From an octopus on a mountain to a shark on a subway, here are 10 animals found in strange
Sea Lion in a High School Sea Lions are very clever creatures.
They know how to communicate with one another, swim in expert ways, and avoid predators when
But, in April of 2015, one sea lion decided to go off book, and then went to a place where
it could go learn about itself.
No, not a library, a high school.
This happened at Imperial Beach in San Diego, California.
The school in question was Mar Vista High School, and it was the staff that called the
police on the sea lion.
Here is the catch though.
Mar Vista is very much inland in San Diego, as in it is not near the local shoreline.
So that begs the question, how did the sea lion get there?
Being that it didn't have help, the sea lion went from the shore to the school on its own.
Which in distance was about five blocks.
Here's another thing to ponder.
Since it was the staff that called in the sea lion being at the high school, this begs
the question, did no one else see the sea lion as it made its way through San Diego?
If you're curious as to what happened, the police put the sea lion in their car and drove
it back to the shoreline.
They were also very comedic about the event: "While deputy sheriffs attempted to interview
him as to his activities, he clammed up and requested his lawyer," the release said.
Pacific to Atlantic to Arctic When it comes to animal migration patterns,
and where animals are "mostly found", scientists have a pretty good idea of what to expect.
However, in the last decade or so, animals have been showing up in regions where they've
never been seen before.
Or at the very least, haven't been to in a very long time.
A great example of this happened in 2010 in Israel, when a Grey Whale appeared just off
the coast.
For those who don't know, not only is the Grey Whale not local to Israel, they're actually
local to the North Atlantic Ocean.
Which means finding one so far south is highly irregular.
Just as irregular are species from the Pacific or Atlantic oceans suddenly appearing in the
other ocean without warning or apparent cause.
This has occurred recently with both birds and sea creatures like whales.
So what is the cause for these new paths for these animals?
What is going on?
Well, scientists believe that climate change in the answer.
The rising temperatures of the atmosphere and the water is melting the ice that actually
resides within the water, allowing creatures such as whales to make it through areas that
they originally had no access to.
As for birds, it's very likely that they're just getting "lost" although it seems like
they should know what they are doing.
The temperature changes could be throwing them off their migration patterns too.
Octopus on a Mountain There are many things you expect to see when
you're climbing a mountain.
An octopus on a rock is not one of them.
Yet, that's exactly what happened to travelers as they went up Scafell Pike, which is the
tallest mountain in all of England.
What's more, the octopus wasn't at the base of the mountain, or even on the path per se.
Rather, the octopus was found a mere ten feet from the top of the mountain.
Which makes you wonder just how the creature got up there.
The "simplest" answer is arguably the most logical.
Given the height, and the fact that the location is near a large pool of water, it's reasonable
to think that a bird might have caught the creature and brought it up to the mountain,
or dropped it up there and then forgot about it.
Granted, it's unclear whether that body of water has octopus in it, and even if it didn't,
the bird could have come from England's coastline to the mountain.
However, if it wasn't a bird or winged creature that brought the octopus up there, then many
more questions need to be raised.
Especially since when you look at the octopus in question, it doesn't appear injured.
What the heck??
And now for number 7, but first, have you ever found an animal in a strange place??
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Owl in a Pipe There's not much context for this picture,
however, the picture speaks rather loudly when you look at it.
This is indeed an owl, and one that is hiding inside of a pipe.
Quite a perfect fit if you look close enough.
While it might seem odd that an animal would go into a pipe like this, especially a creature
such as an owl, it's actually not that uncommon in the animal kingdom per se.
For you see, while in nature, animals may have many avenues to hide in, in the city,
not so much.
They need to seek out and find just about any crevice or hiding spot that will allow
them the protection they need.
Also, birds like owls are clever enough to see openings such as this pipe and realize
that it's a perfect place to find shelter.
The fact that it looks weird via the perfectly sized hole for this perfectly sized owl just
happens to be a funny coincidence.
Zebras in Texas When you think about Africa, you no doubt
think about the diverse state of wildlife that are there, including the horse known
as a Zebra.
If we're speaking technically, Zebras are only "naturally" born in Africa.
However, the United States has a section of the state of Texas where Zebras actually live.
It's not a zoo, or even a wildlife preservation.
Someone just brought Zebras to Texas, and they were allowed to live there.
Turns out, Texas resembles Africa in the ways that matter, and thus, they were able to thrive
in the new home on a new continent.
