Sunday, December 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 23 2018

El Secreto de Puente Viejo Capítulo 1979: Los gritos de doña Francisca resuenan por la Casona

Isaac apenas deja hablar a Elsa: ha venido para pedirle que se olvide de ellos y los deje en paz.

Elsa queda herida y luego viene a hablar con Antolina: necesita aclarar lo ocurrido.

Julieta teme que la sensación de que está siendo vigilada sea una jugarreta de su imaginación, por eso no quiere dar la voz de alarma.

Más tarde, encuentra su chal manchado sin explicación aparente. Intenta no darle importancia para no estropear el momento.

Luego se prueba el vestido de novia. Está preciosa, pero subyace una preocupación soterrada.

El vagabundo misterioso embruja a Melitón y Tiburcio para que recuerden cuando les gustaba la Navidad durante su infancia.

Como consecuencia, aparece en el coro una reproducción de ellos de cuando eran pequeños.

Irene ha conseguido trabajo como corresponsal de un periódico nacional por recomendación del señor Totana: a este hombre no hay quien lo entienda.

Fernando comunica a María que quiere marcharse. Ella lo lamenta: había aprendido a confiar en él.

En esta confesión tiene lugar por primera vez un acercamiento sincero.

En La Casona comentan los ecos de la reaparición de doña Francisca cuando sus gritos resuenan por toda la casa.

For more infomation >> El Secreto de Puente Viejo Capítulo 1979: Los gritos de doña Francisca resuenan por la Casona - Duration: 2:23.


Losantos apuñala a Sánchez: "Este felón con entusiasmo alcohólico no se morreó con Torra porque .. - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Losantos apuñala a Sánchez: "Este felón con entusiasmo alcohólico no se morreó con Torra porque .. - Duration: 6:18.


Aurah, muy dolida: "Suso no me ha dado ni un beso desde que salió de la GH VIP" - Duration: 2:37.

La pareja por excelencia de 'Gran Hermano VIP 6' podría tener las horas contadas.

Todo se torció para Aurah Ruiz y Suso Álvarez tras el enfrentamiento entre la canaria y la madre del finalista del concurso. Algo que no se esperaba Suso al llegar al plató.

Tal y como informó LOOK, el distanciamiento de Aurah y Suso en la gran fiesta posterior a la final fue más que evidente y la propia canaria lo ha confirmado: Suso no me ha dado ni un beso desde que salió.

Pero el rostro de Aurah en su intervención en 'Socialité' nos ha mostrado el dolor personificado. ¿Han roto? No, todavía.

Aurah entiende que, si Suso acaba por hacer caso a su entorno y no le da una oportunidad, todo lo vivido en la casa no habrá sido de verdad.

La ex concursante entiende que Suso debería haber acudido a ella, ya que todavía no han compartido tiempo juntos.

Además, Aurah señala el motivo por el que la madre de Suso no la acepta.

Según la canaria, mi mochila, que no es una mochila, es mi hijo y es mi responsabilidad.

Una grave acusación que todavía no ha tenido respuesta, ya que hay que recordar que el hijo de Aurah con el futbolista Jesé Rodríguez nació afectado por una enfermedad rara.

Creo que hoy se va a Barcelona… dejaba caer Aurah, que solo ha hablado con Suso a través de mensajes.

Una relación de idas y venidas; Pasión… y toxicidad.

Así definió el público la relación que marcó la 'carpeta' de esta edición de 'Gran Hermano VIP'.

Suso y Aurah dejaron momentos de fogosidad, edredonings y mucho cariño.

Pero también insultos, discusiones, actitudes machistas… Ambos se declararon amor y prometieron seguir juntos tras salir de la casa.

Dos días después de que Suso perdiese la final frente a Miriam Saavedra, el futuro de la pareja se antoja más oscuro que nunca.

¿Conseguirán solucionarlo? Atentos a las próximas noticias.

For more infomation >> Aurah, muy dolida: "Suso no me ha dado ni un beso desde que salió de la GH VIP" - Duration: 2:37.


Ad Libitum - Christmas 2018 (Sleigh Ride) - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Ad Libitum - Christmas 2018 (Sleigh Ride) - Duration: 5:12.


Julie Gayet, « obsédée » par les SMS, une idée fixe qui agace ses fils - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Julie Gayet, « obsédée » par les SMS, une idée fixe qui agace ses fils - Duration: 1:11.


Как сделать "вечную" елку своими руками / Хлам арт - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Как сделать "вечную" елку своими руками / Хлам арт - Duration: 3:55.


L'électrisant PIKACHU Vs. l'épée d'IKE | Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Duration: 3:26.


For more infomation >> L'électrisant PIKACHU Vs. l'épée d'IKE | Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Duration: 3:26.


Le jihadiste français Peter Chérif, proche des frères Kouachi,... - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Le jihadiste français Peter Chérif, proche des frères Kouachi,... - Duration: 4:46.


GRANDE - BESA a los NO PUEDO, HAZLE el AMOR al MIEDO - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> GRANDE - BESA a los NO PUEDO, HAZLE el AMOR al MIEDO - Duration: 2:00.


David Hallyday a perdu de vue Laura Smet, l'étrange confidence d'un intime - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> David Hallyday a perdu de vue Laura Smet, l'étrange confidence d'un intime - Duration: 1:11.


Como desenhar Doraemon | Desenhando e coloração para crianças | Glitter Doraemon Coloring for kids - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Como desenhar Doraemon | Desenhando e coloração para crianças | Glitter Doraemon Coloring for kids - Duration: 3:53.


Jenifer tête en l'air, une bourde qui confirme une terrible addiction ! - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Jenifer tête en l'air, une bourde qui confirme une terrible addiction ! - Duration: 1:17.


TOP Những Bài Nhạc EDM 8D Quảy Rank Liên Quân Cực Phê | Moba Nguyễn M&N - Duration: 34:22.

For more infomation >> TOP Những Bài Nhạc EDM 8D Quảy Rank Liên Quân Cực Phê | Moba Nguyễn M&N - Duration: 34:22.


親子同樂|【新竹館】日藥本舖 U虎樂園|星光票很划算|泡湯、球池、小火車、溜滑梯|1+1=3 - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> 親子同樂|【新竹館】日藥本舖 U虎樂園|星光票很划算|泡湯、球池、小火車、溜滑梯|1+1=3 - Duration: 9:29.


Nightcore - Find Da Wae (CG5 - Lyrics) - Duration: 2:06.

Do you know dee way no, no da way?

I do not know Da Wae

wE mUST find a way no find de way noh find a way

Yeah, we must find da WaY

Can u show me da wayyyyyyyyyyyyy, can u show me, can u show me da wAY?

WE MUST FIND Da waeeeeeeeeeeeee

we must find a, WE must find de way

Do u know de wayyyyyyyyy? I Don't know de wAY, WE Must find da wayyyyy.


