Patagonian Prefab Cabin is Built to Withstand Volatile Climates
Portugal Lisbon Travel VLOG | 葡萄牙里斯本 - Duration: 15:53.-------------------------------------------
CINNAMON SUGAR PULL APART BREAD using Canned Biscuits | Vlogmas - Duration: 10:10.hey guys it's Leigh and today I'm going to be making cinnamon pull-apart bread or
biscuits actually I'm going to be using these jumbo biscuits which are very
similar to the Gran's biscuits these actually came from Aldi and just quickly
if you haven't used instant cart or instacart instacart I think you have to
try it my Aldi groceries were delivered to me
this video isn't sponsored I just really like that service and if you're
interested in trying it out I'll leave a link in the description box below they
also deliver from Sam's some places Costco we don't have a Costco close by
so they don't deliver there and price right and I don't know what other
grocery stores but go check it out anyway you're gonna need two cans of
these let's see 16-ounce flaky biscuit jumbo biscuits doesn't matter which ones
I have a small loaf pan that I have sprayed with cooking spray and you need
two tablespoons of butter which I'm currently melting and I'm gonna mix
together the cinnamon sugar mixture for the recipe I have 1/2 cup of brown sugar
2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract now just mix that all
I think a four could work better
my brown sugar is super lumpy
the next step is to open your biscuits and flatten them slightly
once you have them flattened you're gonna take each biscuit brush it with a
little bit of butter melted butter it's obviously dip it in the cinnamon sugar
and it's not sticking
then do the next one
and place it on top of the last one
all right so what I forgot to mention was you want to do two separate stacks
because when you place them in your pan in your loaf pan you want the outside
outside edges to not have cinnamon sugar on them so we're gonna place this in the
pan pick it up carefully place it in the pan
here then we're gonna pick this side up carefully and place it in the pan here
and it's okay if it falls over its going to rise in the oven and it will fill up
the entire pan so I'm gonna take the leftover cinnamon sugar and just
sprinkle it over the top because you know you want a lot of cinnamon and
all right now I'm gonna pop this in a 350 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes
just keep an eye on it and when the biscuits are done it's done it's as
simple as that I will be back as soon as this comes out of the oven already so
here it is fresh out of the oven that took 35 minutes to bake and I think the
reason it took so long is because I used such a small loaf pan anyway it will be
delicious I'm gonna let this cool and and then I'll come back and make a glaze
to pour over the top now for the glaze start off with 1 cup of powdered sugar
add just a tiny tiny little splash of vanilla and 3 to 4 tablespoons of heavy
whipping cream I'm gonna start with 3 and see if I need more
it's gonna need one more
actually it's gonna need a little bit more I'm gonna do about a half
now that it's cooled off I'm going to attempt to take it out of the loaf pan
first I'm going to run a knife along the edges a butter knife and hopefully it'll
slide right out and there you go and now I'm going to put the glaze on it this is
super thick you can always add more cream if you want it to be thinner
which I think I'm going to do there we go that's better
okay so it's all done now and ready to be eaten so if you liked this video
please give it a thumbs up if you're new to my channel please consider hitting
the subscribe button and the little bell so you get notified every time I upload
a new video you can also find me over on Instagram Twitter Pinterest and Facebook
at LeighsHomeo5
thanks for watching bye
How To Fix AMD RX Vega GPU in macOS Mojave Hackintosh - Duration: 5:41.Do you have a Hackintosh build and you are running AMD RX Vega graphics card in it?
Do you have some problems with fan speed, noise, frequencies or power consumption?
Then this video is exactly right for you.
If you are new here, then click on that subscribe button and hit the bell next to it, so you
don't miss any of my future videos.
Lot of Hackintosh users which chose AMD RX Vega GPU are reporting some issues with it
under macOS.
In fact the Vega GPUs in the Apple iMacPro or MacBook Pro are little bit different then
those from PC world.
But don't worry, don't give up, fortunately I have a solution for you and help you to
fix your Vega GPU in maOS Mojave Hackintosh fast and easy way.
And remember all links or apps used in this tutorial you can find now in this video description,
so you don't need to search for it over the internet and waste your time.
So, some smart guys somewhere in China created quite strange and weird looking application
and thanks God some even smarter guys translated it into English :) so we can use it without
pain too.
This little application called VegaTAB is designed for Vega 56, Vega 64 and also for
Vega Frontier Edition which I'm using and also for water-cooled versions.
It has quite clear and easy to understand UI.
Simply change all those parameters to suit your needs and the result of this Hackintosh
Vega application is just a single kernel extension file, exactly for your card, which you then
just copy into your EFI / Clover / Kexts / Other folder.
After reboot your Vega GPU will behave like a new graphics card and work as expected,
of course if you dialed everything correctly :)
I will show you now real life example.
My Hackintosh is running latest macOS Mojave 10.14.2.
I use Terminal command to monitor my fan speed, frequencies and temperature.
I don't have the default VBIOS in my Vega Frontier Edition Air Cooled version which
came with my card.
My custom VBIOS is set to slightly decrease my frequency under full continuous load to
stay always at maximum 70 degrees of Celsius and my fan at idle is always running at 1500 rpm.
So I run Luxmark which put my Vega under full load and watch my frequency and fan rpms.
Temperature is rising, fan speed too and now it's starting to throttle down to stay within
70 degrees of Celsius.
So what about I would buy some better cooling for my Vega Frontier Edition and would want
to max out my core frequency all the time under load?
And what about I would like to turn off the fan when my card is idling?
Let's have a look.
I will open the VegaTAB application now.
Here select your GPU.
It will immediately open a webpage, where you can set all the parameters.
Sometimes you will need to open the app more times to get the page working correctly.
You can play with Core frequency, core voltage, memory frequency, memory voltage, fan etc..
From within this application you can simply overclock or undervolt your Vega GPU, so also
lower your power consumption.
It's good to compare new settings with your current settings your GPU is running on right now
I'm using a Terminal command to monitor my GPU, I covered it in my previous tutorial,
so if you missed it, just browse my YouTube channel.
Link is also in video description.
Now after you're done with the settings, just click here at the bottom at "Generate
Control Information" and that will create a kernel extension for your GPU on the desktop.
Now all you have to do is just put this kext into EFI / Clover / Kexts / Other and reboot.
So I will open Clover Configurator and mount my System EFI.
And now I will just copy the kext for my GPU to the Other folder.
And last step is to just reboot your computer.
After rebooting your computer, your GPU should behave differently, then your original VBIOS
is set to.
So please remember, all you do with this application can harm your GPU if you set something incorrect,
so do it at your own risk!
Always think twice or maybe more times :) When you start testing it after reboot, start with
just some light load, which you can stop immediately when something goes wrong.
So as you could see, with this little application you can completely tweak your Vega GPU the
way you like it or prefer and unlock full potential of it in your macOS Mojave Hackintosh build
I hope you've found this tutorial useful, if so, please click on the like button bellow.
Watch also my other tutorials.
Subscribe to my channel and hit the bell next to it, so you won't miss any of my future videos
You can also join my Hackintosh and macOS groups on Facebook, Reddit or my website,
links are now in this video description.
Thank you for watching and see you next time.
Топ Моменты с Twitch | Красивый ТВЕРК 😍 | Отшлепала Куклу | Баги в Atlas / Атлас | Лучшие Клипы - Duration: 8:22.-------------------------------------------
KABARTMALI ÖRGÜ - RENKLİ ÖRGÜ - Kabartmalı Renkli Örgü Örneği - Duration: 16:06.-------------------------------------------
Dota 2 Tricks: BONUS GOLD ABUSE! 7.20E - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
Winter Thank You Card - Duration: 6:11.Hello everyone!
Welcome to another Altenew video
This is Svitlana
In this video I will show you how to make a very simple and quick winter thank you card
First I will be creating a messy watercolor background
Here I have an Altenew Large Pallete and a panel which I cut out of a watercolor paper
Now I'm taping down the panel to the pallete to prevent warping that I may get when start
adding water
I will be creating the background using watercolor brush markers from the Spring Garden Set
Specifically I will be using the Sea Breeze and Dusk markers
Next I'm wetting the panel with a clear clean water using a wide brush
I will be creating the background with the help of a fold top sandwich bag
I'm placing it the back side up and scribbling the markers onto it
If you don't have such sandwich bag you can use any similar product
Something flexible and plastic, like a syringe wrap for example
Now I'm spraying a little bit of water onto the bag to mix the watercolor scribbles together
And then I'm placing the bag onto the panel, the back side down
Now I'm rubbing it with my fingers spreading the pigment around
Until I happy with the background I got
On this point I created the first base layer of the background, I need to dry it a bit
I'm doing this using my heat gun
Next I will be adding the second layer using the same sandwich bag that I used before
I have some watercolor pigment leftover on it and I'm pressing it here and there now
adding the second layer
I'm drying this layer a bit as well and then adding the third layer
Using what was left on the sandwich bag
Next I will be making a similar background onto another piece of watercolor paper
This time I wet the paper by misting it using a spray bottle
This method of wetting a paper adds more water to it
Causing watercolor paint to move better and giving a smoother blended result
As you can see I'm using the same technique making this piece
After I'm happy with the background I'm drying it with my heat gun
I need this piece to be bone dry before moving to the next step
Which is die-cutting snowflakes out of it
For this I will be using dies from the Layered Snowflakes Die Set
I die-cut two snowflakes out of this paper and also I die-cut one additional snowflake out of a
clean watercolor paper
Then I realized that one snowflake happened to be almost the same color and for a lack
of better word - pattern as that part of the background I planned to placed it on
So I decided to make it a little bit darker
I simply scribbled some Dusk marker onto it and then kind of distributed the paint dabbing
the snowflake with the sandwich bag
Crinkled bag also added some texture to the snowflake
Now it's time to start assembling the card
First I trimmed the white edges of the panel
Even though I taped it down it's still a bit warped from the water I was adding to it
To flatten the panel I'm placing it between two sheets of printer paper folded in half
and then go ahead and ran it through my die-cutting machine
This trick helps to flatten a warped paper
Next I will be foam mounting it onto a white card base
So I first I'm adhering foam mounting tape onto the panel
I'm quite a sloppy crafter and it's a real struggle for me to adhere something perfectly
centered at the very first shot
Very often I need to do some repositioning
Here I'm using quite strong foam tape which doesn't collaborate with my repositioning
I find it easier to leave the tape backing on some pieces, so in case I place my panel
wrong it would be easier to reposition it
I'm adhering the panel onto the card base and once I'm happy with its position and
ready to commit to it I'm removing the backing from the rest of the tape
Using my trusty craft tweezers with a precision tip and reverse grip
The last element I have to make for this card is a sentiment
I will be using the THANK YOU stamp from the Magnolias For Her Stamp Set
I'm stamping it onto a white cardstock stripe using the Dusk Ink
To adhere the snowflakes I'm using a liquid adhesive
Since the snowflakes are pretty intricate these blobs of the liquid adhesive will squeeze
out once I place it onto the card
I like kind of tapping a die-cut with a liquid adhesive on it onto a scrap piece of paper
This helps preventing squeeze outs and distributes the adhesive all over the die-cut surface
Ok so, I adhered the snowflakes onto the card and popped the sentiment onto it
I also added several clear droplets to accentuate the card
On this point the original plan for the card was done
But I felt it needed something more
It didn't feel like very snowy and wintery for me
So I decided to add some Pure White Ink Spray platters onto it
Which finished off the desired wintery look
I hope you like the technique I showed today
Have a wonderful day and happy holidays!
And I will see you in the next video
Cabelo Branco FICA PRETO Para Sempre em 3 Dias! SEM TINTA, Só Com Isso! - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
Baffetti. Come eliminarli in modo PERMANENTE dal viso in soli 20 minuti - Duration: 2:52.Si prova a toglierli con la pinzetta o addirittura con il rasoio, ma spesso ricrescono ancora più ispidi e lunghi di prima. I baffetti sul viso sono antiestetici per tutte le donne.
