Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 19 2018

Hello, this is Stuart from the Photomatix team

and here I'm going to show you how to set up Automatic Exposure Bracketing on a Canon EOS R.

This will let you take 3 photographs, each at a different exposure, when you press the shutter button.

Switch the camera on ...

and over on the top right of the camera, locate the MODE button.

Surrounding the MODE button is the Quick Control Dial.

Press the MODE button and, by turning the Quick Control Dial, select Av for Aperture Priority ...

and press the MODE button again to save it.

On the rear left of the camera you'll find the MENU button.

Press it and the menu appears on screen.

On the right-hand side of the camera there are 2 buttons which you will need to use

in order to navigate through the menus and to select your choices.

The INFO button ...

and the Cross Keys.

When you press the INFO button, you can step through the menu tabs ...

and the right and left cursor buttons of the Cross Keys

will allow you to travel right or left through that particular menu ...

and the up and down cursor buttons will allow you to make a selection.

Pressing the SET button, also known as the Q or Quick Control Button

in the middle of the Cross Keys, will save your menu choices.

So we'll begin by navigating to the 4th menu tab, known as Custom Functions.

The 5th item down is 'Number of bracketed shots'.

The default on this camera is 3, but if you want to change it, press the lower cursor button 4 times ...

and press the SET button to open the menu.

But for now, we'll leave it at 3 and carry on .

Press the set button ...

and once back at the main menu, press the INFO button twice, to take you to the Shooting Menu.

This menu contains Automatic Exposure Bracketing, so press the right hand cursor button twice ...

and the 1st item on the list is Exposure Compensation or AEB:

Automatic Exposure Bracketing.

It's here you'll decide the Exposure Compensation - the EV Spacing - to separate your 3 photographs.

We're going to select a spacing of 2 EV.

Before we go any further, on the top right of the camera, locate the Main Dial.

Now press the SET button to open the AEB menu ...

and roll the Main Dial 6 places to the right.

As you roll, you'll see the EV spaces open up ...

and 6 rolls to the right will give you a 2 EV spacing.

To save it, press the SET button ...

and press the MENU button to return to the main screen.

At the bottom of the screen you'll see the Exposure Indicator ...

here, the center image should be in the middle of the scale.

But if it isn't, then use the Quick Control Dial to recenter it.

In order for you to take all your photographs just by keeping your finger on the shutter button,

you'll need to select Continuous Shooting.

Press the Q Button - the Quick Control Button - and the Quick Control menu appears.

Now press the lower cursor button twice to access the Drive Mode.

And the right-hand cursor button once, to highlight Continuous Shooting.

Press the SET button to save your choice.

All you need to do now is to keep the camera still ...

press and hold down the shutter button,

until all your photos are taken.

If you have any questions about using this camera, just ask them in the comments below.

The next video on this camera will show you how to programme the Self Timer for Exposure Bracketing.

You want to be notified when it's available, make sure to subscribe to our channel now.

For more infomation >> Canon EOS R Exposure Bracketing Setup Tutorial - Duration: 4:42.


Renault Clio TCe 90pk Intens 1ste eig., Camera, R-link, Climate, Park. Assist - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCe 90pk Intens 1ste eig., Camera, R-link, Climate, Park. Assist - Duration: 0:55.


Mitch McConnell Introduces Short-Term Bill To Avoid Government Shutdown | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mitch McConnell Introduces Short-Term Bill To Avoid Government Shutdown | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC - Duration: 1:11.


Dacia Dokker 1.5 dCi 75pk Ambiance Navig., Park. sens., Kopschot, R.schuifdeur - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Dacia Dokker 1.5 dCi 75pk Ambiance Navig., Park. sens., Kopschot, R.schuifdeur - Duration: 1:10.


Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character - Duration: 3:56.

Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character

For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character - Duration: 3:56.


Les annonces écolos: le récit du couac - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Les annonces écolos: le récit du couac - Duration: 7:07.


TMI Project: MHA in Ulster County | Vinny Giardiello - Duration: 8:50.

(dramatic piano music)

- Retarded, I hate that word.

It's not fair to call people retarded.

They might learn differently, but they're not retarded.

Call me by the name I was born with.

Vincenzo Michael Giardiello.


I was born on 233rd Street in Mount Vernon, New York.

When I'm nine years old,

we moved to Throgs Neck near the bridge.

At first, I shared a bedroom with my brother,

then I had my own room.

In the summers, we visit with my grandparents,

my mom's parents, in Schenectady.

They speak to me in Italian.

We watch a lot of TV and they make a lot of pasta.

(audience laughing)

Lasagna, meatballs, salads, ravioli.

My father's family is very mean to him.

His brother, my two uncles, are mean to their kids, too.

Very mean.

I watch it happen.

You do what they tell you, or else.

My father is a Con Edison worker down in Manhattan.

He fixes steam pipes in the city.

He works from time he's 18 until he retires at 60.

On his days off, dad plays football with me and my brother.

We play two-hand touch instead of tackle

like the professionals on TV.

If I touch you with two hands, you're caught.

We also play cards, mainly 500.

Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

(audience laughing)

Dad is funny.

Dad is funny.

He is a good person.

But when he drinks, he hits me, my brother, and my mom.

Sometimes he comes home late at night

and tells us that we have to leave the house.

Or he raises the volume of the TV until it is really loud.

This makes me sad.

When you get hit so many times,

you think you could take on the world

because it doesn't hurt anymore.

That's how I used to feel, but now it hurts.

When I'm five years old,

my mom signs me over to the state

even though I still stay at home.

When I'm older, I ask her why she did that

and she tells me that she did not know

I was going to come out the way I am.

My brother always had a job, girlfriends, cars.

I never had any of that.

I'm different.

As a kid, I had ADHD and I'm super hyperactive.

The other kids called me retard and four eyes

so I fight a lot.

My dad tells me I shouldn't be afraid to fight.

That I should stick up for myself.

My mom puts me on different medications.

When I'm 12-years-old, she puts me in a group home.

Pleasantville Cottage School in Westchester.

But I like school.

When I'm 13, I get out of the group home and go to IS192.

I'm still fighting in high school, too and get kicked out.

I move up to Kingston to go to ALC Austin Green.

It helps me to become more independent.

We build Halloween kits with mask, makeup and brushes.

I also learned how to put together wind chimes.

After I graduate from ALC, I have a lot of different jobs.

Working at the Kingston recycle plant,

as a maintenance worker, at the Hudson Valley mall,

and at Red Lobster, and at Wendy's as a dish washer.

About 15 years ago, my father develops cancer,

asbestos, mesothelioma.

He's sick for a long time.

He loses a lot of weight and becomes frail.

I don't see any of this because I live upstate

and my mother never tells me.

She is afraid I might act erratic.

I don't know he's sick until a month after he passes away.

I don't get to see him in the hospital or attend a funeral

or the memorial.

Someone should have told me.

I don't know how to feel.

I feel if you cry, you cry with family.

That's my rule, so I never cry.

After dad dies, I feel like I'm drowning.

I feel so alone.

I get into a lot of trouble and do eight weeks in jail.

On May 31st, 2019, I will complete 10 years probation.

I'm sorry to anyone I hurt.

Over the past nine years,

I have learned to ignore people who make fun of me.

I am 47-years-old now

and I go to program five days a week at Gateway.

They have classes about anxiety and how to deal with stress.

They have job coaches and help you get jobs.

They have different groups for me to get on.

I love paining and singing.

Life is an art and everything I do to take care of myself

is like making art.

I wake up, take a shower, take medication,

take insulin, shave,

wait to dry off, put my lotion on,

put on deodorant and pour on my cologne.

(audience laughing)

I have a lot of sticks of deodorant.

(audience laughing)

And more cologne than Macy's. (audience laughing)

Put on my socks, sneakers, make myself lunch for the day,

make sure I have everything I need.

Lock my door behind me, wait for the cab in the morning,

I am not even at program yet and I already have made art.

(audience cheering and applauding)

I still talk to my mom on the phone,

I'm not mad at her anymore.

I call her, tell her things how things are going,

I want my dad to know that I am doing well.

I have my apartment with Gabriel on the Oak Street.

I like it there, it's quiet.

I like the neighbors.

I can walk to Boices Dairy ice cream

and order a scoop of vanilla in the cup.

(audience laughing)

I am a man who has a story to tell.

I was drowning so I decided to swim

and brought myself above the surface.

I don't want to fight anymore.

I know that one word retarded

is not going to make me or break me.

I am bigger and better person.

I have a word now.

I am survivor.

(audience cheering and applauding)

Thank you.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> TMI Project: MHA in Ulster County | Vinny Giardiello - Duration: 8:50.


🎬[Tuto] Comment rédiger le script d'une vidéo - Duration: 2:55.

What is a script? What's the point

and how to do it

this is what we will see in this video.

Hello everyone, this is Lou from screen shot tutorial.

The scrpt corresponds to the plan

the story to follow for your video This can be a text, a list, drawings

The bottom line is that the form

you agree

and anticipate what you will need for filming

(the video sequences the voiceovers

the music). This may appear a little

like a waste of time if you know

exactly what you want to say and show.

But unless you are a very good speaker,

the longer your video will be

more writing a script will prove necessary

to keep your viewer in suspense.

The classic structure of a script is in three parts.

Introduction, the body of story or narration

and the final act otherwise called conclusion.

The intro will be what we call an accorche.

The grip only lasts a few seconds.

It allows to challenge the viewer, to introduce the subject,

basically to put the water in his mouth.

You can use questions starting with how

or sentences like I'm going to show you or

good, today we are going to talk about ...

A generic can possibly be placed after the hook

just like a short introduction that gives rhythm.

In this short introduction, you will be able to introduce yourself.

In the body of the script you will answer the promise of the hook and develop your subject.

You answer the questions, you expose the solutions,

You encourage the viewer to stay up

the end of the video. You can for example

promise him watching an exclusive interview

at the end of the video. for example

if you stay until the end of this video, I promise you

show you the full script. Yeah, okay ...

it still works best with promises that generate strong motivation.

In the last part you summarize the benefits of the video

with phrases like you know now,

you thank and invite

the viewer to interact with you in the comments

to leave likes, to subscribe. To write

your script you can use a free sheet, a notebook

a word processor, that's how it suits you.

I put you on the channel's website

a downloadable script template in pdf

the link is as usual in the description.

I hope these tips will help you

Personally I do not script every video

because it takes a little while.

But the script still allows to better structure the content and the form.

As promised, it's time for full scripting.

You see here all the text that was written

on one note to present this video.

If you liked a like,

If you are not a subscriber, subscribe to the channel and if you are a subscriber

turn the bell for more content.

See you soon for a new tutorial.

For more infomation >> 🎬[Tuto] Comment rédiger le script d'une vidéo - Duration: 2:55.


Weinsberg TI 600 MG - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Weinsberg TI 600 MG - Duration: 1:10.


Suzuki Swift 1.2 5DRS / CRUISE CONTROL / BLUETOOTH / STOELVERWARMING - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift 1.2 5DRS / CRUISE CONTROL / BLUETOOTH / STOELVERWARMING - Duration: 1:07.


Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta 5Drs - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta 5Drs - Duration: 0:53.


✅ Maia sanciona texto que afrouxa Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal - Duration: 2:47.

 O presidente da República em exercício na última terça-feira (18/12) e presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), sancionou a lei que afrouxa a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal para municípios e permite que prefeitos ultrapassem o limite de gastos com pessoal sem sofrer punições, desde que haja queda na receita

O texto já tinha sido aprovado pelo Senado e pela Câmara e foi publicado em edição extra do Diário Oficial da União (DOU)

 A lei permite aos municípios receberem transferências voluntárias, obterem garantia do Estado da União e contratarem operações de crédito mesmo se não reduzirem as despesas com pessoal que estejam acima do limite exigido pela lei

Segundo cálculo de técnicos da Câmara dos Deputados, a mudança vai abrir brecha para que pelo menos 1

752 municípios, quase um terço do total do País, descumpram as exigências

O cálculo foi pedido pelo gabinete do deputado Pedro Paulo (DEM-RJ).  A lei complementar nº 164/2018, sancionada nesta terça-feira, 18, retira as restrições previstas no artigo 23 da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal que impedia cidades com despesas com pessoal acima de 60% da receita corrente líquida (obtida com tributos, descontados os repasses determinados pela Constituição) de receber transferências de recursos da União ou contratar novas operações de crédito (com exceção de refinanciamento da dívida ou para reduzir despesas com pessoal)

O prazo que os municípios tinham para se adequar era de 8 meses.  A nova lei abre exceção para os municípios com queda de receita superior a 10%

O texto define que a queda deve ser observada na redução do repasse do Fundo de Participação dos Municípios (FPM) ou devido à diminuição de receitas de roylaties e participações especiais

 Crise fiscal Nos últimos anos, os municípios brasileiros viraram um retrato da deterioração das finanças públicas do País, seja por causa da recessão econômica brasileira ou por má gestão dos prefeitos

Segundo levantamento da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), um terço dos municípios brasileiros não consegue gerar receita suficiente sequer para pagar o salário de prefeitos, vereadores e secretários

Esse problema atinge 1.872 cidades que dependem das transferências de Estados e da União para bancar o custo crescente da máquina pública

 Na mudança da gestão municipal entre 2016 e 2017, a Firjan também mostrou que cerca de 2 mil prefeituras estavam fora da lei

Dessas, 575 estouraram o limite de gastos com pessoal em 2016 e outras 715 deixaram um rombo de R$ 6,3 bilhões de restos a pagar para a nova gestão municipal

Pela lei em vigor até agora, esse descumprimento poderia resultar na prisão dos ex-prefeitos

  Veja a íntegra da Lei Complementar nº 164/2018.

For more infomation >> ✅ Maia sanciona texto que afrouxa Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal - Duration: 2:47.


COMO MUDAR DECOTE NADADOR E TRANSFORMAR VESTIDO LONGO | Customizando Mariely Del Rey - Duration: 4:57.

Hi guys! In today's video I'll show you

how to transform a long dress with racerback

in a dress with Japanese sleeve at the knee.

This dress is from my mother and she does not like her racerback,

which makes the body more visible, does not it?

She wanted to change the style of the dress, leave it more closed behind

and also make shorter, she did not want long dress.

Is it difficult to change that dress? Not at all! Let's learn how!

But before, leave already yours

and if it is not yet registered, it subscribes to the channel and activate the bell to receive all the videos!

To make the changes we will need a dress that you already have there in your house

to serve as a mold and know the ideal length, where you should cut the dress.

And look, when we think about cutting the length, we'll think about cutting down.

But no, in that case, we'll cut the top,

since we're going to change the back of the dress so we can preserve the original dress bar, okay?

Put the dress inside out, stretched out on the table,

Put the dress on top.

If you want you can cut it straight.

But I preferred to draw a line with the ruler to be more certain.

You do not need to cut close to the other dress,

because it has to leave a margin for the seam we are going to make.

After cutting the dress, we must make the openings of the cavas and the neckline.

Use a measuring tape to measure. I left 3 centimeters for the Japanese style sleeve.

to make the neckline measure the middle of the dress and then go turning the tape measure

and marking how many centimeters you want.

Here I left about 10 centimeters and then traced the chalk all over the neckline.

There are other ways to do this,

There are people who fold the dress in half and once. You do what you think is best.

Remembering that I am not a seamstress, but I give my jumps in the seam,

even invention and in the end until it works!

If you are also like this, write in the comments

"I give my jumps in the seam" I want to know!

After all, it's time to cut.

Now let's put pins on the shoulders

and pass a seam to close.

Sew by hand or at the sewing machine in the straight stitch.

Closed shoulders, let's now finish the neckline and sleeves.

For this we will turn the entire edge to make the bar.

This bar will be very simple.

If you want, you can use bias, or do it another way.

Here I am showing the way I found it simpler and faster to do.

After placing pins,

you should thread everything to make it easier to sew the machine.

All tacked up, just sew.

And then our dress is ready !!

A light and loose dress for the summer.

Comfortable and with the back more veiled.

Then you can customize at will

or use with some belt to mark the waist a little.

Look at the before and after this transformation today.

Did you like this easy tip?

Enjoy the video and share it with your friends!

Comment below that I will answer all your comments!

Well, that's it! A kiss and until the next video!

For more infomation >> COMO MUDAR DECOTE NADADOR E TRANSFORMAR VESTIDO LONGO | Customizando Mariely Del Rey - Duration: 4:57.


Últimas notícia de hoje : GLEISI: TEMER E BOLSONARO DESTROEM LEGADO DO PT - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : GLEISI: TEMER E BOLSONARO DESTROEM LEGADO DO PT - Duration: 3:17.


Al Bano tra Romina Power e Loredana Lecciso: con chi trascorrerà il Natale?... - Duration: 12:14.

For more infomation >> Al Bano tra Romina Power e Loredana Lecciso: con chi trascorrerà il Natale?... - Duration: 12:14.


Romina Power incanta con Al Bano. E su Instagram si difende da un attacco. ... - Duration: 12:48.

For more infomation >> Romina Power incanta con Al Bano. E su Instagram si difende da un attacco. ... - Duration: 12:48.


Fiat Punto Sporting 1.8 16v (Flex) - 2013 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Sporting 1.8 16v (Flex) - 2013 - Duration: 4:50.


✅ Mary Falconieri Grande Fratello: "Ho rifiutato Uomini e Donne e Temptation Island" - Duration: 1:57.

Grande Fratello Mary Falconieri news: l'infermiera ha rifiutato Uomini e Donne e Temptation Island  Dopo il Grande Fratello Mary Falconieri è stata spesso ospite di Barbara d'Urso ma la dolce pugliese era stata chiamata pure in altri programmi

Come svelato dalla diretta interessata, la redazione di Maria De Filippi ha contattato l'ex fidanzata di Giovanni Angiolini

"Mi hanno proposto Temptation Island e Uomini e Donne. Mi hanno proposto di salire sul Trono ma ho detto di no e non ho voluto fare neppure la tentatrice", ha rivelato la 25enne al settimanale Nuovo

"Però mi piacerebbe molto partecipare all'Isola dei famosi", ha ammesso la giovane, che da circa un anno ha un nuovo amore

Grande Fratello: chi è il nuovo fidanzato di Mary Falconieri  Dopo la fine della relazione con Giovanni Angiolini, Mary Falconieri ha ritrovato la serenità tra le braccia di Giuseppe, un avvocato calabrese di 28 anni

I due convivono a Milano, la città dove Mary lavora come infermiera in una clinica oculistica

"Ci siamo conosciuti a una festa. È stato bravissimo a corteggiarmi. Da settembre conviviamo e siamo davvero molto affiatati: sembra che ci conosciamo da sempre! Sicuramente come tutte le coppie sogniamo un futuro insieme e scherziamo anche sul matrimonio", ha confidato l'ex gieffina

Mary Falconieri è cambiata dopo l'esperienza al Grande Fratello  Mary Falconieri ha rifiutato Temptation Island e Uomini e Donne ma sarebbe pronta a partire per l'Honduras

"L'Isola dei famosi sarebbe una bella esperienza, che mi permetterebbe di dimostrare quella che sono diventata

Vorrei far conoscere la nuova Mary: oggi sono più matura e più donna di quando ero al Grande Fratello", ha assicurato l'infermiera

For more infomation >> ✅ Mary Falconieri Grande Fratello: "Ho rifiutato Uomini e Donne e Temptation Island" - Duration: 1:57.



For more infomation >> PEÇAS FEITAS E DESENHO CAMINHÃO-CONCEITOS - Duration: 3:52.


GoPro Hero 7 Silver - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> GoPro Hero 7 Silver - Duration: 1:13.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 72pk 5D TOP! Active, AIRCO! RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 72pk 5D TOP! Active, AIRCO! RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:08.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active - Duration: 0:52.


Impressora Multifuncional Canon TS 3110 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Impressora Multifuncional Canon TS 3110 - Duration: 0:58.


Billy Gunn: "Wrestling it's about the people that come to enjoy what you do" - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Billy Gunn: "Wrestling it's about the people that come to enjoy what you do" - Duration: 1:29.


Un membre de Y'EN A MARRE à Macky Sall , financement de l'ONG , bras de fer entre l'états et ENDA - Duration: 13:00.

welcome to your new edition of Pole-Ethique

we are excited to receive Simon

Rapper and active member of Y'en A MARRE

we will talk about

the political situation

and everything

concerning Y'EN A MARRE movement .

and his artistic performances .

on your TV Show '' Pole-Rthique '' in Snegal Live .

you say that ENDA doesn't

finance you ! ?

the money is not manage .


and it doesn't belong to .


but people say that ENDA

is financing Y'EN A MARRE .

that's the reason why

the government withdraw it's licence to operate in Senegal .... !

don't you cause problem to ENDA

because it lost it's licence

is because of cooperating with your

organisation ?

no . ENDA Senegal is senegalese people

it's employers are senegalese

they can't expel them is senegal

that's what lot of people don't know

ENDA francophone are senegalese

just like you and me .

there's a negotiation process going on

like Alioune Tine

they are negotiating to get ENDA

it's agreement

but what we want to say is

ENDA employees

are senegalese that work and feed their


and they don't work with



but if they try to fight you everwhere

without any results .

they try to fight us

saying ; there are lot of NGOs

behine Y'EN A MARRE

europeen people are behind us ....

you know senegalese don't know how it works .....

senegalese people don't know

how the financing process works

when you hear a big amount of money

like , they give me 250 thousands dollars !!!

they think that's big

but that about of money is very small

comparing our ambition for the country

but Simon ,

don't you think your movement is bothering

reason why you are suffering such as harassment?

yeah , of course

we are bothering

but the people you oppose today

were your key partner in 2012

how would you explain that ?

we can't consider it partnership !

he came to visit us in 2012

to get supports from us

we remind them that because

of his program to reinstating democracy

and promoting two terms for presidency

even though our movement did't not

support any political party in 2012

the actual president came to see us

we told him that , we're not pleasing any

political party but for the population

we are fighting for democracy and

for two terms only

and he can't have third terms !

he accepted

and won the election .

when he took the power , we reminded

that , if he continue certain practical

we'll oppose him the same way we

did with the ex president

he says

we won't violate our agreement

if we go out as an artist and hear people

talking about the situation

of the country and saying that

nothing is changed !

we have to share that message through

our songs ,

that's the reason why i released my single

'' Letter to the President ''

that's also the reason why Keurgui

Music group released their new Single as well

addressed to the president as a reminder

that's also the reason why Fadel Barro

write it's publication about the political

situation etc ....

and when the president came in 2012 to see us

he promised that we won't stay in power for

than 7 years

he will reduce it to 5 years per terms

and he actually jail political leader for political reason ....

today , i'm surprise when we hear people say that

our movement is no longer active

we are not hear to promote violence

we do our job through mobilizations to waken the population

we are a strong team

well educated

our parent pay our studies until university

that's what give us maturity

and inspire us to make citizen project for our country

For more infomation >> Un membre de Y'EN A MARRE à Macky Sall , financement de l'ONG , bras de fer entre l'états et ENDA - Duration: 13:00.


