Hey there what's up, it's Scott and in today's video I'm gonna share with you a
recent podcast episode that I did with James clear who wrote the atomic habits
and what I did in this clip you're gonna hear this right now I asked him this
question why are some people successful and some people aren't and he might be
surprised at his answer but he's going to break down the theory side of things
and the practical side of things things that you can do right now in your own
mind and in your own daily habits to become successful in whatever you want
to achieve alright so sit back relax enjoy this
episode if you want to hear the podcast version head over to iTunes and you can
find it on The Amazing Seller podcast episode 605 all right enjoy this episode
cool so yeah what I want to do though is I really want to dig into because I mean
I have my philosophies on it and I just want to hear from you that's done a lot
of research in this like I want to go into people in business in general like
so many people they're like Scott I come to the podcast I listen to your podcast
I read you know some of your stuff or I watch some your videos and it's awesome
your energies there but just for some reason I don't feel like I can be
successful like I don't feel like I whenever I start something I don't
finish it or I you know I don't believe in myself like I kind of want to dive
into like maybe the mindset piece of why people don't become successful is it
just because they're not born to be successful or do you feel like a lot of
it does have to come down to just like sticking to the plan or creating those
those habits and then not worrying about the result right away like I'd like to
hear your thoughts on that yeah so I mean that question why or how do people
become successful is a massive question with yeah different answers and we I
mean we'll spend a few minutes here talking about it but I mean you know
this is something we could talk about for literally for days or weeks but I
mean just first of all before I get into what I think is the practical answer or
the yes women sir sure certainly there are factors outside
of your control like luck and randomness that definitely plays an impact I wrote
an article called absolute successes luck relative success is hard work
and one of the the core ideas there is that if you're comparing yourself in an
absolute sense to the rest of the globe like what is the difference between you
and someone who was born in aslam in India then that's mostly luck but if you
compare yourself in a relative sense what is the difference between your
outcomes and everybody who went to high school with or everybody who went to the
same school as you were lives in the same neighborhood or has similar levels
of education or grew up in a similar type of household or was raised in a
similar religion and so on the more similar the comparison becomes the more
relative it becomes your success is determined by hard work because the
levels of luck and randomness experienced by you are similar to the
people who have similar backgrounds experiences so now oftentimes when we
compare ourselves when we do this all the time even though we know that maybe
we should not compare as often as we do it's a relative equation we're not we're
thinking about how come you know the person down the street gets X and I get
Y so luck definitely plays a role I think the more global your comparison
becomes the more luck plays a role and the more local your comparison becomes
the more it's about hard work the second factor is genetics and you said like you
know are some people just destined to not be successful or whatever don't have
it in them and I think we all know that like genes matter it's very obvious in
physical places you know like I mean LeBron is a better basketball player
than me I could work equally as hard as him his ceiling is so much higher that
if he puts in even anywhere similar to the amount of work that I would put in
he's gonna be massively beyond me and we have less information about how genes
influence psychological characteristics but it's definitely still there so
anyway that's just kind of a precursor to say what I'm about to say which i
think is the useful answer is not the whole picture there are some other
factors but your question was more about mindset more about approaching this
problem of you know I seems like every time I start something I fail seems like
I can't fall through on the business projects there
and that I think is a little bit of a consequence or a side effect of your
identity of your beliefs your self-image the way you look at yourself
yeah and identity and this is where the the useful answer comes in is shaped at
least in part by your habits so in many ways your habits or how you embody a
particular identity so like every time you make your bed you embodied the
identity of someone who's clean and organized or whenever you go to the gym
you embody the identity of someone who is fit or each day that you make a sales
call for your business you embody the identity of someone who sells and doing
it once is not gonna radically transform how you look at yourself but it's kind
of like every action you take as a vote for the type of person that you believe
that you are and as you do these little actions perform these little habits it's
like casting a vote for that type of person and you build up a little bit of
evidence of having that identity and I think that this is actually like a key
point and one of the things that differentiates my philosophy and I
talked more about this link between habits and identity in chapter 2 of
