Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 22 2018

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Like we recently reported, the latest game in the Tomb Raider series, Shadow Of The Tomb

Raider, had to have some changes to the Japanese version to tone down scenes of violence.

The reason for this was that, despite the game receiving the max Z rating in Japan,

meaning 18 years and over, the Japanese rating system still has various rules about what

you can and can't show in games.

This isn't the only time the series has seen changes around the world though and today

we'll be taking a look at some of the different ways Tomb Raider has been changed in different


Shadow Of The Tomb Raider isn't the first time that censorship has been made to the

Japanese version.

The game was published in Japan by Square Enix and Square will normally notify Japanese

gamers of any censorship related changes prior to a game's release over on their blog.

They did this with Shadow Of The Tomb Raider but also Tomb Raider (2013) - where they informed

buyers that some human corpses as well as animal corpses of deer had to be toned down.

The Japanese version of the Tomb Raider games have actually had a number of changes over

the years though.

For many years, all Tomb Raider games were made drastically easier for the Japanese market,

with changes including enemies being made weaker, medipacks healing much more health

and some traps being removed.

There's never been any explanation for why this was, but it's possible that this was

due to feeling that Japanese gamers may be less used to the 3D action games that were

starting to become popular when Tomb Raider originally debuted.

This reasoning has seen other 3D games from around this time, such as Spyro The Dragon,

also being made much easier for the Japanese market, which is something Censored Gaming

has previously made a video on.

In fact, for the third game in the series, Tomb Raider III, Japanese gamers received

a very unique version of the game containing 2 discs rather than just 1.

The first disc was the usual Japanese localization with all of the difficulty changes to make

the game easier.

The second disc however was based around the version of the game released in the rest of

the world containing much harder difficulty.

It's possible that the 2nd disc wasn't very popular however, as this approach wouldn't

be repeated in any of the later games, which just contained the Japanese easy versions.

There's also been some interesting differences in the Japanese titles.

The first game for instance was called Tomb "Raiders" rather than Tomb "Raider".

This may have been a mistake however, as none of the later games contained this discrepancy.

The sixth game, Angel Of Darkness, also had a curious naming change with it being called

Tomb Raider: Utsukushiki Tōbōsha, which translates into Tomb Raider: The Beautiful


As hinted by this, Tomb Raider was heavily marketed in Japan based on Lara's physical

attractiveness, like in Western countries.

Back to the series censorship, the German versions of some games also had to have censorship

changes made, due to the stricter limits of the German USK rating system.

As reported by the German website, Schnittberichte, both Tomb Raider III and Tomb Raider: The

Angel Of Darkness had to have edits to the games' bloodshed and were rated ages 16+ and

12+ respectively.

For Tomb Raider III, all of the game's uses of blood - both for enemies, as well as Lara

herself, were changed to a purple colour, rather than the usual red.

For the Angel of Darkness, on the other hand, all blood was completely removed from the


The Arabic localization of Rise Of The Tomb Raider also had a censorship-related change

due to stances on religion in some of this region's countries.

Multiple gamers have reported on various platforms that the dialogue in Rise Of The Tomb Raider

was heavily edited to remove the term "prophet".

This reportedly saw things like the voice acting cutting out in places and the term

"prophet" being replaced by the term "leader" in the subtitles.

Needless to say, lots of other countries' localizations of the Tomb Raider games have

come with their own language's voice acting over the years.

For instance, as well as the English and Arabic dubs, there have been dubs into Portuguese,

Spanish, Russian, Polish, Italian, French and more.

And also, as we've already gone into the German and Japanese versions - here's a brief comparison

of Lara's voice acting in these regions.

First up is the English version...

And then the German...

And then the Japanese release...

What do think about these changes made to the Tomb Raider games in other countries?

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below and consider subscribing to the channel

to see more videos on how video games and other media are changed around the world.

Until next time, thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> How Tomb Raider Is Changed In Different Countries - Duration: 5:55.


Комплект постельного белья ClassicTwigs 1,5-сп, р-р: под. 145х210 см, прост. 150х215 см, нав. 70х... - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья ClassicTwigs 1,5-сп, р-р: под. 145х210 см, прост. 150х215 см, нав. 70х... - Duration: 0:31.


12/21/18 8:53 PM (Goodwin Research Laboratory, 1400 E Broad St, Richmond, VA 23219, USA) - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> 12/21/18 8:53 PM (Goodwin Research Laboratory, 1400 E Broad St, Richmond, VA 23219, USA) - Duration: 0:38.


