Friday, December 7, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 7 2018

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Continue watching our How-To Series to get the most out of your BMW.

For more infomation >> How the BMW User Interface works - BMW How-To - Duration: 1:13.


'Honestidad' Bertín Osborne y su opinión sobre las elecciones andaluzas en 'El Hormiguero' - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Bertín Osborne y su opinión sobre las elecciones andaluzas en 'El Hormiguero' - Duration: 2:54.


Future of Work | Ana Zaldo | La Opinión del Experto #33 - Duration: 3:58.

What does the future of work look like?

We are in a moment of technological and digital development

that I think will change

the way we behave, live and, of course, work.

Technology is going to make living conditions around the world change substantially.

There are still countries that are quite underdeveloped

and in those countries, technology is going to bring unimaginable things.

Until now, we were going to the office because our technical tools were there,

they were in the office.

And now, two things are happening.

One, either we don't need these tools,

or two, we keep these tools with us.

They have become mobile solutions allowing us to work from anywhere.

Historically, the tools we no longer need are a fax machine, landline, etc.

So all this is evolving in a way

in which we will have much more flexible environments than we have now.

Which actions should companies be fostering to face this change?

I think that companies will have to hire different professional profiles

than those we are used to seeing.

Companies will require a combination

of technological abilities and interpersonal skills

such as perseverance, teamwork, flexibility, empathy,

but above all, the ability to adapt to different environments, different cultures

and also different professional profiles.

Today candidates, compete with people at a local or national level.

Tomorrow, or perhaps now even, candidates will compete at an international level.

Therefore, a Spaniard competes with an English person, a French person, an Italian,

a Romanian, an American, a Japanese person, etc.

This is going to mean that people have to be much more prepared

at a technological and interpersonal level,

and also that companies foster and invest more in that human capital.

What are the key features by which new workspaces will be governed?

I think that new generations

will demand much more flexible spaces and, of course,

teleworking policies where they can effectively and efficiently carry out their work.

I think that the future of the office is also a much more integrated model with mobile solutions,

such as more efficient facility management services through

which you can book your desk online,

and order your lunch and pick it up at a meeting point.

In short, technology-level solutions that are much more effective.

Furthermore, we at Ericsson have been measuring the degree of occupation in recent years

and we have been observing that individual work stations are no longer used so much.

Areas for collaboration, open spaces, etc. are much more.

Why? Well, basically because in the end it is in those areas

where creativity and innovation are fostered,

and where ultimately people work as a team

and produce in a much more collective way,

with teams that are much more diverse than working individually.

So, in the end, I believe that the future of the office

is also in the direction we are moving:

more collaborative spaces and fewer work stations at an individual level.

For more infomation >> Future of Work | Ana Zaldo | La Opinión del Experto #33 - Duration: 3:58.


Jack Depp sur orientation sexuelle, le fils de Vanessa Paradis (photo) - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Jack Depp sur orientation sexuelle, le fils de Vanessa Paradis (photo) - Duration: 1:25.


entrevista a Mike Carey - Duration: 13:51.

For more infomation >> entrevista a Mike Carey - Duration: 13:51.



For more infomation >> FELIZ NAVIDAD 2018 PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO 2019 LA CASA DEL SOL ✅ - Duration: 1:04.


Camille Combal gravement maladie, des détails sur le mal qui le ronge - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Camille Combal gravement maladie, des détails sur le mal qui le ronge - Duration: 1:33.


Karine Ferri comblée et en confiance, un autre bébé en route ! - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri comblée et en confiance, un autre bébé en route ! - Duration: 1:27.


Laeticia Hallyday rattrapée par un mensonge, la patronne de Laetitia Casta met les pendules - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday rattrapée par un mensonge, la patronne de Laetitia Casta met les pendules - Duration: 1:17.


La payasada casposa de Podemos: les cuelan como logo para su 'República' la marca de un salón - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> La payasada casposa de Podemos: les cuelan como logo para su 'República' la marca de un salón - Duration: 6:07.


Oscars 2019: Accusé d'homophobie, Kevin Hart renonce à présenter la cérémonie - Duration: 5:02.

HOMOPHOBIE - Il a fini par renoncer. Ce jeudi 6 novembre, une polémique d'ampleur est montée aux États-Unis

Deux jours plus tôt, le comédien Kevin Hart avait annoncé qu'il avait été choisi pour être maître de la 91e cérémonie des Oscars, la grand messe annuelle du cinéma américain qui se tiendra le 24 février prochain à Los Angeles

Mais à la suite de cette annonce, des internautes et des journalistes avaient exhumé de vieux tweets et d'anciennes blagues de l'acteur, dans lesquels il se moquait de la communauté LGBT en des termes pour le moins irrespectueux

Au terme d'une journée de polémique durant laquelle l'Académie en charge des Oscars lui a demandé de revenir sur ses propos, Kevin Hart a finalement choisi d'abandonner son rôle de maître de cérémonie

"C'est parce que je ne veux pas être une distraction au cours d'une nuit qui doit célébrer tant d'artiste merveilleux et talentueux

Je m'excuse sincèrement auprès de la communauté LGBTQ pour mes mots maladroits par le passé", a-t-il tweeté

Et d'ajouter dans un second message: "Je suis désolé d'avoir blessé des gens. J'évolue et je veux continuer à le faire

Mon but est de rassembler les gens, pas de les diviser. J'envoie tout mon amour et ma considération à l'Académie

J'espère que nous nous retrouverons un jour." Un revirement de situation par rapport à son attitude de la journée

Alors que le scandale enflait et que des messages toujours plus nombreux lui demandaient de renoncer, y compris donc en provenance des organisateurs de la soirée, Kevin Hart a publié plusieurs vidéos dans lesquelles il se défendait et excluait toute possibilité de retrait et même d'excuses

"Les gars, j'ai presque 40 ans. Si vous ne croyez pas que l'on peut changer, grandir, évoluer en vieillissant, je ne sais pas quoi vous dire

Si vous voulez maintenir les gens dans une position où ils doivent sans cesse se justifier ou expliquer leur passé, alors faites-le

Je suis la mauvaise personne", disait-il dans l'une des publications. Dans une autre, il regrettait d'avoir encore à expliquer les mêmes blagues pour lesquelles il avait déjà été questionné en interview

"J'ai expliqué qui j'étais à l'époque, et qui je suis maintenant. Je l'ai fait. Je ne vais pas continuer à revenir en arrière alors que je suis passé à autre chose

" Avant de conclure ainsi: "Je vais rester qui je suis, et je vais défendre ma position

Et si l'Académie veut passer à autre chose, je ne leur en voudrai pas." Dans une émission de stand-up en 2010, "Seriously Funny", Kevin Hart expliquait notamment que l'une de ses plus grandes peurs dans la vie était que son fils fasse un jour son coming out

"En tant qu'homme hétérosexuel, si je pouvais empêcher mon fils d'être gay, je le ferais", disait-il alors

Une plaisanterie qu'il avait expliquée à Rolling Stone quelques années plus tard, mais sans s'excuser, reconnaissant toutefois qu'il ne referait plus cette blague s'il avait à se produire au moment de l'interview, en 2015

Si Kevin Hart a désormais supprimé une partie des tweets qui avaient ressurgi sur Internet à l'occasion de la polémique, plusieurs messages insultants étaient encore lisible à l'heure où sont écrites ces lignes, dont un dans lequel il traite un internaute de "gros pédé", ou un autre dans lequel il explique à ses followers qu'il vient de croiser "le plus gros gay du monde! On aurait dit (le catcheur, ndlr) Hulk Hogan perché sur des talons aiguilles!" À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Oscars 2019: Accusé d'homophobie, Kevin Hart renonce à présenter la cérémonie - Duration: 5:02.


