Hello (laugh) Hello, pretty people.
Continuing basic videos about dissociative disorders, there are a lot
of terms you'll be hearing or reading. Today we're going to see many of those terms..
Lets begin with the easiest, the acronyms
If you hear me cough is because I'm like...
A bit sick DID is dissociative identity disorder
Dissociative identity disorder DID is in English Dissociative Identity Disorder.
We're going to see both English and Spanish terms.
Most of what I've read is in English
Many researchers and authors are English speakers so
you know more or less what they're talking about in English terms and we'll translate.
DDNOS. Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified OSDD. Otherwise specified dissociative disorder
OSDD 1a. Remember it's a subtype of a dissociative disorder which can be defined
as DID without the presence of significantly distinct alters
OSDD 1b, is the other way around. The presence of significantly distinct alters but with less amnesia.
MPD o TPM (Spanish) acronyms for "Trastorno de Personalidad
Múltiple" (spanish) or "Multiple Personality Disorder"
Its an outdated term and we should try not to use it.
We'll also see TEPT (Spanish) or PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder. An anxiety disorder
related to an individual's response at trauma. It usually involves
flashbacks of a traumatic event, emotional numbness, hyper sensitivity
or a mix of responses I'm holding my chest here because
It's a bit hard to talk But I look weird, right? Holding my little chest
I look dramatic. CPTSD, or TEPT C (spanish). Post traumatic stress
disorder might be simple or complex (C) BPD or TLP (spanish) both are Borderline Personality
Disorder o in spanish "Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad"
A personality disorder involving identity alteration and disturbance
And a pattern of impulsive behaviours in relation to self
or others. Both these disorders are referenced here in
dissociative disorders because they do have a lot to do with structural dissociation
and dissociative disorders. DSM IV o DSM V. Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual for Mental Disorders. As some may say "the psychiatrist bible"
By the American Psychiatric Association. ICD is International Classification of
Diseases. They both don't have much differences between them.
"EMDR" o EMDR, well in spanish "Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing"
A form of therapy of information processing and it's used in treatments
on trauma. CBT o TCC (in spanish) is Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy. A form of therapy focused on improving
the patient's present life. DBT o TCD (spanish). Another form of therapy
Called Dialectical behavior therapy. A form of the CBT therapy 0:03:14.170,0:03:17.400 focused in those with Borderline Personality Disorder.
Now, basic terms. Dissociation, I've already described it (in another video)
An unconscious defense mechanism in which a group of mental activities
Are separated from the main stream of thoughts. Depersonalization. They're disconnected from
Themselves. Don't recognize their body, their mental processes as their own.
Derealization is when the dissconection comes from the environment.
You know who you are but you're not sure if life is real.
I don't know if you've seen the video "David's goes to the dentist"? In which the kids says
Is this real life? Well that's not a disorder, but that's more or less
that sensation the kid had is derealization Amensia. When a person has been traumatized
And is experiencing extreme stress, it's possible that he/she won't be able to recall
Important information. This situation is more serious than what you've expect
from common forgetfulness. Comorbid or Comorbidity is a medical term
Refering to the presence of one or more disorders besides the main disease or disorder.
DID is comorbid with a lot of other disorders.
Trauma. Very intense physical or emotional shock caused by a negative
and overwhelming event which produces a lasting scar that can't be healed or it's hard to overcome.
Structural Dissociation which I'm mentioning a lot. It's the most recent and accepted
theory of dissociation This theory places DID not as a separation
but a failure of integration of experiences and action systems.
When someone says he's/she's "dissociating" it means their attention is
severely narrowing, the dissociating person tends to be in an uncomfortable state
of mental numbness or hypersensitivity A person may dissociate for many reasons
Although the most common is when she's/he's facing a situation hard to handle.
System. Is the term we use to describe all the parts of an individual with DID.
A super used one: Alter. abbreviavion... abbreviavion... ¡abbreviavion!
"Abbreviation"... of "alternate personality" or "altered state of consciousness". Both are correct.
They operate independently. They perceive themselves differently. The usually have the ability
to take executive control of the body or the ability to influence and impact
thoughts, emotions and behaviours on the alter who is at the front.
Other used terms for alter are: part, identity, fragment, dissociative part, action subsystem
according to the structural dissociation book, personality state or, affectionately, headmate.
Which is translated as "compañero de cabeza". Like roommate. Roommate. Headmate.
