Friday, December 21, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 22 2018










Well, quite recently 10,000 subscribers appeared on my channel.

So I decided to make a new show.

So I decided to make a new show.

So I decided to make a new show.

And today we will try to find out who is stronger -

3 guys with Immortal rank

or 5 guys but already with the rank of Legend

It was very difficult to collect everybody

Because not everyone has time for 3 games,

not all came at the scheduled time

Not everyone believed that you could win in 3 against 5

But here we are finally gathered and ...

Immortal: I suggest to choose Void,

PA or Jugger But, PA cant stay solo, or you can?

i can get half creeps

And i will comeback with magnus

Ok, i will pick magnus

They write Roll to decide on Pick

Nobody wants to play on supports

Legend: - wait wait wait

- Stop, who has less? - Fuck, I'm going to mid .

Who has the most, he goes to the mid

Zhenya, Zhenya

Come on, Zhenya, go mid

Just do not lose, if you lose - 5 reports

Go first pick maybe?

I can not find PA

- I immediately take the Shaman

- I will support - Can we ban meepo xd

- Oh, ok i got it

- someone can go hard? - he can go solo hard

- I can go solo hard as axe

- And we are 2 sup

- Yeah, let him solo hard

- You can take Undying solo - Maybe bristleback?

- it's the most important! The main thing is

not to lose the first game!

- I will be happy, all the other matches - do not care

- I think the first game we will not lose

- We must win! Let's often come to mid

- we must humiliate Meepo

- Or humiliate us - Yeah, i can stay solo vs magnus

- We are waiting for level 2

and go to mid

Guys, if you take at least one bounty, I will love you so match

- No. - Do not care guys...

- I just did not have time to reach

- Are you die ? - No sure

- But you will?

- Yes, i will

- Wait, Guys gogogo

- He have no tp

- 2 sec , 1 sec, No, I did not have time

Let's not let him to the Creeps

Standing here

They do nothing, just stand and look at me. okay

Meanwhile, my Carry will farm

ok im die

Lich and shaman come to kill me

I play so bad, idk why

Bitch, why are you such a pussy? Lina is just afraid of my illusions

and hides under t2

i can't snowball at this game

Shadow Shaman tp already

I wonder where they are

They tp together, with lich

mean to me

Maybe they have me

They do 2 tp

Just play carefully

hide in the bushes, now I'll come


but im not sure

- She goes to the forest,its great - lets go?

yeah, go

oh, this slow

lich is 4 lvl

i will come, wait

Maybe its illusion? No? can you hit him?

He put ward

Just cancel tp

I can do combo - skewer + RP

ok do it

do it

pfff, how i miss?

game is shit

im forget about new skill (PA)

what do you mean? Press 3 spell?

Yes! Im have no game as PA

Can we go smoke? x2

Here go smoke, and kill drow

she at middle, yeah?

ok go smoke from ancient spot and

we need put some ward

- I need for smoke? - No

So, can you go first?

Oh, i think here someone

Can you save me?? Oh , no, do not care just go back

go back x3

not enough :D gg

fuck, that wrong with this map?

at this moment we realized that it is no longer possible to win

we played insanely bad

desperate enough and lost the first game

how i can use rp with out dagger?

Just 3 spell and press rp.

Ok, fine , its ez

Ok guys,let's redo the same pick

i like it

so, we can do same pick

so guys, we lost the first game, dont worry

Listen to, lets pick windranger

i dont care if... I

I'll probably take a Huskar

Huskar? fuck. You go to mid, right?


Well, i go to easy line

Ok, im easy stay vs triple line

Alright, I have a question: do we want, pick hero on first pick?

I changed my mind.

Invoker! mb i pick meepo now, guys?

lets one more time pick meepo Want it - take it

let's not the same pick

Wait, not to same pick lets play 2 1 2

do not 2 1 2 plays

Maybe you want us to pick the same?

dont know, I don't want the same. Pick what you want

I want to stay vs invoker

Bodya, why you play on meta-hero Why you not play on Lone Druid?

Why you not play on Lone Druid?

Me? Wait i actually 4th

look at my profile

find there at least one, not on es or ww

Got it

oh, me too, we are look like brothers

oh, you are play only as cancer in dota, i got it

i know where they are put the ward

they put ward here


it's risky, if i put sentry

and I will not find ward...

I'll be upset

This is the best ss in the world

triple on the top line

you see how invo try to kill me?

why did they decide to give rune?

Got it.

HAHA! Ez drive out from the way

Alright thay stay and steal steal exp from their carry

before you play on mili hero and they can stay with out steal exp

invoker stay mid so

so bad

if we were playing 5 by 5, I would have thought that I had already won

I would have thought that I had already won

All sup miss

yeap, duzzle here

and shaman maybe too, carefully

relax, they cant kill me

im almost 3 lvl, they do shit

Ok, shaman is here , fine

what persistent people

fuck off

shaman is tp

pudge maybe tp too

- Pudge do tp - Yes, at mid

Dazzle too, everybody do it

for save invo

do not care, its fine. A belive you have some space

- because their supports kill me... - I crush her

and thay got nithing from this kill

MISS! God himself wants me to win this game

I have to win it. I must

i wanna buy armlet

Run away, i have grave

Ohh, and I thought to kill them?

i have 5 lvl

everybody here x3

- lie! shaman here - ok no shaman

Im at bottom lisen,

but i want to kill invo

ok go

- they go tp maybe - no care

she is fucking idiots doesn't press a tp and just use healing salve

fuck i cant


- Ok - Fuck! its inpossible

- we cant win already

- play for fun dude - Im play as shaman !

- Its just ussless hero

- if i just go farm without fight -

its been 100% win , but i want to kill voker

and i will

i will push the tower and go bottom

stick at base...

Everything is very bad. We must kill meepo

catch him alone

all time

im stay ageinst creeps, rofl


im here, 5 sec

i have no tp

i cath pudge, like i have maphack


- Gogogo - i will come,

me without tp

but i can die

ok me die xd

you are so late


i will kill voker if you do not scream him


i need vision under tower

"praises himself how cool he is"

i mean wr...

This is similar to 3k games, in the last game they play like a pro...

normal 3k players

im suggest to kill dazzle

drow at bottom, i think she will use tp

go rosh maybe?

After kill voker

ok, i will buy tp and we going to rosh

yeah, press all buttons, go sunstrike...

gogo fast rosh

- i will split bottom - ok - regen here

wait i wanna push mid

- take regen after rosh - shaman at bottom


can we go end?

i see invo

can i kill him?

but i think they all here

me going too

its so bad


go let him use him ulty?

..trash tolk.....

you have 1st spall, its fune

go write gg, we anyway lose

Ok go


why you all so sad? just lose 1 game




- its just game for fun, relax - nono, u lose its game 100%

last game i wanna play as druid

100%, and i dont care there i been stay (top, mid bot)

But, i wanna stay safe lane

safe lane it will be so ez for me

ok, and they usually put in top pudge.

i can go mid, but do not wanna

But i can mid as rubick

but rubick its so late

i go safe lane please

ok ok

- huskar? - or tinker

you can travel on my beer, but it been so late , we need win start

For more infomation >> 3 Титана против 5 Легенд! - КТО ВЫИГРАЕТ? - Duration: 27:20.


คล็อปป์บอกต้องการ 105 คะแนนเพื่อเป็นแชมป์ - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> คล็อปป์บอกต้องการ 105 คะแนนเพื่อเป็นแชมป์ - Duration: 2:32.