Quindi come si può intervenire per risolvere questo problema che ci rende, probabilmente soltanto ai nostri stessi occhi,
poco gradevoli esteticamente? I baffetti sopra il labbro superiore sono purtroppo i più diffusi, ma anche i meno apprezzati in quanto sembrano proprio avere le sembianze di quelli che crescono tipicamente sul volto dei maschi.
Invece di utilizzare la crema depilatoria che può danneggiare anche irrimediabilmente la nostra pelle,
possiamo ricorrere ad un rimedio naturale che può risolvere il nostro problema davvero alla radice.
Le donne in Medio Oriente utilizzano proprio questo rimedio naturale per risolvere i problemi di baffetti.
I suoi ingredienti naturali sono ricchi di vitamine, minerali e antiossidanti.
Per preparare questo composto sono sufficienti 2 cucchiai di miele, 2 cucchiai di succo di limone ed un cucchiaio di farina d'avena.
Prendiamo la farina d'avena naturale e aggiungiamo i due ingredienti.
Poi mescoliamo il composto finché non inizia a diventare omogeneo e uniforme, poi applichiamolo sulle parti del viso in cui riteniamo necessario rimuovere i peli.
Se li abbiamo anche in altre zone del viso, e non soltanto sulle labbra superiori, applichiamo lì la miscela.
Lasciamo agire per la durata di 15 minuti e poi rimuoviamo con acqua tiepida e non bollente.
Successivamente è consigliabile applicare una crema idratante per rendere la pelle più liscia nelle aree in cui sono appena stati eliminati i peli.
Dopo un mese i peli saranno completamente eliminati senza utilizzare oggetti sintetici di alcun tipo. Ripetiamo questa procedura due o tre volte alla settimana.
Senza prodotti chimici si possono ottenere risultati davvero strabilianti e anche ad un costo piuttosto basso: utilizziamolo e i peli spariranno.
Báo Trung dày mặt kể công trong chiến tích VN vô địch AFF Cup 2018 và lời đáp của thầy Park Hang-Seo - Duration: 22:54.-------------------------------------------
Suporte e Resistência ► 5 Fundamentos Importantes - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
TOTO' RIINA IN AULA, SONO CONTENTO DICE LA GIORNATA E' TROPPO BELLA - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Porque Você DEVE LAVAR o ROSTO com água CARBONATADA... - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Esporte Espetacular 23/12/2018 |Copa do Deserto História de Mohamed Salah - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
5 AWESOME Benefits of Being Single (Even If You're Feeling Lonely) - Duration: I hate being single well I can be your boyfriend I'm good I'm good
look I get it the grass is always truly greener when it comes to whether it's
better be in a relationship or be single but I know all of you sex is single
ladies are sometimes feeling down about being single so in this video I'm gonna
talk about a few sneaky benefits of being single keep watching hey there
Adam little tip from sexy confidence calm where I hope you create your love
story and this video is all about some of those sneaky benefits of being single
now look I've been in a relationship for the past four years and it's been an
amazing time in my life but when I was creating this video I kind of had to go
back in time and actually read some my diary entries and a lot of the things
that I went through back when I was single to reconnect with some of those
feelings because really there are enormous benefits to being single and
their enormous benefits to being in a relationship but sometimes we just need
a new perspective to feel good about where we are in life Sneaky benefit
number one is you have total flexibility to do anything you want when you want
when you're in a relationship you can't just buy a ticket to Fiji and leave for
three weeks without seriously talking to your partner you don't have total
flexibility you rely on someone else and they rely on you and that's an amazing
thing but just realize that if you're single right now you want to take
advantage of that time in your life where you can just do anything you want
when you want because I guarantee there will be a time in your life where you
don't have those things and you're gonna come wish you could go back in time and
do that for a little bit benefit number two is that being single tends to be a
more fun time in your life now look being in a relationship is amazing it's
very fulfilling but being single tends to be a more kind
of exciting time whereas being in a relationship a happy relationship tends
to produce more feelings of a contentment insecurity both are very
good and quite frankly when you have a lot of excitement and fun that usually
involves a lot of variety you're meeting a lot of new people you're going out
you're being extremely social and then once you're in relationship you don't
usually have those things and those things tend to go away so this is why
again the is always greener security and
contentment is amazing when you're ready for that in your life but if you're
single right now and you are going out meeting a lot of people enjoy this time
in your life sneaky benefit number three is that your
social life tends to flourish now once you're in a committed relationship you
just don't go out and meet as many people or certainly go out to as many
parties is probably did when you were single
now one study we found out of 814 single and married people they found that
singles showed an increased value connections with even parents siblings
friends and co-workers and they found that once people married people become
just more insular which totally makes sense when you're very happy and content
with someone hanging in and watching Netflix and eating Ben & Jerry's is
amazing and I do it all the time but when you're single and going out a lot
enjoy that time of having that those connections and being able to make
friends and being able to really discover who you are because when I
first started coaching people on confidence and meeting new people I was
single and in many ways I learned so much that at that time in my life of how
to be social or how to be confident and quite frankly let's say I was trying to
learn those skills once I was in a relationship I'd find that to be very
challenging the key benefit number four is that you can flirt with a lot of new
people surprise surprise once you're in a
relationship you can't flirt with lots of people you flirt with your partner I
flirt with Jessica but I'm certainly not going out at night and flirting with
other women that would be a big no-no and look I know not all of you sex with
single ladies love to flirt or you need a little bit of help flirting and I get
that trust me but now is a good time to kind of practice your flirtation skills
flirting can be fun and flirting can be pretty harmless sometimes and it's a
great way to have this subtle subconscious communication with other
people and be able to really just enjoy your single life and finally number five
is that you can save a little bit of money
look if you don't make a lot of money or maybe you're in a financial pinch you
can make the decision to just scale back any extra social spending whereas when
you're a relationship you're relying on both people to want to scale back which
actually can become challenging to coordinate and according to one study
that was conducted by a very well-known insurance company they found that people
in early ship on average spend 297 dollars more
per month than those who were not in a relationship so if you're looking to
save money get single so I love to hear from you what are some other benefits
that you find about being single leave a comment right there below and also if
you'd like to learn how to change that relationship status from single to in a
relationship then I have an amazing free train that comes along with this video
go ahead and click the link in this description to be able to join a free
training I'm gonna teach you how to get a man to pursue you and want to be in a
relationship with only you link is in the description anywhere in this video
or you can find it at sexy confidence com and finally if you enjoyed this
video please give it a like on YouTube and don't forget to subscribe on YouTube
for more videos just like this every single week thank you so much for
watching and I'll speak to you you sexy single lady next week bye bye
☃️ Snow Bunny Nidalee Makeup Tutorial | Maria Pol - Duration: 8:48.-------------------------------------------
TOP 10 Comidas que Causan Cáncer (Científicamente Comprobado) - Duration: 6:30.-------------------------------------------
Portugal Lisbon Travel VLOG | 葡萄牙里斯本 - Duration: 15:53.-------------------------------------------
Aspirateur robot LIDL SILVERCREST SSRA1 Accessoires (filtre HEPA + brosses latérale) - Duration: 2:21.Video with subtitles
ILIFE A7 Accessories
Hello, I will unpack and test a pack of accessories for vacuum ILIFE A7
a subscriber told me that this vacuum cleaner corresponded to ILIFE A7, after verification I come to the same conclusion: it is an ILIFE A7
the appearance above changes (color)
I bought on Amazon an ILIFE A7 pack with 4 side brushes (2 left and 2 straight)
+ 6 HEPA filters (total 19,90 €)
on the right LIDL on the left ILIFE A7, it's exactly the same filters (length, width thickness)
he fits perfectly
the side brushes
on the right LIDL on the left ILIFE, same
it fits perfectly
ILIFE is a Chinese brand, you will easily find this kind of PACK on Chinese sites (ALIEXPRESS etc ..)
I bought on AMAZON (delivery included) at 19,90 €
if you order these accessories with the order form ...
4 side brushes at 6,90 € each
6 HEPA filters at 6,90 € each
total 69 € + shipping, it's a bit expensive !!
pack of accessories in description of the video, I will try to find the central brushes, thank you and see you soon! ++
✅ Walter Nudo, rivelazioni inedite: Celine, Francesca Cipriani, Isola 2019 - Duration: 3:28.Walter Nudo fa chiarezza: cosa ha fatto negli ultimi 15 anni, le parole su Francesca Cipriani, la spiegazione su Celine ("Moglie o ex"?) e la risposta sulla voce che lo vede come inviato all'Isola dei Famosi Walter Nudo, dopo la vittoria al Grande Fratello Vip, è tornato alla ribalta delle cronache del Bel Paese
Nell'intervista rilasciata a Fangage.It ha fatto il punto di questo particolare momento della sua vita e di quello che lo aspetterà
L'attore ha fatto anche chiarezza su alcune questioni: Francesca Cipriani? Sarà l'inviato della prossima Isola dei Famosi? Ha rivisto la moglie Celine? E perché lei sostiene di non essere l'ex moglie, ma la moglie? Perché ha così tanto successo nei reality? 2003 vince L'Isola, 2018 il GF Vip
Che cosa ha fatto nel frattempo? Walter ha risposto a tutto. Si inizia dalla prossima edizione della trasmissione dei naufraghi, condotta da Alessia Marcuzzi
Lo vedremo in veste di inviato? "No, non confermo, però potrebbe essere una bella avventura!"
Spazio poi al motivo del suo successo nei reality: "A prescindere che un reality si faccia in un'isola o segregati in una casa, credo che dopo un paio di settimane al massimo esce fuori chi sei realmente con i tuoi pregi e difetti, e il pubblico continua e continuerà sempre a tifare per la pace e la tolleranza" "In quel momento credo di aver avuto il nodo in gola più grosso della mia vita" Walter ricorda la sua partecipazione all'Isola nel 2003, in particolare torna su un episodio
Suo figlio Martin all'epoca aveva 3 anni e sentì molto la sua mancanza, come svelò in un collegamento in diretta televisiva: "In quel momento credo di aver avuto il nodo in gola più grosso della mia vita
Ne ero certo: i miei figli stavano soffrendo per il mio allontanamento". L'attore sottolinea che quello fu l'unico periodo di lontananza dai figli
Ma dal 2003 al 2018 che cosa ha fatto di preciso? "Dopo l'Isola ho lavorato ininterrottamente in fiction facendo 'Incantesimo' e 'Carabinieri'
Nel 2008 decisi di fermare la mia carriera perché i miei figli durante la separazione abbastanza complicata con Tatiana, la loro mamma, avevano bisogno del loro padre"
Per 5 anni confida di essersi dedicato completamente a loro, rifiutando qualunque tipo di lavoro che non gli permettesse di vederli quotidianamente
"Francesca Cipriani? Non c'è stato il click" "Nel 2013 quando i ragazzi erano più grandi, più consapevoli, più strutturati e più sereni andai in America e passai 4 anni a studiare recitazione, sceneggiatura e produzione – prosegue -
Alla fine del 2016, a causa di un incidente in moto a Los Angeles, decisi che era il momento di rientrare in Italia
Il resto lo sapete". Si cambia argomento. Cosa ne pensa di Francesca Cipriani? "Una cara ragazza e per quel poco che l'ho conosciuta mi sembra anche molto sincera e simpatica
Purtroppo però, nonostante sia una donna molto attraente, non c'è stato il click"
E Celine? "Non l'ho ancora vista e non sarò in grado di rispondere a questa domanda finché non la incontro, non la guardo negli occhi e non lascio che i nostri cuori parlino e dicano la verità"
Ma perché lei dice di essere sua moglie anche se si sono allontanati? "Perché ci siamo separati un anno fa, io sono andato via di casa e non ci siamo più visti da allora
Non ho mai detto di essere single, ho sempre detto di essere separato".
Convite Meeting Hamonização Orofacial em Barcelona Marcelo Januzzi - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Sword Art Online「crossing field」- German ver. | Selphius - Duration: 4:21.Even though I've been accepting my eternal fear for such a long time,
I can still clearly feel how I'm losing myself in the past
Yet again I look up to the distant clouds
Would I finally be free if I reached them?
