:40.

Wendy Leung: Not sure if sugar's making your IBS worse?

Watch this video to find out, and learn how you can actually use sweetness to support

your gut.

Wendy Leung: For the most helpful information you'll find about IBS online, subscribe to

my channel and hit the bell to be notified every Friday when I post a new video.

Wendy Leung: If you're finding it really hard to resist those sugary sweets, by the end

of this video, you'll understand why you get those cravings and how it's related to your


Wendy Leung: Holistic Health & Happiness Coach, Licensed Acupuncturist, and Powerhouse

IBS Conqueror,

and I know all about IBS food confusion.

I teach my clients how to use food to actually heal their guts and now, I'm sharing with

you too.

Wendy Leung: I'm starting a brand new series about the effects of different foods on your


And today, we're talking about sugar.

It's the Holidays and sugar is all around you.

People are bringing in that Holiday baking, gifting you with cookies and cake, baked with

love and care.

And not to mention, even those candy canes that are everywhere you go.

I don't normally eat sweets, but even our house has more baking in it than usual.

mmmm, delicious.

Wendy Leung: You already know that sugary sweets aren't healthy.

Even Cookie Monster changed his tune to, a cookie is a sometimes food.

But is sugar even worse for people struggling with IBS?

Does sugary foods flare up your IBS gut?

Let me know by dropping a 'yes' or a 'no' in the comments below.

For a lot of people, sweets are a comfort food.

Many of you probably grew up finishing your meals with a sweet dessert.

So, it's part of your every day diet.

On top of that, you might crave a chocolate pick me up after a bad day.

Or grab something sweet and starchy to help boost your energy in the afternoon.

Wendy Leung: But have you ever stopped to consider what's causing your sweet cravings

and how it's affecting your IBS?

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective or TCM for short, different flavors soothe,

heal, and affect different internal organ systems.

For example, salty flavors correspond to the TCM kidney organ, and sour flavors to the

TCM liver.

Your digestive system is made up of two main organs.

The TCM's spleen and the TCM's stomach, and these two organs are affected by sweet flavors.

Wendy Leung: So, what does this mean?

With IBS and any other digestive condition, the TCM's spleen and stomach are weak and

when they're weak, they have a tendency to crave sweet flavors to help soothe and rebuild

their energy.

But wait!

Before you start adding cakes and cookies back into your regular diet, there are a few

important things you need to know.

The first is, that a little goes a long way.

There's a fine balance between supporting your gut by eating sweet foods and doing damage

by eating too much of it.

Although, sweet flavors do nourish a weak gut, having too much of it actually, weakens

it a bit more, which brings me to number two: Sugar versus sweetness.

Our organ's definition of sweet is very different from that of our taste buds.

It's much more subtle and the craving isn't actually for sweet processed foods, but for

sweetness naturally found in whole foods.

What do I mean by that?

Wendy Leung: Well, if you've ever done a sugar detox, or you've cut down the amount of processed

sugar in your diet, you might have discovered that every day non-sweet foods, actually have

a degree of sweetness to them.

I'm not just talking about sweet potatoes but things like carrots, other vegetables,

rice, different fruit, even meats like chicken.

Non-dessert foods, they have a sweet flavor that's enough to support and rebuild your


Which bring me finally, to number three: Processed sweets are a no-go for your IBS gut.

Sorry guys, but in TCM those sweets, those candies, those cookies, all of those foods

cause sluggishness in your gut.

Producing what we call, 'dampness and phlegm', which actually slows down your gut and prevents

it from doing its job instead of helping to heal it.

Wendy Leung: So unfortunately, if you want to really be able to manage your IBS symptoms,

you'll need to resist those tempting baked goods and delicious hot cocoa.

Yes, even the gluten free low-sugar kind, at least for this year.

But, next year could be a totally different story if your IBS is fully under control.

These sweets in my house, I'm definitely enjoying them without a second thought about IBS attacks,

because my IBS has been under control for years.

And I know that the Holiday's are my sometimes for sugary sweetness.

After that, I'll go back to eating fruit, which is my favorite all time dessert.

Wendy Leung: And if you want to have this kind of flexibility in your every day diet,

come join my clients in the Conquer IBS Reignite Your Life Mentorship Program, so that I can

help you put your IBS behind you for good.

And you can stop worrying about food triggers, once and for all.

Check the link in the description box below to find out more.

I've also launched a self-study version of that program, which teaches you step-by-step

how to get from where you are now, all the way to IBS free in six months.

The link for that is in the description box, too.

Wendy Leung: If you liked this video let me know by liking it below, drop a comment with

the word 'helpful', let me know what your biggest takeaway and biggest 'ah ha' moment


And make sure that you share it with your fellow IBS Conquerors because, I'm trying

to spread the word that IBS is not a forever thing.

So that I can help you guys beat this, together.

I've got so much more to share with you about all things IBS, so make sure that you stay

tuned to this channel, that you hit 'subscribe' and hit the bell to be notified every Friday

when I post a new video.

Wendy Leung: Okay, can I eat this cookie now?

For more infomation >> SUGAR AND IBS: How Sweet (But Not Sugar) Can Support Your Weak Gut - Duration: 5:40.


Andarilho - Igor Riant (Autoral) - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Andarilho - Igor Riant (Autoral) - Duration: 2:57.


Fiat Bravo 1.4 T-Jet Edizione Sport |Distributieriem is vervangen| - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Fiat Bravo 1.4 T-Jet Edizione Sport |Distributieriem is vervangen| - Duration: 1:02.


Fishing diary U11 - Duration: 4:44.

like & subscribe channel bass test

For more infomation >> Fishing diary U11 - Duration: 4:44.


Dybala zniszczyłby Maradonę i Pelego razem wziętych - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> Dybala zniszczyłby Maradonę i Pelego razem wziętych - Duration: 12:34.


That Moment I Overcame a Hormonal Disorder - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> That Moment I Overcame a Hormonal Disorder - Duration: 5:37.


Ambra Angiolini senza Massimiliano Allegri. E' crisi tra i due. Alena Seredova e Gigi Buffon... - Duration: 13:24.

For more infomation >> Ambra Angiolini senza Massimiliano Allegri. E' crisi tra i due. Alena Seredova e Gigi Buffon... - Duration: 13:24.


Skuteczny naturalny przepis na odbudowę kości i stawów kolanowych - Duration: 14:34.

For more infomation >> Skuteczny naturalny przepis na odbudowę kości i stawów kolanowych - Duration: 14:34.


LUCINA | I change my fate - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> LUCINA | I change my fate - Duration: 3:37.


Nightcore - Fire On Fire (Sam Smith) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:49.

This video include subtitles

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Fire On Fire (Sam Smith) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:49.


My Aquarium Box December 2018 Unboxing - Duration: 7:36.

Hello River lifers and welcome to this episode of River Life! Hello River Lifers!

Hello everyone! Hello everybody! Today we're going to unbox the My Aquarium Box

monthly subscription. I subscribe to the fresh water box. Let's get in here to see

what's happening. Alright we got the paperwork and first up we've got

dehydrated kelp crumble that's a My Aquarium Box brand food. Oh! We have got

some Casuarina cones. I guess that's related to the alder cone and least has

a similar function adding tannins to the water changing the chemistry a little

bit in the favor of the fish and other occupants. Whoa! Whoa! Looky here, this is a

Zoo Med timer. Aquasun Aquarium Timer by Zoo Med. Mopani wood, rich deep color that's

nice. I mean aquascaping made easy. You put

that in the tank it looks like you know what you're doing! Wow, all the knots and

stuff in there, lots of color variation. Alright, okay, dig a little deeper here

oh, look at this this is this is a metal straw! Have you heard straws are

destroying the ocean because it's a plastic that doesn't biodegrade and

we'll use so many of them they're just piling up not going away? Oh, it's got the

My Aquarium Box logo on it. Cool guys! they care over there at My Aquarium Box.