12/21/18 6:06 PM (4405 E Trent Ave, Spokane, WA 99212, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 12/21/18 6:06 PM (4405 E Trent Ave, Spokane, WA 99212, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


12/21/18 6:11 PM (930 E Indiana Ave, Spokane, WA 99207, USA) - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 12/21/18 6:11 PM (930 E Indiana Ave, Spokane, WA 99207, USA) - Duration: 4:58.


What Men Are Talking About Video Series: What Men Want 3 Tips To Drive Him Wild| Jaki Sabourin - Duration: 13:04.

men are talking and here's what they want hi I'm Jaki Sabourin and I've posted

over a hundred videos on my youtube channel and over a hundred thousand

people have watched them today and here's what I discovered that men are

posting comments in the comment box and this is gold why because they're telling

us exactly what they want from us so here's what I did for you I took my top

three most popular videos and I created a three-part video series just for you

so if you want a man to love cherish and adore you without feeling needy or

desperate I want you to watch these three free videos and the last and final

video in the series is three tips it drives him wild I hope you enjoy the

video ladies lots of love hi ladies Jaki Sabourin here and I'm excited to

connect with you today because I want to talk to you about three things that

attract men over 50 and it's really over 50 over 60 over 70 and beyond because

this is what men are looking for in a woman that are over 50 and so the here's

the thing is all men want to attract the same type of woman

all the men when I read through this statistics I it all it all shows the

same thing all men want a fun honest woman that they can have a good time

with so that's easy right you're a fun honest woman that they can have a good

time with so you already you already solved half of the problem and so but

there's specifically different qualities that men are looking for as a age and I

want to share those with you today and so one of the things it really stood out

when I looked at the statistics and what I hear from my my the men that I know

and also from the women that I'm coaching is that men are really looking

for a relationship over 50 over 60 in over 70 they really are they're more

relationship minded so ladies I don't want you to be afraid to be expressing

they are interested in a committed relationship because that is exactly

what men are looking for over 50 over 60 and Beyond because they are they

recognize that the important things in life is having a loving partner by their

side and to experience life with someone and

they're recognizing that more and more as they age so that's such a benefit a

bonus right to know and to really understand and accept and empower

yourself with this knowledge that men over 50 60 and 70

really are looking for long-term committed relationships that lead to

marriage and face it what else are they gonna do I mean you know having a

relationship when as we age is really the most rewarding experiences you can

have and so I like that I'm sharing this with you because I really know that to

be true based on my own experience with Michael all right so so men are looking

for relationships over 50 in fact they are more interested in that then than

just dating for fun and so a loving partner is a priority two men over 50 60

and 70 and another thing that men are looking for men that are over 50 looking

for a woman in a relationship over 50 60 and 70 is is a woman who is valid values

intelligence and so men are looking for intelligent women so emotional

intelligence and intellectual intelligence so emotional intelligence

is your ability to have a great communication skill your ability to hold

a conversation without getting triggered your ability to bring more wisdom to

every situation because that is a such a benefit to him benefiting from your

wisdom your intuition and your knowledge your life knowledge and your life

experiences actually when he's looking for not that you're younger that you

have all this life experience and you know how to apply it

that's what emotional intelligence is having compassion having empathy having

good listening skills being being present and being open minded that's

another thing that men are looking for over 50 60 and 70 in a woman is a woman

who's open-minded because what happens is over time and this is a really a

something I want to dig into a little bit more being open-minded as we age we

tend to get generally speaking of course we

to get more closed-minded we used to tend to get rigid in our thinking and in

doing that we limit ourselves we limit not only with possible but we limit

ourselves from learning something new and so you want to always keep an open

mind sometimes when we feel like we know it all or we know a topic that somebody

is sharing with us like especially on days then we we shut that person down

because we're not really open to hearing anything new and so life is all about

learning and growing and evolving and expanding and so men over 50 60 and 70

are really looking for a woman who is open to exploring possibility is open to

looking at life in a different angle who sees the value and learning and growth

and so that's what men are looking for of course it goes across the board to

say that men are looking for a woman who has a sense of humor I mean all men are

looking for that when I looked at the statistic so and so here's a surprise

that you may not think that is true but men over 50 60 and 70 are looking for

romance they're looking for romance they're not

done with the romance in fact they're more likely to be work more romantic

because they are they value those the quality that a woman can bring to a

relationship bring that that touch of feminine energy that makes life more

rich and interesting and more colorful for a man and so they're definitely

looking for for more romance and I know as women we love romance so I think

that's that's a wonderful thing to keep in mind men want a romance you they want

to have romantic experiences with you so she as they get older so they're looking