My heart is still crying
Yet when I'm dreaming, everything becomes clear
No matter what I'll endure or how much I'll cry, I'd still stay strong
When this wish inside of me awakens, I will chase after it
I'm still weak but I feel so much stronger whenever I'm holding your hand
Nothing will steal this bond between us
You're the dream that my heart is crying for for
I wanna always be with you
I'll give you everything I have
This one light is holding back the darkness that's eating away at me
An in the blink of an eye all of these memories will come back at me
I hold them close to me and close my eyes
There's nothing in this world that's holding me back right now, yet this pain remains
The yearning that's driving me forward
is connecting us and shows us the way out of our fears that are still remaining
With every scar that adorns me I will protect you right here and now
Let's promise we will share all of our pain
You will never ever be alone
If we simply trust eachother, no one will tear apart our bond
Until my voice reaches you, I'll keep singing for you
If you can hear me take my hand
Yet when I'm dreaming, everything becomes clear
No matter what I'll endure or how much I'll cry, I'd still stay strong
When this wish inside of me awakens, I will chase after it
I'm still weak but I feel so much stronger whenever I'm holding your hand
Nothing will steal this bond between us
You're the dream that my heart is crying for for
I wanna always be with you
I wanna hold you tight right now
I swear I will wipe your tears
I'll give you everything I have
FORTNİTE ATTIĞI ALANA YETİŞEBİLDİKMİ FORTNİTE #1.BÖLÜM - Duration: 12:08.-------------------------------------------
Memories of Abruzzo - Mountain, Hill & Sea - Italian food giveaway - Scuppoz liquors - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Al Bano, Natale con Loredana Lecciso e Romina Power si arrabbia. Chiara Ferragni ... - Duration: 13:40.-------------------------------------------
Dota 2 Tricks: BONUS GOLD ABUSE! 7.20E - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
知否: 是明兰和顾二爷先恋爱还是颖宝和冯绍峰先恋爱,他的话给出了答案 - Duration: 6:09.-------------------------------------------
Patagonian Prefab Cabin is Built to Withstand Volatile Climates | Adorable Small House Design - Duration: 3:01.Patagonian Prefab Cabin is Built to Withstand Volatile Climates
Portugal Lisbon Travel VLOG | 葡萄牙里斯本 - Duration: 15:53.-------------------------------------------
CINNAMON SUGAR PULL APART BREAD using Canned Biscuits | Vlogmas - Duration: 10:10.hey guys it's Leigh and today I'm going to be making cinnamon pull-apart bread or
biscuits actually I'm going to be using these jumbo biscuits which are very
similar to the Gran's biscuits these actually came from Aldi and just quickly
if you haven't used instant cart or instacart instacart I think you have to
try it my Aldi groceries were delivered to me
this video isn't sponsored I just really like that service and if you're
interested in trying it out I'll leave a link in the description box below they
also deliver from Sam's some places Costco we don't have a Costco close by
so they don't deliver there and price right and I don't know what other
grocery stores but go check it out anyway you're gonna need two cans of
these let's see 16-ounce flaky biscuit jumbo biscuits doesn't matter which ones
I have a small loaf pan that I have sprayed with cooking spray and you need
two tablespoons of butter which I'm currently melting and I'm gonna mix
together the cinnamon sugar mixture for the recipe I have 1/2 cup of brown sugar
2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract now just mix that all
I think a four could work better
my brown sugar is super lumpy
the next step is to open your biscuits and flatten them slightly
once you have them flattened you're gonna take each biscuit brush it with a
little bit of butter melted butter it's obviously dip it in the cinnamon sugar
and it's not sticking
then do the next one
and place it on top of the last one
all right so what I forgot to mention was you want to do two separate stacks
because when you place them in your pan in your loaf pan you want the outside
outside edges to not have cinnamon sugar on them so we're gonna place this in the
pan pick it up carefully place it in the pan
here then we're gonna pick this side up carefully and place it in the pan here
and it's okay if it falls over its going to rise in the oven and it will fill up
the entire pan so I'm gonna take the leftover cinnamon sugar and just
sprinkle it over the top because you know you want a lot of cinnamon and
all right now I'm gonna pop this in a 350 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes
just keep an eye on it and when the biscuits are done it's done it's as
simple as that I will be back as soon as this comes out of the oven already so
here it is fresh out of the oven that took 35 minutes to bake and I think the
reason it took so long is because I used such a small loaf pan anyway it will be
delicious I'm gonna let this cool and and then I'll come back and make a glaze
to pour over the top now for the glaze start off with 1 cup of powdered sugar
add just a tiny tiny little splash of vanilla and 3 to 4 tablespoons of heavy
whipping cream I'm gonna start with 3 and see if I need more
it's gonna need one more
actually it's gonna need a little bit more I'm gonna do about a half
now that it's cooled off I'm going to attempt to take it out of the loaf pan
first I'm going to run a knife along the edges a butter knife and hopefully it'll
slide right out and there you go and now I'm going to put the glaze on it this is
super thick you can always add more cream if you want it to be thinner
which I think I'm going to do there we go that's better
okay so it's all done now and ready to be eaten so if you liked this video
please give it a thumbs up if you're new to my channel please consider hitting
the subscribe button and the little bell so you get notified every time I upload
a new video you can also find me over on Instagram Twitter Pinterest and Facebook
at LeighsHomeo5
thanks for watching bye
How To Fix AMD RX Vega GPU in macOS Mojave Hackintosh - Duration: 5:41.Do you have a Hackintosh build and you are running AMD RX Vega graphics card in it?
Do you have some problems with fan speed, noise, frequencies or power consumption?
Then this video is exactly right for you.
If you are new here, then click on that subscribe button and hit the bell next to it, so you
don't miss any of my future videos.
Lot of Hackintosh users which chose AMD RX Vega GPU are reporting some issues with it
under macOS.
In fact the Vega GPUs in the Apple iMacPro or MacBook Pro are little bit different then
those from PC world.
But don't worry, don't give up, fortunately I have a solution for you and help you to
fix your Vega GPU in maOS Mojave Hackintosh fast and easy way.
And remember all links or apps used in this tutorial you can find now in this video description,
so you don't need to search for it over the internet and waste your time.
So, some smart guys somewhere in China created quite strange and weird looking application
and thanks God some even smarter guys translated it into English :) so we can use it without
pain too.
This little application called VegaTAB is designed for Vega 56, Vega 64 and also for
Vega Frontier Edition which I'm using and also for water-cooled versions.
It has quite clear and easy to understand UI.
Simply change all those parameters to suit your needs and the result of this Hackintosh
Vega application is just a single kernel extension file, exactly for your card, which you then
just copy into your EFI / Clover / Kexts / Other folder.
After reboot your Vega GPU will behave like a new graphics card and work as expected,
of course if you dialed everything correctly :)
I will show you now real life example.
My Hackintosh is running latest macOS Mojave 10.14.2.
I use Terminal command to monitor my fan speed, frequencies and temperature.
I don't have the default VBIOS in my Vega Frontier Edition Air Cooled version which
came with my card.
My custom VBIOS is set to slightly decrease my frequency under full continuous load to
stay always at maximum 70 degrees of Celsius and my fan at idle is always running at 1500 rpm.
So I run Luxmark which put my Vega under full load and watch my frequency and fan rpms.
Temperature is rising, fan speed too and now it's starting to throttle down to stay within
70 degrees of Celsius.
So what about I would buy some better cooling for my Vega Frontier Edition and would want
to max out my core frequency all the time under load?
And what about I would like to turn off the fan when my card is idling?
Let's have a look.
I will open the VegaTAB application now.
Here select your GPU.
It will immediately open a webpage, where you can set all the parameters.
Sometimes you will need to open the app more times to get the page working correctly.
You can play with Core frequency, core voltage, memory frequency, memory voltage, fan etc..
From within this application you can simply overclock or undervolt your Vega GPU, so also
lower your power consumption.
It's good to compare new settings with your current settings your GPU is running on right now
I'm using a Terminal command to monitor my GPU, I covered it in my previous tutorial,
so if you missed it, just browse my YouTube channel.
Link is also in video description.
Now after you're done with the settings, just click here at the bottom at "Generate
Control Information" and that will create a kernel extension for your GPU on the desktop.
Now all you have to do is just put this kext into EFI / Clover / Kexts / Other and reboot.
So I will open Clover Configurator and mount my System EFI.
And now I will just copy the kext for my GPU to the Other folder.
And last step is to just reboot your computer.
After rebooting your computer, your GPU should behave differently, then your original VBIOS
is set to.
So please remember, all you do with this application can harm your GPU if you set something incorrect,
so do it at your own risk!
Always think twice or maybe more times :) When you start testing it after reboot, start with
just some light load, which you can stop immediately when something goes wrong.
So as you could see, with this little application you can completely tweak your Vega GPU the
way you like it or prefer and unlock full potential of it in your macOS Mojave Hackintosh build
I hope you've found this tutorial useful, if so, please click on the like button bellow.
Watch also my other tutorials.
Subscribe to my channel and hit the bell next to it, so you won't miss any of my future videos
You can also join my Hackintosh and macOS groups on Facebook, Reddit or my website,
links are now in this video description.
Thank you for watching and see you next time.
Jacline Mouraud réfléchit à créer son parti - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
Топ Моменты с Twitch | Красивый ТВЕРК 😍 | Отшлепала Куклу | Баги в Atlas / Атлас | Лучшие Клипы - Duration: 8:22.-------------------------------------------
KABARTMALI ÖRGÜ - RENKLİ ÖRGÜ - Kabartmalı Renkli Örgü Örneği - Duration: 16:06.-------------------------------------------
Only Legends Will Find It Funny V27 - Duration: 13:20.Only Legends Will Find It Funny V27
Holidaymaker from hell! Rac**t North Dakota woman dubbed 'Virgin Island Vicky' - Duration: 11:03.Holidaymaker from hell! Rac**t North Dakota woman dubbed 'Virgin Island Vicky'
A racist North Dakota white woman has been dubbed 'Virgin Island Vicky' after a video went viral of her shouting her love for Trump while calling black people 'n*****s.
Video posted by Tariq Nasheed on Friday shows the obnoxious woman going on her expletive rant while a man in the background can be heard trying to quiet her down.
Meet 'Vicky'… Vicky is a Trump supporting white supremacist,' he said in the post that has been viewed just under 500,000 times.
'Vicky went on vacation The US Virgin Islands — which is full of Black people — to express how much she hates '[N-word] with a passion'. Anyone here recognizes 'Vicky' from their community?'.
'Vicky' - whose real name is Mickey Tronson - can be seen near a pool when she starts her rant. The woman's Facebook page has since been deleted.
President Trump, whoo! Obama? F**k you, motherf*****g n****r,' she can be heard shouting. A man in the background can be heard trying to get the woman to be quiet.
The clip later cuts to the woman on the boat and she makes it clear that her rant is far from over. She added: 'You're recording it? Put it all over Facebook. F**k these motherf*****g n*****s. Hate them with a passion.'.
The man from earlier can be heard trying to get Tronson to be quiet, yet again.
Edwin Lewis, a local resident, commented under the video that he 'seriously thought about pushing her in the water'. He added that the woman was 'worse on the beach'.
The entrepreneur later shared that 'police escorted' the woman 'out of there,' before sharing more thoughts about Tronson's behavior.
Lewis also posted a photo of a man he said was with the woman - named Troy Strube. Strube, from Minot, still had his Facebook active and included photos of him and Tronson.
Strube's list that he is retired from Delta Air Lines on his Facebook page. 'That's her dude,' added Lewis. 'He has no idea how close he was to getting f****d up.'.
Lewis would later post a video showing his own altercation with the woman before she was removed from the island.
In the brief clip, Lewis can be heard asking the racist woman to repeat herself. She repeatedly shouts 'n****r' while mocking the people who have threatened to call the police on her.