Симулятор в Роблокс Перебежи мост если сможешь Супер Способностей НОВАЯ ИГРА - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> Симулятор в Роблокс Перебежи мост если сможешь Супер Способностей НОВАЯ ИГРА - Duration: 10:49.


Dophix Nettuno - recensione fuzz made in Italy - Duration: 4:05.

Tons of gain, a modern approach and a pure made in Italy construction.

This is Dophix Nettuno Fuzz and I'm Pietro of, talking about it

in this article.

The Nettuno has a growly and aggressive tone, close to the muff world.

More than a simple low-pass filter, the Tone works as a contour, to

cut or boost the hi-mids.

Adding saturation, a pure distortion appears, still holding the fuzz base.

The stomp reacts well and cleans itself nicely with the guitar's volume.

This is our clean tone, anyway.

Let's have some fun: gain to the max.

In the end, beyond the limits: full gain into a distorted amp, of course british tubes.

Read the article to know more about the Nettuno, subscribe and click on the bell to

Keep yourself updated. Comment and share this video if you found it useful!

For more infomation >> Dophix Nettuno - recensione fuzz made in Italy - Duration: 4:05.


2 minutes whith Alba Bustamante - Duration: 2:02.

Hi. My name is Alba Bustamante and I am the Global Marketing Director for Luxury Brands in Meliá Hotels International.

What we do from this global position is the brand building work:

we expect that our commercial brands are strong enough to be the 'top of mind' of our clients.

In sum, we remind them to choose us for their following trips and holidays.

The thing I like the most about Meliá is its international vocation and its continuous bet on creativity.

This is a Majorcan company (I am Majorcan, too) and we really aim for reaching the whole world from this little piece of paradise.

Every single contact we make with other countries and cultures helps us to learn a lot, and this is the thing that promotes creativity the most.

I am the person in charge of creating the stories that connect with our clients

and that are the base of our advertising campaigns, our social media activity, our communication and public relations strategy, etc.

And, because of that, we always have to pay attention on every trend in the world of luxury.

For luxury brands, we actually bet on offering experiences.

For example, in our latest Gran Meliá campaign, we have introduced three well-known social media influencers

travelling to some of our Gran Meliá destinations and living really unique experiences there.

And regarding ME by Meliá, we aim for collaborating with the most avant-garde and creative partners.

In short, our Department of Strategy works on positioning our top brands in the luxury segment

by creating and personalising the best experiences for our clients.

For more infomation >> 2 minutes whith Alba Bustamante - Duration: 2:02.


Bhalobesechi Tomay | Uma Khan | ভালোবেসেছি তোমায় | New Bangla Song | Love Song | Lyrics Video - Duration: 5:28.


For more infomation >> Bhalobesechi Tomay | Uma Khan | ভালোবেসেছি তোমায় | New Bangla Song | Love Song | Lyrics Video - Duration: 5:28.


Donald Trump aboga por muro para tener seguridad ante migrantes - Duration: 2:54.

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, responsabilizó hoy a los demócratas del cierre parcial administrativo que iniciará a la medianoche y les instó a negociar para que "con suerte no dure mucho"

Te recomendamos: Legisladores de EU no llegan a acuerdo presupuestario; paralizan gobierno  Trump compartió un video en Twitter en el que mezcló afirmaciones sobre el tráfico de drogas y las pandillas con imágenes de las recientes caravanas de migrantes centroamericanos e insistió en que Estados Unidos necesita "seguridad fronteriza"

 "Necesitamos una gran barrera y si no la tenemos, nunca va a funcionar", añadió.  Por todo ello, Trump instó a los demócratas a sentarse a negociar para que "con suerte (el cierre) no dure mucho"


Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 22, 2018 "Demócratas, tenemos una lista maravillosa con cosas que necesitamos para mantener a nuestro país seguro

Salgamos, trabajemos juntos, seamos bipartidistas y hagámoslo", dijo. La negociación entre republicanos y demócratas había llegado a un punto muerto a raíz de la exigencia de Trump de que el proyecto de presupuestos incluye una partida de más de 5 mil millones de dólares para el muro fronterizo

  De hecho, los dos partidos habían alcanzado el jueves un acuerdo que no incluía fondos para el muro, pero el mandatario decidió vetarlo

 "Vamos a tener un cierre, no hay nada que nosotros podamos hacer al respecto porque necesitamos que los demócratas nos den sus votos", insistió Trump

 "Llámenlo cierre demócrata o llámenlo como quieran", añadió.  El Senado de Estados Unidos  levantó su sesión poco después de las 20:00 hora local del viernes (0100 GMT del sábado), lo que puso fin a la jornada legislativa y por lo tanto garantizó la paralización parcial del gobierno federal

 El Senado regresará del receso al mediodía del sábado (17:00 GMT).El fracaso de las negociaciones entre el Congreso de Estados Unidos y el presidente Donald Trump para acordar un proyecto de ley de financiamiento llevará al cierre temporal de las operaciones de varias agencias federales a la medianoche del viernes

Más sobre el tema. Corte Suprema de EU bloquea orden de Trump sobre asilo a migrantes México recibirá a migrantes extranjeros deportados de EU  VJCM

For more infomation >> Donald Trump aboga por muro para tener seguridad ante migrantes - Duration: 2:54.


তিনদিন জান্নাতী ঘোষণা করলেন যে ব্যাক্তিকে।Moniruzzaman helali Bangla waz - Duration: 25:12.

jannath man

Allahu Akbar


For more infomation >> তিনদিন জান্নাতী ঘোষণা করলেন যে ব্যাক্তিকে।Moniruzzaman helali Bangla waz - Duration: 25:12.


Симулятор в Роблокс Перебежи мост если сможешь Супер Способностей НОВАЯ ИГРА - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> Симулятор в Роблокс Перебежи мост если сможешь Супер Способностей НОВАЯ ИГРА - Duration: 10:49.


3 Титана против 5 Легенд! - КТО ВЫИГРАЕТ? - Duration: 27:20.










Well, quite recently 10,000 subscribers appeared on my channel.

So I decided to make a new show.

So I decided to make a new show.

So I decided to make a new show.

And today we will try to find out who is stronger -

3 guys with Immortal rank

or 5 guys but already with the rank of Legend

It was very difficult to collect everybody

Because not everyone has time for 3 games,

not all came at the scheduled time

Not everyone believed that you could win in 3 against 5

But here we are finally gathered and ...

Immortal: I suggest to choose Void,

PA or Jugger But, PA cant stay solo, or you can?

i can get half creeps

And i will comeback with magnus

Ok, i will pick magnus

They write Roll to decide on Pick

Nobody wants to play on supports

Legend: - wait wait wait

- Stop, who has less? - Fuck, I'm going to mid .

Who has the most, he goes to the mid

Zhenya, Zhenya

Come on, Zhenya, go mid

Just do not lose, if you lose - 5 reports

Go first pick maybe?

I can not find PA

- I immediately take the Shaman

- I will support - Can we ban meepo xd

- Oh, ok i got it

- someone can go hard? - he can go solo hard

- I can go solo hard as axe

- And we are 2 sup

- Yeah, let him solo hard

- You can take Undying solo - Maybe bristleback?

- it's the most important! The main thing is

not to lose the first game!

- I will be happy, all the other matches - do not care

- I think the first game we will not lose

- We must win! Let's often come to mid

- we must humiliate Meepo

- Or humiliate us - Yeah, i can stay solo vs magnus

- We are waiting for level 2

and go to mid

Guys, if you take at least one bounty, I will love you so match

- No. - Do not care guys...

