Sunday, December 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2018

EURO 2020 - La France connait le programme qui va l'occuper de mars à novembre 2019. Les champions du monde évolueront dans le groupe H des éliminatoires de l'Euro 2020 avec l'Islande,

la Turquie, l'Albanie, la Moldavie et Andorre. Des têtes connues et d'autres beaucoup moins.

Les vice-champions d'Europe et rois du monde français sont fixés : pour disputer l'Euro 2020,

compétition itinérante disputée dans douze villes du continent, il faudra terminer aux deux premières places du groupe H,

composé de l'Islande, de la Turquie, de l'Albanie, de la Moldavie et d'Andorre.

Principaux adversaires des Bleus à sur le papier, l'Islande et la Turquie. Des adversaires connus, d'autres moins.

Les Islandais se sont régulièrement trouvés sur la route des Bleus lors des éliminatoires de l'Euro (1976, 1988, 1992 et 2000).

Surtout, les Islandais, qui ont disputé leur première compétition internationale à l'occasion du dernier Championnat d'Europe des nations en France,

avaient croisé le fer avec les Bleus en quart de finale (5-2).

Les Turcs et les Bleus ont une histoire commune moins riche puisque le dernier match entre les deux équipes remonte à 2009 (1-0).

La France a gagné ses quatre confrontations face à la Turquie, dont une seule officielle.

Au Stade de France et en demi-finale de la Coupe des Confédérations 2003, les Tricolores s'étaient imposés (3-2).

Un match joué dans une atmosphère pesante et triste puisque Marc Vivien Foé avait trouvé la mort quelques heures auparavant, lors de la première demie.

Moldavie, une première

A l'image de l'Islande, l'Albanie est également un adversaire que la France retrouve régulièrement puisque les deux équipes étaient ensemble lors des qualifications pour l'Euro 1992 et 2012.

Les deux nations se sont affrontées trois fois sous l'ère Deschamps. Pour un bilan équilibré : 1 victoire, 1 nul, 1 défaite.

La France a gagné le match qu'il fallait, au premier tour du Championnat d'Europe des Nations 2016 (2-0 à Marseille). Mais que ce fut compliqué...

Avec la Moldavie, les Tricolores vont plonger dans l'inconnu puisque ce sera une première historique entre les deux nations.

Avec Andorre, ce sera une plongée dans les souvenirs puisque les deux équipes n'ont plus croisé le fer depuis 14 ans.

La France garde un souvenir doux amer d'une rencontre de juin 1999, à Barcelone, lors des éliminatoires de l'Euro 2000.

Les Bleus de Lemerre, champions du monde en titre, avaient peiné comme jamais pour s'imposer.

Dugarry expulsé en début de match, les Français avaient gagné sur un penalty de Leboeuf en fin de partie.

Un an plus tard, les Bleus étaient champions d'Europe.

For more infomation >> La France avec l'Islande et la Turquie lors des éliminatoires de l'Euro 2020 - HOLA news - Duration: 3:21.


Duda Nagle compartilha primeira foto de Sabrina com a filha Zoe no colo - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Duda Nagle compartilha primeira foto de Sabrina com a filha Zoe no colo - Duration: 1:53.


"Me ha cambiado mi vida": la nueva etapa de Juan Ángel Mallorca tras ganar 'Rojo' - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> "Me ha cambiado mi vida": la nueva etapa de Juan Ángel Mallorca tras ganar 'Rojo' - Duration: 4:52.


Kreutzberger deja entrever molestia con Kramer por críticas a Piñera: Cada uno se tiene que censurar - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Kreutzberger deja entrever molestia con Kramer por críticas a Piñera: Cada uno se tiene que censurar - Duration: 2:29.


Luis Jara no aguantó la emoción por joven de la Teletón que se puso de pie en el set - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Luis Jara no aguantó la emoción por joven de la Teletón que se puso de pie en el set - Duration: 4:23.


Perversão Assassina (1986) - LEGENDADO - Duration: 1:20:25.

For more infomation >> Perversão Assassina (1986) - LEGENDADO - Duration: 1:20:25.


Internet reage mal à nova abertura do "Globo Rural", hit das manhãs de domingo - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Internet reage mal à nova abertura do "Globo Rural", hit das manhãs de domingo - Duration: 2:37.


Riunione di Natale della Prima Presidenza 2018 - Duration: 2:16:27.

For more infomation >> Riunione di Natale della Prima Presidenza 2018 - Duration: 2:16:27.


Izabella Camargo faz desabafo um mês após ser demitida da Globo - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Izabella Camargo faz desabafo um mês após ser demitida da Globo - Duration: 2:06.


Veja a reação de Cátia Paganote ao ser informada sobre expulsão de "A Fazenda 10" - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Veja a reação de Cátia Paganote ao ser informada sobre expulsão de "A Fazenda 10" - Duration: 1:36.


Neto gato de Mussum exibe bumbum num fio-dental em musical sobre avô - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Neto gato de Mussum exibe bumbum num fio-dental em musical sobre avô - Duration: 2:36.


Médico do DF é acusado de deformar rostos de pelo menos 30 pacientes - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> Médico do DF é acusado de deformar rostos de pelo menos 30 pacientes - Duration: 9:58.


张艺谋新片《影》的最后,孙俪到底看到了什么 - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> 张艺谋新片《影》的最后,孙俪到底看到了什么 - Duration: 7:05.


《原来你还在这里》章粤和沈居安:情场高手之间的精彩对决 - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> 《原来你还在这里》章粤和沈居安:情场高手之间的精彩对决 - Duration: 11:53.

------------------------------------------- = Clear Cell Phone Calls + Fast Mobile Internet (Indoors and in Vehicles)

For more infomation >> = Clear Cell Phone Calls + Fast Mobile Internet (Indoors and in Vehicles)


🧠 Revealed: Discover The REAL Cause Of Alzheimer's & Dementia - Duration: 5:47.

Hi everybody, it's Dr Sam Robbins.

Today's topic is very important for anyone over the age of 40 and especially to myself,

because I have a family history of Alzheimer's and Dementia, mainly from my dad's side

of the family.

So if you're concerned about your memory and you'd like to improve it …. And help

prevent the onset or progression of Alzheimer's, Dementia, cognitive problems and potentially

even Parkinson's, please watch today's video.

Now, the media will lead you to believe there is no "cure" for such diseases like Alzheimer's.

In fact, it's not even the media's fault - it's what the Pharmaceutical companies

tell everyone.

And, I used to believe this myself.

I figured that it must be "all genetics" and there's nothing you can do.

Afterall, that's what they told us in school.

Heck, I'm not even supposed to use the word "cure" or "prevent" when speaking

about any product, because the FTC and the pharmaceutical companies will come after me.

Unfortunately, this is all a big lie and recent research has exposed tihs.

The real truth is that there IS a way to slow down the progression of Alzheimer's.

In fact, you can actually STOP this disease and potentially "avoid" it from even happening.

In fact, new studies reveal EXACTLY how to do it, in addition to the REAL cause!1-7

The key isn't in the beta-amyloid tangles that get so much attention (and have been

the target of so many FAILED pharmaceutical drugs).

It's something else: an ugly little "mistake" in the brain called tau tangles.

They pop up FIRST… especially in the brain stem… and as they accumulate, everything

starts to fall apart.

When tau spreads out and hits the cortex, you've got dementia.

Stop the tau, and you can help stop the disease.

But first challenge is that you have to SPOT it, and you might think that's impossible

without expensive brain scans.


That's where the new studies comes in1-7, because there IS a way to spot the early warning

signs of tau and you don't need a scan or even a doctor.

You can FEEL it!

The new studies reveal that DEPRESSION…

ANXIETY… and SLEEP problems can all be early warning signs of that tau short-circuit, especially

in older folks over the age of 45.

Now, these aren't the CAUSE of the dementia.

They're warning signs, but they're warning signs of that same tau accumulation

And that's where this gets tricky.

See, you might think treating these conditions can stop the tau.

But that's NOT how Big Pharma "treatment" works.

In fact, those meds are custom-crafted to ensure you CONTINUE to SUFFER!

