Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 21 2018

When a rose has lost her color in the dark

When the bullet couldn't shoot in the right direction

When we reach the end of a racing track

When we could no longer achieve glory

I always ask myself

What does being a Rogue Warrior mean?

I will never give up

I could...

pass beyond the "glory"part...

I could...

find a new start and a new dream

I could...

take on my enemy by myself

I could...

become the light in the darkness

Now: Welcome to Wangzhe Rongyao

This is why we are Rogue Warriors.

For more infomation >> Promotional Video for Team RW (Rogue Warriors) - Duration: 2:06.


《知否知否》追剧前必知!圣诞节人气首播,赵丽颖超夯女性成长史 - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> 《知否知否》追剧前必知!圣诞节人气首播,赵丽颖超夯女性成长史 - Duration: 5:15.


Josh Dion wywiad dla BeatIt - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Josh Dion wywiad dla BeatIt - Duration: 6:44.



For more infomation >> WRECK CITY DOCUMENTARY 2018 ARTIST RESIDENCY - Duration: 52:20.


БЫЛО или НЕ БЫЛО - Рома Грищук vs. Маша Ефросинина - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> БЫЛО или НЕ БЫЛО - Рома Грищук vs. Маша Ефросинина - Duration: 11:27.


Metro Hoekse Lijn Testrit Spoorbrug Zonsondergang Dec. 2018 - Duration: 1:22.


For more infomation >> Metro Hoekse Lijn Testrit Spoorbrug Zonsondergang Dec. 2018 - Duration: 1:22.


🎅🎄ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN 🌙✨ АСМР 100 ТРИГГЕРОВ за 5 МИНУТ 😴 - Duration: 6:00.

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Comic and trigger videos

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For more infomation >> 🎅🎄ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN 🌙✨ АСМР 100 ТРИГГЕРОВ за 5 МИНУТ 😴 - Duration: 6:00.


Opel Corsa 1.4-16V AUTOMAAT 5drs Cosmo: AIRCO - LMV - PDC - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4-16V AUTOMAAT 5drs Cosmo: AIRCO - LMV - PDC - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:10.


Глитч на деньги в ГТА онлайн для новичков и бедных игроков - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Глитч на деньги в ГТА онлайн для новичков и бедных игроков - Duration: 2:22.


【ピアノで聴く】ルネサンス&バロック音楽:小品集2 全18曲 (By piano) Renaissance&Baroque 18 Pieces - Duration: 45:57.

For more infomation >> 【ピアノで聴く】ルネサンス&バロック音楽:小品集2 全18曲 (By piano) Renaissance&Baroque 18 Pieces - Duration: 45:57.


Fiat Grande Punto 1.4 DYNAMIC 5DRS / AUTOMAAT / CRUISE CONTROL / D-RIEM VERVANGEN - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Fiat Grande Punto 1.4 DYNAMIC 5DRS / AUTOMAAT / CRUISE CONTROL / D-RIEM VERVANGEN - Duration: 1:11.


프린세스커넥트R 메인스토리_1장_덜렁이 메이드로부터의 의뢰 - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> 프린세스커넥트R 메인스토리_1장_덜렁이 메이드로부터의 의뢰 - Duration: 8:43.


Incentive Travel - Group Adventures by SMS Frankfurt Group Travel #1001Trips #SMSFrankfurt - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Incentive Travel - Group Adventures by SMS Frankfurt Group Travel #1001Trips #SMSFrankfurt - Duration: 1:06.


MiG-29 VIP VERTICAL EXPERIENCE Spectacular Vertical Takeoff MiG-29 Jürgen Schreiter #MiG29 - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> MiG-29 VIP VERTICAL EXPERIENCE Spectacular Vertical Takeoff MiG-29 Jürgen Schreiter #MiG29 - Duration: 0:29.


Комплект постельного белья Modern 1,5-сп, р-р: под.150х215см, прост.150х215см, нав.70х70см 2шт, ... - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Modern 1,5-сп, р-р: под.150х215см, прост.150х215см, нав.70х70см 2шт, ... - Duration: 1:36.


Комплект постельного белья Classic Birds 1,5-сп, р-р: под. 145х210 см, прост. 150х215 см, нав. 70... - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Classic Birds 1,5-сп, р-р: под. 145х210 см, прост. 150х215 см, нав. 70... - Duration: 0:31.


Terra De Diatomáceas: 4 Benefícios E Usos Poderosos - Duration: 3:57.

You may have never heard of land diatom - a type of powder from

fossilized algae.

However, the chances that you have already consumed it is great because of its great application


To give you an idea, many grains are stored together with this powder, due to the

fact of being a pesticide and natural insecticide, which does no harm to us humans.

The diatomaceous earth is not only harmless for us, as it has become a supplement

popular because of its many benefits to health.

Check out some of them:

Good for teeth, skin and nails Diatomaceous earth is used in manufacturing

products like toothpaste and exfoliants for the skin, mainly because it is abrasive

and have the ability to kill parasites.

The application of this powder on the skin is not only clean it leaves her softer, without producing

Side effects.

Another mineral present in diatomaceous earth is silica, which helps to treat problems

of skin, including itching, rash, abscesses, boils, acne, calluses, warts,

eczema and burns.

Silica also improves the absorption of calcium by the body, contributing to

the health of the teeth, nails and bones.

Improves bone, ligament and joint health One of the main ingredients of diatomaceous earth

is silica, a mineral that contributes to the health of bones and joints.

This benefit is extremely important. for people suffering from osteoporosis,

as a way to prevent the progression of the disease.

Allied Heart Studies have shown that many of the nutrients

present in the diatomaceous earth contribute for heart health.

In addition, another study found that supplementation with it resulted in a

drop in cholesterol and triglyceride levels, two important factors for prevention

of heart problems.

Detoxifies the body Diatomaceous earth can help with detoxification

of the body in various ways.

This powder has the ability to bind metals in the digestive tract, facilitating their


In addition, it is capable of killing many parasites and other harmful micro-organisms

that invade our organism.

Other benefits to the digestive system include improvement of liver function,

elimination of toxins from the blood and and reduction of body odors.

But before consuming this supplement, as precautions are required.

The diatomaceous earth chosen should be food grade, since this form is considered

safe for consumption.

In the next videos we will show you how diatomaceous earth can be used in our

benefit, stay tuned!

For more infomation >> Terra De Diatomáceas: 4 Benefícios E Usos Poderosos - Duration: 3:57.


Se Seu Marido ou Esposa Tem MAU HÁLITO e GOSTO DE PODRE na Boca Prepare Esta Receita - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Se Seu Marido ou Esposa Tem MAU HÁLITO e GOSTO DE PODRE na Boca Prepare Esta Receita - Duration: 2:42.





Soundbar LG SK9 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Soundbar LG SK9 - Duration: 1:09.


Elektronische Weihnachtsgrüße zum Jahresende | E-Hacks #X - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Elektronische Weihnachtsgrüße zum Jahresende | E-Hacks #X - Duration: 0:52.


MWF Institute Course: Fundraising Concepts LESSON 3 - Duration: 3:13.

[TEXT: Young African Leaders Initiative Online Training Series]

[TEXT: Mandela Washington Fellowship Institute Course]

[TEXT: Fundraising Concepts]

[Peter McFarren:] Welcome back. I'm Peter McFarren and this is Fundraising Concepts.

In the previous lessons we've gone over fundraising strategy

and the components of a fundraising plan.

Now we're ready to spread the word about your fantastic investment opportunity. [TEXT: Marketing and Communications Strategies]

The summary you created will help as we turn our attention to marketing.

Marketing and communications tools are essential to your efforts

to create greater awareness for potential investors.

In any fundraising campaign you cannot assume that the possible funder

will have more than just general information about your organization or work.

A possible supporter must be educated about the projects you are working on,

your financial requirements, how their money will fit into your budget,

how it will be spent and the goals you have set.

Your fundraising and marketing teams

should work together to analyze what needs to be done

in the area of marketing and communications

in order to reach current and potential donors.

Marketing includes creating your branding and corporate identity,

a clear and concise website,

an active and relevant social media presence and

well-designed, informative marketing materials.

It is important that you know who you are as an organization,

what you're doing and where you're going.

So take a look at the summary again.

Based on what you've written, how would you explain your organization in three to four sentences.

This can be the core of your marketing message

and launching pad for the marketing plan.

Your marketing and communication plan

will help you sell your company and excite the listener.

Anyone you speak with is a potential investor.

And remember, everyone in the organization

should be building your fundraising network

and should also have an understanding of the marketing plan for investors.

Your entire team or board

should be able to articulate the same message

as laid out by your marketing and communications plan.

This consistent messaging will increase the reach of your organization

and the possibility of getting more investors.

In the next lesson we'll take a closer look at fundraising opportunities specific to nonprofits.

Go to for more information [TEXT: Test your knowledge YALI.STATE.GOV]

and resources related to this course. [TEXT: YALI Network]

[TEXT: Produced by the U.S. Department of State]

For more infomation >> MWF Institute Course: Fundraising Concepts LESSON 3 - Duration: 3:13.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 - Duration: 0:55.


✅ Pierfrancesco Favino, Verissimo: Sanremo, Hunziker e Baglioni, il futuro - Duration: 2:13.

Pierfrancesco Favino a Verissimo, l'intervista: Sanremo, il rapporto con Michelle Hunziker e Baglioni, progetti futuri ("Basta America")  Pierfrancesco Favino, ospite di Verissimo (in onda domani 22 dicembre alle 16,30 su Canale 5

Qui le anticipazioni), si confessa a Silvia Toffanin. Diversi i temi affrontati. Inevitabile quello relativo al Festival di Sanremo

La nuova edizione è imminente e le aspettative sono tante. Soprattutto dopo quella scorsa, quella dei record, quella in cui l'attore fu protagonista indiscusso al fianco di Claudio Baglioni e Michelle Hunziker

"Sono molto legato a entrambi, tra noi c'è un affetto vero. Non avrei mai detto di fare Sanremo, per me è stata come una meravigliosa vacanza fatta insieme", confida Favino, ricordando la sua esperienza alla kermesse

E quest'anno? "Sarò sempre vicino a Claudio Baglioni e se avesse bisogno di me… Progetti futuri? Basta America"  Favino tornerà sul palco dell'Ariston in qualche ruolo oppure no? "Ho il desiderio di farla rimanere una cosa pura – fa sapere – Sarò sempre vicino a Claudio Baglioni e se avesse bisogno di me, mi farebbe piacere andare a trovarlo"

Per Pierfrancesco "Sanremo è stata una vacanza". Certo il suo lavoro riguarda il cinema

Progetti? "Ho molti progetti in Italia per il futuro, non voglio tornare in America"

L'attore in questi anni ha preso parte a diverse produzioni a stelle e strisce, ma il suo cuore batte per il Bel Paese… Pierfrancesco Favino e l'amore per l'Italia

Intanto arrivano news da Sanremo: confermati i nomi di 11 big  "Per me è stato importante fare esperienze (all'estero, ndr), ma lo è stato altrettanto per capire che a noi italiani non manca niente per fare cose molto belle", ha concluso l'attore

Tornando al Festival di Sanremo, nelle ultime ore sono stati confermati i nomi di undici big che prenderanno parte alla kermesse canora

Tra questi figura anche Irama, il vincitore della diciassettesima edizione di Amici di Maria De Filippi, nonché attuale compagno di Giulia De Lellis (Qui, tutti i dettagli sugli undici campioni in gara e sulle ultime news sanremesi)

For more infomation >> ✅ Pierfrancesco Favino, Verissimo: Sanremo, Hunziker e Baglioni, il futuro - Duration: 2:13.


🎅🎄ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN 🌙✨ АСМР 100 ТРИГГЕРОВ за 5 МИНУТ 😴 - Duration: 6:00.

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For more infomation >> 🎅🎄ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN 🌙✨ АСМР 100 ТРИГГЕРОВ за 5 МИНУТ 😴 - Duration: 6:00.


Marvel's Spider-Man - Silver Lining - Just the Facts [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Spider-Man - Silver Lining - Just the Facts [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 1:53.


Mateus Gomes | Silêncio (AUTORAL) - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Mateus Gomes | Silêncio (AUTORAL) - Duration: 2:10.


Sandra Bullock revela crush em Keanu Reeves em filme e fãs querem MUITO ver esse casal - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Sandra Bullock revela crush em Keanu Reeves em filme e fãs querem MUITO ver esse casal - Duration: 7:16.


Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Selection Panoramisch/voorruit Nav Ecc Cruise Trekhaak Eerste eign - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Selection Panoramisch/voorruit Nav Ecc Cruise Trekhaak Eerste eign - Duration: 0:53.


Tatiana Calderón tests DS TECHEETAH's Formula E car on the streets of Riyadh - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Tatiana Calderón tests DS TECHEETAH's Formula E car on the streets of Riyadh - Duration: 2:33.


Eu, Trovador - Pra Matar a Saudade | Clipe Oficial - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Eu, Trovador - Pra Matar a Saudade | Clipe Oficial - Duration: 3:06.


Filhotes Aéreos - Parte 9 - A Ilha do Vulcão 🐾 Patrulha Canina em Português - Turma da Mimizinha - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Filhotes Aéreos - Parte 9 - A Ilha do Vulcão 🐾 Patrulha Canina em Português - Turma da Mimizinha - Duration: 0:54.


Metro Hoekse Lijn Testrit Spoorbrug Zonsondergang Dec. 2018 - Duration: 1:22.


For more infomation >> Metro Hoekse Lijn Testrit Spoorbrug Zonsondergang Dec. 2018 - Duration: 1:22.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel zeer nette auto Nederlandse auto ex leas - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel zeer nette auto Nederlandse auto ex leas - Duration: 1:07.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 72pk 5D Active Pack Dynamic RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 72pk 5D Active Pack Dynamic RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:05.


✅ Beverly Hills 90210: ritornerà la serie cult degli anni '90 con il cast originale - Duration: 2:52.

Beverly Hills 90210 ritornerà con una nuova versione: presente il cast originale  Grande notizia per i fan della nota serie tv degli anni '90 Beverly Hills 90210

Stando a ciò che ha rivelato in queste ultime ore il portale, è previsto il ritorno della nota serie, che vedrà protagonista il cast originale

Tra gli attori che hanno scelto di rilanciarsi in questo nuovo progetto vi sono Jennie Garth, Tori Spelling, Jason Priestley, Ian Ziering, Brian Austin Green e Gabrielle Carteris

Dunque, in scena rivedremo Kelly, Donna, Brandon, Steve, David e Andrea. Una bellissima notizia per i telespettatori che negli anni '90 hanno seguito con passione le vicende legate a questi ragazzi adolescenti

Secondo quanto riporta la testata statunitense, ci sarebbe un reboot firmato CBS Tv, presentato a diversi broadcastar, tra emittenti tradizioni e servizi di streaming

Al momento, però, alcuni volti non sarebbero presenti nel cast. Stiamo parlando di Shannen Doherty, interprete di Brenda, e Luke Perry, interprete di Dylan

La serie culto, andata in onda per ben dieci anni, dal 1990 al 2000, sta per tornare con una nuova versione, che però non sara proprio un reboot

Beverly Hills 90210: gli attori riuniti per rilanciare la serie cult anni '90  La nota serie televisiva che ha appassionato milioni di persone negli anni '90 sta per tornare, ma non in versione reboot

Sarà, infatti, qualcosa di diverso da un classico remake. A lavorarci saranno Mike Chessler e Chris Alberghini, autori e produttori esecutivi di 90210 per la rete The Cw e dello show di Tori Spelling

Ben nove mesi fa, proprio l'attrice aveva rivelato che ci sarebbe stato un ritorno della serie culto, condividendo una foto sul suo profilo Instagram

"Di nuovo al lavoro", scriveva negli studi della Cbs, accompagnando la didascalia con gli hashtag #90210vibes e #donnaandkellyforver

In queste ultime ore, la notizia ha fatto il giro del web e pare che siano già molte le reti telesive che hanno intenzione di acquistare la nuova versione della serie televisiva

Beverly Hills 90210: la serie cult che appassionò gli adolescenti degli anni '90  Beverly Hills 90210 raccontava le vicende di Brenda, Dylan, Kelly, Donna, Brandon, Steve, David e Andrea tra amori, amicizie e delusioni

I protagonisti, mentre frequentavano la West Beverly High School, sono cresciuti e cambiati

Stiamo parlando, infatti, di ben dieci anni di storie, che non hanno potuto non appassionare i giovani negli anni '90 e 2000

Non ci resta che attendere per scoprire quale sarà la trama che questa volta coinvolgerà i nostri protagonisti, dopo tanti anni

For more infomation >> ✅ Beverly Hills 90210: ritornerà la serie cult degli anni '90 con il cast originale - Duration: 2:52.


21/12/2018 10:27 (R. Guadalajara, 172 - Barra, Salvador - BA, 40140-130,) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 21/12/2018 10:27 (R. Guadalajara, 172 - Barra, Salvador - BA, 40140-130,) - Duration: 5:01.


Promotional Video for Team RW (Rogue Warriors) - Duration: 2:06.

When a rose has lost her color in the dark

When the bullet couldn't shoot in the right direction

When we reach the end of a racing track

When we could no longer achieve glory

I always ask myself

What does being a Rogue Warrior mean?

I will never give up

I could...

pass beyond the "glory"part...

I could...

find a new start and a new dream

I could...

take on my enemy by myself

I could...

become the light in the darkness

Now: Welcome to Wangzhe Rongyao

This is why we are Rogue Warriors.

For more infomation >> Promotional Video for Team RW (Rogue Warriors) - Duration: 2:06.


《知否知否》追剧前必知!圣诞节人气首播,赵丽颖超夯女性成长史 - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> 《知否知否》追剧前必知!圣诞节人气首播,赵丽颖超夯女性成长史 - Duration: 5:15.


Josh Dion wywiad dla BeatIt - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Josh Dion wywiad dla BeatIt - Duration: 6:44.



For more infomation >> WRECK CITY DOCUMENTARY 2018 ARTIST RESIDENCY - Duration: 52:20.


БЫЛО или НЕ БЫЛО - Рома Грищук vs. Маша Ефросинина - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> БЫЛО или НЕ БЫЛО - Рома Грищук vs. Маша Ефросинина - Duration: 11:27.


Metro Hoekse Lijn Testrit Spoorbrug Zonsondergang Dec. 2018 - Duration: 1:22.


For more infomation >> Metro Hoekse Lijn Testrit Spoorbrug Zonsondergang Dec. 2018 - Duration: 1:22.


🎅🎄ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN 🌙✨ АСМР 100 ТРИГГЕРОВ за 5 МИНУТ 😴 - Duration: 6:00.

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Comic and trigger videos

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More videos!

For more infomation >> 🎅🎄ASMR 100 TRIGGERS in 5 minutes TWIN 🌙✨ АСМР 100 ТРИГГЕРОВ за 5 МИНУТ 😴 - Duration: 6:00.


Opel Corsa 1.4-16V AUTOMAAT 5drs Cosmo: AIRCO - LMV - PDC - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4-16V AUTOMAAT 5drs Cosmo: AIRCO - LMV - PDC - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:10.


Глитч на деньги в ГТА онлайн для новичков и бедных игроков - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Глитч на деньги в ГТА онлайн для новичков и бедных игроков - Duration: 2:22.


【ピアノで聴く】ルネサンス&バロック音楽:小品集2 全18曲 (By piano) Renaissance&Baroque 18 Pieces - Duration: 45:57.

For more infomation >> 【ピアノで聴く】ルネサンス&バロック音楽:小品集2 全18曲 (By piano) Renaissance&Baroque 18 Pieces - Duration: 45:57.


Fiat Grande Punto 1.4 DYNAMIC 5DRS / AUTOMAAT / CRUISE CONTROL / D-RIEM VERVANGEN - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Fiat Grande Punto 1.4 DYNAMIC 5DRS / AUTOMAAT / CRUISE CONTROL / D-RIEM VERVANGEN - Duration: 1:11.


프린세스커넥트R 메인스토리_1장_덜렁이 메이드로부터의 의뢰 - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> 프린세스커넥트R 메인스토리_1장_덜렁이 메이드로부터의 의뢰 - Duration: 8:43.


Incentive Travel - Group Adventures by SMS Frankfurt Group Travel #1001Trips #SMSFrankfurt - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Incentive Travel - Group Adventures by SMS Frankfurt Group Travel #1001Trips #SMSFrankfurt - Duration: 1:06.


MiG-29 VIP VERTICAL EXPERIENCE Spectacular Vertical Takeoff MiG-29 Jürgen Schreiter #MiG29 - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> MiG-29 VIP VERTICAL EXPERIENCE Spectacular Vertical Takeoff MiG-29 Jürgen Schreiter #MiG29 - Duration: 0:29.


Комплект постельного белья Modern 1,5-сп, р-р: под.150х215см, прост.150х215см, нав.70х70см 2шт, ... - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Modern 1,5-сп, р-р: под.150х215см, прост.150х215см, нав.70х70см 2шт, ... - Duration: 1:36.


Комплект постельного белья Classic Birds 1,5-сп, р-р: под. 145х210 см, прост. 150х215 см, нав. 70... - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Classic Birds 1,5-сп, р-р: под. 145х210 см, прост. 150х215 см, нав. 70... - Duration: 0:31.


MEME MASHUP 2018, but its made with Windows Movie Maker - Duration: 3:25.


"Susie" - by Toby Fox

everyone we have an announcement to make




it's a tide ad :))))))

Earth-chan is not flat!

m̸o̶v̷e̷ ̴a̸l̷o̶n̷g̷ ̴c̷i̷t̷i̵z̶e̶n̷ ̷

t̸h̷e̶r̴e̴ ̵i̶s̴ ̵n̷o̴ ̵a̸n̷i̵m̷e̸ ̷t̴o̶ ̷s̶e̷e̶ ̸h̵e̴r̸e̵

Apandah: "YO HOL UP"



STEAMED ̶̞͗Ḧ̶̫́Å̴͔M̷̮͝S̸͍̿




You So Fuckin Precious When You Smile


T H I C C A S S 😂



Im gnot a gnelf

try to imagine something that doesn't exist

something you've never seen

now concentrate on how it makes you feel

now concentrate on how it makes you feel.

now concentrate on how it makes you feel..

now concentrate on how it makes you feel...

and let your hand drift across the canvas

OH MY GOD! 😱😱😱

ì̵̗'̶̳̌m̵̫̃ ̷̤̆a̸̗͊ ̵̹͝ĝ̸͓n̷̺͝ö̶̫m̵̝̉ḙ̶̌ ̴̏ͅä̴̘́n̷̗̕d̵͖̓ ̴̨͊ÿ̷̭ö̶̫ǔ̵̬'̵̣͐v̵̼̀e̶̞͆ ̷̨͐b̵̺̕ě̸͚e̶͚̓n̷͐ͅ ̶̣̾g̶̯͝n̶̰̊o̶͓̽....


I like dogs 🐶🐶


i wanna be tracer

i'm already tracer

what do you think was gonna happen?

all women are queens

if she breathe she a...

stupid twitch thot

i wånt yøu lämp

SKIPPER: Mrs. Obama, I've done it! I've stopped racism!

MRS. OBAMA: Thank you, Skipper; now I am free to roam this earth.

PEWDIEPIE: Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do!

PEWDIEPIE: I'm gonna say the N-word!

SKIPPER: Mrs. Obama, get down!

