Saturday, December 1, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 2 2018

I think that's what I do I wait for something bad to happen which like what

kind of life is that I don't know if any of this is making any sense disgusting

SWOOP aka Spankie Valentine still struggling with her mental illness but she actually has some great

tips for overcoming depression and anxiety this is Chris from the rewired

soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new

to my channel and what I like to do is pull different topics from the YouTube

community to try to teach you how to improve your mental and emotional

well-being so if any of that kind of stuff make sure you subscribe and ring

that notification bell so real quick before I jump into the amazingness that

is swoop I do want to do a not sponsored plug real quick so better help is online

therapy they do help support the channel through an affiliate link but they reach

out and let me know that they're actually providing free therapy to

anybody who has been affected by the California wildfires so even if you're

not somebody who's been affected and you know somebody who has been affected by

the California wildfires like let them know all right I will provide the link

down below where you can get all the information it's very simple you just go

you fill out this little questionnaire just so they can verify that you're

actually from California you were affected by the wildfires but the other

thing is - this is 100% free for three months okay and this isn't even like the

trial membership like you don't even have to put in your card information

that'll help is doing this just to give back to everybody who's been affected by

the California wildfires and a lot of these things can cause things like

trauma and anxiety depression all sorts of stuff so if you know somebody in

California who is affected by this please share this link with them so

swoop amazing guy amazing amazing woman tell you the chance to meet her at this

summit a couple months ago when I was in LA look that's us right there

actually won an award at buffer fest you know talking about her anxiety and like

it was really powerful and amazing and I did a reaction video to it

but anyway she just did a follow-up to it talking about how she's still

struggling so what I want to do is kind of break that thing down and discuss

like different things that I still deal with and how I overcome down some great

points that swoop brought up and hopefully you can learn some things to

help overcome your depression and anxiety and the reality is my brain did

its thing got the better of me and literally the very next day after

winning that award I went into one of my dark moments and my brain was like well

yeah you won something you got acknowledged for something that's great

that's cool finally but like you'll probably never live up to it again or

you may never do anything that good again or maybe they made a mistake won

this award like when you when I watched it like there were so many people who

were touched by her film but there's something in our brain that tells us

that we're not good enough and this is something that I do I struggle with

right now is I try to find a balance between humility and confidence right

because there's this very very fine line between my confidence and cockiness and

I never want to get to this point where I'm like oh even some of the attention I

get just because my channel is growing like makes me uncomfortable because my

ego wants me to think that I am just I don't know the bee's knees if you will

but at the same time like talking about we can't just beat ourselves up so we

got to find this kind of balance where we're confident in what we're doing we

need to know that we do deserve these successes without becoming a joke about

it but would you just if you're comfortable leave a comment right now

and tell me something that you have been struggling with

actually commented on the video about this like something that I've been

struggling with is just everything's been going really well and let's just

talk about the YouTube channel specifically like my channel has pretty

much doubled in size in the last month month and a half and I'm just waiting

for it I'm just waiting for it to all stop and go away like something that

smooth talked about was you know I'm just always okay when's this gonna stop

when's this gonna slow down like sometimes I actually just want it to

stop just so I could be like okay good it's over with it's kind of like it's

kind of like jump scares in a scary movie I'm not a huge fan of scary movies

but just want them to just come out just get over with it's very easy at least

for me to hold on to the dark stuff the dark side of things because that's where

I've lived for so much of my life and that's where I feel I'm only worthy of

the bad things and so when the good things happen I don't allow myself I

just don't allow it for me it's like I mentally I'm like yeah but I'm not

deserving somehow just talk about right there I don't know if you can - my life

was always just pure chaos chaos you know mom and my dad was constantly

working and I never knew money to pay the bills and just so many things like

my life was constantly chaotic and I talked about this as some of my

relationship videos like I used to date women who would make my life chaotic

right and something that I found was six and a half years ago when I started

working on my mental health I got really uncomfortable I would actually start to

get anxiety when everything was fine like when everything was good I would

start to freak out like my brain would like it tries to find something to freak

out about and it can't and it's this really weird feeling and if you want to

help me not feel crazy let me know if you've ever experienced that as well but

anyways the one way that I overcame this was just like reminding myself over and

over and over all right you see a lot of people say it's okay to not be okay it's

also okay to be okay all right like remember that remind yourself that like

it's okay because sometimes like you know I cover a lot of youtubers and talk

about their crazy hectic lives or whatever it is and some of people stay

stay that way because they're comfortable in it they don't know how to

live another way so something I had to do to start fixing my mental health was

learning how to be comfortable with everything just being chill but I have

learned at this point that I have a level of just work-related PTSD from

what happened with my last channel in all of the years that I put into that

and the just terrible thing that happened there this is for a variety of

different reasons like remember you know 2008 with the economy when I was working

in the car dealership industry car dealerships were getting shut down left

and right people are getting laid off but even more so like I was a drug

addict alcoholic for near a decade I got fired so many times so many times so now

today that I'm like clean sober a good employee a hard worker I still have that

that part of my brain that thinks I'm always gonna be in trouble so whenever I

get like an email from my boss or a tax or my boss is calling me my brain goes a

million miles a minute like what did I do what I do like the worst thing ever

is like hey can we talk you know and like the worst thing is like beyond that

is like when they're like hey can we meet tomorrow and now I have like 24

hours to stress and freak out about this so something that I have to do is kind

of like what I've talked about with relationships I think I mentioned in the

same in my love video I can't bring that baggage from my past

work situations into the new one I can't do that or it's gonna drive me

absolutely nuts and sometimes what I have to do is sit

down and either write it down on paper just go through in my head and separate

the truth on the false like where my boss wants to see me Chris you've been

working really hard you've been you haven't screwed anything up so I have to

remind myself the truth of the situation because my brain likes to think of all

sorts of crazy stuff when I get anxious I've been learning so much more about

mental health lately and just how mine has just not been in a good place for a

very very long time and I was neglecting it for so long it's it's been rough it's

