zeb - i miss u i dont (Lyrics) | JulyNice Music 2018
తులా రాశి 2019 | Thula Rasi 2019 | Rasi Phalalu 2019 To 2020 | Astrology Telugu | Bhavishya Jyoti - Duration: 7:40.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE
Мой Говорящий Том 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #26 Друзья Анджела Хомяк Пукач Том за золотом Игровой мультик - Duration: 20:14.-------------------------------------------
What Is & How to Use Trailing Stop in IQ Option? How Trailing Stop (Stop Loss) Works Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 18:30.What Is & How to Use Trailing Stop in IQ Option? How Trailing Stop (Stop Loss) Works Urdu/Hindi
I Want This to Be Real - Duration: 43:09.-------------------------------------------
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE. I had the urge to reach out to the WORLD TO TELL MY STORY so here I am. - Duration: 5:01.Hello my name is Leah Justyce I Welcome you to my channel. Here I have to inspire you to
become a best version of you. Alright I'm making this one because I'm going to do
a little bit of marketing so I want to say hi.
I'm just this normal random person from Australia that studies a Double Degree
in Criminology and Psychological Science. I dealt with Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder, I had a spiritual awakening when my son got stabbed 2015 and um
bang is my brain shut down and I felt reborn okay. It was really intense I
cried for months and months and months and I didn't cry most my life. I'm a very
strong woman I raised my son basically by myself for 18 years and it was just
cleansing. Really that's what it was and research because I study, like I said, I
got into the research and research and research. Thanks to Google and thanks
to so many forums and people reaching out and telling their stories as well I
just went I need to tell a story. I need to see if this helps other people.
I'm a naturally helper, I'm a healer. I am, that is what Ido for a living
and I was driven to do this channel.
What I really wanted to do was just see if I can find other people like me that
connect and I'm not about you know just being mates with the neighbor because they are your neighbor.
I wanted to meet people that resonated with me, considering that I talk about
DEPRESSION and ANXIETY without drugs, how to LOVE YOUR LIFE, change your APPEARANCE
and just be HAPPY BEING YOU. Find your PASSIONS you know within you and
just LOVE YOUR LIFE thats what my channel is all about. It is it going to have
haters of course there is going to be haters you can't you can't please 7 million
people at 7 billion people in the world. Not that 7 billion people watch YouTube.
But you can't please everyone you know. That's not what it's about and I if I
feel if people have to push their negativity and their issues onto other
people it's something they need to address in themselves. Like it, don't like
it this is reality this is psychological, I fall all over my
tongue ring sometimes my apologies, as well is it's spiritual and so it's deep
within you you know. So my channel is about my life my stories the things that
happen to me each day and I just get a feeling to make a vid about something.
Right now I just had this feeling to make a vid about this because like I
said I want to do a little bit of marketing so I wanted to explain
basically what my channel is about and who I am you know. I'm an artist I've
been an artist at mmm kind of nearly 20 years I got a Degree in Visual Art so
Bachelor Visual Art (Fine Art) and then we did anything with it. Because I
was so concerned about society and what people thought about things and now when
I got to a place of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Do you know I just accept people as they
are now or accept people if so the negative when it comes to people being
negative I just feel like that's the issue within them. I lived a life of
trying to impress everyone else and keeping them happy and all they did was
I felt like that sucked the life out of me okay. Now I'm doing this I never
thought that I would be plastering my face all over the Internet and my name
and my story and all that out there you know. But what I want to do was help
people and and it's amazing I tell you it is amazing when people reach out and
they say' I'm dealing with that same thing or I've dealt with something
like that. I just got what I was meant to do is happening you know. So I
just wanted to say HI my name is Leah Justyce and I welcome you to my channel
and and jump on thelawofattraction.com.au website and it's not just
all about the Law Of Attraction that's what started for me and then I realized
by my channel I was actually on a healing path for myself.
Again fall over my tongue by my vids I watch them sometimes and I think oh my
god you know and it opens something in may as well when i'll get the feeling to
do a vid about something. As well as watching them over and over again you
know, so I just wanted to say come SUBSCRIBE, BELL BUTTON and SHARE.
It's a world of HAPPINESS and there's a shift that an UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is what
is happening. SELF-LOVE you know as well as world love that's what unconditional is.
