Sunday, December 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2018



This is why I have no views.

So first off, I'm ignored.

not the best start...


Im gonna go away now editing these things in is too much for me.

For more infomation >> Subscribe to Pewdiepie - Duration: 3:45.


Ovnis en la toma de protesta de AMLO #UFO #OVNI #AMLO - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Ovnis en la toma de protesta de AMLO #UFO #OVNI #AMLO - Duration: 2:19.


From the archives: President Bush visits Loma Prieta after deadly quake - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> From the archives: President Bush visits Loma Prieta after deadly quake - Duration: 0:30.


Photoshop: How to Design & Create an Awesome, Polygon Portrait! - Duration: 8:04.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I'm going to show you how to create a very cool, custom, polygon portrait design of yourself

or someone you know.

Each portrait design will be unique to the person.

Before we begin, if you're not already a subscriber, click that small subscribe button at the lower,

right corner to let you know as soon as I upload new Photoshop tutorials.

If I've inspired you to explore your creativity in Photoshop, please help support my channel

for as little as 2 dollars a month by becoming a patron through Patreon.

Click the Patreon card at the upper, right corner or click the Join button below the

video to become a Channel member.

As a small token of my appreciation, you'll receive early access to watch my new tutorials

one week before the public can see them.

Open a focused, high resolution color photo of a face that you'd like to use for this project.

I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.

The first step is to convert our photo into a Smart Object, so so we can modify it nondestructively.

To do this, click the icon at the upper, right corner of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".

Smart Objects allow us to adjust or even replace filters without permanently affecting the original photo.

Make a copy of it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J.

Click the eyeball icon to temporarily hide the copy and make the bottom layer active.

Click the Adjustment Layer icon and click "Black & White".

I'll open up the panel, so we can see all of the colors within this adjustment layer.

Open the list of Black and white presets and click "Maximum White", which gives the image

a bright, bloomed-out look.

For this particular image, I'd like to bring back some of the skin tones,

so I'll click the hand icon and drag my cursor over the skin to the left.

Notice as our cursor dragged over the image, the respective color slider moved in tandem

with our cursor.

I did an in-depth tutorial of the Black and white adjustment layer, so if you'd like to

watch it, I provided its link in my video's description.

Make the bottom layer active and go to Filter, Blur and Gaussian Blur.

I'll blur it 15 pixels.

To save space, let's group all the layers that comprise the black and white image into a folder.

To do this, Shift-click the black & white adjustment layer to highlight it, as well

and press Ctrl or Cmd + G. I'll name the folder "BW" for black and white.

Make the top layer visible and active.

Open your "Polygon Tool" and choose "Path".

Click the gear icon and make sure "Smooth Corners" and "Star" are unchecked.

I'll make the amount of sides: 6, but feel free to give your polygons as many sides as you want.

Place your cursor directly on the edge of a side of your document and drag out a polygon shape.

Without releasing, rotate it so the shape is aligned vertically.

For example, if you're shape is a hexagon like mine, make its top and bottom points

centered over the edge.

Open your "Path Selection Tool" and drag the shape anywhere inside your image.

Go to Layer, "Vector Mask" and "Current Path".

To resize it, open your transform Tool by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + T.

Go to a corner and when you see a diagonal, double arrow, press and hold Alt or Option + Shift as you drag

it out or in.

Then, press enter or Return.

If you're using version CC 2019, just press Alt or Option as you drag the shape.

If you want to move the shape, just drag it.

To make a copy it, press and hold Alt or Option as you drag the shape.

To add interesting combinations of shapes to our design, let's subtract the area that

overlaps the two shapes.

To do this, go to the top and click the double-box icon to open your list of how you'd like the

shapes to interact with each other.

Click "Exclude Overlapping Shapes".

This removes the area that intersects between the shapes.

Any shape can be resized or repositioned at any time by clicking on them individually

to make them active and then using your Transform Tool.

Continue to make copies of the shapes, resize them and position them over your subject.

Once you're happy with the arrangement of the shapes, we'll create outlines around them.

Click the New layer icon to make a new layer.

Ctrl-click or Cmd-click the vector mask to make a selection of all the shapes.

Open your Pencil Tool and Pencil picker.

Make its size: 10 pixels and its Hardness & Opacity, both 100%.

Go to Edit and Stroke.

Make the Width: 5 pixels and the color: black for now.

We'll change the color in a moment using a color overlay.

The Location is Inside and the Opacity is 100%.

This strokes the selection with a black border that's 5 pixels wide.

Deselect it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + D.

Double-click an empty area of the stroke layer to open its Layer Style window.

Click "Color Overlay" and I'll pick white, but feel free to click the color box and pick

whatever color you like.

We' add one more layer of outlines to add dimension and interest.

Make a copy of the stroked layer and go to Edit and "Rotate 180 degrees".

If one or more of your outlined shapes are cropped off, open your Transform Tool and enlarge the size.

I'll reduce its opacity to 60% for now and double-click "Color Overlay" to see it in the Layer Style window.

Click the color box to open the Color Picker and click on a color of your subject to copy that color.

Then, click OK or press Enter or Return on both panels to close them.

If you want to adjust the opacity of any of your layers, just make sure that layer is

active and adjust its opacity.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop: How to Design & Create an Awesome, Polygon Portrait! - Duration: 8:04.


Todd White - Blacklisted - But God Can Make A Way - Duration: 43:31.

okay Canada sir who's Canadian who's the Canadian get out of here that's amazing

Wow I'm not allowed in your country yet but they're gonna change that it's one

of the only ones I'm blacklisted from yeah how can that happen it's easy my

testimony is real like my the stuff that I've been forgiven of and all the stuff

that has been removed by the blood of Jesus the government still sees it hey

no come on I uh yeah gosh I want to talk about so much stuff okay help me Jesus

did I try to get into Canada before I came here last time when they when we

had the issue with customs did I tell you that I guess don't I talk about that

yeah public public talk about customs I went

to go we had a power in love school just like we did represent this year and we

were going to Quebec and I went just like I always do and I got off the plane

and went through customs and they let me through and there was no I been there

like seven times to Canada I've been to Toronto I've been to Prince

Edward Island in the winter which is totally different from the summer

it's the biggest difference it's like 20 feet of snow different like crazy and I've

been there and we've had amazing times and been to Ottawa and went to go to

Quebec and when I went through they let me through and just like normal and then

when I went past the other people right near the exit they said in the room so

they pulled me into the side room because sometimes I'm a peculiar person

coming through security and so then they they started to they took apart my bags

and I was telling them about Jesus I said the only thing you're gonna find in there

like I always tell security is Jesus if you have anything sharp in there

absolutely the Word of God is alive and sharp and active instigating but also

it's true and they they're looking through my stuff and they grab my

passport iPad just all my stuff and then they they go and run my passport and

then he pulls up like my my history I started talking to him about Jesus and

he has such an issue with Jesus the head guy because I guess back in 1978 maybe

he said the a certain denomination came to the house and they they told the

parents they forced them to have children and so they said that you were

it's mandatory that you have children and so his parents were poor didn't have

a lot of money and forced them for years to continue having kids I know it's

crazy but that's what happened and so his eyes God did that because a clergy

did that because somebody did that it was God and it wasn't God at all it was

a person they got things mixed up because Jesus doesn't for he said be

fruitful multiply he didn't say I command you to have kids like I mean

it's just different mixed up so this guy is so mad so they end up telling me to

go sit in baggage claim and sit out there outside the door no one's there

and you're going to stay here for hours and and they're like you know you're not

coming into my country so I sit out there and I have my guitar

and I asked am I allowed to play my guitar and they say you can do whatever

you want to do like there's no one out there I'm like awesome so I let her rip

for for a long time and then one of the customs guys comes out I put my guitar

down he comes out and he goes he goes listen he goes just exactly what kind of

conference were you doing I saw it's not a conference it's a school it's actually a

school and identity and I'm on the phone with Tom who is the guy that runs that

the power and love schools and I get a word about the customs officers name

officers name so I asked him you have real trouble with your left knee he said yeah

it's totally disintegrated I said let me just pray for it here's whatever so pray

for him and in the midst of whatever Jesus gave him a brand new knee so so he

looks at me bends down he just said you know about my knee I said Jesus just

told me that's what we teach at the school just how to hear God and how to

know what God things about you he says I'll tell you what I'm gonna do because

I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna write a report because my country needs you

now this is another customs officer you know so he's gonna write a report so he

spends another hour in there writing a report another customs officer comes out

their shoulder gets healed like I'm just like I'm living with the king he lives

inside of me and he wants to touch people and I'm not I mean if you don't

let me in your country my YouTube videos are still getting in there so so I'm

out there and then they bring me in the office a couple hours later and the guys

like and that the head guy he's really angry this is the guy that his parents

were told to do this he said well I see the report the report is amazing he goes

through all this stuff he's like going through it with me up this is a very

good point I can see how this could be positive influence gets to the end he

looks mean he goes no I go okay he goes I haven't seen a record like yours in my

life I go alright and I looked at him and he goes you're never coming into my

country now I said ok can I at least have a hug and he

was so mad like there wasn't a hug he didn't give me a hug I don't hug the

people he was just angry he said here's what's going to happen you're going to

go to a hotel right beside the airport and if you're not here at 7:30 in the

morning we will put you in prison I go ok I'll be here

so I go to the hotel touch people in the hotel because I'm in the country so I

show up at the airport in the morning and the customs officers like led me

like a bunch of officers led me to my plane it was like the most amazing like

they wanted to make me think like I was a convict but I'm free so so literally

like no matter what regardless of what they say and what they bring up that's

not who I am what they think and what they say about me is not who I am my

whole life has changed and transformed so they're not going to bring me in to

guilt or shame or bring me into this place where men I can't believe this is

my past again who cares I love Jesus with all my heart

so I'm playing for customs but these people aren't their guns they're the

ones in the airport so I'm praying to them on the way to the plane touching as

many people as I possibly can I get on the plane and they're like see ya and

they turn around walk away so now I touch the airline attendants and people

on the plane the whole way home why because I can like a thank you we

can't afford to like manifest something less than what we create what were

created to manifest were created to manifest sonship were created all

creations groaning so so the deal is is that these customs officers don't

understand who they are but I understand who I am they do see all creation is

groaning groaning doesn't sound like please show me about jeez please tell me

about you Jesus that's not groaning groaning is this I don't believe in

anything you have to say who cares get out of my face I hate your God there

groaning all creation is groaning and waiting for you to manifest your father

not you you have the right to manifest Jesus you do not have the right to

manifest yourself the carnal mind is at war against God it's at enmity against

God so the way that seems right to a man is a war against the king and we can't

afford to incorporate Jesus into our life memorize a couple of scriptures

think we know it all and then live like the world lives that's not the gospel

when someone squeezes you Jesus ought to get on them I've been talking about it

for seven years now since it came here here talk about every time because it's

the same the gospel hasn't changed you know last year I came here it's just

more intense now but it hasn't changed any it's just gotten more intense and

more amazing it's not like God shifted the revelation off of sonship he'll

never shift the revelation off of sonship ever come on it it's the mystery

the cats out of the bag it's it's over it's not a mystery anymore

he has revealed it it's Christ in us the hope of glory it's the it's the answer

and all creation is groaning for you to carry the real answer come on I said it

last night will the real Jesus please step forward here will the real

Christian please step forward will the real Christian please step up

to the plate and be what God created you to be

God's not asking you to do something crazy out there outside of the

scriptures but God is asking us to get inside of there and to understand what

he says about us then you cannot understand it as an orphan you can't you

cannot understand Scripture as an orphan you can't you have to know who your

father is Jesus is the way the true that let's read that part let's do that you

okay with that let's just read okay let's go there let's go to John 14 what was in

