Glitter Living room coloring and drawing for kids | How to draw a living room
💵 Como Hacer una Propuesta de Trabajo - Como Ganar Dinero en Internet con Upwork (La saga 3 / 8) - Duration: 7:41.HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE
EPISODE 4/8 - Make proposals for work as freelancers in Upwork
And now you're going to submit the proposal
Before submitting the proposal
something good is that you create and fill your profile
Maybe if you include a video in your profile
could be a plus, because there is no many freelancers who have a video placed in their profile
but in your profile try to include those things that you did
if you made a website; if you translated anything
everything you have done you can put links as a reference to those things
to be read
My opinion is that even though you can
use a pseudonym and protect your Privacy
what is not good is to lie in the profile
especially It's not good to lie about what you did,
your knowledge and your skills
Think about how much time the client spends looking for
and the time you would lose in making proposals for jobs
which you don't qualify
I'm not going to continue talking about this topic because those who lie actually know that it is not right
Yes !! It's actually not good to lie and impersonate another
something that I find interesting
Is that despite the profile is available in Upwork
it is good to put the link to your upwork profile at the end of the proposal
maybe you can also put the link to your LinkedIn profile
or anything else you've done
that is related to the the specific job that you are making the proposal
So now you have to submit the proposal that it's basically a cover letter to the client
I recommend you to talk about you
that you send the link to your biography on Wikipedia
Don't you have your biography on Wikipedia???
If you don't have your biography on Wikipedia ...
that possibly means
that there are many people
who are not interested in your biography
Just as there are many people who are not interested in my biography
I do have my biography available on Wikipedia
then it is very likely that when you send the proposal to the potential client
They will not be interested in your biography
What actually your potential client will be interested in, is,,,
how are you going to solve their problem
Then try to make a brief introduction about yourself
If the person wants to read further, they have the link to LinkedIn
or to the Upwork profile, or to another link that you want to send
but in the cover letter be brief about you
Maybe sometimes even without introducing you
So what you can mention is
some sample jobs similar to which they are asking
and based on the requirements tell them:
My way of solving this problem as I did in such another situation
it would be this way unless you propose a different way
always be flexible
and I think that if do not mediate this and this
this could be done in such a time or I will spend such amount of time
my preferred way of working is this way
but mention things about how the resolution process will be
about the task that you're
putting focus on
Not in your biography
No matter how much you say: I am ... And I am ... I am ... I am qualified on this ...
I am qualified on that
the important thing is how are you going to solve the problem that the client is asking for.
Explain it, and even be friendly and show your desire to collaborate
with the proposal that you are doing
and also be brief because the client
is going to take a few seconds to decide between those candidates
among which you will be chosen
Now that you know these things, it's good to subscribe ... isn't it?
Because more tips are going to come They have related to the use
not with what the manuals tell you or what they simply tell you in the books
This is information related to things that happened to me or what happened to a friend
You have to talk to him like you already were hired
then you will say: "Hello Antonio", I'll show you ...
And how did you know his name is Antonio?
Because we mentioned earlier that you're going to check on the history comments section
Sometimes in the comments, some of them mention the name of the client
It was a pleasure to work with Antonio
Ahhhh ok!!!! Then there it is... and when you make proposal you say:
Dear Antonio So your proposal is different
of the others who say: "Dear Client" Dear customer
Then they will say: Where does this person know me from?
and they will read the proposal
and it also should be relatively short
Sometimes they ask you for a work plan or intermediate milestones
How the milestones are going to be;
that you go specifying:
I will deliver this the the first week, the second, the third
And the requirements they give you are not specific enough to do that
as to come to an accurate conclusion of what you are going to do
So, be sure to present a flexible proposal
You can say: milestone 1, 2 and 3 weeks 1, 2 and 3
I will take so many hours, so many hours so many hours
put some general things and
then at the end of the proposal say:
but I need to have a meeting to gather more details
to be able to make a definitive proposal
A phrase that I liked to use a lot is that
If you give me fixed requirements I can make a fixed budget
if you give me general requirements
we fix these concrete parts
and then we think about the additional ones
But always keep in mind
that later there may be a negotiation
always try to send something precise
but also not be so determinant to leave no margin
and not end up accepting things that were not explicit that everyone assumed
Try to set a scope
to put boundaries on the budget that you are presenting
and that there is not any misunderstood
anything that the other person interpreted as obvious
It's also good to define what it's outside
what you will not do
is another way to set the scope
Some retract about not having enough English Language practice
but the reality is that in many cases
many of the customers who choose work on Upwork
are used to chat, or to send emails
and to an asynchronous communication rather than having
an audio communication or video conference
You can mention your preferred ways of communication
when you submit the proposal
And even written communication is much better
because if in the future there is some kind of conflict
Upwork can intercede
that's why if you don't get along so well with English
that means: if you know English but you do not feel like sufficiently trained
As to talk about it daily, do not worry
because many of the clients also prefer to chat
and many of the clients however much they place their job post in English
they speak other languages
For later I'm preparing another video with a set of
English survival tools
About tools that help us with pronunciation
with listening, with translation, with being able to supply a professional job
having certain limitations with the language
if everything goes fine
from any of those proposals that you sent you will receive an interview request
and these are some of the many tips which gave me good results
And tell me in the comments sections of any job you have been hired in upwork
or on any other job portal
There are others also very interesting
but it really is a way that can be done
it requires expertise
and it requires right calculations
Requires having accurate expectations
and especially to add value with what we do for others
I hope you have benefited from this information
and do not forget to subscribe not to miss the next episodes
of "Yo no se tampoco" (I don't know either)
家人中有這4生肖,黴運不進家,好事不出門,2019年上上吉! - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
videoplayback (4).webm - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Scribblenauts Unlimited! Part 3: Zombie Invasion - Duration: 16:27.
Hewwo Sayorians~
I'm here with another episode of Scribblenauts!
I won't know if I am continuing this series honestly. I don't think I am able to, to be honest.
Nevermind, for now, let's do this!
My dog is crawling on me
We're at the fire station!
Looks like a doggo needs help
Let's make you a dalmatian
Looks fairly simple enough
I can't fly up there?
Wait what's a zombie doing here
Forgot how to spell clock
I wanted to mute her at first, but earmuffs are better
Sleep tight~
... that doesn't work
I always can't spell this word >_<
Who else?
Oh yea, the pink helmet
A second chance, how sweet~
Oh, so he wants to do it himself
There you go!
Natsuki would like this too~
A zombie invasion?
In the firehouse?
It's more likely than you think!
Good thing I have something in my backpack
Always good to be prepared~
I look weird btw
So that person isn't relevant?
Gosh it's huge
Don't cry anymore~
Yea... That bear doesn't work.
I got a mech like D.Va.
I need an ally
It got zombified...
I'm horrible
All emergency vehicles should fly tbh
Let's go back to Lily
Oh no...
Ok, with enough Starites, I can unlock more places
The locked ones have numbers that represent how many you need to unlock them
Abarth 500 1.4 T-Jet 160pk 595 Abarth Turismo in Nieuwstaat! - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
भगवद् गीता का पूरा सार || आपकी सभी परेशानियाँ होंगी ख़तम The essence of Bhagavad Gita - Duration: 13:25.-------------------------------------------
Вставные ветровики Рено Кангу 2 / Вставные дефлекторы окон на Renault Kangoo 2 / Tuning / Heko - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
U&D: Gemma Galgani risponde alle critiche via social, poi ricorda Ennio Fantastichini - Duration: 9:40.-------------------------------------------
[EXID(이엑스아이디)] '알러뷰' 쇼케이스 스케치('I LOVE YOU' SHOWCASE SKETCH) - Duration: 8:55.I'll do my best
Thank yoy
See you later
Hello, LEGGO. It's been a long time
I have to go first on the showcase where reporters are here.
