Hello welcome to our to the gungeon we are the marine we've got a fresh run here
We our current objective is to try and unlock the shortcuts, we will see how useful they are or not but
We won't know how useful they are until we have them once we have them unlocked we never have to deal with that stuff again
So, we might as, well just get it out of the way while we're still
Trying to gain more experience in the game anyway
we've been doing ok runs, but, we have not yet gotten to the dragon I
Think that's how you say it right drag gun
We've got a whole bunch of rooms here
We've got a brown chest that
Is full of sadness
Hate because who wants to open a brown chest
if we get a whole bunch of keys, we probably will open it I
have gotten good stuff from Brown chests but
Sometimes it just I don't know we're gonna save our key for a better chest for now
Ok hi loads of these burrows oh
We've got a key all right we're probably gonna open that chest oh
My gosh there's a little that's locked with all like a key let's open it now. I think we're gonna be okay
We've got a Molotov oh
that's bad
Well I
Don't really even need the ammo drop I think we just got the mold table and like I
Don't even know what else is in there that was pretty bad I was hopeful but I
Now we got this we get the M 1 we get the M 1 got the M 1 what else I?
think that's it um I don't think we're gonna go down to the
Sewer since we opened up our own chests I think that would not
Make sense I don't know why they're gonna lock the door but
Doesn't make sense to me either
I'm not sure if there's like a way
Through that or anything, well we got tomorrow
Daddy's here
This is OK it's probably a bit better than the crossbow
I'm not its I'm not sure if it's actually better than our actual sidearm where we're absolutely going to pick up a key
the triple crossbow in the med kit I just
don't see a need for
Especially since we already have a primary I should probably try and use the bolt table I think you can reuse it over and over
This is the thing the convict has I think
Yeah it's kind of a waste
Maybe it'll help us with the boss we've got a locked hallway there
Probably don't want to go down there unless I mean if there was someone we could find out that it was amazing nuts
amazing this in there
My multi, I'm still not recharged, which is just kind of a waste I
Think that's the floor I I'm really curious as to what's in this room
Why I want to go you've got to be freaking kidding me oh
My gosh this is bad well we're not going to do that again
Here we go, oh my gosh
That was so terrible
Alright what after all this heartache what did we get?
Slows down time during explosions and creases dodge power during explosions I
Was such a waste if I knew that was back there I would have never done that
All right well unfortunately I think this is how things got to be we've got Gatling gold I
Feel like this slips terrible run
I'm pretty confident we can beat Gatling gold not a hunter present but I
kind of want to lose to got a Lingle just because this run is so awful, we're gonna go down to the next floor and
Check things out see what is see well if we perfect the boss
You can talk to elevator man
Wait so if it's on our explosion time doesn't slow down I don't get it doesn't make any sense
Over there over there
My gosh no well I don't think we're gonna be able to talk to a later man this time then
Why is this so bad all right well the m1 is only, okay?
You get a key which is good we get a heart container, which is good we get angry bullets
What did these do
Hitting an enemy has a chance to refire the crew
Okay um this was a total garbage floor I
Did not like the way that this floor was generated we got a bad start?
Let's go talk to elevator man
Think that's the only thing he wants that's really sad we will try and get that to him next run
Come on dude oh man
Alright well we'll save that for later
There's a strange room this way. Oh no
Man that one's like terrible like my starting pickles better
Why this is so horrible? I'm playing the worst I really like Angry bullets though I feel like it's really really good
Empty well
Things are not really going well before this run, but that's ok, we're gonna do our best with what we have
Wow let's load down time a lot that's pretty good we want that hardback
Absolutely ammo belt
Kiwi wants ammo belt I will take if I get enough cash we would have had enough if it wasn't for that stupid
stupid thing how we drop
Guns is it down
All right let's drop it I
Ma'am one, was not better than our starting weapon so I definitely feel a reason to carry it around
Maybe I'm wrong maybe there is some hidden amazing
Property vm1 that makes it better than the starting pistol but I don't understand
But I just really, was not impressed with it and we? Took so much damage against the boss
Doesn't seem to be a mimic
We have the alien engine I
Have no idea, what this does this is a beam weapon?