for that quality so don't shy away from those romantic experiences because men

really do want that and so and so here's the last piece I'll share with you and

there's so many things but this one is really key

as men over 50 60 and 70 really are looking for someone who they can be

active with whether that means writing bikes taking walks skiing whatever it is

for you being active is a really important thing

two men over 15 and I think it's obvious why when we're active we live a

healthier life we live longer we sleep better we feel better about ourselves so

if you haven't been active lately this is a good time to break out your walking

shoes if summer is coming and you can get out there if it's really hot in your

environment you can go really early in the morning right

so getting yourself back into yoga routine a workout routine anything that

you can share on dates this shows that you're active even if it's just taking

really long walks that is something that is going to appeal to a man over 50 60

and 70 because he wants to remain active as long as he lives and I know my

husband is like that he's like I'm gonna work out until the day I die because I

never want to not be able to get out of bed and do the things that I want to do

and I couldn't agree more with him so we we do that together

that's one of the things that attracted me to Michael and him to me is that we

were both active so ladies they're not looking for younger women they're

looking for women that are relationship minded they're looking for women that

are active they're looking for women that are easygoing that are looking

they're looking for a woman who's intelligent emotionally and spiritually

intellectually so make sure you begin to cultivate those parts of you to make

sure that you bring that forward when you're out on your dates and of course

we're all looking for a sense of humor that's what we need to do to do all the

dating right you have to have a sense of humor about everything so bring that

sense of hearing to your date because it's going to connect really well to men

over 50 that's what they're looking for and I don't know about you but you know

it's good to have a good laugh with somebody especially when you're on a

date so if you can come up with some jokes or don't forget to be playful and

witty and have that fun playful banter not taking things so seriously not

taking things personally that's for sure and questioning things when you don't

understand something shows emotional intelligence it doesn't show that you

don't understand something it it shows you acknowledge that you're curious and

you want to be clear about something that was shared to you

not afraid to ask questions especially when you don't understand something or

don't know something I think it's really attractive when you are when you don't

know something and you're not afraid to admit it when you're like oh you know

I'm not familiar with that tell me all about it instead of thing instead of

faking it and going yeah huh sure I know about that when you really don't so

bring that vulnerability forward and and it really connects I mean I'd rather say

I really don't know about that I've never heard about it I'd love to hear

more about it than to pretend that I do because that's you don't have to do that

just let that go okay so I want to answer answer a question that was sent

in earlier before I conclude this our talk here how do you know if he's the

right man you should commit to if most things are good but then you question

other things that aren't matching up to your core wants and needs and so I would

need to know what those other things are but I would I really recommend that you

look at what your core wants and needs are more closely sometimes the things

that we want and need we haven't examined them in a while and our needs

and wants change over time and I would really look at more about what your

needs are what are the needs because the once a lot of those things you can

fulfill in yourself maybe you want to travel to different places and maybe he

doesn't so maybe you can go well are you okay with me going on trips with my

girlfriends and if he's okay with that you guys have worked that out so may I

mean but maybe that's a deal-breaker for you maybe you want to travel with your

partner so that would be a need so really getting clear about making the

distinction between wants and needs is going to help you to take the confusion

out of whether or not this man is is it has is real place in your life and now

you said your core your core wants so I I'm just imagining that the core would

be maybe front financial would be a core or maybe children's ages could be a core

thing you don't want to take on a relationship where somebody has younger

children so you really just have to get clear on what

those core needs are but I certainly would come to the table with a lot of

questions and seeing if you can negotiate I mean if you have if he has a

lot of good things that are matching up I think that it's worthy of

conversations to see if you can't negotiate some kind of compromises

because relationships are compromises and I say that in the highest with the

highest respect in a good way I compromise my time I compromise where

we eat what we're gonna watch on TV where we're gonna go on vacation because

my core needs are to be with Michael to be with a man who loves and adores me

who to be with a man who supports me to be with a man who accepts me and treats

me well those are the things that are the most important to me the other

things like where we're gonna go what we're gonna eat and all those little

things I can let all those go and go with the flow because I'm easygoing and

and those things just you know aren't that important compared to the core

needs so really it's just getting clear on where is it a need or a want and how

important is it to you it can you negotiate that because if the man has

the qualities and the principles that you really resonate with I say it's

worth negotiating and so I hope this was helpful ladies if you want more clarity

on what I'm sharing as always you know I'm here for you in these Facebook lives

and I do the youtubes and I'm always here providing you these tips but if you

need to learn how to apply them and take action on them because intellectual

knowledge was what I'm supplying here but it's useless if you can't take

action on it ladies do you need more from me if you leave a question in the

comment box below I'll be sure to answer it also don't forget to subscribe to my

channel so you never miss an episode and today I want to give you a gift my ebook

single - committed seven steps to attract and keep the love of your life

this is the exact method I used to attract my soulmate Michael okay ladies

I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> What Men Are Talking About Video Series: What Men Want 3 Tips To Drive Him Wild| Jaki Sabourin - Duration: 13:04.


Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Ön Kamera (Selfie) Değişimi #gsmiletişim - Duration: 6:41.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 front (selfie) camera replacement

how to

You can watch through this video.

Lokman: Do you drink tea or tea?

Lokman: You're shooting Master 4K, right?

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 front camera replacement

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Ön Kamera (Selfie) Değişimi #gsmiletişim - Duration: 6:41.


Pelicula Completa - Daisinkhan Maligno vs Goku y Vegeta Ultra Instinto Feat: Corazon negro - Duration: 34:40.

For more infomation >> Pelicula Completa - Daisinkhan Maligno vs Goku y Vegeta Ultra Instinto Feat: Corazon negro - Duration: 34:40.


Rep. Biggs: I believe there's going to be a partial government shutdown - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Rep. Biggs: I believe there's going to be a partial government shutdown - Duration: 4:54.


How Tomb Raider Is Changed In Different Countries - Duration: 5:55.

Today's video is sponsored by NordVPN - which is the only VPN to obtain a perfect score

from PCMag and is also what I use myself on a daily basis.

For a limited time you can get a huge 75% discount by going to

or by checking out the link in the description.

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Like we recently reported, the latest game in the Tomb Raider series, Shadow Of The Tomb

Raider, had to have some changes to the Japanese version to tone down scenes of violence.

The reason for this was that, despite the game receiving the max Z rating in Japan,

meaning 18 years and over, the Japanese rating system still has various rules about what

you can and can't show in games.

This isn't the only time the series has seen changes around the world though and today

we'll be taking a look at some of the different ways Tomb Raider has been changed in different


Shadow Of The Tomb Raider isn't the first time that censorship has been made to the

Japanese version.

The game was published in Japan by Square Enix and Square will normally notify Japanese

gamers of any censorship related changes prior to a game's release over on their blog.

They did this with Shadow Of The Tomb Raider but also Tomb Raider (2013) - where they informed

buyers that some human corpses as well as animal corpses of deer had to be toned down.

The Japanese version of the Tomb Raider games have actually had a number of changes over

the years though.

For many years, all Tomb Raider games were made drastically easier for the Japanese market,

with changes including enemies being made weaker, medipacks healing much more health

and some traps being removed.

There's never been any explanation for why this was, but it's possible that this was

due to feeling that Japanese gamers may be less used to the 3D action games that were

starting to become popular when Tomb Raider originally debuted.

This reasoning has seen other 3D games from around this time, such as Spyro The Dragon,

also being made much easier for the Japanese market, which is something Censored Gaming

has previously made a video on.

In fact, for the third game in the series, Tomb Raider III, Japanese gamers received

a very unique version of the game containing 2 discs rather than just 1.

The first disc was the usual Japanese localization with all of the difficulty changes to make

the game easier.

The second disc however was based around the version of the game released in the rest of

the world containing much harder difficulty.

It's possible that the 2nd disc wasn't very popular however, as this approach wouldn't

be repeated in any of the later games, which just contained the Japanese easy versions.

There's also been some interesting differences in the Japanese titles.

The first game for instance was called Tomb "Raiders" rather than Tomb "Raider".

This may have been a mistake however, as none of the later games contained this discrepancy.

The sixth game, Angel Of Darkness, also had a curious naming change with it being called

Tomb Raider: Utsukushiki Tōbōsha, which translates into Tomb Raider: The Beautiful


As hinted by this, Tomb Raider was heavily marketed in Japan based on Lara's physical

attractiveness, like in Western countries.

Back to the series censorship, the German versions of some games also had to have censorship

changes made, due to the stricter limits of the German USK rating system.

As reported by the German website, Schnittberichte, both Tomb Raider III and Tomb Raider: The

Angel Of Darkness had to have edits to the games' bloodshed and were rated ages 16+ and

12+ respectively.

For Tomb Raider III, all of the game's uses of blood - both for enemies, as well as Lara

herself, were changed to a purple colour, rather than the usual red.

For the Angel of Darkness, on the other hand, all blood was completely removed from the


The Arabic localization of Rise Of The Tomb Raider also had a censorship-related change

due to stances on religion in some of this region's countries.

Multiple gamers have reported on various platforms that the dialogue in Rise Of The Tomb Raider

was heavily edited to remove the term "prophet".

This reportedly saw things like the voice acting cutting out in places and the term

"prophet" being replaced by the term "leader" in the subtitles.

Needless to say, lots of other countries' localizations of the Tomb Raider games have

come with their own language's voice acting over the years.

