Time To Get
Free Robux!
Dodge Ram 1500 | SPORT BLACK OPS | Luchtvering | NIEUW | 5.7 V8 HEMI 401 pk | Crew Cab 5'7 | 4X4 | R - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
[Poor travel台灣] 台北我地黎啦!超正濃郁湯底!慢火燉蕃茄手工牛肉麵!紅燒半筋半肉麵!燙青菜!功夫豬私廚好麵!Taiwan Travel Vlog 2018 - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
Rustic Stunning Top Line Best Fully Upgraded Park Model RVs - Duration: 3:06.Rustic Stunning Top Line Best Fully Upgraded Park Model RVs
Digital Marketing News Today Instagram Story Ads CHANGING - Duration: 5:06.Instagram is one of the least intrusive platforms when it comes to ad placement
or advertising with the social media network but Instagram just announced
that they're actually updating the boost option to add it basically to Instagram
like you currently see it on Facebook for business pages they're gonna make
that option available on Instagram so stay tuned guys because we have
something very interesting for you in today's digital marketing news today
all right welcome back everybody and thank you for joining me on today's
digital marketing news today my name is Jordan Steen and I am also known as
Cereal Entrepreneur and at this channel we talk all about digital marketing
social media marketing starting in agency or online business personal
brands so make sure you hit the subscribe button and that notification
bell on the bottom right hand corner of this video so that way you get all of
our news updates our templates guides how-to videos and all of the free stuff
we get away here at my channel now as I mentioned in the beginning Instagram is
adding a new platform or a new option really to their advertising platform
which allows you to boost posts and since from a marketers experience there
is already a lot of talk around the boost option as far as using it for
Facebook ads we wanted to go ahead and update you guys on the Instagram boost
post option and how we think it's going to affect the marketing industry oh and
make sure to stay tuned to the end of this video where we'll give you an
update on how to create Instagram story ads so Instagram stories have always been
a popular feature and that's why Facebook decided that they wanted to
start monetizing so they started placing ads between user's stories on Instagram
and it allow businesses to start promoting those story ads to new users
so essentially what's happening is Facebook has always had the boost post
option for business pages and what they've decided to do at instagram is
add that same option to business pages on Instagram and so this is going to
make it easier for small and medium-sized businesses who don't hire
out to large agencies to manage the back end manager to start spending on
Instagram and obviously this will increase Instagram's
revenue for ad spend so quick question have you guys ever used Instagram
stories before if so make sure to leave it in the comment section below I'd like
to know just write yes or no if you've used Instagram stories below so this new
promote feature will actually be coming out pretty soon and again this is
different than Instagram stories previously because you used to have to
go through the backend manager now this is making it a lot easier for small and
medium-sized businesses to conduct business and promote more Instagram
content to their following or even to new followers Instagram and Instagram
stories are a great tool though to actually increase engagement get people
interested in your product or service so if you're interested in figuring out
more tips and strategies to running Instagram and using stories check out
this video on the top right hand corner so, currently there are about six million
advertisers on Facebook's platform and only two million on Instagram I'm
predicting that Instagram will see an increase in advertiser and ad revenue
because of the fact that they're putting this boost post or promote option out to
the business platforms now personally I don't recommend using this option
because of the fact that it limits your targeting ability substantially and the
ability to create special features or special types of features inside of the
ad itself so my recommendation as a marketing professional would be that if
you are a marketing agency or if your business owner that's serious about
their Instagram marketing campaigns you won't want to actually use this platform
because of the fact that it limits your targeting ability and what kind of
options you have when you set these ads up now the promote option is only
available to business pages and Instagram business account so if you
haven't set up your Instagram page yet or if you haven't converted it to an
Instagram business page then make sure to do that but that's it for today's
digital marketing news today update so thank you for joining me if you haven't
already make sure to hit that subscribe button in the bottom right hand corner
and the notification bell so you get all of our digital marketing news today and
social media marketing updates and since you stayed until the end of today's video
here's how you can create Instagram story ads and how we've done it so
effectively check out this link in the top right hand corner alright thank you
so much for joining me as I said this is our first digital marketing news today
update we're gonna start doing these every single Wednesday so we can keep
you up-to-date with all of the newest trends in marketing and digital
marketing and I need you to do me a couple of favors at the news voice like
the newscaster voice was super annoying leave it in the comments below so that
way I know whether or not to do it again if you guys like the personality let me
know that too that would be great but that's it for me today thank you guys
for joining me and I will see you guys on the next video until then Cereal
Entrepreneur out bye guys ready to start living the six-figure work where ever be
your own boss lifestyle well at Cereal Entrepreneur Academy we'll teach you how
to use a laptop and internet to start your own social media and digital
marketing agency get started with our free facebook ads training
links in the description below guys see you in the course, Cereal
Entrepreneur, out!
Palacio de Orive. Córdoba - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
大帅哥【第3集】狄奇成大帅,让沅婉做自己夫人 - Duration: 7:27.-------------------------------------------
钟汉良谢易桦隐婚坐实...真爱! - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
Kia Carens - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Kia Carens - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje : RENAN: TASSO CONTINUA PATRIMONIALISTA E PERDERIA PRESIDÊNCIA DO SENADO - Duration: 6:38.-------------------------------------------
Nadja e Catia não Participaram da Festa especial de A Fazenda e o Motivo é Exposto - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Déplacement de Macron: e parquet demande une mise en examen - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
JAPANESE WORK CULTURE | What It's Like to Work in Japan - Duration: 9:24.-------------------------------------------
O BRASIL ESPANHOL - EDUARDO BUENO - Duration: 15:02.-------------------------------------------
TOUR PROCURANDO DEFEITOS EM NOSSA CASA NOVA! - Vlog Ep.85 - Duration: 16:37.This is a general overview I actually found the home to be in pretty good condition
most of Orion sock was just general mean and stuff right the material that was
used at the time or the bill that kind of stuff so for most part as I said I
found it in freedom shape you can see that there's a lot of organic debris
collecting on the roof and on the very top course there's a fair amount of the
mohawks up there so they should try to clean that off as best they can only to
help prolong the lifespan of the actual root surface water pressures at 50 psi
that's well within the normal range we normally say between 50 and 80 psi so I
didn't find any issues of concerns regards the water pressure at the higher
elevations and then this is your main gas shutoff so in the event of the
earthquake that supposed it is now in seven hundred years from now you come
over here and turn it off with a crescent wrench
you need a crescent wrench to do it downstairs GFCI protected water it at
the host and no issues of concern exterior okay difficult to see him
obviously yeah yeah based on the amount of excessive clutter and I couldn't find
the remote or can start button for the garage I look like you guys see it
please shut up but I looked and look I couldn't see it so what I'm just well
seeing the reports just made sure it's operating prior to possession so they
can take a picture or something but you have this we can't see much Stephanie
they don't use it no yeah but we want to make sure it's working before we all the
electric bulbs are working obviously family third one up sliding door
operates and and how many did you do concerns and respect to that you
probably noticed a little bit of lift in some of the wood like here for example
over here so there's this type of laminate flooring is very susceptible to
water damage so if you spill anything on it make sure you get the water as
quickly as you possibly can otherwise it will start to buckle like that okay and
use it for instant hot water crank this is a regional it's its operating you can
see the corrosion in the bottom frame that's not necessarily such a bad thing
I mean it's all I mean its original so it's someone expected but you can see
the filter isn't the proper application there so they've just sort of
jerry-rigged that one into position so technically this should be a cut to fit
and not just a standard filter this is the easier way of doing it as long as
you can keep it you know close to the actual return then it's not too bad but
this should be replaced three to four times a year but it is operating so
either you go back to the original format which was a cut to fit one you'd
have to cut it yourself or you can continue along with this but just make
sure it is actually up against the turn you should sit as tightly to it like
that so even if you put something here like just press something up against it
so it was tight fit not not like this okay okay okay but other than that it's
operating it's it's blowing quite well we look
for blue flame they will operate the furnace and it's still considerably blue
so there's no to replace the common thought about going to a high-efficiency
