Friday, December 7, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 7 2018

Hello,I'm Yoshimi Wada.

Today, I got a present.

I got a soup of Shabu Shabu

Thank you

I'm going to make mozzarella cheese shabu-shabu with garlic tomato soup

Let's try!

Start cooking

shabu-shabu soup 100g mozzarella cheese 120g cabbage 2 wiener sausage 3 mushroom 200ml water 50g penne pasta parmesan cheese dried Basil

Slice thin mozzarella cheese

Cut the wiener sausage in a size easy to eat

Cut off the basal portion of stipe of the mushroom

Cut the cabbage in a size easy to eat

200ml water

shabu-shabu soup



wiener sausage


It's done!

Let's eat


thinly sliced mozzarella cheese

very very tasty!!

so good!!

Cabbage is also very tasty

Soup with anchovy paste is Italian feeling and it is very tasty



very tasty!

To finish off my meal Make soup pasta.

boiled penne pasta

parmesan cheese

dried Basil


It's done!

Let's eat


It was delicious to put pasta in soup

Please try it out

thank you for watching

Please subscribe!

see you next time bye

It is tasty to eat dish with beer

Pasta is really delicious

For more infomation >> 【絶品】モッツァレラチーズしゃぶしゃぶ の作り方レシピ - How to make Mozzarella cheese Shabu-shabu.|姫ごはん - Duration: 4:39.


GTA 5 BANKA SOYGUNU !!! - (GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT 1.BÖLÜM) - Duration: 18:05.

For more infomation >> GTA 5 BANKA SOYGUNU !!! - (GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT 1.BÖLÜM) - Duration: 18:05.


Funny Duddu 🐶 My Virtual Pet - Dog Simulator #AndroidGameplay - Christmas for kids - Duration: 10:12.

fun duddu

My Virtual Pet

Games for kids


android gameplay

mini games

Like )

For more infomation >> Funny Duddu 🐶 My Virtual Pet - Dog Simulator #AndroidGameplay - Christmas for kids - Duration: 10:12.


Sistema Isofix e outros itens de segurança no banco traseiro só em 2020 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Sistema Isofix e outros itens de segurança no banco traseiro só em 2020 - Duration: 1:00.


Tuto e-commerce - Marre de Paypal ? Voici 5 alternatives ! - Market Academy par Sophie Rocco - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Tuto e-commerce - Marre de Paypal ? Voici 5 alternatives ! - Market Academy par Sophie Rocco - Duration: 3:35.


Laura Pausini e Biagio Antonacci Stadi 2019: "restituire sarà la parola d'ordine" - Duration: 5:02.

Laura Biagio Stadi 2019 Laura Pausini e Biagio Antonacci annunciano Stadi 2019, un tour negli stadi italiani per ringraziare il pubblico e per celebrare un'amicizia lunga 25 anni  "Il coraggio di andare" avanti non è mai mancato

Nè a Laura Pausini né tantomeno a Biagio Antonacci che dopo 25 anni d'amicizia hanno deciso di lanciarsi in una grande avventura live

Si tratta di STADI 2019, il primo tour che vedrà Laura e Biagio esibirsi da giugno 2019 in 10 stadi italiani

Il primo incontro a Sanremo 1993  Il loro primo incontro risale al 1993: allora Laura aveva soli 18 anni e debuttava a Sanremo Giovani con "La solitudine" inconsapevole che con la sua voce avrebbe fatto emozionare e sognare milioni di persone nel mondo

Biagio quell'anno era nella sezione Big del Festival e rimase sorpreso da quella giovane ragazzina che aveva ascoltato cantare più volte nel ristorante Pantaleone di Bologna

"Le mandai un telegramma per dirle che era la migliore" racconta il cantautore in conferenza stampa

 A 25 anni esatti di distanza i due hanno deciso di celebrare la loro amicizia fraterna con un tour importante ed impegnativo che si preannuncia come l'evento dell'estate 2019

Sia Laura che Biagio ci tengono a precisare che l'idea del tour non è nata come qualcosa di commerciale:  Non c'è stato niente di marketing

È un desiderio di tornare alle origini, quasi ai pianobar: siamo due amici che vanno a cantare insieme per le persone che ci hanno portato qua sopra

Laura e Biagio negli Stadi in nome dell'amicizia  Laura Pausini e Biagio Antonacci sono amici da 25 anni, un'amicizia fraterna come racconta Laura Pausini in conferenza stampa:  Tra di noi c'è un'unione quasi fraterna

Non abbiamo bisogno di spiegarci, lui c'è quando vinco o quando perdo, e questa cosa mi fa sentire protetta

 Un'unione che si percepisce in ogni cosa che hanno fatto insieme. Da "Tra te e il mare" singolo del 2000 in cui Laura ha creduto sin dal primo momento: " è stata una delle prime volte in cui mi sono ribellata ai discografici che non credevano in quella canzone, io invece la scelsi come primo singolo… avevo ragione"

Poi è stata la volta di "Vivimi" contenuta nel disco "Resta In Ascolto" vincitore del Grammy Awards fino alle recenti "Lato destro del cuore" e "A lei che devo l'amore"

 Sul palcoscenico Laura Pausini e Biagio canteranno sempre insieme, si scambieranno canzoni ed emozioni pronti a condividerle con il loro pubblico

"Sarà uno spettacolo pieno di gioia e di vita. Restituire sarà la parola d'ordine" dice Biagio Antonacci

Al momento non c'è ancora una scaletta, i due si ritroveranno dal 1 al 6 gennaio 2019 in Romagna per studiare la set List da proporre durante i 10 concerti evento negli stadi italiani

 Sicuramente ci sarà "Il coraggio di andare", il brano che la Pausini ha scelto di condividere con Biagio e pubblicare nella riedizione "Fatti Sentire ancora" in uscita dal 7 dicembre in tutti i negozi di dischi

Un disco importante che ha permesso alla Pausini di vincere il quarto Latin Grammy per la versione spagnola "Hatze Sentir":  Quando hanno detto il mio nome mi sono sentita la bandiera tricolore addosso: in questi ultimi anni sono diventata più fragile, sento bisogno di protezione e carezze, e ne ricevo molte dal pubblico, non sempre da chi lavora intorno a me

 Ecco le dieci date del tour Laura e Biagio Stadi 2019: 26 giugno Stadio San Nicola di Bari 29 giugno Stadio Olimpico di Roma 4 luglio Stadio di San Siro a Milano 8 luglio Stadio Artemio Franchi di Firenze 12 luglio Stadio Dall'Ara di Bologna 17 luglio Stadio Olimpico di Torino 20 luglio Stadio Euganeo di Padova 23 luglio Stadio Adriatico di Pescara 27 luglio Stadio San Filippo di Messina 1 agosto alla Fiera di Cagliari

For more infomation >> Laura Pausini e Biagio Antonacci Stadi 2019: "restituire sarà la parola d'ordine" - Duration: 5:02.


Enteignungen, Bail-In und Finanzkrise – 5 Tipps zum Enteignungsschutz - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> Enteignungen, Bail-In und Finanzkrise – 5 Tipps zum Enteignungsschutz - Duration: 8:57.


Sovesci in orticoltura a Sud delle Alpi (Guizotia, Sorgo, Pisello, Grano saraceno) - Duration: 3:09.

Welcome! We are here in the trial plots to test green manure varieties.

It is an experiment located in Ticino, in the Magadino plain.

The aim is to find the best species for green manure south of the Alps.

Green manure plants suitable for horticulture south of the Alps


This is Guizotia, a very interesting asteracea, especially for the production of biomass.

It has the characteristic of quickly covering the entire surface.

As we can see we do not find weeds here.

Being an asteracea it produces flowers that are very interesting for bees and wild pollinators.


Another species very suitable for biomass production is the Sudanese Sorghum.

I really like Sorghum as a crop, as a green manure,

because it grows quickly, covering the soil in an instant.

Sorghum suppresses weeds and prevents their development and multiplication.

On the left we see the cultivation of the Sorghum of Sudan in purity;

while on the side we have mixed it with some lupine.

The effect of the nitrogen released by the lupine is evident.

Winter pea

Another objective with green manure is the capture of nitrogen to be provided for the following crops.

Here we see the winter pea that has really given good results,

in fact it has been able to cover the ground very quickly and to suppress weeds.