For instance, as well as the English and Arabic dubs, there have been dubs into Portuguese,

Spanish, Russian, Polish, Italian, French and more.

And also, as we've already gone into the German and Japanese versions - here's a brief comparison

of Lara's voice acting in these regions.

First up is the English version...

And then the German...

And then the Japanese release...

What do think about these changes made to the Tomb Raider games in other countries?

Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below and consider subscribing to the channel

to see more videos on how video games and other media are changed around the world.

Until next time, thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> How Tomb Raider Is Changed In Different Countries - Duration: 5:55.


Комплект постельного белья ClassicTwigs 1,5-сп, р-р: под. 145х210 см, прост. 150х215 см, нав. 70х... - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья ClassicTwigs 1,5-сп, р-р: под. 145х210 см, прост. 150х215 см, нав. 70х... - Duration: 0:31.


James Mattis Throws Shade At Trump On His Way Out - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> James Mattis Throws Shade At Trump On His Way Out - Duration: 10:08.


Piece by piece: Pickett dismantles Model T he smuggled into Capitol - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Piece by piece: Pickett dismantles Model T he smuggled into Capitol - Duration: 2:52.


Possible Government Shutdown Won't Impact NORAD Santa Tracker - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Possible Government Shutdown Won't Impact NORAD Santa Tracker - Duration: 0:30.


Battle of the Ports - Sonic Wings Limited (ソニックウィングス リミテッド) Show #250 - 60fps - Duration: 11:00.

In the near future, a secret organization is plotting against an otherwise peaceful


Much of this organization's plans are still unclear.

Several countries have launched investigations, but all they have discovered is that its purpose

is to destroy the world order, that it possesses unknown chemical weapons, and that it calls

itself Fata Morgana.

Yep, that's the plot to Sonic Wings Limited.

Released in 1997, Sonic Wings Limited is a simplified arcade-only version of Sonic Wings

Special; however, it does have a few differences which make it worth playing.

While Limited's character endings are the same as in Special, the stage selection process

is more complicated.

Rather than allowing the player to actively choose stages, the player's score at certain

points in the game determine which stages-- and which final bosses and endings.

Score junkies would probably like this however the casual player maybe not so much as it's

not possible for them to see all stages.

Limited's first boss Gozan does not appear in any other Sonic Wings game, so there's

another reason to play, I guess.

The other bosses can be found in other games, most of them in Special, but they appear in

different levels than in the other games.

Limited was released internationally in English as "Aero Fighters Special."

So the first of only two ports we are going to take a look at is for the PlayStation.

This was actually released in Europe as well as Japan.

Quite a rarity that is.

As mentioned during the arcade footage, Sonic Wings Special is an enhanced version of Sonic

Wings Limited.

This game features more fighter pilots, extra weapons for each fighter and more stages.

The core gameplay is still the same mind you.

Nothing new there.

This PlayStation port is fairly well made.

It comes with 3 screen modes being standard, which you're seeing here, scroll, which

scrolls the screen up and down to allow for the full length of a vertical display and

arcade which twist the screen around to give you that full arcade experience.

There are a few graphical glitches in the PlayStation game when it comes to destroyable

sprites and certain parallax areas.

They shimmer as the screen scrolls.

Kind as if they are moving a frame or two slower than the background.

It's nothing game breaking but can be rather annoying.

The second port is for the Sega Saturn.

At first glance it looks as if the developers didn't really know the Saturn but really

wanted to make the ultimate port.

The game opens with the same FMV intro found on the PlayStation game but this time it looks

really poor due to bad video compression.

Then the title screen shows with the Sonic Wings logo not even fitting on to the screen.

Sometimes the scrolling clouds will glitch out too.

Things are not looking good but then we enter the options.

First up the Saturn uses 4 buttons unlike the PlayStation's 3.

The extra button allows you to move the on-screen icons up or completely off.

Then we have the monitor selection.

The Saturn port features the same 3 settings as the PlayStaion plus one more, an interlaced

setting that runs in 480i.

This setting looks fantastic on the right monitor but looks really bad on a modern flatpannel TV.

Finally we get in to the game and the first thing you notice is just how much smoother

it is.

This game is silky smooth and the audio is high in fidelity too!

So yes, this is a mixed port.

Some areas seem unfinished but it does pack in extra functions and in my opinion it plays

better than the arcade game even.

Oh, and they also threw in a 3 track music CD featuring two vocal songs from the voice

actress of Mao Mao and one Karaoke track.

As a special bonus, here is the Saturn 480i interlaced mode running in to a modern capture device.

As you can see, it looks odd but run this on a CRT designed for 480i and it will look amazing.

For more infomation >> Battle of the Ports - Sonic Wings Limited (ソニックウィングス リミテッド) Show #250 - 60fps - Duration: 11:00.