- I just did not have time to reach

- Are you die ? - No sure

- But you will?

- Yes, i will

- Wait, Guys gogogo

- He have no tp

- 2 sec , 1 sec, No, I did not have time

Let's not let him to the Creeps

Standing here

They do nothing, just stand and look at me. okay

Meanwhile, my Carry will farm

ok im die

Lich and shaman come to kill me

I play so bad, idk why

Bitch, why are you such a pussy? Lina is just afraid of my illusions

and hides under t2

i can't snowball at this game

Shadow Shaman tp already

I wonder where they are

They tp together, with lich

mean to me

Maybe they have me

They do 2 tp

Just play carefully

hide in the bushes, now I'll come


but im not sure

- She goes to the forest,its great - lets go?

yeah, go

oh, this slow

lich is 4 lvl

i will come, wait

Maybe its illusion? No? can you hit him?

He put ward

Just cancel tp

I can do combo - skewer + RP

ok do it

do it

pfff, how i miss?

game is shit

im forget about new skill (PA)

what do you mean? Press 3 spell?

Yes! Im have no game as PA

Can we go smoke? x2

Here go smoke, and kill drow

she at middle, yeah?

ok go smoke from ancient spot and

we need put some ward

- I need for smoke? - No

So, can you go first?

Oh, i think here someone

Can you save me?? Oh , no, do not care just go back

go back x3

not enough :D gg

fuck, that wrong with this map?

at this moment we realized that it is no longer possible to win

we played insanely bad

desperate enough and lost the first game

how i can use rp with out dagger?

Just 3 spell and press rp.

Ok, fine , its ez

Ok guys,let's redo the same pick

i like it

so, we can do same pick

so guys, we lost the first game, dont worry

Listen to, lets pick windranger

i dont care if... I

I'll probably take a Huskar

Huskar? fuck. You go to mid, right?


Well, i go to easy line

Ok, im easy stay vs triple line

Alright, I have a question: do we want, pick hero on first pick?

I changed my mind.

Invoker! mb i pick meepo now, guys?

lets one more time pick meepo Want it - take it

let's not the same pick

Wait, not to same pick lets play 2 1 2

do not 2 1 2 plays

Maybe you want us to pick the same?

dont know, I don't want the same. Pick what you want

I want to stay vs invoker

Bodya, why you play on meta-hero Why you not play on Lone Druid?

Why you not play on Lone Druid?

Me? Wait i actually 4th

look at my profile

find there at least one, not on es or ww

Got it

oh, me too, we are look like brothers

oh, you are play only as cancer in dota, i got it

i know where they are put the ward

they put ward here


it's risky, if i put sentry

and I will not find ward...

I'll be upset

This is the best ss in the world

triple on the top line

you see how invo try to kill me?

why did they decide to give rune?

Got it.

HAHA! Ez drive out from the way

Alright thay stay and steal steal exp from their carry

before you play on mili hero and they can stay with out steal exp

invoker stay mid so

so bad

if we were playing 5 by 5, I would have thought that I had already won

I would have thought that I had already won

All sup miss

yeap, duzzle here

and shaman maybe too, carefully

relax, they cant kill me

im almost 3 lvl, they do shit

Ok, shaman is here , fine

what persistent people

fuck off

shaman is tp

pudge maybe tp too

- Pudge do tp - Yes, at mid

Dazzle too, everybody do it

for save invo

do not care, its fine. A belive you have some space

- because their supports kill me... - I crush her

and thay got nithing from this kill

MISS! God himself wants me to win this game

I have to win it. I must

i wanna buy armlet

Run away, i have grave

Ohh, and I thought to kill them?

i have 5 lvl

everybody here x3

- lie! shaman here - ok no shaman

Im at bottom lisen,

but i want to kill invo

ok go

- they go tp maybe - no care

she is fucking idiots doesn't press a tp and just use healing salve

fuck i cant


- Ok - Fuck! its inpossible

- we cant win already

- play for fun dude - Im play as shaman !

- Its just ussless hero

- if i just go farm without fight -

its been 100% win , but i want to kill voker

and i will

i will push the tower and go bottom

stick at base...

Everything is very bad. We must kill meepo

catch him alone

all time

im stay ageinst creeps, rofl


im here, 5 sec

i have no tp

i cath pudge, like i have maphack


- Gogogo - i will come,

me without tp

but i can die

ok me die xd

you are so late


i will kill voker if you do not scream him


i need vision under tower

"praises himself how cool he is"

i mean wr...

This is similar to 3k games, in the last game they play like a pro...

normal 3k players

im suggest to kill dazzle

drow at bottom, i think she will use tp

go rosh maybe?

After kill voker

ok, i will buy tp and we going to rosh

yeah, press all buttons, go sunstrike...

gogo fast rosh

- i will split bottom - ok - regen here

wait i wanna push mid

- take regen after rosh - shaman at bottom


can we go end?

i see invo

can i kill him?

but i think they all here

me going too

its so bad


go let him use him ulty?

..trash tolk.....

you have 1st spall, its fune

go write gg, we anyway lose

Ok go


why you all so sad? just lose 1 game




- its just game for fun, relax - nono, u lose its game 100%

last game i wanna play as druid

100%, and i dont care there i been stay (top, mid bot)

But, i wanna stay safe lane

safe lane it will be so ez for me

ok, and they usually put in top pudge.

i can go mid, but do not wanna

But i can mid as rubick

but rubick its so late

i go safe lane please

ok ok

- huskar? - or tinker

you can travel on my beer, but it been so late , we need win start

For more infomation >> 3 Титана против 5 Легенд! - КТО ВЫИГРАЕТ? - Duration: 27:20.


คล็อปป์บอกต้องการ 105 คะแนนเพื่อเป็นแชมป์ - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> คล็อปป์บอกต้องการ 105 คะแนนเพื่อเป็นแชมป์ - Duration: 2:32.


Симулятор в Роблокс Перебежи мост если сможешь Супер Способностей НОВАЯ ИГРА - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> Симулятор в Роблокс Перебежи мост если сможешь Супер Способностей НОВАЯ ИГРА - Duration: 10:49.


T-ClassのスターティンググリッドPPやらかしてます? - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> T-ClassのスターティンググリッドPPやらかしてます? - Duration: 0:15.


3 Титана против 5 Легенд! - КТО ВЫИГРАЕТ? - Duration: 27:20.










Well, quite recently 10,000 subscribers appeared on my channel.

So I decided to make a new show.

So I decided to make a new show.

So I decided to make a new show.

And today we will try to find out who is stronger -

3 guys with Immortal rank

or 5 guys but already with the rank of Legend

It was very difficult to collect everybody

Because not everyone has time for 3 games,

not all came at the scheduled time

Not everyone believed that you could win in 3 against 5

But here we are finally gathered and ...

Immortal: I suggest to choose Void,

PA or Jugger But, PA cant stay solo, or you can?

i can get half creeps

And i will comeback with magnus

Ok, i will pick magnus

They write Roll to decide on Pick

Nobody wants to play on supports

Legend: - wait wait wait

- Stop, who has less? - Fuck, I'm going to mid .

Who has the most, he goes to the mid

Zhenya, Zhenya

Come on, Zhenya, go mid

Just do not lose, if you lose - 5 reports

Go first pick maybe?

