Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 19 2018

[Barys] Among all the myths and deities of the world

who would you like to look like

to be the hero of your life?

[Esperide] This year we send you inspired greetings

from the new Labyrinth of our Temples,

so that you in the next year

can be....

[Suricato] creative and visionary as Lugeilan.

[Akiko] brave and innovative like Jimmu-Tenno

[Orangutan] Bright and sunny like Horus

[Boa] Connected to nature as Abuk!

[Isbjorn] Sweet and loving as Sif

[Celastrina] Bold and just like Artemis

[Elefantina] Chana Tova!

[Bertuccia] Sretno!

[Akiko] Akemashite Omedetou!

[Orango] Auguri!

[Esperide] Happy Holidays!

[Max] Auguri!

[Isbjorn] Gleðilegt ár!

[Boa] Maalmaha wanaagsan!

Greetings for everyone!

[Esperide] That the union of all the myths

can bring harmony, peace and connection

among all the peoples of the world.

For more infomation >> Happy 2019 wishes from Damanhur [subtitles in EN, DE, ES, NO, FR, IT, HR] - Duration: 1:23.



For more infomation >> 5 PIADAS ADULTAS EM HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 QUE VOCÊ NÃO NOTOU - Duration: 5:40.


6 tips to improve your work-life balance | BBC Ideas - Duration: 3:39.

Hi, I'm Bruce Daisley. I work at Twitter but in my spare time

I've been studying work culture and how we can be happier at work.

Work has become this sort of colossal game of Jenga where we're trying to add things

on top or still keep everything standing up and stable. I've put together some

thoughts on ways that we can make our lives a lot less stressful.

Half of all people who have checked their emails outside of work hours show signs of high

levels of stress. The very easiest thing you can do to reduce your stress levels

from work is take the number off your email app that single act is the

simplest thing we can do to reduce our stress levels.

The second best change that anyone can make is to take a lunch break. The habit of eating 'al desco' has

become so common now it's contributing to an increase in our stress levels and

I understand when you're sitting at your desk you're thinking you've got a

hundred emails left walking away and taking a break can feel really

counter-intuitive but scientists have found the best way to ensure that you

feel energised is to take that pause. You might want to try a monk mode morning.

More and more of us are finally get hard to get things done because of all the

interruptions. A guy called Cal Newport who's a professor at Georgetown

University in Washington, he wrote a book called Deep Work and one of the ideas he

gave was that we should think about having a monk mode morning.

Well monk mode is where we go somewhere that is silent, there's no interruptions, we maybe

get a block of ninety minutes work done, maybe twice a week, then we go to the

office as normal, added advantages we've missed the commute, and got our emails

and our meetings done.

Some interesting research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

shows that one of the best ways to increase workplace

creativity is to increase the amount of chat, and actually that can be chat about

last night's TV that can be chat about what's happening in sports games because

normally those conversations then lead to work discussions. It's a strange thing

that by encouraging people to have more chats we're actually going to be

achieving more at work. But the research seems to suggest that the most creative

offices are the ones that chat the most. Ben Waber, one of the researchers,

said that one of the best ways to increase creativity in your office is to

move the location of the coffee machine. By having the coffee machine, the kettle,

the water cooler, in a different place you'll actually lead to more people

having discussions, conversations.

Scientists have found that one of the biggest barriers to being creative in our jobs is stress,

and all of us with our phones feel more stressed than ever before.

You need to give yourself permission to have a digital Sabbath, to take time away from your work

at the weekend, for a bit of refreshment, a bit of

renewal. Discourage your boss from emailing at the weekend because it leads

to people feeling anxious when they come back to work on Monday.

Anxious people can't be creative.

I think in the current world we often celebrate overwork and

people working long hours. The magazine profiles we read, the TV profiles we see are

about people who work these enormous long working weeks. And in fact all of

the evidence is starting to point to the fact that maybe that's not the best idea.

Maybe 40 hours of work a week is the right amount. Use our breaks and our

evenings as times to re-energise ourselves so when we come back to our

desks we're full of life. Doing 40 hours of work is probably enough.

For more infomation >> 6 tips to improve your work-life balance | BBC Ideas - Duration: 3:39.


MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E2 - Duration: 3:26.

I'll get us something to drink, ok?

Hey, here you are! I've been looking everywhere for you.

I didn't mean to interrupt you.

Marlene, what are you talking about? Hey, we're together.

And I would love to show it to everyone. You just have to give me a sign.

For more infomation >> MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E2 - Duration: 3:26.


Elite Dangerous Stella Phenomena Chapter 4 Beyond - Duration: 10:13.

Hey is Ricardo and welcome back to elite dangerous beyond chapter four one of the

great things that beyond chapter four has been the updates to exploration

exploration is one of these things that I think elite dangerous is based upon

and with that has come not only the new discovery scanners and scanner suites

that are available to players but the insertion of stellar phenomena into the

game now all this is well and good and you may say that you've seen it and you

saw it in the beta and you know hey it's just another video on stellar phenomenon

so that's fine and it is another video on stellar phenomena but each one seems

to be slightly different this one for example I've got two types of phenomena

should we say in in this particular nebula not only I have the orange type

nebula and cloud that I mean but I have these mineral type orbs and they also

have crystals so things to get and you also get credits for having these

entered into the Codex should you be there to scan them now

you've got a scanning with a composition scanner so make sure you've got yourself

one of those fit is near in the right mode composition is fitted to warship

don't worry about that but getting it in the right mode I think is key now you've

got two modes now you've got a combat mode and you've got analytical mode or

scanning mode and that's where you know the composition scanners gonna really

come into its own but remember to set a key binding to it as well now I mean

generally setting your key bindings so this these dual modes is something you

can have to look into if you haven't and using default settings then you should

be alright but if like me you've got an awful lot of other sort of like key

settings set up you're gonna have to go in there and twiddle about but anyway if

you haven't done so do me a favor click that like and subscribe button and also

look for that notification icon and that let you know I'm putting more

videos of a leak dangerous and other games on YouTube it'll also help me out

as well and let give me an idea of what sort of things you'd like to see on the

channel so own it being graphically fantastic and you can't say that it

isn't it's graphically spectacular with these new updates and eat dangerous as

far as we can tell there's not an awful lot a point to these stellar phenomena

other than you go out there yes can it be accomplished and scanner you get

credits you get some money about 50,000 credits really for an entry into the

Codex and that's fine don't get me wrong I saw so I thought about and making it

more interesting for to find things within the early dangerous galaxy is

definitely a bonus however and it's a little bit of a however finding these

isn't straightforward you can't just walk in fly in honk and find them you

got to go through the whole sort of like scanning procedure but you know if

generally it's not too difficult

wouldn't it be good though if the stellar phenomena could be mined and if

they could be mined they reduced they produced a mineral that would help I

don't know help you unlock additional Guardian tech give you a material that

was anti-thyroid give you something that would supercharge your weapons to give

you the edge in player-versus-player or in just combat in general I think as

we go into a more sort of like pay-to-play model with elite dangerous

and something like that would be able to be more more worthwhile that would

encourage people to go out there and visit these sites I think anyway

these particular sites are not too far away from rabii go and I'll put the

links in the comment section as well not to worry there and as this one is

particularly nice and orange remembers innocent of a chocolate orange giving it

being Christmas time you know I think it's well worth well we take a look at

perhaps another one now as I mentioned I visited a few of these and I'm in my old

jumper condo the prancing Badger which I've been engineering up lately got the

old gal net skin on there as well that was given and gifted by frontier for

subscribing to their email communications now this one again a

Lagrange cloud of of these crystals nice and dark this one Erie although I do

find the ones with the colored nebulas and colored clouds around them to be

better you know I think that visually we get so used to flying around in a

darkened space that seeing an orange nebula or cloud you know I think is is

out of the norm and then scanning these metallic crystals you know of course you

know he gives you these codec entries but you also you get some you get a bit

of money as well right but these yeah you know sort of metallic

looking crystalline substances in space great what do they do they float there

are they visually fantastic they really are is it worthwhile coming out and

seeing them yes it is and this one's not so far away from raviga

and so this so if you're in that area it's not too far the bubble if you get a

decent ship with some decent jump range you can be there in

20 minutes perhaps even less and I do think it is worthwhile coming out to see

though I think it is right for a little bit of backstory about these on how

perhaps the fair gourds have engineered their entire technology around them or

perhaps we could use this I can say to defeat the thyroids or or give us an

advantage rather than just using Guardian tech and the grind boy their

updates for the delete dangerous are absolutely fantastic graphically you

gotta say it I mean absolutely brilliant you know it's really given so like I

think with this that grander scale of space it really has now I have been

putting off doing some mining but I will get perhaps a video of mining out before

the holiday season if I've got time and those of you with families like myself

you know it's a busy old timer year and this time of year for example especially

this year has been exceptionally busy you know particularly for me anyway I'm

gonna leave you with a bit of music and the rest of the stellar phenomena that

I've found with these crystals thanks very much for watching I've been

Riccardo and this has been a stellar phenomena that has been included in any

dangerous with the chapter 4 update which is three point three hope you've

enjoyed the video your viewership is greatly appreciated

like and subscribe look out for more videos in the series recurring an awful

lot of stuff at the moment notably you know X for foundations although I might

wait for a few more bugs to be fixed in that before I get back into that elite

dangerous I think has been quite stable despite some of the surfer issues that

has been around anyway enough about all up I need to look what's going on here

with a bit of Miguel Johnson he's going new album coming out very shortly so

keep an eye on that and I'll have a link for that also in the comment section

details section thanks for watching see you soon



For more infomation >> Elite Dangerous Stella Phenomena Chapter 4 Beyond - Duration: 10:13.


Aladdin | Adelanto ESPAÑOL Subtitulado (HD) Will Smith 2019 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Aladdin | Adelanto ESPAÑOL Subtitulado (HD) Will Smith 2019 - Duration: 2:31.