atomic habits but one of the things that I feel like differentiates my philosophy
from other things like fake it till you make it is that fake it till you make it
asks yourself to believe something without having evidence for it you like
you start with the belief and then later you hope things will change but we have
a word for beliefs that don't have evidence we call it delusion right like
at some point your brain doesn't like this mismatch you're trying to convince
yourself of something and so I think the most useful way to change your
self-confidence your self-image to upgrade and expand your identity to
shift away from believing whenever I start something I don't fall through to
a new belief of I'm a finisher or I'm the type of person that gets things done
the easiest way or the best lever that we have for doing that is by changing
your habits in a small way by casting those little votes for a new type of
identity because if you do that and this is what's different than fake it till
you make it you actually have evidence of acting
that way you want to become a meditator and you meditate for 60 seconds and
you do it just for that one minute but you've done it like ten in the last 12
days will you turn around and you're like hey I have like 10 little votes for
me being that person I'm not trying to fake being a meditator I actually have
evidence of it this is one of the reasons why I think small habits are so
useful is that even if they don't deliver the exact result you're looking
for in the moment even if you haven't doubled the income your business
overnight or you haven't radically transformed your productivity with this
one small habit you are casting a vote for being that kind of person for being
an entrepreneur for being productive for being a finisher and the more that you
cast those votes the more that you have something to root that identity in so I
think that's the useful answer to how do I change and be successful although
there are other secondary things that influence this so there's there's a
difference so okay because some people could be thinking this and I would even
think this is like okay so I'll just do positive affirmations and you know
everything's gonna work you know because I'm saying like you are you know like I
what's the millionaire mindset you say the affirmation you know you know I have
I have a millionaire mindset like you touch you head and you do the whole
thing and I get some of that but then some of it's hard to wrap your head
around cuz you're like it's kind of like that whoo-whoo right it's like oh I
think it's going to be I look at it more as though like are you actually then
kind of what you're saying I think is like you're you're you're proving to
yourself on a small scale that you are actually doing that thing versus just
writing down I'm a meditator I'm a meditator I'm a meditator you're
actually doing the action right the action you're actually you're more
believing in yourself because you're actually doing it even if it is only for
a minute I had a coach in high school basketball coach who's told me
confidence is just displayed ability and his point was like if you want to be
confident as like a free-throw shooter then shoot free throws and once you make
10 in a row then you're gonna be confident in your ability because you
just did it you just proved it to yourself exactly that's a true form of
confidence is knowing that you're good for it knowing they do it knowing that
you've displayed that ability and if you do that even if it's in a small way with
little habits then you actually have real confidence not you're not just
trying to to fake it or to repeat some incantation or you know convince
yourself of it now I will add a side note
which is that some of that stuff like you know I have a millionaire mindset
kind of thing I haven't read that book so I'm not here with a particular one
but my point is some of that is get similar to visualization and
visualization can be useful there are plenty of performers that use it like
Kevin Garnett famously would visualize how each game would go before you'd step
out on the court you'll hear from a lot of comedians who will visualize like
what the performance is going to go like ahead of time sure it's a useful tool in
the toolbox but the thing is that visualization and incantations and
repeating affirmations like that are short term strategies not long term ones
they get you motivated in that moment but it doesn't last because they don't
provide evidence the only way that it lasts is if you have evidence of being
that kind of person of having that type of confidence you need to prove your
ability and that's why I think habits are the more sustainable way and the
more reliable way to change how you view yourself in the long run because every
time you do them you develop evidence of being that kind of person yeah I agree I
mean the visualization for me I look at it as it's a reminder of why you should
get up and do your stuff right like it's like oh I want that like
and not even like physical things like I want to be able to you know work from
home and have freedom like so you see like a picture of you like working in
your home office like it's a reminder to me personally of you know what you're
working towards and why you're working it's just a reminder to take action in
in my book versus it just being like oh I'm gonna close my eyes and everything's
gonna happen just because it's gonna magnetically be attracted to me and some
people would argue and maybe like no that can happen and I'm like I don't
