Monday, December 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2018

The first signs telling us that we have aged appear on our skin.

So, keeping our skin beautiful and healthy is something all women want.

The skin on your face, for example, is the most affected by sun exposure and pollution,

although hormones and even the type of makeup you use can affect the appearance of your

skin over the years.

It is wrong to think that to have youthful, lively skin, it's necessary to invest a

lot in cosmetic treatments.

Following a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing is imperative to keep your skin

healthy and youthful.

And to get there, you need to be careful and develop daily habits.

The first and perhaps most important of these habits is cleansing.

Although it seems like a simple task, there is a beauty trick that most women use to clean

their faces: using carbonated water.

Although it may sound strange, washing your face with carbonated water is an effective

way to cleanse your face, not to mention the various benefits it gives your skin.

This is due to the fact that the carbon dioxide (CO2) present in the carbonated water helps

to better remove the impurities and excess oil present in your skin.

In addition, carbonated water helps to clear your pores, which will result in cleaner skin

and less risk of blackheads and pimples.

Another important benefit is that carbonated water has a pH similar to that of your skin,

so that it doesn't interfere with its protective layer.

The best part is that this water is at room temperature, therefore it promotes vasodilation,

improving circulation, oxygenation and delivery of nutrients to the skin.

So, the next time you go about doing your beauty routine, remember to wash your face

with fizzy water.

Try this tip for a few weeks and tell us the results!

For more infomation >> Why You Should Wash Your Face With Carbonated Water - Duration: 2:09.


✔ Letras rusas | Aprende a leer en ruso | parte 3 - Duration: 21:17.

For more infomation >> ✔ Letras rusas | Aprende a leer en ruso | parte 3 - Duration: 21:17.


Palabras de origen griego, con Alberto Bustos. Lección 58. Sergi Martin. - Duration: 17:34.

Surely you know that Spanish has its origin in Latin, the language of the ancients

Romans But, did you know that there is a language that influenced a lot, VERY MUCH in Latin

and that has left us such interesting words as a planet, amazon or cosmonaut? Yes I'm

speaking of Greek, a super interesting language that if you think about it, it sure has

influence on many words that you use in your own language. In this video we are going to have

very special collaborations, of people who speak Greek and an expert linguist with whom

I've learned a lot, so keep watching this video until the end because his

explanation is great. All this, and a little more, is coming up.

Hello! I'm Sergi Martín, your Spanish teacher on YouTube. I was on vacation recently

in Cyprus. What? You don't know where Is Cyprus? Well, do not worry because

you're not the only one, but I'll tell you it's a very interesting country, located in the Mediterranean Sea,

between Turkey and Egypt and not far from Syria and Lebanon, an area that has been in the

History a crossroads of many cultures. Greek culture has always had a lot

influence on this island and among other things he left their language. So in my vacations

it occurred to me that I could ask the Cypriots by the meaning of some words

that we use in Spanish, how they say in Greek and what they mean. It was not easy to find

people who would like to participate, because in general people do not like to appear in

a YouTube video, but in the end I got convince some people for this video.

First of all, I want to tell you that with all the people that you are going to see I communicated in English,

a very spoken language in Cyprus. But some speak it better and others worse, since not all

of them are native in this language. I beg you to keep it in mind not to write comments

offensive if you see that someone does not have a very fluent pronunciation, since learning

a language is a very big effort and appear in a video so that you learn something is

something that we have to thank.

I propose a task: I am going to say what means and how we use each word. After

you can pause the video, think how it's said that word in your language and then you can go back

to play the video to see if in your language it also means the same as the original

Greek. Keep in mind that in Greek we are talking about the original meaning, the origin

of the word. Prepared? Let's go there.

The first word of Greek origin that we're going to see is ANODINO. We use this word in

Spanish to say that something is insignificant, that does not cause us any sensation. But

look what they told me in Cyprus.

ANODYNOS means that pain hurts less.

Originally it means that the pain you feel hurts less. That is, it seems that between the

Greek meaning and Spanish there is quite difference, right? Well, the dictionary of

the Spanish Royal Academy of Language also says that one meaning of that word is

that a medication or substance calms the pain, although it is used very little and also in medicine.

Another word, ANTIPATÍA. It's when we feel an aversion towards someone or something.

ANTIPATÍA, I do not like something about a person.

Yes, this word in Greek means the same. And in your language?

Now we are going with ASMA, a disease of the bronchi that makes breathing difficult.

ASTHMA means difficulty in breathing, but we use it for the disease.

It seems that in Greek they use it just as in Spanish, but the original meaning is

panting, breathing, that is, difficulty in breathing.

The next one is CACOFONÍA, which is when a word or a group of words do not sound

Well, for example: The Count ate coconut with me.

The word CACOFONÍA comes from two words, the first word is kako, which means

bad and the second word is phoni, which means voice.

Then from the original "bad voice", it has evolved to words that sound bad when we pronounce them.


Other: CLON. We all know Dolly the sheep, the famous cloned mammal. Well that is a

example of clone, an organism identical to another created artificially.

KLONOS is a word in Greek that has double meaning. One meaning is the branch

of one tree and the other is a human or an animal or a plant that can be repeated.

This word is curious, because the origin CLON is a branch of a tree or a shoot,

which is an outbreak of a plant. And well, of somehow an outbreak of a plant is a

clone of the whole plant, right?

DINAMITA is that explosive material that sure that you know and that interestingly invented

Alfred Nobel, the same one who created the famous Nobel Prizes.

DYNAMITE comes from dynamis that is strength or power.

The etymological journey of this word is curious. From the Greek dynamis passed to the Swedish dynamit,

since Alfred Nobel, his inventor, was Swedish and he gave it that name. From there it has been done

international, arriving in Spanish as DINAMITA.

The next word is DILEMA, which is a situation in which it is necessary to choose between

two options, and these options are equally as good or bad.

DILEMA comes from di which is double, two, lemma is proposition, proposal, so

it's two different opinions in a sense contradictory.

According to the dictionary of the RAE, di- means two and lemma means premise, which is the basis

that we have at the beginning to talk or discuss about something.

A DROMEDARIO is that animal from North Africa or of Arabia that looks like the camel. With

these two animals we always have the same doubt: which of the two has a hump

and which one has two? What do you think? The camel has one or two? And the dromedary?

Please share it in the comments and help me, because I never know.

DROMEAS means runner.

Yes, that's it, broker. I do not know if in the ancient Greece there were already camel races,

dromedaries or whatever these animals are.

Another word: MARTYR. It is used mainly related to religion, and is a person

who suffers or dies defending their beliefs.

MARTYRAS means witness and martyr. Which means someone who sacrifices himself for an

ideal or religion.

In Greek this word means WITNESS. From there it passed to the current meaning,

because a martyr gave testimony of the strength of faith.

NEURON. This word is used to define those nerve cells that we all have

and that normally are formed by ... Well, I'm not an expert on this, maybe

It is better that you look for it in a good encyclopedia.

NEURON means nerve or fiber.

NEURONA in Greek means nerve, but I searched it in an encyclopedia and I can confirm

a thing one hundred percent sure, that I am not any expert in medicine or less in neuroscience.

If you are interested in this topic, look for this name: Santiago Ramón y Cajal. He is a Spanish doctor

who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine together to the Italian Camillo Golgi for studies exactly

over neurons.

An OXIMORON is a combination of two words or expressions with an opposite meaning but

that used together create a new sense.

OXYMORON comes from ... is a term or phrase that comes from the Greek words OXYS that

means sharp or sharp and MOROS which means fool or crazy

In other words, an OXIMORON is something crazy, silly but at the same time sharp, acute or even acidic.

What a combination! Some examples of oxymoron can be blind sight, dead life, or

honest politician.

Another word, PELMA, which is a person who insists a lot but annoyingly.

PELMA in Greek means the sole of the foot.

The sole of the foot related to someone who insists so much that bothers? Well, I have

to say that the Spanish word PELMA is an abbreviation of PELMAZO. Originally

this word was used to define something too tight or crushed. Its origin is not sure,

but maybe it comes from the Greek pegmatos that it is a frozen or coagulated matter. But

I found it funny to see that the word pelma, also exists in Greek, although

coming from different origins have meanings totally different. That is, they are not

related although they are pronounced the same.

And now do not go, because the guest star is coming, but first I'll tell you how

I met him. To make this video, I started to look for information on the etymology,

the origin of the words. Well, if you're looking so technical and complicated things you can find

information as wide ... as boring. But I found something that I liked: a post

from a blog called Blog de Lengua that wrote about the Greek origin of many words we use

in Spanish. I thought about contacting its creator, Alberto Bustos to ask him to explain us

to you and me what he said on his blog, and he said yes. I discovered that besides being

a person who knows a lot of what he talks, he's nice and he has a YouTube channel

which is also called Blog de Lengua and that I recommend you visit, because you are going to learn

A lot about the Spanish language in a fun way. I leave a link to your channel below, in

the description. Alberto, are you there?

Yes yes I'm here. Hello, dear speakers, I'm Alberto Bustos.

Sergi has asked me to talk about the influence from the Greek in our language. It's a subject that

I'm passionate because the language of the ancients Greek is everywhere in Spanish.

There are many words that we use daily that they come from the language that Socrates spoke

and Alexander the Great. To understand this, we have to know that Greek was a very important language

in Antiquity. Latin is the language from which the Spanish has come, the Portuguese,

French, Italian ... was one of the great languages ​​of the classical era, but

the most prestigious by far was the Greek. In times of the Roman Empire,

one couldn't be a cult person without knowing Greek. It's a bit like what happens to us today with

English. Without English we do not go to any side in the current world. Well, in the

Antiquity that role had the Greek. That is why it is sometimes said that Rome conquered

Greece, but in the end it was Greece that he conquered Rome, because he imposed his culture

and his ideas to the Romans.

That immense prestige that Greece had makes two thousand years is still noticeable in our

days. That's why many scientific terms they are still formed with Greek roots,

for example: "geography" is formed with two Greek words: "geo", which is 'earth'

and "graphía", which is "writing". Geography is writing about the Earth,

is the description of the Earth, of our planet. A cosmonaut is a navigator ("nautés")

of space ("kosmos"). And a lycan is a werewolf. "Lykos" in Greek was

'wolf' and 'anthropos' meant person.

You will notice that "lycanthrope" it sounds a lot more important than "man

Wolf". And that is another characteristic of the words of Greek origin. Like this

language had such prestige in antiquity, still in our days it gives an air of

distinction to everything it touches. Simply name one

thing in Greek to make it look like something from another dimension. I'll give you some examples.

Going to mass is not bad (especially if one is Catholic), but it is more impressive to say

that one attends the Eucharist (which is the same, but in the language of Plato). If I tell

you that I have asked for an appointment for the oculist, you will tell me that I do well; but if I go to a

ophthalmologist, you will think that I have looked for a eminence of medicine. And if I tell you that

I have piles, you will answer me that I am an ordinary, but if what I have left

are hemorrhoids, that's already very fine and very presentable. In all these cases we are

talking about the same thing, the only difference is in naming her with words to walk by

house or with the terms of Greek origin.

Brands are always looking for the way to sell and as they are very clever they have

realized that Greek always comes well to get us the dimes. Some

commercial names of Greek origin, come! There is a brand of sportswear that in English

it's called [náiki] and that many in Spanish they say [náik]. Well, very well, but this comes

from the Greek and, if we'd like to sound refined, we would have to

say all [níke]. "Nike" in greek it is 'victory'. Sure, for an athlete

beating can be very important, especially if he is a professional athlete, so the name is

very well placed. I had a car that was called "Clio (Renault Clio)". Clío is one of

the Greek muses, more specifically, the that takes care of everything that has to

see with History. Amazon has become in one of the most powerful companies in the world.