Charlène de Monaco « efficace », une solution radicale pour briser son image - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco « efficace », une solution radicale pour briser son image - Duration: 1:30.


Ranní probuzení s jinovatkou/Kouzla naší přírody/Jacob - Duration: 2:31.

hello people there is another video

and now I want to show you what our beautiful nature can do

Now I'll show you some pictures that are very inspirational

That feeling when you wake up in the morning and is white everywhere

it's beautiful and inspiring

if you like it, give it like and subscription..bye

For more infomation >> Ranní probuzení s jinovatkou/Kouzla naší přírody/Jacob - Duration: 2:31.


Las Cirugias y El Pecado Que Dice La Biblia - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Las Cirugias y El Pecado Que Dice La Biblia - Duration: 5:53.


Citroën DS5 2.0 HDI 200PK Hybrid4 airdream ETG6 Business Optimum - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS5 2.0 HDI 200PK Hybrid4 airdream ETG6 Business Optimum - Duration: 0:55.


コップ入れの作り方 DIY drawstring pouch with gusset Coudre un pochon (sakura) - Duration: 6:14.

Main fabrics, 17cm by 14cm are 2 pieces. (Seam allowances are included)

Sew the edge of fabrics with zig zag stitch. (for anti-fray)

Bottom patch fabrics, 11cm by 14cm are 2 pieces. (Seam allowances are included)

Sew the edge of fabrics with zig zag stitch. (for anti-fray)

Cord is 40cm.

Sew the main fabric and bottom patch with right side together.

Press seam allowances to bottom side, and stitch.

Other main fabric and bottom patch, do the same way.

Fold and press the top edge. (1cm、2.5cm)

Unfold the crease (2.5cm).

Lay the fabrics with right side. Then sew the bottom, and press seam allowances open.

Fold the 3.5cm gusset from the bottom.

Sew the side. (Don't sew 7cm from the top edge.)

Press seam allowances open, and sew the side seams with U-shaped.

Fold and press the fabric (2.5cm). Then stitch.

Turn inside out.

Thread the cord through, and tie the cord ends. It's done.

For more infomation >> コップ入れの作り方 DIY drawstring pouch with gusset Coudre un pochon (sakura) - Duration: 6:14.


Ile zarabia Agnieszka Chylińska w Mam Talent? Nigdy nie zgadniecie - Duration: 4:30.

 Ile zarabia Agnieszka Chylińska w Mam Talent? Gwiazda może pochwalić się naprawdę porządnymi przychodami z tytułu pracy w jury hitowego programu TVN

Ocenianie występów utalentowanych osób pozwoliło jej na uzbieranie małej fortuny

 Ile zarabia Agnieszka Chylińska w Mam Talent, żywo interesuje jej fanów i mniej oddanych jej telewidzów, którzy z ogromnym zainteresowaniem śledzą wydarzenia na scenie cieszącego się niezwykłą popularnością talent-show

Gwiazda zespołu O.N.A. cieszy się ugruntowaną pozycją w TVN, a przysługujące jej pieniądze z sezonu na sezon stają się coraz większe

 Wokalistka w jury polskiej edycji Mam Talent zasiada od samego jej początku, czyli 2008 roku

Rolę tę spełnia u boku wielu innych gwiazd, a od 6. sezonu robi to wraz z Małgorzatą Foremniak i Agustinem Egurrolą

Kinga Rusin usłyszała diagnozę. Nie ma już wątpliwości  Stała, wysoka popularność show pozwala nie tylko na dalekosiężne plany związane z jego produkcją, ale także na podnoszenie wynagrodzeń pracujących w nim celebrytów

Jak gruby jest więc portfel Agnieszki Chylińskiej.Ile zarabia Agnieszka Chylińska w Mam Talent? Wynagrodzenie najekscentryczniejszej z zasiadających w jury gwiazd, Agnieszki Chylińskiej rośnie z każdym kolejnym sezonem

Media podają dokładne informacje odnośnie do niewielu z nich. Za drugi sezon otrzymała od TVN łącznie 170 tys

złotych. Za dzień kastingu dostawała 9 tys. a za sam program już 12 tys. Jej zarobki skoczyły do 300 tys

zł w 10. sezonie.  DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ Można jedynie domyślać się, ile zarobiła w zakończonym kilka dni temu 11

sezonie popularnego programu. Pewne jest jednak, że na konto bankowe wpłynęło nie mniej niż 300 tys

złotych.Oglądalność Mam Talent utrzymuje się na doskonałym poziomie 11. edycja Mam Talent prawie w ogóle nie różniła od poprzedniej pod względem oglądalności

Show oglądało średnio około 2,5 miliona osób, co dało TVN pozycję lidera na rynku

 Wyniki mają się jednak nijak do naprawdę rekordowych edycji, jak 2., 4., czy 5., które oglądało odpowiednio 5 394 771, 4 261 903 i 3 933 335 widzów

Spadek oglądalności nie dotyczy tylko TVN, a wszystkich stacji, więc nawet przy wielomilionowym spadku nadal jest to doskonały wynik

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE:  Loading . źródło: Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Ile zarabia Agnieszka Chylińska w Mam Talent? Nigdy nie zgadniecie - Duration: 4:30.


RUANN - I'm just walking without you - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> RUANN - I'm just walking without you - Duration: 6:55.


Украшение с детским рисунком - Duration: 3:35.

From a child, we can accept any gift - a simple, ugly, unprofessionally made - because this is also a gift from a little beloved little man who is just learning to draw. This gift will be expensive, even if it is made on a simple metal plate. But you can make a hole in it, hang on a chain - and you get a real serious jewelry worth 30-40-50 dollars. Such jewelery offers to order its customers one needlewoman at Etsy (her store - And due to the originality of such jewelry, she has more than 39 thousand sales (for 9 years of trading)! She sells pendants and bracelets, and key chains. The form they have is quite simple, without frills. But the content is individual (no one has that). Since this is a child's drawing, it is not necessary to take care of the ideality of the resulting image (it is not required). Sells a needlewoman and ready-made decorations, stylized as children's drawings and inscriptions - for those who wants not an individual gift, but just a cute gift. It is interesting that the creator of these jewelry and did not think before to engage in such needlework. She was going to make a career in science, she studied neurology. But fate threw her on the Mediterranean coast, where she had plenty of free time and the need to somehow survive. She took jewelry lessons in one of the local workshops, started making jewelry for sale. Her interest in jewelry has increased so much that she abandoned science and decided to devote herself to needlework. Now in her small company there are several employees who help her cope with a large flow of orders. Summary. A cheap decoration can be made expensive by placing a drawing dear to the customer's heart on it. Take the time to apply this image - and you do not have to buy expensive materials.

For more infomation >> Украшение с детским рисунком - Duration: 3:35.


[EXID(이엑스아이디)] '알러뷰' 음악방송 스케치('I LOVE YOU' Music Broadcasting Sketch) - Duration: 8:49.

What is the point of today's outfit?

It's this strap on my shoulder.

I did it because just suit itself can be boring. I think my fans will like it.

We are on the way to record after-recording!

Hello, aren't you HANI from EXID?

The girl from Dongmakgol at The King of Mask Sing?

I'm blind

Hello we are in the waiting room at Music Core.

10 minutes left for the live show!

We are wearing white suites!

Our fans like solid color suits, so I hope they like it today!

White suit with red point!

I tied my hair for the first time!