How To Do Unlimited Real Estate Deals - Duration: 10:30.

Today is a special kind of video for a special kind of person. My name is Kris

Krohn. I've made millions in real estate, done thousands of deals. And today, I want

to share with you the secret on how to do as many deals as you want. I'm talking

about unlimited deals which equates to unlimited wealth. In fact, why be limited

at all. Some of you have dreams that are so big and there's charities and

foundations and homes and there's things that you want to do and you want to know

how to just take over the world. And today, I'm going to share with you my secret

sauce. You know, it's hard to believe that there are people in this world that

think that world domination can only come by war and stealing people's homes

and real estate. Dude, the reality is I'm doing world domination and I'm inviting

you to play it with me today. We can dominate this world together. But we're

not going to take and steal and pillage. What we're going to do is we're going to do

business. Smart and intelligent and there's an abundant of it. There's enough

for you, there's enough for me. We can go out there and crush it together. So today,

I want to share my winning formula on how I can buy unlimited amounts of real

estate and that comes down to 3 things. How many? Oh you're such a good

listener. 3. The first one is you got to start by having a winning system. Now,

I could say a winning strategy but I actually said a winning system. And

here's why. Yes, you need to have a good strategy. But the strategy isn't good

unless you can what? Systematize it. Dude, without a system, it's just one z to z. Its

trading dollars and hours. I got to be there myself and doing it. Or I got a

team that I can build because I have systematized it. So for those of you that

don't know what that means, I have a strategy.

I do single-family homes. It's one of my strategies. I got a team of experts in

the best markets around America that will actually every day, that thousands

of properties find the very best ones. And they basically say, "Kris, here's the

list of the best deals in the world today." And then I go in and that's

when I get to number 2 and number 3. But I want you understand I've got

that put in place. Now, the cool thing is when I say you and I world domination

together, we can do this together. You can actually

borrow my system and create the same fantastic results for yourself. If you're

watching that and you're just like, "I'm so skeptical. There's no way." Well sorry,

that's what I've done with thousands of people. And that's what I am offering.

That's part of what this education is all about. Helping you go as far as you

possibly can. So, once you have a winning system, the second thing that you need is

really important. You need a track record. A what? You need a track record. So check

this out. A track record means that when you've

done no deals, your confidence is at an all-time what? Dude, it's at an all-time

low, right? You're not feeling good about yourself. You're scared, you're nervous.

You're worried. But after you've done 10 deals and they're working. And maybe

you had one that didn't go so well. But the other nine did. How are you now

feeling? Dude, I'm telling you how you're feeling. You're feeling confident, you're

feeling good. And you're thinking, "Oh, my gosh. I've just made a half a million

dollars. I've made a million dollars. I need to go do ten more of these. I need

to do a hundred more of these." That's track record. When you have a

track record of zero, it's hard for you to build anything. When you have a track

record of one, you've opened a door possibility. When you've done something a

second time, you start thinking maybe this isn't a fluke. When you've done it

3 times, you're thinking, "Oh, my gosh. I can repeat this. I can do this again and

again." And when you have a track record of 10, that's when we start stepping into

the door called double door, open them up. World

domination. Which is how big do you want to go? How much does the globe do you

want? How many people do you want to help? How many miles you want to feed? You want

to solve world hunger? Helping do you want this thing to get? Do you want to

own multiple homes? A private jet? Like you name it. If you can do it 10 times,

you can do it ten million times if you have a system where you're winning with

the track record. Because here's the final third part we're going to close

the loop. When you have a winning system and you have a track record, then you can

sell that track record to individuals that are brand new that partner with you

and you're closing a loop. And you're basically going to other people and now

not just doing homes. Because that's what the track record is. You're now going to

people and saying, "Hey, how about more the merrier?

Come join up with me. You have resources. I have deals.

Let's use the winning system and let's do more." nd all of a sudden, you find

yourself on a path way of doing deal after deal, after deal. Like let me just

share with you what that looks like. I have a handful of videos here on my

YouTube channel. Even though I've got 600 of them. I've got just a handful where I

will actually talk about partnering. And everyday, thousands of people will watch

those videos and then they'll come to my website and say, "Dude, Kris, I want to

partner with you." And I say, "Well, I need to vet you. Because I have a winning

system and I don't know if you're the person that I want to work with because

truth be told, I may not." There's people that I'm just like, "I don't like you."

Remember what I said? Negative barnacly, negative, nasty. You know, Debbie Downer.

Not going to partner with Debbie Downer. They see the system, they see the track

record and you know if they say? "Well Kris, I could do this on my own but with

you, I'm going to earn more than double than if I were to do this on my own and so it

makes sense to partner up." Every day, I've got people requesting to partner with me.

How did I get to thousands of homes and how am I going to get to my next 10,000?

3 steps. 1, you need a winning system. 2, you need a track record and 3, you then

partner with other individuals. Now pause. What does this mean to you,

right? I mean, it's exciting. We can talk world domination but like, how do you

actually get your hands on it. Here's what it looks like. Number 1, you've got

to actually test the system yourself and do one deal. Test the system and do one

deal. The system is do a deal make 5 grand up front. Make $500 a month cash

flow, make tens of thousands of dollars when you sell. Do one deal. You'll be

scared, neurotic you'll be worried. But you'll have me as a mentor and you'll

have my team with you. And we'll walk you through it.

And you'll do that deal and there will be confidence. But mostly shock like, "It

really worked." And then what I need you to do is I don't want you to have a

track record of 1, not just 2. I want you to have at least a track record of

3. So you get past the part where you're like, "You know what? I really can

duplicate this." I can do this again and again. And "Kris, but I've got no money. Kris

shows me how to do it without money." It's real. Once you have that track record, you

know what your third step is? It's to take that track record of your 3

homes and to go and start by taking it to

people you know that listen, no one's got money. But you would be surprised how

many people have money just sitting in a 401k or an IRA. Doing nothing, earning it

and fluctuating it at the rate of the market. It's not good. They got home that's paid

off. Maybe or home equity. Remember, they don't keep a whole lot of money in their

bank. But the reality is they also don't feel like they have a lot. Because

they've stashed it in places where Society has told them to. There are

people all around you that have the financial resources waiting for a

confident person with the track record. To help provide them the same solution

that you just found for you. When you partner, you'll be splitting the profits

but trust me, there's abundance here. There's more than enough to go around. So,

3 things that you really need is to get the system. Test it to build a track

record. And then once you've done enough deals, you start partnering with other

people. And all of a sudden, you're doing the exact same thing that I am that's

gotten me to where I am today. I cannot even begin to tell you how many doors it

has opened up. Like I don't know you but in that tiny little optical thing that

I'm staring at, I know that I'm connecting with you and it's reflecting

back to me Who I am. I felt that I was meant for more. I knew

that there was more to my life than just working a job that I didn't really care

about. And I wanted to be my wife's hero. I didn't want to be the guy who could

just barely pay the bills or slowly get ahead. I wanted to give her everything.

I'm a romantic at heart. Dude, I promised my wife I watched that dumb

movie that they play at Christmas and let the guy sings and says, "You

want me to give you the moon. I'll lasso the moon, I'll give you the moon." And I'm

like, "Dude, I'm that guy/" I'm not a hopeless romantic that says, "Dude, if I

could give you the moon, I would want to give you the moon." What I'm sharing with

you here has bought me a life that I honestly didn't know was possible. And I

feel like the luckiest kid on the planet. Which is why I'm sharing it now. There's

no reason not to. There's... I have too many deals. But I have standards. I don't want

to work with just anyone. I want to work with people that feel like

they want a piece of that moon. I want work with people that feel like they

were meant for more. I want to work with people that are willing to take action

even when they're afraid. Now, those people? You perhaps? Oh, I can go somewhere

with you. So, that's really my big question. Are you that person? Don't fake

it. You might not be. But if you are, I have put a special link in the

description of this video below. And if you click it, it's going to give you an

opportunity to learn more about how to do some world Dominion with me.

Domination. And talk to a member of my team where we can actually get with you

one-on-one over the phone and really vet you and figure out. Dude, are you...? Are you

really a player like are you going to show up? Because if you are, let's give you a

shot and let's go crush it together. And if that feels like it's you, here's what

I want you to do. Come play. Come play with me. Let's go freak and tear up the

world together. Let's do that world domination together. And for the rest of

you, if this was useful and you liked the knowledge and you want more of it, well,

good news. I provided every single day. All you got to do is subscribe. You

subscribe, I'm going to ring the bell and I'll keep delivering videos to you

and I'm hoping that one of them connects with you so deeply that you say, "Oh,

that's the financial solution I was working for and now it's time to go

hustle and go after. And go make it happen." Because that's what I'm doing in

my life. So I want to invite you to tear it up and you are limitless. Let's go

crush it together. See on the flip side.

For more infomation >> How To Do Unlimited Real Estate Deals - Duration: 10:30.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 200 PRESTIGE | PDC V/A | 27673km | Cruise | Airco | Radio/cd | Leer. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 200 PRESTIGE | PDC V/A | 27673km | Cruise | Airco | Radio/cd | Leer. - Duration: 1:12.


Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character - Duration: 3:56.

Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character

For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character - Duration: 3:56.


How To Promote Your Services Online - Duration: 9:22.