Attention, "personality" is not an equivalent term. The main function of an alter is both
keeping information separated and handle tasks that hard difficult to do for
an alter with this sensitive information. A detail that is worth mentioning is that everyone,
every alter are alters. That is, I, well everyone else know me … people know
Me as Lore, but my alters know my as Rayel… I, am also an alter.
Why? Because technically I'm also a state of consciousness that wasn't integrated
with the others. Personality. It refers to the characteristic of
A whole individual. It's incorrect to say "another personality"
when we talk about an alter.se refiere a un alter. Because a person doesn't have "many personalities", but parts
of the personality. Apparently Normal Part (ANP). The theory of
structural dissocation separates alters in two categories.
This is the first one, as the name says, these are the parts that are in charge of living,
Go to school, go to work, and their main job is to look normal.
Emotional Part (PE). This is the second category. These are the parts
that holds trauma, conflictive and complex emotions that couldn't be integrated. They may interfere
the activities of the APN. (EP) are responsible for bringing flashbacks
and cause many of the somatic symptoms. Fragment. They usually are less complex alters
who lack a wide range of emotions. They exist for a more specific and automatic job.
Like eating, holding a memory, get washed, and most of EP are like these.
Switch or "commute" (in spanish it may be called this). In english is called Switch. It's when an alter is switched with another one.
If you saw my video when "alter" (Antef… I said it wrong) comes out, that was a switch. A "change".
A commutation. I love the word "commute"
Polifragmented is a type of DID presenting more than 50 parts.
There really isn't a max number of how many parts can a person have.
But they're usually cases of extreme abuse, sadism, ritual abuse and for a long period
of time. In these polifragmented systems there are subsystems.
There are alters who have their own system of alters
The best example is Truddy Chase from the book "When Rabbit Howls", actually we'll going to talk about
this book a lot. "Desdoblamiento" (Unfolding, splitting) is a spanish word I read
For the first time in the book… what? The Fight Club?
Club de la Lucha. It's not as used because it's like it
pretends to say "split" when in reality it simple is "not integrated".
Integration. Is the process of bringing dissociated material to consciousness.
Let's also understand it is possible to integrate alters into one identity.
Although when we talk about integration we also talk about the normal process
Of integrating new experiences. It's something we humans do constantly, to use
New information and add it to our own autobiographic book which turns into
the self, my present self, my past self. Not every system can be integrated
specially polifragmented systems. Co-consciousness. Awareness of an alter
of the presence of other alters. There can be communication and coordination of actions.
Actually one of the main goals of therapy, after reaching stabilization
and danger reduction, is to reach co-consciousness, because it reduces amnesia that way.
Some people have reached co-consciousness before entering treatment. For example, we did.
I'm not always co-conscious, but usually Antef is hovering
around. And when he comes out, I'm able to know what he does.
Persecutor. A role some alters take to perpetuate the suffered abuse. Well, they usually
harm themselves, the body or other alters.
They may be hostile. Though not all systems have a persecutor. They CAN change their role
into a more defensive role, more to defend the system than attack it.
They're usually very strong alters, but also they can use their strenghts in benefit
of the system. You just have to learn to guide them.
Protector. A role some alters take to protect the body and the system. Little
or child, refers to children alters usually younger than 7 years old.
Non-human. It's not so unusual to find alters who won't identify with a human entirely.
They may be half animals, animals, fantastic creatures, or alters who are just a part
of the body like eyes, robots or even inanimate objects.
Original means the original alter before splitting.
With the theory of structural dissociation it is believed there is NOT an original alter, 0:10:40.911,0:10:46.420 Because the personality is always changing and it still has the same action systems
that couldn't be integrated. If you tear in half a piece of paper ..
Which piece is the original? It may even harmful to consider one alter as
THE original. Core or "Núcleo". This is more used
Well, less harmful than "original". It is the alter whom other alters adapt to,
protect and develop around it. In polyfragmented systems it's more common,
possible to exist more than one. It may or may not be the host of the system
Subsystem. It means those system of alters
Who have smaller internal systems. They usually are less elaborate fragments.
"Mundo interno" or Inner World. It's a mental space where alters can live and
Communicate with each other when they're not using the body.
Not every person with DID has developed one, and each world is unique and different.
They can be as small as a room. A house. A landscape. Islands.
A copy of this world. Or even planets and galaxies. It's a form of organization of the alters and
the information they hold. Trigger or "detonante". It's something that reminds
the person of a past trauma, whether she/he's conscious of it or not.