It was my first time in 7 years after debut that I tied my hair up without bangs during rehearsal. It was better than I thought.

Discovery of HANI's forehead? But I took it down to secure my style!

Many fans our fans are sad that we don't get to be on TV often. We are sad too.

We did our best on every stage, and you guys cheered for us very hard. We made lots of memories. What do you think?

Did you guys have fun?

Come here, LE

It's time for some bread

We are eating some bread.

Don't you like raisins

I hate those

I just like the top of mocha bun.

SOLJI, you also like it, don't you?


I also like the just top of Soboro bread!!

So what? Get one on your own!!

LE!! Look what she's doing!!

Hey! I'm going to eat it also. Wait!!

I will do the same


How come?

Eat this

There are so many raisins.

Take it our then!

It's too much!!

Just don't eat




Eat this one. I will have raisins.

Yay! The top!

HYELIN likes raisin

JEONG HWA, do you like raisin?


Think why there are raisins in mocha buns!

There is a reason

It's worthless without raisins.

There are mocha buns without raisins too

You are kidding

It's real!!

No, it isn't!!

I saw it with my eyes.

Then bring some

I couldn't

Don't you lie!!

Everyone, take a picture of mocha bun without raisins through the fan café or DM

It's nonsense.

It the sour raisins completes mocha buns since it is dry and sweet.

There are inconsiderate people who just eat the top of buns

I have to put on blush

I'll hand it over to SOLJI

Hi, this is SOLJI from EXID

I don't understand why she doesn't like raisins yet

I don't like the texture and taste. I was like this since little.

I take those out when I eat mixed nuts

Also dried blu-berries

What is blu-berries?

It's blueberries!!

You sound like old person

I want some juice out of it but it's just chewy.

I don't like it that way.

So I always take those out

It's too much information

Let's meet our friends

Hi, HYELIN. She's signing autograph very hard

Let's visit her after she's done! I'll wait!

You have to wait a little bit long.

I have to write two comments

You look pretty today

I was always like this

See HANI over there?

I don't understand why she hate raisins so much

There is 500 won whipped cream at the bakery. Good way to eat mocha buns is

buy one and dip it. It's so good

Better way to have the top part is cut it half

and dip in whipped cream!

I want some

Do we have whipped cream?


Why you didn't get it

See you soon!

I'm coming! See you in a bit!

For more infomation >> [EXID(이엑스아이디)] '알러뷰' 음악방송 스케치('I LOVE YOU' Music Broadcasting Sketch) - Duration: 8:49.


Man Utd news: Paul Pogba angrily said THIS after Jose Mourinho snubbed him for Arsenal - Duration: 2:51.

 Manchester United midfielder Pogba has been at war with Mourinho since February, with the duo's relationship worsening in recent times

 The France international was reportedly labelled a 'virus' in the aftermath of the club's abysmal 2-2 draw with Southampton at the weekend

 That lead to Manchester United dropping him for the draw against Arsenal, with the World Cup winner only making it onto the pitch in the closing stages

 And the Daily Mail have now explained how Paul Pogba reacted to the Arsenal snub

 In short, the United star did not appear to take kindly to Mourinho's latest snub

 The Daily Mail say that, after the match, he was asked about his bit-part role by journalists in attendance

 And Pogba then reportedly shrugged angrily and said: "What do you expect me to say?" Pogba is facing an uncertain future at United with links to Barcelona and Juventus refusing to go away

 He arrived in 2016 as a player many expected to propel the Red Devils to silverware galore

 His rift with Mourinho, however, has soured his second stint at United. And Red Devils hero Paul Ince has now weighed in on the Pogba and Mourinho debate, blasting the United midfielder for his below-par performances

 "Pogba's supposed to be world class, but he looks bang average," Ince told Paddy Power

 "If he thinks his place is to come on the pitch and do stupid little flicks and tricks which lead to them losing the ball – he's an idiot

 "You can blame Jose Mourinho for some things, but you can't blame him for everything

 "Pogba doesn't help him himself, and he's right to be dropped. "It doesn't matter how big your name is

No one is too big of a name to be dropped at United, or at least they shouldn't be

" Pogba could return for United's Premier League match against Fulham (Saturday, 3pm)

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Paul Pogba angrily said THIS after Jose Mourinho snubbed him for Arsenal - Duration: 2:51.


Chân Giò Nướng Cực Ngon Của Mao Đệ Đệ - Tam Mao TV - Duration: 37:33.

For more infomation >> Chân Giò Nướng Cực Ngon Của Mao Đệ Đệ - Tam Mao TV - Duration: 37:33.


RUANN - There's No Ending - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> RUANN - There's No Ending - Duration: 4:08.


Сияющий образ & макияж на бал ➥ Светская жизнь | L'Oreal Paris - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Сияющий образ & макияж на бал ➥ Светская жизнь | L'Oreal Paris - Duration: 1:30.


Kia Venga 1.4 CVVT 90pk - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia Venga 1.4 CVVT 90pk - Duration: 1:10.


Annesine Kendisini Sevdiren Bebek - Yakalandınız - #BebekVideoları - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Annesine Kendisini Sevdiren Bebek - Yakalandınız - #BebekVideoları - Duration: 2:58.


紀平梨花が公式練習 アクセル7本跳び、6本成功!グランプリファイナル女子SPを午後に控え、調整する紀平! - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 紀平梨花が公式練習 アクセル7本跳び、6本成功!グランプリファイナル女子SPを午後に控え、調整する紀平! - Duration: 4:10.


Kia Sportage 1.6 135pk X-ecutive in nette staat met Garantie! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 135pk X-ecutive in nette staat met Garantie! - Duration: 1:13.


Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT 5drs BusinessLine Met 7 jaar garantie!! - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2 CVVT 5drs BusinessLine Met 7 jaar garantie!! - Duration: 0:48.


TfT#2: 10U-Flames Select vs. Redwood City Wicked (3-10) - Duration: 1:32:37.

Inning 1, now batting Flames #9

Inning 2, now batting Flames #9

Inning 1, now batting Flames #5

Inning 2, now batting Flames #5

Inning 1, now batting Flames #6

Inning 2, now batting Flames #6

Inning 1, now batting Flames #16

Inning 3, now batting Flames #16

Inning 1, now batting Flames #2

Inning 3, now batting Flames #2

Inning 1, now batting Flames #7

Inning 3, now batting Flames #7

Inning 1, now batting Flames #18

Inning 2, now batting Flames #3

Inning 2, now batting Flames #22

Inning 2, now batting Flames #17

Inning 1, now pitching Flames #18

Inning 2, now pitching Flames #18

Inning 3, now pitching Flames #16

For more infomation >> TfT#2: 10U-Flames Select vs. Redwood City Wicked (3-10) - Duration: 1:32:37.


[EXID(이엑스아이디)] '알러뷰' 음악방송 스케치('I LOVE YOU' Music Broadcasting Sketch) - Duration: 8:49.

What is the point of today's outfit?

It's this strap on my shoulder.

I did it because just suit itself can be boring. I think my fans will like it.

We are on the way to record after-recording!

Hello, aren't you HANI from EXID?

The girl from Dongmakgol at The King of Mask Sing?

I'm blind

Hello we are in the waiting room at Music Core.

10 minutes left for the live show!

We are wearing white suites!

Our fans like solid color suits, so I hope they like it today!

White suit with red point!

I tied my hair for the first time!

It was my first time in 7 years after debut that I tied my hair up without bangs during rehearsal. It was better than I thought.

Discovery of HANI's forehead? But I took it down to secure my style!

Many fans our fans are sad that we don't get to be on TV often. We are sad too.

