Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 22 2018

Hello and welcome guys ! Here i come with a new reaction video

Some of you suggested me to react to

Daryl Ong

I'm going to react to Thinking Out Loud

So let's check it out ! Before starting...

Subscribe, like this video, comment down below what video should i react to

And let's get in to it

Incredible, i love Daryl's runs

They were fantastic

They flow as if it were water.

They sound incredible

Daryl's runs sound amazing

On the changes, you can hear them perfectly

His voice, incredible

He looks young here. This video came up 3 years ago

I don't know how old is he now

Cool ! The black and white filter

Was beautiful


Impressive, i loved it, i loved it

I'll try to sing this with his runs

My god...

For more infomation >> Ryan Reacts - Daryl Ong - Thinking Out Loud (Cover) | REACTION | - Duration: 5:48.


Mujeres Bonitas: Las 30 Mujeres Más Bonitas Del Mundo 2019 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Mujeres Bonitas: Las 30 Mujeres Más Bonitas Del Mundo 2019 - Duration: 2:31.


Voilà pourquoi vous devriez toujours envelopper les clés de votre voiture dans du papier aluminium - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Voilà pourquoi vous devriez toujours envelopper les clés de votre voiture dans du papier aluminium - Duration: 4:33.


'Thần dược' tốt hơn cả sâm Tối ngủ ăn củ cải, sáng dậy ăn gừng - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 'Thần dược' tốt hơn cả sâm Tối ngủ ăn củ cải, sáng dậy ăn gừng - Duration: 3:40.


Tips on How You Can Avoid the Flu (KNWA) - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Tips on How You Can Avoid the Flu (KNWA) - Duration: 0:27.


La esencia de la generosidad - Mingyur Rinpoche (sub. esp.) - Duration: 3:18.

La esencia de la generosidad

La esencia de la generosidad es la mente que suelta.

¿Y qué es la mente que suelta?

Es dejar ir el apego, el aferrarse.

Normalmente tenemos...

...una mente que está muy tensa,

y frecuentemente se relaciona con el aferrarse al ego, el egoísmo.

Así, si no sueltas esto,

incluso si actúas con generosidad y parece que estás ayudando a otros,

de hecho, estarás basándolo en tu interés personal.

Quizás, es mejor que nada,

pero luego, una vez que has actuado con generosidad,

que has ayudado a alguien, y que desde ahí consigues poder...

...dinero, fama, o lo que sea,

entonces, al final, esto lo convertirás en algo negativo.

Utilizarás esto como un reforzador del ego...

...y eventualmente,

esto lastimará a los demás y a ti mismo.

Así que estas cosas no cuentan como generosidad.

Cuando miramos en la historia del mundo,

al principio...

...varios dictadores comenzaron haciendo cosas buenas,

había mucha generosidad.

Pero debido a que no se enfocaron en la mente que suelta,

después de un tiempo, el ego vino...

...y todo eso fue atrapado por el ego,

y se volvió un gran problema.

Fue un problema para él, o para ella...

...y para los demás, para el mundo.

Por lo tanto, es realmente importante...

...enfocarse en la mente que suelta,

y a través de esto cualquier acción,

cualquier cosa que hagas se vuelve parte de la generosidad.

Claro, lo material...

Normalmente decimos que hay 4 tipos distintos de generosidad:

La generosidad material,

y también dar protección,

el amor y bondad,

y la generosidad espiritual...

–cualquier forma de ayuda,

incluso con una idea–.

Entonces, de nuestra parte, con nuestras acciones...

...tratamos de hacer lo mejor para ayudar a nuestros amigos,

familia, colegas, la sociedad y el mundo.

Y al mismo tiempo, nuestra mente no está presionada con el resultado.

Lo más importante es tu corazón:

«La mente que suelta».

Así que esta es la esencia de la generosidad,

y cualquier acto que venga de la mente que suelta...

...será de mucho beneficio.

Y te beneficiará a ti y a los demás, y también al mundo.

Subtítulos: Equipo Tergar en español

For more infomation >> La esencia de la generosidad - Mingyur Rinpoche (sub. esp.) - Duration: 3:18.


545. Плетение Браслета «Кобра» из кожаного шнура. Видео - инструкция ПЛЕТЕНИЯ МОДНОГО БРАСЛЕТА детям - Duration: 27:49.

For more infomation >> 545. Плетение Браслета «Кобра» из кожаного шнура. Видео - инструкция ПЛЕТЕНИЯ МОДНОГО БРАСЛЕТА детям - Duration: 27:49.



For more infomation >> SOI CẦU XSMB 22/12/2018 - SIÊU ĐẠI THẮNG LÔ 37- SOI CẦU MIỀN BẮC - SOI CẦU XỔ SỐ HÔM NAY - Duration: 2:33.


Josh y sus zapatos - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Josh y sus zapatos - Duration: 0:39.


ENTER THE GUNGEON LET'S PLAY Gameplay [Ep39] Marine gungeon tips for gungeon speedrun steam 🐲 🍑 🍓 - Duration: 47:30.

Hello welcome to our to the gungeon we are the marine we've got a fresh run here

We our current objective is to try and unlock the shortcuts, we will see how useful they are or not but

We won't know how useful they are until we have them once we have them unlocked we never have to deal with that stuff again

So, we might as, well just get it out of the way while we're still

Trying to gain more experience in the game anyway

we've been doing ok runs, but, we have not yet gotten to the dragon I

Think that's how you say it right drag gun

We've got a whole bunch of rooms here

We've got a brown chest that

Is full of sadness


Hate because who wants to open a brown chest

if we get a whole bunch of keys, we probably will open it I

have gotten good stuff from Brown chests but

Sometimes it just I don't know we're gonna save our key for a better chest for now

Ok hi loads of these burrows oh

We've got a key all right we're probably gonna open that chest oh

My gosh there's a little that's locked with all like a key let's open it now. I think we're gonna be okay

We've got a Molotov oh

that's bad

Well I

Don't really even need the ammo drop I think we just got the mold table and like I

Don't even know what else is in there that was pretty bad I was hopeful but I

Now we got this we get the M 1 we get the M 1 got the M 1 what else I?

think that's it um I don't think we're gonna go down to the

Sewer since we opened up our own chests I think that would not

Make sense I don't know why they're gonna lock the door but

Doesn't make sense to me either

I'm not sure if there's like a way

Through that or anything, well we got tomorrow

Daddy's here

This is OK it's probably a bit better than the crossbow

I'm not its I'm not sure if it's actually better than our actual sidearm where we're absolutely going to pick up a key

the triple crossbow in the med kit I just

don't see a need for

Especially since we already have a primary I should probably try and use the bolt table I think you can reuse it over and over

This is the thing the convict has I think

Yeah it's kind of a waste

Maybe it'll help us with the boss we've got a locked hallway there

Probably don't want to go down there unless I mean if there was someone we could find out that it was amazing nuts

amazing this in there

My multi, I'm still not recharged, which is just kind of a waste I

Think that's the floor I I'm really curious as to what's in this room

Why I want to go you've got to be freaking kidding me oh

My gosh this is bad well we're not going to do that again

Here we go, oh my gosh

That was so terrible

Alright what after all this heartache what did we get?