The truth is, drug makers don't profit from cures… and I'm sure you already know this.

If you could take a shot one time … or swallow some pills for a few days or a couple of weeks

and then be done with it, they don't earn the big bucks.

There's no continued revenue stream from you, month after month, year after year.

Instead, the real way for them to make billions year after year is to create drugs that "manage"

problems rather than cure them.

They fight the SYMPTOM, but not the CAUSE.

That helps explain why many people who start taking drugs NEVER stop.

In fact, they increase the dosage over the years and many times, ADD ON additional drugs

to fight the negative side-effects of the original drug.

However, the good news for you is that there is a much BETTER way to "FIX" these problems

and REPAIR the underlying causes.

You need to start taking natural, brain-protecting nutrients.

To start with, I suggest everyone take a multi-complex B vitamin supplement.

B12 (methylcobalamin form is best) being one of the more important B vitamins.

Make sure you also take some omega-3 fatty acids.

This would be fish oils.

However, if you're a vegetarian, then you can try flaxseed and hemp oil, but they aren't

as effective.

Unfortunately, trying to get these strictly from "food-only" sources just won't

be enough or effective…

And this is why I'm suggesting supplements.

Additionally, I would highly suggest taking clinically proven, "brain-protective",

energy producing ingredients such as Different forms of Choline

Ginkgo Vinpocetine

NADH Acetyl L-Carnitine

CoQ10 and PQQ

There are a few other ingredients I recommend and the ones I also take myself.

Below this video, in the description area, there's a link to all the nutrients I suggest

and descriptions on how they all work.

Of course, I don't expect you to go out and purchase each of these supplements separately,

it's just too expensive and too much work.

In the below link, you can see how to get everything in one place, so it's easy and


So there you have it -- how to protect your brain and help avoid, stop and potentially

fix dementia, Alzheimer's and other cognitive problems.

Just know that it takes time to see results, just as it's taken many years to have these


So please be patient, never give up because there's hope!

Well, that's it for today, I hope this video gave you more clarity!

If you found it helpful, please give it a thumbs up.

THanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 🧠 Revealed: Discover The REAL Cause Of Alzheimer's & Dementia - Duration: 5:47.


Is GM Dying? - Duration: 32:24.

For more infomation >> Is GM Dying? - Duration: 32:24.


100% WORKING BTCONLINE.IO REFERRAL TRICKS! by Aiza Mercado - Duration: 10:03.

Hello and this is Aiza Mercado

and today

i'm going to teach you how we can get lots of referrals


What are the benefits if you have lots of referrals here?

you can only withdraw if you have lots of referrals

even if you are in FREE PLAN account

you can withdraw because they based on

how many users you referred.

Watch this whole video

coz i'm going to teach you the tricks on

how to get lots of referrals

wherein you don't need to invite!

Do you want to earn extra money online?

Click this SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and click on this bell

so that you will be notified for my new videos where we can earn money.

Before we start, lets do some shout out

Shout out to Mylie Pangilinan, to Im NC

shout out to Noreen Alburo

to Leonil Gesulga

to Mary Jane Lidot, to Maxpayne

Jobet Ansaldo, Anonymous Madpro

Christian Cansino, Sherwin Salvador

Angelo Espiritu, Ryan Alcantara

Angelo Roquero, Art Channel

Axel Manaog

TheWatcher United, Mao Plata

and to Marc Ian Channel

After you watched this video

you can check the link in the video description

so that you can also do the tricks

on how I process my withdrawal with a free plan!

so lets proceed to the referral


I'm going to do this video to

help those people that is not used to invite others

and those who don't want to invite

All we have to do in this tricks

is what we called "Self Referral"

What do we need in using self referral?

number 1, you will need VPN

VPN stands for

Virtual Private Network

What's the purpose of VPN?

it will change the IP address

of your

laptop, your cellphone or

change the IP address of your

internet connection

Here in my laptop, the VPN that i'm going to use is


Proxy VPN

you can click this iNinja

and this is a Google Chrome Extension

for android phone and IOS

you can use any kind of VPN

like for example, whenever i'm using VPN in my IOS

i'm using Betternet VPN

for iphone and ipad

they also have betternet for android

so here in my Google Chrome

just click this

Add to Chrome

iNinja Proxy

just click this add extension

and in just a few seconds

its already here in my task bar

step number 2 is you need to get your

referral URL

so, here is mine...

i will copy it here and

you can put it in your notepad or anywhere

then we will check also the total referrals

lets copy it also so that we can see if the self referral we're doing is working

step number 3 is to sign out

just sign out your account

next step is

to open the iNinja

or your VPN

so they have here

United States

Miami, Chicago, London

United States, Garden City

and so on

so here, you just have to choose what network or country you want to enter

for example, United States

we want to change the IP address

there is a button you have to click or turn it on

once it's done and it turns color green

you can now start the trick

all you have to do is

get your referral link

copy then paste

it in your address bar

and the next step is to get

free bitcoin wallet address

so personally, i will get here in

lets wait until it becomes 100%

for the website to know that we're not a bot

90% and there, 100%

so this is the free bitcoin wallet address

so here, you can...

generate a new address

it changes!

so what we have to do is

copy this bitcoin wallet address

then paste it here

and create new pin

so lets say 1234 then click start

alright! so...

later on, we will check if how many referrals we have

next is to sign out again

and do the procedure again and again

copy your referral link in btconline

then generate new address again

just copy and paste here

then the pin 1234

it will add up to our referral again

then just like that repeat it again and again

so next

copy this again

and generate new wallet address


then paste, 1234

we already have 3 referrals

or what we called self referral

so sign out again

if you want to check or if you want to see

your account

all you have to do is to turn off the VPN that you are using

so that they cant

detect and it will go back to the original

IP address of our internet connection

click it again to turn it off

you can see here its not red

so it means its already turned off

then refresh again

we are back to normal and

you can now return your old wallet address

click start mining so you can return to where you started

we already have 842 referrals

let's compare it

we have 3 referrals were added

so thats the procedure we're going to do

so i have here 842

and like what i've said, if you have lots of referrals

you can withdraw even by using Free Plan Account

and here, i just got withdrew my bitcoins again

0.00644570 btc

let's see my other account...

some users asked me....

is it possible to withdraw if they see

"Our system has detected 2 Free btconline

accounts on your IP address"

or more than 2

some users asked me, is it possible to withdraw here

my answer is YES because i'd be able to withdraw mine

as you can see, withdraw paid

then this is recently, 0.006

and recently 0.006

so i would definitely say that

you can withdraw even if there's a lot of

accounts that detected under your

IP address

Thank you for watching

i hope i'd be able to help you and if i helped you

hit the thumbs up

also subscribe to my channel for

more tricks here in btconline

and of course on how we can earn extra money online

subscribe also to our telegram channel

and also share this video so that we can help others

Thank you again for watching and this is Aiza Mercado!

Have a great day!

For more infomation >> 100% WORKING BTCONLINE.IO REFERRAL TRICKS! by Aiza Mercado - Duration: 10:03.


5 incredible things we noticed about Torreira's heatmap vs Spurs - Duration: 5:28.

