Today is a special kind of video for a special kind of person. My name is Kris
Krohn. I've made millions in real estate, done thousands of deals. And today, I want
to share with you the secret on how to do as many deals as you want. I'm talking
about unlimited deals which equates to unlimited wealth. In fact, why be limited
at all. Some of you have dreams that are so big and there's charities and
foundations and homes and there's things that you want to do and you want to know
how to just take over the world. And today, I'm going to share with you my secret
sauce. You know, it's hard to believe that there are people in this world that
think that world domination can only come by war and stealing people's homes
and real estate. Dude, the reality is I'm doing world domination and I'm inviting
you to play it with me today. We can dominate this world together. But we're
not going to take and steal and pillage. What we're going to do is we're going to do
business. Smart and intelligent and there's an abundant of it. There's enough
for you, there's enough for me. We can go out there and crush it together. So today,
I want to share my winning formula on how I can buy unlimited amounts of real
estate and that comes down to 3 things. How many? Oh you're such a good
listener. 3. The first one is you got to start by having a winning system. Now,
I could say a winning strategy but I actually said a winning system. And
here's why. Yes, you need to have a good strategy. But the strategy isn't good
unless you can what? Systematize it. Dude, without a system, it's just one z to z. Its
trading dollars and hours. I got to be there myself and doing it. Or I got a
team that I can build because I have systematized it. So for those of you that
don't know what that means, I have a strategy.
I do single-family homes. It's one of my strategies. I got a team of experts in
the best markets around America that will actually every day, that thousands
of properties find the very best ones. And they basically say, "Kris, here's the
list of the best deals in the world today." And then I go in and that's
when I get to number 2 and number 3. But I want you understand I've got
that put in place. Now, the cool thing is when I say you and I world domination
together, we can do this together. You can actually
borrow my system and create the same fantastic results for yourself. If you're
watching that and you're just like, "I'm so skeptical. There's no way." Well sorry,
that's what I've done with thousands of people. And that's what I am offering.
That's part of what this education is all about. Helping you go as far as you
possibly can. So, once you have a winning system, the second thing that you need is
really important. You need a track record. A what? You need a track record. So check
this out. A track record means that when you've
done no deals, your confidence is at an all-time what? Dude, it's at an all-time
low, right? You're not feeling good about yourself. You're scared, you're nervous.
You're worried. But after you've done 10 deals and they're working. And maybe
you had one that didn't go so well. But the other nine did. How are you now
feeling? Dude, I'm telling you how you're feeling. You're feeling confident, you're
feeling good. And you're thinking, "Oh, my gosh. I've just made a half a million
dollars. I've made a million dollars. I need to go do ten more of these. I need
to do a hundred more of these." That's track record. When you have a
track record of zero, it's hard for you to build anything. When you have a track
record of one, you've opened a door possibility. When you've done something a
second time, you start thinking maybe this isn't a fluke. When you've done it
3 times, you're thinking, "Oh, my gosh. I can repeat this. I can do this again and
again." And when you have a track record of 10, that's when we start stepping into
the door called double door, open them up. World
domination. Which is how big do you want to go? How much does the globe do you
want? How many people do you want to help? How many miles you want to feed? You want
to solve world hunger? Helping do you want this thing to get? Do you want to
own multiple homes? A private jet? Like you name it. If you can do it 10 times,
you can do it ten million times if you have a system where you're winning with
the track record. Because here's the final third part we're going to close
the loop. When you have a winning system and you have a track record, then you can
sell that track record to individuals that are brand new that partner with you
and you're closing a loop. And you're basically going to other people and now
not just doing homes. Because that's what the track record is. You're now going to
people and saying, "Hey, how about more the merrier?
Come join up with me. You have resources. I have deals.
Let's use the winning system and let's do more." nd all of a sudden, you find
yourself on a path way of doing deal after deal, after deal. Like let me just
share with you what that looks like. I have a handful of videos here on my
YouTube channel. Even though I've got 600 of them. I've got just a handful where I
will actually talk about partnering. And everyday, thousands of people will watch
those videos and then they'll come to my website and say, "Dude, Kris, I want to
partner with you." And I say, "Well, I need to vet you. Because I have a winning
system and I don't know if you're the person that I want to work with because
truth be told, I may not." There's people that I'm just like, "I don't like you."
Remember what I said? Negative barnacly, negative, nasty. You know, Debbie Downer.