Slows down time during explosions and creases dodge power during explosions I

Was such a waste if I knew that was back there I would have never done that

All right well unfortunately I think this is how things got to be we've got Gatling gold I

Feel like this slips terrible run

I'm pretty confident we can beat Gatling gold not a hunter present but I

kind of want to lose to got a Lingle just because this run is so awful, we're gonna go down to the next floor and

Check things out see what is see well if we perfect the boss

You can talk to elevator man

Wait so if it's on our explosion time doesn't slow down I don't get it doesn't make any sense

Over there over there


My gosh no well I don't think we're gonna be able to talk to a later man this time then

Why is this so bad all right well the m1 is only, okay?

You get a key which is good we get a heart container, which is good we get angry bullets

What did these do

Hitting an enemy has a chance to refire the crew

Okay um this was a total garbage floor I

Did not like the way that this floor was generated we got a bad start?

Let's go talk to elevator man


Think that's the only thing he wants that's really sad we will try and get that to him next run

Come on dude oh man

Alright well we'll save that for later

There's a strange room this way. Oh no

Man that one's like terrible like my starting pickles better

Why this is so horrible? I'm playing the worst I really like Angry bullets though I feel like it's really really good

Empty well

Things are not really going well before this run, but that's ok, we're gonna do our best with what we have

Wow let's load down time a lot that's pretty good we want that hardback

Absolutely ammo belt

Kiwi wants ammo belt I will take if I get enough cash we would have had enough if it wasn't for that stupid

stupid thing how we drop

Guns is it down

All right let's drop it I


Ma'am one, was not better than our starting weapon so I definitely feel a reason to carry it around

Maybe I'm wrong maybe there is some hidden amazing

Property vm1 that makes it better than the starting pistol but I don't understand

But I just really, was not impressed with it and we? Took so much damage against the boss

Doesn't seem to be a mimic

We have the alien engine I

Have no idea, what this does this is a beam weapon?

Whoa okay, we can't use that for everything we are in big trouble here. Oh

Man this is freaking terrible


My gosh

Well I think the alien engine is pretty hard to use with a controller

Although it does amazing damage it reloads I

Don't know it's pretty good though seems to do good damage and has decent range considering I

Don't know that the angry bullets do anything for it though it doesn't seem like they do

Wait wait okay what is the range of this?

Uh it does really good damage all right time slow oh

No oh that was the wrong weapon for that, job, we?

shot at a grenade and it

Destroyed us

We are not done I'm gonna keep going but if you're out don't forget to subscribe

I'm gonna keep going but if this is the end of your

Video watching just subscribe to the channel for you go so you can come back later we're gonna quickly start

It was really bad we're gonna do our best to

Make things turn out better I

Think that the Marine is the best character here I

Am not surprised that that run ended I am surprised that it ended there in that way

But I guess that's just the magic event of the gungeon

What have we got here we got some fat things?

We've got a whole lot more stuff over here this is pretty interesting we really need some items

The the basic stuff is not enough to carry us through and lo and behold we have a chest

It's low tier. Oh and it's a mimic

That was really bad it ate Mikey, huh, well that was dad

I was not watching close enough we got the trick gun that's okay, but, we could have had it without a key

Apparently I need to watch the chest starter

This one we don't have a key for it it does not appear to be a mimic or a bomb. Oh

Saudis you have to get a little bit too close I could have played that better we were just gonna old

You know all we really need is to UM flawless. Ah

They only do that like seriously


Are you a minute?

No we need more keys we definitely wasted a key on the mimic that was a mistake

Let me go dude

All right we got to keep from that that's good

We're gonna go south here got another room lots of frozen in oh

Hi that was terrifying?

Empty room for no reason and there's that over there

Sunglasses were actually kind of annoying I'm sure that they're good if you know how to use them but they

Did not seem use already lost run

All right let's go this way

You've got a big chest we absolutely want it it is a heart

that's pretty good to be honest I don't submit mundane but

He's absolutely the kind of thing we're looking for

Those extra heart containers absolutely will help carry us. We're gonna go check out the shop he's got to have a key

got two keys I want both of them metronome I don't like the metronome

It feels like the damage buff of the mesh room is pretty minor and it's pretty restrictive in your play style

if we get the cash for it and the other key I will

pick it up of course

Well we're gonna get the key first I don't know maybe I'll get the metronome I didn't even remember how much the mushroom cost

do we even want to go down to this floor probably not

But we're here where are we going now

We've got some keys, we've got a secret room

How much is it metronome it's like 60 there's no way, we don't have enough for the extra key we're gonna pop open

This blue chest be the multi launcher that's I

Mean it might be useful against the boss

Now this chest could be really good but we do not have a key

So, we are gonna battle the boss and if we get any cash at all we're gonna

run right back to the shop get a key and

Pop that thing open just see if there's something good in there and

then hopefully, we would be able to

Flawless this boss you know that doesn't happen regularly but we're gonna give it our best try I'm gonna focus here for a second




Away I

Need this like a lot

Dude like come the heck on this is terrible

Oh-oh-oh we did it alright alright oh boy

You get the master round we get

The trash

Cannon you know this is an interesting run. I suppose

what do we want now we want to head on back to the shop

Grab that key you find out what's in that chest

Right over here I think we got everything from the boss chamber, oh

No I

I despise this two key crossbow, we will sell that if we find the sell creep

the sticky crossbow is bad it's

probably a little bit better on the

Marine because of his increased reload speed but it's pretty terrible

It does some little damage and the reloading to make them gun a mechanic is just sewing wing

that burn you

how good

That light you on fire oh it doesn't explode under you


Maybe the truck in what about I better take it we got through that room

this is going to be quite dangerous with the weapons but

You know I'm thinking that we're going to go trash cannon and then trick gun I think both


Those other two weapons are just doing some water we're gonna go this way oh

My gosh

Did I forget to visit elevator, man let's go get back and do that I guess I forgot I

Didn't mean to forget but I did let's go back and talk about loving her man or we can just go this way

No oh my gosh leave me alone

This is such a mess

And there's spikes in the center of the room - that's great I didn't see those

All right let's go back the elevator man give him that thing I almost forgot, but let's not forget


Well that's good you know

I'm not sure if we want to start using the shortcut right away, I think it's free but, I'm not totally sure

Let's not use it just yet let's see

What exactly he wants in the next although we'll probably be able to talk to him

Probably be able to talk to him in this run if we don't you know get rekt let's go talk to the shop

We got silver bullets that's good we want that?

We want it so much, we? Might even get that instead of the key no cell creep oh

My gosh that's a pit and an empty room


That's poison

Dude ready

Here we go


No why am I using that one

This is going badly

We got a shield

armor I guess

At the gun one sure I don't like the gun watcher I think it's I'd rather use the soul creak

Let's go this way

This way I

Was pretty good we?

What's her trashcan at

Sticking for the mold table launcher

the trick guns okay, but it's kind of boring and I

If we run out I can just go back to the marine side arm that's pretty cool

Heard that there is mimic statues but I guess those haven't oh, no it's time. Oh

Hi I didn't play that room well that's okay?