How Marijuana Is Good And Bad For You - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> How Marijuana Is Good And Bad For You - Duration: 8:30.


Demand exceeds capacity at local YMCA - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Demand exceeds capacity at local YMCA - Duration: 2:15.


MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E1 - Duration: 2:40.



What you up to?

It's Friday we're going dancing.


We rush into the party turmoil.


Marlene. We are happy. We are in love.

Let's celebrate, let's enjoy life.

In addition, this dress is excellent to you that it would be a shame if no one can see you in it.

For more infomation >> MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E1 - Duration: 2:40.


MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E5 - Duration: 3:32.

Good morning!

Good morning!

Are you awake yet?

I couldn't sleep anymore.

Come with me.

By the way.

I've been thinking about what you and I can do tonight.

I guess someone's got a taste for it.

Do you mind?


I love you!

I know.

For more infomation >> MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E5 - Duration: 3:32.


MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E4 - Duration: 4:04.

Let's go dancing again soon.

I told you.

Yeah, I know.

You didn't want to!

Now I want.


Twice every weekend.

Rebecca, we're walking.


We're still enjoying the night.

Aren't you afraid someone will see us?

Excuse me, Santa Claus? Maybe you can take some pictures of us.

Yeah, because if you just, right here, right up here, just press it, it'll work.

Wait a minute.

Hey, my hat!

No, mine.

That´s mean.

So now you get your hat back too. Oh, sorry. Thanks.

Merry Christmas.


What are you doing?

I'm just showing the whole world that we belong together.

Sweet, you with the hat.

For more infomation >> MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E4 - Duration: 4:04.


My favourite Riverdale scene. Season 1-3. - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> My favourite Riverdale scene. Season 1-3. - Duration: 1:57.


Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 - Maluma, Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Wisin - Duration: 52:34.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 - Maluma, Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Wisin - Duration: 52:34.


Tirrenia CIN - Bithia effetto nostalgia pre-restyling - Duration: 1:58.

The Bithia was launched by Fincantieri on 10 February 2001

delivered to Tirrenia on 9 July 2001

it entered service on 1 August of the same year on the Genoa - Porto Torres route

Thanks to 4 Wärtsilä 12V46C diesel engines that deliver 51,360 kW of power,

it can reach a cruising speed of 29 knots and a maximum of 30.5 knots at full load

These services are mostly used during the summer

when the increase in demand from tourists requires a greater number of crossings.

However, ships can travel at lower speeds

between 19 and 23 knots, using only two out of four engines to limit fuel consumption

General characteristics: 900 car load or 915 ml

Number of cabins 320 Crew 77 Passengers 2,700

For more infomation >> Tirrenia CIN - Bithia effetto nostalgia pre-restyling - Duration: 1:58.


🇰🇷파리 라 데팡쓰 (La Défense) 크리스마스 마켓 가서 뭘 해야하나요? (먹기만 하는 VLOG) - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> 🇰🇷파리 라 데팡쓰 (La Défense) 크리스마스 마켓 가서 뭘 해야하나요? (먹기만 하는 VLOG) - Duration: 6:10.



hi everyone this is Emi today I'm going to show you how to make these little

snowmen ornaments out of old book pages or you could use music sheets or even

magazines, newspaper, whatever. I used my old French English Dictionary I've been

using it for years and I've still got quite a few pages that I can use and then what

can you use these for ? Well you can use them as Christmas tree ornaments

or you can use them to top a gift or you can make your own Christmas cards

so let's get started and the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to glue

three pages together so I'm going to tear out three pages and going to spread some

Elmer's glue on the paper like that and then I folded the sheet in half and I

cut out the shape of a snowman like that and I just traced it on paper I

already had

that I have 3 sheets glued together and I'll put the pattern on my

Craftsy site and you can find a link below so now I'm just going to cut out

all around puncture a hole so that I can put a ribbon on for hanging I have a

black marker an orange marker put on some eyes and and some buttons and

orange for the nose and I have a piece of yarn and I'm going to tye it around

the neck let that dry and then you're just going to add a few little eyelashes

here and some little eyebrows like that and I can attach an ornament hanger now

you could use these as Christmas tree ornaments or on top of a gift, as a

gift tag or to make a greeting card

like that if you'd like you could put some glitter glue on to give it some glitz

there you go there's another easy ornament that you can make using any old

paper, newspaper, magazines or music sheets or like I did just an old book or

novel or anything that's out of print even a telephone book I hope you enjoyed

watching this video thanks for watching bye for now

For more infomation >> DIY: BOOK-PAPER SNOWMAN CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT - Duration: 2:54.


'Construa o melhor dentro de você'! - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 'Construa o melhor dentro de você'! - Duration: 2:51.


Por qué el PP sigue en caída pese al tirón de Casado: una sencilla explicación - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Por qué el PP sigue en caída pese al tirón de Casado: una sencilla explicación - Duration: 3:03.


Gad Elmaleh proche de Charlotte Casiraghi, ce projet qui fait plaisir à son ex - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Gad Elmaleh proche de Charlotte Casiraghi, ce projet qui fait plaisir à son ex - Duration: 1:31.


Latest Saraiki Song 2019 | Basit Naeemi | New HD Song 2019 | Saraiki Punjabi Song | By Rch - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Latest Saraiki Song 2019 | Basit Naeemi | New HD Song 2019 | Saraiki Punjabi Song | By Rch - Duration: 5:42.


Nerf Blasters Box of Toys for Kids Toy Weapons Mega Modulus - Duration: 5:32.

Nerf Blasters Box of Toys for Kids Toy Weapons Mega Modulus

For more infomation >> Nerf Blasters Box of Toys for Kids Toy Weapons Mega Modulus - Duration: 5:32.


Kolumny Klipsch Reference Premiere (polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Kolumny Klipsch Reference Premiere (polskie napisy) - Duration: 1:41.


Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk FR - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk FR - Duration: 1:09.


Opel Insignia Grand Sport 1.5 T 165pk Innovation Zeer Compleet - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia Grand Sport 1.5 T 165pk Innovation Zeer Compleet - Duration: 1:07.


Wskazano następcę Anny Zalewskiej. Ogromne zaskoczenie "To wierny żołnierz PiS" - Duration: 5:50.

 Anna Zalewska, szefowa Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej, może już niedługo stracić swoje stanowisko w resorcie

Nie stanie się to jednak za sprawą dymisji, a odejścia z powodu wyborów do Parlamentu Europejskiego

Jak wygląda przyszłość polskiego szkolnictwa? Anna Zalewska kieruje MEN od samego początku rządu Zjednoczone Prawicy

Doświadczona posłanka, z zawodu nauczycielka i polonistka, nie cieszy się jednak popularnością wśród środowisk nauczycielskich i rodziców uczniów

 Źle wypowiadają się o niej także inni posłowie, którzy uważają ją za symbol indoktrynacji PiS w sferze edukacji i szkolnictwa

Ostro o Zalewskie w rozmowie z NaTemat mówiła Katarzyna Lubnauer, przewodnicząca Nowoczesnej

Anna Przybylska przed śmiercią miała tylko jedno życzenie. Smutne  – Jednak bardzo źle oceniam panią Zalewską i trudno mi sobie wyobrazić, że ktoś będzie gorszym ministrem

Dlatego wydaje mi się, że ewentualna zmiana nie byłaby na gorsze, pytanie, czy byłaby na lepsze? Cały czas czekam na postawienie na kogoś, kto ma bardziej nowoczesne spojrzenie na szkołę – czytamy

Gdy Anna Zalewska odejdzie, na jej miejsce prawdopodobnie wejdzie jej obecna zastępczyni Od dłuższego czasu sporo mówi się o ewentualnej kandydaturze Anny Zalewskiej do Parlamentu Europejskiego

Wybory do unijnego „sejmu" odbędą się pod koniec maja i już dziś wskazuje się na wiceszefową MEN, Marzenę Machałek, jako na jej następczynię

    Również bardzo doświadczona posłanka, która cieszy się lepszą oceną opozycji od swojej szefowej, straciła wiele w oczach nauczycieli, od kiedy zaangażowała się w politykę

 – Bardzo się upolityczniła i zmieniła się bardzo. Odeszła od środowiska nauczycielskiego, z którego się wywodzi i dziś nie jest w nim popularna

Nawet gdy kiedyś kandydowała na prezydenta Jeleniej Góry miała bardzo negatywne opinie – powiedziała NaTemat Halina Wieczorek, szefowa Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego w powiecie zielonogórskim

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ„Wierny żołnierz PiS" Zdaniem liderki drugiej co do wielkości partii opozycyjnej zmiana Zalewskiej na Machałek nie będzie miała wpływu na kształt polskiej edukacji i ocenę MEN

Katarzyna Lubnauer twierdzi, że Machałek będzie wykonywała wszelkie polecenie prezesa PiS

 – Ona jest wiernym żołnierzem PiS-u, typowym oficerem partii. Człowiekiem do bólu realizującym to, co sobie partia założy, bez jakiegoś krytycznego spojrzenia

Co do tego nie ma żadnych wątpliwości. To nie jest osoba, która myśli w sposób niezależny

Jest taką lajtową wersją Zalewskiej. Bo nie jest tak bezczelna – powiedziała posłanka

 Także zdaniem Hanny Wieczorek, byłaby to zmiana jedynie na papierze. – Oceniając jej działalność, to pani Machałek robi to, co każe pani Zalewska

One mają taki sam punkt widzenia oświaty. W związku z tym jej patrzenie na oświatę jest patrzeniem przez pryzmat pani Zalewskiej

Gdyby została ministrem, w praktyce byłoby jak w powiedzeniu „Zamienił stryjek siekierkę na kijek" – dodaje szefowa jeleniogórskiego ZNP

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE:  Loading . źródło: Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Wskazano następcę Anny Zalewskiej. Ogromne zaskoczenie "To wierny żołnierz PiS" - Duration: 5:50.