furnace is it you would never recoup the cost of efficiency over expense okay
okay so by the time you know in figure $7,000 this is gonna this will probably
last longer to tell you nothing and they're easier to repair so that's the
other thing are the high efficiency furnaces basically plug and play it's a
module that they put in and put out and that's it there's no replacing the motor
there's no replacing these are maintained in not as efficient but again
weight of the cost that's okay so here's our hot water tank and I'm almost
positive that this is a 2012 yeah it does GE put some manufacturing date in
the first four numbers of a serial number in this example it's 1207 so I'll
confirm that when I get back to the office but I believe this 2012 so right
number 1207 okay so I believe I'll confirm related back to the office but
believe GE has of the year in a month so most of them have it the other way
around and then here's your main water shut-off so in the event of a water leak
that you couldn't isolate at the source you can dent in your turn that little
blue tab okay the other discreet loop material is what they call poly butylene
piping or poly be the contractor has brought saw successful lawsuits against
the manufacturer both here in Canada and the United States
and there was four contributing factors to it when it first came out it had
plastic fittings high chlorine rated in water which we don't have high
temperatures so on a circulating boiler for example and then manufacturer air so
the manufacturer didn't follow the recipe exactly it was sometimes have
failures this does have the plastic fittings this is it here okay so some
home insurance providers may not cover you some insurance providers may charge
you a little bit more and some home insurance providers won't care so just
so you're aware and it sounds through the entire whole closet first one
let's close all the windows open close and electrical outlets function
obviously the gas fireplace is working the switchboards right here okay
any elder than three feet of a water source it should be GFCI protected these
two or not and that's just based on the age of the home the code change in 2004
so I'd recommend even though they've upgraded these I would replace these
with a GFCI and that's one with a little reset in the mill it's just a safety
factor if you bullet boiling the kettle and there's water in the sink or lead or
light em on upstairs yeah I know I know yeah okay so this one or not okay and
then all the cabinetry opens and closes all the appliances respond in the
reports that are even on speculum because I don't actually do a lot of
dishes I don't do laundry I knew something and yelling but they all do
work there should be a gap of 22 inches between the two yeah so it's actually 14
so the only way to do it is to cut a cabinetry yeah you know I could give my
handyman to be calling to get a rough idea how much worse I don't think I mean
that much but you don't know how much won't work cuz it's really just a month
lifting yeah cut you lose this cabinetry of course yeah you put something forward
okay but you know yeah I think this is weird to displace the microwave yet
better on the exterior yeah so that would be my guess
paka the VEX the stairs and the handrail and the exterior so then the issues of
concerns with that at one point you can see where the media prepared to this
evening this is probably a seal a light they took it out and change it there's a
couple there okay so as we just mentioned any elementary fever water
source so this one isn't as well so it's derpy GFCI protected man if you look
right in the back of the toilet here can you see the discoloration taking place
in the linoleum just down there okay so there's water ingress taking
place there so what what's happening I suspect that the toilet seal has been
compromised and it's it sweeping into the back there so we'll need to lift the
toilet and replace the toilet seal it's a very inexpensive repair and almost
anybody can do it it's just awkward you need two people to do it okay
thermostat control for the furnace downstairs it's all operating as you saw
me walking around okay closets
can you see the slate is mechanical damage are slightly raised in this area
and so if the windows being closed and condensation is building up and starts
collecting on the sill you deform it will deform the actual sill itself so
I'm just saying this down and you just pinch it over top of it just like you do
to the door great job Lily yeah so other than that the one who's all opening
closed and find any issues or concerns as far as compromise window seals who
otherwise probably see the fans working
here's an example of the GFCI okay so they have it there no ones are just
white but yeah that's an example of one just so you're aware okay and I didn't
find any evidence of water ingress for leaks but I always recommend to clients
that they clean and Selig wrote when they first take possession over time the
grow becomes porous and then water ingress will take place that's not the
case here but just so you're aware okay and then if you look up to the right
right near the wick where the skylight is there you see right at the top you
can see the delamination of the paint that's a red comment so a concentration
of heat and change in temperature will cause the paint to chip and peel away
and that's what's happening up there it would be extremely awkward to repair
that that's yeah because they replace some of the skylights in a complex oh
yeah I think she was one that was complaining about it I'm not sure her
boss replaced or not but it looks fine yeah yeah it's not leaking yeah but just
it looks dated from here but to tell the best thing to do is to paint it from
there take it off and paint from there instead
of trying to get a ladder up here yeah I don't even know if you could do it the
truth when they leave the linoleum down can you see a slight Ridge there it's
kind of soft you see oh yeah so when they laid it down they didn't do a
particularly good job and it's sort of buckled it's dry but it's it's just a
poor job handin Lena not water okay yeah we'd never seen it
yeah and so here's our attic hatch I didn't find any evidence of mold rodents
pests or otherwise and it's so this fiber insulation and it's approximately
four or five inches deep that would be considered low by today's standard and
generally speaking we say between twelve to thirteen and we want an R value of R
39 or so this is a strata related issue but if energy costs were high or comfort
level in the home was in question then it might be worth putting more
insulation in if they do that then they may have to increase the ventilation
there's a formula between the two so just again I'm being a bit picky but
just so you're aware that they could benefit by putting some more insulation
in the actual dining space so as I mentioned downstairs both washer and
dryer do respond but in the report it's going to read not expected because I
don't actually do a little laundry now one thing I would recommend I'm doing is
replacing these rubber hoses with a steel braided type over time the rubber
hoses become brittle and then water ingress will take place so especially
when you've got your washer and dryer at the highest level of the home you can
imagine if water was to cascade down it would be it'd be detrimental as far as
the replacement and repair be very expensive so for forty dollars it's just
worth the peace of mind okay fans working doors close all the electrical
outlets work same can be said for this room I didn't have any issues or
concerns in here either okay
this might be a little awkward so there is some water ingress taking
place in this tile as I mentioned in the other bathroom to prevent this from
happening you get a high moisture reading because the growth becomes
porous and if you look down here you can see the discoloration taking place and
there's a slight crack in here so it would be worth to regrowth this portion
of it can you please clean seal and regrowth word maybe and then I would
replace this nasty that's so not the most difficult thing to do but obviously
it's an upgrade and the new evidence of water ingress or leaks the gstl that's
working which is a whole new clothes and that's basically yet generally you know
structurally I didn't find any issues or concerns as I said just a little bit of
neglect like you know this should be clean and seal but to be honest this is
by far one of the single biggest deficiencies weed right on nobody does
people don't do it and then you know the inspector comes in and sure enough
they've got water ingress what we look for is if it's being how babies yeah so
if it's been neglected for a long period of time you can you get damage to the
substructure so what we look for is any play in the tile so we press up against
the towel see if there's any flexor play and there isn't any so this is a this is
what I would describe as early enough to catch it so we'll clean seal regrow
where we need to and you'd be good to go
yeah perfect okay yeah great I'll get your autograph downstairs claps okay
cool carry on
Miglior Parco Acquatico al Mondo: Splash Waterpark Bali - Duration: 14:02.I'm afraid while filming this, can't imagine when I'm going down!
like, do you see how high this is!!
look here
let's do the #ricewithflakes
send me on instagram and twitter, pictures of rice with corn flakes,
because I think it would be a perfect recipe for Italy
this is an adventure! in every country, McDonalds is different
but in Bali there is the best one!
today our Seba is going to one of the biggest waterparks of Asia
the Waterbom
a little spoiler: the video ends at McDonalds
good morning everyone! this is today's breakfast
it's Room service
here we have Papaya, 2 eggs benedict
some bread and also strawberries muffins
and a pineapple juice
after breakfast, we go to the waterpark!
some Gaua for all of us!
finally also oats arrived, that I love!
with some Milk
do you like oats? I love it
have a nice meal, see you later
but, guys isn't the airport beautiful? now we leave the lagguage here
and then we take the taxi, that is waiting outside
obviously it's the blue bird taxi, the ones that cost less
here we go! see ya on the slides
look at how nice helmets!
this is a cool bus!
and here we are at Waterbom, the best Waterpark !
what an adventure! I saw some terrifying slides!
can't wait
what is this?
