Saturday, December 8, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 9 2018

The Korea Meteorological Administration is forecasting temperatures in the capital region...

to remain below the freezing point on Sunday.

According to the nation's weather bureau,... the wind chill temperature in Seoul is expected

to drop to a low of minus 17 degrees due to strong winds.

Snow of up to three centimeters is forecast in the central and southern coastal regions

of Chungcheongnam-do and Jeollanam-do provinces.

Strong wind alerts have been issued in the eastern coast of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province

and the Yeongdong area of Gangwon-do Province.

Dry weather alerts have also been issued in most of the central regions... as well as

the southeastern Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do provinces.

For more infomation >> Wind chill temperature in Seoul at minus 17 degrees Celsius - Duration: 0:44.


《惊天大逆转》钟汉良与韩国警察斗智斗勇,上演高智商反派 - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> 《惊天大逆转》钟汉良与韩国警察斗智斗勇,上演高智商反派 - Duration: 8:10.


Your Sunday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Proraso Single Blade Cypress & Vetyver - Duration: 25:30.

Welcome to Your Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet Shaving

and welcome back it's good to see you in this shave we're doing a shave test of

my ZY Grandslam we hone this up on in the last Friday Special this is real

wood metal spacer that is full hollow Chinese razor got some weight to it with

that wood and it will hold an edge yeah now for our soap tonight we're using

Proraso and this is the Cypress and Vetyver Single Blade shaving cream so

it's not a so it's a shaving cream and we use this once before but now I have

the aftershave balm so we're gonna enjoy that and for our brush tonight we get

some that water out of there all right we are using the Alpha T-400 and this is

just a marvelous brush this has got the "Long John" Premium Boar and fantastic

fantastic brush really enjoyed the boar brushes by the way and this is very

nice now we are going to get about that much which I think it is like maybe an

almond size I don't know but we're gonna do that yeah I'm just going to stick

that in that brush just like that yeah then we're going to tell now I did just

get out of the shower I'm gonna let the face though because this is a shaving

cream and I didn't have the word water now let's go ahead and get our lather on

mm-hmm now last time I use this it really get a

fine job I'd want a nice scent this will really Proraso makes a good

product they really do Oh in these and these big bags that

look like pillows I believe this is actually for barbers yeah and I just got

it because I heard about it and just really a good product like all the other

perhaps or products for that matter and now this again is the wet brush

technique so that brush has got some water in it

and it is doing the job look at that you know nice hmm yep

very good

now we're just going to put a little bit more water on that because I think I can

even take it up a bit from here yeah there you go that's nice that is really

nice King that is so good

ooh that ain't that beautiful wow that's so good alright now I do

Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials on the first and third Friday of every

month! You could click on this card to see my last one where we're honing up

this razor that we're shaping with tonight so this is the shave test yes it

is and I get my ideas for these Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials from you so

down in the comments go ahead leave me a question a comment the suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming Straight Razor Edge Friday Special and we will get that

happening for you this is pass one and for me primarily that's with the grain

let's do this

oh yeah cutting right through those whiskers yep very nice nice edge it is

oh yeah sweet that is nice it is yep yeah this blade has got a good edge and

it'll hold edge to them

there we go alright now we're going to switch over get this I

nice oh yeah very good yes

all right pass one complete yeah you haven't felt good it did now let's get

that cleaned off and get going oh yeah that's nice

yep they're here all right now time for pass two Wow

got my ear good

yes this cream really has a nice scent to it it really does you know that

Cypress in bed over and just everything layered in there is so nice it really is

all right there we go now you are doing around here

give me a hashtag new down in the comments and if you have any questions

or comments just put them down there with it and we will answer them all

right so very good to see it now also keep in

mind down in the description I have a ton of links to straight razor shaving

videos and homie there are all kinds of videos and playlists down there so check

that out as well now this is past 2 and for me that primarily is going to be

against the grain so let's do this

oh you're the peaks on there

there we go nice yep this is so good let's get that


switch it up there handle

here we go

now let's switch over to get this side

nice yeah this this is nice and slick yeah

the residual slickness on this is good really is so I'm able even when it

looked like it was drying out it was still slick enough that it wasn't a

problem and you just you get a wet again it comes to life all right

oh that's nice all those cheeks are good right where they are

very good yep all right now time for the half pass if you haven't seen the half

past reveal click on this card this is the new version so reveal and reloaded

yeah and figured it was time give that an update and you always check that out

and see if the half past is something that'll work for you my problem that I

had is my hair grows from like this chin this way out to those ears and it was

hard to get and against the grain pass on that so this is what I came up with

check it out if you think it'll help you know feel

free give it a try it is a little unconventional but it works and its

really good with these rounded noses because I mean that tip like that is

perfect for doing the half past the way I do it so let's do this oh this is by

the way against the grain

all right very nice there we go that's good cry fantastic

yeah there we go

nice ride another shaving the boys and if I'm not mistaken there were no bumps

harmed in the filming of this shape video yep

oh nice and that's good yeah it is yep very good now here we go

Alan everywhere just like normal

and I Drive that off now for our aftershave kind of thing all right here

we go this is layers and this is the rose

petal this is so good it has just a fantastic set and I think

it's going to pair nicely with this for a so creamy even though it doesn't have

the Rose in it it is I think complementary so nice and now

here we go and this is the Proraso Cypress and Vetyver and this is their

balm yep so we're going to give that a shot I think it's going to be fantastic

mmm and that's kind of good set really does in it is wonderful to end with a

balm because that will hydrate that skin and make it all better

yes it will all right you click on this card to see my how to start straight

razor shaving series I think you'll like it it's a good one

click over here to see my latest video click down here on a video specially

picked out for you click over here on me subscribe like comment share this video

with your friends have a great shave in a good day and I will see you next time

on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Your Sunday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Proraso Single Blade Cypress & Vetyver - Duration: 25:30.