We did our best on every stage, and you guys cheered for us very hard. We made lots of memories. What do you think?

Did you guys have fun?

Come here, LE

It's time for some bread

We are eating some bread.

Don't you like raisins

I hate those

I just like the top of mocha bun.

SOLJI, you also like it, don't you?


I also like the just top of Soboro bread!!

So what? Get one on your own!!

LE!! Look what she's doing!!

Hey! I'm going to eat it also. Wait!!

I will do the same


How come?

Eat this

There are so many raisins.

Take it our then!

It's too much!!

Just don't eat




Eat this one. I will have raisins.

Yay! The top!

HYELIN likes raisin

JEONG HWA, do you like raisin?


Think why there are raisins in mocha buns!

There is a reason

It's worthless without raisins.

There are mocha buns without raisins too

You are kidding

It's real!!

No, it isn't!!

I saw it with my eyes.

Then bring some

I couldn't

Don't you lie!!

Everyone, take a picture of mocha bun without raisins through the fan café or DM

It's nonsense.

It the sour raisins completes mocha buns since it is dry and sweet.

There are inconsiderate people who just eat the top of buns

I have to put on blush

I'll hand it over to SOLJI

Hi, this is SOLJI from EXID

I don't understand why she doesn't like raisins yet

I don't like the texture and taste. I was like this since little.

I take those out when I eat mixed nuts

Also dried blu-berries

What is blu-berries?

It's blueberries!!

You sound like old person

I want some juice out of it but it's just chewy.

I don't like it that way.

So I always take those out

It's too much information

Let's meet our friends

Hi, HYELIN. She's signing autograph very hard

Let's visit her after she's done! I'll wait!

You have to wait a little bit long.

I have to write two comments

You look pretty today

I was always like this

See HANI over there?

I don't understand why she hate raisins so much

There is 500 won whipped cream at the bakery. Good way to eat mocha buns is

buy one and dip it. It's so good

Better way to have the top part is cut it half

and dip in whipped cream!

I want some

Do we have whipped cream?


Why you didn't get it

See you soon!

I'm coming! See you in a bit!

For more infomation >> [EXID(이엑스아이디)] '알러뷰' 음악방송 스케치('I LOVE YOU' Music Broadcasting Sketch) - Duration: 8:49.


Małgorzata Kożuchowska i jej mąż rozważali rozstanie?! Wszystko przez pracę! - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Małgorzata Kożuchowska i jej mąż rozważali rozstanie?! Wszystko przez pracę! - Duration: 6:31.


[Official Audio] 윤미래(T) Yoonmirae - 행복한 나를(I Am Happy) - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> [Official Audio] 윤미래(T) Yoonmirae - 행복한 나를(I Am Happy) - Duration: 4:47.


I KICKED my FRIEND in head!!! Serbian ROAD TRIP Day 2 - Duration: 13:12.

For more infomation >> I KICKED my FRIEND in head!!! Serbian ROAD TRIP Day 2 - Duration: 13:12.


RUANN - I'm just walking without you - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> RUANN - I'm just walking without you - Duration: 6:55.


BMW Z3 Coupé 2.8 i M-Pakket Autm. - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> BMW Z3 Coupé 2.8 i M-Pakket Autm. - Duration: 1:07.


Honda Civic 1.8 I VTEC 5DR Silverstone - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8 I VTEC 5DR Silverstone - Duration: 1:06.


[PL/EN] Renault Clio 2 phase 2 - wymiana żarówek podświetlających panel klimatyzacji / nawiewu - Duration: 2:42.

This time, also at your request, I will show HVAC panel illumination bulbs replacing procedure in Clio 2 phase 2.

The procedure is quick and easy, so I hope that this video will also come out short enough.

So I'm getting to work :)

First I take out the radio.

In the case of non-original radio, I follow the equipment manufacturer's instructions, also disassembling the mounting frame.

If, however, I had a factory radio (for example - this one), I release the locks on the left and right side using dedicated plugs

or any other thin hard objects as a substitute if you don't have original plugs.

Then I disconnect the white "speaker" connector, black "power" connector,

yellow - steering wheel remote control & display

and blue for CD changer.

Now I unscrew two screws fastening HVAC panel to the central console using Torx 20 socket.

Then I dismantle the top plastic (called the décor by Renault) pulling it towards.

It is held by two metal spring elements.

Gently push the panel so that it can be pulled out of the two hooks

fixing the whole to the bottom masking plastic.

As you can see, this cover has several auxiliary positioning pins

therefore it is impossible to dismantle it without unscrewing the panel first.

I take out the whole by maneuvering so as not to scratch anything.

The panel is backlit by two full-glass type 1.2 Watt bulbs.

Bulbs type is "T5" or "W1,2W" (depending on manufacturer).

Using a pair of pliers, twist and disassemble the collet and then remove bulb from it.

For safety and convenience, I recommend thick rubber gloves for this operation.

I mount the new bulb to the collet and assemble it again.

Of course I recommend you to prophylactically replace second bulb even though it works because access is not extraordinary.

Before folding the whole, I check illumination by switching on the side lights.

I also check the arrangement of the control cables for the air mixer flaps and air distribution of the heater.

For me, one of the armor dropped from the mounting when replacing the bulbs,

so I restore its original position and assemble the whole in the reverse order of disassembly.

I think that it does not require additional commentary.

If you have a factory radio, you will need to enter the code during the first start-up.

Well, that's all - a small thing, but I'm happy :)

As I can see, the length of this video is also not worst.

This is good because the next video promises to be unfortunately very long.

I hope you will survive it somehow.

Traditionally, I recommend you Laguna Fan and Rysiuncio YouTube channels.

Best wishes and see you soon!

For more infomation >> [PL/EN] Renault Clio 2 phase 2 - wymiana żarówek podświetlających panel klimatyzacji / nawiewu - Duration: 2:42.


오메가몬X 모션은 영혼까지 갈아 넣었다 ㅇㅈ? ㅇㅈ (ENG Sub) - Duration: 3:05.

Hi, everyone. I'm GIGY U.

This is OmegamonX

Oh, of course I didn't hatch.

encyclopedia of GIGYU

I didn't hatch this encyclopedia myself.

I apologize for not being able to give you the details.

The information I'm going to introduce is Skill Motion and Basic Skills Descriptions.

First of all, evolution is the same as ALPHAMON OURYUKEN X.

Evolving from Wargemon X, Metallurumon X,

It can evolve from omegamons.

Let's see the motion now.

First of all, it's an early evolutionary motion.

The quality is great!

I'll give you 9.9 out of 10 turns.

It's not fun if it's too perfect.

Next is the Normal Attack Motion.

You keep moving forward. hard to capture

But the director is good.

A little bit of light attack?

The day he finally cut himself with the grey sword. ㅠㅠ

I'll believe it when I say flattah is a skill.

Next is Block

Block motion isn't that big.

Next is skill Garu Canon.

Wow Garu Canon was so cool?

Next is skill graysword.

Wow, I feel like I'm making a four-legged deal.

I think omega-3X likes the speed of light.

Next is All Delete, the third skill.

This is a wide-area skill.

I forgot the move motion and I couldn't take it.

It's flying.

That's the omegamon-X motion.

Next time, we will hatch omega-3X and show you detailed movements such as information comparison.

Viewers, good! Subscribe! Alarm Settings! Please. See you on the next video.

For more infomation >> 오메가몬X 모션은 영혼까지 갈아 넣었다 ㅇㅈ? ㅇㅈ (ENG Sub) - Duration: 3:05.