know I need some proof on that but I think the other thing it does is it
Prime's you to see opportunities in your environment and okay we all have
opportunity around us but we you can life we could each of us could be any
one of a billion different things like right now I could choose to start doing
push-ups or I could jump or I could push my chair back or I could run down the
stairs or I can do there's like literally an infinite number of options
and things I could choose to do but I only choose to do one of them which in
this case is sit here in front of the microphone and talk to you and that
version that one version of the billion options available to me is the life that
I live and so I think sometimes when you visualize or you imagine what you want
to achieve you to clarify which of the billion
opportunities you want to focus on and so it becomes easier for you to take
action in the next moment that moves you toward that thing so it's almost like
the law of attraction is like the wrong phrase for it it should be called like
the law of attention because the way that you when you think about something
you allocate your attention toward it and when I allocate your attention
toward it you're more likely to take advantage of that opportunity
no there's nothing magical about it doesn't like bring things to you right
it clarifies of which direction you should act in of the billion options
that you have yeah that's a good way of looking at it and and I just want to go
back to what you'd said about giving yourself a vote or kind of like voting
and how many votes I love that part of the book by the way because it actually
did make me see something differently I'm like oh that makes sense
if you want to be you know a neat person make your bed and then you're gonna be
like oh I was neat there so maybe I should be neat here and then you're
starting to believe in that and it's like you just have to create your own
identity like who do you want to be and then just start having these small boats
that say that is who you are because you're living it even if it's in the
smallest way you're you're voting I love that that analogy when you you put that
into the book I like that using the question who is the type of person that
could do X Y or Z you know so it's like alright I want to build a million dollar
business okay who is the type of person that could build a million dollar
business like what are they actually doing each day and maybe you realize oh
they're the type of person who is always running a split test on their website
and so you're like okay the way that I foster that identity then is I need to
set up a split test like it helps scale it down to what the next action is
rather than thinking so much about oh I just wish I had a million dollar
business right right and so it like transfers it from being about the
outcome or the result to being about the identity or the habit in the moment and
now you know okay each time I set up a slip test I am in that small way
reinforcing the identity of someone who has a successful business and so I like
doing things like that same thing with like going to the gym you know a lot of
times people will be like okay what I really want is to
lose 40 pounds in six months which is kind of the you know body or personal
equivalent of build a successful business
sure but the question asked is who is the type of person that could lose
weight and then you're like oh well maybe it's the type of person who
doesn't miss workouts and then you're you shift your focus to just making sure
you show up and don't miss workouts even if they don't get you the result you
want right away right you're just trying to foster that identity and be that kind
of person and then once you have that identity once you're shown up at the gym
every week well now you have options for expanding and improving but I think the
challenge is for people that and including myself I mean I've done it you
you do the work for a result like I'm going to the gym so I can build muscle
mmm if I don't see the gains or if I don't see I'm trying to I'm trying to
shed my winter weight because I want to get slim for the winter for the summer
and I balked in the winter and and I want to shred for the summer and then
it's not coming off so I'm like a screw it I'm not gonna do it then it's just
not working or you know it's taken too long how do you get through that type of
stuff whether that's losing weight or whether that's I haven't seen I've went
from you know I'm making a thousand bucks a month I want to get to two but
I'm not getting there I'm not seeing the gains ready to push through that yeah
that's a good question so first of all so I mean sometimes we should just say
sometimes strategies are ineffective and that one of the challenges is knowing
like when you stick with something or when do you move on yeah and that the
answer to that especially with business I've noticed you know I've been an
entrepreneur for eight years now and there's always some strategies that this
is very rare to find a strategy that works forever and so you need to be
willing to experiment and continue to try things new and I I have a section in
the book where I talk about the Explorer exploit trade-off and I think that that
applies pretty well here which is the basic idea is in the beginning of any in
the beginning of any process project building a business your career you can
look at it on different time scales sure there should be a broad range of
exploration and so for me I tried like three or four or five different business