I'm nervous
Be right back!
How is feel like to comeback?
I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time
I'm feel so thankful that many people are welcoming me on the day.
It's feel like everything is back
I can finally make more good memories with her
Congratulations, SOLJI
So excited
I've been waiting for this moment
Like LE said every moment is precious.
I want to make the best out of it
Five minutes left for I LOVE YOU!
We are at the showcase and and one minute left until the song release.
It's six o' clock!
It's been released!!
Give us some hearts
It's very goof
There are lots of comments
Please listen to I LOVE YOU
It said the song is good and he/she is getting goosebumps
There will be many appearances in public since the I LOVE YOU is released.
Let's make some beautiful memories together
Let's do this!
SOLJI is tensed
See you soon LEGGO!
The first song is DDD!
Here is EXID with whole five members!!!
Are you guys ready to have some fun? It's party time!
It's the first performance for I LOVE YOU in front of LEGGO!
Thank you so much for coming today.
The showcase is finally over!
It was fun to have this event with LEGGO and press.
So much fun
Today meant a lot to us
It was the day our song and MV was released, and there was a showcase
Thank you for many people liking it.
Thank you so much for coming, LEGGO.
Please look forward to the season of I LOVE YOU!
This was EXID!
IELTS WRITING TASK 2 - EXPLAINED IN DETAIL - Duration: 8:49.hey guys hi welcome back well I hope that you have enjoyed the task 1 which I
did recently
I will either link it above or in the description box below of the writing
section of IELTS this is the general training I'm talking about not the
academic I will cover the academic as well but today we will talk about task 2
yes task 2 is the essay which is a little bit longer and the weightages of
course given more to this task you have to complete this task in 250 words or
more so be mindful of the words you use that is the count and you will have 40
minutes to complete this so also be mindful of the time limit my sincere
advice is that if you have not been writing for many years then please start
writing just write and scribble anything any thought anything and see what's your
writing speed that's a very good practice for you especially during these
exams which have some set time limit for you to answer
well let's quickly jump on to today's episode which is about task 2 today we
will cover how to answer task 2 in the IELTS writing section and we will also
cover the questions which you had asked yes I had put up this in the community
tab and you asked me some important questions so the top ones have been
answered today and it's a very interesting one let's quickly jump on to
this approach alright guys so this is the five-step approach the first one is
what it looks like very very simple as I had mentioned earlier the moment you get
the question and you have under lined the important parts of it make three quick
boxes write introduction body and conclusion and as I as I had told you
earlier write the bullet points the first one in the body at least two and
the conclusion at least one and then in those bullets you will write the
pointers which will support the body support the introduction and support the
conclusion okay so this is what a box technique is let's move on to the next slide
So as I had mentioned that in the community tab you had asked certain questions and these were the top questions which you
asked especially these are the areas where you are struggling
whenever you're attempting task 2 and the questions were that how would you
come up with weighted vocabulary or how will you insert them in the answers
which you will be providing you wanted to know the complex sentences the structure
the formation how do you use them and how would you include them in your
answers and the third one was very important in that is how do you generate
ideas yes so well let's see how I have used them in my answer
well that's all my friend I hope you
understood how to tackle it there are some Pointer some key takeaways which
you should remember after watching this episode and they are keep in mind the
usage of grammar vocabulary punctuation is very important and spellings the next
thing which is important is to follow the coherence of thought technique yes
whatever you answered it has to be connected to what's been asked for and
always answer what's been asked only please stick to the question we lost
right and the last one is check your answer always keep a buffer time at the
end of 2 to 3 minutes where you can quickly read your answers check your spellings
check everything which is required and at the end give it a seal yes that
you're satisfied with it it's that simple don't fret over it it's just a
writing exam my friend give this video a like if you learn something new share
with everyone who are struggling with the task the task 2 of IELTS and comment
below let me know that has this approach helped you or not and of course if you
new to this channel subscribe because in your we do something creative to
learn English you are my rock star and you will be a champion soon so do not
worry I'm here to help you bye bye see you next time take care
Coziest Holiday Video Ever | Stef Sanjati - Duration: 16:56.- Hello everybody.
My name's Stef Sanjati and welcome to my home.
You guessed what time of year it is.
You didn't, that was past tense.
But, you're going to.
Guess what time of year it is?
It is the holiday season, pretty much.
I know a lot of people, especially my viewers,
like to see it in a very hyper capitalist like ew way.
But for me, I'm able to separate that from my
nostalgia and my fond memories.
And I wanted to just take you with me
down that lovely road today.
So get yourself a nice, little hot chocolate.
You can do one that's lactose free, I promise.
This one is made with almond milk.
And lets just hang out together.
And I'm gonna put up my Christmas tree,
but it doesn't have to be Christmas for you
it can be whatever holiday you want or no holiday at all.
Honestly, the big thing for Christmas for me,
or the holiday season, is about the
human connection and food mostly.
I think that's beautiful.
Mmmm, yummy.
Do you hear that sound, lets do it again for the,
I choked.
I guess we should start with getting the tree out.
So I'm gonna find a way to get it out of here.
Ah, look at that, easy as pie.
Please be careful handling knives if you're going to, okay.
You don't want to hurt yourself.
This looks like the top of the tree so
I'm going to set that down here.
I bought a tree that had a cool base.
It's in a pot so I don't have to put a rug around it.
And in Toronto, and in any big city really,
if you're from New York or L.A., you might understand
this too, you can't really get a big tree
because you don't have much room.
This is pretty much my whole living space.
So I like this tree, its five feet tall.
Which is just a tiny bit shorter than me by three inches.
And I like it because it doesn't take up that much room.
But its still very beautiful.
I think I should plug it in behind here
so you don't see the cord.
Aw, that's pretty.
This is so bright.
Okay, this must fit in there somehow.
Ah, I see it.
See, this is just about as tall as me, five feet.
That's so cute.
So I thought, while I did this,
we could talk about our past holiday experiences.
And as I've grown into an adult,
I'm turning 23 by the way, in two days as of recording this.
Its changed a lot for me and I want to talk about that
because I grew up in a very happy family.
My parents were together for my entire childhood.
And the holidays were like, this big joyous, beautiful ball.
And I was bullied really badly in school
so for me it was like, I got to look forward to not being
in school, and also spending time with family
that I enjoyed spending time with.
So it was really lovely in all ways.
A specific memory I have, I have so many of just,
all the colors in my house.
My mom always decorated with lots of gold and lots of red.
It was always very warm and that was such a contrast
from the outside because I live in Canada, so we get snow.
I mean, to be fair I live in southern Canada,
but its still very, very cold in the winter.
The inside of my home was always so warm.
So the holidays always felt really safe for me
and I think that's why I love them so much as an adult.
Because it reminds me of that time in my childhood
where everything was fine and I didn't have to
worry about anything at all.
And now that I'm older, and of course,
I understand a lot of the cultural and socioeconomic
background of these kinds of holidays,
I still cling to that nostalgia, but its a bit harder.
And this is my way of finding happinness I guess right now.
I have very turbulent emotions and moods.
Sometimes its hard for me to enjoy life.