I'm a bit afraid
look at that height
I'm really afraid! I've never been in such a Park
it's so high!!!
I'm really having a nice day!
now come with me and I show you
look we are not at the top yet!
it's so high, I don't want to do it!
we are going up and up...
so high!
I'm afraid just doing the video
it's 25m high, but I assure you it looks much more
look at the inside!
look here
look, they said I can film
and there she goes!
I'm a bit afraid of these things, don't know you but...
sorry for the low quality video,
because it's humid here
the park is also nice, it's tropical
I found a restaurant where we can eat
just by it's name it sounds like a tv program
are you ready?
it's sad but it's closed, but I wanted to try Thaitalian food :/
we need also to import thaitalian food in Italy!
now we go out to have dinner, because I'm super hungry!
let's see what we eat and sad but true, we return back to Tokyo tonight...
but these 2 weeks here in Bali were beautiful!
it's cool because you can pay with these bracelets and you can also check how much money is left by doing --
isn't it cool?
everyone is nice here!
which cake should we eat? there are also doughnuts
here they also have S.Pellegrino water and illy coffee
we took this mousse on top of a cookie
and this old fashioned chocolate cake
See you after this delicious coffee!
today's mission is to eat Durian
this really smelly fruit
Pizza is served like this here!
we had yesterday pizza, so none today
well do you remember when I went to Jamie's restaurant with SeoulMafia in thailand?
-the cone pizza was better!
there is one also in Bali!
look at all these pizza's
well, we took one, after yesterday's not so good pizza
and Bali beer
it doesn't look that bad, but let's try...
in my opinion it's good
they're really good at doing pizza here!
I like this place!
there is no one here!
only those buddhas!
here I have a well deserved Margarita
so, cheers to everyone and cheers to 80's music
and Tequila for you!
this is like the 4th Margarita...and I don't know but it's cheap here
what should I do with this one? I can't leave it on the table
we are a bit drunk, but we decided to go to McDonalds!
Isn't it the best to go to McDonalds drunk?
look at the queue here at a Bali McDonalds!
guys! this video came out some time ago and no dislike?
what are you doing?
I don't know...what should I take?
I'm drunk right now...
we take the one on the right, because I've never saw such menu in Italy or Japan
I really don't know nothing...I'm really going to try something that I've never seen! and I should also drink that green drink?
whatever let's see
nice picture!
I don't know what this is, this either
this looks like scrumbled eggs, but in my opinion it's too yellow!
this is chicken and a hamburger
it looks really delicious...
let's open it! Seriously it's not a burger? but rice
are you ready? let's try the chicken!
these are corn flakes
it looks right...cornflakes, chicken, eggs
maybe this is more of a thing that you eat in the morning?
look at how oily the chicken is!
I try this egg...seems like the one you get on the plane
it's really awful!
it doesn't taste like eggs
I've really never seen such a yellow egg!
let's try again
basically you put this on the rice
like this
now it looks tastier, right?
important thing is to mix
seriously, going to McDonalds aroud the world is an adventure, but here in Bali it's the biggest one
so, the rice with corn flakes is delicious
it tastes like rice with corn flakes
all of you should try it!
let's do the #ricewithflakes; send me on instagram and twitter, pictures of rice with corn flakes, send me on instagram and twitter, pictures of rice with corn flakes,
now it's getting better, we added ketchup (spicy ketchup)
maybe it's better
wow, it's so "good" , who wants to be here with us?
eating this with us?
this is the most disgusting meal that I had in 2 weeks
did you ever had the idea to eat rice with cornflakes at McDonalds? me no...
I would never eat this
so, after this dinner, that only a drunk person can do,
I'm happy to go to Tokyo and to eat Sushi from tomorrow!
we finished everything!
guys! we decided to eat japanese
I'm sorry for the bad filming
it's because I'm drunk...
look, this is the only steady shoot that I can do
now we're going to eat at Yoshinoya
it's this really cheap japanese restaurant
this is the most classic meal here
my friend here sais that these things don't exist in Japan, so it's a good start
this is Japanese
queue everywhere! this exist since 1899
guys I don't know you, but I want this plush cow!
I think I take these
I've never spent so much, but it's worth it!
we took this tea, 2 donburi and
chinese dumplings
and obviously a chocolate pudding
let's eat
it looks good, soup needs to arrive
it's really not bad
here we have soup with seaweeds
and the Yoshinoya pillow can't miss!
everybody wants this in Indonesia!
let' see what a real japanese sais
it's good, so we believe it
let's hear a japanese opinion about this meal
he said: it's lighter, but saltier
and this one is good
so, in this hotel it's forbidden to bring durian
don't know why
I promise that I'm going to eat it in the next trip!
So, now I'm ready to take the flight to Tokyo
I'm returning
See ya back in Tokyo
thank you for watching the Bali videos
I'm going to visit all Asia, because of you
I really appreciate the people that follow me
thank you from the bottom of my heart! a big hug from Seba
I remember you that you can find Seba's music on most digital stores
Uomini e donne: Ursula concede una possibilità a Sossio ma con riserva | Nuova Vita - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
PASTA AL RAGÙ Challenge 5KG - Italiano Cheat day - MAN VS FOOD (ENG SUB) - Duration: 16:10.and another day at the gym if it is gone and finally it's time for
feed us a little boom, here I am in front of the supermarket and now I can only decide what to cook today
too early to celebrate Christmas
no for a long time enough fried chicken
What can I eat today?
two will never be enough so let's go with the third one
maxi savings just what I needed
let's speed up the cooking time a little
of course my coke can not be missing 0
It's time to get in the kitchen
good morning table ninja and welcome to a new video and of course welcome to a new challenge
Monday, November 26, 4:47 pm are days months, decades, we do not exaggerate now anyway
it's been weeks since I've had a nice dish of pasta and today I woke up with one
I really want to do it as a good thing Italian pasta is one of my favorite dishes
I love pasta in all possible sauces imaginable I love the carbonara I go crazy for
the amatriciana not to mention garlic oil and chili but what pleases me of
more is the classic that is pasta with meat sauce I remember that when I went to school I ate
almost every day a nice dish of pasta with meat sauce and 10 years have passed
since then and having limited the dose of this fantastic dish I have quite arrears
to allow me to give myself the dish of most giant pasta I've ever seen in
my life so today pasta with ragù challenge in this challenge I will take you with me
to the stove because in my opinion the sauce made at home is a million times better than
what you buy at the supermarket that I will use are 1.5 kg of raw pasta that
after cooking it will double its weight coming to the beauty of 3kg of pasta 1kg of ground
of mixed beef and pork 700 grams of tomato puree 250 grams of cheese
parmesan and finally olive oil and a little of fried adding up all the products that
I have listed you I will go to cook the dish of pasta with the most giant ragout I've ever had
seen in my life 5kg of pasta with meat sauce such as to easily satisfy appetite
of 10 people of course I will try to destroy I challenge this challenge in a single meal
as a 60-minute time limit and let's see up to where I can push 5kg of pasta
at the meat sauce this will be the most difficult challenge that has ever faced but enough talk
it's time to put me in the kitchen first point because I'm really hungry
and second point because the cooking of the sauce it will steal me a couple of hours and it's already 5 pm
so table ninja follow me in the kitchen with all my ready products I really am
hungry I will try to replicate the recipe of the ragout of my mom amazing mom if you stay
watching this video you will be proud of so let's start by taking a big pot
giant I take my olive oil caspita I forgot it
no problem we have magic on our side
obviously I use the scale to weigh it and be able to calculate the calories
we have 42 grams of olive oil I'm going to use my mixture for deep fried
in order to gain some time because if I used to chop onion celery
and carrots maybe I started this challenge in the 2027 are 150 grams of mixture for sautéed
instead of using salt and pepper I go to use a nut from the star because my mom uses this
recipe and I want to imitate it 100% we throw my nut we light my fire we bring
at the oil temperature and once the oil is at temperature let's add the
our mixture of meat as you can see we have 1.1kg of meat we open our box
I brown my meat in oil with the sautéed just a couple of minutes
look at that fantastic ninja show I fade it all off with a glass of white wine
of course I take it to evaporation, I would never get drunk
well the alcohol is evaporated I go to add my 700 grams
of tomato puree 700 grams as you can see
is you fell for this I can not throw it is glass mix for good
down the fire I cover my ragù
and now the long wait begins I have to cook this sauce for 1 hour and a half on a low heat
and I'm really hungry what I'll do in this half hour? I will kill time by going
take a walk for an hour and a half for me one minute has passed for you 1 hour and twenty
and I would say that my ragù is almost ready still twenty minutes and should go
in the meantime I start boiling the water for the pasta I know I'll need this
super pot for cooking 1.5kg of pasta go with the salt a little further
boiling our water after hours and hours finally my water boils so I throw it
my 3 packs of pasta 1,5 kg of fusilli
and three cooking time 11 minutes
11 minutes passed I go to drain my pasta I really think it's enough it's time to use
strong ways towards my whole sauce
towards all my pasta
damn pig I add the whole envelope of grain
wait, I'll get closer maybe it's better to give a nice mix
and here it is ready mom ninja my here we have a really gigantic challenge
let's go to the table and here we are finally at the table ninja then just a second before starting
I wanted to weigh it with you as you can see the scale is set to zero
my mom this is a lot of guys dough
it is impracticable caspita
5kg split my mom here we have
really a lot of food misery I could put on a bit of biceps with this
pasta before going to sling to savor This fantastic pasta with meat sauce puts you in the calories
totals and their total nutritional values above so you can see how much
calorifica is this giant pasta with meat sauce as always I have my coke 0
so refreshing I have mine
bread because in case of victory I'm going to do the shoe before starting
imperative as always table ninja knows me that this time I exaggerated this is one
most gigantic challenge I've ever faced obviously I shared this giant pasta
on instagram then table ninja if you want be spoiled on every challenge of mine
and if you want to be with me in live while I face them start following me find me with the name
vgthomas1987 as you can read above and let him ninja do it
it's 8:11 am off my shirt
much better I have my super I have my reminder timer 60 minutes
of time to try to destroy this challenge
party timer
and now a question for you table ninja will I manage to destroy this giant challenge?