In organic horticulture a lot of attention is paid to nitrogen, because it is very expensive.

For this reason, legumes such as vetch, clover, lupin and alfalfa are added to the mixtures.

Bee mixture

This is a special mixture for bees and pollinating insects.

It consists of fifteen different species.

Some are very early and therefore bloom in autumn, such as Buckwheat.

Others are wintering species that will then flower in spring.


The cultivation of Buckwheat allows to pursue several objectives at the same time:

first of all to produce in a short time flowers to be used by the pollinating insects.

The species has also shown a very fast growth rate and a strong ability to suppress weeds,

thanks to the good production of biomass in a short time.

If we were able to raise your interest, please contact us directly,

or participate in the technical days, which we will organize in the coming years.

For more infomation >> Sovesci in orticoltura a Sud delle Alpi (Guizotia, Sorgo, Pisello, Grano saraceno) - Duration: 3:09.


ZOTAC GDDR5X 메모리 탑재 1070 출시 및 엔비디아 RTX 모빌리티 출시설 - Duration: 3:58.

hola! It is Ato. nice to meet you.

More than one piece of serial content per week I need to create one day news

It does not have to be. Yeah. It would be a wish.

2080ti was last reviewed and 2080 We are reviewing. Everyone

Too much to consider buying Worry about reviews

I do not know ... Instead, this 2080 is close to nearly a month

I have been going crazy. But why I'm alive and I'm fine ...

A lot of review videos to be released soon Please.

Nvidia recently unveiled the GTX 1060 memory I have released a change version.

My channel has a 1060 refresh version Now this memory

The change model now comes in 1070. Information from videocardz is available from zotac

GTX 1070 is the release of the gddr5x model. Once you have gddr5x memory mounted

The benefit is that the overclock I guess. Memory over is easier

For graphics cards, memory Overclocking improves performance

Because it is high, Buying a model with gddr5x


Suddenly, starting from 1060 to 1070 Until 2000 series of 50 or 60 of the series

I do not plan on putting memory changes Why do we keep our products

You know what you know. Currently only Pascal gpu, especially gp104 and gp

106 stocks are fairly large Lost. We have to sort this inventory.

Release of 50 or 60 models of 2000 series Will be able to be done smoothly.

It looks.

The conclusion is that in the first half of next year When nvidia gpu is released as amd nvidia

Is more difficult to deal with inventory You can ...

The second news.

The mobility of NVIDIA's rtx line Could the series come from ces 2019

I do not know.

In fact, after the rtx series was released, The release of the version was an early issue.

It was a fixed procedure anyway. The leaked rumor is rtx 2070

And 2070 max-q through January 6 ces It's official

There is. The leaked contents include rtx 2080

max-q is already ready for release It was announced. It's a matter of time.

There is a good chance that It looks high.

Unlike other model lines, mobility If you are ready to buy a notebook

Very sensitive to people I think.

If you want to buy a new notebook Models with graphics chipsets

I want to buy. Rumor If it is true, next year's graduation admission season

Has a new graphics chipset Possibility to see a notebook

It's getting higher.

This video is here. If the video was good,

Thank you for your subscription. Thank you for watching.

It was Ato until now. All happiness Thank you.

I'll see you again in the next video I will. adios!

For more infomation >> ZOTAC GDDR5X 메모리 탑재 1070 출시 및 엔비디아 RTX 모빌리티 출시설 - Duration: 3:58.


(EN/日) 일본 초 강추! 회전스시 먹방 [소리] - Duration: 12:15.

Sori's YouTube Channel

I highly recommend this place!

The price starts pretty low, at 130, and 160 yen!

So this place is...

out of all the sushi places I've tried in Japan,

the best!

Can you guys see the people lined up?

This is the line formed way before dinner time hit.

I highly recommend this place!

I'm gonna join them on the line too.

Even the people sitting way there are on the line.

This line goes all the way down there.

I have finally entered the restaurant.

(After a long wait, the line has entered)

Still there are tons of people waiting.

I can see some people started digging in already.

I'm going, i'm going!

(Starts running~)

I've got myself seated!

Check out that watermelon, it's huuuge!

We've got some matcha powder here.

Dear viewers of Sori Not Sorry! How's it going?

Sori here!

On the previous episode,

where we looked at Chinese food in Japan,

You probably noticed that I am wearing the same clothes.

That episode was shot in lunch time, and now you're looking at dinner time of the same day.

Since I came all the way to Japan, I believe I have to get my hands on as many delicious dishes as I can.

This place is located in Meguro, and is very popular place.

Every time I come to Japan,

under my boss' recommendation I have visited this place frequently since CoCoSoRi days.

And this time around I couldn't pass up the opportunity and decided to make my stop here once again.

Even though waiting in line is inevitable, this place is way too delicious.

It's par for the course, for sure.

I've set up the table,

and now waiting for my sushis to come out.

So on this episode,

you get to vicarious one of the best sushi shops in Japan with moi!

These cost 100 yen!

some cost 130, and some 160...

They have salmon for 130 yen!

(So cheap, that price is unheard of in Korea…)

They've got tuna for 200 yen...

So that means,

this establishment is cheap, delicious, thus popular.

I'm gonna start ordering now.

This is engawa sushi,

which is a fin of a flatfish.

Without soy sauce, this is plenty salty

I'm gonna start with this tonight, I'm salivating already.

I can taste some lemon juice at the finish.

They also briefly torched the fish as well.

So the taste profile can be a little greasy, but the lemon suppresses it really well.

(Unusually detailed food review from Sori.)

This is a must-eat if you come here.

Otherwise you'd regret it. This is miso shiru (miso soup)

You guys must be wondering what is so special about this.

(...of course it had a crab in it)

You guys already know that I love crab meat.

I'm called crab Sori for that reason...

so Crab Sori ordered some crab miso soup.

(This broth is so good!)

This broth is to kill for!

This is a quite generous amount of crab meat too.

This is so good, no joke!

This is torch trifecta, and they're all slightly torched.

As you can see, they use a small torch to slightly burn the fish.

So this trifecta

includes the fin that I had earlier

and maguro (tuna), and salmon.

I'm gonna try out salmon and tuna this time.

These sushis are topped with thinly sliced green onions.

Contrary to the quality of the dish,

this was really cheap, 300 yen for all three of them, 100 yen a pop.

Very cheap!

They were so delicious.

I can't believe one of those cost only 100 yen.


Salmon is love!

So, so good!

This one resembles my hair color.

I'm gonna show you guys another soup dish.

(Another soup appears.)

This one's called sumashijiru

This soup includes clams,

It's a very clear colored soup made out of clams. Looks tasty, doesn't it?

Bursting with umami flavor.

The taste of the ocean!

(Is Sori trying to cure hangover?)

This is a type of eel that can be found in Kyoto.

(The white stuff on the top is eel meat, not rice!)


This yari ika (spear squid) that I'm eating right now is so far my favorite of the day.

(It actually was sode ika, another kind of squid.)

The squid is really fresh today.

It was very tender.

Out of all the squid sushis I've tried, this one's the best.

(Two thumbs up!!)

(A crab in her mouth)

(when did she order all these?)

(Anything crab cannot go untouched.)

(So these dishes look a little bit pricier...)

The actual mukbang starts now, you guys!

(Mukbang mode: Fully engaged)

This is fugu karaage.

Many people think karaages are made from chicken,

but these are are made out of fugu fish.

This place is a seafood restaurant after all. Fugu fish!

We got some gambas here.

Which one should I start with?

eenie meenie miney mo

I'm gonna start with this!

(Starting with giant shrimps)

Sorry, shrimp.

(We've seen something similar at the Barcelona episode too...)

(Check the paella episode)

(Sorry shrimpie…)

(You were so delicious though...)

Bon appetit!

(Shrimps are the best!)

(The taste of the ocean!)

I just cannot let go of you, crabbie!

Crab Sori

never leaves any crab behind.

I am getting a little self-conscious now..

Especially now that I'm eating crabs voraciously

Are you guys getting jealous at home?

(Yeah, totally...)

(…When was this tower built?)

(Professional Mukbang-er wannabe)

Did I end up eating all these?

There's no way! (Denial is real.)

(Still have a room for dessert?)

It is not just over yet, I still have to get myself a dessert!

This shaved ice is popular in fireworks festival season.