An example is a firecracker for a war veteran.
A trigger can be anything. A black-out, is loss of consciousness.
Describes a period of time which can't be recalled. Although it's different than
a faint, because the body is still awake. It resembles like not recalling anything after
A (heavy) drinking night. Fronting. Comes from "front" which is "Frente"
It's used to describe the alter who is using the body in that moment, thinking
Like the others being behind, with a lower use of consciousness.
It may be influenced by other parts. "Outside" is another way to say it. The alter who is
outside. Co-fronting. It's an experience of two or more
Alters having control of the body. It's not the same as co-consciousness.
In co-consciousness one alter handles the body while others are comunicating and
are like aware of what's happening around. In co-fronting, one person (alter xD) may be
using one arm while another is using the other arm...
It's a very uncomfortable experience. Flashbacks are intrusive thoughts, memories,
Images, sounds bursting into consciousness. The experience of a flashback makes
the person feel like he's really reliving that moment.
Host is english for "Anfitrión" It's used to define the part or parts of the personality
that are in charge of the body the majority of the time.
Usually is the one who goes to therapy. "Huesped" is a translation I decide not to use,
Because it's mistaken with "huesped" as the one who is "hosted" and in biology
Is that in which a parasite lives. And none of those seem correct to me.
I choose to use "anfitrion" or host. Besides "anfitrion" sounds more like "welcome to my place".
TimeLoss or "tiempo perdido" On of the most important criteria in diagnostic of DID
Comes from blackouts. The patient losses minutes, hours, days, it can be months and years.
Timeloss refers to that period. Switchy. When someone is "switchy"
It's more or less… not the same as "dissociating", but it means a switch is coming.
You can really feel when a switch or a "change", a commutation
Is near. It's can be experienced as dissociation along
with a mix of thoughts and behaviours of the nearest alter.
It may also refer a constant and less controled switch of alters. Usually facing
Very stressful and difficult events. On a stressful event, the person begins to be
switchy and begins to switch to an alter, and the alter says "Whoah, I don't want to be here!"
And switches back and the other says "Woah woah! No, wait! I don't want to be here either!"
And switches back. The switch can take, like a matter of seconds
Or it can take minutes or hours. Ageslider. "Edad deslizante". These are alters
who identify inside a range of age.
Fictive and Factive are a types of introyect alters.
Introyects of real people would be Factive. They may be people you've met or celebrities.
o celebridades. Fictive are fictional characters.
Gatekeeper are those alters who are capable of controling who is fronting,
who fronts, and when. Not every system has a gatekeeper.
Singleton are the people who are not multiple nor have alters nor DID.
I really don't like to use that term but some people have used it.
It's likely I've missed some terms. In the link below there will be this list
so you can check it out. However I'll still be updating this
So If I missed any, or if you want to ask any tell me and "ppff" I'll add it.
And with this we finish the introduction videos about dissociation and what we've been
talking about in this channel. We're now entering more in depth
On structural dissociation, reviews of the books I've read, our story
and what we can share about us, how each of my alters took their
Identities. We also talk about treatment, and mental exercises like… Oh, look!. That's
Another one I missed. Grounding Techniques.
They're exercises like "mindfulness"... Whole lot of english terms…
Excuse me... Grounding techniques are mental exercises
to bring yourself to the present. Well, and a lot of other stuff for the pretty
Hispanic community. And, why not? We'll also chat about movies
that have used this disorder as part of their story.
A series of videos I want to make and will make is "debunking
DID". Prejudices, wrong ideas about DID... And the recommended book for today is:
"Trastorno de Identidad Disociativo o Personalidad Múltiple" by Anabel Gonzalez and Dolores Mosquera.
This is another book in spanish, a bit less technical than the other "Trastornos disociativos" book
I recommended the last video. But it's still a great beginner's guide.
What's pretty about this book is that it has many examples of different presentations
Of DID that are attributed to other disorders, but they end up being
Inside the dissociative scale. An example I like a lot is about Raul.
Well, that's how they call him, Raúl, who talks with innanimate objects, in this case, boats.
And there's one boat who won't talk back, and this is the one causing him nightmares. He hears voices, noises
He can't understand. And he also has a tendency to severely self harm.
Any person, professional or not, might think this is a psychotic episode,
But turns out it has a specific origin which Raúl isn't aware of.
And, like you might've guessed, comes from a traumatic past. And this is all for today, and apologies if the video
turned out long... And keep being just as pretty.
Plural kisses
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