095 過去に未練 タイムマシンを作る デロリアン デアゴスティーニ BTTF Eaglemoss イーグルモス フロントバンパー - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 095 過去に未練 タイムマシンを作る デロリアン デアゴスティーニ BTTF Eaglemoss イーグルモス フロントバンパー - Duration: 5:56.


I-84 EB closed after pedestrian killed by car - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> I-84 EB closed after pedestrian killed by car - Duration: 1:58.


I-84 EB reopens after fatal pedestrian crash - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> I-84 EB reopens after fatal pedestrian crash - Duration: 1:29.


I-84 EB closed after pedestrian killed by car - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> I-84 EB closed after pedestrian killed by car - Duration: 2:09.


Fatal I-65 NB crash - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Fatal I-65 NB crash - Duration: 1:25.


I am Alfa - Linda Everingham, Consultancy Team Leader - Duration: 1:48.

I've been working with Alfa Energy for nine years now, so quite some time.

There's a lot more people. It's gotten bigger and better in every way, so yeah.

That's it pretty much.

I've got a little girl now, so that's, I guess, my number one inspiration and

motivation for everything that I do.

Both. And the reason I say that is I guess it depends

where you're going and who you're going with.

Definitely rugby.

Oh, a cappuccino every day.

That's a tough one. Both. I like biscuits.


I don't like Skype, because I don't like cameras.

Breakfast tea.

Depends on my mood, I guess. I like both, so...


but sometimes I like business, too.

You know, working for Alfa, I guess, you know the people care a lot about their

clients, and we've got that nice boutique-y kind of feel about us, so I would say

that's...that's probably one of our unique selling points.

Definitely the people that I've met through working with Alfa Energy.

I have some of my best friends today that I've met working.

For more infomation >> I am Alfa - Linda Everingham, Consultancy Team Leader - Duration: 1:48.


Quality vs Quantity | How fast can you write? - Duration: 7:20.

Writing fast vs writing well

Hi fellow Happy Writers!

My name is Vivien Reis, and I want to help YOU write, publish and market your novel.

Today we're talking quantity vs quality.

In other words, the faster you write, oftentimes the worse the quality.

So how do you strike a balance?

First drafting can be rough.

It's where you see all the problems piling up but you can't really stop and do anything

about them.

Now that NaNoWriMo has wrapped up, and you've likely had time to reflect on how things went,

I wanted to talk about some things I've learned about writing quality words and talk

about what the means for each one of you.

So I'm going talk about 4 things for you consider when on that mad dash to finish your

first draft.

#1: What's your writing pace?

Each one of us writes at a different pace.

Each one of us writes at a different pace with each subsequent novel we write.

We may draft faster or slower the more novels we write, but our quality may decrease or

increase as a result.

Stay true to your own writing pace.

If you feel more comfortable writing 500 words an hour, because you know they'll be fairly

clean words--ones you won't have to edit as much--then go with that pace.

If you know that if you don't get the bulk of words down fast, you won't ever finish

your novel, then fast-draft.

Not really sure which you prefer?


#2: Experiment

You won't reach that perfect balance right off the bat.

Tweak your process with each book you write until you find a pace that suits you.

I threw caution to the wind and ultra fast-drafted portions of The Elysian Prophecy, and while

the quality was still *good*, it wasn't great.

I did the same for parts of TEP2 and wish that I hadn't.

Now I know, based on my own experiences, that fast-drafting at a moderate pace works well

for me.

For the time being.

That may change.

So I can still draft with my microphone using Dragon Dictation, but I know that if I just

word vomit too much, it'll be a mess to sort through later.

Slowing down also gives me more time to be creative.

I can stop and think of better ways to say what I want to say without putting it off

to the editing phase when I have to do that a million times.

Experiment until you find the balance that works for you.

Yes, this takes time, but periodically just evaluate how things are going at the pace

you're at.

#3: How many books have you written?

This is important to consider when trying to find a balance, because a new writer likely

won't write like a seasoned writer.

I would highly recommend new writers fast-drafting, especially those that have been stuck on Chapter

4 for a year.

Once you have an outline, or not if you prefer to write by the seat of your pants, writing

quickly trains you to silence your inner editor.

You know, that little goblin that slaps your wrist the second it sees a sentence it doesn't

like, and then you spend an hour trying to find the perfect phrasing for that sentence.

If you're trying to write an entire novel, that doesn't help you get past Chapter 4.

If you're a more seasoned writer, you may already have a decent amount of practice keeping

that goblin in check.

Your goblin muscle is stronger.

You may be able to slow your pace and produce more quality work while still making it to

the end of your novel.

#4: Have you ever pushed yourself before?

There's a glass ceiling to how much someone can write.

That may be 500 words a day for one person, 10,000 for the next.

But how do you really know where that glass ceiling is if you've never pushed yourself?

This goes farther than the goblin muscle.

This is about writerly confidence.

Before I started NaNo in 2015, I NEVER thought I'd be able to write 50,000 words in 30


But I did.

I pushed myself and felt so proud and amazed that I broke my own glass ceiling.

In essence, I set a new personal record.

Breaking down that first barrier feels AMAZING, so think about it: when have you pushed yourself

in your writing?

If this NaNo was your first time around, don't be disheartened if you just fell short.

If physically writing that much was an impossibility.

50k words is a random number that the folks at NaNoWriMo chose, but did what you write

break your own PR?

If it did, then celebrate!

You don't have to win NaNo to set a new record.

It's hard not to compare yourself to others, but the more you write, the easier it gets.

I can write far more now than that I ever dreamed possible, but then I encroach on the

"poor-quality" limit and reel myself back in.

To find those limits, you need to push yourself.

Once you find them, you'll have a better idea of the balance you need to strike.

Alright, that's all I have for y'all today.

Before you compare yourself to others, think of where you are in your own journey, and

realize what works for one person won't work for every person.

Comparisonitis is hard to deal with.

Even though someone may be able to say they wrote 50k words on three days, you'll likely

NEVER know the quality of that first draft.

Stay in your lane, and use these items I talked about to help keep you there.

Comment down below your favorite way to keep those creative blinders on!

With that being said, make sure to check out my brand new course, Dreamer to Doer, which

launched TODAY!

This course is all about the first steps of finishing and publishing your novel: making

the time, and having the focus and motivation to write that book.

The link to the product page is down below!

Subscribe to this channel because I post new writing videos every Wednesday and I'd appreciate

so much if you gave this video a thumbs up as it helps support my channel.

I'll see you next week where I'll be talking about healthy habits to increase your productivity!

Until then, Happy writing!

For more infomation >> Quality vs Quantity | How fast can you write? - Duration: 7:20.


Street Food in Karachi, Pakistan - GIANT BONE MARROW BIRYANI + Ultimate Pakistani Street Food! - Duration: 30:46.

- Good morning, I hope you're having an amazing day.

It's Mark Wiens.

I'm in Karachi, which is a mega city

in Pakistan along the Arabian Sea.

This city has some extreme food, and food in the masses.

And so, today I'm meeting up

with my friend Ali and Shahrooz,

and they're gonna take me on a Karachi street food tour.

We're gonna eat some unbelievable Pakistani food.

This is going to be the ultimate

street food tour of Karachi.

(rhythmic music)

We just arrived at the first air crowd.

This place is called Javed Nihari.

We're here to eat a very specialty.

How are you this morning?

- It's called nihari.

It's like a meat stew.

It's so rich, and this is one of the best places

in Karachi to eat it.

There's a couple different components to the dish.

So, he first scoops on the meat,

then he scoops on the thick, rich stew,

and then some of the red oil Desi Ghee on top.

Everything here is just massive, and they have these,

they're like podiums where they cook the food,

where they serve the nihadi,

but then also the bread production.

The star of the hill is the Sheebow,

which is a type of bread I've never seen before,

then the really interesting part is when he takes it out,

and then I think that's just a panful of water and a brick.

Just sprinkles it with water,

and then this is the finished product.

That's unique.

We're all here.

We're all ready.

- This is fun. - This is the crew

for the day.

The Karachi street food tour,

the ultimate street food tour.

Let's tear into the bread first,

and this is that special bread, pull,

and, yeah, that's amazing.

I've never seen water sprinkled on bread.

Now, the nihari, this is the signature with the bone marrow,

with the meat, a little bit of ...

Oh, it's just ultra tender.

Oh man, and you wanna kind of balance a little bit of

that stew along with that Desi Ghee.

Oh, wow.

Wow, you can feel the chilis in that,

and then the bread, it is almost like croissant style,

like pastry dough, and then the nihari has almost like a

cinnamony-infused taste to it.

You gotta sprinkle it with ginger, fresh ginger,

and fresh chili.

This is one of the joys of eating nihari.

(rhythmic music)

With the lime, that gives it that refreshing touch,

and the fresh chilis.

That is a generous chunk of the cow brain.

Oh, look at the creaminess of that.

It looks like cottage cheese.

You've got creaminess, on top of richness,

on top of richness, on top of creaminess.

It's so creamy.

This is one of the hardiest breakfasts

you could possibly have in the world.

(rhythmic music)

That is not a dish you wanna eat every day

because it's so rich, but once in a while,

that will just satisfy you like nothing else.

Thank you very much.

(speaking in foreign language)

- One of the greatest things about being a food lover

in Karachi is that it's such a mega city,

and it attracts people.

People live here from all over every single tiny region

of Pakistan, and so you'll find food from every region

of Pakistan within Karachi.

(rhythmic music)

Where are we heading next?

- [Ali] Burns Road.

- Burns Road?

Okay, and Burns Road is really known

for its extreme food, right?