Can u show me da waeeeeeeeee?, Can u show me can u show me da way?

We must find da wahhhhhh, we Must find a, WE must fInd de way!

Can u SHow ME DA wayyyyyyy, can you shoe ME, CAN u SHOw mE da WAY?

We mUst Find De wayyyyy, weah we must find a, WE must Find DE way!

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Find Da Wae (CG5 - Lyrics) - Duration: 2:06.


桑樹上有2寶,桑葉和桑葚的18種經典搭配,對身體好處多多 - Duration: 21:39.

For more infomation >> 桑樹上有2寶,桑葉和桑葚的18種經典搭配,對身體好處多多 - Duration: 21:39.


L'électrisant PIKACHU Vs. l'épée d'IKE | Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Duration: 3:26.


For more infomation >> L'électrisant PIKACHU Vs. l'épée d'IKE | Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Duration: 3:26.


✘I need your love ♡ - Duration: 0:17.

You are cute

For more infomation >> ✘I need your love ♡ - Duration: 0:17.


Makabryczne odkrycie policji. Zabił rodzinę i popełnił samobójstwo - Aktualności 24/7 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Makabryczne odkrycie policji. Zabił rodzinę i popełnił samobójstwo - Aktualności 24/7 - Duration: 5:01.


Student Parents. Stepping Further #26 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Student Parents. Stepping Further #26 - Duration: 4:12.


Auguri ai buoni, auguri ai cattivi: un messaggio da Aleksander von Gelainkenstein - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Auguri ai buoni, auguri ai cattivi: un messaggio da Aleksander von Gelainkenstein - Duration: 2:17.


New Holland 6635 kosten - Costs - Duration: 7:18.

Good day ladies and gentlmen, and welcome. I'm still in my workshop

You can see that the wheel and the tank are gone. You don't have a deja vu or went back in time

What's the problem? I've got some cables mixed up

This one and this one are both mounted to the clutchpedal, but I put them on crosswise

I mean this. In one there's a cable

I had them crosswise which caused the clutch and the HI-Lo pack not to work proparly.

The tractor didn't wanted to go forward because this one, that shiney piece at the tip of my finger

Was pushed half in, which caused the HI-LO not to work

So the tractor went forward very, very slowly

Now I'll switch them, and it seems to work better, because the clutch feels good now, so that's probably our problem

And of course a new fueltankmeter. You may recall that I broke the old one, because I forgot to disconnect the fuelreturnline

In the aftermarket, €50, original €180, so saved some money there

Okay, 2nd try

That goes better!

I probably said it before

HI-LO works!

I said it before, I've mounted the clutchcables crosswise

It didnt work proparly, clutch went very heavy and the tractor bearly went forward

Because the valve was halfway pressed in, the HI-Lo didn't work

Anyhow, we're going forward again, shifts good,

Reverse, forward

And reverse again. It works like it should guys! I'm very happy with that!!

Did you hear that? The jackstand of that truck dragged over the street

37.5 kph (23.3 mph). That's normal too

I call this a succesfull repair!

There it is! Finished!

Well, finished. A few minor things. The workinglights need to be hooked back on, the axle for the 4wd

The hood ofcourse!

I call it a succesfull repair. It was quite the job. Everything worked out fine

Except for those cables. Which was my own fault, because I had them put on correct, and thought, that can't be good

So I changed it

Costs! Important to talk about

This synchro is about €900

I got a discount but I made a deal not to tell what my discount was, so it's €900

The fuel gauge, which I demolished so handy....

I didn't buy the original, but in the aftermarket. Original €180, now, €52

The bearing I replaced.... I didn't see the bill yet, but normally that's about €50

All and all, €1000 plus some little things, snaprings, O-rings, liquid gasket

So all and all, €1100

How much money did I save?

In my experience, with a operation like this, the cost for the labour is about the same as the parts

You guys saw how much work it is, the cab has to come off, you got to split it, remove the transmission case

For a mechanic it's easy, he knows what he's doing, I don't, plus I have something more to do than repairing tractors

But! I've finished it. And I'm pretty happy about that! So my Christmas is going to be good

I have nothing else to say than to wish you a merry Christmas and a hppy new year

I have a compilation video abou 2018, which I'll upload between Christmas and new year

So keep an eye out for that, and for now, like! Comment and subscrrrribe if you haven't already

And, ofcourse, follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> New Holland 6635 kosten - Costs - Duration: 7:18.


Ariana Grande - Delicate Night (feat. Taylor Swift) - Duration: 0:32.

Download in description.

Infinity. out now.

Link in description.

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - Delicate Night (feat. Taylor Swift) - Duration: 0:32.


DIY Christmas card with 3D bauble, see how to make (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #556 - Duration: 2:52.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make greeting card for Christmas.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Fold a sheet of paper in a half.

Cut off about 4cm.

Draw a circle on a decorative paper.

We need 8 circles in a couple of patterns.

Fold each circle in a half.

Apply glue on the first circle...

...and glue it to the second one.

Again, apply glue and add another circle.

Glue them to the card.

Draw a hanging pin above the bauble.

Make a bow out of ribbon.

Glue it to the card by using double-sided adhesive tape.

Glue a printed text to a paper.

Cut it.

Glue it to the card by using 3D adhesive foam squares.

And it's done.

This card is a cool way to send someone a warm Christmas wishes.

I made a card with bauble, but you can make card with a star or even Christmas tree in the same way.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY Christmas card with 3D bauble, see how to make (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #556 - Duration: 2:52.


Rooney admits 'Klopp looks a dream' & wants Utd to follow LFC example - Duration: 3:16.

 Wayne Rooney has admitted Manchester United must follow the example set by Liverpool to the rest of the Premier League

 The striker, who played for United and Everton, was discussing the title race on BT Sport and said it was "painful" watching the Reds and Manchester City in the domestic competition this year

 Liverpool sit four points clear at the top of the Premier League ahead of City after carrying on an 18-game unbeaten run against Wolves on Friday night

 Rooney, who was talking as a pundit after United beat Cardiff 5-1 on Saturday, also confessed that he thought Jurgen Klopp "looked like a dream to work for" and that the German was "a manager United needed to get in"

 He said: "In my opinion it (the title race) is between City and Liverpool. Virgil van Dijk has been the big difference to what Liverpool have had in previous years

He just brings a calmness to him. He's a leader.  "I think Jurgen Klopp looks like a dream to work for and we're talking about Manchester United - that's a manager that Manchester United need to get in - that style and that philosophy

"  "From the outside all the players love him, all the fans love him. You want to go and play and win because it means so much to him

"  Fellow pundit and former Liverpool striker Michael Owen agreed that United need a manager who will encourage players

 He said: "I think it's the way of the world, not just football. If you like your boss you're more motivated

We're moving away from people with an iron fist and ordering around.  "Of course you've got to be firm but in terms of leaders you've got to make your players feel wanted and loved and you get the results

"  Owen and Rooney, who now plays in the MLS for D.C United, were also asked who will finish first at the end of the season

 Owen said Liverpool had gained the edge over City in recent weeks, but Rooney couldn't bring himself to admit his Merseyside rivals are favourites

 "I think City," Rooney said. "To be fair I don't like any of them. It's painful and if they win it they deserve to

I'm not saying they shouldn't or aren't good enough.  "They're a fantastic team but City with their experience and when it comes to the last few weeks of the league I think City will come out on top

" Read more Liverpool stories

For more infomation >> Rooney admits 'Klopp looks a dream' & wants Utd to follow LFC example - Duration: 3:16.


