Saturday, December 8, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 9 2018

well this isn't Mexico good morning everyone and welcome back to Mexico for

the last time as you know I am going to another country today it's a secret

destination I'm leaving Mexico again but not forever

because I will be back next year just to clarify in a few months probably long

term so today is what is it today it's Thursday and yeah it's about 8 a.m. I

think I was gonna get out early this morning and do like a dramatic sunrise

and intro to this video but I woke up late and also this sunrise was at a

different time it was meant to be at 7:24 but I woke up at 6:45 and it was

already sound daylight so you know missed that one but never mind maybe

another time so anyway let's get started with some packing

I hate packing but thank Christ I just checked the time lapse work so I don't

have to unpack everything to do all over again I've had to do that before it's

just to clarify what do I travel with as you may have seen in my Taxco videos -

I still can't pronounce it that is my bag that's it pretty much

hand luggage carry-on but I will be probably checking it in today because I

think it might be too much for carry on the airliner flying with the eight

kilograms for carry-on and but I'm allowed to check it in so, super!

It's time to go to Oxxo!

now as you know I'm going to a secret location so I thought I would give you

some clues during this video the first one is the fact that it's going to be

very cold there significantly colder than Puerto Vallarta so I need some

warm clothes which I don't really have right now and the second one is the fact

that I might need to have some kind of basic knowledge of another language

which brings me on to the sponsors of this video once again I have partnered with

the fantastic Italki who are an awesome and affordable online language

learning platform which allows you to learn a language or will just improve at

a language for many many reasons perhaps you're looking to work or study in a

different country perhaps you are a long-term traveler like me that just

wants to make sure that you're happy and comfortable with a language when you

arrive in a new country or maybe even you are an American or Canadian citizen

coming to somewhere like Puerto Vallarta on vacation for a week and you just want

to make sure that you're comfortable with basic espanol one thing about Italki

that is absolutely great is that you can speak to a native

speaker and the language that you learn is not a language that is from a

thirty-year-old textbook it's the language that the locals speak in modern

times one other great thing about Italki is that it is affordable teachers and

community tutors set their own prices so it is significantly cheaper than other

platforms such as rosetta stone which can cost up to two hundred US dollars

for a beginner CD that is crazy and finally if you do want to benefit from

what Italki can offer you you can check out a link in the description

below and also in the pinned comment where you can get ten US dollars Italki

credits off your first purchase fantastic so you will be prepared when

you come to Mexico for example if you are struggling the Spanish right now

lovely ah okay I'm back it's time for some final

impressions of Mexico so way back in March when I was in Mexico City I did a

video first impressions of Mexico see and in that video I described the fact

that I'd been to Mexico before albeit very briefly I'd been to Central America

South America so prior to coming here I already had a view or experience

knowledge expectations of Mexico that perhaps someone wouldn't have if they

were coming for the first time while I was watching a lot of videos when

researching things to do in Mexico I watched a lot of videos from particular

American and Canadian youtubers who had this aura of them and the videos that

they would do would be "is this Mexico?" and "Mexico shocked me!" and when I first

watched those I thought really is this genuine or is it just clickbait yeah

there was probably a bit of clickbait in there but actually the longer that I've

been here I realize that I think that that view is genuine in a lot of ways

because it got me thinking about you know US citizens and Canadian would

probably have a view of Mexico largely due to the media which I talked about

before but how does that compare to a British point of view I am British

you know Mexico is really not covered in the UK media probably because you know

it doesn't really affect the UK you know Mexico is part of North America it

directly affects the US and Canada in a lot of ways so probably that was a good

thing but I didn't have this false inaccurate view that the US media

portrays that's a good thing I came into Mexico with a fresh mind you know I was

not biased and swayed by the media and and it's just something I wanted to

point out because it's something I've massively noticed during the time that

I've been here Erin talked about it on Erin's travels the other day hi Erin!

if you haven't checked out her channel please do because it's awesome and I did

a bit of a joke video about that recently where I said is this Mexico and

it's something that it's just really struck me I didn't come here with its

disbelief and shock Mexico has been in terms of expectations it's met my

expectations and in fact it's surpassed my expectations in terms of a positive

way so you know has Mexico shocks me no it hasn't in a good way but also is this

Mexico yeah it's Mexico there is no need to

have this disbelief and shock at Mexico because it's an amazing country it's my

favorite country ever that's why I'm coming back to knit a next year at least

that's the plan so when I hope you've enjoyed the Mexico videos please

continue watching there's only lots more videos to come

from secret location Europe etc before I come back here so and that's the speech

over I think it's time to get on a plane let's go

the airport really hot hey it's tickets on my place so in terms

of gaming this is useful information time you can get a bus which cost 10

pesos I didn't want to because it's hard you know stressful with a bag and

everything so I've got an uber and just to point out at this time of the day

which is first 10:00 in the morning was the 85 pesos when I got here and night

late at night it was about 150 so obviously with is very so just get very

might but it's that moment that youtubers go to an airport in a secret

destination video and show you the departure board and you have to guess

where I'm going could it be San Luis Potosi no because

I'm leaving Mexico could it be Dallas Toronto Montreal

Houston or Houston I wouldn't mind going there Bonjour I have checked in money is

all exchanged into a different currency and I want to point something out that I

haven't mentioned before yes this is brand new information as Phoebe said in

friends one time when you leave Mexico it's really weird in terms of other

countries so normally you'll go through immigration get your passport stamped or

you leave the country but not in Mexico so when you arrive in Mexico you get a

tourist card don't really a card to split paper and you have to keep this do

not lose it so when you leave the country you get your tourist cards

stapled to your boarding pass and you base just give it to the person when

you're boarding the plane so you don't get a passport stamp but you leave

Mexico so don't expect one

bonsoir and you know what there's a reason why I keep speaking French

because I might have to take advantage of that $10 Italki credit because I know

any French why do I need French because I'm in Canada although I probably won't

need French because let's face it because being English in Canada but you

know I'm just highlighting the fact I don't know any French but anyway it's

snowy the flight was okay it's cold I wanted to come find my place you've got

to find out where exactly I am in in Canada in the next video so stay tuned

for that I can see my breath I've just been to the supermarket and oh my god

laughter sport a quiche Lorraine and a sandwich in like a plastic thing I can't

get in the UK I haven't had a case to reign in two years I'm literally in

tears and I'm also speaking Spanish still I don't need to speak Spanish here

and they speak another language which I don't know ie French which should give a

clue to where I am in Canada anyway today's been quite an eventful day and

I'm really excited beyond excited I haven't been this excited since I was a

cuber probably look at the snow behind me there's Christmas lights and

everything as is so exciting christmas is coming I'm looking five year old

anyway I'm gonna go home now and sleep and so I've got a massive day coming up

looking around this see where I am and we're gonna find out where I am exactly

so thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe if you want to find out

where I am what else like comment hopefully buy me

a scarf as well and some gloves that'll be great

I'll catch you later

For more infomation >> SECRET Destination REVEAL! | ADIOS MEXICO!! | PUERTO VALLARTA TRAVEL DAY | **Traduccion en Espanol** - Duration: 12:04.


Leo Messi se exhibe en el derbi y un Barça más líder se come al Espanyol (0-4) - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> Leo Messi se exhibe en el derbi y un Barça más líder se come al Espanyol (0-4) - Duration: 8:04.


Nuevos Sorteos Y Cómo Participar (DIRECTO) - Duration: 20:04.

For more infomation >> Nuevos Sorteos Y Cómo Participar (DIRECTO) - Duration: 20:04.


La China Suarez, contundente tras las críticas por su cambio de look - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> La China Suarez, contundente tras las críticas por su cambio de look - Duration: 4:05.


¿Crisis en puerta? Paula Chaves confesó que quiso separarse de Pedro Alfonso - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> ¿Crisis en puerta? Paula Chaves confesó que quiso separarse de Pedro Alfonso - Duration: 3:56.


El profundo cambio de look de la China Suárez para un nuevo desafío laboral - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> El profundo cambio de look de la China Suárez para un nuevo desafío laboral - Duration: 3:18.


Pink Stork Fertility | A Christmas Baby? - Duration: 13:27.

the only reviews I could actually find on this product we're on Amazon and there

was plenty of reviews so you know I got you know good enough information I was

really looking for bad reviews though to you know see what people didn't like

about it there weren't that many bad reviews so I was like let me go ahead

and get it so I have the fertility tea and the supplements here so I ordered

them from Amazon and I got them within two days I started taking them on the

second day of my period but as of today I've been taking them for a total of

five days and I just wanted to come to y'all and let y'all know how I feel and

you know what's been going on since I've been taking them but first I'm gonna

give you a little information about the product so I'm going to read it off of

the bottle the bottle itself so this is the fertility tea it's a unique blend of

100% organic tasty herbs including red raspberry leaf chasteberry and nettle

specially chosen to support your fertility health reproductive system and

ability to conceive and it says fertility is a holy tea and

biodegradable pyramid sachets whole leaf means better quality herbs better tastes