Lewis retorts that the woman looks like an 'ugly crackhead,' adding that she will wind up in jail. 'I've been waiting for the last two hours,' the woman shouted back at Lewis.
Nasheed told Yahoo Lifestyle that he was sent the video anonymously a few weeks ago. The Virgin Island Police Department could not be reached for a comment.
A racist North Dakota white woman has been dubbed 'Virgin Island Vicky' after a video went viral of her shouting her love for Trump while calling black people 'n*****s.
Video posted by Tariq Nasheed on Friday shows the obnoxious woman going on her expletive rant while a man in the background can be heard trying to quiet her down.
Meet 'Vicky'… Vicky is a Trump supporting white supremacist,' he said in the post that has been viewed just under 500,000 times.
'Vicky went on vacation The US Virgin Islands — which is full of Black people — to express how much she hates '[N-word] with a passion'. Anyone here recognizes 'Vicky' from their community?'.
'Vicky' - whose real name is Mickey Tronson - can be seen near a pool when she starts her rant. The woman's Facebook page has since been deleted.
President Trump, whoo! Obama? F**k you, motherf*****g n****r,' she can be heard shouting. A man in the background can be heard trying to get the woman to be quiet.
The clip later cuts to the woman on the boat and she makes it clear that her rant is far from over. She added: 'You're recording it? Put it all over Facebook. F**k these motherf*****g n*****s. Hate them with a passion.'.
The man from earlier can be heard trying to get Tronson to be quiet, yet again.
Edwin Lewis, a local resident, commented under the video that he 'seriously thought about pushing her in the water'. He added that the woman was 'worse on the beach'.
The entrepreneur later shared that 'police escorted' the woman 'out of there,' before sharing more thoughts about Tronson's behavior.
Lewis also posted a photo of a man he said was with the woman - named Troy Strube. Strube, from Minot, still had his Facebook active and included photos of him and Tronson.
Strube's list that he is retired from Delta Air Lines on his Facebook page. 'That's her dude,' added Lewis. 'He has no idea how close he was to getting f****d up.'.
Lewis would later post a video showing his own altercation with the woman before she was removed from the island.
In the brief clip, Lewis can be heard asking the racist woman to repeat herself. She repeatedly shouts 'n****r' while mocking the people who have threatened to call the police on her.
Lewis retorts that the woman looks like an 'ugly crackhead,' adding that she will wind up in jail. 'I've been waiting for the last two hours,' the woman shouted back at Lewis.
Nasheed told Yahoo Lifestyle that he was sent the video anonymously a few weeks ago. The Virgin Island Police Department could not be reached for a comment.
A racist North Dakota white woman has been dubbed 'Virgin Island Vicky' after a video went viral of her shouting her love for Trump while calling black people 'n*****s.
Video posted by Tariq Nasheed on Friday shows the obnoxious woman going on her expletive rant while a man in the background can be heard trying to quiet her down.
Meet 'Vicky'… Vicky is a Trump supporting white supremacist,' he said in the post that has been viewed just under 500,000 times.
'Vicky went on vacation The US Virgin Islands — which is full of Black people — to express how much she hates '[N-word] with a passion'. Anyone here recognizes 'Vicky' from their community?'.
'Vicky' - whose real name is Mickey Tronson - can be seen near a pool when she starts her rant. The woman's Facebook page has since been deleted.
President Trump, whoo! Obama? F**k you, motherf*****g n****r,' she can be heard shouting. A man in the background can be heard trying to get the woman to be quiet.
The clip later cuts to the woman on the boat and she makes it clear that her rant is far from over. She added: 'You're recording it? Put it all over Facebook. F**k these motherf*****g n*****s. Hate them with a passion.'.
The man from earlier can be heard trying to get Tronson to be quiet, yet again.
Edwin Lewis, a local resident, commented under the video that he 'seriously thought about pushing her in the water'. He added that the woman was 'worse on the beach'.
The entrepreneur later shared that 'police escorted' the woman 'out of there,' before sharing more thoughts about Tronson's behavior.
Lewis also posted a photo of a man he said was with the woman - named Troy Strube. Strube, from Minot, still had his Facebook active and included photos of him and Tronson.
Strube's list that he is retired from Delta Air Lines on his Facebook page. 'That's her dude,' added Lewis. 'He has no idea how close he was to getting f****d up.'.
Lewis would later post a video showing his own altercation with the woman before she was removed from the island.
In the brief clip, Lewis can be heard asking the racist woman to repeat herself. She repeatedly shouts 'n****r' while mocking the people who have threatened to call the police on her.
Lewis retorts that the woman looks like an 'ugly crackhead,' adding that she will wind up in jail. 'I've been waiting for the last two hours,' the woman shouted back at Lewis.
Nasheed told Yahoo Lifestyle that he was sent the video anonymously a few weeks ago. The Virgin Island Police Department could not be reached for a comment.
AKG - 08 Fish That Don't Fly [sub español] - Duration: 2:59.If I flapped away ceaselessly
Will I eventually learn to fly? If I flapped away ceaselessly
Indigo blue, a melting sky Will I eventually learn to fly? If I flapped away ceaselessly
Like the flowing of white clouds Indigo blue, a melting sky Will I eventually learn to fly? If I flapped away ceaselessly
Since I've never had wings to begin with
Stagnant days off we who cannot fly Since I've never had wings to begin with
Gathering cast-off shells of our broken hearts
Full of patches, all tied up Gathering cast-off shells of our broken hearts
We've swum until this day Full of patches, all tied up Gathering cast-off shells of our broken hearts
Indigo blue, a melting sky
Like the flowing of white clouds Indigo blue, a melting sky
From my parched heart grows wisps of
Distorted emotions that can't even turn into scales From my parched heart grows wisps of
Regardless of the many times I've prayed, they come peeling off Distorted emotions that can't even turn into scales From my parched heart grows wisps of
If I flapped away ceaselessly
Will I eventually learn to fly? If I flapped away ceaselessly
Indigo blue, a melting sky Will I eventually learn to fly? If I flapped away ceaselessly
The white clouds are so far away Indigo blue, a melting sky Will I eventually learn to fly? If I flapped away ceaselessly
I just pray
Humanitarian Crises Around the World: Year in Review | NowThis World - Duration: 9:39.Almost 69 million people are forcibly displaced from their homes in the world right now.
The UN estimates that about 25 million of them are refugees.
The refugee population increased by almost 3 million in 2017, the biggest yearly increase that the UN has ever seen.
And globally, displacement and refugee disasters are expected to get worse.
But you might never even have heard of some of these crises.
So, as 2018 comes to a close, we're looking back on a few of these displacement crises that didn't make as many headlines,
to highlight some of the things you should know.
South Sudan is now in the fifth year of its refugee crisis.
It started in December 2013, when a civil war broke out just two years after the country achieved independence.
What started as a political conflict was exacerbated by ethnic divisions.
Estimates show that the conflict has resulted in the deaths of about 400,000 people,
according to a report financed by the U.S. State Department.
[Skarstein]: People, because of the conflict, have not been able to go to the fields farming,
which means that many areas of the country could actually face a famine situation.
[Host]: That's Tiril Skarstein from the NGO Norwegian Refugee Council,
which works with refugees and displaced persons from around the world.
South Sudan, according to the UN, has 'the fastest growing and largest refugee situation on the African continent.'
They estimated a projected refugee population of more than 3 million by the end of 2018, up by more than half a million from 2017.
And more than a million of these refugees are children.
Despite a peace deal signed by the South Sudanese president and a key rebel leader, the NRC says political will and media coverage of the crisis
are both lacking, which could mean the it's far from over.
In Yemen, what the NRC calls the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, is still unfolding.
Upwards of 22 million people are in need of assistance as a result of the conflict since it escalated in March, 2015.
That's when a Saudi Arabian-led military coalition, supported by the U.S. and others,
started airstrikes on Yemen, targeting a rebel group called the Houthis, who are backed by Iran, Saudi's rival.
And 2018 brought a whole new slew of challenges: the UN declared famine conditions in part of the country,
more than 100,000 migrants, refugees and asylum seekers have entered the country,
putting an additional strain on already-meager resources, and a major cholera outbreak increased, infecting 10,000 people per week.
Despite the devastating humanitarian impact, says Skarstein, the conflict only really started making headlines
as a result of events with broader political implications, like the tragic death of Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.
Recently, U.S. lawmakers have been moving closer toward ending U.S. support in the Yemen conflict.
But only time will tell whether the legislative momentum will materialize, or whether President Trump will veto the bill in question.
In Venezuela, the humanitarian situation has also deteriorated over the past year.
There are now upwards of 2.5 million refugees forced to flee the country as a result of an economic crisis that burgeoned in 2014.
That was largely started by a fall in oil prices, a commodity Venezuela relies on for at least 95% of its export earnings.
In November 2018, inflation hit 830,000%, with the prices of things like coffee and bread doubling every few weeks.
And they're expected to keep going up.
Despite soaring hyperinflation, President Nicolas Maduro's government has not made an appeal for humanitarian aid,
and has flatly rejected help from other countries.
And the rising food prices and medicine shortages have forced people from their homes.
[Skarstein]: They are being received by the neighboring countries, which we are very glad to see, and which is very important,
that these countries continue to keep their borders open, but many of them need more assistance.
We see that a large number of children, for example, are no longer able to go to school.
[Host]: Many fleeing Venezuelans are ending up in nearby countries like Colombia, which has taken in more than a million Venezuelan refugees.
But even after escaping conditions in Venezuela these refugees are reportedly often met with threats of xenophobia,
sexual exploitation, or violence in the countries they're fleeing to.
More than 5 million people have been displaced from their homes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to the NRC.
Almost 9 million people lack access to food and clean drinking water, 2.2 million children are acutely malnourished,
and 13 million are in need of humanitarian assistance, putting it almost on par with the number of Syrian citizens in need of aid.
This was the result of political and ethnic tensions between armed groups that intensified in August of 2016.
[Skarstein]: Many of them have had to flee not once, but repeatedly.
During the first part of the year, more than 700,000 people were displaced, and we heard really more or less nothing about it.
[Host]: Skarstein attributes some of this lack of attention to international fatigue from decades of conflict in the region.
As violence has continued to unfold, attention to the crisis has actually decreased, according to the NRC.
And in August 2018, the situation became even more dire with the outbreak of an ebola epidemic in the DRC
that has evolved to become among the world's largest outbreaks on record, even worse given that it's happening in a war zone.
The DRC has received relatively little humanitarian aid and funding, which the country desperately needs to save lives.
And finally, to Myanmar, where state-armed forces and Buddhist mobs have committed what the UN has called a genocide
against the population of Rohingya Muslims in northern Rakhine state.
A year later, more than 700,000 Rohingya have fled to neighboring Bangladesh, fleeing the systematic violence and persecution.
Initially, photos and videos of the mass migration flooded Western media.
[Skarstein]: Now, one year later, we see that many of these people are more or less forgotten.
[Host]: But that doesn't mean the crisis has gone away.
Rohingya Muslims are still fleeing, and many have been met with a new wave of horrors in the cramped refugee camps in Bangladesh,
including the risk of sexual violence, disease outbreaks, natural disasters like flooding, and more.
This year, talks of of sending them back to Myanmar were met with panic, as many Rohingya Muslims said they would rather die than return to Rakhine state.
Despite human rights groups calls on Bangladesh to stop efforts to repatriate the Rohingya refugees,
the government has promised to push on, and even refused offers from other countries to take in some of the Rohingya.
So, why do some humanitarian crises get more attention than others?
One possible reason is physical distance.
Countries and conflicts that are far away are easier to create a mental separation from, says Skarstein.
But that can change once it gets closer to home.
[Skarstein]: The Syria crisis for example, we saw that that crisis really made headlines as soon as Syrians start fleeing into Europe.
So the closer people come to us, the larger the chance is that it will receive media attention.
[Host]: But media attention, political will, and economic support don't always go hand-in-hand.
For example, while you probably saw more headlines about Yemen this year than other conflicts on this list, and the country received significant humanitarian funding,
the most important factor to end the conflict is political action, which is lacking.