失聯女兒10多年 劉駿耀:恨我也沒關係!曝心酸真相 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 失聯女兒10多年 劉駿耀:恨我也沒關係!曝心酸真相 - Duration: 4:56.


Gilets jaunes : Donald Trump se réjouit des manifestations et lance « J'aime la France » - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Gilets jaunes : Donald Trump se réjouit des manifestations et lance « J'aime la France » - Duration: 2:26.


Конструктор LEGO Constraction Star Wars Имперский Штурмовик Смерти - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Конструктор LEGO Constraction Star Wars Имперский Штурмовик Смерти - Duration: 1:29.


Search On For Man In Possible Bias Attack On E Train - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Search On For Man In Possible Bias Attack On E Train - Duration: 0:28.


4. A Work-Life Balance ⁄ December Daily - Duration: 11:41.

Look isn't this pret-tea?

mm~ what is it!



For Tyler

Why thank you very much

We're doing a study night with tea. My sister is over her because she has a load of work.

I'm still working on the essay I mentioned before.

I'm trying this gen maicha tea with rice in it

I hate when this happens

Oh, ew~ hold on let me just give you a better pen.

*Singing Taylor Swift*

Tyler, can we go get fabric tomorrow, again?

I don't see why not.

My screen's filthy

I have to go pee but its so warm under these covers.

I should just pee here ~

I imagined them to be more round

Oh, yeah they should be flat enough to toast

I'll just use a fork or something

I have to eat this when it's still hot. so



so it is afternoon now,


good news is, I finished all of the writing,


the essay, and all of that

stuff, so

all that is left

for me now in my term is studio work.

last night we went to the cafeteria,

so we brought home

a box of leftovers,

look at my amazing unintended work

that line variation!

we're just gonna have it for lunch,

watch some vampire diarieeeeeeees

I thought it would be a good idea to get mail,

I thought I can use the box

to store my samples,

that I just got from studio,

but I just made a huge mess..

thank you so much drunk elephant,


the cream!

I'm really excited to use it!

it's really hard to use,

when it's flat


just getting home now,

there's this other student I think,

who was walking in the same way as me,


she must've thought I was

someone creepy at first,

because she kept swerving left and right,

and, like stopping, and

speeding up, and I was trying to speed up so I can just walk past her,

but I think that she thought I was chasing her or something, so she would speed up too..

and it was just really awkward

and then she crossed the street.

save the packing material,

I wanna put it in my project.

-I was thinking that, yeah that's nice

so it's called the A-Passioni Retinol Cream,

it came with these

chocolates -what ??

-and they look like..

-that's so nice!

made to look like the cream.

just showered,

I don't think I'm gonna do much makeup,


it's already night time..

I'm gonna try to...

style my bangs

it's been...

*sigh* like

3 weeks.



with the color too, it doesn't look right.

-I like it.

-why doesn't it look right?

-Am I all ready to sing on stage?

-maybe *laughs*

I feel very iffy about these bangs right now

cus they're just really weirdly long..


-that's what you were going for

-yeah I like the short bangs

-yeah I would love to take some of this home, just like, fill-

*acapella concert*

*when I'm 64 by The Beetles*

we just dropped kira home,


it's almost 9 o'clock. I just wanna unwind,

and... UGH

I really don't wanna do work today, I wanna sleep early,

get up early,

I need to edit this,

and maybe I can sneak in a little bit of reading.. for fun.

I know- Mom,

if you're watching this,

-and even my dad,

he's like *gasp* reading??

you?? for fun??

on the way home,

we saw a opossum

I saw my first opossum!

in real life! I've never seen a opossum before


he or she,

looked really adorable,

Tyler hates opossums, and tells me how ugly and feral they are,



I think that

they thought

they were really concealed in the bushes,

but I had a really good view,

and it was a nice experience.

slow poke..


- I was going to get our food for tomorrow.

-yeah tyler loved-


the soup SO much,

that he brought it home in a cup.

it was really good. -so worth it

really good soup.

hi squidge.

she's sitting on my leggings,

I tried to put them on today, but the XS is so tight, because of this..

what ever this material is, it's so dense.

and took me a long time to wear,

so I might wanna exchange that.

I'm pretty much ready to sleep,

I forgot a couple of things

my book.



before I sign off, I wanted to ask,

next week,

I will be going home to California,

and I'm looking for Prairie to stay somewhere,

we had 3 options, and all 3 of them ended up not being able to take care of her,

we didn't know until very recently,

but I'm just trying to find an alternative before

I have to send her to the pet hotel, because...

they call it a "cat condo",

but it's kind of like just like putting her in a cage,

and I

don't want her to feel like we ..

brought her back to the adoption,

pound, or anything like that, so..

if any of you happen to be living in new england,

it doesn't have to be rhode island, because

we can drive her

anywhere from like,

a one to 2 hour vicinity, from rhode island,

if you happen to already take care of cats, and you are experienced,

or, you just have a good environment,

prairie is a very lovely, and easy cat to take care of,

so, definitely comment or send me a direct message, and we can

have a conversation,

and, you know, after screening, and things like that, it would be really lovely if I can find

a nice place for her to stay.

(for a week and a half or so,

because my friend Kira will be back in town earlier, and Kira can take care of Prairie for us,

I even thought about buying her a cat passport,

and bringing her to California with me, but,

it's very expensive, it's kind of a long flight,

it's gonna be traumatic,

either way-

I think the best way for her to be comfortable is just to stay here,

other than that, I'm just gonna say goodnight,

I'm gonna read this for a tiny bit,

tomorrow is a really full day,


tyler's playing with his..

lights again -hue bulbs

let's see if it works!

I'm kind of curious.

oh it comes with music~

I thought it's supposed to flicker..

-I think that they..

have some that do.

my pimple- right here..

for a while now, we've been waking up without an alarm,

which has been nice, because

I sleep until I'm naturally ready to get up, and I slept 10 hours last night, so..

a little bit later

than I wanted to start the day

it's like..