Bruh Sound Effect #2

*i'm so proud of this community*

For more infomation >> MEME MASHUP 2018, but its made with Windows Movie Maker - Duration: 3:25.



so I just got off a call with a friend of mine and she's incredible she is my

age I think she's even younger she's building her own company she's super

successful for her age and she's stopped creating content because she said she

doesn't want to be an influencer for the sake of being an influencer and that is

something that I think about often because obviously I'm putting out a lot

of content everywhere always whether that's on LinkedIn on Instagram on

YouTube I'm constantly posting stuff and I think that the word influencer are

stupid and I think it's stupid to aspire to be an influencer because it's not up

for us to decide whether whether we are an influencer is up for the other people

to decide whether they respect and trust us enough to give credit to what we have

to say and so I want to remind myself that I only want a document I want to

share my journey I want to share whatever it is happening to me and and

the thoughts I have and the goal is not to become an influencer the goal is not

even to build a personal brand I'm using the word personal brand brand because

that's what people use but I think it's often being misused as the next growth

hack the next top of the funnel tool the next thing that you have to do if you

wanna you know get more sales get more leads get speaking engagements but

really it's just about being myself on the internet and I and I wanna keep

being myself on this new you know medium on these new

platforms and just do what I'm doing share what I'm thinking about share my

journey and that's it that's just a reminder I don't know why I didn't

earlier get that idea to just answer my emails from here I mean this is the

first time I'm doing this it's not too bad it's really not too bad

all right so we made some progress on the website so yesterday

about unbalance so I got Unbounce and I started putting things together you guys

saw this already and this is just the general layout like it's a template you

know grow your audience increase region influence drive action

this obviously pricing can do here I like this this is what's it called

Chitra cha-cha which is this plug-in where you know people can reach out yeah

make some progress on that super excited and we're gonna use type form too I

don't have it open right now but we're gonna use type form to collect leads and

that and then I have a consultant call later today with a design sprint agency

which is based in Cologne Germany Munich the founder reached out to me and there

so I have a one-off yeah consulting geek for them to help them out with their

social and hopefully that will turn into a bit more in terms of like they were

thinking about doing a workshop where I come over into the office I would love

to do that and yeah actually yesterday I decided that I need to do more creating

because I am I'm not doing enough of creating and so this morning actually

usually usually in the morning I read I get up I didn't make my coffee and then

I read and this morning I decided to not read and instead write just random shit

but um I know I wrote like three pages or whatever there's something it'll mean

I teach it so I'm probably gonna do that more often now just get more into

creating in this consuming mode and yeah I have this consulting call in a bit

I just finished the consulting session with the with this startup and what's

super exciting I was talking to like ten people in two

different locations because they have two different offices in Germany one in

Cologne and one in Munich and I thought I was just gonna talk to the founders

but they literally get the whole team to join and so there were like 10 people in

the in the zoom conference listening to what the fuck I have to say for one and

a half hours which is just completely crazy

but they were really happy and that made me happy because I've never done that

before and I didn't know whether I could deliver and but what made me very

comfortable about it is because I I was transparent with the founder like he

reached out to me he wanted me to do that and I told him like I'm super down

to help you guys this is my raid I've never done that before but I want to try

and he's like I'm down I trust you I think you can deliver on it and so we

did it and they were very very happy and we're gonna continue working we're gonna

have our next session in January after the whole Christmas break and yeah now

I'm gonna go to the gym because I still haven't gone there

hey vlog it's me it's Finn if you don't know me by now I own this

vlog well you don't know me oh that's weird yeah no I do this every

day yeah totally no it doesn't matter yeah yeah people say that that I'd look

kind of weird sometimes I don't even know what God - anyway I am gon go to

bed and maybe what I just did is a pretty good strong case of why I should

go to bed it's not even that late though it's 10:30 what did the gym had a good

workout ate some shit there that I had a client

called and posted some client cons and and posted some content on LinkedIn

myself and ass I'm gonna go to bed and that's about

it so I love you and I appreciate you and I really hope I am in frame right

now but I don't know because as you guys know I'm pretty fucking bad with this I

make sure I'm really actually not sure maybe I should hold it with my other

hand from now on I should train my other hand to you and not just hold it was

more right I don't know why I'm still sick I don't get it maybe because I

turned this thing on way too often maybe that's the mistake but anyway

isn't that a beautiful view yeah that's not a window that's a painting by the

way if you thought that the window it's not

that's a window and it's dark outside do you have anything else to say

not really but I mean I don't have to you I mean we can still talk you know I

can still keep the camera roll and then just keep the pretense of talking going

because here's the thing you don't actually need to be talking like they're

like certain you know filler words that I don't know I feel like you can't just

like talk and then you you know you know what I mean like you can just just like

pretend as if you're actually talking about something when like really if you

think about it you're not saying much except like like you know like filler

words and just putting random pauses in there where they don't really make sense

but yeah I think I'm actually done there so peace

out and see you tomorrow are to wake up when there's no alarm to wake you up

sleeping breathing do it all the things I hate about wine called Ishii I just

wanna make a trip to the child

For more infomation >> DON'T BE AN INFLUENCER FOR THE SAKE OF BEING AN INFLUENCER | THE BALI VLOG #020 - Duration: 8:57.


8 Shocking Acts Caught on Nanny Cams - Duration: 10:17.

from an explosion to some truly disturbing displays of violence here are

eight shocking acts caught on nanny cams before we begin be sure to subscribe to

they will kill you hit the like button and request any topics you'd like to

learn about in the comments section below

number eight boiler explosion what started as a normal day at the fail

or residents in Bellingham Washington would eventually develop into an

important PSA ann-marie Faiola was out running errands when she received a call

from her babysitter in the phone call which would understandably terrify any

mother falen was told there'd been an explosion

in the children's playroom luckily everyone was safe at first the

babysitter heard banging and clicking noises then she saw dust and smoke

rising through the vents afterwards a big explosion occurred which was

captured on the nanny cam in the downstairs playroom the camera captured

the powerful blast which collapsed the wall and launched debris everywhere the

boiler in the adjacent space had exploded

due to an accumulation of pressure the fail as four-year-old had left the room

earlier while their baby was sound asleep upstairs the family was very

fortunate because the blast occurred sideways instead of upwards which could

have seriously hurt their youngest or even worse upon hearing the loud bang

the babysitter quickly took the children out of the house and waited for the

firefighters Ann Marie and her husband Chris later shared the video of the

explosion on Facebook in order to remind people of how important it is to check

their boilers number 7 baby treated like a rag doll in 2017 Ann Marie Theron from

Namibia Zimbabwe was looking for someone to babysit her nine month old daughter

Leila some of Thorens friends recommended nikoline hoses who had

worked for them for several years after a while ther ons husband Johan

became suspicious of hoses bruises started showing up on Layla's body and

the child also seemed to be terrified of the new babysitter one morning a couple

secretly installed a nanny cam in their room where the baby's crib was when

Theron watched the video later that day she saw hoses essentially treating her

daughter like a rag doll hoses enter the room carrying the baby by her neck and

then threw her face-first into the crib when Leila started crying in pain the

babysitter simply walked out and shut the door

behind her shocked by the video the couple was left wondering how long the

abuse had been going on for feeling betrayed they recall the bruises that

they'd noticed at times on the child's feet neck or shoulder there was also one

incident when they'd found Leila with a badly swollen eye and the babysitter

told them that she'd had a fall hoses a mother of four was taken into custody by

the authorities and subsequently faced a charge of attempted murder

number six house fire in 2016 a devastating wildfire swept through Fort

McMurray in Alberta Canada more than 88,000 people were forced out of their

homes in the largest wildfire evacuation in Alberta's history as the fire was

closing in James O'Reilly and his wife barely had enough time to grab some

clothes before getting in their cars and driving away

O'Reilly left his home of 20 years behind then went through the painful

experience of watching it burned down on his iPhone the phone which was connected

to a nanny cam showed the living room front window and two clown fish in a

tank a few minutes into the video the window shatters and smoke starts pouring

into the room it soon blocks out the light

at which point only the sound of popping and break-in is heard before the footage

cuts out O'Reilly and his wife drove away with their camper and considered

themselves lucky than at least they had a home on the road number 5 burning a

child with a curling iron twenty-one-year-old nasi pho in Somali

was arrested in 2017 after nanny cam footage showed her using a curling iron

to discipline a child Angela perso from Long Island New York

had hired in Somali to babysit her two-year-old son Xander the mother knows

his red burn marks on his body while she was giving him a bath in the video the

babysitter could be seen testing the curling irons temperature against her

hand before touching Sanders hands and legs with it she then hugs him and tells

him that's what happens when he doesn't listen the disturbing behavior was

characterized by the boy's mother as playing warped mind games and Somali was

arrested and told the authorities that she decided to burn the child because

she was tired and he didn't listen to her the babysitter's twisted idea of

discipline earned her charges of second-degree assault

endangering the welfare of a child and criminal possession of a weapon in the

fourth degree even though her actions had been recorded and Somali pleaded not

guilty number four man viciously beaten a cat

jordan linguist was a guest of colleen Cloward and her son Caleb at their home

in Saratoga Springs when shadow the family cat started acting strangely the

clouds set up a nanny cam at the time they only suspected something was wrong

but had no idea the degree of animal cruelty

shadow had been subjected to Caleb Cloward was watching the camera remotely

when he saw Jordan link west into the room he pulled the cat from under the

bed and threw it on the mattress link whist pinned the pet Prostate on the bed

and held nothing back as he punched it repeatedly in the head he then started

violently shaking the cat before throwing it on the ground Caleb

called his friend and told him to stop at that point linguist left and returned

for his things several days later that's when he was

arrested and subsequently charged with one count of felony animal cruelty

fortunately shadow survived the abuse but colleen Cloward couldn't bring

herself to watch the extremely violent video the clouds didn't know the reasons

behind Leigh was despicable actions they could

perhaps be best determined by a mental health specialist number three home

invasion in 2013 a home invasion which left a woman and her child brutally

traumatized was caught on a nanny cam the woman and her daughter were watching

TV when 42 year old Sean Custis kicked down the back door of their house in

Millburn New Jersey in the disturbing video Custis throws the woman down a

flight of stairs repeatedly punches her in the face and kicks her in the head

while she's down the attack unfolded before the woman's three-year-old

daughter who was crying on the couch and cowering in fear because the vicious

beating was caught on a nanny cam it wasn't long before custody the career

criminal was identified his victim chose to protect her identity but suffered

extensively as a result of the attack most of her teeth as well as a bone in

her back were broken and she partially lost feeding on her right side the

emotional impact was reportedly even worse as she had to move wasn't able to

work and would require extensive therapy to try and regain her sense of security

she was commended however for the courage she showed by confronting her

attacker in court Custis who had a long rap sheet which included another attack

almost identical to the one caught on video was sentenced to life in prison

number two sexual abuse of a child one of the most shocking and disturbing acts

on this list took place on May the 10th 2015 that's when a nanny cam caught

Dwight eageriy sexually abusing a five-year-old child

at the time 67 year old Gary was a licensed massage therapist it is clear

if this was a factor in how he was able to gain access to the house the video

helped the authorities identify Gary and was used against him as evidence in

September that same year he was found guilty of one count of rape by force a

first degree felony he was also found guilty of one count of

gross sexual imposition of a child under the age of 13 Goering was sentenced to

13 years in prison and four the rest of his life will be known as a

Tier three sex offender number one assault of a child in 2018 a babysitter

from Kent Washington facing serious charges involving the assault of the

child she'd been caring for the surveillance system from the house 27

year-old Fantasia Reilly was babysitting net captured some truly horrific footage

a baby girl had been left in her care in April then in May when the child was

only three months old she started having seizures and stopped breathing she was

rushed to the hospital where doctors managed to stabilize her and an

investigation ensued when the video was retrieved from the house it showed

numerous instances of violent behavior displayed by the babysitter who has a

seven month-old child of her own over the course of a month she purposefully

hit dropped thrown and shaken the baby she'd been entrusted to look after

doctors claimed that because of Riley's abused the child suffered brain injuries

which would most likely lead to developmental delays one doctor who

consulted on a case stated it was only a matter of time before the trauma would

have killed the child Riley faced second-degree charges of

assault of a child and the prosecutor questioned whether she should be allowed

near a child including her own ever again thanks for watching which do you

think was the most shocking act on our list let us know in the comments section


For more infomation >> 8 Shocking Acts Caught on Nanny Cams - Duration: 10:17.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDi DynamicPlusLine Half Leder, 18" Lichtmetalen velgen, Navigatie ! - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDi DynamicPlusLine Half Leder, 18" Lichtmetalen velgen, Navigatie ! - Duration: 1:04.


The Verge's favorite gadgets from 2018 - Duration: 5:12.

- This year we've reviewed a lot of gadgets,

like a lot.

We've looked at new phones, new tablets,

new speakers, new cars, new wearables.

If you can name it, we've probably reviewed it.

So for an end of the year roundup,

instead of doing a best of list of categories,

we decided to talk to a bunch of Verge staffers

and ask them what's their favorite

gadget of the year and tell us why.

These aren't the best gadgets,

these are the Verge's favorites.

(upbeat rock music)

- This is the Poke Ball Plus

and this is my favorite gadget of the year,

which I wanna first say I don't usually

spring for all the bells and whistles of most gadgets,

but this is exactly the kind of kitschy bullshit I love.

Because really it doesn't do that much,

it's a controller.

But the thing is, you can also put a Pokemon in here

and then walk around with it

and the ball makes cute little noises.

It's not that this is especially

impressive in terms of what it does,

but I really do like the feeling

of having a Poke Ball in my hand.

And as silly as it seems,

this is exactly the kind of thing

I would've loved as a kid.

Is this Useless 90% of the time?


Is this the kind of thing that's very niche?


Is it also the kind of thing that's very nostalgia-driven

and that I'm gonna pay 50 bucks for?