been really rough I'm also learning just how much I wear myself down with

self-hate and I wonder if you guys can relate to that as well so swoop has been

you know on this kind of journey of like self-discovery and learning more about

mental health and the importance of it for me I can relate to this when it

comes to mindfulness and the way I often explain this is mindfulness meditation

when I was about three years sober so on a scale of one to ten on a scale of one

to ten things are going really good but when I found mindfulness meditation and

actually started practicing it what I realized was my life wasn't out of date

actually at like six because it was still pretty hectic I had a lot of

difficulty managing my emotions but then once I started practicing it went up to

a nine okay so like this is something like some of us we think everything's

fine we think everything's okay one of the reasons I have this channel is to

explain that mental health is a lot more than just not having a mental disorder

right like we need to learn like no we don't have to be angry all that

no we don't have to be nervous all the time no we don't have to have our

emotions fly all over the place all the time but yeah some of this is normal but

there's always room for improving our mental health and I didn't even realize

that until just a few years ago and that's one of the reasons I started this

channel to teach you that there's always room to grow when it comes to your

mental health I'm learning now that when I have these like great moments and

things that happen to just really allow myself to live in that great moment and

not beat myself up so much or start anticipating when the Bad's gonna happen

again what I was explaining earlier when I

answered that question like I'm waiting for all this stuff to just stop I'm

waiting for my videos to quit getting views I'm waiting for subscribers to

quit going up I'm waiting for people to quit liking my videos whatever it is

right so what swoop is talking about is

mindfulness mindfulness is a practice of being in the present moment okay

I cannot constantly worry about what has not happened yet if things are good

right now I need to embrace it and that's what you need to do too if things

are going good right now maybe it's today or just in this moment if just in

this moment things are going good for you

like just bathing at-bats gonna be like okay things are good right now like just

enjoy it while it's there all right but we can't constantly keep future tripping

and saying when's this gonna fail when's it's gonna fail because this is

something that you know if you're somebody like me who used to

self-sabotage a lot what happens is is that we create this self-fulfilling

prophecy right we expect something terrible to happen and on a subconscious

level we're actually setting ourselves up to fail so what I want you to start

working on is being okay with things being good right now and just enjoying

it one minute let me say this while I know that so much of my life has been

just living in that darkness has been lost in darkness I'm just I'm ready for

a change and I want to finally step into that

light and to just take life for all that it has to offer that sounds pretty good

all of you it's time for a change it is time for a change right we talked about

the problem but focus on the solution how long have you been sitting in the

problem maybe as you're watching this right now you've been sitting in the

problem for hours or maybe days now it's time to get into the solution okay so

what I want you to do down in the comments below let me know how today you

are gonna get into the solution all right anyways I'm gonna link over to

swoops video she is amazing and next time I'm in LA hopefully her and I get

to collab she is such an awesome woman go subscribe to her channel she's doing

amazing things she's suck is such an awesome film creator I am so jealous

anyways go check out her channel that's all I got for you with this video if you

like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe

and bring that notification belt because I make a ton of videos and a huge thank

you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you are all awesome if

you would like to become a patron to get exclusive content and don't forget

there's a link down below for free therapy for anybody affected by the

California wildfires down in the description alright thanks so much for

watching I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> How SWOOP Manages Anxiety and Depression - Duration: 13:42.


乐视被查封是怎么?乐视被查封背后真相及详情始末惊呆网友! - Duration: 17:42.

For more infomation >> 乐视被查封是怎么?乐视被查封背后真相及详情始末惊呆网友! - Duration: 17:42.


钟汉良新剧《幸福的理由》,搭档实力派王晓晨,会擦出怎样的火花 - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> 钟汉良新剧《幸福的理由》,搭档实力派王晓晨,会擦出怎样的火花 - Duration: 7:42.


#46 "Bremboのリコール対応と色々とヤメた件" - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> #46 "Bremboのリコール対応と色々とヤメた件" - Duration: 8:55.


原来你还在这里,结局真让人欢喜! - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 原来你还在这里,结局真让人欢喜! - Duration: 8:40.








Honoring President George H.W. Bush's Legacy And Final Words | MSNBC - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> Honoring President George H.W. Bush's Legacy And Final Words | MSNBC - Duration: 14:43.


A Fazenda: Rafael Ilha desabafa e afirma que os peões estão se aproximando dele por medo da roça - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Rafael Ilha desabafa e afirma que os peões estão se aproximando dele por medo da roça - Duration: 3:44.


A Fazenda: Rafael Ilha relembra desentendimentos com Caique Aguiar e tenta se justificar - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Rafael Ilha relembra desentendimentos com Caique Aguiar e tenta se justificar - Duration: 3:34.


EQM | NDE – Ele ouvia os pensamentos | He could hear the thoughts - Duration: 43:21.

For more infomation >> EQM | NDE – Ele ouvia os pensamentos | He could hear the thoughts - Duration: 43:21.


Discurso completo del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador desde el Zócalo de la Ciudad de México - Duration: 15:39.

For more infomation >> Discurso completo del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador desde el Zócalo de la Ciudad de México - Duration: 15:39.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : "LULA TEM APOIO DAQUELES QUE SABEM O QUE ESTÁ ACONTECENDO", DIZ FREI CHICO - Duration: 3:15.





Polski wywiad z Jordanem Connorem - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Polski wywiad z Jordanem Connorem - Duration: 3:04.


为啥士官指挥59坦克能连躲10发导弹?这些人在军队里全是兵王 - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> 为啥士官指挥59坦克能连躲10发导弹?这些人在军队里全是兵王 - Duration: 9:15.


How SWOOP Manages Anxiety and Depression - Duration: 13:42.

I think that's what I do I wait for something bad to happen which like what

kind of life is that I don't know if any of this is making any sense disgusting

SWOOP aka Spankie Valentine still struggling with her mental illness but she actually has some great

tips for overcoming depression and anxiety this is Chris from the rewired

soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new

to my channel and what I like to do is pull different topics from the YouTube

community to try to teach you how to improve your mental and emotional

well-being so if any of that kind of stuff make sure you subscribe and ring

that notification bell so real quick before I jump into the amazingness that

is swoop I do want to do a not sponsored plug real quick so better help is online

therapy they do help support the channel through an affiliate link but they reach

out and let me know that they're actually providing free therapy to

anybody who has been affected by the California wildfires so even if you're

not somebody who's been affected and you know somebody who has been affected by

the California wildfires like let them know all right I will provide the link

down below where you can get all the information it's very simple you just go

you fill out this little questionnaire just so they can verify that you're

actually from California you were affected by the wildfires but the other

thing is - this is 100% free for three months okay and this isn't even like the

trial membership like you don't even have to put in your card information

that'll help is doing this just to give back to everybody who's been affected by

the California wildfires and a lot of these things can cause things like

trauma and anxiety depression all sorts of stuff so if you know somebody in

California who is affected by this please share this link with them so

swoop amazing guy amazing amazing woman tell you the chance to meet her at this

summit a couple months ago when I was in LA look that's us right there

actually won an award at buffer fest you know talking about her anxiety and like

it was really powerful and amazing and I did a reaction video to it

but anyway she just did a follow-up to it talking about how she's still

struggling so what I want to do is kind of break that thing down and discuss

like different things that I still deal with and how I overcome down some great

points that swoop brought up and hopefully you can learn some things to

help overcome your depression and anxiety and the reality is my brain did

its thing got the better of me and literally the very next day after

winning that award I went into one of my dark moments and my brain was like well

yeah you won something you got acknowledged for something that's great

that's cool finally but like you'll probably never live up to it again or

you may never do anything that good again or maybe they made a mistake won

this award like when you when I watched it like there were so many people who

were touched by her film but there's something in our brain that tells us

that we're not good enough and this is something that I do I struggle with

right now is I try to find a balance between humility and confidence right

because there's this very very fine line between my confidence and cockiness and

I never want to get to this point where I'm like oh even some of the attention I

get just because my channel is growing like makes me uncomfortable because my

ego wants me to think that I am just I don't know the bee's knees if you will

but at the same time like talking about we can't just beat ourselves up so we

got to find this kind of balance where we're confident in what we're doing we

need to know that we do deserve these successes without becoming a joke about

it but would you just if you're comfortable leave a comment right now

and tell me something that you have been struggling with

actually commented on the video about this like something that I've been

struggling with is just everything's been going really well and let's just

talk about the YouTube channel specifically like my channel has pretty

much doubled in size in the last month month and a half and I'm just waiting

for it I'm just waiting for it to all stop and go away like something that

smooth talked about was you know I'm just always okay when's this gonna stop

when's this gonna slow down like sometimes I actually just want it to

stop just so I could be like okay good it's over with it's kind of like it's

kind of like jump scares in a scary movie I'm not a huge fan of scary movies

but just want them to just come out just get over with it's very easy at least

for me to hold on to the dark stuff the dark side of things because that's where

I've lived for so much of my life and that's where I feel I'm only worthy of

the bad things and so when the good things happen I don't allow myself I

just don't allow it for me it's like I mentally I'm like yeah but I'm not

deserving somehow just talk about right there I don't know if you can - my life

was always just pure chaos chaos you know mom and my dad was constantly

working and I never knew money to pay the bills and just so many things like

my life was constantly chaotic and I talked about this as some of my

relationship videos like I used to date women who would make my life chaotic

right and something that I found was six and a half years ago when I started

working on my mental health I got really uncomfortable I would actually start to

get anxiety when everything was fine like when everything was good I would

start to freak out like my brain would like it tries to find something to freak

out about and it can't and it's this really weird feeling and if you want to

help me not feel crazy let me know if you've ever experienced that as well but

anyways the one way that I overcame this was just like reminding myself over and

over and over all right you see a lot of people say it's okay to not be okay it's