9:30, almost ten now,

I'm gonna make my way to the studio,

and I have another full day,

but, I'm gonna close off the vlog here,

wanted to quickly say Happy Birthday to my dad, because today that I'm posting,

is my dad's birthday!

-hope that you have a good birthday, can't wait to come see you

-yeah we'll be going home next week!!

so, miss you and love you.


I will see you soon.


For more infomation >> 4. A Work-Life Balance ⁄ December Daily - Duration: 11:41.


NYCHA Holds Fix Blitz - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> NYCHA Holds Fix Blitz - Duration: 2:15.


Definidos los grupos de la Copa del Mundo de fútbol femenino | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Definidos los grupos de la Copa del Mundo de fútbol femenino | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:51.


Laptop Motherboard IC list | All Chip | 5v 3v ic | Bangla - Duration: 20:34.

Laptop Motherboard IC

For more infomation >> Laptop Motherboard IC list | All Chip | 5v 3v ic | Bangla - Duration: 20:34.


Vrushaba Rasi 2019 Astrology Prediction's | వృషభరాశి 2019 రాశిఫలాలు పరిహారములు - Duration: 1:40.

development omegle Oh paparazzi three partial aku gravity Dorothea and to a

new pool at the lake una no Jeevitha misogyny gang on a wound only me mano

the area Mamie danke and I dive imbibe are embracing touched in chip annotation

are uh nicola26 this type one deeper to Delano was in a way and a mere adharma

but than the opponent over qu we cool it would be honey color Abu Mira Protection

Division II hollow teach in an EMP super Valerie he so much our own guru Shaniqua

to volapük Chapel of change choco Valley Mangala

guru Xinhua Rania Milano part in Charlie super Nikki Rudra be shaking change

twenty Charlemagne loser who know Rana Kumbha Stannis and cherish any

Maranacook sukumaran Nadu Superman Islamic abishekam Oh a Mubarak

Akuma puja Jerry peach a look at him back you know Lou minimal on poke at him

back you know that shinato's Manitoba Milano right beneath him Hanuman Chalisa

nobody Chandi David correct Ramallah low bajas formula candy

yee-haaa Milano number counterpart in China me to cut certain Dakota some

pious thorough mera see Polamalu savvy veranda Kelso Kinetico description lowly

it salon clip JC tell so Kanaga rue e-ville uni social media love Chandi

Marina video la ku mana channel may subscribe just cannot emerge super candy

thank you for watching

For more infomation >> Vrushaba Rasi 2019 Astrology Prediction's | వృషభరాశి 2019 రాశిఫలాలు పరిహారములు - Duration: 1:40.


Rangoli Design: 13 to 7 Beautiful Flower Pongal Rangoli Kolam Design (2019) - Duration: 6:08.

Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

Rangoli Design: 13 to 7 Beautiful Flower Pongal Rangoli Kolam Design (2019)

Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya

For more infomation >> Rangoli Design: 13 to 7 Beautiful Flower Pongal Rangoli Kolam Design (2019) - Duration: 6:08.


Il rischio di quel famoso 8 dicembre... e i festeggiamenti del 9! - Duration: 13:44.

For more infomation >> Il rischio di quel famoso 8 dicembre... e i festeggiamenti del 9! - Duration: 13:44.


Wind chill temperature in Seoul at minus 17 degrees Celsius - Duration: 0:44.

The Korea Meteorological Administration is forecasting temperatures in the capital region...

to remain below the freezing point on Sunday.

According to the nation's weather bureau,... the wind chill temperature in Seoul is expected

to drop to a low of minus 17 degrees due to strong winds.

Snow of up to three centimeters is forecast in the central and southern coastal regions

of Chungcheongnam-do and Jeollanam-do provinces.

Strong wind alerts have been issued in the eastern coast of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province

and the Yeongdong area of Gangwon-do Province.

Dry weather alerts have also been issued in most of the central regions... as well as

the southeastern Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do provinces.

For more infomation >> Wind chill temperature in Seoul at minus 17 degrees Celsius - Duration: 0:44.


《惊天大逆转》钟汉良与韩国警察斗智斗勇,上演高智商反派 - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> 《惊天大逆转》钟汉良与韩国警察斗智斗勇,上演高智商反派 - Duration: 8:10.


Your Sunday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Proraso Single Blade Cypress & Vetyver - Duration: 25:30.

Welcome to Your Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet Shaving

and welcome back it's good to see you in this shave we're doing a shave test of

my ZY Grandslam we hone this up on in the last Friday Special this is real

wood metal spacer that is full hollow Chinese razor got some weight to it with

that wood and it will hold an edge yeah now for our soap tonight we're using

Proraso and this is the Cypress and Vetyver Single Blade shaving cream so

it's not a so it's a shaving cream and we use this once before but now I have

the aftershave balm so we're gonna enjoy that and for our brush tonight we get

some that water out of there all right we are using the Alpha T-400 and this is

just a marvelous brush this has got the "Long John" Premium Boar and fantastic

fantastic brush really enjoyed the boar brushes by the way and this is very

nice now we are going to get about that much which I think it is like maybe an

almond size I don't know but we're gonna do that yeah I'm just going to stick

that in that brush just like that yeah then we're going to tell now I did just

get out of the shower I'm gonna let the face though because this is a shaving

cream and I didn't have the word water now let's go ahead and get our lather on

mm-hmm now last time I use this it really get a

fine job I'd want a nice scent this will really Proraso makes a good

product they really do Oh in these and these big bags that

look like pillows I believe this is actually for barbers yeah and I just got

it because I heard about it and just really a good product like all the other

perhaps or products for that matter and now this again is the wet brush

technique so that brush has got some water in it

and it is doing the job look at that you know nice hmm yep

very good

now we're just going to put a little bit more water on that because I think I can

even take it up a bit from here yeah there you go that's nice that is really

nice King that is so good

ooh that ain't that beautiful wow that's so good alright now I do

Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials on the first and third Friday of every

month! You could click on this card to see my last one where we're honing up

this razor that we're shaping with tonight so this is the shave test yes it

is and I get my ideas for these Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials from you so