Nintendo put a price on nostalgia

and I'm very willing to pay it.

- Hey, I'm Christ Welch and my favorite gadget of 2018

is the Apple Watch series 4.

Now I've owned a lot of smart watches,

Android watches, Samsung watches,

and this is the first watch I've actually kept.

There are two reasons for that.

One is the big screen.

These small bezels make the Apple Watch Series 4

feel like a true computer on your wrist,

that's something that no other watch

has really done for me before.

The thing I like most about this Apple watch is speed.

Every old Apple watch felt slow.

I would tap an app and wait 10 seconds

and then just pull out my phone 'cause I was frustrated.

This time, Apple nailed that.

Apps are quick.

You tap things and they happen as you expect.

That's a big deal for a smart watch.

- So this is my favorite gadget of the year.

It's called the My Special Aflac Duck and it's a weird pick

because it isn't connected to the internet,

you can't buy it, and it's made by Aflac,

the insurance company.

But here's why I love it.

It's being built to giveaway to children

in hospitals who are battling cancer

and feel like they have a friend

in the hospital to go through the experience with them.

And I know it seems weird for an insurance company

to be making toys for kids,

but it doesn't have any Aflac branding on him

and it's being used for a really good cause.

2018 has been a really weird year,

so to me this is a really good feel-good gadget

that proves to me tech can still do good.

- My favorite gadget this year

is Google's little Home Hub.

Now the Home Hub is a great smart speaker,

though you maybe don't wanna use it

for a lot of music listening.

But it can answer facts, set timers and alarms,

control smart home gadgets,

and even watch videos on YouTube like this one.

But the reason I love it so much

is because I can link my Google Photos account to it.

So whenever I look at the Home Hub,

I see a picture of my kids of the thousands

of them that I've got stored in my account.

And thanks to the auto-adjusting display on the Home Hub,

the pictures really look great,

they look like a printed photo in a frame.

Now the Home Hub is not the biggest

smart display you can get,

it doesn't have the best sounding smart speaker either,

but it's the one that makes me

the happiest when I look at it,

so it's my favorite.

- This is the Sony a7 III

and it's my favorite gadget this year.

It's really fast, takes vivid photographs,

and it has a really good battery.

This is a balance of portability and specs,

and power that no other mirrorless camera has come across.

When shooting in the city,

I really appreciate the exposure dial.

It makes adjusting settings like exposure

really easy to do on the fly.

Also, the a7 III's really well-suited

for action and sports photographers.

It has 693 auto focus points and shoots up to 10 FPS.

So it's a really fast camera.

Hopefully though next year Sony will fix the menu system.

And until them, it'll remain my favorite gadget.

- My favorite gadget this year

is Sony's 1000X Mark 3 noise-canceling headphones.

They're not like the biggest change

over last year's Mark 2 model,

but it's a lot of small and subtle things

that just make them really, really great.

The biggest is that they made them so much more comfy,

they added like a ton of padding around the ear cups,

they redesigned the band,

they added more padding up there too.

And you can just wear them forever.

I wore them for like 15 hours

straight on a flight to Germany

and they're just fantastic.

My ears didn't hurt at all, even with these giant glasses.

They're just great.

And Sony made the noise canceling better too.

So everything sounds like a library now.

Your train sounds like a library,

your plane sounds like a library,

your library sounds like a library.

And the biggest thing, at least for me,

is that they charge with USBC.

Take the same charger from your laptop, from your phone,

from your Nintendo Switch,

and you can use them to charge your headphones.

It's wonderful, it's great, do more of this please everyone.


- So there you go, those are some of our

favorite gadgets and products of 2018,

the year that felt like it was never going to end.

Let us know what your faves are for 2018,

what you're looking forward to in 2019.

Maybe next time we'll have a 5G phone

to talk about or one that folds in half,

but until then, we'll see you next year.

So what are we doing here?

My least favorite gadget is definitely

the Red Hydrogen phone,

I can't believe that came out this year.

But fortunately, Verge Science on YouTube

also launched in 2018, so if you haven't checked it out,

go to

(energetic rock music)

For more infomation >> The Verge's favorite gadgets from 2018 - Duration: 5:12.


Most AMAZING Creatures From The Ice Age! - Duration: 11:04.

From giant sloths with enormous claws, to the largest rodent on Earth, here are 10 amazing

creatures that lived during the Ice Age.


Irish Elk Also known as Megaloceros, the Irish Elk is

mysteriously misnamed, because it isn't an elk and it isn't Irish!

It is actually the largest deer species that ever existed on Earth!!

This massively impressive creature could grow to be around 2 meters (7 ft) at the shoulder

and its antlers could span up to 3.6 (12 feet)!!

Just as impressive, is that the Irish Elk didn't die out because of its big frame.

Despite how heavy those antlers would have been on the elks head, it would have been

a very majestic beast to see walking around!

The Irish Elk ranged throughout Europe, northern Asia and northern Africa but died out about

11,000 to 8,000 years ago.

While it isn't 100% Irish, to be fair, most of the preserved specimens have been found

in lake sediments and peat bogs in Ireland.

Many castles and hunting lodges in Ireland would be decorated with these gigantic antlers.

Other impressive specimens, such as the one on display at the Paleontological Institute

in Moscow were found in Russian towns.

In September 2018, fisherman pulled up an enormous Irish Elk skull that was about 1.8

m (6 feet) across and was almost fully intact!!

Scientists believed the Irish Elk, or giant elk, died out because of overhunting by humans

like many other mammals during the ice age, or because of climate changes that affected

the vegetation that they ate.

Fun fact: This species has been selected by the Long Now Foundation as a candidate for

de-extinction, meaning they may be bringing them back sometime soon!


Megatherium When you think of sloths, you likely think

of small and gentle, slow-moving creatures.

And in the present day, you'd be right, but in the Ice Age, sloths were giant and


One of the biggest prehistoric sloths was the Megatherium.

Believe it or not, these ground sloths could actually grow up to 6 meters (20 feet) long,

which is longer than many land creatures today, including elephants!

Many of these giant sloths had tails and they weren't afraid to use them to scare off

predators who got too close.

Adding to their offensive and defensive capabilities, the Megatherium also had giant claws, as well

as a very thick skin, making it pretty hard to take out.

Megatherium americanum lived primarily in South America between 5 million and 11,000

years ago.

These ground sloth species would often walk on two legs as well as 4, and some species

dug enormous tunnels, while others would catch their food in the sea!

Other ground sloths had armor plates clustered around their neck and back that would protect

them from their enemies, but it wasn't enough to protect themselves from the changes and

humans brought about during the ice age.

Because after all, humans probably ate them.

And now for number 7, but first, be sure to subscribe if you are new here and click that

notification bell so you don't miss out on the latest videos!!!

Let me know your favorite ice age animal in the comments below!!


Short-Faced Bear In the Ice Age, one of the ancestors to modern

day bears was much bigger, much heavier, and much more aggressive.

It was known as the Short-Faced Bear, and it's one species that would be pretty scary

if it were still around!!

This massive creature stood over 13-feet-tall (4 meters) when it was standing on its back

legs, which is three feet taller than the biggest bears today.

Another massive difference was in their weights.

Bears can weigh at most around 800 pounds.

But the Short-Faced Bear weighed around 2,000 on average.

National Geographic reported in 2011 that the heavyweight champion was a North American

giant short-faced bear that weighed up to 1,134 kg (2,500 pounds).

However, there's a new record holder!

It is a prehistoric South American giant short-faced bear that weighed up to 1600 kg (3,500 pounds).

You can read more about it in the 2011 Jan issue of the Journal of Paleontology.

It was the largest meat-eating animal to ever roam the Earth.

This bear would travel great distances to hunt down bison and mammoth and all kinds

of other creatures.

Strangely enough though, while many conclude that the Short-Faced Bear died out in the

Ice Age, Native Americans tell stories of giant bears that are much bigger than usual

that live in caves.

In modern times hunters and explorers have claimed to have spotted bears unlike anything

others have seen before.

But despite finding the remains of one such bear in 1854, the results were inconclusive.

Do you think this bear might still be around?

Let me know in the comments below!!


The Moa From the beasts of the land, to the birds

in the sky, there were many birds in the ice age, but few ever got as big as The Moa.

But the Moa was actually a flightless bird.

There were 9 species of moas and they were said to have grown to over 3.6m (12 feet)

tall, and weigh over 230 kg (500 lbs).

The Moa was a very isolated bird.

They thrived in New Zealand for millions of years but abruptly went extinct.

Most scientists believe that their gentle nature led to their extinction, as Polynesian

settlers came to the New Zealand islands, and wiped out the Moa.

Or did they?

To this day, many who go to the island the Moa lived on swear they sometimes hear bird

calls that are unlike anything they've ever heard of before.

More than that, there are some footprints on the island that don't match any other animal.

A photo was taken by hotel owner Paddy Freaney in 1993.

He claims he was hiking and spotted a Moa by a stream but as soon as it heard him, it

took off.

His photo is too blurry to tell, but maybe the Moa isn't quite as gone as people think.


Giant Beaver During the last ice age, it seems that many

animals grew to giant proportions!

Native to present day North America, this is the largest rodent to have ever lived,

that we know of anyway.

At a massive 2.7 m (nine feet) long, this was indeed a very large beaver.

But, unlike its modern day cousins, we aren't sure whether it had its characteristic long,

flat tail that was used to help make dams.

Another big difference were their teeth, they had incisors that were up to 15 cm (6 inches)

long, and their face looked more like that of a capybara.

Despite their resemblance, the giant beaver and our present day friend aren't close


The giant beaver is believed to have died out around 10,000 years ago along with everybody



Teratorn These birds, also known as (Argentavis magnificens)

weren't just massive, they could most certainly fly!

The teratorn has the distinction of having been the largest flying bird ever found, so


Just how big was the Teratorn?

At its peak, the wingspan of the Teratorn was around 28 feet long.

And on average, it would be about 19 feet long.

That means that the Teratorn has over twice the wingspan of the largest living birds today.

Related to the Giant Condor, this bird was found in modern day Argentina.

Also impressive was that its regular body size was about the height of a human, yet

even with all that size, its weight was only about 200 pounds.


Megalania In Australia during the Ice Age, there was

a creature that roamed the Australian jungle as Apex Predator of the land: a massive lizard,

called the Megalania.

It was actually a monitor lizard, one that was bigger than a crocodile- about 23 feet

long to be precise.

It is estimated to have weighed between 500-4,000 pounds.

A huge range, but you know, we're going off of bones here.

But even so, it still would have been heavier than the Komodo Dragon.

Fun fact, it is the largest lizard ever identified to have lived on the planet.

What's more, it was said to have an extremely venomous bite and a mouth full of teeth.

The Megalania would roam through the forest and would get anything it could catch for

a meal.

This included the earliest settlers of the land.

So much so that Aboriginal folklore still talks about the Megalania as something to

be feared.

Adding to their legend, there are many reports that say that there are still some Megalania

out there, with many reports citing lizard tracks near spots where cattle were attacked.


Saber-Tooth Tiger Actually, more properly known as a saber-toothed

cat, these were a group of mammals that had long, curved saber-shaped teeth.

Though it has many names, one of the most famous was the Smilodon.

These massive cats were the ancestors to some present day cats, and they're still the prime

example of how vicious the feline species can be at its peak.

Others also known as "sabre-toothed cats" however, are not closely related to modern

cats so it can all get kind of confusing.

But anyway, the Saber-Tooth Cats were fierce, mighty, fast, and had a killer instinct that

everyone feared.

Its iconic fangs were nearly a foot long, and it would pierce all victims in the jugular

to ensure that the kill was complete.

But their fangs weren't the only thing lethal about them, they were so fast that they could

catch nearly any prey, and they would use their strong hind legs to pounce on their

opponents, then use their muscles to pin them to the ground to ensure that the final strike

was done unopposed.

The Saber-Toothed Cat r is such a legendary animal that it has been used in media the

world over.

From televisions shows such as being the Zord to one of the original Power Rangers, to the

popular Ice Age films, where the lead Tiger was voiced by Dennis Leary.

Adding to the intrigue of the animal, there are some who believe that one still exists!

Locals in Chad, Africa, claim to have seen a giant cat, with dark fur and large fangs

coming out of its mouth.

However, we still have no definitive proof, but it looks like it could maybe, still be

around! 1.

Woolly Mammoth Perhaps the most representative animal of

the Ice Age is the Wooly Mammoth!!