I can not find PA

- I immediately take the Shaman

- I will support - Can we ban meepo xd

- Oh, ok i got it

- someone can go hard? - he can go solo hard

- I can go solo hard as axe

- And we are 2 sup

- Yeah, let him solo hard

- You can take Undying solo - Maybe bristleback?

- it's the most important! The main thing is

not to lose the first game!

- I will be happy, all the other matches - do not care

- I think the first game we will not lose

- We must win! Let's often come to mid

- we must humiliate Meepo

- Or humiliate us - Yeah, i can stay solo vs magnus

- We are waiting for level 2

and go to mid

Guys, if you take at least one bounty, I will love you so match

- No. - Do not care guys...

- I just did not have time to reach

- Are you die ? - No sure

- But you will?

- Yes, i will

- Wait, Guys gogogo

- He have no tp

- 2 sec , 1 sec, No, I did not have time

Let's not let him to the Creeps

Standing here

They do nothing, just stand and look at me. okay

Meanwhile, my Carry will farm

ok im die

Lich and shaman come to kill me

I play so bad, idk why

Bitch, why are you such a pussy? Lina is just afraid of my illusions

and hides under t2

i can't snowball at this game

Shadow Shaman tp already

I wonder where they are

They tp together, with lich

mean to me

Maybe they have me

They do 2 tp

Just play carefully

hide in the bushes, now I'll come


but im not sure

- She goes to the forest,its great - lets go?

yeah, go

oh, this slow

lich is 4 lvl

i will come, wait

Maybe its illusion? No? can you hit him?

He put ward

Just cancel tp

I can do combo - skewer + RP

ok do it

do it

pfff, how i miss?

game is shit

im forget about new skill (PA)

what do you mean? Press 3 spell?

Yes! Im have no game as PA

Can we go smoke? x2

Here go smoke, and kill drow

she at middle, yeah?

ok go smoke from ancient spot and

we need put some ward

- I need for smoke? - No

So, can you go first?

Oh, i think here someone

Can you save me?? Oh , no, do not care just go back

go back x3

not enough :D gg

fuck, that wrong with this map?

at this moment we realized that it is no longer possible to win

we played insanely bad

desperate enough and lost the first game

how i can use rp with out dagger?

Just 3 spell and press rp.

Ok, fine , its ez

Ok guys,let's redo the same pick

i like it

so, we can do same pick

so guys, we lost the first game, dont worry

Listen to, lets pick windranger

i dont care if... I

I'll probably take a Huskar

Huskar? fuck. You go to mid, right?


Well, i go to easy line

Ok, im easy stay vs triple line

Alright, I have a question: do we want, pick hero on first pick?

I changed my mind.

Invoker! mb i pick meepo now, guys?

lets one more time pick meepo Want it - take it

let's not the same pick

Wait, not to same pick lets play 2 1 2

do not 2 1 2 plays

Maybe you want us to pick the same?

dont know, I don't want the same. Pick what you want

I want to stay vs invoker

Bodya, why you play on meta-hero Why you not play on Lone Druid?

Why you not play on Lone Druid?

Me? Wait i actually 4th

look at my profile

find there at least one, not on es or ww

Got it

oh, me too, we are look like brothers

oh, you are play only as cancer in dota, i got it

i know where they are put the ward

they put ward here


it's risky, if i put sentry

and I will not find ward...

I'll be upset

This is the best ss in the world

triple on the top line

you see how invo try to kill me?

why did they decide to give rune?

Got it.

HAHA! Ez drive out from the way

Alright thay stay and steal steal exp from their carry

before you play on mili hero and they can stay with out steal exp

invoker stay mid so

so bad

if we were playing 5 by 5, I would have thought that I had already won

I would have thought that I had already won

All sup miss

yeap, duzzle here

and shaman maybe too, carefully

relax, they cant kill me

im almost 3 lvl, they do shit

Ok, shaman is here , fine

what persistent people

fuck off

shaman is tp

pudge maybe tp too

- Pudge do tp - Yes, at mid

Dazzle too, everybody do it

for save invo

do not care, its fine. A belive you have some space

- because their supports kill me... - I crush her

and thay got nithing from this kill

MISS! God himself wants me to win this game

I have to win it. I must

i wanna buy armlet

Run away, i have grave

Ohh, and I thought to kill them?

i have 5 lvl

everybody here x3

- lie! shaman here - ok no shaman

Im at bottom lisen,

but i want to kill invo

ok go

- they go tp maybe - no care

she is fucking idiots doesn't press a tp and just use healing salve

fuck i cant


- Ok - Fuck! its inpossible

- we cant win already

- play for fun dude - Im play as shaman !

- Its just ussless hero

- if i just go farm without fight -

its been 100% win , but i want to kill voker

and i will

i will push the tower and go bottom

stick at base...

Everything is very bad. We must kill meepo

catch him alone

all time

im stay ageinst creeps, rofl


im here, 5 sec

i have no tp

i cath pudge, like i have maphack


- Gogogo - i will come,

me without tp

but i can die

ok me die xd

you are so late


i will kill voker if you do not scream him


i need vision under tower

"praises himself how cool he is"

i mean wr...

This is similar to 3k games, in the last game they play like a pro...

normal 3k players

im suggest to kill dazzle

drow at bottom, i think she will use tp

go rosh maybe?

After kill voker

ok, i will buy tp and we going to rosh

yeah, press all buttons, go sunstrike...

gogo fast rosh

- i will split bottom - ok - regen here

wait i wanna push mid

- take regen after rosh - shaman at bottom


can we go end?

i see invo

can i kill him?

but i think they all here

me going too

its so bad


go let him use him ulty?

..trash tolk.....

you have 1st spall, its fune

go write gg, we anyway lose

Ok go


why you all so sad? just lose 1 game




- its just game for fun, relax - nono, u lose its game 100%

last game i wanna play as druid

100%, and i dont care there i been stay (top, mid bot)

But, i wanna stay safe lane

safe lane it will be so ez for me

ok, and they usually put in top pudge.

i can go mid, but do not wanna

But i can mid as rubick

but rubick its so late

i go safe lane please

ok ok

- huskar? - or tinker

you can travel on my beer, but it been so late , we need win start

For more infomation >> 3 Титана против 5 Легенд! - КТО ВЫИГРАЕТ? - Duration: 27:20.


ЛЕДИБАФ И СУПЕР КОТ МАЛЫШ спасают АНЮТУ и НГ! Кролик БАФФИ как Ледибаг и Супер-Кот в реальной жизни - Duration: 10:11.

Hello everyone, you are on the channel Come on Come on.

And today we will send letters to Santa Claus.

Yes, this is my letter.

Buffyushka just brought it and remained Pupsyashkino letter.

And we have beautiful envelopes.

We decided as in the past year to do them yourself.

Guys and you already sent letters?

And really?

write in the comments.

Oh oh and write you in this year have asked Grandpa


I've asked for example A pineapple.

I don't know what it tastes like but it looks beautiful and is called


A pineapple.

She remembered and wanted to eat.

I'll go eat something.

Annie and you as Pupsu wait Will you call me well?

Yes of course.


I hope Santa Claus will enjoy our letters.

We still think a little song for him to learn.

He will bring us gifts, and we sing him a song or

better rhyme.

Need to think.

By the way, I asked for New Year a miracle at Santa Claus.

I do not know whether he will succeed anything.

In any case, when ask for a miracle but not a new one ..

Hello, who are you? how did you get here?

It doesn't matter who I am, it's important that I want from you.

As soon as I count to three you will be completely

to obey me.


Let him settle in the heart ice.

