Friday, December 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 7 2018

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 - Reggaeton 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo - Estrenos Reggaeton y Música Urbana 2018 - Duration: 52:34.


Thailand-Rescue | Youtube-Thailand (2018) - Duration: 14:49.

hi guys welcome back to the farm and i am just leaving the farm Toon went into town

and got a few bits and bobs quite a few things that are heavy apparently it weighed

been her down a little bit too much and she's grounded the bike in

well on one of the back roads that we sometimes use to go to town on so I've

just got the call and I've got a bit of a trek to go and hopefully help push her

out so she stopped right near a farm where we know the owner quite well

but he is not about so I've got a bit of a trek ahead of me I've had lots of

water I've got my Mexican hat on so I should be there in about 20 minutes

hopefully nothing will get nicked from the farm alright give you an update

later one minute walk from our house some little ponds here and they have been

clearing the land just here some people gonna build a small house there and stay

there and grow fish that they sell in the local markets cutting the rice ahead

as well so although we are in a quiet little area there's still a fair fair bit going

on this time of year I know it's a bit jittery guys but I just grabbred the

phone to make a sharp exit out the house so is a little bit jittery I thought

while I'm walking along it will just give me an opportunity just to raise a couple of

things that popped into me noggin first off I don't know who but a big thanks to

whoever gave us a shout out on another group on Facebook and I don't know which

group but someone gave us a bit of a shout out for the rural life Thailand

group and we had a nice influx of about thirty new members join yesterday and

this morning so thanks whoever you are don't tell me who you are I prefer it's quite

nice to have a a man of mystery or woman of mystery so probably someone saying

it's me it's me Lee it's me and it's not try and get all the credit for it but

whoever you are thanks very much more more people to

bounce off and share ideas and experiences so that's good well over

200 members now so that's that's really incredible

cassava growing here you can see now it's the dry season a lot of the weed is

dying back so it's good there's less chemicals about people there is no point in

spraying this lot you do get people burning it that does happen quite a bit

there's a little pond in there people go electric shocking in there 100 meters or

so and then we're on the farmers land where where toon is stuck I'm not sure

exactly where she is she said she's near the house the next thing that

I'd like to bring up is people looking for certain things to buy whilst they

are staying in Thailand and are struggling to find the stuff online now

I've experienced this this problem when we've been looking for like incubators and

fertilized eggs and all that and bits of machinery and stuff and solar if

you put a search on the internet in in English you get very very few

results and quite often the results you get are posted by farang so you pay for

farang prices to farang so it's not great you're not really getting value

for money a lot of the time guys so what you need to do or what I recommend you

do let's say you're looking for a certain type of chicken or duck okay

get your missus or whoever you are with or whoever you know tell them exactly what

you're looking for and get them to go onto Facebook

yep Facebook and put a search in there so toon she'd type it in thai and

do a search there a lot of Thai businesses seem to have facebook

business accounts rather than the websites now the big companies or

suppliers whatever you like they will have a website linked from their

Facebook page as well quite often it pays to expand your search do

a Google search and then the last one which is quite surprising to me is do a

search on YouTube again all these searches are in Thai a

lot of Thai companies actually advertise on YouTube I don't know whether they're

supposed to be or not I don't know but so for like our banana shredder toon did

the search there you get a little bit of footage and then in the description or

in the tile they put the price as well and

generally speaking you get better prices toons just called me see where I am I said

I am near the the farms angel house not far to go don't want her to be left out

here too long although everywhere feels fairly safe

round the area is very quiet you just never know

his mango trees are looking good good farmer this bloke learnt loads off him

but he did sell as seven palm trees that he'd grown from seed himself so we've

binned them off Oh I can see toon in the distance she is

waving so she's okay very impressive irrigation system

watering system this guys put in toons just been buying some of this stuff so

probably won't be as a heavy-duty as this but we'll see all right my dear

well to be fair yeah I've got quite a bit on there yeah you've got quite a bit

on there three bags of animal food all that makes a

bit of a slider toons just about to get a slap so I better turn it off all back

safe and sound irrigation pipe work is here toons missing a few attachments

though so she's had to go back out she's gonna go and grab some lunch as

well so can't make a start on this but I've got lots of papaya holes to keep

digging to keep me busy so not a problem at all the next little thing that I want

to cover is accommodation here guys we are getting quite a few inquiries now

from people wishing to come and stay which is brilliant it's really really

nice to hear and chat with you guys and know that you fancy

spending some time with us on the farm but unfortunately we still are no closer

to having any accommodation here plus you've got to remember we're still in

the first year of infancy of this farm developing so the maturity of the trees

bar the ones that are in front of like right here the stuff that was

already here is fine but yeah the rest of it does take time to grow so one

of my fears is if you came here quite early it's not really

the style which is what we want we want it like rustic jungle you know traditional

Thai that sort of thing and bamboo accommodation and all those sorts of

things at the moment it would just look like a little building in the middle of

a field that's been plowed a few times so I know some some of you still want to

come and that's great but we don't do homestay sorry about that guys you know

it's just we have to be careful a little bit sensible and although some of you on

here do seem quite normal you never know do you certainly some

some of you guys aren't normal so we wouldn't have you in our bloody house

anyway but you know what I mean you know theres me and toon in the middle of bloody

nowhere you can't have any old herbert just

staying here so security is paramount then once we get some accommodation

built then yeah no problem at all time scale wise for accommodation really were

grasping at straws guys we really don't know it's the finances and also the

farm has to come first and I some people think the opposite way around

but if you were staying here we would put time and effort into your

stay here which means the farm would take a backseat or it would mean that

people have got to be paid to come and work for a few days while you were

here we've got a few options available sort of ideas just bouncing around at

the moment we can dot basic accommodation just generally around on

the land or we can wait for the lake to be dug it's still waiting for a start

day there and then put them around the lake or we can put one on a massive

island on the lake sort of like a bear grylls survival island accommodation but

that would just be one one accommodation hopefully we're looking at two maybe

three at a push but at the moment with the finances there's just no way we can do

it and the main reason being we just

haven't been able to sell the house in the village so in the future

yeah you're gonna be more than welcome to come and stay have a few beers with

us toons a brilliant cook you can go all native and survival-esque on an island

on the fishing lake or you can go on in the accommodation on the outside of the

lake and just throw a line in there so we've got a few options available for you

but you just have to bear with us it's quite

frustrating for me and toon because we want people to come and visit but at the

moment we're just not ready I mean the house still has not been completed but

again it's just minor stuff and we'll get there eventually but it takes time

we'd love just to get an army of people in here and blitz everything but

it's just not going to happen last thing that I want to cover with you guys is a

subject that does divide opinion greatly

including me I've voiced my opinion on this several times and it's

patreon we've gone over to patreon I can hear the gasps from here

do not worry fellas the channel has always been and will always be free to

everyone okay patreon before you slag it off just have

a look on it and I think how we've structured it makes perfect sense to us

and if it's not for you you can just carry on enjoying the channel for free

as you always have done I'm not going to get into involved in any politics about

patreon and donations and all that sort of thing been there done that and

there's billions of vlogs on that subject on YouTube anyway so it's

totally up to you it's nothing new I did talk about this subject over a year ago

so in the future we would look at

introducing patreon setting up something that would benefit people that do contribute

towards us here namely with accommodation in the future and staying

and getting a decent discount so yeah when the accommodation is up and running

and we're ready to take customers in then we'll link it to patreon for anyone

that's on there and then you can save yourself a few baht when you come here

the money you save on your accommodation you can blow it on cold beers or toons

cheeky cocktails alright then guys I think that's about it

I look forward to seeing your comments as always see you soon

ta ta for now from Boys Town they're making steady progress

you're staying small so you don't get put in the pot aren't you mate if i can

eat a quail no problem for you

For more infomation >> Thailand-Rescue | Youtube-Thailand (2018) - Duration: 14:49.


Tales of Demons and Gods Chapter 202 & 202.5 FULL [English] [Early Release] + SUB INDO - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Tales of Demons and Gods Chapter 202 & 202.5 FULL [English] [Early Release] + SUB INDO - Duration: 10:28.


Glitzer süße Weihnachtskatzenzeichnung und Farbtonseiten für Kinder | Vẽ và tô màu Mèo Giáng Sinh - Duration: 2:51.

Glitter cute christmas cat drawing and coloring pages for kids

For more infomation >> Glitzer süße Weihnachtskatzenzeichnung und Farbtonseiten für Kinder | Vẽ và tô màu Mèo Giáng Sinh - Duration: 2:51.


Snow forecast: Areas west of RDU could see 6 inches or more - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Snow forecast: Areas west of RDU could see 6 inches or more - Duration: 1:41.



Village in the hills ...

Marie chose this village, this village of medjugorje and it's not for nothing ...

It must be admitted, she was right because currently thousands of people

come on pilgrimage to Medjugorje ... Each person is invited to come for

receive graces ... Every person is invited to make a conversion for deep ....

A real change in his life ... Many say fasts it is not

for me, I will not succeed, it's at above my strength ....

Yet other people before, we thought the same thing and now that makes

years they pray. Still others say, "Yes, but in Medjugorje, go

at Mass, to confess, to make a Stations of the Cross, to fast, it is easy. We are trained by

the crowd, but once back in France, it's much more difficult

Mass is never in the same place, the confession, there is nobody,

a way of the cross, there is none at home and fasting, I am alone to do it ...

Do not worry about others, ... start ... from the beginning ...

First pray with the heart ... then add the fasts ... and finally the

sacrifices ... for the rest you will find in prayer solutions do you

not worry ... Marie knows your situation very well

and your region ... as well as difficulties to go to Mass and to you

confess. I, from time to time, on Sundays, when I can not do

otherwise, I watch mass on television ... and then for confession, I ask

Jesus to confess me spiritually. Jesus knows my situation perfectly, and he does not

will not mind but if i can do otherwise, I do otherwise

Jesus is not a king, far away on his throne who knows nothing about our

situation, our difficulties ... He is there, next to us and he

encourages, to have good will ... He knows very well, that we are not

perfect and that we will not be able to do exactly what they do to us

ask ... He is very humble

just ask for good will ...

For more infomation >> APPARITION MEDJUGORJE ... PHOTO MIRACULEUSE DU MONDE ENTIER - paranormal - Duration: 3:00.


又一位明星離婚了!十一年婚姻劃上句號,雙胞胎兒由女方撫養! - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 又一位明星離婚了!十一年婚姻劃上句號,雙胞胎兒由女方撫養! - Duration: 4:28.


How to replace 🔧 🔋 Battery 📱 Meizu Pro 6 (M570H) - Duration: 7:43.