down in the comments go ahead leave me a question a comment the suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming Straight Razor Edge Friday Special and we will get that

happening for you this is pass one and for me primarily that's with the grain

let's do this

oh yeah cutting right through those whiskers yep very nice nice edge it is

oh yeah sweet that is nice it is yep yeah this blade has got a good edge and

it'll hold edge to them

there we go alright now we're going to switch over get this I

nice oh yeah very good yes

all right pass one complete yeah you haven't felt good it did now let's get

that cleaned off and get going oh yeah that's nice

yep they're here all right now time for pass two Wow

got my ear good

yes this cream really has a nice scent to it it really does you know that

Cypress in bed over and just everything layered in there is so nice it really is

all right there we go now you are doing around here

give me a hashtag new down in the comments and if you have any questions

or comments just put them down there with it and we will answer them all

right so very good to see it now also keep in

mind down in the description I have a ton of links to straight razor shaving

videos and homie there are all kinds of videos and playlists down there so check

that out as well now this is past 2 and for me that primarily is going to be

against the grain so let's do this

oh you're the peaks on there

there we go nice yep this is so good let's get that


switch it up there handle

here we go

now let's switch over to get this side

nice yeah this this is nice and slick yeah

the residual slickness on this is good really is so I'm able even when it

looked like it was drying out it was still slick enough that it wasn't a

problem and you just you get a wet again it comes to life all right

oh that's nice all those cheeks are good right where they are

very good yep all right now time for the half pass if you haven't seen the half

past reveal click on this card this is the new version so reveal and reloaded

yeah and figured it was time give that an update and you always check that out

and see if the half past is something that'll work for you my problem that I

had is my hair grows from like this chin this way out to those ears and it was

hard to get and against the grain pass on that so this is what I came up with

check it out if you think it'll help you know feel

free give it a try it is a little unconventional but it works and its

really good with these rounded noses because I mean that tip like that is

perfect for doing the half past the way I do it so let's do this oh this is by

the way against the grain

all right very nice there we go that's good cry fantastic

yeah there we go

nice ride another shaving the boys and if I'm not mistaken there were no bumps

harmed in the filming of this shape video yep

oh nice and that's good yeah it is yep very good now here we go

Alan everywhere just like normal

and I Drive that off now for our aftershave kind of thing all right here

we go this is layers and this is the rose

petal this is so good it has just a fantastic set and I think

it's going to pair nicely with this for a so creamy even though it doesn't have

the Rose in it it is I think complementary so nice and now

here we go and this is the Proraso Cypress and Vetyver and this is their

balm yep so we're going to give that a shot I think it's going to be fantastic

mmm and that's kind of good set really does in it is wonderful to end with a

balm because that will hydrate that skin and make it all better

yes it will all right you click on this card to see my how to start straight

razor shaving series I think you'll like it it's a good one

click over here to see my latest video click down here on a video specially

picked out for you click over here on me subscribe like comment share this video

with your friends have a great shave in a good day and I will see you next time

on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Your Sunday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Proraso Single Blade Cypress & Vetyver - Duration: 25:30.


失聯女兒10多年 劉駿耀:恨我也沒關係!曝心酸真相 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 失聯女兒10多年 劉駿耀:恨我也沒關係!曝心酸真相 - Duration: 4:56.


Gilets jaunes : Donald Trump se réjouit des manifestations et lance « J'aime la France » - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Gilets jaunes : Donald Trump se réjouit des manifestations et lance « J'aime la France » - Duration: 2:26.


Конструктор LEGO Constraction Star Wars Имперский Штурмовик Смерти - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Конструктор LEGO Constraction Star Wars Имперский Штурмовик Смерти - Duration: 1:29.




On Wednesday, just one day after the historic 2018 midterms, Attorney General Jeff Sessions

resigned from his post.

MSN News reported on President Trump's replacement:

Matthew Whitaker replaces Sessions, who was asked to resign by U.S. President Donald Trump,

as the country's top law official.

Whitaker will take over as acting attorney general until a permanent replacement is named.

Trump had repeatedly criticized Sessions for recusing himself from oversight of the investigation

being carried out by special counsel Robert Mueller into the alleged collusion.

Whitaker defended the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting held between Donald Trump Jr., Jared

Kushner, Paul Manafort and Russian lobbyists with Kremlin ties, during a CNN panel discussion

on July 13, 2017.

The reaction from Democrats was predictably "outraged," and Senate minority leader

Chuck Schumer questioned the president's motives, suggesting he was trying to "limit"

the scope of Mueller's Russia probe.

Congressman Trey Gowdy shot back, saying, Schumer's comments, further prove why no

one takes the Democrats seriously.

From Daily Caller

South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy fired back at Senator Chuck Schumer on "Special

Report With Bret Baier" for his comments about President Donald Trump's decision

to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday.

Trump requested and accepted Sessions' resignation on Tuesday.

The president publicly announced the decision on Twitter.

"We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General

Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice, will become our new Acting Attorney General

of the United States," he tweeted.

"He will serve our Country well.

We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well!

A permanent replacement will be nominated at a later date."

The segment began with Baier airing a clip of Schumer expressing concern that Whitaker

would limit the scope of the Mueller investigation.

"Every prosecutor has jurisdictional boundaries.

I don't know a single prosecutor that does not.

Mueller's jurisdictional boundaries were set by Rod Rosenstein in the memo you have

seen and they were altered, amended in the memo that we have not seen.

But there has never been a prosecutor that just had unfettered power to go investigate

whatever the heck he or she wanted to do," Gowdy stated in response to Schumer.

"If you're a state prosecutor you can't investigate federal crimes.

If you're in New York, you can't investigate things in Idaho.

So the notion that we are going to create a special counsel that has no boss, no jurisdictional

strictures at all is just typical Chuck Schumer and I think it's why so few people take

them seriously," he continued.