 He comes from Uruguay and he's only five foot high but Lucas Torreira is quickly becoming one of Arsenal fans' favourite players

 There's just something about the midfielder, whose natural tenacity meant he was born to play in the Premier League, and his 'bite' - something that, arguably, the Gunners haven't had since the days of Patrick Vieira and Emmanuel Petit - that meant he was destined to play for Arsenal

 It's because he wears the shirt with pride and always gives 100 per cent that Arsenal fans have taken to him

 And his man of the match display in the North London Derby, as well as his first goal coming against Spurs, has only raised his stock among Gunners supporters

 Like the Arsenal fans, we were highly impressed by Torreira's performance on Sunday afternoon, and decided to take a look at his heatmap to see what it revealed about his game

 Here's five things we noticed. 1. He works very hard all over the pitch  We start with the obvious point

 Before the game anyone who has ever seen the Uruguayan on a football pitch knows that he gives his all for the cause on a regular basis

 As this was a derby against Spurs, and his very first in Arsenal red, the midfielder was always going to be the man to rattle the opposition on Sunday

 His heatmap makes for interesting reading however as it clearly shows how much of a presence he was in the middle for Arsenal and how much he dominated the game

2. He holds his position well and shows discipline  Tenacity is held in high regard in the English game

 Crowds love 'terrier types' who chase down every ball and come off the pitch gasping for air after leaving everything on it

 But running for running sake, especially in the Premier League, isn't advisble. Each year teams get fitter and pressing football appears to become more intense

 It's therefore interesting to see that Torreira's heatmap showcases his intelligence

 As aforesaid it proves he is very hardworking, but it also shows he doesn't work hard for the sake of it

 For large spells the midfielder kept his position in a holding right-sided role, demonstrating his discipline and proving to his boss Unai Emery that he can be trusted to do exactly what's asked of him

3. He gets forward when necessary  While the midfielder's heatmap shows he spent a lot of time in a holding role, there is a big section that shows how he bombed forward too

 What's impressive though is that he did it when necessary - or when safe and/or appropriate to do so

 Torreira and Granit Xhaka were both set up to do the donkey work behind an attacking front three initially comprised of Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Pierre Emerick-Aubameyang and Alex Iwobi

 But when space opened up in front of him Torreira demonstrated his confidence to get forward and bridge the gap between midfield and attack

4. He's prepared to put a shift in in strange places  Another large section of colour from the heat map interestingly shows Torreira filling in at right-back

 This makes a lot of sense considering Hector Bellerin likes to get forward, and the back three would have stayed compact in the middle of the defence

 But it again shows the tenacity of the midfielder who is willing to play in an unfamiliar position, against the likes of Christian Eriksen out right for example, to allow his team-mates more creative freedom

 He truly is the man Arsenal - who have always had 'luxury players' but not enough 'hard workers' - have been crying out for for so long

5. He was in the right place at the right time  With the benefit of hindsight there is one final dot of colour that can't be ignored on Torreira's heatmap against Spurs

 That is of course the little circle of blue - not quite green as he wasn't in the position for long enough - on the right hand side of the Tottenham six-yard box

 It is from this area, of course, that scored the Gunners' fourth goal of the match, putting the cherry on the icing of the cake

For more infomation >> 5 incredible things we noticed about Torreira's heatmap vs Spurs - Duration: 5:28.


Trump says he will give Kim everything wants following denuclearization: President Moon - Duration: 3:10.

our top story this morning president moon jaein has revealed that US

president donald trump told him he's willing to listen to the North Korean

leaders wishes if it helps the denuclearization process along this

comes after the two leaders met over the weekend on the sidelines of the g20

summit in Argentina our presidential office correspondent

Shin Semin starts us off a message from Trump to kim president

moon jae-in says he's carrying a message from US president donald trump to kim

giman should the north korean leader make a reciprocal visit to seoul by the

end of the year

boomerang piranha borrow jiangha I could get that what is this is he odd on our


president moon explained that Trump's remarks don't necessarily mean

concessions or sanctions relief instead he said it could be things like the

scaling down of South korea-us joint military drills or non-political

exchanges like sports and cultural events the South Korea leader added that

through his pull aside with President Trump in Argentina he felt a certain

burden lifted of his shoulders

president putin said whether or not kim jellin comes to seoul completely depends

on him and they'll have to wait and see what happens but if it goes ahead the

South Korean leader said it would be a truly historic moment pterosaur

so yeah the monochromatic in the diversity but I meant to be okay though

Chi Chi with president boon back in the seat as the lead mediator the question

now is how that message from president Trump would provide momentum for the

stalled denuclearization process and how North Korea would react to that and we

should know the answers in the coming weeks as North Korea's Kim Jong Un's

international appearance doesn't look far away Shin Semin Arirang news


For more infomation >> Trump says he will give Kim everything wants following denuclearization: President Moon - Duration: 3:10.


President Moon says relations between Seoul-Washington are airtight on Noth Korea - Duration: 2:34.

now president moon has also been hailing the strength of South korea-us relations

his latest comments will lightly crush rising speculation that there's been

discord between the two allies over how to deal with North Korea

kwang-ho Joon with the details president moon jae-in is insisting relations

between Seoul and Washington are airtight when it comes to North Korea

asked about how he views concerns the two allies respective North Korea

policies are out of lockstep president moon dismissed a question saying there's

no basis to the speculation

Cochrane Sanaa

he then confirmed once and for all that there's absolutely no daylight between

the two allies in pursuing a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula such

confidence the president says is based on a change that has happened over the

past year saying there has not been a single nuclear or missile launch so far

president moon Zane added that in order to carry out the promises of the

Singapore summit between leaders Kim jong-un and Donald Trump there needs to

be a timetable worked out between the two

I'm telling you I don't

the promise made in June includes four pillars the regime's denuclearization

returned the remains of American warheads the normalization of relations

between the north and the US and finally securing the regimes safety while

president one sees the next king Trump's summit as an important opportunity to

speed things up he said he's not at all concerned about the slow progress made

over the past month or two instead he expresses optimism the

process will turn out just fine hojun Arirang news

For more infomation >> President Moon says relations between Seoul-Washington are airtight on Noth Korea - Duration: 2:34.


The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 12/02/18 9PM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:00.

For more infomation >> The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 12/02/18 9PM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:00.


Nightflyers Live Stream: How To Watch the Premiere Online | - Duration: 7:38.

Nightflyers Live Stream: How To Watch the Premiere Online |

Tonight Syfy is premiering a new series based on a book by George R.R.

Martin: Nightflyers.

This new series has gained a lot of attention, with many fans of Game of Thrones excited to see another television show based on a work by Martin. Nightflyers will premiere tonight, Sunday December 2, at 10 p.m.

Eastern/9 p.m Central.

If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of Syfy on your computer, phone or streaming device via one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.

Hulu With Live TV.

In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including SyFy.

You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.

If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" comes with both its extensive on-demand library (which has most shows available after they air) and 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).


SyFy is one of 85 channels included in the main Fubo bundle.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch most shows up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.

Sling TV.

SyFy is included in the "Sling Blue" channel package.

You can sign up for a free 7-day trial, and you can then watch a live stream on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.

If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.

Syfy. com .

You can actually catch the first two episodes of Nightflyers on without logging in.

It's unclear how long these will be available, so watch them while you can here.


Syfy's synopsis for Nightflyers reads: "Set in the year 2093, Nightflyers is a psychological thriller that follows a team of scientists aboard the Nightflyer, the most advanced ship ever built, as they embark on a journey to find other life forms.

Their mission takes them to the edge of the solar system, and to the edge of insanity, as they realize true horror isn't waiting for them in outer space—it's already on their ship.".

Here's the first trailer:.

The first episode, titled "All That We Left Behind," will be an hour and 10 minutes long, ending at 11:10 p.m.


The episode will immediately air again right after, at 11:10 p.m.


The synopsis for the premiere reads: "A team of scientists joins the crew on a journey to make contact with alien life." Syfy will air a new episode almost every night through December 13.

The series is about the crew of the Nightflyer as they study an alien ship that is passing through their galaxy.

But something on the ship puts the whole crew in danger.

Syfy describes the series as "Exorcist in space.".

The miniseries is set in 2093 and it's directed by Jeff Buhler.

The crew is hoping that aliens will have knowledge that can save Earth and the human race.

The premiere has flash forwards, stories about the beginning of the voyage, and a look at the current horrors.

It will be interesting to see how this measures up to Game of Thrones.

You might be interested to know that Nightflyers has been made once before.

A movie about the novella was made in 1987.

For more infomation >> Nightflyers Live Stream: How To Watch the Premiere Online | - Duration: 7:38.


好妹妹《我的愛對你說》【電視劇我們的四十年片尾曲 Forty Years We Walked OST】官方高畫質 Official HD MV - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 好妹妹《我的愛對你說》【電視劇我們的四十年片尾曲 Forty Years We Walked OST】官方高畫質 Official HD MV - Duration: 4:19.


usa today : 'SNL' Honors George H.W. Bush With Dana Carvey Impression Flashback - Duration: 2:17.