In preparation for a lot of these videos, I simply do keyword research. As you can

imagine. And I found this question how to promote your services online. And I

really know how to do that. We're going to talk about two specific ways. Because

there's a lot of things that we can talk about with marketing. But I'm going to focus

on the 2 that I really know well and that I've gotten a lot of great results

from. So stay tuned. Alright, Scott. Can you guess without... Now, that you've already

looked at the notes. -I wouldn't have to look at them. Can you guess what the number

1 tip I'm going to recommend to promote a service? -Oh yeah, you're going to talk about

YouTube. -Okay, what's your guess on the second thing? -Probably LinkedIn. -Okay,

because we've talked about both these things before. YouTube and LinkedIn. Why

YouTube? -Well, no. So, we're going to talk a little bit about YouTube, right? And you

know, most people when they think about YouTube, they just think of

it as you know a source of entertainment. A quick laughs, a place to hear some good

music or catch the latest news or the latest viral video. You know, it's

rare that people actually look at YouTube and say, "This is an amazing like

marketing source for me." -Exactly right. But how many times have you searched for

"How to unclog a drain? Or how to...?" -Right.Yeah. I mean we all do that. You're right.

The kind of the DIY stuff. You're in the middle of changing your oil and

there's a weird-looking nut and bolt configuration. And you know, what is that

even well if I take it off? What if I take off this nut and bolt? And there's a

video on it. I love that. -And what about... Let's say what topics you speak on? -I

speak on humor in the workplace. Being nice to your employees. -If I'm an

employer and I go to YouTube and I'm like, "How do I get my employees to get

along?" I typed that in. I bring up a video of you. -Oh, that wouldn't that be nice. -Talking

about how to get employees to get along. I now see you as the expert. So that's

the opportunity with with video on YouTube. It's a amazing search engine. But

it's a place where people go to learn as well as be entertained. And if you have a

service, you can demonstrate your service but

you can really showcase your expertise and answering the questions that your

customers have. Now, I want to distinguish there's a difference between educational

how-to style videos and promo videos. There's definitely a place for

both. Promo videos are where you you take people through an emotional conversation

that really focuses on not just the features but more importantly the

benefits of what you offer. Really helps people emotionally connect with you, your

brand. Those videos go on your website. So when people are ready to check you out

and check out your services, that's when you want them to watch a promo video. But

on YouTube, you just want to help them out. You want to answer their questions,

showcase your expertise in just giving them that advice or that help or that

tutorial that they need. And by doing that, they see you as the hero and then

when they need your help, you know, when they need help in that

specific... -Then they can go to your website. -Go to your website. -And then they

see the details. The sales pitch so to speak, yeah. -And at the end of the video,

it's totally fine to throw in a little teeny sales pitch. But the video is done.

Right? You say, "How to get your employees to get along?" You give them all the

advice and that's how you do it. And then like, "So, if you found this video

helpful, I've actually got a training course on

how to work with your employees. You can find it at the page on my website." You

know, link in the description. And that way, you know, people know that you offer

something but they don't feel offended at all because you gave them all this

information for free. You're really helping them out. They see you as they're hero

because you told them how they could you know solve that thing. -You're a

credible source for them and and like you say, you haven't mixed it with any

sales messaging until there's that separation. And then you might say, "Come

see me here or look into this there." Yeah. -I mean, it's such a huge advantage on

YouTube to think that you have an expertise and I have an expertise and

there's people all around the world that are searching for that expertise. But

they don't know that you and I exist. And so you can... By creating this video

that they can find. Now they they find us and they see us as that expert that can

help them. Alright. Now, we're going to talk about LinkedIn. Now LinkedIn is a

great place for business to business. And I like to focus on LinkedIn because I've

gotten some great, great result. And I'm really going to simplify it. The

strategy here is not a spammy marketing technique.

Step 1, there's 2 steps here. So step 1, really polish your profile. And I'm

not talking about polish your resume. A lot of people on LinkedIn will create

their profile to look like a resume. "I worked at this job, this was my title,

this is you know, that from this date to this date. And then I was here. And then I

was here. I've got this degree. I've got this certificate. I ran in this race. I've

got this trophy. Okay, this is my resume." That's not going to sell your

services. Think what would sell your services? What...? Do you put that

stuff on the homepage of your website? Or if you were to create a brochure, you

know to to market or a flyer to mail out or something? What would you put there?

That's what you want to put on your LinkedIn profile. You want to talk to

your ideal customer. So if your ideal customer comes there, they'll see

what you do for them. You kind of talk about the benefits. You know, so on mine,

I don't remember exactly what I put but it's something to the effect of. I help

influencers make 7 figures from the YouTube channel. You know, something like

that. So people know exactly what I do and the benefits of how it impacts them.

So, if an influencer comes to my LinkedIn profile, they know how I can help them.

You know, I don't need to say, "I worked at this company and I've ridden my bike

this many miles." -Or well, I mean. I mean, there are people out there they're

looking for jobs, you know what I mean? That aren't necessarily doing business.

But they're just trying to lure an employer. And so they do have those

available. But you're right. In terms of what we're discussing here which is...

-For people watching this video. W-ant to try to market our business. -You've got a service that you

want market. -You've got to find a different way to present it. Yeah. -If you're trying

to get a job then just ignore my advice and create some fancy resume on LinkedIn.

And if you've got a service that you want to... Want to promote, that step 1.

Really polish up your profile find other examples to look at. Look at other

people's profiles that are more of a sales piece but that are inviting that

are warm that don't come across a sell-sy. That just think, "Oh wow, this person is

really good. I want to hire them as a speaker. I could hire them for this."

Versus the the resume and you'll see what I'm talking about there. Feel free

to check out mine and critique my profile. Once you've got

that created, this is the magic. This is all you have to do. Obviously find some

people that are your ideal clients. Send them a connection request with a

customized note. A customized message and don't sell. Don't try and help them, don't

pray and push anything. Just give them a sincere compliment. -Example of that. That you've done or

you've used or you've seen. -Say, I wanted you to become a client of mine. I thought,

"Ooh Scott, he is amazing. I want to work with this

guy." So I say, "Hey Scott, I took a look at your profile on LinkedIn. And I'm really

impressed. I see that you're doing a lot of good things. It looks like you're

doing some great things in you know, helping leaders in the workplace. You're

also in a lot of shows that I really admire. Keep up the good work."

-That's it. -That's it. That's literally all I would say what typically happens. Scott

gets that message and he's like, "Oh, that's a nice thing to say. Who is this

Nate Woodbury character?" And you looked at my profile which is now

the sales message. And you see how I can help you. But I didn't have to push it on

you. Right. And what typically happens beyond that is you'll actually go and

visit my website or you'll watch one of my LinkedIn or YouTube videos. That's

really what happens. I have people that will then reply and say, "Hey, thanks. It

looks like you're doing some good things too. I read your profile and also watched

one of your YouTube videos. This was really funny." You know, they'll

comment like that. I did a test and I found that between 60 and 70 percent of

the people that I sent that type of a message to replied to me. That type of

percentage is just unheard of if you're going to send out an email. You know, you get

a 1% open rate. We consider that decent or whatnot. -Right. But to get a 60

to 70 percent of the people on LinkedIn to reply to you. And a lot of

those people have checked out your profile. So, that's definitely a way to

market your services. You actually just showcase your services

on your profile and then just give compliments. So which of those 2

strategies are you going to implement? I hope both.

-Everybody loves to give a compliment paid. I mean, you know, stroke their ego a

little without saying anything to salesy. -Yeah, how long would it take? How long

would it take? I mean you got to polish your profile? Maybe that takes an hour.

Maybe. Maybe longer, I don't know. -Yeah. -But how long does it take to send a

compliment to a few people each day. -Not long at all.

-So, YouTube videos, how long does it take to record a 10-minute episode answering

somebody's questions? -10 minutes. -10 minutes. -By my math. -Alright. We will see

you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> How To Promote Your Services Online - Duration: 9:22.


Winter landscape nails - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Winter landscape nails - Duration: 5:36.


¿Cómo Acelerar Tu METABOLISMO? Aprendelo en 5 Minutos - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo Acelerar Tu METABOLISMO? Aprendelo en 5 Minutos - Duration: 5:16.


🎄⛄ Daddy Pig se enfada con Peppa 🐷 Peppa Pig Juguetes en Español - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 🎄⛄ Daddy Pig se enfada con Peppa 🐷 Peppa Pig Juguetes en Español - Duration: 2:46.


Canon EOS R Exposure Bracketing Setup Tutorial - Duration: 4:42.

Hello, this is Stuart from the Photomatix team

and here I'm going to show you how to set up Automatic Exposure Bracketing on a Canon EOS R.

This will let you take 3 photographs, each at a different exposure, when you press the shutter button.

Switch the camera on ...

and over on the top right of the camera, locate the MODE button.

Surrounding the MODE button is the Quick Control Dial.

Press the MODE button and, by turning the Quick Control Dial, select Av for Aperture Priority ...

and press the MODE button again to save it.

On the rear left of the camera you'll find the MENU button.

Press it and the menu appears on screen.

On the right-hand side of the camera there are 2 buttons which you will need to use

in order to navigate through the menus and to select your choices.

The INFO button ...

and the Cross Keys.

When you press the INFO button, you can step through the menu tabs ...

and the right and left cursor buttons of the Cross Keys

will allow you to travel right or left through that particular menu ...

and the up and down cursor buttons will allow you to make a selection.

Pressing the SET button, also known as the Q or Quick Control Button

in the middle of the Cross Keys, will save your menu choices.

So we'll begin by navigating to the 4th menu tab, known as Custom Functions.

The 5th item down is 'Number of bracketed shots'.

The default on this camera is 3, but if you want to change it, press the lower cursor button 4 times ...

and press the SET button to open the menu.

But for now, we'll leave it at 3 and carry on .

Press the set button ...

and once back at the main menu, press the INFO button twice, to take you to the Shooting Menu.

This menu contains Automatic Exposure Bracketing, so press the right hand cursor button twice ...

and the 1st item on the list is Exposure Compensation or AEB:

Automatic Exposure Bracketing.

It's here you'll decide the Exposure Compensation - the EV Spacing - to separate your 3 photographs.

We're going to select a spacing of 2 EV.

Before we go any further, on the top right of the camera, locate the Main Dial.

Now press the SET button to open the AEB menu ...

and roll the Main Dial 6 places to the right.

As you roll, you'll see the EV spaces open up ...

and 6 rolls to the right will give you a 2 EV spacing.

To save it, press the SET button ...

and press the MENU button to return to the main screen.

At the bottom of the screen you'll see the Exposure Indicator ...

here, the center image should be in the middle of the scale.

But if it isn't, then use the Quick Control Dial to recenter it.

In order for you to take all your photographs just by keeping your finger on the shutter button,

you'll need to select Continuous Shooting.

Press the Q Button - the Quick Control Button - and the Quick Control menu appears.

Now press the lower cursor button twice to access the Drive Mode.

And the right-hand cursor button once, to highlight Continuous Shooting.

Press the SET button to save your choice.

All you need to do now is to keep the camera still ...

press and hold down the shutter button,

until all your photos are taken.

If you have any questions about using this camera, just ask them in the comments below.

The next video on this camera will show you how to programme the Self Timer for Exposure Bracketing.

You want to be notified when it's available, make sure to subscribe to our channel now.

For more infomation >> Canon EOS R Exposure Bracketing Setup Tutorial - Duration: 4:42.