Best Viran ASIAN Makeup Transformations Compilation 2019 / Beauty Queen - Duration: 10:06.

Thank you . Do not forget to subscribe

Thank you . Do not forget to subscribe

Best Viran ASIAN Makeup Transformations Compilation 2019

For more infomation >> Best Viran ASIAN Makeup Transformations Compilation 2019 / Beauty Queen - Duration: 10:06.


Why Your Projects NEVER GO ANYWHERE (it isn't ADHD or ENFP) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 14:14.

I said earlier that dabbling will rob you of your time and productivity and I

want to explain why that happens so if you've done much reading on productivity

time management all that kind of stuff you know that there's a cost to changing

gears right that getting into a task takes a bunch of time this happens for

different reasons whether it's getting the software and the websites open or if

you're a writer like myself the procrastination that goes into it can

actually play a big role all of us we have the this lag that goes into

starting a task and kind of switching tasks and what happens when you're doing

multiple things let's say you're trying to juggle four different projects you

have a part-time job a freelancing job you're trying to have an online course

and trying to write a book you know that's kind of a common thing I hear

from a lot of people is if you're doing all that you don't let's say you have

six productive hours in the day which is a bit of a stretch for a lot of us and I

don't mean six hours at a desk but I mean six hours where you're really

producing you're getting things done because there's a lot of kind of warm-up

time and break time and stuff like that so let's say you go six hours in theory

if you're doing four things that should give you an hour and a half per project

but it never works that way right when we change gears each time we lose a

percentage of productivity now chalk it up whatever percent you

want to give it let's say you're losing 20 percent every time you change

gears when you go from one thing where you have a hundred percent of your focus

you add to now maybe each of those is getting 40 percent and 20 percent

there's getting lost to transitions too distractions to other things throw in a

third maybe you're down to twenty five percent twenty percent for each of these

things I would guess that for a lot of people trying to juggle four projects at

once for my own experience when I've made this mistake you're maybe getting

40 percent productivity out of yourself and that's a big problem because the

other problem with dabbling is it's robbing you of your success and here's

how that happens anything you're trying to do if you're

trying to work for yourself guess what we live in an open economy

that means there's competition and anything worth doing is gonna have

competition the more appealing the industry you want to enter is the harder

it will be to compete because it's more appealing right there's not as many

people applying for jobs delivering garbage in the slums as there are

applying for jobs to be like the poster boy for I don't know

cotton candy your job is to eat cotton candy all day makes sense there's more

competition for the things people want to do more so if you're only giving a

quarter of yourself to each of your projects and really

because we know of how the time management works out that means you're

really only giving ten maybe fifteen percent of yourself to each of those

projects how will you compete in any of those areas with fifteen percent of you

I couldn't do it I absolutely couldn't I don't know anyone who could do it

because you'll be competing with the people who are giving a hundred percent

of themselves so 10-15 percent of you versus a hundred percent of them they're

driven they've cut off all other options they have no distractions and they're

giving all their time and energy and you 15 percent who's gonna win this outcome

right now the other thing that happens is if you have multiple options and

you're dabbling you're way more likely to quit there's a great quote I love

from Will Smith and it's why have a plan B it distracts from plan a and if you

have a plan a B C and D not only are you distracting from eat all of them it from

each other but you're also giving yourself an easy out you ever notice how

there's all these stories of millionaires and success success stories

and it always seems like they pulled it off right after they were in their low

you know not all the time but a lot of the stories are that way you know the

company was against the wall they needed more funding and they were about to go

bankrupt and then they kept going they kept going and they pulled it off well

there's something to that right there's always highs and lows in

business the people who go through the lows and

keep going who have that grit tend to be the people who succeed because they push

through the tough times there's always a dip before success there's a struggle

there's that last push you know in relationships even this is a term that's

used in counseling you know where often as your result being an issue between a

couple that's when there will be the most turmoil the most tension things

gonna have to get worse before they get better as you deal with that stuff and

it happens in business right now if you have one option you're doing one thing

when it gets tough you keep going because you don't want to quit quitting

is look down upon in our society right we don't want to quit so we keep going

but when you have four options you're not quitting you're shifting your focus

you're it's a way we can lie to ourselves because I've done this to

please know I've done this before when we have other options we can lie to

ourselves and not be quitting but I'm gonna put this on hold for now I'm gonna

adjust my focus I'm gonna pivot I'm gonna you know look at you know focusing

more on this area whatever we want to tell ourselves it's a lie we're quitting

but we're not quitting right and so what happens is let's say you have four

options and option B has tons of promise it's great but it starts to get a little

hard it starts to get tough now well normally you would just stick to it you

would fight through and you would turn option B into a success now you also

have option a C and D so why not just kind of drop because it's not

comfortable it's not fun it's not easy right now so you drop it and you do the

other three and that's why doubling robs you of your success because option B

there you may have been on the cusp of big success you might have been about to

turn the corner and get exactly where you needed to be to turn into something

huge and you quit because you had other options and you were invested in too

many different places so people will look at me and say well you've published

12 books you have eight training courses up there

you have all this different stuff you're doing how can you tell me not to dabble

I have published 12 books I am NOT currently tried to write 12 books

actually right now how I'm not trying to write one book I had one in mind and I

was working with an editor on it and then I realized that I was splitting my

time too much between this training that I really wanted to make and the book and