what is going on

all right just hang there I will get to it something else just popped into my

heart I'm like ADD in the spirit

so it has to do with customs in Canada because they had already booked the trip

for me again and this trip I was supposed to go up into a place called

Medicine Hat is that were your from cool so I was going there to Medicine

Hat to go and do uh to administer with Rick Pino and Jeremy riddle and those

guys at a it was like a YWAM kind of gathering and it was in Medicine Hat I'd

never heard of it before and so anyway they told me okay the only way you're

going to get into Canada is you have to drive through and I'm thinking okay they

said but first before you do all this you have to get an FBI background check

you have to get state police background check you have to do another local

police background check you have to get your fingerprints like three different

times you have to get this you have to get that and then I've got like this

pack of papers like this now like what you need to do is you need to fly up I

think they have me fly up to I don't know where they had me flap to is

somewhere up north I think it was was it North Dakota I don't know somewhere and

then I had to drive for a few hours to get through the border but I still got

to go through the border like I still got to face customs and when I put my

passport and hand it to the customs guy at the gate to drive through that

machine goes nutso when my passport goes in there so we're driving up and he goes

okay yes well let's hope this is easy I said I don't I don't I'm not trying to

be negative

but customs is customs so they're gonna see my passport and that thing's gonna

go nuts so it's like well you know maybe not

let's just hopes for the best I'm like alright so they put my passport in and

the guy goes and is you weren't like this just check you guys give me I go

didn't work man they go okay well then you have to go

around and please go into the you have to go into the main place so I'm sitting

in there I go up to the to the window and the the guy out there

he goes how can I help you I said well I said that I I've got all my paperwork

and I handed it to him he opens it up and starts to see my record and all that

stuff from way from way back when it's like a lifetime of record and he's like

okay what do you think you're gonna do I said

well I need to get to the conference that I'm doing he goes oh no you're not

coming in I go well I did everything you guys asked me to do actually here's my

FBI background check I told you guys I see all this but it's not going to

happen I go all right well I'll be waiting over here so I sat over there

now the conference is in three hours so I'm sitting there he takes my paper

working in the back and another lady comes out with my paperwork slams it on

the thing and it's going through my stuff so I go up and I say how are you

today she goes go sit down and they really mean angry and I'm not angry and

I used to be angry but then I got free for me which makes me free from her so

I'm talking and sharing my heart with her about the Gospels because I really

don't want to hear about this Jesus I'm okay but one day you're going to hear

about him and I went down and I sat back into thing people are coming through

we're praying for different people in customs and like people are coming

through got these tractor-trailer drivers that are coming to they have to

go through so we're praying for each one as we see them and it's just a fun time

and then finally like two and a half hours in now I have like this thing

starts in three hours I'm two and a half hours in we got at least 45 minutes to

drive and I'm a half hour to go time so like so it's not looking good for the

home team so I go up and I start talking to another one have a word of knowledge

about a shoulder he runs away from me he doesn't want to talk to me a customs guy

he goes back another guy comes out and I start telling him about Jesus and he's

looking at and there's a guy that comes one of the customs guys comes up and he

looks at the pamphlet for the conference we're doing he sees all these local

businesses that are in the town that are supporting this this thing and it's

going to benefit them financially and they're like I don't know how I don't

know crazy like the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord and so all of a

sudden like there he's like there's like hope he's like well let me look at this

so he looks she goes you know it's not legal for you to come in to the country

what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you a 48-hour pass you can be in

the country for 48 hours but if you're not here again you're going to be

arrested and taken to jail I'm gonna go okay this is your this is catering for

me so so they let me in we get to the event I go quickly in out of the car and

it's four minutes till I'm supposed to take the microphone so I go and take the

microphone and we have an amazing time and there's lots of deliverance lots of

people throwing up up front it's amazing really and Jesus just touches so many

people I think one of my favorite one of my favorite times was at a gym we went

to a fitness place and we're working out we come out and there was a lady that

walked by us in the door and she was very lightly dressed and I told her how

much and I told her how much Jesus loves her what she got attitude then I started

to tell her her value and she grabbed a sweatshirt and she covered up she goes

I'm ashamed I didn't tell her you should be ashamed I can't believe you dressed

like that you know the Holy Spirit revealed who she is as a daughter she

shook she trembled she got free she ended up getting

born-again she ended up coming to service with a friend like mascara

everywhere an amazing time of freedom but that's the last time I got in the

country and they won't let me in anymore so there's a lot of things that happen

so pray for me to get in there just like that okay and I really really really

really really do you guys know who David Wagner is if you don't he's an amazing

prophetic voice he had this amazing word he said you're getting into Canada and

he didn't know my situation he said you're also getting Global Entry Global

Entry would be really a lot easier for me to get in you know what that is it's

when you come in and they retina scan no they don't they they scan your

fingerprints and instead of waiting in all the lines to go through customs you

can just come right in they won't give it to me when I went to apply for Global

Entry the first time and went there it wasn't good I took my little daughter

Zoey and she went in there and she's ministering to people about

Jesus in the room and I'm talking to this guy and he said huh you're not getting

this and they denied me Global Entry and they just denied me again but pray for

me to get it because it would be good okay do you know the last time that I

was caught was 25 years ago so my record is over 25 years is 25

years old and it's still like shining brightly in the eyes of customs okay all

right so john 14 Jesus john 14 first one i'm just going to read a little bit and

we're going to we're going to get somewhere i'm sure there's something in

here do not let your heart be troubled believe in God believe also in me in my

father's house there are many places many dwelling places if it were not so I

would have told you before I go to prepare a place for you if I go and

prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself where I

am you may be also and you know the the way where I am

going and Thomas said to him Lord we don't have a clue we do not know where

you're going how do we know the way Jesus said to him I am the way and the

truth and the life no one comes to heaven except through me

and that's not what it says says no one comes to the Father except through me

heaven the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ but if you don't get to the

Father until until it's time for you to get to heaven eventually you will live

like hell until you get to heaven it is so important and so imperative that we

understand that eternal life is knowing God and knowing God isn't just coming to

church on a Sunday knowing God is actually experiencing God every day in

your everyday life knowing God is the love of the Father the grace of the Lord

Jesus Christ and communion with the Holy Ghost knowing God eternal life is

knowing God eternal life is not getting there one day

eternal life is him getting in here today so that you can have relationship

with the father as you go through life how else

when creation groans can you manifest the father all creation is groaning for

us to manifest our Father creation customs officers security officers the

other day I went through security again coming back through an airport the TSA

guy I had talked to him about Jesus before told him how amazing God was in

his life the last time I was there he recognized me the next time I come

through he knows who I am and I helped him by telling him that Jesus loves him

again my bag came through my bag gets flagged a lot so they searched my bag so

he takes that bomb paper stuff that they search for explosives in your case he

puts it in the machine and he pushes the button not so that it scans it pushes it

so good the bomb button do you understand what happens in an airport

when that thing goes off have you ever seen it go up

have you ever seen the paper thing go up well it did for me and I saw what he did

I knew what he did and I looked at him and I'm smiling and I'm thinking my wife

my wife is with me my baby is with me she's on the other side over there I

said this is gonna be a while I'll be there she I mean she knows I usually get

pulled aside in customs anyway earn TSA this is in America so now they're

searching every nook and cranny of my bag I know there's no bomb explosives in

my bag but the cops don't and now they're around my bag they're around me

they're ready to wrestle me to the ground what are they going to do I am

clean I do not walk on eggshells I don't have junk in my closet I am bold as a

lion because the righteous are bold as a lion the wicked flee when no one pursues

them I do not have a guilty conscience because Jesus crushed sin in the flesh

Jesus ended the reality of a guilty conscience for me why because the blood

of Jesus cleansed my conscience from dead works in order to serve God the

first place he hit me with was he hit my heart and I said yes to

him I started to read the word transforming of the mind the reality of

the way that I used to think gets transformed to the way that he thinks

now I no longer think as a mere man I think as a man that's possessed by God

so now that my conscience is clean the Holy Spirit reveals to me that this is

not good and this is not good and this is not good

therefore since my conscience is clean my path is straight and my God is for me

dwells within me and greater is he that lives in me that dwells in me than he

that's in the world I don't step into junk anymore because I don't need to get

close to it because the Holy Spirit warns me that this is not okay so

therefore when something happens I don't step in because my conscience is clean

my hands are are clean my heart is pure so now I can live in holiness and God

it's called sanctification it's God's sanctifying me spirit soul and body my

soul needs to be sanctified and set apart so that I can think like God thinks

so I can have God thoughts instead of my thoughts because his thoughts are

higher than my thoughts his ways are higher than my ways

Jesus didn't pay a price for us to just get to heaven I know we know that but he

did pay a price for heaven to fully possess you spirit soul and body

and the Holy Spirit the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead if the

same Holy Spirit that dwelleth in you the one that raised Jesus from the dead

it says that he will quicken our mortal body what does that mean that means that

our flesh and no longer yucky see we've struggled with Bipolar Christianity for

long enough we've said well I've got a carnal man and I've got a spirit man and

they're always fighting against each other man settle the fight and get the

spirit dominance stopped sewing according to carnal nature and start sowing according

to the spirit because if you sowed the carnal nature you'll reap corruption

well how do we do that well get out of the way of the TV stop watching the news

stop sitting there and watching the news and start reading the good news start

reading the word and the truth about what God says and stop living according

to the world but incorporating Jesus into your life for a better day how do

we do it submit to God surrender how do we resist the devil submit to God

God's Word he is elevated and magnified above his own name that's God's phone

number Jeremiah 33:3 call upon him and he will answer you

and show you great and mighty things trust in the Lord with all your heart

and in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths

it's our king he's ahead you're not guys we can do this okay I'm not getting far

I told you there was something in here

he says if you hadn't he said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes

to the Father but through me if you had known me you would have known

my father also and from now on you do know him and have seen him

and Phillip said Lord show us the father and it's enough for us and jesus said

have I been with you so long and yet you do not know you have I've been with you

so long and yet you have not come to know me

Phillip he who has seen me has seen the father so how can you say show us the

father do you not believe that I am in the father and the father is in me in

the words that I say to you I do not speak on my own initiative but the

father that abides in me does the works believe me that I am in the father and

that the father is in me otherwise believe because of the works themselves

truly truly I say to you he who does he who believes in me the works that I do

he will do also and greater works than these will he do because I go to the

Father and whatever you ask in my name that I will do so that the father may be

glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it

that's amazing and a lot of the church they look at that and like oh my gosh

greater things and he did through Jesus could do through us this is amazing like

the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead he dwells in me he's going

to click in our mortal body this is exciting look the same miracles that

Jesus did but man look at the next scripture because this is so amazing

Jesus is like if you ask anything in my name I'll do it

that's like an unhinged unlimited promise then

scripture says if you love me you will keep my Commandments

well no no let's get out at legalism thing no no no that's read letters dude

easy on the whole legalism thing if you love me you will keep my Commandments

check this out this is so crazy just stay right there

John 14:21 he who has my Commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me

and he who loves me will be loved by my father and I will love him and we will

disclose and I will disclose myself to him John 14:23 Oh if anyone loves me he

will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and

make our abode with him he who does not love me does not keep my words and the

word which you hear is not mine but the fathers who sent me John 15:10 if you

keep my Commandments you will abide in my love just as I have kept my father's

Commandments and abide in his love hmm these things I've spoken to you so that

my joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full 1 John 5:3 for this

is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and His commandments are

not burdensome for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the

victory that has overcome the world our faith 2 John 1:6 and this is love

that we walk according to his Commandments and this is the commandment

just as you have heard from the beginning that you should walk in it

that's like ridiculous amazing this is all from John 14 and it's laced

throughout it sometimes we've said that the commandments are legalism but all

God's asking to do is follow 2 I mean it's complicated to follow 613 and 10 in

your own strength you can't do it you can't follow - in your own strength

that's why the first one is love God with all your heart your soul your mind

second one is like it love your neighbor as yourself

the key is loving yourself if you can't love yourself it's only

because you don't see who God created you to be and if you don't love yourself

you might even love sin now that would be horrible

this is not legalism this is the law of love the royal law of love and James the

Royal law of Liberty love God Jesus says if anybody says in first John if anybody

says that he abides in me he ought walked just like Jesus walk you are

required if you would say that you love God to walk just like Christ walk you

guys okay is this too heavy seems like a really heavy moment here

it's not it's not this look this is joy Jesus says obey my commandment like he

who loves me obeys my commandment he who doesn't love me doesn't know back that's

what he says it's pretty point-blank it's right after greater things will he

do than I do oh and if you love me keep my

Commandments sometimes we think that this is like such a hard statement it is

if you're trying to do it your own strength you can't guys in Romans 8 it

talks about orphans and a talks about sons Jesus says here and goes through in

the passage here I have way too much talk to you about its oh my gosh just do

me a favor and read it on your own I'm serious if you camp in Romans 14 15

16 17 just camp there a little bit Jesus talks more about the Holy Spirit in

these chapters then he talks about the Holy Spirit in every other book that

I've seen anyway and I'm only 12 so I'm not saying I know it all but I'm saying

he's talking about the helper the comforter but Jesus leaves this with the

disciples and he says look guys the one that's with you will be in you I won't

leave you as orphans and without the spirit of adoption that cries out inside

of you Abba Father and without you having an

equal cry inside of your heart Abba Father when those two heart cries the

heart cry the spirit that's in you because the spirit that's in you your

spirit knows the deep things of man but your spirit is linked eternally to Holy

Spirit if you're born again and the Holy Spirit knows the deep things of God so

the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God to the deep things of to the

depth of man and the only way to communicate to God is spirit of spirit

it's the only way the problem is is that our mind is in between there and

sometimes we think that we need to have it all figured out because in the world

we have to figure it out and know all the answers before we can believe in the

Bible it's not by understanding we have faith in the Bible it's by faith we

understand faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things

that we don't even see doesn't say that we hope for things that we have because

you don't need to hope for things yeah this is an amazing and amazing life that

we've entered into listen see that nobody falls short of the grace of God

be very careful not to limit yourself and to say well you know I'm not smart

enough God's not looking for smart people he's looking for people that

would say I can't do this without you he's not looking for people to have it

all figured out he's not looking for people to have all the answers I mean if

you have the answers make sure there His

he's not looking for people that have to like admit they know it all it's not about

you know that all look you knowing it all like he who finishes with the most

toys isn't going to win guys this stuff of this world isn't helping you having

more stuff doesn't help you having him the helper helps you we need him all

God's looking for is a full dependency upon him that's it he's not asking you

for much after all the life that you have doesn't belong to you

so all God's asking is for you to give up what you were never created to be in

the first place you were never created for you you were

created for him it's not really hard I mean the complicated thing is we think

we can do it you can't do it without him I mean you can do it stop without him

but none of it will have eternal value you know I was talking to a girl today

and and she has she has a guy that she's living with and and she really wants to

go after God and she had made the statement and she said and I said what

about you know what about your little one and she said well you know her

daddy's really not into this so that's I understand that here's a question guy

you're in relationship with people that you care about and you have family that

you truly care about and because they're not really into this we would be silent

about what we believe and condemn them to hell when you might be the only voice

that they listen to

don't go out like that you're in this world for a period of time max 100 years

man right around I mean that's a long time but you have the opportunity to be

with him now and for people around you to see the life that you live that will

not yield to the way the world thinks people call good evil and evil good and

it is a twisted place and the world's not getting prettier it's getting darker

but we as the church need to arise and shine

know our created value know who God has created us to be we have the opportunity

right now to change the world around us I just said - I said let me ask you

something I said if you love this person of course I do so if you love them that

you wouldn't ask God to help you see the reality of their eternity being

separated from him listen ah I understand the frustration of people the

frustration of customs the frustration of TSA the frustration of police I get

it the frustration of family I've been through so much family stuff man so much

but I want them to come to come me

I can't I can't bear to think about people not spending eternity with God I

need to know Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father

except by him Jesus says if you don't believe me through the things that I say

at least believe in the works that I do for it's the father that dwells in me

that does the works the same father that dwelled in Jesus dwells in you through

agency of the Holy Spirit and so God wants to do the same work through you so

when people rebuke you they will not be able to get over the works that were

done in and through you because it's the father that dwells in you that does the

works and you will leave an everlasting mark on the heart of people I meet

people three years after I had an encounter with him one time at a

restaurant somewhere and I come back and they're like oh my god I can't believe

like my heart is crying yeah I remember being in a I don't know where I

was but I was at a gym somewhere in Kentucky so I was and I went in there

and I was talking to the lady at the front desk about how awesome Jesus is

and how amazing she was and she just cut me down she don't believe anything else

say she does mad at what she believes God to be because somebody

misrepresented God because people have words that talk about God and condemn

people instead of love that expresses God because it's the love of Christ that

compels us because if one died then all died and that those that live should no

longer live for them selves but live for the one that gave himself for them right

before our new creation scripture if anybody be in Christ behold a

new creation it's right before and the girl was so upset at me she

didn't want talk and I had to go back there and work out like four days in a

row hey you how you doing walk away from me

now man I'm praying for everybody in the gym why because I can because people

working out got big bodybuilders massive yeah

John's looking at me like hey you're gonna miss your plane it's true it's not

good my wife and kids are there already ready for me make sure you get here

okay hun but remember I'm ADD in the spirit so the Spirit's like wind I know I

know so the lady is so angry at me someone talked to me people are getting

healed trainers are getting healed it's awesome people from the gym are now

coming to the conference that we're doing but she won't come she's angry so

I go there two years later I walk into the door and this is what she says she

goes oh my gosh she goes she goes my heart has been so heavy since I treated

you the way I did two years ago that I haven't really even been able to sleep

right since you've been gone now this is two years later because the seed of your

life lived eternally and filled with God has the ability to permeate someone's

heart when you sow that seed and they don't look like they're receiving it but

if you live and you sow to the spirit you will reap life and so what happens

is that seed that I sowed into her she's completely she can't even function

until she has resolution and that resolution is reconciliation and it's

not with me it's with God so she pours out her heart and tells me all the

reason why she's angry at God now this has been a couple of years I'm like man

I wish that you had our contact information so you could have called me

because we could have settled it the first day I said but you've had to be

frustrated for years because I'm done being frustrated I'm like then just give

up she goes amen

so the woman got born again but it took two years so listen don't grow weary

about doing good don't think that your family's not hearing you don't think

that people aren't hearing you don't think that your boss isn't hearing you

don't think that your mother-in-law is not hearing you don't think that your

family's not hearing you don't think that your neighbors aren't seeing your

life man so seed because mark says that when the

seed is sown it grows up why because when you sow a seed in faith it will

produce what that seed is sown to do it's the word of the Lord and God's Word

will not return void it will always bear fruit and is it God's will that all men

be saved yes who's responsible for that God you think God's just trying to go

around the earth and not use people no he wants to use you step up to the plate

and say God Here I am use me Here I am send me you can do this

guy don't hesitate don't wait another day don't wait another year for another

represent conference man right now you start work again tomorrow morning you

got to go somewhere today for lunch you don't have to but man people do so after

church when you go to the restaurants don't rip off your waiter start now sow

a seed man there's a guy in here that worked at Chipotle where are you dude

dreadlock guy Hey and he was running from God running from

God and someone put 20 bucks on the table and what happened

in Chipotle and then what happened today what happened what happened you just got

baptized so it's on right now come on

come on guys what are you waiting for because because there's this guy in

restaurants right now what's your name

Sam welcome to the kingdom bro come on

Sam's overwhelmed by God the Holy Ghost is on him right now shaking him in the

seat he's back there praying in tongues he almost couldn't say his name listen

he was in Chipotle and they laid a twenty dollar bill on the table and told him

Jesus loves him and just left and he said what are you doing oh no you guys hear

do you hear god what's going on I mean what's going on here to you are you like

are you guys psychic no no no this is Jesus

come on what are we waiting for

come on hey here's the deal I charge you Church represent Jesus represent him

well destroy hell for a living stop thinking like the devil and confessing

Jesus I'm talking thinking like the devil but saying I have a relationship

with Jesus too there is no sharing occupancy the Holy

Spirit he see he's jealous for you the spirit inside of us yearns jealously

because he wants every part of you he doesn't want you to just give him a

little bit he wants everything this is the only way Christianity works it's

full surrender no incorporation no no to her you don't decrease and he doesn't

increase that's not how it works you die so that you can live

and then God will take all of you and clothe you with all of him and use you

like a glove and you would destroy hell for a living in Jesus name Amen

can you help me yeah um hey I love you guys I'm going to miss my plane

love you

For more infomation >> Todd White - Blacklisted - But God Can Make A Way - Duration: 43:31.