But something about the holiday season makes
me feel okay and safe, you know?
So this Christmas tree is not just a decoration.
This is like, a symbol of safety.
And I think that's why its so important to me to have it.
And I'm really happy that I got one this year.
We're done spreading out the spruce, you know.
I think she looks nice and full.
She's thick, you know.
She's just like me.
Where should we start?
I want to start these acorns.
These don't have any way to attach themselves,
but I'm gonna make it work because I think
its important to have cute little decorations.
They're so sparkly, they're probably going
to get gold glitter all over my entire apartment.
But I'm okay with that.
You can just balance them.
These should go last.
We're learning lessons as we go.
Put the normal decorations on first, like the balls.
Little golden balls.
I went with full gold decorations because
that's kind of what I think looks the most lovely.
But, when I was a little kid,
we had these huge cardboard boxes.
They were like three feet tall and three feet wide.
And they were full of all these
different weird mishmashed decorations.
We had these little porcelain angels.
And some of them were ones my brother
and I made at school.
And it was really eclectic and beautiful.
But, then when my brother and I moved away,
my parents changed them to just red and gold.
Which is kinda sad because the old
ornaments all had a story.
My mom wanted to keep them but
I don't know where they are now.
That's okay.
Next, we're going to do these little stars.
I like these because they have different points on them.
Oooh, these are so glittery and pretty.
Something else I'm remembering from childhood holidays,
is my aunt, she makes these butterscotch, peanut
butter squares with marshmallows in them.
They are so good.
And she also makes these snowballs,
they're just like coconut balls I think.
But they're so yummy.
And those are exclusively holiday treats.
She only makes them for Thanksgiving and for Christmas.
And they are the flavor of the holidays for me.
My family always did turkeys and stuff.
But, I don't know, its not as memorable for me.
The stuffing is though, because its got bread in it.
And I think that's fair.
We've got some thicker stars.
Put one here, aw, that's just cute.
And one of them towards the bottom, maybe there.
The backs going to be kind of bare but I think that's okay
because nobody really sees it.
I got these cool little leaves and I
think these'll fill up a lot of room.
I think one of them might be good right here, yeah.
We'll just kind of let it, ah, I like that.
Oh, this one is really pretty.
Its a stag and its got golden antlers.
I think what I'd like to do is eventually
collect a bunch of eclectic decorations too.
And then I can get rid of the balls and stuff.
Cause they're not as fun.
Oh, and my holiday, ah listen.
I forgot about the most important detail
of my Christmas childhood.
And this is why its so magical for me I think is
my dad bought this tree that was nine feet tall
and it was a Christmas display tree from the mall.
Like, it was a mall display tree.
He bought it in the New Year after Christmas was over.
And I'm from a small town so it was pretty,
that was when them all still existed there.
It doesn't anymore.
I was a very small child because I'm not a very big person.
I'm pretty small right?
This tree was huge and I would go and lay underneath
of it because it was high enough that it
was like a foot or two gap, maybe just a foot.
So I could crawl under there and just lay
under the tree where the lightbulbs were warm.
And they weren't LED bulbs.
They were those warm ones, so it was truly on fire.
And it made me feel so cozy and safe and its a nice memory.
My dad used to carry me to the top of the stairs
and he'd hold me, we put the tree beside the stairs
so you had to be at the top of the stairs
to reach the top of the tree.
And my dad would pick me up and he'd lift me
this way so I could put the angel on the top.
Because he wouldn't be able to reach it anyway
so he had to just move me to reach it.
That's a nice memory.
I think part of why I want to have a family so bad
is because how much I love Christmas.
And I want to give another child that
kind of Christmas, you know?
That kind of holiday, excuse me.
Hm, hanging little pine cones for my pine tree.
Yeah, what's left?
Oooh, I got these feathers.
I think these are really nice.
There's so many too.
I could make a wing.
Something else that happened,
was it last year?
I think it was last year, I don't remember.
Everythings kinda blurry.
I grew up thinking my family was perfect, you know?
And that
nothing could ever change that.
And then my parents split up recently,
like, permanently, its not a split up, its done.
And that
messed me up, because, its not that,
I mean, I know that happens to a lot of people,
but, I, it never crossed my mind that
it might happen to me.
Like, I thought that was impossible.
And its kinda put me in a weird place,
like, mentally,
for a long time.
And I'm coming out the underside, and I'm happy about that.
But, things like, every single childhood memory
of mine involves us being a family, you know?
And then out of nowhere for that to no
longer be true, is really jarring.
So, I've been spending holidays with my mom,
and I love that, but its bizarre for me
to think about all of my holiday memories
during the holiday season and its all with the whole family.
And now, I get half of it.
Which is great and I love my family but its just,
you know, like, I think its something
people just don't talk about.
And I think we should.
Because its something that we grapple with, you know?
And silence doesn't solve anything.
I guess, things used to always be so simple, right?
Like, I would just go home to my family
and spend the holidays with my family
but now there's two sides.
And I guess, like I, it sounds, if you don't
experience it, it sounds so simple and so passive.
And that's how I felt about it before my parents separated.
But now, its something that is very present
in my thoughts, you know?
Its intense and I didn't know that until it happened.
I always saw it as very simple and its not.
Its not simple at all.
So, I don't know exactly
what I'm going to do
for the holidays
I know that lots of other people experience that too.
Who's calling me?
Maybe its my mom.
- [Mom] Hi honey.
- Hi mom, what're you doing?
- [Mom] Just filling up Lucy's water.
- Lucy's water?
I miss her.
- [Mom] I'm just calling to check and figure
out what day you're coming.
- I'm gonna come on Tuesday, is that okay?
- [Mom] That's your birthday.
- Yeah, is that okay?
- [Mom] Yeah, what time or did you know?
- I haven't bought the ticket yet, but
I'll let you know as soon as I do.
- [Mom] Okay, so you'll be home for your birthday.
Because I wanted to make you supper and
make you eggnog and make you supper Wednesday I guess.
- I can, I can make it for Tuesday.
I'm setting up the Christmas tree.
- [Mom] You are?
- Yeah.
- [Mom] Good, did you get a little one or a big one?
- Its five feet tall.
- [Mom] Oh yeah, that's big enough.
- And its kinda narrow so it fits into
a corner of my apartment.
- [Mom] Right.
- And I got lots of gold decorations.
- [Mom] I've got a whole bunch of extra gold ones.
Good, send me a picture.
- I will.
- [Mom] I'm glad you did that.
- Me too, it makes me happy.
- [Mom] Yeah, I know (mumbles)
showed up and arranged it all for me.
- Yeah, of course she did.
I wish she would do mine.
- [Mom] Yeah, she does a good job.
- Do you have any memories of Christmas
when I was a little kid, mom?
Like, I used to do, I know I used to do the ornaments.
- [Mom] Yeah, I've got pictures of you not touching
any ornaments, you're not supposed to be
touching the tree and you'd be looking at me
and reaching your hands over to the tree.
- Cause I'm always doing things I'm not supposed to?
- [Mom] Then you used to have your rocking horse.
You would ride it into the tree, across the carpet.
- My rocking horse, I remember it.
I would move, physically?
- [Mom] Yeah, you did.
- That's wild.
- [Mom] You managed to rock hard enough you'd get it
to move over to the tree and then you'd say,
you didn't touch the tree, the horse did.
- Oh, so I was always an aggressive, trouble-making bitch.
- [Mom] Yeah, you were.
Tony talked more, to the tree.