and better health benefits for faster more effective results naturally prepare

your body for pregnancy and it says not for use during pregnancy so I read the

reviews a lot of people stop taking it after ovulation which is what I also do

too so the battery using the tea that I read mostly was that it was nasty and it

wasn't sweet or that it was too sweet it is not sweet at all honestly like I'm

from the south so you know our sweet tea is sweet tea

but these aren't sweet what they look like they're like a

little silk kind of baggy sir it's not it's not the paper bags I'm one of these

are supposed to make two cups so I what I would suggest you do if you do get

this put two cups of water on a pot boil it and then put the teabag in that pot

of water because if you make one cup with this and then try to make another

cup later the second cup isn't gonna be as strong as the first cup so the

supplements I was scared to get these because I'm not a pill swallower and I

didn't know how big these pills were but they're not that bad let me read it to

you features an exclusive blend of vitamins and extracts that are

recommended to optimize fertility including zinc real folate I didn't

notice a fake folate Co Q 10 vitex net metal and my oh don't give me the lion

in notes at all and much more especially formulated for moms be enjoy safe

healthy and efficient fertility support and it says contains no GMOs gluten

wheat sugar sweeteners flavors colors animal products preservatives artificial

ingredients fish shellfish soy treat us or peanuts and it says take two a day so

one in the morning one at night or you can take them at the same time when you

do take them I suggest you checking with food I have not experienced any nausea

with it but people interview said they had nausea with it so it's probably best

to take it with food and I wasn't going to experiment and not take it with food

and get sick so supports reproductive health balances and regulates cycle I

don't know that is my row and Shai Shiro and notes at all by texting bar so I'm

gonna show you the peel ya'll pill for those of you who don't like some big

peels I mean it's not a small pill I'm not gonna tell you that it is small

because it's not so that's how big it is let me see I can

compare it to this pin or something so it's a little bit bigger than the

biggest pill I have to take every day but I feel like if I can take it y'all

continue because I you know I still have anxiety swallowing it but it goes down

with no problem so there's that so on to my review of it so far so I started

taking on the second day of my period and I have really bad cramps I've always

had really bad I mean I mean really bad cramps like really bad so on day two I

started taking it on day three I had no cramps so when I say I cramp throughout

my period I cramp throughout my period every day that I'm bleeding I am

cramping so that is why usually when I'm on my period I take a leave all day

every day every every four hours I'm taking it a leave don't judge me

if I don't take me leave like I'm supposed to then I will start cramping

again and I will be miserable so day three I didn't take I maybe took one

Aleve that day and I didn't cramp for the rest of the day which was you know

odd I did notice that I didn't take my leave but I wasn't cramping either so so

I'm gonna do my review on the tea first the tea does not taste that bad if you

look at the reviews and people were like oh my god it's disgusting it made me

throw up a little bah they are being dramatic

the tea does not taste that bad I mean drinking it every day it's like it gets

you know like Oh every day but it's it's not that bad it's got a slight mint

taste to it it's not too sweet you might have to put your own sugar in there I

don't I just make it and drink it so you can drink it hot or cold

I suggest you drink it hot because apparently the body takes stuff better

when it's warm rather than cold I don't know look into it because it's just

something I heard so the tea by itself was 11:30

I'm so not expensive at all I got these two in a bundle so it was 35 bucks the

supplements are 2998 but the tea and the supplement together were 35 bucks other

things that people said about the tea it made their period their cycle longer

which I mean it probably did and I was concerned about that because I didn't

want to get this and it make my cycle longer and then I would lose track of

whatever is going on but when I started taking prenatals which I had to stop

taking cuz you know those pills were huge and they constipated me really bad

so I stopped taking those my period my cycle was 35 days instead of 30 days so

I was like well 3 nails are gonna do that this is probably do that too but at

least this is like a fertility supplement you know so onto the

supplements also on the prenatals even though my cycle was 35 days instead of

30 I still ovulating when you know my calendar is gonna say ovulating and that

was actually the first time I got a positive opk test so so has Vitek sent

with which regulates hormones and administra balance so the main reason

I'm taking these supplements is because I feel like my hormones are messed up

and I feel like my hormones are messed up because it comes out through my skin

every month and I got really bad breakouts in here and just everywhere so

I'm just like what can I do you know I don't want to get back on birth control

because as soon as I stop taking birth control and all that stuff left my body

my face just started doing its own thing I didn't want to get back on birth

control obviously and you know I didn't know what else to do I'm taking vitamins

or drink water I probably don't eat the best but you

know but yeah so they balance hormones and honestly my face right now is pretty

clear I'm like oh my but then again it's still pretty early in the month so we'll

see after ovulation how my face is looking okay as our Ashville go

ashwagandha root in it which is also a natural antidepressant for those of you

that like natural things and looking for you know natural antidepressant

and inositol which supports consistent cycles which I have consistent cycles so

if you have like PCOS there was a lot of reviews for people with PCOS on Amazon

it was a lot of good reviews saying that they have been trying for you know years

and years and then after their first month of taking this they got pregnant

it could be effect with you but there was a lot of them so I don't know you

know if it works for you that's you know great fantastic

it says provides complete prenatal nutrition for a woman so I'm not sure if

this is true or not but you can actually take it after ovulation to because its

prenatal nutrition and also fertility I'm it does contain folate in vitamin B

vitamin D iron which I need and more so I take one in the morning after I eat

and when I get home from work they don't have a bad taste they don't have a best

smell you know it just gives you a little bit of anxiety because they're

big I mean they're not big they're not being don't let that knock you off you

can do it you can follow me all right so my period was one day longer than it was

supposed to be that could also be because I wasn't taking my leave for

some reason I don't know why but if I don't take my leave and I do start to

cramp a little bit I start bleeding again even if I have stopped bleeding

you know or it's just that little like bit of brown stuff and I don't ii leave

and i started to cramp a little bit it turns back to red blood and i start

bleeding again so that could be it but it was only one day you know which is

one day too long but there was only one day longer

I still have some cramping but there's no bleeding involved I think it's just

you know my hormones and my ovaries and everything else just sucking in all this

nutrients cuz it don't get that much nutrients and it's like yes give me this

I'm headache I sometimes have headaches after my period I sometimes don't I feel

like I've had a headache a little more often after this taking this but it's

not like I have a headache right now but I'm not like obviously in pain or I need

to lay down a little out of breath I don't know why I kind of I feel like I'm

pregnant now but I'm not I've had a little bit of

like boo weirdness but like I said it's just the hormones and everything

probably getting balanced and at least like I feel it working which is great so

I think I love you late in 11 days I'm really excited and boyfriend's been

like you need to drink that tea you need to do this you didn't like I got me you

need to get you okay but yeah so far so good I can't complain there's a few

reviews on there that said I've been taking it for a month and it didn't work

so I'm not gonna take it don't be one of those people okay you know I can be one

of those people but if the product says hey guaranteed you'd be pregnant ooh

money and I'm not pregnant a month then I'll be like okay I'm not taking this

anymore but sometimes like but things like those supplements you have to give

it time you know it's gotta prepare your body sometimes your body need more

preparing than somebody else's body so don't work the first month keep taking

it it's got to get in your system I know some doctors tell you to take prenatals

or whatnot for three months or six months and I pray it's not that long

before I get pregnant but you know you just got to keep up with it

I still tank of my daily vitamins my pee is super yellow it's like highlighter

yellow no I'm also hoping that this stuff just

helps with my cramps in general because I do have like I said I have a really

bad cramps like I can't go to work in walk to the kitchen so I really hope

that this helps well that's it so today is day 5 I had to take my last

supplement for today and I have to drink the tea I have to make it so far so good

so you know if you're thinking about trying it I say go for it even if you

have regular cycles if you feel like your hormones are off balance or your

face breaks out really bad during that time a month try it comment down below

if you have any experiences with a pink store let me know what happened when you

took it did you get pregnant did you have some terrible side effects or you

know I really want to know that's all I got for today but thanks for watching

guys if you like this video please like it and subscribe and I will see you all

next time bye

For more infomation >> Pink Stork Fertility | A Christmas Baby? - Duration: 13:27.


Esto no es un meme, Cruz Azul está en la Final del Apertura 2018 - Duration: 2:06.

Cinco años después, Cruz Azul volverá a una final de liga para tratar de ponerle fin a los 21 años sin títulos de liga, luego despachar a Monterrey en las Semifinales en un partido lleno de drama entre un penal fallado y un gol anulado y después validado por el VAR

A Monterrey, que ganó la Ida 1-0, le funcionó su esquema defensivo en los Cuartos de Final para echar al campeón Santos, así que volvió a apostar por esta estrategia en el Estadio Azteca, donde pretendía jugar con la presión para los celestes, pues un gol regio, obligaba a Cruz Azul a buscar tres

El drama cementero comenzó en el primer tiempo, cuando Marcelo Barovero rechazó un disparo de media distancia y en la búsqueda del rebote Roberto Alvarado cayó en el área, por lo que se marcó un penal bastante dudoso

Milton Caraglio fue el encargado de ejecutar la pena máxima y mató cualquier rumor de polémica al fallar su disparo, el cual terminó en las gradas, por lo que el primer tiempo finalizó sin goles y con el pase momentáneo a la final para Monterrey

Sin embargo, la historia se volteó a los 55 minutos, con otro disparo lejano que volvió a escupir Barovero y en el rebote volvió a ser protagonista Caraglio, quien esta vez no perdonó y mandó la bola al fondo del arco

Fue aquí cuando la vida jugó un ratito con las emociones de los celestes, pues el cuerpo arbitral anuló el gol por fuera de lugar en pleno festejo cemenetero, pero después de revisarse la jugada con el VAR, el gol que había quedado en puntos suspensivos, finalmente fue validado

Es la segunda ocasión en la que el VAR le echa la mano a Cruz Azul en la Liguilla, pues en la Ida de los Cuartos de Final la tecnología validó un gol de Pablo Aguilar que en un inicio había sido anulado por fuera de lugar

Cruz Azul esperará a su rival con el ganador de la serie entre América y Pumas, pero lo que ya es un hecho, es que habrá final chilanga

For more infomation >> Esto no es un meme, Cruz Azul está en la Final del Apertura 2018 - Duration: 2:06.