Do those things you're on a freakin time where it's like I don't have the key for that man you'll see me do

And I should have stayed back when I shot it but

We got a bonus boss

We absolutely want the bonus loss

We're probably gonna get rekt here. I don't like this whole situation but I don't see I mean

We don't have any other chests to open we don't have any rooms to go to we're just gonna go

Challenge this boss

I don't know that I can like him on fire he's over a pit

Yeah well done all right let's use

The sticky crossbow and let your gun oh my gosh

Okay I have to do it okay huh nothing that would just go away on their own this is bad all right well

that was terrible I

really do not like that I want to play a little bit more let's go if

You're out this is your end please subscribe to my channel for you go we got more Gunjan on the channel we return to breach


Check out the elevator man

See what starting on floor two was like see. What the elevator man's elevator man wants for floor three, let's go in here

You're here thank you for helping the elevator and saying see if it, works let's listen out use the floor plan teletype blah, blah blah

Chamber -

Okay I

Heard you get a free weapon?

from the resourceful right really why you look funny buddy

Alien sidearm maybe now sir regular shotgun

Well I

Let's see how it does I

Don't want to go this way there's no other way to go bringing kidding me why why oh no oh


This is such a bad room

This is such a bad room seriously imagine getting this in like a speedrun. I mean speedrunners are like super humans in a way so

but still in here


So there's like a magician or something around here

Please spare me like seriously

The worst hello?

Where's the magician I

would have been so much easier to find him first

this is not as good of a weapon as I thought I

Know taking the shortcut seems crazy but it'll give us. Some experience with some later bosses and it might help us get to the

unlock the other shortcuts faster I don't really think it's I

Don't know I wouldn't expect it to be good long term but there's no reason not to take a shortcut, some Titans I

mean you think

if we can prove that the shortcuts are actually like

These the thing is that we don't have as good a chance all right look here's the thing about shortcuts

We do not have as good a chance of beating the entire game

as if

we had to play through those earlier floors however

However what are you?



Starting from a shortcut means that we do not have to invest, we do not have to invest the time from the earlier floors

So even though our chances are worse

We're starting farther so we can give the later floors and more attempts more rapidly

If that makes any sense so I feel that they're worth doing

at the end at the end

Let's try the shortcut one more time in this video. I think in the beginning of every video we're not gonna take a shortcut

Where do you a quick restart? I suppose you could just continually reroll just to get better guns but

Really it no no no we're gonna return to breach I don't want those same guns again

Wow this is a lot of transition is there something in there hello I

Wish that quick restart would give you different guns I

Guess we aren't gonna quick restart unless we really liked our gun that we got

since the same every time you have to like restart the whole game the

Indian sidearm was bad alright well

Is this the convicts thing. No hanukkah's was awful guess the shot is okay

Maybe you have to restart the whole game for that there would be different I thought it was supposed to random

We're gonna take this to the refs gonna get it if we don't

At the beginning of every video we're not going to take a shortcut and the shortcuts are only going to be for

Once we're later on in a video I

Don't know that makes any sense

It'll be fine

I'm also interested in the boss rush but it does take a gem accredits which we don't?

Have a lot of at this point I've been spending them on stuff

My ghost man we get a key

That's pretty decent let's go this way I wonder if the guns

are never randomized

Maybe they're never randomized let's see, well next time I'm not gonna reboot the game in this video


next video once we've repointed the game

We will see if the guns are forever the same on each floor and how that whole thing works

Let's go I really, wish there was a teleporter over there

Let's go this way oh it's the key come here

Well this Shawnee seems to be better than the five-mile pistol. Oh no really

Okay well

We want to go this way

The Huntsman car perambulate blank we and the husband's not cursed because I don't know that's fine we're gonna go this way

Last time I saw the Huntsman it was cursed but I guess that was just a vendor I

Why am I breaking pots I don't know what's over here it's a new room you got a sniper we got a bat

fun no sniper

This Shani is really good it is the gift that keeps on giving I

Guess we'll save that for later, we are gonna go north here and apparently all the way around. Oh

hi, oh


All that did not work I think I just took contact damage there which is quite embarrassing

We are gonna pop this open it does not appear to be a mimic

it is the laser rifle

That's pretty good I really feel if the Marine is a strong character and that could make the short cuts a little bit more viable

we're gonna go

Not the whole floor


Where this is not right?

We're gonna go to the shop there's probably more stuff by the shop I think that's what it is there we go

Yeah thanks bud key thirty don't have that devolver 54 don't have I

don't really want the devolver one two key


We get an ammo drop

We I don't think it mattered which one need to go forward with our animal supply

We're gonna go left. I suppose on to the boss we're gonna go right we want to see what's over there

Just this way we've got a

Green chest it does not appear to be a mimic let's pop it open

it's the feather so we can fly that's pretty good considering how freeing terrible I am

I really hope the wax wings can't burn off

All right we've been getting so much ammo


Okay movement feels really weird with us on is this a fracture character movement cuz it feels like it

That would be really weird if you got the same three

Weapons every time you took a shortcut like it. Wasn't random at all I

Mean, that's kind of the fun of Gunjan is the readiness

Well it's the bull holster I don't think we're gonna get the flawless here just because you don't have remaining stuff

We have done a lot of runs, where we come out of Thor one with almost nothing go so

Just because of the game's orangey and it's so bad sometimes so you

Know it could be so much worse

Like hang out over here if we want to

Oh I play bad we get we're not gonna get the flawless

Hi that's with our roles like I really am getting all the curious it feels funny

Why would you?

Hold on all

Right we probably should've use our blanks there I always forget about the blanks it's definitely a flaw but maybe tonight

Seriously you do you do contact damage?

why that is the worst one

Silver bullets that's, okay?

Let's see what elevator man wants

What all right I think I think we're done with the floor I can't think of anything else we want let's let's mess with the

shop again real fast

we'll get the key I

Think we've got everything on the floor for real now this time we're gonna go

We want to go down and talk to our bro here the elevator man

Three armored you are crazy or we have to please a robot for this

You don't even have a robot I don't know that we can get the robot right now with our current skill level free armor

Well these shortcuts might just be impossible then

Three I

Don't know that I've ever had three hours playing this game yet

Man team is something else

he's not one of those games you can just pop it in your

your console or your PC I guess you don't pop games into your PC I

Did it all so you wouldn't pop in your console either this is not one of those games you can just get and be like

Oh, I'm just gonna play for 10 or 15 hours what I'm good?

like now gungeon wants one so much more

Gaming hard

Three armor

Armors not even that common in this game

How are you?

Gonna get three armor and enter the gungeon

Unless you have some crazy items you need is that what they want can you want you to some crazy items energy I like it

Like you can't unlock the second shortcut unless you get a crazy are regenerating items

Like if I the marine starts with one but then you need two more and never get hit ever I

Wonder if you can give them to a one in time

We'd still have to get one I mean even having one armor for any length of time is difficult for me

All right let's call down our ammo drop

That's crazy three armor

That's we can give them to one at a time but I suspect that we want to be able to I

Mean he's like no cuz we've I don't think you

Wow what happened there I don't understand I

don't think he's gonna want the armor one at a time I

Think he's gonna want them all together



That's really sad I really wanted to work on their short cuts but, I guess the name doesn't really water food

Three armor is crazy

especially if you have to give them to them all at once

I'm sure that there's a dragon pros out there who might be watching who would be like it's so easy

because people say that for everything I

I do

Well we're gonna see how not easy it. Is cuz I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna talk to you later man

Probably won't talk to him every single time cuz we'll just remember I

Will make sure to talk to him if I have three armor let's pop this open I

suppose we can get three armor in the middle of this floor

Fator equals stronger I

Guess we could get all three armor in the middle and we can go to the shop see if we have

If we can keep the one that we start with which is not gonna happen

Get one of the drops and then buy one from the shop we could do it that way

maybe oh

It's a Keith

How did we get hit there I rolled I

Was garbage, I think my roll turned into a table slide which like suddenly stopped protecting me?