Baier responded, "What about the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein in his role


One would've assumed that the deputy, that's why he's the deputy if the attorney general

is not there, he would step in as acting."

Gowdy added, "These are interesting times that we are in.

Rod Rosenstein, I was ready to question him, I had 37 pages worth of questions for him,

Bret, a couple weeks ago.

Of course he is alleged to have wanted to vote the 25th Amendment and question the president's

fitness for office, so I'm not sure that would've been

the right pick."



4. A Work-Life Balance ⁄ December Daily - Duration: 11:41.

Look isn't this pret-tea?

mm~ what is it!



For Tyler

Why thank you very much

We're doing a study night with tea. My sister is over her because she has a load of work.

I'm still working on the essay I mentioned before.

I'm trying this gen maicha tea with rice in it

I hate when this happens

Oh, ew~ hold on let me just give you a better pen.

*Singing Taylor Swift*

Tyler, can we go get fabric tomorrow, again?

I don't see why not.

My screen's filthy

I have to go pee but its so warm under these covers.

I should just pee here ~

I imagined them to be more round

Oh, yeah they should be flat enough to toast

I'll just use a fork or something

I have to eat this when it's still hot. so



so it is afternoon now,


good news is, I finished all of the writing,


the essay, and all of that

stuff, so

all that is left

for me now in my term is studio work.

last night we went to the cafeteria,

so we brought home

a box of leftovers,

look at my amazing unintended work

that line variation!

we're just gonna have it for lunch,

watch some vampire diarieeeeeeees

I thought it would be a good idea to get mail,

I thought I can use the box

to store my samples,

that I just got from studio,

but I just made a huge mess..

thank you so much drunk elephant,


the cream!

I'm really excited to use it!

it's really hard to use,

when it's flat


just getting home now,

there's this other student I think,

who was walking in the same way as me,


she must've thought I was

someone creepy at first,

because she kept swerving left and right,

and, like stopping, and

speeding up, and I was trying to speed up so I can just walk past her,

but I think that she thought I was chasing her or something, so she would speed up too..

and it was just really awkward

and then she crossed the street.

save the packing material,

I wanna put it in my project.

-I was thinking that, yeah that's nice

so it's called the A-Passioni Retinol Cream,

it came with these

chocolates -what ??

-and they look like..

-that's so nice!

made to look like the cream.

just showered,

I don't think I'm gonna do much makeup,


it's already night time..

I'm gonna try to...

style my bangs

it's been...

*sigh* like

3 weeks.



with the color too, it doesn't look right.

-I like it.

-why doesn't it look right?

-Am I all ready to sing on stage?

-maybe *laughs*

I feel very iffy about these bangs right now

cus they're just really weirdly long..


-that's what you were going for

-yeah I like the short bangs

-yeah I would love to take some of this home, just like, fill-

*acapella concert*

*when I'm 64 by The Beetles*

we just dropped kira home,


it's almost 9 o'clock. I just wanna unwind,

and... UGH

I really don't wanna do work today, I wanna sleep early,

get up early,

I need to edit this,

and maybe I can sneak in a little bit of reading.. for fun.

I know- Mom,

if you're watching this,

-and even my dad,

he's like *gasp* reading??

you?? for fun??

on the way home,

we saw a opossum

I saw my first opossum!

in real life! I've never seen a opossum before


he or she,

looked really adorable,

Tyler hates opossums, and tells me how ugly and feral they are,



I think that

they thought

they were really concealed in the bushes,

but I had a really good view,

and it was a nice experience.

slow poke..


- I was going to get our food for tomorrow.

-yeah tyler loved-


the soup SO much,

that he brought it home in a cup.

it was really good. -so worth it

really good soup.

hi squidge.

she's sitting on my leggings,

I tried to put them on today, but the XS is so tight, because of this..

what ever this material is, it's so dense.

and took me a long time to wear,

so I might wanna exchange that.

I'm pretty much ready to sleep,

I forgot a couple of things

my book.



before I sign off, I wanted to ask,

next week,

I will be going home to California,

and I'm looking for Prairie to stay somewhere,

we had 3 options, and all 3 of them ended up not being able to take care of her,

we didn't know until very recently,

but I'm just trying to find an alternative before

I have to send her to the pet hotel, because...

they call it a "cat condo",

but it's kind of like just like putting her in a cage,

and I

don't want her to feel like we ..

brought her back to the adoption,

pound, or anything like that, so..

if any of you happen to be living in new england,

it doesn't have to be rhode island, because

we can drive her

anywhere from like,

a one to 2 hour vicinity, from rhode island,

if you happen to already take care of cats, and you are experienced,

or, you just have a good environment,

prairie is a very lovely, and easy cat to take care of,

so, definitely comment or send me a direct message, and we can

have a conversation,

and, you know, after screening, and things like that, it would be really lovely if I can find

a nice place for her to stay.

(for a week and a half or so,

because my friend Kira will be back in town earlier, and Kira can take care of Prairie for us,

I even thought about buying her a cat passport,

and bringing her to California with me, but,

it's very expensive, it's kind of a long flight,

it's gonna be traumatic,

either way-

I think the best way for her to be comfortable is just to stay here,

other than that, I'm just gonna say goodnight,

I'm gonna read this for a tiny bit,

tomorrow is a really full day,


tyler's playing with his..

lights again -hue bulbs

let's see if it works!

I'm kind of curious.

oh it comes with music~

I thought it's supposed to flicker..

-I think that they..

have some that do.

my pimple- right here..

for a while now, we've been waking up without an alarm,

which has been nice, because

I sleep until I'm naturally ready to get up, and I slept 10 hours last night, so..

a little bit later

than I wanted to start the day

it's like..

9:30, almost ten now,

I'm gonna make my way to the studio,

and I have another full day,

but, I'm gonna close off the vlog here,

wanted to quickly say Happy Birthday to my dad, because today that I'm posting,

is my dad's birthday!

-hope that you have a good birthday, can't wait to come see you

-yeah we'll be going home next week!!

so, miss you and love you.