Los dos golazos de Messi de tiro libre desde diferentes ángulos - Duration: 1:34.

Lionel Messi le ha dado la vuelta al mundo con un doblete de tiro libre en el triunfo del Barcelona 4-0 sobre el Espanyol en el clásico catalán

El argentino la puso en el ángulo a los 17 minutos y después al 65' y con ello el Barça se afianzó como líder de la liga española con 31 puntos, tres de ventaja respecto al sublíder Sevilla

El par de goles despertó la euforia de la prensa catalana que revivió la polémica del Balón de Oro, galardón para el cual Messi quedó en el quinto lugar

El Diario Sport publicó en su portada: "Exhibición de Messi, que deja en ridículo a los que le votaron como quinto mejor jugador del mundo"

Fue la primera vez que Messi marca un doblete de tiro libre y al final del partido reveló parte de su secreto para convertirse en uno de los jugadores más letales en las faltas

"Sigo un ritual y cuando sale bien intento hacerlo igual, no cambiar nada". Además de Messi, marcaron Luis Suárez y Ousmane Dembélé, pero uno de los aspectos que marcan tranquilidad en la afición balugrana es el hecho de no haber recibido goles por segundo partido consecutivo, algo que había despertado preocupación tras una racha de 11 juegos permitiendo al menos un gol

For more infomation >> Los dos golazos de Messi de tiro libre desde diferentes ángulos - Duration: 1:34.



For more infomation >> PACTOS PARA SER MUY MILLONARIO SIN VENDER TU ALMA ! - Duration: 2:08.



For more infomation >> SOI CẦU XSMB 9/12/2018 -ĂN THẲNG 93-CẦU THÔNG ĐỀ 6 NGÀY - SOI CẦU MIỀN BẮC - SOI CẦU XỔ SỐ HÔM NAY - Duration: 12:47.


'We are Happy Madam Bethan(y)Welcome' song - Duration: 0:29.

We are happy madam Bethan(y) welcome!

We are happy madam Bethan(y) welcome!

For more infomation >> 'We are Happy Madam Bethan(y)Welcome' song - Duration: 0:29.


Marvel Super Hero Spider Hulk, Hulk Transform vs Thanos VIllains Army~! GO GO GO!!! #Toysplaytime - Duration: 13:47.

Marvel Super Hero Spider Hulk, Hulk Transform vs Thanos Villains Army~! GO GO GO!!! #Toysplaytime

For more infomation >> Marvel Super Hero Spider Hulk, Hulk Transform vs Thanos VIllains Army~! GO GO GO!!! #Toysplaytime - Duration: 13:47.


江蘇開啟省會戰略,蘇州怎麼辦 - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 江蘇開啟省會戰略,蘇州怎麼辦 - Duration: 2:58.


UMaine women win in overtime - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> UMaine women win in overtime - Duration: 0:23.


First time playing csgo - Duration: 2:22:35.

For more infomation >> First time playing csgo - Duration: 2:22:35.


Just Pay Attention or You will miss - Duration: 1:31.

Hello everybody, my name is Leora and today I'm going to tell you a story about a little bird living in Rhode Island

One day, There was a little bird living in Rhode Island. The bird was really happy ...

Then winter came

The bird forgot to fly to Florida

The warm place

so the in winter the bird started flying

when the bird was flying

His wings froze because it was really cold. So it fell down

When the bird fell down, A cow was passing by and

It Dropped his heap of dung on to the bird and the bird was really happy

and started singing ...

Then a cat came. The cat heard the noise and came. Took out the dung and eat the bird

We learn 3 things from the story.

Number#1 - Not everybody who puts dung on you is your enemy

Number#2 - Not everybody who takes you out of dung is your friend

Number#3 Whenever you are inside dung Keep your mouth shut

Bye bye everybody

For more infomation >> Just Pay Attention or You will miss - Duration: 1:31.


[SUB] VLOG #27 하루세끼, 까르보나라와 비지찌개 : What I eat in a day, carbonara and biji-jjigae | Honeykki 꿀키 - Duration: 11:56.

Breakfast is grilled garae-tteok, which I was craving.

This garae-tteok made with perilla. (It's a novelty.)

Bake on a grill pan or use oven until golden brown.

grain syrup (or honey)

It's a winter delicacy.

The floor heating is on max, so my puppy is stuck to the floor.

Lunch menu is carbonara!

Cook the pasta in boiling salt water for about 8 min.

The best way is to follow the package instructions.

2 strips of pancetta

I used pancetta but any bacon works.

1 egg

1/2cup Parmigiano cheese

(Ground parmesan has different taste and smell, you need to adjust the amount.) (Ground parmesan has different taste and smell, you need to adjust the amount.)


Coat the pan with olive oil and fry the pancetta.

Remove from the heat, add cooked pasta and mix well.

let it cool for second and quickly mix in the egg-cheese mixture.

Finish off with more Parm and pepper.

It's been a while since I last made it.. So delicious!

It's December. So, I bought some Christmas decor.

This wreath is a little smaller than I thought.

Dinner menu is biji-jjiage(ground-soybean stew with kimchi.)

In a pot, add and fry pork and pepper with perilla oil.

Marinate the pork with mirin and chopped garlic to enhance the flavor.

Cut the kimchi into bite sized pieces and add it when pork is cooked.

(Pre-made anchovy broth)

When kimchi is cooked, add anchovy broth and biji(ground-soybean) and simmer.

Season with soy sauce for soup and salt to taste.

Add chopped green onion and simmer.

In a rice pot, add equal parts soaked rice and water.

And then, add peeled chestnut and cook.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 13min.

Turn off heat and keep the lid closed for 15min.

biji-jjiage(ground-soybean stew with kimchi.

Wow! The rice was cooked to perfection!

Freshly harvested rice is the BEST!

gamjachae-bokgem(Stir-fried shredded potato)

Chonggak-kimchi(ponytail radish kimchi)

When I was younger, I hated this stew. But I crave it more as I get older.

So nutty, so deep…! I didn't need other side dishes.

It may not seem appetizing, but it's one of my soul foods.

For more infomation >> [SUB] VLOG #27 하루세끼, 까르보나라와 비지찌개 : What I eat in a day, carbonara and biji-jjigae | Honeykki 꿀키 - Duration: 11:56.


Gutfeld: I hope we've learned something from Bush 41 - Duration: 14:29.

For more infomation >> Gutfeld: I hope we've learned something from Bush 41 - Duration: 14:29.


I Love This Nintendo Switch Game So Much, But... - Duration: 4:42.

Hi, I'm Wisnu Kumoro and welcome back to my channel. And don't forget to turn on the subtitle for Bahasa Indonesia.

After a looong time, finally I found this kind of game. Space shooting game. or whatever the name of its genre is.

For your Information, I used to love playing Freelancer, a PC space shooting game which released in 2003.

I really love the game. I love the control system, I love the story, I love the open game mechanism,

I love the game so much and since then and never found similar game who intrigued me enough to buy and play it

Not until I play this game. Starlink Battle For Atlas.

It has 25% discount on last Black Friday sale, so I buy it.

I love discount. I'm Indonesian.

If you buy the starter edition of this game

You'll get a set of toys of the aircraft that can synchronize with the game

And when you change the weapon on the toys the weapon on this game will change too

so you can directly change the weapon using the toys

That's awesome and not practical I can easily break it for sure.

Anyway, the weapons in this game play important roles. If you buy the deluxe version of this game, you will get every weapons you need from the beginning.

But if you buy the standard version, you will struggle a lot.

The story of this game is set in the atlas star system. Early in the game, the player's mothership,

Equinox, is ambushed by the Forgotten Legion and crashes on a nearby planet;

the captain of the Equinox is taken hostage. And that's when the journey begin. We have to save him.

Exclusive for Nintendo switch you can play as a starfox team lead by Fox McCloud. Is it right? Yeah

Yeah. The name is right.

Star Fox team originally from the Starwing Game which released on 1993 for Nintendo platform and appears on many games after that.

And talk about the gameplay, I really love this game so much. It's an open world game with many planets you can visit and explore.

You can focus on the main campaign and enjoy the story.

But you can also try to enjoy every details about this game

You can collecting samples from each planet

scans their fauna DNA, trying to ambush outlaws hideout, or do another side quests who tells you the stories about people around the main story.

you can upgrade your weapons using the Mod that you find or fuse. The higher level of Mod you applied, more powerful the weapon you have.

And some enemies are resistance to certain element, so you have to pick the right weapon to defeat them.

Like what I said, More weapons, more powerful

As a game, I really love this game so much.

The only thing that I don't like about this game is too many

Download contents and you have to pay more if you want to get full experience of this game

I don't think that it's a complete game if you only buy the standard version because you have to

Struggle a lot to collecting the weapons.

but still I recommend this game as the must have game in your Nintendo Switch. Trust me

you will enjoy to play this game and

That's all for now

Thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe to support this channel and let me know what game should I review next?

Write down in the comment below

Wisnu Kumoro sign out! Bye!

For more infomation >> I Love This Nintendo Switch Game So Much, But... - Duration: 4:42.


I'm now bringing back to Doris and Rosie Gets Grounded Series! - Duration: 0:53.

HanifImranAnimator: Hey guys! I'm HanifImranAnimator here.

HanifImranAnimator: I'm going to ask you for something.

HanifImranAnimator: I'm now bringing back to Doris and Rosie Gets Grounded Series!

HanifImranAnimator: and thanks for help DanielS737 to bringing back to that series!