He started selling books and now he sells you the same a mobile phone as a roll of

toilet paper. Well, the Amazons were in the Greek mythology a town of warrior women.

They say that they cut their right breast to that did not disturb them when they shot with bow.

There are also many names of people that come from Greek. Some are of use

current and we can sound quite good. For example, "Andrés" comes from "anér,

andros ", who was 'man' in Greek. "Andrés" means "masculine, virile."

"Irene" meant 'peace'. And "Sofia" it was 'wisdom'. Other names, however,

they have been a little outdated and we are they sound even weird, for example: "Agapito",

that comes from "agape", which meant 'love'. Agapito is the beloved or the person

which is kind And let's not forget Eufrasia. "Euphrasia" in Greek was 'joy'.

And let's not say "Pancracio", "bread" is "everything" and

"Krátos" is 'force'. Pancracio means 'strong' or 'powerful'. Anyway, already

you see that these names are not very elegant, but that they contain a meaning of the most

beautiful, so if you call yourself Agapito, Eufrasia

Pancracio, at least you have that consolation.

Some common names of Greek origin also are interesting because they are from the few words

of our language that end in -a, but are male, for example, "the

problem, the planet, the enigma, the climate " or "the diploma". A grammatical weirdness

that the classic languages ​​clarify to us.

Well, you see that the Greek goes a long way.

I'll give you a few more examples of words that have come to us from Greece

so you can see that they are everywhere our vocabulary We have body parts,

as "hip, skeleton" or "artery". Also animals: that's where the chameleon comes from,

the cuttlefish and the dromedary. They could not miss the plants, like the geranium, the banana

or the narcissus. There is a lot of religious vocabulary, of Christianity, as "monk, bishop"

and "Christ." And many other words, words of the most varied as "winery, apothecary,

chair, sandal "and" tisane ".

Well, Sergi, thank you very much for inviting me to be here today with you today. It has been a pleasure.

See you later, speakers!

If you want to learn these things and much more about Spanish, I recommend you visit

his YouTube channel: Blog de Lengua. And now it's your turn. Surely many Spanish words

of Greek origin are very similar in your language, because surely they also come from that language

so old. Come on! Share them below, in the comments. Of course, remember

subscribe, click on Like, share the video and click on the bell to

Be the first to receive a notification when I publish a new video

See you in next video. ¡Hasta luego!

For more infomation >> Palabras de origen griego, con Alberto Bustos. Lección 58. Sergi Martin. - Duration: 17:34.


Hen (cho bệnh nhân và người nhà) - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> Hen (cho bệnh nhân và người nhà) - Duration: 7:24.


Desvelan las últimas palabras de George H.W. Bush instantes antes de morir - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Desvelan las últimas palabras de George H.W. Bush instantes antes de morir - Duration: 2:14.


Magistrado del TEPJF propone anular elección de gobernador en Puebla - Duration: 3:10.

Aunque el sábado parecía la concretización de las elecciones del pasado 1 de julio y, ahora sí, a otra cosa mariposa… pues no en todo el país

Por ahí nos falta comernos un pollito en algunas elecciones estatales y locales. Una de ellas la de Puebla, donde el TEPJF estaría buscando la anulación

Cuando parecía que nomás era cuestión de que la panista Martha Erika Alonso dijera "sí, protesto" para concluir con el cambio de gobierno, pues ahora resulta que el pleno del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación buscaría anular su triunfo en la elección de gobernador de Puebla

La propuesta para que esto suceda corrió por cuenta del magistrado José Luis Vargas Valdez

"A la sociedad poblana, la ciudadanía mexicana y medios de comunicación: En aras de impulsar la Justicia Abierta hago público el proyecto de resolución que he presentado a las y los magistrados de la Sala Superior del TEPJF, respecto de la elección a la gubernatura de Puebla

Lo anterior, con el fin de que se estudie y discuta esta semana. Hacerlo del conocimiento público abona en la transparencia, disminuye las especulaciones y frena cualquier intento de presión política sobre el Pleno del TEPJF", escribió el magistrado en su cuenta Twitter

De acuerdo con Vargas, aunque el pasado 10 de octubre el Tribunal local confirmó la validez de la elección y el triunfo de la candidata de "Por Puebla al Frente", luego del recuento total de la votación, existieron agravios e irregularidades acreditadas que deberían analizarse para ver si fueron determinantes sobre el resultado y condiciones de validez de la elección

¿Cómo cuáles? Pues el indebido desechamiento de ampliaciones y pruebas supervenientes, la detención ilegal de brigadistas ("con la cual se afectó a Morena, se intimidó al electorado, y se demostró la intervención de las autoridades locales"), el robo de material electoral por parte de funcionarios estatales y la violencia generalizada al interior de casillas, entre otras

De analizarse y aprobarse la moción de Vargas Valdez, pasaría lo que pronto ocurrirá en Monterrey, donde las autoridades electorales realizarán un proceso electoral extraordinario

Es decir, "va de nuez" la votación para decidir quién será el próximo gobernador poblano

Según el proyecto que presenta el magistrado del TEPJF, se tendría que realizar la elección extraordinaria y ésta debería de estar a cargo del Instituto Nacional Electoral… pues porque así como supuestamente se portó el órgano electoral local, pues no es de fiar

Y bueno, las reacciones ante tal iniciativa no se hicieron esperar. Tanto de los que aplauden que se pueda repetir la elección, como de los que no están muy contentos con la idea… los últimos acusando que, de darse, sería una demostración de las decisiones "autoritarias" del líder de la Cuarta Transformación, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador

For more infomation >> Magistrado del TEPJF propone anular elección de gobernador en Puebla - Duration: 3:10.


Julia Navarro, escritora. Playas de Huelva - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Julia Navarro, escritora. Playas de Huelva - Duration: 0:53.


Charlène de Monaco «honteuse », elle partage Albert avec une autre femme -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco «honteuse », elle partage Albert avec une autre femme -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:22.



For more infomation >> HARİKA AĞIR ÇEKİM VİDEOLARI - Duration: 8:09.


Le fils de Vanessa Paradis enfin avec Johnny Depp, la surprenante photo de leurs retrouvailles - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Le fils de Vanessa Paradis enfin avec Johnny Depp, la surprenante photo de leurs retrouvailles - Duration: 1:41.


Michael Schumacher, « nouvel espoir », des photos sensationnelles dévoilées ? - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Michael Schumacher, « nouvel espoir », des photos sensationnelles dévoilées ? - Duration: 1:25.


George et Amal Clooney « un éloignement émotionnel », la crise perdure -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> George et Amal Clooney « un éloignement émotionnel », la crise perdure -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:07.


Kate Middleton jalouse de Meghan Markle, des injections et des ultrasons pour rester fraiche - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton jalouse de Meghan Markle, des injections et des ultrasons pour rester fraiche - Duration: 2:01.


NOTICIAS DE HOY - Papa: Que el Adviento no sea mundano, sino el tiempo para purificar la fe - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> NOTICIAS DE HOY - Papa: Que el Adviento no sea mundano, sino el tiempo para purificar la fe - Duration: 6:03.


Systém informací o mrtvém úhlu u nového vozu Ford Edge - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Systém informací o mrtvém úhlu u nového vozu Ford Edge - Duration: 0:43.


Systém adaptivního řízení u nového vozu Ford Edge, aby řízení bylo bez námahy - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Systém adaptivního řízení u nového vozu Ford Edge, aby řízení bylo bez námahy - Duration: 0:44.


FARMER BOYS - Mountains (OFFICIAL TRACK BY TRACK #7) - Duration: 0:34.

'Mountains' is the interludium to 'Stars'

Both tracks can be seen as a whole

A massive track, prominently featuring the orchestra

It sounds very "wide"

It is a panoramic view, expressed in sound and then transitions into 'Stars'

For more infomation >> FARMER BOYS - Mountains (OFFICIAL TRACK BY TRACK #7) - Duration: 0:34.


Systém aktivního parkování dělá z parkování u nového vozu Ford Edge hračku - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Systém aktivního parkování dělá z parkování u nového vozu Ford Edge hračku - Duration: 0:52.


Live PD: Drunk Carjacking (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Drunk Carjacking (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 4:07.


Dodge Ram 1500 | SPORT Black Line | LUCHTVERING | 5.7 V8 HEMI | 401 pk | 4x4 | Crew Cab 5'7 | Pick u - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Dodge Ram 1500 | SPORT Black Line | LUCHTVERING | 5.7 V8 HEMI | 401 pk | 4x4 | Crew Cab 5'7 | Pick u - Duration: 1:13.


Nerf Box of Toys Zombie Strike Scravenger Toy Weapons Toy Guns - Duration: 5:22.

Nerf Box of Toys Zombie Strike Scravenger Toy Weapons Toy Guns

For more infomation >> Nerf Box of Toys Zombie Strike Scravenger Toy Weapons Toy Guns - Duration: 5:22.


Ariana Grande - $ 700 000 Cars Collection - Duration: 2:53.

Ariana Grande - $ 700 000 Cars Collection

Ariana Grande - $ 700 000 Cars Collection

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - $ 700 000 Cars Collection - Duration: 2:53.


Arsenal ace Aubameyang fires warning to Man United - Duration: 3:46.

 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has warned Manchester United: My best is yet to come.  Team-mate Aaron Ramsey has also hailed Arsenal's rampant super-striker as the new Thierry Henry

 Aubameyang has now netted ten goals from his last ten shots on target. His precision finishing wiped out the Gunners' bitter rivals Spurs 4-2 on Sunday

 He is now targeting United, with Jose Mourinho's underachievers suffering from one of the worst defensive records in the Premier League this season

 Aubameyang said: "I think I'm not at 100% but it's coming. It's coming and against Spurs I felt very good on the pitch

 "I'm really happy because my best form is coming. We knew that if we won this game we'd be in the top four

It's great now.  "We have to look forward because we have an important game on Wednesday

We know that it's tough to stay in the top four.  "It was tough, derbies are like this and it was very important that we won

But the next game is more important. So we need to continue like this, to believe

 "We have to go to Old Trafford to win. As we played today, we also have to play in the next games

"  Mourinho is set to park the bus at Old Trafford after Aubameyang once again showed his class and slicing through defences

 Insisting he loves playing through the middle, the Gabon marksman added: "I think everybody knows it

 "I like to play up front but I know that I can help the team. Sometimes the coach puts me on the left side but as I said it [centre forward] is my favourite position

"  Aubameyang opened the scoring with an early penalty and produced an outstanding, first-time strike to make it 2-2 shortly after half time

 Ramsey said: "It was unbelievable but he does that in training all the time. He just eases the ball into the corners but with pace as well

 "It reminds me of Thierry Henry's finishes, so he has that in the locker. He's been fabulous for us

 "I think that was important for us to score that goal. Then you could really feel that the atmosphere was electric

That really helped us to get over the line and win convincingly in the end."  While other strikers have struggled to settle into life in the Premier League, Aubameyang has hit the ground running after his heroics at Borussia Dortmund

 He went on: "The team helped me to settle in good. It's gone well. We're working to playing matches today but I'm really happy here

It's going well."

For more infomation >> Arsenal ace Aubameyang fires warning to Man United - Duration: 3:46.


La solidarité à Gander a permis de mettre fin au lock-out - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> La solidarité à Gander a permis de mettre fin au lock-out - Duration: 5:36.


One Direction - Drag Me Down (Lyric) - AMV | Twenty One Two Cover - Duration: 2:49.