It's about loving everything in everyone else so my name is Leah Justyce.
I welcome you to my channel here I hope to inspire you to become the best version
of you if not I'll have it make you smile. thelawofattraction.com.au.
Please jump on the forum it's going to take off at some point I've only just begun
all this so it's gonna take time you know. SUBSCRIBE, BELL BUTTON FOR NOTIFICATIONS.
Thank you my peeps, thank you, thank you for supporting me and I
Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You Lyrics | Lirik + Terjemahan Indonesia - Duration: 3:43.Clove & Nutmeg
zeb - i miss u i dont (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:21.zeb - i miss u i dont (Lyrics) | JulyNice Music 2018
台灣人遊上海5|萬象城 想像世界樂高展|電影無雙LUXE雷射巨幕廳體驗|China Travel Vlog EP.24 Shanghai【阿平遊記】 - Duration: 12:08.-------------------------------------------
Người NHÀ GIÀU PHÚ MỸ HƯNG trang trí đón Giáng sinh NOEL RA SAO - PHỐ HÀN QUỐC I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 25:07.-------------------------------------------
The time I peed on myself 🤫 - Duration: 3:32.follow me on instagram Kxng.ux & Kxng.nx
LED christmas tree fix. - Duration: 10:16.welcome back remember this thing from such videos as yesterday I made a
mistake on this one I mean there were a couple of mistakes made but I corrected
those but there's one that I didn't catch however one of my keen-eyed
patreon supporters a Mike did spot it so I am going to explore what's going on
and why this mistake isn't causing the Singh not to work so the mistake is see
this is there's the two different boards are pretty much the same as as we
described earlier they're zooming here so that's q3 there which is over here
that q3 there it's the third one in the oscillator so this is on board a the
second one that I did just go with it and it is aligned the way the silk
screen shows but on board B I put the damn thing in backwards normally you
would expect it not to work but as you can see there will be sixteen here
seventeen eighteen all working which are part of that circuit you can see it up
there why why is it working it shouldn't be
working so with this guy in backwards emitter and collector reversed
essentially why is it working here's here's how it's supposed to be and
here's how it is everything's the same except for that it's backwards so why is
it still working though the one thing to remember is just
is the emitter side looks so like a diode it kind of isn't it kind of isn't
it's a diode with respect to the base but with respect to the collector it's
just a path through you can pass a see through it right as long as the base is
seven tenths of a volt higher than the meter sorry I'm putting it off as long
as the base is higher as 3/4 of a volt higher than the emitter then you can
pass current through the collector and emitter let me show you on a breadboard
okay so on this breadboard we've got five volts
I'll just there's five volts coming in I've got the ground on the emitter same
as it is here I've got a current limiting resistor and an LED going up to
the positive rail and I've got a resistor for the base just to limit the
base current so they don't blow this guy up oh I shouldn't put that current
limiting resistor regardless so in this configuration which is how the circuit
is supposed to be if I put the base resistor to the positive voltage the
path through the collector emitter
becomes active and there's almost no voltage drop across the collector
emitter but between the emitter and the base there is that 3/4 of a volt that I
was talking about right and from ground to well okay so that's that's basically
that let's turn it off now and there is essentially there's only two point six
volts across this right now that's an open circuit all right either the
collector emitter is an open circuit the base voltage there is no base voltage
because it's it's open so the voltage at the collector is 2
point 6 volts and where that's coming from is there's a fixed voltage drop
across an LED all right always going to be a fixed voltage drop across an LED so
now then what happens if we flip the transistor around as I accidentally did
in that circuit normal thinking would have you believe that this isn't going
to work when I put the base to high voltage but there it is
why so there's ground so right now that is the collector over there and the
emitters over here so let's just check what the voltage between the emitter and
the base is woohoo 3/4 of a volt from ground it's also three cars of volt why
because there's zero voltage drop across the collector emitter so whatever
voltage the emitter is that the collector is gonna be at right so why is
that happening that's because the voltage that I'm applying to the base is
5 volts right and then there's the as the current starts being pulled through
there it pulls it down but so there's a four and a quarter volt drop across that
resistor right now with the current falling through it but the so that's
going to be 5 volts but this is remember this is a fixed voltage because of the
voltage drop of the led and also remember that the collector emitter can