amazing very good
the ragù is perfect ninja
it's yes mom you have to be proud of me
what to say is really really good ninja
I really wanted to a nice pasta with meat sauce
what is your favorite pasta comment in the comments below
I lost a calorie
do you want a ninja bite? I give you a little 'so I have 5kg
I know that this time I exaggerated just a little
I still have to drink my coke zero
so refreshing
wow my mom how much ninja pasta
I can never see this bottom mountain never falls
Mamma Mia
I think I'm halfway there
I'm sweating this pasta my mother
pardon me
and another thing that puts you in trouble this challenge is the jaw my mom is not
It is not easy to chew all this pasta I have a burning jaw
20 minutes, I think I've eaten it at least half see how far I can
to push me because I do not think I can succeed to eat it all table ninja 5 kg of pasta
in the meat sauce are really many for me too
pardon me
and of course I have to try to drink as little as possible so as not to put too much space in my stomach
Caspita is really difficult this challenge I feel not full but tired of chewing this pasta
and tired of eating pasta with ragout I dreamed of it so much and now I've already started to hate her
I hate when I exaggerate
I hate when I exaggerate
I think I've eaten 3kg
at least so it would seem
I do not feel full but tired the taste is getting tired of me
and even the jawbone has a broken jaw
challenge difficult caspita
do you want some ninja pasta?
here is your whole I start to be full take take but you never help me
36 minutes I know that tonight my dog will party with all this pasta
my gosh ninja
I'm getting tired of this pasta, there's still a lot of it
my mother I think I will have eaten 3.5kg now as now
how much time do I have? 40 minutes 20 minutes from
I'm not full but damn this sauce has me tired now it would take a nice ice cream
but alas here in front of me I only have pasta at the meat sauce then we continue with pasta with meat sauce
pardon me
12 minutes
believe it or not now the disgusting part is the meat sauce
I already know that that bread will not use it for sure
from 51 minutes
I have a broken jaw
54 minutes
it really is very short but my mother can not stand it anymore
the beauty is not even full
at the stomach level but tired
disgusted by too oily ragout
for a good piece you just need pasta with meat sauce
3 minutes
1 minute and 30 seconds
I would put the recovery minuses because
in the end I miss a little and I want to go to destroy this damn ninja pasta
only now I have the meat sauce and this is very oily my mother I do not want to eat it at all
pardon me
I can do it
out of time but I can do it
63 minutes or 64 minutes
My mother is disgusting this sauce now
I have the jaws destroyed
and with the last spoonful of meat sauce declared this 5kg of pasta alla ragù challenge ended
out of time, however, I did it
67 minutes and 24 seconds me He knows I have to train on speed
how much we are there but we are not there with the speed it is 9 and 20 minutes
to tell you the truth after 50 minutes of this challenge I felt really tired then I said no
I can not lose I still destroyed 4.5kg of pizza with kebabs but I have to say
that the challenge was much simpler compared to this it was not so difficult
in terms of volume, on the contrary, it has been but it was much more difficult to continue
eating the meat sauce this sauce was really really good though after a while it was really oily
however, I saved my loaf of bread and I will definitely use it with mine
next pasta with meat sauce that I will go to eat tomorrow I'm joking obviously ninja
I hope you enjoyed this pasta at the challenge ragù I remind you that if you still do not follow me in instagram
and if you want to stay with me during the week if you want to see my workouts
if you want to see my power if you want to see the bullshit that public if you want to be spoiled
on all my challenges, start following me in instagram you can find me with the name vgthomas1987
as you can read above and do ninja do it
it's time to close the video
but before doing it, as always, I must remind you of the most important thing
if you have not yet entered my channel, do so immediately click here
it's time to close the video
we obviously see each other next week with a new video
and in the meantime
Bruna Marquezine promove encontro cristão com Ludmilla e Priscilla Alcantara – veja vídeo - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
Silvio Santos debocha de "Malhação", ri da Globo e zoa a Record - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni Uomini e Donne del 5 dicembre: nuovo scontro tra Tina e Gemma | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Carlos José Castilho, il portiere più coraggioso di tutti i tempi - Duration: 5:03.-------------------------------------------
Receita de Guacamole - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Rivalidade entre Madonna e Lady Gaga ganha novo e polêmico episódio - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Física Quântica: Qual o Tempo de Deus? | Marina Carvalho - Duration: 15:23.-------------------------------------------
Marido revela affair de Ana Hickmann e Paulo Zulu no passado. Saiba mais! - Duration: 5:03.-------------------------------------------
5 ALIMENTOS VENENOSOS QUE VOCÊ JAMAIS DEVERIA COMER SEM ANTES FAZER ISSO - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
How to disassemble 📱 Meizu Pro 6 (M570H) Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 15:52.Hello and welcome!
Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to disassemble
📱 Meizu Pro 6 (M570H)
The unexpected wave that defined an Olympic swimming race | On the Line - Duration: 9:57.I panicked and thought, "I have to clear this."
I took a stroke, I came up for another breath
and I got no air at all.
Then I began to really feel like I was choking,
partly because my body was exhausted.
And I reached for the lane marker
and once I hit the lane...
..this other voice came back from when I was ten years old,
from a coach who had said,
"If you ever touch the lane, you're disqualified."
In the Olympic pool, the final of the 100-metre butterfly.
Hello? This is Carolyn.
I had no idea at 13 and 14
what it meant to go to Europe
or what it meant to go to the Olympics.
I was the first person in my family to have a passport,
to even think about going any place other than Canada.
Two things when we arrived in Rome that I can remember was
the bus was so modern.
It was, like, space age.
But then out the window were these people...
..who looked different than Americans.
And there were columns
and old ruins.
And it was...
I don't know, it was just, like, otherworldly.
In lane four, dark hair and 18 years old, Carolyn Schuler,
who is the first to pass the 50 metres.
I wanted to be in the opening ceremonies,
but the next day was the opening races.
So I was swimming four events -
100 freestyle, 100 butterfly,
the freestyle relay and the medley relay.