Jan Cartoon | Lisa's doll # 39 | Best Learning Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:30.

WelCome to my Channel

For more infomation >> Jan Cartoon | Lisa's doll # 39 | Best Learning Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:30.


【磐田U18】プレミア残留に王手 プレーオフの"兄"へ勇気 - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> 【磐田U18】プレミア残留に王手 プレーオフの"兄"へ勇気 - Duration: 2:23.


G大阪宮本恒靖監督がオフに欧州視察も。 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> G大阪宮本恒靖監督がオフに欧州視察も。 - Duration: 3:54.


G大阪宮本恒靖監督がオフに欧州視察も!思案中? - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> G大阪宮本恒靖監督がオフに欧州視察も!思案中? - Duration: 3:45.


Bible. Old Testament. Genesis 7 chapter. - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Bible. Old Testament. Genesis 7 chapter. - Duration: 2:35.


The Suitcase - Short film - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> The Suitcase - Short film - Duration: 10:02.


NDIS Celebrates Diversity for IDPWD - International Day of People with Disability - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> NDIS Celebrates Diversity for IDPWD - International Day of People with Disability - Duration: 1:44.


I didn't change my last name after I got married - Duration: 2:53.

I didn't change my last name when I got married and this is why y'all ready

already already no no hi I'm Shireen aka upside-down smiley and today we're gonna

talk about marriage specifically when you get married and you change your last

days we ain't gettin no younger we might as well do it

so traditionally females change their last name when they get married and

y'all know I'm real traditional and not a rebel so this has been a topic that

I've been wanting to talk about for awhile but I'm gonna be honest my

opinion has been changing and evolving but I told myself that is okay we are

going to move forward with this the biggest thing for me is my identity

going up as a brown girl in a white world I was embarrassed of my name and

then like being different and then like having brown skin it wasn't really cute

it took me a long time to appreciate and be confident in my name toreen money

mala yes it is a mouthful all of a sudden when you get married you're

supposed to be like my identity see you never lie and then it's the stuff of

when you get married you change your last name and now you've your husband's

property I know it just feels like you know you're going from Miss to mrs. or

misters hmm I hear that argument all the time about wanting to have the same last

name as your children and I totally feel that but I feel like I know a lot of

people that their parents have two different last names including my

husband so I don't know it seems like everything turned out okay right don't

get me wrong I'm all about making this a family unit everybody got the same last

name like a strong tribe hashtag the John's but what if it was like this to

people entering this beautiful new chapter in their life called marriage

so they both changed their name I honestly love this idea and son who's

down so both of us are going to change our middle names to money Mulla and last

name - John we progressive and basically I'm a saint and the best wife ever but

let's be real the main reason behind all of this is because I'm lazy it's all so

new he can go do all of the paperwork and here we are two years later 80s I

think you're incredible for changing your name I am just a stubborn brat and

dudes please don't hate me thank you so much for watching please

subscribe and hit that notification bell so you know every time I upload a video

which is every single Sunday come hang out with me

we doin the thing I'll put all of my socials in the description below and you

can go check out my last video and another dope video all these real talk

videos I got some travel videos in India you so much bye

For more infomation >> I didn't change my last name after I got married - Duration: 2:53.


4 Very Different Writing Styles I Love [CC] - Duration: 9:39.

Hello everybody, my name is Cara, and today I'm going to talk about four

authors with very different writing styles, all of which I love for very

different reasons. So I'm gonna get the obvious one out of the way first, and

that is of course Frances Hardinge, who is one of my favorite authors, if not

my favorite author of all time. I have an entire video on her which is a little

old but still definitely holds true so I will link that down below. I just love

her writing so so much, it's always kind of dark and strange and a little bit--a

little bit mysterious, and she always comes up with like the perfect weird

descriptions for things. So she'll describe something a certain way and

it's like, I never would have thought to describe this emotion with this object

or whatever, but the way she does it you understand kind of instantly like what

she's talking about, and just all of her words are so well-chosen. And another

thing I love about her writing is how-- how well she uses it to create very

distinct worlds and characters. I feel like she's an author who you could ask

her any question about the world in one of her books and she would be able to

answer you, and I think that's a mark of really great world building because it

feels like--it feels like there is so much more going on and you're getting a

great chunk of it with the story, but you just know that--that life is kind of

going on in the background as you read the book. And actually for each of these

that I talk about I'm going to read a very very short selection from the book

and I will tell you the page number and everything, and please don't come after

me copyright police, I'm not making any money from this at all!

So this selection is from page 31 of Gullstruck Island [by Frances Hardinge, alternate title The Lost Conspiracy] and it kind of gives

you a sense of the racial and ethnic tensions between different groups of

people on this island that have been going on for hundreds of years,

and this group of people are talking about our main character Hathin who is one of

the indigenous population on this island. "...'Better hide before she catch you.' There

was a shout of laughter at the idea of the little Lace girl kidnapping the

burly towner and taking him away to sacrifice. It was a joke, but centuries of

distrust and fear lay behind it. Soon somebody would say something that was

sharper and harder, but it would still be a joke. And then there would be a remark

like a punch in the gut, but made as a joke. And then they would detain her if

she tried to leave, and nobody would stop them because it was all only a joke..." So

that is just a very short snippet of the-- of her writing but I hope that you can

kind of see that she's really really good at building all of this--all of this

history and all these centuries of interactions and

world-building into just a few sentences. Next I have Megan Whalen Turner; she's

the author of the Queen's Thief series, which I still need to continue, and she's

an author who I love for the beautiful simplicity of her language. I think my

writing tastes in general are very varied, so I can definitely appreciate

kind of a clean and crisp and like no-frills writing style, you know sometimes

you don't want to read like a--like six pages of flowery prose just to get a

description of a mountain, you know what I mean? And I think Megan Whalen

Turner did a fantastic job with that. And another thing I love that is I think a

result of her clear writing is the fact that the world and the geography and

like, kind of the nitty-gritty aspects of the setting are always so clear, like

here's an unpopular opinion of mine... I hate maps in fantasy books. I HATE

them! *laughs* I find it really frustrating to have to flip back and see exactly what

part of the world our characters are in, and to me it's much more impressive when

an author can communicate such a strong sense of place without having to resort

to a map, and the Queen's Thief series, at least these copies, do not have a map,

and I love that. Since this would be kind of a hard

example I think to give, like how do you give someone an example of "you don't

need to look at a--at a map because you just know where everything is so well!",

I'm just gonna leave you with a quotation that I'm going to have to

paraphrase because for the life of me I could not find it anywhere in this [series]

or online, and I think it's from the second book. And it describes Attolia,

one of the main female characters in that book who I absolutely love with my

whole heart and soul, and the gist of it is "while they fought over who would

become King, she quietly made herself Queen" and it just--like if that doesn't

get you excited about her character, I don't have anything else for ya, because *laughs*

I just love her so much and I love these books so much. Next I have Tahereh Mafi,

and specifically I am talking about her middle grade fantasy books

Furthermore and Whichwood. I actually just finished reading this one recently

for The One Readathon To Rule Them All, and I absolutely loved it. I am so so

hoping we get at least one more book in this world because I am loving it so

much. I think Tahereh Mafi's writing style, it's definitely on the more

flowery side of my preferences, it's very whimsical and strange and magical, and I

think that it's really well-suited to the kinds of stories that she tells in

these books, like I didn't like it so much in the dystopian--dystopianesque

kind of Shatter Me books, but I think it really works for these. I'm really really

sorry about the weird lighting change, we're having some weather issues so

please ignore it if you can. Anyway, so Tahereh Mafi has this really gorgeous

and poetic writing style and I think there's a lot of things that she really

excels at describing, like food for one thing, and also the setting, like I--like

I tend to get a little bit bored *laughs* when I'm just reading like paragraphs of

description about a town that the main characters live in, like I think it can

go on a little too long in some books sometimes. I never felt like that with

these because it was so beautifully done and it was still so specific, like it

wasn't just pretty words strung together because they sounded good, it was used

for a purpose. But to top it all off, the reason that I put Tahereh Mafi on this

list is not only because her writing is beautiful, but because she still doesn't

lose the emotional heart of her characters. Because I think that's

another problem I have with excessively flowery writing is that the plot and the

characters and especially your emotional connection with them just gets buried

under--under all of that.And throughout Whichwood and Furthermore I still really

deeply felt the emotional connection and the emotional responses of our main

characters, like I remember some passages from Furthermore where it's talking

about loneliness and how Alice had grown up that even thinking about

them now just like really really affect me, and the beauty that they were told in

didn't detract from the emotional weight of it. So as an example I'm going to read

you a short section on page 258 of Whichwood, and Laylee our main character is

talking about her father, and we know right from the beginning of the book

that their relationship is not really where it should be.

"Laylee had been at home, quietly surviving and hardly alive all these

years he'd been gone, and her father had never returned. She did not seem to be

enough--she knew now that Baba would never love her as much as he loved her

mother--and she felt the pain of this realization torch a path down her throat,

unshed tears singeing the whites of her eyes. Oh, reader, if only you knew how

dearly Laylee loved him--if only you could understand how she adored this flawed,

broken man who knew not how to father. She'd loved him in spite of himself;

she'd loved him for reasons impractical and unreasonable. She'd loved, you see, and

loving was an action nearly impossible to undo, and so with her broken heart she

grieved: first, for herself, for the child whose parent loved

spouse more than his kin, and second, for Baba, for the man who'd lost his way, his

self, and the love of his life too soon." And that's where I'm gonna leave it for

this entry because I think that passage says everything I wanted to say. And

finally I have Susanna Clarke who wrote this monster of a novel, Jonathan

Strange and Mr Norrell, and who also wrote the short stories in the world...

which, by the way, for all of these authors on the list

I picked ones that I had at least read two books from them, and oftentimes more.