pass voltage in either direction once it's turned on so that's why this thing
is working even though it shouldn't be if this load was anything other than
something with a fixed voltage drop if it was a resistive load or something
like that or a high impedance load then you wouldn't have that fixed to point
something volts drop there that's what's happening that's why this thing works
even though it shouldn't unless I'm completely at the lunch if you got a
better explanation as to why this thing is working Oh lemme know in the meantime
I'm going to set this thing right just because now that I know it's wrong even
though it works it's gonna bug me
okay it was a bit of a struggle to get it out there it is back in place start
to solder it back in hope I don't break anything else with all the excess heat
it would suck if I was to lift the pad on this board or something but since the
board is the fiberglass tank but that's a little Bobby that's better
yeah that's better honey now does it still work yes it does
so these things I think you've seen those beliefs things before on the
channel these are what I use to help me decide to them because I bent the leads
on the transistor didn't work as well as they might have otherwise they are
hollow stainless steel desoldering needles basically you pick one that will
fit through the hole and whose inner diameter will fit around the leg of your
component like that and you just heat it up hold it over the component lead and
heat it and shove it through being stainless steel the solder won't
solidify onto this knee just wiggle it back out again and it leaves the
component lead floating in the hole without any solder attaching it found
out about these from the learn electronics channel on youtube check him
out if you're if you're a learner or even if you're experienced is you know
something and he's pretty clever dude over there he was a professional teacher
for a while and now he's semi-retired I think but he's still teaching on YouTube
which is awesome anyway that's it for this one this is just a little quick
correction and in clarification and whatnot thanks to Mike one of my
generous patreon supporters for spotting that and pointing it out to me and to
any of the rest of you spotted it well done your eyes are working better than
mine anything else to say or any other answers or different answers than what I
came up with let's talk about it down in the comments maybe there's something
that I missed probably is I do that a lot anyway
thanks for watching I'll talk to you later
장윤정, 딸이 태어 났을 때 울었다 - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
2019 NEW Just For Laughs Gags | FunnyTV Prank BEST [#37] - Duration: 12:27.
Subscribe for more videos! Posted daily!
吳奇隆要當爸了!劉詩詩「懷孕5個月」終於圓了夢想,命理師驚呼:「寶寶是來報恩的」! - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
Live Now : Piewdiepie vs T-Series! : Who Will Win! : Ends at 10:00 (UTC-08:00 Pacific Time US) - Duration: 1:05:08.-------------------------------------------
Alle Jahre Wieder - Weihnachtslieder zum Mitsingen | Liederkiste - Duration: 13:23.-------------------------------------------
Fantasy Kaleidoscope Episode 12 (Trailer) - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Blades of WWI - Duration: 41:05.-------------------------------------------
20대 청년 타일 데모도 시점 오늘은 아파트 타일 시공하러 1일차 / Twenties tile today apartment tiles construction 1day - Duration: 9:58.-------------------------------------------
HOT COCOA | EASY HOLIDAY GLAM (with CC Vietsub) - Duration: 10:32.-------------------------------------------
Realistic CSS Bokeh Effect Tutorial - Duration: 5:31.hello and welcome to red stapler channel in this tutorial I'm going to show you
how to create a CSS bokeh effect with moving animation in just a few minutes
ready let's check it out
the key concept of this tutorial is very simple create circle color div elements
then used various CSS box shadow radius and rotation to create the animation but
manually coding CSS style and animation for each div is quite
impractical so in this tutorial I'm going to code in SCSS then use the
compiler to generate final CSS let's start with HTML we only need a
wrapper and particle divs you can add as many divs as you like
now the SCSS file first I'm going to define the size and position and
background color of the wrapper div
we also need to add overflow:hidden to hide any off-screen bokeh particles
and next we are going to define constant variables for this project first the
number of the particles this should be equal to the number of the div elements
you have next the particle size as big as you like next to the base opacity
we'll add this with random value later
and next base brightness again we'll add this with random value later
and the colorset these are colors that will be used to generate the particles
randomly I suggest using three but you can add more if needed
now for each div set the position to absolute and border-radius to 50% to
create a circle
then create a loop to iterate through each div
here we are going to start adding randomized value first I'm going to
create a randomized size which is the base size plus the random value then use
it to set width and height