They care, they care about us, they care about the whole world. Some good guys

over there at My Aquarium Box. Kind of impressed. Okay we have the primitive

maracas that looked like they may have been attached to a plant at one time a

tree it's a pod maybe it's the Brazil nut pod I don't

know I don't know but I've got four of them and they're awesome

and their their Christmas tree decorations is what they are you just

put them on your Christmas tree and their minds people to save the rain

forest so I'm all about that let's put let's get it on the Christmas tree

people let's get them on the tree there we go

save the rain forest save the rain those are powerful words save the rain forest

yeah monkey pods I don't know what they are from monkeyville down at the monkeys

on River Asia place in the world that's awesome that's awesome I mean you can

appreciate something even if you don't know what it is right

I can't I hope you can't let's look at the paperwork okay fresh water box for

December 2018 we got the dehydrated kelp pellets yes we do the my aquarium box

stainless straw save the ocean with cleaner zoom Edna Pawnee would it maybe

costs arena cones yep there we go a zoo Med light timer okay so the monkey pods

were just extra you know so thank you guys thanks for the Brazil nut husk

thanks for the thanks for the gigantic lotus seed pod shell remainder shell

thing and also good a secret discount code that I can use that my aquarium box

and get 15% off everything because I'm a subscriber supporting businesses this

month include flipper aquatics I don't know if I've recognized have you guys

seen Flip Aquatics on the mic wearing box before

I'm glad Rob and Amanda over at flip aquatics are participating in that as

well as Michaels fish room so you get a free shrimp the flip aquatics the free

got pit Michaels fish room free bad at green oasis farms I'm really glad those

guys are doing that tidal Gardens Beantown aquatics and h2o plants still

supporting with free plants free fish and free fag Wow this is a good deal

still gets better and better you can enter the win if you'll do a video like

this upload on YouTube use hashtag my aquarium box

you can win if you've got the best video according to those fine people over

there my queen box you can win a mega box which is a great prize from

Marineland and last month the winners were Lacey's

place and aqua newb Lacey's Place and AquaNoob hey check

out those gusts channels I just visited Lacey's place I'm gonna new subscriber

over there I recommend that you do the same thing learn some things while

you're there watch the video give it a thumbs up leave a comment show a little

fish fam love improve the channel analytics for Lacey's Place and AquaNoob took the time to unbox upload and share with you so you can know what's

available in the aquarium world what's going on and you can show them a little

love by going to their channel I recommend them you go guys shout out

that's the way we do it in the TGA the team green alliance where we help each

other help each other help each other that's what we do we're helpers were

help stirs this is an age of hipsters and we're the help stirs so come over to

the Facebook group the Team Green Alliance check up on it and find out

what the TGA is about you you're already a helper come on over and help us out

we'd like to know how you do it show us how you do it we want to help you got

some help to offer us come on over we'll be glad to have you over there it's TGA

lime green bandana here we go no monkeyshines tallest in the back just

like a group photo there we go in the world oh that thing's not gonna stand up

it's never gonna stand up it's just not gonna stand up the value of this month's

box $44.95 delivered to my door for about 30 bucks it's a pretty good deal if you

ask me bring it on in here let's do it come on get in here fam get in here here

we go give me your best shot okay get that

Christmas tree in there get that great Merry Christmas okay that's enough

fooling around it's a great box thank you guys Mike and Greg over there at My

Aquarium Box. MASS Aquariums on YouTube Greg Jones on YouTube they've got things

going on drop in you'll be amazed you'll be amazed

the projects these guys have going on in addition to their lives and their

business thank you guys very much for bringing the aquarium world to our

mailbox they're bringing the aquarium world to our mailbox I recommend them I

use the products I subscribe I get the box every month I like it I recommend it

I tell you what's in there I tell you what it's worth what it costs me how I

got it what I think about it I mean really do you think they're gonna source

products from all over the world and send you a bad one nope nope they're

gonna find the best to put it in a box and send it to you and you're gonna have

access to the best you're guaranteed won't be long you get something in your

box you don't know what it is where it came from or why you haven't heard of it

before well that happens to me about every other month my aquarium box it's

where it's at hashtag it may be my aquarium box I'm


For more infomation >> My Aquarium Box December 2018 Unboxing - Duration: 7:36.


What Jim Mattis Resignation Means For Future Of The Trump White House | TODAY - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> What Jim Mattis Resignation Means For Future Of The Trump White House | TODAY - Duration: 3:12.


Jake Paul's Actual Child! Exposed! - Duration: 2:45.

Jake Paul.... has a son!

Today I went through the magical land of Ooo and found out that Jake Paul actually has

a kid.

This is 100% legit scammer gets scammed, do you even lift bro kind of thing.... you get


The weirdest part about all of this though is that he is trying to hide his identity.

But I am an elite hacker man and have discovered that the name of Jake Pauls child is *cough*

drum roll please...

Jack Doherty yeah..!

Now I know, I know that his last name is Doherty but that's just his YouTube disguise.

Now he is only 14 so that means that Jake Paul was only 7 when he was born but I guess

its never to early to have a kid nowadays.

So Jake Paul's child, also known as Jack Doherty, makes the same sort of terrible content that

his Dad does but as it is made by a 14-year-old... its drastically worse.

I also think that all the sweet dolla dolla has got to his head as 30% of his channel

is him showing off that he can afford the 25 million dollar apple macs and such.

Now the main reason that Jake Paul's child or Jack Doherty has almost 2 million subscribers

is that he is a red arrow user which is basically worse than doing class A drugs.

The red arrows are used to lore in Kids to watch your bad content then leaving them,

and I quote, Entertained.

Now if I used YouTube as I do now, I probably would be watching this guy as he uses is kiddy

catching arrows.

BUT luckily I was brought up watching Regular Show, Adventure Time and the great show known

as Phineas and Ferb.

According to the most trustworthy and 100% correct website known as Social Blade, It

is estimated that Jake Pauls autistic child, Jack Doherty makes around 30 thousand dollars

a month.

That's a pretty big number for a kid who can only count to 57.

Imagine if the main man.. sorry woman, Susan Wojcicki loved you so much to put you on recommended

and suggested so many times that one of your videos actually has 24 million views.

That would be great but YouTube doesn't love me enough to do that and instead want me to

bend over and kick me up the arse.

Aaah wouldn't life be great if your father was a sociopath and had a child at the age

of 7.

As a wise man named Mahatma Gandhi once said Life would be complete and balanced as everything

should be.

Thanks for watching the video this far.

It means a lot... it really does.

So if you are new around here make sure to click that subscrib button and click that

big ol dangly bell beside it to turn on post notifications.

Also if you want to be loved by all the girls at school then follow me on Twitter.

*Whisper* Link In Description!

With that all said though, I hope you have a great day and I will see you next time...


For more infomation >> Jake Paul's Actual Child! Exposed! - Duration: 2:45.


On One Misty Day in a Certain Arboretum - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> On One Misty Day in a Certain Arboretum - Duration: 3:26.


Krino Tools vi augura BUON NATALE - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Krino Tools vi augura BUON NATALE - Duration: 3:27.


Interview with Jackson MacKenzie (Author of Psychopath Free) - Duration: 30:31.

For more infomation >> Interview with Jackson MacKenzie (Author of Psychopath Free) - Duration: 30:31.


🎅🎄ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN 🌙✨ АСМР 100 ТРИГГЕРОВ за 5 МИНУТ 😴 - Duration: 6:00.

You gift

Press "Like" if you want more

Comic and trigger videos

More triggers!

More videos!