(upbeat music)

We just made it to Burns Road,

and it's kind of quiet today I think because

it's a Sunday, but one thing you'll notice,

and one thing you'll love about Karachi are the buses.

They kind of look like they're on their last leg.

They've been well used, but the decoration,

they're so artistic.

It's such a culture of the buses.

It's so cool to see, and as you just drive by,

you can just see so many different designs.

(speaking in foreign language)


(speaking in foreign language)

Oh, yeah, wow, this place is just bumping.

- Hey.

- Hey, how are you?

- How are you?

Pay for travel, you're on Google or YouTube?

- This one is the Arabian Paratha,

and yeah, it's similar to things you'll find

all across this entire region.

He flattens out the dough, he fills it with

that mixture, and then wraps it up into a pocket,

and into the oil to fry.

It's shallow fried.

I love the one-handed egg drop, and then he takes

the spatula, and just like flattens it into the meat.

So, he just cut it in four pieces.

It's kind of like an entire mint, chicken omelette

within the fry bread.

Oh, it's hot.

(speaking in foreign language)

Thank you.

We didn't have any chairs at first, but the kind guy

just brought a chair over.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Shahrooz] Thank you, man.

Thank you very much.

- Okay, convenient.

- [Ali] Did you taste?

- I'm getting literally like whole ...

It's how they leave the cumin seeds whole, like, every now

and then, you get a whole crunch of a cumin seed.

It's so good. - So interesting.

This is actually quite Arabic,

but it's very mild in spices.

- [Mark] And he's serving tea, right?

Nice. - [Shahrooz] Out of a bucket.

(speaking in foreign language)


(rhythmic music)

- He is performing for us.

He's just moving into the road to dance.

(rhythmic music)

Wow, that is sweet.

Thank you, man.

Nice to meet you.

Thank you.

- [Ali] This is Matka kulfi.

- [Mark] Matka. - [Ali] Kulfi.

- Matka Kulfi.

Kulfi is like ice cream, but then these are unique

because they're made and frozen

into little clay, little cones.

I think I got the pistachio part.

Oh, wow, this actually is great.

- [Shahrooz] Is it the cone in there again?

- [Ali] Yup.

- Like reduced-down, kind of like homemade condensed cream.

Let's trade, I gotta try that saffron.

Oh, wow, you can really taste the saffron.

It does have a really pronounced saffron taste to it.

That was really good actually, a very unique

ice cream eating experience, Kulfi.

The highlight is just eating it out

of the little clay cups, cones.

Rabri. - Rabri.

- The Rabri here.

okay, there's another thing in Karachi that we have to try.

It's called Rabri.

We're gonna order one here.

It's all milk based.

You can see kind of like some strands,

kind of like some strands in it as well.

Oh, wow.

It really has like a condensed milk taste to it

but, at the same time, has almost like string cheese

in the middle of that like

condensed milk, yogurty sweetness.

- Of course, I was expecting it to be cold.

It's like sweet curds.

- Rabri Shireen.

- Rabri Shireen.

(rhythmic music)

That one is kind of like a sweet yogurt

with little jellies in it.

We're just walking past, and we just smelled it,

and saw the giant copper pot.

He's serving biryani, and we just decided

to get a small plate just to try.

We're all just gonna sample it,

but this is such a cool place underneath a tree.

(speaking in foreign language)

(rhythmic music)

And he conveniently has some tables out here too.

Just try that rice first.

It's such a long grain, such a fluffy rice,

and what I can taste,

it tastes like it has a dry lemon flavor to it.

What's really good to me about this

is that dry lemon flavor, the aromatic foundation

of this biryani.

And this is just such a cool spot.

I mean, you see the big, copper metal pan,

people are hanging around.

This is a great spot.

(speaking in foreign language)

Very good.

(speaking in foreign language)

(rhythmic music)

(speaking in foreign language)

Liaquatabad (speaking in foreign language)

Okay, that's the name of this area.

(rhythmic music)

This area is so congested,

and there's so much action going on.

I mean, it's one of those areas where just everything

is exciting, and something

is fascinating everywhere you look,

the energy, the excitement.

Their shit's called Nali biryani.

Now, Nali is the bone marrow in biryani.

We already actually sampled some biryani earlier

this morning, but this is Nali biryani,

so it's bone marrow biryani.

He just took like shovel fulls of the bones,

these are beef bones, and dumped them into

the spices which are already simmering.

It just like shattered into the giant pots.

Wow, that smells unbelievably good.

(speaking in foreign language)

And now, that's just gonna simmer away

until the rice is fully cooked,

and everything has mingled together in the pot.

So they're making the biryani down the road,

but then you walk down the road here,

and this is where they're serving it.

(speaking in foreign language)

As he's dishing it out, with every spoon that he grabs,

he hits the spoon on the side of the pot.

He hits the side of that pan so fast,

like my eye cannot even follow it.

I'm like trying to film,

I mean, I'm looking in my screen filming, and I cannot

actually follow him hitting the spoon on the side.

It's something to quickly mention

as they dish out our biryani.

There are two spots.

They both have, I believe, started around the same time,

but both serve the Nali biryani.

The more well known spot is actually across the street here,

but they happen to be closed on Sunday,

but then they built this like indoor dining room,

but this place, what's this place called, Ali?

- [Ali] Mudri Biryani.

- [Mark] Mudri Biryani.

- [Ali] Mudri Ali Biryani.

- I think they're serving our plate.

(speaking in foreign language)

It's not even a plate, but this is an entire metal saucer,

but, wow, the heaviness (laughing).

Before we empty out the bone marrow,

let's just try that rice, that fragrant rice.

You can see it's fluffy.

There's chilis in here.

We saw those chilis floating around in the sauce.


Oh, the black pepper in there.

That's the first spice that I notice.

Hassam is gonna help us with the bones.

Oh, there it comes.

(rhythmic music)

- [Shahrooz] Dude, I can't believe that actually works.

- I'm just amazed at how much marrow just came out.

That just splattered all over the biryani,

and they're still getting more.

Just like pure, butter whiteness just coming out

of that bone, and we still got one more.

Okay, I gotta try it.

It's just like dripping with oil.


- It works.

- Like a worm just fell out.

- Gotta hit it hard, man.

- Gotta hit it harder?

Rice is kind of flying.

I can hear pieces rattling in there.

Oh, there it comes.

My fist is getting sore, but I guarantee,

this is one of the most fun meals

you will ever have in your life.

I'm kind of like just splattered in spice and rice.

- [Ali] Wow.

- More is coming out.

He's looking at (laughing).

(speaking in foreign language)


And you can see the whole spices.

There's cinnamon, and I noticed

the star anise in there too,

but we gotta make a marrow bite that counts next.

Let's go in, guys.

- [Shahrooz] Oh, hello.

It's still so hot.

- [Mark] It's so delicate.

Marrow bite.

- [Men] Cheers.

- No way.


- The marrow makes butter feel tough.

That's how soft and melt in your mouth it is,

going from solid to liquid on your tongue.

I need a marrow chunk bite on that bite.

(rhythmic music)

- Biryani is one of my favorite, favorite dishes

in the world.

That is easily the best.

It cannot be described how much flavor was in every bite.

- [Mark] Ali, what did you think?

- It was amazing, and I'm not very regular with marrow,

but I think marrow and biryani

make a perfect, lethal combination.

- Very best food, biryani in the league.

- It's blown me away.

I have a renewed sense of energy right now.

We tried to pay.

They would not accept payment.

They wouldn't take money from us, so they gave it to us.

Huge thank you to this spot.

That is amazing biryani that will just blow your taste buds.

Wipe the sweat and the marrow coming out of my pores.

(laughing) Oh man.

That was a game changer,

a biryani game changer in Karachi.

(rhythmic music)

(speaking in foreign language)


- You add this channel.

- Yes, I will add it, I will add it.

Great, nice to meet you.

- [Young Man] Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

- We are all Pakistani, left to all 20%, all people.

- [Mark] Thank you.

- Very much.

- [Mark] Thank you.

- Okay, see you.

- Awesome, really, have a great day.

- Thank you.

- So many friendly people,

and we had to actually stop to ask around

because there's so many alleys, you can get lost.

It's a maze back here,

but the next dish is supposed

to be somewhere around the corner

that we're gonna try to find.

(rhythmic music)

- These are vegetable salad,

and he puts masala on top of this.

After having so much (speaking in foreign language),

and biryani--

- [Mark] We need some vegetables.

- [Ali] We need some vegetable.

- And he is a master slicer.

He chops up the cucumber.

It's (chopping sound).

He's a machine slicer, just amazing, amazing

chopping skills, and what's amazing is how he cuts the onion

in like a floral blooming shape.

Street Karachi vegetable salad,

it felt like the right thing we should do

after eating that much bone marrow in the morning.

We need some vegetables.

(rhythmic music)

He has some of the most amazing knife skills

I've every seen.

That is what you call a hand-chopped salad.

One more thing I just noticed, the vegetables are sitting

here on the cart, but he's using a wind screen.

This is a car wind screen, piece of glass, a windshield

to hold the chopped vegetables as the counter top.

The countertop is a windshield.

This is a first for me.

(rhythmic music)

okay, let's try some of this salad.

The plate is in the cart.

Quite a few people surrounding us,

but let's try this salad. - It's so awesome.

- I got an onion and one of the cucumbers.

The masala and the lime juice,

and it is so incredibly fresh tasting.

These carrots are almost red, so sweet.

That combination of the masala and the fresh squeeze

of lime, though, that's what makes it.

(speaking in foreign language)


(speaking in foreign language)

That was one of the, by far, the coolest salad ever,

but what a man, what skills.

Actually, we didn't even make it to the right place.

The place that we're going to which serves fish katakat

is actually right next door here,

and you can here the clanking of the pan.


But it's usually made with a variety of meats,

and especially organs and brain,

but this one is made with fish.