To be fair, there were regular Mammoths, and Mastodons too in the Ice Age, but the striking

look of the Woolly Mammoth has made it something that has transcended time.

These creatures were one of the ancestors to the elephants who roam our world today.

But back then, they were one of the biggest things around, and they were built to survive.

The hair on their bodies made it so that they could survive the frigid cold of wherever

they roamed.

And it should be noted that they roamed quite a bit.

They were found in Europe, Asia, and some were even found to be in North America (which

has been proven by recent fossil finds in Michigan, LA and many other places).

Fossils of the woolly mammoth tusks have been found measuring over 5 feet in length.

The Woolly Mammoth liked to travel in packs, and weren't afraid to get physical when needed.

But arguably the most interesting fact of all is that it's widely believed that the

Woolly Mammoth was one of the last Ice Age creatures to die out.

Most creatures from that age died out around 10,000 years ago, but many feel that the Woolly

Mammoths actually died around 8,000 years ago, and a sub species of them, albeit a smaller

version of them, lived until around 1700 BC.

So not only were they built to last, but they might have been the last ones standing!

Thanks for watching!

What did you think of these Ice Age creatures?

Let me know in the comments below.

Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!

For more infomation >> Most AMAZING Creatures From The Ice Age! - Duration: 11:04.


Animals Discovered In STRANGE Places! - Duration: 10:37.

From an octopus on a mountain to a shark on a subway, here are 10 animals found in strange



Sea Lion in a High School Sea Lions are very clever creatures.

They know how to communicate with one another, swim in expert ways, and avoid predators when


But, in April of 2015, one sea lion decided to go off book, and then went to a place where

it could go learn about itself.

No, not a library, a high school.

This happened at Imperial Beach in San Diego, California.

The school in question was Mar Vista High School, and it was the staff that called the

police on the sea lion.

Here is the catch though.

Mar Vista is very much inland in San Diego, as in it is not near the local shoreline.

So that begs the question, how did the sea lion get there?

Being that it didn't have help, the sea lion went from the shore to the school on its own.

Which in distance was about five blocks.

Here's another thing to ponder.

Since it was the staff that called in the sea lion being at the high school, this begs

the question, did no one else see the sea lion as it made its way through San Diego?

If you're curious as to what happened, the police put the sea lion in their car and drove

it back to the shoreline.

They were also very comedic about the event: "While deputy sheriffs attempted to interview

him as to his activities, he clammed up and requested his lawyer," the release said.


Pacific to Atlantic to Arctic When it comes to animal migration patterns,

and where animals are "mostly found", scientists have a pretty good idea of what to expect.

However, in the last decade or so, animals have been showing up in regions where they've

never been seen before.

Or at the very least, haven't been to in a very long time.

A great example of this happened in 2010 in Israel, when a Grey Whale appeared just off

the coast.

For those who don't know, not only is the Grey Whale not local to Israel, they're actually

local to the North Atlantic Ocean.

Which means finding one so far south is highly irregular.

Just as irregular are species from the Pacific or Atlantic oceans suddenly appearing in the

other ocean without warning or apparent cause.

This has occurred recently with both birds and sea creatures like whales.

So what is the cause for these new paths for these animals?

What is going on?

Well, scientists believe that climate change in the answer.

The rising temperatures of the atmosphere and the water is melting the ice that actually

resides within the water, allowing creatures such as whales to make it through areas that

they originally had no access to.

As for birds, it's very likely that they're just getting "lost" although it seems like

they should know what they are doing.

The temperature changes could be throwing them off their migration patterns too.


Octopus on a Mountain There are many things you expect to see when

you're climbing a mountain.

An octopus on a rock is not one of them.

Yet, that's exactly what happened to travelers as they went up Scafell Pike, which is the

tallest mountain in all of England.

What's more, the octopus wasn't at the base of the mountain, or even on the path per se.

Rather, the octopus was found a mere ten feet from the top of the mountain.

Which makes you wonder just how the creature got up there.

The "simplest" answer is arguably the most logical.

Given the height, and the fact that the location is near a large pool of water, it's reasonable

to think that a bird might have caught the creature and brought it up to the mountain,

or dropped it up there and then forgot about it.

Granted, it's unclear whether that body of water has octopus in it, and even if it didn't,

the bird could have come from England's coastline to the mountain.

However, if it wasn't a bird or winged creature that brought the octopus up there, then many

more questions need to be raised.

Especially since when you look at the octopus in question, it doesn't appear injured.

What the heck??

And now for number 7, but first, have you ever found an animal in a strange place??

Let me know your story in the comments below!!

And be sure to subscribe before you leave!!


Owl in a Pipe There's not much context for this picture,

however, the picture speaks rather loudly when you look at it.

This is indeed an owl, and one that is hiding inside of a pipe.

Quite a perfect fit if you look close enough.

While it might seem odd that an animal would go into a pipe like this, especially a creature

such as an owl, it's actually not that uncommon in the animal kingdom per se.

For you see, while in nature, animals may have many avenues to hide in, in the city,

not so much.

They need to seek out and find just about any crevice or hiding spot that will allow

them the protection they need.

Also, birds like owls are clever enough to see openings such as this pipe and realize

that it's a perfect place to find shelter.

The fact that it looks weird via the perfectly sized hole for this perfectly sized owl just

happens to be a funny coincidence.


Zebras in Texas When you think about Africa, you no doubt

think about the diverse state of wildlife that are there, including the horse known

as a Zebra.

If we're speaking technically, Zebras are only "naturally" born in Africa.

However, the United States has a section of the state of Texas where Zebras actually live.

It's not a zoo, or even a wildlife preservation.

Someone just brought Zebras to Texas, and they were allowed to live there.

Turns out, Texas resembles Africa in the ways that matter, and thus, they were able to thrive

in the new home on a new continent.

This is actually very fascinating from a biological and ecological standpoint.

For if this could happen to Zebras, this could theoretically happen for other animals.

The only downside here is intent.

You see, these Zebras weren't brought to Texas to live out their lives.

Rather, they're part of a hunt.

The Zebras are part of a ranch, and if you pay a price, you can hunt the zebra in certain

parts of the year.


Horse in McDonalds There are certain rules for restaurants, and

one of the biggest rules is that you can't bring in certain animals or pets into the

building, even if you have permits to allow them.

Well, for one woman in Whitefield, Greater Manchester in 2013, she decided to ignore

the rule, but not without cause.

You see, she was riding a horse, and was hungry.

Seeing a nearby McDonalds, she went to the drive-thru...on her horse.

Upon reaching the window to get her food, she actually turned away, despite having money

to pay for the food.

Having to come inside now, she did so...but brought her horse with her.

As she tried to get her food this time, the horse went and relieved himself in the restaurant.

The woman was fined for bringing the horse into the McDonalds.


Alligator on a Golf Course In Englewood, Florida, you will find the Myakka

Pines Golf Club.

On the surface, it looks like any other golf course or club out there.

But, in March of 2015, a very big event happened.

Mainly, an alligator of impressive size wandered onto the course while people were playing


The people who first saw the gator immediately took a picture of it.

When they did, it was done at such an angle that it made the alligator, soon to be called

"Goliath", look much bigger than it actually was.

You see, this particular alligator was only about 12 feet long, the record is around 15

for a gator (crocs can get up to 23 feet).

Still, it was pretty big thanks to the picture.

This naturally got a lot of attention, and the golf club soon became famous for Goliath,

who was not only not captured to be put back in the swamps of Florida, but actually allowed

to reside on the course.

He was spotted sometime after this photo on one of the fairways.


Shark on a Subway No, this is not a tale of a hammerhead shark,

or a Mako, or a Great White Shark somehow ending upon a subway and terrorizing the passengers

like a bad sci-fi movie.

Rather, this is a tale of a rather small shark "somehow" ending up on the floor of a subway

cart in New York's N Train.

While this was a bit odd at first glance, the story soon got peeled back as the pictures

of this "subway shark" started to spread around.

This tale apparently begins with some kids, who were swimming around Coney Island and

found the shark.

Thinking that they had something really cool, they went to the nearby amusement park, where

they then left the shark near a roller coaster.

A man later came around, saw the shark, and then decided to take it home.

He then went on the N Train, and had a "revelation" that holding a dead shark in his hands wasn't

that good.

So, he left it on the floor.

The story doesn't end there though.

Rather, the people of the subway then started to poke, prod, and then pose the shark for

numerous photo ops. 2.

Panthers in England?

When I say the words, "Big Cats", you know of what I speak.

Lions, tigers, panthers, cheetahs, lynxs, etc.

You'd usually find most of these creatures in Africa, or places like the Amazon, or even


Where you wouldn't expect to find them, is England.

For not only is it very far from Africa, you'd think that the landscape wouldn't suit them.

Yet, every day, there are reported sightings of big cats in the United Kingdom.

Specifically, panthers.

As most of the "spotted" creatures" appear large, cat-like, and black.

Which perfectly describes a panther.

How did panthers end up in England?

Well, many have given thoughts on the subject, but the most likely explanation came from

a law that was passed in 1976 called the "Dangerous Wild Animals Act".

Long story short, this law would cause heavy fines to any who had dangerous animals in

their custody, such as...big cats.

So, the animals were released into the wild, and they've been spotted ever since.


Dog on a Roof In Norfolk, England, there is a man named

Mr. Haughton.

Mr. Haughton works on roofs, and has been doing so since 1995.

He also has a dog named Axel, and Axel likes to be with his master so much, that he'll

actually go onto the roofs he's working on to be with him.

How does he get up on the roof?

Simple, he climbs up the later that the men use to get onto the roof.

Axel apparently did this one day much to the surprise of the workers, and Mr. Haughton.

"He sits on the ridge and moves along it as we're working.

We always have to bring him down though.

He hasn't worked out going down the ladder yet."

Axel has gotten quite a bit of fame because of his roof climbing ability.

Not to mention, just seeing a dog laying on a roof like this must be quite a sight.

Thanks for watching!

What was your favorite animal on this list?

Let me know in the comments below, be sure to subscribe, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Animals Discovered In STRANGE Places! - Duration: 10:37.


Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T First Edition CVT Automaat, 360° camera, 18" Lichtmetalen velgen, - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T First Edition CVT Automaat, 360° camera, 18" Lichtmetalen velgen, - Duration: 1:14.


13 Secrets The Secret Service Doesn't Want You To Know - Duration: 10:11.

13 secrets the secret surface doesn't want you to find out we're pretty used

to seeing crazy things about the United States Secret Service in movies

especially around the White House you know the bodyguards who wear sunglasses

with dark lenses and have earpieces pacing by the walls of the White House

as if their lives depended on it a lot of us find it hard to believe that

these super cool looking bodyguards actually exist in real life but they do

however Hollywood doesn't necessarily portray them the way they really are

from Barack Obama to Donald Trump there's no denying that these guys have

some pretty awesome jobs now keep watching for interesting facts about the

United States Secret Service before we begin this video don't forget to

subscribe to our channel for more daily tips like this and turn on notifications

so you never miss our new videos number 13 there's a lot more of them

than we think a lot of us probably think that there's about a hundred or even

less of these elite soldiers but in reality there's actually around 6500 of

them there are also more who work for the personal protection unit number 12

the Secret Service doesn't just guard presidents they also protect their

family former presidents and the families of former presidents the United

States Secret Service also has the job of body guarding the president's guests

and anyone that the president wants to be protected talk about having a ton of

responsibility and pressure can you guys guess how many Secret Service agents in

history have sacrificed their lives for the president well keep watching until

the end to find out number eleven there are three service phases that the agents

must go through they are not involved in the field work at first it's a pretty

long process first they have to work at the office for

about three years if they want to participate in challenging tasks this

phase lasts for four to seven years in the final phase the agent is promoted to

either a higher position or goes back to office work number 10 the job is pretty

dangerous and is no joke imagine being a bodyguard for presidents like Barack

Obama or Donald Trump it's common knowledge that any high profile past

current and or future presidents need high security and it's no joke before

any important event the United States Secret Service practices any and all

possible scenarios of murder attempts and shootouts they have to be prepared

for literally anything in training they use bullets that are specifically made

for these training sessions the agents also go through skill development

courses every eight weeks number nine medical skill if anything goes wrong

every agent has basic medical skills and is ready to keep calm in any serious and