For more infomation >> 🎅🎄ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN 🌙✨ АСМР 100 ТРИГГЕРОВ за 5 МИНУТ 😴 - Duration: 6:00.


Discovering My Top Music of the Year with R - Duration: 8:27.

If your social media feed is anything like mine you probably see a lot of

posts like this toward the end of the year.

Spotify takes all the data they collect on what people are listening to

and they put it together in a nice format where you can see what your

friends are streaming and maybe more importantly you're able to impose your

own music taste on others.

I mean, for some of us at least.

Now I personally love seeing these posts and I'm sure

Spotify doesn't mind the advertising.

The only problem is I'm not a Spotify user, I

don't subscribe to Spotify, so when I try to open my Spotify Wrapped at the end of the

year, I'm presented with a very nicely packaged empty box.

Fortunately I've been keeping track of my own streaming data

since about 2015 so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take all that information,

write a little bit of code, and create my own graphic to show off my own music

taste from the last year.

Let's get started.

This is really a data-focused project so the first step is to get my


The way I'm gonna go about that is by using an open source service called


It's very similar to and lets you scrobble your music or

basically keep a log of it as you're listening to it.

And then at the end you have this whole history of everything

you've listened to and the cool thing about ListenBrainz is it lets you

export all your data.

So I'm gonna do that in one fell swoop and I'll have

pretty much everything I've listened to since 2015.

You know, that sounded like a podcast ad for some reason.

Don't worry: it wasn't.

I'm not getting paid for this.

ListenBrainz is a free service.

Now on the programming part of this, I've chosen

to work in R. for a couple of reasons.

Um, no, I actually have some reasons.

Definitely wouldn't have said this a couple years ago, but I kind of like R,

especially since I've grown accustomed to the tidyverse packages.

It has a really great philosophy when it comes to

tidy data and that really is what opened my eyes to, you know, there are some good

things in R. Has a few quirks because it's designed by statisticians for

statisticians, so it does some things that I consider weird like indexing

starting at 1 instead of 0, but nonetheless once you get used to working

in it it's pretty simple.

Basically as I mentioned earlier I'm mostly gonna be working with

packages within the tidyverse so I'm going to import that and I'll also be using

jsonlite to import all my data from ListenBrainz.

I'm only interested in what I listened to in 2018 so I'm going to

create a timestamp for the first day in January and just cut out everything that

came before that time.

It yields about 13,000 individual streams, which is kind

of a lot.

At least, in my opinion, that's a lot of music.

I can't say I enjoyed every minute of it, but I enjoyed

most of it.

I'm curious to see how that listening was distributed over time, so

I'm gonna use ggplot and I'm gonna create a bar graph.

Each bar represents an individual week.

That looks pretty neat.

There are a couple weeks in there where I was either traveling or didn't

have internet and so just not a lot of streaming happened then.

It happens.

The first three things I want to do with

this data is first to find my top artists for the year, second to find my

top tracks for the year, and third to find what albums I listened to the most

from the last year.

The artist one's pretty easy.

I already have a column with all the artists I listen to per track, so all

I need to do is count the occurrences of each artist within that column and then

just sort it by the frequency.

My top song slash tracks is pretty similar but

it gets a little bit interesting because I listen to so much Charli XCX that she

just kind of dominates my top list here, so what I'm gonna do to counteract that

is to make it so that each artist can only appear once on the list and that'll

give it a little bit more variety so to speak.

I'll basically use a very similar technique to find my top albums for the


There's another column called release name that I can use here and

that'll give me my top groups.

The only catch is I'm kind of curious to know

which albums from the last year were kind of my most streamed or my albums of

the year so to speak and for that I don't really have information about when

each of these albums came out.

Thankfully listen brains has a sister website

called MusicBrainz that has a lot of this data.

I wrote a pretty simple function that goes and

it takes the artists name and the release name and then fetches that


It's not a hundred percent accurate.

It thinks Hounds of Love came out in 2018 because there was a digital

release this year, but for the most part, it

seems to catch everything pretty well.

Since my end goal is to recreate the Spotify Wrapped graphics, there's still a

little bit of information I'm missing.

I want to have a decent estimate of how

much music I listened to this year.

Now earlier I said I'd listened to about

13,000 songs but the Spotify graphic uses minutes and those are two

completely different measures.

With just the songs, I could be listening to some

sort of interlude on an album that's only 30 seconds long or Impossible Soul

by Sufjan Stevens which is over 20 minutes long and you wouldn't know the


One thing I could do to figure this out is to go full brute

force and for every single individual song get the exact length of it but

honestly I do not want to spend that much time with my computer open.

So what I'm gonna do is take a sample of those

13,000 tracks and then use that to extrapolate it to the entire population.

I wrote a function very similar to the one I showed you earlier that gets the

links for different tracks.

What I'm gonna do is take 250 songs I listened to

this year, get the mean or average for the length of those tracks, and then

extrapolate it to the whole population.

There's probably a pretty significant margin of error there, but honestly I

don't really care about the difference between say 46,000 minutes and 47,000

minutes, so we're gonna be fine.

The mean in this sample is just a little under 4

minutes which makes a lot of sense because the average pop song is

somewhere between three minutes and four minutes itself so that fits right

within the range.

And if we multiply that number by the 13,000 streams that gives

us just above 50,000 minutes which is equivalent to about 35 days that's...

The last thing I want to know is my top genre.

Now I have a pretty good idea what this is gonna be but we're gonna go

through the whole process anyways.

Genre is a somewhat subjective concept and there's so many different

levels of detail we can go into here, but I'm just gonna

go from the most top level possible.

I'm gonna take another shortcut here to make

my job easier.

I took about a hundred of my top artists and I noticed that of

those 13,000 streams they account for almost 7,000 of them, so I

wrote another function to fetch the top genres for each of those artists from

MusicBrainz and what it returned to me was a big old list that I then

multiplied by the number of streams I had per artists and it gave me a list

with a lot of different pop genres: pop, electropop, dance pop, electronic, pop

rock, and synth pop, so I think it's pretty safe to say pop is winning this


We just stepped through the entire process of collecting the data and

processing the data and now it's time to present it.

I'm gonna use R again.

I'm gonna make four different plots.

One's it's gonna be for my top songs; one's

gonna be for my top artists; one's gonna be for that information about genre and

the minutes streamed; and then I'm gonna take the album cover from my top album

from the year.

And there you have it.

It's my beautiful graphic ready to be

launched out into the world to impose my personal music tastes on everybody that

sees it.

The main difference between my graphic and Spotify is graphic is I only

made it for one person and they made it for several million people so I would

say their job is a little bit harder but if you want to make it a little bit more

than one person then feel free to download the code and run it yourself.

All of its available in the metadata.

I hope you found this video insightful.

It's rather different than some of the things I've made on this channel in the

past, so I would love to hear any feedback you have.

And until next time, be sure to stream Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen.

For more infomation >> Discovering My Top Music of the Year with R - Duration: 8:27.


Honda Civic 1.4I BAR SPORT 90 pk airco elec pakket lmv 16 inch getint glas spoiler pakket - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.4I BAR SPORT 90 pk airco elec pakket lmv 16 inch getint glas spoiler pakket - Duration: 1:05.


MASKELİ ADAMIN EVİNE ASLAN KRAL GİRERSE !! (Lion King Trailer) - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> MASKELİ ADAMIN EVİNE ASLAN KRAL GİRERSE !! (Lion King Trailer) - Duration: 4:36.


◤Nightcore◢ → Die Young - Duration: 3:17.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> ◤Nightcore◢ → Die Young - Duration: 3:17.


a mental health and prosthetic update, wrapped up for the holidays - Duration: 17:06.