And as global refugee crisis escalate before our eyes, it's low and middle-income countries that are stepping up and shouldering most of the burden.
The Latin American countries taking in fleeing Venezuelans.
Bangladesh hosting hundreds of thousands of Rohingya.
Turkey taking in almost 3 million Syrian refugees.
Ethiopia opening its doors to South Sudanese.
Developing regions host a staggering 84% of the world's refugees, whereas the U.S. has been slashing its refugee admissions to all-time lows,
capping its 2019 quota at just 30,000.
Will countries with the most resources keep shirking the responsibility - or finally step up?
10 things you shouldn't say to someone with fibromyalgia - Duration: 17:55.-------------------------------------------
Secret Things About Can Yaman - Duration: 5:30.The new series of Star TV was the life curiosity of Can Yaman, Erkenci Kuş.
Hi there!
Thanks for watching RM's Entertainment It's time for another Amazing video.
Things you didn't know about Can Yaman.
Currently, we are counting down the things, you didn't know about, Turkish TV serial stars.
We're about to make, a complete list of them.
If you want to see, your favorite one, let us know in the comment section.
Yaman was born in Istanbul, Turkey.
His grandfather is an Al-banian immigrant whose roots are based in Kosovo.
His grandmother is a Macedonian immigrant.
He is the nephew of football coach Fuat Yaman.
He is also known for Inadina Ask(2015), Dolunay(2017) and Erkenci Kus (2018).
Nowadays he is not only Turkish heartthrob but also an international dashing actor.
That's enough for the background info.
So, let's dive into the things, you didn't know about him.
He was the only child in his family.
But when the boy was only five years old, his parents divorced.
Yaman studied at Bilfen Koleji for first and middle school, then studied at the Italian
High School, where he finished as a top student.
He went to America under the student exchange program and graduated from the Law Department
of Yeditepe University in 2012.
For a year he passed an internship at the well-known corporation "PricewaterhouseCoopers".
Then he worked for six months as a lawyer.
After earning a law degree and spending some time practicing, he eventually gained success
in modeling competitions which ultimately led to his acting career.
Turkish television actor is most well known for the roles of Bedir in 2014's Gönül Isleri
and Yalin Aras in 2015's Inadina Ask.
On the set of "Inadina ask" series", Can Yaman became close with his partner, Acelya Topaloglu,
who played the role of Defne.
Their romantic relationships were so passionate that the couple did not hold back their emotions
even on the screens.
The kiss of Yalin and Defne blew up the social network and became the most discussed one
among the fans of their talent.
Until recently he dated with actress Bestemsu Ozdemir.
The star talks a lot about his work but does not say anything about his personal life.
In the meantime, his ex-girlfriend never concealed her happiness with Can.
Actors Can and Bestemsu dated for about eight months, but in December 2017 the actress announced
that they broke up.
As our records, he is dating with fashion designer Rabia Yaman.
But Demet Özdemir and Can Yaman, the lead actors of the series 'Early Bird', were often
referred to - by love gossip, but the couple consistently rejected allegations.
Yaman has a massive fan base.
When he was a younger student, he disliked German philosophers.
He highly admires Irvin D. Yalom books and interpretations.
He is a full Brad Pitt fan as an actor.
He admires all the characters he has entered into all his films.
He also likes Mel Gibson.
He is also a fan of Michael Jordan.
His dashing good looks have earned him a massive social media following on Instagram where
he has gained upwards of 2.8 million dedicated fans.
We can say that the hobbies of this talented actor are still really diverse.
He is fluent in English, German, Italian and Turkish of course.
He likes to play musical instruments like piano and guitar.
The uncle of this young actor was the coach of the Basketball team, which is why Can is
an excellent player in football and basketball.
By the way, in the institute, he even received an advanced scholarship for an excellent game
in the student basketball team.
Can is fond of basketball, table tennis, rafting, badminton.
Now he has a personal fitness program, and he does not apply any food additives for muscle
He has done boxing and CrossFit five days a week.
But he likes to eat delicious food.
Lastly, we would like to say - Being a Turkish star as well as the international heartthrob,
he always keeps himself stylish and fashionable.
We wish him all the luck for his series as well as his career ahead.
That's it for this video hope you enjoyed it
and if you did then please give it a thumbs up or leave a comment below.
Hope to see you back soon for more.
See you next time on RM's Entertainment.
100 Bright DIY Painted Garden Decoration Ideas for a Colorful Yard - Duration: 11:30.-------------------------------------------
CINNAMON SUGAR PULL APART BREAD using Canned Biscuits | Vlogmas - Duration: 10:10.hey guys it's Leigh and today I'm going to be making cinnamon pull-apart bread or
biscuits actually I'm going to be using these jumbo biscuits which are very
similar to the Gran's biscuits these actually came from Aldi and just quickly
if you haven't used instant cart or instacart instacart I think you have to
try it my Aldi groceries were delivered to me
this video isn't sponsored I just really like that service and if you're
interested in trying it out I'll leave a link in the description box below they
also deliver from Sam's some places Costco we don't have a Costco close by
so they don't deliver there and price right and I don't know what other
grocery stores but go check it out anyway you're gonna need two cans of
these let's see 16-ounce flaky biscuit jumbo biscuits doesn't matter which ones
I have a small loaf pan that I have sprayed with cooking spray and you need
two tablespoons of butter which I'm currently melting and I'm gonna mix
together the cinnamon sugar mixture for the recipe I have 1/2 cup of brown sugar
2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract now just mix that all
I think a four could work better
my brown sugar is super lumpy
the next step is to open your biscuits and flatten them slightly
once you have them flattened you're gonna take each biscuit brush it with a
little bit of butter melted butter it's obviously dip it in the cinnamon sugar
and it's not sticking
then do the next one
and place it on top of the last one
all right so what I forgot to mention was you want to do two separate stacks
because when you place them in your pan in your loaf pan you want the outside
outside edges to not have cinnamon sugar on them so we're gonna place this in the
pan pick it up carefully place it in the pan
here then we're gonna pick this side up carefully and place it in the pan here
and it's okay if it falls over its going to rise in the oven and it will fill up
the entire pan so I'm gonna take the leftover cinnamon sugar and just
sprinkle it over the top because you know you want a lot of cinnamon and
all right now I'm gonna pop this in a 350 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes
just keep an eye on it and when the biscuits are done it's done it's as
simple as that I will be back as soon as this comes out of the oven already so
here it is fresh out of the oven that took 35 minutes to bake and I think the
reason it took so long is because I used such a small loaf pan anyway it will be
delicious I'm gonna let this cool and and then I'll come back and make a glaze
to pour over the top now for the glaze start off with 1 cup of powdered sugar
add just a tiny tiny little splash of vanilla and 3 to 4 tablespoons of heavy
whipping cream I'm gonna start with 3 and see if I need more
it's gonna need one more
actually it's gonna need a little bit more I'm gonna do about a half
now that it's cooled off I'm going to attempt to take it out of the loaf pan
first I'm going to run a knife along the edges a butter knife and hopefully it'll
slide right out and there you go and now I'm going to put the glaze on it this is
super thick you can always add more cream if you want it to be thinner
which I think I'm going to do there we go that's better
okay so it's all done now and ready to be eaten so if you liked this video
please give it a thumbs up if you're new to my channel please consider hitting
the subscribe button and the little bell so you get notified every time I upload
a new video you can also find me over on Instagram Twitter Pinterest and Facebook
at LeighsHomeo5
thanks for watching bye
恭喜!曹云金前女友江若琳嫁给富商老公,大金镯子做嫁妆闪瞎眼 - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
First Alert: Slightly cooler to end the weekend - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
How to backup and transfer your stuff to a new Android phone - Duration: 2:54.few things are better than getting a new Android phone but you won't be able to
really enjoy it until you set it up just the way you want and that means
transferring a bunch of data from your old phone but don't worry it's not as
hard as you think
most of the work involves backing up the stuff in your old phone so let's go over
that first if you have a pixel or Nexus phone open the Settings app and scroll
down to backup and reset near the bottom open that setting and check that Google
Drive backups are switched on for your account that will automatically store
your installed apps call history device settings calendar entries contacts
photos and videos in your google drumettes if you own a different Android
phone search for a backup to find out where that setting lives turn it on and
you'll be able to backup your app's phone logs and device settings as far as
your contacts calendar entries and photos your Google Account will take
care of that inside each of those apps you'll notice
that music isn't included in the things Google backs up but this is an easy fix
if you've subscribed to a streaming service you can simply sign into the app
on your new phone or if you're more old-school about your collection you can
use play music to upload a hundred thousand tracks to the cloud for free
you'll need to use the music manager app on your PC to do this but it'll transfer
your tracks to the cloud without much effort then there are messages Google
Offers pixel owners free backups of SMS messages but any embedded photos and
videos will be left behind and since you're probably using Android messages
on some other phone you'll need a separate app that can send your messages
to your new phone there are several options in the Play Store I tested one
of them called SMS backup plus and it works surprisingly well after
downloading the app from the Play Store in your old phone all you need to do is
sign in with your Google account and press the backup button and it'll scan
your phone for any conversations and store them and that's it for your old
phone power up your new phone sign into your Google account and everything
you've backed up will transfer over from your Google Drive your photos
their entries contacts music to all be where they should be and to get your
messages back just download SMS backup plus or
whatever after used on the new phone sign in and press restore that's not so
hard right if you followed each step all of your important info will be saved and
synced so your new phone will be just like your old one except you know better
5 AWESOME Benefits of Being Single (Even If You're Feeling Lonely) - Duration: I hate being single well I can be your boyfriend I'm good I'm good
look I get it the grass is always truly greener when it comes to whether it's
better be in a relationship or be single but I know all of you sex is single
ladies are sometimes feeling down about being single so in this video I'm gonna
talk about a few sneaky benefits of being single keep watching hey there
Adam little tip from sexy confidence calm where I hope you create your love
story and this video is all about some of those sneaky benefits of being single
now look I've been in a relationship for the past four years and it's been an
amazing time in my life but when I was creating this video I kind of had to go
back in time and actually read some my diary entries and a lot of the things
that I went through back when I was single to reconnect with some of those
feelings because really there are enormous benefits to being single and
their enormous benefits to being in a relationship but sometimes we just need
a new perspective to feel good about where we are in life Sneaky benefit
number one is you have total flexibility to do anything you want when you want
when you're in a relationship you can't just buy a ticket to Fiji and leave for
three weeks without seriously talking to your partner you don't have total
flexibility you rely on someone else and they rely on you and that's an amazing
thing but just realize that if you're single right now you want to take
advantage of that time in your life where you can just do anything you want
when you want because I guarantee there will be a time in your life where you
don't have those things and you're gonna come wish you could go back in time and
do that for a little bit benefit number two is that being single tends to be a
more fun time in your life now look being in a relationship is amazing it's
very fulfilling but being single tends to be a more kind
of exciting time whereas being in a relationship a happy relationship tends
to produce more feelings of a contentment insecurity both are very
good and quite frankly when you have a lot of excitement and fun that usually
involves a lot of variety you're meeting a lot of new people you're going out
you're being extremely social and then once you're in relationship you don't
usually have those things and those things tend to go away so this is why
again the is always greener security and
contentment is amazing when you're ready for that in your life but if you're
single right now and you are going out meeting a lot of people enjoy this time
in your life sneaky benefit number three is that your
social life tends to flourish now once you're in a committed relationship you
just don't go out and meet as many people or certainly go out to as many
parties is probably did when you were single
now one study we found out of 814 single and married people they found that
singles showed an increased value connections with even parents siblings
friends and co-workers and they found that once people married people become
just more insular which totally makes sense when you're very happy and content
with someone hanging in and watching Netflix and eating Ben & Jerry's is
amazing and I do it all the time but when you're single and going out a lot
enjoy that time of having that those connections and being able to make