Dacia Dokker 1.5 dCi 75pk Ambiance Navig., Park. sens., Kopschot, R.schuifdeur - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Dacia Dokker 1.5 dCi 75pk Ambiance Navig., Park. sens., Kopschot, R.schuifdeur - Duration: 1:10.


Mitch McConnell Introduces Short-Term Bill To Avoid Government Shutdown | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mitch McConnell Introduces Short-Term Bill To Avoid Government Shutdown | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC - Duration: 1:11.


Renault Clio TCe 90pk Intens 1ste eig., Camera, R-link, Climate, Park. Assist - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCe 90pk Intens 1ste eig., Camera, R-link, Climate, Park. Assist - Duration: 0:55.


Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character - Duration: 3:56.

Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character

For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful New craftsman style 20 foot tiny home with lots of character - Duration: 3:56.


Les annonces écolos: le récit du couac - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Les annonces écolos: le récit du couac - Duration: 7:07.


TMI Project: MHA in Ulster County | Vinny Giardiello - Duration: 8:50.

(dramatic piano music)

- Retarded, I hate that word.

It's not fair to call people retarded.

They might learn differently, but they're not retarded.

Call me by the name I was born with.

Vincenzo Michael Giardiello.


I was born on 233rd Street in Mount Vernon, New York.

When I'm nine years old,

we moved to Throgs Neck near the bridge.

At first, I shared a bedroom with my brother,

then I had my own room.

In the summers, we visit with my grandparents,

my mom's parents, in Schenectady.

They speak to me in Italian.

We watch a lot of TV and they make a lot of pasta.

(audience laughing)

Lasagna, meatballs, salads, ravioli.

My father's family is very mean to him.

His brother, my two uncles, are mean to their kids, too.

Very mean.

I watch it happen.

You do what they tell you, or else.

My father is a Con Edison worker down in Manhattan.

He fixes steam pipes in the city.

He works from time he's 18 until he retires at 60.

On his days off, dad plays football with me and my brother.

We play two-hand touch instead of tackle

like the professionals on TV.

If I touch you with two hands, you're caught.

We also play cards, mainly 500.

Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

(audience laughing)

Dad is funny.

Dad is funny.

He is a good person.

But when he drinks, he hits me, my brother, and my mom.

Sometimes he comes home late at night

and tells us that we have to leave the house.

Or he raises the volume of the TV until it is really loud.

This makes me sad.

When you get hit so many times,

you think you could take on the world

because it doesn't hurt anymore.

That's how I used to feel, but now it hurts.

When I'm five years old,

my mom signs me over to the state

even though I still stay at home.

When I'm older, I ask her why she did that

and she tells me that she did not know

I was going to come out the way I am.

My brother always had a job, girlfriends, cars.

I never had any of that.

I'm different.

As a kid, I had ADHD and I'm super hyperactive.

The other kids called me retard and four eyes

so I fight a lot.

My dad tells me I shouldn't be afraid to fight.

That I should stick up for myself.

My mom puts me on different medications.

When I'm 12-years-old, she puts me in a group home.

Pleasantville Cottage School in Westchester.

But I like school.

When I'm 13, I get out of the group home and go to IS192.

I'm still fighting in high school, too and get kicked out.

I move up to Kingston to go to ALC Austin Green.

It helps me to become more independent.

We build Halloween kits with mask, makeup and brushes.

I also learned how to put together wind chimes.

After I graduate from ALC, I have a lot of different jobs.

Working at the Kingston recycle plant,

as a maintenance worker, at the Hudson Valley mall,

and at Red Lobster, and at Wendy's as a dish washer.

About 15 years ago, my father develops cancer,

asbestos, mesothelioma.

He's sick for a long time.

He loses a lot of weight and becomes frail.

I don't see any of this because I live upstate

and my mother never tells me.

She is afraid I might act erratic.

I don't know he's sick until a month after he passes away.

I don't get to see him in the hospital or attend a funeral

or the memorial.

Someone should have told me.

I don't know how to feel.

I feel if you cry, you cry with family.

That's my rule, so I never cry.

After dad dies, I feel like I'm drowning.

I feel so alone.

I get into a lot of trouble and do eight weeks in jail.

On May 31st, 2019, I will complete 10 years probation.

I'm sorry to anyone I hurt.

Over the past nine years,

I have learned to ignore people who make fun of me.

I am 47-years-old now

and I go to program five days a week at Gateway.

They have classes about anxiety and how to deal with stress.

They have job coaches and help you get jobs.

They have different groups for me to get on.

I love paining and singing.

Life is an art and everything I do to take care of myself

is like making art.

I wake up, take a shower, take medication,

take insulin, shave,

wait to dry off, put my lotion on,

put on deodorant and pour on my cologne.

(audience laughing)

I have a lot of sticks of deodorant.

(audience laughing)

And more cologne than Macy's. (audience laughing)

Put on my socks, sneakers, make myself lunch for the day,

make sure I have everything I need.

Lock my door behind me, wait for the cab in the morning,

I am not even at program yet and I already have made art.

(audience cheering and applauding)

I still talk to my mom on the phone,

I'm not mad at her anymore.

I call her, tell her things how things are going,

I want my dad to know that I am doing well.

I have my apartment with Gabriel on the Oak Street.

I like it there, it's quiet.

I like the neighbors.

I can walk to Boices Dairy ice cream

and order a scoop of vanilla in the cup.

(audience laughing)

I am a man who has a story to tell.

I was drowning so I decided to swim

and brought myself above the surface.

I don't want to fight anymore.

I know that one word retarded

is not going to make me or break me.

I am bigger and better person.

I have a word now.

I am survivor.

(audience cheering and applauding)

Thank you.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> TMI Project: MHA in Ulster County | Vinny Giardiello - Duration: 8:50.


🎬[Tuto] Comment rédiger le script d'une vidéo - Duration: 2:55.

What is a script? What's the point

and how to do it

this is what we will see in this video.

Hello everyone, this is Lou from screen shot tutorial.

The scrpt corresponds to the plan

the story to follow for your video This can be a text, a list, drawings

The bottom line is that the form

you agree

and anticipate what you will need for filming

(the video sequences the voiceovers

the music). This may appear a little

like a waste of time if you know

exactly what you want to say and show.

But unless you are a very good speaker,

the longer your video will be

more writing a script will prove necessary

to keep your viewer in suspense.

The classic structure of a script is in three parts.

Introduction, the body of story or narration

and the final act otherwise called conclusion.

The intro will be what we call an accorche.

The grip only lasts a few seconds.

It allows to challenge the viewer, to introduce the subject,

basically to put the water in his mouth.

You can use questions starting with how

or sentences like I'm going to show you or

good, today we are going to talk about ...

A generic can possibly be placed after the hook

just like a short introduction that gives rhythm.

In this short introduction, you will be able to introduce yourself.

In the body of the script you will answer the promise of the hook and develop your subject.

You answer the questions, you expose the solutions,

You encourage the viewer to stay up

the end of the video. You can for example

promise him watching an exclusive interview

at the end of the video. for example

if you stay until the end of this video, I promise you

show you the full script. Yeah, okay ...

it still works best with promises that generate strong motivation.

In the last part you summarize the benefits of the video

with phrases like you know now,

you thank and invite

the viewer to interact with you in the comments

to leave likes, to subscribe. To write

your script you can use a free sheet, a notebook

a word processor, that's how it suits you.

I put you on the channel's website

a downloadable script template in pdf

the link is as usual in the description.

I hope these tips will help you

Personally I do not script every video

because it takes a little while.

But the script still allows to better structure the content and the form.

As promised, it's time for full scripting.

You see here all the text that was written

on one note to present this video.

If you liked a like,

If you are not a subscriber, subscribe to the channel and if you are a subscriber

turn the bell for more content.

See you soon for a new tutorial.

For more infomation >> 🎬[Tuto] Comment rédiger le script d'une vidéo - Duration: 2:55.


Weinsberg TI 600 MG - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Weinsberg TI 600 MG - Duration: 1:10.


Suzuki Swift 1.2 5DRS / CRUISE CONTROL / BLUETOOTH / STOELVERWARMING - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift 1.2 5DRS / CRUISE CONTROL / BLUETOOTH / STOELVERWARMING - Duration: 1:07.


Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta 5Drs - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta 5Drs - Duration: 0:53.


✅ Maia sanciona texto que afrouxa Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal - Duration: 2:47.

 O presidente da República em exercício na última terça-feira (18/12) e presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), sancionou a lei que afrouxa a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal para municípios e permite que prefeitos ultrapassem o limite de gastos com pessoal sem sofrer punições, desde que haja queda na receita

O texto já tinha sido aprovado pelo Senado e pela Câmara e foi publicado em edição extra do Diário Oficial da União (DOU)

 A lei permite aos municípios receberem transferências voluntárias, obterem garantia do Estado da União e contratarem operações de crédito mesmo se não reduzirem as despesas com pessoal que estejam acima do limite exigido pela lei

Segundo cálculo de técnicos da Câmara dos Deputados, a mudança vai abrir brecha para que pelo menos 1

752 municípios, quase um terço do total do País, descumpram as exigências

O cálculo foi pedido pelo gabinete do deputado Pedro Paulo (DEM-RJ).  A lei complementar nº 164/2018, sancionada nesta terça-feira, 18, retira as restrições previstas no artigo 23 da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal que impedia cidades com despesas com pessoal acima de 60% da receita corrente líquida (obtida com tributos, descontados os repasses determinados pela Constituição) de receber transferências de recursos da União ou contratar novas operações de crédito (com exceção de refinanciamento da dívida ou para reduzir despesas com pessoal)

O prazo que os municípios tinham para se adequar era de 8 meses.  A nova lei abre exceção para os municípios com queda de receita superior a 10%

O texto define que a queda deve ser observada na redução do repasse do Fundo de Participação dos Municípios (FPM) ou devido à diminuição de receitas de roylaties e participações especiais

 Crise fiscal Nos últimos anos, os municípios brasileiros viraram um retrato da deterioração das finanças públicas do País, seja por causa da recessão econômica brasileira ou por má gestão dos prefeitos

Segundo levantamento da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), um terço dos municípios brasileiros não consegue gerar receita suficiente sequer para pagar o salário de prefeitos, vereadores e secretários

Esse problema atinge 1.872 cidades que dependem das transferências de Estados e da União para bancar o custo crescente da máquina pública

 Na mudança da gestão municipal entre 2016 e 2017, a Firjan também mostrou que cerca de 2 mil prefeituras estavam fora da lei

Dessas, 575 estouraram o limite de gastos com pessoal em 2016 e outras 715 deixaram um rombo de R$ 6,3 bilhões de restos a pagar para a nova gestão municipal

Pela lei em vigor até agora, esse descumprimento poderia resultar na prisão dos ex-prefeitos

  Veja a íntegra da Lei Complementar nº 164/2018.

For more infomation >> ✅ Maia sanciona texto que afrouxa Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal - Duration: 2:47.


La langue française dans le monde. Dans quels pays parle-t-on français ? - Duration: 13:32.

For more infomation >> La langue française dans le monde. Dans quels pays parle-t-on français ? - Duration: 13:32.