♪ Stump Kitchen, Stump Kitchen ♪

♪ Gluten-free vegan eats ♪

♪ Stumptastic treats ♪

(knocking on door)

- Come in.

Oh, you're so good to me.

Thank you.


Hello, happy holidays.

I'm not doing okay.

(Jazzy "Silent Night")

I don't really know where to begin,

because when I'm feeling like this,

my brain doesn't work the way that I like it to,

so I lose, I lose my ability

to retain trains of thought, memory...


I wanted this video to be a bit

about my prosthetic journey update for my Violin Arm,

as well as one a little bit about just like where I'm at

in my mental health for right now.

So I don't even know where to begin, like I...

Do you like my new sweatshirt?

It says Kale.

Okay, here's the thing with my prosthetic.

I've posted two videos about my Violin Arm journey,

and they were both pretty positive and exciting,

but I kinda hit a bit of a roadblock

when I went for my third or fourth appointment,

and I got to try the arm out for the first time.

I took it home, and it didn't work.

It didn't sit right on my arm.

It didn't function properly.

I had very little control over the bow as I was bowing.

It was such a disaster.

A part of me shut down,

a part of me that hasn't needed to shut down

in a long, long time,

because it was the first time in a long time

that I felt like I couldn't do something,

which might sound like, you know, not a big deal,

but I've been able to find a workaround,

either using different body parts or duct tape or whatever.

Like, I've been able to do stuff,

and I've had other prosthetics in my life

that have been just fine,

and they've worked okay for their purposes,

but with this, like so much time and work

and money went into making this arm,

I felt so defeated when it didn't work.

Like I put it on and picked up

this beautiful instrument to play it,

and it was like trying to speak a new language

and not being able make any sound

or not even being able to open your mouth.

And I felt like this huge barrier

between me and this instrument

and my goal of wanting to learn how to play it.

At the time, the only barrier

that was coming up for me was me,

my arm,

because of, you know, how I was made, who I am

that I can't do this thing,

and that, you know, all this money and time has gone

into creating this prosthetic for me to be able to do this,

and it wasn't working.

And so when that happened, it was, um...

It was kinda like the wind being knocked out of you.

I just felt like helpless, pissed.

I just wanted to hide,

and I never got to the point where I hated my arm,

but I hated, I don't know,

maybe I hated the process of what I had to go through.

There's probably a lot of people out there

who are listening to this who haven't experienced

needing a prosthetic to do something,

and maybe it doesn't seem like that much of a big deal,

but then I know that there are some of you out there

who do have a limb difference,

and you have received a prosthetic

that doesn't work for your body,

and I know that maybe you feel like your body's betrayed you

or that there's something wrong with you.

You're not alone.

I think for some of us with a limb difference,

the world's just like not quite built for us yet,

and it should be.

I think there's a lot of great things happening,

but even on a bigger scale,

anyone with a disability or a diverse way

of being in the world,

there's not enough space for us yet,

just because the world is based on certain standards

and models of ability and the ways that bodies should be

and should function and stuff.

When I have an experience like that,

when I, you know, tried the prosthetic,

and it was so absolutely wrong,

and I was feeling bad about myself and my arm.

You know, after a few days of just like really low

depression, I guess, or just sadness,

I started to get really angry.

I started to think about all the other people

who have had to go through this,

who are given this thing,

this thing that's supposed to support them

in doing what they want to do

and reaching the goals that they want to reach,

and it betrays them in a way.

I will say that one of the things that helped me

through this process the most

has been talking with my pal, Angel.

She is such an incredible advocate

for folks with limb difference

and has been an amazing support

for me to find my voice in talking with my prosthetist

and working through this process in a way

that I felt and do feel heard

and can say what I need and say what I want

and to not feel like I just have to

accept the way that it is

and accept if something doesn't work for me.

I think as an adult congenital amputee

who only had prosthetics as a younger person,

I forgot, or maybe I never learned,

what the process was like if it didn't work out for you.

Like I didn't know that I could advocate for myself,

and I could ask for things to be different,

and I could look into other options.

For the first few days, I really wanted to just give up

and just say (beep) it,

like I don't need to play the violin.

But yeah, then I went through lots

of different stages of grief, I guess,

so like sadness, anger, a bit of bargaining,

and then some acceptance.

When I went to see Angel in Vancouver,

we got to go to the prosthetics conference

that she was presenting at,

and it was at that place that I kind of

got this revived sense of agency over my body

and what could be possible for me,

so that was a really cool transformative trip for me,

'cause I got to try stuff out,

I got to see people, talk to people,

and they have had similar experiences as me.

Needless to say,

the whole prosthetics thing has taken awhile,

because I've been back and forth

with my prosthetist's office.

And actually, when I was at the conference,

I met the manufacturer of the violin arm component,

the one that's at the tip of my prosthetic,

and he was able to chat with me

about ways to kind of fix it, which was so, so nice.

And so I took that information,

along with some flyers and information,

and I took it back to my prosthetist's office,

and based on that interaction

and my talking with the company,

we were able to make some adjustments.

And I feel so mixed about that,

because I love the fact that that happened

and that I got to find out what was wrong

and what we could adjust

and what I need from my body, et cetera,

but I also kind of, um...

I guess I was a bit angry and resentful

at my prosthetist's office,

because I feel like a lot of that

should have been done by them,

but I don't know, maybe,

maybe we have to just be our own advocates.

Like I honestly don't know what the culture is

around prosthetists,

and you know, finding that right fit.

I guess I just assumed that they would do everything

in their power to find the most perfect thing

for that person,

because you're getting an extension of your body made.

Like it's not just like, oh yeah,

I know that this prosthetic leg is gonna give you blisters

and stuff, but that's just part of having a prosthetic leg.

It's like, no, we can adjust things

and make those blisters less or non-existent.

How can we change this?

How can we work with this?

Like, it's part of your body for heaven's sake.

So I'll show you my prosthetic,

even though I'm still not at the point

where I can emotionally, mentally put it on and use it yet.

I'll get into that in the new year.

I'll show it to you.

It's right here.


So here it is.

So this is what it looks like.

This is the kind of head of it,

and the bow goes in there,

and you can adjust it with this thingy-thing.

You can make it kind of pivot to anywhere that you want to

and tighten it based on the angles that you need.

And they had this cool fabric at the prosthetist's place,

and they just put it on.

There's these narwhal-looking sock things

that go on your arm.


Pardon me.

Then you have your mini-baby narwhal,

and then it goes in like this.


This is the prosthetic.

The bow goes in here, and I play like this.

Yeah, this is so weird.

I haven't had this on in a little while,

'cause it's a little bit like,

I don't know, it's just not the most fun thing

to think about at the moment.

Also because I'm currently experiencing

some pretty (beep) mental health stuff.

Typically in a regular kind of equalized, balanced mood,

I'm more able to access this

and to use it and think about it,

but right now is just not the time,

so that goes back into my underwear drawer.

I'm not going to talk about particular triggers

or maybe reasons why I have been diagnosed

with Major Depressive Disorder and why I have anxiety.

In part, I don't fully know,

and I also do, but I don't wanna like,

that's not the point of this video.

The point is that I'm just, I have it.


And I experience it in my own way.

So this time of year, pre-Christmas,

is a particularly hard time of year,

and my body, I'm lucky and cursed

that it's quite in-tune with...

It's getting to be more in-tune

with my emotions and reacts for me,

so when anniversaries of hard things come up,

my body reacts before I even

consciously know what's happening.

One thing that can happen is I will wake up crying.

Panic attacks happen.

I've had two so far in December.

And that, I think, is because I,

intellectually I'm like, I'm fine.

I'm doing so good.

It's been so long, and I'm seeing all these professionals,

and I'm working on my (beep), and bleh bleh bleh.