critical situation whether it's to save someone's life before an ambulance

arrives or before they arrive at the hospital the route is thoroughly

researched as well so that the hospital is never too far away

number eight presidential blood is always on hand the agents are so prepped

with their medical skills that they always have presidential blood with them

they are always ready to use their medical skills and perform a blood

transfusion if needed they constantly carry extra blood for the president so

as not to take chances with the donors it's mind-blowing how prepared these

agents are for literally anything number seven underground bunker for

those of you who thought mount weather was a myth it's not there is an

underground bunker in the mountain that's used to hide government

representatives during an event where all other state officials gather that

way if terrorists want to attack the top tier of the government they will fail

number six code names just like in the movies

The Secret Service has code names for the president's this isn't something

that Hollywood made up just to make their movies cooler they usually use

names that start with the same letter for one family

so for Barack Obama it was renegade and his wife was Renaissance and their

daughters were radiance and rosebud pretty cool number five Oval Office

motion sensors there are motion sensors in the Oval offices floor the reason for

that to trace any movement and potential threat to the president if he chooses to

be left alone in his Oval Office generally the one rule of the Secret

Service is to never leave the president alone but when he does want to be alone

they can still trace him number four the president can't go alone anywhere the

president can't even go alone to the doctor regardless of what problem they

have so if it's the most embarrassing problem too bad they're going to have

the Secret Service right there with them I mean it's pretty nice to have someone

there with you all day every day or it could be pretty annoying due to the fact

that presidents can't stay alone the agents must participate in everything in

his life this means picking up their hobbies so if mr. president wants to go

for a morning run they have to be up for it if the president wants to take up

hiking well they also don't have much of a choice and have to take up hiking if

the president wants to randomly learn to

skateboard well you guessed it they have to wear kneepads

number three threatening letters you know those movies where the Secret

Service agents try to track down a threatening letter and they're working

with a big group of people to find one person who's causing all the problems

well that's not all fantasy the United States Secret Service checks all

electronic and paper letters that contains any threat they also have a

database with thousands of types of ink to make the process of investigation

easier number two they are constantly monitoring and recording everything they

also have as many cameras as possible on them it helps them when it comes to

resolving a situation and finding a perpetrator

for example after Kennedy's murder it was decided to have a car that was

responsible for video recording a presidential court a number one where

the headquarters are located is a secret all that is known is that it is located

somewhere in Washington in a building without any identification signs there

aren't even any trash cans close by making it difficult to install a bomb

it's been known that the building is located on a street with an extremely

short name age Street now that you've made it to the end you can guess how

many Secret Service agents in history have sacrificed their lives for the

president well here's your answer there was only one known Secret Service

agent who sacrificed his life for the President and it was done voluntarily

there has only been one case in history when a Secret Service agent has died his

name was Leslie Coffelt and he was murdered on November 1 1950 while he was

defending Harry Truman so there you have it interesting facts about the Secret

Service that you probably didn't know Hollywood always seems to take it up a

notch and May it seemed like everyone who is in the

Secret Service has to swear to die for their president but in reality that is

not the case at all in fact there's nothing even close to an oath like that

even though they dedicate their entire life to Him it's definitely not a

requirement to die for him the United States Secret Service is filled with

mystery and myths one thing's for sure they do not stick out like a sore thumb

if you are walking down the street you would hardly recognize any of them

unlike in the movies regardless there are a ton of interesting facts about

these Secret Service agents that a lot of us are curious about hopefully these

facts have lifted a bit of the veil of secrecy and you've learned a little bit

more about this mysterious organization what are some of the most surprising and

interesting facts from this video let us know in the comment section below

enjoyed this video hit the like button and share with your friends also

subscribe to our channel for more videos like this thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 13 Secrets The Secret Service Doesn't Want You To Know - Duration: 10:11.


Adam Ruins Everything - How Frequent Flyer Miles Work | truTV - Duration: 5:26.

Wow, big tipper.

Yeah, my girl hooked me up so I hook her up.

Oh, cool, 16%.

Yeah, not a problem.

With my Definitely Not A Virgin Airlines card,

I earn miles when I spend or when I fly.

That's how Tevin gets paid.

Actually, Frequent Flyer Miles

are a big old rip-off.

What? Look, I'm 100 miles away from a free flight.

That's free money.

More like funny money, because the airlines

control how and when you can use them.

Exchange your miles for a free trip

to your dream destination,

just not on any of these blackout dates.

Not only that, they can rewrite their rules

to change the value of your miles at any time.

In 2017, United Airlines devalued

all of its customers' miles

with just a few months' notice.

Oh, sorry, we just updated our Rewards chart,

and it looks like your miles are worth half as much.

Have a great trip.

What? No. How can you just change how much they're worth?

I thought I earned a mile for every mile I travel.

Not anymore. Airlines used to give you one Rewards mile

for every mile flown, but over the past few years,

they've quietly started basing miles on ticket price,

so now if you really want to rack 'em up,

you gotta buy the most expensive seats,

like in first and business class.

It's wonderful for those of us who can expense the flight

to our corporate account or Mommy and Daddy.

And get this-- if you don't fly often enough,

you might not get to use your miles at all.

Airlines will revoke them

if you don't maintain "qualifying activity"

or if you do anything else

to violate their specific sneaky terms.

Aw, you should have read that giant pamphlet

we mailed you that everyone just throws away.


I'm so confused.

How does anybody understand how this works?

Most people don't.

Surveys show that 59% of Americans have no idea

how Frequent Flyer Miles work,

and 73% of people enrolled in these programs

don't even know how many miles they have.

Now boarding anyone

who can understand our cockamamie system.


As a result, planeloads of people's miles expire

before they even get a chance to use them.

There are currently 20 trillion

unredeemed miles in circulation.

That's enough to go back and forth

to Pluto over 2,000 times.

So why don't the airlines make it easier to understand?

Because all this confusion creates a crapload of cash.

The major airlines generate an estimated $10 billion

in revenue per year just from their Frequent Flyer programs.

But if the miles are free, then how are they making money?

By selling them to credit card companies

who use them as bait to get you to sign up.


I earn hella rewards with every dollar I spend.

Yeah, but are you paying off your balance every month?

Close to half of credit card holders carry debt,

and the massive interest they charge you on that

completely wipes out

any points or miles you've "earned."

But, no, okay?

The Rewards Dude blog clearly states

that this card is the best one to game the system.

Yeah, the paid referral link system.

Credit card reviewers actually make money

every time someone signs up

for a credit card from their site.

I always fly for free using my Vibranium Member Rewards,

the same rewards that I make seven figures a year promoting.

♪ Money money ♪

What? You know what? Screw it.

From now on, Tevin is cash only.

Well, this part is really gonna piss you off.

Even if you pay cash, you're still paying

for everyone else's credit card rewards.


Credit card companies typically charge sellers

over 2% in fees every time they run a credit transaction.

It's essentially a tax on every sale they make,

so to make up the difference, many sellers raise prices,

whether you're paying cash or card.

Whatever, bro.

Ah, perfect. I have exactly $1.00.

Oh, sorry, I forgot to pass

the credit card surcharge fee onto you.

Come on!

Visa and MasterCard can make as much

as $45 billion a year off of these surcharges.

Your points and miles aren't free.

We're all paying for 'em.


So I've been staying loyal to this expensive airline,

earning miles that I'm probably never gonna use,

while charging a credit card that's basically

making me pay for my own rewards?

Yep. If you really want to game the system,

forget the points and miles and just buy a ticket

on whatever airline's the cheapest,

and don't fall for the credit card marketing.

How much did you put on credit cards, by the way?

(groans) I don't want to think about it.

I'm gonna watch "Bad Ben" 'til we board.

It's a show about a 1960s radio jingle executive.

Bad Ben's life is so cool, he flies all the time,

and back then, flying was glamorous.

Actually, the idea that flying was better

in the old days is a total myth.


Oh, it's not a comedy. Okay.

For more infomation >> Adam Ruins Everything - How Frequent Flyer Miles Work | truTV - Duration: 5:26.


I made my own tree decorations (now I need a tree) - Duration: 16:31.

For more infomation >> I made my own tree decorations (now I need a tree) - Duration: 16:31.


Laeticia Hallyday hypocrite, comment a-t-elle trahi Mathilde Seigner ? - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday hypocrite, comment a-t-elle trahi Mathilde Seigner ? - Duration: 1:17.


We Need a Paver Foundation for... - Duration: 9:22.

hey guys we're Evan and Katelyn and today we're making a paver base for our shed

because we have no more room in our garage and a shed is very necessary at this

point this is gonna be part one of a two-part series in part 2 we'll actually

build the shed yeah but this part's super exciting

all right so which one of us gets to use the shovel and which one

of us has to deal with this hoe

all right so I think that for that you can just like

whack down and pull up clods slam it down!

this reminds me of when I tried to

play golf every time I just ended up hitting the ground instead of the ball

it's very jarring

apologize to anyone out there who like knows what they're

doing and if we're like completely doing this

the wrong way

clods flying everywhere!!

it went in my pants

all right well may have been a little bit ambitious to start this up 6:00

at night I'm pretty happy with our square of dirt

I think we can call it for tonight

see you tomorrow

and so begins day two of figuring out

what we're doing through brute force so what we're doing today is tamping I feel

like you're doing nothing right now do we need to like loosen it the dirt yeah

no no I think you just kind of pack it down and get a level we need to loosen

it to be able to move it from the high spots to the low spots so looking at

this space right here and the fact that we only have two of these bags of stand

I'm severely doubting that we got enough

did we do something wrong did we skip a step okay this was in the car yeah yeah

so right here it says remove what is currently there the grass check add a

weed barrier spread sand check crap what do we do I mean really fine

like okay how about this how about this let's lay the weed barrier and then

we'll get more sand to put over it it won't hurt to have a nice level thing

and then a little bit of sand on top of that I'm doubting everything okay so

Evan's gonna go to the store and in the meantime I will lay out this plastic sheet

which side goes down having a picnic in the yard Evan's back with more sand

all right so it's after dinner it's dark everywhere else but don't worry we're

not creepy we're your friends

all right so instead of doing more sand literally like form times more sand

we're gonna try using these paver bases which take the place of some of the sand

you just lay them down cut them to size with a little knife and then lay the

stones directly on top of them so we'll see how they work yeah perfect

it's tile time

doing this in some ways I'm like if we wanted to make our own paper patio

I feel totally capable of that now and on the other hand I'm like

I would never want to do that

this is our max work capacity

now we need to see the retain these side things on now so that nothing yes now

we're gonna put this barrier very satisfying

yesssss yessss

just nailing hammers in the dark

I mean nail- nailing nails oh jeez

it's not working it's not- oh shoot

okay calling it a night tomorrow we're gonna start the polymeric

sand then we should be done with the foundation

that's why I did peace signs...

that was supposed to be fingers crossed

I think it's a late night

righty so this video was brought to you by our Patreon supporters which is

really awesome because we don't have sponsors every single week but we still

want to put out a video every week for you guys so having that support on

patreon lets us do that even when we don't have to sponsor like this video

and thank you guys we make extra content over there our favorite is probably the

after show that we put out for almost every single video we have 44 of them so far

after show! after show!

poopy water, poopy water! poopy water

why it's almost like we've been at this for 12 hours

Ok I'm just gonna get comfortable

this is gonna be awesome then everything just kind of went errrrrk

and then she was like, by the way we want two and I was like uhhh

it's harder to be genuine when

you're thinking about like oK we've been in this scene for so many minutes the

lighting is not good here let's get the light kit and then you're like what were

we talking about alrighty let's get back to the project is this thing on so all

we need to do now is pour in the sand which seems really easy but there's a

lot to it no no no yeah this is like flexible joint compound sand that has

very specific requirements

Verrryyyy specificccc neeeeeds

that's a weird song so you don't want this pour

it in one big pile a lot is blowing away

a lotttt is blowing away so you kinda need to pour it

wooo whoa whoa whoa oh my gah

alrighty so everything's looking pretty good what comes next is this hammer just

hitting the tile bits compressing and all the sand is dropping down

look at this Katelyn look see it was flush

go for it

okay so now we spray it down? I want to get sprayed

so that's everything that this

needs but you don't want to have a lot of excess water so I'm gonna scrape that

off real quick such a terrible noise

alright and after that the manufacturer says it's

usable for foot traffic right away okay no

I caught it! your mic popped out?

ok but we can drive our cars on it in 24 hours

perfect so it's done! I mean we're as done as we can be

until the shed comes in oh yeah and then we have to put that together

alright we'll see you guys when the shed arrives today we are building this paver

base I thought I'd leave it to you to naturally finish

today we're building is so good

For more infomation >> We Need a Paver Foundation for... - Duration: 9:22.