RV dumping 101| Don't make my mistake| RV Life - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> RV dumping 101| Don't make my mistake| RV Life - Duration: 8:29.


YOG$ - Alive feat. Quinn XCII - Duration: 3:20.

YOG$ - Alive feat. Quinn XCII LYRICS

Always say you're in you room, that you starve Always claim I'm way too down on my luck

We both need somebody who don't give a fuck Could you wait for me?

Could you wait for me?

All I know is I'm alone in these fumes And I say I'll write this down on my tomb

Your smoke filled up the air that's before it all loomed

Would you pray for me?

Would you pray for me?

I just need somebody Who calls me up in the morning

Need someone who won't say I'm crazy when red is storming

The way I feel inside Makes me terrified

You don't have to hide You know I'm alive with you

You know I'm alive with you You know I'm


I just need some wave to coast and enjoy It's those crowdy down rooms where I get annoyed

I miss those days of snow back in Detroit Could you wait for me?

Could you wait for me?

I'm alone in California but I get through Don't know where exactly you're resting or

where is the view But I bet you need somebody the way that I

do Hope you stay with me

Hope you stay with me

I just need somebody Who calls me up in the morning

Need someone who won't say I'm crazy when red is storming

The way I feel inside

Makes me terrified You don't have to hide

You know I'm alive with you You know I'm alive with you

You know I'm alive

For more infomation >> YOG$ - Alive feat. Quinn XCII - Duration: 3:20.


Social CPA Formula ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Don't Get Social CPA Formula Without My 😝 Crazy 😝 Bonus Bundle! - Duration: 9:50.

in the next couple of minutes I'm going to tell you about the system responsible

for helping David generate 1 million twenty eight thousand three hundred and

thirty four dollars in six months in passive CPA income as you already know

cost per action marketing has created more success stories than just about any

other business model out there it's simply because no other method lets you

get paid without having to ship anything you don't even need to sell anything no

other system lets you get paid every time someone enters their zip code email

or name for information they want to receive all you need to do is find the

right people and then this form and you're already earning on your way to

joining the people who are really killing it with CPA yep

CPA is actually that simple the problem is the courses existing today are taught

by people not actually earning with CPA tell me how can you learn CPA from

someone who teaches the basics but has never earned a cent with CPA before in

their life you might be asking why aren't the real CPA earners putting out

their own courses well the answer is simple they don't want others cashing in

on their winning CPA strategies but luckily we found David a tried-and-true

CPA earner who makes upwards of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars per

month with CPA and he was totally on board with helping others finally start

seeing results with CPA David simple Facebook Ads CPA formula has allowed him

to earn between ten thousand to a hundred and fifty thousand dollars every

month in passive CPA commissions we worked with him to turn his CPA steps

into an easy to follow step by step blueprint that actually takes you

through one lesson at a time and to seeing big results with CPA the result

social CPA formula social CPA formula is a unique step-by-step training combined

with real profitable case studies designed to not only show you the

methods but also show you David profiting with the system itself now the

main difference between social CPA formula and the failed CPA courses on

the market today is really quite simple your teacher David earns with CPA every

single day and social CPA formula includes real live case studies of

profitable CPA campaigns the same simply cannot be said for the rehashed outdated

courses that people are sadly buying since the teachers don't actually run

any CPA campaigns social CPA formula is broken down into 16 bite-sized follow

along lessons that make sure you're caught up before going to the next

module all you need to do is follow along it doesn't matter if you've had

any previous experience before or not you'll also be able to start on a

minimal ad budget of just ten dollars and scale your business working as

little as fifteen to thirty minutes per day or really whenever you feel like it

it's actually as easy as following a five-step simple formula first find an

offer in a lucrative niche the way David shows you and you can even copy the

exact niches and products he shows you in his case studies next research your

competition to see what they're doing that is working and what's not working

then set up your campaign with five to ten bucks and this is where the social

cpa formula method and case studies show you how to turn this on the right way

allowing you to maximize your profits next launch your campaign finally apply

a few optimization tactics that david gives you then scale up and join the

ranks of the real cpa earners we made sure to cover all the bases for you here

social cpa formula is a proven results based CPA method created by a true CPA

earner you learn the facebook ad secrets not available in rehashed outdated

facebook courses you get real profitable case studies that spill

all the beans there's nothing else like this out there trust me look it doesn't

matter if you've been successful in CPA before or perhaps you never tried it and

have failed with other marketing methods or maybe you're successful in other

areas and want to add another passive income stream to your arsenal social CPA

formula makes it easy for anyone with no experience to finally open the doors to

a passive CPA income stream social CPA formula is on special discount for a

limited time and when you act now we're including the following bonuses free of

charge first you're getting four case studies

that show you live profitable campaigns one of which is the campaign that netted

David over a million dollars in profit in just a few months a perfect bonus not

only to give you an edge in understanding CPA but also additional

ways you can profit with it straight from David's underground wealth and

knowledge next you're getting access to the same exclusive offer that cannot be

found in any other CPA networks except Mac's bounty the offer is unique

unsaturated and until now there's only been two people in the world promoting

this offer online David has successfully promoted this offer for the last two and

a half years and now it will be opened up to you additionally you'll receive

access to an invite-only Facebook group and which you can ask questions openly

with other like-minded individuals and network with other CPA marketers social

CPA formula is your chance right now to get access to the most unique CPA system

on the market the best training and the best case studies available at a tiny

fraction of what you'd pay for any personal one-on-one coach so go ahead

and click the Buy Now button to join us inside social CPA formula and we'll see

you on the inside

what's up everybody my name is David Johnson and I'm gonna share with you my

story how I went from constantly broken frustrated to living the American Dream

I hated getting up early in the morning I couldn't stand being trapped in

traffic on the way to work having to work for a company who viewed me as just

another employee and didn't appreciate me and didn't pay me what I was worth I

went from having 87 cents in my bank account which I will never forget to

discover cpa marketing with only 30 dollars to spend on facebook ads i was

able to generate $15,000 in my first month with the same formula we'll be

sharing with you today since I hit that turning point

I haven't generated less than five figures per month for the last three

years you can see here from June to July of 2015 a payout of $15,000 and I just

continue working to build it up from there the payouts continue to come in as

you can see here and things just got better and better from there I was able

to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits purely as a result of

cpa marketing this process has allowed me to live an amazing life which I

continue to do today I've been able to travel go on vacations with my beautiful

wife visit amazing places and enjoy some once-in-a-lifetime experiences I have

traveled to business conferences met with industry legends and expanded my

knowledge by learning from the best I've been able to buy a lot of cool stuff to

which I thought was never possible but they're very possible now I went from

being one payment away from having our only car repossessed to paying off my

new car with no car payment and no car loan not only that I was able to pay off

our house that I bought from my family with no mortgage no house payment and

this is all because of cpa marketing i have gone on to create several courses

around this how this came to be and the course shown here was actually

recommended by max bounty who's one of the top-rated affiliate networks in the

world the bottom line is that I'm living life on my terms I have time freedom

financial freedom and I'm able to help out friends and family and that's why

I'm so excited to share my five-step social cpa formula with you

so you can have the same opportunity to change your life as well



For more infomation >> Social CPA Formula ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Don't Get Social CPA Formula Without My 😝 Crazy 😝 Bonus Bundle! - Duration: 9:50.


Real Santa - the true christimas hero - Duration: 1:18.

Rudolph the red-nosed courier

had a very shiny van

And if you ever saw it

You would even say it flies

All of the other drivers

used to wait and let him through

They always let Flyin' Rudy

have warm welcomes at their door

Then one busy Christmas Eve

Santa came to say

Rudolph with your car so fast

won't you take Amazon Prime tonight?

After the last delivery

Presents all arrived on time

All children jolly happy

Weary Rudy said

Now all is fine!

Late this busy Christmas Eve

Santa sat to say

Relax and enjoy the Silent Night

'cause monday is returns collection day!

For more infomation >> Real Santa - the true christimas hero - Duration: 1:18.


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Edition Airco,NAVI,NAP,PDC,APK - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Sports Tourer 1.6 T Edition Airco,NAVI,NAP,PDC,APK - Duration: 0:53.


Will Hytale KILL Minecraft? - Duration: 10:10.

hey guys I'm back for another video and today I'm gonna be talking about hi tail

again this is my third video talking about a game that's not even out yet

can you tell them hyped anyway today I'm gonna be contemplating the future of

Minecraft now that this game is a thing so do I think that hightail is going to

kill minecraft for those of you that just want to hear my answer I'm gonna

guess no but there's a lot of reasons for it so first off I mean the premise

of one game completely killing another is something that a lot of people just

say casually but does it really happen I would guess no sure it might take a

lot of players away from the platform but I don't think it's going to kill a

game I mean what game truly is dead other than like et for the Atari 2600 or

something like old and like badly made like people are saying that minecraft

already is dead because of fortnight and I can say for a fact it's not dead there

are people getting millions of views every day even tens of millions on some

channels for Minecraft content it's obviously still kicking and now that

hightail has been unveiled in a trailer a lot of people are calling it minecraft

- they're saying that it's going to kill the game - minecraft that is and I just

don't think that's true so first off one thing that minecraft has over other

games is its modding and yes hightail does say that they are going to

support modding but not on the client so after some reading I discovered that all

the mods that people are gonna be making will be server-side and one of my things