Which makes no sense to me?

We're gonna go talk to the shop how much armor do you bud one piece of armor is 35

Well since we don't even have one piece we're just gonna get the key for now

If we get a bunch of cash and some other armor, we might buy that and go back to the guy I

Think that is definitely what we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to

Try and get lucky with drops and items and then buy the last one from the shop

It's still gonna be difficult

All right

We're gonna keep exploring that's the boss we're you're not gonna go that way anymore we're gonna go this way over here

My controllers got real squeaky I

would like to replace it but

You know need money from this thing


Key door but it's his map man in there I

guess ooh

Ooh all right that's good, we?

can we do this if

We can get one armor somewhere else anywhere else we can come here get this armor and then go to the shop

Maybe map man it's gonna be the answer here. Ah

Let's go over here

We got the arcane gunpowder it's not? I don't think this is gonna benefit us at all but we did get it

So we want to explore the rest of the floor and go to map man

It's good this way

so if Mad Men gives us some armor we could do it I

Know that that's not the only requirement to get to the thing

Okay so if we get armor from this chest and then we go to Matt man is this the whole floor

We have to battle the boss all right let's I don't know what this is let's pop this open

We'll get another key and the flare gun

Now we're going to talk to Matt man

Get the alien engine no Armour

It's okay if we get armor if we beat the boss if we beat the boss and we get armor from the boss?

That's 35 we can do that

If the boss gives us armor we? Can make it work if it. Doesn't then it's just not gonna happen

We've been playing for quite a while that's okay, we've got the mind player he's quite the Tuffy I

Wonder if our flare gun would be better here hi nope

Hi I'll like this


Not only lights on fire one of them huh oh

Come on what's going on I

Can't see him

This is worse oh

Come on

Friggin butts we were so close

We had a strategy if we could have beaten the box and gotten an armor drop from the boss we would have had that requirement

Hey, this is gonna be the end of the video please subscribe to my youtube channel this is just a gudgeon channel

We've got lots more grunion videos so if you like enter the gungeon this is the right channel for you so please subscribe for more

Videos just like this one I'll see you in another video have a nice day and good bye

For more infomation >> ENTER THE GUNGEON LET'S PLAY Gameplay [Ep39] Marine gungeon tips for gungeon speedrun steam 🐲 🍑 🍓 - Duration: 47:30.


545. Плетение Браслета «Кобра» из кожаного шнура. Видео - инструкция ПЛЕТЕНИЯ МОДНОГО БРАСЛЕТА детям - Duration: 27:49.

For more infomation >> 545. Плетение Браслета «Кобра» из кожаного шнура. Видео - инструкция ПЛЕТЕНИЯ МОДНОГО БРАСЛЕТА детям - Duration: 27:49.


'I Used The Music To Help Me Get Free' ft. Mary J. Blige & Lena Waithe | The Shop | HBO - Duration: 1:23.

Mary, you were singing about woman empowerment

since your first album, and now women's empowerment

has become a big thing.

Yeah, I've been on it since I was a kid

because my mom and all the women in my neighborhood

where I grew up at, they were always being abused,

and you know, I've never seen a woman

ever treated right, other than my grandmother.

-MAVERICK CARTER: Wow. -MARY J. BLIGE: And I always say...

that I wanted to save them,

-I wanted to help them -MAVERICK: Mm-hmm.

because I couldn't take how they were being treated.

So, I was on the women's empowerment

since I was a child because--

MAVERICK: So, you were using the music, like, to help them.

MARY: I was using the music to help me

because what happened is when you grow up

in an environment like that, you become that environment.

So, I became that abused woman, when I became a woman.

I became that woman when I wasn't treated right

and that woman that didn't treat myself right.

So, I used the music to help me get free,

and as I was helping myself get free

-during the My Life album... -You freed the country.

...five million, four million people was like,

-"Girl, me too, me too." -MAVERICK: More than that.

You freed--yeah, you freed a lot of people.

And--and here we are right now, still freeing 'em, you know?

-MAVERICK: Exactly. -Yeah. So...

And it takes a long time to get out of that,

but you know, you know, we gettin' through it.

-ALL: Yeah. -As women, we're empowered.

For more infomation >> 'I Used The Music To Help Me Get Free' ft. Mary J. Blige & Lena Waithe | The Shop | HBO - Duration: 1:23.


Tastebud Trickery I Scijinks - Duration: 11:30.

I'm guessing from all the fruit, the next prank involves fruit?

Yeah, you know what they say, when life gives you lemons...

You experiment on unsuspecting strangers.

And, when it comes to honest reactions, there is no better control subjects than these little


Take a look.

What do you think?

Pretty good?

Will you try some more?

Try the lemon.

Not good?

Wait, did she try to eat a lemon?


She reaches for it.

Oh my god!

Are you okay sweet thing?

Those babies would never believe it, but we found another fruit that makes lemons taste

like candy.

So, can we get a volunteer?

Jason, do you want to pick?

Ahh, right there.

Oh yeah, okay.

Come join me here.

She's just waving at me like "Hi, Jason, how's it going?"

So, what you're going to do is start with a lemon, have a berry and then another lemon.

Each time what we're going to have you do is take a really big bite of it, hold it in

your mouth, really savor the taste.

cos then afterwards you're going to report back.

You know, it's kind of a testing thing.

Sure, okay.

Okay, you ready?

Just down the line.



I'm ready.

Number one.

Oh my god.

How was that?

Really sour.

Would you like to try it again?

No, it's okay.

So, now the berry's going to have a pit in it.

So, you're going to want to actually just chew this one for a good while.

Make sure you get the pit out but don't swallow right away.

Really try to figure out the taste of that one.

What's it taste like?

This is really good.

I can't even like describe it.

Just tastes kinda like a little smoothie.

I think, I don't know.

And, oh yeah...


Our little friend.

Oh yes, that tastes really good now.

Tastes really good, yeah.

So, you said this one, this one's sour, what does that one taste like?

This one tastes kinda like the berry.

It tastes really sweet, like we put a lot of sugar in it.

Really sweet?

It's actually the same lemon that you started with.




The scientific name is Synsepalum dulcificum.

But in English we call it the Miracle Berry.

So, the berry actually contains a protein called miraculin.

Yes, that is a real word.

Um, it binds to your tongues receptor cells, so that anytime you take in something that's

sour, it actually will change it so that it tastes sweet.

Okay, cool.

Wow, and so tiny.

It does all that...

And, it lasts forever by the way.

That's permanent.

And for this next prank, we use those berries to make people feel like they're losing their


Oh, come on dude.

That's funny.

Take a look at this.

We set up our hidden cameras at a focus group.

Tamara's leading a discussion on a lemon that has supposedly been genetically modified to

taste sweet.

But, in reality these are the sourest lemons we could find.