Even though this is mukbang, I feel like I forgot to describe what each food is like in detail...

(feedback to herself)

I just ended up eating...

I seriously won't be able to eat for a while after eating this.

I might be lying right now, just like yesterday. If something else comes out, I'll probably eat more.

Anyways, thanks for the meal,

and if you get a chance to visit Japan,

I highly recommend treating yourself with some tasty Japanese food

and this is an establishment I would like to recommend,

which is the reason why I'm sharing this video with you. So if you have enjoyed watching this video,

Please SMASH that like button,

subscribe, and share!!!

(Sori still appears to be hungry...)

(Sori's Japan trip continues to the next episode!)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) 일본 초 강추! 회전스시 먹방 [소리] - Duration: 12:15.


最後一個公開上斷頭台的人#Eugène Weidmann#Guillotine - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> 最後一個公開上斷頭台的人#Eugène Weidmann#Guillotine - Duration: 4:05.


GTA 5 BANKA SOYGUNU !!! - (GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT 1.BÖLÜM) - Duration: 18:05.

For more infomation >> GTA 5 BANKA SOYGUNU !!! - (GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT 1.BÖLÜM) - Duration: 18:05.


【MUKBANG】 Luxurious Moving Celebration! Rare Beef! [Takenotani Tsuru] Beef Stew..Etc 6Kg[12000kcal] - Duration: 12:52.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



using 6kg of beef we made 3 different dishes

recently i moved to a new house, isn't that, a this video is a my special celebration

the one who made all this is the chef at restaurant

the used beef called taki....tsurishi.... ?

takenotani tsuru beef

takenotani tsuru is a really rare beef and it's so luxurious

let's look how we made it...


and the one who is going to made this for us...



Kurusu kei-san going to made this for us...

isn't that ?

Kurusu kei-san can you introduce for us this beef

you are so lucky today yuka-chan, you will try a rare meat

there are two main types of cattle in japan

the ones that you find it in both mishima and yamaguchi that called mishima cattle

and the ones that in kagoshima

all people think that there is only these two types

but in reality...

there is another type, and this type is takenotani tsuru

oh, i understand

you can't get it only one time per year

and this restaurant don't make any kind of pork...

we make only this two types

i understand

and today i'm going to make this meat here

for me !

this rare meat

i'm really happy

to make it...

it will takes me 6 hours

amazing, it takes 6 hours to cook it

cheeks, tongue and the tail for beef stew, with steak & hamburger

and that's by using takenotani tsuru beef

and this to give you a global idea for what we can make using it, this is all what i have to say for now

this is amazing

i'm looking forward to that

happy to work with you

this is the ingredients

they use usually these ingredients to make the meat sauce

and he will use all this just for me

and here to make Beef Stew

cheeks, tongue and the tail

it looks so tasty

and all what we need to do now it to let it on the frypan until it's ready

looks so tasty


it's like a child head sized ball

child head sized ball


that's huge


we only need to roast it now

jaaan, we did it

i'm so hungry

it took 6 hours to prepare it

this is irresistible


this roast meat looks really tasty in really amazing way

amazing, it's so thick but still soft

ah, look at this meat if you please


really tasty

the flavors that comes out from the meat is so strong

and its fat is sweet

the outside is a little bit crispy because of the butter, and this is amazing

look, can you see it

i think this camera is better

it will be better if we zoom in

it looks so tasty, isn't that


and even the salad looks so cute


here is hiroshima salt

this is really amazing

and the fat of this meat is not heavy at all

and here is the hamburger & beef stew

and what you see in the middle is a risotto that we made it at the restaurant

you eat this meat with risotto

the hamburger is so soft



the meat is made carefully and slowly what made it so rich with strong flavors


the taste of this meat is really strong

and this rice is so yummy

this meat is really thick

so luxurious

and here is the 3rd plate

cheeks, tongue and the tail meat

so soft

really soft


the meats melts in the mouth and the taste is strong and yummy


so tasty

this goes so well with rice

and it's so easy to cut it

it's really amazing how we can cut a thick meat like this so easily

it's really amazing

it's so soft and melty


the last bite, itadakimasu



takenotani tsuru meat, steak , hamburger and beef stew was so tasty

you can't find this kind of meat only at restaurants

and because i had a chance to try it, i'm really happy about that

takenotani tsuru is a rare meat and eating all this amount is something so luxurious

and it was so hard to cook it

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

you can tell me in the comment section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

did i said gochisousamadeshita !


all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Luxurious Moving Celebration! Rare Beef! [Takenotani Tsuru] Beef Stew..Etc 6Kg[12000kcal] - Duration: 12:52.


누가 진짜 햄버거를 먹었을까? 리원이와 퍼니키즈의 요리놀이 부엌놀이 Funny kitchen play. - Duration: 5:40.


We are hungry

I will cook for you

Everyone! if you got delicious food then share with your friends

For more infomation >> 누가 진짜 햄버거를 먹었을까? 리원이와 퍼니키즈의 요리놀이 부엌놀이 Funny kitchen play. - Duration: 5:40.



For more infomation >> FIT MUG CAKE ALLA CANNELLA - Duration: 1:27.


Elimi Bırakma 20. Bölüm Ön İzleme - Duration: 4:39.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.

Do not give up my hand Chapter 20 Photos

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Will Azra and Cenk be happy, friends? Your comments are welcome. All 500 of the lovers of Azra and Cenk are welcome and 500 comments are welcome. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will be uploaded. Stay on track.

Will Azra and Cenk be happy, friends? Your comments are welcome. All 500 of the lovers of Azra and Cenk are welcome and 500 comments are welcome. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will be uploaded. Stay on track.

Will Azra and Cenk be happy, friends? Your comments are welcome. All 500 of the lovers of Azra and Cenk are welcome and 500 comments are welcome. Type '' AZCEN '' in the comments. New videos will be uploaded. Stay on track.

Do not forget to subscribe. I'il be drawing soon.

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma 20. Bölüm Ön İzleme - Duration: 4:39.


Taking a look into Arsenal's impressive 20-match unbeaten run under Unai Emery - Duration: 5:45.

 Arsenal can stretch their unbeaten run in all competitions to 21 games on Saturday when they host Huddersfield in the Premier League

 Here, Press Association Sport takes a look at the club's run to date.  20. December 5, Manchester United 2-2 Arsenal, Premier League  Unai Emery's team twice led at Old Trafford and were pegged back both times by United, although they had only taken the lead the first time due to an uncharacteristic mistake from David De Gea

 19. Dec 2, Arsenal 4-2 Tottenham, Premier League  Perhaps their biggest victory of the season, Arsenal impressed in recovering from a losing position to secure all three points against their in-form rivals

 18. Nov 29, Vorskla Poltava 0-3 Arsenal, Europa League  Emile Smith Rowe, Aaron Ramsey and Joe Willock scored first-half goals for a much-changed Gunners team as they secured first place in Group E

 17. Nov 25, Bournemouth 1-2 Arsenal, Premier League  Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang's eighth goal of the season sealed their fourth away league victory

 16. Nov 11, Arsenal 1-1 Wolves, Premier League  Henrikh Mkhitaryan's 86th-minute equalising goal preserved Arsenal's fine run when it had appeared to be over

 15. Nov 8, Arsenal 0-0 Sporting Lisbon, Europa League  A goalless draw was overshadowed by striker Danny Welbeck suffering a broken ankle

 14. Nov 3, Arsenal 1-1 Liverpool, Premier League  A goal from Alexandre Lacazette in the 82nd minute completed the hosts' comeback in a highly-entertaining affair

 13. Oct 31, Arsenal 2-1 Blackpool, Carabao Cup  Both sides finished with 10 men as victory sent Arsenal through to the quarter-finals, where Tottenham await

 12. Oct 28, Crystal Palace 2-2 Arsenal, Premier League  The second of Luka Milivojevic's two penalties, which came seven minutes from time, ended the impressive 11-game winning streak Emery's team had been on

 11. Oct 25, Sporting Lisbon 0-1 Arsenal, Europa League  Welbeck scored, having had an earlier header ruled out, to maintain Arsenal's growing momentum

 10. Oct 22, Arsenal 3-1 Leicester, Premier League  Mesut Ozil's accomplished display inspired this comeback victory, in which the second goal of Aubameyang's second-half brace surpassed even Ramsey's against Fulham for unforgettable brilliance