15年前她跳樓輕生,把孩子丟給王菲,如今兒子長大卻不認媽媽? - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 15年前她跳樓輕生,把孩子丟給王菲,如今兒子長大卻不認媽媽? - Duration: 4:24.


(EN/日) 소리가 곧 두 번째 싱글로 컴백합니다!!! (Feat. KICKSTARTER) - Duration: 3:47.

Hi everybody!

As some of you know, I released my solo debut song "Touch" on September 4th 2018.

I am SoRi, nice to meet you

Since my debut solo "Touch"

I was keep thinking about my next song release

I was planning before Christmas

to release my second song "I'm ready"


Oh, right, there might be some persons who don't know me yet so I should first introduce myself.

I made my first debut back in January 2016 under duo Cocosori.

We released a couple of songs such as "Dark Circle"


"Itoshi no Mermaid"

"Mi Amor"

"Static Electricity"

and had a couple of promotion activities for these songs too.

In 2017 I was also a member of the drama Idol Master.KR

under which we released a group the songs under the titles "Dream", "One for all"

"Ping Pong Game" and so on.

During the begging of 2018 I participated to the audition program MIXNINE

and also some issue came out too.

but I was also thankful as I was able to release my first ever solo song ballad "To Myself"

I managed to be among the winners as the seventh member of the female group.

Finished. I hope you got to know me a little bit from my short self-introduction as an artist.

I was working hard since my pre-debut

as I debut I want to have as many activities as I can

I am planning to make my comeback with the song "I'm Ready"

"I'm Ready" is a bright, exciting and fun song.

a couple of days ago I met the amazing director and we decided to record the music video

I am working hard so I can reach your expectations and cheers

I hope it will be a song that I would be able to enjoy together with you

Please look forward for a grow-up image of SoRi

This will be the first time when I will offer a special soap handmade by SoRi

As well as snapbacks and T-shirts you can personally wear

and my latex costumes made in UK by Atsuko Kudo designer and which I was wearing during "Touch" promotion activities

as well as costumes I will wear during "I'm Ready" promotion activities

Please look forwards for a lot of rewards!!

Finally, I would like to thank you for all your love and support.

Thank you a lot!

I love you!

If we achieve the stretch goal

I will organized a special fan meeting event and will come to meet you

So please stay healthy till the day we will meet and please look forward for my comeback!

Me too, I will work hard so I can show you the best of me!

So please look forward for my upcoming comeback!


Thank you!


Are you ready?

I'm ready?!!


For more infomation >> (EN/日) 소리가 곧 두 번째 싱글로 컴백합니다!!! (Feat. KICKSTARTER) - Duration: 3:47.


[ENG SUB] 집사가 된 연우(yeonwoo) 인성 '댕댕이도 반했다?' - Duration: 5:10.

Songjihyo's beatiful life- Behind-

Jihyo is starting to play with puppies.

Send signal to puppy who did eye contact with her.

But, ball is fall into ground Hahaha

Jihyo's second time!

golden retriever Triple-stage (feat. Shadow bunshin magic)


Puppy is eating snack which is hided from paper.

You are eating deliciously.

Jihyo is taking nap and Shiba is taking rest in cafe.

Did you call me?

What has passed?

Jihyo and shiba is done for resting.

Yeonyoo and Welsh corgi are playing with ball!!

But it wasn't

This is too bad.

hit the jackpot

Welsh isn't looking back

This time, we are really playing with ball..!

This time, we are really playing with ball..! No. It is fake.

This time, it is fake.

Yeonyoo is good at hooking

Yeonyoo, You are little bit scary

Playing with ball again..!

Never ending story(feat. It is not done until it is done)

I am sorry. Hahahahaha

He seems peeved so, welshi is not giving me ball.

Make me so tired.

What did I wrong to you.. ㅠㅜ

Yeonyoo looks tired so he went to take a rest.

(towel) is there one more towel?

is there one more towel?

He checked towel and hiding quickly.

I am little bit feel embarrassed



I am embarrassed so calling myungsoo.

Good job.

If you take shower and wear cloth...

puppy fell into sleep by Jihyo and Yeonyoo

Now, let's go.

Now, it is meditation time.

Welsicogi realized that.

Teacher is solving curiosity gently.

Let's do it together.

But, puppies are also doing masage.

Motion is so funny


What should we do?

Please teach us.

Mango is also sleepy.

But, actually myung soo..

seems stable

Yes. little bit..

Golden retriver is addicted to massage.

Yeonyoo is taking toy because puppy might get hurt.

They are sleeping even not knowing yeonyoo's mind

hardly turn puppy inside out!

If you take a nap here. You will be so cold.. daddy..

What? Myungsoo is clam now.

Hey, Yeonyoo.

I found really surprising thing

If I blow a whistle

All the puppies are coming here


Jay is having fun to give a whistle.

Sounds like whistling.


It is not coming..?


Jay is embarrassed. Doing second time.

Sounds like whistling~

It is not coming

He came before..

Huh.. So tired.

Jay face is so ugly.

He came!

Sounds like whistling



song, byu, ra are charging after taking shoot.


Come and eat some.

Hurry up.

Jihyo is taking caring of staff


Come and eat together

Come. Hurry up.

Calling Jihyo, and hyuksoo said it is wrong

This is wrong

(I am so curious about it.)

Yeonyoo is kindly taking caring of Jihyo.

Just eat whole.

Two shot with smiling (feat. pretty one next to pretty one)

eat. eat. eat.

Staff are coming slowly after jihyo call them.

Eat this.

this, this.

We will cut this.

We will cut this.

Song, byu, ra are ending the day.

Hyuksoo feel sad for ending the day.

Jihyo came and brought bread

wow... they eat so lot.

Hyuksoo lick one's lips and ending shoot.

Behind scene of Song Ji-hyo's beautiful life ends here!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 집사가 된 연우(yeonwoo) 인성 '댕댕이도 반했다?' - Duration: 5:10.


(EN/日) 일본 초 강추! 회전스시 먹방 [소리] - Duration: 12:15.

Sori's YouTube Channel

I highly recommend this place!

The price starts pretty low, at 130, and 160 yen!

So this place is...

out of all the sushi places I've tried in Japan,

the best!

Can you guys see the people lined up?

This is the line formed way before dinner time hit.

I highly recommend this place!

I'm gonna join them on the line too.

Even the people sitting way there are on the line.

This line goes all the way down there.

I have finally entered the restaurant.

(After a long wait, the line has entered)

Still there are tons of people waiting.

I can see some people started digging in already.

I'm going, i'm going!

(Starts running~)

I've got myself seated!

Check out that watermelon, it's huuuge!

We've got some matcha powder here.

Dear viewers of Sori Not Sorry! How's it going?

Sori here!

On the previous episode,

where we looked at Chinese food in Japan,

You probably noticed that I am wearing the same clothes.

That episode was shot in lunch time, and now you're looking at dinner time of the same day.

Since I came all the way to Japan, I believe I have to get my hands on as many delicious dishes as I can.

This place is located in Meguro, and is very popular place.

Every time I come to Japan,

under my boss' recommendation I have visited this place frequently since CoCoSoRi days.

And this time around I couldn't pass up the opportunity and decided to make my stop here once again.

Even though waiting in line is inevitable, this place is way too delicious.

It's par for the course, for sure.

I've set up the table,

and now waiting for my sushis to come out.

So on this episode,

you get to vicarious one of the best sushi shops in Japan with moi!

These cost 100 yen!

some cost 130, and some 160...

They have salmon for 130 yen!

(So cheap, that price is unheard of in Korea…)

They've got tuna for 200 yen...