Two days before,
we had an audience with the Pope John XXIII.
And I did go to that, it was extraordinary,
but my feet killed me.
And that was kind of when I knew
I couldn't be in the opening ceremonies.
I was not really the youngest.
The youngest on the team was Donna de Varona, who was 13.
And the oldest member of the team was 19.
So our average age was like 16 and a half or 17.
In 1960, we didn't have goggles,
so our eyes were bathed in chlorine
all the time.
You know, four hours a day.
The Californian swimmers always had
bright, shiny, blond hair
that would turn slightly green,
and we all had bloodshot eyes all the time.
When you'd come out of swim practice,
all the lights on the streets
would have big halos around them,
everything would be fuzzy for an hour and a half.
Hello, this is Lynn Burke.
So we got to swim a lot in the practice pools.
And the whole time we were there,
the coaches were complaining about the level of the water
in the main Olympic arena.
It was too low.
So if you're leading a race and you come out of the turn,
you'd get like a wave come right at you.
The coaches were all discussing it with the officials
to please fill up the pools higher, higher, higher.
I guess to no avail.
So when we set world records, it was amazing
because they call it "a slow pool",
because you have the waves, a little bit of waves
instead of being smooth like glass,
like you see now on television.
We as a team had some worries about the pool.
So if you can imagine eight swimmers
swimming towards the end of the pool.
Three of them are...
two or three or four seconds ahead of the rest.
They're pushing a wave in front of them.
I expected that I was going to win,
because I had beaten Carolyn Schuler
several times in the United States the previous year.
I've been first at the Olympic trials.
And I felt really good.
I had a strategy that I would come
out of the turn and take two or three strokes,
two strokes, not breathing...
..take a breath
and I would be past the wave
that followed us.
Hello, Kristina Larsson here.
And it was an Olympic final and we had two false starts,
so I think that all of us were pretty nervous.
But we could only jump in and swim the final
as fast as you could.
On the first 50 metres,
I was breathing to the left... I couldn't see
the other swimmers
until we turned after 50 metres,
when I could see some of them.
And when I'd swum a bit on the last 50 metres
I missed a girl
in the lane on my left.
But I couldn't think much about that.
I swam as fast as I could and finished the race.
And I blame the two false starts
that modified the concentration on the final.
So that night
I felt strong, I felt fast, I was buoyant,
I was riding the light, is what it felt like.
And I came out of the turn, aware that I was ahead.
I took my two strokes, I took a breath,
I was clear.
I took a stroke and I started into my...
my pattern of breathing and the next time I came up,
I hit the wave of the slower swimmers,
the ones who were three or four seconds behind
who were still coming into the turn.
I didn't just choke on it, I breathed
the whole wave of water in.
And, you know, I panicked.
I took a stroke, I came up for another breath
and I got no air at all.
I was choking.
I reached for the lane and once I hit the lane,
all my hope was gone.
I was disqualified because I had stopped.
That's when I began to cry
and hang on the lane row.
And I could see the swimmers go past, the slower ones.
I heard the cheers when Carolyn Schuler finished.
And then, all of a sudden, this guy was in the water,
grabbing my arm, and apparently he had...
When all the swimmers had finished,
I was still crying on the lane row.
He jumped to rescue me.
Well, I wasn't, I wasn't...
..rescuable, I was crying, I was...
I had to swim to the end of the pool and that was important
to my personal mythology.
So I recovered, I swam to the end of the pool,
I congratulated Carolyn Schuler...
..and then I got out and ran and cried some more.
And when she got out of the pool,
they had like a big place behind the starting blocks,
they took her in there with a nurse and everything.
I went running down the pool, trying to find her.
And it was really sad.
And after she was calmed down and everything,
we had to stand up
because they were playing the national anthem.
And she said, "They're playing... song for that girl."
When I look back and I look at that little girl,
I think what I want her to know is
it's not the end.
You lose a race and it's just a race.
Life goes on and it's OK,
it's not the end of the world.
There's always the next race.
You take it and you learn from it.
Bjørnar Moxnes (R) om krig og beredskapssikring - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Dacia Logan Mcv 0.9 Tce 90pk Easy-R S&S Lauréate - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Renault Mégane Estate TCe 130pk Limited R-Link, Climate, Parkeersens., 16" Lichtm.velg. - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V50 2.0 145pk R-Design Pro Edition | XENON | Cruise Control | Winter - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
ホンダ 新型シビック タイプR 燃費レポート - Duration: 13:18.-------------------------------------------
Roblox Rogor Vishovot Robux? - Duration: 3:28.Start!
Time To Get
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Dodge Ram 1500 | SPORT BLACK OPS | Luchtvering | NIEUW | 5.7 V8 HEMI 401 pk | Crew Cab 5'7 | 4X4 | R - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Rustic Stunning Top Line Best Fully Upgraded Park Model RVs - Duration: 3:06.Rustic Stunning Top Line Best Fully Upgraded Park Model RVs
Digital Marketing News Today Instagram Story Ads CHANGING - Duration: 5:06.Instagram is one of the least intrusive platforms when it comes to ad placement
or advertising with the social media network but Instagram just announced
that they're actually updating the boost option to add it basically to Instagram
like you currently see it on Facebook for business pages they're gonna make
that option available on Instagram so stay tuned guys because we have
something very interesting for you in today's digital marketing news today
all right welcome back everybody and thank you for joining me on today's
digital marketing news today my name is Jordan Steen and I am also known as
Cereal Entrepreneur and at this channel we talk all about digital marketing
social media marketing starting in agency or online business personal
brands so make sure you hit the subscribe button and that notification
bell on the bottom right hand corner of this video so that way you get all of
our news updates our templates guides how-to videos and all of the free stuff
we get away here at my channel now as I mentioned in the beginning Instagram is
adding a new platform or a new option really to their advertising platform
which allows you to boost posts and since from a marketers experience there
is already a lot of talk around the boost option as far as using it for
Facebook ads we wanted to go ahead and update you guys on the Instagram boost
post option and how we think it's going to affect the marketing industry oh and
make sure to stay tuned to the end of this video where we'll give you an
update on how to create Instagram story ads so Instagram stories have always been
a popular feature and that's why Facebook decided that they wanted to
start monetizing so they started placing ads between user's stories on Instagram
and it allow businesses to start promoting those story ads to new users
so essentially what's happening is Facebook has always had the boost post
option for business pages and what they've decided to do at instagram is
add that same option to business pages on Instagram and so this is going to
make it easier for small and medium-sized businesses who don't hire
out to large agencies to manage the back end manager to start spending on
Instagram and obviously this will increase Instagram's
revenue for ad spend so quick question have you guys ever used Instagram
stories before if so make sure to leave it in the comment section below I'd like
to know just write yes or no if you've used Instagram stories below so this new
promote feature will actually be coming out pretty soon and again this is
different than Instagram stories previously because you used to have to
go through the backend manager now this is making it a lot easier for small and
medium-sized businesses to conduct business and promote more Instagram
content to their following or even to new followers Instagram and Instagram
stories are a great tool though to actually increase engagement get people
interested in your product or service so if you're interested in figuring out
more tips and strategies to running Instagram and using stories check out
this video on the top right hand corner so, currently there are about six million
advertisers on Facebook's platform and only two million on Instagram I'm
predicting that Instagram will see an increase in advertiser and ad revenue
because of the fact that they're putting this boost post or promote option out to
the business platforms now personally I don't recommend using this option
because of the fact that it limits your targeting ability substantially and the
ability to create special features or special types of features inside of the
ad itself so my recommendation as a marketing professional would be that if
you are a marketing agency or if your business owner that's serious about
their Instagram marketing campaigns you won't want to actually use this platform
because of the fact that it limits your targeting ability and what kind of
options you have when you set these ads up now the promote option is only
available to business pages and Instagram business account so if you
haven't set up your Instagram page yet or if you haven't converted it to an
Instagram business page then make sure to do that but that's it for today's
digital marketing news today update so thank you for joining me if you haven't
already make sure to hit that subscribe button in the bottom right hand corner
and the notification bell so you get all of our digital marketing news today and
social media marketing updates and since you stayed until the end of today's video
here's how you can create Instagram story ads and how we've done it so
effectively check out this link in the top right hand corner alright thank you
so much for joining me as I said this is our first digital marketing news today
update we're gonna start doing these every single Wednesday so we can keep
you up-to-date with all of the newest trends in marketing and digital
marketing and I need you to do me a couple of favors at the news voice like
the newscaster voice was super annoying leave it in the comments below so that
way I know whether or not to do it again if you guys like the personality let me
know that too that would be great but that's it for me today thank you guys
for joining me and I will see you guys on the next video until then Cereal
Entrepreneur out bye guys ready to start living the six-figure work where ever be
your own boss lifestyle well at Cereal Entrepreneur Academy we'll teach you how
to use a laptop and internet to start your own social media and digital
marketing agency get started with our free facebook ads training
links in the description below guys see you in the course, Cereal
Entrepreneur, out!