Our unsuspecting volunteer, Claudia, absolutely hates the sour citrus.

It tastes like a lemon.

A sour, nasty lemon.

And, she has no idea that she's being set up.

Everyone else in the focus group, including Jason, has eaten the special berry that makes

anything that's normally sour taste like candy.

That is sweet.

This experiment is some Tastebud Trickery.

So, I want to welcome everyone today to Base Inc.

Thank you for joining our focus group.

I want to start by asking you all about the lemons on the table.

How do you feel a lemon taste?

One word description.



It's too sour for me.




I hate lemons.


Okay, now we're going to taste the lemons.

And, I'm going to be starting with Tony.

That is sweet.


Yeah, it's like not at all what you expect.

And, Rose.

Um, sweet.

And, Julie.

It's, it's very sweet.




Okay, and Jackie.

Um, Uhum.


It tastes like candy.

And, Claudia.



Ooh, it's sour.



No sweetness at all?

Absolutely not.

And, Jason?


I'm totally in, yeah.

No hints of sour?



Well, what we're doing here is we are actually working on a new version of lemons that will

have a naturally inherent sweetness.

Since Claudia's still tasting sour, we're going to do this again after I submit this


This is sour.

I don't understand how you guys are tasting sweet?

It's like startling sweet.

It's bizarrely sweet.

Like I, I expect sour.

Why do I get the sour one?

We didn't touch it.

Taste test number two.

Again, you'll all be getting slices from the same lemon.

This time we're going to be starting with Julie.

Better be sour.

Yeah, sweet.


Okay, and Jason.

Umm, that was good.

Uh, sweet or sour?

That's sweet.

On a scale of one to ten?

Uh, ten.

Claudia, why don't you give this one a try?


And, can you go ahead and take a bite.

Remember to squeeze it and hold it in for three seconds.





On a scale of one to ten?



Are you getting any sweet notes at all?


It's... a lemon.

Claudia, I know you're puckering up.

But, you could smile cause you're on TV.


You're lying.

Everyone else in the room has actually hacked their tongue.

So, their tongues cannot perceive sour.

I was getting so mad.

Like, how are you guys tasting anything.

That's sweet.

So mad.

So, everyone at the table had one of those miracle berries.


Except for the person we pranked.

Yeah, we wanted to make sure everyone's reactions were genuine when they had the sweet lemon,

so the victim would really think that they were going crazy.

I just would have lied, and said that's the sweetest thing I've every tasted you know?

Actually, that happened too.

Yeah, we tried this prank on some other unsuspecting volunteers.

They were all given very sour lemons too, but once everyone else said they were sweet...

That's a good lemon right there yo.

It's more sweet.

Mine is sweet.

Convince me quicker.

This lemons might be like bonified, or something.

Yeah, the power of suggestion is a very real thing.

Yeah, when, when I bit into it, it, it, wasn't, it, I didn't pucker up, nothing.

And apparently, good for the imagination.

I eat lemons all... day yo.

I don't know. I think I've got weird taste buds, or whatever.

It kinda almost smells similar to a rock orange, before it's ready to be eaten.

And, as much as everything in this experiment, it kinda became a little bit, a lesson in

group psychology.

Like, would you agree or disagree if everybody in the room was tasting one thing or another?

I don't think that one woman was capable of lying though.

I think that she definitely had...

She had a very scarring experience with lemons at some point in life.

These elaborate, complicated pranks are awesome.

But, take a look at some cool science we found out they're on the Web.

These are just regular mylar balloons.

And, that's just a regular power line.

Whooo, good lord.

Because mylar balloons have a metallic coating they conduct electricity.

And, when they make contact with power lines...

...they can turn any party into a Blast.

But, please, do not try this at home.

One thing about working on a prank show is that you cannot trust anyone.

Just walking around here makes me nervous.

Here's a taste of what can happen in the staff break room.

One of our Producers decided to have some fun with the Scijinks staff.

He rigged the trash can with an air cannon.

And, at the slightest touch it will launch a cup and half of flour right into the victim's face.

These unsuspecting colleagues have no idea that their break room is rigged for a break down.

Dan handles the budget.

That fifty cents of flour is coming out of someone's pay check.

Carlos helps edit the show.

But, he's not getting final cut on this one.

And, Rudy takes care of the entire building.


I think he's going to start delegating trash pick-up.

Oh man, I just cleaned the kitchen.

He he he, you're done, Jimmy.

Our next office prank takes place at the elevator.

We rigged an air horn with a motion sensor.

So, whether our colleagues are going up or down...

they are definitely going to be freaking out.

For more infomation >> Tastebud Trickery I Scijinks - Duration: 11:30.


이사가는 날... 고양이들이 진짜 난리가 났어요 - Duration: 12:13.

This is the last!

One, two, shoot!


Lala won! (Laugh)

Awww, poor baby. You feel it is unfair.

Your face also,



One, two.

Let's go, let's go!

You, bad boy!


Your mommy..! (Laugh)

Oh gosh!

Don't bite me, such a foolish baby!


I will eat you all if you keep doing it!


I said don't... (Laugh)

Mommy told you to keep this, not..



I'm going to put this away, bad boy.

Play with this, this!

Here! Yes!





Oh gosh..


Oh my gosh..


I'm going to put a frog hat on your head if you keep doing it!

Here! Put it on and play with it.



One, two!

I'm done after this.


One, two~

Lulu, it was good with Chairman Momo, but

you also look good with it.



Guess what it is!

Something that Lulu loves,


Do you remember that you rode a train?

Train is now leaving.

Please keep yourself sat, please keep yourself sat.

Now, door's closing.

Train is leaving 'the Dark Valley' station.


Oh! It's moving!

Lulu, how about this? Doggy!

Bark! Bark!

Do you remind of old days when you smell?

Bark, bark!

After seeing this doggy,

DD punched TT back then. Oh gosh..

This girl is really serious. (Laugh)

You got some wrinkles on the nose, huh?

Did you lick it?


Mary.. (Laugh)

Mary smells? (Laugh)



D...DD, TT said you smell bad.


She said you... you smell bad...(Laugh)




She said you'd better take a shower.

Hey, kitty. What are you doing? Why are you biting?

This doggy will move with us.

Do you know that we move?

You are going to move to a new home with mommy.



Are you watching mommy working over there?


This is a doggy.

A toy.

A frog toy.

Lulu: Meow~

Huh? What's wrong, baby?


Mommy only works, so you must feel bored.

Stay there! Mommy has to finish this.

What if you guys are surprised and said 'who are you?' tomorrow

when moving men come, what should I do then? (Laugh)


Keep away, please!

Hey! DD!

Oh gosh..

Good! Just like that!


One, two!



Got surprised, little kitty?


Phew.. I should take this also. (Music Box Song)

And, exclude this..

and this.. and this..



How could you disturb your mommy when I work?

Take this..and..

Hey! Don't do that!

Happy? In there?

You're having fun with making troubles while mommy's working?

Oh gosh.. DD. Don't do that.

No..hey! Kitty?

You should help your mommy not disturb.

Why are you bothering your mommy right there?


DD, are you interested in here?


My baby girl TT's friend!


The tiger my baby TT slapped.

TT! Here's the tiger!

You slapped this tiger.