Saturday Night Live saluted President George H.W. Bush, who died Friday at age 94, with a "Weekend Update" flashback to Dana Carvey's many impressions of the politician

"President Bush was famously a very warm and gracious man who understood the power in being able to laugh at yourself," co-host Colin Jost said, introducing the segment

The brief clip served as a "greatest hits" montage of Carvey's most famous Bush impressions on the show – including his send-up of the then-president's "thousand points of light" phrase and "not gonna do it" line (pronounced by Carvey as "na ga da")

The video ends with a memorable exchange between the comedian (in character as Bush) and the president himself

"Dana, George Bush here. I'm watching you do your impression of me, and I've gotta say – it's nothing like me," Bush says

"Bears no resemblance. It's bad. It's bad. Don't see it. It's totally exaggerated

It's not me – those crazy hand gestures, the pointing thing. I don't do them. Also, 'Na ga da'? Never said it

In all my years of government service, I never once said 'Na ga da.'" Bush, the 41st president of the United States, died Friday at his Houston home

"Melania and I join with a grieving Nation to mourn the loss of former President George H

W. Bush, who passed away last night," President Trump wrote in a statement following the news

"Through his essential authenticity, disarming wit, and unwavering commitment to faith, family, and country, President Bush inspired generations of his fellow Americans to public service – to be, in his words, 'a thousand points of light' illuminating the greatness, hope, and opportunity of America to the world


For more infomation >> usa today : 'SNL' Honors George H.W. Bush With Dana Carvey Impression Flashback - Duration: 2:17.


VIP Protection Unit | RCMP - Duration: 22:16.

In the National VIP course it's separated in to three

distinct areas.

The ops plans and site plans, motorcading and the third

being the bodyguard, GET DOWN, DOWN!

I was frustrated today.

Yeah I was definitely frustrated.

It's a real steep learning curve for me to process it.

You know, when you are tasked with protecting the leaders of

countries, like United States of America.

You have to be capable of putting up

with that kind of stress.

We are not just security we are also ambassadors for Canada

Once they finish this course there is no time to

make mistakes after you leave this building.

In Ottawa, Canada's capital, VIPs are frequent guests.

These VIPS are vulnerable to a variety of attacks,

threats and acts of sabotage.

An assassination attempt could occur on any street corner.

At any time.


The RCMP provides the team to protect these VIP's.

This team, composed of highly trained men and women,

are skilled, alert and prepared for the unexpected.

Inside RCMP national headquarters Bill Demeau,

a veteran of Protective Policing,

is preparing the training syllabus for the next National

VIP course.

The VIP Driver Training Course is a 4-day course that

candidates must succeed, it's a prerequisite

for the National Course.

It's an intensive course.

A lot of work has to go into it.

It's advanced techniques, defensive and offensive.

Because we are not dealing with regular policing.

At times we have to get away from the bad guy because they

are trying to attack our motorcades.

The training today is about escape and evasion.

It's about getting away quickly from an attack

or even an ambush.

Seconds count.

The training is tough.

It has to be...

I've worked with the National VIP course since 1984 as an

instructor, became lead instructor.

We've modified the course, improved it.

To understand the capability of the vehicle,

what it can do and what are your limitations.

But with the training these people with have the tools

to get away from a situation.

This morning in the high speed reversing,

the candidates will be leaving one from the shoot that you see

right behind me and reversing at a high rate of speed.

They have to achieve 80 km an hour and in a controlled

fashion break within a short distance of time.

Maintaining control of the vehicle at all times.

We have to get out of the way as fast as possible.

Quick movement, tuck your elbow in, brace yourself,

up to 80 and we are stopping.

And then in a nice straight fashion.

We have had in the past cars going out of control and

hitting barricades and going into the ditch.

It's part of the training and it is the cost

of doing business.

But it is something that has to be done to show them in

real life if a situation were to occur.

This is the only way of teaching them this is what's

going to happen if you lose control.


Going 80 km backwards in a straight line is not something

I've done frequently or often but obviously this is what we

are learning here, as it can be done.


Going full reverse on a city street...

Those pylons represent cars...

or even pedestrians.

Mistakes could cost lives.

The standards are high.

The pressure intense.

One wrong move on the course could lead to failure...

and these candidates know it.

That's what happens when the candidates don't hold the

steering wheel in the proper position - they lose control.

Like I said earlier, the mass of the car is in the front

where the engine block is and because of that...once you

lose control, the back end will always lose

to the front end.

And this is an offensive movement that we use in case

one of our motorcades would be under attack.

It's a way of taking another car out of the play.


Once you feel you have control then you commit.

Brush me and then It's a complete lane change.

It's your weapon.

You are accountable.


The stress is consuming...

Candidates need to ensure a near perfect performance

in order to pass.

This perfection is what saves lives.

We had a really good day on the track today.

A lot of candidates are putting a lot of effort

into to it.

We've got a couple of people that are short on the

borderline of making it or not.

Hopefully when it comes time for the test runs this

afternoon they are going to bring their A Game out

and make it.

You know, we make our courses here,

we hope that everyone passes but reality does set it and

not everyone can make the grade.

If the Candidates can't take the pressure of a stopwatch.

They won't be able to take the pressure of an attack.

Those who fail go home.

In Ottawa, the VIP candidates underwent

an intense Driving Course.

Each Candidate was timed to the second.

Everything was graded.

Only the most advanced drivers moved on.

For Cst. Cooper and Cpl. Dhaliwal it's been a good day...

They both passed.

It was pretty much touch and go as to whether or not I'd be

remaining for the whole driving course.

But it worked out and it worked out really well.

The driving course...

very intense but when we put the techniques into use,

it just comes to you.

Now comes the real test...

This is where they learn the essentials of protection

services...and it won't be easy.

The RCMP wants only the best to be in V.I.P Protection.

In the National VIP course it's separated

into 3 distinct areas.

The First being the ops plan and the site plans.

The 2nd being motorcading, and the third being body guarding.

We start off of course with ops planning and site security

and it's one of the lead points for our course because

when dignitaries come to visit Canada they go to the sites.

Whether it be hotels or convention centers.

So when they come to visit, every site they go to

has to be secured.

For this training scenario the instructors have chosen

The RCMP Stables...

Home of the famous Musical Ride.

Often a destination of choice for visiting VIP's...

Which is why it is a logical training scenario.

Filled with corridors, side rooms,

and even hiding places...

The labyrinth-like layout poses incredible challenges

for the candidates.

So basically the candidates will be coming here and doing

a site plan for an actual visit that will be apart of

our mock visit on Thursday.

They will be coming in and they will be looking at the

site itself, looking for where there is parking?

Where they are going to bring their motorcade in and how

they will set up their motorcade?

They are going to look at where the washrooms are.

And they are going to want to see where

everything is located.

Emergency exits, so on so fourth for the dignitaries' security.

It is essential that the site is secure.

They must assess and reassess the area

for potential threat venues...

An attack can come from anywhere...

Worst-case scenarios have to be planned for...

Nothing can be missed.

Once the site has been approved the travel routes

need to be prepared for the motorcade.

The routes chosen must be quick,

efficient.. but above

This morning they were given a route plan lecture and they

went out and planned routes and now we are practicing

with those routes...

So everything has gotta be smooth and everything's

gotta be safe.

It's always minor issues here and there and that's why we

are here and once we leave the course,

and hopefully they have the base to keep improving when

they go to their units in real operations.

As soon as it is clear to go and the motorcade commander

gives the command to go.

What we are going to do is we are gonna come up and we are

gonna form almost like a little umbrella.

OK, so both your S1 and your S2 are gonna be on the left

hand side protecting that side of the limo and we are going

to take him right over to the proper side and we move it

over and then we fall back into our normal formation.

There is a lot of small details that we work with on a

daily basis in VIP and motorcading is the same.

There are certain ways you have to open the doors,

certain ways you have to protect your motorcade.

Candidates take turns being either motorcade

commander or driver.

Their routes must be flawless and timed to the second...

Communication is vital.