Fancy Hotel मध्ये राहणाऱ्यांची लक्षणे | Every Person in a Fancy Hotel #bhadipa - Duration: 8:14.

We have two separate beds for ourselves


And Tom will be sleeping between us! You don't worry

Look at the chandelier...

Nice na?

Look Aai, a flower pot

Not a crack pot, a flower pot

And look who's here


Greetings, Kaku

Aai look, it's a baldie... so shiny!

What are you doing, let's go...!

Signs of Maharashtrians in Fancy Hotels

Sir, do you have all your documents?

Here they are. My school leaving certificate,

Middle school marksheet, high school marksheet.

Backlogs? This one is yours

LIC Receipt, my local train pass, PPF papers, it's all here

But sir, do you have your id proof?

Do you want to link our Aadhar id?

Your Aadhar card will do. Any identity card?

Oh I-card?

You should have said this earlier

I always have it. Here it is.

I have to stand in line for PPF. So I always have these papers with me.

Hindi - English

How do I connect to the WiFi?

Click on Amanora Fern Hotel

Enter your room number here

It will connect itself then

Can I see my Malika (daily soaps) here? Malika?

Listen, she says this is working now.

Babu, who is Malika?

At least wear a shirt before you leave!

Excuse me!

How to bring hot water from the tap?

Oh no, I'm also tourist here

Dial 121 to bring housekeeping facilities

Marathi? Yes, you too?

So let's sit one night...

To play cards?

Pleasure. I love you.

Homemade is best-made

Somebody has stolen all our bottles, look

Yes, I asked them to boil those

But they are mineral water bottles! Maybe it wasn't fresh?


Vasanti, where are the fragrant soaps we had here?

Who know who used them before us?

They were unopened

Just use these paper soaps I got along


They didn't give us the schezwan sauce we deserve, what is this?

Those aren't noodles, it's pasta

Do you want some desi ghee with it?

I have methi theplas, besan laddus,

And rice with powdered spice also!

After all, nothing can match homemade food

Should've also gotten a mosquito net!

I did...


For every last penny!

Mamma's Wedding Gift, Narcos Mexico, The Goddess Wears Kumkum - download!

Babu, we'll run out of our data pack!

But we have free wi-fi!

We got an excellent deal on Trivago

Free wi-f-, carparking, laundry and complimentary breakfast

And spa coupons! Can I have those?

I used them already

Both of them?

Kadam Kaka wanted to do a facial, it took him two!

Sorry na... What are you doing?








What is this?

A solo trip! Booked from your card.


It's for free!

Listen, I'm going to the gym

When did you start gymming?

Starting today Why?

The treadmills in their gym have personal TV screens

Shitli and Jaydi are having a face-off in the maha-episode!

But what about the gym costs?

It's free na!

Hello? Can you send someone over to Room 320?

I need a few photocopies, actually

Not a lot, but colour copies?

Copies of those?

They're all free

So what Shitli said to Jaydi was...

Wait, why are you shivering?

Turn up the AC please

You're shivering in the woollens and want more AC?

But it's for free na

Love thy neighbour

Did you buy jaggery sweets in Lonavala?


When will you do it?

I don't know!

I have an extra packet, here, you can have it

Thank you Kaku, I touch your feet

Did you to the temple together?


You guys are married, right?

Aww, no... what are you saying?

Not yet!

How old is he? 28

And in this age?

What do you mean?

It's only in our 50s that we can afford all of this. You're so young!

Because Babu booked it!

On Trivago!

You mean the guy with the long beard? Babu, is it?

Does he ever shower?


Do you hear anything?

Ssshh... wait!

It's a nice room

Isn't it? Come in, have some tea.

I hear different things in my room

Let me check again

Because Aai said so...

What are you doing?


See new shampoo?

Smells like apples!

Why are you packing them? Are you stealing?

Babu, it's complimentary!

Juju, weight scale?

Aai is on a new diet na!

Soft na?

Aai told me to!

Babu? Shaving kit?

No shave November no?

It's not for me, your mother asked for it

My Aai?

Yes, beard growth is on!

Aai's beard?

No, Ani's!

Pack it, I'll get the towels

Towel? Yeah...

The final round

Look, doesn't this look like a Karate outfit?

Yeah, but better focus on cards in this age?

We got a 2500rs discount, by the way!

2 of twos

Oh that's nothing

We got 5000 off

Plus two.

Kaka, we booked online. Plus one!

We got the room at 7000

Plus one

That's nothing then

We got it at 5000 only

Plus three of twos.


Kaka, we booked it on Trivago after comparing prices

Best hotel in cheapest prices

And those twos are real, pick your bluff

Have you ever seen a BhaDiPa video?

So you know you have three options then

Like, share and subscribe

Well, if you want to book hotel rooms at affordable prices

Listen, Kaka!

Download the Trivago app from the link below

And book a hotel room for cheap, just like we did.

Like they did, not us

And put back the spoons you've picked

Why are you hoarding water bottles?

And sugar sachets? You have high sugar levels!

Kaka, why do you need that hair dryer you've stolen?

That's for my Juju


Babu? Juju...

For more infomation >> Fancy Hotel मध्ये राहणाऱ्यांची लक्षणे | Every Person in a Fancy Hotel #bhadipa - Duration: 8:14.


Snake Diet Water Fasting Headache Tips | Weight Loss Journey [Day 85] - Duration: 5:59.

hi everyone its Mieka fasting weight loss and I am so upset today it is Friday

December 21st at 4:58 a.m. and I am here to give you

snake diet results after one day this is the worst results ever and I'm just

really not happy I did great the only bad thing I did I didn't drink a lot

yesterday that's all I drink is this this much spring water with the pink

Himalayan salt no salt and baking soda that's my snake juice mixture that's all

I had oh and I work I had a little cup of plain regular water now I did wake up

with the headache and that's probably because I didn't drink enough

electrolytes I don't know why else it could be

umm I didn't eat anything yesterday at all I didn't have any diet soda

I just don't understand this let's see what else exercise post office job let's

say one hour of exercise and and I'm sleepy I would like to sleep for another

hour but I have to start early today at the job um exercise also at the end of

my day I did 30 minutes on the elliptical where I burned about 200

calories so I should have lost weight and I gained weight and I'm wondering is

it my scale because this makes no sense that's all I'm gonna say today really oh

I do want to say what to do if you get a headache I would try all these things

one I would soak if you're if you're at home I would soak in

in the tub and put epson salt and also what works for me what headaches is hot

run in the shower running hot water on my head in my neck which I can't do that

right now which I need to go take a shower and get dressed to leave but I

can't do that cuz I'm not trying to wet my hair and do all that when I need to

leave some next is a nap sleep that could help and refresh you also if

you're weak I would do the epson salt bath and naps

is that it and then if push comes to shove I will be taken a BC powder which

is crushed aspirin so I might be having that so yesterday I forgot to tell you

guys I mean I forgot to write it down so yesterday I was still 226.6

that was +3 pounds plus three pounds today it's weight I'm so not

happy so it's day it's snake diet results day 1 so oh my gosh I got three

different things I have weight loss journey day 85 and

then I have 30 day challenge day 20

and then I have a snake diet results Day 1 and today I am I need to move

this over today I am 228 8 how in the heck that is

plus two point two thumbs alright I've never gained weight on a fast like

that's crazy that is just beyond disappointed if you watch my live stream

yesterday you know I was expecting a 5 pound loss so maybe it's my skill

what the heck I don't understand this now I feel like I need to buy a new

scale but this one is kind of new I bought it like eighty I don't like

eighty five days ago so I don't know if discouraging things happen in your

weight loss journey you can't quit you have to keep going that's all I can

say that is the worst ever and I don't feel sad because I did perfect like

there's nothing whoa I didn't do perfect but I didn't eat so

whatever and I did my 30 minutes of exercise so do your best today my

Energy's low cuz it's 4:00 in the morning and I'm sleepy

but if you have goals you got to do what you got to do and this one month little

job that I had is helping me towards my goals and extra money to do my goals so

that's it have a good day work hard comment below what you're doing what day

you're on your starting weight the more information you put there the better and

that's it right

For more infomation >> Snake Diet Water Fasting Headache Tips | Weight Loss Journey [Day 85] - Duration: 5:59.



For more infomation >> WRECK CITY DOCUMENTARY 2018 ARTIST RESIDENCY - Duration: 52:20.


Kaley Cuoco Slams Suggestions She Is Pregnant: 'Would You Ask This Straight to My Face?' - News toda - Duration: 2:25.

 Kaley Cuoco is NOT pregnant.  On Wednesday, Cuoco, 33, shared a photo from her European honeymoon with her husband of seven months, Karl Cook

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 In the black and white shot captioned, "Love in Lugano," Cuoco and Cook, 27, can be seen leaning in for a sweet smooch

 Because of Cuoco's pose, her floral maxi dress gave the appearance that she was hiding a baby bump, according to some of her curious fans

 "Are you hiding a baby bump?!?!" one fan wrote in Cuoco's comment section.  "When's the baby due???" another user commented

 Cuoco was quick to slam the rumors, posting a screen grab of the comments on her Instagram Stories Thursday

 "I'm so sorry I bent over in a way to where my dress billowed in the wind and made you think this," Cuoco wrote

 "Question. Would you walk up to me and ask this straight to my face?" Cuoco added

 This isn't the first time Cuoco has had to shut down pregnancy rumors.  In October, Cuoco shared a photo of herself at the InStyle awards, and "social media trolls" started asking if she's expecting

 "So, because I'm in traffic I thought I'd take this time to comment on some Instagram trolls," she said in her Instagram Story on Tuesday

"I posted a picture this morning of my sister and I from an event last night and people said I looked pregnant

"  Cuoco once again pointed out that no one would ever ask her that in person, so people shouldn't do it online either

 "Now, would you ever walk up to someone on the street or at an event where they're obviously dressed up and say, 'Are you pregnant?'" she said

"It's just so comedic and shocking that people would ask that."  "I'm not pregnant

I guess it was a pregnant angle. Seriously, shut up," she said.

For more infomation >> Kaley Cuoco Slams Suggestions She Is Pregnant: 'Would You Ask This Straight to My Face?' - News toda - Duration: 2:25.


Riu Palace Costa Mujeres All-Inclusive Family Resort Tour In Cancun Mexico - Great Beach, RiuLand - Duration: 12:47.

Hi, we made it to Cancun!

And where are we going, Donna?

The Riu Palace Costa Mujeres.

On a brand-new beach. Yeah, new resort. Looks really nice!

It just opened up three weeks ago. It's looks like a lot of fun, and we're gonna go

check it out. I'm excited! Yeah, I'm excited!

And the lobby is very nice-looking. It's got a lot of clean lines,

looks very modern.

And Donna said it kind of reminds her of IKEA. As if IKEA furnished the whole

resort. Yeah, that's pretty good. That's a positive thing, I think.

It's December, so there's Christmas trees they've got it decorated.

This is the check-in desk. And there's the bracelet you get when you check in.

And our first impression is very good.

And this is looking out the front of the hotel

It's all glass.

And there's several seating areas out here.

And here's the

other end of the lobby as you come in.

There's lounge 24. Lounge 24 is open 24 hours a day.

There's TV's. There's computers. And a printer.

Drinks. There's fruit, and there's meats

and cheeses.

And there's an ATM in here, too.

And from the lobby, you have this

beautiful walkway as you go out these doors.

Surrounded on either side by water.

And you get out into this big courtyard with

all the trees and plants and the rooms around it. And it's just very pretty.

How many rooms are there, Donna? 600 rooms.

We're kind of in the middle section of

rooms, just off the lobby.

And all the buildings have four floors. These all

have the Garden View. And all the rooms have balconies, so that's nice. So lots of

rooms, lots of space.

And here's our first view of the beach.

And there's actually, I believe, five pools on this property.

It's kind of the quiet end down there. And then a

swim-up bar and then more pools over that way, but we'll check those out.

And right at the end of the walkway that comes out from the main lobby, is a

directory that kind of shows you where everything's at. The restaurants, RiuLand, RiuArt,

Gym, Spa, RiuFit, pools and the beach.

The layout of the

resort is pretty straightforward. Here's where you enter in the lobby.

Rooms in the front and on either side. There's the walkway. And there's the

beach. And the restaurants are just lined up all along in a line here.

And there's five separate pools. And besides the five pools, they also have a water park,

Splash Water World.

What are we looking for right now, Donna? Lunch!

I think it's a restaurant called, "Tastes".

Okay, and that's a buffet.

There's a big open-air eating area here.

This is "Spaces".