that I was hoping for actually is happening so if you look on their

website they say that any mods that people make or any code that's written

any scripting or animating all of that information will be stored on the server

and it will be I think they used the term handshake it will be exchanged

between the client and server and installed that way but the client itself

will remain vanilla and the reason for that is to diminish

hacking and cheating and I think that's amazing because if you're not able to

modify the client then of course making hacks or any modifications will be much

more difficult so that being said hightail is limited believe it or not a

single player modded experiences are going to be much more difficult to do

because you're going to need some sort of a local server you'll be making mods

for the server but not changing your client so things like minecraft mod

packs Tekkit technic blight fall sky factory project ozone stone block like I

could go on and on and on and on all these mod packs and their industrial

crafting theme that will forever be a Minecraft thing I do not think that

there are going to be any substantial attempts at something similar in

hightail ID I mean maybe there'll be a sky block a sky factory but these are

going to be derivatives they will be based on the og which is from Minecraft

I do not think that minecraft will die I think it will be the original thing

maybe high tail will become more popular even in that field but minecraft will

always have the hardcore dedicated fans that play modded one thing that

surprises me about high town is so many people are comparing it to minecraft in

Minecraft alone but no one's talking about the similarities between high tail

and cube world honestly if you look at cube world it is a very similar premise

it's a block based game with procedurally generated landscape with

dungeons and tons of enemies to kill and multiple character classes there's no

minigames but we're talking solely single-player here and and you know

co-op multiplayer but cube world I think that game has been dead for a long time

I mean technically it's been in development for the past like seven

years no one's had access to like any dev

builds ever since like they released it quote released it back in like 2013 but

I think cubeworld is in some major trouble if they ever decide to come back

because of hightail it has almost everything that cubeworld had and more

so rip I cube worlds unless they really push for a really

good update I mean the game's not even available anymore so I guess that's a

game you could say is almost completely dead because people can't even get ahold

of it anymore I've been seeing a lot of stuff on the website about how its again

procedurally generated you can adventure through a world and you can mine ores

and it does that thing where like the entire block bounces as you hit it which

is very reminiscent of fortnight not so much minecraft the block just kind of

stays in place but has like a breaking animation kind of slapped on top of it

I'm not a hundred percent sure if you can break every single block in the

landscape I could be completely wrong here to those of you watching this in

the future ITIL hasn't come out yet there's only the trailer to go off of

like a minute of content basically or a few minutes of content so I don't know

if the entire terrain is destructible if it is then I don't know maybe maybe it

could replace that I mean one thing's for freaking sharers that minecraft like

mining and gathering your resources it is beyond stale you know there's only

like five or six different things you could really get and most of the time

you can make some automatic farm to get things like say iron or gold

you can't avoid having to get diamonds and lapis you can even form coal so like

I don't know minecraft mining is kind of stale the crafting gets a bit old after

a while especially if you're in modded so I think hightail will definitely

here's the thing it will scoop up all the people that already left minecraft

that's what I think's gonna happen so all the people that already left

minecraft are going to go to hightail there's gonna be a good amount of people

that do play minecraft right now that are going to

hightail but at that point I don't think that's really high till stealing fans I

think it's more so just that Mike has already been hit down several notches

and it will maybe get hit down one more notch and it will just remain as a less

popular but still very successful game as high tell potentially matches its

popularity or surpasses it but if anything I think minecraft well at the

very least remain the way it is if anything if Mojang is smart they're

going to see hi tail and all of the memes and people saying that it's

minecraft too and they're gonna freak out

they're gonna notice hey you know these updates that we've been pushing out have

not been really resonating with what the audience wants and I think a lot of us

can say what we want is better PvP we want better adventure you know having

like RPG type elements I think would really make the game like a ton more

successful and I don't know they're just their target demographic

Mojang is young kids people that it's quality over quantity right so I think

with minecraft they're adding tons of new blocks to the game tons of new mobs

new randomly generated things in the landscape but the quality of the content

they're adding is not really all that good and up until recently there hasn't

been a heck of a lot of content to begin with one point 12.2 has been the

de-facto minecraft version for almost two years and just now they finally like

with 1.13 a few months ago and now they're going to 1.14 but I think it's

too late I think their minecraft is going to become a kids game almost it

already kind of has that stigma about it I think hightails gonna steal way the

more mature audience that isn't into modding that I can say with confidence

but yeah young kids I think they would they might stick to Minecraft maybe

anyway I would say it is very ignorant to say that any one game will kill any

one other game I guess an example I could come up with is Team Fortress 2 an

overwatch anyone that looks at it that has played more than five minutes of

each game would recognize hey overwatch is kind of like a reskin of tf2 with

some different characters and mechanics but overall it's a very similar game did

it kill Team Fortress 2 no it basically created its own space and now the two

games exist side by side sure tf2 hasn't really been talked about

in recent years but that's just because of age and I think minecraft might

suffer the same fate but will it be because of hightail I don't think so so

anyway that is it for the video guys so will minecraft be killed by hightail no

it will just you know maybe it will lose some of its player base but overall

minecraft will still continue to be a powerhouse on youtube even though that's

not the case dear god please kill fortnight


For more infomation >> Will Hytale KILL Minecraft? - Duration: 10:10.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI 115pk T-Roc Sport - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI 115pk T-Roc Sport - Duration: 1:04.


JENNIFER TO THE MAX - ALLES KAN VLOG 03 - Duration: 13:29.

For more infomation >> JENNIFER TO THE MAX - ALLES KAN VLOG 03 - Duration: 13:29.


Hah! Trump Calls Out Liberal Media and 'Spin Machines' Like SNL – "Should be Tested in Courts" - Duration: 1:08.

Saturday Night Live aired another liberal hit piece on President Trump last night.

The humor is stale and tired.

And unhinged homophobe Alec Baldin played President Trump.

On Saturday morning Baldwin was hurling homophobic threats at a reporter.

On Saturday night he was cheered by the left for his anti-Trump performance.

On Sunday President Trump trolled the far left mainstream media calling out "spin

machines" like Saturday Night Live.

The president then suggested liberal media should be investigated!


That ought to occupy the liberal media for a good 24 hours of pure rage.


A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat

spin machines like Saturday Night Live.

It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials.

Should be tested in courts, can't be legal?

Only defame & belittle!


SNL's comedy may be legal but it certainly is predictable

For more infomation >> Hah! Trump Calls Out Liberal Media and 'Spin Machines' Like SNL – "Should be Tested in Courts" - Duration: 1:08.


Girl, 8, Killed When Mom Allegedly Makes Her Crawl Under Idling Train to Catch Bus on Other Side - 2 - Duration: 3:21.

 A 44-year-old woman allegedly instructed her 8-year-old daughter to crawl underneath an idling train so they could catch a bus on the other side of the tracks, which resulted in the child's death when the train started moving again, PEOPLE confirms

 According to Fresno police, Joy Frances Collins, 44, was arrested Monday on suspicion of child neglect likely to cause great bodily injury or death

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 The 8-year-old victim, Joyanna Harris, died moments after crawling beneath a freight train car with her 9-year-old brother, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said at a Tuesday press conference

 The train had paused for 12 seconds, blocking the family from making their bus

It started moving when Joyanna was under it.  "A mother placed her daughter in a position where she could be seriously injured or killed, and that's what we have to look at," Dyer told reporters

"We have a responsibility to hold that person accountable."  The incident occurred shortly before 6 p

m. on Monday. Police allege Collins ordered the two small children to scurry beneath the train

 The 9-year-old boy escaped without injury. Joyanna hesitated, Dyer explained.  Collins allegedly shouted at the girl to "Hurry up!" Dyer said

 "Upon being encouraged by the mother to cross the track, she too made her way underneath the rail car and attempted to get to the other side," Dyer said

 But the train jutted forward, pinning the girl and dragging her 500 feet. She died at the scene

 Dyer alleges this wasn't the first time Collins had directed her children to crawl underneath a train

 "We know that she is hurting," he explained. "I hope people understand that there is a balance that we have to achieve in law enforcement

No one last night wanted to arrest the mother for this crime but the law is the law

"  It was not immediately clear if Dyer has retained an attorney who could comment on her behalf

For more infomation >> Girl, 8, Killed When Mom Allegedly Makes Her Crawl Under Idling Train to Catch Bus on Other Side - 2 - Duration: 3:21.


Monika In 4 Seconds - Duration: 0:05.

It's like the game doesn't even want me to try and date you, like, da fuq

For more infomation >> Monika In 4 Seconds - Duration: 0:05.


How To Accept Reality And Be Happy - Duration: 8:38.

Welcome back. Today, we're going to talk about how to accept reality and be happy.

You know, it's interesting because sometimes we're trying to figure out how

to be happy. Other times we're figuring out how do we

accept reality. Well, today we're going to talk about how do you do both. How do you

accept reality and be happy. Thanks for tuning in today to Principle Based

Living. So today we're talking about how do you accept reality and be happy?

Now, sometimes reality is great. It's exactly

what we want it to be and it's easy to bet be happy. But other times reality is

not what we want it to be. It's not what we think it should be and it's a real

challenge to be happy. So we're going to talk a little bit again just some

foundational things about us and life and happiness. So, think about it in your

own life. Do you ever do anything for no reason? Now, initially, you may say, "Well

yeah, I do things all the time for no reason." But if you think about it at a

deeper level, you'll realize that that isn't true. That everything you do, you do

for a reason or you wouldn't do it. And research shows that there are 2

primary reasons that we do the things that we do. 1 is to obtain pleasure, the

other is to avoid pain. Which to me it all kind of means the same thing. That

we're looking for happiness. We want... We want to experience happiness. But here's

the problem with that. Sometimes it's not that we want to be happy, it's that we

want what we want because we think that if we had what we want then we would be

happy. Which isn't necessarily the case. Because

oftentimes our beliefs are not based on truth. They are conditioned beliefs that

we have either learned from others or we've learned through our own experience

and our behaviors seem to give us happiness so we may get a short-term

benefit and so we think to what we believe in what we're doing is working

but in reality it isn't. So sometimes it's important that we get real clear

and understanding that what we really are striving for, what we really want is

we want happiness. And just because we have what we want, doesn't mean that we

will be happy. In fact, life is set up in such a way that it will teach us exactly

what we need to know and what we need to do in order to achieve and experience

true happiness. So, how do you accept reality when it's not what you want? Well,

you don't have to. You have a choice. That's one of the principles or one of

the laws is do you get to choose what you want to think and what you want to

believe. So nobody can make you accept reality. You can resist it all you want.

Well sometimes when you resist reality, it seems to make sense. But there are

other times when we resist reality or if we think about resisting reality, we

would recognize that that makes no sense. And a person to think that way

clearly is not thinking straight. For example, I like snow but I don't like

cold. So what if all of the time I was arguing and complaining because the only

time there's snow it's cold? And I resisted and resisted complaining to God

or to nature and saying, "You know what? It should be different. When there's snow, it

should be warm." So, I can enjoy the snow and not be cold.

Well, if you think about that, it doesn't make much sense. But some other examples

where sometimes it seems to make sense is that we believe that other people

shouldn't be the way that they are. So, that person shouldn't treat me the way

that they do. Or that person shouldn't behave the way that they do. Well, that

belief in and of itself is false. Because the fact that the person is behaving the

way that they're behaving is evidence that that's the way that it is. So all of

the arguing against it isn't going to change that. All it does is create a

situation where we are unhappy because things are not the way that we want them

to be or the way that we think that they should be. So, the way to accept reality

is first of all to understand that there's a principle that governs or

directs this issue and anytime we are unhappy about the way that things are,

what we are trying to do is to control something that is outside of our control.

Because one of the foundational principles about this world in which we

live is the principle of control and that principle of control says, that we

have control over only 3 things. Which are our conscious thoughts, our

emotions and our behaviors. Everything else is influence. So anytime reality is

different than what we think that it should be and we feel uncomfortable

because of that and we want things to be different, we're just arguing with the

truth. We're arguing with the law or principle and it doesn't matter how much

we want to argue with it. We're not going to be able to change that. So the way to

accept reality is to realize that it's a choice.

And regardless of whatever reality is, we can choose to accept it or not accept it.

And if we choose not to accept it then we get to ask ourselves why. Because

everything we do we do for a reason. So if I choose not to accept reality and I

choose to be upset or sad or angry or whatever that emotion connected with

that decision is, there must be some payoff that I'm getting for choosing to

not accept reality and to feel the way that I'm feeling. Once I accept

accountability for that then I can look at, "Okay, well what is the payoff? What am

I getting from this and is it really benefiting me?" And then we make a choice

of do I want to keep doing what I'm doing or if it's not working, I now have

the power and control to change the whole situation because in an instant, I

can recognize that reality is what it is. I can't change it. And just by accepting

it, I can now get into a state of peace, acceptance and happiness. So the way to

achieve true happiness in life is get to a place where we accept the things that

we can't control and we focus on changing the things that we can control.