also okay to be okay all right like remember that remind yourself that like

it's okay because sometimes like you know I cover a lot of youtubers and talk

about their crazy hectic lives or whatever it is and some of people stay

stay that way because they're comfortable in it they don't know how to

live another way so something I had to do to start fixing my mental health was

learning how to be comfortable with everything just being chill but I have

learned at this point that I have a level of just work-related PTSD from

what happened with my last channel in all of the years that I put into that

and the just terrible thing that happened there this is for a variety of

different reasons like remember you know 2008 with the economy when I was working

in the car dealership industry car dealerships were getting shut down left

and right people are getting laid off but even more so like I was a drug

addict alcoholic for near a decade I got fired so many times so many times so now

today that I'm like clean sober a good employee a hard worker I still have that

that part of my brain that thinks I'm always gonna be in trouble so whenever I

get like an email from my boss or a tax or my boss is calling me my brain goes a

million miles a minute like what did I do what I do like the worst thing ever

is like hey can we talk you know and like the worst thing is like beyond that

is like when they're like hey can we meet tomorrow and now I have like 24

hours to stress and freak out about this so something that I have to do is kind

of like what I've talked about with relationships I think I mentioned in the

same in my love video I can't bring that baggage from my past

work situations into the new one I can't do that or it's gonna drive me

absolutely nuts and sometimes what I have to do is sit

down and either write it down on paper just go through in my head and separate

the truth on the false like where my boss wants to see me Chris you've been

working really hard you've been you haven't screwed anything up so I have to

remind myself the truth of the situation because my brain likes to think of all

sorts of crazy stuff when I get anxious I've been learning so much more about

mental health lately and just how mine has just not been in a good place for a

very very long time and I was neglecting it for so long it's it's been rough it's

been really rough I'm also learning just how much I wear myself down with

self-hate and I wonder if you guys can relate to that as well so swoop has been

you know on this kind of journey of like self-discovery and learning more about

mental health and the importance of it for me I can relate to this when it

comes to mindfulness and the way I often explain this is mindfulness meditation

when I was about three years sober so on a scale of one to ten on a scale of one

to ten things are going really good but when I found mindfulness meditation and

actually started practicing it what I realized was my life wasn't out of date

actually at like six because it was still pretty hectic I had a lot of

difficulty managing my emotions but then once I started practicing it went up to

a nine okay so like this is something like some of us we think everything's

fine we think everything's okay one of the reasons I have this channel is to

explain that mental health is a lot more than just not having a mental disorder

right like we need to learn like no we don't have to be angry all that

no we don't have to be nervous all the time no we don't have to have our

emotions fly all over the place all the time but yeah some of this is normal but

there's always room for improving our mental health and I didn't even realize

that until just a few years ago and that's one of the reasons I started this

channel to teach you that there's always room to grow when it comes to your

mental health I'm learning now that when I have these like great moments and

things that happen to just really allow myself to live in that great moment and

not beat myself up so much or start anticipating when the Bad's gonna happen

again what I was explaining earlier when I

answered that question like I'm waiting for all this stuff to just stop I'm

waiting for my videos to quit getting views I'm waiting for subscribers to

quit going up I'm waiting for people to quit liking my videos whatever it is

right so what swoop is talking about is

mindfulness mindfulness is a practice of being in the present moment okay

I cannot constantly worry about what has not happened yet if things are good

right now I need to embrace it and that's what you need to do too if things

are going good right now maybe it's today or just in this moment if just in

this moment things are going good for you

like just bathing at-bats gonna be like okay things are good right now like just

enjoy it while it's there all right but we can't constantly keep future tripping

and saying when's this gonna fail when's it's gonna fail because this is

something that you know if you're somebody like me who used to

self-sabotage a lot what happens is is that we create this self-fulfilling

prophecy right we expect something terrible to happen and on a subconscious

level we're actually setting ourselves up to fail so what I want you to start

working on is being okay with things being good right now and just enjoying

it one minute let me say this while I know that so much of my life has been

just living in that darkness has been lost in darkness I'm just I'm ready for

a change and I want to finally step into that

light and to just take life for all that it has to offer that sounds pretty good

all of you it's time for a change it is time for a change right we talked about

the problem but focus on the solution how long have you been sitting in the

problem maybe as you're watching this right now you've been sitting in the

problem for hours or maybe days now it's time to get into the solution okay so

what I want you to do down in the comments below let me know how today you

are gonna get into the solution all right anyways I'm gonna link over to

swoops video she is amazing and next time I'm in LA hopefully her and I get

to collab she is such an awesome woman go subscribe to her channel she's doing

amazing things she's suck is such an awesome film creator I am so jealous

anyways go check out her channel that's all I got for you with this video if you

like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe

and bring that notification belt because I make a ton of videos and a huge thank

you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you are all awesome if

you would like to become a patron to get exclusive content and don't forget

there's a link down below for free therapy for anybody affected by the

California wildfires down in the description alright thanks so much for

watching I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> How SWOOP Manages Anxiety and Depression - Duration: 13:42.


乐视被查封是怎么?乐视被查封背后真相及详情始末惊呆网友! - Duration: 17:42.

For more infomation >> 乐视被查封是怎么?乐视被查封背后真相及详情始末惊呆网友! - Duration: 17:42.


钟汉良新剧《幸福的理由》,搭档实力派王晓晨,会擦出怎样的火花 - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> 钟汉良新剧《幸福的理由》,搭档实力派王晓晨,会擦出怎样的火花 - Duration: 7:42.


#46 "Brembo's recall and more" - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> #46 "Brembo's recall and more" - Duration: 8:55.


原来你还在这里,结局真让人欢喜! - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 原来你还在这里,结局真让人欢喜! - Duration: 8:40.





Teleprompters For Professionals

For more infomation >> Teleprompters For Professionals


Lawyer For Donald Trump Jr. Is Confident His Client Won't Be Indicted | MSNBC - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Lawyer For Donald Trump Jr. Is Confident His Client Won't Be Indicted | MSNBC - Duration: 6:50.


Stunning 26' Fully furnished THOW move-in ready! for sale in Waldport, Oregon - Duration: 2:13.

Stunning 26' Fully furnished THOW move-in ready! for sale in Waldport, Oregon

For more infomation >> Stunning 26' Fully furnished THOW move-in ready! for sale in Waldport, Oregon - Duration: 2:13.


Carrot EATING SOUND with rabbit ear hat! Carrot Mukbang! Sesame sauce is delicious♡ (Korea) [ILULIY] - Duration: 10:53.


Today's opening might be too cheesy...!!

If you don't like cheesy things, plz start watching after 15sec '- '*

Ah ~ ♬

Ah ~ ♪

Ahh ~ ~ ↗↗ ♪♬

Carrot~ song !! ♪♬♡

Do you like carrots ~

(of course!)

Do you hate carrots ~

(of course!)

Today I will do carrot Mukbang...

(carrot) (carrot) (carrot)

(No thoughts)

Hello~ Guys! It's Luliy here♥

Today I am wearing a 'rabbit ear hat'

and do a carrot mukbang ~


I am wearing white clothes as well

Then, let's start the carrot mukbang right now!