Stunning Most utilities covered until 2020! Log cabin tiny home - Duration: 2:23.

Stunning Most utilities covered until 2020! Log cabin tiny home.

For more infomation >> Stunning Most utilities covered until 2020! Log cabin tiny home - Duration: 2:23.


Q&A | How to control a noisy brain? (In English with Hindi Subtitle) - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Q&A | How to control a noisy brain? (In English with Hindi Subtitle) - Duration: 6:18.


Astros' Josh Reddick calls out Alex Bregman on Instagram - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Astros' Josh Reddick calls out Alex Bregman on Instagram - Duration: 1:07.


Pittsburgh International Airport On Track For Highest Passenger Traffic Since 2007 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Pittsburgh International Airport On Track For Highest Passenger Traffic Since 2007 - Duration: 1:42.


Friday evening weather: Lighter winds and much colder air this weekend - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Friday evening weather: Lighter winds and much colder air this weekend - Duration: 4:09.


Confirmed: Star attacker reject Spurs to sign for Arsenal - Duration: 2:37.

17-year-old academy star Bukayo Saka turned down Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur, Fulham and Watford to sign for Arsenal as a child

Saka recently made his full debut at the Emirates Stadium against Qarabag in the Europa League

He impressed supporters with an energetic and exciting performance, even if he admitted afterwards he should've scored at the end

Even though many Arsenal fans probably hadn't even heard of the youngster before this season, he's been around the club for eight years now, joining as a nine-year-old

The winger explained that when he first signed, he had offers from plenty of other London clubs, but turned them all down

"I had invitations from Spurs, Chelsea, Fulham and Watford but the only choice was Arsenal," said Saka

"I enjoyed the way that Arsenal played so the choice was easy for me."I trained at Hale End and signed when I was nine years old

Receiving a scholarship and then signing a professional contract a couple of months ago and playing for the first-team has made this year very special already

".Saka has consistently found himself fast-tracked to higher levels throughout his time with the Arsenal academy

Reaching the u23s before he turned 17 was impressive enough, with all the competition at that level at the moment

Now he's in contention for the first-team squad.It says a lot about Saka's talent that he was eligible to play in the FA Youth Cup last Wednesday, a competition for u18s, yet he started for the senior side the next day instead

Let's hope the youngster can continue his progress so Arsenal fans can rub this one in the faces of the London rivals for years to come

For more infomation >> Confirmed: Star attacker reject Spurs to sign for Arsenal - Duration: 2:37.


Royal Family's true personalities revealed by body language expert - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Royal Family's true personalities revealed by body language expert - Duration: 2:19.


Carta | Experimento | Diego P. - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Carta | Experimento | Diego P. - Duration: 4:46.


✅ Breaking News - Cameron Bancroft reveals in letter how he almost quit the game - Duration: 3:45.

Cameron Bancroft has revealed how he almost quit cricket to become a yoga instructor amid the acrimonious fall-out from Australian's ball-tampering scandal

In a letter written to himself, and printed in Saturday's edition of The West Australian newspaper, Bancroft describes his soul-searching after being suspended for his role in the controversy during Australia's tour of South Africa

Bancroft was caught by television cameras rubbing the ball with sandpaper during the third Test with South Africa in Cape Town in March

It emerged that he had been put up to it by captain Steve Smith with vice-captain David Warner also involved

Nonetheless, Bancroft received a nine month ban from international and domestic cricket in Australia

During his suspension, Bancroft, 26, became involved in teaching yoga and took a training course in Melbourne in September as he mulled leaving cricket altogether

He writes in the letter: 'Until you are able to acknowledge that you are Cameron Bancroft, the person who plays cricket as a profession, and not Cameron Bancroft the cricketer, you will not be able to move forward

'This will become a defining moment for you. 'The yoga teacher training course in Melbourne in September helps to grow this passion of yours

You learn about anatomy, how to teach poses, alignment, the philosophy but most importantly you learn that you can use your life to a greater purpose

'New friends will be made, great people with similar interests. Maybe cricket isn't for you, you'll ask yourself… will you return? Yoga will be such a fulfilling experience

It's hard to feel this reality could exist.' However, playing matches at Willetton District Cricket Club helped revive opener Bancroft's love of the game

He writes: 'The first game will give you the answer about what the game of cricket means to you

It is simply just fun. You wear a blue cap, it won't be a Baggy Green, but the enjoyment is the same

'You love the game. That's the heart of all passion. Cricket is still well and truly a part of who you are

' Bancroft, who is preparing to return to the professional game in the Big Bash having served his ban, believes he has grown stronger as a person as a result of the adversity

He concludes his letter by saying: 'And while you do not look that different, on the inside you are a vastly different man to the bloke who made that mistake in South Africa

'You know you cannot say sorry enough, but actually it is time you allow your cricket to be about what you have learnt and use this opportunity to make a great impact

'It is your hope that what you have learnt will contribute to the cricket teams you perform in and to others who need to overcome a challenge or setback

'Have faith in the future. After all, you are not a professional cricketer, you are simply Cameron

'Life is an incredible journey. Have faith and embrace uncertainty.'