The aromas, and the steams, and the smoke just pouring

off of that gridle, and then he makes a fresh batch,

serves it, like as soon as it's ready,

he serves the entire thing and starts the process again.

Wow, this is next-level food.

I think I got some chili smoke to the eyes on that batch,

but this is the stall, this is the place,

and then across the street, they have a seating section.

Hey. - Hey, brother.

- [Mark] Hey, how are you? - How are you?

- [Mark] Nice to meet you. - I was just

watching your video in the morning,

and I was thinking how can I ...

you're not coming to Pakistan.

- [Mark] Thank you very much. - It was a surprise for me.

- [Mark] Awesome to meet you. - It's a complete surprise

for me.

- [Mark] Thank you, thank you.

What is your name?

- My name is Solmon, brother.

- Alman. - Solmon.

- Solmon. - Yes.

- Great, very nice to meet you.

- I was watching your video in the morning.

(speaking in foreign language)

- We met the owner, really threatening man.

He's like one of a kind here too.

He's the only one that makes the fish Katakat.

It's served with chapati, so we'll just try the fish first

before we dig into the extra chutney.

(rhythmic music)

Oh, wow.

Oh, that's masterful because the fish is deep fried,

but then refried on the hot plate,

it has this like crunch around it.

- Unbelievably good.


- That's just like a fish, spice-full mashup.

Oh, look at that chutney, next bite.

It looks like coriander and chilis,

and you can smell the mint, I believe, in there too.

It's like full of herbs, actually.

You think it's just pure chili,

but it's actually full of herbs.

We got a refill.

The ultimate bite, fish, then scoop up some onions

on top of that, extra onions, and finally that

unbelievable chutney.

That chutney, you could drink it, it's so good.

(rhythmic music)

And one more shout out to the salad man across the street,

so friendly, so genuine.

His cart is right in front.

He walked over here, and gave us an entire plate of salad

just with a smile on his face,

and just dropped it on our table,

and he has such fresh vegetables.

(rhythmic music)

I could not be happier.

One of the greatest herb chili sauces I've ever had.

(speaking in foreign language)

Chutney is amazing.


(speaking in foreign language)

That dish just blew my taste buds away again,

and that chutney, paired with that chutney,

you will not go wrong.

Karachi is just exceeding, blowing away

my culinary expectations.

Oh, first we're buying what?

- We are buying Sherwanis.

- Oh, yes.

Okay, we're buying some clothes first.

We're going shopping for clothes first,

and then Ali has set up something very unique.

It's gonna involve some livestock and some milk.

(rhythmic music)

(rhythmic music)

Nice to meet you. - Pleasure to meet you.

- [Mark] Thank you.

- [Store Owner] Come again, and again, and again.

- Start blogging, man.

Start blogging.

This may be one of the greatest clothing investments

I have ever made in my life.

I just feel like I'm floating.

This has to be the most comfortable outfit I've ever worn.

It's so breezy and airy, and this is exactly the outfit,

the look we needed for the next spot that we're going.

(rhythmic music)

Step outside of the car and just immediately the aroma,

you can smell the buffaloes.

This is Asia's biggest colony of buffaloes.

It's a colony because it's an entire city,

and basically, every house, every home, every person here

deals in buffaloes, raises buffaloes,

then this is where a lot of the dairy comes from,

and one of the reasons I was so excited to come here

is because milk and dairy is so important.

It's essential in Pakistan and Pakistani food cuisine.

Wow, I think we're gonna milk the buffalo.

Thank you for inviting us.

I just stepped in some poo.



He just sprayed me in the face.


Wow, that is a new experience I've never had before.


(rhythmic music)

In my ear.

That milk is actually really good.

That's as fresh as possible.

That is a totally new experience.

I have never had that kind

of culinary experience in my life.

The milk is so sweet, actually.

Thank you for that.

- You really have to squeeze.

- [Mark] Are you getting it?

- Yeah, but they're squeezing hard, man.


Dude, it's so sweet.

He's squeezing hard, and that's

such a technique. - [Mark] I gotta try

squeezing it.

- [Shahrooz] But it's so sweet.

- [Mark] Oh, yeah. - [Shahrooz] It's crazy.

- Wow, just get a little trickle.

It's really hard.

You gotta squeeze, your forearms.

That's the freshest milk mustache

you will ever have in your life.

- And the buffalo colony.

(rhythmic music)

- We're gonna sit down here now in front

of the buffalo colony,

kind of relax, and I think we might try Mahal.

They're bringing out some fruit,

but I think we might try some butter.

A quick banana in the meantime.

I think that fresh milk was even sweeter than the banana.

(speaking in foreign language)

This one is the fresh butter.

- [Man In Background] Butter. - [Mark] Butter.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Men] Yogurt.

- Yogurt.

Hook up some of the butter in the chapati right now.

That's just unprocessed, pure butter.

(rhythmic music)


That is a mouthful of butter.

It's so rich, but so pure tasting.

Wow, wow.

That is the best yogurt you'll ever have.

It's sour, and that's it.

There's also a vegetable dish,

which I think this is just a bonus.

I don't think this includes dairy,

some kind of a local vegetable.

(speaking in foreign language)

Thank you.

(speaking in foreign language)

It's so good.

(group chattering)

It's rich and creamy, a little bit of cardamon in there.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

(speaking in foreign language)

As we were leaving, they informed us that within

this colony, there's 700 to 800 thousand cows and buffaloes.

That's a magnificent amount,

but what's amazing is that it's right within Karachi.

It's an entire colony, and that it's so decentralized

because every family just owns an amount,

and has a little dairy farm.

Huge thank you to Mr. Shakir for showing us around,

and to Ali for setting it up.

(rhythmic music)

We experienced an ultimate Karachi traffic jam.

It took three hours.

We were stuck in a traffic jam for three hours

it took to drive here.

It's called Dua Restaurant.

It's like a football-field sized seating area.

They have a massive barbecue section,

and a massive Karachi station, but this entire restaurant

is going up in a billow of smoke and fire.

What an atmosphere.

There are just cooking meat

for the entire sports field in the front.

Wow, what a spot.

(speaking in foreign language)

This is one of the most impressive assembly-line

cooking stations I have ever seen.

They are just flying on the Karachis,

just like bubbling like a lava, curry sensation

in the Karachi, and that goes straight to your table.

The mixed grill has just arrived, and I just have to pick up

this platter for you to fully appreciate it.

It is like the size of a baby carriage.


Look at this.

This one is the Fran Karachi, so I'm gonna start

with this since it's right in front of me.

You can just see the little prawns,

the Desi Ghee on top of the chilis, and the ginger.


Oh, wow.

Oh, it's so spice-ish.

You can taste all of the dried spices in there,

the cumin, the chilis, the little prawns, the ginger.

We were just talking, there's no recipes.

I mean, they have a recipe, but no measurement.

He literally just takes that spatula,

and just like sprinkles in the spices,

and gets it perfect every single time.

That knowledge, that experience, wow.

That is masterful.

Okay, next I gotta try the mutton Karachi,

and the mutton Karachi is very famous here.

Unbelievable tender.

You taste a little bit of a tomato-y flavor,

but they mashed up those tomatoes inside of it.

Again, the harmony of spices.

It looks like kingfish.

I believe it's kingfish grilled,

and they just grill it over a raging hot fire.

That dry spice blend,

and just like grilled until smoky perfection.

(rhythmic music)

(group chattering)

Oh, yeah.

Taste that with a tomato.


The food here is just spectacular.

(rhythmic music)

That is sensational.

Again, I'm just blown away by Pakistan,

the food culture, the people, and Karachi.

Man, what a day it's been.

Now, once you finish your meal, and if you look around,

there's people across the playing field

that are in the position, but once you're finished

with your meal, I wouldn't say it's mandatory,

but, yes, it is mandatory to get into the position

where you elbow down on the pillow,

and this is my first time in the position

in the right clothes, in the right attire.

This is one of the most comfortable positions

after you eat that you will ever have in your life.

My good friend, Ali, knows that very well.

- That's my conditioned position.


That's my default position.

- [Mark] Default position.

- Yeah.


I don't even have to make an effort.

I actually automatically go into this position.

- Yeah, I saw him just kind of slide into that position

after he took his last bite.


And now you can actually have a conversation, and just

socialize, and lay around for the rest of the evening.

It's been an action-packed day.

It's already midnight right now.

We've been eating since 8:30 a.m.,

and an unbelievable day, incredible food.

Karachi, you have been very, very good to us.

I wanna say a huge thank you to Ali and Shahrooz

for showing me around Karachi,

and thank you to Ali from Landmark Communications,

and Landmark Travel for preparing everything,

for organizing everything for this Pakistan trip.

It's been absolutely one of the most

rewarding trips of my entire life.

For more infomation >> Street Food in Karachi, Pakistan - GIANT BONE MARROW BIRYANI + Ultimate Pakistani Street Food! - Duration: 30:46.


DADI KI RASOI - Lunch Only at Rs. 5/- | #NishaTries #CookWithNisha - Duration: 9:38.

Today's video is so special.

as the place where I've come today is so special

keep watching this video to know why this place is so special

So I am here in Sector 29 Ganga Shopping Complex

so we're here at Dadi Ki Rasoi where we get Lunch only at Rs. 5/-

so lets go and meet its owner to know about the speciality of "Dadi Ki Rasoi"

So here we're with Mr.Anoop Khanna Ji

so lets ask him what was his thought behind this " Dadi Ki Rasoi"

For more infomation >> DADI KI RASOI - Lunch Only at Rs. 5/- | #NishaTries #CookWithNisha - Duration: 9:38.


Does Low Acid Coffee Cause Less Acid Reflux? - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Does Low Acid Coffee Cause Less Acid Reflux? - Duration: 5:02.