 9. Oct 7, Fulham 1-5 Arsenal, Premier League  A convincing performance and victory featured Ramsey scoring a contender for goal of the season as Arsenal continued to entertain

 8. Oct 4, FK Qarabag 0-3 Arsenal, Europa League  The 18-year-old Smith Rowe scored his first goal for the club, having recently become their first player since 2000 to make his debut for them

 7. Sep 29, Arsenal 2-0 Watford, Premier League  Craig Cathcart's own goal and Mesut Ozil's finish secured another three points, with both goals coming in he final nine minutes

 6. Sep 26, Arsenal 3-1 Brentford, Carabao Cup  Emery's team convinced as they extended their run of not having lost in the League Cup at home to a team outside of the top flight since 1983

 5. Sep 23, Arsenal 2-0 Everton, Premier League  A man-of-the-match performance from Petr Cech was the basis for victory

 4. Sep 20, Arsenal 4-2 Vorskla Poltava, Europa League  A winning start to Arsenal's Europa League campaign came against Ukrainian opposition, with Aubameyang netting twice

 3. Sep 15, Newcastle 1-2 Arsenal, Premier League  Goals from Granit Xhaka and Ozil secured a third successive victory  2

Sep 2, Cardiff 2-3 Arsenal, Premier League  A first away victory of the season was secured with Alexandre Lacazette's 81st-minute winner

 1. Aug 25, Arsenal 3-1 West Ham, Premier League  After a difficult start as Arsenal manager that saw the Gunners beaten by Manchester City and Chelsea, Unai Emery watched his team secure the first victory of his reign as they fought back from a goal down to beat the Hammers

For more infomation >> Taking a look into Arsenal's impressive 20-match unbeaten run under Unai Emery - Duration: 5:45.


L'Ottimismo di Daniele | Fondazione Natalino Corazza - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> L'Ottimismo di Daniele | Fondazione Natalino Corazza - Duration: 1:44.



For more infomation >> HÜSEYN AZİZOGLU KADR ARXASI ÇƏKLİŞ - Duration: 0:49.



How to do Takedowns Defense

Hello everyone, I am Wesley Gimenez, founder of Krav Maga Skull School

and this is my partner Vinicius

today you gonna learn how to defend a takedown

clicking above you will have access to more videos about takedowns

You're in a fighting position.

He's going to try to hold your leg to takedown you

if he can hold his leg it will be difficult to you escape

so you have to defend yourself before he gets your leg

today you will learn how to avoid this grab in the your leg

learn this defense correctly and you will be able to avoid most of the takedowns

When he tries to grab your leg

rotate your leg back and push him to the other side


when he tries to grab your leg


remember: push him to the side

one hand in his ear and another hand in his shoulder

pushing him away

you need to train to develop your skills and reaction speed

once again

did you like this video? subscribe in the channel and be come SKULL (CAVEIRA)

For more infomation >> DEFESA DE QUEDA - NA RUA VOCÊ PRECISA FICAR EM PÉ! - Duration: 2:32.


[Frammenti#69] L'IMMACOLATA vista da Santa Faustina - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> [Frammenti#69] L'IMMACOLATA vista da Santa Faustina - Duration: 6:01.


Funny Duddu 🐶 My Virtual Pet - Dog Simulator #AndroidGameplay - Christmas for kids - Duration: 10:12.

fun duddu

My Virtual Pet

Games for kids


android gameplay

mini games

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For more infomation >> Funny Duddu 🐶 My Virtual Pet - Dog Simulator #AndroidGameplay - Christmas for kids - Duration: 10:12.


40° Aniversario de Constitución Española - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 40° Aniversario de Constitución Española - Duration: 3:28.


李嘉欣公公许世勋因病去世,享年97岁,名下400多亿遗产! - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> 李嘉欣公公许世勋因病去世,享年97岁,名下400多亿遗产! - Duration: 11:41.


11月电视剧演员指数排行榜,杨幂垫底,钟汉良排名第二! - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> 11月电视剧演员指数排行榜,杨幂垫底,钟汉良排名第二! - Duration: 6:20.


钟汉良新剧《幸福的理由》,人设深情帅气太迷人,女主男二引热议 - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> 钟汉良新剧《幸福的理由》,人设深情帅气太迷人,女主男二引热议 - Duration: 7:51.


The Game Awards 2018 ● Что интересного было на церемонии TGA - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> The Game Awards 2018 ● Что интересного было на церемонии TGA - Duration: 2:31.


郑爽被问会错把张恒叫成张翰吗?郑爽霸气回答3字,被赞高情商 - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> 郑爽被问会错把张恒叫成张翰吗?郑爽霸气回答3字,被赞高情商 - Duration: 7:58.


郑爽张翰终于又合作!即将上映,但郑爽却大胆认爱,认真的? - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> 郑爽张翰终于又合作!即将上映,但郑爽却大胆认爱,认真的? - Duration: 13:17.


【絶品】モッツァレラチーズしゃぶしゃぶ の作り方レシピ - How to make Mozzarella cheese Shabu-shabu.|姫ごはん - Duration: 4:39.

Hello,I'm Yoshimi Wada.

Today, I got a present.

I got a soup of Shabu Shabu

Thank you

I'm going to make mozzarella cheese shabu-shabu with garlic tomato soup

Let's try!

Start cooking

shabu-shabu soup 100g mozzarella cheese 120g cabbage 2 wiener sausage 3 mushroom 200ml water 50g penne pasta parmesan cheese dried Basil

Slice thin mozzarella cheese

Cut the wiener sausage in a size easy to eat

Cut off the basal portion of stipe of the mushroom

Cut the cabbage in a size easy to eat

200ml water

shabu-shabu soup



wiener sausage


It's done!

Let's eat


thinly sliced mozzarella cheese

very very tasty!!

so good!!

Cabbage is also very tasty

Soup with anchovy paste is Italian feeling and it is very tasty



very tasty!

To finish off my meal Make soup pasta.

boiled penne pasta

parmesan cheese

dried Basil


It's done!

Let's eat


It was delicious to put pasta in soup

Please try it out

thank you for watching

Please subscribe!

see you next time bye

It is tasty to eat dish with beer

Pasta is really delicious

For more infomation >> 【絶品】モッツァレラチーズしゃぶしゃぶ の作り方レシピ - How to make Mozzarella cheese Shabu-shabu.|姫ごはん - Duration: 4:39.


GTA 5 BANKA SOYGUNU !!! - (GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT 1.BÖLÜM) - Duration: 18:05.

For more infomation >> GTA 5 BANKA SOYGUNU !!! - (GTA 5 GERÇEK HAYAT 1.BÖLÜM) - Duration: 18:05.


Ты чё аферист? 1,099,511,627,776 Раз! - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Ты чё аферист? 1,099,511,627,776 Раз! - Duration: 1:19.


Funny Duddu 🐶 My Virtual Pet - Dog Simulator #AndroidGameplay - Christmas for kids - Duration: 10:12.

fun duddu

My Virtual Pet

Games for kids


android gameplay

mini games

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For more infomation >> Funny Duddu 🐶 My Virtual Pet - Dog Simulator #AndroidGameplay - Christmas for kids - Duration: 10:12.


get buff for summer 2015

For more infomation >> get buff for summer 2015


[Official Audio] 윤미래(T) Yoonmirae - 행복한 나를(I Am Happy) - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> [Official Audio] 윤미래(T) Yoonmirae - 행복한 나를(I Am Happy) - Duration: 4:47.


Don't Worry, Bots Are Bringing In Opportunities | 21 More Jobs of The Future | Cognizant 3/9 - Duration: 2:19.

Right off the bat, we think about how computing is moving from a graphical

user interface to the voice interface and so one of the jobs that we wrote in

the new report is the Voice UX Designer. For all of us that interact with Siri or

Alexa, you know here in America we know that Siri and Alexa kinda have one voice.