Are you not going to do that again?


Lulu run away, but TT became brave and..



Lulu, come here to have snack! Here~

Oh, a tiger is here.

It's okay. Here! Awww, you just smacked your lips.

Good! Brave!

Come here! Come here.

Come here~ Come!


You came a long way a bit, this time. (Laugh)

Turned a little further?


This.. Mommy has to disassemble this.

Are you going to stay here?

What can we do? Mommy's started to disassemble it.

DD, do you like it?

Mommy tried hard to assemble this. You enjoyed it, didn't you?


Let's go!

Kitty, this way!


Kitty, this way!

Come here to have snack!

On the way to find a place to sleep.

Look around some more, baby.

One, two.

Mommy has.. long arms!



More power!


Oh! Mommy's YouTube Play Button!

I will pack this well and take it safely.

Toilet paper!


DD, do you remember this?

You jumped over

this giant ice tower.


Oh, it looks delicious!

(Laugh) Why do you try your head first?

Okay! DD!


(Shooting gun toy)



What's happening, DD. Do you think there are so many fun things here?

(Door open)

If you haven't swallowed plastic bags,

mommy would be easy to pack.


Bathtub that has memories of DD and mommy!


DD: Meow~

DD: Meow~


DD: Meow~

It's okay.


DD: Meow~

Do you like it?

There.. there is something.. (Laugh)

Lala: Meow~

Lala: Meow!


Was it scary?

Oh gosh..

Momo: Meow~


Are you staring at me?

Now we have some clean water, baby. It is okay.

TT: Me~ow.

DD came to ask if you are okay, TT.

TT: Me~ow. DD came to see if TT is okay.

Oh, who made a sound like..


It's almost done.

TT, awww, you're looking down to mommy up there.

But mommy has to clean up there.


Mommy has to..

disassemble this bed and throw it away.


Do you like this bed?

What can I do?

There are so many our memories about this bed, but

mommy has to throw this away today.

With mommy..

you took the elevator..

and had a hiding place.



Hey! No!

It is enough with Chairman Momo.

Oh gosh. I can't believe it.

How did you come up to here, my baby?


Hey.. well..

Another cat on an impact point!

Sir, I'm going to pleased if you step aside.

Please stand aside from the impact point.

Let's see what my babies are doing.


Oh, I can't believe, kitties.

Is it a belly?


What is that face?

Dr. Coco!


Yes, we had.

Mommy will play with you with other things.

After putting away this,

This is dangerous not stable.

Mommy had this only an year,

but probably I should reassemble this.

One, two!

Oh, your nose is so cute.

It is wet.

After moving,

I will put some tall furniture so that you can play up there.

Honestly, I cannot do right after...(Laugh)

Someday soon..


One, two!


This is a piece of cake for mommy!


It is amazing!


Bye, my bunker bed.



I chose wrong major.


I just slightly touched but broken. DD..

DD, say good bye to

the ladder that you always climb.

One two! (Thump)



If mommy doesn't have Bosch (Electric drill),

I might not able to survive in this world.

So complicated.

I should have bought bigger Bosch (Electric drill).


Ouch. Kitty.

Do you want to help your mommy?

Come and help me out.

(Camera move)



Let's lift from that side.


I'm sorry.


(Snack Drop)


Lala won! (Laugh)

Awww. You feel unfair!

For more infomation >> 이사가는 날... 고양이들이 진짜 난리가 났어요 - Duration: 12:13.


An Indian Hitchhiking in Turkey : Tekirdag to Gallipoli - Duration: 17:41.

For more infomation >> An Indian Hitchhiking in Turkey : Tekirdag to Gallipoli - Duration: 17:41.


Deborah Allen - I've Been Wrong Before (Music City U.S.A.) - introduced by Ray Stevens - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Deborah Allen - I've Been Wrong Before (Music City U.S.A.) - introduced by Ray Stevens - Duration: 3:01.


Sylvia - I Never Quite Got Back From Loving You - (introduced by Debbie Reynolds) - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Sylvia - I Never Quite Got Back From Loving You - (introduced by Debbie Reynolds) - Duration: 4:01.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And as promised I got more boxes from Amazon today


so unboxing part 2 so if you miss the first one I will link it up there and

down in the description because the kids have apparently been really good this year

but these are all actually from my mom and dad they have been on travels so

they will not be visiting us for Christmas

so they just amazon all the kids stuff over here

I get to wrap it all yay me

so let's dive into these boxes

this one is actually for hubby Shhh he's upstairs

they don't make it easy to open

I'll just show you I won't tell you

he can hear me

put that right back in the box

all right let's see what's in here

oh ho

all right so this is a lap desk

so they can draw or do homework or whatever

while they're chilling on the couch or in their bed

I thought that was pretty cool let me get that out of the bag

whoo and it's soft right here okay so

here's the purple one for Emma and a black one for Quinn

it even has a little cubbies right here for like your pencils and stuff



how to draw 101 animals this is one of the drawing books that I mentioned in

my gift list for kids so

I think Emma would really like this because she loves

drawing and learning how to draw


the kids got new shoes

oh those are nice-looking look at that

Quin's favorite colors red and blue

those are nice

new shoes Emma

oh those are cute

oh I love these look at that

that's a cute pink I love it

oh she's gonna love them

alright last box already

oh we got another how to draw so these are all sea animals

oh my gosh, these banks are so cute

have you seen them like this one has a little kitty they like have little pandas or whatever

but they just they come out and they scoop your coins how cute

that one's for Emma

so this is for Quin this is a Switch remote charger

so he needs that I also mentioned this in my gift list so he's gonna love that because

it happens all the time that the other remotes are not

charged it up so they can't play the game they want

so that is perfect

Emma has been wanting a new cup like a metal one

so that her water stays cold

oh it's actually pretty tiny

actually perfect because she never she hardly drinks any water at all

so has a little straw stick right in there it's very cute color

and her drink should stay cold now

Quinton wanted a case for his Switch he wanted the

Splatoon one so we got that

he'll be excited for that because he does actually take it with him to like

doctor's appointments and stuff so that'll be nice

Emma has been really wanting to read the Harry Potter series

every now and then will go to library and check one out but they never have the next one

you know like it's always checked out so

went ahead and got her the whole set

look at that

pretty cool

so there is a few more things coming I think


I guess that'll just be a surprise for you guys on the Christmas Day video

look forward to that

so now I just need to get all these wrapped up I might

go upstairs to do it because the kids actually have a half day today so

I can't very well wrap them when they're home

so stay tuned and I'll get them wrapped up

alright guys all the presents are wrapped

like I said there's just a couple more coming

but I got it done and it looks amazing

yay I'm so excited for Christmas to be here the kids are so excited we're all very excited

I hope you have a blessed and fun-filled Christmas

we are definitely blessed over here

I am so excited to spend so much time with our family

be sure to stay tuned for our Christmas Day unwrapping

and opening of all of these wonderful gifts

and then I'll probably do like a haul afterwards

of everything else because we get to go to great grandma's house too

because there's a whole other side of the family

so Merry Christmas to everyone

thank you so much for watching

go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below

and I will see you next time



Great Expectations - The Marshes - Duration: 3:16.