Hello and welcome!

Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,

we glad to offer you a new video

in which we look at how to replace

🔧 🔋 Battery

📱 Meizu Pro 6 (M570H)

For more infomation >> How to replace 🔧 🔋 Battery 📱 Meizu Pro 6 (M570H) - Duration: 7:43.


✅✅ Cómo DESCARGAR el FIRMWARE de CUALQUIER dispositivo HUAWEI (y otras marcas) ✅✅ - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> ✅✅ Cómo DESCARGAR el FIRMWARE de CUALQUIER dispositivo HUAWEI (y otras marcas) ✅✅ - Duration: 9:32.


U sợi ( u xơ ) thần kinh - Nguyên nhân, triệu chứng, chẩn đoán, điều trị, bệnh lý | OSMOSIS | - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> U sợi ( u xơ ) thần kinh - Nguyên nhân, triệu chứng, chẩn đoán, điều trị, bệnh lý | OSMOSIS | - Duration: 7:01.


[4K] SHORT CLIP: Emergency in Rhenen - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> [4K] SHORT CLIP: Emergency in Rhenen - Duration: 8:58.


尾田揭開索隆左眼伏筆,確定索隆最終戰鬥力,雷利、希留都不及 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 尾田揭開索隆左眼伏筆,確定索隆最終戰鬥力,雷利、希留都不及 - Duration: 4:56.


भरली ढोबळी मिरची - Stuffed Capsicum Recipe In Marathi - Bharli Shimla Mirch - Archana - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> भरली ढोबळी मिरची - Stuffed Capsicum Recipe In Marathi - Bharli Shimla Mirch - Archana - Duration: 3:04.


Long Hope Philia ロングホープ・フィリア (Acoustic Cover) | 僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ~2人の英雄 / ED 5 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Long Hope Philia ロングホープ・フィリア (Acoustic Cover) | 僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ~2人の英雄 / ED 5 - Duration: 4:52.


#14 it flies so fast - Duration: 8:37.

here you go

okay, i got this

how do you pronunciate this

i will skip this one

look at jimin

- look, gudak has an icon with a ghost - i know, spooky

and now he is torn, becasue he does not know if he should choose...

quiet, we know high school musical!!!!

yesterday i finished

"opowiadania bizarne" by olgda tokarczuk

i listened to the audiobook

because there is a "" event

this month in poland

and i really liked them

and this was my first


bc it is a collection of short stories, by olga tokarczuk

so... yeah...

i'm currently reading "flights"

and i'm

how he is sitting

like a preschooler

*invitation from friends" so maybe you will invite me

okay, i will

i'm always doing things

and you never film them

it's beautiful

stand still



i look like a dumpling, can you see it?

i see that i look like a dumpling more

then you do


oh come on

- oh, now you look like robert - wow


nine, ten

i'm looking

i choosed from the jelly beans

the flavours that my mum can eat

look, if you stand on it, it stars playing



this book

could be just a long

essay? some sort of

novella? short story?

i liked it mainly bc

of it's reality

of ordinary, simple, everyday tasks

and i'm the person that

adores books in whom

this daily life is celebrated, bc i love paying attention

to this little things

ordinary, daily things, which surround us

i think you can somehow see it in my videos if

someone... watches them

this book is

really honest

and not honest in

it's brutally honest

but not honest in like, not brutally honest

in a controversial way

it's simply paying attention to the things that... i think of which we usually

forget, on whom we don't pay attention to

i bought it in a bookshop

called tajfuny, in warsaw

lady bookseller... can you say it like that?

lady bookseller?

she encouraged me to read this book

bc she said it's

a great look at modern japan

at the japanese society now

and she was right

it's really great to look at

another society, which has completely, completely different

culture then polish, then european society

and see so many

similarities. still

this book shows

how people act

in droves

in their societies, which they create


and all of this requirements

which you should have to be in this drove

i think this book greatly shows how

individual manages

to fit into society

into a group

For more infomation >> #14 it flies so fast - Duration: 8:37.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0 i 2WD STYLE PREMIUM NU ACTIE !! CLIMATE CONTROL - Parksenor - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0 i 2WD STYLE PREMIUM NU ACTIE !! CLIMATE CONTROL - Parksenor - Duration: 1:07.


3D Quilling Paper Snowflakes - Christmas Ornaments Decoration Ideas - Diy Paper Craft - Duration: 4:03.

Welcome to origami art, Today i show you how

to make a beautiful Christmas paper snowflake.

If you want to learn how to make Xmas snowflakes

please watch full video step by step and then try.

Don't forget to subscribe, like, comment & share.

Thank you very much for your attention.

For more infomation >> 3D Quilling Paper Snowflakes - Christmas Ornaments Decoration Ideas - Diy Paper Craft - Duration: 4:03.


Kersttram op station Amsterdam RAI - Christmas Tram - Duration: 0:24.

Amsterdam RAI

For more infomation >> Kersttram op station Amsterdam RAI - Christmas Tram - Duration: 0:24.


BADGAL - MLEE ft MR.A | Official Dance MV - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> BADGAL - MLEE ft MR.A | Official Dance MV - Duration: 4:14.


First Snow this year in Vienna - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> First Snow this year in Vienna - Duration: 4:12.


Kia Soul EV 110pk 30kWh Edition (NIEUW) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Soul EV 110pk 30kWh Edition (NIEUW) - Duration: 0:54.


Обзор - чехлы на сиденья из экокожи AVto-AMbition Universal NEO - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Обзор - чехлы на сиденья из экокожи AVto-AMbition Universal NEO - Duration: 2:27.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK Move up! | 5drs. | airco | elek ramen | - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK Move up! | 5drs. | airco | elek ramen | - Duration: 1:08.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 Move Up! | 5drs. | airco | navi | elek ramen | leuke auto!!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 Move Up! | 5drs. | airco | navi | elek ramen | leuke auto!!! - Duration: 0:54.


U sợi ( u xơ ) thần kinh - Nguyên nhân, triệu chứng, chẩn đoán, điều trị, bệnh lý | OSMOSIS | - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> U sợi ( u xơ ) thần kinh - Nguyên nhân, triệu chứng, chẩn đoán, điều trị, bệnh lý | OSMOSIS | - Duration: 7:01.


爸爸的挑戰絕對不能失敗!💪 I won the big prize 🎁( Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> 爸爸的挑戰絕對不能失敗!💪 I won the big prize 🎁( Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 6:34.


Multi-car crash on I-75 in Henry and Clayton Co. - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Multi-car crash on I-75 in Henry and Clayton Co. - Duration: 0:58.


DIY How to make Christmas decoration out of baubles and pine cones (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #549 - Duration: 1:52.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make decoration in vase with lights.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Put a tinsel garland inside a big flower vase.

Add a few baubles.

Now, put a few of the lights.

Again, add the baubles...

...and a few lights.

Repeat this until the vase is almost full.

Put a few small pine cones on top...

...and add a few big pine cones.

Hide a light switch under the pine cones.

Finally, tie a ribbon to the neck of vase.

And it's done.

This decoration will bring a warm Christmas mood to our houses.

It is the best to use a vase which is tall and wide.

I invite you to my Facebook page and Instagram profile.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make Christmas decoration out of baubles and pine cones (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #549 - Duration: 1:52.


제가 베트남에서 통할까요? MC가 된 한국여행 콘텐츠 비하인드 씬 - Duration: 8:36.

I don't know how people will react to me in Vietnam

What I mean is, in a company called Hanwha K-Plus,

opened a channel that is targeted to Vietnamese viewers,

it deals with all things Korea, such as beauty and travel tips.

And I have been appointed as the main MC

Ok, first floor

I don't know how long it has been since I last visited;

I think the last time I came here was when I filmed

the video about 'Difference according to period of living in America'

Today, with Hanwha LifePlus

Treasure Hunter is making a new channel, and I have been put as the main MC.

So I am on my way to film a greeting video for the opening of the channel.

Now that I see myself, I look like someone who tried really hard

to look young.


Please speak as if you were normally filming.

Hello, Ah Ah

Hosung, we printed this out

I tried this with ILULIY,

I must be the last person to film.

Oh god, the biggest loser is on last.

Shall we give it a try?

I'll try once as a practice.

Xin chao, Hello, nice to meet you, I am Lee Ho Sung.

This is how I am

The fun that comes from the cultural differences from Vietnam and..

I'm sorry

I do this alone everyday.

A real cultural experience broadcast that is fun as well as helpful...!

I'll try once more

I'm having so much fun on my own

I think we'll leave this as a B-class completed version

I really really look like a monkey.

The manager went through a lot because of me.

Finally, today is the first day of the shoot.

Today we are in Seongsu Station, but we're not going somewhere too famous,

but, what do you call it, a hidden hot-place, hip-hop, whatever?

The shoot will begin after one hour,

so I'm going to go a little early to get myself ready,

Let's go let's go

Looking forward to today, dear PD

Kum Eun Sub, do you want to say hi?

I shared the channel

Everyone, this is Kum Eun Sub, who just begun his career as travel YouTube.

and he is going to be in charge of filming today

Please subscribe to Kum Eun Sub.

I really like this professional equipment

There are a lot of hidden places around here

It also feels like LA a little bit.

Everyone, guess who I'm with?



I am currently filming with ILULIY at the restaurant,

I'm going to be filled with retro-age nostalgia.

You can check this video out on Hanwha Lifeplus channel.

I don't know if I'll be of any help but ILULIY's videos are so

It's really fun, so

Thank you.

I'm sure everyone's already subscribed to it.

Please check it out.

Since we are filming, we will excuse ourselves to eat something delicious

and continue shooting.

Thank you.

I was just trying to pretend to eat while filming, but I ate it all.

Thanks to the filming, I got to know a hot place.

The concept for this shoot is "emotional-hipster" hot place

so we're here.

I normally don't come to these places alone so I am happy right now.

I should come back here again.

I think we're at a science lab.

I don't know if I can make this kind of thing,

but I shall try to make it as pretty as possible

I think ILULIY can make it so pretty.

I'll confidently say I won't

Guys. Didn't I make it very sensibly?

This is mine, actually.

The concept of my piece is Chinese panda.

This suits Chinese panda, right?

Yes. It's a great combination.

I like something green like this.

Really? I like green and blue too.

Teacher is very kindly lying to me,

so great.

ILULIY made that definitely well.

I called it my own when you weren't here


I said the truth. This is mine.

Our results have different atmospheres.

I don't think it's just not only the feeling.


It's over.

We finished filming.

First of all, the staff of Treasure Hunter are taking care of us so much.

They took care of us so well that I felt so beholden

They took good care of us and we had a great time in a great environment.