And so when I have darker or deeper moods and times,

there's like this dissonance of like,

but I'm okay, what the heck?

And so I kind of push it down

and I don't maybe access it or deal with it

as much as I had been,

because I feel like I should be beyond that,

and that's suppression for me results in panic attacks,

and I honestly don't really know the difference

between panic and anxiety attacks.

I just don't know which one I actually have.

It feels like anxiety and panic together.

I don't know.

Because I'm dealing with more

of the emotional weird triggers and whatever, I...

I have no idea what I was going to say.

Oh, right, okay.

So when I have these anxiety panic attacks,

and I've had them before in my life,

but for right now,

they typically come at times when I'm very calm,

like at night time, before bed.

For me, they don't come at a time

when I have any visible or active stressors

that are happening.

It's in the slower down times that those attacks come.

The other thing I wanted to say

about my own experience of depression.

I feel like depression is such a...

I wish it was more nuanced than that,

because mine isn't necessarily a...

Yeah, there's lows and there's like, you know,

but I experience it a lot of the times as...

So physically and mentally where my memory isn't as strong.

I'm not able to concentrate on things that I read.

I lose my own concentration on doing certain tasks.

I forget what I'm doing.

I forget appointments and things during the day

even if they're written down.

It's kind of like if I was sitting on a dunk tank

and the person throwing balls hit the target

and the seat drops from underneath my butt

and I fall into cold water.

It's like that feeling of the earth

being pulled up from underneath you dozens of times per day.

That's what it feels like for me.

It's hard to explain.

So what is the point of this video?

Well, I don't really know.

I guess I just wanted to make a video,

and just to be like,

hi, I'm not doing the best at all right now,

however, I want to emphasize that not doing your best

and not doing okay is totally valid anytime,

and especially right now,

and just because I'm not doing okay at the moment

doesn't mean that, I don't know,

that things need to change

in how people react and interact with me

or that I need to change.

I guess what I need to change

is just my expectations for myself,

'cause I feel like when I'm having a darker episode,

I think I can do everything the same,

but that's not the case,

so reminding myself that my expectations

for my days right now need to be very different.

Not putting too much on my plate.

Not scheduling too much.

Letting friends know, if I'm comfortable with it,

letting them know where I'm at,

so if I do need to bail, reschedule,

or have a cry in the middle of our time together,

they kind of know where I'm coming from.

But also just giving myself permission

to just be exactly how I need to be,

and that took me years to learn.

Yeah, it sounds like it's easy.

It's not.

Obviously it's not easy.

None of this is easy.

Of course none of this is (beep) easy.


So what I'm trying to say is I'm not doing okay,

but that is okay.

I have strategies, and I have people.

I have built my life in a way that I can fall

into these (beep) black holes.

I know that I won't disappear,

so that's lucky,

and if you have any of your own strategies

for how you can, how you can fall and not disappear,

feel free to leave them down below,

because I think that's really important to talk about.

When I'm in this state,

it's like this is the only reality that I know.

And I know that there's going to be some people watching

who have not experienced mental health challenges like this,

who might be like, you're fine.

You're so happy, and bloo bloo bloo bleh bleh,

all these things.

But then I know it's not accurate.

I do remember what it was like

before I experienced my own mental health issues.

I do remember just being like,

mental health, depression, it's a whole new language.

I have no concept of that experience.

I don't know what it's like.

I didn't pretend to know, but I didn't get it.

But I also know there are so many of you

who do experience this

or a form of your own mental health challenge and journey.

Just to know that there's other people

that feel even an ounce of this,

it's absolutely heartbreaking.

And how do you tell someone that they're not alone

when you know that it's so hard to believe

when you do feel alone, you know,

trapped in your head or whatever.

It's such a weird paradox or whatever, I don't know.

I woke up this morning,

almost had a panic attack, had a big cry.

My panic attacks,

they come with stomach feeling really weird,

then my skin starts to crawl, almost like I'm getting sick,

like either physically stomach-sick or a bit flu-sick,

and then a few minutes later, it comes to big cries.

Sometimes I'm shaking, but mostly like big cries and...


Pardon me.

One thing that was cool was that I went to the gym today.

I didn't, like waking up,

I didn't think I'd be able to go to the gym.

Getting to the gym was a huge win for me.

That doesn't always happen.

And so I think over the holidays,

I'm gonna kind of take the lead

of a lot of the big YouTubers out there

and take a bit of a holiday break in posting.

I also have CBC footage that I have to get through as well.

I need to take a bit of a break

from my regular posting schedule

and come back fresh in the new year.

It's so funny, 'cause I feel so crappy doing that,

'cause you have this mentality as a content creator.

You're like always gotta be posting stuff.

That's not true.

Like I'm always gonna be around.

It doesn't matter when I post.

Like I'm, I don't know.


Whoa, did you hear that?



No, it went away.

I love and respect you very, very much for watching this,

just for being on this earth with me.

We're all just doing the best that we can,

and that's all we can ever do.

So, yeah, thanks for watching.


Like, comment.

Bleh, bleh, bleh.


You know what?

This is a good reminder,

even though I go through waves of you know, dark times,

depression, et cetera,

somehow, I don't know why or how,

but somehow, every one of those days,

either something I find beauty or joy in,

and I either laugh out loud or I...

You know, I'm taken aback

by a beautiful blue jay that I see on a tree

or the snowfall or cooking a meal,

if I can even do that,

laugh at something, or I'll laugh in spite of myself.

It's so interesting to see myself have those moments

of joy that are just like so insular.

They're just like joy, and then back to darkness.

It's so interesting, and I love it.

(jazzy "Silent Night")

Be gentle with yourself.

We're all just getting through December

in all the best ways that we can,

and I'm cheering you on.


(jazzy "Silent Night")

What a video.

For more infomation >> a mental health and prosthetic update, wrapped up for the holidays - Duration: 17:06.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play | Navigatie | Airconditioning | Elektrische ramen - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play | Navigatie | Airconditioning | Elektrische ramen - Duration: 1:11.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play Automaat | Navi | Camera | Airco - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play Automaat | Navi | Camera | Airco - Duration: 0:49.


Vencedor, Rafael Ilha fica sem prêmio de A Fazenda; saiba o motivo - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Vencedor, Rafael Ilha fica sem prêmio de A Fazenda; saiba o motivo - Duration: 6:11.


Dybala zniszczyłby Maradonę i Pelego razem wziętych - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> Dybala zniszczyłby Maradonę i Pelego razem wziętych - Duration: 12:34.


Nach Tanzverbot: Auch Exsl95 sucht auf YouTube eine Freundin - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Nach Tanzverbot: Auch Exsl95 sucht auf YouTube eine Freundin - Duration: 1:20.


Orçamento para 2019 e eleição aberta em destaque - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Orçamento para 2019 e eleição aberta em destaque - Duration: 1:09.


PLANTS vs ZOMBIES Animado Episodio 31 - Animación 2018 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> PLANTS vs ZOMBIES Animado Episodio 31 - Animación 2018 - Duration: 3:52.


Lo Mejor de Ser Programador | Vida de Programador #157 - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Lo Mejor de Ser Programador | Vida de Programador #157 - Duration: 7:11.


Aumenta número de vagas para estudantes em várias áreas de estágios - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Aumenta número de vagas para estudantes em várias áreas de estágios - Duration: 3:30.


Spider-Man (PS4) - Trailer de Lançamento - DLC - Silver Lining - Apenas os Fatos - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Spider-Man (PS4) - Trailer de Lançamento - DLC - Silver Lining - Apenas os Fatos - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 1:54.


kanon momojiri, part 1 - Hots TV - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> kanon momojiri, part 1 - Hots TV - Duration: 3:31.