HanifImranAnimator: don't worry guys, I still making Dora and Elena Gets Grounded Series.

HanifImranAnimator: If you don't like Doris or Rosie Gets Grounded?

HanifImranAnimator: your opinion is respected.

HanifImranAnimator: and one more thing,

HanifImranAnimator: oh, are you hate or bully me and Daniel S737? or else I will block you!

HanifImranAnimator: that's all guys, I hope to enjoy this video, and thanks for watching, goodbye.

For more infomation >> I'm now bringing back to Doris and Rosie Gets Grounded Series! - Duration: 0:53.


tHe bOyZ - NoOoO AiR 더보이즈 | Stage Mix| (Turn CC ON) - Duration: 4:06.

tHe bOyZ - NoOoO AiR


Happy 1 Year Deobis <3

stan the boyz

gEu eOtTeOn sArAmI DaGaWaDoo

hak dont giv a fuk


WOW the visual popped out

nAe sUmEuL ShWiGe hAeJuNeUn nEoReUllll

those shoulders :O

ooo i love that sangyeon

NaEgE TaEyAnGeUn nEo


my favorite part ty hwall



pls cut ur mullet hwall ;_;


EoTtEoN GeOtTo nAn hAl sU IsSeO

IlBuN IlChO NiGa gEuRiWo

woah don't scare me like that

i love it

OMG its juyeon!!

Oh mEoLlI MeOlLi mEoLlI

TtEoNaGo sHiPeO

SoN JaBa nOpI NoPi nOpI

NaL Su iSsEeoeoe


yass chanhee!

ChUmEuL ChWo sEsAnG KkEuTeSeO

fiece younghoon

nUnI SuMi mAeUmI

NeOrEuL WoNhAe

oooo that close up

lets get it eric

nUnI SuMi mAeUmI

NeOrEuL WoNhAe

that's our yaoi hand boy

ShIgAnI MeOmChWoSsEuMyEoN TiCkIn'


jacob's 1/2 lines

yasss sing it!

oh yEh YeH

NeOrEuL SaRaNgHaNeUn mAmI NeOmU NeOmChYeO

NaEgA GaJiN MoDeUn gEoSeUl nEgE DeOnJyEo

is this what heaven sounds like?

that's our cute cat

mEoLlI MeOlLi mEoLlI

TtEoNaGo sHiPeOoo

nOpI NoPi nOpI

uah uahh


bAbY We'lL Be tOgEtHeR

ChUmEuL ChWo sEsAnG KkEuTeSeO

nUnI SuMi mAeUmI

NeOrEuL WoNhAe

my cockroaches when i spray raid on them

breaking backs o.o

that's our main dancer Q

love the pose


Eric's ass though lol

YeAh i jUsT WaNnA TaLk tO YoU GiRl

NaE MaMeUn gEoJiShI EoPsEo

iReOn jEoK EoPgIe

dAn hAn bEoNdO NeUkKyEoBoN JeOgI EoPnEuN MaEuM

back and forth back and forth

jacob's 2/2 lines

Oh i jUsT WaNnA LoVe yOu bAaaaabY

sunwoo saving the rap industry

you are so talent sunwoo ughh! i love u

woah there eric sohn

eric you're like 12

sliding into those dms like


song of the year

WOAH THERe sunwoo!

waves weeeeewwww

stan the boyz


thank you for watching

subscribe! and comment!

For more infomation >> tHe bOyZ - NoOoO AiR 더보이즈 | Stage Mix| (Turn CC ON) - Duration: 4:06.


MOWGLI: LEGEND OF THE JUNGLE (2018) - Netflix Original Movie - One Minute Movie Review - Duration: 1:26.

mowgli legend of the jungle is a Netflix original film that is based on the

classic stories by British author Rudyard Kipling this live-action movie

stars Christian Bale Kate Blanchet Benedict Cumberbatch and Andy Serkis who

also is the director of the film now we've seen so many different

versions of this story each one with their own flavor and style but this one

is clearly for a more mature audience with all the realistic violence and

deaths the movies largely CGI and relies heavily on motion capture performances

mixed with some live action so it makes perfect sense that circus with direct

this film I mean he is considered to be the greatest motion capture actor

working today but his lack of experience may have hurt what could have been a

much better final product don't get me wrong the movie isn't that bad it's

really just too much of the same one thing this film does really well is a

balance between beauty and brutality that's found in this jungle Moberly is

more violent and bloody than just about every other version out there the Ruby

does have a pretty fantastic cast and their performance is shine the visuals

are pretty incredible and so realistic but overall Mowgli legend of the jungle

is just not that groundbreaking enough to stand out with a jungle of jungle

book movies and that's why I give Mowgli legend of the jungle a THREE!

For more infomation >> MOWGLI: LEGEND OF THE JUNGLE (2018) - Netflix Original Movie - One Minute Movie Review - Duration: 1:26.


SECRET Destination REVEAL! | ADIOS MEXICO!! | PUERTO VALLARTA TRAVEL DAY | **Traduccion en Espanol** - Duration: 12:04.

well this isn't Mexico good morning everyone and welcome back to Mexico for

the last time as you know I am going to another country today it's a secret

destination I'm leaving Mexico again but not forever

because I will be back next year just to clarify in a few months probably long

term so today is what is it today it's Thursday and yeah it's about 8 a.m. I

think I was gonna get out early this morning and do like a dramatic sunrise

and intro to this video but I woke up late and also this sunrise was at a

different time it was meant to be at 7:24 but I woke up at 6:45 and it was

already sound daylight so you know missed that one but never mind maybe

another time so anyway let's get started with some packing

I hate packing but thank Christ I just checked the time lapse work so I don't

have to unpack everything to do all over again I've had to do that before it's

just to clarify what do I travel with as you may have seen in my Taxco videos -

I still can't pronounce it that is my bag that's it pretty much

hand luggage carry-on but I will be probably checking it in today because I

think it might be too much for carry on the airliner flying with the eight

kilograms for carry-on and but I'm allowed to check it in so, super!

It's time to go to Oxxo!

now as you know I'm going to a secret location so I thought I would give you

some clues during this video the first one is the fact that it's going to be

very cold there significantly colder than Puerto Vallarta so I need some

warm clothes which I don't really have right now and the second one is the fact

that I might need to have some kind of basic knowledge of another language

which brings me on to the sponsors of this video once again I have partnered with

the fantastic Italki who are an awesome and affordable online language

learning platform which allows you to learn a language or will just improve at

a language for many many reasons perhaps you're looking to work or study in a

different country perhaps you are a long-term traveler like me that just

wants to make sure that you're happy and comfortable with a language when you

arrive in a new country or maybe even you are an American or Canadian citizen

coming to somewhere like Puerto Vallarta on vacation for a week and you just want

to make sure that you're comfortable with basic espanol one thing about Italki

that is absolutely great is that you can speak to a native

speaker and the language that you learn is not a language that is from a

thirty-year-old textbook it's the language that the locals speak in modern

times one other great thing about Italki is that it is affordable teachers and

community tutors set their own prices so it is significantly cheaper than other

platforms such as rosetta stone which can cost up to two hundred US dollars

for a beginner CD that is crazy and finally if you do want to benefit from

what Italki can offer you you can check out a link in the description

below and also in the pinned comment where you can get ten US dollars Italki

credits off your first purchase fantastic so you will be prepared when

you come to Mexico for example if you are struggling the Spanish right now

lovely ah okay I'm back it's time for some final

impressions of Mexico so way back in March when I was in Mexico City I did a

video first impressions of Mexico see and in that video I described the fact

that I'd been to Mexico before albeit very briefly I'd been to Central America

South America so prior to coming here I already had a view or experience

knowledge expectations of Mexico that perhaps someone wouldn't have if they

were coming for the first time while I was watching a lot of videos when

researching things to do in Mexico I watched a lot of videos from particular

American and Canadian youtubers who had this aura of them and the videos that

they would do would be "is this Mexico?" and "Mexico shocked me!" and when I first

watched those I thought really is this genuine or is it just clickbait yeah

there was probably a bit of clickbait in there but actually the longer that I've

been here I realize that I think that that view is genuine in a lot of ways

because it got me thinking about you know US citizens and Canadian would

probably have a view of Mexico largely due to the media which I talked about

before but how does that compare to a British point of view I am British

you know Mexico is really not covered in the UK media probably because you know

it doesn't really affect the UK you know Mexico is part of North America it

directly affects the US and Canada in a lot of ways so probably that was a good

thing but I didn't have this false inaccurate view that the US media

portrays that's a good thing I came into Mexico with a fresh mind you know I was

not biased and swayed by the media and and it's just something I wanted to

point out because it's something I've massively noticed during the time that

I've been here Erin talked about it on Erin's travels the other day hi Erin!