- Tony talked to the tree?
- [Mom] No, he would tell me, like, he'd take his
advent calendar in the bedroom and eat it all.
And then he'd, because I told him,
when it's all gone, its going to be Christmas.
And he was three and he took it in his bedroom
and ate it all, and he goes,
now it can be Christmas, its all gone.
- Do you have any favorite holiday memories?
- [Mom] Well, you liked your one that we got you,
the Snow White doll, that was your favorite.
- Yeah, how old was I when I got that doll?
- [Mom] I think you were, I wanna say maybe three.
Because you had been crying for it and crying for it
and then when you got it Christmas morning,
you said, he did it, he remembered.
- Santa?
- [Mom] So you must have told him,
when I took you to visit him in the mall.
- Oh, I wonder what he thought of that.
- [Mom] You would actually talk to-
- Because I believed in him.
I remember, I used to look up at the sky
when I was a little bit older and the kids at school
would be like, Santa's not real,
and I used to be like, yeah, he's not real.
And then I'd look up at the sky like he was God,
and be like, I'm sorry Santa, I believe in you.
- [Mom] And I remember I had to always read you
The Cat Who Climbed the Christmas Tree.
Because he got in all kinds of trouble.
- I think I related to the cat.
I wanted to climb the Christmas tree.
- [Mom] Yeah, well you were, always wanted
to ask questions because everybody told him that
she guarded the tree and he wouldn't take their word for it.
He wanted to climb the tree to ask the angel himself.
- What did he want to ask the angel?
- [Mom] If she guarded the tree at the house.
I read that to you, year after year.
It's called, The Cat Who Climbed the Christmas Tree.
- That's really pretty.
- [Mom] It was a little red book, you remember them
called red books, or golden books, you know those little.
- Yeah, didn't it have gold pages?
- [Mom] I had to, I had to read it all, yeah,
the edges were all gold, and I had to read
it every year, over and over and over.
- I remember that.
- [Mom] And we would have fires in the fireplace,
like that, again, you're not supposed to touch,
but you would try to poke it with the poker,
and say the poker was touching
and then you would drop the black end
on the beige carpet and then you would get
cross because you didn't do it.
Like you always said everything, I didn't do it.
- No, I didn't do it.
- [Mom] You were a cutie.
Like I said, the most I remember, was you riding
that horse, and I can't believe how hard you
could get it to rock to get it to move on the carpet.
And it was the horse that touched the tree, not you.
- Yeah, that's true.
Okay, its still me.
- [Mom] Okay, alright, bye now.
- Bye ma, love you.
- [Mom] Love you too, bye.
- Wow, I love her.
Time to hook up the star.
Are you guys ready?
I bought one that's, I broke the box.
I got one that's three dimensional
because I wanted it to have a bit more height
so that it can be taller than me.
I think this is really pretty.
I might move the feathers because they're a little bit
condensed, but we'll see.
Alright, lets do it.
We're going to shimmy going down here.
Oh no, is it strong enough?
Yay, isn't that cute?
I love this.
Does it look cute, do we like it?
You guys have to comment.
Let me know what you think.
I think it looks better from this side.
I'm gonna turn it so you can see it.
All these wires.
I'm just gonna move this and move this to here.
This right here, there.
Oh no, you guys know how this goes right?
I'll never stop moving, oh no.
She's a bit heavy but that's okay.
Maybe I can like stabilize it with, like a rod
or something, a chopstick.
Lets see, yay.
I think that worked.
We did it guys.
Maybe, you know, if you're in a city
or if you're an adult, and you know,
you don't live with your family anymore kind of thing,
something like this brings me a lot of happiness.
So I thought maybe, maybe, it'll
bring you some too if you live alone.
Alright, all I can say is for myself,
but this makes me feel like I'm not so alone.
And that's nice.
So, I will see you guys later.
And I hope you have a happy beginning to your December.
And that you have a good season.
And we're here for each other, remember that.
(peaceful music)
ডঃ বারীর নামে মিথ্যাচার শুনুন I ১৯৮৮ সালে I Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf I Short Waz - Duration: 4:36.AK Computer Network
Have Done This Video
Pogodynka rzuciła Borkowskiego - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Emery press conference: Every word on Spurs, Ramsey, Ozil's injury & Man United - Duration: 3:47.Was that your best day at the club? The best day is when I signed here. Emery on the performance Now I am thinking about the match on Wednesday in Manchester
This was a very big victory, we give our supporters this victory because it's a special match for them
It's special as well for us, but it's three points - like in Bournemouth last weekend and like Wednesday in Manchester
Now we are enjoying it but Tottenham lost today and they are still with 30 points in the table like us
We need to continue in our process. Today, for our confidence was a big match. But we don't forget last week they were winning against Chelsea and today they were losing against us
So Wednesday is a good example for us, we need to think about the match on Wednesday
Emery on why he made the changes at half-time Before the match I prepare in my mind a different situation on the game - and one was this
Why? Because Lacazette has very big ambitions scoring against every team and because Aaron has experience against Tottenham, he has experience in big matches and he has experience in that we can come back in the 90 minutes
These were the reasons. Emery on Ramsey's performance and whether he should get a new contract When thinking about the first XI, Aaron has chances to help us starting the match or in the second half
Above all today, it can be his day because it's Tottenham, because it's at the Emirates and he has experience of matches like today
We want to continue with him our process, helping him to be with us with his performance and also when we need he can help us with his quality and his experience here
Emery on the Manchester United and whether Arsenal now have the belief they can beat anyone We know it's very difficult in Manchester
In history and in the present. We want to prepare in the best possible way to have the best performance against them
This is a big challenge for us and we want to have challenges like Wednesday. Emery on Ozil - Could he have played? He has back ache
When did he get that? I don't know. Was he here today? I don't know. Did you tell him yesterday that he wasn't going to play? This is a good day to speak about players who played
On the confrontation after Spurs' equaliser It was a moment on the pitch with players with big emotion
We need to be calm because we have to work in the 90 minutes. Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football
london via the free app for iPhone and Android. Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
百合 lesbian drama 女同 劇集 - Duration: 2:12.Kendy : Hey wow!
Why do you get drunk? Are you okay?
Where do you live? May I see you home?
Sofiee : leave me alone.
Where do you live? I take you home !
You are so drunk.
I need a 6 star hotel.
I don't live in guest house. It is so dirty.
Yes, I know.
I need a waterbed.
Yes, I know. Yes, I know.
You are dead drunk. Come on, go home!
Why do you always get drunk?
Why don't you call your boyfriend?
If I find him,
he would take me to hotel for sex only.
I still become tired!
Sex in hotel are so dirty.
I almost don't recognize you !
You dress up most unlike you.
Every one must be well dressed after work.
Right, I look like a slut after drinking.
You always wiggle your hips seductively as you walk.
Aerobic workout with SoRi - Duration: 10:44.SoRi's Youtube Channel
Aerobic workout with SoRi
Hi everybody
I am SoRi
Today as you can see I am wearing again a sports outfit. Isn't it pretty?
The reason I am wearing a training suit
is that today you will learn from SoRi an aerobic workout lesson
Aerobic exercises with SoRi
You can do it!
While I was preparing my MV for my song "Touch"
The costumes I was wearing were the latex dresses and bikini
So in order to perform more relaxed
I didn't care about my diet too much
By that time it was the first time when I tried a diet
So since 2 weeks before shooting the MV
I decided to do aerobic 10 minutes everyday
and the results actually appeared after 2~3 since I started
By exercising intensely for 15 minutes every day while I was sweating I could feel I relieved some stress too
Also my body got in a better shape also I built some muscles so I think is a good way of exercising
I look through other Youtube channels for workout video
Among those I will introduce it to you
So shall we start?