There is a lot of stress, they know that today is the day

that the proverbial stopwatch is going and we're sitting in

the cars watching everything that they are doing.

So they gotta bring their A game in and they gotta make it happen

VIP work is really important as far as the

motorcading is concerned.

It is one of the big three.

When a VIP does get off a plane from any country,

the first exposure he gets to Canada is in the motorcade.

So it has to be smooth.

We are just not security, we are ambassadors for Canada.

We act in many roles that way.

The RCMP's VIP protection program is considered one of

the best in the world.

Many countries look to the RCMP for help with their

protective service programs.

But that prestige has been earned through exceptionally

high standards...

Those standards come with a cost.

Only those who are quick thinking,

have an eye for detail, and can hold up under pressure

will advance...

Well unfortunately not everybody made it through the

motorcade module.

But by in large, once again it is just the nerves.

The final training module...bodyguard protection.

Lightening fast reactions...

To deadly serious scenarios...

The ultimate physical and mental test

for the candidates.

Once they finish this course if they get their certificate

it's game on and it starts now.

There is no time to make mistakes

after you leave this building.

The National VIP course is two thirds complete,

with only the bodyguard module remaining

Combatives, the art of self-defense.

This training is critical for candidates.

Having the ability to deter or defeat

an attacker with your hands...

It can mean the difference between life and death.

It's the most physically challenging part of the course.

Right now the candidates are learning self-defense

techniques, in order to be able to protect their VIP.

If there attacks that come towards them with either

knives or guns or any other type of weapon they have to be

able to get that weapon away from the person and get the

VIP out of the way.

See over here, gun.

Over here, bang.

All the way.


"Elbows down..."

I was frustrated today, yeah I was definitely frustrated

because I want to do things well and I want to be able to

do them effectively too so.

... It was a challenge, it was a lot.

I don't know what I was expecting for this afternoon,

we can look on it on a sylabis but once you are actually here

of course it's not what maybe you think.

It's now time for the candidates to use their

hand-to-hand skills in real world scenarios.

Now we have what we call scenario-based training.

It's all scenarios we have prepared.

Things that make sense nothing over the top but they gotta

come in and do their thing.

We have different bodyguard formations.

They're gonna start with a 4 members bodyguard and we'll

drop it down to two and then to one on one.


OK - What happened?

I looked to the left and I saw a man with a knife.

OK Good reaction.

I'm trying to remember what I did now?

Jamming your VIP he's out of harms way and then you deal

with the threat.

That was well done.

It's going well, it's going better than I thought it would.

I was really anxious. About it... baby steps, baby steps.

You know The adrenaline is going and you are stressed out

to the max because of the scenario based training as well.

But you just got to bring it down a notch and go in

with common sense.

Of course simunition uses this weaponry that used to be

called paint ball, similar to that.

It's a soap-based type of colorant that is in the rounds.

And we use the nine mm very similar to our service pistol.

And so you know when they get through the scenario based

training using simunition they get a little apprehensive

about the idea of getting shot and getting shot at.

Of course there is no danger, we take all the safety

precautions but there is something about, you know,

getting stung by some kind of a bullet that makes it very

real actually...and that is the idea behind it.

Scenario based training helps the bodyguards to be alert,

ready for the unexpected.

March 1981... the unexpected happened.

A deranged attacker comes after President Ronald Reagan.

In the span of 3 seconds 6 bullets were fired.

Of those 6 bullets, 4 found targets,

leaving several people critically injured including

the US president.

This is an example of why extreme emphasis is applied

to the bodyguard module.

These candidates need to be 100% aware of their

surroundings.... Because a lot can happen in 3 seconds.

The candidates have successfully completed

the bodyguard training.

But there is one more thing to do...

Every year we come down here and pay respect

to our fallen comrades.

So, you can see all the names that died on duty.

The memorial is overwhelming,

there are a few names that I recognize.

I knew James Galloway, he was in K Division and he was shot

at an ERT call.

So it is a little overwhelming because you recognize the

names on there and you have a bit of a connection But it is

nice to see that those people are being recognized for you

know, putting the public and safety before their own selves.

This is a grim reminder of how dangerous Police Work is,

including VIP protection.

It seems that every year more names are added to the list of

those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Today is the final test.

The last challenge for the candidates

on the National VIP course.

Here they bring all their skills and training

into sharp focus.

They must escort a fictitious president through the busy

streets of Ottawa.

They don't know what to expect or what the threats could

be...just like in the real world.

This is the candidates' opportunity to show us that

they have grasped all of the techniques and the intricacies

of VIP work, and show us that they know what they are doing.

This mock visit is played throughout the city,

through real contacts, real sites.

Ottawa city police who are second to none in the country,

are amazing.

We couldn't do it without them.

They actually get to drive the real stretch limo

for the first time. It's the real deal.

And they see their work come live.


Every turn of the motorcade could present

a potential threat.

The VIP protection candidates take turns in different

roles...constantly being assessed and graded

by instructors.

They have been taught the techniques to deal

with every situation.

It's now up to them...

The President is now under VIP protection.

Hour after hour, location after location,

the candidates escort the mock president.

The VIP Team must ensure his safety at all times.

While the motorcade is on route Cst. Monique Cooper

is finalizing the security at the next site.

A problem arises...and she deals with it.

Site commander just to advise, I am dealing with

this young lady here.

She has got herself handcuffed to the bench.

I am just running a 29 on her.

The mock visit is as real as it can get.

Site after site real potential problems are encountered.

Every scenario must be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

At the end of every scenario the team is debriefed

on what they did right...

And what they did wrong.

We put a lot of pressure on them obviously and that's what

it is all about.

You know, when you are tasked with protecting the leader of

your country, or leaders of countries like the United

States of America you have to have your A game on.

You have to be capable of putting up with that kind of

stress and that kind of hours and it's very demanding but

also very rewarding at the end of the day.

At the end of the day the VIP was kept safe from all threats.

The National VIP training course is now officially finished...

Some passed, Some didn't.

For Cst. Monique Cooper and Cpl. Harpreet Dhaliwal,

their hard work and dedication have paid off...

They successfully finished the course.

The whole experience was really really incredible.

It was like being on a roller coaster that had a lot of

twists and turns and a couple of loops.

Sometimes I didn't know if I was going backwards or

forwards but being at this end of it,

at this perspective...I can honestly say it was fantastic.

Let me tell ya! You know it's a big load off your shoulders

and stuff like that.

It's one of the best courses I have been on.

It was very realistic.

Now it's up to the individual members to just keep going

and keep at it.

It's nice to see the candidates bring it all

together and actually go out and do the job at the end

of the course.

Because we do everything compartmentalized and then at

the end on the mock visit we throw everything together and

it's a culmination of everything from ops/site

planning, the ops plan itself, the motorcade,

the body guarding, it all comes together and it's fun to

see the candidates succeed.

For more infomation >> VIP Protection Unit | RCMP - Duration: 22:16.


Cartoon Network - NEXT - Total Drama Island | T-shirt (Mashup) - Duration: 0:06.

For more infomation >> Cartoon Network - NEXT - Total Drama Island | T-shirt (Mashup) - Duration: 0:06.