So that means,

this establishment is cheap, delicious, thus popular.

I'm gonna start ordering now.

This is engawa sushi,

which is a fin of a flatfish.

Without soy sauce, this is plenty salty

I'm gonna start with this tonight, I'm salivating already.

I can taste some lemon juice at the finish.

They also briefly torched the fish as well.

So the taste profile can be a little greasy, but the lemon suppresses it really well.

(Unusually detailed food review from Sori.)

This is a must-eat if you come here.

Otherwise you'd regret it. This is miso shiru (miso soup)

You guys must be wondering what is so special about this.

(...of course it had a crab in it)

You guys already know that I love crab meat.

I'm called crab Sori for that reason...

so Crab Sori ordered some crab miso soup.

(This broth is so good!)

This broth is to kill for!

This is a quite generous amount of crab meat too.

This is so good, no joke!

This is torch trifecta, and they're all slightly torched.

As you can see, they use a small torch to slightly burn the fish.

So this trifecta

includes the fin that I had earlier

and maguro (tuna), and salmon.

I'm gonna try out salmon and tuna this time.

These sushis are topped with thinly sliced green onions.

Contrary to the quality of the dish,

this was really cheap, 300 yen for all three of them, 100 yen a pop.

Very cheap!

They were so delicious.

I can't believe one of those cost only 100 yen.


Salmon is love!

So, so good!

This one resembles my hair color.

I'm gonna show you guys another soup dish.

(Another soup appears.)

This one's called sumashijiru

This soup includes clams,

It's a very clear colored soup made out of clams. Looks tasty, doesn't it?

Bursting with umami flavor.

The taste of the ocean!

(Is Sori trying to cure hangover?)

This is a type of eel that can be found in Kyoto.

(The white stuff on the top is eel meat, not rice!)


This yari ika (spear squid) that I'm eating right now is so far my favorite of the day.

(It actually was sode ika, another kind of squid.)

The squid is really fresh today.

It was very tender.

Out of all the squid sushis I've tried, this one's the best.

(Two thumbs up!!)

(A crab in her mouth)

(when did she order all these?)

(Anything crab cannot go untouched.)

(So these dishes look a little bit pricier...)

The actual mukbang starts now, you guys!

(Mukbang mode: Fully engaged)

This is fugu karaage.

Many people think karaages are made from chicken,

but these are are made out of fugu fish.

This place is a seafood restaurant after all. Fugu fish!

We got some gambas here.

Which one should I start with?

eenie meenie miney mo

I'm gonna start with this!

(Starting with giant shrimps)

Sorry, shrimp.

(We've seen something similar at the Barcelona episode too...)

(Check the paella episode)

(Sorry shrimpie…)

(You were so delicious though...)

Bon appetit!

(Shrimps are the best!)

(The taste of the ocean!)

I just cannot let go of you, crabbie!

Crab Sori

never leaves any crab behind.

I am getting a little self-conscious now..

Especially now that I'm eating crabs voraciously

Are you guys getting jealous at home?

(Yeah, totally...)

(…When was this tower built?)

(Professional Mukbang-er wannabe)

Did I end up eating all these?

There's no way! (Denial is real.)

(Still have a room for dessert?)

It is not just over yet, I still have to get myself a dessert!

This shaved ice is popular in fireworks festival season.

Even though this is mukbang, I feel like I forgot to describe what each food is like in detail...

(feedback to herself)

I just ended up eating...

I seriously won't be able to eat for a while after eating this.

I might be lying right now, just like yesterday. If something else comes out, I'll probably eat more.

Anyways, thanks for the meal,

and if you get a chance to visit Japan,

I highly recommend treating yourself with some tasty Japanese food

and this is an establishment I would like to recommend,

which is the reason why I'm sharing this video with you. So if you have enjoyed watching this video,

Please SMASH that like button,

subscribe, and share!!!

(Sori still appears to be hungry...)

(Sori's Japan trip continues to the next episode!)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) 일본 초 강추! 회전스시 먹방 [소리] - Duration: 12:15.


Earn money unlimited from website 2018/19 in Tez/Phonepay/paypal/bank account - Duration: 3:59.

Open any Browser

Then go to my Description and open link given below

For more infomation >> Earn money unlimited from website 2018/19 in Tez/Phonepay/paypal/bank account - Duration: 3:59.


Find The Difference "LEGO Dimnsions Edition" - Duration: 12:36.

Find The Difference "LEGO Dimnsions Edition"

For more infomation >> Find The Difference "LEGO Dimnsions Edition" - Duration: 12:36.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Sport | Airco | LM velgen | Navigatie | Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Sport | Airco | LM velgen | Navigatie | Parkeercamera - Duration: 1:08.


12月,桃花运暴涨,旧爱回头,感情破镜重圆,真爱到老 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 12月,桃花运暴涨,旧爱回头,感情破镜重圆,真爱到老 - Duration: 5:05.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i L.Terra - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i L.Terra - Duration: 1:03.


神准塔罗牌占卜:明年你会先脱贫还是先脱单? - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> 神准塔罗牌占卜:明年你会先脱贫还是先脱单? - Duration: 8:05.


Filter Free Love - Duration: 4:00.

Good morning it's Dr. James. Hey I hope you're off to a beautiful start today.

It's so great to see you. Thank you for your time and thank you for your energy.

And this morning I also want to add, thank you for your courage.

This morning's message is going to ask of you to stay courageously present for

the next two minutes, because this is a message that is not easy to necessarily

really embrace because it's not comfortable. But it's absolutely

necessary. I have been thinking long and hard most of my adult life about the way

that I love and the way that I'm willing to love in a way that is not connected

to whether or not it's gonna work out. So much of my early adulthood and

definitely when I was a child, I think love for me was something I learned for.

I couldn't wait to spread. And then I started to realize, it may not come back

to me. It actually may be judged. And sometimes love hurt because it wasn't

reciprocated. So I started really understanding the power of my ego as a

movement in my teens my early 20s, which was basically I wanted to know whether or

not it's gonna be safe to love and I'll love as soon as I know the environment

is gonna receive it, that person is gonna allow it and potentially give it back to

me or at the very least not judge me. When you look around the world today I'm, man I'm seeing myself have this wrestling match, the psychology of

whether or not I'm gonna allow it to come through me, in me, and as me - just the

unbridled filterless love; battling against whether or not I can fully let

it come out. Because I'm concerned whether or not I will be judged for

being that far out with my love. And then I pray, and I pray every single day. I say,

"You know what James? Have the courage to love without a filter. In fact be on

purpose. Don't worry about the outcome." That to me as the spiritual warrior

nature of true, wild, wonderful love. It's the kind of love where there is no

filter. There is no ego. There is no wondering whether or not it's gonna come

back to me because all you care about is whether or not you are

putting it out. And there's so much good research today that talks about the fact

that when we are on purpose and not on outcome; when we don't get caught up in

whether or not it's going to work; the ego gets removed and the joy, the joy

that it has no connection to whether or not it works out and frankly it just

says, "You know what? The beauty is the purpose of being in the present moment,

in doing what comes natural." It is natural for you and I to love without a

filter. It is natural for you and I to circulate love based on the purpose that

is our human nature. And to allow the outcome to be removed so we can be all

that we came here to be. And we can present the highest version of ourselves.

This is scary good. This is the kind of wake-up kind of love that requires a

level, a level of a warrior nature that is so deeply embedded in the heart that

when you start to do it, I promise you you won't be able to stop. I'm working on

this right alongside of you. And I know this may not be popular and I know this

is wildly and wonderfully uncommon, but we need to make this normal. We need to

have this kind of love be normal. We need to be that courageous and that connected

to the spiritual nature of what love is really all about,. Because love will win

always, when it's on purpose, and not on outcome. So with that, thank you for being

you and loving out loud. I love you. Peace and

blessings. Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Filter Free Love - Duration: 4:00.