So the aspects of Susanna Clarke's writing that I really love is the way

that she can--she can imitate or channel other authors or styles and still--and

still have her own unique flavor, like you can read this book and--'cause I--I

kind of describe it sometimes as like "Jane Austen but with magic" and it kind

of is, but it's like, I read this book and I don't feel like she's trying to be

Jane Austen, it's like I can recognize the parallels and still appreciate what

Susanna Clarke writes that's just her own. You know, it can feel like you're

reading an Austen novel, it can feel like you're reading an old fairy tale, like a

really dark kind of folk tale, you can see resemblances to all of these very

different styles, but they're pulled together so cohesively and uniquely that

I just--I just really really adore her writing, and I'm having a hard time

describing it a little bit! So I'm just going to read you a very short section from

page 3 of my copy, and although there's not a lot of like flashy

descriptions or hilarious one-liners, like the dry wit and the style and

everything--everything about this opening passage really made me think as soon as

I started reading this book like, "oh yeah, I'm gonna enjoy this." "Some years ago

there was in the city of York a society of magicians. They met upon the third

Wednesday of every month and read each other long, dull papers upon the history

of English magic. They were gentleman- magicians, which is to say they had never

harmed anyone by magic--nor ever done anyone the slightest good. In fact, to own

the truth, not one of these magicians had ever cast the smallest spell, nor by

magic caused one leaf to tremble upon a tree, made one mote of dust to alter its

course or changed a single hair upon anyone's head. But, with this one minor

reservation, they enjoyed a reputation as some of the wisest and most magical

gentlemen in Yorkshire." So hopefully I picked a section that really gives you

some insight as to whether or not you would enjoy this book; I do recommend it

relatively often on this channel, because it's--it's such a monster [shows book] but I

just flew through this because I found it so compelling and just like--magical...

like historical fantasy is just one of my absolute favorite genre mashups.

Okay everybody, so those are four very different writing styles that I love.

Obviously all of these authors have very distinct kind of personalities to their

writing or aspects that I really really love about them, and I think it's really

cool that we can have so many different ways of having a favorite book or a

favorite author or just one that really speaks to us in one way or another.So

please let me know what you guys think of any of these books or authors if you

have read them or if you're planning to pick them up, and let me know if you'd

like to see something like this again: I definitely have a few other authors I

think I could talk about. Thank you guys so much for watching, I will see you soon

with another video, and I hope you love the next book you read. Bye!

For more infomation >> 4 Very Different Writing Styles I Love [CC] - Duration: 9:39.


I'll Go With You - Duration: 2:33.

I believe that everyone should feel safe and loved in their own skin and they shouldn't feel threatened for the fact of being who they are

You know so that is why I'm pledging today

I sign up for the pledge because I felt

There's a lot of hesitation for people stepping up to be allies for our trans community

And they're part of my community they're part of the lgbt+ communities

we cant have solidary together without supporting each other

I pledged because it concerns me a lot that we don't give people

who, have different gender identities the support they need in society and they end up having a higher rate of depression and


mental health issues and that really worries me and I think that we should all band together to support them

I pledge because well l obviously I want to be an ally and I'm not a trans person

But I feel like for those who are it can be really hard to go to a bathroom where society feels like you don't actually

Conform to that gender based off your sex and I feel everybody deserves to feel safe so I want to be that person

who will go with you and make you feel safe

For more infomation >> I'll Go With You - Duration: 2:33.


Fridge Organization Ideas - Duration: 15:16.

Hi everyone.

I'm Alejandra from

And welcome to my fridge organizing video.

So in this video I'm gonna share with you how to organize the fridge so you can find

what you're looking for and also maximize the freshness of all your food inside the


But first, if this is your first time watching any of my videos and you're just getting started

on your journey to getting organized, there's a link below to help you get started for free.


So right behind me is the fridge and I'm just gonna share with you how it's organized and

what you can do to organize your fridge if you need to clean it out.


So the outside of the fridge I just have two important things.

I have my exercise tracker that I use whenever I exercise.

And then I have a list of foods that Ed and I came up with together based on things that

we should be eating, as reminders on things to buy, and things to make and stuff.

And those two are important so they hang out on the front of the fridge.


So let's look inside.

On the door of the fridge, the door of the fridge is gonna be more of a warmer section

of the fridge compared to the back bottom, which is the coldest part of the fridge.

So what you want to keep on the door are condiments.

Things that don't need to be really cold.

You don't want to keep milk, yogurt, or any other kind of dairy.

And so for condiments, what I do is any condiment that we use frequently, keep that toward the

front, right here.

And then any condiments that we don't use as often, but still gets used, goes in the

very back.

And as you can see, there's only one of everything, with the exception of the mustards, which

they're all different types of mustards.

But what you want to do is only have one of every condiment open at a time.

So you don't want to have two of the same mayonnaises open at a time or eight peanut

butters open at the same time.

Which I did see when I started becoming a professional organizer.

One time there was eight peanut butters open at all the same time.

Most of them were all the same.

And so you want to avoid doing that.

Just open one at a time.

Once it's finished, go grab another one.

Open it, recycle the old one and put it in the fridge.

So just one at a time.

And then keep your bulk ones in the pantry, in the cupboards, or anywhere else you keep

bulk stuff in your house.


So that's that door.

Let's look at the other door right here.

So this door has ... This is more of the condiment overflow door.

If there's not enough space here, condiments go here.

But there's plenty of space right now.

This compartment right here is kind of a weird shaped drawer.

So I keep all of our extra nuts because nuts last longer in the fridge or the freezer.

There's chocolate chips, there's raisins or craisins, and then there's chia seeds.

So this is nuts and seeds.

Right here, same thing.

These are great.

So for anything that you eat often.

So Ed and I eat hemp seeds and chia seeds almost every day, I have these little pourers.

You just take it out and you just drizzle some on your cereal, or your salad, soup,

whatever it is.

It's nice and easy.

You don't have to mess with a bag, keep a spoon inside.

I do the same thing for our chia seeds which you're not gonna see it right here because

I don't have the container with me right now.

But chia seeds I keep in one of those glass sugar shakers that you see at a diner that

has a little spout that opens and closes.

It works excellent.

You just drizzle some on whatever it is.

And it's just really nice and easy.

You don't have to fumble with opening a bag, grabbing a spoon, and all that stuff.


So juice goes up there.

So let's look at the rest of the fridge.

So this is the fridge right here.

So let's talk about the shelves.

The coldest part of the fridge is gonna be the bottom of the fridge back.

Bottom back is always gonna be the coldest part of the fridge.

So if you think about the air inside of your house.

The cold air always falls so if you have a basement it's always going to fall to the


While the hot air is gonna rise to the top level of your house.

Same thing with the fridge.

The hot air is gonna rise to the top and be in the top shelf right here.

So anything you have that needs to be really cold like milk, yogurt, dairy, anything else

if it's in that category, keep it toward the back of the fridge.

So in the very back is yogurt.

There's some keifer here.

This isn't dairy milk, but that hangs out right there.

And then there's more dairy back here.

It's all the way in the back so it's nice and cold.

Alright so if we go to the top shelf right here, leftovers.

What you want to do with leftovers is keep them in the front of the fridge nice and visible

so you see them, you remind yourself that they're there, and you eat them, and you don't

let them go bad.

You don't want to put your leftovers in the very back covered where you don't see them.

So keep them nice within eyesight and within reach.

So I like to keep all of my leftovers in glass containers because of BPA in plastics.

It just doesn't feel good to put food in there.

I don't always do that right now because we're in a temporary situation and I don't have

all my glass containers.

But when I do, these are the ones I use and I'll put a link below.

What you can do is put a label on the front of your leftovers.

If you want to write the date of when you made something.

So if you freeze leftovers and then you go to take it out and put it in the fridge, if

you look at the date and make sure it's still good.

That's just a helpful way to know how long something has been sitting or how long it's

been inside of your fridge or freezer.

And these containers, they're leak proof, they have nice tight lids, and they're just

great glass containers.


Up here I'll show you that later.

The middle section, really nothing special.

Down here, so ... Actually let's talk about this first.

Let's talk about the drawers next.

So the drawers, the drawers in your fridge, they're not just drawers for storage.

They have a purpose.

They're for fruits and vegetables.

And if you look closely on the drawer, you should see a setting for high humidity and

low humidity.

And basically what that means is ... One second.

Just turn this off.


So what that means is high humidity is gonna keep all of the air inside the drawer.

So when you turn the setting to high humidity, it's gonna close a vent that's not gonna let

air come out of the drawer.

As opposed to low humidity, when you set it on low humidity, it's gonna open a vent, allowing

the air to come out of the drawer into the rest of the fridge.

So in the high humidity drawer, which is this drawer right here.

You want to keep your leafy greens, your herbs, anything that has the tendency to wilt, you

want to keep that in a high humidity environment.

So the best way to tell is ... I feel like it's a little bit confusing.

But the best way to tell is you can either just look up high humidity foods and you'll

find that it's mostly vegetables.

Or when you go to the grocery store, look at the way ... Look at how the farmer is packaging

the foods.

So for example, here are sprouts in a clam shell container.

If you noticed, there's no holes in any of this container.

So all of the air is being contained inside here.

This is a high humidity environment inside this clam shell container.

So that's a sign that this is a high humidity ... This goes in the high humidity drawer

of your fridge.

Same thing for your spinach.

If you notice, your spinach, when you get them in these containers, there's no holes.

There's no holes in the entire thing because you want to keep the moisture locked into


On the opposite end of the spectrum, low humidity allows the air to come out of the drawer into

the rest of the fridge.

So for example, if you think about all of your berries, so like the strawberries, blueberries,

blackberries, any kind of berry that comes in a clam shell container, they're always

gonna have holes in them to allow the air ... And really it's allowing fruits as they

ripen, they release a gas.

And so you're getting that gas out of the clam shell container.

But they have holes.

And so this is low humidity allowing the air to flow out of it.

So next time you go to the grocery store, just be mindful.

Look around.

Look at how everything is being packaged.

And that's gonna give you a clue on how to store things.

So I just keep one drawer as high humidity, the other drawer as low humidity.

Pretty much vegetables in here, fruits in here.

And yeah.

That's how those drawers are organized.

For herbs, what you're supposed to do to maximize the lifespan of your herbs is you're supposed

to when you get home, take the herbs out of the bag, and trim off an inch at the bottom,

and then put them in a little bit of water like this.

I do not always do this.

I did this when I was organizing the fridge and I actually really enjoy doing it.

So I may continue doing it.

But I don't always do this.

So I can't always say that I do that.

And the asparagus, the same thing.

When you get the asparagus, you're supposed to trim off half an inch or an inch.

Put them in a little bit of water.

And it's gonna maximize how long they stay in the fridge.

I don't always do this either.

But this is what ... This is how to maximize your asparagus.


So that is that.


So I try not to use plastic wrap.

And a great thing you can do is use something called ... This is a wrap made of beeswax.

It is excellent.

I've been using it for almost three years.

This one is new.

But I'm gonna show you one that's almost three years old.

And I'll show you what it looks like.

It's excellent for anything that ... Like any leftovers or something that doesn't have

a lid or something like that.

This one is about three years old.

This wrapper.

And it just sticks so well.

I'm gonna show you something else in a second.

But it's really easy to wash.

You just wash it in cool water with some soap.

It dries really easily and it works really well.


So that's right there.

I did want to show you one other thing.

Instead of using plastic wrap.

I got this tip from Ed.