Let's start from an easy walking exercise
(this type of exercise is for a smooth blood circulation, calories reduction as well as the movement helps to soften the joints)
along with the hands movement too
(1 minute helps to strengthen the muscles from the lower part of the body and it also works when on diet)
now a little bit faster, put your legs in the air like this
This exercises helps the shoulders too so you should do the movement together
(Jack Stand exercise...the aerobic workout for developing the lower body part's muscle's strength. The exercise works through running movement )
I would be able to do the next exercise?
(hip movement aerobic exercise-this type of exercise helps not only the muscles from the lower part of the body but also the upper part too)
●Now bend you shoulder like this and go down
Why am I like this?
It doesn't matter the order
If you get up like this...
(Abdominal muscles cycle-it helps for the elasticity of the abdominal muscle and also it reduces belly fat)
I didn't choose right
I chose a really difficult exercise
Now I think is a little bit better
(it looks like almost faint)
I will take 1 minute break
(take one minute break)
Relax your neck too
it's not easy, is it?
I used to shoot some workout videos for you
to teach you
But this type of workout even though is short
I got sweat a lot and it feels like it has effect
But is quite difficult and even me
I was thinking why did I choose this?
But I wanted to share with you
So you can also do this short workout
So I think you would feel your body refreshed and your heart at ease and healthy
So I hope you can follow me while you are watching the video
Also I am planning to upload more workout video
So please don't miss it
So, if you enjoyed watching please click the like button and subscribe and also leave a lot of comments
So everybody
So let's do the exercise hard and build a nice body!
Ah, it's hard
百合 lesbian drama 女同 劇集 sweet lesbian kiss - Duration: 2:17.Your house is pleasant and spacious.
Do you think i could stay the night ?
OK, but I don't have a waterbed.
You told me you want to sleep on the waterbed.
? ? ?
Waterbed is uncomfortable !
I have to say this, I don't sleep on sofa,
so we could sleep together?
Where is your boyfriend ?
Why are you being so bitter about it?
Before I was 10 years old, I almost forgot everything.
I just remember the birthday of a certain year, and my mother gave me a toy gun.
I can't understand why she thinks I like toy guns?
Don't move ! Put your hands up !
Live with me ?
Just give me 10,000 Hong Kong dollars in rent.
Man or Woman, who is more attractive for you?
带外国友人见同志圣地志愿者小魏|检测车和若兰回归|我的镜头让世界了解了牡丹园(开CC字幕) - Duration: 21:26.-------------------------------------------
[📖YAKKONG TOON] The reason why he confessed to me in tears - Duration: 2:33.Hello, I am a 15 year old girl.
He goes to the same academy as me. We're just acquaintances.
One day, all the students at the academy went to the amusement park together.
It was too cold then because I wore thin clothes without knowing the weather was cold.
I'm freezing to death. Let's go inside the cafe.
Try on this.
He always wore glasses, but on that day, he wore contact lenses,
and his face looked more handsome than usual.
And it was surprising that he cared for me because he was usually blunt.
At the end of the amusement park parade he asked me to come.
Han Sua.
He suddenly hugged me,
but frankly I didn't mind.
Are you seeing anyone?
will you go out with me?
At that moment I was confused and
thought my ears were wrong.
I have feelings for you.
How do you feel?
To be honest with you..
fond of you, too.
But he suddenly shed tears.
Why are you crying?
I thought you'd refuse me..
Then I suddenly wanted to make a little fun of him.
Really? Then I'll refuse. OK?
Will you be my boyfriend?
Yes, I would.
So we are still doing well a year after becoming lovers.
Do you have any sweet memories like this?
Please reply your comments to the bottom of the video.
Subscribe and Like Button!👍 please💕
The 📖 YAKONGTOON is made up of real stories from subscribers. 📨 Please e-mail me now! 😊Any kind of story is good.
You can also be the main character of the 📖YAKONGTOON !
When your siblings TREAT your stuff as rough as possible like garbage - Duration: 3:59.thank you grandpa Bobby for the Christmas present i really appreciate it Grandpa Bobby
your welcome junior anything for a Nintendo fanboy but make sure you get your old grandpa
bo or your little grandpa some wheelchairs when hes arround 80 cause i can barely walk
get your grandpa some of dem wheelchair i forgot to close the door
im so happy i get a Nintendo 3ds xl lets me open this up baby we got fifa but i dont care
about that nobody cares about that Nobody! we got the 3ds right here nobody cares about
that nobody cares about that nobody cares about that ok 3ds open ooohh its turning on
baby its turning on
nobody cares about the instruction guide gui
gui gui
gui gui
gotti gotti
gotti guide
gui guide
gui gui
gui guide
lets get straight to the game Fifa
Hey the time is up
No No its my turn to use the 3ds
YESS! is the 30 min over
Yes son its over hubhuhulaughing Evon laughs at junior
Sadness this cannot be 30 minutes
fine here enjoy my 3ds xl huhbuhuhu
an error has occured
on the 3ds xl Evon is fulled with Rage and anger
The Sadnesss!!
Junior is having pain in his Nintendo Heart!
Evon continues to smack the 3ds xl hard Evon stomps on the 3ds xl
EvOnS hEaRt Evon transforms into a savage
playing Xo Tour Life what
Bad Karma- Animation Meme- by Ghost EAGLE - Duration: 1:25.
Hyundai ix35 2.0i 165pk 2WD Dynamic NAVI/PDC/TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Disabled Refugees Welcome - Duration: 14:08.- DRW stands for Disabled Refugees Welcome,
which is a project financed by Arvsfonden and started in September 2017.
- One of the main things we are expecting to do
is to have a good communication with the participants
and that is the main aspect of peer support.
My name is Rahel Atnafu and in the project I'm working as an outreach worker,
peer counsellor and project administrator.
Most of them say that they are telling that point for the first time
since they moved to Sweden.
- They trust you enough to open up and tell you things
that they wouldn't have told anyone else before. - Yes.
- It can be a refugee, it can be someone like you who came for marriage.
We do meet people who have been here longer than a couple of years
and are still trying to integrate into the society.
- Even if Sweden is one of the best countries in the world for people with disabilities,
there are still huge obstacles to use that system already existing,
especially for newcomers with disabilities.
To use the existing system!
- The services are there, there is good welfare system
but in order to access that, you need to learn a lot yourself.
Which is not easy when you have harder access to the language etc.
- I've been living here for close to three years now.
The day I was called to Migrationsverket and they said this is your residence permit,
there was too much information at the same time.
Since then they just disappeared!
- The project is supposed to guide both authorities, NGO's and even
the target group themselves, towards a better integration.
- We are trying to find out how to make reception better
and also how to create an integration that doesn't come from one, but from both sides.
The society has to create conditions,
for people to meet the people who come in equally.
My name is Sooz Romero and I come from Ecuador.
I work with communication and with methodology.
- Integration in Sweden is a very complex word for me.
My name is Ntobuah Julius Mvenye and I am from Camerun.
I work in DRW as a project field worker.
It shouldn't be one way, it should be mutual,
it should be like give-and-take.
I have learned the various of invisible bounderies
that exists in the Swedish society, and that is very important.
Once you know that you can flow in the society.