♣ Tastes just like carrots that all of you already know ㅎ ㅎ

Sweeter than my expectation !!!

It tastes way~ better than large green onions b

Addicted to raising the ears lol

Today I prepared this hat to eat carrots in rabbit's shoes

[Sesame seed sauce]

Ugh it's hard -

※ Watch out for your teeth as you bite

!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥

Sesame seed sauce is so~~~~ delicious ㅠ ㅠ ♡

I can eat 10 carrots if I eat them with sesame sauce!!

My jaw hurts @__@



This goes well with mayo, but better with the sesame sauce♡

※ Be careful as you use a knife

( There's something in my eyes.. )

♧Carrots are very hard&heavy, so I need to be careful of my jaw as I chew

※ Recommend to cut them and eat !!

I will be healthy since today is carrot mukbang hehe

(Shook - )

I feel stuffy, so I will take this hat off ~ !

[Sound of passing motorcycle...]=3 =3

[Look into a mirror to check my bangs]

[ Checking the camera focus ]

Lastly, eat carrots very very slowly !! ㅎ ㅎ

Sprouts♣ Today I wore a trendy

Rabbit ear hat

and ate carrots !

I tried to eat one whole carrot

but it was so hard and made my jaw hurt

So I will stop filming at this point

Sesame sauce was very delicious

so I ate that for the taste of sesame sauce haha

Then, I will come back with more tasty & fun video

Bye bye ~

For more infomation >> Carrot EATING SOUND with rabbit ear hat! Carrot Mukbang! Sesame sauce is delicious♡ (Korea) [ILULIY] - Duration: 10:53.


Q2 5:30 p.m. Top Stories with Zoe Zandora - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> Q2 5:30 p.m. Top Stories with Zoe Zandora - Duration: 8:15.


Rich People Are Living Longer, Poor People Dying Sooner - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Rich People Are Living Longer, Poor People Dying Sooner - Duration: 8:34.


Jose Mourinho addresses pursuit of Napoli defender after Saints draw - Duration: 3:45.

Jose Mourinho refused to comment on whether Manchester United are persuing Napoli centre-back Kalidou Koulibaly

 According to Corriere dello Sport, the Serie A club rejected a £91million bid from the Red Devils for the Senegal international

 Mourinho was speaking to the media after he watched his side concede another two goals against Southampton on Saturday

  'I cannot answer to your question,' Mourinho said.   'If is true, if is not true, I cannot answer to your question, maybe your question is the first one about the market and maybe the next press conference I have two more questions, and maybe the next press conference I have three more

 'The only thing I can tell you is Koulibaly is a Napoli player. And I don't speak about players from other clubs

'   The United boss has expressed his lack of faith in his current crop of centre backs before, which includes the likes of Eric Bailly, Victor Lindelof, Phil Jones, Chris Smalling, and Marcos Rojo

Rojo hasn't played yet for United this season, and Lindelof recently picked up an injury that will keep him out of the team for a while

Manchester United are currently seventh in the Premier League, and have conceded 23 goals in 14 games so far

They're one of only two teams in the top half of the table with a negative goal difference

Mourinho was lining up a bid for Leicester City defender Harry Maguire this year, but the deal never went through

The current world-record fee for a defender is the £75m Liverpool paid to Southampton for Virgin van Dijk, however United have been looking to smash that with this bid for Koulibaly

However, with the apparent quick rejection from Napoli, it appears United will have to fork over even more cash for the Senegalese player

The 27-year-old has played for Metz and Genk, but has attracted a lot of attention since his move to Napoli in 2014

He now has 131 appearances for the Italian side, and has played for Senegal 29 times

The likes of Real Madrid, Liverpool, and Chelsea have also been linked with a move for the defender in the past

The Saints raced to an early 2-0 lead at St Mary's thanks to a powerful strike from Stuart Armstrong and a delicate free-kick from Cedric Soares

Romelu Lukaku and Ander Herrera pulled the Red Devils level before half-time but United couldn't find a winner

 Mourinho was forced to play Scott McTominay and Nemanja Matic at the heart of United's backline in the draw against Southampton


For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho addresses pursuit of Napoli defender after Saints draw - Duration: 3:45.


Jose Mourinho claims Man Utd won't play fluidly until players understand THIS - Duration: 3:12.

 United drew 2-2 with Southampton on their visit to the St. Mary's Stadium on Saturday evening, yet again coming from behind to salvage a point

 It was the sixth time in the last eight Premier League games that Mourinho's men have conceded first, although the side have collected eight points from those losing positions

 Goals from Stuart Armstrong and Cedric Soares put the Saints ahead within 20 minutes, but a rally before half-time pulled United level, with Romelu Lukaku bagging his first in 12 games for the club, and Ander Herrera his first of the season

 The Red Devils could not take their momentum into the second half, however, registering only one shot on target as the game petered out

 Once again, it was a lack of movement and poor decision-making which cost Mourinho's side, who now lay six points off fourth-place Chelsea having played one game more

 Speaking after the match, the United manager told BT Sport: "We lost so many balls in midfield and in our transition to the last third it was difficult to have that continuity

 "What we did so well in the end of the first half was connect the attacking players by playing simple, accelerating the play

 "When the players don't understand simplicity is genius, it is difficult to have that continuity

 "What we needed to improve was to play one-touch, two-touch, make it simple, make it arrive fast for the attacking players

 "By losing too many balls in midfield we broke the dynamic that usually leads to goals

" As for United's barren run at the start of matches this season, Mourinho continued: "I'm always confident but always doubtful at the same time because we don't start well many times

 "Today we had a reason for the fragility. Scott McTominay and Nemanja Matic, were out of position, and Phil Jones had to step up, and in my opinion he played really well

" The Old Trafford club have a litany of injured centre-halves who missed Saturday's game, including Victor Lindelof, Eric Bailly and Chris Smalling

 On those absentees, Mourinho revealed: "Victor Lindelof is an important injury. "If Chris Smalling and Eric Bailly are ready - if they are ready to train tomorrow it wouldn't be a surprise


For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho claims Man Utd won't play fluidly until players understand THIS - Duration: 3:12.


谢霆锋不回应前妻张柏芝生三胎问题,和女友王菲同飞台湾秀恩爱 - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> 谢霆锋不回应前妻张柏芝生三胎问题,和女友王菲同飞台湾秀恩爱 - Duration: 4:43.


Get Rid of Chemicals in Your Home, Use Young Living's Thieves Household Cleaner - Duration: 15:51.

For more infomation >> Get Rid of Chemicals in Your Home, Use Young Living's Thieves Household Cleaner - Duration: 15:51.


Apple Butter - Duration: 7:07.

First pot was too small

Cutting out the damaged and brown parts of the apple

The pot is big enough that fitting it in the sink is a hassle

Removing any skin that's easy to get

Traditionally, this was done with a mesh sieve or similar and a pestle

The traditional way is work intensive and slow, and I own a blender

This is now apple sauce

I actually should have blended it for longer here

There were skin fibers left in it because I didn't

This is apple juice, though thinner than I would prefer

I was going to make jelly from the juice, but life happened and had to just throw it out

Fat-fingered a video segment here, sorry

At this point, I have put some light seasoning and some sugar in

Taste tests are important

Decided it needed much more seasoning

It takes a LOT of stirring to mix this much

Molasses adds some good depth

Several hours later, it has substantially reduced and darkened

Everything is prepared to can it, out of scene

These jars are sterilized from sitting in boiling water

These tiny jars are future Christmas gifts

It's worth noting that I do NOT advise anyone to work bare handed while canning. Everything involved is very hot!