He did this ... He was doing this when I met him and I thought it was so cool.

So if you do want to use plastic wrap, you can always just take a plate and cover it.

Cover your bowl just like that.

It's great if you don't need a tight seal and you just want to cover something.

It just kind of keeps the air out and keeps other things out.

So I thought that was really cool.

And if you don't have a muffin on your plates, it creates ... Oops.

Let's turn the light back on.

If you don't have a muffin on your plate and you just have a plate over a bowl, it also

creates a double self.

So now I can stack something else on top of here because it's a nice hard surface.

So great way to maximize space.

And then since I'm telling you about all these other reasonable options, I thought I'd share

these silicone muffin liners that are excellent for muffins and cupcakes.

They just peel really nicely off of the muffin.

And you can pop them in the dishwasher.

They're really easy to hand wash.

And you don't have the waste paper or foil muffin liners.


What else?

Oh, this bottom drawer right here.

So if you notice, there is vents.

So this is gonna be ... This is gonna allow the air to leave the drawer.

So I just keep ... There's butter in here, there's cheese, hard boiled eggs.

So for hard boiled eggs, you could separate them from the other eggs.

You can label them with a smiley face or something or just put them in a different spot.

Anything that I chop up like extra lemon or onion or something, I just put it in the small

section and any time I'm going to reach for something, I just check if there's any leftovers.

And I don't usually use plastic bags.

I try and minimize my plastic.

But right now we're in a unique situation so we're doing the best that we can.


And onions, I keep onions in here.

Onions, they're best stored outside the fridge.

That onion's not gonna last long before I use it.

So I think it's okay in the fridge.

It's all about doing the best you can.

So when it comes to cleaning the fridge ... Let's just go ahead and close that.

When it comes to cleaning the fridge, you can get into the habit of cleaning your fridge

every two to four weeks.

I most of the time clean the fridge right when I get back from the grocery store.

Before I put the new groceries inside, I'll just wipe down the shelves.

It doesn't take that much time.

You can either take everything out of the fridge if you have a lot of stuff or you can

just go shelf by shelf.

So a lot of times I just start at the top shelf, move those things to the middle shelf,

clean the shelf, put everything back, put the middle stuff on the top shelf, clean that


So nothing's actually leaving the fridge.

Everything stays inside.

Get in the habit of doing it every two to four weeks is a great idea.

When you notice something has gone bad, go ahead and pull it out immediately as opposed

to just shuffling it around inside the fridge.

And when it comes to organizing the fridge, they make all kinds of organizers for the


My opinion is that because the stuff in the fridge fluctuates so often, like you go to

the grocery store every week and the contents changes in and out and stuff, I find that

it's actually better to have less organizing bins in your fridge because the stuff fluctuates.

Because when our stuff fluctuates, our system has to fluctuate as well to keep up with it.

And to make it all work because it's all like a puzzle.

So I find less is more.

But do what you like, do what you find works for you and your family.

And I think that was it.

That was it.

Hope you enjoyed this video.

If you're looking for more support on your journey to getting organized, you can visit

my website for more tools and training on getting organized.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you soon.


For more infomation >> Fridge Organization Ideas - Duration: 15:16.


PSAがEVだけのカーシェア、三菱 i-MiEV ベースの550台を配備…アプリで利用 - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> PSAがEVだけのカーシェア、三菱 i-MiEV ベースの550台を配備…アプリで利用 - Duration: 1:48.


人們常說的急行軍,你們知道到底有多快嗎?一小時能前進多少公里 - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> 人們常說的急行軍,你們知道到底有多快嗎?一小時能前進多少公里 - Duration: 4:27.


CBC Commercial Break #3 (December 2nd, 2018; Incomplete) - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> CBC Commercial Break #3 (December 2nd, 2018; Incomplete) - Duration: 2:09.


Fut Champions (17-6) and Chill - Duration: 2:17:43.

For more infomation >> Fut Champions (17-6) and Chill - Duration: 2:17:43.


CBC Split Screen Credits (December 2nd, 2018) - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> CBC Split Screen Credits (December 2nd, 2018) - Duration: 0:26.


Disney World Magic Kingdom Tomorrowland and more! - Duration: 19:25.

Jared here still at Disney World. This is gonna be the second part of our Disney

World Magic Kingdom video because they've got a lot of footage right now

we're getting ready to head into tomorrow land and that'll see like epic

sign or anything I can just tell that it's tomorrow land with the boys spot of

these and there's no way they're gonna let me do anything until they've written

them so that's what we're gonna go do

it doesn't look like much of a way doesn't mean it isn't

55-minute way good lord so what do you do for 55 minutes while

you're waiting to write a ride well you sit and stare at the map and wonder what

rides have a shorter wait time that you could be waiting in at the moment

go to the next one

you only need to go around

25-minute ways

oh man the Tomorrowland breezeway Katy's driving and she's off to a bad start

already come on dude push the gas pedal down

there we go what are you doing

I got a holder foot down it's just not doing good

now we're going now she's getting the hang of it

oh no Katie well what are you doing

this one she's gonna need some practice before she drives a car for real that

was rough Oh how'd you do driving little buddy I

was pretty good but then I got fucked dig in Tomorrowland just for the simple

fact that it's a little bit more wide open and a lot less congested than like

Fantasyland was

it's a people mover I don't know where you get on and all that thing ever

famous Space Mountain 50-minute wait time not too bad

yeah like my wife trying to sneak into the Fastpass line

I don't mind waiting 50 minutes inside in the air-conditioning not one bit

that's pretty cool look and even though it's an older ride I think it's still

pretty nice

Jake claims were up here at the right entrance but I'm not so sure


there's a little bit more you live

in closer t-wayne okay now we're sure we're at the end of the queue

what did you think I liked it a lot it's the clearly dark though except there's

like stars it looks like you're going through space again no big drops it's

all like her bang type stuff but it was really fun it was quite enjoyable

we're heading the guest services because Katie lost her Fast Pass pass thingy

we're gonna go see if they'll get us a new one

City Hall that is where Guest Services is and we are hoping they could help us

print out another Fast Pass if we're not on a lock here

well guess Services was able to help us we got Katie a new Fast Pass card and

she lost it pretty quick so we didn't actually pick any Fast Pass stuff this

morning but we were able to pick three in there nothing too exciting

in fact one we've already written today was pirates but we are gonna head back

and do our first Fast Pass which is Buzz Lightyear spin Rangers or something I

want to write that I have no idea what it is but it looks awesome

oh yeah I love the theming over here and tomorrow world or Tomorrowland

there's my family leaving me in the dust it's our time to go do the space Rangers

spin I really wish we had done the Fastpass stuff earlier let me learn it

looks like a fairly long way even with a fast pass the regular line was 50

minutes it was worth it one way or the other I suppose

as some cool D batteries I guess batteries are cool

they must be there Disney batteries that is awesome



aim for the seas



I'm a ranger buzz like your space spin Rangers or whatever was so fun yeah yeah

I got some pretty good footage of it too this little guy Wow

he doesn't seem tired at all Katie what do you think it was you me and JJ I

thought it was really fun kind of hard targets but it's really fun


yeah do you like the right now it was really good it look really good

in there - real good stuff up her man so cute

all the little batteries are in the little spa what are the little guys

called from the show the little space alien

yeah do they have a name for just aliens I've been told I found a little hidden

Mickey leaf pile that was not here ten minutes ago when I was in front of

whatever this stage is I don't know how somebody just ran out here and threw

this down or what but that's so funny I saw it from across the room across the

way and I say what is there a weird little leaf pile doing in the middle of

Disneyworld there's a seven doors mine right at and

I started to get dust here so you can see it lit up

go check the wait time but I don't have high hopes that it's gonna be a low wait

time it's been pretty long all day no dude I really want to ride it too

and maybe I'll catch a break and it'll be a short wait times

and there they go

we have a Fastpass for it's a small world but I'm gonna bet you anything the

weights not gonna be nearly as long as any other right around here

so I'm really digging Disneyworld but I've already discovered my least

favorite part about Disneyworld it's this little Thruway in Fantasyland

that goes into frontier land this is like the most congested area I've ever

seen yep that's what I thought 20-minute wait waste of a Fast Pass oh

well that means our fast guys should get us right on then right

so no way it's better than any kind of way really



that's what happy yeah

Kamel under good

breast cancer awareness camel

well small world is a fun ride but also I can think of the entire time was that

Simpsons episode where they go to duck Gardens and they get on a ride just like

that Lisa drinks the water from the canal it starts illuminating that's what

it kind of reminded me it was cool but a little creepy oh the lights are Rapunzel

lights they must have been Rapunzel's lights because look at that is

Rapunzel's tower we lucked out 50 minutes 400 manche and not bad spent

about two hours all day

here we go into the entryway for a haunted mansion

on at mansion pretty hard to see you that's pretty

dark but there it is

I got another light to see these guys

sounds and Jacob

and florist

birdy oh dude pretty like a snake dragon wrapped around its neck his neck some

kind of tomb but it's got these little instruments on it when you touch them

they make the noise

I can see all these little rips and tombs though here and a cute line

donkeys eat the rinds from Japan

in this gallery here where you see paintings of some of our guests as they

appeared in their corruptible mortal state guide lists home I didn't witness

and make room for everyone

your cadaverous balance the tray Senora

this order actually stretching or is it your imagination

consider this yes make observations this chamber has no windows which offers you

this killing challenge to find a way out

there's always my way


well I was super fun autumn mansion really dark in there I found a little

bit but I don't think anyone out if any good I'll put the clips in right after


it is ten o'clock and you can see the man rush of everybody being forced out

so man we had such a good time tonight is such an awesome experience for our

first time ever at Disney World and we will be back we're excited to come back

actually this is gonna be my parting shot

nice to look at the castle and

and look at all those people leaving her

I love those pumpkins

that is a huge huge crowd

For more infomation >> Disney World Magic Kingdom Tomorrowland and more! - Duration: 19:25.


It's like that #mariahcarey cover December 2, 2108 - Duration: 3:23.

Dis is, the point when I need everybody get to the dance floor

It's like that y'all (That y'all)

That y'all (That y'all)

Da da da da, I like that y'all (That y'all)

That y'all (That y'all)

That y'all (That y'all)

Like da da da da, I like that y'all (That y'all)

I came to have a party open up the bacardi Feeling so hot tamale boy I know you watchin'

me So what's it gonna be?