Well, guess what? There's seven billion people on planet Earth. Each one of us

speak a language in our own dialects. So forgive me, you know hopefully, you guys

can understand me, I'm talking in my Northern California dialect. But

theoretically, if you graduated with a degree in Linguistics ten years ago and

say hey you know good luck with that it's Google translate's world, we all just

live in it. Well now, suddenly with the proliferation of natural language

processing and that interface to the customer, it's like I need more

linguistics majors than I can possibly get like yesterday and so that's a

really exciting development just when you look at skills that would wrap

around that. Talk about HR; what happens to Human Resources? The algorithm bias

auditor in a world that is replete with artificial intelligence, automation and

algorithms, how do you make sure that the coding of those algorithms doesn't have

inherent or unconscious bias as a part of that. And so that's another one we see

coming up on the timeline very quickly and maybe just want one more, I mean we

could we could go unpack the report [There's 42 to go through] [What's your favorite one?]

Well, you talked about teenagers. I have a teenaged son. He loves video

games and we look at the proliferation of eSports. I mean, just do the drop down

menu on ESPN; they've got they have eSports is a huge part of what they're

thinking about. So we wrote about the eSports Arena Builder where people like

being with other people. Even though you know most video games are consumed off

twitch, which is owned by Amazon today, we see the build-out of physical arena

space much like you would have a basketball arena or a football stadium

the build out of fact that's already starting to happen today; I know you're

originally from Southern California Steve; UC Irvine,

I believe built the nation's first dedicated arena for eSports.

For more infomation >> Don't Worry, Bots Are Bringing In Opportunities | 21 More Jobs of The Future | Cognizant 3/9 - Duration: 2:19.


'Who's Boat Is This Boat?' Hits A Milestone - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 'Who's Boat Is This Boat?' Hits A Milestone - Duration: 2:43.


Bernie Sanders: Medicare For All Isn't A Fringe Idea Anymore - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> Bernie Sanders: Medicare For All Isn't A Fringe Idea Anymore - Duration: 11:01.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi 120pk DynamicLine (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi 120pk DynamicLine (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:08.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI | 116PK | Style | Navi | PDC - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI | 116PK | Style | Navi | PDC - Duration: 0:54.


Volkswagen T-Roc | Navigatie | 18" | Style | Voorraad Voordeel | Direct rijden - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc | Navigatie | 18" | Style | Voorraad Voordeel | Direct rijden - Duration: 1:08.


Gwen Stefani Doesn't Know What to Get Blake Shelton for Christmas - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Gwen Stefani Doesn't Know What to Get Blake Shelton for Christmas - Duration: 3:49.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI ACTIVE INFO - LED - 19" SUZUKA - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI ACTIVE INFO - LED - 19" SUZUKA - Duration: 1:08.


Kia cee'd Sw 1.0 T-GDi 120pk DynamicLine (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sw 1.0 T-GDi 120pk DynamicLine (NIEUW) - Duration: 1:03.


First Look At Super Smash Ultimate DLC - The Game Awards - Duration: 2:18.

SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE PERSONA The 2018 Game Awards is known for featuring

a ton of new reveals and previews, and this year was no different.

Many a fan was anticipating Nintendo to reveal some exciting news, and the gaming giant came

through, although not in the way that some hoped.

One of the biggest hopes leading up to the awards show was that we would get a sneak

preview of the upcoming Metroid Prime title for the Switch.

That didn't happen.

But we did get some more news about what to expect from the upcoming Super smash Bros

Ultimate DLCS.

Ultimate, which releases today, is expected to release 5 DLCS in the near future, with

all of the DLCs being out by 2020.

Each will contain a new fighter, a new stage, and new music.

Rumours have been floating around the interwebs as to who would be added to this ultimate

crossover title, and now, thanks to the Game awards, we know who one of them will be.

It's Joker from Persona 5!

During the awards show, the ceremonies were interrupted by the lights being shut off,

and the trailer bursting to life in a blur of red and black static.

Persona 5 fans then saw some familiar imagery, and a few seconds later, were treated to some

fantastic news; that Joker from the Persona 5 series would be the first of the five Ultimate


Called Challenger Pack 1, the DLC will not only contain Joker, but will also feature

a Persona themed stage and a bunch of Persona music.

There is still no word on when Challenger Pack 1 will be available, although the most

plausible guess is early next year, but we do know that it will be going for $5.99 in

terms of pricing.

Nintendo will also be offering a bundled Fighters Pack that will give players access to all

5 of the DLCs, going for 24.99.

Currently, Persona 5 is only available on Playstation consoles, so for Persona fans

who own a Switch, this could be a sign of the game eventually getting a port to the

Nintendo console.

Here's hoping.

So what do you all think?

Did you ever imagine that Joker would enter the fray in Smash Bros Ultimate?

Or was it a complete surprise to you?

Give us a shout in those comments below and let us know your thoughts!

And for all of the news and highlights from the 2018 Game Awards, be sure to subscribe

to Top 10 Gaming; we've got you covered.

In the meantime, thanks for watching!

Catch you all in the next video!

For more infomation >> First Look At Super Smash Ultimate DLC - The Game Awards - Duration: 2:18.


5 Important Lessons Young People Should Learn From Larry Page - Duration: 10:26.

Lawrence Edward Page, known simply as Larry Page was born on March 26, 1973, and is renowned

as the internet entrepreneur and computer scientist that co-founded Google alongside

Sergey Brin.

Page is also the inventor of PageRank, an algorithm used by Google search to rank websites

in their search engine results according to the importance of the website pages.

As of October 2018 at the age of 45, Page is the 9th richest person in the world, with

a net worth totaling $53.4 billion.

So how did Larry Page amass this fortune and what can young people learn from him?

In this video, we'll share with you; 5 important lessons young people should learn from Larry


If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting

videos like this

Lesson No. 1 Pick good influence from your family

Page was born to a father that was called a pioneer in computer science and artificial

intelligence and a mother that taught computer programming.

Page was first exposed to computer gadgets and information in 1979 at the age of 6, when

he found himself playing with materials lying around the house, mainly first generation

computers, which had been left behind by his parents and he became the first child in his

elementary school to submit an assignment using a word processor.

His doting elder brother also taught him how to take things apart just to see how they


Page, in an interview later said, "from a very early age, I also realized I wanted

to invent things.

So I became really interested in technology and business.

Probably from when I was 12, I knew I was going to start a company eventually"

Nicholas Carlson once wrote that the combined influence of Page's home atmosphere and his

attentive parents "fostered creativity and invention."

The lesson for young people

As a young person wishing to be successful in life, learn from the good things you are

surrounded with.

Learn from your parents, learn from your siblings.

Immerse yourself in the environment of your youth; you never know where an explosive idea

might come from or where inspiration may strike.

After all, no knowledge is ever truly lost.

Lesson 2 Be curious

From a very young age, Page had been known to immerse himself in books.

In the Google founders' letter that he wrote in 2013, he stated, "I remember spending

a huge amount of time pouring over books and magazines" and at the American Association

for the Advancement of Science, he said, "When I was 12, I decided I wanted to become an


And someone gave me an autobiography of Tesla.

He was this great inventor, invented electric power...

I just cried at the end because he was basically a failure.

He couldn't fund his research…

And he was always struggling to commercialize his stuff, to really get it out into the world.

I said I don't want to be like Tesla, I want to have an easy time getting things out

in the world and making a real impact.

And I think for you to do that, you do need some integration with business and engineering…

" The lesson for young people

The words reading, learning, and studying can be used to describe the ingestion of information,

knowledge, and seeds of inspiration.

As seen in the life of Page, you can be inspired to business success through the art of reading.

When you look at the life of both successful and unsuccessful people, you can learn and

grow from their choices and mistakes as Page did and in the end, you will be rich and successful.

Lesson 3 Be Innovative and Creative

While he was still a student at the University of Michigan between 1991 and 1995, Page had

an idea to print large posters cheaply with the use of inkjet cartridges so he reverse

engineered the ink cartridge and built the mechanics and electronics to make it work.

He also suggested that the school replace its bus system with a driverless monorail

with separate cars for every passenger and later developed a business plan for a company

to use an algorithm to create music.

Page was an honors student and also participated in the university's solar car team that

fueled his interest in sustainable transportation technology which would eventually lead to

his development of autonomous air taxis in 2018.

The lesson for young people

The world is not stagnant.

There's always a change ongoing, every minute of the day.

So many people are thinking, challenging the status quo and changing the way things used

to be.

This is called innovation.

If you're innovative, you can improve things and get rich through that.

Lesson 4 Make Productive Friends

Around 1996 when Page entered Stanford University, he met Sergey Brin and found that they had

a common interest.