Whoa okay, we can't use that for everything we are in big trouble here. Oh
Man this is freaking terrible
My gosh
Well I think the alien engine is pretty hard to use with a controller
Although it does amazing damage it reloads I
Don't know it's pretty good though seems to do good damage and has decent range considering I
Don't know that the angry bullets do anything for it though it doesn't seem like they do
Wait wait okay what is the range of this?
Uh it does really good damage all right time slow oh
No oh that was the wrong weapon for that, job, we?
shot at a grenade and it
Destroyed us
We are not done I'm gonna keep going but if you're out don't forget to subscribe
I'm gonna keep going but if this is the end of your
Video watching just subscribe to the channel for you go so you can come back later we're gonna quickly start
It was really bad we're gonna do our best to
Make things turn out better I
Think that the Marine is the best character here I
Am not surprised that that run ended I am surprised that it ended there in that way
But I guess that's just the magic event of the gungeon
What have we got here we got some fat things?
We've got a whole lot more stuff over here this is pretty interesting we really need some items
The the basic stuff is not enough to carry us through and lo and behold we have a chest
It's low tier. Oh and it's a mimic
That was really bad it ate Mikey, huh, well that was dad
I was not watching close enough we got the trick gun that's okay, but, we could have had it without a key
Apparently I need to watch the chest starter
This one we don't have a key for it it does not appear to be a mimic or a bomb. Oh
Saudis you have to get a little bit too close I could have played that better we were just gonna old
You know all we really need is to UM flawless. Ah
They only do that like seriously
Are you a minute?
No we need more keys we definitely wasted a key on the mimic that was a mistake
Let me go dude
All right we got to keep from that that's good
We're gonna go south here got another room lots of frozen in oh
Hi that was terrifying?
Empty room for no reason and there's that over there
Sunglasses were actually kind of annoying I'm sure that they're good if you know how to use them but they
Did not seem use already lost run
All right let's go this way
You've got a big chest we absolutely want it it is a heart
that's pretty good to be honest I don't submit mundane but
He's absolutely the kind of thing we're looking for
Those extra heart containers absolutely will help carry us. We're gonna go check out the shop he's got to have a key
got two keys I want both of them metronome I don't like the metronome
It feels like the damage buff of the mesh room is pretty minor and it's pretty restrictive in your play style
if we get the cash for it and the other key I will
pick it up of course
Well we're gonna get the key first I don't know maybe I'll get the metronome I didn't even remember how much the mushroom cost
do we even want to go down to this floor probably not
But we're here where are we going now
We've got some keys, we've got a secret room
How much is it metronome it's like 60 there's no way, we don't have enough for the extra key we're gonna pop open
This blue chest be the multi launcher that's I
Mean it might be useful against the boss
Now this chest could be really good but we do not have a key
So, we are gonna battle the boss and if we get any cash at all we're gonna
run right back to the shop get a key and
Pop that thing open just see if there's something good in there and
then hopefully, we would be able to
Flawless this boss you know that doesn't happen regularly but we're gonna give it our best try I'm gonna focus here for a second
Away I
Need this like a lot
Dude like come the heck on this is terrible
Oh-oh-oh we did it alright alright oh boy
You get the master round we get
The trash
Cannon you know this is an interesting run. I suppose
what do we want now we want to head on back to the shop
Grab that key you find out what's in that chest
Right over here I think we got everything from the boss chamber, oh
No I
I despise this two key crossbow, we will sell that if we find the sell creep
the sticky crossbow is bad it's
probably a little bit better on the
Marine because of his increased reload speed but it's pretty terrible
It does some little damage and the reloading to make them gun a mechanic is just sewing wing
that burn you
how good
That light you on fire oh it doesn't explode under you
Maybe the truck in what about I better take it we got through that room
this is going to be quite dangerous with the weapons but
You know I'm thinking that we're going to go trash cannon and then trick gun I think both
Those other two weapons are just doing some water we're gonna go this way oh
My gosh
Did I forget to visit elevator, man let's go get back and do that I guess I forgot I
Didn't mean to forget but I did let's go back and talk about loving her man or we can just go this way
No oh my gosh leave me alone
This is such a mess
And there's spikes in the center of the room - that's great I didn't see those
All right let's go back the elevator man give him that thing I almost forgot, but let's not forget
Well that's good you know
I'm not sure if we want to start using the shortcut right away, I think it's free but, I'm not totally sure
Let's not use it just yet let's see
What exactly he wants in the next although we'll probably be able to talk to him
Probably be able to talk to him in this run if we don't you know get rekt let's go talk to the shop
We got silver bullets that's good we want that?