7 Rakamının Gizemi - Duration: 7:01.

Number 7

The formation of the world and man It occupies an important place in history.

Indeed, 40s 3s are offensive to someone or as auspicious 13s

Although there are other numbers, none 7 from the past to the present incoming

has not maintained its universal value.

Example; When it comes to an event, it feels 7 neighborhoods

7 to 70 is an issue for everyone

In order to be the ruler of the world, 7 heifers must be ruled

So why have people not been able to give up these 7 figures for hundreds of thousands of years.

Call it a coincidence the reason for this;


There are 7 ceddimiz so our breed is 7

Istanbul is the 7 hills

Turkey consists of seven geographical regions

Rome and Rio is built on 7 hills

There are 7 continents in the world

7 days a week

The holiday is on the 7th day of the week

7 colors in the rainbow

There are 7 notes in music

There are 7 wonders of the world

There are 7 planets around the world

There are 7 stars forming the Big Bear

Snow White has 7 dwarfs

Hürmüz 7 has a husband

James Bond's code name is 007

Kemal Sunal's film is 7 Bela Hüsnü

Restrictions of moderate violence and horror films are 7 years or older

7 months non-stop giving rose blooming rose 7

There are 7 seasons in the Indians.

There are also 7 seasons of Aboriginal and Kulinler in Australia.

There are 7 torchists in Turkish literature

Man has 7 holes on his face

2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils and one mouth

According to the Law on Associations, the minimum number of members is 7 to establish an association.

Any piece of paper up to 7 Can be folded once and recycled up to 7 times.

The water that we drink reaches our stomach in 7 seconds

'Ney', a musical instrument, has 7 holes

PH value 7 is neutral

The sum of the two numbers against the game is 7

Infants' teeth go out in 7 months

and at the age of 7

7 years wars lasted 7 years

The largest prime number with a single digit is 7

There are 7 spots in Ladybird

The tails of the scorpions have a maximum of 7 knuckles.

The most poisonous scorpions are 7-knuckled scorpions

National lottery tickets have 7 digits

Cells in the human body every 7 years a refresh

The lucky number of Japanese in general is 7

Also for Manchester United, the number 7 has a great meaning.

George Best

Eric Cantona

David Beckham

and Cristiano Ronaldo

They all became legend by number 7.


Islam was born in the 7th century.

During the pilgrimage worship in Islam, the circumference of the vessel is made 7 times

During the pilgrimage between Safa and Merve 7 times the income

7 stone throwers in devil grinding

The first surah of the Qur'an, Fâtihâ, is 7

The hurricane that caused the destruction of the Ad people lasted 7 nights.

In addition, this issue is explained in verse 7.

Koran 7 Sky and 7 Marine concept 7 times

Hell has 7 floors

Up to 7 people in a common victim can

The Ashab-ı Kehf mentioned in the Qur'an 7 consists of

Hz. Muhammad has 7 children

Sebiye: Also known as "Imamism".

Limits the number of Shiites, imams to 7 The arm.

Surah Yusuf in the Qur'an

7 scrawny cows with 7 scrawny cows

and 7 have seen a dry spike with a green spike.

and Hz. Yusuf, this dream

Abundant 7 years in Egypt and 7 years there will be famine.

Züleyha Hz. When he offered Yusuf adultery

room 7 locked door miraculously opened

and Hz. Yusuf escaped from there.

In Christianity, figure 7 represents perfection, representing completeness

and to the fulfillment of God's word.

Hz. The last 7 words of Jesus were crucified It is mentioned.

Christianity There are deadly sins.

7 seals, 7 bowls and 7 pipes

7 sacred secrets in the Catholics (sakrament) It is essential.

The 7th heaven in Judaism is called "Araboth" and glory, honor, is the home of the throne of victory.

This throne 7 is under the supervision of the archangel.

7 steps to the Suleyman temple in Judaism,

Creation consists of 7 stages,

wisdom is expressed in 7 columns,

festivities and ceremonies take 7 days,

the blood of the victims is flowing for 7 days.

The holy candlesticks are 7 candles.

Hebrew in 7 meaning "shabo" (7אבו) the word

It also means abundance and satisfaction.

According to the Torah, Yafes has 7 sons.

Each of these is an ancestor of a nation.

According to Hindu traditions, there are 7 basic chakras in the human body.

According to the Buddhist legend, after Buda was born, she got up and took 7 steps.

The Shamanist Turkish tribes living in Yenisey used to destroy the dead like Muslims.

After being buried in the dead ground, the dead widow

And half down.

The widow could only pay her hair 7 days after the dead was buried.

The deceased's wife and children within 7 days after its introduction,

To avoid disturbing the lungs of the dead, They didn't eat liver.

7 days after the dead ground, the village or the people of oba gathered to the cemetery

and fire at the grave.

According to the belief of the Yazidis, 7 angels were created each day of the week.

God in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Endiku 7 days 7 nights to lower.

In Egypt, the Sun God RA has 7 souls.

7 Musalar music in Helen mythology 7 music is the name given to the nymph

There are 7 main artworks in the ancient Greek period.

In Greek mythology, 7 principal gods are assumed

Tarot fortune means 7 victories

According to the shaman belief, God Ulgen has 7 sons.

Switching to reach Ülgen There are 7 obstacles that you need.

God of Ülgen, bones of reed, meats It is believed to have created 7 people from the soil.

Galatians sacrifice 7 sacrifices

There are 7 Buddhas in Tibet.

There are 7 sacred elements in China.

The number of communications in Feng Shui is 7.

The Kwanza Feast of Africans has 7 symbols.

According to the Sumerian belief, the Ea, the God of God, had 7 Wise students.

They would go to earth and teach people wisdom and knowledge.

And the duration of this video is Ve

Tell him who you are

For more infomation >> 7 Rakamının Gizemi - Duration: 7:01.


Leftover Turkey Casserole Recipe - Leftover Turkey Recipe Ideas - Duration: 7:52.

what is up everybody this is Lyle with no hippie BBQ what I'll be doing in this

video is I'm going to be using some leftover turkey to come up with the

recipe now I'm really not sure what to call this recipe because it's just

something that I'm throwing together but in my mind what I'm thinking about is

almost like a chicken and dumplings except with turkey and lasagna

Lisa s is going on in my head we'll see if it works out we're going to be using

some leftovers from a turkey that I smoked yesterday if you want to see that

video I'll leave a link to that video of my card above

take a look at that so we're using the leftover turkey from that we're going to

be using some chick or some turkey stock from that turkey once I was done cooking

the turkey I broke the carcass down and made some homemade turkey stock I mean

those are going to be our two main ingredients along with some lasagna

noodles we're also going to be using some frozen red onions that I have here

we have some mozzarella cheese slices some butter and some basil that I needed

to get rid of because it was frozen and we have some flour so this leftover turkey recipe is

just something like I said that we're going to be throwing together this is

something that I was really just kind of scavenging my frigerator and freezer for