I've got fire for a heart

I'm not scared of the dark

You've never seen it look so easy

I got a river for a soul

And baby you're a boat

Baby, you're my only reason

If I didn't have you, there would be nothing left

The shell of a man that could never be his best

If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun

You taught me how to be someone, yeah

All my life

You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love, nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

I got a fire for a heart

I'm not scared of the dark

You've never seen it look so easy

I got a river for a soul

And baby you're a boat

Baby, you're my only reason

If I didn't have you there would be nothing left

(nothing left)

The shell of a man who could never be his best

(be his best)

If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun

(see the sun)

You taught me how to be someone


All my life

You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

All my life

You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love, nobody can drag me...

All my life

You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love, nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

For more infomation >> One Direction - Drag Me Down (Lyric) - AMV | Twenty One Two Cover - Duration: 2:49.


Arsenal press conference live updates ahead of Man Utd clash - Duration: 3:19.

  Arsenal are now 19 games unbeaten.  Think about that for a second. In the second half of last season they struggled to even get a draw away from home and the Emirates was far from a happy place

  But Unai Emery has rejuvenated the club - as well as its support - culminating in Sunday's stunning comeback win in the North London derby

  That 4-2 win over Spurs sets the Gunners up nicely for Wednesday night's trip to Old Trafford, with Emery set to take on under-pressure Jose Mourinho and his Manchester United side

 Can they make it 20 in a row? What did Emery make of the win over Spurs? And what is going on with Mesut Ozil?  Hopefully we'll get answers to those questions when he faces the media this afternoon

 Keep up with all the answers here.  Key EventsWelcome11:5112:23Emery on Ozil Absent with a back injury yesterday, Unai Emery was asked about Mesut Ozil post-game

 The Spaniard gave little away.  Asked how he suffered the injury, the Spaniard declared: When quizzed on whether he had told Ozil he wouldn't be playing, the Gunners boss responded:  Hopefully he's more forthcoming today

12:10Aaron Ramsey savagely mocks Eric Dier Savage.  It's the only word for it.  Eric Dier and Aaron Ramsey had a bit of a spat yesterday

 It started with the Welshman on the bench - but he came on and had the final say

 Then, he destroyed Dier post-game. Brilliant!11:56Talking points from yesterday Want to relive yesterday's encounter? Well you can do that right here

 It's our match report and talking points.  There's six of them - see what you think

 11:51KEY EVENTWelcome The morning after the night before.  Some Arsenal fans will no doubt be a bit bleary eyed after the celebrations after the North London derby

 A passionate display from the Gunners led to a 4-2 comeback victory.  But let's be honest, Unai Emery's side dominated from the outset

 It's 19 unbeaten for the Gunners and now Arsenal head to Old Trafford on Wednesday night to take on Manchester United

 Can they make it 20 without loss? The Spaniard will be speaking at around 1pm - we'll hear exactly what he has to say and relay it to you right here

For more infomation >> Arsenal press conference live updates ahead of Man Utd clash - Duration: 3:19.


Cristiano Ronaldo VS Lionel Messi ● Ariana Grande - Thank U, Next ᴴᴰ - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo VS Lionel Messi ● Ariana Grande - Thank U, Next ᴴᴰ - Duration: 3:34.


Le PSG perd ses premiers points de la saison sur la pelouse de Bordeaux (2-2) - HOLA news - Duration: 3:43.

LIGUE 1 - Paris s'arrête à 14 victoires consécutives. Le PSG a concédé son premier nul de la saison sur la pelouse d'un Bordeaux inspiré (2-2).

Menés deux fois au score par Neymar (34e) et Mbappé (60e), les Girondins sont revenus par Briand (54e) et Cornelius (84e).

Les champions de France conservent tout de même 14 points d'avance sur leur dauphin. Bordeaux est 11e.

Enfin, Paris a perdu des points en Ligue 1 cette saison. Après 14 victoires de suite, le PSG, forcément marqué par son combat livré plus tôt cette semaine face à Liverpool, a fait match nul ce dimanche face à Bordeaux (2-2) au Matmut Atlantique.

Les joueurs de Thomas Tuchel, qui ont mené à deux reprises, ont été bousculés par de valeureux Bordelais, combatifs bien que maladroits,

mais qui n'auront jamais lâché, devant un stade rempli qui n'a pas caché sa joie à la fin de la rencontre.

Après avoir gagné jeudi face au Slavia Prague le droit d'espérer en Ligue Europa, les joueurs d'Éric Bedouet n'ont pas seulement profité d'un coup de mou du PSG.

Ils ont livré un match plein, tirant à 18 reprises (record de tirs subis par Paris en Ligue 1 cette saison), et se sont accrochés malgré un scénario défavorable. Car en première période, on a longtemps eu une impression de déjà-vu.

Bordeaux s'est accroché

Comme souvent cette saison en championnat, Paris, disposé dans un 3-4-3 avec Neymar et Mbappé mais sans Cavani ou Verratti (Rabiot ne figurait pas sur la feuille de match) était bousculé mais a mené.

L'abattage d'Otavio et Plasil au milieu de terrain, les courses de Kamano et Karamoh dans leurs couloirs ont permis à Bordeaux de faire lever ses supporters (8e, 22e, 28e).

Paris a mis du temps à démarrer, ne tirant pour la première fois qu'à la 29e minute, mais son réveil a été terrible.

Di Maria a raté une grosse occasion (31e), avant que Neymar ne marque sur une passe d'Alves, qui faisaient son retour en tant que titulaire (0-1, 34e).

Le Brésilien, qui aurait mérité d'obtenir un penalty sur un tacle de Koundé (45e+2), a vu Di Maria toucher le poteau de Costil (45e+3).

Bordeaux est revenu des vestiaires avec les même intentions, Briand marquant de près (1-1, 53e) après un gros loupé de Karamoh (53e).

Mais à trop attaquer, Bordeaux, qui a vu Neymar sortir sur blessure dès la 58e minute, s'est découvert, laissant Mbappé prendre la défense bordelaise dans le dos (1-2, 66e).

Di Maria a manqué l'occasion du break en touchant la barre (71e), puis Cornelius, entré à la 79e minute, a pris le dessus sur Thiago Silva dans les airs, avant de voir Aréola manquer son intervention (2-2, 84e).

Juste avant, Paris, décidément pas verni, avait vu monsieur Schneider oublier un autre penalty sur une intervention limite de Costil devant Choupo-Moting (82e).

Mais c'est enfin un match référence pour les Girondins, désormais onzièmes, qui ne change pas grand-chose au classement : le PSG a toujours 14 points d'avance à la première place.

For more infomation >> Le PSG perd ses premiers points de la saison sur la pelouse de Bordeaux (2-2) - HOLA news - Duration: 3:43.


How To Recover Android Phone Deleted Data || Without PC And Laptop 2018 - Duration: 4:04.



For more infomation >> How To Recover Android Phone Deleted Data || Without PC And Laptop 2018 - Duration: 4:04.


3 důvody, proč jsou Rozina s Annou hodně nebezpečné kobry z Ulice - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> 3 důvody, proč jsou Rozina s Annou hodně nebezpečné kobry z Ulice - Duration: 9:35.


Máy Đánh Bài 3 cây đánh bài bịp cách danh bai bip hiệu quả nhất - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Máy Đánh Bài 3 cây đánh bài bịp cách danh bai bip hiệu quả nhất - Duration: 8:43.


Anticipazioni U&D del 3 dicembre: Gemma vuole riconquistare Fredella - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni U&D del 3 dicembre: Gemma vuole riconquistare Fredella - Duration: 10:42.


(ENG/INDO SUB) BANGTAN BOMB BTS won the 1st & Special MC Jin @MUSICBANK - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> (ENG/INDO SUB) BANGTAN BOMB BTS won the 1st & Special MC Jin @MUSICBANK - Duration: 5:26.


Life Update - Donde estuve? - Duration: 9:20.

I'm alive

I know it' been long since my last video.

I feel this is not the first time I say this..

I haven't uploaded videos because..

I feel I haven't vlogged in forever

So what happened? Where have I been?

Well, I basically decided to take a break from social media

you might had noticed that..

I was feeling a bit saturated

too much Instagram, too much Youtube.

Those things that used to inspire me

were starting to hurt me.

I don't have a team to make cool videos

a whole production team!

I don't have a six pack and a caribbean tan all year long

Plus, this year I decided to officially be a fashion photographer

Though I was working as a photographer before

every once in a while,

Now I'm 100% immerse in that

It was a very full year

Quite a year! And it's not even over yet

That's how long it's 2018

Anyways, now that I got to de-stress a little bit

And now that I stopped thinking that if my work it's not a

HUGE production then nobody will like it..

Now I feel that little by little my creativity

and will to create is coming back.

Through Instagram and Youtube I asked you if you wanted me to answer some questions

This is what you said:

Is it you on that Movistar ad?

Yeah, that's me!

I'm only in it for a second, but it is me!

Would you rather be a model for pictures or runway?

I do prefer modeling for photographies.

The very few times I did runway

they always made me felt uncomfortable. I was very

insecure with my body and aware of my

body and measurements.

And it was very stressful to me.

So I much rather do photography.

In fact, I don't even go to runway castings.

And my best experience?

This is just like when you are asked something

and your brain decides to go blank.. nothing comes to mind!

I think there isn't..

one great experience..

that was like..


These past few years that I got to travel and work abroad were a great experience!

I think that's enough itself.

"When are you getting married?" "The wedding!!"

I get married next year in May and I can't wait!

I want it NOW!

And I want to show you everything!

Is there any advise on how to not look like a monster when I smile in pictures?

It is so hard to smile for a picture!

I think it's one of the hardest things to do.

It is not easy, and every model struggles with this.

So you are not alone!

One thing that really help is

practice this in front of a mirror

this is a little trick of mine,

try to smile with your cheekbone rather than your cheeks.

Like trying to bring your smile upwards.

For example, smiling with my cheeks:

you'll get a round face.

Cheekbone smile:


you feel it work up here

and try to relax your cheeks.

Like trying to create a V shape.

I don't know..

This sounds so stupid..

Which are your favorite foods from all the countries you visited?

I had to make a list.

This is such a great question because

I like to taste cultures.

So these are the things I liked most

and would definitely repeat.

In Mexico: the Sevillanas. They are a communion wafer with Dulce de Cajeta (similar to Dulce de leche, but not quite)

and the tacos.

They are so good, and so different from what you're usually used to eating

Because the taco is bland (like a bread) instead of the crunchy thing you get in boxes. That's an american invention.

In Greece. I will surely pronounce this wrong:

The koulouri.


With tahini and chocolate.

There are different types but this one is the best one.

Italy, my loving italy.

I love it there because all the food is great, and vegetables are


But the highlights would be:

Pistachio Gelato. The best.

The Duplo.

Which is very similar to the Kinder Bueno bar.


it's filled with nougat (hazelnut / nutella)

and it tastes like if you were eating 3 small Ferrero Rocher.

I love Ferrero Rocher.


Here goes my bad pronunciation:

the Kumpir. It's a baked potato

When I tried it I added a lot of toppings

I added yogurt, I added...

I don't remember what was in it, but it was so good!

Oh! And also the, please don't hate my pronunciation:


They are like small donuts, drizzled with honey

I get all excited talking about food.

Great Britain: a tea

Earl Grey tea with

Digestive cookies. Not any, dark chocolate ones.

Oooh! And they also have this popcorn

that comes in a supermarket bag

it's a mixture of sweet and salty popcorn. i believe it's form Marks and Spencer.


In France: A Brioche a la praliné.

I remember that was a good one.

I did also travel to Spain but

I was there for a couple of days and don't remember of a food

that truly ...

I need to go back.

Israel: Pita bread.

it's excellent.

Pita bread with hummus.

I'm not a huge fan of hummus but

it was quite good.

Adrian was always finishing the whole bowl .

From Belgium:

Gent noses, and the waffles.

Specially in winter.

In the Netherlands I tried a

chocolate cookie that was more than just a cookie,

it was an union between a cookie and a brownie.