Great Expectations from 1946, is of course a fairly abridged adaptation of the famous

Dickens novel – in a sentence, it follows Pip as he transforms from a young man of little

means, to quite a well-to-do, thanks to a mystery benefactor.

The film, like Paths Of Glory, shows that black and white photography need not be a

limitation, and that's broadly what I'm looking at today.

The film, as with Pip, begins in the marshes, and the marshes are essentially the aspect

I'm looking at today.

In the novel, Dickens extensively makes the marshes in Kent almost a character themselves,

and the film, directed David Lean, really does that setting justice.


The beginning of the film, which really sets up a great pace at the same time as establishing

the characters, has Pip threatened by an escaped convict, one of two, who tells the boy to

bring him some food.

Magwitch: Say 'heaven strike you dead' if you don't.

Pip: Heaven strike me dead if I don't.

Magwitch: Now you know what you promised, young man.

Get off home.

Pip: Good night sir.

Pip, because why not, steals some food from his sister's pantry, and gives it to the escapee,

and thus an important relationship is established.

But here, the moment I want to specifically look at, is when these convicts are re-captured.

Magwitch: Don't forget, I give him up to ya.

Don't forget that!

Compeyson: He tried... he tried to murder me!

Magwitch: Me tried to murder him?

I kept him from getting off these marshes.

I could have got clear, then I discovered he was here.

Narratively this is immediately captivating – what did this guy do that was so bad to

make the first convuct surrender his own freedom?

But really I think it's a notable sequence because of the way the location is dramatised.

Watching it, watching these soldiers fall into quagmires and these two men duke it out

in the mud, I feel like I know exactly what it would be like to be standing there with

the other observers.

The use of light and silhouette don't just look very nice, they are as important to setting

the film's early tone, as the action itself.

Tomorrow, I can hear you brain.

For more infomation >> Great Expectations - The Marshes - Duration: 3:16.


어벤져스 엔드게임에서 로키로 돌아오는 톰 히들스턴의 영국 상류층 발음 들어보기 (한글 ENG CC) - Duration: 3:12.

Loki di.ed as soon as he appeared in Avengers Infinity war.

I wanted to scream. Nooooooooo!

But he will be back in Avengers Endgame!

Yeah! I'm going to make a video about Tom Hiddleston.

Here you are.

When you listen to his voice while laying down in bed

his low voice makes you relaxed. I love it.

I love listening to his English.

He has really good education too.

He went to Eaton and Cambridge with Eddie Redmayne.

They are intelligent and charming!

And they use advanced vocabularies.

When Eddie Redmayne speaks

he sometimes mumbles.

I sometimes listen to his parts twice while making subtitles.

But Tom Hiddlestone pronounces words very clearly.

It's easy to listen.

He is 37 like me. When I listen to his interview

he has good ideas about life. I love it.

You could be rejected after a blind date

or a job interview. We get rejected many times.

When it happens

you feel so small

and you feel down.

Some people judge you in a short time

even though you lived your life longer than just a short time.

I lived my life for 37 years.

Can you figure out who I am with one video

which is only a few minutes long?

Probably not. But the reality is harsh.

Someone may judge that you are a bad person in a minute

and a loser in 5 minutes.

But no matter what other people think

if you think you're not, then you're not.

Don't listen to them.

They are not going to live your life for you. Your life is yours.

I'm Jinger.

If you video touched your heart

please support me to make quality videos

See you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> 어벤져스 엔드게임에서 로키로 돌아오는 톰 히들스턴의 영국 상류층 발음 들어보기 (한글 ENG CC) - Duration: 3:12.


En Dhaaham Neeye (Official Music Video) | Praise Generation | Breathe - Michael W. Smith (Cover) - Duration: 4:29.

Yeshuven shwaasamayi

Yeshuven shwaasamayi

Yeshuven shwaasamayi

Yeshuven shwaasamayi

Yeshuven shwaasamayi

Aa divya saanidhyam

Aa divya saanidhyam



Jeevante appamayi

Jeevante appamayi

aa divya vajanam

aa divya vajanam

aa divya vajanam






En dhaaham neeye



En sarvam neeye

En sarvam neeye

Yeshuven shwaasamayi

Yeshuven shwaasamayi

Aa divya saanidhyam



Jeevante appamayi

Jeevante appamayi

Aa divya vajanam

Aa divya vajanam





En dhaaham neeye


En sarvam neeye


En dhaaham neeye


En sarvam neeye

En dhaaham neeye

En sarvam neeye

En dhaaham neeye

En Sarvam neeye

For more infomation >> En Dhaaham Neeye (Official Music Video) | Praise Generation | Breathe - Michael W. Smith (Cover) - Duration: 4:29.


阿嬌婚禮現場照曝光,楊丞琳、陳妍希、張韶涵驚喜現身,個個美艷如花! - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 阿嬌婚禮現場照曝光,楊丞琳、陳妍希、張韶涵驚喜現身,個個美艷如花! - Duration: 5:02.


Catholic Charities helps to make children's holidays wishes come true - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Catholic Charities helps to make children's holidays wishes come true - Duration: 1:11.


SEX Or Shopping? What Do Beautiful Ukrainian And Russian Girls Want More? - Duration: 2:54.

Given a choice, what would you choose sex or shopping?

I don't even know

Our project is called What Girls Want

Can you answer us some questions?

Yes, of course

The first question

What do you want in life?

Oh, I want alot of things in life

And what do you want from your man?

I want my man

To be a protector

I want to feel protected behind his back

What is love to you?

Love means alot

It is support, bond, friendship

All of these combined together in one

What do you think is the secret to catching the man you want to marry?

A secret?

The secret is that girl has to stand out from other women

and have some unique personality

Man also expects something from his woman

Thank you

What are the main three qualities you look for in your man?

He's gotta be strong, intelligent and kind

What do you think are the main

Three qualities men look for when choosing a women as his wife?

Probably the most important is beauty

She should be able to cook

And she should know how to make her family nest cosy

Would you marry a foreigner?

Possibly yes

What about african-american?

It's possible. If I liked him, then yes

Do you think sex is one of the most important elements of a happy relationship?

I think yes

Given a choice what would you choose sex or shopping?

I don't even know

Can you easily get what you want from man?

Depends on the situation

There are some tricks

You use the one that applicable in that particular situation

Do you think men respect a woman that has sex on the first day?

I think no

But there are different men with different opinions

Will you do anything to satisfy your man in bed?

Most definitely

What is your sexual fantasy?

Can we skip this one?

What is the most extreme place you've ever has sex?

I never had sex in extreme places or situations

Thanks for your answers.

Have a good day. Bye

Good bye

For more infomation >> SEX Or Shopping? What Do Beautiful Ukrainian And Russian Girls Want More? - Duration: 2:54.


We LOSE (We did something wrong) - Duration: 9:29.

I am so tired

hey! What's good Good morning

This is my Youtube channel,

if you're new here my name is signwithgab

You guys are the SIGNERSwithGab

and I'm here to put a smile on your face

Put your Vlogbelt on so get ready for today


We are in our activity for filipino day

Who is this? why are you wear it

G: do you who know I am?

NO, People don't know who you are?

They always have pictures.

they are group girls.

By the way, I am bored, I don't know what am I doing

I am always in and out of school

I really want to go home

And just to rest more

What time we go home?