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Cameron Bancroft reveals in letter how he almost quit the game - Duration: 3:45.


Shakespeare is a family man in the scenic but meandering All is True: EW review - Duration: 3:58.

We gave it a B  In "Hamlet," a son is haunted by the ghost of his dead father. In All is True, a partially fictionalized biopic of William Shakespeare late in his life, it's the other way around: The father is haunted by his dead son

 After the Globe Theater burned to the ground in 1613, William Shakespeare returns home to Startford-upon-Avon, where he reunites with the wife he distanced himself from (played by Judi Dench) and mourns the loss of his son who died nearly two decades earlier, at age 11

I feel like I don't even need to mention that this is a Kenneth Branagh film. The Shakespearean stalwart plays the Bard himself in a wig and prosthetics, a man realizing that arrogance and profound guilt cannot coexist peacefully in the soul

 For someone so comfortable within Shakespeare's words, it's surprising that it takes a while for Branagh to appear comfortable in the man's skin

But slowly, as the thematic center of the film begins to take shape, so does Branagh's character — and in those moments the audience is treated to what amounts to nothing short of a Christmas gift for any Anglophile or Shakespeare lover

I mean, Kenneth Branagh and Sir Ian McKellan as Shakespeare and the Earl of Southhampton in front of a fireplace discussing his sonnets! Such stuff as fanfic are made on!  Because so much is unknown about Shakespeare's life, All Is True does take on a winking fan-fiction sensibility, taking those mysterious few details we do know about the Bard's life and weaving fiction around them

the success of the screenplay then, hinges very much on how familiar you are with the details of Shakespeare's biography

Take, for instance, the true historical tidbit of Shakespeare leaving his wife Anne his "second-best bed" in his will

Here, that detail is retroactively explained as a charming inside joke, a symbol of their marriage reconciling after his years away in London writing sonnets to other people

 Like many Shakespeare plays, All is True begins with something akin to a prologue: text on the screen explaining that a cannon misfire during a production of Henry VIII burned the Globe to the ground, that Shakespeare returned home to Stratford-upon-Avon, and that he never wrote another play again

But the film would have benefited from taking a note from the man himself and instead giving us a prologue that identified the thematic core of the movie

There's so little narrative thrust between the English-major inside jokes, so much filler and fluff that when the compelling plot finally comes along, you hardly realize you're supposed to start caring

 That plot, the most interesting dynamic in the film, comes from Shakespeare's youngest daughter, Judith (played by the dynamite Kathryn Wilder) who confronts her father for his absences and his biases

There is a beautiful, surprising, and entirely engrossing film within this movie; it's just almost impossible to find among the establishing shots of ponds and endless subplots of real-life characters introduced for seemingly no other reason than to help make this movie perfect for sophomore year high school classes

 All Is Well is currently in limited release.  Related content: See Kenneth Branagh in the All Is Well trailer Photos from 2019's most anticipated movies

For more infomation >> Shakespeare is a family man in the scenic but meandering All is True: EW review - Duration: 3:58.


[Sub Español] Perth y Saint Cantando Juntos 💕 Love By Chance Sub Español PinSon SonPin | Otaku Chan - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> [Sub Español] Perth y Saint Cantando Juntos 💕 Love By Chance Sub Español PinSon SonPin | Otaku Chan - Duration: 10:28.


🎄 Christmas in Pre-Christian Britain and Western Europe: Night of the Mothers ( Modranicht ) - Duration: 7:15.

Hi everyone! TIMOTHEVS here!

By now, it is a well-known fact that the period around the Winter Solstice was a time of festivities

in the Mediterranean region and Europe long before it was Christianised and turned into

an event to remember the birth of the Galilean Jew Iesus (a.k.a. Yeshua יהושוע ) of Nazareth.

The ancient Egyptians for example celebrated the birth of the Sky-God Horus (a.k.a. ḥr)

around this time…

…in ancient Greece, the rebirth of Dionysos ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΣ was celebrated during the rural Dionysia, shortly after the Winter Solstice…

…in ancient Rome, gifts were exchanged and the house was decorated with greenery for

the Saturnalia (I dedicated an entire video to this, so I'll put a link in the description

in case you would like to find out more about the Saturnalia).