I'm just used to it and know roughly how long I can touch something before I burn

Time to put them into the water bath

15 to 20 minutes later...

Larger jars are for my use and gifts for my immediate family

This is the first time I've had the amount to can work out exactly to the space in the jars

Always remove the rims. It prevents false positives on the seals and stops the rims from rusting

Never store home canned items with the rims on

For more infomation >> Apple Butter - Duration: 7:07.


Get Your Home Ready For the Holidays With Young Living's Christmas Spirit Essential Oil - Duration: 8:51.

Hi Kelli here from and today I'm going to share with you how you can make your house smell

Wonderful for the holidays, but without using any sort of synthetic fragrances or any chemicals

And that's just by using Young Living Essential Oils

My absolute favorite way to incorporate the sense of the holidays is by using an oil called Christmas spirit from Young Living

This actually is a blend of three different oils. It is definitely one of my favorite

It's one of my favorite holiday blends for sure

If not my V favorite and in here, you smell the orange that is in here in addition to that

You'll smell spruce and you will also smell some cinnamon. It is like I say it is one of my favorite holiday scents

So I love to use it in the diffuser

But I'm going to share with you two other ways that you can incorporate this essential oil into your house for the holidays

I will also share with you a couple other a blends that you can make yourself if you have your premium starter kit already

this oil is unfortunately not in the premium starter kit, but you can pick it up for just I think it's

$10.50 wholesale. So if you're getting your premium starter kit today

You can go ahead and add Christmas spirit to your order and you will get that lower wholesale price in that same transaction

So, like I said, I love to use it in my diffuser

There's a myriad of different diffusers that you can purchase from Young Living

I would say my favorite is this one and this is the desert mists. Oh, hi Tracy. Thanks for joining

this is the desert mist diffuser and

in here

All you'll do is you'll take off the outer cover and then you have just a little inner cover in here

I have already have my water and all you'll do is you will add I would say about eight to ten drops of your

Christmas spirit and by the way

As you're watching this if you want to go ahead and get your premium starter kit

You can do so via the link in this blog post. All right, I'm sorry in this post

So you'll add like I say about eight to ten drops

So and I just have regular tap water in my diffuser right here

And then you'll just add you'll just take your inner cover and put that right back on top

And the reason I love that desert mist so much is because it has a lot of really great features

and has some really cool light features and it also has different settings so you can have it on high low or

Intermittent, so there's a lot that you can do with this individual diffuser. And this is like I say, it's one of the options

It's called the desert mist diffuser that you can get with your premium starter kit

So, like I said, I just added about 8 to 10 drops of our Christmas spirit in our diffuser here

and then on the back

You will see

The on/off function and there's also a button next to it with hat which has all the different features

before the light features and the different coloring features, so

Here is just a basic light

My favorite is definitely I know it's gonna be really hard to see because I'm right by the window here

But my favorite is this candle light flicker, which is right here

It has just a really pretty glow

But there are some different color settings - I think there's ten different color settings

Which are actually what my son loves the most he loves like the different red you can do. There's orange

There's there's a yellow there's also green and blue and then it's pretty purple. There's pink

But like I said, I really love the candle light flicker mode

But um, so anyway, so in here, that's like I say

It's one great way to incorporate the holiday scents into your house is by using your diffuser and just using it

Naturally, you have one of those they're awesome. Oh, thanks for sharing Michelle. Yeah, I love mine. I absolutely love it

I had the dew drop diffuser as well, which is great. But this desert mists is my favorite

It's like I said has all those different features plus I just like aesthetically how it looks it has like this kind of Moroccan

Trellis design which I think is really kind of modern it fits a lot of people stay course

So, like I said, I really love the desert

Mist the most I would say so that is one of your options in the premium starter case

So all you have to do like I say, it's just add your Christmas spirit to your diffuser

Now there are other ways you can incorporate Christmas spirit that I was reading about the other night and I cannot wait to try

their very

Is to use it as a DIY carpet cleaner

So what you can do is you can add about I said 15 to 20 drops of your Christmas spirit

Mix it with about matches any decor. Yeah, I agree. I love it. Thanks for sharing that Michelle

I do because you know

It's interesting because my house is I would say more transitional or modern and my mom has exact same one and she loves it

And I would say her house is probably a more traditional and it looks great in both

Take four options. But anyway, so you can use it as a

Let me up but I focus more on the vitamins. I like watching your videos about how you ah, thanks, Terry. I appreciate that

Thank you for sharing. That's really nice

I'm glad I

Love the vitamins, too. There's so many great supplements from young living. So thanks for sharing that

but okay, so like I said

You can use it as a DIY carpet cleaner

So you can add about 15 to 20 drops of your essential oil with about two cups of baking soda combine that together

sprinkle it on your carpet and then

Leave it there for I would say a couple hours and then vacuum it up

So I cannot wait to try that and you can use that with any essential oil that you want to incorporate into your house

but especially for the holidays what a great way to really infuse your house with

Christmas spirit sent about using it as a DIY carpet cleaner

another way that you can incorporate this is but I know I read that Michelle and I was like why haven't I done that I

Love that idea

Another way that you can incorporate it is by making your own air freshener with it. So take I would say like a glass

Um spray bottle put I would say about 30 drops of your Christmas spirit in this spray bottle with about two cups of water

Shake it. And then that is your air freshener

So you don't have to use any sort of aerosols or anything like that that has all those like I say

there's chemicals and synthetic fragrances and I'll tell you why I'd love to use scent oils for cents is

Not just because it's much healthier

but also because there are a lot of side effects that come with using like I say some of those since

Synthetic fragrances, like for instance. You can have different skin irritations or if you're someone like myself I actually have allergy induced asthma

So, um, I can actually have like coughing attacks with it Bette. You may hear your furniture nice and fresh. Yeah, I agree

I just love the way it really infuses. This smell like and in the house

It really smells nice, but I get caulking attacks

Like if I'm around candles or some of those canned air aerosols like for instance

my husband used to use a

Spray deodorant and whenever he would spray it I'd have to leave the room because I would just had these major coughing attacks

So that's why I that's one of the big reasons why I absolutely love using all-natural

Way to infuse sense in your house by using with a diffuser or like I say, I love this idea with the carpet cleaner

So like I said, my favorite scent for the holidays absolutely is young moon livings Christmas spirit love that

I'll drop the link for this oil if you want to pick it up or if you want to read more about it down below

As I hop off this video now

there are a couple other there's a lot of other blends but there's two that I'm going to share with you that if you don't

Have Christmas spirit, but you do have your premium starter kit that you can try these

so the first blend is actually um

I would say it's called it's it's called candy cane and what you're going to get combined is about

Four drops of your stress away and two drops of peppermint

so both of these oils come in your premium starter kit and you can make this blend like I say in your diffuser or you

Can make it air freshener with it and just like I say at home and just that's one thing I will say about having you

Know your own premium starter kit where you have all eleven oils

It is so fun to just kind of create one of your favorite custom scents

so try it your

board drops of stress away and like I say about two drops on your peppermint and see if you love that hat smells like a

candy cane

Another option. You can try if you have your premium starter kit is

Combining about three drops of your theives oil three drops of your theives with about four drops of citrus fresh

That again you're good to get kinda the woodsy smell and the thieves and you're gonna get that citrus smell

That is incorporated obviously with your citrus fresh. So that's another good way to try for the holidays now

I will say if you love this smell of like spices and really gingerbread. There's one any pumpkin

I love how you know, I don't have one for pumpkin. But if you love spices, I will tell you Michelle

There's one called gingerbread house

Which actually I like it is three drops of ginger two drops of cinnamon two drops of clove and one drop of nutmeg

So if you love kind of like that spicy, you know smell of the holidays to try that combination

Like I say three of ginger two of cinnamon to a clove and one of nutmeg

but what I will tell you Michelle is the best thing to do is go to Pinterest and

In their search anything like a diffuser blends or holiday diffuser blends. There is a myriad of different ideas that you like

I say it's just fun to try the different scents

And if you have your premium starter kit already these five ml bottles

Have about eighty drops so you can try a myriad of different diffuser blends until you kind of create one of your favorite ones

Anyways, those are my favorites Christmas spirit is absolutely my favorite

But those other two blends the peppermint one and then like I say you combine the thieves and the citrus fresh

That's also a really good one that you can try just if you have your premium starter kit

So if you want to get your kid

You can sex check out that link that's in the post here

If you have any questions about any of these essential oils or about how to make different diffuser blends

You can always leave a question in down in the comments or direct message me. I'm happy to help

Thanks so much for taking the time to watch this video, bye-bye

For more infomation >> Get Your Home Ready For the Holidays With Young Living's Christmas Spirit Essential Oil - Duration: 8:51.