There's a total of four videos that I expect to be in.

I will leave a link to the channel in which the videos will be uploaded in the description box below.

If you go there, I'll tell you what happens when I meet high-quality professional filming staff.

Also how the collaboration with ILULIY ended and

how Vietnamese people responded.

I am so glad to meet a lot of people filming actively together.

I can also do collaboration and overall live busily. I am very happy. I like this a lot.

It can be some part of Hosung's record, right?

Anyway, it was the Hosung's record of the day

For more infomation >> 제가 베트남에서 통할까요? MC가 된 한국여행 콘텐츠 비하인드 씬 - Duration: 8:36.


Julelyset - 3. søndag i advent 2018 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Julelyset - 3. søndag i advent 2018 - Duration: 0:52.


SOUND MORE NATURAL SPEAKING ENGLISH | English for Canada - Duration: 6:41.

Hi I'm Dana from Can Learn English.Iin today's lesson we are focusing on your

rhythm. What is rhythm? Well rhythm is the

difference between sounding robotic and sounding fluent and natural when you're

speaking. In this lesson I'm going to teach you the rhythmic pattern of

standard American English so you can sound more natural when you're speaking.

We're also going to do some shadowing exercises so you can practice with me

later on in the video. Before we begin don't forget to click that subscribe button

it's just right down here and if you would like to make a free account and

join the students in my online classroom so you can get the lesson notes for this

video just click right up here or the first

link in the description below. What do you say we get started?

To improve our rhythm we need to understand what it is. Rhythm is the pattern of long and short

syllables and they help us identify languages. This is why Chinese or Korean

sounds very different from Spanish or French or English. Syllables play an

important role in rhythm and when were younger we learn syllables by clapping.

My name is Dana, my name has two syllables Da-na where as information has

four syllables in-for-ma-tion. A syllable is the single beat unit of language that

has the vowel sound. How does the rhythm work in standard American English? Well

it helps if we break it down. We have two types of words, we have content words

these are things like our nouns verbs adverbs adjectives and question words

and then we have function words and we'll talk about those in a minute. Let's

look at a general example sentence "He said he didn't drink the coffee." now if

we remove our function words we get "said didn't drink coffee."

Now you'll get the general idea of this sentence without those function words

because our content words convey the main meaning of the sentence. Function

words are things like our pronouns, our articles, our possessive adjectives,

modals, helping verbs, prepositions and the to be verb. Now these function words

don't carry a lot of meaning. Let's listen again to that example sentence.

"He said he didn't drink the coffee." you'll see here that the words in red so our

content words are more stressed you'll also notice that we say the blue words,

our function words more quickly. Listen again "He said he didn't drink the coffee."

Now to use rhythm correctly and to use it in a standard American Way you need

to remember a couple of things. The first is is that you need to stress and

elongate the vowel sound in the stressed syllable in a word. How do you know which

syllable is stressed? Well that comes from practice. Let's take a look at a

couple words, what has one syllable so our a sound is elongated and

drawn-out what. Where as a word like pizza, the second syllable is our stress

syllable so I'm going to draw out that syllable pizza not piiiizaaaa doesn't sound

natural at all. We also need to make sure that we're not doing that that we're not

stressing the wrong syllable and we're not stressing the whole word and we're

not stressing both syllables. Let's do a few more words, tomato, pencil, computer,

window. now for a shadowing section I want you to grab your smartphone because

what you're going to do is you're going to listen

to me say a sentence I'm going to give you a little bit of time to record

yourself and then you're going to listen again so you can compare your recording

to mine. This is a really great way to practice your rhythm, so let's go.

There weren't many people at the meeting.

There weren't many people at the meeting. I'm not that hungry I think I'll just

order a salad.

I'm not that hungry I think I'll just order a salad. Sorry I didn't get the

instructions could you repeat them?

Ssorry I didn't get the instructions could you repeat them? I don't think he's

in the office today.

I don't think he's in the office today. Can I get a small cappuccino and a

donut to go please?

Can I get a small cappuccino and a donut to go please? Great, I hope you

enjoyed this shadowing part of this lesson. It's always useful to practice

this over and over again so if you want to just scrub back and redo this part of

the lesson I think you'll find it very useful. If you did like this lesson

please give it a thumbs up, give me a little feedback and let me know. I also

love to know where you're watching from so tell me in the comments where you're watching from.

As always thank you so much for watching this video. If you would like to continue

learning with me you might like one of these two videos right here.

For more infomation >> SOUND MORE NATURAL SPEAKING ENGLISH | English for Canada - Duration: 6:41.


46歲的阿信身高191,女兒14歲就已經175cm了,身材顏值都超高! - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> 46歲的阿信身高191,女兒14歲就已經175cm了,身材顏值都超高! - Duration: 7:38.


🌜나이트 스킨 케어 루틴🌛Night skincare routine +engccㅣ지니비zinib - Duration: 7:26.

Hello, everyone. I am zinib

I brought skin care routine today

because many people requested it.

I washed my face and put on lip balm

Lip balm is from burtsbee lip balm

Lip treatment.

I usually put on lip balm before I go to sleep

and mouth is well-moisturized until morning.

And, Before I do skin care,

my skin type is sensitive and complicated skin type.

I will start doing skin care.

I just washed my face so, it is very dry.

I will first put IOPE DERMA REPAIR Skin water

with wet cotton and clean my face.

This skin, actually my mom love IOPE.

So, she received free gift.

She gave it to me so I am using it.

It does not irritate so it is good.

When I do skin care, I first wet my cotton

and clean my face

First wipe it and absorb into skin

And, this skin is DERMA line

so, it worked with my sensitive skin very well.

Put skin

and next, I used to put eye cream.

I used advanced night repair eye cream.

Actually, I ran out of cream yesterday.

So, I need to buy a new one but I didn't bought it yet.

I don't usually put eye cream

but I have some wrinkles these days.

So, I put eye cream everyday so, I ran out of it.

So, I need to buy a new one

I don't care about prices so, if there is good one used by honeybees,

please give me comments.

So, let's suppose I put eye cream on it,

I will talk about serum.

This is Dr. Zart Chica-pair Serum

My friend can't use this one because it didn't suit well with her

so, she gave it to me but I really liked it.

As you can see this, I used almost all of it.

Can you see? It's left really few amounts at the bottom.

So, I need to buy new serum,

I would like to use blemish serum this time.

So, I am looking for it.

Please drop by drop and let it absorbed into face.

This product can relieve skin

so, it is good to use when your skin gets sensitive

this one is good one.

Let serum absorb into face

Then, put lotion on it.

This is innisfree jingerhoney essential lotion.

I don't usually put lotion in the morning

but I put it before I go to sleep.

Put it on back of your hand and

I haven't used this for a long time

I used to use almost all of the skin care line from innisfree


most of products from innisfree were good to me so this one

was good to me as well.

like this.

It isn't that fresh type

it is moisturizing type so

it is good to use in winter.

apply it and let it absorb into your skin.

You already know that absorption is important for skin care?

You need to tap well.

Even though it is a good one, if it does not absorb into your skin, you cannot expect a good effect.

So, I put lotion as well

and next is last step, I will put cream.

This is cactus cream from Latraju brand.

This cream was launched first in New York.

rating was 4.9 out of 5 in Amazon website.

It looks like balm type,

It is not that heavy but tight kind of cream.

It is not sticky, but moisturizing.

And, the best thing is

you can apply to a wide area with a small amount.

And, it is not sticky

so it was good to me.

It was unfamiliar but it was amazing

because I haven't seen cactus cream type before.

It contains shea butter

so it is moisturizing and it is good to use

in winter.

I put cream in the last step.

you should put it precisely before going to bed.

also, the price is very cheap, it is about 10000 won.

So, students can use this cream as well.

This is cost-effective product and I would like to recommend it.

People who use it for night care type

can put on dry face.

My face around lips gets dry often when I wake up

so I will put on that area.

If you put this cream in the night,

When you put on make up after you woke up, your make up will be very nice.

Absorption is important. Please keep this in mind.

So, I am done with explaining night skin care routine

and it is already 3'o clock in the morning

so I need to go to sleep.

Bye. I will go to sleep now.

See you next time.


For more infomation >> 🌜나이트 스킨 케어 루틴🌛Night skincare routine +engccㅣ지니비zinib - Duration: 7:26.


KEY 키 '센 척 안 해 (One of Those Nights) STAGE MIX (ENGLISH Sub) - Duration: 4:06.

(SHAWOLS beautiful fanchant)


I wanna see you tonight

or is that crazy

I want to get you out of my head

I need to do something

When I look at the picture that I had in the drawer

I can hear your voice

Am I deluding myself?

The night is thick, my heart has nowhere to go. I can't pretend to be strong anymore.

I can't be in this space you left. I can't do it anymore.

I can't stand this feeling.

I can't stand this night.

Oh Yeah

I can't pretend to be strong anymore.


I wonder from place to place

I'm trying to punish myself more. Then I think you'll come back.

The morning is still far away and I haven't fallen asleep.

I turn around on the sofa but you're not in this room

The night is thick, my heart has nowhere to go. I can't pretend to be strong anymore.

I can't be in this space you left. I can't do it anymore.

I can't stand this feeling.

Why aren't you here? We're lost.

I am so weak like this. I am so weak like this.

I can't stand this feeling.

Why aren't you here? We're lost.

I am so weak like this.

I am so weak like this.


The night is thick, my heart has nowhere to go. I can't pretend to be strong anymore.

(I can't pretend to be strong anymore.) I can't be in this space you left. I can't do it anymore.

I can't stand this feeling (I can't stand it anymore)

I can not stand this night. (I can't stand it anymore)

I can't pretend to be strong anymore.

키 사랑해요💕

For more infomation >> KEY 키 '센 척 안 해 (One of Those Nights) STAGE MIX (ENGLISH Sub) - Duration: 4:06.


[4K] SHORT CLIP: Emergency in Rhenen - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> [4K] SHORT CLIP: Emergency in Rhenen - Duration: 8:58.


No Retreat No Surrender (1986) Cast : Then and Now - Duration: 2:15.

No Retreat No Surrender (1986) Cast : Then and Now

For more infomation >> No Retreat No Surrender (1986) Cast : Then and Now - Duration: 2:15.


✅ Lorena Bianchetti: i chili presi in gravidanza e il nome scelto per la figlia in arrivo - Duration: 2:11.