They were fascinated with the idea of boosting the ability to extract meaning from the accumulated

data on the internet so they devised a new type of search engine technology right in

Page's dorm room.

When this was done, they needed to further it, so they worked together to raise $1 million

from family, friends, and investors and named their new search engine, Google.

By September 1998, Google Inc. was born with Page as the CEO and by the next year, they

received $25 million in venture capitalist funding.

In August 2004, Google Inc. issued its initial public offering (IPO), after which Page was

earning more than $3.8 billion.

The lesson for young people

Good friends play an important role in your overall success in life.

A psychologist, Irene S. Levine wrote, "... When we are working or playing alongside a friend,

we suddenly see our energy and creativity blossom, enabling us to soar higher than we

ever imagined."

Healthy friendships push you to success by increasing your self-worth, providing a different

perspective and giving you motivation and support as Sergey did for Page.

Lesson 5 Pick a Good Hobby

In his growing years, Page enjoyed playing the flute and went as far as studying music

composition at Interlochen Arts Camp, a renowned music summer camp at Interlochen, Michigan.

He noted that his love for music further inspired his obsession with speed in computing.

In an interview, he said, "In some sense, I feel like music training led to the high-speed

legacy of Google for me.

In music, you're very cognizant of time.

Time is like the primary thing.

If you think about it from a music point of view, if you're a percussionist, you hit something;

it's got to happen in milliseconds, fractions of a second."

The lesson for young people

Hobbies are just as important as business ideas in their capacity to drive you to success.

Hobbies give you something to do in your leisure time, build confidence and self-esteem, help

you explore your creativity, learn new skills and let you set and achieve interesting goals.

You never know what skill you could learn through a hobby that would enrich your business

and make you rich as it did for Page in his creation of Google.

In conclusion, if you're a young person and you want to be rich and successful in

life; • Immerse yourself in your family's support

and influence.

Maybe your dad is a lawyer, and you find that it interests you, learn from him.

Or maybe it's your mum or a sibling that inspires you, build on that.

• Be curious.

Adopt the spirit of learning.

Success cannot be obtained without knowledge.

• Be willing to go against the norms.

Learn to be creative in the things you do, it will make you successful.

• Good friends give you the support, feedback and life skills that are essential in achieving

your goals and dreams.

• Take up a hobby that can inspire you in your goals, and you will surely be successful.

Thank you very much for watching our videos.

We'll like to give you another interesting video for you to enjoy next but before then,

our team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends

on social media.

If you're new here, don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss other interesting videos

like this.

Look at your screen now to see two other videos we handpicked for you to enjoy next.

We love you

For more infomation >> 5 Important Lessons Young People Should Learn From Larry Page - Duration: 10:26.


(EN/日) 일본 초 강추! 회전스시 먹방 [소리] - Duration: 12:15.

Sori's YouTube Channel

I highly recommend this place!

The price starts pretty low, at 130, and 160 yen!

So this place is...

out of all the sushi places I've tried in Japan,

the best!

Can you guys see the people lined up?

This is the line formed way before dinner time hit.

I highly recommend this place!

I'm gonna join them on the line too.

Even the people sitting way there are on the line.

This line goes all the way down there.

I have finally entered the restaurant.

(After a long wait, the line has entered)

Still there are tons of people waiting.

I can see some people started digging in already.

I'm going, i'm going!

(Starts running~)

I've got myself seated!

Check out that watermelon, it's huuuge!

We've got some matcha powder here.

Dear viewers of Sori Not Sorry! How's it going?

Sori here!

On the previous episode,

where we looked at Chinese food in Japan,

You probably noticed that I am wearing the same clothes.

That episode was shot in lunch time, and now you're looking at dinner time of the same day.

Since I came all the way to Japan, I believe I have to get my hands on as many delicious dishes as I can.

This place is located in Meguro, and is very popular place.

Every time I come to Japan,

under my boss' recommendation I have visited this place frequently since CoCoSoRi days.

And this time around I couldn't pass up the opportunity and decided to make my stop here once again.

Even though waiting in line is inevitable, this place is way too delicious.

It's par for the course, for sure.

I've set up the table,

and now waiting for my sushis to come out.

So on this episode,

you get to vicarious one of the best sushi shops in Japan with moi!

These cost 100 yen!

some cost 130, and some 160...

They have salmon for 130 yen!

(So cheap, that price is unheard of in Korea…)

They've got tuna for 200 yen...

So that means,

this establishment is cheap, delicious, thus popular.

I'm gonna start ordering now.

This is engawa sushi,

which is a fin of a flatfish.

Without soy sauce, this is plenty salty

I'm gonna start with this tonight, I'm salivating already.

I can taste some lemon juice at the finish.

They also briefly torched the fish as well.

So the taste profile can be a little greasy, but the lemon suppresses it really well.

(Unusually detailed food review from Sori.)

This is a must-eat if you come here.

Otherwise you'd regret it. This is miso shiru (miso soup)

You guys must be wondering what is so special about this.

(...of course it had a crab in it)

You guys already know that I love crab meat.

I'm called crab Sori for that reason...

so Crab Sori ordered some crab miso soup.

(This broth is so good!)

This broth is to kill for!

This is a quite generous amount of crab meat too.

This is so good, no joke!

This is torch trifecta, and they're all slightly torched.

As you can see, they use a small torch to slightly burn the fish.

So this trifecta

includes the fin that I had earlier

and maguro (tuna), and salmon.

I'm gonna try out salmon and tuna this time.

These sushis are topped with thinly sliced green onions.

Contrary to the quality of the dish,

this was really cheap, 300 yen for all three of them, 100 yen a pop.

Very cheap!

They were so delicious.

I can't believe one of those cost only 100 yen.


Salmon is love!

So, so good!

This one resembles my hair color.

I'm gonna show you guys another soup dish.

(Another soup appears.)

This one's called sumashijiru

This soup includes clams,

It's a very clear colored soup made out of clams. Looks tasty, doesn't it?

Bursting with umami flavor.

The taste of the ocean!

(Is Sori trying to cure hangover?)

This is a type of eel that can be found in Kyoto.

(The white stuff on the top is eel meat, not rice!)


This yari ika (spear squid) that I'm eating right now is so far my favorite of the day.

(It actually was sode ika, another kind of squid.)

The squid is really fresh today.

It was very tender.

Out of all the squid sushis I've tried, this one's the best.

(Two thumbs up!!)

(A crab in her mouth)

(when did she order all these?)

(Anything crab cannot go untouched.)

(So these dishes look a little bit pricier...)

The actual mukbang starts now, you guys!

(Mukbang mode: Fully engaged)

This is fugu karaage.

Many people think karaages are made from chicken,

but these are are made out of fugu fish.

This place is a seafood restaurant after all. Fugu fish!

We got some gambas here.

Which one should I start with?

eenie meenie miney mo

I'm gonna start with this!

(Starting with giant shrimps)

Sorry, shrimp.

(We've seen something similar at the Barcelona episode too...)

(Check the paella episode)

(Sorry shrimpie…)

(You were so delicious though...)

Bon appetit!

(Shrimps are the best!)

(The taste of the ocean!)

I just cannot let go of you, crabbie!

Crab Sori

never leaves any crab behind.

I am getting a little self-conscious now..

Especially now that I'm eating crabs voraciously

Are you guys getting jealous at home?

(Yeah, totally...)

(…When was this tower built?)

(Professional Mukbang-er wannabe)

Did I end up eating all these?

There's no way! (Denial is real.)

(Still have a room for dessert?)

It is not just over yet, I still have to get myself a dessert!

This shaved ice is popular in fireworks festival season.

Even though this is mukbang, I feel like I forgot to describe what each food is like in detail...

(feedback to herself)

I just ended up eating...

I seriously won't be able to eat for a while after eating this.

I might be lying right now, just like yesterday. If something else comes out, I'll probably eat more.

Anyways, thanks for the meal,

and if you get a chance to visit Japan,

I highly recommend treating yourself with some tasty Japanese food

and this is an establishment I would like to recommend,

which is the reason why I'm sharing this video with you. So if you have enjoyed watching this video,

Please SMASH that like button,

subscribe, and share!!!

(Sori still appears to be hungry...)

(Sori's Japan trip continues to the next episode!)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) 일본 초 강추! 회전스시 먹방 [소리] - Duration: 12:15.