And they even fresh-bake it in front of you!

it was glorious.

In the USA.

I feel that most of the food in America is junk food. I'm not into that type of food.

But one dish that caught my attention was

the deep dish pizza.

It's a mixture of a pie and a pizza.

with a sweet buttery crust.

It was quite good.

And from Argentina: alfajores.

Havanna are the best ones.

Nobody talks about it but the argentine gelato is very good too.

It's very very good.

and well, anything with Dulce de Leche..

I want to start making new videos again

but I would like to know what you're interested in.

So comment below asking something or write down an idea

and I will work on it.

Thank you for your patience and staying there all this time!

Follow me on Instagram, I'm more frequent there..

I'm a disaster, such a disaster.

Love you all. Bye!

For more infomation >> Life Update - Donde estuve? - Duration: 9:20.


Starten på noget større – Bliv elev i Ørsted 1 - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Starten på noget større – Bliv elev i Ørsted 1 - Duration: 0:45.


I Heart New York - Duration: 10:20.

So this is our last day in New York and today we are going to go all over the place and

see everything.

No, we're not going to be able to see everything, but we're going to try to see some of the


Also today, we are going to become masters of the subway system.


Because if we're going to get around from places without walking ten miles we're going

to have to take the subway so, that's what we're going to do.

You ready? I guess.

We successfully completed our first subway trip.

Had some interesting conversation and now we're going to check out Central Park.

I spoke a little bit too soon about that being a successful subway trip.

We, uh.

We're about fifteen blocks north of where we should have gotten off.

I mean, probably more than that.

Probably more like twenty or thirty.

We're gonna kinda mosey back that direction.

That was nice.

We had a nice little stroll through Central Park.

Now we are going to meet up with a friend of ours at a place called the Shake Shack,

which I'm told is one of the best places to get a burger.

I want a burger.

After all that pizza.

It's burger time.

How are y'all?

How was the burger, what did you think?

It was really good.

The burger was delicious, the shake was even better.

Now we're heading downtown.

We are at the One World Trade Center and we're about to do the Observatory thing, I guess

where we get to, like, go up and see the whole city and I don't know if they'll let me bring

the camera in...

I guess we're gonna find out.

Alright, we just came down from the Observatory in the tallest building in the United States

of America.

So what did you think?

It was cool.

Was it cool?


It kinda made us a little dizzy.

I could definitely feel it just, like, looking down and seeing how far down everything was

and how expansive the skyline was, it was just... kinda disorienting, like, we're never

up that high, ever.


So, the brain kinda struggles to process that, but it was really cool.

Now where are we going?

Barnes and Noble to sign some books.

We kinda caught our breath here for a minute and ate some more cookies and brownies because

the Barnes and Noble Starbucks cookies and brownies are just so good.

Now we've got thirty minutes to get down to the Staten Island Ferry and we're gonna hop

on the Ferry and try to see the Statue of Liberty.

I wanna show you something, see if you recognize it...

I had to come by and see 368.

Love Casey Neistat and he's one of the main influences that got me into doing vlogging

so, I just had to come by and see it for myself with my own eyes.

Well that's gonna do it for us.

It's time for us to go to bed.

It's time for us to put this vlog to bed.

Really enjoyed New York.


It was pretty great.

I think we'll have to come back here.

Thanks for watching.

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe and we'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> I Heart New York - Duration: 10:20.


Vlogmas Day 3: Unboxing My Dream Toy From 1992 - Duration: 18:45.

hey everybody welcome to another day of vlogmas and today's the vlogmas vlog

is a little cheat because it's not really vlog it's a storytime actually

most of these things aren't vlogs don't judge me I'm just trying to post

everyday in December it's a lot of work anyway

I thought it'd be really fun if I visited or like not visited revisited

stories from my Christmas past so this is a tale from my Christmas past and

today's story is about the toy that I most remember in my childhood see I was

always a weird child lest you forget my Halloween costume when I was 10 years

old I just like to show this picture a lot

this is me as Abraham Lincoln so we can just assume that I was a little

different and I always have been and I always will be a little weird so when I

was a kid while other kids were excited about dolls and things of that nature

what I really wanted for Christmas when I was 9 years old was a magic copier now

I don't know if you remember the magic copier it's likely you don't because I

do not believe that this was a popular toy I think this was a toy that only

special children such as myself wanted because most children don't sit around

going hmm you know what I would love to be able to do make copies yes that's

what I wanted to do the magic copier was not actually that cool it was a little

screen where you could draw a picture and then you pushed a button and it

printed that picture out onto paper as a copy really what it was was like special

type of paper that you were drawing on and you weren't really copying it you

were just like pushing the image into the paper as you were drawing but I

thought this was legit the coolest toy ever and I talked about the magic copier

to everyone it was very clear to Santa my parents my grandparents and anybody

who knew me that I wanted to magic copier more than like literally anything

else you know I didn't really care if I got toys or clothes or anything else

just as long as there was an magic copier under the tree and I was

very like specific and very resilient in telling people over and over how much I

wanted this magic copier like when I get like something in this noggin of

mine I like fight for it and I was definitely brawling from that magic

copier except there was a little bit of a problem my mom pulled me aside maybe

like a couple weeks before Christmas and she's like listen I know you really want

this magic copier but it's a very popular toy Anna and I want you to know

that we're having a really hard time getting it and it's very unlikely that

you're going to get a magic copier now I want to rewind a little bit to what I

said earlier most kids didn't want this toy in fact this line for my mom was a

bunch of bull because underneath the Christmas tree on Christmas sat

the office just sat the future office worker of America Anna O'Brien's very

own magic copy in fact I'm pretty sure there was plenty magic copiers left over

because when I look back on it I'm like no child wanted to play businesswoman

other than me so I got this thing and I have memories of sitting in my basement

playing on the magic copier just like hours of copying my important thoughts

my important drawings all of the things that I need a physical paper evidence of

the magic copier such a delight such an amazing toy and really worth that pain

and agony because I really did believe that I wasn't going to get it because in

my mind every child wanted a magic copier every single person on the planet wanted

a magic copier that's what I thought so when my mom had sat me down and told

me that I wasn't going to get it I literally prepared myself for the worst

because I was so upset but then when I got it I was like yes I'm gonna play with

this forever and I did so couple weeks ago I was not feeling so

good it was a little sad and I also had a bout of insomnia which I get

occasionally and that's just something I've had my whole life and I was like

huh and I remembered the magic copier and I was like I wonder if I could get a

magic copier today and so I began to Google and I ended up on eBay and if you

don't know this you can literally buy anything you could ever imagine on eBay

and again this is not sponsored this is the true life stories of one Anna O'Brien

I did very late at night without a lot of sleep and a little bit delirious go

searching for this childhood toy of mine and I found it I found a magic copier

and for 20 dollars I found I could relive my childhood joy that I

experienced copying my deepest truths so I bought it I bought the magic copier

and today I went to my doorman and I had a package and it was wait for it

my magic copier so today in this very special edition of who knows what type

of vlog this is we're gonna open my magic copier and we're gonna relive the

childhood joy of a nine-year-old Anna because you never forget those gifts you

never forget the magic of unwrapping a present under the tree that your

childhood heart thought you weren't gonna get and I thought we should do

this together so here we go now I apparently I ordered one that was tested

and working as I got an email about it oh my gosh here it is it's the magic copier

this is it guys this is the lame toy my 9 year old self wanted so so badly

this is the magic copier here we can see them doing their important drawing of a

dog it's printing out looks you can lift it

up just like a normal copier at home the technology you have a little button that

pushes copy that's like what slides the picture out and look at all the fun things it tells

you you can do with your magic copier like draw doodle which is just another

word for draw write which is basically drawing with words then you push the

button to make a copy or erase it and this is very cool it erases by just

lifting the screen ooh and I remember that I was like so excited about that I

was like look I erased it look I erased it and literally it was

you'll see it's just a plastic thing and load the paper and start again and I

felt like guys guys we need to do this we need to make some magic copies

together so let's open it up okay he's taped it shut I want to tell you this

might be the best twenty dollars I spent this entire year you can't put a price

on childhood joy you just can't do it why is this okay I have this is all I

have is nail clippers but they done screwed up okay we got it

let's cut it I cut my nails I cut packages too ok you ready for it

magic copier oh here she comes here she comes

oh my goodness bonus bonus guys inside the box

this lovely individual included a refill pack so that I could continue my copying

so thanks seller whoever you are I'm gonna give you an amazing review because

you gave me some extra paper I got 20 yellow papers ten yellow no 20 white

ten yellow ten pink I don't even know what I need to do okay magic copier not

included good to know the copier does not come with the refill pack I love

that they have to put stuff on that this is the protective cover um very

important place the protective cover you know that I never did that as a child

protective cover got thrown away like five seconds of owning this but now I

will treat this okay so someone has definitely owned this magic copier

before because we can see that very drawing that someone did previously like

there's little marks on it so this is a pre-owned magic copier it's not original

in box the bottom is literally cardboard this is such a piece of crap

I'm sorry it's not it's not very nice I wanted this so how do I actually sounds like

something died inside of it that's concerning okay how do I actually put

this all together okay well obviously like I have to put batteries in it

somehow but how do I do that I don't want to break it okay so I think this

red part comes off oh okay oh my goodness

magic copier of joy okay so guys we've reached a problem here it needs

batteries I do not have do I have these batteries no it needs some C batteries

well that's a letdown so I guess I'm gonna have to pause this video and come

back to it when I get some batteries

shoutout to Amazon Prime for getting me size C batteries when it is pouring

rain outside okay now I gotta open it back up cuz I

was all responsible and put it away Who am I now I can't get it out okay let's talk

about how cheaply new this is again that's cardboard not even plastic okay

magic copier let's get at this again open this up the door is open got

our size C batteries I don't think I've bought batteries in like ten years literally someday my remote's gonna

go out and I'm gonna have to buy batteries I'm not gonna know what to do

because I don't own any batteries other than these super useful size C batteries which again

I think only get used in like toys from the nineties okay back in business

take the battery so hard to get these in there okay I'm going to flip my camera

around so you can watch me magic copy to my heart's content

oh do you hear okay I just want you guys to hear the magic ready

it for legit works okay so I don't know how I have to read how you actually use

it it would be helpful if I knew how to use the toy right that would be helpful

okay so I lift that red part up I put my paper down then I copy on it I'm gonna

flip this around so you guys can see me magic copying in action I gotta be real

careful here cuz this is not super stable hi let's oh gosh I'm gonna break

my camera I'm gonna break everything magic copy time Oh lost the camera again

try different round for this this is just something I learned and I should have

remembered that I learned in watching Pippi Longstocking I don't know if you

guys remember that movie but I used to think it was the sweetest coolest movie

ever so then I saw it was on Netflix I'm like I'm gonna watch Pippi Longstocking it's

gonna be like great childhood memories and then all I did was get caught up in

all of the inconsistencies in the movie I was like Pippi Longstocking you've

lied to me that's a terrible movie how did I ever think it was good I feel like

this is the toy version of my Pippi Longstocking experience okay

I'm gonna video my my copying experience now okay I'm gonna do it

see we gonna copy some stuff magic hands so first I have to this thing's

like half broken by the way so like when I like have to like that's how I have to open it

because it's sitting and getting paper out of my packet okay another grievance

the paper is like tissue paper I'm a the paper that this comes

with it's like tissue paper it's not even copying on real paper so if you run

out of it you gotta buy this like special ultra-thin crap paper well you

can't even buy that anymore cuz it this product does not exist for obvious

reasons for obvious reasons what the hell Oh take out my handy dandy pen so

what am I gonna write I got to think of a gotta think of an important

message oh you can't even like see the writing what am i copying who knows

because it disappears as I write put a star and a star you guys ready for copy

magic Shh

so this clearly works really well you can't even really read it it says this

toy is a letdown like every man I've dated recently well that's $20 I'm never

getting back this leads me to an important lesson guys never go back never try to

relive moments in your life because what you will find much like I found

with this magic copier that they're just never as good now as they were then and

that's the life lesson we can leave this super fun vlogmas vlog on don't go

back live in the now live in the present live in the future things are never as

good now as they were then it's a life lesson than that Pippi Longstocking taught

me once and I did not listen nay I did not listen and magic copier has taught me

again let's just see it copy again for you know

kicks and giggles this time we'll do yellow paper how did I ever like this

toy and like I legit remember playing with this and being like this is the

best I was a dumb kid that's my message for you guys I'm gonna write a message

hey hot stuff

you ready to see that hot sweet copier action again wait for it wait for it

keep waiting that didn't take like ten years not at all

least this time it came out last time it just stayed there for ever hey white piece of

paper with like vague scribbling boop that's it I'm done I'm probably gonna

throw this out that's $20 I'll never get back but the

memory the memory will always be there when my magic copier was the latest

technology just gonna that's like my that's how I probably was as a child with this

I probably got it and I probably took my Christmas picture like cuz I was so

happy I was as happy getting this the first time as I am sad getting this the

second time so we've come full circle with that guys I am done with

this very fun blast from the past Christmas vlog I hope you guys have an

amazing rest of your holiday season an amazing day today I will check you later

and peace

I didn't put any paper in it

For more infomation >> Vlogmas Day 3: Unboxing My Dream Toy From 1992 - Duration: 18:45.