I will see you soon.


For more infomation >> 4. A Work-Life Balance ⁄ December Daily - Duration: 11:41.


Пока Лена Проблем | MEME (500 subs special) - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Пока Лена Проблем | MEME (500 subs special) - Duration: 1:04.


Gwen Stefani - You Make It Feel Like Christmas (Live On Jimmy Kimmel Live!/2018) - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Gwen Stefani - You Make It Feel Like Christmas (Live On Jimmy Kimmel Live!/2018) - Duration: 2:41.


BURN BRIGHT Trailer | BRIGHT BURN TRAILER Reaction & Review | BRIGHTBURN Trailer Reaction (2019) - Duration: 3:54.

Bright Burn

Burn Bright Trailer

Bright Burn Trailer

Burn Bright

For more infomation >> BURN BRIGHT Trailer | BRIGHT BURN TRAILER Reaction & Review | BRIGHTBURN Trailer Reaction (2019) - Duration: 3:54.


Gwen Stefani - Feliz Navidad (Live On Jimmy Kimmel Live!/2018) ft. Mon Laferte - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Gwen Stefani - Feliz Navidad (Live On Jimmy Kimmel Live!/2018) ft. Mon Laferte - Duration: 2:58.


Man Arrested For Trespassing After Telling Kids Santa Isn't Real At Cleburne Church - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Man Arrested For Trespassing After Telling Kids Santa Isn't Real At Cleburne Church - Duration: 1:40.


Watters' World 12/08/18 11PM | December 08, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:25.

For more infomation >> Watters' World 12/08/18 11PM | December 08, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:25.


Budget Cuts In Gary Alarm Police Department - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Budget Cuts In Gary Alarm Police Department - Duration: 2:26.


Springfield Celebrates with Annual Christmas Parade - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Springfield Celebrates with Annual Christmas Parade - Duration: 1:51.


UTPB Women Can't Hold On To Western New Mexico - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> UTPB Women Can't Hold On To Western New Mexico - Duration: 0:39.


Obama Ignored Federal Law, Approved $310 Million To 'Help' Illegal Immigrants - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Obama Ignored Federal Law, Approved $310 Million To 'Help' Illegal Immigrants - Duration: 4:34.


Seven Children Found Living in "Horrible Conditions" - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Seven Children Found Living in "Horrible Conditions" - Duration: 1:40.


Stoichiometry problem grams to grams | Stoichiometry 101: Part 4 - Dr K - Duration: 4:55.

This is part four of the Stoichiometry 101 series. In this video, we're going to

look at solving mass a to mass B question. Here's the stoichiometry plan we'll

be using. I've explained the plan in the first two videos, so, do check them out if

you haven't seen them. The link is on the top and in the description box below.

So, here's our question. Let's give it a read. We're given an

equation and asked to find the mass of ammonia, NH3, that is formed from 32.0 grams

of N2. So, the first thing we need to do is find out what we have and

that's 32.0 grams of nitrogen which is N2. And what does the question

wants? It's grams of ammonia, grams of NH3. Since we're dealing with two substances

here which is N2 and NH3, we'll call them A and B, respectively. A is for what's

given and B is for what we need to find. So our starting point is what we have

and our ending point is what the question wants. So next we'll move on to

tagging our start and end point on our stoichiometry plan. So, our starting point

is grams A and our ending point is grams B. Looking at the plan it will take

three steps to go from grams A to grams B. Before we begin setting out to solve the

question we need to first make sure that we have a balanced equation. So, if you

need a refresher on balancing equation, I'll link the video on the top, but, it

looks like we already have a balanced equation, so, we're good to go. So we are

now ready to set up the solution. In step one, we'll go from grams A to mole A and

in step two we'll go from moles A to mole B and in step three we'll go from

mole B to grams B. So, that's our plan. So step one is to divide the given mass

which is 32.0 grams with the molar mass of A. A, in this case is nitrogen so that

comes out to be 28.0 g/mol.

if you need a refresher on calculating molar mass, I'll link the video on the

top. So, what we do is we take 32.0 gram divided by the molar mass which is

28.0 g/mol and that gives us1.1429 mole.

What we just calculated is mole A which is the mole of nitrogen.

Moving on to step two. We're supposed to multiply what we got from step one with

the coefficient ratio. So from the balanced equation, coefficient B is the

number in front of ammonia, NH3 and that's 2. Coefficient A is the number in

front of N2 and there's nothing in front N2, so that means that's 1. So, we

take 1.1429 mol and multiply with 2 over 1 and that

gives us 2.2858 mol. That is the mole of ammonia, so, now

we're done with step two. Moving on to step three, so, in the third and final

step we need to multiply what we got from step two with the molar mass of B,

which is 17.031 g/mol for ammonia. Notice when

we calculated the molar mass in step one it was for N2 when we calculate the

molar mass for step three it's for NH3. Since we're going from mole of NH3 to

grams of NH3, naturally we need to use the molar mass of NH3, so, we take

2.2858 and multiply with 17.031 and

we get 38.9 grams. That's the grams of NH3, which is what the question wants us to find.

To recap, we start off by reading the question and

figuring out the information that we have and what the question wants us to find.

Then, we figure out the pathway using the plan. Before we proceed if the

question involves two substances, A and B, then we need to make sure that our

equation is balanced. If the equation is not given but the reaction is given then

we need to write out the equation and then balance it.

And once we got that sorted out we follow the set up and we solve the problem.

So you can successfully solve practically any stoichiometry questions this way.

For more examples, watch out for more videos in this Stoichiometry 101 series.

Hope the video was helpful. Do subscribe and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Stoichiometry problem grams to grams | Stoichiometry 101: Part 4 - Dr K - Duration: 4:55.


Kendrick Lamar - My Crowd In Rotation (ft. ARTB$H) [REMIX] - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Kendrick Lamar - My Crowd In Rotation (ft. ARTB$H) [REMIX] - Duration: 3:20.