friends and being able to really discover who you are because when I
first started coaching people on confidence and meeting new people I was
single and in many ways I learned so much that at that time in my life of how
to be social or how to be confident and quite frankly let's say I was trying to
learn those skills once I was in a relationship I'd find that to be very
challenging the key benefit number four is that you can flirt with a lot of new
people surprise surprise once you're in a
relationship you can't flirt with lots of people you flirt with your partner I
flirt with Jessica but I'm certainly not going out at night and flirting with
other women that would be a big no-no and look I know not all of you sex with
single ladies love to flirt or you need a little bit of help flirting and I get
that trust me but now is a good time to kind of practice your flirtation skills
flirting can be fun and flirting can be pretty harmless sometimes and it's a
great way to have this subtle subconscious communication with other
people and be able to really just enjoy your single life and finally number five
is that you can save a little bit of money
look if you don't make a lot of money or maybe you're in a financial pinch you
can make the decision to just scale back any extra social spending whereas when
you're a relationship you're relying on both people to want to scale back which
actually can become challenging to coordinate and according to one study
that was conducted by a very well-known insurance company they found that people
in early ship on average spend 297 dollars more
per month than those who were not in a relationship so if you're looking to
save money get single so I love to hear from you what are some other benefits
that you find about being single leave a comment right there below and also if
you'd like to learn how to change that relationship status from single to in a
relationship then I have an amazing free train that comes along with this video
go ahead and click the link in this description to be able to join a free
training I'm gonna teach you how to get a man to pursue you and want to be in a
relationship with only you link is in the description anywhere in this video
or you can find it at sexy confidence com and finally if you enjoyed this
video please give it a like on YouTube and don't forget to subscribe on YouTube
for more videos just like this every single week thank you so much for
watching and I'll speak to you you sexy single lady next week bye bye
Snake Diet Fasting Day 3 Results [Weight Loss Journey Vlog 87] - Duration: 5:01.hi everyone its Mieka fasting weight loss and today is my day three snake diet
fasting for weight loss results it is also my day 87 of my weight loss journday 22 of my 30 day weight loss challenge and day 3 of snake juice
diet results and let's see yesterday what did I do
I did not eat anything and I did not do any exercise I got a comment yesterday
on my video have I thought about when I start back eating which snake diet
refeed is after at least 48 hours and is 500 grams of food so I'm actually able
to eat because I've went 3 days I've thought about eating and I have not had
hunger yesterday was extremely easy um I don't know why but like no hunger no
weakness no fatigue no sleepiness nothing like zero no headache zero side
effects crazy so I didn't mean also as I said before I want to eat at home
I want to strategically eat because the food will probably go right through me I
am NOT nervous about regaining even though when you break it first you do
gain you do gain um however I'm going to eat low carb or keto and I'm going to
exercise it would be really hard to gain back 50 pounds or 70 pounds if I am
doing what I should do I'm not gonna eat all day I'm not gonna eat cookies I'm
not going to do a lot of the bad habits that got me to 273 pounds I'm
not gonna do that anymore I will be at the gym five days a week minimum 30
minutes exercise minimum as a lifestyle I will have sugar one pure sugar like
sweet dessert II type foods one to two times a month there's no way I'm gonna
gain back all this way if I see myself getting out of control which I can't if
I stay on that plan I will do some fasting and I will be doing fasting here
and there but 2019 is about fitness and less strict on the food because I feel
like for me personally this has been extreme because I'm the type that gets
up and eats all day so yeah it's not coming back I lost 70 pounds before dang
sorry I lost 75 pounds before and I gained it all back there is no way I'm
doing it again and I'm gonna continue speaking to you guys and having
accountability I know I won't do every single day what I eat and tell you cuz
it's really kind of I don't know it's hard there might be if they I want to
eat what I want without feeling any pressure to tell you guys so I might do
that once a week I don't know but I'm gonna keep being accountable to YouTube
because that will make sure I don't gain the weight back even if I did it once a
week yeah that would help I'm not once I get in the 200s 190
there's no way I'm going back to 200 so the weight loss results and it is 6:46
a.m. December 23rd June 24 point oh that's minus two point two my body loves
these twos okay so that's it I hope that it keeps doing that if he keeps doing
two point something everyday I'll do good cuz I have eight days left so that
would be 16 more pounds oh no
it's gonna be January first I wouldn't reach my goal well I'd be
pretty close oh well we'll see I might have to throw
some dry fasting in there yeah that's it I don't know what I'm I refeeding might
be today it might be tomorrow I don't know but I want to know how you're doing
what are you doing and put some comments below
Santa Claus is coming | Real flying Santa Drone | Merry Christmas to all of you - Duration: 3:57.Hoho and Merry Christmas to all of you!
Hope you enjoy our little Drone Santa Trip
Huge Thanks to Alpine Aerials and RensenFPV for all the crazy Follow and ground shots!
Jingle bells jingle all the way
HUGE THANKS TO Alpine Aerials for all this crazy DJI and RED Shots!!
深圳女童遭父母虐待!章子怡等明星谴责,包贝尔称愿意领养 - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
Portal but Chell is preposturous - Duration: 4:44.-------------------------------------------
What Princess Diana Discovered The Uncomfortable Truth About Joining the Royal Family? - Duration: 16:49.What Princess Diana Discovered: The Uncomfortable Truth About Joining the Royal Family.
In normal circumstances we would say that Meghan Markle shouldn't pay one whit of attention to what anybody thinks about her,
that obviously the only opinion of herself that matters is her own.
Yeah, that's simply not the case here.
While Prince Harry obviously loves Meghan for Meghan,
and presumably she's accepted that it will be impossible to please everybody no matter
what she does and that she's only fooling herself if she thinks she can get the better of the British tabloids,
there is an opinion that has mattered since before she said her I-dos,
was given a title and officially became a member of the royal family.
We're talking, of course, about the opinion belonging to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The common thread running through every royal triumph and misstep is that,
aside from whatever joy has ensued or personal havoc wreaked, all roads lead to what the queen thinks.
Yea or nay. Amused or inscrutable stone face. The door is always open or we'll limit our time together to must-attend events.
Which isn't to say that she isn't a forgiving sort.
She has to be, considering she's learned the hard way that members of her family are as prone to making mistakes,
saying the wrong thing or marrying the wrong person as any non-royal person from anywhere.
Yet even in cases where the 92-year-old monarch may have softened her stance on an old-fashioned piece of protocol;
whether it's regarding something as big as divorce (three of her kids pulled the plug on a marriage)
or as small as nail polish (she prefers nudes but she isn't the manicure police);
there are countless people schooled in the field of royal rules who won't let a slip slide.
And slips are inevitable, especially when you're first getting started.
Meghan Markle, whose actual life still seems to be going along swimmingly,
what with being pregnant and married to a prince and a fashion icon and all,
has had a particularly rocky first six months of press since becoming the Duchess of Sussex,
largely thanks to her indefatigable father and half-sister,
who have been relentless in insisting to whomever will listen that there's something rotten stirring behind those palace gates.
Though Meghan and Harry have never publicly acknowledged the somehow ongoing controversy,
the added annoyance sent the newlyweds fleeing to the countryside most weekends for peace and quiet.
It's hard to say what should be done in the case of Thomas and Samantha Markle.
It should have been a private matter between father and daughter and Meghan should be allowed to trust her heart.
At the same time, the Markles aren't making any effort to be discreet,
and they've already boiled the queen's kettle by taking every opportunity to talk to the media,
so perhaps Meghan and Harry would have been inclined to smooth this out,
but there have now been too many affronts to the Windsors to do so in good faith.
But while most no one blames Meghan for what's happening with her family—if she really doesn't want to talk to her father,
Piers Morgan can't make her!—she has stepped into it a few times on her own.
Aside from the expected stumbles, like breaking selfie protocol or showing a little too much collarbone,
Robert Jobson writes in a new book that Harry's future wife had requested a particular emerald tiara from the queen's collection to wear on her wedding day,
apparently not knowing (we can only hope) that you wear what the queen gives you to wear!
There was a very heated exchange that prompted the queen to speak to Harry," a royal insider told Jobson, per The Sun.
"She said, 'Meghan cannot have whatever she wants. She gets what tiara she's given by me'.
Moreover, the queen 'also questioned why Meghan needed a veil for the wedding, given it was to be her second marriage.
The message from the Queen was very much Meghan needed to think about how she speaks to staff members and be careful to follow family protocols'.
Most recently she ruffled traditionalist feathers again when it was announced Harry would be skipping the annual family pheasant hunt for the second Boxing Day in a row,
having also not attended last year because Meghan doesn't approve of hunting.
That wasn't exactly a shock, but coming on the heels of rumors that she and Kate Middleton don't get along
and her staff is turning over faster than the Trump White House, there have just been a lot of little things piling up.
And though in real life it also shouldn't be an issue whatsoever that Meghan just wore an off-the-shoulder black dress (already pushing it with the color,
which is allowed but preferably reserved for funerals or Remembrance Day events) and trendy
dark nail polish to the British Fashion Awards...
Well, this isn't real life.
"The day I walked down the aisle at St. Paul's Cathedral, I felt that my personality was taken away from me,
and I was taken over by the royal machine," Princess Diana lamented years later,
strong in her belief that she was mistreated by Prince Charles' family leading up to their 1981 wedding and basically for the duration of their marriage.
Various dissections of Diana's personality and what her marriage and all-too-brief life were really like have concluded
that the late Princess of Wales was unlikely to have been satisfied by any level of attention paid to her by Charles,
his family and the various aides and advisors dispatched to show her the ropes,
everything from how to wave to what to wear to how to manage a large household staff.
And to be sure, attention was paid to the incoming member of the family,
Charles' future queen consort, inside Buckingham Palace and out.
"Whenever the prince came back from engagements, his first question was, 'Is Lady Diana all right?'"
Stephen Barry, the Prince of Wales' valet, says in Sally Bedell Smith's Diana in Search of Herself.
After Diana's own eyebrow-raising black dress event;
a cleavage-baring strapless number worn to her first event since getting engaged;
a team from Vogue was enlisted to help her select an appropriate wardrobe.
Even the queen and Prince Philip shared some tricks of the trade when it came to face-to-face interaction when they were out meeting the public.
But the royals weren't babysitters, and at the end of the day Diana was a grown woman who was expected to sort herself out accordingly.
Even the queen herself wasn't born knowing all the right moves;
she learned how to behave during childhood but the art of being royalty is something you pick up from experience.
It simply didn't occur to Charles' family that Diana, who came from privilege, would be freaking out about becoming a royal.
"...Here was a situation which hadn't ever happened before in history, in the sense that the media were everywhere,
and here was a fairy story that everybody wanted to work," Diana recalled to Martin Bashir in her sprawling 1995 Panorama interview.
"And so... it was isolating, but it was also a situation where you couldn't indulge in feeling sorry for yourself:
you had to either sink or swim. And you had to learn that very fast".
Diana actually preferred hanging out with the downstairs staff—the cooks, laundry maids, etc.
rather than the upstairs staff, such as the queen's lady-in-waiting Susan Hussey,
a close friend of Charles' since childhood who advised Diana on protocol
(and whom Diana thought had a crush on Charles and therefore didn't like his future bride).
Those who did spend hours upon hours with Diana, helping her get situated and acclimated to palace life,
didn't care for the princess' later recollections of being left to her own devices.
But in light of all that came after, Diana couldn't help but look upon those days as an exceptionally lonely time.
She hosted her mother and sisters at the palace and sometimes friends came
(they weren't always up for running the gauntlet of press parked permanently outside),
but overall it's said that Diana lacked a true confidante.
A few years into her marriage she bonded quickly with Sarah Ferguson, who as Prince Andrew's under-the-microscope,
soon-to-be wife was more familiar with what Diana was going through than anybody.
But while Fergie endured her own unflattering press (it's insane, looking back, how tabloids zeroed in on her weight)
and envied Diana's elegant ways and how the media fawned over her,
Diana also found reasons to be jealous of her sister-in-law—in particular how Fergie so often looked as if she was actually enjoying herself.
Ultimately their relationship was complicated, with Diana drawing closer and then distancing herself.