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Palacio de Orive. Córdoba - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
钟汉良谢易桦隐婚坐实...真爱! - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
Kia Carens - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
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러시아의 T-14 전차는 전술 핵무기라고합니다 - Duration: 8:59.-------------------------------------------
सफल होने का एक ही तरीका है | Don't Make Excuses... Best Success Motivation By IMRudra - Duration: 12:11.-------------------------------------------
Things Only Adults Notice In The Notebook - Duration: 3:55.There's no doubt that few movies will make you swoon quite like The Notebook.
But rewatch it as a grown-up and you might notice a few things you didn't spot before.
Here are some things only adults notice in The Notebook.
Tainted love
By the end of the movie, it's easy to feel all warm and starry-eyed about Noah and Allie's
But once you go back and take a closer look at their story, cracks in the facade begin
to appear.
In fact, their relationship is actually pretty volatile.
There's an entire montage devoted to how they never actually get along and often get into
heated arguments.
Not to mention the name-calling.
"You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you're
being a pain in the ass.
Which you are, 99% of the time."
When they break up, Allie is obviously distraught.
But that doesn't mean she has any right to go around physically accosting Noah like she
The fact that fans can overlook the aggression in Noah and Allie's relationship points to
another problem, and that's that they're put on something of a pedestal.
When TimeOut asked a team of experts to name movies with the most unhealthy views on love,
The Notebook made the cut.
Therapist Gurpreet Singh chided Noah and Allie's romance as idealized love and pointed out
that "most average couples are nothing like that."
Creepy Noah
On screen, it does seem pretty nice that Noah builds Allie a whole house with his bare hands.
The fact that he refuses to give up on their love and basically lives in a state of frozen
nostalgia comes off as kinda sweet, too.
As is the way he always writes her without fail.
But if a real-life ex pulled half of the stuff Noah does, you'd probably need to have the
local police precinct on speed dial.
"Will you go out with me?"
Even Ryan Gosling concedes this point.
He told Canada's Tribute:
"Basically, this is a guy who, you know, writes 365 letters to a girl he barely even knows.
And then builds a house for her and essentially pretends like he lives in it with her, you
And in any other movie, this guy's gonna get locked up.
But she thinks it's romantic."
The duck whisperer
Noah and Allie's boat ride is probably The Notebook's most iconic scene.
Re-watching the film, however, the whole sappy romance of it all tends to be drowned out
by one, pressing question: how did they get all those ducks to actually cooperate?
Well, despite being told by New Line Cinema that shooting a scene with so many birds would
never ever work, director Nick Cassavetes decided he wouldn't be deterred.
He went out, bought a load of hatchlings and had someone march them down to the lake every
single day to be fed.
Cassavetes told VH1:
"By the time the movie was shooting, they were kind of grown but they had been fed out
there every day.
So, when the studio came down to see the scene, because they didn't believe we could do it,
the guy marched them out there like the Pied Piper and they went out on the lake."
Cheap digs
Every fan of The Notebook dreams of living in the house Noah built for Allie, and when
you hear how much he was selling it for, that dream doesn't seem very far out of reach.
"Fifty thousand dollars."
"That's more than my asking price."
"That's right, it's a great deal."
Sure, this was a different time, so you have to take inflation into consideration.
But the thought of scoring that iconic white house for only so little is still enough to
give you heart palpitations.
Sadly, such a low price tag simply isn't feasible these days.
The home used in the movie is an actual real-life residence located at Martins Point Plantation,
just outside of Charleston, South Carolina.
Although the home isn't on the market and is off-limits to the public, Zillow estimates
its current value to be over $2 million.
Bundled up
If you're from the South, or if you've ever spent any time in the region during the summer
months, you might raise an eyebrow at one particular aspect of The Notebook.
Namely, that nobody in their right mind would dare to wear thick cardigans, wool coats,
caps, and long sleeves during a sweltering Southern summer.
We know several of the scenes in which the characters are seen all bundled up were set
during the summer, because they occur shortly after Allie and Noah first meet.
The Notebook's author Nicholas Sparks confirmed this timeline himself.
Let's put this into perspective.
According to the National Climatic Data Center, the highest max temperature in Charleston,
where filming took place, during June occurred in 1944.
It was 103 degrees Fahrenheit.
And on average, the mean temperature during June hovers just shy of 90 degrees.
Coats and scarves?
No thanks.
Volvo S60 2.0T Kinetic - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Dethleffs Advantage T 5801 - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
WANGYUAN 王源 - 我不知道 I DON'T KNOW - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
Which Countries Make the Most Plastic Waste? - Duration: 4:55.Hi everyone, for this week, Seeker is continuing our collaboration with The Swim to raise awareness
about ocean health.
And Ben Lecomte has already seen a lot of plastic on his journey.
Plastic is a material that's cheap, versatile, and lightweight.
It is also a major source of ocean pollution, which we're reminded of every time a dead
whale washes ashore with one hundred and fifteen plastic cups in its stomach.
So who is most responsible for all this pollution, and why?
At first glance, the numbers seem to point the finger at a handful of countries in Asia.
A 2015 study named the five biggest contributors, which were Sri Lanka, Vietnam, the Philippines,
Indonesia, and topping the charts at number 1 by a wide margin, China.
Much of the plastic pollution from these countries stemmed from underdeveloped waste management
In China, 76% of waste was mismanaged, meaning it was either just dropped as litter or disposed
of in dumps or landfills that weren't well contained and allowed the plastic to escape.
The study concluded that all that mismanaged plastic ended up depositing between 1.3 and
3.5 million metric tons of debris in the ocean each year, almost a third of the estimated
annual marine plastic scrap.
But don't be so quick to pin all the blame on China.
Starting in 1992 China started importing plastic waste from other countries, and it's bought
up a total of about 45% of the post-consumer plastic exported since then, adding about
10 to 13 percent to their domestic waste.
Because that plastic can be processed and turned into other goods.
Well, some of it can anyway.
Not all plastics are created equal, and some types of plastic are more easily recycled
than others.
You may have noticed the recycling symbol on your plastic products has a number between
1 and 7 in the middle.
Those numbers actually tell you what kind of plastic the product is made from, and some
types are easier to recycle than others.
The two most common types of recycled plastic are polyethylene terephthalate, found in clothes
and disposable bottles;and high-density polyethylene, found in detergent bottles, milk jugs, and
Those are numbers one and two, but plastics labeled 3 to 7 can be harder to process.
No matter the number China was accepting it all.
Further complicating things is when materials get mixed.
Single-use coffee cups, for example, often have a thin coating of polyethylene to make
them liquid-proof, which means the materials have to be separated first before they can
be recycled.
The process is difficult and expensive, so most waste management facilities just treat
the cups as trash.
Likewise when single use food containers still have scraps of food or liquid in them, they
can't be processed either and are just discarded.
So since China was buying up nearly half the world's exported used plastics, and plenty
of that was too difficult or impossible to recycle and was subsequently put into inadequate
dumps and landfills, then some of the responsibility lies with the exporters.
At 693 million metric tons, The US was the second biggest seller of plastic to China
in 2016, so even though USA ranked 20th on the list of biggest marine plastic polluters,
that's only because we weren't handling all our trash ourselves.