How to Make an All Natural Homemade Face Moisturizer Using Young Living Essential Oils - Duration: 11:37.

Hi Kelly here from, I am here with my son

Ian and today I'm going to show you how you can quickly and easily make a homemade face moisturizer this recipe

Which I will drop the link down there for in the comments for you

It's on free be finding Montcalm so you can find it over there too. But like I said, I'll drop the link down here

So you can quickly and easily reference it if you are interested in making this recipe, so let me in just wait say hi

Why I drop this link, okay

Okay, so what we're gonna do is I will also as I'm dropping this link down here for the face moisturizer recipe I will also

drop the links for

For the premium starter kit because for this recipe you're gonna need about five drops of your frankincense oil and five drops of your lavender

Oil, so if you already have your premium starter kit

You are all set when it comes to oils because both of those oils are included in the premium starter kit

But let me drop those links down. There you go. Say hi to Nana

I'm sure she's gonna be watching. Okay. So here is the link for the premium starter kit if you have any questions about these

The kit and also, I'm sure I'm gonna get asked this question - am I still running that promotion on the premium starter kit?

Yes, I am. I'm still running the $20 back

So the kit itself is a hundred and sixty dollars

But then I give you $20 back in the form of either PayPal cash or Amazon gift card. So let me go ahead and

Drop the link down here. And if you just want to learn more about the premium starter kit

Then I will drop a link down there to where you can just read more about what's included in that kit

Let me see. I

Won't see sorry that link default into something on just to make it just minutes week

Okay. So let's go ahead and get started making our homemade face moisturizer recipe so I'm making this recipe today because Whitney ins

helped because a number of you have messaged me saying you love to make homemade Beauty recipes and you really liked when I

Shared a number of different ones onto me be finding mom

so I'm going to share with you like

Say one of my favorite ones today that we're just going to make and you can't see it here

I'll angle the camera down a second in my KitchenAid stand mixer

it is super simple to make and it's incredibly nourishing and moisturizing to your skin and

It you'll see it takes just a few minutes to whip this together

Are you ready? Freddie? Yeah. Okay, cool. Let's bake less, but we're not baking

But more moisturizing. So the first thing we're going to want to add by the way

These are the ingredients you're gonna need for this recipe. You're gonna need half of a cup of coconut oil

That's just wait. I'll sit just a minute, sweetie half a cup of coconut oil

You're also going to need two teaspoons of almond oil a tablespoon

of cocoa butter and then five drops of frankincense oil and five drops of your lavender essential oil and

What I will say is before we get started just a second

But what I will say is if you're gonna make any sort of homemade Beauty recipes be it

You know moisturizers or microdermabrasion paste or body butters or your own deodorant or anything?

You're going to probably see that a lot of them use the same type of ingredients

A lot of them are based on like coconut oil

A lot of them will use like a beeswax or a cocoa butter for instance

so what I recommend doing is if you can buy your ingredients in bulk and really

Maximize your savings so buy them from Costco or you know, another wholesale store or the Amazon

Sometimes has really good prices on things like, you know, cocoa butter or beeswax or em in coconut oil

I've seen really good deals on Amazon for that, too

So I like I said

I recommend buying the product Brian the items you need for a lot of these recipes in bulk and really maximize your savings

All right. You ready? I know you're ready to get started. Okay, so

What we're gonna first add into our and like I said show and let me angle this down a little bit so they can see

What we're doing on here, sorry for my hand, but down here we have and we'll show you at the very end

It's a case

we will show you at the very end what it looks like because if we're you're not gonna be able to see both us and

What we're making so I'll bring it up to the camera. But the first thing we're gonna add you wanna grab your coconut oil

First thing we're gonna add to our mixer is a half of a cup of coconut oil. Let me get this down a little bit

It's okay. Okay, go ahead and pour your coconut oil into here

and the reason for add all of its going in is a half a cup coconut oil and

You may need to spin for that because I got this right here this morning

But the the reason we're adding coconut oil is if you're not familiar with using coconut oil, it is incredibly nourishing to your skin

It's very very moisturizing. In fact, some people will use coconut oil just as a moisturizer in and of itself

What I would say just a minute what I will say, that is great

I love like I said using coconut oil for as a moisturizer, but in addition to that if you follow this recipe

we are including other ingredients like the cocoa butter and

your oils that are gonna give you additional benefits so like anti-aging benefits and

anti-aging and acne

Benefits as well and for active prevention benefits as well. So this recipe is not just for moisture rising your skin

It's also really good for treating your skin for other legs like anti-aging


Next and is going to add two teaspoons of almond oil go ahead two teaspoons of almond oil

And that almond oil is really good because it has a very light texture good job. Has it very light

Thank you a light texture which makes it really easily absorbed into your skin

And it also has been known almond oil to help delay the signs of aging

Okay, go ahead and carefully pour in your cocoa butter your cocoa butter here at me grab the spoon

Cocoa butter is also very very very moisturizing which is why we are including it in our homemade Beauty recipe here

All right

Okay, just a matter. Either one is fine. It doesn't matter so that now Anne's gonna add that is your frankincense oil

He's gonna add five drops of frankincense essential oil. Oh good you have you got it?

So five drops and we as we talked before about frankincense frankincense has severe it just just live

It has it very grounding scent to it

Oh, hi Sharon has a very grounding scent to it and not just that when it pertains to Beauty

Frankincense is very powerful

Ian doesn't love the smell of frankincense clearly but frankincense is very powerful in actually in Frank offense oil

But I will say about that from pertinent regards to beauty

It is been known to help an anti-aging and you're gonna like the smell this one more

it's also been known for help at the anti aging frankincense also helps with the appearance of large pores and also helps with

Acne as well. And now I'm getting just five drops of your under oil lavender oil. Yep

Okay, so Ian just added a very generous sized drops of lavender oil and that's okay

Okay, well

he added five drops of his lavender oil and just a minute and

but we're using lavender as we talked before it's very good for your skin lavender is

Helps also with preventing signs of aging it's already pledged. Just wait. It's preventing the signs of aging

In fact, I'll bring this up here and show you

Prevent the fisa aging lavender also helps with acne as well

So in here not only are we including breast ingredients that are gonna be very very moisturizing

You're gonna get some anti aging and acne benefits as well, which is why I love this recipe

Okay, so I know you're ready to spend. Okay, here we go. Just wait

We're gonna spin it not typically what you're gonna want to do when you whip this together

Like I said, I'm just using my KitchenAid hand mixer and I'll show you the consistency here when we're done

But typically you're gonna want to whip it up for be careful for about 4 to 5 minutes on high

but you could

4 to 5 minutes on high but we're not gonna do that today for sake of time because