I decided that I'm gonna just fully put the book on hold not do a little bit not

whatever but it's on hold until I finish my current project so that's the

difference you can have a ton of things in your portfolio in your past or that

you manage but you don't do them all at the same time you build one and then you

build the next and then they build the next and that's how you can have all

these different things but not be dabbling and not be spreading yourself

too thin so the other night I was having dinner with a friend here in Prague and

he's had crazy success recently so much so well deserved

he decided back in February that he wanted to really focus on building a

channel in YouTube around politics he's someone who into video editing and

design and really into politics and had some opinions on it he wanted to be

sharing and things like that and he decided he wanted to go all into

YouTube and so that's what he did with no prior experience on YouTube anything

like that he jumped full in and started his

channel and since February so from February to March I was kind of

watching Eddie get you know a couple hundred views of video things like that

by April he was up to a thousand subscribers then May up to about same

thing maybe two thousand something like that and then we met up to talk two

weeks ago and he had twenty thousand subscribers which is huge growth of you

for if you don't know kind of YouTube in that to have twenty thousand subscribers

within your first six months is huge then last night or the few nights back

when we were out he was telling me he's past forty thousand that kind of growth

isn't saying and what we started talking about

is how amazing it feels to focus to just do one thing at a time

right before he was juggling a bunch of different projects and now he's just

doing YouTube and to wake up and just only think of that one thing to focus on

it and to do it it's an amazing feeling and I know this because I go through

periods of really focusing like just gonna write a book that's all I'm doing

and periods of dabbling and I know that when I'm really focused in it's an

incredible feeling feeling that you're you're going somewhere that you have a

direction every minute you spend working you're

producing something whereas when you're dabbling when you're doing a bunch of

things at once I always feel like I'm drained like I'm

putting in this time but I don't exactly know where it goes I'll look back on a

month or two months and say what did I really accomplish then how much actually

got done I don't mean how many hours did I work or but what was accomplished did

I get new customers did I increase my income did I reach more people what

happened so in this video we focused on two main things first on making a

decision before you're a hundred percent ready using the seventy percent rule and

using this as a tool for building your experience and building the knowledge

you have about yourself so that way you can improve your gut instincts and your

intuition so that in the future you can make decisions easier and easier just by

trusting yourself in your own experience and then I talked about dabbling and

there's a reason I included dabbling here with the 70% rule is that if you're

dabbling even using the 70% rule making decisions that if you're dabbling and

you're doing a lot of things at once you're going to limit the amount that

you can improve your gut instinct and your intuition because you're giving

yourself all these out and you don't have clear failure points so we learn a

lot when we fail but we have to acknowledge we failed

and so when you're dabbling like we discussed if you have all these

different options and you just sort of turn away from one so you don't admit

oh this failed er this didn't work or I'm quitting this you don't gain that

experience so you just keep dabbling and that's why I see people that you know

when we're all 21 and starting out on our entrepreneurial roots we all kind of

dabbled a bit and I see some of the people and they're still dabbling there

they're in their 30s now when they're still dabbling and that's because

they've never learned they've never given themselves the ability to try

something go all-in and fail and so dabbling not only robs us of our

experience and our ability to build this intuition but it also as we discuss robs

us of our time and our potential success because we often will end up quitting

way too early because we give ourselves all these exit paths so one of the best

ways to fix this is by giving yourself focused periods of time weeks months or

even years on one thing at a time bring that to fruition and then move on to the

next project by doing so you'll give yourself a

hundred percent of your energy and your focus and you'll get a hundred percent

of the experience and the learning from that now of course when you focus on

just one thing it's gonna bring up fear because there's a fear of failure

there's a fear of rejection there's a fear of loss because you just have this

one option it's like falling in love right it's scary if you fall in love

you're setting yourself up to be hurt but what are you gonna do never fall in

love come on that's ridiculous you got to go for it and just know that it could

happen and face those fears now when it comes to falling in love we usually have

enough positive things fighting that fear right all right I feel fear and

worry that we could break up but I feel crazy madly in love and there's some

naughty stuff and like laughing and all this good stuff right

so usually we pull the words love but we don't always have that in business all

that goodness pulling us right away because a lot of business is working

towards kind of a later goal and overcoming these hurdles well in the

next video I want to discuss how you can overcome this fear using the turning pro

mindset how you can adjust your thinking and adjust your behavior so that you're

not only able to produce more but you're able to keep

through the lows through the self-doubts through the fear and keep producing and

keep moving forward and whether you're going through a high where you can very

usually get distracted or low where you can get fearful and end up changing your

mind or quitting whether you're going to that high or that low I'm going to show

you how you can use this mindset shift to keep going forward it's going to look

at how turning pro can be very good for business in terms of your income your

client relationships and just about everything else you're doing and I will

catch you in the next video till next time to your freedom catch you somewhere

in the world have an awesome day


For more infomation >> Why Your Projects NEVER GO ANYWHERE (it isn't ADHD or ENFP) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 14:14.


Tired of failed New Year's resolutions? Try this - Duration: 10:56.

Happy holidays to those of you who are watching today.

New Year's is my favorite holiday because New Year's Eve is my wife's and my wedding


For most other people, New Year's Eve is a chance maybe to stay out a little too late,

enjoy a glass of bubbly or two, and then try to get the new year off to a good start by

engaging in one of the truly futile exercise of the modern age -- the New Year's resolution.

We know that somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of people will not keep their New Year's resolution.

I would love for you not to be one of them.

If you are dealing with cognitive issues, there is probably some health habit you'd

really like to improve in 2019, and you can succeed.

My goal is to show you how.

Hi, I'm Tony Dearing of, the website for people with mild cognitive impairment.

This is the first of two videos that I'm doing leading into the new year, to explain why

New Year's resolutions typically fail, and offer you proven, practical ways to change

a health habit that actually work.

We know that most people with MCI don't progress to dementia, and many see their memory loss

stabilize for long periods of time.

We also know that those who are most likely to stabilize are the ones who do the best

job of embracing health habits.

So yes, definitely, you want to change health habits, and the new year is an ideal time

to set a goal and to make a change.

But not using the traditional route of New Year's resolutions.

That's a graveyard of failed intentions.

Why do these fail?

Typically, because they're:

Too vague

Too broad

Or too oblivious to the obstacles that can cause them to come unraveled.

This year, I want to encourage you to try something else instead.

We have 30 years of really good science behind health behavior changes, and it tells us the

right way to change a health habit is to choose one really small, really simple, well-defined

thing you want accomplish, set a clear, measurable goal and stick with it until it becomes a


So let me give you one example of how this worked for me.

A couple of years ago, I felt that I was being eating alive by the stress in my life.

I It was affecting my health.

I wasn't sleeping well.

But this time I tried meditation, I had failed.

This time, I didn't fail and it's because I used this particular method, which someone

had showed to me recently before that.

It's based on this simple sheet, and you just go down, and you answer each question.

I've got the sheet here that you can see and it says, what is my goal?

To meditate.


I decided to try the Headspace app on my phone.

I'd heard good things about it and other people had said it worked for them and I was willing

to give it a try.

How often?

I thought three times a week would be a good number to start.

When and where?

This is an important question.

You really have to try to get this one right, and someone I know had this great idea, that

he told me he meditated in the morning, he would go and he would turn the coffee pot

on and then while the coffee was percolating he would meditate.