CREED 2 - MOVIE REVIEW (2018) Indonesia - Duration: 5:03.

Hi guys i am Daffa DJ, and welcome to


alright, today we will talk about CREED II

First thing first, What the F is CREED II?

so in 1976, there was a movie (SERIES)

called ROCKY

who tells about Rocky Balboa played by Sylvester Stallone

to the point, so Rocky Balboa

finally became friends with a boxer whose name was Apollo Creed

and this Creed movie is the next saga from Rocky

who tells

a story about the son

of Apollo Creed, Adonis

this movie is a sequel from the first movie on 2015

directed by

Y'all know Ryan Coogler a director who direct Black Panther

but unfortunately Ryan didn't continue to direct Creed II

he give his legacy to

a philadelphia director

Creed II is about Adonis who get on his top of his career

and of course when we on the top

always got a new challenge

he got a brand new challenge from..

so this movie is about the son of the man who killed Apollo Creed VS the son of Apollo Creed


and we must think like, okay creed.. interesting

they made a movie with the son of Apollo Creed that try to

reinfigured Rocky Balboa

yeah we'll see


okay, spittle to the lens

I was doubtful about this film at first because its not directed by Ryan anymore

but after the opening scene like a friend's sweet talk when they want something

Steven Caple Jr Approved, can make Creed into the next level

with the darker tone from the last movie

for the acting, Michael B. Jordan, don't need to question it anymore!

cool, and solid acting..

you gonna feel it

how excited he is, how enthusiastic he is

to do what he loves

and that is super cool for me

then Sylvester Stallone

back to play ROCKY BALBOA

The super iconic Character from Sylvester Stallone

he's played this character from 1976

until 2018, its like

42 YEARS !

then Tessa Thompson

i love the chemistry from her and Michael B. Jordan as a couple

and i think her performance in this movie is very emotional

i think the script is very neat either dialog or plot


because its include more character

like the life of Ivan, and Viktor Drago

it let us see

they're not just a bad guys

they have a background too

the plot is also related, until it finally culminates at the end of the story

so there is no such thing as a plot hole in this movie

Training montage which has become the mark of rocky films is still here

the simple packaging in this conflict

making creed 2 focus on a story that doesn't shift from the point

yeah in my opinion this movie try to re-embrace rocky fans

who already watched, and followed his story

from 1976

to follow Adonis's story

the cinematography is better than the previous movie

yeah, so Creed II is Badass

this is the sequel which even exceeded my expectations

from doubt, to touched

overall Creed II movie provide what Rocky Balboa's loyal fans want

not only presents a tense fight

the life outside the ring becomes more complete, and completes the whole story

and what is searched for in this film is not just the fight

but also the most realistic message

to continue to rise up, and live a better life

rating from me is..

thanks for watching!

like this video if you like it

Share this video to your friends

write your thoughts about Creed II in the comments section below

subscribe because there will be another interesting video on my channel ! (please smash that subscribe button its free ;) )

Turn on the notification that has the bell sign, so if I upload a new video, you can watch it right away

okay that's it

I am Daffa DJ

and as always buddy


For more infomation >> CREED 2 - MOVIE REVIEW (2018) Indonesia - Duration: 5:03.


Your Sunday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Proraso Single Blade Cypress & Vetyver - Duration: 25:30.

Welcome to Your Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet Shaving

and welcome back it's good to see you in this shave we're doing a shave test of

my ZY Grandslam we hone this up on in the last Friday Special this is real

wood metal spacer that is full hollow Chinese razor got some weight to it with

that wood and it will hold an edge yeah now for our soap tonight we're using

Proraso and this is the Cypress and Vetyver Single Blade shaving cream so

it's not a so it's a shaving cream and we use this once before but now I have

the aftershave balm so we're gonna enjoy that and for our brush tonight we get

some that water out of there all right we are using the Alpha T-400 and this is

just a marvelous brush this has got the "Long John" Premium Boar and fantastic

fantastic brush really enjoyed the boar brushes by the way and this is very

nice now we are going to get about that much which I think it is like maybe an

almond size I don't know but we're gonna do that yeah I'm just going to stick

that in that brush just like that yeah then we're going to tell now I did just

get out of the shower I'm gonna let the face though because this is a shaving

cream and I didn't have the word water now let's go ahead and get our lather on

mm-hmm now last time I use this it really get a

fine job I'd want a nice scent this will really Proraso makes a good

product they really do Oh in these and these big bags that

look like pillows I believe this is actually for barbers yeah and I just got

it because I heard about it and just really a good product like all the other

perhaps or products for that matter and now this again is the wet brush

technique so that brush has got some water in it

and it is doing the job look at that you know nice hmm yep

very good

now we're just going to put a little bit more water on that because I think I can

even take it up a bit from here yeah there you go that's nice that is really

nice King that is so good

ooh that ain't that beautiful wow that's so good alright now I do

Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials on the first and third Friday of every

month! You could click on this card to see my last one where we're honing up

this razor that we're shaping with tonight so this is the shave test yes it

is and I get my ideas for these Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials from you so

down in the comments go ahead leave me a question a comment the suggestion maybe

even an idea for upcoming Straight Razor Edge Friday Special and we will get that

