In the National VIP course it's separated in to three
distinct areas.
The ops plans and site plans, motorcading and the third
being the bodyguard, GET DOWN, DOWN!
I was frustrated today.
Yeah I was definitely frustrated.
It's a real steep learning curve for me to process it.
You know, when you are tasked with protecting the leaders of
countries, like United States of America.
You have to be capable of putting up
with that kind of stress.
We are not just security we are also ambassadors for Canada
Once they finish this course there is no time to
make mistakes after you leave this building.
In Ottawa, Canada's capital, VIPs are frequent guests.
These VIPS are vulnerable to a variety of attacks,
threats and acts of sabotage.
An assassination attempt could occur on any street corner.
At any time.
The RCMP provides the team to protect these VIP's.
This team, composed of highly trained men and women,
are skilled, alert and prepared for the unexpected.
Inside RCMP national headquarters Bill Demeau,
a veteran of Protective Policing,
is preparing the training syllabus for the next National
VIP course.
The VIP Driver Training Course is a 4-day course that
candidates must succeed, it's a prerequisite
for the National Course.
It's an intensive course.
A lot of work has to go into it.
It's advanced techniques, defensive and offensive.
Because we are not dealing with regular policing.
At times we have to get away from the bad guy because they
are trying to attack our motorcades.
The training today is about escape and evasion.
It's about getting away quickly from an attack
or even an ambush.
Seconds count.
The training is tough.
It has to be...
I've worked with the National VIP course since 1984 as an
instructor, became lead instructor.
We've modified the course, improved it.
To understand the capability of the vehicle,
what it can do and what are your limitations.
But with the training these people with have the tools
to get away from a situation.
This morning in the high speed reversing,
the candidates will be leaving one from the shoot that you see
right behind me and reversing at a high rate of speed.
They have to achieve 80 km an hour and in a controlled
fashion break within a short distance of time.
Maintaining control of the vehicle at all times.
We have to get out of the way as fast as possible.
Quick movement, tuck your elbow in, brace yourself,
up to 80 and we are stopping.
And then in a nice straight fashion.
We have had in the past cars going out of control and
hitting barricades and going into the ditch.
It's part of the training and it is the cost
of doing business.
But it is something that has to be done to show them in
real life if a situation were to occur.
This is the only way of teaching them this is what's
going to happen if you lose control.
Going 80 km backwards in a straight line is not something
I've done frequently or often but obviously this is what we
are learning here, as it can be done.
Going full reverse on a city street...
Those pylons represent cars...
or even pedestrians.
Mistakes could cost lives.
The standards are high.
The pressure intense.
One wrong move on the course could lead to failure...
and these candidates know it.
That's what happens when the candidates don't hold the
steering wheel in the proper position - they lose control.
Like I said earlier, the mass of the car is in the front
where the engine block is and because of that...once you
lose control, the back end will always lose
to the front end.
And this is an offensive movement that we use in case
one of our motorcades would be under attack.
It's a way of taking another car out of the play.
Once you feel you have control then you commit.
Brush me and then It's a complete lane change.
It's your weapon.
You are accountable.
The stress is consuming...
Candidates need to ensure a near perfect performance
in order to pass.
This perfection is what saves lives.
We had a really good day on the track today.
A lot of candidates are putting a lot of effort
into to it.
We've got a couple of people that are short on the
borderline of making it or not.
Hopefully when it comes time for the test runs this
afternoon they are going to bring their A Game out
and make it.
You know, we make our courses here,
we hope that everyone passes but reality does set it and
not everyone can make the grade.
If the Candidates can't take the pressure of a stopwatch.
They won't be able to take the pressure of an attack.
Those who fail go home.
In Ottawa, the VIP candidates underwent
an intense Driving Course.
Each Candidate was timed to the second.
Everything was graded.
Only the most advanced drivers moved on.
For Cst. Cooper and Cpl. Dhaliwal it's been a good day...
They both passed.
It was pretty much touch and go as to whether or not I'd be
remaining for the whole driving course.
But it worked out and it worked out really well.
The driving course...
very intense but when we put the techniques into use,
it just comes to you.
Now comes the real test...
This is where they learn the essentials of protection
services...and it won't be easy.
The RCMP wants only the best to be in V.I.P Protection.
In the National VIP course it's separated
into 3 distinct areas.
The First being the ops plan and the site plans.
The 2nd being motorcading, and the third being body guarding.
We start off of course with ops planning and site security
and it's one of the lead points for our course because
when dignitaries come to visit Canada they go to the sites.