And over here is the one they call, "Tastes".

It looks like a pretty good-sized buffet.

And there's the Italian restaurant, "Roma".

You can order off the menu, or they have a buffet also. You can have both.

Just above the quiet pool area on the second floor is the "Zarape" restaurant.

The Mexican restaurant. And that looks very nice inside.

Just to the left of "Zerape",

is the Japan restaurant, Japanese food. Then to the left of the

Japan restaurant is "Krystal".

It's a Fusion restaurant.

This is their open-air theater. That looks like the

bandshell, where a band would play.

And over here is a stage where they could

have some other kind of entertainment. And places where you can just sit and

eat, and drink while you're taking in the shows.

Yeah, lots of seating up here and a

great view.

They look like they would be oceanfront rooms with like a private pool.

There's a couple of massage beds out on the beach.

This is the quiet pool.

It's the furthest one that is away from the Dunamar. Which is way over there by the water park.

Okay, here's another pool.

And there's a swim-up bar right there. So this one has a little bit louder music.

Yeah, there's like the poles right there that you can do water volleyball with.

That's right next to the Tequila bar. Yep, which is over here. So that's

three. Let's go see if we can find the others.

This is pool number four. You could

just swim laps if you want. And here's where people can get in right here, or

there's like a zero entry, where you can just walk right into the pool.

And here's the last one. And it has a swim-up bar.

And here's the loungers in it.

So we're taking one of the walkways down to the beach area. There's lots of trees

down on the beach, so there should be plenty of shade. And there's lots of chairs.

They keep everything so clean. They're like constantly cleaning. Yeah, it's a very

clean looking resort, inside and out.

And the sand on this beach is really nice.

It's very fine-grain. It's kind of just like powder.

They're doing some work on

this side of the beach under the trees.

Down here it's kind of opened up. And you

can see straight through without any tape or lines in front of you.

And here's

a look at the property from the beach side. The restaurants, the lobby, some of

the pools, some of the rooms over there. So it's really nicely laid out.

There's some buoys out there where I imagine you're not supposed to go beyond.

That's where they do their watersports.

They've been working on the beach area a

little bit. They're putting in, looks like some irrigation lines right around the trees.

There's Pepe's Food. You can get some snacks and other food here.

And right across from that are some more bathrooms. And that's by this Tequila bar pool.

The Wi-Fi is pretty strong at the resort and around the pools, and it gets a little

weaker as you get down to the beach. But you can still get the Wi-Fi down there,

while you're sitting in your lounge chair and just enjoying the sound of the waves.

They do have Beach Waiters that'll come out and bring you drinks, so that's

nice too. You don't even have to leave your chair.

This looks like a place where you could get a swimsuit if you got to forgot to

bring your swimsuit. Boardwalk Gift and Premium Shops.

Looks like it has some nice clothes in here.

Looks like 1298 pesos.

I guess, $59.00 USD.

You can buy sandals, slip-ons, hats, shoes.

Lots of sunglasses if you forgot yours.

Oakley, Ray-Ban - some good names.


And an alligator...or a crocodile!

This ceiling kind of reminds me of the movie, "Coco".

Some over-the-counter


And there's plenty of sunscreen, because there's plenty of sun here.

So, on the bottom level just before you get down to the pools, and then down

to the beach, is the Boardwalk Shops and also the spa area. The spa and gym area.

And this is the gym area.

They've got some different equipment that you can work on.

Free weights. Pilates balls. A bench.

You can do bicep curls and tricep pushdowns.

You can do some treadmills or some ellipticals, or bike while you're looking at

the beach and the pools.

So that side is the gym and this side is the spa.

This is the window you look out of when you're in the gym.

So you've got a pretty good view.

You can see the pools, and then off in the distance, the water.

This is RiuArt. It's next to the gym and spa. You can actually create

your own personal art here. They'll show you how to do it. You can create your own paintings.

This is RiuFit. Looks a little more like

CrossFit, and different things going on here.

There's different times of the day when they do scheduled things.

Circuit training. Just relax and stretch. There's RiuMba. Latin Fit.

There's a ping-pong table there. It's kind of indoor, sort of, to keep it our fo the wind.

And there's stairs up by

the quiet pool. Close to where the gym and spa are, that takes you over to where the

theater is.

This is the Capuchino bar area.

Capuchino has some really good drinks that they'll fix you. And some great pastries

and desserts. We tried about four different desserts,

and they were all good.

This is the Square Garden over there.

It's a bar.

This is the piano bar.

There's a good view out these big windows of the beach and

the water.

In the lobby they have an interactive screen where you can check

the schedule. And it shows everything that's going on.

It's showing Wednesday through next Tuesday right now. And it shows you all

the different things that are going on. The times that they're going on. You can

also click on different things and it'll tell you what's going on there. Like RiuLand.

They have diverse programs and theme days for two different age groups.

4-7 and 8-12. So there's definitely organized

activities for kids here.

And as it gets a darker outside the lobby looks even better.

There's some pretty cool and fun furniture in here. I'm gonna do a 360

degree shot. Here we go. Oh, boy, getting dizzy!

Today's our last day. We're going home, leaving the Riu Palace Costa Mujeres.

Hope I said that right. We've been struggling with that the whole entire

time. I just, yeah I've said it about four or five different ways. We apologize if

we offend anybody. We don't know what we're doing.

But what did you think of

the resort and our stay here? I would give it a 9 out of 10. Yeah it was very good. That's a high rating.

I tend to really like the Riu's though. I'm a picky eater. I like to have a good

buffet. I liked the bed. Some people say they're hard. We stayed in another Riu,

the Riu Cancun, and I thought the beds were harder there definitely. That was a few

years ago, but I thought these were comfortable beds. Yeah. A little firm.

And the room was always really cool. Yeah, the air conditioning worked great.

It had ceiling fans, too, so I loved that.

The place is very clean. We always see people out

cleaning, even the smallest details. Oh my gosh, they even like polished the

banisters going down to the beach. People touch those constantly.

Yeah, so they're

always busy, always picking things up, and cleaning things.

And then like you could never, like this morning, like I finished my orange juice

and he was right back there with another one. Like they don't even ask, they're

just like all about service. They have really good food and lots of it. And the

beach is just amazing. You know this resort will be known for their beach

and for like total relaxation. If you want a place to get away and just relax,

this is the place to do it. Make sure you call Effingham Travel. 217-342-3965.

And that is a disclaimer. We got our

rooms from points that Donna earned, so we didn't pay for our rooms.

She earned them through working though, and it has not influenced our review of the

resort. We really loved it!

Goodbye! Yeah we've got to finish packing.

Bye - gotta go!

For more infomation >> Riu Palace Costa Mujeres All-Inclusive Family Resort Tour In Cancun Mexico - Great Beach, RiuLand - Duration: 12:47.


100 Ideas: Flowers decoration of vintage courtyard Ideas | John ideas - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> 100 Ideas: Flowers decoration of vintage courtyard Ideas | John ideas - Duration: 11:32.


Non-Browning Apples: Say NO to PPO - Duration: 7:17.

We're intelligent people, right? We're not paranoid but we are deliberate in

our choices, and to choose well we have to be informed. You've probably heard

about non-browning apples by now, brought to you by the Arctic Apples, just like

this video. Most people support the idea of reducing

food waste- it's kind of a no-brainer. And we all support healthier eating for our

kids, and a lot of us just really love apples. All of that is good, but if you're

like me and you're someone who's trying to feed your kids the best foods

possible, then it makes sense that we would want to know more about how this

non-browning stuff all works. Okay, first off we have to start with DNA. If you

didn't see my video where I used Lego to communicate how DNA works, I'm gonna do

it again. Here's a short and easy recap. DNA for any living thing is like an

instruction book for a Lego set where the bricks are proteins. In the DNA

instructions- between the cover page, and that last page where you see all the

Lego parts- all that stuff in between are the genes. The genes are the parts of

your DNA that has the instructions to build you, or a plant, or any other living

thing. Those instructions say which protein brick should go where to create

the model the instructions asked for. In the case of our DNA, it's the

instructions to build each of us. The tiny differences in our DNA

instruction books are what make us all unique individuals, each with tiny

differences in how our proteins assemble. So it's like two people are two Lego

models. The slight difference in their DNA is represented by the two separate

unique instruction booklets required to build each individual person from the

bricks of proteins. Those small differences in the instructions lead to

one set of bricks becoming a Blue Jay, and one set of bricks becoming

a Robin. Even though both models are kind of built of the same parts, they're just

arranged in different ways. Okay so DNA, we got that right? All right, now to

explain how this non-browning Apple works. We only need to know about one

more thing really: RNA. Without RNA, your DNA is just a molecule. Your RNA is what

brings all of that to life. So if a natural Apple is made

of protein Legos from DNA instructions, then that Lego creation still needs a

builder so that all of that protein potential can come together and bring

life to any living thing. Bricks and instructions don't mean much if there's

not someone or something to read the instructions and assemble the bricks. In

the case of any natural thing growing in the world it would be RNA that does the

building on behalf of the DNA. So in our Lego metaphor, I'm the RNA. I read

the Lego instructions, and these models get put together with my own two hands.

So in this metaphor my eyes and brain are the mRNA, the messenger RNA, and my

hands are a cell's ribosome. They take the bricks the proteins and assemble

them together according to the instructions in the DNA manual. So again:

in nature we have a DNA set of instructions, and the mRNA reads the

instructions and delivers them to my ribosome hands so that they can assemble

the bricks of proteins into what the DNA intended. Okay, it's making sense to me, I

hope you're still with me on this. So one more time: We start with DNA instructions,

then the mRNA, the messenger RNA reads them, and delivers them to the Ribosome

hands which assemble the proteins into a living thing.

Seriously, we understand DNA way better now right? Okay now that we've got that

basis we're pretty close to understanding how this Apple works. Back

in the late 1980s, some smart Australians started wondering why one type of wild

grape didn't turn brown. When they looked into it they found that the three genes

that produce an enzyme called PPO or polyphenol oxidase were not expressing

in that variety of wild grapes. That prevented that particular wild grape

from turning brown like all the others. The genes that do that had just been

like naturally turned off. When mRNA doesn't translate an instruction, that's

what scientists mean when they talk about genes not being expressed. So in

the case of the Apple, it's like my mRNA eyes had read the DNA instructions, but

for some reason I didn't use my ribosome hands to assemble the proteins into the

part of the Apple that makes PPO. The question is why

didn't I? The MRNA knows something's different when it has a page

that's been double printed, so it runs interference. Literally: RNAi, or RNA

interference. It's like my brain was gonna tell my hands what to build, but

then it realized the page was double printed, so it just stopped. Same for

those wild grapes. They saw a double page, so they didn't build the PPO enzyme. All

right... Wow. Okay, that's kind of understandable in a complicated way, but

now we know about DNA we know about RNA mRNA and RNAi I feel smarter. I think

we're gonna look smarter at parties for sure. Okay, so back to the Apple. It turns

out that a non-browning Apple is just a regular Apple, but using the process we

just learned about, scientists have ensured the Apple had that double

printed page. That's how we get an Apple that doesn't turn brown. It turns out it

literally could have happened in nature by accident just like with the grape, but

why wait for the proverbial million monkeys on a million typewriters to

type Hamlet when we can just get that variety now? The non-browning Apple is

literally just doing what the non-browning wild grape does: just not

expressing those PPO genes. Hmm... This whole thing is turning out to be very

unscary. I mean, we're we're not actually asking nature to do anything that it

doesn't do anyways, and we understand about food waste and we know it's

important to get kids to eat less candy and more fruit, so some smart people

observed nature. They figured out how it could do some cool things, and then they

took those lessons and applied them to the apples. Well I mean, there we have it.

Now we all know why they keep telling us these non-browning apples are healthy...

It's because they're regular freakin' apples! Okay, we had to do like a lot of

reading to understand all of this, but I'd like to thank the team of scientists

over at Arctic Apples for helping us to make sure we didn't misrepresent their

work, and helping us get the science right.

They're pretty proud of their work over at Arctic apples, and I don't blame them.

We'd also like to thank the many scientists who wrote the many scientific

papers we had to read to make sure that we understood this topic well enough to

explain it with LEGO. So thanks to Arctic Apples for sponsoring this video

and for giving me chance to understand how this non-browning

Apple came to be. If you want to see this non-browning Apple up close, and maybe

even put it in your mouth, follow the link in the description and order some

tasty tasty Apple snacks. They're really good. Also, thanks to our patrons

as always, and just thanks for watching in general. We'll see you next time.

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