if you haven't checked out her channel please do because it's awesome and I did

a bit of a joke video about that recently where I said is this Mexico and

it's something that it's just really struck me I didn't come here with its

disbelief and shock Mexico has been in terms of expectations it's met my

expectations and in fact it's surpassed my expectations in terms of a positive

way so you know has Mexico shocks me no it hasn't in a good way but also is this

Mexico yeah it's Mexico there is no need to

have this disbelief and shock at Mexico because it's an amazing country it's my

favorite country ever that's why I'm coming back to knit a next year at least

that's the plan so when I hope you've enjoyed the Mexico videos please

continue watching there's only lots more videos to come

from secret location Europe etc before I come back here so and that's the speech

over I think it's time to get on a plane let's go

the airport really hot hey it's tickets on my place so in terms

of gaming this is useful information time you can get a bus which cost 10

pesos I didn't want to because it's hard you know stressful with a bag and

everything so I've got an uber and just to point out at this time of the day

which is first 10:00 in the morning was the 85 pesos when I got here and night

late at night it was about 150 so obviously with is very so just get very

might but it's that moment that youtubers go to an airport in a secret

destination video and show you the departure board and you have to guess

where I'm going could it be San Luis Potosi no because

I'm leaving Mexico could it be Dallas Toronto Montreal

Houston or Houston I wouldn't mind going there Bonjour I have checked in money is

all exchanged into a different currency and I want to point something out that I

haven't mentioned before yes this is brand new information as Phoebe said in

friends one time when you leave Mexico it's really weird in terms of other

countries so normally you'll go through immigration get your passport stamped or

you leave the country but not in Mexico so when you arrive in Mexico you get a

tourist card don't really a card to split paper and you have to keep this do

not lose it so when you leave the country you get your tourist cards

stapled to your boarding pass and you base just give it to the person when

you're boarding the plane so you don't get a passport stamp but you leave

Mexico so don't expect one

bonsoir and you know what there's a reason why I keep speaking French

because I might have to take advantage of that $10 Italki credit because I know

any French why do I need French because I'm in Canada although I probably won't

need French because let's face it because being English in Canada but you

know I'm just highlighting the fact I don't know any French but anyway it's

snowy the flight was okay it's cold I wanted to come find my place you've got

to find out where exactly I am in in Canada in the next video so stay tuned

for that I can see my breath I've just been to the supermarket and oh my god

laughter sport a quiche Lorraine and a sandwich in like a plastic thing I can't

get in the UK I haven't had a case to reign in two years I'm literally in

tears and I'm also speaking Spanish still I don't need to speak Spanish here

and they speak another language which I don't know ie French which should give a

clue to where I am in Canada anyway today's been quite an eventful day and

I'm really excited beyond excited I haven't been this excited since I was a

cuber probably look at the snow behind me there's Christmas lights and

everything as is so exciting christmas is coming I'm looking five year old

anyway I'm gonna go home now and sleep and so I've got a massive day coming up

looking around this see where I am and we're gonna find out where I am exactly

so thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe if you want to find out

where I am what else like comment hopefully buy me

a scarf as well and some gloves that'll be great

I'll catch you later

For more infomation >> SECRET Destination REVEAL! | ADIOS MEXICO!! | PUERTO VALLARTA TRAVEL DAY | **Traduccion en Espanol** - Duration: 12:04.


[Official Audio] 이브(EVE) - 아스피린 (Eve Version) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> [Official Audio] 이브(EVE) - 아스피린 (Eve Version) - Duration: 3:56.


缘分测试:爱真的幻灭了吗?准哭了 - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> 缘分测试:爱真的幻灭了吗?准哭了 - Duration: 6:00.


美國2500萬買下一塊殖民地,沒資源卻富得流油,為何不選擇獨立 - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> 美國2500萬買下一塊殖民地,沒資源卻富得流油,為何不選擇獨立 - Duration: 6:27.


Gessler właśnie szokuje w Lidlu! Wygląd gwiazdy PRZERAŻA, co się stało?! - Duration: 3:58.

 Magda Gessler pomimo wieku nie traci energii do prowadzenia jej autorskiego show „Kuchenne rewolucje„

Gwiazda zawsze popisuje się entuzjazmem i zapałem do pracy. Ostatnio jej fanów zaniepokoił jej niecodzienny wizerunek z kampanii reklamowej Lidla

 Magda Gessler w telewizji pojawia się już od lat 90., dlatego każda jej metamorfoza, czy zmiana wizerunku jest natychmiastowo zauważana

Gwiazda stawia na krzykliwe i wielobarwne ubiory i natłok błyszczącej biżuterii. Do swojego wyglądu i zachowania zdążyła nas wszystkich już dawno przyzwyczaić

Sława restauratorki nie topnieje, a jej wizerunek chętnie wykorzystywany jest w kampaniach reklamowych, także przez sklepy wielkopowierzchniowe

Tego o Szpaku i Węgiel nie wiedzieliście! Coś ich łączy  Ostatnio zrobił to Lidl, a opublikowane w gazetce promocyjnej fotografie celebrytki wzbudziły spory niepokój wśród jej fanów

Od razu pojawiły się spekulacje o złym stanie zdrowia Gessler.Magda Gessler zaszokowała wyglądem w gazetce Lidla Znana restauratorka oprócz pisaniem, prowadzeniem kilkunastu jadłodajni i telewizyjnymi występami zajmuje się także sprzedażą własnych garnków i patelni

Produkty sygnowane jej nazwiskiem kupić można w sklepach sieci Lidl. Opatrzone twarzą Gessler naczynia reklamowane są oczywiście w gazetce promocyjnej dyskontu, który liczy na spore zyski w związku z rozpoznawalnością celebrytki

Kampania ma jednak pewien poważny defekt wizerunkowy.  DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ Chodzi o fotografię Gessler z gazetki, na której prezentuje sprzedawane garnki

Gwiazda wygląda na niej na co najmniej 25 lat młodszą i chudszą o kilkadziesiąt kilogramów lżejszą

Internauci śmieją się z gwiazdy Zdjęcia okazały się wizerunkowym blamażem. Internauci błyskawicznie zwrócili uwagę na nachalny retusz i oczywistą niezgodność wyglądu gwiazdy w gazetce z tym rzeczywistym

 Podobne działania zwykle wywołują złość i falę dosyć usprawiedliwionego hejtu. Fani nie lubią przecież oszustw i zakłamywania rzeczywistości, szczególnie przez dosyć poważane osobistości

 Można się jednak spodziewać, że gazetka, choć może zaszkodzić jej wizerunkowi, ostatecznie nie dojdzie do spadku oglądalności „Kuchennych rewolucji" czy braku klientów w restauracji Magdy Gessler

Gwiazda słynie przecież z kontrowersji i paradoksalnie podobne zagrywki mogą przysporzyć jej fanów

  ZOBACZ TAKŻE:  Loading . źródło: Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Gessler właśnie szokuje w Lidlu! Wygląd gwiazdy PRZERAŻA, co się stało?! - Duration: 3:58.


#EwangeliarzOP | 9 grudnia 2018 | (Łk 3, 1-6) - Duration: 1:43.


There are moments in close relationships with some people, when suddenly some sort of strangeness or separation comes.

How terribly painful it is when these moments seem like an eternity, when an hour seems to last a month,

and a week as if it lasted a year when some kind of distance gets into a close relationship,

In fact, this is a story about what sin is - sin is a separation, only we ceased to feel the drama of this separation.

Today we read that John proclaims the baptism of conversion and forgiveness of sins. What does it mean?

It means that in the name of God he comes to sweep this terrifying distance that should burn us to the flesh,

which should cause the deepest suffering and anguish, and so often we can get used to it so easily.

Fortunately, God through the prophets, through all kinds of voices, voices of conscience, light -

comes to break this veil of strangeness.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 9 grudnia 2018 | (Łk 3, 1-6) - Duration: 1:43.


Lucas已經11歲了!張柏芝,兩個兒子Lucas和Quintus,事事親力親為,絕對稱得上滿分的24孝好媽媽 - Duration: 13:50.

For more infomation >> Lucas已經11歲了!張柏芝,兩個兒子Lucas和Quintus,事事親力親為,絕對稱得上滿分的24孝好媽媽 - Duration: 13:50.


Adını Sen Koy Episode 92 English Subtitles - Duration: 59:44.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy Episode 92 English Subtitles - Duration: 59:44.


Arsenal insider reveals why Ozil will be axed from Unai Emery's team - Duration: 2:17.

Arsenal legend Paul Merson reveals that Unai Emery will not start his star midfielder Mesut Ozil anytime soon in the Premeir League, according to the Daily Express

The Gunners followed up an impressive 4-2 North London derby win over Tottenham and a 2-2 draw at Old Trafford against Manchester United in midweek with a 1-0 victory over Huddersfield, as they extended their unbeaten run to 21 games

However, Mesut Ozil has notably been missing from the last four matches, failing to come off the bench against Bournemouth, which Emery later explained was due to the physicality of the game

He has been missing all together from the last two matchday squads with a back problem and is expected to be back in the side for the game against Tottenham

Merson however doesn't believe the manager will be open to making any drastic changes to his starting line-up, which would mean Ozil might not get a look in from the start

He told Sky Sports: "Will Mesut Ozil return for Arsenal this weekend?."I don't see Unai Emery bringing him back in now as Arsenal will try to play in the same vein as they did against Tottenham and Manchester United

"Huddersfield were bang unlucky against Bournemouth and I also thought they were unlucky against Brighton with Steve Mounie's sending off

"However, I don't see anything but an Arsenal win."They will have too much for David Wagner's side at the Emirates

Giving an update on the playmaker's injury. Emery said: "This morning he worked with the physiotherapist on the pitch, running and touching the ball

"[Friday] will be the decision

For more infomation >> Arsenal insider reveals why Ozil will be axed from Unai Emery's team - Duration: 2:17.


这些女星靠干爹上位,一位生下私生子,还有一位直接与干爹结婚 - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> 这些女星靠干爹上位,一位生下私生子,还有一位直接与干爹结婚 - Duration: 15:11.


