Hi Kelli, here from
FreebieFindingMom.com and
Today I'm going to show you how to make a roll-on blend using your Young Living Essential Oils now
If you aren't familiar with what a roll-on is it's basically
A bottle like this with a stopper that
Has a little roller bottle at the top and a cap
Now I'll show you and the reason you're gonna want to make some of these is because it just makes putting on your essential oils
even easier
Now there's no problem and using your oil straight ala bottle and that's how I use them a lot of times just like this I
Using straight on the bottle but a lot of times it
Does make it easier to make some of these roller
bottle ball
roller bottle blends and then you can apply them like I say even easier to your body so I'm gonna show you how quickly and
Easily you can make some of these blends yourself and then want to share four of some of my favorite roll-on blends with you
In just a second so like I said it just makes applying your essential oils a little bit easier
Let's go ahead and get started the first thing you're gonna want to pick up to make any of these blends is you're gonna want
to get my bottles from Amazon you can get them I know in other places but
I like Amazon they have a good variety and they're not
expensive at all
So what I will do is if you don't have anything and when you order these roll-on bottles and I'll put drop a link for
You so you can check out it's my affiliate link I'll drop a link down here and you can check out exactly what I'm talking
About because you'll be buying the bottle and I'll come with a little stopper
which has the rollerball on top and then they'll have a cap in as well and
I bought them in like sets of five I think
So and they're not expensive at all so like I say and they will come in so handy I also love using roller bottles for
When I want to give some of my oils because let me drop this link down here for you
When I want to give some of these oils because if you have some friends or family that maybe are interested in such loyal that
aren't sure if they want to invest in it just yet and jump in
make them some of these roll-ons
And then give them so that way give them to them that way and they can just start applying it to their skin
getting used to it and seeing you know some of the results with their essential oils and I will say this too is that I
don't say this enough but if you have ever used it was in the past and you felt like they didn't work for me or
I wasn't happy with them it's a high probability you weren't using a really high quality of oil, so that's why I personally
only use and love Young Living Essential Oils because
They are some of the highest quality oils that you can buy
So that's why I like them so I would say if you've tried oils and then you didn't necessarily
Weren't really thrilled with the results I encourage to try a Young Living because I think you'll be surprised at
what a difference it makes so anyways there's the link for the roll-on bottles like I say to
Amazon you can check out all the different varieties there and
Pick out any up. Pick up any that you um if you're interested in making some of these blends, okay?
so let's go ahead and get started showing you exactly how easy it is to make some of these roll-on blends and
By the way of all of the recipe I'm going to show you for my favorite
blend recipes for a variety of things
Of all of those blends you have every single oil if you already have your premium starter kit you
can make every single in these blends and more
but if you don't have your kit yet and you don't want to wait till the end of me going through all of these recipes
let me go ahead and
Drop the link so that you can get your kit here and then you'll have to wait till the end okay stuff
Let's go ahead and get started so all you're gonna do is you're gonna want to take you are a little bottle that comes like
I said you get it at a health food store wherever you go or
or your local store
or like I say on Amazon get your bottle and then the first plan I'm gonna tell you about is called sweet dreams and
Sweet dreams it's just to help promote a good night's sleep you know if you're having any issues
Sleeping I highly recommend making this blend and all you're gonna do is you're gonna take
Ten drops of your stress away, which as you know comes in your premium starter kit you're gonna take ten drops of this now
I'm not gonna make this exact blend because I don't need this because
I actually sleep well I just um
getting myself to bed early enough is my problem not so much falling it's like you're gonna take your essential oil and you're gonna just
Put it right into your roller bottle like that
Okay, you're gonna put your drops right in there like that I'm a little bit shaky there either
You're gonna put your ten drops okay? I'm not gonna make the complete thing because
I don't need this blend is you're gonna put your 10 drops of stress away in your roller bottle
next you're gonna add 15 drops of your lavender oil okay and
Then you'll do the exact same thing or just drop your 15 drops of your lavender oil
Right in and this one's probably about empty yeah I probably grab the one that's about empty but do you understand what I'm saying so
there is
pretend that's your 10 drops of stress away and your 15 drops of lavender
Next what you're gonna do is you're gonna fill the rest of your bottle up with a carrier oil