And by doing that, we will experience more happiness in our life. Thanks for

joining today. I hope that this has been helpful to you and if you'd like to know

more about what we do, visit our website and you'll see it listed below. And

subscribe to our YouTube channel. I'll see you again tomorrow.

For more infomation >> How To Accept Reality And Be Happy - Duration: 8:38.





Warface - Raid Icebreaker | PS4 - Duration: 0:57.

It's an amphibious assault,

A Normandy-scale operation supported by air and naval forces.

We've taken heavy casualties.

We need you to support our ground troops.


For more infomation >> Warface - Raid Icebreaker | PS4 - Duration: 0:57.


GRWM | My Winter Daily Makeup Routine 我的冬季日常妆容 - Duration: 12:39.

Hi everyone this is Yuki

I haven't filmed in a bit, so long time no see everyone

Today's video is a daily makeup GRWM

Since I haven't filmed a get ready with me in a while

And some of my makeup routine

has changed a lot as well

So I wanted to film a video on the look that I'm going to be wearing today all day

If you want to see my makeup routine today

Then keep on watching!

First I'm using Tatcha Luminous Dewy Skin Mist

to spray my face

I'm done with my moisturizing and skincare

But this step will allow the makeup to sit better on the skin

Next step is primer

I'm using Tatcha the Silk Canvas

This is recommended by a lot of people

And I love this product as well

A lot of people might have noticed

My background is a bit different from usual

Why? Cause I'm back in China

I haven't been back in Beijing during the winter for four years already

When you spend too much time in LA, you feel that

What is winter??? Like, really...

... I don't understand why its so cold

In LA I tend to use less coverage and more light weight foundations

But after I got back to Beijing

I feel like the winter here is still a bit too dry

I still want to put more product on to protect the skin

That's why I'm using a more full coverage foundation today

And this is the Beauty Bakerie Cake Mix Foundation

This foundation dries down really fast

So I like to first apply on half of the face

then blend it out quickly

This foundation is actually quite,

in full coverage foundations,

a pretty moisturizing one

So I feel like in Beijing where its so dry in the winter its pretty good to use

This foundation's oil control is actually pretty good

And my face looks really matte right now

But because here on my nose

its still a bit red and my dark circles are still showing a bit

So I'm still using a bit of the Glossier concealer

Next step is setting the concealer with powder

And those who has seen my previous videos know

I'm using the Laura Mercier

translucent setting powder

They came out with a new powder

Translucent glow powder which is

I think its like a highlighting powder?

But I haven't used it yet, if anyone has

let me know how it works for you

Since I'm going out today

I'm using the powder on areas of my face

where I need to bake

Next step is brows

I'm first using Glossier Boy Brow

My Color is Brunette

My current brow routine is a bit different from how I did my brows before

The difference is that I will use brow mascara first

then fill in the ends

I feel like using this method

using brow mascara first, will look a lot more natural

And its also currently super trendy

The unplucked brow look

The brows look super natural and pretty like this

For the ends of the brows, I'm using

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz, and the color is


Yeah so I recently love to draw this kind of

cleaner on the ends of the brows but still

pretty full natural and bushy looking brows

Next is to get rid of our baking powder

I like to first get rid of the under eye powder aggressively

So that your under eye looks super bright

As for the rest

Just slowly brush out and onto the places that I didn't bake

And like this

The base is done!

Let's dive right into eye makeup then

This time I'm using the Colour Pop Fame palette

First use a soft blending brush

And dip into this

color called Delirium

Cover the entire lid

I really like this palette recently

It's also the only palette I brought home with me

Because recently I'm really into

Cold neutral toned browns

And then

I feel like there isn't a lot on the market that are

very cool toned brown eyeshadow palettes

This is one that is really pretty

cool toned neutral palette

Next using the color Razzle

Blend into the crease to deepen it

The third color I'm using is Stardom

Darken the outer edge of inside the double lid crease

Next use the color Clubhouse

This is my absolute favorite color in the palette

Blend the color forward a bit

I'm using another blending brush

This one is larger and I'm not dipping it into any color

And blend all the colors together

Hi this is Yuki editing

Here I found out that my camera died

And I didn't film a part of what I was doing

So here I'm playing the footage of

me calling my boyfriend while I explain the steps

After blending all the matte shadows

I used the shimmer color The Most

the one that I circled out in the photo

and put it on the front half on my lid

And after this our eye shadow is done!

So then I curled my lashes

Added lash primer by KATE

After priming my lashes, I'm drawing in my upper waterline

I like to draw in my waterline after curling my lashes

Because this way

You won't get any eyeliner on your lashes

And you can also see where you're applying eyeliner more clearly

Next is putting on mascara

This time I'm using the one that Glossier recently came out with

Lash Slick

This mascara is more

each lash is separated and not so wet

What I find unbelievable is

No matter how many layers you lay on

It never clumps together

Like this, eye makeup is done!

Next up is contour. As usual I'm using the

my favorite Smashbox's

Cali Contour Palette

I actually feel that my face and base makeup routines

hasn't changed that much ever

but the biggest difference with my face makeup is that

When I lose weight my face slims down visibly

And if I use too much contour my cheeks will look a bit

caved in, and I don't want that

I'm just contouring my chin to make it appear longer

Today's blush I'm also using Glossier's cloud paint

And the color is dusk

The first time I used dusk I thought it would be too dark for me

But actually I feel like with Dusk it looks a bit

Sunkissed cheek look

is actually very very pretty

Next is highlighter. I used a lot of Glossier products I know

But the next product is also from Glossier

Its this one...

Glossier Haloscope highlighter in Quartz

So our full face is basically done

What I have left is


Since its winter I chose a more wintery color

This is Beauty Bakerie Gingersnap

I really love this color

Its a bit brick red mixed with

pumpkin color feel

Just a little wash of this is already really pretty

You don't really need a lot of this color

The last step is to set the makeup with Urban Decay All Nighter

Now I'm done with my entire makeup look

I'm going to go dry off my hair and then I can head out!

For more infomation >> GRWM | My Winter Daily Makeup Routine 我的冬季日常妆容 - Duration: 12:39.


Chill Spot #cnamembership December 19, 2018 - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Chill Spot #cnamembership December 19, 2018 - Duration: 7:04.


98+ Flower Towers You Can Make in a Weekend | Garden Ideas - Duration: 17:23.

For more infomation >> 98+ Flower Towers You Can Make in a Weekend | Garden Ideas - Duration: 17:23.


刘诗诗素颜照曝光,没化妆竟是这模样,难怪吴奇隆到哪都牵着她! - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> 刘诗诗素颜照曝光,没化妆竟是这模样,难怪吴奇隆到哪都牵着她! - Duration: 5:36.


Epcot's Short-Lived Splashtacular - Duration: 5:31.

In the fall of 1993 Disney began to transform Epcot in an attempt to breath some new life

into the rapidly aging theme park.

That transformation included everything from new rides replacing old ones, to old rides getting

updated, to new shows being introduced.

Some of those changes would go on to be long lasting and remembered elements of Epcot.

Others… not so much.

Splashtacular at Epcot would ultimately fall into the latter category, and if you've

never heard of it, that's OK, because it wasn't around for long.

The show was one of the early additions to Epcot during that revitalization effort, and

as it would turn out, it'd be one of the first to go as well.

Announced in the fall of '93, Splashtacular would be a twenty-minute show that would take

place on a stage just behind the Fountain of Nations in Future World.

The basic premise of the show was that Mickey and his friends, along with fifty dancers,

are peacefully dancing and celebrating their favorite colors, you know... like you do

when along comes this evil alien lady whose planet doesn't have any color because of intergalactic war.

So she uses her powers to steal the colors from Mickey and his pals, and then goes on

to summon a four and a half story dinosaur robot hybrid called TerrasaurX.

I hate when that happens.

All the while the over 200 jets in the Fountain of Nations create a dancing tapestry of water for a backdrop

Mickey fights the monster. Mickey wins. All the color returns. Everybody's happy.

Oh yeah, there's also a giant inflatable rainbow by Spaceship Earth.

Now if this all sounds really bizarre for Epcot, that's because it is, and it's

also because the show wasn't originally written for Epcot.

Splashtacular was, in-fact, an adaptation of a show created for Tokyo Disneyland's

10th Anniversary called "It's Magical".

It was virtually the same, with the major changes being that instead of an evil alien

lady and a robot dinosaur, Mickey faced off with Maleficent in human and dragon form.

Sure it was kind of a strange concept, but with attraction refurbishment and replacements

taking time, shows were a quicker and easier way to add new content to the parks to hold people over.

They'd do something similar that same fall over in World Showcase with a stage show celebrating

Mattel's Barbie.

So I guess it was just the year of the oddly themed Epcot shows.

Splashtacular held a preview show that November 21st in honor of Kid's Day, and that Thanksgiving

weekend it officially opened.

Now shows of this scope usually stick around for a few years.

Even the ones that don't fare as well will at least see a full year before being replaced.


It was gone just seven months later.

Officially, a Disney spokesperson cited the mismatched theme with the direction of Future

World as a reason for cutting the show.

They argued that the story of Splashtacular wasn't appropriate for the more World's

Fair/Convention vibe that they were trying to create with the upcoming Innoventions,

which would open just a few months later.

However according to insiders who spoke to the Orlando Sentinel, the real reason was

that the show simply wasn't as popular as Disney had hoped it would be.

While that first reason wasn't wrong, I'd personally put my money on the second reason being

the one that drove the decision.

After all, it's not as if Disney didn't know Innoventions was coming or that they

didn't know what the plot of Splashtacular was.

None of it was a surprise.

If the theme was really the problem, they would have avoided the issue to begin with.

Now this part is pure speculation, but it was something I couldn't shake when I watched

Splashtacular for the first time.

Mickey and other famous Disney dancing characters find themselves facing off with evil forces

in a grand stage show filled with music and a giant evil monster.

I don't know, doesn't it seem a little familiar?

Fantasmic had already been running for a couple of years in Disneyland, and I'm not trying

to argue that this was inspired by Fantasmic or vise versa, but maybe Disney was trying

to put an east coast Fantasmic in Walt Disney World with Splashtacular.

Right around the time Splashtacular closed was when rumors began to arise that Disney-MGM

Studios would be getting their own version of Fantasmic, although it would be another

four years before it would actually happen, so maybe it's just a coincidence.

In any case, Splashtacular wasn't a total loss.

Rather than cutting the show entirely, Disney kept the Fountain of Nation water show concept

and called it "The Innoventions Water Ballet", which ran automatically every fifteen minutes.

It was just as quickly renamed to the "Fountain of Nations Water Ballet", and to this day

the fountain still puts on shows throughout the day set to music.

It has become somewhat of an iconic element of Future World, and yet it was born from

this weird forced show that lasted just half a year.

It just goes to show you that sometimes you don't know what good ideas will come out

of bad ones.

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