Purple taking me higher I'm lifted and I like it

Boy, you got me inspired, baby come and get it

If you're really feelin' me 'Cuz it's my night

No stress, no fights I'm leavin' it all behind

No tears, no time to cry Just makin' the most of life

Everybody is livin it up All the fellas keep lookin' at us

('Cuz) Me and my girls on the floor like what

While the DJ keeps on spinnin' the cut It's like that y'all

(That y'all) That y'all

(That y'all) It's like da da da da, I like that y'all

(That y'all) It's like that y'all

(That y'all) That y'all

(That y'all) It's like da da da da, I like that y'all

(That y'all) You like this and you know it, caution it's

so explosive Them chickens is ash and I'm lotion

Baby, come and get it let me give you what you need

It's a special occasion Mimi's emancipation A cause for celebration I ain't gonna let

nobody's drama bother me 'Cuz it's my night

No stress, no fights I'm leavin' it all behind

No tears (No tears)

No time to cry Just makin' the most of life

Everybody is livin it up All the fellas keep lookin at us

('Cuz) Me and my girls on the floor like what

While the DJ keeps on spinnin' the cut It's like that y'all

(That y'all) That y'all

(That y'all) It's like da da da da, I like that y'all

(That y'all) It's like that y'all

(That y'all) That y'all

(That y'all) It's like da da da da, I like that y'all

(That y'all) 'Cuz it's my night

(It's my, it's my night) No stress, no fights

(No stress) I'm leaving it all behind

No tears (No tears)

No time to cry (Baby, I'm making the most of life)

Everybody is livin' it up (I said everybody)

All the fellas keep lookin at us (Lookin' at us)

Me and my girls on the floor like what While the DJ keeps on spinnin' the cut

It's like that y'all (That y'all)

That y'all (That y'all)

It's like da da da da, I like that y'all (That y'all)

It's like that y'all (That y'all)

That y'all (That y'all)

It's like da da da da, I like that y'all (That y'all)

This is my night Let's go now

(What) Let's go now

(What) Here we go now

(What) Here we go now

(What) Let's go now

(What) Let's go now

(What) Here we go now

(What) Here we go now

(What) Let's go now

(What) Let's go now

(What) Here we go now

(What) Here we go now

(What) Let's go now

(What) Let's go now

(What) Here we go now

(What) Here we go now


Read more: Mariah Carey - It's Like That Lyrics | MetroLyrics

For more infomation >> It's like that #mariahcarey cover December 2, 2108 - Duration: 3:23.


Content Marketing Tips for Your Website - Duration: 2:06.

Hi this is Jessica with Tiny Frog Technologies. I'm our Marketing Director

and today, I want to talk about content marketing and your website. So content

marketing is a really broad topic, but in a nutshell, it's basically writing an

engaging, educational, or entertaining piece of content so that you can engage

a certain audience. So the first critical step of doing content marketing is

making sure you know your audience. If you work with our team on a website

project you'll hear us talk a lot about different visitors to your website and

making sure you know your visitors. You want to think about your content in the

same way. Make sure your piece of content speaks

to a very specific type of audience and answers any questions they have and

offers solutions to that. Before you publish a piece of content you want to

ask yourself what is the next step after someone reads this. So if it's a piece of

content on your website or on another site where do you want to guide that

reader after they read it? Maybe you want them to sign up for your newsletter,

register for an event, or look at a certain service you have. You always want

to know that next step and make sure you're guiding the visitor in the right

way. And then the last piece is whatever that next step is, look at the pages on

your website for that visitor flow and be really critical and ask yourself are

those pages engaging enough? Are the calls to action clear? And if they're not

before you publish any content make sure to improve those pages. If you miss that

step you really miss out on this great opportunity to engage a visitor, engage a

reader in the right way. So if you have any questions about improving your site

in terms of your marketing campaigns, feel free to reach out to our team.

For more infomation >> Content Marketing Tips for Your Website - Duration: 2:06.


My most popular video now has audio descriptions - Duration: 2:42.

[whoosh, film clapper sound]

-Hey everybody. What is going on? So this video...

actually this was supposed to be an unlisted video

but I wanted to make a video announcing an unlisted video.

Why exactly would I do that? Well, I'll get to that in a little bit.

Now some of you may know that my most popular video. My most popular short film on here

has about 350,000 views,

and I just thought, well if it's gonna get that many views I might as well make it more accessible.

I closed captioned it earlier this year, so yes it is more accessible,

but now my short film "Ideas" is audio described.

Now why am I doing this in the first place? Well there's two reasons actually. Well, 3 reasons actually.

The first one is when I posted my first video talking about my disability

I was talking about how it would be a good idea for YouTube to have audio descriptions,

and the thing is it's been a year now.

It got to the point where I was just like, ok well, if nothing's going to be done then

I'm just gonna have to do something about it myself.

The second reason being, well like I said. It's my most popular video, and I thought, well...

If it's getting this many views, and because some of my audience now are blind and visually impaired

it might be a good idea to make it more accessible.

Now like I said earlier. This is gonna be an unlisted video.

So the AD version, you won't be able to see it in my uploads. That's why I made this video in the first place.

See the thing is I've heard that YouTube may have problems when you upload duplicate videos.

I don't want to put too much of a risk. You know that's too big of a dice roll for me. To risk my most popular

video possibly being flagged or anything like that if I make the AD version a public video as well.

Which is exactly the point of why I made this video to announce that hey, it's an unlisted video,

and if you do wanna watch it the link is gonna be in the "i" card here or in the description below.

But what I'm also gonna do is I"m going to have this in the original video. An "i" card saying

watch if you, you know, if you're blind or visually impaired or something along those lines.

Now if you don't know the story of the short film "Ideas" let me give you a little quick summary.

So the concept is basically. Imagine a creative person. A writer, someone writing stuff down

on pieces of paper and of course they're not happy with the majority of their ideas

so they just crumple them up. I think anyone who has created stuff knows that feeling.

Now imagine if those ideas could talk. Those little crumpled up pieces of paper could talk to each other

and say how they're doing. Their thoughts. What they're contemplating now because they're rejected ideas.

So a little inspired by Toy Story and a few other things as well so I will admit to that.

So in case that interests you. If that does interest you and you haven't seen it yet

then please go check out the short film. Like I said it's titled "Ideas".


Link, up here. In the description as well.

So anyway I will talk to you guys next time and yeah...

see you next time (laughs)

Ok bye.

For more infomation >> My most popular video now has audio descriptions - Duration: 2:42.


JWoww & Her Ex Share Videos of Their Son Naming Colors After She Announced His Autism Diagnosis - Ne - Duration: 3:12.

 Jenni 'JWoww' Farley's little boy is passing milestones with flying colors!  Over the weekend, the reality star, 32, and her ex Roger Mathews shared precious videos of their 2½-year-old son Greyson Valor repeating the names of colors

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 Greyson's achievement is particularly momentous because Farley told Hollywood Life in November that her toddler had been diagnosed with autism

She previously revealed in August on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation that Greyson had not started speaking yet and that he attended "therapy three times a week

"  In Farley's video on Saturday, Greyson repeats the words "red," "yellow" and "blue" when prompted

Meanwhile, he places his Incredibles doll on a kitchen counter as he wears the franchise's signature outfit

 "The way he says Yellow," she wrote alongside the video, "makes my heart explode

"  In Mathews' post on Sunday, Greyson names the colors of plastic balls before he hits them with a hammer to push them through the toy

 "The sky is the limit for this kid," Mathews, who also shares 4-year-old daughter Meilani Alexandra with Farley, captioned it

"Red, Yellow, Blue."  Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Parents newsletter

 On her Instagram Story, Farley posted another video of Greyson repeating the names of colors

"Good job!" she gushes.  Farley then tries to get Greyson to say "red" again, but he is focused on his snack

 "He has co-therapies [every] week but we're going to step it up a notch soon and get him ABA treatments, speech therapy," Farley told Hollywood Life

 She noted that he had "made leaps and bounds when it comes to speech" and that Greyson was "understanding words better, which was his issue

"  Later in November, Farley discussed her son's progress due to early intervention in the caption of an Instagram photo of Greyson and his applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapist

 "Grey was recently diagnosed with autism. He's also been in early intervention for over 6 months now and doing amazing," she said

"Grey is and will always be my little prince."  "We all have adversities in our lives to over come [sic] but we could not do it without the love and support of those we care about the most," Mathews wrote on Instagram after Farley announced that their son has autism

 "Gonna do my best to have a positive day today," he added. "I hope you do as well

It's all part of the journey. There will be obstacles."

For more infomation >> JWoww & Her Ex Share Videos of Their Son Naming Colors After She Announced His Autism Diagnosis - Ne - Duration: 3:12.


New Year's in Spanish | Kids Learn Spanish | Habla Pamela - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> New Year's in Spanish | Kids Learn Spanish | Habla Pamela - Duration: 2:24.


RESIDENT EVIL 2 Remake - Trailers And Cutscenes (Resident Evil) 2018 - Duration: 13:21.

RESIDENT EVIL 2 Remake - Trailers And Cutscenes (Resident Evil) 2018 - I tried to compile all of the Resident Evil 2 Trailers And Cutscenes that I know of. In doing so it made a pretty cool Resident Evil 2 Trailer. I hope you enjoy and are looking forward to the release of Resident Evil 2 in 2019

Throughout this video, you'll be seeing the.. Resident Evil 2 Remake Trailer Resident Evil 2 Remake Cutscenes And Resident Evil 2 Remake Licker Trailer & Gameplay

For more infomation >> RESIDENT EVIL 2 Remake - Trailers And Cutscenes (Resident Evil) 2018 - Duration: 13:21.


손태영, 'MMA' 특혜의혹→"죄송" 해명+공식사과→논란 잠재울까 - Duration: 15:20.

For more infomation >> 손태영, 'MMA' 특혜의혹→"죄송" 해명+공식사과→논란 잠재울까 - Duration: 15:20.


#GIVEAWAY Hayabusa Gloves from Muay Thai Champ Lerdsila PhuketTopTeam - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> #GIVEAWAY Hayabusa Gloves from Muay Thai Champ Lerdsila PhuketTopTeam - Duration: 4:14.





O Fim da Internet | Save yOUR Internet - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> O Fim da Internet | Save yOUR Internet - Duration: 3:01.


Filho de Faustão publica Foto ao lado do Pai e Semelhança IMPRESSIONA - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Filho de Faustão publica Foto ao lado do Pai e Semelhança IMPRESSIONA - Duration: 1:01.


Sertanejo aconselha João Zoli sobre cuidados com o corpo: "não malhe para as mulheres - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Sertanejo aconselha João Zoli sobre cuidados com o corpo: "não malhe para as mulheres - Duration: 2:18.


Ovnis en la toma de protesta de AMLO #UFO #OVNI #AMLO - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Ovnis en la toma de protesta de AMLO #UFO #OVNI #AMLO - Duration: 2:19.


Marília Mendonça posta foto decotada e recebe comentário de Neymar Jr. - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Marília Mendonça posta foto decotada e recebe comentário de Neymar Jr. - Duration: 1:45.