At the start of 2018 though, things changed.
Citing environmental reasons, China stopped the import of post-consumer plastics completely.
The last link in the supply chain just isn't accepting our low-quality stuff anymore.
Other countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are buying more plastic, but
those countries struggle to manage their waste already, so a lot of that plastic will likely
find its way to the ocean too.
Plus, they can never match the market size of China, so we still have a lot of trash
to deal with all of a sudden.
Our waste management systems weren't ready for this influx of plastic, and much of what
we used to send overseas for recycling is heading right to the landfill.So what can
an individual like you do if you're worried about plastic finding its way to the ocean
and hurting fish and sea turtles and whales?
Well lots of thing as it turns out.
You can use less plastic, full stop.
You can recycle more, and be better at recycling too by rinsing your used plastics and being
aware of what plastics your local recycling facility can handle.
And you can demand that manufacturers use more recycled plastics.
Even though the recycling process increases the cost, some companies are planning to make
more products with recycled materials because it's important to their consumers.
And lastly, just don't litter.
It's the laziest crime.
Do it for the turtles.
Are you surprised by how much plastic gets mismanaged?
If you have some helpful tips, why don't you share them down in the comments.
Seeker is highlighting The Swim for the rest of this week to bring awareness to the impact
of pollution since it's one of the most important issues facing humanity today.
We ask you to help us spread the message and keep coming back to Seeker for all your environment
updates, and thanks for watching.
Schleich Wild Life Animals Advent Calendar - Fun Animal Toys For Kids - Duration: 10:36.Welcome to Racetoytime!
Hey Guys! Racetoytime here!
Today we're going to open up 24 surprises in the Schleich Wildlife Advent Calandar
Okay, let's get started!
Let's see what's inside the box number one
We have a veterinarian, or, an animal doctor
Okay, box number two. Let's see what we have here
We have a meerkat
Here it is
Okay, next, number three
We have a cell phone
Number four...
We have a chair
Five... We have stickers
Let's put the sticker on the cell phone
Next, let's see what's inside the box number six
We have a young giraffe
Box number seven...
We have leaves for the animals
Number eight...
We have the stem for the leaves
Okay, next, number nine...
We have some parts here. I think this is for transporting the animals
Here it is but it's missing the floor. Let's see if box number ten has it...
Oh, cool! We have the parts
Here's the transport
Okay, next, number eleven
Oh, we have a snake. It looks angry!
Okay, next, let's see what's inside number twelve
Now let's open up box number thirteen
And we have here a crate
Next, box number fourteen
We have some bananas
Box sixteen...
We have a baby panda
Oh, this is so cute! Look at those paws!
Box number seventeen...
It looks like we have a fruit here, but I don't know what it is
Let's put this in the crate...
Together with bananas
And then box number eighteen
Oh, we got some feed for the animals
Okay, let's proceed to number nineteen
Oh, we have some more feed
Box number twenty...
Oh, we have a gerbil. This is really cute
Box number twenty one
We have a binoculars
Okay, number twenty two...
We have some more stickers
Box number twenty three
We have a laptop
And, finally, the last box, let's see what's inside
We have a white lion!
Oh, this is so cool! Look at the details
Now we have all the surprises. Let's set them up
( snake rattles tail, hisses )
Now, let's add some more animals
Here's an Indian Rhino...
African Elephant...
Here come more animals!
Here's a tortoise
And a chimpanzee
Okay, well I hope you guys have enjoyed this video
Let me know in the comments which animal is your favorite in this video
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Thanks for watching and stay tuned!
Bye, bye!
20 New Lipstick Tutorials & Amazing Lip Art Ideas Compilation | December 2018 - Duration: 12:36.
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Thank you for watching!
Hope you enjoy this video!
Slice an Apple by Hitting it at a Knife - Duration: 4:07.Hello everybody!
We are Pongfinity
Welcome to a new episode of "Challenge Pongfinity"
Let's see what kind of challenges you guys have come up with this time!
This idea is from Jacob Knott
Otto, are you ready for this?
I'm ready!
You are really high up!
I feel like I'm riding a dinosaur!
Right in the face!
Okay, I got this!
I got this!
You got that one? - Yes!
We need another person on my shoulders!
Alright guys if you're still trying to come up with a Christmas present
Remember that we have these awesome Pongfinity hoodies and t-shirts for sale
These are so warm and comfortable you can even sleep in them!
And I'm pretty sure that we can play with them as well!
We have had strangely many suggestions that we should play with our hands
So, we are finally doing it!
That's actually pretty painful!
We are trying to shoot the apple with our table tennis bat
Onto the knife
And see if we can slice it
I think that I broke the apple
I think I sliced it!
Perfect slice!
Almost in the middle
I can't believe this actually worked!
Remember to subscribe here
And check out our previous episodes there!
Until next time!
Champions of Belgium - Marc de COCK - Duration: 44:45.-------------------------------------------
Gorgeous Beautiful Liberty Cabin. Used ONLY 1 1/2 months! Main floor bedroom - Duration: 2:49.Gorgeous Beautiful Liberty Cabin. Used ONLY 1 1/2 months! Main floor bedroom
"Friends" | CASTING CALLS - Duration: 3:33.(Friends theme song)
- [Narrator] They are one of the most famous
television casts in history.
They will be there for you when the rain starts to pour.
But they weren't there in the beginning.
So who else almost starred in Friends?
- Look at me, I'm Chandler.
Could I be wearing any more clothes?
(audience laughter)
(theme music)
- [Narrator] Creators David Crane
and Marta Kauffman actually did have a few
actors in mind when they wrote the pilot,
originally titled Insomnia Cafe and then Six of One.
While they auditioned others for Ross,
including Eric McCormack,
who went on to star in Will and Grace,
it was David Schwimmer's role to lose
and he was the first cast.
- We were on a break!
- [Narrator] Crane has said he wrote Monica
for Reality Bites Janeane Garofalo,
which she passed, as reportedly did ER's Jami Gertz.
So producers opened up the role to auditions
until narrowing it down to their final two,
future King of Queens star Leah Remini
and Nancy McKeon from the Facts of Life.
However, Courteney Cox, who was offered the Rachel role,
asked to instead play Monica.
- Seven, seven,
seven, seven, seven.
- [Narrator] Producers then reportedly offered
Rachel to Tea Leoni,
best known then for the Fox sitcom Flying Blind,
who decided she wanted to star in The Naked Truth instead.
Jane Krakowski auditioned for Rachel,
but the future 30 Rock star has said she quote
didn't get very far.
- Oh don't be so dramatic, that's my thing.
- [Narrator] Saved By the Bell's Elizabeth Berkley
did get far, but was beaten out in the end
by Jennifer Aniston, who turned down
a cast member job on Saturday Night Live to take the part.
- Just so you know, it's not that common,
it doesn't happen to every guy
and it is a big deal!
- [Narrator] For Chandler, after soon to be Swingers star,
Jon Favreau, reportedly passed,
producers requested an audition from Jon Cryer,
who was working in London at the time.
He has said he read with a casting director,
but his tape got stuck in customs and was never seen.
- Oh, it's horrible.
- [Narrator] Meanwhile, Matthew Perry became a favorite
but he was attached to a Fox pilot called LAX 2194.
So Perry coached an up-and-comer named Craig Bierko
before his audition and he was offered the part,
only to turn it down.
Eventually Perry's pilot was passed on and he took the role.
- The bath salts, they're starting to effervesce.
(audience laughter)
It's different.
- [Narrator] For his best friend Joey,
Hank Azaria, known for Herman's Head at the time,
said that was the only role he's auditioned for twice
and producers also saw Favreau's future Swingers co-star
Vince Vaughn for the part.
- Baby you are so money and you don't even know it.
- [Narrator] But casting director Ellie Kanner
has said no one fit as well as Matt LeBlanc.
- Hey
how you doin'?
- [Narrator] That left Phoebe,
a role Kathy Griffin has said
hundreds of actresses auditioned for, herself included.
Also in the mix were Jane Lynch and Ellen DeGeneres,
but producers liked Lisa Kudrow's guest role
in Mad About You and gave her the job.