A story of hope.♥️🐻 - Duration: 4:47.

it was on one of the occasions when I was in Jordan on live export work that I

decided to do an assessment of the zoo's what I saw I have to say shocked me but

in reality was probably what zoos were like in Australia in many other

countries half a century ago barren enclosures no quality of life

I just couldn't not try to do anything to help these animals so I've been

working with zoo owners in order to secure the surrender and release of

animals from their zoos you know it's extraordinary the the owners are really

quite attached to the animals and so that made the task of negotiating quite

difficult they took enormous goodwill for them to

release the animals to our custody and to allow us to work with them

increase the welfare standards and the conditions at the zoos for the ones that

cannot be released it actually gave me a lot of hope that there is a way forward

with the zoo


mr. Rochelle scientist I wanna say one for advice and recorded a part of

innuendo to the other Shakira relative and confit

you know with animals Australia it's like it's really really about the ethics

of it and it's not just about well this is a good story so we'll go with this

one ever and they don't give up hope you know they take these small steps and

they really try and find solutions and it's about improving the world most of

my work in the Middle East has been working undercover in slaughterhouses

and seeing some horrific horrific cruelty so it's been a real delight

actually to see these animals being released into such beautiful


we are always looking at the cause of animal suffering and inevitably no

matter which country I have traveled to it is inherited thinking and conditioned

thank you so this is a very specific project here in Jordan about

transforming the lives of animals but transforming thinking as well through

kind action

today this moment the first time that they have actually felt sunshine on

their backs and they caught it's just there's seriously no words to describe


I don't ever remember feeling this good I'm so relieved and so happy


For more infomation >> A story of hope.♥️🐻 - Duration: 4:47.


Cowboys' Dak Prescott Brushes off Eagles Smack Talk | - Duration: 4:42.

Cowboys' Dak Prescott Brushes off Eagles Smack Talk |

This week, Dak Prescott and the Dallas Cowboys will host the Philadelphia Eagles.

A win for the Cowboys means they pretty much lock up the division by sweeping Philly.

A loss means that they will have to win the race to playoffs all the way down to the wire.

Seeing as though the Cowboys are on an absolute hot streak, they aren't exactly worried about the Eagles coming in and beating them on their own turf.

However, the Eagles aren't afraid to run their mouths ahead of the matchup, despite being the underdogs this week.

On Wednesday afternoon, Eagles linebacker Kamu Grugier-Hill referred to the Dallas Cowboys as chokes.

He wasn't the first person to consider them that, and definitely will not be the last.

After all, the Cowboys have had their struggles recently in the past with winning the games that matter the most.

So in the eyes of the Eagles linebacker, the Cowboys will most likely fall to the Eagles simply because history says so.

The last time these two teams met, was at Lincoln Financial Field just a few weeks ago.

The Cowboys took care of business and beat the Eagles in every phase of the game.

Things have changed since then as the Cowboys have been on a tear.

Meanwhile, the Eagles are still trying to find their groove this year.

Then again, for the first time this season, the Eagles have won back-to-back games, which makes Eagles-Cowboys week much more interesting.

Dak Prescott Responds to the Smack Talk.

So, the Eagles gave the Cowboys bulletin board material for this week.

Somebody had to respond to the comments, so the Dallas media chose Cowboys Dak Prescott as the guy they would ask about the statement from Grugier-Hill.

While many would expect Prescott to send shots back, instead, he just brushed off the comments.

"You know, coach (Jason) Garrett has a great saying, and I don't know where he got it from, but winners worry about winning and losers worry about winners," Prescott said.

"We're focused on ourselves in this locker room about what we need to do to get better in each and every phase of this game to be ready for this week.

"We're not worried about he say, she say.".

This quote came right after Prescott questioned who exactly Kamu Grugier-Hill is.

For the record, Hill is a rotational linebacker in the Eagles defense.

So, he's not exactly the guy the Eagles want talking smack to their rival opponent this week, but that's who decided to confidently speak up against Dallas.

By the looks of it, Prescott isn't worried about the chatter off the field.

With the way the Cowboys have been playing, there isn't too much to talk about.

They just need to play the same way that they have been playing, and try to come out with another win.

For more infomation >> Cowboys' Dak Prescott Brushes off Eagles Smack Talk | - Duration: 4:42.


Filter Free Love - Duration: 4:00.

Good morning it's Dr. James. Hey I hope you're off to a beautiful start today.

It's so great to see you. Thank you for your time and thank you for your energy.

And this morning I also want to add, thank you for your courage.

This morning's message is going to ask of you to stay courageously present for

the next two minutes, because this is a message that is not easy to necessarily

really embrace because it's not comfortable. But it's absolutely

necessary. I have been thinking long and hard most of my adult life about the way

that I love and the way that I'm willing to love in a way that is not connected

to whether or not it's gonna work out. So much of my early adulthood and

definitely when I was a child, I think love for me was something I learned for.

I couldn't wait to spread. And then I started to realize, it may not come back

to me. It actually may be judged. And sometimes love hurt because it wasn't

reciprocated. So I started really understanding the power of my ego as a

movement in my teens my early 20s, which was basically I wanted to know whether or

not it's gonna be safe to love and I'll love as soon as I know the environment

is gonna receive it, that person is gonna allow it and potentially give it back to

me or at the very least not judge me. When you look around the world today I'm, man I'm seeing myself have this wrestling match, the psychology of

whether or not I'm gonna allow it to come through me, in me, and as me - just the

unbridled filterless love; battling against whether or not I can fully let

it come out. Because I'm concerned whether or not I will be judged for

being that far out with my love. And then I pray, and I pray every single day. I say,

"You know what James? Have the courage to love without a filter. In fact be on

purpose. Don't worry about the outcome." That to me as the spiritual warrior

nature of true, wild, wonderful love. It's the kind of love where there is no

filter. There is no ego. There is no wondering whether or not it's gonna come

back to me because all you care about is whether or not you are

putting it out. And there's so much good research today that talks about the fact

that when we are on purpose and not on outcome; when we don't get caught up in

whether or not it's going to work; the ego gets removed and the joy, the joy

that it has no connection to whether or not it works out and frankly it just

says, "You know what? The beauty is the purpose of being in the present moment,

in doing what comes natural." It is natural for you and I to love without a

filter. It is natural for you and I to circulate love based on the purpose that

is our human nature. And to allow the outcome to be removed so we can be all

that we came here to be. And we can present the highest version of ourselves.

This is scary good. This is the kind of wake-up kind of love that requires a

level, a level of a warrior nature that is so deeply embedded in the heart that

when you start to do it, I promise you you won't be able to stop. I'm working on

this right alongside of you. And I know this may not be popular and I know this

is wildly and wonderfully uncommon, but we need to make this normal. We need to

have this kind of love be normal. We need to be that courageous and that connected

to the spiritual nature of what love is really all about,. Because love will win

always, when it's on purpose, and not on outcome. So with that, thank you for being

you and loving out loud. I love you. Peace and

blessings. Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Filter Free Love - Duration: 4:00.


Corey Davis Fantasy: Titans WR a Start or Sit vs. Jalen Ramsey? | - Duration: 5:01.

Corey Davis Fantasy: Titans WR a Start or Sit vs. Jalen Ramsey? |

The Tennessee Titans draw a primetime matchup with the Jacksonville Jaguars in Week 14 with a chance to keep their playoff hopes alive and well.

But it won't be an easy task, as the Jaguars defense seemed to revert to its old form last week, making this an interesting spot for the Titans.

Specifically, one name who could find himself in a key matchup is wide receiver Corey Davis.

While Davis has proven to be a go-to option for quarterback Marcus Mariota, it's expected that he'll draw Jalen Ramsey's shadow coverage in this game.

In turn, this makes the decision for fantasy football players on whether to start or sit him a bit tough.

On one hand, Davis has scored a touchdown in three of the last four games.

But he's also fallen below the 50-yard mark in two of the last four as well.

Let's take a look at whether the Titans wideout is a start or sit in Week 14 against the Jaguars.

Matchup With Jalen Ramsey & Jaguars' Pass Rush.

Much of this call comes down to whether you believe Davis and the Titans will be able to navigate around Ramsey.

It's hard to envision a situation where the Jaguars' top cornerback isn't locked on Davis for almost the entire the game.