Bruna Marquezine: Eu gosto disso ! - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine: Eu gosto disso ! - Duration: 5:48.


Após gravidez, Record acaba com programa de Sabrina e gera impasse - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Após gravidez, Record acaba com programa de Sabrina e gera impasse - Duration: 4:45.


A Fazenda: Após duas expulsões por agressão, Rafael Ilha sugere lei 'João da Penha' e web se revolta - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Após duas expulsões por agressão, Rafael Ilha sugere lei 'João da Penha' e web se revolta - Duration: 4:42.


Neymar se reaproxima de Bruna Marquezine e volta a falar com atriz. Saiba mais! - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Neymar se reaproxima de Bruna Marquezine e volta a falar com atriz. Saiba mais! - Duration: 3:48.


My most popular video now has audio descriptions - Duration: 2:42.

[whoosh, film clapper sound]

-Hey everybody. What is going on? So this video...

actually this was supposed to be an unlisted video

but I wanted to make a video announcing an unlisted video.

Why exactly would I do that? Well, I'll get to that in a little bit.

Now some of you may know that my most popular video. My most popular short film on here

has about 350,000 views,

and I just thought, well if it's gonna get that many views I might as well make it more accessible.

I closed captioned it earlier this year, so yes it is more accessible,

but now my short film "Ideas" is audio described.

Now why am I doing this in the first place? Well there's two reasons actually. Well, 3 reasons actually.

The first one is when I posted my first video talking about my disability

I was talking about how it would be a good idea for YouTube to have audio descriptions,

and the thing is it's been a year now.

It got to the point where I was just like, ok well, if nothing's going to be done then

I'm just gonna have to do something about it myself.

The second reason being, well like I said. It's my most popular video, and I thought, well...

If it's getting this many views, and because some of my audience now are blind and visually impaired

it might be a good idea to make it more accessible.

Now like I said earlier. This is gonna be an unlisted video.

So the AD version, you won't be able to see it in my uploads. That's why I made this video in the first place.

See the thing is I've heard that YouTube may have problems when you upload duplicate videos.

I don't want to put too much of a risk. You know that's too big of a dice roll for me. To risk my most popular

video possibly being flagged or anything like that if I make the AD version a public video as well.

Which is exactly the point of why I made this video to announce that hey, it's an unlisted video,

and if you do wanna watch it the link is gonna be in the "i" card here or in the description below.

But what I'm also gonna do is I"m going to have this in the original video. An "i" card saying

watch if you, you know, if you're blind or visually impaired or something along those lines.

Now if you don't know the story of the short film "Ideas" let me give you a little quick summary.

So the concept is basically. Imagine a creative person. A writer, someone writing stuff down

on pieces of paper and of course they're not happy with the majority of their ideas

so they just crumple them up. I think anyone who has created stuff knows that feeling.

Now imagine if those ideas could talk. Those little crumpled up pieces of paper could talk to each other

and say how they're doing. Their thoughts. What they're contemplating now because they're rejected ideas.

So a little inspired by Toy Story and a few other things as well so I will admit to that.

So in case that interests you. If that does interest you and you haven't seen it yet

then please go check out the short film. Like I said it's titled "Ideas".


Link, up here. In the description as well.

So anyway I will talk to you guys next time and yeah...

see you next time (laughs)

Ok bye.

For more infomation >> My most popular video now has audio descriptions - Duration: 2:42.


Após internação às pressas, Túlio Gadelha recebe alta do hospital e Fátima Bernardes comemora - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Após internação às pressas, Túlio Gadelha recebe alta do hospital e Fátima Bernardes comemora - Duration: 2:16.


Sabrina Sato fala pela 1ª vez sobre após dar à luz: "amor que transborda" - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Sabrina Sato fala pela 1ª vez sobre após dar à luz: "amor que transborda" - Duration: 1:30.


New Year's in Spanish | Kids Learn Spanish | Habla Pamela - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> New Year's in Spanish | Kids Learn Spanish | Habla Pamela - Duration: 2:24.


當代陳世美的他,為娶小13歲嬌妻拋棄髮妻,如今啥樣 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> 當代陳世美的他,為娶小13歲嬌妻拋棄髮妻,如今啥樣 - Duration: 1:11.


Com saudades da família, Felipe Sertanejo solta a voz e faz música sobre o reality show - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Com saudades da família, Felipe Sertanejo solta a voz e faz música sobre o reality show - Duration: 3:21.


Jan Cartoon | Lisa's doll # 39 | Best Learning Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:30.

WelCome to my Channel

For more infomation >> Jan Cartoon | Lisa's doll # 39 | Best Learning Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:30.


Is Homeopathy a Natural Supplement or Medication? - Duration: 8:54.

so in today's doctor Alex answers video I just want to talk a little bit about

homeopathy and natural remedies or dietary supplements in pets so stay

tuned I'm dr. Alex the veterinarian behind where my aim is to

help you and your pet to live a healthier happier life so make sure

you're subscribed if that's something you're interested in and in my #DrAlexAnswers

series I take one of your questions and try and give you the

information that you need and today's question comes from Lilia who's a

fantastic subscriber and has been commenting and discussing with me a lot

of different points on bit loss in my different videos so yeah today's

question was asked by Lilia and she watched my video that's all about

natural supplements dietary supplements and comparing those to drugs so trying

to decide you know which is best what's the difference which is the most

appropriate one for your pet well where does homeopathy fits into that is

homeopathy and natural product can it be thought of as a natural product or a

dietary supplement and the answer really in my mind there's no they're completely

different so when I think of a dietary supplement or a natural product I'm

mainly thinking about a product that actually has got an active ingredient

agreed ingredient in it that does theoretically have a action on a body

system so that could be you know any number of things and obviously a lot of

our drugs or really all of our drugs come from in originally from natural

products so that could be an aspirin which I think comes from a tree bark if

memory serves me right but what we've done is we've isolated that individual

component of the tree bark to produce the aspirin that we know and that we

take you know many times you know a week a month or whatever you know depending

on your situation so that's something you know we could instead give tree bark

it's not as effective or it's going to be difficult maybe to get the

they're kind of an effective dose but we could give that and we could expect that

to potentially have an action I'm the same would be if we you know eat lots of

fish we expect to get a lot of our essential fatty acids so our omega-3 and

our Omega six six essential fatty acid so I'll make a three mainly for fish and

we could actually expect that and we could then expect that to have an effect

that we know when we purify we take actually essential fatty acid

supplements that they potentially have a benefit so if that makes sense we can

expect something to have an effect now when it comes to homeopathy there is

really and if you've seen my videos on homeopathy you'll know my thoughts on

this but there is no theoretical reason that we can expect what is effectively

water to have an effect on different body systems depending on what substance

has been infinitesimally diluted in it the idea with homeopathy is that you

take a substance I'm often it's actually something a part of whatever is causing

that disease you're then putting in a little bit of water you're bashing that

water against a leather strap or something to impart the energy from that

substance into the water and you're then taking a tiny amount of that water and

diluting it into more pure water and so on for a lots of different times often

thirty times so thirty C means that there's been thirty dilutions and that's

quite common one I believe excuse me and statistically there is you know actually

none of that original particle an original substance in the homeopathic

substance so how can that possibly be expected to have a result that you know

effectively it's a belief it's it's you know something that if you think about

it logically through that description there's no way that can have an effect

there's no explanation for that now whether you couldn't believe in

homeopathy or not and if you do you've probably stopped watching by now but we

that's very different from a natural substance where I would expect you know

there to be a theoretical benefit so something that we're seeing a lot at the

moment is

supplementation so that comes from a natural source the problem being and we

know that when that is in a concentrated form and we're getting a reasonable dose

than that potentially has an effect or it has an effect in the lab on kind of

cells that are grown in a in a petri dish the problem being though is when we

take the natural substances that contain that ingredient we would actually need a

ridiculously large amount to get the dose that we need so while you could

potentially expect that there might be a benefit from taking those supplements if

we break it down the likelihood of that benefit is actually potentially pretty

unlikely you know that's not going to be the same for everything I guess we would

think of horrible medication is very much the same so herbal medication would

be a natural product and natural supplement and natural dietary

supplement or a natural medication you know whatever the words you want to use

again it it may have that active ingredient but whether it has it in the

right concentration or not or whether there are other things within that

natural product that may actually increase the risk of of side effects

developing because you may have kind of compare different chemicals competing

with each other I'm I guess an example of that would be would be cannabis so

something you know CBD oil is something that is is you know gaining popularity

and that can definitely be thought of as a natural medication and natural product

or a dietary supplement to use to treat arthritis or epilepsy potentially arm or

anxiety but if you just took it from the gave cannabis then that also has um the

THC which is the psychoactive compound so while you might get the benefit of

CBD you'll also get the downside of the THC and that in extreme circumstances

can you know be really dangerous although by and large marijuana is

something that is pretty safe and I've certainly discussed that in my

couple of other videos about both of those topics so yeah I hope that answers

your question I hope that's kind of made things a little bit clearer and not kind

of complicated matters yeah I hope it's not kind of too much of a a rant or

anything for you but you know that's my thoughts really on where you know

homeopathy and maybe a lot of these other kind of alternative remedies come

in you know they they maybe not have many much evidence behind them there's

maybe no theoretical way that you can link the suppose that effect they have

on the body system that they're supposed to be affecting and also often with

sorry we've got my cat here so normally I shut my cat's out when I'm filming but

Molly has just come to join me and you might have heard her meowing earlier

she's wondering what's going on while she's been picked up and shown to the

camera and she can see herself anyway the other thing Lily I mentioned was

about using kind of natural supplements or dietary supplements you know should

use them instead of drugs or is it part of a combination I guess generally in

the vast majority of cases if we're going to use them at all if we're going

to try them we should definitely think of them as complementary to other things

that we can do so that's not always drugs that could be in the case of

arthritis we might give a glucosamine and chondroitin or a green lipped mussel

extract we might start giving fish oils or we might feed a specific I'm joint

diet but we don't want to do that in isolation at the same time we want to

control exercise we want to think about modifying one of our pets environment so

soft bed keeping them out of a draught reducing the risk of them falling over

on slippery floors so putting down rugs and mats and that kind of thing so we

want to think of a lot of a lot of diseases we want to think of that it's

just one part of the treatment strategy anyway that's it from me those are my

thoughts it's getting late and I don't want to ramble on too long but yeah I

hope that answers your question Lilia I'm if not you can always leave me a

comment down below and I'll try and yeah try and answer that a little bit better

but also if you've got a question like Lilia you can just ask me you know over

on my website if you follow the link and I'll leave that in the description then

I'll do my best to get you the information that you need as well make

sure you're subscribed if you're interested in videos like this give it a

thumbs up if you've enjoyed it and until next time I'm dr. alex from our pets

health and this is the show where you ask the questions and dr. Alex answers

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