I just thought that was brilliant because it's a quiet time in the house in the morning

and the sound of the sound of the coffee percolating is kind of calming and the aroma, and I thought,

that's ideal, so that's what I started doing as well.

What might keep me from succeeding?

Well, I thought there were a couple of things.

The cost was one, and I think the time was one.

Because Headspace, you pay a monthly fee and I wasn't sure I wanted to pay it for something

I didn't know was it going to work for me or not.

And the other, just time, I just didn't have that much time and now I was adding something

else to my life and I thought that might just make me more stressed out figuring out how

I'd make the time.

So how did I address these obstacles?

Well, it turned out that Headspace is available free for a monthly trial so it didn't cost

me anything.

I just tried it for free to see how I might use it, and then it gives you several options.

You can meditate for three minutes, five, ten, 15, 20 minutes, and I just started with

three minutes.

And then the last question is the most important.

How confident am I that I can succeed?

If you've got the rest of these questions right, then you can feel very confident that

you can succeed and you probably will.

If you're not that confident, then you go back and make adjustments and then you try

it and then you do it for a week and see how it went and then again, you adjust it or you

keep going and maybe increase what you're doing over time.

This method, simplistic though it is, has proven to be incredibly effective.

It has been used by millions of people over the past 30 years and it works.

It worked for me.

And it can work for you.

Now, I do find when I talk to people about this, maybe they they think it almost feels

too simple, too small, too inconsequential.

They say, listen, I'm facing serious issues here, and I need to do something dramatic.

I mean I need to make need big changes.

Well, OK, but really, if you look at it, even the biggest health changes usually tend to

be a series of small changes that file up on top of each other.

So look at it this way.

Think of losing 50 pounds.

Nobody ever got up one morning weighing 260 pounds and said, man, I need to lose 50 pounds,

and did something that day and went to bed that night weighing 210 pounds.

So how do you lose 50 pounds?

Well, the answer is you lose one pound, 50 times.

And if think of it that way, in terms of losing one pound, you're going to approach it differently,

and you're probably going to succeed.

And then you've created this habit and you just keep going.

But here is one really important thing I want you to understand.

Even losing one pound is not a goal.

It's a result.

It's an outcome.

It is the result of taking some action that causes your body to burn a few more calories

than it consumes and that action is what causes you to lose a pound.

I remember back quite a few years ago, during a Middle East oil crisis, the price of gasoline

shot way up, I mean I don't remember exactly, but it was like $4 a gallon.

An a guy I worked with said, I'm not paying 4 dollars a gallon to make the oil companies


I'm going to start riding my bike to work every day.

And he did, all summer and into the fall.

And there was a day in late August and I was leaving work, and saw him and he was getting

on his bike, and I said, Hey, you're still riding your bike to work?

And he said, Are you kidding?

I figured it out the other day and I've saved more than $700.

And you what else?

I've lost 15 pounds, and I didn't even mean to.

And I feel great.

I feel better than I've felt in years.

All the money.

The weight he lost.

The health he's gained.

The way he feels better.

That was all a result.

It was the result of one simple action that he took and sustained until it became a habit.

So that's what I wanted to show you today.

Next week, in the second part of this video series, I want to go a little deeper.

I want to show you some really good, cutting edge strategies for changing health behaviors

that are included in this new book, called Atomic Habits, by James Clear.

I have learned so much from this book, and I look forward to sharing these tips with


But you don't have to wait for next week.

The simple sheet I showed you today is something you can start using right now to map out a

heath behavior change you want to make in the new year.

You can create your own sheet, or if you want a copy of this sheet, email me at

and I'll be glad to send it to you.

I hope you find this helpful, and I hope to see you again next week for Part 2.

Until then, as always, be kind to your mind.

For more infomation >> Tired of failed New Year's resolutions? Try this - Duration: 10:56.


'신인상' 아이즈원, '라비앙로즈' KOR MAMA ver. 음원 깜짝 공개 - Duration: 5:55.

그룹 아이즈원(IZONE)이 데뷔곡 '라비앙로즈(La Vie en Rose)'

편곡 음원을 기습 공개했다.

아이즈원은 11일 0시 공식 유튜브 채널을 통해 첫 번째 앨범

'컬러라이즈(COLORIZ)' 타이틀곡 '라비앙로즈'

KOR MAMA 버전 음원을 업로드했다.

지난 10일 오후 열린 '2018 MAMA(Mnet Asian Music Awards,

엠넷 아시안 뮤직 어워즈) PREMIERE in KOREA'에서

처음으로 선보인 '라비앙로즈' 편곡 음원은 더욱 드라마틱해진

구성과 리드미컬하고 화려한 사운드로 원곡과는 또 다른 느낌을 선사한다.

아이즈원은 '2018 MAMA' 무대 당시 팬들이 보내준

뜨거운 성원에 힘입어 음원 공개를 결정했고,

벌써부터 높은 조회수를 기록할 정도로 누리꾼들의 많은 관심이 모아지고 있다.

데뷔 후 처음으로 'MAMA' 무대에 오른 아이즈원은

'라비앙로즈' 무대 외에도 워너원의 '에너제틱'

커버 무대를 선보여 이목을 집중시켰다.

걸크러시 가득한 슈트 패션을 입고 등장한 아이즈원은

파워풀한 퍼포먼스로 '에너제틱' 무대를 완벽하게 커버했다.

특히 단 한 번뿐인 '2018 MAMA' 신인상의 영예를 안은

아이즈원은 "이렇게 큰 무대에 설 수 있게 해 주셔서 감사드린다.

단 한 번밖에 못 받는 상인만큼 더욱 뜻 깊다"며 눈물의 소감을 남겼고,

마지막으로 자신들을 발굴하고 아낌없는 응원을 보내주는 팬들에게

"끝까지 열심히 하는 아이즈원이 되겠다"고 다짐했다.

아이즈원은 일본, 홍콩에서 열리는 '2018 MAMA'에 모두 참석할 예정이다.

앞으로 남은 시상식에서는 12명의 멤버들이 어떤 매력을 선사할지 귀추가 주목된다.

For more infomation >> '신인상' 아이즈원, '라비앙로즈' KOR MAMA ver. 음원 깜짝 공개 - Duration: 5:55.


ASMR Chicken Sweet and Sour Pork 목화솜 치킨 탕수육 리얼사운드 먹방 咀嚼音 チキン酢豚食べる音 Crunchy EATING SOUNDS mukbang - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> ASMR Chicken Sweet and Sour Pork 목화솜 치킨 탕수육 리얼사운드 먹방 咀嚼音 チキン酢豚食べる音 Crunchy EATING SOUNDS mukbang - Duration: 3:22.


✅ Uomini e Donne, Andrea Dal Corso derubato: la furia del corteggiatore di Teresa - Duration: 2:06.