Lorena Bianchetti felice e serena in gravidanza rivela: "Sono stata brava, ho preso solo otto chili"  Periodo felice e ricco di emozioni quello di adesso per Lorena Bianchetti che, insieme a suo marito, si sta godendo i mesi più belli della sua prima gravidanza

Al settimanale Gente, in un'intervista pubblicata nell'ultimo numero in edicola, la conduttrice ha raccontato di come sta vivendo questo momento

La bimba dovrebbe nascere a Marzo ma già oggi sta crescendo bene. "Durante i primi tre mesi ogni tanto accusavo dei crampi che mi facevano piegare in due […] Era mia figlia ad avere fame" ha raccontato la Bianchetti

"Comunque sono stata brava" ha poi aggiunto "Fino ad ora sono ingrassata soltanto otto chili"

Lorena Bianchetti, scelto il nome del bebè in arrivo: sua figlia si chiamerà Sofia (forse)  Lorena Bianchetti a Gente ha anche confessato di aver scelto il nome del bebè in arrivo

A lei e a Bernardo (suo marito) piacerebbe chiamare la figlia Sofia anche se, ad oggi, non sono del tutto convinti

La coppia, dunque, a tal proposito potrebbe cambiare idea. Il motivo? "Ci piaceva Sofia, ma abbiamo scoperto che è il nome più gettonato tra le nuove generazioni" ha spiegato la Bianchetti "Abbiamo deciso di pensarci su ancora un po'

Intanto sto preparando la cameretta, rosa e bianca con tanti fiocchi". Il parto? "Lo confesso, mi fa un po' paura" ha raccontato la conduttrice

Lorena Bianchetti: "Non riuscivo a restare incinta… Questo figlio è un dono di Dio"  "Questo figlio è un dono di Dio" ha dichiarato a Gente Lorena Bianchetti "Dopo il primo anno di matrimonio il figlio che tanto desideravo non arrivava

Non c'era niente che non andasse ma non riuscivo a restare incinta". Oggi, invece, bella e radiosa per la felicità la conduttrice ha affermato: "È un sogno che diventa realtà

Ho desiderato diventare mamma. Ora il desiderio si realizza. Sono pazza di gioia!"


For more infomation >> ✅ Lorena Bianchetti: i chili presi in gravidanza e il nome scelto per la figlia in arrivo - Duration: 2:11.


Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7i V6 Dynamic 7p. Airco/ecc 7 Persoons - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Santa Fe 2.7i V6 Dynamic 7p. Airco/ecc 7 Persoons - Duration: 1:06.


#14 it flies so fast - Duration: 8:37.

here you go

okay, i got this

how do you pronunciate this

i will skip this one

look at jimin

- look, gudak has an icon with a ghost - i know, spooky

and now he is torn, becasue he does not know if he should choose...

quiet, we know high school musical!!!!

yesterday i finished

"opowiadania bizarne" by olgda tokarczuk

i listened to the audiobook

because there is a "" event

this month in poland

and i really liked them

and this was my first


bc it is a collection of short stories, by olga tokarczuk

so... yeah...

i'm currently reading "flights"

and i'm

how he is sitting

like a preschooler

*invitation from friends" so maybe you will invite me

okay, i will

i'm always doing things

and you never film them

it's beautiful

stand still



i look like a dumpling, can you see it?

i see that i look like a dumpling more

then you do


oh come on

- oh, now you look like robert - wow


nine, ten

i'm looking

i choosed from the jelly beans

the flavours that my mum can eat

look, if you stand on it, it stars playing



this book

could be just a long

essay? some sort of

novella? short story?

i liked it mainly bc

of it's reality

of ordinary, simple, everyday tasks

and i'm the person that

adores books in whom

this daily life is celebrated, bc i love paying attention

to this little things

ordinary, daily things, which surround us

i think you can somehow see it in my videos if

someone... watches them

this book is

really honest

and not honest in

it's brutally honest

but not honest in like, not brutally honest

in a controversial way

it's simply paying attention to the things that... i think of which we usually

forget, on whom we don't pay attention to

i bought it in a bookshop

called tajfuny, in warsaw

lady bookseller... can you say it like that?

lady bookseller?

she encouraged me to read this book

bc she said it's

a great look at modern japan

at the japanese society now

and she was right

it's really great to look at

another society, which has completely, completely different

culture then polish, then european society

and see so many

similarities. still

this book shows

how people act

in droves

in their societies, which they create


and all of this requirements

which you should have to be in this drove

i think this book greatly shows how

individual manages

to fit into society

into a group

For more infomation >> #14 it flies so fast - Duration: 8:37.


又一位明星離婚了!十一年婚姻劃上句號,雙胞胎兒由女方撫養! - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 又一位明星離婚了!十一年婚姻劃上句號,雙胞胎兒由女方撫養! - Duration: 4:28.


Man Utd transfer news: Ed Woodward and Jose Mourinho stance on Fred emerges amid struggles - Duration: 3:19.

 Manchester United boss Mourinho feels let-down by Woodward, with the Red Devils vice executive-chairman refusing to fork out for a variety of top transfer targets

 Back in the summer, he wanted five arrivals but got just three. Fred, Diogo Dalot and third-choice goalkeeper Lee Grant

 As a result, that has cast a big shadow over Manchester United's season. Life at Old Trafford is far from rosy and the mood around the place is souring by the day

 Fred, their marquee signing of the summer and fourth most-expensive recruit of all time, is struggling under Jose Mourinho too

Manchester United transfer news | Follow our LIVE updates The Brazil international has spent the majority of his Red Devils career on the bench

 That has even cost him a place in his country's side for recent matches, with the player then saying: "I've played very little at United, so it's normal for Professor Tite not to be able to evaluate me, even though I've worked hard with him before

 "Of course, I was annoyed, but I have to know how to deal with the sadness to be able to help me take a step forward

 "The coach has chosen not to put me in the team. That's his choice. I still do my job and I can't let it affect my mindset, I cannot let that shake me

I have to be patient." And the Manchester Evening News say that, despite Fred barely playing, Mourinho did want him

 The United boss worked on a deal with Woodward with both men adamant he could be the club's natural replacement for Michael Carrick

 However, the MEN say Mourinho also wanted two other Brazilians. One of those was Chelsea forward Willian

 The Blues forward was earmarked as a player capable of providing balance, with United's right-hand side looking woefully short of options

 Ultimately, though, Woodward refused to meet Chelsea's asking price for a player who turned 30 in August

 Another player on their radar was Alex Sandro. The Juventus ace was eyed as an upgrade on Luke Shaw, who had spent the last two years floundering

 Shaw, however, has been resurgent this season. And United ultimately decided not to pursue Sandro, who was valued at £60m by Juventus

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Ed Woodward and Jose Mourinho stance on Fred emerges amid struggles - Duration: 3:19.


Naming Your Homestead (and how we named our farm) - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Naming Your Homestead (and how we named our farm) - Duration: 9:07.


How to Stop Thinking about Someone You Love Deeply - Duration: 6:05.

hey guys welcome to crush your insecurity today we'll talk about how to stop

thinking about someone that you miss so much especially when you're just going

through a breakup I've gotten a few messages from you guys asking how to

stop missing someone how to get through this breakup um the general answer is to

love yourself but it's not an actionable thing to do right everyone knows that

the best ways to love yourself but it's not an easy thing to do so right now

let's focus on talking about how to stop thinking about that particular person in

your life my advice is to think about the person that was in your life as an

energy form instead of a human being specifically so the love that you had

with each other was real but because of circumstances and things that are in our

lives made us not able to be with each other especially if you had a really

really good relationship but something happened they made one huge mistake you

made one huge mistake and now you can't be together anymore so look at that

person as a form of energy that was in your life everything that was there that

was good will be able to come back to your life in the future maybe with a

different person so you didn't like a hundred percent of who you were with

right of course everybody has good things and bad things in us you know you

liked something that was really good in them but of course you did have to put

up with some negative things think about what you liked in that person embrace

the energy behind the positivity in the person and cherish the memory but Distan

it from it being that person so if you are going through a breakup and you know

that you can't turn back you know that breaking up is the best choice you know

that it has to be this way and you have to learn to move on keep in mind that

there are things to be learned from this relationship and it would

be hard to understand why because you're going through it right now try to learn

from the relationship try to notice what is there to learn so let me recap look

at the present as an energetic form that manifested in your life and anything

that you like about the person anything that you enjoyed that you cherished will

be able to come back to your life the second thing is made a point to learn

from this relationship as much as possible try to notice what you need to

take away from this relationship as much as possible because the next

relationship will only be different than the past one if you have already learned

and understood what needs to be different

number three is realize that you are idolizing the person right now while

when you were actually in the relationship with them the situation was

different because you know that you can turn back time whatever good experiences

you had with them it magnified it became more significant than it was in your

head right now you miss the person so much because you think about the

memories you have and it comes back to you like it was yesterday

but trust me people can't recall memory a hundred percent as it was we added

things so a memory to make it more sweet to make it more beautiful when it was

actually going on it was not like how you have it in your mind right now so

realize that you're idealizing the person he wasn't exactly like how you're

thinking now you are adding sweetness to your memory

number four is in order to stop thinking about the person you need to be focusing

on something else I'm not talking about distractions I'm not talking about going

out and getting drunk I'm talking about making a point to learn things to do

things that you've always wanted that you might not have a chance when he was

in your life every woman has it when we are in a relationship we sacrifice there

are always things that we wish we could do but we stop ourselves

wanting it because we want to spend more time with the person so we don't

actually go out of our way to pursue our passions or hobbies now it's a time you

had something in mind before that you wanted to do is it dancing is it

painting is it knitting is it traveling the world what is it that you've always

wanted that you stop yourself from doing it because you were in the relationship

single people are always always always freer than people who are in a

relationship right you are freer in the way you think you are freer with your

time you're a freer and your spirit everything now is an opportunity the

next thing I want to point out is that with every step along the way of your

recovering from your breakup you're actually developing a new person every

breakup create a new version of you so your job is to look at who you want to

become from this breakup who do you want to be how strong do you

want to be how independent do you want to be how beautiful how energetic you

want to be you can do all that it's now the time for you to recreate yourself

it's not the time for you to do the things that you used to want to do but

you couldn't now it's a time take it make the most of it I hope this video is

useful for you it means a lot to me to be able to help women become a stronger

self I'll see you next video bye

For more infomation >> How to Stop Thinking about Someone You Love Deeply - Duration: 6:05.


Angela Brown's Top 10 Holiday Cleaning Tips - Duration: 10:22.

Holiday cleaning tips.

Let's talk about holiday cleaning tips to get your house ready before your relatives

arrive this holiday season.

Hi there.

I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask A House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's show is brought to us by

That's a website that partners house cleaners with homeowners. Boom.