In Late Roman times, the cult of the Sun-God Sol Invictus competed with Christianity for

dominance over the winter holiday season.

When it comes to the ancients that lived in Northern and Western Europe however, it is

a lot less clear what they were up to around this time of the year.

In Viking Age Scandinavia, there appear to have been Yule-tide celebrations, so it is

possible that the Ancient Scandinavians had celebrations that were similar to the Viking

age ones to a certain extent.

For Western Europe though, it is almost impossible to tell to what degree they would have followed

the Roman Saturnalia, the Germanic proto-Yule-tide celebrations or perhaps some other,

local traditions of Celtic or Belgic origin.

When it comes to the British Isles specifically, there is one tiny piece of evidence that may

tell us something about the local Midwinter celebrations in Antiquity:

Let's have a look at an excerpt from the 8th century work 『The Reckoning of Time』(originally

titled『De Temporum Ratione』) by the Northumbrian monk Beda Venerabilis.

"The English people", Beda writes, "began the year on December 25th, when we celebrate

the birth of the Lord.

That very night, which is now sacred to us, they at the time referred to by the gentile

word modranicht, that is, 'night of the mothers', because of -we suspect- the

ceremonies they conducted staying up all night."

Unfortunately, this is not very much to go on at all.

Apparently, Beda wasn't particularly well-informed on the matter…

He doesn't seem too sure about what he DOES say either, so we should be careful not to

assume that his information is accurate.

If what he tells us is true though, the Mothers that were honoured during the nocturnal ceremony

might be related to the Celtic and Germanic Goddesses called the "Matronae", or alternatively


It's not clear whether the worship of the Matronae was originally Gaulish or Germanic,

but by the Roman period, altars with inscriptions mentioning the Matronae can be found in Roman

Germania, Gaul and Britain.

Usually, They are not simply addressed by the name "Matres" or "Matronae", but

rather by "Matres" or "Matronae" followed by a second element that may refer to a place,

tribe, specific function etc.

Some of these appear to be Gaulish/Celtic in origin whereas others are more likely to

be Germanic.

We don't have any ancient literature to find out more about the Matres, so the only

things we have are devotional figurines, and brief inscriptions & reliefs on altars.

The Matronae are depicted sitting in a chair, alone…

…or in threes…Sometimes They have fruit on Their laps…

And sometimes dogs…

Both fruit and dogs suggests that They are chthonic fertility Deities.

Other depictions show them carrying one or two infants.

The theme of birth and the start of new life would fit in nicely with other midwinter traditions.

Figurines and reliefs produced in the area of modern-day Cologne, once the home of

a Germanic tribe called the Ubii, show the Matronae with an Ubian bonnet (or perhaps hairdo).

Sometimes the Lady in the middle has a different hairstyle, but other times, all three look the same.

In Gaul however, all three lack this bonnet.

The same goes for the British Isles.

If we are right to see a connection between the "Night of the Mothers" of the British

Isles and the Matronae, celebrations in Their honour around the winter solstice may have

been held in other places where the Matronae were worshipped…

That was it for this time folks!

Don't forget to like this video and feel free to leave me a comment!

If you are interested in Roman culture and art, I often post pictures and links on my Facebook page.

I'm way more active on there, than I am on YouTube in fact, so if you can't wait

until my next video, head over to my Facebook page and like or follow me.

Alright, that's all I have to say for now!

I hope you all have a lovely end of the year and I'll see you next year!

This was TIMOTHEVS, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 🎄 Christmas in Pre-Christian Britain and Western Europe: Night of the Mothers ( Modranicht ) - Duration: 7:15.


2 INDIE HORROR GAMES - PC Horror Gameplay - No Commentary - Duration: 12:46.

The 2 Indie Horror Games are HE KEEPS ME HERE and THE STATIC SPEAKS MY NAME. Both of them are quite short atmospheric horror games. They are played in the order of He Keeps Me Here & then The Static Speaks My Name. Please enjoy these interesting No Commentary Horror Games.

Throughout this video, you'll be seeing.. * Full playthrough of the indie horror game He Keeps Me Here * Full Playthrough Of the horror game The Static Speaks My Name * No Commentary Horror Games played by me, 20BitWill

For more infomation >> 2 INDIE HORROR GAMES - PC Horror Gameplay - No Commentary - Duration: 12:46.


Speak With Kindness - Christian Parents Be Like - EP1 - Duration: 0:24.

(children screaming over each other)

- Hey guys?



Hey, let's tone it down a little bit, okay?

That's not appropriate.

Hey, guys, that's,

y'all need to stop!

You need to act like Jesus.

Speak to each other with love and kindness.

A nice tone.

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