Andrea Dal Corso derubato, dopo Uomini e Donne il racconto del corteggiatore  Notizie non proprio positive su Uomini e Donne

Questa volta vi parliamo di Andrea Dal Corso, corteggiatore di Teresa Langella ed ex di Temptation Island che ha colpito tutti con la sua bellezza e il suo savoir faire

Come ben sapete, Andrea ama viaggiare tantissimo, e lo fa soprattutto per lavoro, e si prende molta cura del suo corpo

Quanto vi stiamo per raccontare riguarda proprio questo: Andrea infatti è stato derubato nello spogliatoio

Ma veniamo al dunque. Uomini e Donne, il messaggio di Andrea Dal Corso e lo sfogo post-work out  A raccontare quanto accaduto è stato lui, che in una delle storie Instagram non ha nascosto la sua ira

"Tu – queste le sue parole – che mi hai appena rubato la felpa in spogliatoio… Ti faccio i miei più sinceri auguri di buon Natale! Mi raccomando indossala sempre col cappuccio per coprirti dalla vergogna!"

Messaggio chiarissimo, molto di più di quello che ieri ha scritto Antonio Moriconi forse riferendosi a Teresa Langella: un post che avrà sicuramente fatto molto discutere, soprattutto dopo l'esterna sulla neve che non abbiamo ancora visto

Le ultime anticipazioni su Andrea e Teresa a Uomini e Donne  Andrea non ha pubblicato altro, anche perché qualsiasi cosa dica o faccia sarà sempre letta pensando al suo percorso a Uomini e Donne, quindi fa bene a non esporsi troppo

Vi ricordiamo che l'ultima volta è scoppiato in lacrime e che al momento il suo percorso in trasmissione si è interrotto

Non è stato solo lui a commuoversi peraltro, visto che nella stessa puntata si è pianto molto anche per un altro tronista

Staremo a vedere cos'altro succederà in trasmissione, visto che ormai il trono di Teresa è diventato uno degli argomenti di gossip più discussi del momento!

For more infomation >> ✅ Uomini e Donne, Andrea Dal Corso derubato: la furia del corteggiatore di Teresa - Duration: 2:06.


Nightcore - Find Da Wae (CG5 - Lyrics) - Duration: 2:06.

Do you know dee way no, no da way?

I do not know Da Wae

wE mUST find a way no find de way noh find a way

Yeah, we must find da WaY

Can u show me da wayyyyyyyyyyyyy, can u show me, can u show me da wAY?

WE MUST FIND Da waeeeeeeeeeeeee

we must find a, WE must find de way

Do u know de wayyyyyyyyy? I Don't know de wAY, WE Must find da wayyyyy.


Can u show me da waeeeeeeeee?, Can u show me can u show me da way?

We must find da wahhhhhh, we Must find a, WE must fInd de way!

Can u SHow ME DA wayyyyyyy, can you shoe ME, CAN u SHOw mE da WAY?

We mUst Find De wayyyyy, weah we must find a, WE must Find DE way!

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Find Da Wae (CG5 - Lyrics) - Duration: 2:06.


Liverpool warned how they will lose their unbeaten record - Duration: 2:23.

 Liverpool have been told to beware the "weird" match that could bring their unbeaten start grinding to a halt

 The Reds are yet to taste defeat in the Premier League this season having won 2-0 at Wolverhampton Wanderers on Friday night

 With Manchester City slumping to a shock 3-2 loss at home to Crystal Palace, Liverpool are now four points clear at the top of table having taken 48 from a possible 54 in their first 18 games

 But Jurgen Klopp's side are not being backed to replicate Arsenal's 'Invincibles' side of 2003-04

 "It's not unrealistic (for Liverpool to go unbeaten) because of the standards that they've set and the way that they are playing

" said former England man Jermaine Jenas, speaking to BT Sport.  "We felt this about Manchester City last year and they fell just short of it and I feel like the same will probably happen to Liverpool at some point

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  "It might be a weird game that catches them out, it might not be the obvious one

 "I do believe there will be a game where they do get beat this year."  Liverpool are at City on January 3, a game many believe will have a huge bearing on the title race

Keep up to date with all the breaking Liverpool news here  And Jenas added: They've got the game on January 3 which could be pivotal

 "There's so much that's going to be changing throughout the rest of the season.  "Regardless of what they look like now, there's injuries and stuff that could be coming


For more infomation >> Liverpool warned how they will lose their unbeaten record - Duration: 2:23.


ABBA, Neil Young, Conway Twitty, Leo Sayer, Lobo, The Carpenters, Bee Gees, Kansas, Barry White - Duration: 54:40.


For more infomation >> ABBA, Neil Young, Conway Twitty, Leo Sayer, Lobo, The Carpenters, Bee Gees, Kansas, Barry White - Duration: 54:40.


撤軍也要管敘利亞!美軍三種替代方案 一個比一個狠!希拉蕊還在罵 - Duration: 8:49.










方案一 五角大樓正在考慮利用特種作戰部隊的小隊打擊敘利亞的I/*S*I*S







撤軍也要管敘利亞!美軍三種替代方案 一個比一個狠!希拉蕊還在罵 5000名特種突擊隊的規模已經不小了











」 其實





方案二 空襲是重要選項。




撤軍也要管敘利亞!美軍三種替代方案 一個比一個狠!希拉蕊還在罵 撤軍也要管敘利亞!美軍三種替代方案 一個比一個狠!希拉蕊還在罵 特朗普已經表示



方案三 繼續用武器和相關裝備補給給庫爾德人




















她的原文是—— 撤軍行動將產生後果












庫克:不能失去中國市場 改變心情掌握自己 2018年的蘋果公司是到底是什麼光景就不用小編說了吧?先是三款新手機市場表現不佳






































































應拒絕引渡孟晚舟 【環球網綜合報道】加拿大中文電台12月18月報道

加拿大新民主黨溫哥華京士威大道(Kingsway)選區國會議員戴偉斯(Don Davies)呼籲渥太華不要受美國總統特朗普擺布





















For more infomation >> 撤軍也要管敘利亞!美軍三種替代方案 一個比一個狠!希拉蕊還在罵 - Duration: 8:49.


Python tutorial 3: How to create Python Script using IDLE by Manish Sharma - Duration: 8:01.

So in the previous tutorial we used command prompt to write our very first Python program.

The only problem with that approach was that we could not save the code we wrote for later


The solution to this problem is to write the code onto a file and save that into our operating


That's exactly what we will be learning today.

What's up Internet?

I am Manish from and welcome to another tutorial of an awesome series of

Python Programming.

In today's tutorial we will learn how to create scripts in Python programming version


To do that we will be using IDLE editor of Python language.

So without wasting time let's get started.

But before that please consider giving this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel

if you haven't already.

Now, let's start.

In order to create a Python script we have to create a file with a compatible file extension.