Whether it be hotels or convention centers.
So when they come to visit, every site they go to
has to be secured.
For this training scenario the instructors have chosen
The RCMP Stables...
Home of the famous Musical Ride.
Often a destination of choice for visiting VIP's...
Which is why it is a logical training scenario.
Filled with corridors, side rooms,
and even hiding places...
The labyrinth-like layout poses incredible challenges
for the candidates.
So basically the candidates will be coming here and doing
a site plan for an actual visit that will be apart of
our mock visit on Thursday.
They will be coming in and they will be looking at the
site itself, looking for where there is parking?
Where they are going to bring their motorcade in and how
they will set up their motorcade?
They are going to look at where the washrooms are.
And they are going to want to see where
everything is located.
Emergency exits, so on so fourth for the dignitaries' security.
It is essential that the site is secure.
They must assess and reassess the area
for potential threat venues...
An attack can come from anywhere...
Worst-case scenarios have to be planned for...
Nothing can be missed.
Once the site has been approved the travel routes
need to be prepared for the motorcade.
The routes chosen must be quick,
efficient.. but above
This morning they were given a route plan lecture and they
went out and planned routes and now we are practicing
with those routes...
So everything has gotta be smooth and everything's
gotta be safe.
It's always minor issues here and there and that's why we
are here and once we leave the course,
and hopefully they have the base to keep improving when
they go to their units in real operations.
As soon as it is clear to go and the motorcade commander
gives the command to go.
What we are going to do is we are gonna come up and we are
gonna form almost like a little umbrella.
OK, so both your S1 and your S2 are gonna be on the left
hand side protecting that side of the limo and we are going
to take him right over to the proper side and we move it
over and then we fall back into our normal formation.
There is a lot of small details that we work with on a
daily basis in VIP and motorcading is the same.
There are certain ways you have to open the doors,
certain ways you have to protect your motorcade.
Candidates take turns being either motorcade
commander or driver.
Their routes must be flawless and timed to the second...
Communication is vital.
There is a lot of stress, they know that today is the day
that the proverbial stopwatch is going and we're sitting in
the cars watching everything that they are doing.
So they gotta bring their A game in and they gotta make it happen
VIP work is really important as far as the
motorcading is concerned.
It is one of the big three.
When a VIP does get off a plane from any country,
the first exposure he gets to Canada is in the motorcade.
So it has to be smooth.
We are just not security, we are ambassadors for Canada.
We act in many roles that way.
The RCMP's VIP protection program is considered one of
the best in the world.
Many countries look to the RCMP for help with their
protective service programs.
But that prestige has been earned through exceptionally
high standards...
Those standards come with a cost.
Only those who are quick thinking,
have an eye for detail, and can hold up under pressure
will advance...
Well unfortunately not everybody made it through the
motorcade module.
But by in large, once again it is just the nerves.
The final training module...bodyguard protection.
Lightening fast reactions...
To deadly serious scenarios...
The ultimate physical and mental test
for the candidates.
Once they finish this course if they get their certificate
it's game on and it starts now.
There is no time to make mistakes
after you leave this building.
The National VIP course is two thirds complete,
with only the bodyguard module remaining
Combatives, the art of self-defense.
This training is critical for candidates.
Having the ability to deter or defeat
an attacker with your hands...
It can mean the difference between life and death.
It's the most physically challenging part of the course.
Right now the candidates are learning self-defense
techniques, in order to be able to protect their VIP.
If there attacks that come towards them with either
knives or guns or any other type of weapon they have to be
able to get that weapon away from the person and get the
VIP out of the way.
See over here, gun.
Over here, bang.
All the way.
"Elbows down..."
I was frustrated today, yeah I was definitely frustrated
because I want to do things well and I want to be able to
do them effectively too so.
... It was a challenge, it was a lot.
I don't know what I was expecting for this afternoon,
we can look on it on a sylabis but once you are actually here
of course it's not what maybe you think.
It's now time for the candidates to use their
hand-to-hand skills in real world scenarios.
Now we have what we call scenario-based training.
It's all scenarios we have prepared.
Things that make sense nothing over the top but they gotta
come in and do their thing.
We have different bodyguard formations.
They're gonna start with a 4 members bodyguard and we'll
drop it down to two and then to one on one.
OK - What happened?
I looked to the left and I saw a man with a knife.
OK Good reaction.
I'm trying to remember what I did now?
Jamming your VIP he's out of harms way and then you deal
with the threat.