next set top left to random value between zero to 100% boundary
next is color we are going to pick one from the colorset using nth function
and random value within the colorset length
the opacity same as above we will add base with some random value
now the box-shadow this will be a bit tricky instead of using background color
we are going to use the box shadow to represent the entire particle so we need
to offset the shadow with a value a bit larger than the particle size
then use random value for blur radius and set the shadow color using currentcolor
and finally add a brightness future with randomized value
here is what it looks like so far
now let's work on the animation create a linear infinite animation to rotate the
depth 360 degrees
the trick is we need to random a transform origin
so the particles are rotating from various point and appears to look like
they are actually moving
and finally set the animation duration this will be the movement speed so I'm
going to add a random value as well
we are all set let's see the result
so that's all for this tutorial hope you guys enjoy if you are looking for more
tutorial like this check out our Channel videos or subscribe to stay with us for
more updates thanks for watching and see you next time bye
Klopp hails Van Dijk and reveals 'senseless' exchange - Duration: 2:46.Jurgen Klopp saluted the brilliance of Virgil van Dijk after Liverpool kept their title charge on track with a 2-0 win at Wolves
The Dutch defender ended his 11-month wait for a first Premier League goal for the club when he volleyed home Mo Salah's cross to wrap up the points
It capped another dominant display from Van Dijk, who dealt brilliantly with the threat of Adama Traore
Klopp said: "That's a challenge, a proper challenge! The way they play, they changed today with two proper strikers
"We had the ball, we pass it around and Adama and (Raul) Jimenez are really involved in defending, but the moment we overplay, they are hiding in smart spaces
You lose one ball and wow, you need to use your motorbike! "It was clear that we needed to be physical, they were physical in a very good way, no real ugly challenges tonight – and that could have happened with the rain
Both teams tried to play football and played clean, it was really good. "I have no problem talking about individual performances, but only to the players! Virgil is in a good moment for us
Hopefully it can stay like this. "The work rate in general is outstanding. I love the boy, but the two in front of them, they have to run much more to make life more comfortable for the defender
"Dejan (Lovren) played again after not having a perfect pre-season, now having game after game, it's all good
Without that, we don't have a chance. The win was deserved and Virgil played a proper part in that
" Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Klopp was deep in discussion with Van Dijk as they left the field after the celebrations in front of the away end
Asked what they were talking about, Klopp said: "Nothing serious! When I speak on the pitch it always looks animated, but most of the time it is completely senseless!"
Bergen - Duration: 28:52.I know I talk about it a lot, but I think it's even more incredible tonight, maybe because we're on the seashore.
It's midnight.
It's midnight.
Yeah, that's right, it's midnight.
We just went for a bike ride in city, in fact we will leave the bikes here,
I did not bring my lock, Simon brought his.
At this moment it is lock but just a bit.
And my helmet is available if someone wants to steal it.
But we're in Norway, so we'll see what will happen.
We have just arrived in town, there is finally stuff that looks good to eat.
I think I'll take a sandwich.
No, but it's still, since almost a week, the most edible thing I found.
For only 83 crowns. (that was ironic)
It's nice to arrive in town.
Why are all the places that I visit must going up.
My legs are tired.
I think it is look a bit like San Francisco.
Just a bit.
It's just because it's a little '' mountainous '' streets.
Wow! A fish market
I just ate, but it still makes me hungry.
We taste to a whale.
It taste almost like meat.
It's a smoked whale.
It is really good.
But it's close to ... It looks like jerky beef.
Oh, we are in a corner that I like.
A big street food alley.
There are only prices that are ridiculously ridiculous.
360 crowns, the equivalent of 50USD to eat on a paper plate.
We will taste the biggest crab in the world.
Oh wow!
It is really good!
Look at the size of the legs this is completely crazy!
It's special everything is made of wood it's a ...
It sounds special.
It sounds like a very soundproof room.
There I just found the way I'm going go to the airport.
I'll have to go to a bus station, there are four of them in the city and
it costs only 115 crowns to get go to the airport and they can take
my bike and all my boxes.
There are departures every ten minutes.
Now I'll only have to find boxes to pack everything.
And a place to sleep not too far because I need to carry it up to the bus.
They really have beautiful cartier.
From now I find that Bergen is very much more interesting to visit than Oslo.