Pink Stork Fertility | A Christmas Baby? - Duration: 13:27.

the only reviews I could actually find on this product we're on Amazon and there

was plenty of reviews so you know I got you know good enough information I was

really looking for bad reviews though to you know see what people didn't like

about it there weren't that many bad reviews so I was like let me go ahead

and get it so I have the fertility tea and the supplements here so I ordered

them from Amazon and I got them within two days I started taking them on the

second day of my period but as of today I've been taking them for a total of

five days and I just wanted to come to y'all and let y'all know how I feel and

you know what's been going on since I've been taking them but first I'm gonna

give you a little information about the product so I'm going to read it off of

the bottle the bottle itself so this is the fertility tea it's a unique blend of

100% organic tasty herbs including red raspberry leaf chasteberry and nettle

specially chosen to support your fertility health reproductive system and

ability to conceive and it says fertility is a holy tea and

biodegradable pyramid sachets whole leaf means better quality herbs better tastes

and better health benefits for faster more effective results naturally prepare

your body for pregnancy and it says not for use during pregnancy so I read the

reviews a lot of people stop taking it after ovulation which is what I also do

too so the battery using the tea that I read mostly was that it was nasty and it

wasn't sweet or that it was too sweet it is not sweet at all honestly like I'm

from the south so you know our sweet tea is sweet tea

but these aren't sweet what they look like they're like a

little silk kind of baggy sir it's not it's not the paper bags I'm one of these

are supposed to make two cups so I what I would suggest you do if you do get

this put two cups of water on a pot boil it and then put the teabag in that pot

of water because if you make one cup with this and then try to make another

cup later the second cup isn't gonna be as strong as the first cup so the

supplements I was scared to get these because I'm not a pill swallower and I

didn't know how big these pills were but they're not that bad let me read it to

you features an exclusive blend of vitamins and extracts that are

recommended to optimize fertility including zinc real folate I didn't

notice a fake folate Co Q 10 vitex net metal and my oh don't give me the lion

in notes at all and much more especially formulated for moms be enjoy safe

healthy and efficient fertility support and it says contains no GMOs gluten

wheat sugar sweeteners flavors colors animal products preservatives artificial

ingredients fish shellfish soy treat us or peanuts and it says take two a day so

one in the morning one at night or you can take them at the same time when you

do take them I suggest you checking with food I have not experienced any nausea

with it but people interview said they had nausea with it so it's probably best

to take it with food and I wasn't going to experiment and not take it with food

and get sick so supports reproductive health balances and regulates cycle I

don't know that is my row and Shai Shiro and notes at all by texting bar so I'm

gonna show you the peel ya'll pill for those of you who don't like some big

peels I mean it's not a small pill I'm not gonna tell you that it is small

because it's not so that's how big it is let me see I can

compare it to this pin or something so it's a little bit bigger than the

biggest pill I have to take every day but I feel like if I can take it y'all

continue because I you know I still have anxiety swallowing it but it goes down

with no problem so there's that so on to my review of it so far so I started

taking on the second day of my period and I have really bad cramps I've always

had really bad I mean I mean really bad cramps like really bad so on day two I

started taking it on day three I had no cramps so when I say I cramp throughout

my period I cramp throughout my period every day that I'm bleeding I am

cramping so that is why usually when I'm on my period I take a leave all day

every day every every four hours I'm taking it a leave don't judge me

if I don't take me leave like I'm supposed to then I will start cramping

again and I will be miserable so day three I didn't take I maybe took one

Aleve that day and I didn't cramp for the rest of the day which was you know

odd I did notice that I didn't take my leave but I wasn't cramping either so so

I'm gonna do my review on the tea first the tea does not taste that bad if you

look at the reviews and people were like oh my god it's disgusting it made me

throw up a little bah they are being dramatic

the tea does not taste that bad I mean drinking it every day it's like it gets

you know like Oh every day but it's it's not that bad it's got a slight mint

taste to it it's not too sweet you might have to put your own sugar in there I

don't I just make it and drink it so you can drink it hot or cold

I suggest you drink it hot because apparently the body takes stuff better

when it's warm rather than cold I don't know look into it because it's just

something I heard so the tea by itself was 11:30

I'm so not expensive at all I got these two in a bundle so it was 35 bucks the

supplements are 2998 but the tea and the supplement together were 35 bucks other

things that people said about the tea it made their period their cycle longer

which I mean it probably did and I was concerned about that because I didn't

want to get this and it make my cycle longer and then I would lose track of

whatever is going on but when I started taking prenatals which I had to stop

taking cuz you know those pills were huge and they constipated me really bad

so I stopped taking those my period my cycle was 35 days instead of 30 days so

I was like well 3 nails are gonna do that this is probably do that too but at

least this is like a fertility supplement you know so onto the

supplements also on the prenatals even though my cycle was 35 days instead of

30 I still ovulating when you know my calendar is gonna say ovulating and that

was actually the first time I got a positive opk test so so has Vitek sent

with which regulates hormones and administra balance so the main reason

I'm taking these supplements is because I feel like my hormones are messed up

and I feel like my hormones are messed up because it comes out through my skin

every month and I got really bad breakouts in here and just everywhere so

I'm just like what can I do you know I don't want to get back on birth control

because as soon as I stop taking birth control and all that stuff left my body

my face just started doing its own thing I didn't want to get back on birth

control obviously and you know I didn't know what else to do I'm taking vitamins

or drink water I probably don't eat the best but you

know but yeah so they balance hormones and honestly my face right now is pretty

clear I'm like oh my but then again it's still pretty early in the month so we'll

see after ovulation how my face is looking okay as our Ashville go

ashwagandha root in it which is also a natural antidepressant for those of you

that like natural things and looking for you know natural antidepressant

and inositol which supports consistent cycles which I have consistent cycles so

if you have like PCOS there was a lot of reviews for people with PCOS on Amazon

it was a lot of good reviews saying that they have been trying for you know years

and years and then after their first month of taking this they got pregnant

it could be effect with you but there was a lot of them so I don't know you

know if it works for you that's you know great fantastic

it says provides complete prenatal nutrition for a woman so I'm not sure if

this is true or not but you can actually take it after ovulation to because its

prenatal nutrition and also fertility I'm it does contain folate in vitamin B

vitamin D iron which I need and more so I take one in the morning after I eat

and when I get home from work they don't have a bad taste they don't have a best

smell you know it just gives you a little bit of anxiety because they're

big I mean they're not big they're not being don't let that knock you off you

can do it you can follow me all right so my period was one day longer than it was

supposed to be that could also be because I wasn't taking my leave for

some reason I don't know why but if I don't take my leave and I do start to

cramp a little bit I start bleeding again even if I have stopped bleeding

you know or it's just that little like bit of brown stuff and I don't ii leave

and i started to cramp a little bit it turns back to red blood and i start

bleeding again so that could be it but it was only one day you know which is

one day too long but there was only one day longer

I still have some cramping but there's no bleeding involved I think it's just

you know my hormones and my ovaries and everything else just sucking in all this

nutrients cuz it don't get that much nutrients and it's like yes give me this

I'm headache I sometimes have headaches after my period I sometimes don't I feel

like I've had a headache a little more often after this taking this but it's

not like I have a headache right now but I'm not like obviously in pain or I need

to lay down a little out of breath I don't know why I kind of I feel like I'm

pregnant now but I'm not I've had a little bit of

like boo weirdness but like I said it's just the hormones and everything

probably getting balanced and at least like I feel it working which is great so

I think I love you late in 11 days I'm really excited and boyfriend's been

like you need to drink that tea you need to do this you didn't like I got me you

need to get you okay but yeah so far so good I can't complain there's a few

reviews on there that said I've been taking it for a month and it didn't work

so I'm not gonna take it don't be one of those people okay you know I can be one

of those people but if the product says hey guaranteed you'd be pregnant ooh

money and I'm not pregnant a month then I'll be like okay I'm not taking this

anymore but sometimes like but things like those supplements you have to give

it time you know it's gotta prepare your body sometimes your body need more

preparing than somebody else's body so don't work the first month keep taking

it it's got to get in your system I know some doctors tell you to take prenatals

or whatnot for three months or six months and I pray it's not that long

before I get pregnant but you know you just got to keep up with it

I still tank of my daily vitamins my pee is super yellow it's like highlighter

yellow no I'm also hoping that this stuff just

helps with my cramps in general because I do have like I said I have a really

bad cramps like I can't go to work in walk to the kitchen so I really hope

that this helps well that's it so today is day 5 I had to take my last

supplement for today and I have to drink the tea I have to make it so far so good

so you know if you're thinking about trying it I say go for it even if you

have regular cycles if you feel like your hormones are off balance or your

face breaks out really bad during that time a month try it comment down below

if you have any experiences with a pink store let me know what happened when you

took it did you get pregnant did you have some terrible side effects or you

know I really want to know that's all I got for today but thanks for watching

guys if you like this video please like it and subscribe and I will see you all

next time bye

For more infomation >> Pink Stork Fertility | A Christmas Baby? - Duration: 13:27.


美「命令」俄羅斯60天內撤除飛彈 否則就退群 莫斯科:退吧 老子從未怕過 - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> 美「命令」俄羅斯60天內撤除飛彈 否則就退群 莫斯科:退吧 老子從未怕過 - Duration: 7:38.


【香港昂坪 360一日遊】香港著名旅遊景點: 水晶纜車, 天壇大佛, 心經簡林 | Hong Kong: Taking the crystal cable car to The Big Buddha - Duration: 3:48.

Let's go on the cable car now

There's a cow here

So many actually

We are walking up to the Tian Tan Buddha now

The Buddha is right here

There are 268 steps to walk

We arrived! It didn't take long to come up

The Buddha is huge

The verses of the Heart Sutra are inscribed onto the wooden columns

The verses are written here

For more infomation >> 【香港昂坪 360一日遊】香港著名旅遊景點: 水晶纜車, 天壇大佛, 心經簡林 | Hong Kong: Taking the crystal cable car to The Big Buddha - Duration: 3:48.