Winter will come to the street.

And erase the memory of love.

Just count two or three times.

Now you are the snow queen, destroy the new year of this

stupid family Come on Come on.

Yes master, I know excellent way to.

They are so waiting for these gifts.


Annie, am I not late?

Where are you?

What's that smell.

Where does he know me?

And where are all the letters?

Maybe she put them upstairs.

Now let's see something can not see.

What if they already without me sent letters.

Hey, wait for me!


Oh buffy you already sent letters without me?

What did you decide?

Well, no letters, Anyuta also. it is not funny.

And who said I'm kidding?

Oh, everything.

And let's check the mail box.

Suddenly, I still have time.

Pups, but Annie without us never!

Anuta wait, do not send, I'm already running!

Wait for me!

Pooh what are you screaming?

Buffy what happened?

You have already sent letters Santa Claus.

How did you decide?

We waited for you.

So calm down no Nobody sent letters.

We are here in the morning guarding you we wait.

And Annie then did not come?

Of course not, we would have noticed.

Well, what if you did not retreat noticed.

Come on, we know how guard carry

Why do I feel then Anyuta smell?

Maybe it's from me?

Oh you.

And you know, there was one strange moment.

There it was.

Listen I was my mother and Murka and then suddenly.

What is this sausage?


I am the first.

And we ran to the sausage.

But she turned out to be strange. much but all in ice.

Murka where did she come from, hey like that so.

Such a huge piece of ice.

Well yes.

And around that grass is green.

And inside the sausage look.

Something is all suspicious.

Who brought her?

And then I hear.

Aunt Ryzhulya where are you?

In short, my mother went somewhere.

Well, it turns out the box was not long without supervision.

Well what could have happened here in a couple of seconds?

Annie could send letters without me. you yourself

do you believe in this?


Okay, right now, wait. right now how is it here

Oh shallow everything move over. Hey.

I'm sorry, I didn't want to.

Okay, come on.

Yes, what is it?

Seem there is something.

Are these letters?

Yes there is some piece of paper.

Thin and something on it written by

Take it out yes i am trying just a little bit, it turned out.

Well, there baby?

I will read it now.

Come on Let's forgive!

New year is canceled!

Friendship is ice that Shattered.

If there is no love, and ya you I do not like!


What happened?

Momma, where did all this snow?

We are some kind of spell have read?

And who wrote it.

And why is the year canceled.

Suddenly this is again a villain turned up.

Too many questions and few answers.

You know, I'll go on the Internet look, suddenly it's a mystery.

Implicated serious magic and without lady baf not

get along tiki come on hah!

We urgently need to call super to the cat.

Kitty, come on, answer me!

Oh sorry, they call me leave for a moment.


Super cat need your help near the mailbox.

Are you eating again?



I also noticed this sudden winter

So already running my lady!

Hey did you hear

Lady Baf is waiting!

Plag transformation.

Such strong magic I still not seen need to rush.

Super cat, I think you need to search clues.


I'm afraid they are slightly covered with snow.

Well yes.

What about the note.

What's with her?

We think Annie wrote it.

Let's try to understand.

It says about friendship and ice

Maybe that's why everything is now In the snow.

What do I mean, I don't love you?

This is not true!

And why is it not written me ya

And look at the first letters each line.

And what's in there.


I think this is a hint.

Rather, I know where he can be.

I know too.

Super Cat Lady Buff rather.

He is exactly at the computer is sitting.

Super cat are you coming?

We found it.

My Lady, neat.

Hi Andrew.

Andrew do you hear?

In my opinion with him something is not So.

This business is becoming weirder.

First winter, now Andrew does not want to talk to us.

Maybe he just does not hear.

Let's do it together!


Andrew, give the sausage.



Something gets me cold.

Why doesn't he move?

Take a look.

What if he froze like that sausage.

About her and what to do.

See he is really like frozen stands.

Does not even blink.

We must warm it up soon!

I cooked seagulls!

still hot!

What have you got there?

And we dragged plaid, it is necessary it still to the battery to plant.

Oh fluffies thank you.

You already warmer Andrew, sorry, we did not immediately understand

what are you getting cold.

Nothing murochka.

And you just all thawed out?

Feet out cold yet!

All is well Pupyasha.

So what happened?

Have you seen the villain?

Who did this to you?

You know it all happened fast, I even think

did not have time.

I walk down the hall and meet Annie is all white.

About already we will send letters?


You know, all your letters until the summer you just do not send,

and in the summer it will be too late.

Not but now i'm a snow queen and there is no place in my heart


So goodbye.

And then I sit here ..

You are heating me up.

All clear!

The villain bewitched Anyuta. he wants to spoil everything


The snow queen will freeze letters and until the summer we have them


But we have such a winter, today snow and rain tomorrow.

Letters can thaw.

Then she will need them somewhere to store.

For example, in the freezer Andrew, Murka gdu you have a freezer.

We have two of them.

So the one in the pantry is off.

And for sure.

So send in the kitchen check.


Murka wait, it can to be dangerous.

Two minutes earlier.

Gifts they wanted.

Miracles means.

You will be a miracle now.

The owner will be pleased with me.

Letters they wrote see ka

Envelopes with pigs printed.

Oh well.

The heat goes away, turn ka ice!

Well, that's another matter.

We will read what your credit Wishes temporarily frozen.

Ah ha ha!

Murka wait it can to be dangerous.


Annie stop!

but how?

I froze you.

This is all you!

Nasty animals, you regret it ha.

Oh how I threw.

Well that missed.

Need to do something.

I use a super chance, so No, where is this button.

But here!

Super chance!


Is that an airplane?

And what should I do with him?

Yeah, what's next?

All clear!

Only love will melt heart of the snow queen.

Annie, I love you!

Murka, Puppy now you!

Anutochka come back to us.

Annie, we love you.

Not enough love.

Anya, we love very much you come back to us.

Still not enough.

It's just very strong spell.


Need more love.

Put your super likes!

Without you we will not spell Anyuta.

Every like is important!

Come on!

A little bit more!



I'm running.



And what is he to me.

It turns out.

More you can not create the evil of Akuma.

My dear, what have I done?

You love me so much and I oh letters.

You are not guilty, letters of course it's a pity.

And what happened to them?

I can try everything to fix.

Look at the airplane.

And maybe you can to defrost them?

You are welcome!

I will try to!

Wonderful Lady Buff!



We will have gifts for the new year!

Lady Baf thank you very much.

In my opinion there is not enough letters from pupsy.

And I'm already here.

How cool, now we can send our letters.

And you guys do not forget subscribe and click

on the bell.

By the way, there is in this story still good news.

Which one?

We now have a lot on the street of snow.

That's for sure.

Well, today we have everything!

Bye everyone and see you soon.

For more infomation >> ЛЕДИБАФ И СУПЕР КОТ МАЛЫШ спасают АНЮТУ и НГ! Кролик БАФФИ как Ледибаг и Супер-Кот в реальной жизни - Duration: 10:11.


ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №144. Tracking point. Колеса з Runflat [ENG SUB] - Duration: 16:43.

Anton Douhnovsky translation

For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:,

War technologies

Form New Year listen warrior radio Army FM not only on Donbas. Cause daily achieved license on speech additionally in Kyiv, Jytomir and Vinnitsa

From release you will know

Where establish production of patrons?

Does remove cutter «Pryluky» launchers?

What will be penalty for wearing uniform?

How many trucks buying Poland?

And which heavy unmanneds already build India?