different ingredients and this is what I came up with without further ado our

first step is going to be to cook our onions down let's get started I'm

starting off with about 3/4 of a stick of butter

and we're gonna go ahead and get this kind of melted down a little bit it

doesn't need to be built it down the whole way we're gonna go ahead and throw

in our onions

now we're going to go ahead and cook these onions until they start getting

just before caramelization while these onions have been cooking in this butter

I have been cooking my lasagna they're in a pot right now and we're gonna boil

those for about ten minutes we're gonna go ahead and have some flour

to our onions and what we're really going to be looking for is kind of

almost a gravy but I want it to be thicker than your average gravy and I'm

eyeballing this but if you look in the description below I will try to have my

approximate amounts down there in case you want to do this yourself

hour long enough for that gluten taste to kind of come out of it now we're

gonna go ahead and add our chicken stock

and I'm probably gonna need more than that but we're gonna judge that down the

road just give it a quick stir and this is gonna start thickening up I have our

basil which is here and I'm just gonna this basil was frozen so if you crumble

it up or whatever it's just gonna come right off the stem and I think that's

enough basil I'm gonna go ahead and refreeze the rest of this let's go ahead

and add our chicken in our turkey scuse me and like I said we are probably going

to be adding more liquid to this as a matter of fact we're definitely going to

be adding more liquid to it but this is gonna create my base and let me know

exactly how much more liquid I need to thicken it up

without getting too loose or being too thick all right so like I said we're

going for a very thick gravy maybe thicker than a spaghetti sauce or

somewhere around that neighborhood and since this is a recipe that we are just

throwing I'm gonna add a different ingredient

that I didn't mention in the beginning this looks a little dark to me I'll go

ahead and add some whole milk that's about a quarter of a cup just to kind of

lighten it up a bit so this is about the thickness that we're looking for right

here like I said it's kind of almost like a chicken potpie ish type of look

consistency or something along those lines what I'm gonna let it do now is

I'm gonna let it cool all the way down so it's a little bit easier to work with

I'm just gonna thicken up a little bit during that process as well and then

we'll get to building our recipe so our mixture is cooled down now we're just

gonna start layering all right I guess I'll call it a casserole we're gonna

start layering our casserole so we're just going down with a little bit of

this come back over it with our lasagna noodles

throw some cheese

and like I said this is just something worth throwing together I'm hoping that

this turns out as good as I think it is

you know if this is pretty much it I will just go ahead and just put a little

bit more on the top but that's all the layers we're going to do I'm going to

throw this in the oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes and then we will pick

this up tomorrow I think this is going to taste even

better if I let it have a chance to sit in the refrigerator overnight a chance

to sit in the refrigerator overnight just about 24 hours have a chance to

kind of firm up I'm gonna go ahead and hit it with some Parmesan cheese and I'm

just doing this as an afterthought I have some leftover I needed to go

through and once I get this on we're just gonna throw it in the oven I have

the oven set at about 265 degrees I just want to bring it up to temperature slow

so it stays firm and we'll be eating this in about an hour so here's what

it's looking like coming out of the oven I'm going to go ahead and plate up some

of this taste it see what's up so it's finally time for me to get in on

this creation like I said I was kind of trying to go between uh almost the

chicken and dumpling Hannah lasagna let's see what we think let me cut a

smaller bite

this is a nice tape until you definitely kind of get the little dumpling

situation from the lasagna noodles the minute I don't need to not to explain

just imagine a chicken lasagna without a whole bunch of cheese and a little bit

more dense love it give it a shot you won't be disappointed

thanks for semi no hippie BBQ I appreciate leftover turkey recipe ideas

leftover turkey recipes

For more infomation >> Leftover Turkey Casserole Recipe - Leftover Turkey Recipe Ideas - Duration: 7:52.


Eu, Trovador - Pra Matar a Saudade | Clipe Oficial - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Eu, Trovador - Pra Matar a Saudade | Clipe Oficial - Duration: 3:06.


Como ser quem eu quero ser? - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Como ser quem eu quero ser? - Duration: 8:19.


Gillette Clear Gel Cool Wave: O Melhor Antitranspirante Masculino | Gillette - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Gillette Clear Gel Cool Wave: O Melhor Antitranspirante Masculino | Gillette - Duration: 0:48.


John Piper - Hostinský (cz titulky) - Duration: 11:08.

For more infomation >> John Piper - Hostinský (cz titulky) - Duration: 11:08.


Maročané se omlouvají za popravu dívek: Ale islám za to nemůže, vzkazují - Duration: 4:46.

 Maren Ueland (†28) z Norska a Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (†24) z Dánska byly nejen usměvavými studentkami, ale také vášnivými cestovatelkami

Jejich dalším cílem bylo Maroko a turisty oblíbená hora Tubkal, místo nového dobrodružství tam ovšem našly jen krutou smrt

 Když pod horou stanovaly, vytipovala si je skupinka vrahů, podle následného zjištění policie sympatizantů Islámského státu

Ti oběma dívkám zřejmě zaživa uřezali hlavy, hovoří se také o znásilnění. Na videu, které v Maroku mělo kolovat po sociálních sítích, měli vzkázat, že jde o odplatu za bratry v Sýrii

 Světová média informovala, že vražda otřásla celou zemí.  Ačkoliv se totiž Maroko může zdát jako nebezpečná destinace, útoky na cizince tam nejsou vůbec běžné

A že tomu tak doopravdy je, naznačují i vzkazy, které se začaly množit na sociálních sítích

 Například na profilu Maren Ueland lidé využili několika otevřených příspěvků, k nimž lze vkládat komentáře, aniž byste uživatele měli přidaného v přátelích, aby pozůstalým po obou dívkách poslali kondolence

 Internetem se šíří hromadná kondolence Maročanů. Zajímavé je, že v drtivé většina případů jde přímo o občany Maroka

Ti se dokonce vysloveně omlouvají za to, že dva mladé životy byly zmařeny právě v jejich zemi

Hromadně například sdílejí jednotný omluvný text. „Jako Maročan jsem naprosto šokován tím, co se stalo

Upřímně se za událost v Maroku omlouvám. Doufám, že podezřelí dostanou to, co si zaslouží, takové věci v naší zemi netolerujeme

Odpočívejte v pokoji, je nám to moc líto," stojí v textu. Louisa Vesterager Jespersen Přidávají se i další lidé, především muslimové, kteří se distancují od islámských radikálů

 „Jsem muslimský Arab a přísahám, že si přeji, abych tam byl a ty nevinné dívky mohl bránit, i kdyby mě to mělo stát život

Teď už pomoci nemůžu, ale truchlím a přeji upřímnou soustrast rodině obou dívek. Osoba, která tu strašnou věc udělala, je šílená

Je to kriminálník a reprezentuje jen sám sebe, ne žádné náboženství," píše další

 Maren Ueland si užívala života. Bohužel ji o něj připravila skupina islamistů. Ve velkém se pak přidávají třeba i Alžířané nebo Egypťané

Každou minutu přibývá více a více vzkazů.  Čtveřici podezřelou z brutální vraždy už policie postupně zatkla, prvního muže v pondělí, další dva v úterý a ve středu posledního

Jak bylo zmíněno, už v průběhu týdne policie oznámila, že šlo o dílo radikálů. 

For more infomation >> Maročané se omlouvají za popravu dívek: Ale islám za to nemůže, vzkazují - Duration: 4:46.


Dünyayı Yerinden Oynatan Komutan - BALAMİR KAĞAN VE KAVİMLER GÖÇÜ - Duration: 11:09.

Central Asian steppes are sometimes emerald emerald green, sometimes amber amber yellow.

Here is the unprofitable of the Ural Mountains, the Aral Sea he was dehydrated;

vascular The Huns call themselves a "new home H.

In this video, if you are saying something

The basis of the political map of Europe and Africa continent,

enabling the emergence of new nations and states in the middle

Hun and Hun Hakan Balamir Kağan and

the impact of the great migration on the world

The incredible skills of Hun Turks are included.

Not submissive to the Chinese edition; clever, strong, Balamir Kağan, who is determined to do anything for the sake of brave and independence,

Metehan's 15th century grandson of the wild is the grandson.

Balamir Kagan, the target and the purpose of the surrounding tribes in the region to tell the other tribes also added

and an army of 10 divisional soldiers, corresponding to 100,000 soldiers.

Middle Aya steppe and the wider pastures

has set up expeditions to Europe to find a new dormitory where people and animals can relax.

These expeditions started a large wave of migration, called the Migratory Migration.

