Well, quite recently 10,000 subscribers appeared on my channel.
So I decided to make a new show.
So I decided to make a new show.
So I decided to make a new show.
And today we will try to find out who is stronger -
3 guys with Immortal rank
or 5 guys but already with the rank of Legend
It was very difficult to collect everybody
Because not everyone has time for 3 games,
not all came at the scheduled time
Not everyone believed that you could win in 3 against 5
But here we are finally gathered and ...
Immortal: I suggest to choose Void,
PA or Jugger But, PA cant stay solo, or you can?
i can get half creeps
And i will comeback with magnus
Ok, i will pick magnus
They write Roll to decide on Pick
Nobody wants to play on supports
Legend: - wait wait wait
- Stop, who has less? - Fuck, I'm going to mid .
Who has the most, he goes to the mid
Zhenya, Zhenya
Come on, Zhenya, go mid
Just do not lose, if you lose - 5 reports
Go first pick maybe?
I can not find PA
- I immediately take the Shaman
- I will support - Can we ban meepo xd
- Oh, ok i got it
- someone can go hard? - he can go solo hard
- I can go solo hard as axe
- And we are 2 sup
- Yeah, let him solo hard
- You can take Undying solo - Maybe bristleback?
- it's the most important! The main thing is
not to lose the first game!
- I will be happy, all the other matches - do not care
- I think the first game we will not lose
- We must win! Let's often come to mid
- we must humiliate Meepo
- Or humiliate us - Yeah, i can stay solo vs magnus
- We are waiting for level 2
and go to mid
Guys, if you take at least one bounty, I will love you so match
- No. - Do not care guys...
- I just did not have time to reach
- Are you die ? - No sure
- But you will?
- Yes, i will
- Wait, Guys gogogo
- He have no tp
- 2 sec , 1 sec, No, I did not have time
Let's not let him to the Creeps
Standing here
They do nothing, just stand and look at me. okay
Meanwhile, my Carry will farm
ok im die
Lich and shaman come to kill me
I play so bad, idk why
Bitch, why are you such a pussy? Lina is just afraid of my illusions
and hides under t2
i can't snowball at this game
Shadow Shaman tp already
I wonder where they are
They tp together, with lich
mean to me
Maybe they have me
They do 2 tp
Just play carefully
hide in the bushes, now I'll come
but im not sure
- She goes to the forest,its great - lets go?
yeah, go
oh, this slow
lich is 4 lvl
i will come, wait
Maybe its illusion? No? can you hit him?
He put ward
Just cancel tp
I can do combo - skewer + RP
ok do it
do it
pfff, how i miss?
game is shit
im forget about new skill (PA)
what do you mean? Press 3 spell?
Yes! Im have no game as PA
Can we go smoke? x2
Here go smoke, and kill drow
she at middle, yeah?
ok go smoke from ancient spot and
we need put some ward
- I need for smoke? - No
So, can you go first?
Oh, i think here someone
Can you save me?? Oh , no, do not care just go back
go back x3
not enough :D gg
fuck, that wrong with this map?
at this moment we realized that it is no longer possible to win
we played insanely bad
desperate enough and lost the first game
how i can use rp with out dagger?
Just 3 spell and press rp.
Ok, fine , its ez
Ok guys,let's redo the same pick
i like it
so, we can do same pick
so guys, we lost the first game, dont worry
Listen to, lets pick windranger
i dont care if... I
I'll probably take a Huskar
Huskar? fuck. You go to mid, right?
Well, i go to easy line
Ok, im easy stay vs triple line
Alright, I have a question: do we want, pick hero on first pick?
I changed my mind.
Invoker! mb i pick meepo now, guys?
lets one more time pick meepo Want it - take it
let's not the same pick
Wait, not to same pick lets play 2 1 2
do not 2 1 2 plays
Maybe you want us to pick the same?
dont know, I don't want the same. Pick what you want
I want to stay vs invoker
Bodya, why you play on meta-hero Why you not play on Lone Druid?
Why you not play on Lone Druid?
Me? Wait i actually 4th
look at my profile
find there at least one, not on es or ww
Got it
oh, me too, we are look like brothers
oh, you are play only as cancer in dota, i got it
i know where they are put the ward
they put ward here
it's risky, if i put sentry
and I will not find ward...
I'll be upset
This is the best ss in the world
triple on the top line
you see how invo try to kill me?
why did they decide to give rune?
Got it.
HAHA! Ez drive out from the way
Alright thay stay and steal steal exp from their carry
before you play on mili hero and they can stay with out steal exp
invoker stay mid so
so bad
if we were playing 5 by 5, I would have thought that I had already won
I would have thought that I had already won
All sup miss
yeap, duzzle here
and shaman maybe too, carefully
relax, they cant kill me
im almost 3 lvl, they do shit
Ok, shaman is here , fine
what persistent people
fuck off
shaman is tp
pudge maybe tp too
- Pudge do tp - Yes, at mid
Dazzle too, everybody do it
for save invo
do not care, its fine. A belive you have some space
- because their supports kill me... - I crush her
and thay got nithing from this kill
MISS! God himself wants me to win this game
I have to win it. I must
i wanna buy armlet
Run away, i have grave
Ohh, and I thought to kill them?
i have 5 lvl
everybody here x3
- lie! shaman here - ok no shaman
Im at bottom lisen,
but i want to kill invo
ok go
- they go tp maybe - no care
she is fucking idiots doesn't press a tp and just use healing salve
fuck i cant
- Ok - Fuck! its inpossible
- we cant win already
- play for fun dude - Im play as shaman !
- Its just ussless hero
- if i just go farm without fight -
its been 100% win , but i want to kill voker
and i will
i will push the tower and go bottom
stick at base...
Everything is very bad. We must kill meepo
catch him alone
all time
im stay ageinst creeps, rofl
im here, 5 sec
i have no tp
i cath pudge, like i have maphack
- Gogogo - i will come,
me without tp
but i can die
ok me die xd
you are so late
i will kill voker if you do not scream him
i need vision under tower
"praises himself how cool he is"
i mean wr...
This is similar to 3k games, in the last game they play like a pro...
normal 3k players
im suggest to kill dazzle
drow at bottom, i think she will use tp
go rosh maybe?
After kill voker
ok, i will buy tp and we going to rosh
yeah, press all buttons, go sunstrike...
gogo fast rosh
- i will split bottom - ok - regen here
wait i wanna push mid
- take regen after rosh - shaman at bottom
can we go end?
i see invo
can i kill him?
but i think they all here
me going too
its so bad
go let him use him ulty?
..trash tolk.....
you have 1st spall, its fune
go write gg, we anyway lose
Ok go
why you all so sad? just lose 1 game
- its just game for fun, relax - nono, u lose its game 100%
last game i wanna play as druid
100%, and i dont care there i been stay (top, mid bot)
But, i wanna stay safe lane
safe lane it will be so ez for me
ok, and they usually put in top pudge.
i can go mid, but do not wanna
But i can mid as rubick
but rubick its so late
i go safe lane please
ok ok
- huskar? - or tinker
you can travel on my beer, but it been so late , we need win start
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