We want it so much, we? Might even get that instead of the key no cell creep oh
My gosh that's a pit and an empty room
That's poison
Dude ready
Here we go
No why am I using that one
This is going badly
We got a shield
armor I guess
At the gun one sure I don't like the gun watcher I think it's I'd rather use the soul creak
Let's go this way
This way I
Was pretty good we?
What's her trashcan at
Sticking for the mold table launcher
the trick guns okay, but it's kind of boring and I
If we run out I can just go back to the marine side arm that's pretty cool
Heard that there is mimic statues but I guess those haven't oh, no it's time. Oh
Hi I didn't play that room well that's okay?
Do those things you're on a freakin time where it's like I don't have the key for that man you'll see me do
And I should have stayed back when I shot it but
We got a bonus boss
We absolutely want the bonus loss
We're probably gonna get rekt here. I don't like this whole situation but I don't see I mean
We don't have any other chests to open we don't have any rooms to go to we're just gonna go
Challenge this boss
I don't know that I can like him on fire he's over a pit
Yeah well done all right let's use
The sticky crossbow and let your gun oh my gosh
Okay I have to do it okay huh nothing that would just go away on their own this is bad all right well
that was terrible I
really do not like that I want to play a little bit more let's go if
You're out this is your end please subscribe to my channel for you go we got more Gunjan on the channel we return to breach
Check out the elevator man
See what starting on floor two was like see. What the elevator man's elevator man wants for floor three, let's go in here
You're here thank you for helping the elevator and saying see if it, works let's listen out use the floor plan teletype blah, blah blah
Chamber -
Okay I
Heard you get a free weapon?
from the resourceful right really why you look funny buddy
Alien sidearm maybe now sir regular shotgun
Well I
Let's see how it does I
Don't want to go this way there's no other way to go bringing kidding me why why oh no oh
This is such a bad room
This is such a bad room seriously imagine getting this in like a speedrun. I mean speedrunners are like super humans in a way so
but still in here
So there's like a magician or something around here
Please spare me like seriously
The worst hello?
Where's the magician I
would have been so much easier to find him first
this is not as good of a weapon as I thought I
Know taking the shortcut seems crazy but it'll give us. Some experience with some later bosses and it might help us get to the
unlock the other shortcuts faster I don't really think it's I
Don't know I wouldn't expect it to be good long term but there's no reason not to take a shortcut, some Titans I
mean you think
if we can prove that the shortcuts are actually like
These the thing is that we don't have as good a chance all right look here's the thing about shortcuts
We do not have as good a chance of beating the entire game
as if
we had to play through those earlier floors however
However what are you?