Creation of this development stimulate African hunting, under time of which American John MacHeil unsuccessfully tried to injure the target, that rapidly move and was on distance from 300 meters

Already in 2009 he propose conception of shooting system, that maximally simplify preparing for shot and namely shot

Devices, which would help to avoid error at guiding of arms begin appear yet at 1st half of XX century. For example in 1938 tank T-26 get stabilator of precision

At movement of panzer shot goes only, when axle of barrels bore was according to precision line. More smart tanks and artillery became in 70-ss. Then show-up ballistic computers

They already compute distance to target, velocity of wind, type of ammunition, and mainly – automatically bring right corrections. After two decades begin developments of such devices for shooting arms also

Now we have whole line of «smart» precision devices from different producers. It is became mighty in first turn thanks to appearance of laser range-meters

Laser range-meter– device, that measure range with help of laser ray. By principle of action divide onto impulse and faze. Impulse measure time on return of laser ray. Faze don't have timer, and use flashing of target with different modular frequency

They more precious than cheap and impulse, but has lower distance of measures. Used mostly in civil and at shooting under 1000 meters

Now already show-up sights with ballistic computers and meteo-stations. To shooter enough to aim it on target

Device by him-self brings corrections on range, temperature, wind, etc and move precision mark. Here all depends on that, how durable hand of the shooter.

Further goes company Tracking-Point. She developed shooter system with same name. In it goes sight and combined with it modified rifle

It is first arms from serie «super-cool» from space era. With your tracking-point you might do more precise shots than usually. On extreme distances and to targets, that move

With Tracking-Point shooter should aim on target and mark her with special button. Computer will bring in sight all right corrections. After pressing on trigger shot will go only when, rifle again precisely aim on target

Even costs such toys from 8 to 30 thousand dollars.., first party was sold out for 6 months and get praising feedbacks

In hands of technically and tactically experienced practicer this arm might change face of battle. And in hands of hunter she removes bad shots and lost pray. And to newbie she grants lucky first shot

I swear to serve and protect, and if I some-when came in situation, when to me necessary to use arm, I want to ensure, that not hit in innocent

I bought this system cause of her precision, and it is arm, which I want to have in extreme combat situations

System has build-in range-meter and meteo-station. Might track targets that move on speed under 30 km/h. Mark remembers target, even, even if she came out of scopes visionable sight

Ballistic calculator computes up to 22 options, including velocity and direction of wind, and also speed of target. And Wi-Fi helps spot over your hunting to other participants with help of mobile devices and special applications

Tracking-Point have few regimes of work. Might control shot. Shooter by his own decide, should he pull the trigger, when marker of target, that marked, change color

And on small ranges might work as by regular optics. Then sight will set you mark simply on 100 yards

System might use with GoogleGlass and ShotGlass with build-in display to shoot from cover. And in 2016 company present systems NightEagle and NightHawk with rifles M-16/AR-15

He might work in nights on ranges under 300 yards. But even such upgrades do not interested warriors. Namely about plans to put TrackingPoint on ammunition not hearable

But army of USA interested device from company BAE Systems. Device complete with glasses in which combined NVD and thermal-visor, and also sight. Image from it wirelessly transfers on display in glasses

In such way - might shoot from cover. Development is result of contract, BAE Systems and American army on sum 434 mln dollars. Soon NVG-3/FWS-1 may arrive on arms and not only in USA

18 of December Verhovna Rada in first reading praise project of Law of Ukraine «About bringing changes to some laws of Ukraine about warriors standards»

And after two days about buying by warriors products, works and service without mediators. By these begin, we, digest of news of gunsmiths sphere from week

To Ukraine arrive two first helicopters H-225 SuperPuma, purchased for Ministry of Internal Affairs in frames of contract on 55 machines

And in garrison building of officers of Ozerne city daily show last respect to major Olexander Fomenko. Warrior pilot of 1st class died in catastrophe of Su-27 on Jytomyr's oblast 15 of December

On missile cutter «Pryluky» demount launching containers KT-97M of anti-ship missiles «Termit». It is made by personnel staff from one Navy base

And Odesa's sea port in frames of friends visit, visited hydrographic vessel of Royal Great Britain fleet «Icho». It is already enters Black Sea in this year

«Ukrainska bronetechnika» before terms give to army 14 special AVs «Varta»

By decree of Defense minister №617 mobile bath-washing module from Krukov's factory allowed to exploitation in army

And sections of DSNS of Rubijne, Novodrijesk, Severodonetsk, Kreminne get 5 fireteam-rescue auto-cysterns

Government enterprise «Progres» developed digital warhead of self-guiding for high precision correction-able shells Kvitnik, Karasuk, Krucha, etc

Same time union «Fort» launch line of full circle pistol patrons production caliber 9х18-mm Makarov and 9х19мм Luger. On turn – calibers from 5,45 to 14,5 mm

Verhovna Rada of Ukraine in first reading accept law-project, what provides penalties for wearing warriors uniform with designation marks by civil persons

For it provided 3400 grivnas of penalty with confiscation if uniform. Repeated law-breaking will be pricier in two times. In document provided responsibility for fake awards

Company Leonardo send to army of Italy for tests elements of system Active Defense Components for protection of frontline bases

To system goes in 10-tonnes point of control and six 14-tonnes lifting-widing up security towers with battle module Leonardo Oto Hitrole Light. Different section able to protect from caliber 5,56 to 12,7 mm

Sand-X Motors and URS Laboratories present unmanned version of off-road TATV-1200, which might control on distance 10 kilometers

With weight 250 kg he takes 450 cargo. Btw, in next 4 years Poland army will get 888 cargo automobiles from company Elch. They will replace automobiles FSC Star

Lithuania army get two modernized SPG PZH 2000, purchased in Germany

MinDefense of Czech announce tender on purchasing 210 IFVs in seven version of total sum 2,1 bln dollars

And company BAE Systems and General Dynamics choose final developers of «light tank» by program Mobile Protected Firepower for army of USA. Each will build 12 prototypes

Egypt gunsmiths created wheeled SPG M-46-1M on Ukrainian chassis KrAZ, what have 2nd level of armor by NATO STANAG 4569

And company Israel Aircraft Industries in first show to management of country model of anti-ship missile Gabriel of 5th generation with nearly range 200 km

Corporation Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering send to Navy Thailand frigate, project DW-3000-F for 410 million dollars

Pentagon make contract on sending two additional ships of coastal sea zone

And near Rio-de-Janeiro on water release submarine S40 Riechuelo for Navy Brazil

On enterprise Korea Airspace Industries was driving out first research example Light Armed Helicopter, flight of which planned on May

Company Airbus announced about signing with MinDefense Hungary contract on 16 many-purpose H-225m

Same time Poland orders more four study-training planes M-346

Airbus successful protect drawing projects of striking unmanned Male RPAS, which might became competitor for heavy developments od USA and Israel

And in India passed ceremony of opening Indian-Israel enterprise Adani – Elbit Advances Systems India Limited, what will produce Germes'es and Skylark's

High level of armoring wheeled battle machines yet not guaranty lucky way out of crew from-under firing-over. Valuable to pierce one or few wheels and at enemy will be more chances…

Thou, what is runflat and by what help disassembled disks? – Our Lviv correspondents exclusively make known on tests of present Ukrainian systems

Before aggression of Russia on Donbas, English connection of words Run-flat in Ukraine a little who knows. Namely with these systems in first order forces get AVs Kraz Kugar and Kraz Spartan

Also more chances on battlefield, thanks to wheels with inner, get pre-used British Saxons. Further all created by Ukrainian privates AVs goes with run-flats

On present time we test wheel in complex wit armor-attachment against piercing for battle machine of Armed Forces of Ukraine

If tire harmed, or by fragments, or mechanical injuries, machine has might of further move, do not lose movability

System Run flat developed for warriors and civil AVs. In case of injuring of tire, she allows to came out from firing, passing 50-80 km. Was created by company Hutchinson and from 1926 imported on warriors market

Exists two types of run-flats: Roadguard and CRF. First has two outer circles an supply run on flat tires no more than 50 km. Second are single inlay, that allow to run up to 80 km with maximum speed over 180 km/h.