ZAPOMNIAŁAM O MIKOŁAJKACH *matka roku* | VLOGMAS #6 - Duration: 13:58.

For more infomation >> ZAPOMNIAŁAM O MIKOŁAJKACH *matka roku* | VLOGMAS #6 - Duration: 13:58.


O ce veste minunata - Colinde si cantece de Craciun pentru copii - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> O ce veste minunata - Colinde si cantece de Craciun pentru copii - Duration: 2:51.


Fernanda Gentil comenta transição para o entretenimento: ''Não fui a primeira e nem serei a última'' - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Fernanda Gentil comenta transição para o entretenimento: ''Não fui a primeira e nem serei a última'' - Duration: 4:07.


UNBELIEVABLE REAL-LIFE ANIME EXPERIENCES foreigners in Japan experience - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> UNBELIEVABLE REAL-LIFE ANIME EXPERIENCES foreigners in Japan experience - Duration: 7:40.


How the BMW User Interface works - BMW How-To - Duration: 1:13.

Personalize your BMW Home screen with the new, fully digital BMW Operating System 7.

You can freely configure content at the highest menu level of the Control Display according to taste.

To add or change a widget, just enter the edit mode by clicking the symbol in the top left corner.

Here you can change the content and layout of a page.

Or you can add a completely new page and fill it with your desired content.

After you are done you can find the live content in your Control Display.

A click on a widget leads to the corresponding menu.

Continue watching our How-To Series to get the most out of your BMW.

For more infomation >> How the BMW User Interface works - BMW How-To - Duration: 1:13.


¿Han vuelto Bruna Marquezine y Neymar? - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> ¿Han vuelto Bruna Marquezine y Neymar? - Duration: 2:10.


Estas son los motivos de la creciente popularidad de los partidos de derechas en España - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Estas son los motivos de la creciente popularidad de los partidos de derechas en España - Duration: 2:01.


Kizuna AI - hello,alone (Prod.MATZ) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Kizuna AI - hello,alone (Prod.MATZ) - Duration: 4:07.


Mulher mais sexy: Bruna Marquezine – 3ª colocação - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Mulher mais sexy: Bruna Marquezine – 3ª colocação - Duration: 3:09.


Małgorzata Kożuchowska i jej mąż rozważali rozstanie?! Wszystko przez pracę! - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Małgorzata Kożuchowska i jej mąż rozważali rozstanie?! Wszystko przez pracę! - Duration: 6:31.



For more infomation >> GIL JUNG FAZ ENSAIO SENSUAL DE LINGERIE - Duration: 2:20.


GADDI KUTTA || El perro que combate al leopardo de las nieves - Duration: 4:03.

Gaddi Kutta, is a mountain dog of type mastiff that is in the north of the

India, especially in the states of the Western Himalayan region (Himachal Pradesh,

Uttarakhand, and Kashmir). They are also called the Indian Jaund Panther, as well as

Mahidant mastiff, pointing to the skills of the race and the last to its origins. Even though

bred initially for hunting purposes, the Gaddi Kutta multi-faceted is widely used

by local pastors, mostly Gaddis (from the tribe of the same name) and have fame

of being strong enough to repel the attacks of the leopards of the

snow, and have the intelligence to shepherd stray sheep and goats back to their

corrals .

History. The Gaddi is believed to have been developed by King Asur Mahidant of Meerut, crossing

the wild dingo (these dingo-type dogs, of wild type of mastiff of pariahs, descendants

of the massive dogs of Hyrcania), which found in the Jamuna Khader region of the

India, with the variety of fighting lines Sha-Khyi of Tibetan mastiffs for hunting.

As in other races in the area and that belongs to the lightest strain of dogs

Central Asia, this former Moloso is a agile and powerful race, used to defend

and deal with panthers and other animals great in the past. despite this, the

Dogs are rarely used by hunters today. Mostly found in the

India, they also exist in small quantities in neighboring Pakistan, although not many copies

they are pure, or uniform in most of the lines, having been crossed with the popular

Alaskan race and it even contains a bit of blood of a German shepherd.

. Temperament and behavior.

The Gaddi Kutta, is intuitive, quiet and gentle with its owner, it's a pet

of the family very nice when socializing properly, but can be highly aggressive

with other dogs and strange people. In the present, this territorial and reserved race

It is used mostly to control livestock and to protect his master's property, as well

as from time to time he confronts others dogs, although the Gaddi Kutta is not considered

as a fighting race. .

General appearance. Slender than most mastiffs,

the Gaddi is athletic, deep and muscular chest, capable of great speeds and appreciated by

your resistance When it is left in its state natural, the tail is located on the back of the

dog. The ears are usually very short, although there are many unaltered copies.

Two main types of fur are observed in the breed, the variety of short hair and the

a little more complete coat of medium length, hair something shorter on the body with more fringes

long in the chest, legs and tail. Although some dogs have small spots

white, the Gaddi Kutta is usually solid color. most dogs go

in lighter pastel shades, like cream, beige and yellow, but tabby, colored

brown, and the piebald dogs can be found as well. The males are between 56 to 87 cm

of height and 40 to 45 kilograms of weight, while the females are between 50 to

71 cm tall and 35 to 40 kilograms weight. The size, however, varies greatly

measure and dogs that are around 63 cm tall are the most found.

For more infomation >> GADDI KUTTA || El perro que combate al leopardo de las nieves - Duration: 4:03.


Ex-namorado de Jojo Todynho é morto carbonizado e ela chora nas redes: ''Muita covardia'' - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Ex-namorado de Jojo Todynho é morto carbonizado e ela chora nas redes: ''Muita covardia'' - Duration: 3:30.


Solteiríssima, Sheila Mello marca Fernando Scherer em publicação apaixonante - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Solteiríssima, Sheila Mello marca Fernando Scherer em publicação apaixonante - Duration: 1:48.


【MUKBANG】 Luxurious Moving Celebration! Rare Beef! [Takenotani Tsuru] Beef Stew..Etc 6Kg[12000kcal] - Duration: 12:52.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



using 6kg of beef we made 3 different dishes

recently i moved to a new house, isn't that, a this video is a my special celebration

the one who made all this is the chef at restaurant

the used beef called taki....tsurishi.... ?

takenotani tsuru beef

takenotani tsuru is a really rare beef and it's so luxurious

let's look how we made it...


and the one who is going to made this for us...



Kurusu kei-san going to made this for us...

isn't that ?