And her rendition of Smelly Cat probably helped too.
♪ Smelly Cat ♪
♪ Smelly Cat ♪
♪ What are they feeding you ♪
- This chick sounds good.
- [Narrator] With the cast ready to occupy the Central Perk,
Friends launched as an instant success
and went on to become one of the most successful shows ever,
spawning six new super stars.
- Pivot!
Law And Order Meme Compilation - Duration: 10:29.and that babysitters so cute I totally want to make out with her ah hey baby
you want to see me beat my cock sure I
couldn't dig that guy up I don't want to disturb him so hopefully we'll find
where these females and what I want to do is get up close for the cameras to
show you something really really cool that they can do guys ready to find a
female cool let's see if we can get one
and she keys to solving this crime I can almost taste
take a shower with me morning listen to me more need to get your clothes off get
in the shower right now I want you to fuck me Jerry
I mean the inevitable listen if we go into mrs. pancake Street everything will
go 100 times slower Morty that'll buy us some time to figure this out okay Glenn
time to reel ER in
yes I am going to there is only one thing worse than a rapist boom a child
no grandma what are you smoking
we welcome to top 10 most amazing people of the world
at number 10 Adolf Hitler the man who created Internet we would not be the
civilization we are without him at number 8 we have Kim Ling Ling
he created fortnight yeah what pizza pasta nigga chow
you're a wizard Harry I'm a lot a wizard
help me I'm sitting in this quicksand quick grab ahold of me can you just give
me your arm now in this position I have the optimal
grip and balance so uh grab ahold of me quickly okay just pull me out I'm trying
get to Del Taco they got a new thing called for jump from your free Shabak
adieu do I look the cheese of truth
immigrants calls cancer we have new information now also on the plane crash
KTVU has just learned the names of the four pilots who were onboard the flight
they are captain sum ting Wong we too low holy fook and bang ding owl what are
you looking at
you never spend any time with me but I can help you with your loving problem I
got a home remedy that'll put the dowsers back in your trousers your life
hey guys welcome back to the collateral display externally using a pecker and
which combo to take out some enemy and oh shit my up just tres amigas we start
Deerfield Cabins House in Texas with Stunning Modern Style | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 2:48.Deerfield Cabins House in Texas with Stunning Modern Style
Finding Amazing Solutions - Duration: 1:04.It may seem like the right thing to do, but if all you look at are the "good" solutions,
you'll only get what everyone else has.
We've been conditioned our whole lives to seek the right answer.
From tests in school to pleasing the boss, we associate negative consequences to finding
the wrong answer.
The problem with that mindset is that the most innovative solutions, the best solutions, often don't start
off looking like the right answer.
They often come from exploring the unexpected, the failures and the bad ideas
to see how you can make things work.
So, keep a clear focus on the results you're going for, but explore silly and absurd ideas,
draw wild analogies from the thing you're trying to achieve
to something completely unrelated. And, be unafraid to bend and twist reality to suit your needs to get the job done.
From there, you can take one or two of those ideas and make them work.
Above all else, have fun being silly and weird and finding those amazing results you want.
한 번 빠지면 나올 수 없는 '시골 똥강아지'의 매력 5 - Duration: 3:07.어렸을 적 할머니 댁에서 꼬질꼬질한 강아지들의 모습을 한 번쯤은 본 적이 있을 것이다.
필자도 어렸을 적 외할머니댁에 가면 사람만 보면 반갑다고 꼬리를 흔드는 강아지에게 간식도 주고, 목욕도 시켜주었던 기억이 있다.
짧은 목줄에 묶여 사는 게 마음이 아팠지만 티 없이 맑고 사람을 좋아하는 강아지들을 보며 함께 시간을 보냈다.
짧았던 시간 함께했던 기억에 집으로 돌아오며 아쉬워 눈물 흘렸던 기억도 아련하게 남아있다.
말티즈, 웰시코기 등 정확한 품종은 없는 믹스견이었지만 귀여운 외모와 착한 성격인 시골 똥강아지들.
아래 어렸을 적 기억을 떠올릴만한 귀여운 똥강아지들의 매력 포인트를 모아봤다.
최근 국내동물복지연구소 '어웨어'는 1m 목줄에 묶여사는 시골 강아지들에게 도움을 주는 프로젝트도 하는 등 시골 강아지들의 삶을 재조명 했다.
만약 아래 시골강아지들의 매력을 확인했다면, 다음번 할머니 댁에 가는 길 튼튼하고 긴 목줄과 사료를 선물해 주는 것은 어떨까.
1. 정말 발랄하다.
사람만 보면 발라당 누워 배를 보이는 행동이 녀석들의 주특기다.
묶여 사는 삶에 사람이 그리워 유독 친근한 행동으로 관심을 끄는 게 가끔은 안타깝기도 하다.
2. 순하다.
시골 강아지들은 대체로 순한 성격을 가졌다.
온순한 성격으로 주인에 대한 충성심도 강한 편이다.
3. 응근히 똑똑하다.
시골 강아지 중에는 묶어놓고 키우는 게 아닌 자유롭게 자라는 녀석들도 있다.
마을을 돌아다니며 신나게 놀 수 있는데, 날이 어둑해지면 신기하게 집으로 잘 돌아온다.
4. 엄청난 에너자이저
실외에서 자라는 녀석들은 지치지 않는 체력을 가졌다.
잠을 잘 때는 죽은 듯이 자지만 사람만 보면 달려가는 녀석들을 보고 있자면 신기할 정도.
성장기를 거쳐 다 큰 후에는 몸집이 커지며 성인 못지않은 힘을 가지게 돼 애교를 부릴 때 가끔 무서울 수도 있다.
5. 아기 때의 치명적인 귀여움
모든 새끼 강아지들은 귀엽지만, 시골 똥강아지들의 아기 적 모습은 상상 초월로 귀엽다.
통통한 몸매와 납작한 코, 동글동글한 눈을 보고 있자면 세상에 이렇게 귀여운 생명체가 있을까 싶다.
Buhari Isn't A Candidate For 2019 Presidential Election, Says Okupe - Duration: 3:32.Buhari Isn't A Candidate For 2019 Presidential Election, Says Okupe
Doyin Okupe, former Senior Special Assistant to former President Goodluck Jonathan on Public Affairs, has declared that the All Progressives Congress (APC) does not have a presidential candidate for the 2019 general election.
He stated this while responding to questions from journalists on the chances of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and APC in the forthcoming election.
He also lamented the refusal of President Muhammadu Buhari to sign the Electoral Act that has since been passed by the National Assembly. "Actions and activities of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) are being dictated directly from the villa.
If that is not the case, by now if the INEC Chairman was a truly independent person, he ought to have conveyed message to APC and the villa that they do not have a candidate for the 2019 presidential election," he said.
"As of today, the nomination of President Buhari is not valid. To be nominated for an election, there are some conditions that must be met as provided by the Constitution and the Electoral Act.
Number one, you must be a Nigerian. Now, there are issues that were even confirmed by the President himself in Poland that there is doubt about his nationality, whether he is a Nigerian or a Sudanese.".
Okupe also added that evidence must be provided that the candidate had been educated to secondary school level. "As of today, the form submitted by Buhari to INEC does not contain a certificate.
What he submitted is an affidavit with a false claim that his certificate is with the Army, who had sometime issued a statement that they are not in possession of any certificate of the president," Okupe stated.
According to Okupe, that by itself was perjury. "If I falsely swear to an oath that I am seven feet tall and measurement shows I am not that tall, I have simply committed perjury," he said.
He said such an invalidly nominated candidate had lost an election even before it is conducted, adding that it was incumbent on APC to either go to court or find another candidate.
"Buhari is not a candidate for 2019 presidential election and the facts speak for themselves.
By the action of Buhari to have gone to WAEC for an attestation showed that he knew that his certificate was never with the military and he swore to an oath falsely.
That itself is ground for disqualification of nomination of any candidate. This is the truth and Nigerians needs to be aware of it, so that nobody creates crisis in 2019.
Head or tail, Atiku will be President of Nigeria in 2019," Okupe said.
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