Anxiety And What I'm DOING TO GET RID OF IT For Good-OMG🤸‍♂️ - Duration: 5:51.

hey guys back with another video I had a question from someone that views my

videos and they remembered from a while ago when I had said that when I was

juicing that it took away my hands righty and made my sleep out of what you

did for a while until I started to add more food into the equation and then it

slowly you know went back to old habits of anxiety brain fog and all of those

wonderful things that we get when we have anxiety so I just thought it

recently taken my bar at first the pill form and I started to realize when you

buy from manufacturers it's called elfing and I'll show you the brand that

I use in a minute it's a it's a mineral it's its amino acid I'm sorry mineral

amino acid to me all the same thing supplement that I take now it's for

anxiety it's also great for sleep that I use every day religiously and when I say

that it works it some Ben's old medications that people take for anxiety

it's a game-changer I don't think that pharmaceutical companies want you to

even know that this stuff exists because it's non habet for me and it works and

it helps with the anxiety thoughts of race and thoughts in your

head about a hundred and one things that get you panicky it takes it all away and

when it's time to go to sleep you go to sleep it works in conjunction with my

black seed oil that I take at my width of the elfine and this is the kind that

I use this is the brand I want to make sure you can see it and it's called

healthy this is a hundred percent pure elfine now

I did get the one that had the capsules they're a little bit more money and they

fill the capsules not only with the Elle theme but other fillers and I didn't

want that so I just bought the pure healthy you know great price I just

bought that and you know took it from there you know you want to get the most

from your dollar and also if I buy the product elephan and it's saying it's

going to help with the anxiety I don't want to buy a supplement that's already

been capsules up for me and it has other ingredients in it that might make the

product not worked so well so I found that when I had got the healthy which

I'm currently using this works a lot better it's more effective it's a little

strong it's a lot strong and out a little bit stronger and I take about 900

milligrams in the morning this is what I take I have severe anxiety of this stuff

and then I take about 900 around 2:00 or 3:00 and afternoon and then I take about

400 milligrams before bed and that makes my sleep just wonderful people get so

caught up with pharmaceutical drugs for sleep or anxiety or whatever's going on

in their personal life that they don't believe that there's nothing else

natural that's going to help with these issues but in conjunction of eating

clean for the most part I don't always eat clean so that's why I say for the

most part and adding these amino acids in minerals and then there's some

supplements like vitamin D depend on what brand you get we can sometime get

brands that are low grades of vitamin D supplements but depending on what brand

you get you can basically get your anxiety under control and your sleep and

whatever else is going on with you mentally

using these kind of products so I will put the link in the description of where

you can get this product it does work it will help you with sleep and we'll help

you with stressful situations anxiety or just everyday stresses maybe you have a

bunch of kids and you know you wouldn't call it anxiety but you do have sort of

a flare-up you know because you're doing every you doing everything it seems like

all yourself and you know this stuff will definitely take that edge off and

it's not habit for me and it's not a drug narcotic it's not gonna show up in

a urine test as you're on drugs and it's going to help you and this is something

that has not any research of side effects or anyone ever overdosing on it

or if like long-term use of it you're going to develop any type of side

effects so this is the kind of products I like to promote when they have

positive reviews because you can always find something negative on any product

and pretty much elfine is in the clear and it works so with all that being said

please subscribe to the channel like it she had this video and make it a

favorite and I'll see you guys in the next video bye for now

For more infomation >> Anxiety And What I'm DOING TO GET RID OF IT For Good-OMG🤸‍♂️ - Duration: 5:51.


Klopp bizarrely celebrates by sprinting on to the pitch to hug Alisson - Duration: 7:31.

Jurgen Klopp has apologised for sprinting on to the pitch to hug his goalkeeper following Divock Origi's bizarre stoppage-time winner against Everton on Sunday

The Liverpool manager experienced a moment of madness and passion as he made a beeline for Alisson to celebrate Origi's 96th-minute winner in a crazy end to the Merseyside derby at Anfield

Following the goal, TV cameras picked up the German boss sprinting on to the field as Jamie Carragher exclaimed on commentary, 'Look at Jurgen Klopp!' as Anfield erupted

The celebration will likely earn Klopp a fine, and even a touchline ban, for encroaching on to the field of play

 However, the Liverpool boss was apologetic for his actions and was quick to say sorry to Everton manager Marco Silva

'I have to apologise after the game,' Klopp said in his post-match interview. 'I did it after the game to Marco Silva because I didn't want to be disrespectful

 'I couldn't stop myself. The game was unbelievably intense, both goalkeepers had an outstanding performance

In the end it was a very weird goal. I can't imagine all the disappointment to Everton

But we got it and we take it, so it's a brilliant night.'When prompted on why he decided to run on to the pitch, Klopp struggled to explain his actions

  'If I could describe it I could control it. First time we had similar situation, just because of the intensity

I cannot hide it obviously, it happened. I'm not sure what to do in a situation like that

'The plan was not to run. When I nearly stopped I was close to Alisson. He was surprised, you should have seen his eyes

That's not the story of the game.'Everton looked to have earned a valuable point at Anfield while denting Liverpool's title hopes in the process

As the game dwindled down, Virgil van Dijk's volley from the edge of the penalty area flew off his shin and headed skywards as the majority of the stadium thought it was going out for a goal kick

Jordan Pickford rose late to try and tip the ball over the crossbar, but ended up keeping it in Origi reacted quickest after Pickford spilled the ball in the dying seconds of the tie He peeled away to celebrate after realising he had wrapped up an incredible last gasp victory As the ball came back down, Jordan Pickford scrambled to keep the ball in play before it came off his hand and bounced on to the crossbar

Origi kept his eyes on the ball throughout the entire period and was on hand to head the ball into the back of the net after it somehow bounced back into play following Pickford's blunder

The win keeps Liverpool within two points of Manchester City at the top of the table while stay about Manchester United in sixth

  OTHER FAMOUS MOMENTS OF MADNESS BY MANAGERS By Press Association SportManchester United 1-1 Porto, March 2004Jose Mourinho introduced himself to English football fans in spectacular style, and at Sir Alex Ferguson's expense, in a Champions League tie at Old Trafford

The Portuguese tore off down the touchline with arms aloft to greet his jubilant players after Costinha had pounced on Tim Howard's late blunder to send Porto through to the quarter-finals

  Manchester United 2-1 Sheffield Wednesday, April 1993Those who saw it will never forget it - United boss Ferguson and assistant Brian Kidd cavorting like schoolboys after Steve Bruce's late goal had put their side in pole position to land their first Premier League title in 26 years

Fergie leapt on to the pitch with a star jump, while Kidd could not contain himself, bouncing on to his knees in a fist-pumping frenzy

  Bolton 2-2 Birmingham, May 2014Birmingham looked set to be relegated to the third tier as they trailed 2-0 at the Macron Stadium, but two late goals saved them - and boy did manager Lee Clark celebrate

Fists raised and a vein-busting grimace, Lee set off down the touchline and jumped into the away end to revel with Blues fans at their great escape

  Newcastle 0-3 Sunderland, April 2013Paolo Di Canio had only been in charge of Sunderland for a couple of weeks and celebrated each of his side's goals in the Tyne-Wear derby as if he had won the World Cup

The Black Cats' second goal prompted the full range of fist pumps and a knee slide that left a big grass stain on his grey suit trousers, while the third saw him swamped beneath his players following more touchline antics

  England 1-0 Belgium, June 1990The late Sir Bobby Robson celebrated David Platt's extra-time winner in their World Cup last-16 clash with Belgium like a dad dancing at a wedding

Platt swivelled to crash home a last-gasp volley and the England boss showed his delight with a touchline jig before restraining himself and buttoning up his jacket

  Leyton Orient 2-2 Rotherham, May 2014Steve Evans unforgettably lost his composure, a bit of dignity and very nearly his trousers when he trundled down the Wembley turf following Rotherham's equaliser in the League One play-off final

Arms raised, the rotund Millers boss somehow worked himself into a semi-sprint towards the fans after Alex Revell's equaliser, but quickly readjusted his waistline before it was too late

  Manchester United 1-0 Young Boys, November 2018More Mourinho. This time in the home dugout at Old Trafford, the embattled Portuguese kicked a water bottle carrier and threw another into the ground after Marouane Fellaini's stoppage-time goal ended 90 frustrating minutes and sent Manchester United through to the Champions League knockout stage

For more infomation >> Klopp bizarrely celebrates by sprinting on to the pitch to hug Alisson - Duration: 7:31.


♪ Nightcore - Mind Games - Duration: 3:59.