Tennessee's top receiver also plays the bulk of his snaps on the outside, which is where Ramsey stays, so that only hurts his outlook.

Another concern for me comes down to the Jaguars pass rush.

Jacksonville has always boasted a strong ability to get to opposing quarterbacks, and last week they brought down Andrew Luck three times.

The Indianapolis Colts signal-caller also averaged just 4.8 yards per attempt, which doesn't bode well for Davis' outlook to do much work downfield.

With the Jaguars likely to get pressure on Mariota, there could be a fair amount of check-downs and quick passes, benefitting options like Dion Lewis and Jonnu Smith over Davis.

Should You Start or Sit Corey Davis?.

It's tough to find a way to justify starting Davis in this spot.

Although the primetime game on his home field is certainly appealing, the matchup is far from it.

On the season, the Jaguars have allowed just 130 receptions, 1,691 yards and seven touchdowns to opposing wide receivers.

This ranks them as one of the best in the entire NFL.

Unless you are just incredibly thin at receiver, I wouldn't start Davis in any league smaller than 14 teams.

Even in 14-team leagues, I'd see if there were a better option out there on waivers who has a solid floor and fair amount of upside.

In a worst-case scenario, using Davis a flex play can be considered, assuming your options are few and far in-between.

READ NEXT: DraftKings NFL Picks & Optimal Lineups: Jaguars vs.

Titans Showdown.

For more infomation >> Corey Davis Fantasy: Titans WR a Start or Sit vs. Jalen Ramsey? | - Duration: 5:01.


A2 LICENSE AND WE GOT SOME NEWS! #Motovlog55 - Duration: 4:45.

Hello everyone. Thank you for watching. My name is Anne

And I'm coming with a new vlog today

I've got some news

The first one is that I've got a very nice toy

To step up my vlogging-game

I've got the DJI Mavic Pro

Check it out!

And second news:

This baby, and the baby of Nomi

Are getting a new home. We are moving

They're be getting a new roof above their heads

We bought a shed/garage. With, fortunate, a little house next to it

So also a new home for our motorcycles

And now I'm going to ride. Because I'm....


Angry isn't the right word for it

But I'm getting crazy of this hassle

I'm getting cray cray

And I don't know why it is such a problem with these people

In the Netherlands you've got different motorcycle licenses

A, A2 with code 80, A2 and A1

You'll start riding with A1 (125cc)

What disturbs me, is the whole A2 and A2 code 80 (35kW restricted)

I get the rule, and i'm fine with it

In my time I had, for example, to ride 25kW for two years

After two years it changes automatically to getting you license for every bike

Back then it was the rule you could restrict every bike to 25kW power

With a printout from your dealer you where complete

But nowadays, you can only restrict a bike

that does not have more power than 70kW original off factory

You can not restrict those bikes

I hear a lot of people like 'I don't care, I've got an old motorcycle with 25kW printout...'

But I don't get it

If you're getting in a accident..

What are you going to do?!

People saying that they've called the insurance company to ask if they get insurance

Fact is, insurance company's won't give you money when something happens

Especially when you are riding a bike you are not allowed to

Because that is the deal. You are riding without license

And I get the thrill of secretly riding a few miles with a bigger bike that got has got a lot of power

I've been there. Done it too, riding on a bike that I wasn't allowed

On the internet I see a lot of people trying to sell their ZX6R

With 25kW restricted, 'right for the A2 license holders'


And what is the problem, riding 35kW restricted bikes

It is so much fun

Check Nomi and her bike, riding with more fun then most of the people on a R1

I'll bet

Nice to ride a motorcycle with more then 100hp

And feeling the torque and feeling the adrenaline

But it is way more fun

to be racing the person with that 100hp+ motorcycle

on a curvy road like the dikes and holding up to that biker

But that is my opinion. Whats yours?

Are you someone who is riding a motorcycle you are not licensed for?

Rules are ment to be broken

I get that

I, myself, also find myself in a situation where I perhaps may be riding with one wheel less than supposed too for a few meters

I am not a saint. But at least I'm insured

I hope you liked my video

I tried to do more detail shots

getting that cinematic look

It is beautiful weather. The end of November

It is a bit cold, but we can ride

Oh and I got a new question:

You can dress for the cold

What is your opinion??

I don't mind riding still. I cannot dress for the cold, i'm always cold...

Thank you!


The pleasure was all mine


Oh yeahhh

I've got another question!

First question was, are you riding a motorcycle you are not restricted to?

The second question is

Can you dress for the cold on a motorcycle?

And the third question:

How do i make my (wo)man cave as dope as possible?

Just give advice. Drop a comment

I'm I going to hang my helmets on the wall or maybe put them in a closet....?

For more infomation >> A2 LICENSE AND WE GOT SOME NEWS! #Motovlog55 - Duration: 4:45.


Funny Pomeranian Dogs Video Compilation #1 - Cute Dogs Video || Cute Overload - Duration: 10:29.

Hello everyone! Have a nice day. Don't forget to subscribe, like and share our video.

For more infomation >> Funny Pomeranian Dogs Video Compilation #1 - Cute Dogs Video || Cute Overload - Duration: 10:29.


【MUKBANG】 Luxurious Moving Celebration! Rare Beef! [Takenotani Tsuru] Beef Stew..Etc 6Kg[12000kcal] - Duration: 12:52.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



using 6kg of beef we made 3 different dishes

recently i moved to a new house, isn't that, a this video is a my special celebration

the one who made all this is the chef at restaurant

the used beef called taki....tsurishi.... ?

takenotani tsuru beef

takenotani tsuru is a really rare beef and it's so luxurious

let's look how we made it...


and the one who is going to made this for us...



Kurusu kei-san going to made this for us...

isn't that ?

Kurusu kei-san can you introduce for us this beef

you are so lucky today yuka-chan, you will try a rare meat

there are two main types of cattle in japan

the ones that you find it in both mishima and yamaguchi that called mishima cattle

and the ones that in kagoshima

all people think that there is only these two types

but in reality...

there is another type, and this type is takenotani tsuru

oh, i understand

you can't get it only one time per year

and this restaurant don't make any kind of pork...

we make only this two types

i understand

and today i'm going to make this meat here

for me !

this rare meat

i'm really happy

to make it...

it will takes me 6 hours

amazing, it takes 6 hours to cook it

cheeks, tongue and the tail for beef stew, with steak & hamburger

and that's by using takenotani tsuru beef

and this to give you a global idea for what we can make using it, this is all what i have to say for now

this is amazing

i'm looking forward to that

happy to work with you

this is the ingredients

they use usually these ingredients to make the meat sauce

and he will use all this just for me

and here to make Beef Stew

cheeks, tongue and the tail

it looks so tasty

and all what we need to do now it to let it on the frypan until it's ready

looks so tasty


it's like a child head sized ball

child head sized ball


that's huge


we only need to roast it now

jaaan, we did it

i'm so hungry

it took 6 hours to prepare it

this is irresistible


this roast meat looks really tasty in really amazing way

amazing, it's so thick but still soft

ah, look at this meat if you please


really tasty

the flavors that comes out from the meat is so strong

and its fat is sweet

the outside is a little bit crispy because of the butter, and this is amazing

look, can you see it

i think this camera is better

it will be better if we zoom in

it looks so tasty, isn't that


and even the salad looks so cute


here is hiroshima salt

this is really amazing

and the fat of this meat is not heavy at all

and here is the hamburger & beef stew

and what you see in the middle is a risotto that we made it at the restaurant

you eat this meat with risotto

the hamburger is so soft



the meat is made carefully and slowly what made it so rich with strong flavors


the taste of this meat is really strong

and this rice is so yummy

this meat is really thick

so luxurious

and here is the 3rd plate

cheeks, tongue and the tail meat

so soft

really soft


the meats melts in the mouth and the taste is strong and yummy


so tasty

this goes so well with rice

and it's so easy to cut it

it's really amazing how we can cut a thick meat like this so easily

it's really amazing

it's so soft and melty


the last bite, itadakimasu



takenotani tsuru meat, steak , hamburger and beef stew was so tasty

you can't find this kind of meat only at restaurants

and because i had a chance to try it, i'm really happy about that

takenotani tsuru is a rare meat and eating all this amount is something so luxurious

and it was so hard to cook it

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

you can tell me in the comment section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

did i said gochisousamadeshita !


all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

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