But if you try to cross these borders, there will be a cultural clash.
- What about you, Rahel?
- I came here because I married a man living here,
who knows the system very well.
- Does he work with these questions?
- Yes, because he himself has a disability.
- You and I have the same kind of needs. - Yeah.
- If you don't know how you present your needs, how you articulate it, that matters a lot.
Like if they deny your application for transportation (färdtjänst) for example.
I have to learn how to appeal.
- When I had my accident, I couldn't speak Swedish,
and I was six months at the hospital.
My name is Jamie Bolling, I'm the director of the Independent Living Institute,
as well the project leader for Disabled Refugees Welcome.
When I started trying to make my life going around,
needing to access different services,
they didn't come to you with a silver plate and said:
"Hi, this is what you need!"
You have to find out how the system work yourself.
- I think when you are black, disabled and a refugee you have tripple layers of discrimination.
- When did your feel that?
- Some people in the institutions,
that are sympathetic to you as a black person
and sometimes they ask how I cope being here in the cold as a black person.
Isn't it better in Africa?
He didn't ask questions about my disability, he asked questions just because I am black.
When I came to Sweden, I was American.
People talked to me about "all these immigrants".
"Why do you talk so bad about me?" I asked,
and they answered, "But you're not an immigrant".
I said, "I don't have a Swedish passport, what do you mean I'm not an immigrant?!"
So, I realized that you do treat people differently.
And that intrigues me as I know it is wrong to treat people differently.
- Quota refugees are met at the airport,
and given a service to the migration camp where they are going.
There is an inequality or hierarchy.
If you are a quota refugee by UN,
you are picked up at the airport and given a good service.
If you come in a boat, they say:
"Here is your ticket and take care of yourself".
- And if you think about it, the majority of those we have contact with are not UN quota refugees.
- But we have one participant, they were supposed to meet him at Arlanda airport,
he is a wheelchair user.
But he had no wheelchair before, he was just crawling on the ground.
But the people that came to receive him had no wheelchair for him.
- That's also a problem we have heard about.
The municipalities who are taking the quota refugees are not prepared.
There has been no communication,
so they know nothing about the condicions of the person coming,
if they have a disability and what their needs are.
So it's a problem that there is no communication between the UN and the receiving country.
- I want policy makers to understand that not only able refugees come to Sweden.
- One of our huge obstacles is the level of needs that we meet.
We can't grant somebody asylum.
We can't grant somebody the possibility to see their family.
We can't give somebody a wheelchair.
- But we can show that person how the system can answer that need.
- The hope is that we will contribute to a better integration process.
- We have achieved a lot through DRW as a team,
We have broken the barrier between us and the target group and been able to reach them,
which is a great achievment.
- First of all it's important taht we meet each individual as an individual.
Every individual has their unique needs.
What has worked for them but also what has not worked.
And then try to figure out what these barriers are,
and what needs to be changed in order to eliminate these barriers.
- I think it's a lack of knowledge the way people get treated,
from the first time they meet institutions or authorities.
- I thought it was interesting when we first started to work that
when you went to meetings with organisations who worked with the same target group,
they asked: "How do you get in contact with the target group?"
What has made us strong is that through just our personal contacts,
we have grown to about 50 cases that we have right now.
- And those people also come from organizations.
And all those that are supporting are very exited about this project,
because they can see the need within their own work.
- Social workers are very important to engage in this,
because they have contact with the target group.
We want to reach out to the disability movements,
as they need to work with their policies,
and how they are including or excluding newcomers.
- We need to think of who there is in the field.
For one you talked about social workers and then we have lawyers.
These are the people we would need as volunteers to help us in the project.
For example, we have the perspective of disability.
But there is also Caritas, who might have some perspective.
We have IM who might have some perspective.
The Red Cross has been helping, we have already seen that
some of our target group have been in contact with their social work.
Then we realise that we are working with the authorities,
and we have been in contact with Stockholm City,
and also the municipalities in the north and the south,
with their integration people.
And they have shown us that they are interested because they see the need
in crossing the two together,
the intersection of both migration and disability.
- The lack of trust for institutions is huge.
and to see the people working in these institutions wanting to change that,
or wanting to help and support and be humane,
make me feel like this is possible,
that we are not alone, and we are not fighting against the whole government or the institutions.
The institutions are in our favour, we just need to get them onboard.
- By the end of next year we have to have produced the guide.
So that means we have to do a lot of concrete work.
To have the guide ready to be tested and spread.
- We want to engage the target group to be educating
the different municipalities, institutions and authorities.
They are going to be the educaters because it's just right.
- We still have theme days, and round tables and drop-ins.
- Lots of work to do!
- As I understand, all these events will take this user-led and co-production approach,
so that the disabled refugees themselves are the best experts from their own lives
and they will be teaching everybody around them
how they can be better included in society and what kind of support they need.
- That's exactly the definition of independent living!
- I was just gonna say, that is what independent living is all about.
Fortnite Llama Drama Loot Pinata Unboxing Jazwares Fortnite Toy Review - Duration:'s time to review the llama drama loot pinata hey guys my voice hey guys we
host supersorrell thank you very much to nila my god it's a drama llama loot
pinata or something to that description a drama llama llama drama loot pinata
it's been yet and I've looked all over the internet for a nice way of opening
this without destroying the little llama but sadly is not possible you have to
break into it to get all the things out so we're gonna be breaking into the lab
a bit haha with love and care the pinata survives sorry I should have done my
best David Attenborough pressured it should be run with a little bit of love
and care the pinata will survive on the Savannah so the pinata survives for
another day like it rikes oh my god is so much confetti
phases too much confetti we got a bunch of bugs yes should I see what's inside
them so I think these gonna build pieces let's open these we're gonna be the
walls super girls really loves the loot those the for finite size okay so we got
oh so this is like a puzzle page no no page now zip it up leave box alone boxes
a few yeah we're making a video now I know forget let's make a video that he's
making a video Beijing right so page don't know so that creates one of the
characters of the guy's name what's his name it's one of the characters that I
haven't got yet and I really want but they're all sold out everywhere now so
that's one of those pieces and I believe we get another one as well so that's
like a tag sync I might have but as his lair or whatever or his his handiwork we
got another one here's myself Matt one
go another one
no darling yeah that was stayin up there
you can play the ones you've got out though yeah you can play that one not
that one up there no beige if you are not good girl enough to kick you out lay
with that one yeah and then you've got the GG good game one I like I was cool
so it says GG good game yeah no darling right give us one that I was gonna get
rid of search all judea to bury the midi okay moving on so we have I believe this
is the action tomorrow who's you just said you were gonna talk you're gonna be
a good girl being quiet in the background we have a new figure oh I
should run away with my stuff kids so we have the four inch of rust Lord figure
this one's called the rust Lord and he's quite a cool figure actually I'll likely
helmet on there with the face garden stuff that's pretty cool and he's got a
holy verse he can have a backpack as well st. Matt's equation all the other
figures have got the paintwork finish on this is really nice I thought these
wearing like the green bottoms here the feet on this one are a little bit better
as well they're a bit more loose some of the other figures have been a bit tight
around the legs making a mock word to move whereas this one's quite limber and
like the design on the back as well with the stood bare as I wrote the book that