Most widely used file extension for Python scripts is *.py and some less used ones are

*.pyw and *.py3. *.py3 is a new extension introduced with the

version 3 of Python Programming language famously known as Python 3.

It is rarely used file extension in Python Programming.

*.pyw is the python file extension for windows and the scripts with this extension are executed

with pythonw.exe whereas all other Python's scripts will be executed with Python.exe.

Another Python supported file extension is *.pyc.

As we learnt that Python is an interpreted programming language, therefore whenever we

interpret python scripts using the Python's interpreter, it automatically generates a

file with *.pyc extension corresponding to the scripts.

You must be wondering, what does a *.pyc file consists.

Similar to programming language like Java, python's interpreter compiles the source

code of your scripts into a special machine code called bytecode.

Bytecode is then executed by Python's virtual machine.

I suppose there are in total 19 or may be more Python supported file extensions.

In order to save your time I will do a brief Facebook Note explaining all those extensions

on my Facebook page.

You can find the link in the description.

That being said let's move ahead.

In order to keep everything organized let's first create a directory where we will save

all our Python scripts.

I am going to create this directory in my documents which is pretty much empty, as you

can see here.

[P1]You can create a folder anywhere you want in your Operating System and name it whatever

you want.

I will name this folder "Python Tutorials".

Great Next we have to create a python script.

Physically script is a file which contains a set of instructions and has a unique name

as well as a dedicated file extension which is accepted by the language.

In Python programming language that dedicated extension is *.py.

So let's start with creating a text file and then we will change its name and extension.

Now go to new items and choose "Text Document".

This will create a new text file.

Now we have to rename it.

You can name your Python script whatever you want but make sure it's extension must always

be *.py.

I will name my script as "".

You might get this warning, simply hit yes and move ahead.

Now you will see that the icon of your file has been changed.

That indicates that you have successfully created an empty Python script.

Now we will learn how to edit a Python Script using IDLE gui.

In order to write some code onto this script we need to open it with some sort of an IDE

or Editor.

Luckily, Python installation comes with a free IDE known as IDLE.

IDLE stands for "Integrated Development and Learning Environment".

It is a graphic user Interface which lets you write, edit and execute a Python Program.

You can launch it either directly from your start menu or from the right click menu of

the script file.

Let me demonstrate.

Right click on the script which we just created and choose "Edit with IDLE".

You must have this option in your right click menu, if you don't then please check the

installation video of Python 3.

Anyways, Here we have our IDLE editor opened for us.

Now let's write a very simple code onto our script.

Let's do one thing, let's write a code that will show you the latest version of Python

installed on your system.

How about that!

I think it's a great idea.

Let's do it import sys


I think this default font is pretty small and almost unreadable, let's fix it and

then we will write the rest of our code.

Go to "Options" and choose "configure IDLE".

Font face is set to "Courier New" I am good with this font but I am not happy with

the font size, so by default it is set on 10 let's increase it to say 18, good also

let's make it bold too.

Let's also change the theam, Go to highlight tab and change the theme from IDLE classic

to IDLE dark.

Great, now hit Apply and Ok.

Now I guess, this will be comfortable for our eyes.

Now let's write the remaining code.

print ("The latest version of Python Installed is: ")

print (sys.version) In order to print the latest version of Python

we need to use the "Version" method from "sys" module, and to do that we first

need to import the said module into our program.

That is what we did in the first line.

In the second line we just printed a formatted character string.

In the third line we called the version method of sys module.

That completes our code.

Now we have a complete Python script in our hands.

Next we have to learn how to execute this script.

Let's do that.

Executing the code using IDLE is as simple as slicing butter.

To execute the code in IDLE.

First you need to save the changes you have made in the script, simply press "control

+ s" and you are done.

Next go to "Run" and choose "Run Module" or you can simply press F5 function key.

This will launch your Python's shell where you can see the output of your program.

As you can see here.

The latest version of Python installed is 3.7.1

IDLE is a very minimalistic IDE with very basic features.

For example it doesn't come with the debugging tool.

It justifies its name Integrated Development Learning Environment as it's good for learning

purposes but not suitable for intense coding.

Anyways, in the next video we will be learning how to execute Python scripts using command


So stay tuned.

Meanwhile I want you to comment and let me know if you've ever used "Debug" feature

of an IDE for your code.

Remember I am waiting for your comments and very eager to read them.

Moreover, do make sure to give this video a thumbs up and share it with your friends

on your social media.

Most importantly subscribe to the YouTube channel if you haven't already.

Thanks for watching, this is Manish from [P1]Instead of D drive use Documents folder

For more infomation >> Python tutorial 3: How to create Python Script using IDLE by Manish Sharma - Duration: 8:01.


DIY 3D Quilling Christmas Wreath Ornaments | Christmas Decorations Ideas - Duration: 3:23.

Welcome to origami art, Today i show you a

unique 3D Quilling Christmas Wreath.

Quilling wreath make very easy & looks very beautiful.

If you want to learn how to make wreath

please watch full video step by step and then try it.

Thank you very much for your attention.

For more infomation >> DIY 3D Quilling Christmas Wreath Ornaments | Christmas Decorations Ideas - Duration: 3:23.



For more infomation >> AUMENTA O NÚMERO DE MORTOS NO TSUNAMI NA INDONÉSIA - Duration: 1:23.


Firehosing: a estratégia de disseminação de mentiras usada como propaganda política - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Firehosing: a estratégia de disseminação de mentiras usada como propaganda política - Duration: 6:42.


ESPECIAL NATAL! 🎄🎅🎁 - Duration: 25:46.

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Come with this very affection for me. made many openings in 10 also that

You want to see that in the opening channel 55th floor

gathers everything watered the press goes understand that america at the door I already

now I only have a future in the end I think that will be an end in the future is possible

that the top doctor the door central defense manchester city luis rodrigues

tigers girl of the real madrid correct harrell of athletic madrid and

topps champions league 2018-2019

in our eleven cause of the opening Congratulations, we are here, Ricardo Saponara.

calciatori panini 2018-19

sampdoria than the sorrentino than the krona or the mini cut of s.paulo a

empoli sweater and then we have here team with more points almost

double the airplane that

sesc shirt 1 and so on real Madrid

You're waiting for my doctors now. until it's going to leave the team's buzz

Candid manauara you sleep on the couch armando schalke the disarmament morel of lyon

manuel mayer from bar nike and then we have on here

raphael varane here has been trying to winners of the real madrid y 12 years top not

nor the hypothesis now we have gone through the then we returned to fifa 35

christian ronaldo figurine

we have another competitive car here This time we have here

2018 global global modica luka because the World Cup has made a brilliant and

we have from the government of iran to the athletic Current madrid

Christian Ronaldo Christian Ronaldo Jesus created if this opening does not create

even nothing but look, I do not know what is the Christian ronaldo robozão as

signed by 20 in Brazil if you are well you arrive i will never talk about you

Cristiano Ronaldo will certainly do to we would romario two shifts ours

need victory ladies and gentlemens

because we have the perimeter here and even more than the voucher

the consensus and we have two surprises so to walk waiting that Ronaldo was

well young took celso sun is very popular because we have here ô ô ô marek ao

dry the step closer to naples risk

smaller and we have little baa1 limits and queas People are not going to be able to do anything

here another was doing 3 11

I already paid the bill.