She has her little unique side.
Good morning, yesterday I managed to find myself a plane ticket and here I am in a
apartment which is 3km and a half from a bus station
that can take me to the airport.
So that's a good thing because they can also take my bike and my luggage.
Now what I am not sure is if I will come back with my bike.
It may be cheaper to ship it by mail because the company that
I will flight with, Icelandair, they charge aroud $160 to take the bike.
So if it's possible to do it for less by mail, I will do it.
I will soon move to another apartment that is in the city center.
I will find a box and I will evaluate all that.
I'll be back on Thursday, it's Tuesday.
So I have two days to put all this together.
That's really the hardest part of the trip in my opinion.
Because at the end of a trip like this one, you just want to lay down and do nothing.
While we are in the journey, we are like in another "beat".
We are a little disconnected.
Even if we do a lot of physical effort, we are in a bubble, we are in a cycle,
we get up in the morning we do our bike ride.
And even if the body is tired we are still able to take it because the body is
used to do it every day but it seems like from the moment we stop ...
I just want to sleep.
I took six months to fully recover from Japan.
Completely, maybe a week to recover from my enormous fatigue, but I recovered my fatigue in about six months.
I think it'll be a little less bad there.
I still did only the half of Japan equivalent.
Bergen it looks to be a city that is in full expansion, there are really old
cartier where can we feel the time, and there is other more modern cartier, but it's like mixing everything.
In my opinion, there were some who were renovated, I think there are some who burned
so they did not have the choice to redo everything.
But it's a beautiful city, really.
My first mission this morning was to come and see exactly where I will have to leave on Thursday morning.
So right now I'm at Central Station so there are plenty of trains and buses.
I know now that I have to come to N.
And looking there, all of those where it's indicated FLY are the departures to the airport, I guess.
There is one every 20 minutes.
Now I can only have my room in two hours, I can still try to look for
a box, but the box will not be easy to bring back with the bike.
Ah! There is a big warehouse right there.
They must surely have boxes.
Haha !! I just found a box.
It's not exactly the right kind of box, but I think I'll be able to
wrap my bike inside.
Which should be Ok.
I have to bring it back there and I have about 1km and a quarter to go to
reach my new appartement with all that.
It may be funny to see and frustrating to do.
Well there is a bike shop that tells me that he could have a bike box tomorrow.
In fact I know that I found one earlier, but I want a better one.
I'm not sure it will be good.
I do not know how it goes at the airport.
Probably it's going to be fine, but ...
It's not great.
Yeah, otherwise it's amazing how it's hard to find a box.
There is a shop right there that sells boxes, but they are all too small.
It's odd how much every store do not have boxes.
I have the impression that they just don't care about me and that they just really don't want to help me because...
I do not know.
Maybe because I will not bring them any money.
I mean ... All of the equipment they sell... It arrive in a box,
The sports shop here is the coolest.
He told me that if I came back tomorrow he could get me a bike box, I asked him
his biggest so he will keep it for me tomorrow.
Otherwise as soon as he unpack them he throws them instantly.
He gave me a box, I think it's big enough for my luggage to go inside.
I'm pretty sure.
I'm still going to try to do something thing with the big box that I already have.
If I'm not satisfied, I'll come in look for another one tomorrow.
That's so much, but so ridiculous.
And that only happened to me, and that's arrived several times in the Scandinavian countries.
I rented a room here.
Right there at that door.
And the reviews on Booking was not good.
He had a grade of 5.5 I think.
And what I read in the comments is that it was very difficult to find
the building and to enter inside.
It made me think of some experiences that I had.
But I always end up back in the room.
So I took the time to write to the owner once I made my reservation
to know how I would have to do to enter in my room.
Ah and I also asked him for the Wi-fi password at the same time.
Like that if I was stuck outside well I could send him an e-mail.
So he replied that my room was number 302 and that the code of the main door was 0104.
But I had to ask him to have this information.
Otherwise I would not have had it, I would have arrived here, and there is a door, there is no
nobody inside, so I would have been stuck at the door, that's it.
So, let's do the instructions he gave me.
He did not answer me about the wi-fi.
There is a code to input here so I'm doing 0104.
I can open that here.
I can insert the key and get in.
Until then it's okay.
For the wi-fi I managed to find it.