was gone I can't remember the name but no no I can't no browse it I'm a piece
oh yeah the little thing that goes around his widdle I can't speak today
and then of course he's got the little green my pip-boy so I think on his arms
so that's pretty cool he's got something like mark on his back as well what okay
so this is called the four inch on rust Lord nice finger I really like it it's
good what do you guys think let us know in the comments right we've got a
boatload of accessories to open so let's go ahead and open those right let's go
open some of these little pots then let's go for it inside okay the first
one we're open in whoo I like this one so this is what what would we call this
would this be the UM drum gun with this for the drum gun or would this be the
hmm nothing that has the drum gun it's got the drums
that's a cool I like that I can't look baby doing these right now okay so this
is the backpack for scales this is all old scales I believe sorry
yes scaly scaly is the backpack name and it fits on the back of our dinosaur Rex
so let's pop in there oh yeah yes it fluffs up the back of him to
complete the dinosaur look so there is now at the full bag of Python so that's
pretty awesome of course that will fit with any carriage doesn't necessarily
need food this particular character ill slides the back of any character does
the whole point of these but like mix-and-match accessories so yeah
darling that's really cool so I'm just a pop up to one side over here so we're
gonna look at that again at the end
this one see what else we've got oh I got her backpack let's have a look
Paige so this is the backpack and this is a cuddle bow
Oh bright bag sorry bright box is the bright blue
isn't this this bright bag and it's got like little unicorns on it so that's
going to cute
you got a unicorn on the back all these these little backpacks do not want to go
on the bend a lot well there it is on the back of the character here so she
comes with the backpack which is awesome
yeah baby he's busy said he was gonna be quite a fur daddy oh we got another big
one here yeah that he's got these nice cool this is the back like a satchel
backpack it comes with like the Spade and things
and the little watering can I think that one fits on this guy right yeah it looks
like it belongs with him the no skin guy
not sure whose backpack it isn't it looks cool with him so I'm going to
leave it on him that's pretty cool what I mean oh yeah no don't leave him alone
hurry kit I'll do it the underwear let's move on I see else we've got this I've
got a small and he lost
this oh the noobtube true the grenade launcher no the rocket launcher we've
got the little smiley face on that alleging a seat that's pretty cool
madness let's have come all individually blamed binders
we have the burst assault rifle I think guys are the best
Shh that's pretty cool let's try and get some momentum going to get me home I
know that's the German I call the drum gun that's the light like a tommy gun
that's pretty awesome
no darling you leaving here filled up
which I believe goes on the back of it on it goes on the back of the bed it
goes I believe it goes on the back of the bear that's pretty cool thank know
maybe Berlin yeah yeah okay it's okay their house meant that whole way my
homes hey it's me lucky so random I hope for this one laughter
oh this night Bible Shh snipe someone across the map next one
paid off that dollar no dolly don't do that assault rifle
usually my go-to good in the games with that I usually use the assault rifle
quite regular it's quite easy going to get older does the job effective all
right sorry what may be my go-to weapon Oh pump action shotgun watch I was
making sure you got one of them up you sleeve for close-quarter combat
and then we go oh the B'nai large job
you're working on my win something and
we got another assault rifle is on description that's quite cool and then
the final bag another little submachine gun change that's like a common one at
all Wow all that wood how cool is that baby ya know so no no darling
so all that loot came in the in the land round the back and it gives you a list
on the outside of everything you get inside so definitely worth picking up so
food give you some nice accessories to go with the figures as well which is
cool and
you got quite a lot and $24.99 though was it worth $24.99 we did get a new
figure which is exclusive to that particular pack I mean that pack that
cost 1199 for the figures pays darling no she's playing with hope now 1199 for
these figures so I mean is something a little bit different and accessory bits
page countdown and we get a bunch of the building material as well as guns well
let me go to the desk and give you guys a little of personal look at all these
new bits that ring by including the backpack to the new the new weapons and
of course the building materials and the figure so let's go to the desk up okay
guys here we are so let's take a look at the backpacks first of all let's start
over here so this is the first backpack that we got it's a nice satchel bag with
the like a roll of spirit army base looking with the water bag on the side
so the war cooler side and then the Spade there as well so nice backpack
looks nice and that particular character I think he may have been for the new guy
the new figure we got but then of course we got the bright backpack that contains
the Stars and unicorns it's all pink and weird bullies kind of cute and it goes
with the figure nicely but of course we've got the bow sorry about the
glaring light in the background the bow there as well that goes on the back of
the bear I believe I think it's for the bear anyway of course we've got the rest
of Rex's tail backpack so that's awesome I'm glad we got that in this one and
then of course we got the new guy we got these view of figure included in this
pack and it's so good I love it so much things may be my new favorite it just
looks so awesome very salt like army ask and like cross by biker ish with that
Helmand jacket looks very good they've done a really good job of bringing that
to life I think that's awesome and of course we just destroyed
everything stupid super bizarre if we put them back up no it's never gonna go
back up now supers are what did you do that was the new building materials that
come with the - it's there's a like what do we want to call
Thanks is that what you kids call these MIT we've got the good game GG smiley
face one and then of course we've got the one that comes with one of the
figures Kenny's name I'm really sorry about that but either
way it's really nice and I've been able to save the llama the llama is still in
one piece yeah remember to go in from the bottom with the lamb I remove the
two feet and pull the bottom part and then you can save your llama the drama
llama couldn't be saved with your help huh
it could roam free along the Savannah yeah I don't know don't ask and then of
course there's all the guns as well that we got in this pack so nice new
accessories for these figures and again it completes some of them as well which
is a bit cheeky in my I know they should have come with the figure they are 1199
for a three inch figure which is kind of steep but it comes with the territory of
like a franchise like this he's gonna be a little bit of a cash grab even though
the figures are great it's all there's always gonna be that element of cash
grabbing about it can I block out that white yeah but guys what are your
thoughts on this set let us know in the comments down below and let's go as the
rain comes to finish the video off so guys what was your favorite part about
this pack let us know in the comments down below if you've been enjoying this
fortnight content recently please give it a thumbs ups to say you want to see
more of it and leave us a comment down below with your feedback guys I've
enjoyed doing these reviews I've got one more to go including a new figure and
I'm opening one of the chests so so I'll do that in one video probably later on
today cuz I did give you two videos yesterday I'm tempted to do again today
let us know your thoughts in the comments down below as always I'm your
host supersorrell make sure you smash that subscribe button subscribing really
supports us really helps us out and he'll just keep making awesome videos
thank you very much guys until next time may the force be with you bye
Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC ELEGANCE - AUTOMAAT - NAVIGATIE - CONNECT SYSTEEM - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
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Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk I-Vision, Origineel Nederlands - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Honda Civic 1.5 i-VTEC TURBO - PRESTIGE - AUTOMAAT - 182 PK - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Petra Janů o nejděsivější fotce života: Vidím svého nas*aného tátu! - Duration: 10:31.-------------------------------------------
Amerika'nın hedefi Türkiye ile o devlet arasında savaş çıkartmak - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
BOLSONARO TERÁ BASE INSTÁVEL NO CONGRESSO - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
VOCÊ ESTÁ TRISTE HOJE? JESUS QUER TE ENSINAR A LIDAR COM O SOFRIMENTO - Momento com Deus - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
'NOSSA FÓRMULA NÃO TEM CARGOS', DIZ ONYX SOBRE RELAÇÃO DE BOLSONARO COM PARTIDOS - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