After both got separated in 1992, they bonded all over again—but by the time Diana died, in 1997, they weren't speaking.
"Diana was one of the quickest wits I knew; nobody made me laugh like her," Sarah recalled to Harper's Bazaar in 2007.
But because we were like siblings—actually, we were fourth cousins and our mothers, who went to school together,
were also best friends—we rowed.
And the saddest thing, at the end, we hadn't spoken for a year, though I never knew the reason,
except that once Diana got something in her head....
I tried, wrote letters, thinking whatever happened didn't matter, let's sort it out.
And I knew she'd come back. In fact, the day before she died she rang a friend of mine and said,
'Where's that Red? I want to talk to her'.
Diana's death had the monarchy on the verge of losing the public's favor for the foreseeable future,
but perhaps no one's behavior personally irked the queen more than Fergie's over the years.
It took 16 years before the Duchess of York was invited back to Balmoral after photos of her sunning
and canoodling with an American businessman were splashed across the papers in 1992;
and then she was blacklisted again in 2010 when she was caught on tape (edited to make her look bad, Fergie insists)
seemingly selling access to Andrew to a businessman who turned out to be a tabloid reporter.
In turn, Fergie wasn't invited to Kate Middleton and Prince William's 2011 wedding
and she may not have been under the same roof as Prince Philip again until Harry and Meghan's nuptials in May.
Amends have since been made enough to include Fergie again at Royal Ascot and other places where the queen may be congregating.
But did the duchess resent how she was treated by her in-laws?
Maybe in the moment...but not after she'd had some time to think about it.
"The queen and I always got on well, still do," Sarah told Harper's Bazaar.
"I uphold everything Her Majesty represents, has given up her life for.
It's her duty. For her country, she's selfless to the grave." As a mother figure,
"I believe Her Majesty's done the best job she can. For me, she's been extraordinary".
Basically, it's not anyone's job to have hard feelings about the queen's standards.
Of course, as a divorced actress in her 30s, Meghan was nowhere as adrift as Diana was when she first entered the royal orbit.
At the age of 19 Diana was veritably stalked by the media, engaged after a whirlwind courtship to the future king of England,
living alone in Buckingham Palace in the months leading up to her wedding and otherwise thrown into the deep end of expectations.
"She thought royalty was one thing when she was growing up.
Then she opened the back door of royalty and couldn't cope with it," Roberto Devorik, a friend of the princess, told Bedell Smith.
"Anything good I ever did nobody ever said a thing, never said, 'well done', or 'was it OK?'"
Diana told Bashir. "But if I tripped up, which invariably I did, because I was new at the game, a ton of bricks came down on me".
Meghan was no royals expert (tourist photo outside Buckingham Palace when she was a kid, aside) before she met Harry,
but it would be impossible to be so in the dark about The Firm's, er, quirks in this day and age.
She already had style, poise and image figured out,
and famous friends like Priyanka Chopra and Serena Williams wouldn't let a few photographers stop them from visiting.
Importantly, she had also been doing humanitarian work for years and brought her own passions to the table.
And months before she was engaged, she knew things like lifestyle blogs and personal Instagram accounts would have to go.
Still, it was important to get Meghan acquainted with the particular ways of the royal world,
Harry's most trusted aides were enlisted to help prepare her for princess life.
A new hire, Amy Pickerill, was put in charge of managing the incoming royal's diary and correspondence;
and she remains as assistant private secretary working for the Duchess of Sussex out of Harry's office.
Melissa Touabti, a personal assistant who worked on wedding preparations and managed the couple's schedule,
recently quit and current private secretary Samantha "The Panther" Cohen plans to leave after the baby is born;
the recent staff defections that fed the "Meghan is difficult" narrative;
though Cohen, a former assistant private secretary to Queen Elizabeth II (hence all the time to acquire a fierce nickname),
had reportedly only planned to stay for six months.
Unlike Meghan or Diana, Kate Middleton had years to gear up for what she was in for,
having met Prince William when they were at university together.
They lived in the same residence hall during their first year, became friends, ended up housemates and were going strong by 2007;
when a newspaper headline prematurely heralding Kate as "THE NEXT PEOPLE'S PRINCESS" ahead of her 25th birthday hastened their brief breakup instead of a proposal.
Luckily William quickly realized the error of his ways,
but it goes to show that no amount of observation of the royals fully prepares you for getting close to one, let alone becoming one.
After he fell in love with Meghan, Harry acknowledged feeling a "sense of responsibility" to really level with her
when it came to just what might be in store with the media.
"We still have to sit down and I still, you know,
I still have to have some pretty frank conversations with her to say 'you know what you're letting yourself in for...
it's a big deal and it's, you know, it's not easy for anybody,"
he recalled in his and Meghan's joint interview with the BBC in November 2017 after their engagement was announced.
"I'm sure [at] the onset, both my parents and my close friends were concerned,
because we got very quickly swept up in a media storm that, as I shared, was not part of my life before that," Meghan shared.
"But they also had never seen me so happy". Besides, she continued,
"You know it was just obvious that no matter what we were being put through that it was just temporary and that we were going to be able to get through that.
So everybody was really happy. And he's talked to my dad a few times,
hasn't been able to meet him just yet, but it's all been—it's all been worth every effort".
Maybe hold that thought.
"The most daunting aspect was the media attention," Diana said on Panorama.
"Because my husband and I, we were told when we got engaged that the media would go quietly,
and it didn't; and then when we were married they said it would go quietly and it didn't;
and then it started to focus very much on me, and I seemed to be on the front of a newspaper every single day,
which is an isolating experience, and the higher the media put you, place you, is the bigger the drop".
But at least Meghan has Harry to look out for her,
not just a devoted husband but someone who has personally been affected by the press at its worst,
and who has already proven that any mistreatment of his chosen partner in life will not be tolerated.
"I know that at the end of the day, she chooses me and I choose her," Harry told the BBC last year.
"And therefore, you know, whatever whatever we have to tackle together or individually, will always be us together as a team.
So I think...I think she's capable".
Just because Diana had issues getting adjusted,
that didn't stop her from becoming the People's Princess and one of the most beloved figures in the royal pantheon.
She also may have been insecure about some things,
but she was infectiously charming and she did manage to nudge the monarchy forward.
Tradition would have had her walk a step behind Charles at public events, and Diana knew from the start that wasn't for her.
Nor did she promise to "obey" her husband in her wedding vows, paving the way for Kate and Meghan to skip that line as well.
And when Meghan stops to hug a young fan, she can rest assured knowing that Diana did so before her.
Moreover, Diana did unquestionably find her niche as a humanitarian, and images of her visiting with the homeless,
cradling babies suffering from AIDS or walking through landmine-pocked fields are indelible.
"No one sat me down with a piece of paper and said: 'This is what is expected of you,'" she said in 1995.
"But there again, I'm lucky enough in the fact that I have found my role, and I'm very conscious of it, and I love being with people".
Diana also produced two sons who've done everything in their power to honor her memory
and who wish above all that their wives could have met her. Surely she would have had plenty of advice to share.
40+ Unusual Garden Decoration Ideas | Garden ideas - Duration: 19:38.-------------------------------------------
✦✦SADQARDEN'S OCS VOICE✦✦ - Duration: 5:03.This is Neptuna
She's A Sea bunny (It's really cute you should search it on Google ;;O;; ♥♥)
She's very small and need to be protected
She is Ginger's Adopted sister
the reason she was putted in the adoption center is her real dad failed no nut november
Her dad impregnate her milf i mean mom
Sometimes I even forgot that she has Twin drills..
This is Valentine
She's a cupid, But reverse
She is a brat and always fuck shit up
Neptuna don't like her because she is a fucking bitch
Also,she is so damn evil
This is Dolares
Im gonna describe her in one sentence:
" Eat everything you can, If someone call you a Fatty, Just eat them too "
This is Ginger ( ♥ )
He's a blue tongue skink (aka my fav animal, Beside snek)
I like drawing him as a loli anime trap (why)
Q: If Ginger is a Skink then why does he has horns?
A: 'Cause his head looks I added horns
This is Mary
I created her in October
She's very sweet
She always wear a pumpkin mask
Because her Step dad pour an acid on her face
This is Oscar
My old oc
He is a gentle boi (Especially with Lilia 'cause he want that puss puss)
(lol just kidding he respect wamen)
He can go Berserk if he mad af
This is Lilia AKA big tiddy goth mmom
my old oc too
Always with Oscar
really edgy sometimes
shes an albino deer
This is lilith (another old oc)
She is a ghost
her life is pretty fucked up when she is a human
Addicted to drugs, skip school, and steal money from her mom etc
but shes very beautiful
she commit self deletus
The Grinch that Stole Christmas | PowerPoint with Dr. Jack Graham - Duration: 29:00.[Music]
You know, not everybody enjoys Christmas. Certainly many
in the world don't enjoy Christmas and would prefer
holidays to Christmas and secular celebrations to the real
meaning of Christmas. We know not everyone loves Christmas.
There's some people... maybe... I'm even speaking to some
people... You don't... you don't love Christmas. I mean, it's
just not... you know, it's stress-filled and... and it's
financially disabling sometimes, and... and maybe there's sadness
in your home, or maybe, you know, cousin Eddy's coming for
Christmas you just can't handle it another year! So... ah... so
you... maybe you don't love Christmas and you're kind of,
you know, sitting here with your arms folded-bah humbug! Let's
get Christmas over so we can go on with life! Well, maybe you're
going to find yourself in the story that Jesus gave us today.
It's the story of the lost sibling. The elder brother and
Jesus tells us about him beginning in verse 25. Many of
you have stopped reading at verse 24 and in some ways it
would have been nice just to have ended the story with a
celebration and the excitement of the son who had come home!
But Jesus had an additional, powerful, compelling point to
make. Verse 25: 25) And his older son was in the field. And
as he came and drew near the house, he heard music and
dancing. 26) And he called one of the servants and asked what
these things meant. (What's going on here? Why are we having
a party?) 27) And he said to him, 'Your brother has come, and
your father has killed the fattened calf because he has
received him back safe and sound.' 28) But he was angry and
refused to go in. And the father came out to entreat him. Now
let's just stop right there. There are two kinds of people
away from God in this story. Two sinners... and sin is what
separates us from God, disconnects us from God. There
is the reckless, rebellious sinner. You know him as the
prodigal son. He threw away his life. He wasted everything.
He... he's irreligious, he's immoral and he's far away from
the father's house and the love of the father... the love of
God. That's one kind of person. But there's another person in
this story that is a religious sinner, a respectable sinner, a
moral sinner. The fact is that the elder brother who stayed
home... his heart was far away from the father. He never went
anywhere and yet in his heart he was separated from the love and
the joy and the fellowship of his father. And this is the
elder brother. Now by now you probably realize that Jesus was
talking specifically here to a group of people known as the
Pharisees. Remember the Pharisees at the outset of... of
this series we talked about the fact that Jesus loved lost
people, that He ate with sinners, that He... that He
partied with people that were outside the religious system of
His day, the outsiders of... of the faith. People not
particularly good. Sinners of all kinds. And this was... this
drew criticism from the religious types, from the
Pharisees, from the religious establishment. This drew heavy
criticism. This Man cavorts with sinners; this Man hangs out with
people He shouldn't be hanging out with, the outsiders. Look,
everything that Jesus did in coming to earth was to include
more and more people. A Savior was born for all people; a
Savior of the world! He didn't come just for the religious
types, or just for Jews; He came for Gentiles and... and He came
for the Romans as... as... as well as the religious. When He
was born, He was not born in Jerusalem, the son of a priest,
but rather He was born in humility in Bethlehem...
Everything about the coming of Jesus into the world...
everything about His kingdom is to say that everyone is
included; that there is no person that God does not love;
that there is no nation, no creed, no color, no kind that is
not loved by God unconditionally. The Pharisees
couldn't handle that! Now you know that, of course, if you've
been around church for a while that the Pharisees are the bad
guys of the Bible. Nobody wants to be a Pharisee. I never had
someone come into my office and confess to being a Pharisee.