This is actually very fascinating from a biological and ecological standpoint.
For if this could happen to Zebras, this could theoretically happen for other animals.
The only downside here is intent.
You see, these Zebras weren't brought to Texas to live out their lives.
Rather, they're part of a hunt.
The Zebras are part of a ranch, and if you pay a price, you can hunt the zebra in certain
parts of the year.
Horse in McDonalds There are certain rules for restaurants, and
one of the biggest rules is that you can't bring in certain animals or pets into the
building, even if you have permits to allow them.
Well, for one woman in Whitefield, Greater Manchester in 2013, she decided to ignore
the rule, but not without cause.
You see, she was riding a horse, and was hungry.
Seeing a nearby McDonalds, she went to the drive-thru...on her horse.
Upon reaching the window to get her food, she actually turned away, despite having money
to pay for the food.
Having to come inside now, she did so...but brought her horse with her.
As she tried to get her food this time, the horse went and relieved himself in the restaurant.
The woman was fined for bringing the horse into the McDonalds.
Alligator on a Golf Course In Englewood, Florida, you will find the Myakka
Pines Golf Club.
On the surface, it looks like any other golf course or club out there.
But, in March of 2015, a very big event happened.
Mainly, an alligator of impressive size wandered onto the course while people were playing
The people who first saw the gator immediately took a picture of it.
When they did, it was done at such an angle that it made the alligator, soon to be called
"Goliath", look much bigger than it actually was.
You see, this particular alligator was only about 12 feet long, the record is around 15
for a gator (crocs can get up to 23 feet).
Still, it was pretty big thanks to the picture.
This naturally got a lot of attention, and the golf club soon became famous for Goliath,
who was not only not captured to be put back in the swamps of Florida, but actually allowed
to reside on the course.
He was spotted sometime after this photo on one of the fairways.
Shark on a Subway No, this is not a tale of a hammerhead shark,
or a Mako, or a Great White Shark somehow ending upon a subway and terrorizing the passengers
like a bad sci-fi movie.
Rather, this is a tale of a rather small shark "somehow" ending up on the floor of a subway
cart in New York's N Train.
While this was a bit odd at first glance, the story soon got peeled back as the pictures
of this "subway shark" started to spread around.
This tale apparently begins with some kids, who were swimming around Coney Island and
found the shark.
Thinking that they had something really cool, they went to the nearby amusement park, where
they then left the shark near a roller coaster.
A man later came around, saw the shark, and then decided to take it home.
He then went on the N Train, and had a "revelation" that holding a dead shark in his hands wasn't
that good.
So, he left it on the floor.
The story doesn't end there though.
Rather, the people of the subway then started to poke, prod, and then pose the shark for
numerous photo ops. 2.
Panthers in England?
When I say the words, "Big Cats", you know of what I speak.
Lions, tigers, panthers, cheetahs, lynxs, etc.
You'd usually find most of these creatures in Africa, or places like the Amazon, or even
Where you wouldn't expect to find them, is England.
For not only is it very far from Africa, you'd think that the landscape wouldn't suit them.
Yet, every day, there are reported sightings of big cats in the United Kingdom.
Specifically, panthers.
As most of the "spotted" creatures" appear large, cat-like, and black.
Which perfectly describes a panther.
How did panthers end up in England?
Well, many have given thoughts on the subject, but the most likely explanation came from
a law that was passed in 1976 called the "Dangerous Wild Animals Act".
Long story short, this law would cause heavy fines to any who had dangerous animals in
their custody, such as...big cats.
So, the animals were released into the wild, and they've been spotted ever since.
Dog on a Roof In Norfolk, England, there is a man named
Mr. Haughton.
Mr. Haughton works on roofs, and has been doing so since 1995.
He also has a dog named Axel, and Axel likes to be with his master so much, that he'll
actually go onto the roofs he's working on to be with him.
How does he get up on the roof?
Simple, he climbs up the later that the men use to get onto the roof.
Axel apparently did this one day much to the surprise of the workers, and Mr. Haughton.
"He sits on the ridge and moves along it as we're working.
We always have to bring him down though.
He hasn't worked out going down the ladder yet."
Axel has gotten quite a bit of fame because of his roof climbing ability.
Not to mention, just seeing a dog laying on a roof like this must be quite a sight.
Thanks for watching!
What was your favorite animal on this list?
Let me know in the comments below, be sure to subscribe, and I'll see you next time!
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