Now, if you're looking for somebody to help you set up the holiday decorations, or hang

the Christmas lights, or blow all of the leaves out of the yard,

or do the gutter cleaning, or any of those other things,

you can find those service people as well, on

Alright, onto today's show, which are tips to get your house ready for the holidays before

your relatives arrive.

Alright, now let's pretend that your mother and father-in-law are arriving with a hot

plate of mac and cheese for your Christmas dinner. Okay?

They're going to show up at your porch and what is the first thing that they're going to see?

It's the front door.

It's the porch area and the front door.

The very thing that we want to do to tidy up your space, is we want to make sure that

the entryway is pleasing.

You want to get the blower and you want to blow all the leaves off the front porch, and

you want to wash the window transoms around the door.

Now, you want to get a duster or a hot, wet rag, and you want to wipe the door down.

Now, that rag is going to be super mucky when you're done.

It's going to pick up outside debris, and weather, and dust, and dirt and grime.

But, when they knock on that door, it's going to be nice and clean and pleasing.

Then the door opens, and they come into your front room.

What do they see?

Okay, they see the front entryway.

You want to make sure that not only did you do the front entry of the door, once you open

the door, is that space right inside clean and tidy?

You want all the shoes moved out of the way.

You want the coats hung up on the coat rack.

You want to clean everything up, so as they come in, it's this embracing, warm feeling.

A nice light in that area is also great.

Maybe a soft, dim light that creates some ambiance, kind of this warm, welcome for the


There you go.

It's a really exciting entry.

Now, they got this hot plate of mac and cheese.

The next place they're going to go is to the kitchen.

Now, if you were the mother-in-law, look around the room the way she's going to look at your


What is she going to see?

Is there dust on the things that are above your cabinets?

If that's the case, you got to dust all that stuff.

Is she going to complain that there are fingerprints on the fridge and on the microwave and on

the dishwasher?

Are these things that she's going to notice?

If they are, you want to clean and tidy up all of those things.

Now, a really great tip is to make sure that you use some stainless steel polish, and that

you polish all of your stainless steel appliances, so they just gleam and they detract attention

from the other things, right?

The other thing that you want to do is you want to make sure that your dishwasher is

tidy, so that if, during the time that she's here, after the meal, if she puts or helps

put something inside the dishwasher, you don't want all kind of icky stuff to be in there.

You want to make sure that you wipe the seals around the doors, and if there's stuff that

has leaked down from the little pocket of the soap, that you wipe all that up.

Maybe even run a dishwasher cycle with a cup of vinegar.

That will help clean everything out and keep everything tidy before the meal that you're

about to serve.

Alright, now that you're in the kitchen, you want to make sure that before your relatives

arrive, that you go through the refrigerator.

You want to pull out all the old, expired food because we all have stuff in the fridge

that we don't really know that we had or maybe we haven't used it in a while.

Maybe it's kind of getting old.

Maybe you opened that bottom drawer and there are some onions in there, and they've grown

these long shoots of onion greens.

Alright, all that stuff needs to be tossed or used, right?

Get rid of all that stuff.

Make some space, so that if there are any extra treats or leftovers, they can go back

in the fridge and you have space.

Alright, now that your kitchen is all tidy and everything's looking pretty good, what

you want to do, is you want to do a one-touch method through your entire house.

As you walk through the house, you want to touch stuff just once.

Instead of making piles and stuff and then moving the stuff room to room, like, oh, I'm

going to take all this stuff in the other room and then I'll work on that room, don't

do that.

Put all the books away in the bookshelves.

Take all the pages and all the papers and all the mail,

and take that all to the mail stack.

Take all the clothes and put all those in the bedroom.

Take all the coats and hang them up on the coat rack.

You only want to touch stuff once.

Now, if you have a two-story house, you want to put stuff at the bottom of the stairs,

and then every time you go up the stairs, whatever's in that basket, you want to carry

that to the top of the stairs.

When you get to the top of the stairs, put the stuff away in a one-touch method.

Leave the basket at the top of the stairs.

Then, do the same thing upstairs, and when you come back downstairs, the stuff that has

to come downstairs, bring all that stuff down in one trip, so you're not running up and

down the stairs doing multiple things,

but you're making the best use of your time and energy.

Alright, now your house is starting to look pretty nice and shiny.

You're going to do a once over of the house, okay?

You want to hit all of the light switches.

Now, when we go into any room and we hit the light switch,

we don't just hit the light switch.

We kind of hit the wall near the light switch, so that we can kind of find the light switch.

There's this little area around the light switches that have fingerprints and maybe

there's some food, or who knows what's on your hands.

But, there's a little area around the light switch and the light switch.

You want to make sure that you clean that area and sanitize that

in every room of the house.

Alright, along with the light switches are lights.

In order to create ambient lighting, we want to make sure that we have those little nightlights

and all the plug-ins where the relatives will be staying, because we don't want an elder

parent, for example, to get up in the night and to trip on something because they couldn't

see their way to the bathroom.

You want to make sure that you have plenty of little nightlights around the house so

that as the lights go out, they can still see their way around.

Alright, now, speaking of your relatives staying.

We want to make sure that the bathrooms are spectacularly clean.

Because people are going to be spending the most of their time in the kitchen and the

bathrooms at your house.

That's where people hang out.

In the bathrooms, you want to do a top to bottom, left to right, sweep

of the entire bathroom.

You want to make sure there are no cobwebs that they're going to see while they're sitting

there on the john looking around.

You want to make sure that there's none of that. Okay.

Then you want to make sure that all of the mirrors have no lint, no dust, no toothpaste,

no smears, no smudges, no nothing.

You'll do a really great sweep of the windows.

You'll dust everything and you'll clean all of the vanities.

Now, you do want to do what we call staging, and you want to make sure that you have enough

stuff in there that's going to be like toothpaste, dental floss, q-tips, cotton balls, and shampoo

and conditioner, so that as your guests stay there, they're not looking for stuff like,

"Oh, I forgot to bring my q-tips" or "I forgot to bring my makeup remover pads" or whatever.

You want to make sure you have all of that stuff there for them, so that they're comfortable

staying in your space.

And, you might even consider an extra toothbrush or razor for your guests.

Alright, now that you've staged the bathroom, I have to remind you that a lot of people

have these things, I don't know what the things are, but they're books and magazines and things

around the side of the toilet.

All that stuff needs to be moved out and it either all needs to be wiped down or renewed.

Renewed means take out the old stuff.

If there are towels and stuff in there, they've probably collected dust.

Throw those in the washing machine.

Then get some new ones that are there by the side of the toilet or near the tub, so that

all that stuff is new and fresh and clean.

You don't want stuff that has cobwebs in it or stuff that's been tossed.

There's an old, dirty sock sticking down there.

There's a couple of toys.

Get all that stuff out and make it all look new again, so that as somebody comes in, you're

presenting this area.


It's the bathroom and the bedrooms.

Now, with the bedrooms, you want to make sure that you also stage the bedrooms.

You want to have some ambient lighting, which is a softer light than just a bright, bedroom light.

Maybe a little lamp, maybe some soft music, or that's where you have your Alexa Dot or

whatever it is, and you want to make sure that your bed is fresh with clean linens and

that the bed is tightly made, the pillows have all been fluffed, and that maybe there's

an extra blanket on the bed.

Because, we all live in different spaces, and so one person in the same house might

be aah, so hot.

The other person might be shivering.

Have an extra blanket for the person that might shiver.

Then, if there are any extras that you do, let's say that you have an extra fan or you

have an extra heat dish or whatever it is that you put in the house that is specific

to your family.

Now, I know that when my family comes to visit, I don't know why, but they love to sleep all

night with the fan on, 365 days a year.

We only use in the summertime, but they love it all the time.

It must be the sound or something, I don't know.

But, when my family comes, I make sure there's a fan in every room, because that is their

comfort zone.

That's what they love to sleep with.

Whatever's specific to your family, you're going to want to have that as well.

It might be incense, it might be music, who knows what it is, but you know your family.


These are just a few tips.

We covered the bathroom, the entry way, the front entrance of your house, the stainless

steel appliances and the dishwasher.

We talked about going up and down the stairs with the basket of stuff so you're not taking

multiple trips.

We talked about cleaning the light switches and the area around the light switches, and

then also staging the rest of your house, so that there are plenty of things in the

bathroom and the bedroom.


Those are just a few tips to get your house ready this holiday season for the relatives

before they come.

Alright, I hope that helps you just a little bit.

In the notes below, share with me anything I might have forgotten, and if there's something

special that you do at your house before your relatives arrive, I would love to hear it

and I love new tips myself.


Until we meet again, please,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Angela Brown's Top 10 Holiday Cleaning Tips - Duration: 10:22.


Finish What You Start AND #noSmallNovember - s1e240 - Duration: 14:40.

Finish what you start. Finish what you start, assuming it wasn't like a really

stupid thing in the first place that you've started on—you know—and

everything makes sense to finish it and by you know all that stuff… Gut as a

general rule, if you start a project that has some merit, a project that has some

importance to you, finish it. Finish what you started I'm bill Sawgrass and this

episode that's gonna be one of the threads of meaning in this episode as we

look at my my November no small November update my no so I know it's on November

anymore but I got a update on my nose small November project so let's get

settled in so as you may know from other videos and episodes that the no small

creator Facebook group is you'd a challenge for November they call it no

small November and the idea was that the members of the group would pick a

project of some magnitude for the month of November and and what would do it

during that month so I've got my hug my update for my no small November so I

know small November uh project was to work on a website to work on a website

for a fiction project I've been been doing for years and years the fiction

project the world of silly art and I actually started on in 1987 and and

then there was a 2016 there was a huge overhaul 2016 some of the students

always asked me why the on the coffee maker bag gets a bag there's a word for

it it's called bag and I was like dust and all that stuff

no like oh yeah that's smart keep it covered and then the dust won't

get on it but my mom the member project was the the world of silly art and

sometimes that thing like it seems like it's so loud well I finished last night

I finished my goal was there's like a bunch of a bunch of book-length fiction

marks in the project my goal was to get one of them up and I ran into some

complications and I had some some changes along the way that I wanted to

make but last night last night I finished book one which is has the the

title of valley of regret the valley of regret and I finished that I finished

got all of the sections up and got the website the websites been working but

now it's it's fleshed out and that's interesting is is there is a little

momentum very little but there's like eight or nine people who have found it

and are kind of working their way through it I so I finished my no small

November project during during the month of November I I said I was in what I

call it public beta I called it in public beta so I think we are now ready

to move into and launch it in as open beta which means there's there's still

things to be worked out but you know it's open I don't know I made both of

those concepts I don't think I made them up I think I just I think I just

acquired the idea of public beta and open beta or let's just let's just say

it's open all right coffee coffee done I got a dig in here I'll see you guys in a