B: I think 12noon

Okay thank you man

We have challenge in the room for our filipino day

I am shock that you steal

T: I am not steal

He's nose is like a clown's

Anyway, I've go to photoshoot this afternoon with my bestfriend

I don't know what time

what are you doing man?

B: first good

B: Teacher asked me a trivia about president in history

B: first i asked to national language for filipino created by manuel l. Quezon

B: that is my fave subject

Is social studies

Congrats Man!

Now we are going to play for challenge



Filipino day,

it was really enjoying with them!


People who asked me questions

In the comment section, ill do that

Thank you for your suggestion.

I will do that on my next videos.

Thanks also for your support on my vlog

Ohh i use it my final cut pro


Yeah I am,

My father and a friend taught me how to drive

I am as well

Ohh, I use my "Canon Eos m10"

Thank you for asking me

If you as have any request and suggestion

For my vlog, you can message or comment in my vlogs

I love you Peace.

For more infomation >> We LOSE (We did something wrong) - Duration: 9:29.


Hit or Miss but it's distorted - Duration: 0:18.









For more infomation >> Hit or Miss but it's distorted - Duration: 0:18.


TS Graye - Honestly - Duration: 3:38.

My baby left and he ain't got a word to say

I guess it ain't his day

Not his day today

But he's magnificent, honestly

I wish you could see all the things that I see

'Cause it's all in his smile

It's all in the way he dies for me

He'd die for me, honestly

When we're riding in his car

He whispers 'honey, you're a star'

And I love that he lies to me

'Cause he always lies to me


He's got me singing

He's got me singing

I don't give a fuck if he's bad for me

I know he's bad for me

But he brings me peace

And he's spectacular, honestly

You could never see all the things that I see

'Cause it's all in his smile

It's all in the way he dies for me

And he'd die for me, honestly

When we're riding in his car

He whispers 'baby, you look the part'

I love that he lies to me

'Cause he always lies to me


He's got me singing

He's got me singing

You know that he'd die for me, cry for me, lie to me

Why do these people think that I see differently?

You know that I'd die for him, cry for him, lie to him

Why do these people think that he sees differently?

He's got me singing

For more infomation >> TS Graye - Honestly - Duration: 3:38.


Pişmanlık | Kadın Erkek İlişkisi (Kısa Film) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Pişmanlık | Kadın Erkek İlişkisi (Kısa Film) - Duration: 1:01.


The Mookie Show S2, E225 (12-21-18 Friday Fry ) - Duration: 26:44.

For more infomation >> The Mookie Show S2, E225 (12-21-18 Friday Fry ) - Duration: 26:44.


बिना ओवेन के सबसे आसान तरीके से बनाये येह नो बेक Oreo Chocolate Balls | Christmas Special Recipe - Duration: 5:02.

Hi my lovely friends! today I will show you a simple

No bake Oreo Balls Recipe

We will make this will Oreo Biscuits and few other ingredients

These a kids favourite

Christmas season is just around the corner, so you can make these in advance as well

So let's get started

This tasty and chocolaty No Bake Oreo Balls

I have taken 15-20 oreo chocolate biscuits

You can use Vanilla ones as well

Break them into pieces with your hands

Put them in a blender

Do this for all the biscuits

If you are using too many biscuits then do it in 2 batches

Blend them nicely

I have blended them for 15-20 seconds

This is not completely fine powder

We need the same consistency

Looks so chocolaty

Make the other batch also ready in this fashion

Transfer these into a bowl

Add 3-4 table spoons chocolate sauce

This is ready made chocolate sauce

You can get this easily in market

You can use any chocolate spread or cream cheese for binding

Add 3-4 table spoons of milk

This is boiled milk

Now knead it into a dough

Mix it nicely with your hands

To make it flour like consistency

Now it looks like a flour

You can now make any roundels or any shape out of it

Take small portions in your hands

You can make small or big roundels

I am making lemon sized balls today

Make smooth and even balls out of the mixture

Looks so good

Keep it aside

Make all in this fashion

This entire batch is now ready

Keep it in regrigerator to make it cold

For around 15-20 mins

Now these are nicely set after 15 mins

These are hard as well

Keep it aside

I have 150 gms milk chocolate

I have chopped it in this fashion

You can use dark chocolate as well here

Microwave it for 15-20 seconds

Mix it into a smooth texture

Again melt it in microwave for 15-20 seconds

See the smooth and perfect consistency

Now dip the chocolate balls in the mixture

Coat it from all sides

Take help with a spoon or a fork

Make double coating out of it

Remove the excess chocolate

Keep it onto a plate

I have used a butter paper on the plate

Sprinkle some choco chips on top of it

It will get stuck onto it

Do this for other as well

I am sprinkling golden balls on top of it

These look very nice and festive in christmas season

Put coloured sprinkles on top of third one

You can put any sprinkles, decoratives or dry fruits as well

Be creative and decorate it with your kids :)

All oreo balls are decorated now

These look very presentable and nice

Now you can store these in fridge for 8-10 days

You can give it to kids in their snack box as well

I am keeping it in fridge for setting it again

Like, Subscribe and click on bell icon :)

Now remove it and check

The toppings are nicely set now

Now remove these onto a serving plate

Looks so presentable :)

If you really liked this recipe today, then hit the like comment

Provide me your valuable comment/feedback

And watch my other easy recipes on my channel :)

Do try this at home for your kids

You can wrap these in colorful wrappers as well

I will meet you soon in another recipe video

Take good care of yourself Merry Christmas :)

For more infomation >> बिना ओवेन के सबसे आसान तरीके से बनाये येह नो बेक Oreo Chocolate Balls | Christmas Special Recipe - Duration: 5:02.


Subnautica part not 2 | New enormous monitor - Duration: 14:06.

For more infomation >> Subnautica part not 2 | New enormous monitor - Duration: 14:06.


Mulher Dá em Cima do Namorado de Fátima Bernardes Ao Vivo e sua Reação Surpreende a todos - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Mulher Dá em Cima do Namorado de Fátima Bernardes Ao Vivo e sua Reação Surpreende a todos - Duration: 1:29.


Pulsar - Arcade - Review - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Pulsar - Arcade - Review - Duration: 10:19.


Dani Calabresa e Marcelo Adnet Paródia música Ginga A Gente Riu Assim - Duration: 2:32.

Let's go to the unlucky new year-bye clip. bye, best

itatim today is a new day and this can stop showing for a long time and how

2018 can grow already was well that No one knows what's going to be the year that

Come on, we can screw, but we'll laugh. also the dad making the engine offers the

It's better if we hesitate walk the sea

to find what is plural we will do

and to where imitation the motto is not lose the so-called joke so we

plays with the mouse

If you delay people will not forgive 2019 already you can reach us ginger on the island either

do mandinga then connects I put a grape in my wallet to be very lucky.

but then buy another one because smells like a game cut 1 pound lentil

into the shorts pass a branch of rinse well from your cloak

It was an album, everything was for dancing. picote and remembered his title here

pass a trot if you eat the fruit of the sea I was careful pinotti I got in the way

picture asked death Hi Marola, It shines bright

the bad mood does not avenge drip

the negative wave and let it go in 2019 you can already arrive by this urgent brenda

plays wave positive comes her beautiful good I'm good, I'm good, help me out here.

and nobody releases anyone's hand

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