well this isn't Mexico good morning everyone and welcome back to Mexico for
the last time as you know I am going to another country today it's a secret
destination I'm leaving Mexico again but not forever
because I will be back next year just to clarify in a few months probably long
term so today is what is it today it's Thursday and yeah it's about 8 a.m. I
think I was gonna get out early this morning and do like a dramatic sunrise
and intro to this video but I woke up late and also this sunrise was at a
different time it was meant to be at 7:24 but I woke up at 6:45 and it was
already sound daylight so you know missed that one but never mind maybe
another time so anyway let's get started with some packing
I hate packing but thank Christ I just checked the time lapse work so I don't
have to unpack everything to do all over again I've had to do that before it's
just to clarify what do I travel with as you may have seen in my Taxco videos -
I still can't pronounce it that is my bag that's it pretty much
hand luggage carry-on but I will be probably checking it in today because I
think it might be too much for carry on the airliner flying with the eight
kilograms for carry-on and but I'm allowed to check it in so, super!
It's time to go to Oxxo!
now as you know I'm going to a secret location so I thought I would give you
some clues during this video the first one is the fact that it's going to be
very cold there significantly colder than Puerto Vallarta so I need some
warm clothes which I don't really have right now and the second one is the fact
that I might need to have some kind of basic knowledge of another language
which brings me on to the sponsors of this video once again I have partnered with
the fantastic Italki who are an awesome and affordable online language
learning platform which allows you to learn a language or will just improve at
a language for many many reasons perhaps you're looking to work or study in a
different country perhaps you are a long-term traveler like me that just
wants to make sure that you're happy and comfortable with a language when you
arrive in a new country or maybe even you are an American or Canadian citizen
coming to somewhere like Puerto Vallarta on vacation for a week and you just want
to make sure that you're comfortable with basic espanol one thing about Italki
that is absolutely great is that you can speak to a native
speaker and the language that you learn is not a language that is from a
thirty-year-old textbook it's the language that the locals speak in modern
times one other great thing about Italki is that it is affordable teachers and
community tutors set their own prices so it is significantly cheaper than other
platforms such as rosetta stone which can cost up to two hundred US dollars
for a beginner CD that is crazy and finally if you do want to benefit from
what Italki can offer you you can check out a link in the description
below and also in the pinned comment where you can get ten US dollars Italki
credits off your first purchase fantastic so you will be prepared when
you come to Mexico for example if you are struggling the Spanish right now
lovely ah okay I'm back it's time for some final
impressions of Mexico so way back in March when I was in Mexico City I did a
video first impressions of Mexico see and in that video I described the fact
that I'd been to Mexico before albeit very briefly I'd been to Central America
South America so prior to coming here I already had a view or experience
knowledge expectations of Mexico that perhaps someone wouldn't have if they
were coming for the first time while I was watching a lot of videos when
researching things to do in Mexico I watched a lot of videos from particular
American and Canadian youtubers who had this aura of them and the videos that
they would do would be "is this Mexico?" and "Mexico shocked me!" and when I first
watched those I thought really is this genuine or is it just clickbait yeah
there was probably a bit of clickbait in there but actually the longer that I've
been here I realize that I think that that view is genuine in a lot of ways
because it got me thinking about you know US citizens and Canadian would
probably have a view of Mexico largely due to the media which I talked about
before but how does that compare to a British point of view I am British
you know Mexico is really not covered in the UK media probably because you know
it doesn't really affect the UK you know Mexico is part of North America it
directly affects the US and Canada in a lot of ways so probably that was a good
thing but I didn't have this false inaccurate view that the US media
portrays that's a good thing I came into Mexico with a fresh mind you know I was
not biased and swayed by the media and and it's just something I wanted to
point out because it's something I've massively noticed during the time that
I've been here Erin talked about it on Erin's travels the other day hi Erin!
if you haven't checked out her channel please do because it's awesome and I did
a bit of a joke video about that recently where I said is this Mexico and
it's something that it's just really struck me I didn't come here with its
disbelief and shock Mexico has been in terms of expectations it's met my
expectations and in fact it's surpassed my expectations in terms of a positive
way so you know has Mexico shocks me no it hasn't in a good way but also is this
Mexico yeah it's Mexico there is no need to
have this disbelief and shock at Mexico because it's an amazing country it's my
favorite country ever that's why I'm coming back to knit a next year at least
that's the plan so when I hope you've enjoyed the Mexico videos please
continue watching there's only lots more videos to come
from secret location Europe etc before I come back here so and that's the speech
over I think it's time to get on a plane let's go
the airport really hot hey it's tickets on my place so in terms
of gaming this is useful information time you can get a bus which cost 10
pesos I didn't want to because it's hard you know stressful with a bag and
everything so I've got an uber and just to point out at this time of the day
which is first 10:00 in the morning was the 85 pesos when I got here and night
late at night it was about 150 so obviously with is very so just get very
might but it's that moment that youtubers go to an airport in a secret
destination video and show you the departure board and you have to guess
where I'm going could it be San Luis Potosi no because
I'm leaving Mexico could it be Dallas Toronto Montreal
Houston or Houston I wouldn't mind going there Bonjour I have checked in money is
all exchanged into a different currency and I want to point something out that I
haven't mentioned before yes this is brand new information as Phoebe said in
friends one time when you leave Mexico it's really weird in terms of other
countries so normally you'll go through immigration get your passport stamped or
you leave the country but not in Mexico so when you arrive in Mexico you get a
tourist card don't really a card to split paper and you have to keep this do
not lose it so when you leave the country you get your tourist cards
stapled to your boarding pass and you base just give it to the person when
you're boarding the plane so you don't get a passport stamp but you leave
Mexico so don't expect one
bonsoir and you know what there's a reason why I keep speaking French
because I might have to take advantage of that $10 Italki credit because I know
any French why do I need French because I'm in Canada although I probably won't
need French because let's face it because being English in Canada but you
know I'm just highlighting the fact I don't know any French but anyway it's
snowy the flight was okay it's cold I wanted to come find my place you've got
to find out where exactly I am in in Canada in the next video so stay tuned
for that I can see my breath I've just been to the supermarket and oh my god
laughter sport a quiche Lorraine and a sandwich in like a plastic thing I can't
get in the UK I haven't had a case to reign in two years I'm literally in
tears and I'm also speaking Spanish still I don't need to speak Spanish here
and they speak another language which I don't know ie French which should give a
clue to where I am in Canada anyway today's been quite an eventful day and
I'm really excited beyond excited I haven't been this excited since I was a
cuber probably look at the snow behind me there's Christmas lights and
everything as is so exciting christmas is coming I'm looking five year old
anyway I'm gonna go home now and sleep and so I've got a massive day coming up
looking around this see where I am and we're gonna find out where I am exactly
so thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe if you want to find out
where I am what else like comment hopefully buy me
a scarf as well and some gloves that'll be great
I'll catch you later
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