New Pretty Dress Unboxing | Theekholms - Duration: 4:17.

so I'm super excited kind of nervous for this unboxing but pretty much it's like

chasing fireflies dress holiday dress it was my favorite out of their magazine

but I'm kind of nervous because I really hope I like it and I bought it

with our own money and I just really hope I like it put let's get into it

just a clean cut right there oh my gosh I just hope I like

oh wow an ice skater this I one thing I know spent the zipper in the back cause

it's like a really high-quality zipper

so nervous cuz I really want this to like perfectly it'd be amazing I believe

this is called the cold shoulder embroidered dress because I gave half

the cold shoulder and the embroidery but see man it has a beautiful flower

pattern and gold I'm gonna take it out of ya

wrapping now so okay just want to have fun right now alright so this is how it

looks I am super excited because like I like it I really really really like it

so I'm not really sure which way makes me like I should wear my hair it's just

like you can kind of wear it anywhere as long as it's down I personally think it

looks best down but I have a few like fancier nice-looking shoes I don't want

to try them with it and I'd love it if you can help me decide where to go best

in this dress so these are my brown boots they have a little heel and buckle

ball around them

these are my black flats they have a little bit of fun

this is kind of nice

and these are my Golan high heels of straps

tell me the color section below do like the boots the black flaps or these high

heels better but this trend which hair accessory do you like the best - this

fascinator hat or

this is a black headband at Elega white and gold zebra pattern huh kind of fun

I'm like no I just looked really good with it and I have another one that I

want to show you as well this one is like a gold headband with some like

whitish sobre Sh they're like gem beads on top tell me if

you like the Hat this gem headband or the zebra gold

headband vest and a scripture box below and remember chasing fireflies is

amazing and so are you and if you like mermaids check out my memory job by

clicking the picture in the corner district and please subscribe

For more infomation >> New Pretty Dress Unboxing | Theekholms - Duration: 4:17.


特朗普傻眼,華為反擊封sha美國! - Duration: 18:43.

For more infomation >> 特朗普傻眼,華為反擊封sha美國! - Duration: 18:43.


Deadly Crash In Mahwah, N.J. - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Deadly Crash In Mahwah, N.J. - Duration: 0:20.



For more infomation >> RUSYA'DA YILBAŞI NASIL KUTLANIR 🌲RUSÇA KUTLAMA SÖZLERİ - Duration: 18:27.


2nd Trimester Pregnancy Must Haves - Duration: 8:58.

hey guys it's Danielle with Danielle gets it done and these are my second

trimester pregnancy essentials the first thing is I changed prenatal brands

during the second trimester to intimate Rose both their prenatal multivitamin

and their DHEA pill I think both are so important to take during pregnancy and

and I really love both of these thank you so much - intimate Rose for

sponsoring this video I did a whole separate video talking about all the

supplements I take during pregnancies so if you want more information about these

be sure to visit that and check out in the description box they have a coupon

code if you hurry it's 99 percent off so it's a crazy good deal but quantity is

limited and after that's all taken up it'll go down to 25% off which is still

an amazing deal the second thing that I started in the

second trimester is red raspberry leaf tea I've talked about this a few times

as well I am such a fan of taking this during pregnancy now be sure to talk to

your doctor or Midwife first because people have differing opinions on when

to start drinking this tea my doctor and I felt really safe to start in the

second trimester so I started with one cup a day and then probably toward the

middle of my second trimester I bumped it up to two cups a day up to two cups

and it is a uterine atonic so it is thought to actually strengthen your

uterus and help make labor more efficient when the time comes and I will

up my dosage in the third trimester and then especially at the end of your

pregnancy you can really go hardcore and drink a lot of this stuff and it might

even help you go into labor more quickly so you you want to be careful and not do

that till the end when I brew this I always set a timer to seep the teabag

and I started at 5 minutes and now I do a 10

brooo and a couple times I kind of forgot about the timer and made it too

strong and I got cramps afterwards which was kind of and disconcerning on one

hand but on the other hand I think it proves that really does do something

down there so after that happen I took a few days off and east back into it so

you definitely want to be careful but I think it is so helpful okay I have a

confession I wear the same pants every single day basically I think I worn

something different maybe twice in the last two months I have four pairs mind

you I do laundry so I just really love the basic target maternity leggings by

Isabel Maternity and like I said I have four pairs of

these here is one of them the second one is on my body right now I think they're

about $30 I'll link everything I talked about in the description box and I just

I like them they're not crazy cheap but you can buy maternity leggings for $100

so I feel like they're a pretty good mid price point and I just really like them

they're comfortable they're supportive they have the full panel which I really

like in a legging jeans I don't really like a full coverage panel but leggings

I definitely do so I'm not kidding you I wear these every single day along with

that is a belly band now these are great like if you want to wear non maternity

pants like jeans and you just put this over and you can leave your jeans

unzipped and it kind of one it keeps your jeans from falling down and two

keeps everything looking a little smooth and even beyond that it just feels good

to have some extra support sometimes so I'll even wear these with my leggings

some days even though I don't need this to hide a zipper or to hold anything up

it just feels good to have that extra support I got this with my first

pregnancy so six seven years ago so I'm not going to be able to find this exact

one but I'm pretty sure they're all pretty much the same so

I'll be sure to find one and link it below I started hypno babies during my

second trimester which you are not supposed to start in your second

trimester it's meant more toward your third trimester so I kind of debated

whether I'd even mention it in this video but I thought it might be a good

idea because maybe if you're watching this you're already in your second

trimester and it'll give you enough time to research to see if you'd like to

purchase the course later on in your pregnancy I don't think I regret

starting this early but it is a it is a time commitment so hypno babies is a

program you can either take courses locally like in-person classes and they

also have a home study program which is what I'm doing I have a login portal and

there's a class to it with some reading material and some quizzes pretty much

Aysen them all so far there's a pregnancy affirmation track that you

listen to daily as well as a hypno baby's track that you listen to daily

and those change so it's not like you're listening to it the exact same hypno

baby's track every day and what it is is it's basically just teaching you to

hypnotize yourself basically and go into deep relaxation and it's supposed to

make your labor more comfortable and manageable and quicker because I mean I

remember with my first labor the more you tense up and fight the contractions

the harder they get so it's been really helpful I really like it it is

definitely going for the woman who wants a drug-free birth that's kind of who

they market toward and that's kind of the whole premise is to be able to

manage labor without interventions but even if you do want an epidural and god

bless you if you do I think it's still worth looking into because you're not

going to be able to get an epidural right away you're gonna need some coping

skills to manage with the contractions on the way to the hospital and some

women want an epidural but want to hold off for as much as possible and

I think it's just could be really good for anyone okay along with that I am so

excited for this so when I listen to these tracks I often want to listen to

them with my headphones so I don't bother anyone

but that's uncomfortable to lay down with you want to be in like a supportive

laying down position or sitting position and I usually do it in my bed and

actually Becca Bristow gave me this idea and these are it's just like a soft

headband but there are wireless bluetooth headphones in here and it's

comfortable enough and thin enough where you can still lay down while you have

them on so it's been awesome and even if you're not pregnant and not doing hip no

babies I think this is just really awesome so this is what it looks like it

covers your ears obviously I've even used this for walks or runs outside now

that it's wintertime it's kind of a double whammy as headphones and a hat

it's great for if you're watching TV in your room and your spouse is trying to

sleep music while you're cleaning I just really love this thing

and it was pretty affordable I want to say maybe 25 or 30 dollars so be sure to

check that link below as well so I think that is basically everything that I've

been enjoying product wise during my second trimester I just hit the

beginning of my third trimester and I've already got to say I missed even the

second trimester the fatigue has definitely come back it took a little

break during the second trimester but it is back to haunt me so let me know what

you think leave a comment below with anything you would add to my list I

would love some more recommendations thank you for watching if you haven't

subscribed I'd love to have you I hope you have a wonderful day and whatever

your plans are I hope you get them done bye guys


For more infomation >> 2nd Trimester Pregnancy Must Haves - Duration: 8:58.


French Christmas Traditions: Vocabulary to know - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> French Christmas Traditions: Vocabulary to know - Duration: 11:48.


Nightcore - Lost Control (Alan Walker ft. Sorana) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:14.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Lost Control (Alan Walker ft. Sorana) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:14.


WHO is EATING my PLANTS? How to Identify + Control Common Pests + Best Pesticides in Gardening - Duration: 6:24.

Hello Friends!

Todays Episode is really really useful for all plant lovers because today we will look

into the leaf signatures of the common pests and insects to identify them and take the

necessary steps to eradicate those culprits from the garden.

Coming up.

If you are interested in gardening, please take a moment to click the subscribe button

and also the bell icon next to it to get notified whenever I add another useful episode.

Well, How would you feel, when oneday on your early morning garden inspection you find part

of your garden disappeared while you slept, or realize your flower buds are torn apart

and very badly damaged?

I am sure after seeing this damage, Your first instinct is likely to spray some powerful

chemical pesticide all over your plants to kill those culprits without even investigating


This is not a right decision.

Please Spend a little time to find out what's eating your plants and then take necessary

action particularly prescribed for that pest or insect.

Yes, Today we will look into Identifying those common pests by scanning their leaf signatures,

thats the leaf damage pattern they leave after feeding on your plants.

So lets begin.


Chewed Leaves or Slime Trails: If you see irregular-shaped holes in the leaf (but not

along the edges) and if you see slime trails or lines, then most likely the Culprits are

Slugs and Snails.

So Whats the Solution?

There are lot of remedies for slugs and snails but Beer Trap is the most effective one considered

by many.

Pour some beer in a saucer and leave it overnight.

This attracts and kills these creatures.

Well now moving on to the next similar signature.


Chewed Leaves along the edges: Leaf cutting bees are the culprits.

So whats the solution?