few minutes we're going to talk about this

finish what you started there's there some aspects of that sometimes you have

to come back around to something that you started and it kind of got away from

you and then that finishing part really really really becomes challenging so

we'll talk about this a few times through this morning and maybe in

through lunch

so obviously clips where you know I walk in to a room obviously have already been

there first and set the camera you know that's spoiler alert that

there's there's I don't have a cameraman following me around or going ahead of me

to wait for me to come to a certain place now the reason I'm telling you

this is the opening clip in this video three three tries headed it three times

first time first time I shot it as sixty frames per second and I really don't

want to at 60 frames per second and I can fix it on the timeline but I thought

well I'll just reshoot it second time I shot it autofocus was off so I have no

idea what that looked like so it took me three tries

you know two took me three tries to get that first walk in and yeah it took I

think this is my second try on this one because the first time I had the the ISO

set wrong and yeah alright I'm gonna dig in and we're gonna

talk about finishing what you started finishing what you started so let's

let's do that so finishing what you started there is a case where obviously

you started something stupid you don't you don't have to finish that I can

remember I can remember growing up you know the the whole clean your plate

concept always always bothered me it's like there's you don't always have to

clean your plate whatever that that that means there there are times when you

shouldn't probably eat that last big chunk of fat on your plate there's some

times that you cook something and it's so bad you should probably just like not

not do it same thing is true for projects I'm making a little bit of a

stretch back to the clean your plate concept but they're the same is true

with projects if if you start a project that is dumb to begin with it's done

because you didn't think it through it's dumb because

the outcome is not going to be worth the the time and the energy that goes into

it or the cost of the materials or whatever I used to do some woodworking

building furniture one time here's the cost of materials thing I've built this

table is like a table for the goes behind the sofa and by the time I put

the wood in the Splane and everything and plus my time if I paid myself

minimum wage if I had paid myself minimum wage that thing would have cost

me like $250 $300 something like that it'd be cheaper to go buy one now I had

a lot of fun building it so I paid I paid for the fun with my time I paid for

the materials with you know discretionary income but if it's just

coming down to I need a table I'm gonna go build one or I need the

table I'm gonna go buy one that's it that's a kind of a sition where you

might start planning a table and you get to the point where there is a a budget

crisis and you go yeah it's cheaper to buy it that's what I mean by some things

are dumb to start with you need to look at what am I gonna get out of this what

if I got to put into it is it worth it and then and then make your decision

based on that so but let's assume that you're in something that makes sense for

you to be in and the payoff and the outcome and the cost and everything is

is sensible you need a finish and you need to finish strong

and this next thought in the next clip I'm going to talk about is if you get

started and get derailed and get off track and you've got all this time and

stuff in then what do you do when when the time comes and this this kind of

comes back around my no small November project so my no small November project

as I think I said a few minutes ago in another clip was to work on my silly our

website my world of silly arts fantasy writing

project I started in 1987 and I was going along and doing pretty good I'd

mates actually started on an earlier so I had I had some I had some of the

skeleton built but I really really and put a lot of meat and bone meat and

flesh on the skeleton of the website so that's what I decided was gonna be for

November and I got going and I got to a place where I realized I had to I had to

regroup I had to go back and rethink an architecture situation did that that got

me a little bit behind so long story short which everything I tell is a long

story those you've been around no I got to the point where hmm I'm not gonna

finish this I might as well just quit let's see that makes no sense at all

that makes no sense at all to just quit something because something went wrong

this is there's in jobs and in school anyway you're being trained anywhere

you're you're learning something new there is a potential that you're going

to get a little bit behind and you can't just quit at that point you can't just

walk away from whatever you got behind on and go please I quit I'm behind what

that means is you've got to finish what you started and you've got to finish

strong so I got to this past Saturday and I was like I need I just change this

filename and then I I had then that caused something to break and I thought

well I got to fix everything so I started fixing stuff and I thought well

I'll be a lot easier if I change this folder name guess why that broke

everything and it was it was a good choice that resulted in a ton of work so

there's like 45 files that are linked and put together and 47 there's 50

something files that are linked and put together and when I changed the folder

name all the links broke which naturally I knew that was going to have

and I just didn't I just I was maybe just kind of hoping wishful thinking

that somehow the the the logic would didn't work somehow the you know it may

it did what I should have known it was gonna do I could have quit but I didn't

and I didn't finish in November and in the the November deadline I did not make

November 30th and finish but today is December 6 I'd assume I finished on

December 5th I finished on December 5th so I was a little past my deadline it

was a deadline I gave myself so you know that that's ok and I did a lot of other

things during the month of November besides just work on the website but I

finished I put in the time and the effort and the energy now if you're in a

training situation and let's say let's say you're I'll just give another

personal example I took a stats class one time and the teacher said I'm gonna

give you 15 assignments one per week you need to turn them all in I was like week

13 and I was like I just probably started doing those assignments there is

a hard deadline on this I had I had 14 days to do 15 assignments I had to

finish really strong I had I basically camped out and did those 15 static

because each one is like 3 or 4 hours of work I did them all I got them all

turned in I didn't just give up and go well I'm on I paid you know I paid to be

in this class but yeah I'm gonna throw that money away and pay for it again

because as a class I had to have to graduate if you're in a situation where

you've got to do this thing it is required for you to proceed to the next

step you've got to dig in and do it if you've got you know we've got two and a

half weeks left in this semester any my students who are watching this if you're

behind in a class you've got two and a half weeks you get it done cuz you don't

want to sit in the class or that class or another class or

another 18 weeks you already been in it for sixteen and a half weeks just

fifteen and a half math you know skills failing you've been in the classroom

fifteen and a half weeks you don't want to sit in and for eighteen more and you

if it's a class you have to pass what graduate finish what you started

unless it's stupid and finish strong I'm sure I've rambled enough to fill more

than a 15 minute allotment of video time so at 7:14 in the morning we're gonna

call this episode 240 we're gonna call it done thank you for watching thank you

for being a part of this channel and putting up with my nonsense rants and

Luna to see Luna to see that's a good word having is that one in a while yeah

did the comment button no not the comment button the like button subscribe

the channel sign up for notifications leave me a comment question suggestion

thought maybe a story about some time you had to finish strong I'd love to

hear from you I love interacting with you in the comments that is all for this

one I will see you in the next one

in the next one

I recorded all that and then checked to see if the microphone was on then it was


For more infomation >> Finish What You Start AND #noSmallNovember - s1e240 - Duration: 14:40.


🍾Overdose de Informação X Paralisia por Analise o que São? Como Conseguir me Curar? Meu Depoimento! - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 🍾Overdose de Informação X Paralisia por Analise o que São? Como Conseguir me Curar? Meu Depoimento! - Duration: 6:30.





Juntos? Henri Castelli fala sobre Rebeca Abravanel e planos para o réveillon: ''É demais'' - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Juntos? Henri Castelli fala sobre Rebeca Abravanel e planos para o réveillon: ''É demais'' - Duration: 2:11.


Snow forecast: Areas west of RDU could see 6 inches or more - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Snow forecast: Areas west of RDU could see 6 inches or more - Duration: 1:41.


Papo aur neku Gay Mela dakhny|Funny video|Manzoor kirlo aur airport |kerlo|airpot|Pendu Bachy - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Papo aur neku Gay Mela dakhny|Funny video|Manzoor kirlo aur airport |kerlo|airpot|Pendu Bachy - Duration: 6:43.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : MULHER DE BOLSONARO TERIA MOVIMENTADO DINHEIRO DE CONTA SUSPEITA, DIZ COAF - Duration: 2:58.


do PRATA ao GLOBAL #47 na DUST 2 - Duration: 21:45.

What's up guys, It's Fallen here and I'm starting another video FROM SILVER TO GLOBAL

This time we'll be playing on Dust2

One of the most well knows maps from CS:GO

It got a make up and have a new face now

By this time everyone is used to it, but stil got some updates

So let's go guys. Let's start by picking our position

I'll be picking Mid this time

Although I play more on Car or Cat in my team

This time I'll play...

On Mid, and I'll try to give you some tips

The focus here is for you to learn how to play Mid

When you play Mid, If your team are playing with 3 on A

There are two thing you can do to help your team

The first thing you can do is help B if the enemies are rushing on it

Secondo thing is: You can give calls about

how many people are passing Catwalk

He alerted Mid about B

The enemies entered B

So here, the enemies rushed B and the guy alerted on Mid

Although it can look silly, he hold me Mid, so they could rush on B. Interesting

Here I could grab a Scout, and pick a fight

with the guys on the Mid, but I'm pretty sure they'll have one there

So I won't do this

It's nice to throw a Smoke on this passage here, so you don't get hit by their Scout or AWP

I won't take the risk


I'll pick here a little from the Mid

My teammate stayed on Mid, so I'll stay B alone

Well guys

When B is clear like this, you'll have two options

You either play with your teammate from B

and when the enemies enters B or Mid

you throw some Flash above and try to chop them or...

With a Flash and with your partner from A

wich we'll be the joker who run around sites,

and you can throw a Flash and he appears and kill them on Mid

If you keep your Smoke

Saw?! If you see that the enemies entered

Flash and get it

Albeit they didn't have a Smoke on CT, so it was easy to hold

That is, if you keep your Smoke or someone throw a Smoke for you to pass to B

You can throw it on the Door and lock the Window, holding them outside

Now I'll make and agressive play guys

I'll throw this and this.

Now what?! I'll be entering Lower B with the UMP

Catch some

peculiar angle there

With the UMP why? Because it's a good option...

A guy is shooting Mid... go back up Catwalk

So what I did back there? Well, I'm with the UMP

If I have the UMP and manages to catch a good angle on Lower B

I have a chance to win a fight with someone who's with an AK-47

Cause I'm close and have the advantage

If I retreat with the UMP against people with an AK...

So it's an option you have

It's not the only one, but you have it

I'll be strafing here so I can't take a Flash in the face

Ok, everything quiet,then I turn and help him

Most of the time you don't need focus on killing the first one

He's on the Mid, I could try to throw a Flash

If he comes we'll Flash it

Reloading here cause that spray wasn't good

Wasn't good

Throwing a flash above to peak Mid can always be good

That's it!

Take care on this passage when is an armed round, because they can enter locked on

This P90 entered and I wasn't able to hit a thing on him. Ugly.

Guys, right here I'll throw a Smoke deep on Long A

I'll show you

You come here on this second spot

Then you put your aim here!

Make a jump and throw

Here now guys...