(I smell your fear, I smell your fear)

There's another side that you don't know, you don't know

I can't wait to get you all alone, all alone Once I'm in there ain't no letting go, letting

go Watch me turn your mind into my home

Ooo, Ooo, Ooo (Mind mind games until you lose control)

Ooo, Ooo, Ooo (Mind mind games mind games mind games)

Now that I'm in there's no letting go And your emptiness begins

Once I grip onto your mind and soul Your brightness starts to dim

Sin after sin you won't feel no more And you've lost your trust again

I know you wish you could let me know That you're praying for an end

I can lie to you and tell you you can get me out your head

But I'm lovin' all the pain I'm causing you too much instead, baby

There's another side that you don't know, you don't know

I can't wait to get you all alone, all alone Once I'm in there ain't no letting go, letting

go Watch me turn your mind into my home

Ooo, Ooo, Ooo (Mind mind games until you lose control)

Ooo, Ooo, Ooo (Mind mind games until you lose control)

Bitch you think you know me Holdin' back the dark force so long, call

me Kenobi Thinkin I just gotta force this song when

I get lonely Take advantage say You'll hold me close but

never show me

Someone told me you can only disguse and be pretend

The tears manifest sometimes my only friend You'll never see them again they hide behind

a mask Thinkin' you're winnin' with all of your grinning

but I got the last laugh...

I can lie to you and tell you I can't get you out my head

But I'm lovin' watching you think your controlling me instead, singing...

There's another side that you don't know, you don't know

I can't wait to get you all alone, all alone Once I'm in there ain't no letting go, letting

go Watch me turn your mind into my home

Ooo, Ooo, Ooo (Mind mind games until you lose control)

Ooo, Ooo, Ooo (Mind mind games until you lose control)

Mind mind games until you lose control...

For more infomation >> ♪ Nightcore - Mind Games - Duration: 3:59.


F/GO Christmas Event- Main Quest (7th Night): Last Present For You - Duration: 26:45.

Alright, guys, welcome back!

Tonight is the final night of the Christmas Event.

I can't wait to get my Jeanne Santa!

Let's get started!

Fighting the dolls is unnecessary...

Delightworks just want to make the story longer for a bit...

Easy targets...

The classic mentor-turns-villain cliché...

Just for use to fight a Ruler...

Speaking of Ruler,

I still can't wait for Sherlock Holmes to be released...

But not until Merlin is released by the end of this year...

Okay, I need to transform Jekyll into Hyde to fight Amakusa.


Nice, let's get Hyde!!!



Dang it!!!

I should have known...

I never have a 5-stars in my roster...

So I don't know about them that well...

No matter, we still have four more Servants.

And that should do it!

I actually wanna cry right now...

But I can't since the recorder will record me crying like a baby...

Okay, let's get our Jeanne!



So I actually spending a few of my apples right now,

so I can get enough Mana Prisms to trade for Lunch Time CE.

Yes, Chaldea Lunchtime is the one that I'm trying to get.

I heard it is worth the cost.

Let's level up Jeanne's NP.

Anyway, guys, thank you for watching!

Please Like and Subscribe to my channel for more F/GO contents.

The new Sigularity is coming up,

so I will post video on them.

Until then, I'll see you guys in the next video!

For more infomation >> F/GO Christmas Event- Main Quest (7th Night): Last Present For You - Duration: 26:45.


Alexander Rybak - "Ut" cover of Lars Lillo-Stenberg- lyrics/magyar dalszöveg feliratban - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Alexander Rybak - "Ut" cover of Lars Lillo-Stenberg- lyrics/magyar dalszöveg feliratban - Duration: 3:00.


Buta no Mura - BEST TONKOTSU RAMEN IN THE WORLD - Chikifam - Duration: 14:02.

Hey what up Chikifam? Yo, today we're in a part of Kitakyushu that I've never been to.

I've been nearby, but I've never been here. Here here here. You know what we're gonna do here here here?

Right over here man, is Buta no Mura.

If you saw the Kitakyushu Ramen Championship video man,

This is the real store of the place that I praised so highly.

This dude has no idea I'm coming.

I messaged him on Instagram and the dude has not even looked at the thing yet.

So he's probably busy working, he has no idea I'm gonna come.

So guess what.

We are gonna surprise this guy real quick.

And I'm pretty sure that he's gonna bust out flavors that are just gonna blow my mind. Right now.

Right here.

At Buta no Mura.

Hold on, I'm here and it says that they're still getting ready

Alright, so they start again at 5 o'clock

Alright, so they are gonna start again at 5 o'clock. It is now 4:36pm

According to this apparatus

Alright, I don't wanna get seen. He doesn't know I'm coming.

I dunno, maybe if they're on break right now, maybe he looked at his Instagram, I dunno.

But I don't want anybody to see me so I got to hide.

It looks like I'm going to be the first customer once he reopens, so.. Yeah.

Would you look at the time. You ready for this Chikifam? I'm ready.

Alright, looks like they are still getting ready. I'll give them a few more minutes.

They're coming out, they're coming out! They're opening up! They're opening up!

Okay, let's go inside.

Where is he? He's not here.

Okay, I just saw him in the kitchen but he didn't see me so I dunno, shhh

What should I do?

I want all of it.

He finally noticed I was here.

Ok, so I got 2000 yen loaded in here, let's see what we can get.

(Charsiu ramen 830 yen)

(Karaage 6 piece 250 yen)

(Fried rice 650 yen)

Murakami: I'll take those. Thank you

Murakami: How firm shall we make your noodles?

Chris: Extra firm Murakami: Ok, extra firm. Got it.

Ok, so that's Murakami-san. Dude, we're gonna try his FULL FLAVOR.

Chris: Just as expected Murakami: Here is your fried rice

It just smells so good.

Murakami: Your charsiu ramen.

Murakami: And karaage.

Thank you!

Murakami: We have a full course here Chris: Yes!


Oh by the way, "I saw Instagram"

Murakami: Ok! Chris: Nah I'm just kidding Murakami: I'm on it!

Yeah, so he has a promotion that he runs, if you say that you saw it on Instagram,

I think right now he's throwing in extra gyoza.

I don't really need it but I think he's gonna hook me up.

Alright, so anyway.


This. Right. Here.


You are not ready.

Ok, so we have everything here. The gyoza I guess is coming. But.

This is what we're messing with today. You know what though?

Let me try this soup first. Because that is why I was so hyped up about this place.

Like if he could bust that flavor out at a festival,

Imagine what this right here tastes like.

Dude, it's just so..

I don't wanna taste it without showing you guys. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this.

Look at that collagen in the soup man.

This soup man is just…

Let's give this a shot.

Eat a duck I must


Yes, Chikifam. Yes. This is, full flavored tonkotsu ramen dude.

Full. Full flavor.

I'm not even playing.

I just want soup.

Oh my.

That soup is the bomb.

I ain't never had another soup like it.

What I had at the festival was good.

Having it here.

Dude. It's a whole different world man. But yo.

Let's do this.

Yo, I'll tell you this right now. Any place that has a ton of English speaking patrons, dude it's no good.

You gotta come to the places where they just speak Japanese.

That is where you're gonna find the real flavors here.

You're not gonna hear me praise something so much if it's not good.

He didn't even know I was coming today man.

He didn't pay me to show up here. Nobody told me to come here.

I peeped him at the festival. And I came here to try it myself.

I want y'all to come here.

I want you guys to come here man, this is so good.

Alright, let's try the karaage. And I gotta try the fried rice before it gets cold.


It's kinda like Nakatsu style karaage.

Yeah dude.

This is a hit.


You can't just come here and just order one thing.

Get everything. Get as much as you can put in your stomach.

If you kinda do like a mouthful of rice with a little bit of broth,

It makes kinda like an ochazuke in your mouth with this.

I really like the karaage.

If this wasn't gonna make me so full, I'd take some to go.

This, the karaage stands on its own.

You are not going to get not even a quarter of this flavor anywhere in America.

Outside of Japan. Outside of Kitakyushu.

Come here.

This is so good. What else can I say?

Always finish the broth. Always.

That's like the ultimate respect, I think.

If you don't finish it, if you just leave it there, it's like you're just insulting them.

You're telling them this soup is no good.

This soup is so good.

I wish I could just bottle this and take it home.

Thank you for the food

Chris: Full power, as expected Murakami: Thank you!

Chris: You went all out with this. Murakami: You are a ton

Chris: Because it was so good. Murakami: Thank you

Chris: No no, thank you! Murakami: Thanks for coming all the way out here

Don't forget to add him on Instagram too.