Meet the Lingvist Team | "I am learning Spanish 30 minutes a day instead of 2 hours a day..." - Duration: 2:15.

My name is Lisa.

I am based in Munich, Germany.

I created the German module for Lingvist.

I was born in Austria.

At 3, I moved to Frankfurt, Germany.

At 13, I moved to United States, Seattle, Washington.

I am currently learning on Lingvist French.

I am brushing up on my Spanish.

I think Lingvist can definitely help you learn a language even when you live in the country

of that language.

It brings up the most common words.

So you can start talking immediately.

It just kind of meets where you are at in that culture and in that country.

Technology in language learning basically should give you the information in the exact

amount and at the exact time that you need it.

People are busy, they have lives, they've hobbies, families, what not.

Technology comes in really wonderfully and it calculates for us when a word should be

introduced when it's easiest for you to remember it.

There's a lot of leeway for technology in language learning for sure.

I am learning French or Spanish in my case for 30 minutes a day,

in stead of 2 hours a day and it gets me the same results.

Who doesn't want that?

Who doesn't want to have time given to them?

Working at Lingvist is really-really-really ridiculously awesome.

I am not overstating it, I just think for me it's the best job I've ever had.

Introverts and extraverts and from all walks of life.

They all have different stories and there are the developers that are quirky and awesome

and then there's the design team and of course the linguists.

To some degree, I feel it's a lot of pressure on me as well.

To design a really awesome, a 100% correct, engaging German module that can be used

for lots of people to learn German.

The advice I would give if you are learning a language, just make a habit of it.

Science has shown multiple times over and over again, if you make a habit of something,

you do it.

You know you get up in the morning, you brush your teeth,

you do 50 words while eating your cereal.

Just make a habit of it on a daily basis

and you will learn the language in the quickest possible way.

For more infomation >> Meet the Lingvist Team | "I am learning Spanish 30 minutes a day instead of 2 hours a day..." - Duration: 2:15.


Ekaterina: Why did I choose CEMS? - Duration: 1:58.

Hi! So let me introduce myself, my name is Ekaterina and I am coming from Russia.

I have joined Master in International Management/CEMS this academic year, so it is my second semester

but I have already done my exchange semester.

For me when I was considering different programmes, the most important thing was international environment,

because I have always wanted to work in international environment with people from all over

and that is exactly what CEMS gives you because you can go on exchange, you can do your international internship.

And also one more important thing for me was relations with corporate partners,

because you want to know your future potential employers

and that is also what CEMS offers you through all these networking activities.

My last semester I spent in China as part of the CEMS programme - exchange

and that was really amazing because I always wanted to go to Asia,

because first of all it is very challenging, it is something new,

you have to go out of your comfort zone, meet people,

like literally different people, local people, internationals

and it is very cool because you make friends.

You understand that the world is much bigger than we think about it. So that was very nice.

There are a lot of things that I really love about the programme,

but the most important one for me is probably the possibility to meet people.

It is this networking opportunities, because once you are part of the CEMS then you are really part of a big family.

So in your future, no matter in what company you work, where you continue your education,

if you meet CEMSie then you already feel on the same wave with these people and that is very cool.

For more infomation >> Ekaterina: Why did I choose CEMS? - Duration: 1:58.


Why I Stopped Paying Tithes to The Church - Duration: 10:30.

Why I Stopped Paying Tithes to The Church. Tithing is a lie/ fasle doctrine. Many people believe that they must tithe 10% to the church. Malachi has been twisted by men, in order to fleece the flock. Jesus said to care for orphans and widows. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and care for the poor wanderer. Jesus did not call for us to support temples, made with human hands. He tore down the temple, and He dwells in us. I would much rather give as the Spirit leads than give under compulsion to a man in a church. The Bible says that those who give to the rich shall come to want, but those that help others are storing up treasure in Heaven.

For more infomation >> Why I Stopped Paying Tithes to The Church - Duration: 10:30.


3 Reasons You NEED A Side Hustle | How A Side Hustle Can Change Your Life - Duration: 11:12.

Diversifying your revenue streams is one of the most important things that you can do

to improve your Financial Health.

And as it turns out there are far more benefits to creating a side hustle than just the monetary

factors and in this video, I'm going to show you the math behind why that is as well as

discuss some of my own experiences with my side hustle and how it changed my life.

Today I'm going to be going over the top 3 reasons why I think you need to have a side-hustle.

Hey everyone Daniel here and welcome to Next Level Life a channel where you can learn about

Investing, debt, retirement, and many other general financial education videos because

the school's aren't going to do it for us.

So if any of those topics sound interesting to you or if you want to learn how to better

handle your money and have more financial freedom be sure to hit that subscribe button

and the bell next to my name to be notified every time I upload a video.

And if you want to further support the growth of this channel you can check out some of

the links I've left down in the description below which includes a 30-day free trial of

Audible and 2 free audiobooks of your choice as well as a list of some books on money I'd

recommend checking out, or you can share this video with a friend, and leave a comment below

letting me know what topics you'd like me to cover in future videos.

The first reason that I think everyone should have some sort of side-hustle is the added

security that it provides.

Most of us only have one source of income and that would be the salary from our jobs

and that's all fine and good you can create a financially successful life based off of

just that however there are so many unknowns when it comes to the job market and the larger

economy as a whole.

What happens to you when the economy tanks if your company decides that it needs to lay

people off in order to stay afloat?

Unless you've had enough time to set your financial affairs in order already you're

likely to experience a sudden and drastic change in your standard of living until you

either find another job or your company is able to bring you back and having a side-hustle

can help to limit that drop off in lifestyle or even prevent the drop off from happening

in the first place depending on how well it is doing for you.

Even something as small as $500 or $1,000 a month can help delay the need to dip into

your emergency fund, or heaven help us, credit cards while you try to regain your previous


The second reason that I think everyone should have a side-hustle is that it can help speed

up your path to financial independence.

Now you'll see a lot of stuff online about creating passive sources of income and there's

nothing wrong with that method, I'm a fan myself, but that's not the only way to create

more sources of income.

Some people get a second job, some people deliver pizzas on the weekend, some people

go onto Craigslist and look at the free section and then go grab some of that stuff and sell

it on Craigslist or eBay or Amazon for a profit, some people do a similar Thing by going to

Dollar stores and buying something for less than it's worth and then turning around and

selling it at market value, others hire property managers and get housing or apartments that

they can then rent out at a profit without having the inconvenience of having to fix


And it may not be as much as you're making at your job but it's a nice secondary source

of income which can help you pay down your debts faster or invest more early on when

you still have a lot of time for that money to compound on itself as well as mathematically

make it easier for you to retire early if you wish to.

So there are tons of ways that you can create multiple streams of Revenue it really just

comes down to what one works best with your skill set and your goals as well as the lifestyle

you want to lead.

And I'm not going to go over all the various ways that you can go about making this side

income in this video that's not what I want to focus on here maybe in the future video

but not today, today I just want to focus on the math behind why finding something that

will allow you to get another Revenue stream is important.

Now I'm not going to focus too much on the debt payoff end of things in this video because

I think it's obvious to all of us that if you're throwing more money at your debts you're

going to pay them off faster.

The thing that I'm more interested in is what this does mathematically for those who wish

to retire early.

Because one of the biggest roadblocks to early retirement for a lot of people is that they

feel they need to have a million dollars or $3 million dollars or some huge chunk of money

set aside in order to retire early, you see this brought up a lot with people like Suze


And while it's certainly going to help if you have a lot of extra money because it gives

you more wiggle room in retirement it's not necessarily required.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying don't invest, I'm not saying don't try to get a

large sum of money before retiring because you definitely should still do that, but I

am saying that there are other things you can do to supplement those Investments and

maybe speed up your time to be able to retire early if you wish to.

For those who have been watching my videos for a long time, you'll probably remember

me talking about the 4% rule or the safe withdrawal rate which is a rule of thumb that many early

retiree hopefuls use to get a good guesstimate of how much they would need to invest in order

to retire early.

The too long didn't watch version is, in general, you need roughly 25 times your annual expenses

in order to be able to retire and have a reasonable chance of not running out of money.

Now some people say 25 times is not enough so some people use a 3% safe withdrawal rate

and say you have to have 33 times your annual expenses but again it's a rule of thumb to

give us a ballpark estimate, to give us something to shoot for but everyone's situation is going

to be a little different.

However, in general, it's a good ballpark estimate and it's the one I'm going to be

using for the math in this video because I have to use something otherwise the equations

never get started.

So say if you wanted to live on $3,000 a month in retirement or $36,000 a year which if you

are debt-free is definitely doable especially considering that you're going to have to get

pretty good at controlling your expenses if you ever hope to retire early.

$36,000 a year times 25 is $900,000, so that's our starting goal but what happens if we had

income coming in during retirement?

Let's say you started a blog on building your own business where you show people how you

built your business what tools you used how to get through the ups and downs particularly

in the early stages and all that sort of stuff and you started using ads, affiliate marketing

as well as selling an ebook on your blog to generate some sort of income.

Over the course of your first year, you begin to build a following and find that by the

end of the year you're generating $1,000 a month on average from your blog through the

sale of your books ads and affiliate marketing.

You enjoy writing on the blog and figure you could continue doing this fairly easily when

you retire which means that in addition to your Investments you're actually bringing

in $1,000 a month on average in retirement if not more because the business might continue

to grow.

If we're being honest, $1,000 a month is not that much money to make on a business,

assuming you are consistently providing good value to your customers, especially if you

keep your costs low and have been working on it for years which at that point they would

have been.

But $1,000 a month is $12,000 a year.

$12,000 a year in income during retirement means that that's $12,000 a year you don't

have to take out of your Investments.

Meaning that your Investments don't actually need to cover those particular expenses.

They only need to cover the extra $2,000 a month or $24,000 a year that are not covered

by your business.

$24,000 a year x 25 is $600,000.

So generating this side income has saved you from the need to invest an extra $300,000

for retirement.

And if you do the math on the difference it can really be an eye-opening experience.

Say if someone had already managed to invest $600,000 in retirement, but didn't have

any side income.

They have done it over the long-haul investing roughly $1,000 a month every month for a little

over 20 years at an average rate of return of 8%.