Generally unless its too extensive damage, you need not take any step to kill or drive

away these bees, because they are beneficial insects and required for pollination in your



Chewed Leaves with central holes in between veins, like Skeletonised leaves.

The culprit here is Caterpillars if larger holes, then the other insects which can cause

this pattern are Beetles, Earwigs and Saw flies.

So whats the remedy.

For caterpillars, hand pick and eliminate them including their eggs from the leaves.

After doing this apply a neem oil + soap solution weekly twice.

10 ml neem oil + 10 drops or 10 ml of liquid soap or shampoo and spray it thoroughly including

the undersides of the leaves.


Discolored Leaves + Sucking Damage: This is commonly caused by Thrips and Spider Mites,

common thrips are the Cuban Laurel Thrips.

As you can see here, the leaf is discoloured and then folded onto itself to form a pouch

or cover these creatures and its eggs.

If left untreated, these thrips will multiply drastically and can cause a considerable damage

to your plant.

So Whats the solution?

You can use the same Neem oil + soap spray weekly twice or can add another oil like clove

oil or eucalyptus oil if they are too extensive.

If they still persist, then go for a chemical sprays like those containing Imidacloprid

as the last resort.

If you still want organic solution like me, consider another option called diatomaceous

earth (DE).


Zig zag leaf mining Pattern: Obviously these are called Leaf miners.

Leafminers are very tiny larvae of a variety of insects like flies, moths and beetles.

Leafminers do not actually cause major injury to the infested plant, but rather give an

unattractive look to the plant.

This mining pattern of zig zag lines on the leaves are produced as these tiny larvae burry

and eat along the infested leaves.

If you want to control these, Neem oil is the best solution.

You can watch my detailed video on leaf miners and its remedies from an end screen link after

this video.

You can also find links to all related videos on pest control from the description below.

Well now moving on to the next culprit.


Sucking Damage and Deformed Leaves and Leaf Curls: Common Sucking pests are Aphids, Whiteflies

and Mealy Bugs.

The mealy bugs are very common and are found sucking the new growth and tips.

Infact, Mealybugs as well as Aphids have a symbiotic relationship with Ants which protect

these pests from predators and also carry them to the plants.

The Ants in turn get the honeydew sugars excreted out of their anus as their gift.

So, Whats the Solution?

I have been using the Magic organic mix containing multiple ingredients along with neem oil to

control these.

But they need a weekly spray with this solution depending on the severity.

There are lot of solutions to these pests including alcohol based sprays, neem oil and

many others.

Please check a video on this topic from and end screen link or from the description link.


Leaf Galls or Leaf Bumps: This is a strange and rare pattern which presents as tumour

like boils on the leaf surface.

This is considered to be due to irritation or stimulation of plant cells due to feeding

or egg-laying by insects such as aphids, wasps and mites.

So there we have it folks, Please Click a Thumbs up if you liked the video and also

please comment below with your feedback and also share this video with your other gardening


Consider subscribing if you are new to the channel.

Happy Gardening!

For more infomation >> WHO is EATING my PLANTS? How to Identify + Control Common Pests + Best Pesticides in Gardening - Duration: 6:24.


ProdCon 2019: Supercharge Time Management - Duration: 2:01.

Hello everyone its Francesco here. This is just a short announcement message

I want to share with you guys and it's about a brand new virtual conference

We have in January called ProdCon now you guys may have seen it on social media

We've been posting out a little bit about it and it's going to be a virtual event

Which you can attend from anywhere in the globe

It's going to be on January 25th

Which is a Friday and it's all gonna be all about super charging your time management at the end of January now


January is a pretty busy period of time you're looking to get organized get your habits in place

And also your needs and resolutions and goals are really up

ready to go and it's naturally an important time to try and continue that progress a lot of people fall short at the end of

January there's sort of lack of motivation a lack of

Time management and technique so this conference is going to be dedicated to helping you get back on the bandwagon

We're going to be really bringing in some awesome speakers in the time management space some who have been on this channel before

Talking all about how to supercharge that productivity ready for the rest of the year

so I'm really excited because this is something that I've been thinking about a lot for last couple of months and hopefully

if it's a successful event will be doing more virtual conferences like this in a future so

You can reserve a spot in the link below you'll get a ticket and on the day

You'll get a password which will give you access to the page



you also get an event handbook in advance -

You'll also be able to see all the speakers and we're announcing two speakers a week before the end of the year

So it's going to be quite exciting to find out who is going to be there

So guys, I really love to see you there. Naturally. This is a first event

So we're going to build up to be much stronger and much bigger if it's something getting you guys liked. Anyway guys huge

Thank you for stopping by today

Feel free to get the tickets below and I will see you at PubCon or in another video here on the youtube channel

Anyway guys big thank you for stopping by. I will see you guys in a future video Cheers

For more infomation >> ProdCon 2019: Supercharge Time Management - Duration: 2:01.


More Facts About the Furry Fandom Infographic - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> More Facts About the Furry Fandom Infographic - Duration: 4:07.


Your LIFE is your CHOICE - MOTIVATION FOR 2019 by Gaur Gopal Das - Duration: 10:56.

My friend there is a price to everything in life

Since you decided to give up halfway, you cannot blame anybody who steps on you now

Life as a sculptor, wants to make a masterpiece out of you

The question is whether you are ready to handle every test, every

hard knock, every trouble, every failure; all the pain that comes from these

sculpting tools and become a masterpiece. Or

do you grumble and crumble down to simply become a tile.

That is what decides whether people step on you or admire you as you become a role model

for someone to emulate.

We are all

Created to fly

to live by the

Incredible potential that we have all been invested with. But often we sit on our branches,

Clinging to the things that are familiar to us

Remaining stuck in our comfort zones. Not willing to venture out.

Not willing to take risks. The possibilities are endless,

but for most of us, they remain undiscovered.

Because we continue to conform to the familiar, to the comfortable, to the mundane.

So for the most part, our lives are mediocre,

instead of

exciting, thrilling and fulfilling

What is the branch that's holding you back from flying high?

What is the fear that's stopping you from taking a risk?

What is the weakness

that's inhibiting

your growth?

Unless we cut off the branches we are clinging to and

free ourselves

we can never take off and reach new heights in our life.

What are you waiting for?

Cut the branch and take your flight. What's holding us back

from moving ahead and reaching our dreams? Is it a lack of resources?

Is it a lack of opportunities? Is it a lack of support? Or

are we tied up by the imaginary ropes?

Doubt, fear


Yes, we certainly need to work on the external parameters

needed for our success.

What is even more important is that we untie our mental blocks and

expedite our journey

towards our goal.

Why wait for problems to occur in our life if we can proactively

address them and save ourselves

so much pain?

Going to the gym regularly is important not just when you want summer body.

Small acts of love and


done regularly are important. Not just the big gifts given on birthdays and anniversaries.

It is the small things

done rightly and

consistently that make a huge difference in our lives.

Success is less about intensity and more

about consistency. We all have a unique ability that no one in the world can replicate!

But instead of making the most of what we have,

instead of focusing on our gifts, our strengths, our

potential, we

often continue to look for the elusive,


non-existent goat number three. We keep worrying about and chasing the missing piece

that we lack, what we have tried hard for and never found, what doesn't exist

in us. And I'm not even saying we shouldn't try. We have to try our best

before knowing something is not meant for us.

But after trying hard for long and

still not being able to reach even the basic success in doing something,

I guess it's time to ask ourself this question:

Wouldn't it be better to focus on goats? 1 2 & 4 that I have and do something with them

rather than chasing goat number 3, which simply

doesn't exist in me? Most of us may not be confronted with a situation like this,

where the choice made decides whether we live or die.

Yet, we have our own journeys to take and our own choices to make. If the choice we make

goes our way

fantastic. We can inspire people by telling them, believe me, it works.

And if it doesn't go our way, we can share our mistakes, our

experiences, our

realizations and empower people to make

their right choices.

Sometimes we cannot undo some things that may have gone wrong in our life.

Some wrong decisions,

wrong choices,

wrong investments, wrong words that we may have spoken can never be undone.

Not that we shouldn't try. We should definitely

give our very best. But after having done what we can,

when we cannot reverse things,

to still keep trying is like attempting to remove lemon from water

and I think that would be such a sheer waste of time.


we should try to work on

adding so many right things in our life, that the wrong

seems smaller than what it was earlier.

When problems seem to be helplessly beyond our control,

rather than simply trying to

remove them,

let us add

positivity in our lives and change our experience.

Have any of you

tried doing exercise - like a gym workout or jogging and have realized

physically activity is

painful? How many of you as school or college students work hard

to get good grades and have realized that studying hard is painful?

Have any of you wanting a promotion at work

put in a lot of energy and realized that the laborious effort is painful?

Have any of you in wanting to save a relationship

try to keep your ego aside

to adjust and realize but bending down is extremely painful?

Ladies and gentleman,

pain is such an integral part of life that try as hard as we may, we just

cannot escape.

But we have a choice to accept the right kind of pain that initially hurts

but eventually


that initially is


but eventually

unleashes our true potential, that initially we want to avoid

but eventually

very happily



The wrong kind of pain,

Where the beginning is so much pleasure but at the end,

life is just a pity.

Where in the beginning you so

mesmerised but at the end

- just a royal mess

Where in the beginning

things are so

comfortable but at the end



The pain of exercise or the pain of disease

- Which one will you choose?

The pain of

studying hard or

the pain of being unworthy

- Which one will you choose?

The pain of effort at work

or the pain of stagnation

- Which one will you choose?

The pain of adjusting with a loved one or the pain of a broken heart. - Which one will you choose?

The right kind of pain or the wrong kind of pain.

You will have to choose one.

Choose the right one and live your life right.


does not mean to be in a place where there's no noise,

where there is no trouble, where there is no hard work, where there is no trials, where there's no tribulations, where there's no difficulties


means to be in the middle of all mayhem and chaos

and yet to stay calm, yet to stay focused, yet to make that inward

journey, and isn't that the story of real life as well?