happening for you this is pass one and for me primarily that's with the grain

let's do this

oh yeah cutting right through those whiskers yep very nice nice edge it is

oh yeah sweet that is nice it is yep yeah this blade has got a good edge and

it'll hold edge to them

there we go alright now we're going to switch over get this I

nice oh yeah very good yes

all right pass one complete yeah you haven't felt good it did now let's get

that cleaned off and get going oh yeah that's nice

yep they're here all right now time for pass two Wow

got my ear good

yes this cream really has a nice scent to it it really does you know that

Cypress in bed over and just everything layered in there is so nice it really is

all right there we go now you are doing around here

give me a hashtag new down in the comments and if you have any questions

or comments just put them down there with it and we will answer them all

right so very good to see it now also keep in

mind down in the description I have a ton of links to straight razor shaving

videos and homie there are all kinds of videos and playlists down there so check

that out as well now this is past 2 and for me that primarily is going to be

against the grain so let's do this

oh you're the peaks on there

there we go nice yep this is so good let's get that


switch it up there handle

here we go

now let's switch over to get this side

nice yeah this this is nice and slick yeah

the residual slickness on this is good really is so I'm able even when it

looked like it was drying out it was still slick enough that it wasn't a

problem and you just you get a wet again it comes to life all right

oh that's nice all those cheeks are good right where they are

very good yep all right now time for the half pass if you haven't seen the half

past reveal click on this card this is the new version so reveal and reloaded

yeah and figured it was time give that an update and you always check that out

and see if the half past is something that'll work for you my problem that I

had is my hair grows from like this chin this way out to those ears and it was

hard to get and against the grain pass on that so this is what I came up with

check it out if you think it'll help you know feel

free give it a try it is a little unconventional but it works and its

really good with these rounded noses because I mean that tip like that is

perfect for doing the half past the way I do it so let's do this oh this is by

the way against the grain

all right very nice there we go that's good cry fantastic

yeah there we go

nice ride another shaving the boys and if I'm not mistaken there were no bumps

harmed in the filming of this shape video yep

oh nice and that's good yeah it is yep very good now here we go

Alan everywhere just like normal

and I Drive that off now for our aftershave kind of thing all right here

we go this is layers and this is the rose

petal this is so good it has just a fantastic set and I think

it's going to pair nicely with this for a so creamy even though it doesn't have

the Rose in it it is I think complementary so nice and now

here we go and this is the Proraso Cypress and Vetyver and this is their

balm yep so we're going to give that a shot I think it's going to be fantastic

mmm and that's kind of good set really does in it is wonderful to end with a

balm because that will hydrate that skin and make it all better

yes it will all right you click on this card to see my how to start straight

razor shaving series I think you'll like it it's a good one

click over here to see my latest video click down here on a video specially

picked out for you click over here on me subscribe like comment share this video

with your friends have a great shave in a good day and I will see you next time

on Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> Your Sunday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Proraso Single Blade Cypress & Vetyver - Duration: 25:30.


Jose Mourinho UPROAR: Man Utd squad question stance on one player before Fulham showdown - Duration: 2:57.

 Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho is under pressure to deliver at Old Trafford with his treatment of several members of the squad raising eyebrows

 It is well-documented that he is at war with Paul Pogba, while he has also seemingly lost the support of Romelu Lukaku and Alexis Sanchez

 However, Brazilian outlet UOL Esporte claim it is Mourinho's treatment of Fred that has also angered the Manchester United squad

 Back in the summer, the player turned down the chance to move to Manchester City in favour of heading to Old Trafford, moving in a £52million transfer from Shakhtar Donetsk

 Speaking recently, Mourinho insisted Fred would only play when United are stronger defensively

 "Step by step," Mourinho said about Fred's progress on Friday. "You also have other players in other clubs that needed their time, and you have some of them that played even less than Fred

 "When the team is defensively stronger and doesn't need people in midfield that are more worried about giving some balance to the team than being involved in creation and attacking dynamics, I think the horizons for Fred change completely

" And UOL Esporte claim United players have been left SHOCKED by Mourinho's treatment of the player

 Behind the scenes, the Brazilian seems to have settled in well. He is close to Pogba, who like him speaks Spanish, but is also seen regularly with compatriot Andreas Pereira

 United players reportedly are baffled as to why Mourinho refuses to give him minutes

 But whether Fred faces Fulham today remains to be seen. Pundit Martin Keown thinks Mourinho's treatment of Fred could actually stop the United hierarchy from backing him in the transfer market this January

 "You look at Fred, a player United spent £52million on who cannot get a game," he said

 "Are United really going to commit another £52m or more to Mourinho in January to strengthen the squad?"

For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho UPROAR: Man Utd squad question stance on one player before Fulham showdown - Duration: 2:57.


Investigators vs Phantom Thief: Final Chapter / Nagatha / Crook-a-doodle - Duration: 22:04.

For more infomation >> Investigators vs Phantom Thief: Final Chapter / Nagatha / Crook-a-doodle - Duration: 22:04.


Man Utd injury news: Mourinho dealt another key blow during Fulham clash - Duration: 2:39.

 Man Utd went into their clash with Fulham on Saturday with several injury concerns, and Jose Mourinho was given a fresh headache during the game

 As noted by TeamTalk, Anthony Martial, Chris Smalling, Phil Jones, Luke Shaw, Eric Bailly, Victor Lindelof and Alexis Sanchez are all current injury concerns for the Red Devils

 SEE MORE: Video: Superb set-piece routine ends with Romelu Lukaku goal as Man Utd run riot vs Fulham  While Sanchez and Lindelof weren't in contention to feature, Martial and Bailly failed to make the squad this weekend although Smalling and Jones did recover in time to take their place in the starting line-up

 However, as noted by freelance injury analyst Ben Dinnery in his tweet below, Smalling was unable to complete the game as he was replaced in the second half

 In turn, that now gives Mourinho a real headache in defence as although Marcos Rojo was able to come on and fill the void, the Argentine international has made just one appearance all season previously and so it raises concern over United's backline

 Coupled with Lindelof and Bailly both currently being ruled out, it leaves United exposed in that department if Smalling has suffered a serious setback

 The Red Devils have already conceded 26 goals in 16 Premier League games so far this season, and so with such a leaky defence, the last thing that Mourinho needs is to be continuously forced into making changes which in turn doesn't allow him to find a settled partnership to provide necessary solidity

More Stories about Chris Smalling Man Utd do something they haven't done in over two years in dominant first-half display vs Fulham December 8, 2018 16:18 'When will this nightmare end' – Jose Mourinho slammed by these Man Utd fans for selection decisions December 8, 2018 14:25 Confirmed Man Utd XI vs Fulham: Pogba on bench, in-form star misses out December 8, 2018 14:06

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