Butt-whooping, but brilli with you. Let it whip for about 4 to 5 minutes. You're gonna get a really nice light fluffy consistency

And that's really what you want. But you'll see today. We'll incorporate it all together and see just generally what its gonna look like

Ok hop down. I don't want you get hurt

Okay, go ahead

So we're gonna whip it up right now

I won't angle this down. Just kind of show you what we're doing here

We're mixing it up here

And like I said the longer it goes it's going to get lighter and fluffier

All right, so

Not all right

It's okay. So

It's not well, like I said

ideally, we would let it go for about 4 to 5 minutes and really let it get really nice and light and fluffy, but

For sake of time you get the idea. It's been incorporated it basically and I know okay. Just wait. Be careful

So in here, let's just remind them what's included in this recipe in this recipe. Don't fall, please. Okay. Be careful

Okay is half of a cup of coconut oil. We also have the game. See you Nana can see you

Hi and half a cup of coconut oil 2 teaspoons of almond oil and

1 tablespoon of cocoa butter and also five drops of frankincense and five drops of lavender and if I know okay

Be careful

okay, and if you're gonna make any of these DIY Beauty recipes

what I will tell you is is you're gonna want to get probably the premium starter kit if it's in your budget because

This way you can make a variety of these recipes and in addition to that

You can make them multiple times because to be honest with you

This is the size a bottle you get in the premium starter kit. And how many drops are in there?

Do you even know 80 drops are in this bottle and we only need five for this recipe so you can make this recipe

Multiple times and you can make a lot of other DIY beauty recipes with it, too. Alright, you ready?

so I intentionally did not put any foundation on my face because I figured he'd want to apply this to my face do you want

To go ahead and this is not like I said, I'll show you the consistency here

This is not as light and fluffy as I'd like it to be yet because we didn't run it long enough

but you see the idea here of

What it looks like and it's just a cream. It's just a really nice moisturizing cream

Like I say it's not as incorporate as well as I would like so it's not gonna be as smooth

So what I would like but you see the general idea of what its gonna look like

Do you want to put some on my face?

Alright, so I did not put foundation on just be careful and don't use too much. Okay

This is my okay just a little bit. Okay, just not my eye. Okay, so it's IANS going to demonstrate. Okay. It's okay

So Anton and demonstrate how how easily it is to put this on the space moisturizer on

Not on my eye, right?

Okay. Thank you. Alright, you like it? It smells good, right? I

Like coconut you don't like coconut though smells very coconut based. But anyways

We can put a little bit more on that's fine. Just make sure we rub it in really good

Okay, you can put someone

That's okay. All right, you got it

Put someone here anyways, so this is our homemade face moisturizer recipe like I say, it's just five ingredients

I dropped the link for the recipe down in the corner. Be careful

It's out in the comments down there if you have any questions about this recipe or about its

Recipe come on baby finding mom calm. Good job

Good job

Anyway, so thanks so much for taking the time to watch this video if you want to get your premium starter kit

The link is down below if you just want to learn more about the premium starter kit and what is included?

There's a second link down there that says learn more about the premium starter kit. You can check out that link - thank you

So much for taking the time to watch this video

Have a good day. Bye bye

For more infomation >> How to Make an All Natural Homemade Face Moisturizer Using Young Living Essential Oils - Duration: 11:37.


Frankincense Essential Oil for Chemical Free, Natural Skincare + 14 DIY Beauty Recipes - Duration: 1:07.

Hi Kelli here. I hope you are having a great day and

Today we're going to chat about how frankincense essential oil is. So good for your skin

especially when it comes to using it in DIY beauty recipes so last week you may recall we talked about how

Lavender essential oil is really really good for your skin

But it's important to note that frankincense essential oil

which as we've talked many times before is great for a myriad of things and it's also really really good for your skin and we'll

Talk about specifically how it's really good for your skin

and then I'm going to share with you things about 14 different DIY Beauty recipes that you can find on freebie finding mom that use

Frankincense essential oil and I will drop the links to all of those recipes as we get to them but first because I'm sure many

of you probably gonna be one wanting to know how you can get your kit if you don't have it yet because in order to

Make some of these recipes you're gonna need your premium starter kit

So if you already have your kit then you're all set because a lot of these recipes

Use two main such oils and that is frankincense and lavender and both of those are included in the premium starter kit

So if you have those already then you are good

For more infomation >> Frankincense Essential Oil for Chemical Free, Natural Skincare + 14 DIY Beauty Recipes - Duration: 1:07.


Hot Hot Top Lagu Dangdut Koplo Terbaru Siti Badriah,Vita Alvia,Nella Kharisma 2019 - Duration: 1:32:23.

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Lemon remedy to relieve joint pain and cramps | Natural Health - Duration: 9:36.


remedy to relieve joint pain and cramps.

Lemon can be an excellent ally against joint pain and cramps because it has anti-inflammatory

and antioxidant properties.

Discover today how to prepare a natural remedy for lemon to relieve both joint pain and cramps.

Joint pain and cramps are common conditions in athletes, the elderly or those who make

great muscle effort in everyday life.

At any time, you may feel pain in your knees, elbows or wrists.

You may also experience muscle spasms.

Fortunately, there is a wonderful natural remedy that can relieve all these symptoms.

This is the lemon.

If you belong to groups likely to suffer from pain and cramps in the joints, note well all

the properties and the benefits of the lemon to fight against these troublesome symptoms


Lemon has many virtues in vitamins C, A, B1 and B6, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin,

folic acid, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.

In addition, it contains other nutrients that strengthen the immune system, protect the

liver and stomach and take care of the skin while avoiding the premature aging generated

by free radicals.

On the other hand, lemon is very indicated to relieve muscular tension and cramps.

However, you must first learn to identify these disorders so as not to confuse them

with others, such as numbness.

For this reason, we will talk to you today in this video about cramps, muscle aches and

the benefits of lemon as a natural remedy.

What is a cramp and how does it occur?

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that occur suddenly and are accompanied by


They can be mild or sometimes very intense to the point of paralyzing the person for

several minutes.

One of their main features is that they prevent muscle relaxation, so the muscles remain tense

and stiff.

In general, cramps can be a consequence of a low electrolyte concentration, which is

due to a deficiency of potassium, calcium and sodium.

In athletes, cramps usually occur at the end of high intensity exercise or muscle stress.

To counteract these effects, it is essential to consume isotonic drinks, especially after


Other people can experience it during the night.

Cramps occur most often in the legs, but can also be felt in the feet, hands, arms and


Lack of fluids, tiredness or overweight also promote cramps.

Those that invade us during our sleep are usually due to an alteration of the blood

supply to the muscles.

The origin of cramps is multiple.

As we have seen, they can be caused most often by muscle tension, low electrolytes, poor

blood circulation in the muscles and too much compression of certain nerves.

To overcome these effects, lemon is highly recommended to treat both joint pain and cramps.

What is joint pain and what is the cause?

Joint pain can occur in all joints and is a symptom of injuries, injuries or other joint

conditions such as the most common :

Arthritis; osteoarthritis;

tendonitis; osteoarthritis;


These diseases are usually treated with analgesic drugs and anti-inflammatories.

However, natural alternatives such as lemon are an excellent supplement that will help

relieve joint pain but also cramps .

What are the properties and benefits of lemon for joint pain and cramps?

Lemon is rich in flavonoids, vitamins A, C and E, and also contains citric acid.

Vitamin C contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties . In addition, it helps maintain

the body's collagen.

For its part, citric acid has diuretic and depurative properties.