[laughter] We think other people are Pharisees. You know, the
rule-keepers, the straight-edged, the hard-edged,
hard-shelled religious types who never have any fun. And we can
look around in churches... even theologically sound and
fundamentally committed churches and see Pharisees in the church.
Religious types whose hearts are far from God. But the problem is
so often we don't see ourselves in that picture, do we? But if
we look in the mirror carefully... if you look in the
mirror, you might see a Pharisee. We always have to ask
ourselves, "Is there some Pharisee in me? Do I love the
Father for the right reasons? Do I serve Him with motives that
honor Him?" Religion without God put Jesus on the cross. Moral
people cried for the blood of Jesus. And so Jesus is speaking
through the story of the elder brother to Pharisees of all
kinds. Religious sinners. People who don't see their need for
salvation. People who say, "You know, the Gospel's for someone
else, but I don't need Jesus. I'm not a murderer, I'm not a
killer, I'm not an adulterer, I don't steal too much. If I'm a
sinner, I'm a good sinner! And I... I keep the rules; I go to
church, I do what I'm supposed to do. I keep my... my nose down
at work, I... I'm a good person! Why do you tell me I need to be
saved? Why do you say I need Jesus?" Religious, respectable
people are just... without Jesus are just as far away as the
young man who went to the Far Country. What was wrong with
this guy? This... this Grinch? You know he... First of all, he
was... he was joyless. And boy, there is nothing more joyless,
more empty than religion without Jesus. Really. And this... this
fellow... this older brother... he just had no joy in his life!
He was unhappy. He... he was jealous of his brother; he was
envious of his brother; maybe even of his brother's sin. You
know, often there's a thing called projection in psychology
where people get all bent out of shape about somebody else's
behavior or misbehavior or sin: it's because they're projecting
their own behavior. He was no doubt filled with lust. As a
matter of fact, he said in speaking to his father, "This...
this son of yours has been cavorting with prostitutes!" Now
I wonder who told him that? I mean, did he make it up or was
he just projecting his own desires and his own lust and his
own sin? Maybe he just didn't have the guts to get after like
his ol' younger brother. But he was... he was joyless and it was
the party that was driving him crazy. You see, his problem was,
like the Grinch that stole Christmas, was he had a small
heart, didn't he? He had a shriveled soul. And he didn't
care about his brother. He even said, "This son of yours..."
speaking to his father. He didn't call his brother his
brother. He was a hater, including his own flesh and
blood. He refused to forgive and so he was filled with rage and
anger, and he isolated himself and he stayed away and he
wouldn't come in and celebrate. He was... he was loveless. I
wonder... I wonder if he was joyless... I wonder if he ever
prayed for his brother? I wonder at what point he quit caring
whether his brother ever came back or not? It's a good thing
that the elder brother didn't meet his younger brother on the
road or the younger brother would have never gotten home.
It's a good thing the father met him first and ran to him and
embraced him and welcomed him. He was joyless like so many
people who just go through the motions. He... he... he was
loveless. He didn't care. He cared about one thing and that
was himself. Go back... go back to the text. Chapter 15, he
said... verse 29: 29) He answered his father, "Look,
these many years I have served you and I've never disobeyed
your command, yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might
celebrate with my friends." You see his problem? I, me, my! He's
in love with self. He's self-indulgent. He cares only
about himself. He cannot celebrate with the joy of his
father in the son who came home. He... he's working hard. He...
you know, he knew his brother did not deserve the love of his
father. He knew that his younger brother who had sinned so
violently, didn't deserve a fatted calf and a party and a
welcome. He just didn't get it. Now who could ever understand
the grace of God other than to celebrate it? He's out there
working hard; he gets nothing. He said, "You didn't even give
me a goat!" Boo-hoo. [laughter] He's feeling sorry for himself.
He's joyless; he's loveless, filled with anger and rage. His
family is... talk about dysfunctional. Separated by
sin... religious sin and rebellious sin, but sin. He was
also lifeless. He just was empty of a relationship with his
father. He was just as dead in his sin as his younger brother
in his. Without Christ regardless of our religious
expression or experience, we're dead in trespasses and sin. And
religion can't save you. You hear me? Religion can't save.
You're not saved because you're a Baptist or a Catholic or a
Buddhist or a Jew or something else! Religion cannot save! Rule
keeping will never get you into the kingdom of God. You can't
climb high enough or hard enough to get to heaven! This guy
thought he should gain the approval of his dad... his
father because he was a dutiful [clap] son, obedient [clap] son
and he worked hard, but all for the wrong reason... for himself,
and what he wanted. Not what the heavenly Father wanted. So as a
result he was... he was joyless, he was... he was loveless, he
was lifeless, and oh yeah, he was clueless. Right? He was just
clueless as to the real meaning of life. And so the father, it
says, entreated him to come into the house. And that word entreat
there is a very powerful word. It means to cajole, to beg, to
plead. Interesting, isn't it, for both sinners... the reckless
one... the rebellious one and the religious respectable one...
for both types the father went out to meet them. The father ran
to his... his reckless, rebellious son and embraced him
and welcomed him home. And now the father goes... he leaves the
party and he goes outside where this boy is, this older son, and
he begins to plead with him, beg with him, "Come on, son! You're
brother is back home. It's going to be tough. You know, he's
probably going to need rehab. He... It's going to be a long
way to fix this guy, but he's home [clap], son, and we're
celebrating that! He was dead; he's alive!" He entreats him.
But the religious restrictive son refused, in his rage, in his
resentment, to budge. And he's left standing outside the party.
Jesus really doesn't resolve this story. There's no proper
ending. We want to know what happened. Jesus just kind of
left us waiting to find out, and I believe there's a reason.
Because remember the parables are about you and me. We see
ourselves. And the entreating... the call of the Father... the
call of God for us to come in... that's our decision, that's our
choice as well. He wants you to see yourself in this story
whether you are a reckless, rebellious, immoral type or
whether you are a religious, moral type. He wants you to
decide whether you're going to come in to the party or not.
I can't think of a better way to celebrate
Christmas than to advance the good news of Jesus Christ around
the world and that's why I'm asking you for your most
generous gift to help PowerPoint meet a big, big goal at the end
of the year, 1.7 million dollar year-end goal so that together
we can reach more people with the message of Jesus. Jesus is
the fulfillment of everything we need and your gift will help us
reach more people around the world with His love, His grace,
His power, His truth. So, to thank you for your gift I want
to send you an ESV Bible. I use the English Standard Version of
the Bible in my preaching and teaching due to it's balance,
it's accuracy, clarity, readability, and if you give
today I also want to send you a copy of LIFEBOOK, a book that I
wrote about the accuracy, the authenticity and the inerrancy
of God's word. So call the number on the screen or visit us
online at to donate to our ministry and
receive your ESV Bible and LIFEBOOK and thank you for
helping proclaim the message of Christmas which is the message
of Jesus.
There's... there's no one here... there's no one
watching or listening to me right now who is not to bad that
Jesus can't save you! And there is no one here that is too good
but that you need to be saved! Everybody needs Jesus...
everybody need Jesus! You know, here at Prestonwood we welcome
prodigals home. I... I wouldn't want a church full of religious
types only, the Pharisees. Can you imagine a church full of
elder brothers? There are churches like that, you know,
who care less about lost people, who care little about the
mission of Jesus to the world! We're not... we're not here to
thin people out; we're here to welcome people home! I hope you
had a big brother. I had a big brother. [His] Name was Bob.
He's in heaven. Thirteen years older than me. And he was a
great... He encouraged me in every way. My greatest
encourager in life, outside of my wife, would be my brother.
And he was also a pastor. But when I was a little guy, 3 years
of age, I was always kind of, you know, Dennis the
Menace-doing stuff. And one day we'd picked him up at school...
my big brother who was 16... I was 3. I wanted to roll down the
window and throw something away. It was littering-I shouldn't
have been doing it. But I was going to roll down the window...
Yes, we rolled windows down in 1953. And I somehow got a hold
of the door handle and I went flying out. [The] Car's moving
about 40 miles an hour. I'm going 40-50 the other way! And
when something like that happens... I mean it was
traumatic... I really do remember it after all these
years. Everything kind of slows down and I remember thinking,
"This is taking so long for me to hit." And then I remember
landing but not that hard. I've always believed that an angel
protected me and preserved me that day. I don't know if it was
an angel unaware. But I do know there was another angel in that
car: it was my brother. My mother was driving. My brother
jumped out of the car after it, of course, came to stop and he
came running to me. And I'm bleeding a lot. I landed on my
head. (My dad always said it's a good thing you landed on your
head; you're so hard-headed! [laughter] It's the only thing
that kept you alive!) And he picked me up, my brother, and I
remember he had a beautiful new shirt on and I was crying and I
was bleeding. And my brother picked me up, told me I was
alright. I remember saying to him, "I'm bleeding on your
shirt." [He] Said, "That's okay. I can get another shirt." And
they went... took me to the hospital and I got patched up
and I'm fine except for a few scars up here. But it was my
older brother who picked me up, who took my... my blood, my
pain, my hurt and he carried me to security and safety. The
Bible says that Jesus is not ashamed to be called our
Brother! He is our Brother in humanity! One hundred percent
human, one hundred percent holy! And He's here today to say, "Let
Me carry you to the Father. Let Me take you home this
Christmas." What are you waiting for? You leave your bags behind.
You don't need your bags... all that stuff in the past. Leave it
behind. Just... just come home to Jesus. Be you religious type
or sinner whose greatest need is to see your need, or rebellious,
reckless man or woman far, far from God. Come to Jesus. This is
what Christmas is all about. Would you bow your heads with me
in prayer? The Bible says whoever calls upon the name of
the Lord Jesus will be saved. So call upon his name, pray a
prayer deep in your heart, in your soul, the part of you that
was made by God, for God to live forever. Deep down, pray this
prayer: Lord Jesus I call upon your name, I believe you came on
this earth to die on a cross, to rise again, that you love me and
gave yourself for me. I know I have sinned and broken your
commandments, but you died for my sins to forgive me. Jesus.
Call on his name, Jesus. Call on his name, Jesus, come into my
life, change me from the inside out.
JACK: In just a few
days after the gifts are all opened and all the stuff goes in
the trash and out the door and the tree is gone, the food has
been eaten and we're all on a diet [laughs]. Well, life will
begin to start again and it will be more routine and more normal
and for believers that should be exciting as well because for
Christians every day is full of joy and peace. All the things
that we celebrate at Christmas, the love of Jesus Christ,
because we have received the greatest gift, the ultimate gift
and that gift is Jesus and the abundant life and the eternal
life, the forgiveness of our sins and the forever life that
we have in Jesus Christ. From all of us here at PowerPoint
Ministries I want to wish you and your family a very merry and
happy Christmas! I'm here with Deb, my wife, because we both
want to thank you for supporting PowerPoint, our ministry, that
we started together 24 years ago. DEB: I just want to thank
you for supporting Jack as he proclaims the gospel each week.
It's a blessing for us to hear from people from all around the
world whose lives have been changed as a result of the work
that God is doing. Because it's viewers like you who support the
program that enable us to share the gospel. JACK: And to thank
you for your gift to PowerPoint I want to send you a copy of
God's word, the Bible and a copy of LIFEBOOK which is a book that
I've written all about the Bible as to how it came into being,
how we can know and trust that it is God's word, that it's
real, that it's not the word of man but truly the word of God.
So this LIFEBOOK: the Authority, Authenticity and the Accuracy of
God's Word is yours along with a copy of God's word, it's an
English Standard Version of the Bible we want to send you, which
is what I use in the pulpit and read in my daily devotions. So
just call the number on the screen, visit us online at to give generously to this ministry and
then receive your gifts. And once again, truly we thank you
for helping us announce the good news of Christ, to advance the
gospel, to advance the gospel of Jesus until every person in the
world has an opportunity to hear, that's what Jesus told us
to do, to go into all of the world and preach the gospel
until the whole world hears and so God bless you and thank you
and merry Christmas!
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