I'll protect my AWPer. So I get beetwen

If they Flash to catch him I'll be here

On my back just waiting for the Flash

My teammate got one too

Now with running sounds, suddenly someone could come

One Long A

I think the other is Long A

With calm here on the way up

Because here the enemies stay a lot on that corner

Maybe he's is on the left here on Mid guys

It's important to take care


It's very common on Dust2, the enemies change their rotation

If they go B, one is killing in Mid

If they go Catwalk, again, one also is on Mid

Spend a Smoke here and buy a HE, this way you don't die crossing or

You'll become more difficult to kill. Sometimes you'll still die, but...

I spent the Incendiary on B

Didn't got time. If I got that boost and kill the Short A guy more quickly

Now I'm going to...

I'll be jumping here guys just to see if they are passing...


I can stay longer here because soon Lower B will come

Flash from above

He's asking if I got his Mid. Yeah I got it!

Well, mid round guys, half of the round

Throwing those Flash above it's good to try to peak

They're not that good when the enemies are on TR

Because of the long distance the Flash don't work very well

However, if they're Xbox or Mid

Or passing Catwalk, they get very blind

Notice that at one time I had to burn Xbox

Because the guys on Lower B could be coming to

Someone is knocking at the door

The important Smoke

I like when the rotation guy does that Smoke sometimes

And not just only the B guy

Because then, he would have more Smokes on B

In a harder game it's important

Well, it wasn't rush on B, so I can come back to Mid

A guy here on Stairs and I'll throw a Flash on him

This position here, sometime they show their body


It's hard to jump him in Cold huh?

I died. It's been hard to jump him Cold

With this respawn that I got guys

It's good to go Long A

In this spawn

The enemies will be throwing some Flash from above

and even a little blind I can still get the first one. Because I get first.

You go on your back so you don't get blind with the Flash

Then you lock here

He strafe well now

I screwed up. Should have waited, my friend just throw a Flash on my back

What strafe of his huh? Dirty strafe

I was thinking he would enter

Played well

Should have got them going out

I could have picked another angle. This second angle that i got

I should have picked it from the start and get a free kill

It's crazy here guys

Ouch! The boss is crazy!

That wasn't good, my Flash didn't blind anyone

This wasn't good

Now you played well! If you know that someno is plating...

Played well on the guys on the left

Let's go. Let's stop joking!

I'll be doing another play here that you should learn and keep in you library

It's : Push B in Pair.

I'll Smoke here

We're going to push in pair B site

This is how it works

Ouch, it could be one on Car and He could had burn with a icendiary, but

He's playing to fast for my liking...

You come here and already catch the enemy passing

There's a chance that the AWPer comes back to aim and peak

But I think he's not coming back

He's not coming, they are fighting there on Mid

I'll be way there on the Plataform guys

Wich is another good position for being an AWPer

I won't spend my Smoke, but maybe I should have throw a HE

I'm gonna throw a Smoke here already

Smoke in on, I'm moving...

This position here everybody knows I think

But It's pretty overpowered. You can crouch, go left and kill

and you are always well protected

Put you gotta remember one thing: When you smoke on the right...

The enemy may come to big box

Right now they can only enter on the right, because of my Smoke

I think one just has entered

Oh no! Catched me with the timing, lots of granades around

I thought the team would put some speed to help me on B, but

They just rotated around

They just rotated around

Well... this one I'll make a Smoke...

On Mid, wich is a Smoke away, to know If there's a guy on TR

I'll make it here look

Right about here

I got it, I got it huh

This position of staying in the Mid is cool guys because

The guys from Lower B were screwing

And now you got an easy way out

You just catch the Lower B exit to here

That's nice huh guys ?!

This Smoke I learned with Coldzera

A good smoke, makes it possible to catch the guy in that gap

Smoke on Xbox here

Did I missed the Smoke?

Oh, it could be the tick rate, it affects this...

I forgot about it. On matchmaking there's some difference on the granades

That Smoke that I make was right, but only on the 128 tick rate

Didn't worked. I'll have to learn it after

Now let's go, let's catch here right on the passage

Shouldn't miss the second shot

It was easy to win guys, I had some opportunities, a lot of them

Let's see this Smoke from Corey

Glue right here, aim here, jump and throw

The Smoke work on the corner

That could be someone on our back

Starting round could mean someone rushing

Isn't there five people alive?

So there's no reason for the 5 to go and don't protect their back

It worth to secure it

That HE on the coconut tree

Tell's that the guy already did the position on the Door to throw that HE

Since we rushed Long A very fast , nothing prevents that he thinks about going Mid

Another play that could be happening

It's they be advancing by getting a boost on Catwalk

Anyway, if there's 5 people on the same place

and you are the fifht, no reason to go together

You could exchange some kill, but you'll better protect your back

Now I'm rushing B here

I'm giving some cover

Now I think it's gonna be their guns

They are on Eco

Inspecting here

Let's do the following now

A guy is gonna Smoke Xbox for us, and we are going to cross Catwalk and throw a Smoke on CT

Throwing it right down

And the Smoke worked huh?!

I don't know if it genarally works with a 64 tick

I'll show you guys one more Smoke here

a Smoke that hits right over CT

Here, touch these lines

Then put your aim right above here

This one goes down right on CT. It's a deep Smoke on CT

Right over the respawn, I'll show you in a bit

It takes longer to blow, c'mon

It drops here you see?

Let's see if it ranks we up guys

I think it's not...

It doesn't go over man, It's Master Guardian Elite for the rest of my life

Doesn't matter the performance or the victory

This is more difficult than leveling up over 20 on GC

Oooohh, we ranked up! It was just needed to complain

We even got a Graffiti

We're Up boys, Global is getting even closer

Let's see... distinguished Sheriff

Master Guardian

Well, that's it, thank you. Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel

For more infomation >> do PRATA ao GLOBAL #47 na DUST 2 - Duration: 21:45.


[4K] SHORT CLIP: Emergency in Rhenen - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> [4K] SHORT CLIP: Emergency in Rhenen - Duration: 8:58.


Trixie, Latrice & Eureka Arrive in the Work Room 'Sneak Peek' | RuPaul's Drag Race Holi-Slay - Duration: 3:05.

'Twas the night before Christmas,

all activity had ceased.

Not a creature was stirring, not even a beast.

The stockings were hung ... Oh, wait. I hear them coming.

Wooo. Merry Christmas you filthy animals and a happy new year.

My name is Trixie Mattel.

I have been on several seasons of RuPaul's Drag Race

and I am very excited to come home for Christmas.

Oh, pretty. Very festive. This workroom looks like ...

Well, it looks like Shangela decorated

with her own two hands.

I am very excited to be here for the first

ever RuPaul's Drag Race Christmas Queen Extravaganza.


I'm here to snatch this Christmas crown.

Unlike all these ho's, I've done it before.

I think we should just do the whole Christmas

Queen thing through a vote.

That seems to usually work out for me.

I had to make that joke, it would have been

a Christ-missed opportunity.

Okay, and there's nobody here to hear this.

Get those chestnuts away from my face.

I am the large and in charge, chunky yet funky,

bold and beautiful Latrice mother ...

Royale. Ho Ho Ho bitches.

I knew it was you from the sound of-


... those shoes hitting the ground.

I felt you coming girl, Jurassic Park.

Did you? Did you bounce a little bit?


Bitch, let it be known that I'm here for business.

All you other ho's, whoever you may be,

might as well get ready to pack it back on to the house.

What if this competition is just us?

I can do that.

Oh, you can?

Yeah, I saw All Stars 3.

I came to deck the halls,

so get the fa la la la out of my way bitch.

My name I Eureka and I am so excited to be here.

I am the jolliest bitch from RuPaul's Drag Race ever.

Am I getting smaller?


[inaudible 00:02:17].

Get her, get her, get her, get her.

[crosstalk 00:02:21].

I just want the other girls to know,

I'm here to snatch that Christmas crown honey.

Battle of the big girls tonight honey.

Yeah, bitch. I say.

How's Trix skinny legend and her two fat friends.


And don't forget honey, fat's P-H-A-T,

pretty hot and tasty bitch. Y'all saw my leg out.

It's your natural leg too. Huh?

Yeah, bitch.

You must go to the gym.

Did you want to get a knee for Christmas?

For more infomation >> Trixie, Latrice & Eureka Arrive in the Work Room 'Sneak Peek' | RuPaul's Drag Race Holi-Slay - Duration: 3:05.


Miserable Friday Forecast - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Miserable Friday Forecast - Duration: 2:29.


Sincera, Isis Valverde rebate críticas sobre maternidade - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Sincera, Isis Valverde rebate críticas sobre maternidade - Duration: 2:15.


爸爸的挑戰絕對不能失敗!💪 I won the big prize 🎁( Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> 爸爸的挑戰絕對不能失敗!💪 I won the big prize 🎁( Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 6:34.


Jornalista esportiva sofre assédio de torcedor e desabafa - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Jornalista esportiva sofre assédio de torcedor e desabafa - Duration: 2:26.


Sonia Abrão deixa 'vazar' comentário polêmico sobre casamento: "Porcaria" - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Sonia Abrão deixa 'vazar' comentário polêmico sobre casamento: "Porcaria" - Duration: 2:22.



Village in the hills ...

Marie chose this village, this village of medjugorje and it's not for nothing ...

It must be admitted, she was right because currently thousands of people

come on pilgrimage to Medjugorje ... Each person is invited to come for

receive graces ... Every person is invited to make a conversion for deep ....

A real change in his life ... Many say fasts it is not

for me, I will not succeed, it's at above my strength ....

Yet other people before, we thought the same thing and now that makes

years they pray. Still others say, "Yes, but in Medjugorje, go

at Mass, to confess, to make a Stations of the Cross, to fast, it is easy. We are trained by

the crowd, but once back in France, it's much more difficult

Mass is never in the same place, the confession, there is nobody,

a way of the cross, there is none at home and fasting, I am alone to do it ...

Do not worry about others, ... start ... from the beginning ...

First pray with the heart ... then add the fasts ... and finally the

sacrifices ... for the rest you will find in prayer solutions do you

not worry ... Marie knows your situation very well

and your region ... as well as difficulties to go to Mass and to you

confess. I, from time to time, on Sundays, when I can not do

otherwise, I watch mass on television ... and then for confession, I ask

Jesus to confess me spiritually. Jesus knows my situation perfectly, and he does not

will not mind but if i can do otherwise, I do otherwise

Jesus is not a king, far away on his throne who knows nothing about our

situation, our difficulties ... He is there, next to us and he

encourages, to have good will ... He knows very well, that we are not

perfect and that we will not be able to do exactly what they do to us

ask ... He is very humble

just ask for good will ...