now more immune to the cast of inter mirador the reason the derivative a is cover

I will not show it back

the other is our 11 we have here the symbol of the monaco

boca juniors the goalkeeper nor dortmund in real madrid but see that close and

We have here the devil's grave. four were five wins but many

teams that suffer many who have more and this helps very bad of the total but the

networks When I arrived I did not find anything in the

dalasi coxa paulo me no 'date plant and will allow inter

three power players and we have here bringhenti of the phrase not né

it rains on top of the madrid team we have trauma head day of valencia

your front of monaco rome inter mas rome and

we have the windward brugge hour here all forget pain today

At that time it will disappear mega evil from Iran mpoi the army will do for us that

there are 30 line up djs odilo its whats the golden boy 2018 19 in center go central

It must be hollow and it starts to get complicated. it will get very very complicated that 11

We'll decide, I just want to. only at the end your opinion at the end

2011 of roma andré conti of milan is sina da atalanta 3 hardness and team of a

solu once the corinthians gabriel Brazil

for some time the one of the sergio conception a 25-year promise to the player of the

but a symbol to get out of here then symbol of valencia questions to the

contrary thomas in the caribbean sea in madri vert

long end of malcolm and then we have here was and who scored but wizards that with 80

percent of what is said about the goal the advanced back here and now years and

silver malls or 70 chance not had so far made everything

we felt a duty of roma the barigui of the psv memphis depay of lyon and tony crosse

of real madrid than the last history We have here the

the old center of barcelona the marola desolated and jesus that comes down from the egg in tip

udinese that the proposed santander of the blog and then we have three players here

of women's and italian football three more players from the extinct organ

especially the final - said

we have here the same law of the wizard harry Caine Usury through Sergio Agüero and

goalkeeper james mattis ex

here we have one of the man that the alcohol mascarello and benfica takes nagatomo

bernardo silva We gotta grab the woman, get out.

fred from teaching denies that to the last this Thursday and after the option is really

much and other of the city Robinho Lucas cows

my God

the games for being part of this part Sorry, I personally do not see anyone.

not even enter the accounts

fashion is not for class do not look yes yes yes yes boxing is here it's time in here

my table

I've seen a lot for the people the collection can to learn and not from the father, go for

played times will not go roy odone is not yes yes not yes yes


yes no no no no power for now now get tax using wi fi

I hope you now do not unite so fred not be human so were not not do not vote

so man yes the risk yes the people so for now do not go out and

finally here in the auditorium that will establish with these opinions - but I

I think it's already gone 4 hours and it's going to a game here at eleven of president boy

I would blame but could not enter You stand by the door and that's our personal

christian captain ronaldo he has to enter

now let's see what we have here central

Let's see central paranaense to new Miranda

hey of switches that have here its wola door to door

we can 'miranda have to join this eleven totally and will enter goes already in

la miranda door in a new one and I I do not think we're here with

miranda and a new person who was in god but do not enter then there is tonga

wiltz america at the door i honestly I think he has a new disease of

doing great things in the future was to the golden boy jack friend at the central door

but very good with evidence given in the world football then having everton

and 6/3 at this time in the central unit continues to be is and everton gum left in the other

You're weak now, let's go to the public right side

then came back to great use pichek but There are no hits here.

upgrades nor a resin Let's see, only my family has 37

andriola tar and fibers besides I guess that we actually discover others

opponents show wrong count in the staff's comments and now

our car we have here a tuga one tuga that will enter the accounts are already

in this fight I hope you're the only one I think I want

good is good sir at the biz show house will Rafael be our

business wants hurry yes and it's really rafa warrior is our left back

announced so great options but this is yes a great option or the hair and

sleeps on connivance with the rangers now the goalkeeper will show that the

nautical chart week for this and the see you tomorrow

and will surely be among one of these two

personal at the moment is the best of world today

I really like but a lot here and happy. but the boat will be our goalkeeper

was already predictable and now Let's start getting into the most

hard is I'm going to use here a 4 3 3 is the I only like the 4 5 1 for the course

of attack means all those who here lives

godin enters on everton

sorry there but gabriel clean water now little at risk

to fight umaru here there is only one other thing I think

that if I am in that if the club does not I was not even close to Maradona and that's where we are.

here monnier arm single symbol money and I really like it from the back but I think

I'm going to stay, I think the purchase goes shopping for our place that the

our average chances make it final the psyche risk little ba and philippe

little coutinho I think it has to be part of this year.

have to do for who will be part this year the team that I have not done

in manchester united i can not and no I can choose the pope the final clay of

bumba training and I the chance that goes stalking part then the two - strong

I think that at the moment the Basque guarani this year the designers have done

great games but it would help a lot to see certain heights of the games

I think you're not at your best twelve obás promotion of the sp only

when naval and steal can not enter He builds me in the bathroom for me.

enter and make a two-three players end the amicycle the bait and

now we have reached the end with Christian You have to go in and now see the

I already know that we spearheads Carlitos, but I got home, too.

here an hour earlier I did not even remember one Time I'll tell you something and they'll

have to perceive a photographer from 31 risk paying is excuse so in

quickly the spearhead is present today in

Letter Rodrigo also leaves the sea will leave because

agreed to enter here at eleven omar silva and principal we have here these

three spearheads we have mauro and carb Aguero he erre kane me in these three days

3 and 11 a bid for my team I would choose erick and now

then one extreme can play in the left and right and skype too

They can break twigs. I'm from parents taking part I'm going to have

here is the video that this time having a little more to make silva

sarney and bell and father

I really like Brazil but I think

is not to the level of I think sarney is It's better that Brazil is mine.

The streets also seem to have a lot of more positive can go wrong wrote

I'm very wrong, you're going to roll. then the arm on the arm the

problem were on foot then it remains that father bill is to

Dad and Dad will go away guilty feet and we stand between Israel and the hero despite

Brazil be the crystal man I think cuba will be then our end

right and needed this is our 11 we have to the block rafael marreiro


the balance that the toni kross modric coutinho cristiano ronaldo was the kane and war

bay I just hope it was hard for you to be

will not it be that the mega will leave in bases military everything then stream wishes on

12 at home in 2009 that you have We all do ours and I'm

side of who is going to stay there The idea is made effective ah

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