Kurusu kei-san can you introduce for us this beef

you are so lucky today yuka-chan, you will try a rare meat

there are two main types of cattle in japan

the ones that you find it in both mishima and yamaguchi that called mishima cattle

and the ones that in kagoshima

all people think that there is only these two types

but in reality...

there is another type, and this type is takenotani tsuru

oh, i understand

you can't get it only one time per year

and this restaurant don't make any kind of pork...

we make only this two types

i understand

and today i'm going to make this meat here

for me !

this rare meat

i'm really happy

to make it...

it will takes me 6 hours

amazing, it takes 6 hours to cook it

cheeks, tongue and the tail for beef stew, with steak & hamburger

and that's by using takenotani tsuru beef

and this to give you a global idea for what we can make using it, this is all what i have to say for now

this is amazing

i'm looking forward to that

happy to work with you

this is the ingredients

they use usually these ingredients to make the meat sauce

and he will use all this just for me

and here to make Beef Stew

cheeks, tongue and the tail

it looks so tasty

and all what we need to do now it to let it on the frypan until it's ready

looks so tasty


it's like a child head sized ball

child head sized ball


that's huge


we only need to roast it now

jaaan, we did it

i'm so hungry

it took 6 hours to prepare it

this is irresistible


this roast meat looks really tasty in really amazing way

amazing, it's so thick but still soft

ah, look at this meat if you please


really tasty

the flavors that comes out from the meat is so strong

and its fat is sweet

the outside is a little bit crispy because of the butter, and this is amazing

look, can you see it

i think this camera is better

it will be better if we zoom in

it looks so tasty, isn't that


and even the salad looks so cute


here is hiroshima salt

this is really amazing

and the fat of this meat is not heavy at all

and here is the hamburger & beef stew

and what you see in the middle is a risotto that we made it at the restaurant

you eat this meat with risotto

the hamburger is so soft



the meat is made carefully and slowly what made it so rich with strong flavors


the taste of this meat is really strong

and this rice is so yummy

this meat is really thick

so luxurious

and here is the 3rd plate

cheeks, tongue and the tail meat

so soft

really soft


the meats melts in the mouth and the taste is strong and yummy


so tasty

this goes so well with rice

and it's so easy to cut it

it's really amazing how we can cut a thick meat like this so easily

it's really amazing

it's so soft and melty


the last bite, itadakimasu



takenotani tsuru meat, steak , hamburger and beef stew was so tasty

you can't find this kind of meat only at restaurants

and because i had a chance to try it, i'm really happy about that

takenotani tsuru is a rare meat and eating all this amount is something so luxurious

and it was so hard to cook it

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

you can tell me in the comment section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

did i said gochisousamadeshita !


all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Luxurious Moving Celebration! Rare Beef! [Takenotani Tsuru] Beef Stew..Etc 6Kg[12000kcal] - Duration: 12:52.


Filter Free Love - Duration: 4:00.

Good morning it's Dr. James. Hey I hope you're off to a beautiful start today.

It's so great to see you. Thank you for your time and thank you for your energy.

And this morning I also want to add, thank you for your courage.

This morning's message is going to ask of you to stay courageously present for

the next two minutes, because this is a message that is not easy to necessarily

really embrace because it's not comfortable. But it's absolutely

necessary. I have been thinking long and hard most of my adult life about the way

that I love and the way that I'm willing to love in a way that is not connected

to whether or not it's gonna work out. So much of my early adulthood and

definitely when I was a child, I think love for me was something I learned for.

I couldn't wait to spread. And then I started to realize, it may not come back

to me. It actually may be judged. And sometimes love hurt because it wasn't

reciprocated. So I started really understanding the power of my ego as a

movement in my teens my early 20s, which was basically I wanted to know whether or

not it's gonna be safe to love and I'll love as soon as I know the environment

is gonna receive it, that person is gonna allow it and potentially give it back to

me or at the very least not judge me. When you look around the world today I'm, man I'm seeing myself have this wrestling match, the psychology of

whether or not I'm gonna allow it to come through me, in me, and as me - just the

unbridled filterless love; battling against whether or not I can fully let

it come out. Because I'm concerned whether or not I will be judged for

being that far out with my love. And then I pray, and I pray every single day. I say,

"You know what James? Have the courage to love without a filter. In fact be on

purpose. Don't worry about the outcome." That to me as the spiritual warrior

nature of true, wild, wonderful love. It's the kind of love where there is no

filter. There is no ego. There is no wondering whether or not it's gonna come

back to me because all you care about is whether or not you are

putting it out. And there's so much good research today that talks about the fact

that when we are on purpose and not on outcome; when we don't get caught up in

whether or not it's going to work; the ego gets removed and the joy, the joy

that it has no connection to whether or not it works out and frankly it just

says, "You know what? The beauty is the purpose of being in the present moment,

in doing what comes natural." It is natural for you and I to love without a

filter. It is natural for you and I to circulate love based on the purpose that

is our human nature. And to allow the outcome to be removed so we can be all

that we came here to be. And we can present the highest version of ourselves.

This is scary good. This is the kind of wake-up kind of love that requires a

level, a level of a warrior nature that is so deeply embedded in the heart that

when you start to do it, I promise you you won't be able to stop. I'm working on

this right alongside of you. And I know this may not be popular and I know this

is wildly and wonderfully uncommon, but we need to make this normal. We need to

have this kind of love be normal. We need to be that courageous and that connected

to the spiritual nature of what love is really all about,. Because love will win

always, when it's on purpose, and not on outcome. So with that, thank you for being

you and loving out loud. I love you. Peace and

blessings. Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Filter Free Love - Duration: 4:00.


'Ralph rompe Internet', entrevista a Rich Moore y Phil Johnston, directores de la película de Disney - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> 'Ralph rompe Internet', entrevista a Rich Moore y Phil Johnston, directores de la película de Disney - Duration: 6:17.


【동방MMD】 좋아 좋아 절정증 【플랑드르 스칼렛, 코메이지 코이시, 호쥬 누에】 1440p 60fps - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 【동방MMD】 좋아 좋아 절정증 【플랑드르 스칼렛, 코메이지 코이시, 호쥬 누에】 1440p 60fps - Duration: 3:35.


[PL/EN] Renault Clio 2 phase 2 - wymiana żarówek podświetlających panel klimatyzacji / nawiewu - Duration: 2:42.

This time, also at your request, I will show HVAC panel illumination bulbs replacing procedure in Clio 2 phase 2.

The procedure is quick and easy, so I hope that this video will also come out short enough.

So I'm getting to work :)

First I take out the radio.

In the case of non-original radio, I follow the equipment manufacturer's instructions, also disassembling the mounting frame.

If, however, I had a factory radio (for example - this one), I release the locks on the left and right side using dedicated plugs

or any other thin hard objects as a substitute if you don't have original plugs.

Then I disconnect the white "speaker" connector, black "power" connector,

yellow - steering wheel remote control & display

and blue for CD changer.

Now I unscrew two screws fastening HVAC panel to the central console using Torx 20 socket.

Then I dismantle the top plastic (called the décor by Renault) pulling it towards.

It is held by two metal spring elements.

Gently push the panel so that it can be pulled out of the two hooks

fixing the whole to the bottom masking plastic.

As you can see, this cover has several auxiliary positioning pins

therefore it is impossible to dismantle it without unscrewing the panel first.

I take out the whole by maneuvering so as not to scratch anything.

The panel is backlit by two full-glass type 1.2 Watt bulbs.

Bulbs type is "T5" or "W1,2W" (depending on manufacturer).

Using a pair of pliers, twist and disassemble the collet and then remove bulb from it.

For safety and convenience, I recommend thick rubber gloves for this operation.

I mount the new bulb to the collet and assemble it again.

Of course I recommend you to prophylactically replace second bulb even though it works because access is not extraordinary.

Before folding the whole, I check illumination by switching on the side lights.

I also check the arrangement of the control cables for the air mixer flaps and air distribution of the heater.

For me, one of the armor dropped from the mounting when replacing the bulbs,

so I restore its original position and assemble the whole in the reverse order of disassembly.

I think that it does not require additional commentary.

If you have a factory radio, you will need to enter the code during the first start-up.

Well, that's all - a small thing, but I'm happy :)

As I can see, the length of this video is also not worst.

This is good because the next video promises to be unfortunately very long.

I hope you will survive it somehow.

Traditionally, I recommend you Laguna Fan and Rysiuncio YouTube channels.

Best wishes and see you soon!

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