The incredible war skills of the Huns

The Huns kept their horses as children, not wearing their thick armor and tired of their animals.

They didn't use saddle and stirrup.

With horses, they used to be body.

Although their shields were small and light, they used them skillfully, very good arrows.

Armored, trained and experienced legionnaires they would definitely find the hole to hunt.

Take a look through the eye they could hit their targets.

Hun horses were small, hairy things.

But he likes fighting, and he's like a man. They were crazy.

Enemy bites his horses, kicks them on the ground crush the falling cavalry to join the fight.

They were tough.

Long distances like five times more than others they would take a short time.

Already the Huns carried a spare horse with them.

Sometimes the number of backups goes up to three, in four, down from the fatigue, jump into the other.

Because of countless horses, enemies cannot exactly predict the amount of Hun forces,

they took unnecessary measures.

Rome in the equestrian units in those years He had won.

Knights of Medieval Europe, Hun tried to imitate the Alps.

Huns adjust their food, weapons, tents themselves

where they lived in the morning with the logic of the evening.

Hunting animals cannot easily get rid of their hands;

they would not have ties to their heads.

Hun commanders could make decisions on the day of the day and did not shoulder a burden such as establishing a supply line.

They used the light springs covered with horns and skin like a machine gun.

All of a sudden, he freed the loyalty and never let go of the arrow.

With his agile horses, he lived and worked like a wind;

That's why women from the battlefields they would also benefit.

When the business is fighting against the sword not just their swords

he also uses his wedges and spears skillfully

they would never have been forced to distribute the sky-colored battleships that proceeded like steel walls.

Hun horsemen know how to cheat thousands of tricks and set up traps that Europeans wouldn't perceive in life.

Since they face superior forces, they first try to equalize the number with the rain of arrow.

the enemy would not shake their hands without being worn.

Surprising the troops that use the shield against the arrows

others hunted open givers.

Sometimes the Hun Army is drawn back in the most intense moment of collision, utilizing all force enemy lines

they would follow their opponents who thought they had won the victory.

He turns his horses upside down and the cavalry in the front line.

Then, with a harmony like poetry, he would turn sideways and encircle the enemy.

It is easy to explain, but it could only be done by well organized guided units.

Those who call the barbarians were very deceived.

When the Huns first appeared in Europe

the famous Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus writes:

Huns; to get used to the unrelenting conditions in the midst of vast, mountainous and forested areas

the cold, hunger and thirst, the cradle was as if they had learned from the cradle.

When they are away from home, they never go into a home unless there is an extreme necessity.

because it is safe as a roof they thought they weren't.

They would force people on every path.

When they are provoked, they almost always fight

and entered into battles and used wedge-shaped objects.

They are equipped for fast and sudden movements

suddenly, they would line up and attack in line.

They were so fast, the enemy camps. attacking the trenches to plunder

they were never invisible.

They fought sharp, pointed bronze or iron spears at a certain distance.

They're terrific in launching them towards the target Were they been skilled.

Galloping after throwing spears

and they would fight against the sword in defiance of their lives.

Enemies are protected from injury by cavalry sword, but ropes are twisted on their enemies

And they snapped around them, and struck a chain on their hands and feet.

Huns that can ride with great skill, emerge at least expected

and the speeds were going before their fame.

They were unique and unique in speed.

They were pushing forward like a hurricane that was torn from the high mountains.

He had such immeasurable velocities that people until they realized

they are defined as adjectives,

they always surprised their opponents.

They were attacking with small groups, not many.

A union of 500 or 1000 men, at the same time in different ways,


one after another, and began with a terrible rainfall.

So your enemies will destroy them, they hit the deadly blow.

Defense against these sudden attacks, it was not possible without getting within range of the arrows.

Winning the defense could have been a blind attack on the Huns

it was almost impossible.

Migration of Peoples

A part of the Turks known as Akhunlar, going to Iran and India

a portion of the 370s in winter in the direction of Balamir Khan

They crossed the river İtil.

In the region between itil, Don and Caucasus attacked the living Areas.

Famous cavalry fighters in Europe one

Long Spears, swords, arrows and bow defended the fields.

Although the fields are cavalry had no ability to use the arrow on it.

In the past, "the servant does not know, because they all come from noble blood," he praised the Fields,

after this time he was certainly under the sovereignty of the Huns.

Europeans think they can stop and return the Huns, but they are very deceived.

Huns in 375, first Ostrogoths then beat the Visigoths.

The Ostrogoths and the Visigoths moved towards the West due to the attacks of the Huns.

Hun military movement mobilize various tribes forced to spend.

These tribes that have moved each other

The northern provinces of the Roman Empire they've thrown down.

Thus began the migration of famous tribes that changed the ethnic structure of Europe

and the wave of migration continued until Spain.

Hun raiders unexpectedly appeared in unexpected places, sudden and severe blows were downloading.

The horror of the Huns was a terrible repercussions, while the Eastern European tribes were horrified.

Those who thought they were strong, when they were helpless in the face of the Huns, they began to write unfavorable stories.

The Huns threw the Germans away from their lands and crushed the Vandals and the Slavs.

finally come to Hungary they sit on the plains.

Moreover, a legend like Rome divides the empire into two

They were the walls between Western Rome and Byzantium.

The Results of the Migration of Peoples

As a result of the migration of peoples, Europe remained in turmoil for nearly a century.

The Roman Empire was divided into two as east and west, and the Western Roman Empire was destroyed in 476

and on the territory many Germanic states were established.

With the unification of the tribes new nations emerged.

Europe's ethnicity is changing nations emerged.

Fields, Vandals and Visigoths, Spain The Spanish came to the peninsula;

Angels and Saxons, British Isles settled by the British;

Germanic tribes of the Germans settled on the banks of the Rhine

The Francs have helped the French to be formed.

As a result, people are known as immigration states

Today, the foundations of European states such as England, France, Spain and Germany have been laid.

Also, the European Hun State was established.

European populations have grown in Europe thanks to Turkish empires and states

and Turkish culture has spread to other cultures in the region.

The first period was over, the Middle Ages began.

Continuous combat of kingdoms in Europe and the loss of power due to the looting,

ground for the emergence of the feudal regime It has prepared.

The spirit of chivalry emerged and medieval continued throughout.

As a result, in medieval Europe church, papal and scholastic thought began to gain power.

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For more infomation >> Dünyayı Yerinden Oynatan Komutan - BALAMİR KAĞAN VE KAVİMLER GÖÇÜ - Duration: 11:09.


Ricetta: come fare le crepes alla Nutella facili e veloci by ItalianCakes - Duration: 3:44.

Welcome to ItalianCakes. Today there we present a family recipe: crepes.

Ingredients: milk, eggs, flour, granulated sugar, salt and sunflower

seeds oil. If we prepare the crepes by hand: pour

in a container two eggs,

2 tablespoons of sunflower oil,

half a teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, one third

of milk (from a total of 250 milliliters) and 150 grams of flour. We mix the

all with the whisk until all the powders will not be well dissolved or not

there will be more lumps.

Now we can add the remaining part of milk for a total of 250

milliliters and mix. In this way we are sure that we have created a mixture

homogeneous. Let the mixture rest for about

30 minutes. If we use a blender: enough

add all the ingredients in one once alone and then blend for about 30


We used a 28 cm frying pan in diameter where we put a drop

of sunflower seeds oil. For who is it novice, we recommend the use of a

ladle to pour the mixture, for be able to dose the amount of liquid.

It is important that the pan is very hot before pouring the dough.

The cooking of each crepe takes about two minutes.

We stuffed with Nutella and dusted with powdered sugar.

If you want to try adding some dried prunes cut into cubes.

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what do you think. We ask you to subscribe to our channel. Thanks and

see you later.

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