✅ 昨日12月8日に、東京・シアタークリエでミュージカル「オン・ユア・フィート!」が開幕。初日に先駆け同日、同劇場で囲み取材が行われた。 - Duration: 7:12.

 昨日12月8日に、東京・シアタークリエでミュージカル オン・ユア・フィート!」が開幕。初日に先駆け同日、同劇場 囲み取材が行われた

 本作は、アメリカの歌手グロリア・エステファンとその の半生を描いたミュージカル。囲み取材には主演の朝夏まなと はじめ、グロリアの夫エミリオ・エステファン役の渡辺大輔、 ロリアの母グロリア・ファハルドを演じる一路真輝が出席した

 朝夏は自身の演じるグロリア・エステファンについて、 私も人前で表現する仕事をしているので、共感できる部分があ 」と言い、本作を「彼女の半生にはいいときも悪いときもあり すが、それらが劇的に描かれています」と紹介

開幕に向けては「キャスト、スタッフの皆さんが一丸となり、 の作品の日本初演を盛り上げようとしています。熱い舞台をお けできたら」と意気込みを述べた

 続く渡辺が朝夏の挨拶を受けて「今まあちゃん(朝夏) ほとんど言ってくれたんですが(笑)、とにかく熱い、201 年の締めくくりにふさわしい舞台となっておるので……」と切 出すと、朝夏と一路が「"おるので"!?」とツッコみ、渡辺 笑わせる

自身の演じるエミリオについては「周りへの影響力や、目上の に対しても決して折れない意志の強さがすごい。そして家族へ 愛情が120パーセントで、常に真正面からぶつかっていく熱 男性」と分析し、「2018年に鬱憤が溜まっている方はぜひ 越しください!」とアピールした

 「暖冬と言われていた今年の冬ですが、なんと今週末か 冷え込むそうで……」と口火を切った一路は、「気温とは反対 、シアタークリエは熱く盛り上がっています

ぜひ楽しみに来てください」と呼びかける。また自身の演じる ロリア・ファハルドについて一路は「キューバ出身の熱いお母 んで、今まで私が演じてきた役とは少し違います」と述べ、「 夏さんのグロリア、渡辺くんのエミリオが素敵なので、私も2 に乗っかって熱いラテンの血をお見せできたら」と抱負を語っ

 話題は、キャストがお互いに対して抱いている印象の話 と移る。朝夏は渡辺の印象について「とても真面目なんですけ 、素晴らしきコメディセンス

それにパパ感というか、包容力がすごいですね。こんなに(身 が)大きな私を包んでくれるのがすごいなと思います(笑)」 コメント。これを聞いた渡辺は「絶対に起こしてください、今 コメント!」と報道陣に呼びかけ、会場の笑いを誘う

また渡辺は朝夏を「常に笑顔で明るくて、太陽のような存在で 。彼女が太陽だとすると自分は花で、照らしてもらわないと咲 ないな、というくらい輝かしい」と称賛し、続けて「グロリア エミリオを見つめる目が、本当に自分を愛してくれている目で …もう幸せなんです!(笑) その関係性が皆様に伝わればい なと思いますね」と期待を込めた

 さらに「『オン・ユア・フィート!』は"朝夏まなと、 こにあり"という作品です」と一路。一路は朝夏に視線を送り がら「稽古場での朝夏さんは本当にみんなの太陽

そしてそれをフォローしている大ちゃん(渡辺)は、彼女の喉 ちょっとガラガラしたらすぐに水を持って行ってあげたりして …すべてが微笑ましい」とエピソードを語り、「2人が素敵だ ら、カンパニーがすごく温かい

"若者たちがんばれ!"と思います」と朝夏と渡辺に信頼を寄 つつ、エールを送った。  最後に出席者を代表し、朝夏が 本当に楽しい楽しい舞台になっています

日本初演のこの作品を1人でも多くの皆さんに観ていただいて 平成最後の冬を一緒に盛り上がっていただきたいと思います。 京公演のあとは福岡と愛知と大阪に参りますので、そちらもよ しくお願いします!」と元気いっぱいにメッセージを送り、囲 取材は終了した

 ミュージカル「オン・ユア・フィート!」の上演時間は休憩 含む約2時間45分を予定している。本作の東京公演は12月 0日まで行われ、その後1月4日から6日まで福岡・博多座、 月9・10日に愛知・刈谷市総合文化センター 大ホール、1 17日から20日まで大阪・梅田芸術劇場 シアター・ドラマ ティにて

For more infomation >> ✅ 昨日12月8日に、東京・シアタークリエでミュージカル「オン・ユア・フィート!」が開幕。初日に先駆け同日、同劇場で囲み取材が行われた。 - Duration: 7:12.


EP. #1 – CASA 1 (UM LUGAR PARA O RECOMEÇO) - Duration: 17:11.

For more infomation >> EP. #1 – CASA 1 (UM LUGAR PARA O RECOMEÇO) - Duration: 17:11.


Saiba detalhes sobre o vestido de noiva de Claudia Raia - Área VIP - Duration: 2:43.

 Aconteceu neste sábado (08), o casamento da atriz Claudia Raia com Jarbas Homem de Mello

Para a cerimônia intimista, a artista apostou em um vestido de noiva feito pela badalada estilista Lethicia Brostein

 "Claudia mais linda do que nunca (e olha que essa mulher tem uma vida de beleza e plenitude)

Ela é só felicidade", escreveram os stylists Juliano Pessoa e Zuel Ferreira no Instagram, no dia da última prova do vestido

 A estilista Lethicia, vale dizer, é conhecida em seus dez anos de carreira, por criar vestidos que investem em muito trabalho bordado e tules, por conta disso, ela se tornou a querida das famosas

 O vestido da atriz Camila Queiroz, por exemplo, foi feito por ela, e contou com uma aplicação de flores

Ela foi responsável também por fazer o vestido de Gabriela Pugliesi, no casamento da blogueira com Erasmo Vianna

 Até em novelas, a estilista já teve o seu trabalho exibido. Foi ela quem criou o vestido de noiva da personagem Marina, interpretada por Marina Ruy Barbosa na novela "Amor à Vida", exibida no ano de 2013, na TV Globo

A seguir confira alguns vestidos de famosas feito por Lethicia! 1 of 3 Abaixo confira fotos e vídeos do vestido de Claudia Raia!   O casamento  Claudia Raia e o ator Jarbas Homem de Mello, se casaram neste sábado (8), em São Paulo

O casal, que está junto há oito anos, realizou uma cerimônia intima em sua cobertura no bairro dos Jardins

Os dois já haviam celebrado a união em uma igreja em Toledo, na Espanha…Leia mais! Casamento com Alexandre Frota  Prestes à renovar seus votos de casamento com Jarbas Homem de Mello, a atriz Claudia Raia que já subiu no altar com Alexandre Frota e Edson Celulari, relembrou seu primeiro casamento em recente entrevista…Confira! Veja também:

For more infomation >> Saiba detalhes sobre o vestido de noiva de Claudia Raia - Área VIP - Duration: 2:43.


O novo 'affair' de Bruna Marquezine - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> O novo 'affair' de Bruna Marquezine - Duration: 2:43.


Pitido final y 'estalló' el Azteca: Cruz Azul vuelve a la final de la Liga MX cinco años después - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Pitido final y 'estalló' el Azteca: Cruz Azul vuelve a la final de la Liga MX cinco años después - Duration: 2:25.


An Günther Jauch! WWM - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> An Günther Jauch! WWM - Duration: 1:11.


SECRET Destination REVEAL! | ADIOS MEXICO!! | PUERTO VALLARTA TRAVEL DAY | **Traduccion en Espanol** - Duration: 12:04.

well this isn't Mexico good morning everyone and welcome back to Mexico for

the last time as you know I am going to another country today it's a secret

destination I'm leaving Mexico again but not forever

because I will be back next year just to clarify in a few months probably long

term so today is what is it today it's Thursday and yeah it's about 8 a.m. I

think I was gonna get out early this morning and do like a dramatic sunrise

and intro to this video but I woke up late and also this sunrise was at a

different time it was meant to be at 7:24 but I woke up at 6:45 and it was

already sound daylight so you know missed that one but never mind maybe

another time so anyway let's get started with some packing

I hate packing but thank Christ I just checked the time lapse work so I don't

have to unpack everything to do all over again I've had to do that before it's

just to clarify what do I travel with as you may have seen in my Taxco videos -

I still can't pronounce it that is my bag that's it pretty much

hand luggage carry-on but I will be probably checking it in today because I

think it might be too much for carry on the airliner flying with the eight

kilograms for carry-on and but I'm allowed to check it in so, super!

