I said earlier that dabbling will rob you of your time and productivity and I
want to explain why that happens so if you've done much reading on productivity
time management all that kind of stuff you know that there's a cost to changing
gears right that getting into a task takes a bunch of time this happens for
different reasons whether it's getting the software and the websites open or if
you're a writer like myself the procrastination that goes into it can
actually play a big role all of us we have the this lag that goes into
starting a task and kind of switching tasks and what happens when you're doing
multiple things let's say you're trying to juggle four different projects you
have a part-time job a freelancing job you're trying to have an online course
and trying to write a book you know that's kind of a common thing I hear
from a lot of people is if you're doing all that you don't let's say you have
six productive hours in the day which is a bit of a stretch for a lot of us and I
don't mean six hours at a desk but I mean six hours where you're really
producing you're getting things done because there's a lot of kind of warm-up
time and break time and stuff like that so let's say you go six hours in theory
if you're doing four things that should give you an hour and a half per project
but it never works that way right when we change gears each time we lose a
percentage of productivity now chalk it up whatever percent you
want to give it let's say you're losing 20 percent every time you change
gears when you go from one thing where you have a hundred percent of your focus
you add to now maybe each of those is getting 40 percent and 20 percent
there's getting lost to transitions too distractions to other things throw in a
third maybe you're down to twenty five percent twenty percent for each of these
things I would guess that for a lot of people trying to juggle four projects at
once for my own experience when I've made this mistake you're maybe getting
40 percent productivity out of yourself and that's a big problem because the
other problem with dabbling is it's robbing you of your success and here's
how that happens anything you're trying to do if you're
trying to work for yourself guess what we live in an open economy
that means there's competition and anything worth doing is gonna have
competition the more appealing the industry you want to enter is the harder
it will be to compete because it's more appealing right there's not as many
people applying for jobs delivering garbage in the slums as there are
applying for jobs to be like the poster boy for I don't know
cotton candy your job is to eat cotton candy all day makes sense there's more
competition for the things people want to do more so if you're only giving a
quarter of yourself to each of your projects and really
because we know of how the time management works out that means you're
really only giving ten maybe fifteen percent of yourself to each of those
projects how will you compete in any of those areas with fifteen percent of you
I couldn't do it I absolutely couldn't I don't know anyone who could do it
because you'll be competing with the people who are giving a hundred percent
of themselves so 10-15 percent of you versus a hundred percent of them they're
driven they've cut off all other options they have no distractions and they're
giving all their time and energy and you 15 percent who's gonna win this outcome
right now the other thing that happens is if you have multiple options and
you're dabbling you're way more likely to quit there's a great quote I love
from Will Smith and it's why have a plan B it distracts from plan a and if you
have a plan a B C and D not only are you distracting from eat all of them it from
each other but you're also giving yourself an easy out you ever notice how
there's all these stories of millionaires and success success stories
and it always seems like they pulled it off right after they were in their low
you know not all the time but a lot of the stories are that way you know the
company was against the wall they needed more funding and they were about to go
bankrupt and then they kept going they kept going and they pulled it off well
there's something to that right there's always highs and lows in
business the people who go through the lows and
keep going who have that grit tend to be the people who succeed because they push
through the tough times there's always a dip before success there's a struggle
there's that last push you know in relationships even this is a term that's
used in counseling you know where often as your result being an issue between a
couple that's when there will be the most turmoil the most tension things
gonna have to get worse before they get better as you deal with that stuff and
it happens in business right now if you have one option you're doing one thing
when it gets tough you keep going because you don't want to quit quitting
is look down upon in our society right we don't want to quit so we keep going
but when you have four options you're not quitting you're shifting your focus
you're it's a way we can lie to ourselves because I've done this to
please know I've done this before when we have other options we can lie to
ourselves and not be quitting but I'm gonna put this on hold for now I'm gonna
adjust my focus I'm gonna pivot I'm gonna you know look at you know focusing
more on this area whatever we want to tell ourselves it's a lie we're quitting
but we're not quitting right and so what happens is let's say you have four
options and option B has tons of promise it's great but it starts to get a little
hard it starts to get tough now well normally you would just stick to it you
would fight through and you would turn option B into a success now you also
have option a C and D so why not just kind of drop because it's not
comfortable it's not fun it's not easy right now so you drop it and you do the
other three and that's why doubling robs you of your success because option B
there you may have been on the cusp of big success you might have been about to
turn the corner and get exactly where you needed to be to turn into something
huge and you quit because you had other options and you were invested in too
many different places so people will look at me and say well you've published
12 books you have eight training courses up there
you have all this different stuff you're doing how can you tell me not to dabble
I have published 12 books I am NOT currently tried to write 12 books
actually right now how I'm not trying to write one book I had one in mind and I
was working with an editor on it and then I realized that I was splitting my
time too much between this training that I really wanted to make and the book and