ideas over the first two years of my career as an entrepreneur and most of
them didn't anywhere but then eventually I figured
one out that kind of worked for me and so I needed that period of exploration
but then after you explore for a little while you need to start to exploit the
best option that you found the same thing can be true for any individual
project you know early on you explore explore explore to try to figure out the
best way to do this but then as you get closer to the deadline you need to shift
your focus and start to exploit the best thing you found so you can actually get
it done and so that approach I think is useful for people who are dealing with
some kind of sticking point in business which is maybe that's a period we need
to explore a little bit more but at some point you need to just shut up and stay
focused on whatever's getting me the results and move forward right most
successful entrepreneurial cultures there's some kind of combination of this
like Google for example famously has their 20% time model where every
employee works 80% of their time on their actual job and then they have 20%
time where they can work on anything of their choice that excites them and so
that's kind of like 80% exploit what we know is gonna work what your role is 20%
explore to see if you can figure something out and that exploration time
Google AdWords came out of that Gmail came out of that they're also also been
some fantastic failures that came out of it like Google Buzz and Google Wave post
came out of those but the point is that exploration period is important so I
think for people who have already gotten to $1,000 a month they are succeeding to
a certain degree like going from zero to a thousand is not an easy thing to do
right and so you surprised been you know let's say 70 or 80 percent of your time
exploiting that and then maybe 20 to 30 percent of your time exploring a new
option hmm so that's the first piece but the second piece is that when in many
cases especially when you're already getting some results you know you're
getting a little bit stronger at the gym you're making $1,000 a month a lot of
the time you just need to shut up and put the reps in you know like yeah
they're I use this analogy in the book of heating up an ice cube mmm and so
imagine you walk into a room rooms cold it's like 25 degrees you can see your
breath ice cubes sitting on the table you heated up 26 degrees 27 28 29 ice
cubes sit in there 30 31 and then you get to
32 degrees and this is one degree shift no different than all the other little
one degree shifts that came before it but suddenly the ice cube melts you hit
this phase transition and a lot of the time the process of making progress is
in a business or in life is a lot like that where you you're putting in work
for weeks or months and it's like these one degree shifts it's like heating an
ice cube from 25 to 31 degrees yeah but that work was not being wasted it was
just being stored and so you just need to continue to work until you get to
that next phase transition and I you know coming off writing this book atomic
habits felt a lot like that for me I mean it took 3 years from start to
finish and had I stopped at say one year and seven months then I would have had
that Ice Cube sitting at 28 degrees and I would have felt like oh I wasted all
this time is so annoying you know but I needed to keep going for another year to
get to that phase transition and then release the potential all that work that
I had been building up and so that's why in the book I call it the plateau of
latent potential because a lot of the time in a business you have all this
potential energy that you've been building up and if you quit too soon you
don't get to the point where you get to release it so I think there's you know
there's a balance there between exploring new things and putting in the
reps but a lot of the time especially if you're already getting a little bit of
results you just need to keep putting in reps yeah you know it's you're exactly
right it's a matter of like waiting to like am I almost there like I don't know
like it's hard to tell I love it that you're saying to like you got to explore
right you have to explore especially in the beginning like if you're coming from
corporate world and you're getting into the online space you're learning right
like you're learning the landscape you're learning and you know I'm curious
two years I would say at least I mean it means for many people it's longer than
that you know like you need a lot of exploration early on to see what you're
really trying to find it's kind of like a matching problem you're trying to find
which avenues in business overlap with your particular skill sets yeah and you
know sometimes you need to build new skills but but there's also just like
people are naturally inclined to certain areas
um and it takes a while to find that fit you just you have to explore broadly
early on alright cool so hopefully you enjoyed that interview with James that
was just a small piece of my interview that I did with him on my podcast if you
want that full episode head over to the blog I'll go ahead and link it up on
this page you can go ahead and click on that link it'll take you over to my blog
where you'll also find a ton of valuable information to help you build and grow
your business alright one last thing go ahead and subscribe to this channel so
this way here you don't miss any new videos that I post here on the channel
alright guys so that's it take care and as always take action I'll see you soon
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