If you say that you saw it on Instagram then he will hook you up with something.

What up Chikifam. Alright, so I'm in front of Shimosone Station.

And Murakami-san from Buta no Mura just dropped me off.

Yo man, we were just sitting there in his shop talking for hours just about everything man.

And it was just so chill and everything man, we lost track of time.

And he figured he needed an excuse to go out and run some errands. He wanted to go to the store and stuff,

So he figured why not take me to the station? So thank you Murakami-san, thank you very much.

The ramen was so good. Best ramen in the world.

Everybody out there, I'm telling you Chikifam, I'm telling you right now.

That's the best tonkotsu ramen you are ever gonna find anywhere dude.

So please come here and visit his store. Dude I'm telling you. I'm not just telling you just to tell you.

I'm telling you because his soup is bomb. So take my word for it.

Alright Chikifam, I'll see you guys in the next one. Later.

But how do we get there?

So you can take a bus straight from Kokura Station, take the number 10…

Murakami: Your freebie from "Instagram" Chris: Thank you very much!

Alright, so he gave me some gyoza too.

Because we saw it on Instagram.

Alright, so what I was saying was. You can take a bus straight from Kokura.

You go to the Kokura Bus Center and you ride the number 10.

You're gonna get on at bus stop number one, and the bus is number 10.

And then you're gonna take it about a half hour I think, then you're gonna get off at Yoshida Danchi Dai Ichi.

So when you hear that, you're gonna get off. And it's like a 2-3 minute walk away from the bus stop dude.

And you'll be right here. At Buta no Mura.

For more infomation >> Buta no Mura - BEST TONKOTSU RAMEN IN THE WORLD - Chikifam - Duration: 14:02.


Hobbits of Mind, Chapter 2--"Return of the Would-Be King" - Duration: 10:26.

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

[camera shutter clicks]

I finished it this morning.

What do you think?

I mean, I like "Lord of the Rings," too, but--

--you have, like, next-level obsession.


Yeah, you know, you're like a--

--a Tolkien Tool, a...

Frodo Fanatic,

a Middle Earth Maniac.

[outraged gasp]

[another outraged gasp]

[yet another outraged gasp]

[one more outraged gasp]

[still outraged, still gasping]



Stop it!

I'm just kidding!


Gwen! I'm fine!

I know it's a little over the top--

[dramatic music]

But the Dean told me to draw something

that would catch the students' attention.

Elena, it's beautiful, okay? It's just--

--too bad that nobody on this campus

cares about "Lord of the Rings."

[exasperated grunt]

You have State U. on here?

[exasperated sigh]

Oh my God...

[contemptuous sigh]

State University--

--fabled realm of the high-and-mighty.

Come on.

Hey, when you get the chance,

do you think you can send me those pictures of the map?

I want to use them in my portfolio for art school.

Yeah, sure.

Speaking of Art...

...I heard he might be back in town.



If Art dropped out of State U.,

I want all of us to hang out again.

Wait a second.

Dropped out?

[evil laugh]

My, how the mighty have fallen!

Art Rocha.

Thinks he's the god of cinema!

Well, if that egomaniac is back in town, then,

he needs to stay far away from me...

...or else...

it's clobberin' time!!

Come on--let's get some coffee.

I can't believe I'm going here.

I know, right?

Um, what'd you say before you left?


...oh, yeah!

"Percy, I would rather get mauled by a warg..."

"...than go to Valley JC."

"It's just high school with cigarettes!"

But that's not true, dude.

They don't even allow smoking here anymore.

[exasperated sigh]

I need to keep my head low.

I'd die from embarrassment

if anyone from high school sees me here.

Dude, listen:

Dollars to doughnuts?

No one's even going to remember what you said anyway.

Wow--it's Mr. Genius!

Art? Art Rocha?

Haven't seen you since,

what, graduation?

Didn't think I'd see YOU here.

What happened to State U.?

Oh, it didn't work out.


I remember how you used to brag and brag

about how much you wanted to go to the State University.

What happened with State U.?

Did you flunk, or did they kick you out?

Gotta say I'm pretty surprised to see you here.

Seeing as how you wrote in my yearbook,

"Have fun at JC while I'm living it up at State U.!"

Not so cool now.

You know what? It doesn't matter.

You're just living up to your full potential.

Well, that sucks.

'Cause I know you really--


--really didn't want to go here.

What, after all, is the ego?

Ego is the part of the personality structure

that is most concerned with

self-regard and outward appearance.

It can propel us to great heights.


--it can also make us most susceptible

to the slights of others.

For homework, read chapter 5.

Excuse me! Sorry guys!

Excuse me! Whoa!

Excuse me!

Ah--Mr. Fernandez.

Later than usual, I see.

Uh, here!

What is this?

That is my homework assignment from yesterday.

And today's?

I'll email it to you.

Yes, perhaps that would be best.

Mr. Rocha!


Your, your essay--what was the title?

Oh, yes:

"How to Use Reverse Psychology..."

"...and Emotional Manipulation..."

" Break into the Movie Business."

I found it to be...


Most impressive.

If I may ask:

What is your major?


...I don't have a major.

At State U., I majored in Film and TV.

But they don't have that here.

You know, filmmaking is fine and good--

--as a hobby.

As a matter of fact,

I'm faculty advisor

for a little club we have here on campus,

and we make our own movies.

But for a major

you want something

a bit more practical.



...I'd rather not.


I'm tired of

running into people from high school.

And to be honest--

--this crappy little college

doesn't have anything

I'm interested in studying.

No offense.

But you want

to major in psychology.

It's very practical.

I major... psychology.


No, no, you don't!

Arthur, wake up!

You don't wanna major in psychology,

it's bull crap!


You want to major in Film

and go live out your dream in Hollywood!



[grunting and yelling]

[more grunting and yelling]

[even more grunting and yelling]

Go, Arthur!

Mr. Fernandez,

that was very impertinent

not to mention rude.

On second thought,

I won't be accepting

that late assignment after all.


And without that assignment.


shall not


Yeah, well

I was thinking about dropping this class

to take nutrition anyway.

[laughs like Harrison Ford]

Nice try,

Professor Shea!


all I'm saying is that

I can have hamburgers for breakfast

if I want

I'm a healthy 380,

and I can have soda if I want for breakfast

'cause it's just like coffee,

it's just cold.

And... [scared gasps]

You think you can just walk up to my sister...

...and sleep with her...

...and treat her like an object?

That's mean.

Percival: Yeah, yeah!

Eva: Why would you do that?

Percival: You shouldn't do that to women!

Arthur: Percival! Percival!

Eva: Go back and learn manners!

Arthur: Percival!

[Arthur gasps in fear]

Stop doing that!

[various garbled threats]

[Arthur shouts in terror]

For more infomation >> Hobbits of Mind, Chapter 2--"Return of the Would-Be King" - Duration: 10:26.


Video Premiazioni - Duration: 2:20.

Hi, Here we are again!

In this video we will talk about the award event

As you already know, on the 28th in Milan, at the University Bicocca

there will be the final event where delegations

from each class participating in the project will come together

on that occasion contest winning videos will be announced and showed

You are most likely guessing how winners are to be selected

We can tell you that there will be nine prizes:

The first award is based on a formula devised by Leonardo

that we have already talked about

which takes into account "shares", "visualizations" and "likes"

Then there will be a prize awarded by a technical Jury

We have set up a Jury by selecting four people from the countries participating in the project

and four people coming from other European countries

All members of the Jury have a cinema and cultural background

and they will therefore rate your works according to technical factors

There will be four national prizes, one for each country

chosen not only according to the formula I have devised

but also according to the Jury's vote.

The two additional prizes are topic-based

targeting Humanity/Inhumanity as one topic

and psychiatry as the other topic

and they will be rated according to the formula

In the next weeks we will send you additional information about the Milano event

Any question you shall you have, please do not hesitate to contact us

Talk to you soon!


Wait Leonardo, we said eight prizes and not nine

Eh, ok, but we run out of time

Ok, next time!

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