Starting from a shortcut means that we do not have to invest, we do not have to invest the time from the earlier floors
So even though our chances are worse
We're starting farther so we can give the later floors and more attempts more rapidly
If that makes any sense so I feel that they're worth doing
at the end at the end
Let's try the shortcut one more time in this video. I think in the beginning of every video we're not gonna take a shortcut
Where do you a quick restart? I suppose you could just continually reroll just to get better guns but
Really it no no no we're gonna return to breach I don't want those same guns again
Wow this is a lot of transition is there something in there hello I
Wish that quick restart would give you different guns I
Guess we aren't gonna quick restart unless we really liked our gun that we got
since the same every time you have to like restart the whole game the
Indian sidearm was bad alright well
Is this the convicts thing. No hanukkah's was awful guess the shot is okay
Maybe you have to restart the whole game for that there would be different I thought it was supposed to random
We're gonna take this to the refs gonna get it if we don't
At the beginning of every video we're not going to take a shortcut and the shortcuts are only going to be for
Once we're later on in a video I
Don't know that makes any sense
It'll be fine
I'm also interested in the boss rush but it does take a gem accredits which we don't?
Have a lot of at this point I've been spending them on stuff
My ghost man we get a key
That's pretty decent let's go this way I wonder if the guns
are never randomized
Maybe they're never randomized let's see, well next time I'm not gonna reboot the game in this video
next video once we've repointed the game
We will see if the guns are forever the same on each floor and how that whole thing works
Let's go I really, wish there was a teleporter over there
Let's go this way oh it's the key come here
Well this Shawnee seems to be better than the five-mile pistol. Oh no really
Okay well
We want to go this way
The Huntsman car perambulate blank we and the husband's not cursed because I don't know that's fine we're gonna go this way
Last time I saw the Huntsman it was cursed but I guess that was just a vendor I
Why am I breaking pots I don't know what's over here it's a new room you got a sniper we got a bat
fun no sniper
This Shani is really good it is the gift that keeps on giving I
Guess we'll save that for later, we are gonna go north here and apparently all the way around. Oh
hi, oh
All that did not work I think I just took contact damage there which is quite embarrassing
We are gonna pop this open it does not appear to be a mimic
it is the laser rifle
That's pretty good I really feel if the Marine is a strong character and that could make the short cuts a little bit more viable
we're gonna go
Not the whole floor
Where this is not right?
We're gonna go to the shop there's probably more stuff by the shop I think that's what it is there we go
Yeah thanks bud key thirty don't have that devolver 54 don't have I
don't really want the devolver one two key
We get an ammo drop
We I don't think it mattered which one need to go forward with our animal supply
We're gonna go left. I suppose on to the boss we're gonna go right we want to see what's over there
Just this way we've got a
Green chest it does not appear to be a mimic let's pop it open
it's the feather so we can fly that's pretty good considering how freeing terrible I am
I really hope the wax wings can't burn off
All right we've been getting so much ammo
Okay movement feels really weird with us on is this a fracture character movement cuz it feels like it
That would be really weird if you got the same three
Weapons every time you took a shortcut like it. Wasn't random at all I
Mean, that's kind of the fun of Gunjan is the readiness
Well it's the bull holster I don't think we're gonna get the flawless here just because you don't have remaining stuff
We have done a lot of runs, where we come out of Thor one with almost nothing go so
Just because of the game's orangey and it's so bad sometimes so you
Know it could be so much worse
Like hang out over here if we want to
Oh I play bad we get we're not gonna get the flawless
Hi that's with our roles like I really am getting all the curious it feels funny
Why would you?
Hold on all
Right we probably should've use our blanks there I always forget about the blanks it's definitely a flaw but maybe tonight
Seriously you do you do contact damage?
why that is the worst one
Silver bullets that's, okay?
Let's see what elevator man wants
What all right I think I think we're done with the floor I can't think of anything else we want let's let's mess with the
shop again real fast
we'll get the key I
Think we've got everything on the floor for real now this time we're gonna go
We want to go down and talk to our bro here the elevator man
Three armored you are crazy or we have to please a robot for this
You don't even have a robot I don't know that we can get the robot right now with our current skill level free armor
Well these shortcuts might just be impossible then
Three I
Don't know that I've ever had three hours playing this game yet
Man team is something else
he's not one of those games you can just pop it in your
your console or your PC I guess you don't pop games into your PC I
Did it all so you wouldn't pop in your console either this is not one of those games you can just get and be like
Oh, I'm just gonna play for 10 or 15 hours what I'm good?
like now gungeon wants one so much more
Gaming hard
Three armor
Armors not even that common in this game
How are you?