At this rate, they would have to continue working for nearly another 4.5 years to reach

the $900,000 mark.

However, if they started working on a side hustle from the beginning, generating roughly

$1,000 per month and threw that into their investments then instead of retiring in 24.5

years with roughly $900,000 they would be financially independent in about 13 years

and 9 months with $600,000 which means they are capable of leaving their jobs almost 11

years earlier than they would've without the side-income.

Now, of course, they could continue working until they reach $900,000 shortly after the

17-year mark, but even then it still a savings of 7 to 7.5 years.

Either way, it's quite a lot of time that you're saving.

The third reason that I think everyone should have a side-hustle is that it has the potential

to radically change your life.

For the record, this is what happened to me.

As many of my long-time viewers will know my dad used to talk to me about finance quite

a bit.

He was always interested in the subject matter and realized how important it was to properly

educate his kids about finances.

I also realized that schools didn't really teach us about money, heck even the financial

classes I took while in college didn't teach me much of anything about handling my own

personal finances.

And even though my dad died while I was young and before he really had enough time to implement

many of the ideas he taught me about I could see even then how impactful it could be on

someone's life to be properly educated about finances just by where I was in my life at

the time.

Even something as seemingly small in the grand scheme of things like finding out a way to

graduate from college debt-free so that you aren't putting yourself in such a large

hole so early in life can make a huge difference.

So I looked at where my life was then and the trajectory I was on and a desire began

growing within me to pass on what my dad taught me to as many other people as I possibly could

because if I could just get 1 person, just one to really get it, to get something to

click inside them with money then that is an entire life that gets changed for the better

and that would make it all worthwhile.

It shifted my entire life plan, it helped me to decide to try out semi-retirement at

24 so that I could have more time to make these videos and work with people individually

to achieve the same level of freedom and choice that I've been lucky enough to experience.

So I hope that between me and others like me you are able to take the first, second,

or last steps on your journey to reaching your dream life.

So those are the top 3 reasons, at least according to me, why I think everyone should look into

getting a side-hustle.

But that'll do it for me today once again if you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe

and hit that Bell next to my name so that you'll be notified of all my future uploads.

I generally upload every single Monday, and if you have a friend that would be interested

in this kind of content be sure to share it with them and let's really get this information

out there and start our own Financial revolution.

For more infomation >> 3 Reasons You NEED A Side Hustle | How A Side Hustle Can Change Your Life - Duration: 11:12.


Arsenal ace Aubameyang fires warning to Man United - Duration: 3:46.

 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has warned Manchester United: My best is yet to come.  Team-mate Aaron Ramsey has also hailed Arsenal's rampant super-striker as the new Thierry Henry

 Aubameyang has now netted ten goals from his last ten shots on target. His precision finishing wiped out the Gunners' bitter rivals Spurs 4-2 on Sunday

 He is now targeting United, with Jose Mourinho's underachievers suffering from one of the worst defensive records in the Premier League this season

 Aubameyang said: "I think I'm not at 100% but it's coming. It's coming and against Spurs I felt very good on the pitch

 "I'm really happy because my best form is coming. We knew that if we won this game we'd be in the top four

It's great now.  "We have to look forward because we have an important game on Wednesday

We know that it's tough to stay in the top four.  "It was tough, derbies are like this and it was very important that we won

But the next game is more important. So we need to continue like this, to believe

 "We have to go to Old Trafford to win. As we played today, we also have to play in the next games

"  Mourinho is set to park the bus at Old Trafford after Aubameyang once again showed his class and slicing through defences

 Insisting he loves playing through the middle, the Gabon marksman added: "I think everybody knows it

 "I like to play up front but I know that I can help the team. Sometimes the coach puts me on the left side but as I said it [centre forward] is my favourite position

"  Aubameyang opened the scoring with an early penalty and produced an outstanding, first-time strike to make it 2-2 shortly after half time

 Ramsey said: "It was unbelievable but he does that in training all the time. He just eases the ball into the corners but with pace as well

 "It reminds me of Thierry Henry's finishes, so he has that in the locker. He's been fabulous for us

 "I think that was important for us to score that goal. Then you could really feel that the atmosphere was electric

That really helped us to get over the line and win convincingly in the end."  While other strikers have struggled to settle into life in the Premier League, Aubameyang has hit the ground running after his heroics at Borussia Dortmund

 He went on: "The team helped me to settle in good. It's gone well. We're working to playing matches today but I'm really happy here

It's going well."

For more infomation >> Arsenal ace Aubameyang fires warning to Man United - Duration: 3:46.


11 Psychology Tricks That Work on Anybody - Duration: 8:50.

Do you ever wish you had magical powers when dealing with people? Well, good news is – you

don't need them! All you need to do is learn these 15 simple

psychology tricks that work on anybody! 11. Get people to tell you their secrets

Have you ever felt like somebody is hiding something important from you but you just

couldn't get them to open up? Well, with this simple mind trick, you can easily get

people to tell you any secret. The first thing you need to do is confront them directly,

and I mean literally invade their personal space. Don't be too pushy or aggressive,

just pull your chair a little closer or take a step towards them. This will make them feel

vulnerable and encourage them to reveal more. Once they start talking, keep nodding your

head and stroking your chin. These are universal signs of agreement and experiments have shown

that people talk three to four times more than usual if the listener nods their head

and strokes their chin as the speaker talks. Be consistent with this approach and people

will start telling you all of their deepest secrets in no time!

10. Get a bigger tip Ugh, there's nothing worse than a bad tipper!

If you're a waitress, here's one super effective trick that you can use on your customers

to get them to leave a bigger tip. All you have to do is wear something red! Waitresses

who wear red get up to 26% extra in tips than those who wear other colors. But there's

a catch though! This only works on male customers! So what about waiters and female customers?

Don't worry; you can use another easy psychological trick: just touch your customer lightly on

the upper arm when you talk to them. A light touch tells your customer that you're a

caring person and that you are focusing all your attention on them. One study showed that

servers who briefly touch each customer's arm while asking them a question get 25% higher

tips than those who keep their distance. 9. Make your way through a crowd

Is there anything more annoying than trying to maneuver your way through a sea of people

that all seem to be going in a different direction? Next time you find yourself in the middle

of a busy street, on the subway, at a music festival, or any other jam-packed event, try

this easy trick that will help you make your way through a crowd more quickly. Just stand

straight and concentrate intently on the direction you want to go. Keep your eyes fixed on your

end goal and just start walking. You'll be surprised at how easily people will move

out of the way to let you through! This is because the crowd will usually look at other

people's eyes to make the decision of which way to walk.

8. Break up a fight with a snack If you live in a big city, you're probably

used to seeing people bickering on the street or public transport all the time. But what

should you do if a silly argument turns into a full-blown physical altercation? Here's

an easy trick to break up a small fight: just grab a snack and position yourself near the

scuffle. This trick gained in popularity in 2013 after someone uploaded a YouTube video

showing a man on the New York subway successfully breaking up a fight between another man and

a woman simply by standing between them and munching one some potato chips. Have you ever

seen people fighting and eating at the same time? Of course not! People associate eating

with a state of relaxation and seeing someone else eat will immediately make them regain

their composure and simmer down. 7. Remember anybody's name

Are you bad at remembering names? Don't worry, you're not alone! Most people struggle

with names, but fortunately you can use one easy psychological trick that will help you

remember anybody's name. Every time you meet a new person and they tell you their

name, try and make a visual connection between their name and something memorable in your

world - the more unusual, the better. For example, if someone's name is Rob, picture

Rob as a bank robber. You can also visualize little phrases that rhyme with the person's

name. So, if you meet a woman named Joan, think of Joan taking a bank loan, visualize

Lenny dropping a penny, or Reese calling the police!

6. Turn enemies into friends No matter how nice you are, not everyone will

like you – and that's fine! But what do you do when you know that someone can't

stand you and you really want them to change their mind? Easy! Just use this simple mind

trick and watch your foes turn into friends one by one. All you have to do is ask them

to help you with something. I know, I know – asking your enemy for a favor sounds like

the last thing you'd want to do, but trust me: it works! Deep down, we're all a little

bit vain and we want others to perceive us as intelligent and capable. If you make your

enemies feel like you need their help and you show genuine interest in their opinion,

you'll quickly get on their good side and they will forget why they didn't like you

in the first place. 5. Understand your boss

Do you and your boss never seem to see eye to eye on anything and you're beginning

to wonder if it's all really worth it? Well, there's an easy way to check if your boss

is actually capable of building a healthy relationship with the employees. This trick

is often used by social scientists to measure people's ability to step outside one's

own experience and see the world from someone else's viewpoint. Next time you're at

an office party, approach your boss and ask them if they want to play a little game. Tell

them you need only 30 seconds. Once they agree, ask your boss to extend their right forefinger

and trace a capital letter E on their forehead. If they 'write' the E so that it's backward

to themselves but legible to you, it means they're willing to see things from your

perspective. If they draw the E so that it's readable to themselves but backwards to you,

it means they couldn't care less about other people's point of view and you two will

probably never be able to find common ground. 4. Catch a stalker

You know that creepy feeling when you can tell somebody's staring at you every time

you look away? Well, here's how you can easily catch a stalker. All you need to do

is pretend to yawn while quickly glancing at the potential stalker. If they also yawn,

you will know that they were definitely watching you. The yawn reflex has been proven to be

contagious and this copycat behavior is subconscious, which means the stalker won't even realize

that they were imitating you. The reason why we can't help but yawn when we see someone

else yawning lies in the mirror neurons which fire in our brains both when we act and when

we observe the same action performed by another. You can easily test this if you try and visualize

yourself yawning. Concentrate really hard on it for a few minutes and you can easily

make yourself yawn. 3. Spot a liar

We already told you how you can trick people into telling you their secrets, but how will

you know if they're actually telling the truth or just making stuff up as they go?

Fortunately, there's another psychological trick that can help you spot a liar in just

seconds. All you need to do is create awkward silence when talking to someone who you suspect

might be lying to you. One Dutch study from 2010 found that silence in a conversation

starts to feel unbearable for most people after just four seconds. If you purposefully

create an awkward silence during conversations, the other person will quickly try to fill

it by saying the first thing that comes to their mind – and they will sooner or later

end up telling you the truth you were looking for.

2. Get what you want Next time you need someone to do you a favor,

try the so-called door-in-the-face technique. Here's how it works: you first need to ask

the person to do you an outlandish favor that you know for sure they will refuse. When they

say no, make a disappointed look on your face and then ask them for a more reasonable favor

– the one you actually want them to do. Believe it or not, they will most likely accept

without protesting. For example if you ask someone "Can you help me do all this work?"

and they refuse, just ask them "Well, can you help me only with this part?" and they

will most probably comply with your request. Basically, the door-in-the-face technique

works by first getting a 'no' and then getting a 'yes'. When the other person

refuses the first request, they will feel a little bit guilty about having said 'no',

which will trigger the fear of social rejection. The second request gives them the opportunity

to minimize the guilt and avoid rejection. Try it out on someone and let us know in the

comment section if it worked! 1. Be a mind-reader Here's a cool trick

that will convince your friends you're a mind reader. The only props you'll need

are a dictionary and a calculator. Before you perform this trick, look up the 9th word

on page 108 in your dictionary, write it down on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope,

and place the envelope in your pocket. Now pick two friends you want to perform this

trick on and give one the dictionary, and the other a calculator. Ask your friend with

the calculator to pick any three digit number but tell them that no two digits can repeat.