For more infomation >> APPARITION MEDJUGORJE ... PHOTO MIRACULEUSE DU MONDE ENTIER - paranormal - Duration: 3:00.


Glitzer süße Weihnachtskatzenzeichnung und Farbtonseiten für Kinder | Vẽ và tô màu Mèo Giáng Sinh - Duration: 2:51.

Glitter cute christmas cat drawing and coloring pages for kids

For more infomation >> Glitzer süße Weihnachtskatzenzeichnung und Farbtonseiten für Kinder | Vẽ và tô màu Mèo Giáng Sinh - Duration: 2:51.


Thailand-Rescue | Youtube-Thailand (2018) - Duration: 14:49.

hi guys welcome back to the farm and i am just leaving the farm Toon went into town

and got a few bits and bobs quite a few things that are heavy apparently it weighed

been her down a little bit too much and she's grounded the bike in

well on one of the back roads that we sometimes use to go to town on so I've

just got the call and I've got a bit of a trek to go and hopefully help push her

out so she stopped right near a farm where we know the owner quite well

but he is not about so I've got a bit of a trek ahead of me I've had lots of

water I've got my Mexican hat on so I should be there in about 20 minutes

hopefully nothing will get nicked from the farm alright give you an update

later one minute walk from our house some little ponds here and they have been

clearing the land just here some people gonna build a small house there and stay

there and grow fish that they sell in the local markets cutting the rice ahead

as well so although we are in a quiet little area there's still a fair fair bit going

on this time of year I know it's a bit jittery guys but I just grabbred the

phone to make a sharp exit out the house so is a little bit jittery I thought

while I'm walking along it will just give me an opportunity just to raise a couple of

things that popped into me noggin first off I don't know who but a big thanks to

whoever gave us a shout out on another group on Facebook and I don't know which

group but someone gave us a bit of a shout out for the rural life Thailand

group and we had a nice influx of about thirty new members join yesterday and

this morning so thanks whoever you are don't tell me who you are I prefer it's quite

nice to have a a man of mystery or woman of mystery so probably someone saying

it's me it's me Lee it's me and it's not try and get all the credit for it but

whoever you are thanks very much more more people to

bounce off and share ideas and experiences so that's good well over

200 members now so that's that's really incredible

cassava growing here you can see now it's the dry season a lot of the weed is

dying back so it's good there's less chemicals about people there is no point in

spraying this lot you do get people burning it that does happen quite a bit

there's a little pond in there people go electric shocking in there 100 meters or

so and then we're on the farmers land where where toon is stuck I'm not sure

exactly where she is she said she's near the house the next thing that

I'd like to bring up is people looking for certain things to buy whilst they

are staying in Thailand and are struggling to find the stuff online now

I've experienced this this problem when we've been looking for like incubators and

fertilized eggs and all that and bits of machinery and stuff and solar if

you put a search on the internet in in English you get very very few

results and quite often the results you get are posted by farang so you pay for

farang prices to farang so it's not great you're not really getting value

for money a lot of the time guys so what you need to do or what I recommend you

do let's say you're looking for a certain type of chicken or duck okay

get your missus or whoever you are with or whoever you know tell them exactly what

you're looking for and get them to go onto Facebook

yep Facebook and put a search in there so toon she'd type it in thai and

do a search there a lot of Thai businesses seem to have facebook

business accounts rather than the websites now the big companies or

suppliers whatever you like they will have a website linked from their

Facebook page as well quite often it pays to expand your search do

a Google search and then the last one which is quite surprising to me is do a

search on YouTube again all these searches are in Thai a

lot of Thai companies actually advertise on YouTube I don't know whether they're

supposed to be or not I don't know but so for like our banana shredder toon did

the search there you get a little bit of footage and then in the description or

in the tile they put the price as well and

generally speaking you get better prices toons just called me see where I am I said

I am near the the farms angel house not far to go don't want her to be left out

here too long although everywhere feels fairly safe

round the area is very quiet you just never know

his mango trees are looking good good farmer this bloke learnt loads off him

but he did sell as seven palm trees that he'd grown from seed himself so we've

binned them off Oh I can see toon in the distance she is

waving so she's okay very impressive irrigation system

watering system this guys put in toons just been buying some of this stuff so

probably won't be as a heavy-duty as this but we'll see all right my dear

well to be fair yeah I've got quite a bit on there yeah you've got quite a bit

on there three bags of animal food all that makes a

bit of a slider toons just about to get a slap so I better turn it off all back

safe and sound irrigation pipe work is here toons missing a few attachments

though so she's had to go back out she's gonna go and grab some lunch as

well so can't make a start on this but I've got lots of papaya holes to keep

digging to keep me busy so not a problem at all the next little thing that I want

to cover is accommodation here guys we are getting quite a few inquiries now

from people wishing to come and stay which is brilliant it's really really

nice to hear and chat with you guys and know that you fancy

spending some time with us on the farm but unfortunately we still are no closer

to having any accommodation here plus you've got to remember we're still in

the first year of infancy of this farm developing so the maturity of the trees

bar the ones that are in front of like right here the stuff that was

already here is fine but yeah the rest of it does take time to grow so one

of my fears is if you came here quite early it's not really

the style which is what we want we want it like rustic jungle you know traditional

Thai that sort of thing and bamboo accommodation and all those sorts of

things at the moment it would just look like a little building in the middle of

a field that's been plowed a few times so I know some some of you still want to

come and that's great but we don't do homestay sorry about that guys you know

it's just we have to be careful a little bit sensible and although some of you on

here do seem quite normal you never know do you certainly some

some of you guys aren't normal so we wouldn't have you in our bloody house

anyway but you know what I mean you know theres me and toon in the middle of bloody

nowhere you can't have any old herbert just

staying here so security is paramount then once we get some accommodation

built then yeah no problem at all time scale wise for accommodation really were

grasping at straws guys we really don't know it's the finances and also the

farm has to come first and I some people think the opposite way around

but if you were staying here we would put time and effort into your

stay here which means the farm would take a backseat or it would mean that

people have got to be paid to come and work for a few days while you were

here we've got a few options available sort of ideas just bouncing around at

the moment we can dot basic accommodation just generally around on

the land or we can wait for the lake to be dug it's still waiting for a start

day there and then put them around the lake or we can put one on a massive

island on the lake sort of like a bear grylls survival island accommodation but

that would just be one one accommodation hopefully we're looking at two maybe

three at a push but at the moment with the finances there's just no way we can do

it and the main reason being we just

haven't been able to sell the house in the village so in the future

yeah you're gonna be more than welcome to come and stay have a few beers with

us toons a brilliant cook you can go all native and survival-esque on an island

on the fishing lake or you can go on in the accommodation on the outside of the

lake and just throw a line in there so we've got a few options available for you

but you just have to bear with us it's quite

frustrating for me and toon because we want people to come and visit but at the

moment we're just not ready I mean the house still has not been completed but

again it's just minor stuff and we'll get there eventually but it takes time

we'd love just to get an army of people in here and blitz everything but

it's just not going to happen last thing that I want to cover with you guys is a

subject that does divide opinion greatly

including me I've voiced my opinion on this several times and it's

patreon we've gone over to patreon I can hear the gasps from here

do not worry fellas the channel has always been and will always be free to

everyone okay patreon before you slag it off just have

a look on it and I think how we've structured it makes perfect sense to us

and if it's not for you you can just carry on enjoying the channel for free

as you always have done I'm not going to get into involved in any politics about

patreon and donations and all that sort of thing been there done that and

there's billions of vlogs on that subject on YouTube anyway so it's

totally up to you it's nothing new I did talk about this subject over a year ago

so in the future we would look at

introducing patreon setting up something that would benefit people that do contribute

towards us here namely with accommodation in the future and staying

and getting a decent discount so yeah when the accommodation is up and running

and we're ready to take customers in then we'll link it to patreon for anyone

that's on there and then you can save yourself a few baht when you come here

the money you save on your accommodation you can blow it on cold beers or toons

cheeky cocktails alright then guys I think that's about it

I look forward to seeing your comments as always see you soon

ta ta for now from Boys Town they're making steady progress

you're staying small so you don't get put in the pot aren't you mate if i can

eat a quail no problem for you

For more infomation >> Thailand-Rescue | Youtube-Thailand (2018) - Duration: 14:49.


Blockbusters is BACK: Popular 1980s show to make return - Duration: 2:09.

Blockbusters is BACK: Popular 1980s show to make return


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Bob Holness was known for his avuncular style as he quizzed two teams of teenagers.

The game pared a team of two against a single player to find out if the old adage two heads are better than one was true.

Holness was the former co-host (with Douglas Cameron) of LBC's breakfast show.

He had a long and distinguished broadcasting career before Blockbusters including playing James Bond.

South African Bob Holness died on January 6, 2012.

He was 83.

Two of his daughters, Ros and Carol, were both pop stars – the former in the group Toto Coelo and the latter as Nancy Nova.  • Additional reporting by Paul Donnelley.

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Okazuje się, że nałóg tak na nią wpłynął, że postanowiła dostosować całkowicie swoje życie do palenia

Paliła w domu, w pracy, na spacerze… nic nie było w stanie jej powstrzymać. Podjęła jednak decyzję o ograniczeniu i, jak przyznaje, mimo wszystko jej zdrowie było w fatalnym stanie

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Obowiązkowo obok nich były poukładane paczki papierosów  – wyznała aktorka. Kipiel-Sztuka przyznała także, że nałóg tak ją zdominował… że nie była w stanie zapanować nad nim

 –  Bez papierosów to ja nie zasnęłam. Chleba mogło nie być, ale fajki musiały być

Ja papierosów nie paliłam, ja je zjadałam i to jeden za drugim – wyznała przerażona

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 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ – Staram się ograniczać palenie. Gdy pracuję, to palę mniej

Nie biorę też papierosów ze sobą, kiedy wychodzę z psem na spacer. A to już jest dużo – powiedziała dziennikarzom

 Zrozpaczona przyznaje, że papierosy mają niebagatelny wpływ na jej zdrowie. Już teraz ma poważne problemy z oddychaniem i kondycją

W przyszłości, mogą doprowadzić do bulwersujących konsekwencji dla zdrowia. Palenie papierosów może doprowadzić do rozwoju nowotworów oraz chorób serca

Oprócz tego, nikotyna ma niebagatelny wpływ na nasze samopoczucie. Podczas długoletniego trwania w nałogu, pogorszyć się znacznie może nasza cera oraz włosy

Przykrych konsekwencji jest wiele, dlatego warto rzucić palenie natychmiast! ZOBACZ TAKŻE: Zobacz również

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