Gonna get three armor and enter the gungeon
Unless you have some crazy items you need is that what they want can you want you to some crazy items energy I like it
Like you can't unlock the second shortcut unless you get a crazy are regenerating items
Like if I the marine starts with one but then you need two more and never get hit ever I
Wonder if you can give them to a one in time
We'd still have to get one I mean even having one armor for any length of time is difficult for me
All right let's call down our ammo drop
That's crazy three armor
That's we can give them to one at a time but I suspect that we want to be able to I
Mean he's like no cuz we've I don't think you
Wow what happened there I don't understand I
don't think he's gonna want the armor one at a time I
Think he's gonna want them all together
That's really sad I really wanted to work on their short cuts but, I guess the name doesn't really water food
Three armor is crazy
especially if you have to give them to them all at once
I'm sure that there's a dragon pros out there who might be watching who would be like it's so easy
because people say that for everything I
I do
Well we're gonna see how not easy it. Is cuz I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna talk to you later man
Probably won't talk to him every single time cuz we'll just remember I
Will make sure to talk to him if I have three armor let's pop this open I
suppose we can get three armor in the middle of this floor
Fator equals stronger I
Guess we could get all three armor in the middle and we can go to the shop see if we have
If we can keep the one that we start with which is not gonna happen
Get one of the drops and then buy one from the shop we could do it that way
maybe oh
It's a Keith
How did we get hit there I rolled I
Was garbage, I think my roll turned into a table slide which like suddenly stopped protecting me?
Which makes no sense to me?
We're gonna go talk to the shop how much armor do you bud one piece of armor is 35
Well since we don't even have one piece we're just gonna get the key for now
If we get a bunch of cash and some other armor, we might buy that and go back to the guy I
Think that is definitely what we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to
Try and get lucky with drops and items and then buy the last one from the shop
It's still gonna be difficult
All right
We're gonna keep exploring that's the boss we're you're not gonna go that way anymore we're gonna go this way over here
My controllers got real squeaky I
would like to replace it but
You know need money from this thing
Key door but it's his map man in there I
guess ooh
Ooh all right that's good, we?
can we do this if
We can get one armor somewhere else anywhere else we can come here get this armor and then go to the shop
Maybe map man it's gonna be the answer here. Ah
Let's go over here
We got the arcane gunpowder it's not? I don't think this is gonna benefit us at all but we did get it
So we want to explore the rest of the floor and go to map man
It's good this way
so if Mad Men gives us some armor we could do it I
Know that that's not the only requirement to get to the thing
Okay so if we get armor from this chest and then we go to Matt man is this the whole floor
We have to battle the boss all right let's I don't know what this is let's pop this open
We'll get another key and the flare gun
Now we're going to talk to Matt man
Get the alien engine no Armour
It's okay if we get armor if we beat the boss if we beat the boss and we get armor from the boss?
That's 35 we can do that
If the boss gives us armor we? Can make it work if it. Doesn't then it's just not gonna happen
We've been playing for quite a while that's okay, we've got the mind player he's quite the Tuffy I
Wonder if our flare gun would be better here hi nope
Hi I'll like this
Not only lights on fire one of them huh oh
Come on what's going on I
Can't see him
This is worse oh
Come on
Friggin butts we were so close
We had a strategy if we could have beaten the box and gotten an armor drop from the boss we would have had that requirement
Hey, this is gonna be the end of the video please subscribe to my youtube channel this is just a gudgeon channel
We've got lots more grunion videos so if you like enter the gungeon this is the right channel for you so please subscribe for more
Videos just like this one I'll see you in another video have a nice day and good bye
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