For example, he or she can choose the number 365, but not the number 333. Then ask them

to reverse the number and they'll get 563. Next, tell them to subtract the smaller number

from the bigger one in this way: 563 – 365 = 198. Now, ask them to reverse that number

(891) and tell them to add the last two numbers together. In our example, it will be 198 +

891= 1089. Believe it or not, the result will always be 1089 no matter what number they

choose in the first place. Ask your friend what the first three digits

of the number are. These will always be 108! Turn to your friend with the dictionary and

tell them to find page 108. Now ask the friend with the calculator what the last digit of

the number was. Again, this will always be 9. Tell the friend with the dictionary to

find the ninth word down and keep staring at them intently as if you were really reading

their mind. Finally, pull out the envelope reveal the piece of paper with the 9th word,

and impress everyone with your mind-reading abilities!

Have you ever tried any of these tricks on other people? Let us know in the comment section

below and don't forget to hit that thumbs up button!

For more infomation >> 11 Psychology Tricks That Work on Anybody - Duration: 8:50.


【比韓劇還好看!】網友票選最好看的8部中國大陸電視劇!一集一集追超刺激! - Duration: 20:42.

For more infomation >> 【比韓劇還好看!】網友票選最好看的8部中國大陸電視劇!一集一集追超刺激! - Duration: 20:42.


MEET MY BASKETBALL TEAM! - Duration: 14:08.

boo even in my birthday man. Happy Birthday. Thank you.

what up guys so today we're headed to Rishon to play umm Rishon

the gym I haven't shown you guys the gym you want to see Iike a full full video of

the gym comment below let me know no idea what that says I'm guessing it says

something about basketball gym that's why I did the interview yesterday if you

saw on the last video right there in the grass just not going into that way so

the other way okay so this is like a school so I guess I having like recess I

know it seems like a high school they use our gym like PE so this is the

entrance that I usually go to the games practice all that. Boo even in my birthday man. Happy Birthday. Thank you

what'd he say you say what do you say what'd he say I'm a grandma. Old and wise. Old and wise

accomplish this year for your birthday. Im going to accomplish 100km, half iron man israel oh they have keto diet you going to finish

it you gotta go to watch us on youtube I'm on youtube? I'm going to be famous. I'm going to hold you accountable. hashtag maria. Im going to be a celeb

What do you want to be called on the vlog?You want to be called zali?

Basically everybody call my zali

or the king, or the lion king

wait boy if you don't your bathroom full is so high though like what they got showers

I'm going to get to this film and this practice

well you got scared you still got scared as David is. Thats. Yoni, say whats up Yoni. What's up. Tell them what you do. Chilling. Yoni is the weight coach, so he keeps us looking right

Toda. that's how you say thank you all right so this is my boy Eliav yall seen him multiple times I've seen it

multiple times up guys tell them where you're from bro you're not from LA where

you from it's nearby Tel Aviv

okay he's nearly there from Holon but we're actually not practicing at the gym

where we play we're going to what's the place called we're going to yeah I'm soo

Yom Suf fits like a school because why aren't we practicing at ours they got

like school stuff over there so we'll practice there then we'll go to lunch

and then we'll all a abale abale is daddy I'm habla de papa they will go what

yeah smote suit. Left. Locker room on the left.Wait Yonothan can I film you? No. Avi can I film you? Film what. I'm filming you. Why don't you ask me before? You film me. Where you from. What you mean? I'm from Israel. How was practice. Roii. Make a shot roi. Is this video rolling? Say whats up su, zelle say whats up. Gang gang

cuz more of like a habit routine thing for me you see me taking the trash out

being domestic so the haircuts you know something I do every time before game so

alright so I get my hair cut not only is it a freaking barbershop but it's also

convenient store my man be selling closing their shoes drinks I'm bout

show y'all hold on I used this conditioner put in it I'll let it I let

it sit in there for that's the cantu stuff I was telling you about

thank you alright we'll see I wish our thing which I think as you saw until

when they started this cut too it was good so that's the place I get to

cut now about

My man was just mad sitting on the ferarri

you good be. why you sitting on the ferarri. all right so now it's time for me to pack so I

need a grab bag yo bag all right so hang all my stuff you guys already seen what

I like pack but for me happy so I'm bringing fruit because healthy snacks you

know just in case a key for me is about getting it done before you actually put

it in the bag you know so I'll have everything that I already need done and

yes Jen it is folded so I don't want to hear anything good in college I'll just

get my stuff and throw it in the bag throw it into my bag you know guys you

know what I mean it's just easier to do it that way

hi Emma okay Maria like the makeup oh yeah only missing the lipstick lipstick

lip gloss only big 27

all right so it's her birthday right and we're in the airport you know like

security security and there's Doritos there's a full cake

there's gifts but we've already passed through security so trying to figure

this out

David you stressing right now enough getting extremely annoying just who's gonna get

the armrest

wait what dont take pictures. You got a muscle head. What?! Ohhhh. Time for me to relax and call jelly

while we have a game but again as you know beds are OD OD close that's known

figure this one out this is the shower and this is like the

shower curtain but you can like shower no shower curtain or have half a shower

curtain please comment below if this is like normal

all right so you guys saw shoot around practice we had little targets just

where like we go over the scouting report we had lunch now about to take a

shower but since we have lunch so early I've brought back a plate with food just

to eat before because we had this thing called coffee and cake before and

obviously I don't drink coffee or you cake it's not really like food they like

fruit and stuff I guess it's like a Europe thing so I need some food in my

system time bus for Room I'm gonna be extra or I'm being prepared let me know

I got some fire for you guys hold on a second hold on a second

it's Chris breezy baby

all right it's about that time about that game time boyy headed to coffee

and cake so I'm going to show you what this coffee and cake looks like. We had to wear the polo? haha. Avi, we had to wear the polo? Thor. Come on, come on lets go. This my man jonothan. Say whats up tell them where you are from. What's up bro. I'm from Rishon, Israel. I'm up next and he's the goat

That's a wrap. Heres the airport right where we started. If you want to see more videos like this, comment below.

For more infomation >> MEET MY BASKETBALL TEAM! - Duration: 14:08.


Nerf Box of Toys Zombie Strike Scravenger Toy Weapons Toy Guns - Duration: 5:22.

Nerf Box of Toys Zombie Strike Scravenger Toy Weapons Toy Guns

For more infomation >> Nerf Box of Toys Zombie Strike Scravenger Toy Weapons Toy Guns - Duration: 5:22.


Hyundai ix35 2.0i CVVT STYLE 163pk - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0i CVVT STYLE 163pk - Duration: 1:08.


Speaking Of Life 1007 | Jesus The Demolition Artist - Duration: 5:05.

In 2006 my son played in a high school championship game in what was the Georgia Dome.

An impressive indoor football arena where professional football players played over

the course of 23 seasons.

On Nov 20, 2017 it was demolished to give way to an even more impressive stadium with

a retractable roof and the largest halo board of any sports complex – It is the Mercedes

Benz Stadium, and it certainly is the Mercedes Benz of all stadiums.

Whether on TV or in person, we've all seen demolitions.

People usually stand by and observe, there may be a news camera or two.

Then an abandon building jerks and smokes and buckles, quickly becoming a cloud of dust.

What had taken years and millions of dollars to put up is gone within minutes.

The right specialist can achieve this with such precision that it won't even crack

a window on the other buildings in the area.

One of the most famous demolitions in recent history was the leveling of the Pruitt-Igoe

housing development in St Louis in 1971.

Pruitt-Igoe was a symbol of the philosophy of the time, which was called modernism.

Modernism held, among other things, that human beings are hyper-evolved animals that simply

needed the right conditions to thrive.

The idea of a God, or a higher being, was considered passé—as a tool of former oppressive

regimes and nothing more.

Modernism held that we are rational animals, and our emotional, relational and social needs

depended mostly on our physical needs.

The Pruitt-Igoe housing project was an attempt to bring these principles to life.

It was to be the best of modern architecture, electrical, plumbing, and other amenities.

It was erected in one of the worst neighborhoods in inner-city St. Louis as "project housing."

The residents were moved in, and the country waited to see modernism at work.

Within fifteen years, crime, racial tension, and poverty were rampant, making Pruitt-Igoe,

the great modernist project, a terrifying place to live and a complete failure.

Many philosophers and thinkers say the symbolic end of modernism was the demolition of Pruitt-Igoe

in December 1971.

This view of humanity, as one-dimensional beings who only need their physical needs

met to thrive, had failed completely.

This modernist way of understanding was also at the root of the bloodiest century in human


In our lectionary readings for today and the next several weeks, we will be talking about

the beginning of Jesus' career in ministry.

Especially in this part of his life, we see Jesus demolishing several ideas about what

God's long awaited deliverance was going to look like.

He didn't bring about a political or military victory, he didn't bring about deliverance

for only the Jewish people, and he triumphed in his death on the cross rather than a conquest

of power.

Finally, he invited us to deliverance from sin, not from temporary suffering and pain.

He demolished our human expectations of how we thought God should arrive on the scene.

Here he is baptized rather than baptizing, here he is making wine with a miracle rather

than something more dramatic, here he is saying that He has authority to forgive sins.

He demolishes our expectations as well sometimes, bringing about what we need in our lives rather

than always what we want.

He calls us to serve and to love rather than a winner-takes-all mentality.

He calls us out of our understanding of Him, and our understanding of ourselves.

So it is when Jesus, the demolition artist, is at work.

Just like the Pruitt-Igoe project which symbolized the end of modernism, so the demolition Jesus

did was the end of a flawed understanding of God and humanity.

So we see the demolition artist in our own lives, breaking down our old self-protective

walls of sin and fear so that the real thing, the new creation, can go up in its place.

I'm Greg Williams, Speaking of Life.

For more infomation >> Speaking Of Life 1007 | Jesus The Demolition Artist - Duration: 5:05.


Speaking Of Life 1006 | A Gathering Light - Duration: 3:47.

Have you ever experienced a Christmas Tree lighting event?

My friend shared a unique Christmas experience in a small art district in Dallas, TX.

Various art shops opened their doors, providing free wine and hors d'oeuvres.

As you can imagine, they quickly filled with people.

But as the sun went down, the doors started closing, leaving everyone out in the cold.

My friend discovered that he and his family had become separated, and it had gotten too

dark to see clearly.

People were drawn to one little rugged shop that was still lit up.

It was a glass-blowing shop known for its beautiful glass creations.

In its courtyard stood an old metal tree that people gathered around waiting.

At the appointed time, workers from the shop carried out hot molten glass and began drizzling

the metal tree with gleaming strips of dazzling light.

Within a few minutes the cold metallic structure was transformed into a beautiful Christmas

tree decorated with glistening glass dancing with fire and light.

It was a sight to behold.

As the tree got brighter the crowd grew closer.

And it was in the glow of that fiery light that my friend found the faces of his family.

This story may remind us of another story that is often told to begin the Epiphany season.

I'm referring to the story of the Magi, or Wise Men as they are often called.

These astrologers, slash magicians, weren't Jewish.

But, because of a spectacular light event in the sky, they were drawn to Jesus, King

of the Jews.

The visit of the Magi to pay homage to Jesus is a story that reveals to us a Father who

never intends for anyone to be left out in the cold, cut off from his family.

When Matthew tells this story in his Gospel account, he seems to have a passage from Isaiah

in mind that points to this reality: [LOOK DOWN]

Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

Lift up your eyes and look about you: all assemble and come to you; your sons come from

afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip."

(Isaiah 60:3-4) [LOOK UP]

The birth of Jesus - accompanied by the visit of the Magi - is an epiphany for us.

It opens our eyes to see that the Father sent his Son to draw all people to himself.

No matter the perceived distance and darkness that lie between us and the Father, Jesus

is the Light of the World leading us home.

As we come to him we come to see we are not shut out, lost and alone in the cold dark


We are brought into communion with the Father, Son, and Spirit and with brothers and sisters

gathered in the glow of his love.