Leading armies of world already for long time begin use this technology in hottest points of planet, for example, Iraq and Afghanistan

In Britain used system Hutchinson, which is civil, in United states two systems: and disassembling, and complete system

Complete systems means not disassembling, but assembled. And disassembling, disassembled on two parts and he has lock

Advantages of Run Flat: sure control over machine in case of injury of wheel or wheels, no need to carry «reserve» wheel, no need to change wheels in dangerous zone

Disadvantages of Run Flat: for equipping with Run Flat or repairing of wheel needed special equipment, after long distancer tire need to replace, significantly higher price

Thou 3-5 years ago, in race for technologies of future, were tries to create Run Flat without excessive pressure and with minimal use of gum

Technology of such- called windows many-who saw on this vide with Humvee

But for sorrow, and might be by laws of physic, if no air in tire, so carrier brakes more often. Thou it did not goes

Valuable element of system, which to Ukrainian army with beginning of war on East, propose company «Sprut arsenal» is disassembled disk. He in case make easier replacing of tire, and at need – installing of Run Flat

Our filming group on Yavoriv's became viewer of tests of its newest variant. She allows on flat tires pass 40-50 km

World trend shows, that grows full weight of wheeled battle machines. It is connected with, that enforces methods of injury and machine must respond by protection ballistic and anti-mine. Thou test now wheel, that mighty to carry very significant stresses

Behind at producer tests and supply of similar tires for Ukrainian Humvees, Saxons, BTR-70 and 80. New stage – significant intelligence test of wheel for heavy APC

On today we develop for BTR-4 not only RunFlat, but also new wheel in basis of which placed disassembling disk from Kremenchug factory, and also 16 70 tire.

This tire by marks came close to Ki-80 yet soviets, mean she holds, she more rigid and strong

Additionally produced more powerful and rapid gum in Bila Tserkva. And crown of system work is regulated inflating of wheels, which especially helps on off-road. In this already ensure, testing in different parts of Ukraine

Under time of such test checking mights of product on different types of land after getting injuries. Explosion and damage with fragments do not practicing, and shoot over with firearms – truthworthy

Here worked out hit from sniper rifle in each among eight wheels. Even after this, machine would not wear off shoes, and gum won't inflame, passing significant distance

Today wheels were shot through by 7,62 in three places each wheel and it is don't harm exploitation of this RunFlat. Touching higher calibers will be next tets

We have done shot through all wheels and move of machine on fully flat tires at speed 40 km/h. Pass over 40 km – machine does not loose movability

After tests and removing disadvantages unique fatherlands system may be allowed to exploitation in Armed Forces of Ukraine. Also will be provided under-control exploitation of battle machine with such wheels

By producer owned 16th and 20th radiuses of wheels survivability, and now in work 21st – for army trucks. In parallel improved materials of products, goes fight with weight of tires and namely machines

Next time watch summary release of 2018 Year with most valuable events of MIC of Ukraine and Worlds. And on today that all, search program on site of 24th channel and YouTube of Warriors TV of Ukraine. Until next meeting

For more infomation >> ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №144. Tracking point. Колеса з Runflat [ENG SUB] - Duration: 16:43.


AR Rahman With His Wife at Priyanka Chopra and Jonas Reception at Mumbai - Duration: 1:24.

AR Rahman With His Wife at Priyanka Chopra and Jonas Reception at Mumbai

For more infomation >> AR Rahman With His Wife at Priyanka Chopra and Jonas Reception at Mumbai - Duration: 1:24.


Virgil van Dijk: Jamie Carragher admission made by Liverpool legend over Anfield star - Duration: 2:49.

 That's the view of Liverpool legend Kenny Dalglish who saw the Dutch defender net his first league goal for the Reds last night

 Van Dijk's strike came in a 2-0 win at Wolves that ensured Liverpool will be top of the Premier League at Christmas

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** They sit four points clear of Manchester City with Pep Guardiola's side hosting Crystal Palace today (3pm)

 Van Dijk has shone since moving to Anfield from Southampton in a £75million switch in January

 He has been a rock at the back with Liverpool conceding just seven Premier League goals this season as they remain unbeaten in the league

 Carragher never won a league title at Anfield but was part of a Champions League winning squad in 2005

 And Dalglish reckons the former England international just edges out Liverpool's current star

 "Just behind Carra," Dalglish responded when asked on Sky Sports where Van Dijk ranks among Liverpool's best ever centre backs

 "He [Carragher] was fantastic at Liverpool during his time. "Virgil came in at a very important time, stamped his authority on it and is a great presence

 "He has really produced the goods since he came in in January. "It might have been a lot of money but they got the £140m from Coutinho and they've spent it on Virgil and the goalkeeper [Alisson], it's two great signings

 "This is Virgil's first full season, it's the goalkeeper's first full season.  "When you sign players it's great to see them be successful

" Van Dijk had warned the Premier League that Liverpool have no intentions of relinquishing their lead ahead of the Wolves clash

 He said: "We are very happy we're in the position that we're in now but that can change in two or three weeks so we won't get carried away

 "We'll try to keep on doing what we're doing and, obviously, stay confident."

For more infomation >> Virgil van Dijk: Jamie Carragher admission made by Liverpool legend over Anfield star - Duration: 2:49.


LEGO Indiana Jones: A Sucky Christmas - Duration: 1:13.

Indiana Jones: Santa?

Henry Jones: Oh no!

Indiana Jones: Santa, are… are you real?

Henry Jones: No actually I don't exist.

Indiana Jones: what do you mean?

Henry Jones: It's me you stupid loser!

Indiana Jones: Oh ok…

I get it!

You are just making me a prank, it's a prank, it's a joke!

Henry Jones: Quit it out!

Will you?

I mean seriously at this point you should be living in your own married and beginning

to have children!

Yet here you are!

A forty-eight guy that lives in his parents basement, listening to Justin Biebers new

album, waiting for god darn Santa Claus!... would you just grow up!?

Indiana Jones: Look Daddy… im a grown man…

I can tie my shoe laces and count to ten!

What does that tell you?

Besides I am a teacher.

Do you know what a teacher is?

Seriously I don't know.

Henry Jones: listen when Christmas is over… you are going to leave the house.

Indiana Jones: But…

Henry Jones: No buts except yours climbing the stairs!

Now go to your room!

Indiana Jones: I hate you!

Henry Jones: sissy

For more infomation >> LEGO Indiana Jones: A Sucky Christmas - Duration: 1:13.


Deck The Halls | Christmas Carols | Cartoons For Kids | X'Mas Music by Kids ABC Tv - Duration: 27:00.