That was well done.
It's going well, it's going better than I thought it would.
I was really anxious. About it... baby steps, baby steps.
You know The adrenaline is going and you are stressed out
to the max because of the scenario based training as well.
But you just got to bring it down a notch and go in
with common sense.
Of course simunition uses this weaponry that used to be
called paint ball, similar to that.
It's a soap-based type of colorant that is in the rounds.
And we use the nine mm very similar to our service pistol.
And so you know when they get through the scenario based
training using simunition they get a little apprehensive
about the idea of getting shot and getting shot at.
Of course there is no danger, we take all the safety
precautions but there is something about, you know,
getting stung by some kind of a bullet that makes it very
real actually...and that is the idea behind it.
Scenario based training helps the bodyguards to be alert,
ready for the unexpected.
March 1981... the unexpected happened.
A deranged attacker comes after President Ronald Reagan.
In the span of 3 seconds 6 bullets were fired.
Of those 6 bullets, 4 found targets,
leaving several people critically injured including
the US president.
This is an example of why extreme emphasis is applied
to the bodyguard module.
These candidates need to be 100% aware of their
surroundings.... Because a lot can happen in 3 seconds.
The candidates have successfully completed
the bodyguard training.
But there is one more thing to do...
Every year we come down here and pay respect
to our fallen comrades.
So, you can see all the names that died on duty.
The memorial is overwhelming,
there are a few names that I recognize.
I knew James Galloway, he was in K Division and he was shot
at an ERT call.
So it is a little overwhelming because you recognize the
names on there and you have a bit of a connection But it is
nice to see that those people are being recognized for you
know, putting the public and safety before their own selves.
This is a grim reminder of how dangerous Police Work is,
including VIP protection.
It seems that every year more names are added to the list of
those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Today is the final test.
The last challenge for the candidates
on the National VIP course.
Here they bring all their skills and training
into sharp focus.
They must escort a fictitious president through the busy
streets of Ottawa.
They don't know what to expect or what the threats could
be...just like in the real world.
This is the candidates' opportunity to show us that
they have grasped all of the techniques and the intricacies
of VIP work, and show us that they know what they are doing.
This mock visit is played throughout the city,
through real contacts, real sites.
Ottawa city police who are second to none in the country,
are amazing.
We couldn't do it without them.
They actually get to drive the real stretch limo
for the first time. It's the real deal.
And they see their work come live.
Every turn of the motorcade could present
a potential threat.
The VIP protection candidates take turns in different
roles...constantly being assessed and graded
by instructors.
They have been taught the techniques to deal
with every situation.
It's now up to them...
The President is now under VIP protection.
Hour after hour, location after location,
the candidates escort the mock president.
The VIP Team must ensure his safety at all times.
While the motorcade is on route Cst. Monique Cooper
is finalizing the security at the next site.
A problem arises...and she deals with it.
Site commander just to advise, I am dealing with
this young lady here.
She has got herself handcuffed to the bench.
I am just running a 29 on her.
The mock visit is as real as it can get.
Site after site real potential problems are encountered.
Every scenario must be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
At the end of every scenario the team is debriefed
on what they did right...
And what they did wrong.
We put a lot of pressure on them obviously and that's what
it is all about.
You know, when you are tasked with protecting the leader of
your country, or leaders of countries like the United
States of America you have to have your A game on.
You have to be capable of putting up with that kind of
stress and that kind of hours and it's very demanding but
also very rewarding at the end of the day.
At the end of the day the VIP was kept safe from all threats.
The National VIP training course is now officially finished...
Some passed, Some didn't.
For Cst. Monique Cooper and Cpl. Harpreet Dhaliwal,
their hard work and dedication have paid off...
They successfully finished the course.
The whole experience was really really incredible.
It was like being on a roller coaster that had a lot of
twists and turns and a couple of loops.
Sometimes I didn't know if I was going backwards or
forwards but being at this end of it,
at this perspective...I can honestly say it was fantastic.
Let me tell ya! You know it's a big load off your shoulders
and stuff like that.
It's one of the best courses I have been on.
It was very realistic.
Now it's up to the individual members to just keep going
and keep at it.
It's nice to see the candidates bring it all
together and actually go out and do the job at the end
of the course.
Because we do everything compartmentalized and then at
the end on the mock visit we throw everything together and
it's a culmination of everything from ops/site
planning, the ops plan itself, the motorcade,
the body guarding, it all comes together and it's fun to
see the candidates succeed.
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