There is a door there, and a router is there and the password is written on it.
You have to know it.
I searched.
Well now we're going to room 302.
302, I just realized that it's also 403, not too sure.
It's locked.
Well, that's it.
There is another thing there, with nothing inside.
So that's it.
It's cool huh!
I bothered to ask him how I could get into my room?
He gave me the door code downstairs.
It's a ... ah there are some things there.
Ah, I'll take 202.
Well, he told me 302, but ...
I am in 202.
I do not know if it's really that, but ...
I had a room with two beds and that's what I have.
Ah, I'm pleasantly surprised about what we have been able to do.
I took the box I had at first, the one that was a mess to cary up the the appartement.
And Simon and I managed to do that.
What's good is that it's open.
So probably that ...
Probably they will not need to open it to inspect it.
I hope it would be good.
Because there are a lot of tapes.
Because in fact we opened the box and we only wrap it on the bike.
And it's still something that hold on a bit.
I have my other box for my luggage.
And now the most complicated part of it will be to carry all of this to the bus station.
I have about 800m to walk with that box.
So my luggage and my hand luggage.
I think I'm going to walk a street corner with that one, and go back for the other one,
walk to the same street corners, go took for the last one, walk to the other
street corner and do that between every corner.
Thursday will be a hard day.
Ahah!! I can't believe it!
We met the...
We met people who were coming back to the famous apartment where are we staying.
And I asked them which room they stayed in.
And the stay in the 302.
Yes, the one I was supposed to have.
And they told me that they have this appartement for a week now and I would not be
the first to get their room assigned.
that is an amazing stupidity.
But still, I have the cheapest room in the area, there is a bed, a shower, a kitchen, wi-fi.
And it's probably the closest appartement from the station.
Police is something we do not see a lot in Norway.
I think it may be the first or the second one I see in town here.
Since I'm in Norway I may have seen five, big maximum.
I do not know if they have a very small police force across the country or they may not need it.
People are still nice.
A few days ago when I was in Copenhagen I discovered an application called Too Good To Go.
Simon is a member of Too Good To Go and I I think I will subscribe tonight.
Unfortunately there is none of this in Canada, but ...
For 39 crowns....
For 39 crowns in Norway we almost can have a loaf.
Now for 39 crowns...
I want this in Canada it's so amazing!
Well, last day in Europe.
I will go for a walk in the city and relax.
Because yes, I still need to relax.
It must also be said that Norway is a country that is super beautiful to see in its lost corners.
I mean, Bergen is a beautiful city, but after a day we see a lot of it.
And here I am here three days.
So there is not much to do.
In short, if you come to Norway, go to lost corners, where you can find beautiful hotdogs ...
Beautiful landscapes and only hot dogs to eat.
Ah ah ah ah!!
Oh, Norway.
I realized by looking at my bill of where do I sleep right now?
For two nights it cost $ 192.
On this, there is $ 63 of tax.
If I'm not mistaken, that's something like 30% of tax.
We are cying at home because we pay 15%, but ...
This is completely crazy!
I seem to see according to the bills that there a different level of taxation depending on what
we consume, so for the lodging this would be a 30%.
I bought a tape.
It was 25% tax.
And in groceries they charge 15%, on stuff that would have been non-taxable in Canada.
I heard something yesterday too.
I think that applies to pretty much all the Scandinavian countries.
It may not be very varied, but what I heard yesterday it is only in Denmark, when they purchase of a vehicle.
It's probably only gasoline vehicle, because I know that by here they
want to eliminate all gasoline vehicles and they aim for that somewhere in 2020,
in the 2020s, all vehicles be electric.
So they charge between 85 and 150% of taxes on the purchase of a vehicle.
This is completely crazy!
150% taxes.
So from what I have the impression, the reason for which Norway is so expensive,
and most Scandinavian countries too, but especially Norway, it's a question of taxes.
The products are not necessarily more expensive, it is the government that collects a lot of taxes.
This is the most beautiful corner that I have find.
A beautiful lake at the bottom of the mountain.
We see lots of houses at the top of the mountain, the fountain, there are plenty of people running
around and on the other side ...
I think there are a lot of buses that stop there.
The train station is right on the other side then there are still a lot of people passing by.
And there they put a big play center.
There are lots of toys and there are people of all ages who play.
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