Spirituality is the art of bringing us to that inner calm, to that inner

peace in our real life with all kinds of

difficulties, troubles and problems

surrounding us. That is the meaning and definition of real peace.

For more infomation >> Your LIFE is your CHOICE - MOTIVATION FOR 2019 by Gaur Gopal Das - Duration: 10:56.


Os Originais | Episódio 2 : Chandelly Kidman - Duration: 4:04.

An artist

who step out of the stage

to cheer up a hospital.

<i>Many say I'm a superhero. </i>

<i>I can say love is my most </i> <i>powerful weapon.</i>

<i>Becoming Chandelly is like </i> <i>having a super power.</i>

<i>It helps me overcome prejudice, </i> <i>helps me express myself,</i>

<i>it brings people happiness, </i> <i>it empowers me.</i>

<i>For me, it's pure art. </i>

<i>And a lot of self-affirmation.</i>

<i>Many think a drag queen </i> <i>belongs to the night</i>

<i>We have to be in other </i> <i>places, you know?</i>

<i>Where no one ever expects </i> <i>to see a drag queen.</i>

<i>Since 2015, Chandelly Kidman </i> <i>performs at São Marcos Hospital</i>

<i>to cheer up children with cancer.</i>

<i>She is a drag queen, she is </i> <i>colorful, she is cheerful.</i>

The costumes and the wigs bring the

<i>fantasy world to the </i> <i>children.</i>

<i>These children need</i> <i>a lot of faith, </i>

<i>a lot of hope and love.</i>

And I think you represent all of that.

<i>After those performances </i> <i>my son changed.</i>

This is very important to these children in these very difficult times.

<i>Chandelly making this emotional </i> <i>support is very important</i>

<i>for the cognitive distraction </i> <i>of these children.</i>

<i>Not just for them, right? </i> <i>For families, I think it's incredible.</i>

<i>You have to be very strong </i> <i>to be gay in the Northeast.</i>

<i>"Be a man."</i>

<i>"Talk like a man."</i>

<i>"Act like a man."</i>

<i>There is nothing else that </i> <i>moves me except for love.</i>

<i>And I learned I needed to love </i> <i>myself from a very early age.</i>

<i>This is the greatest power I have, </i>

<i>loving myself and loving people.</i>

Original stories deserve to be told

and real heroes celebrated.

For more infomation >> Os Originais | Episódio 2 : Chandelly Kidman - Duration: 4:04.


'Construa o melhor dentro de você'! - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 'Construa o melhor dentro de você'! - Duration: 2:51.


Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #116 - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #116 - Duration: 8:14.


Аниме приколы #46 | Аниме приколы под музыку | Смешные моменты из аниме - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы #46 | Аниме приколы под музыку | Смешные моменты из аниме - Duration: 10:00.


🔴 Aviso importante aos inscritos l E.M Kpop ❤️ - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Aviso importante aos inscritos l E.M Kpop ❤️ - Duration: 1:07.


Papo aur Ghass Chor|Manzoor kirlo aur airport|kerlo|airpot|Pendu Bachy😝😜😜 - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> Papo aur Ghass Chor|Manzoor kirlo aur airport|kerlo|airpot|Pendu Bachy😝😜😜 - Duration: 7:48.



For more infomation >> QUEIROZ DEVE FINALMENTE APARECER. VAI MATAR NO PEITO? - Duration: 2:44.


FIFA 17 EA - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> FIFA 17 EA - Duration: 0:42.



For more infomation >> 5 PIADAS ADULTAS EM HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 QUE VOCÊ NÃO NOTOU - Duration: 5:40.


MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E1 - Duration: 2:40.



What you up to?

It's Friday we're going dancing.


We rush into the party turmoil.


Marlene. We are happy. We are in love.

Let's celebrate, let's enjoy life.

In addition, this dress is excellent to you that it would be a shame if no one can see you in it.

For more infomation >> MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E1 - Duration: 2:40.


THE NOW UNITED SHOW: Episódio 23 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> THE NOW UNITED SHOW: Episódio 23 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 8:01.


Wskazano następcę Anny Zalewskiej. Ogromne zaskoczenie "To wierny żołnierz PiS" - Duration: 5:50.

 Anna Zalewska, szefowa Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej, może już niedługo stracić swoje stanowisko w resorcie

Nie stanie się to jednak za sprawą dymisji, a odejścia z powodu wyborów do Parlamentu Europejskiego

Jak wygląda przyszłość polskiego szkolnictwa? Anna Zalewska kieruje MEN od samego początku rządu Zjednoczone Prawicy

Doświadczona posłanka, z zawodu nauczycielka i polonistka, nie cieszy się jednak popularnością wśród środowisk nauczycielskich i rodziców uczniów

 Źle wypowiadają się o niej także inni posłowie, którzy uważają ją za symbol indoktrynacji PiS w sferze edukacji i szkolnictwa

Ostro o Zalewskie w rozmowie z NaTemat mówiła Katarzyna Lubnauer, przewodnicząca Nowoczesnej

Anna Przybylska przed śmiercią miała tylko jedno życzenie. Smutne  – Jednak bardzo źle oceniam panią Zalewską i trudno mi sobie wyobrazić, że ktoś będzie gorszym ministrem

Dlatego wydaje mi się, że ewentualna zmiana nie byłaby na gorsze, pytanie, czy byłaby na lepsze? Cały czas czekam na postawienie na kogoś, kto ma bardziej nowoczesne spojrzenie na szkołę – czytamy

Gdy Anna Zalewska odejdzie, na jej miejsce prawdopodobnie wejdzie jej obecna zastępczyni Od dłuższego czasu sporo mówi się o ewentualnej kandydaturze Anny Zalewskiej do Parlamentu Europejskiego

Wybory do unijnego „sejmu" odbędą się pod koniec maja i już dziś wskazuje się na wiceszefową MEN, Marzenę Machałek, jako na jej następczynię

    Również bardzo doświadczona posłanka, która cieszy się lepszą oceną opozycji od swojej szefowej, straciła wiele w oczach nauczycieli, od kiedy zaangażowała się w politykę

 – Bardzo się upolityczniła i zmieniła się bardzo. Odeszła od środowiska nauczycielskiego, z którego się wywodzi i dziś nie jest w nim popularna

Nawet gdy kiedyś kandydowała na prezydenta Jeleniej Góry miała bardzo negatywne opinie – powiedziała NaTemat Halina Wieczorek, szefowa Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego w powiecie zielonogórskim

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ„Wierny żołnierz PiS" Zdaniem liderki drugiej co do wielkości partii opozycyjnej zmiana Zalewskiej na Machałek nie będzie miała wpływu na kształt polskiej edukacji i ocenę MEN

Katarzyna Lubnauer twierdzi, że Machałek będzie wykonywała wszelkie polecenie prezesa PiS

 – Ona jest wiernym żołnierzem PiS-u, typowym oficerem partii. Człowiekiem do bólu realizującym to, co sobie partia założy, bez jakiegoś krytycznego spojrzenia

Co do tego nie ma żadnych wątpliwości. To nie jest osoba, która myśli w sposób niezależny

Jest taką lajtową wersją Zalewskiej. Bo nie jest tak bezczelna – powiedziała posłanka

 Także zdaniem Hanny Wieczorek, byłaby to zmiana jedynie na papierze. – Oceniając jej działalność, to pani Machałek robi to, co każe pani Zalewska

One mają taki sam punkt widzenia oświaty. W związku z tym jej patrzenie na oświatę jest patrzeniem przez pryzmat pani Zalewskiej

Gdyby została ministrem, w praktyce byłoby jak w powiedzeniu „Zamienił stryjek siekierkę na kijek" – dodaje szefowa jeleniogórskiego ZNP

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE:  Loading . źródło: Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Wskazano następcę Anny Zalewskiej. Ogromne zaskoczenie "To wierny żołnierz PiS" - Duration: 5:50.


MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E4 - Duration: 4:04.

Let's go dancing again soon.

I told you.

Yeah, I know.

You didn't want to!

Now I want.


Twice every weekend.

Rebecca, we're walking.


We're still enjoying the night.

Aren't you afraid someone will see us?

Excuse me, Santa Claus? Maybe you can take some pictures of us.

Yeah, because if you just, right here, right up here, just press it, it'll work.

Wait a minute.

Hey, my hat!

No, mine.

That´s mean.

So now you get your hat back too. Oh, sorry. Thanks.

Merry Christmas.


What are you doing?

I'm just showing the whole world that we belong together.

Sweet, you with the hat.

For more infomation >> MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E4 - Duration: 4:04.


Paulina Koziejowska w żałobie. To będą smutne święta - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Paulina Koziejowska w żałobie. To będą smutne święta - Duration: 3:38.


Urszula Sipińska wściekła! Za swój wielki hit nie dostaje ani grosza! - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Urszula Sipińska wściekła! Za swój wielki hit nie dostaje ani grosza! - Duration: 2:51.


MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E2 - Duration: 3:26.

I'll get us something to drink, ok?

Hey, here you are! I've been looking everywhere for you.

I didn't mean to interrupt you.

Marlene, what are you talking about? Hey, we're together.

And I would love to show it to everyone. You just have to give me a sign.

For more infomation >> MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E2 - Duration: 3:26.


Dinâmica do curso de Especialização em Ortodontia da Smile - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Dinâmica do curso de Especialização em Ortodontia da Smile - Duration: 4:26.


MarBecca - Porque es Amor - E5 - Duration: 3:32.

Good morning!

Good morning!

Are you awake yet?

I couldn't sleep anymore.

Come with me.

By the way.

I've been thinking about what you and I can do tonight.

I guess someone's got a taste for it.

Do you mind?


I love you!

I know.

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