Deck the halls with Christmas treasure,

Fa la la la la la la

Let's all go spend time together

Fa la la la la la la

All enjoy the seasons greetings

Fa la la la la la la

Join us in our Christmas singing

Fa la la la la la la

Deck the halls with Christmas treasure,

Fa la la la la la la

Let's all go spend time together

Fa la la la la la la

All enjoy the seasons greetings

Fa la la la la la la

Join us in our Christmas singing

Fa la la la la la la

For more infomation >> Deck The Halls | Christmas Carols | Cartoons For Kids | X'Mas Music by Kids ABC Tv - Duration: 27:00.


Salah asked question at half-time and it leaves Wolves fans furious - Duration: 2:19.

 Wolves midfielder Romain Saiss left his own fans furious during the 2-0 defeat to Liverpool on Friday night

 The Moroccan midfielder, who started the clash at Molineux, approached Mohamed Salah shortly after the half-time whistle had been blown and asked for his shirt

 The Egyptian had scored Liverpool's first goal just 30 minutes earlier, cleverly prodding home Fabinho's low, driven cross

 Saiss was spotted asking the question by Sky Sports cameras and it didn't go down well with Wolves supporters

 One fan tweeted: "Wolves player asking Salah for his shirt as they're going off for HALF TIME

F****** pathetic behaviour. They've got them on the ropes, he should be intimidating him & throwing him off his game not stroking his ego!" Read More Wolves 0-2 Liverpool player ratings as Virgil van Dijk shines at Molineux  Another posted: "I've counted 8 wolves players asking Salah for his shirt so far,even 1 at half time

Little club mentality." Read More Gary Neville names moment he realised Fabinho was a top Liverpool player  Liverpool rounded off their win in the second half through Virgil van Dijk

Salah turned provider and put in a superb cross for his team-mate to volley home

 Victory for Jurgen Klopp's men means they take the Premier League's top spot at Christmas

 They have finished first at Christmas on two other occasions but failed both times to go on and win the title

Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories

For more infomation >> Salah asked question at half-time and it leaves Wolves fans furious - Duration: 2:19.


Fantasy Kaleidoscope Episode 12 Trailer (English) - Duration: 2:09.

The Story to be finally told

The Story of that "Person"

Fantasy Kaleidoscope Episode 12

The Chapter of the Test of Courage!

It will be held at the House of Eternity (Eientei)

The Test of Courage!!

Yokai gathered here, which is a great success!!

What is the truth behind the test of courage!?

It appears in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, What immortal monster (Yokai) is out there?

Finally, The fierce burn is realized!!

Remilia Scarlet


(Mokou) Fujiwara no Mokou

Watch the battle between the two Great Monsters (Yokai) with your own eyes!!

The DVD of the 12th Episode will be released on the 30th of December 2018 at Comic Market 95th!

For more infomation >> Fantasy Kaleidoscope Episode 12 Trailer (English) - Duration: 2:09.


✅ Breaking News - Jamie Carragher lauds Virgil van Dijk's performance against Wolves - Duration: 2:02.

Jamie Carragher thinks Virgil van Dijk's impact at Liverpool is similar to Tony Adams' influence at Arsenal

The Sky Sports pundit was impressed with the Netherlands international's performance in Liverpool's 2-0 win over Wolves on Friday night

Van Dijk scored the decisive second goal at Molineux and his efforts to help his side keep a clean sheet earned him man of the match

Carragher told Sky Sports: 'He makes other people play better around him. Tony Adams made the rest of that Arsenal back four better

He does the same. 'He scored a great goal for Holland a few weeks ago. His goal record isn't great considering his size but the type of goal he got there, how many centre backs would put that over the bar?' Jordan Henderson started the match against Nuno Espirito Santo's side having been dropped for the Reds 3-1 victory over bitter rivals Manchester United

The Liverpool skipper was in the side that came second to Manchester City in the 2013-14 season and revealed what has changed since then

Henderson said: 'I think the biggest difference [to 13/14] is the clean sheets. Back then we were conceding too many goals

We need to continue on that. 'I just feel we are defending really well as a team

Virgil [van Dijk] and Alisson have made a big difference but the whole team have been important

' The win over Wolves sent the Merseyside club four points clear at the top of the table before Pep Guardiola's side play Crystal Palace at the Etihad on Saturday

For more infomation >> ✅ Breaking News - Jamie Carragher lauds Virgil van Dijk's performance against Wolves - Duration: 2:02.


Том бег за золотом vs Сабвей Серф vs Форест Ран ТОП ИГР НА АНДРОИД Кто круче? Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> Том бег за золотом vs Сабвей Серф vs Форест Ран ТОП ИГР НА АНДРОИД Кто круче? Talking Tom Gold Run - Duration: 11:23.


22 Aralık 2018 Altın Fiyatları Dolar Fiyatları Gram Altın Kaç Lira Dolar Ne Kadar Gold Price Today - Duration: 1:26.


can you subscribe

quarter gold

republic gold

goldbar 1gr

For more infomation >> 22 Aralık 2018 Altın Fiyatları Dolar Fiyatları Gram Altın Kaç Lira Dolar Ne Kadar Gold Price Today - Duration: 1:26.


Choices: Stories You Play - The Elementalists (Chapter 10) {Diamonds} - Duration: 21:21.

Choices: Stories You Play - The Elementalists (Chapter 10) {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - The Elementalists (Chapter 10) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: The Elementalists (Chapter 10) {Diamonds}

Choices: The Elementalists (Chapter 10) {Diamonds Used}

For more infomation >> Choices: Stories You Play - The Elementalists (Chapter 10) {Diamonds} - Duration: 21:21.


[Nonstop] Như Lai Thập Bát Chưởng (Độc) ► DJ Chung Muzik Mix | XTNon - Duration: 1:01:34.

For more infomation >> [Nonstop] Như Lai Thập Bát Chưởng (Độc) ► DJ Chung Muzik Mix | XTNon - Duration: 1:01:34.


{Jai} Teen Idle {Marina And The Diamonds} - Duration: 4:14.

I wanna be a bottle blonde I don't know why but I feel conned

I wanna be an idle teen I wish I hadn't been so clean

I wanna stay inside all day I want the world to go away

I want blood, guts and chocolate cake I wanna be a real fake

Yeah I wish I'd been a, Wish I'd been a teen, teen idle

Wish I'd been a prom queen Fighting for the title

Instead of being sixteen & burning up a bible

Feeling super, super (super!)

Suicidal The wasted years, the wasted youth

The pretty lies, the ugly truth And the day has come

Where I have died Only to find I've come alive

I wanna be a virgin pure A 21st century whore

I want back my virginity So I can feel infinity

I wanna drink until I ache I wanna make a big mistake

I want blood, guts & angel cake I'm gonna puke it anyway

Yeah I wish I'd been a, Wish I'd been a teen, teen idle

Wish I'd been a prom queen Fighting for the title

Instead of being sixteen & burning up a bible

Feeling super, super (super!)

Suicidal The wasted years, the wasted youth

The pretty lies, the ugly truth And the day has come

Where I have died Only to find I've come alive

I wish I wasn't such a narcissist I wish I didn't really kiss the mirror

When I'm on my own Oh god!

I'm gonna die alone Adolescence didn't make sense

A little loss of innocence The ugly years of being a fool

Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?

Yeah I wish I'd been a, Wish I'd been a teen, teen idle

Wish I'd been a prom queen Fighting for the title

Instead of being sixteen & burning up a bible

Feeling super, super (super!)

Suicidal The wasted years, the wasted youth

The pretty lies, the ugly truth And the day has come

Where I have died Only to find I've come alive

Feeling super, super, super!

Suicidal x3 I've come alive

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