I decided that I'm gonna just fully put the book on hold not do a little bit not
whatever but it's on hold until I finish my current project so that's the
difference you can have a ton of things in your portfolio in your past or that
you manage but you don't do them all at the same time you build one and then you
build the next and then they build the next and that's how you can have all
these different things but not be dabbling and not be spreading yourself
too thin so the other night I was having dinner with a friend here in Prague and
he's had crazy success recently so much so well deserved
he decided back in February that he wanted to really focus on building a
channel in YouTube around politics he's someone who into video editing and
design and really into politics and had some opinions on it he wanted to be
sharing and things like that and he decided he wanted to go all into
YouTube and so that's what he did with no prior experience on YouTube anything
like that he jumped full in and started his
channel and since February so from February to March I was kind of
watching Eddie get you know a couple hundred views of video things like that
by April he was up to a thousand subscribers then May up to about same
thing maybe two thousand something like that and then we met up to talk two
weeks ago and he had twenty thousand subscribers which is huge growth of you
for if you don't know kind of YouTube in that to have twenty thousand subscribers
within your first six months is huge then last night or the few nights back
when we were out he was telling me he's past forty thousand that kind of growth
isn't saying and what we started talking about
is how amazing it feels to focus to just do one thing at a time
right before he was juggling a bunch of different projects and now he's just
doing YouTube and to wake up and just only think of that one thing to focus on
it and to do it it's an amazing feeling and I know this because I go through
periods of really focusing like just gonna write a book that's all I'm doing
and periods of dabbling and I know that when I'm really focused in it's an
incredible feeling feeling that you're you're going somewhere that you have a
direction every minute you spend working you're
producing something whereas when you're dabbling when you're doing a bunch of
things at once I always feel like I'm drained like I'm
putting in this time but I don't exactly know where it goes I'll look back on a
month or two months and say what did I really accomplish then how much actually
got done I don't mean how many hours did I work or but what was accomplished did
I get new customers did I increase my income did I reach more people what
happened so in this video we focused on two main things first on making a
decision before you're a hundred percent ready using the seventy percent rule and
using this as a tool for building your experience and building the knowledge
you have about yourself so that way you can improve your gut instincts and your
intuition so that in the future you can make decisions easier and easier just by
trusting yourself in your own experience and then I talked about dabbling and
there's a reason I included dabbling here with the 70% rule is that if you're
dabbling even using the 70% rule making decisions that if you're dabbling and
you're doing a lot of things at once you're going to limit the amount that
you can improve your gut instinct and your intuition because you're giving
yourself all these out and you don't have clear failure points so we learn a
lot when we fail but we have to acknowledge we failed
and so when you're dabbling like we discussed if you have all these
different options and you just sort of turn away from one so you don't admit
oh this failed er this didn't work or I'm quitting this you don't gain that
experience so you just keep dabbling and that's why I see people that you know
when we're all 21 and starting out on our entrepreneurial roots we all kind of
dabbled a bit and I see some of the people and they're still dabbling there
they're in their 30s now when they're still dabbling and that's because
they've never learned they've never given themselves the ability to try
something go all-in and fail and so dabbling not only robs us of our
experience and our ability to build this intuition but it also as we discuss robs
us of our time and our potential success because we often will end up quitting
way too early because we give ourselves all these exit paths so one of the best
ways to fix this is by giving yourself focused periods of time weeks months or
even years on one thing at a time bring that to fruition and then move on to the
next project by doing so you'll give yourself a
hundred percent of your energy and your focus and you'll get a hundred percent
of the experience and the learning from that now of course when you focus on
just one thing it's gonna bring up fear because there's a fear of failure
there's a fear of rejection there's a fear of loss because you just have this
one option it's like falling in love right it's scary if you fall in love
you're setting yourself up to be hurt but what are you gonna do never fall in
love come on that's ridiculous you got to go for it and just know that it could
happen and face those fears now when it comes to falling in love we usually have
enough positive things fighting that fear right all right I feel fear and
worry that we could break up but I feel crazy madly in love and there's some
naughty stuff and like laughing and all this good stuff right
so usually we pull the words love but we don't always have that in business all
that goodness pulling us right away because a lot of business is working
towards kind of a later goal and overcoming these hurdles well in the
next video I want to discuss how you can overcome this fear using the turning pro
mindset how you can adjust your thinking and adjust your behavior so that you're
not only able to produce more but you're able to keep
through the lows through the self-doubts through the fear and keep producing and
keep moving forward and whether you're going through a high where you can very
usually get distracted or low where you can get fearful and end up changing your
mind or quitting whether you're going to that high or that low I'm going to show
you how you can use this mindset shift to keep going forward it's going to look
at how turning pro can be very good for business in terms of your income your
client relationships and just about everything else you're doing and I will
catch you in the next video till next time to your freedom catch you somewhere
in the world have an awesome day
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