Among the many benefits of lemon, we can cite, among others, the following benefits:

Strengthen the immune system; Relieve sore throat;

Prevent kidney stones; Improve blood circulation;

Stimulate the metabolism;

On the other hand, lemon can have a very positive effect on the relief of joint pain and cramps

. This effect is due to the large amount of potassium it contains.

In this case, the lemon zest is ideal.

So, the next time you decide to make lemonade or lemon juice, do not discard lemon peel

because you will lose its many benefits.

Lemongrass essential oil is extracted from lemon peel.

This is an excellent repellent against mosquitoes.

It also contains vitamin C and pectin.

This essential oil also contains depurative properties and helps eliminate harmful cholesterol

for the body.

The volatile essential oils scented with lemon zest help reduce joint pain , as they help

to relax the blood vessels and produce an anti-inflammatory effect that significantly

reduces pain.

In addition to this, the lemon zest has anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties . These make it a

wonderful ingredient for relieving joint pain.

Take note of the next natural remedy to reduce joint pain and cramps.

Lemon peel is recommended to relieve joint, muscle and cramp pain.

Remedy with lemon zest to relieve joint pain and cramps.

If you want to prepare your own natural remedy for joint pain and cramps , follow the steps.

Also, remember that this is only a natural remedy and you should consult a doctor in

any case.

His opinion is the one that will always prevail.


2 large lemons, preferably organic; 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil (250 ml);

4 leaves of eucalyptus;

In addition, you will need several tools for the preparation and application of this remedy.

Try to get a glass jar with an airtight lid, a plastic container and a bandage . Choose

a bandage that completely covers the area that is affected by joint pain, muscle or


How to prepare this lemon remedy for joint pain and cramps?

To prepare this lemon remedy, you will need to plan ahead for it.

Indeed , the lemon zest will have to macerate about two weeks before you can use this remedy


Start by peeling the two lemons and place the lemon zest in the hermetically sealed

glass jar.

Add the olive oil and make sure it completely covers the lemon zest.

Take the eucalyptus leaves, cut them into pieces and add them to the mixture.

Then, cover the container well and let the preparation rest for at least 2 weeks in a

dry and dark place.

After the time indicated, apply the preparation on a clean gauze and place it on the area

to be treated.

You should soak this gauze in the oil and use it as a compress on the area affected

by muscle pain or cramps.

To prevent it from moving, take a piece of plastic and cover the gauze, then tie it with

a cloth or bandage to keep it fixed all night while you sleep.

Finally, repeat the treatment each day for best results.

Also note that the minimum recommended application is 3 times a week.

Remember also these tips.

Remember to apply the treatment on a regular basis to note its effects as quickly as possible.

The key is to be consistent, so give priority to your health and take a few minutes each

night to apply this lemon-based remedy to treat all your joint problems and cramps . Likewise,

consult your specialist in case of needing an alternative therapy according to your case.

Lemons have become an indispensable fruit in our diet, not only for their versatility

and delicious taste, but also for all the benefits they bring to our health .

Their high content of vitamin C, added to large amounts of antioxidants and nutrients,

make lemons are excellent remedies to prevent other diseases and many health problems such

as flu, colds, laryngitis, bacterial infections, high blood pressure, as well as digestive

or skin problems.

Discover in this article how to use the bark of lemon to calm joint pain.

For more infomation >> Lemon remedy to relieve joint pain and cramps | Natural Health - Duration: 9:36.


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(Updated) Waltz of the Flowers Intro 💐🌻🌷🌼🌹 - Duration: 2:54.

Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for watching.

As you can see, I've been working very, very hard on this.

Considering my music knowledge level, it wasn't too bad compared to some people.

But, it did give it a step up to my challenge level.

So, I really hope you liked it.

If you did, give it a thumbs up.

If you're new to the channel, subscribe because I post videos involving the piano

and singing; nothing but performances.

It's rare you'll find me doing anything else.

And, if you

want to leave a comment, just do it. Just...

Basically, don't leave any video ideas 'cause...

Basically, I have my limits.

Now, on my ASMR channel (Surprised?)...

I'd say you could give me a few vidoe ideas.

Why don't you go check that out as well--in the description as well.

I also have social media. Don't think I'm not a keeper-upper with...

modern trends.

And, yeah.

I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you again soon. Bye.

For more infomation >> (Updated) Waltz of the Flowers Intro 💐🌻🌷🌼🌹 - Duration: 2:54.


Guiseley fear Manchester City but want to face Manchester United - Duration: 1:11.

Taking swipes at Jose Mourinho has become something of a national pastime — even Guiseley joint-manager Russ O'Neill can't resist joining in

The National League North side take on Fleetwood in round two of the FA Cup on Monday evening, just minutes after the draw for the third round has been held

And O'Neill is in little doubt with whom he wants to see Sunday's winners paired

'Certainly not Manchester City,' he said, 'We don't want Pep Guardiola anywhere near us because he's a magician

We'll take Man United away.' For the West Yorkshire side to reach the third round for the first time they first have to defy a 76-place gulf in football's pyramid by seeing off Joey Barton's Fleetwood

 'It'll be a tough game against tough opposition,' said O'Neill. 'It's a big ask. 'You can't say we want it more than them because the prize of a tie against Premier League opposition is such a huge one for all of us


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15 Hooded Eye Makeup Tutorial - Viral Eye Makeup - Makeup Tips & Tricks 2018

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> 15 Hooded Eye Makeup Tutorial 🍎 Viral Eye Makeup 🍎 Makeup Tips & Tricks 2018 - Duration: 10:27.


Megan Fox, 32, Has Wardrobe Malfunction While Braless Under Tuxedo Jacket - Daily News - Duration: 2:51.

Close call! Megan Fox wore nothing underneath her tuxedo jacket in NYC on Nov. 28 and it led her to have a slight wardrobe malfunction in the ensemble

Check it out here!    Megan Fox, 32, flashed the camera more than the sparkles on her tuxedo jacket! The New Girl actress wore a sequined pantsuit for her visit to Watch What Happens Live! on Nov

28, but her outfit wasn't all business. She ditched a bra for her trip to the talk show, so her cleavage was the focal point underneath the co-ord's blazer! While Megan tried to prevent a nip slip from happening by firmly laying her hand on top of the jacket, she flashed a bit of nipple at one point, while cameras were flashing away

   Of course, Megan kept it cool, even though a slip-up happened. The raven haired beauty later posed for an Instagram Boomerang with Tyra Banks, 44, and had another close call with a wardrobe malfunction…that time, on purpose! She grabbed the lapels of her tuxedo jacket and pulled them apart, revealing even more cleavage for the camera

Now a mother of three sons (Noah, 6, Bodhi, 4, and Journey, 2), the lead of Jennifer's Body proved she's still one hot mama

 After her trip to Andy Cohen's show, Megan got in the holiday spirit and stopped by one of America's biggest Christmas events

You guessed it– the lighting of the massive tree in New York City's Rockefeller Center

See pictures of NYC's annual tradition, here! But the actress hasn't been hanging around the big city too much

She has put acting on the back burner to host and executive produce a show on the Travel Channel, Legends of the Lost With Megan Fox, which will premiere on Dec

4. The first episode will show her unpacking theories about female warriors in Scandinavia and England! BACKGRID  The Travel Channel gig is a 180 from Megan's usual track of big screen projects

She's even admitted to this, but insists that "archaeology and antiquities" is her raison d'etre

"There was a general sense of disbelief that this is something I'm genuinely passionate about," Megan told Entertainment Weekly in an interview published on Nov

27. "And then, depending on which topic and which thing we're discussing, I can be quite knowledgeable on archaeology and antiquities, and I think that was also really surprising for people


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