Roberto Centeno revienta al PSOE con el mensaje más brutal en meses - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
LULA É PRESSIONADO PARA CONCORDAR COM PRISÃO DOMICILIAR - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Pogodynka rzuciła Borkowskiego - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
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Loftus-Cheek to start & Azpi silences critics - 5 key points from Fulham win - Duration: 7:39.Time for Loftus-Cheek to start It has been a frustrating season for Ruben Loftus-Cheek for Chelsea as he has struggled for game time in the Premier League under Maurizio Sarri
Having had a breakout year on loan with Crystal Palace, fans were hoping the academy product would be able to burst his way into the starting XI, but it has been anything but the case
Loftus-Cheek's time off the bench yesterday was just his fourth substitute appearance for the Blues in the league this season, with the 22-year-old's starts restricted to the Carabao Cup and Europa League
With Ross Barkley injured, Loftus-Cheek made his appearance as a substitute and made a real impact
He started with a trademark bursting run at the defence, before netting with a lovely finish after an assist from Eden Hazard
"In the last three weeks, he's solved me problems," Sarri said about Loftus-Cheek's performance
"I was really very happy after the last match in the Europa League because I think he played the best performance from the tactical point of view
"I was really very happy. Today I saw Kovacic a bit tired, so I put him on the pitch without problems
I was sure about his impact in the match." So when will he make his first Premier League start of the season? With a trip to Wolverhampton Wanderers on Wednesday night, you have to feel this is going to be his best chance
Loftus-Cheek seems to have won over Sarri and it's time for him to get his chance
Azpilicueta silences critics It has been a strange season for Cesar Azpilicueta this season having moved back out to the right-back role having been one of Antonio Conte's three centre-backs for two campaigns
You have to say that the 29-year-old has had a disappointing year so far and hasn't looked as comfortable in that position, having been exposed defensively at times and not producing enough going forward
However, things were very different yesterday when the Blues took on Fulham and the skipper was back to his best as he had a commanding display in the right-back position
Fulham offered very little width, but Azpilicueta produced an amazing header to deny the visitors and then another superb block to deny them a good opportunity
Even when Claudio Ranieri brought on winger Floyd Ayite, Azpilicueta easily matched him and then showed his versatility by switching over to the left-back role
It's still not been his finest season so far, but yesterday was the 'Dave' that Chelsea fans know and love
Alonso's off day Marcos Alonso had a stunning start to the campaign, scoring goals, getting assists and winning penalties
However, things have gone off the boil a little for the Spaniard who had a real day to forget yesterday, one of his worst performances since joining the club in 2016
Not only was the 27-year-old guilty of being sloppy in possession, his crossing was truly awful with some going well over the head of Olivier Giroud and others fired along the ground to no one
It was just one of those days that didn't come off at all for the Spaniard, with Sarri suggesting that he took the defender off because of a back injury
That could mean that Emerson Palmieri gets his chance to start on Wednesday night, despite not being named on the bench for the Blues yesterday
With so many fixtures coming up, it might be a bit much for Alonso to play them all, so the Italy international will be trying to get his chance
Kepa's feet There were some question marks about Kepa Arrizabalaga's performance in the Spurs defeat
The first goal burst through his hands and Harry Kane scored from long range with the goalkeeper not moving
However, he did make some decent saves in that game and he carried that on in the win over Fulham with some excellent stops, particularly to deny Callum Chambers
But what was also so impressive was the work with his feet and the goalkeeper looks like he could play in the middle of the park if Sarri needed him to
Several times he was put in pretty difficult positions and with Aleksandar Mitrovic bearing down on him, but as cool as you like the world's most expensive goalkeeper never even broke sweat
He either played it left and right to David Luiz and Antonio Rudiger, or went slightly longer with balls out to Alonso and Azpilicueta
But not once did Kepa panic and he showed such confidence, just what Sarri needs to see
Shake off the nerves and move on "About the performance, I think today the result was important," Sarri said
"We started well. At 1-0, I think the players on the pitch had a very good level of application and attention, but without trying to kill the match
I think that we needed to kill the match earlier. "I think, today, we were a bit nervous
Of course, it wasn't easy the days after Tottenham for me and the players, but I think that we have thought too much about that match
"We lost a match after three and a half months. It can happen. So today it was important to react
But I think the team reacted really very well in the Europa League. Today was more important, of course, and I think in the minds of the players there was only the result
" So if there were nerves for the Blues then at least they have got that out of the system and it is time to push on and head to Molineux Stadium with confidence
Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football
london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
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La scienza nascosta nei luoghi di Padova: il teatro anatomico - Duration: 8:29.-------------------------------------------
Xinyi & Taipei 101 - The Most Expensive District in Taiwan - Duration: 18:53.Hello and welcome to Kuba in Taiwan
Today I am in Xinyi, one of the most expensive districts of Taipei
It's full of shopping malls, basically the entire street is
a one big, shopping mall.
It is also the home of the Taipei 101, the 4th tallest building in the world
It is also a business district, full of other skyscrapers
Apartments here are crazy expensive.
I only know 1 person who lives here.
To get a house here you need millions of dollars.
I've just got out of the MRT and look -
right away I can see many luxurious brands
Asians love Luis Vuitton
This entire street is full of shopping malls
One by one
Vicky's favorite shop - Chanel
I won't go inside, they would kick me out
A hotel,
another shopping mall
and another one.
It's morning now, so this place is almost empty
But usually it's crowded
Like everywhere in Taipei
This is how it looks in the weekend
I'm not sure if it's true but legend has it that this mall
was build by a father as a gift to his daughter
It's called Bellavita
It's still early so it's closed
Keep going, and again, as you can see, I am surrounded
by shopping malls.
On the left,
NBA Store, Taiwanese love NBA
Famous ice cream shop
Ice Monster
One more Chanel...
Keep walking
The street is full of the most expensive brands
OK, there are some cheaper brands, too. H&M for example
In Taiwan Xmas always starts in November
All malls will have Xmas decorations and music
Let me get closer
Here they always have a big Xmas tree, it's never a real one, tho
$%^&*# Sun
Ok, that's better
And as always and everywhere in Taiwan, there's food
Korean, Japanese, Thai
I am not sure if you can see how long this street is
I will try to show it
A few hundred meters this way
and few hundred meters that way
Shopping malls on both sides
And here is one of the biggest cinemas in Taiwan
On the left there is a cinema, and a shopping mall
And on the right
more cinema halls
And another mall
How to pronounce this?
It's a big cinema complex
On both sides
And again, you guessed it, a mall
Taipei 101 is called that cuz it has 101 floors
It's just an office building
and and the bottom there is... guess what?
Another shopping mall
I will go inside to show you how it looks like
I think this was supposed to resemble a bamboo
but it looks like a giant stack of Chinese food take-out boxes
In front of 101 there are always people from Falun Dafa
They mean no harm but they are being killed and tortured in China
Ok, let's start from the ground floor
You can get Din Tai Fung here, which I don't recommend
There is no line, yet
The entire ground floor is one big food court.
I am not hungry so let's see what else is here
Gigantic Apple store
and again, luxurious brands
Probably that's why most people here are Chinese
Only Chinese have money to spend here.
I have no idea how those brands make money.
Stores are always empty and I haven't seen anyone buying anything
Another Chanel, 3rd one today
Chanel, Omega, and Chanel again
Patek. Some of Patek's watches are more expensive than...
my house
Even a cheaper Patek is an equivalent of a BMW
As you can see, world's most expensive brands
You can't see that but there is a Louis Vuitton here
Probably 3rd I've seen so far today
What else do we have here
In the past there was a bookstore here
Instead of that there is Dior
You have to pay 600NT to go to the top
That's all for today
Thank you and see you next time
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