It's time to go to Oxxo!

now as you know I'm going to a secret location so I thought I would give you

some clues during this video the first one is the fact that it's going to be

very cold there significantly colder than Puerto Vallarta so I need some

warm clothes which I don't really have right now and the second one is the fact

that I might need to have some kind of basic knowledge of another language

which brings me on to the sponsors of this video once again I have partnered with

the fantastic Italki who are an awesome and affordable online language

learning platform which allows you to learn a language or will just improve at

a language for many many reasons perhaps you're looking to work or study in a

different country perhaps you are a long-term traveler like me that just

wants to make sure that you're happy and comfortable with a language when you

arrive in a new country or maybe even you are an American or Canadian citizen

coming to somewhere like Puerto Vallarta on vacation for a week and you just want

to make sure that you're comfortable with basic espanol one thing about Italki

that is absolutely great is that you can speak to a native

speaker and the language that you learn is not a language that is from a

thirty-year-old textbook it's the language that the locals speak in modern

times one other great thing about Italki is that it is affordable teachers and

community tutors set their own prices so it is significantly cheaper than other

platforms such as rosetta stone which can cost up to two hundred US dollars

for a beginner CD that is crazy and finally if you do want to benefit from

what Italki can offer you you can check out a link in the description

below and also in the pinned comment where you can get ten US dollars Italki

credits off your first purchase fantastic so you will be prepared when

you come to Mexico for example if you are struggling the Spanish right now

lovely ah okay I'm back it's time for some final

impressions of Mexico so way back in March when I was in Mexico City I did a

video first impressions of Mexico see and in that video I described the fact

that I'd been to Mexico before albeit very briefly I'd been to Central America

South America so prior to coming here I already had a view or experience

knowledge expectations of Mexico that perhaps someone wouldn't have if they

were coming for the first time while I was watching a lot of videos when

researching things to do in Mexico I watched a lot of videos from particular

American and Canadian youtubers who had this aura of them and the videos that

they would do would be "is this Mexico?" and "Mexico shocked me!" and when I first

watched those I thought really is this genuine or is it just clickbait yeah

there was probably a bit of clickbait in there but actually the longer that I've

been here I realize that I think that that view is genuine in a lot of ways

because it got me thinking about you know US citizens and Canadian would

probably have a view of Mexico largely due to the media which I talked about

before but how does that compare to a British point of view I am British

you know Mexico is really not covered in the UK media probably because you know

it doesn't really affect the UK you know Mexico is part of North America it

directly affects the US and Canada in a lot of ways so probably that was a good

thing but I didn't have this false inaccurate view that the US media

portrays that's a good thing I came into Mexico with a fresh mind you know I was

not biased and swayed by the media and and it's just something I wanted to

point out because it's something I've massively noticed during the time that

I've been here Erin talked about it on Erin's travels the other day hi Erin!

if you haven't checked out her channel please do because it's awesome and I did

a bit of a joke video about that recently where I said is this Mexico and

it's something that it's just really struck me I didn't come here with its

disbelief and shock Mexico has been in terms of expectations it's met my

expectations and in fact it's surpassed my expectations in terms of a positive

way so you know has Mexico shocks me no it hasn't in a good way but also is this

Mexico yeah it's Mexico there is no need to

have this disbelief and shock at Mexico because it's an amazing country it's my

favorite country ever that's why I'm coming back to knit a next year at least

that's the plan so when I hope you've enjoyed the Mexico videos please

continue watching there's only lots more videos to come

from secret location Europe etc before I come back here so and that's the speech

over I think it's time to get on a plane let's go

the airport really hot hey it's tickets on my place so in terms

of gaming this is useful information time you can get a bus which cost 10

pesos I didn't want to because it's hard you know stressful with a bag and

everything so I've got an uber and just to point out at this time of the day

which is first 10:00 in the morning was the 85 pesos when I got here and night

late at night it was about 150 so obviously with is very so just get very

might but it's that moment that youtubers go to an airport in a secret

destination video and show you the departure board and you have to guess

where I'm going could it be San Luis Potosi no because

I'm leaving Mexico could it be Dallas Toronto Montreal

Houston or Houston I wouldn't mind going there Bonjour I have checked in money is

all exchanged into a different currency and I want to point something out that I

haven't mentioned before yes this is brand new information as Phoebe said in

friends one time when you leave Mexico it's really weird in terms of other

countries so normally you'll go through immigration get your passport stamped or

you leave the country but not in Mexico so when you arrive in Mexico you get a

tourist card don't really a card to split paper and you have to keep this do

not lose it so when you leave the country you get your tourist cards

stapled to your boarding pass and you base just give it to the person when

you're boarding the plane so you don't get a passport stamp but you leave

Mexico so don't expect one

bonsoir and you know what there's a reason why I keep speaking French

because I might have to take advantage of that $10 Italki credit because I know

any French why do I need French because I'm in Canada although I probably won't

need French because let's face it because being English in Canada but you

know I'm just highlighting the fact I don't know any French but anyway it's

snowy the flight was okay it's cold I wanted to come find my place you've got

to find out where exactly I am in in Canada in the next video so stay tuned

for that I can see my breath I've just been to the supermarket and oh my god

laughter sport a quiche Lorraine and a sandwich in like a plastic thing I can't

get in the UK I haven't had a case to reign in two years I'm literally in

tears and I'm also speaking Spanish still I don't need to speak Spanish here

and they speak another language which I don't know ie French which should give a

clue to where I am in Canada anyway today's been quite an eventful day and

I'm really excited beyond excited I haven't been this excited since I was a

cuber probably look at the snow behind me there's Christmas lights and

everything as is so exciting christmas is coming I'm looking five year old

anyway I'm gonna go home now and sleep and so I've got a massive day coming up

looking around this see where I am and we're gonna find out where I am exactly

so thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe if you want to find out

where I am what else like comment hopefully buy me

a scarf as well and some gloves that'll be great

I'll catch you later

For more infomation >> SECRET Destination REVEAL! | ADIOS MEXICO!! | PUERTO VALLARTA TRAVEL DAY | **Traduccion en Espanol** - Duration: 12:04.


Gessler właśnie szokuje w Lidlu! Wygląd gwiazdy PRZERAŻA, co się stało?! - Duration: 3:58.

 Magda Gessler pomimo wieku nie traci energii do prowadzenia jej autorskiego show „Kuchenne rewolucje„

Gwiazda zawsze popisuje się entuzjazmem i zapałem do pracy. Ostatnio jej fanów zaniepokoił jej niecodzienny wizerunek z kampanii reklamowej Lidla

 Magda Gessler w telewizji pojawia się już od lat 90., dlatego każda jej metamorfoza, czy zmiana wizerunku jest natychmiastowo zauważana

Gwiazda stawia na krzykliwe i wielobarwne ubiory i natłok błyszczącej biżuterii. Do swojego wyglądu i zachowania zdążyła nas wszystkich już dawno przyzwyczaić

Sława restauratorki nie topnieje, a jej wizerunek chętnie wykorzystywany jest w kampaniach reklamowych, także przez sklepy wielkopowierzchniowe

Tego o Szpaku i Węgiel nie wiedzieliście! Coś ich łączy  Ostatnio zrobił to Lidl, a opublikowane w gazetce promocyjnej fotografie celebrytki wzbudziły spory niepokój wśród jej fanów

Od razu pojawiły się spekulacje o złym stanie zdrowia Gessler.Magda Gessler zaszokowała wyglądem w gazetce Lidla Znana restauratorka oprócz pisaniem, prowadzeniem kilkunastu jadłodajni i telewizyjnymi występami zajmuje się także sprzedażą własnych garnków i patelni

Produkty sygnowane jej nazwiskiem kupić można w sklepach sieci Lidl. Opatrzone twarzą Gessler naczynia reklamowane są oczywiście w gazetce promocyjnej dyskontu, który liczy na spore zyski w związku z rozpoznawalnością celebrytki

Kampania ma jednak pewien poważny defekt wizerunkowy.  DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ Chodzi o fotografię Gessler z gazetki, na której prezentuje sprzedawane garnki

Gwiazda wygląda na niej na co najmniej 25 lat młodszą i chudszą o kilkadziesiąt kilogramów lżejszą

Internauci śmieją się z gwiazdy Zdjęcia okazały się wizerunkowym blamażem. Internauci błyskawicznie zwrócili uwagę na nachalny retusz i oczywistą niezgodność wyglądu gwiazdy w gazetce z tym rzeczywistym

 Podobne działania zwykle wywołują złość i falę dosyć usprawiedliwionego hejtu. Fani nie lubią przecież oszustw i zakłamywania rzeczywistości, szczególnie przez dosyć poważane osobistości

 Można się jednak spodziewać, że gazetka, choć może zaszkodzić jej wizerunkowi, ostatecznie nie dojdzie do spadku oglądalności „Kuchennych rewolucji" czy braku klientów w restauracji Magdy Gessler

Gwiazda słynie przecież z kontrowersji i paradoksalnie podobne zagrywki mogą przysporzyć jej fanów

  ZOBACZ TAKŻE:  Loading . źródło: Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Gessler właśnie szokuje w Lidlu! Wygląd gwiazdy PRZERAŻA, co się stało?! - Duration: 3:58.


Eduardo Costa, Whindersson e mais famosos que se arrependeram após postar 1 - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Eduardo Costa, Whindersson e mais famosos que se arrependeram após postar 1 - Duration: 5:21.


#EwangeliarzOP | 9 December 2018 | (Lk 3: 1-6) - Duration: 1:43.


There are moments in close relationships with some people, when suddenly some sort of strangeness or separation comes.

How terribly painful it is when these moments seem like an eternity, when an hour seems to last a month,

and a week as if it lasted a year when some kind of distance gets into a close relationship,

In fact, this is a story about what sin is - sin is a separation, only we ceased to feel the drama of this separation.

Today we read that John proclaims the baptism of conversion and forgiveness of sins. What does it mean?

It means that in the name of God he comes to sweep this terrifying distance that should burn us to the flesh,

which should cause the deepest suffering and anguish, and so often we can get used to it so easily.

Fortunately, God through the prophets, through all kinds of voices, voices of conscience, light -

comes to break this veil of strangeness.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 9 December 2018 | (Lk 3: 1-6) - Duration: 1:43.


The House of Happiness,Beautiful And Luxury Is Z451 - Duration: 3:09.

The House of Happiness,Beautiful And Luxury Is Z451

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