May this Epiphany Season open our eyes to see Jesus as the light that gathers.

I'm Anthony Mullins, Speaking of Life

For more infomation >> Speaking Of Life 1006 | A Gathering Light - Duration: 3:47.


SMIESZNE FILMIKI 🔥 SMIESZNE ZWIERZĘTA 🔥 2018 🔥 #05 - Duration: 10:52.

You got me jumpin light

I'm sexy and I know it

Oh just a little savory things those in its sector bill and director central those in its sector pasta you're there

What the fuck


Need a ride home ma'am. Oh, yes mister, please. Thank

You so fucking precious when you smile

You're the heart

Surprise motherfucker

It's like it ain't no thing

I'm here. Let me serve you bitch lasagna



For more infomation >> SMIESZNE FILMIKI 🔥 SMIESZNE ZWIERZĘTA 🔥 2018 🔥 #05 - Duration: 10:52.


Come scegliere il notaio di fiducia | Alfio Bardolla - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Come scegliere il notaio di fiducia | Alfio Bardolla - Duration: 1:49.


English Pronunciation | How to Say Car Brands - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> English Pronunciation | How to Say Car Brands - Duration: 2:01.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol 7p. AUT Clima/Trekhaak - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol 7p. AUT Clima/Trekhaak - Duration: 1:08.


Beba Isso Para LIMPAR o Útero, DESTRUIR Cistos e Miomas no Ovário Naturalmente | RECEITA CASEIRA - Duration: 3:25.

This recipe is easy to make, and you will clean your uterine ovaries and eliminate the cysts

uterine fibroids that are also known as fibroids are those

benign tumors that are found within the uterus would have

may vary in number and size location but tend to be reduced

with onset of menopause those fibroids which are pendulum shaped if they are

attached to the body this is for a small This stem can twist causing pain.

Suddenly it is very severe that sometimes requires emergency surgery

many of the possible symptoms of this instruction has the feeling of weight in the

pelvis pain when having sex have cycles irregular menstrual periods that are long and

after 35 days donate lower belly increase

weight problems urinating sensitivity the breasts

now know our remedies a apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar can be very useful for reducing the symptoms of

fibromas as it helps to eliminate toxins throughout the body and promotes loss of

fat though this has not been scientifically proven

that it also helps to reduce several fibrous tumors add at least one

teaspoon of cider vinegar from the organic apple in a glass of water

you can also add a spoonful of molasses or any natural sweetener for

to dance You can drink a little

little can increase the dose of vinegar of apple cider from just one tablespoon of

tea or at least two tablespoons per cup follow this remedy daily

for three or four months two remedies beetroot and garlic ingredients

from one to two liters of molasses two pounds of grated beet and

washed a head of garlic preparation potato beet blender

mix everything with the molasses in a glass container add some

pieces of garlic that are very small then store in the refrigerator for two

hours well capped and then medicine will be

ready to use this medicine should be taken for two months

drinking three small glasses daily being the first fasting and the other

two after the digestion of meals

if you liked leave your opinion in the comments leave

your like sign up for the channel and share this video with your friends

see you later

For more infomation >> Beba Isso Para LIMPAR o Útero, DESTRUIR Cistos e Miomas no Ovário Naturalmente | RECEITA CASEIRA - Duration: 3:25.


Cała prawda o powiązaniach Kaczyńskiego z Rydzykiem! Polityk PiS ujawnia - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> Cała prawda o powiązaniach Kaczyńskiego z Rydzykiem! Polityk PiS ujawnia - Duration: 9:18.


MALDIÇÃO - Duration: 2:49.

So, you had a really tormented existence

in your previous life.

You've paid for all your sins, that's the good news.

So here's this wonderful baby

that's about to be born. Valentina.

For you. Sun in Sagittarius, so she's really free-spirited.

Born in a good family.

So, like, all the best stuff,

-easy-peasy. -Wonderful, wonderful.

So, just curious,

can you check her sexual orientation?

Sure, it's all here.


No, sir, please.

Don't do that to me.

Ever tried liking straight men?

No, never.

I actually...

Lucky you.

A guy who says "rad"? Who takes off the condom in the middle of sex?

Without telling you? Who listens to country music?

Watches Denzel Washington movies?

Who texts you at 3:40 am with "Hey bae".

Who scratches his balls in public.

Who leaks his ex's nudes.

Who puts selfies with dolphins on his Tinder profile.

Who pisses all over the floor. Who takes craft beer courses.

-I could list a million things. -Wow.

-Sounds like a bother. -A bother?

It's humiliating, going after dudes.

It's a pain in the ass.

Can't you make her a lesbian?

Or, I don't know, asexual. It's good, too.

Sorry, I can't.

I can't access the system to change that,

they only do that upstairs.

I don't think you get it, mister.

I like dick, I love it, it's great.

Dick is nice.

That huge chunk of flesh,

veiny, fat,

sculpted in wood, delicious.

Great, right? But what comes attached to that?

A straight guy.

Do you wanna curse my next life?

Was it something I did?

So you wanna fuck me over? I bet it is.

That's not it, it's just...

I mean...

Everything here's a reflex of what you did in life.

You may not know what it is,

but it's there for a reason, regardless of, you know...

Sometimes even we don't know the reason.

Was it that homeless guy I ran over once?

You could've helped him.

-I knew it. -He was a sweetheart.

Been off crack for years.

So I'm totally into crossfit now.

At first it was just training, right?

Then I took care of nutrition.

Cut off carbs after 9 pm.

Gluten? Hon, gluten's poison.

Your body goes nuts when you eat it.

It's in everything, even this drink, probably.

But then you do crossfit, you start getting addicted to it.

Addicted to health, you know?

When it's healthy, addictions are good, you know?

It's like the staircase thing.

Every day at the gym is a new step. Missed the gym?

-You just went down two steps. -Right.

For more infomation >> MALDIÇÃO - Duration: 2:49.


Chitãozinho canta com o filho, Enrico, durante show em SP e encanta a plateia - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Chitãozinho canta com o filho, Enrico, durante show em SP e encanta a plateia - Duration: 1:34.


Maiara e Maraisa colocam o bumbum pra jogo e sensualizam em cima do palco - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Maiara e Maraisa colocam o bumbum pra jogo e sensualizam em cima do palco - Duration: 1:52.



For more infomation >> BOLSONARO TERÁ BASE INSTÁVEL NO CONGRESSO - Duration: 1:46.


Juan Pablo responde perguntas picantes dos espectadores | DESAFIO SOB FOGO: AMÉRICA LATINA | HISTORY - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Juan Pablo responde perguntas picantes dos espectadores | DESAFIO SOB FOGO: AMÉRICA LATINA | HISTORY - Duration: 2:28.


Systém informací o mrtvém úhlu u nového vozu Ford Edge - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Systém informací o mrtvém úhlu u nového vozu Ford Edge - Duration: 0:43.


Fica a Dica do Convidado | Praticando Escalas em Intervalos | Mike Stern - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Fica a Dica do Convidado | Praticando Escalas em Intervalos | Mike Stern - Duration: 2:56.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : "NEOLIBERALISMO É SINÔNIMO DE CORRUPÇÃO", DIZ OBRADOR NA POSSE NO MÉXICO - Duration: 3:28.


O médico Itamar Abreu e o economista Felipe Mendes são os 2 novos imortais da APL - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> O médico Itamar Abreu e o economista Felipe Mendes são os 2 novos imortais da APL - Duration: 2:39.


Our Music S1E6: Five symphonies you should know - Duration: 5:00.


Today we will listen to the five symphonic pieces that changed the way we

listen to music. My name is Carlos Andres Botero and this is OUR MUSIC,

a podcast unlock your imagination to the possibilities of classical music.

Creating perhaps the most influential examples of symphonic music, these five

composers affected history with their work. Their music is our true north.

A man with many nicknames, we acknowledge Joseph Haydn as

"the father of the symphony", not only because he composed so many of them, but also

because he made it the place where a composer's most daring and grandest ideas

find their expression. Since I had to pick only one piece, then I go for number 44.

One of the most creative fanfares ever to start a piece, he jumps into a

first movement already depicting romantic sounds into the future, while the closing

is as dramatic as it's memorable.

The premiere of this piece is the exact moment in history where the classicism

is no more and the doors to Romanticism are wide open, and the legend of

Beethoven himself starts to take hold in history. Here Beethoven took a huge

leap forward and projected what the genre could really become in the next

centuries. In sum, every subsequent piece owes its worth to the daring Beethoven

of the Eroica.

You will be hard pressed to find many listeners who do not find

Tchaikovsky's music to be as compelling and deeply human. A master on the use of

structural form to convey deep emotional meanings, the role of each movement seems

to be alloyed into new possibilities. But it is in the final two movements of the

symphony where the power of Tchaikovsky's plan find its realization.

The third movement starts like a scherzo, but progressively descends into a

tempestuous nightmare. I have yet to see an audience that is able to resist the

urge to company its conclusion without an applause.

And then there is the master stroke.

In the craft itself there's a new search for meaning happening in front of us.

The symphony is shocking, rocking, adventurous. And, as its subtitle suggests, able to

convey deep emotions.

We will perhaps pick other peace, but will never dream

leaving out Mahler out of this list. With him the symphonic scale is even greater,

the emotional journey even more kaleidoscopic, and the connection with

personal autobiography even more profound than almost any of his

predecessors in the genre. But once you realize he was reeling in mourning after

the passing of one of his daughters, then the work becomes suddenly poignant and

the sheer scale of the emotions are impossible to ignore.

The circumstances of the genesis of Shostakovich seventh symphony are surely the most intense of

any Symphony in history. Smuggled to the West in microfilm, the score was premiered

in the US even before a performance took place in the composer's hometown.

Shostakovich became a symbol of the Russians people's stoic resistance

against the Nazi Germany's war machine. But the work is actually much more than

simply depicting the conflict between two nations at war. The symphony is a

hymn to the inner strength of all people living under the yoke of a totalitarian regime.

There you have my choices, it is your turn now to crank up the volume and

give yourselves a treat of symphonic music. Happy listening and thank you for

your attention. A link to each of the pieces is posted on our website for your

convenience. Please leave your comments below, and don't forget to subscribe.

Hear you next time.

For more infomation >> Our Music S1E6: Five symphonies you should know - Duration: 5:00.


Pat Boone and Family Christmas Special - Movie - Duration: 49:58.

For more infomation >> Pat Boone and Family Christmas Special - Movie - Duration: 49:58.


Grávida de 7 meses, ex-BBB Adélia dará à luz nos EUA - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Grávida de 7 meses, ex-BBB Adélia dará à luz nos EUA - Duration: 2:59.


Romulo Neto e Pâmela Tomé trocam beijos ao deixar restaurante no Rio. Fotos! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Romulo Neto e Pâmela Tomé trocam beijos ao deixar restaurante no Rio. Fotos! - Duration: 3:51.


One Direction - Drag Me Down (Lyric) - AMV | Twenty One Two Cover - Duration: 2:49.

I've got fire for a heart

I'm not scared of the dark

You've never seen it look so easy

I got a river for a soul

And baby you're a boat

Baby, you're my only reason

If I didn't have you, there would be nothing left

The shell of a man that could never be his best

If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun

You taught me how to be someone, yeah

All my life

You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love, nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

I got a fire for a heart

I'm not scared of the dark

You've never seen it look so easy

I got a river for a soul

And baby you're a boat

Baby, you're my only reason

If I didn't have you there would be nothing left

(nothing left)

The shell of a man who could never be his best

(be his best)

If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun

(see the sun)

You taught me how to be someone


All my life

You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

All my life

You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love, nobody can drag me...

All my life

You stood by me

When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights

They can't blind me

With your love, nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

Nobody, nobody

Nobody can drag me down

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