Not going to partner with Debbie Downer. They see the system, they see the track
record and you know if they say? "Well Kris, I could do this on my own but with
you, I'm going to earn more than double than if I were to do this on my own and so it
makes sense to partner up." Every day, I've got people requesting to partner with me.
How did I get to thousands of homes and how am I going to get to my next 10,000?
3 steps. 1, you need a winning system. 2, you need a track record and 3, you then
partner with other individuals. Now pause. What does this mean to you,
right? I mean, it's exciting. We can talk world domination but like, how do you
actually get your hands on it. Here's what it looks like. Number 1, you've got
to actually test the system yourself and do one deal. Test the system and do one
deal. The system is do a deal make 5 grand up front. Make $500 a month cash
flow, make tens of thousands of dollars when you sell. Do one deal. You'll be
scared, neurotic you'll be worried. But you'll have me as a mentor and you'll
have my team with you. And we'll walk you through it.
And you'll do that deal and there will be confidence. But mostly shock like, "It
really worked." And then what I need you to do is I don't want you to have a
track record of 1, not just 2. I want you to have at least a track record of
3. So you get past the part where you're like, "You know what? I really can
duplicate this." I can do this again and again. And "Kris, but I've got no money. Kris
shows me how to do it without money." It's real. Once you have that track record, you
know what your third step is? It's to take that track record of your 3
homes and to go and start by taking it to
people you know that listen, no one's got money. But you would be surprised how
many people have money just sitting in a 401k or an IRA. Doing nothing, earning it
and fluctuating it at the rate of the market. It's not good. They got home that's paid
off. Maybe or home equity. Remember, they don't keep a whole lot of money in their
bank. But the reality is they also don't feel like they have a lot. Because
they've stashed it in places where Society has told them to. There are
people all around you that have the financial resources waiting for a
confident person with the track record. To help provide them the same solution
that you just found for you. When you partner, you'll be splitting the profits
but trust me, there's abundance here. There's more than enough to go around. So,
3 things that you really need is to get the system. Test it to build a track
record. And then once you've done enough deals, you start partnering with other
people. And all of a sudden, you're doing the exact same thing that I am that's
gotten me to where I am today. I cannot even begin to tell you how many doors it
has opened up. Like I don't know you but in that tiny little optical thing that
I'm staring at, I know that I'm connecting with you and it's reflecting
back to me Who I am. I felt that I was meant for more. I knew
that there was more to my life than just working a job that I didn't really care
about. And I wanted to be my wife's hero. I didn't want to be the guy who could
just barely pay the bills or slowly get ahead. I wanted to give her everything.
I'm a romantic at heart. Dude, I promised my wife I watched that dumb
movie that they play at Christmas and let the guy sings and says, "You
want me to give you the moon. I'll lasso the moon, I'll give you the moon." And I'm
like, "Dude, I'm that guy/" I'm not a hopeless romantic that says, "Dude, if I
could give you the moon, I would want to give you the moon." What I'm sharing with
you here has bought me a life that I honestly didn't know was possible. And I
feel like the luckiest kid on the planet. Which is why I'm sharing it now. There's
no reason not to. There's... I have too many deals. But I have standards. I don't want
to work with just anyone. I want to work with people that feel like
they want a piece of that moon. I want work with people that feel like they
were meant for more. I want to work with people that are willing to take action
even when they're afraid. Now, those people? You perhaps? Oh, I can go somewhere
with you. So, that's really my big question. Are you that person? Don't fake
it. You might not be. But if you are, I have put a special link in the
description of this video below. And if you click it, it's going to give you an
opportunity to learn more about how to do some world Dominion with me.
Domination. And talk to a member of my team where we can actually get with you
one-on-one over the phone and really vet you and figure out. Dude, are you...? Are you
really a player like are you going to show up? Because if you are, let's give you a
shot and let's go crush it together. And if that feels like it's you, here's what
I want you to do. Come play. Come play with me. Let's go freak and tear up the
world together. Let's do that world domination together. And for the rest of
you, if this was useful and you liked the knowledge and you want more of it, well,
good news. I provided every single day. All you got to do is subscribe. You
subscribe, I'm going to ring the bell and I'll keep delivering videos to you
and I'm hoping that one of them connects with you so deeply that you say, "Oh,
that's the financial solution I was working for and now it's time to go
hustle and go after. And go make it happen." Because that's what I'm doing in
my life. So I want to invite you to tear it up and you are limitless. Let's go
crush it together. See on the flip side.
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