So the reason we add carrier oils is basically it helps kind of dilute the essential oil
it just helps if you have any concern about any skin
Sensitivities so it's a good, idea to use a carrier oil like
I say to just um make it less likely that you would have any skin sensitivity
what you're going to do is you're gonna use your choice of carrier oils I personally have today a
This is a grapeseed oil you can got
I got at Walmart you
can use like a
fractionated coconut oil you can use a lot of different oils if you Google carrier oils on Amazon you'll see a lot of examples of
Different oils that you are welcome to use
So what I would do then is after you've dropped your ten drops of stress away and your 15 chops of lavender for this
combination in I would take my carrier oil and
I would just put my carrier oil right in and I'm not gonna use this because I need this for other or
Blend but what I will tell you is is I would fill it all the way to the top then with your carrier oil so
Put in your essential oils first and then fill the rest of your bottle with a carrier oil
Once you have this filled up. You're down you're going to take the stopper that you got from Amazon or wherever
You're gonna put that on top now what I'll tell you is a lot of the rollers that I bought
Now this looks like it's on it's not 100% on I have to get a push
to get the top there and you'll hear a little click
but um but anyways you'll
Just so you know it might take a little bit of pushing to make sure that the stopper is all the way on and then
you have your roller bottle that you can easily quickly and easily apply your essential oils with I especially love them like I say when
I'm applying them to my face I think it's just a little bit easier than just applying them straight out of the bottle
But there's no problem with applying it out of the bottle it's just I find that rollers
Using these roller bottles just make it even more efficient in applying them and like I say I love making rollers for friends and family
who are curious like I say with trying to sensual oils and
you can put just if you want you can grab a roller bottle and put all of one like just put 10 drops of
If they want to try that and then fill it with a carrier oil
Or like I said like we just made with that sweet dreams blend you
can make it blend in one and give it to a family member that way
especially with the holidays coming up I think it's just a really good idea to
Like I said you know like a cousin or an aunt or somebody who you maybe don't get to see all the time who's probably
Curious about essential oils but you weren't really sure if they want to get started
Make them a few roller bottles let them go ahead and try them and see what they think before they have to no go ahead
And make that investment in purchasing a kit so that was sweet dreams like
I say that was ten drops of stress away and 15 drops of lavender and the reason we use those too common in
Combination is as we know stress away is really good for relaxation and also help just promoting and good night's sleep
lavender 15 drops of lavender because again it's very calming and it too can help with promoting a good night's sleep so the
Combination of the two is a really good combination for just like I said getting a more restful night's sleep the next blend I want
to share with you is called happy tummy
Oh, by the way if you're wondering where to apply that sweet dreams blend you could
apply it a number of different places I would probably apply a sweet dreams to like my forearms here or
My chest area or neck areas where I would probably be applying sweet dreams
now the next one that I want to share with you is happy tummy that's if you have any sort of stomach issues their belly
issues for that you're going to want to combine ten drops of your peppermint ten drops of your peppermint into your roller bottle and
Then you're gonna want to also combine about 20 drops of your digest a ghin you're gonna have every single one of these oils that
you need and
your premium starter kit so if you're concerned that you won't have all
Have more than enough oils in your premium starter kit to make all of these blends and much more
So you're gonna take your ten drops of your peppermint and 20 drops of your diet rise and then fill the rest of your roller
bottle up with your carrier oil
where I would apply that I would apply that to my stomach my tummy area if that if I have any issues with that I
also use it on children so if they're complaining about any sort of belly issues I
would make this combination and ten drops of peppermint the reason
We use papperman is as we know peppermint is really good for digestive system support the reason
We would use dyes is digestive eyes digestive system support it
Helps cleanse your digestive system so for like I say for a digestive system that is a very powerful combination
peppermint and dyes the next plan I will share with you it's called deep breath if
You or the kids for instance or having any sort of congestion or difficulty just breathing maybe they've caught something
Try this blend of deep breath what you're gonna want to combine is
ten drops of your lemon
You're also gonna want to have fifteen drops of Raven and then five drops of your peppermint oil
The reason we're using lemon is as you probably remember
Lemon is really good for your immune system support and that's what you're gonna need so if the kids or if you have any sort
of nasal congestion and you're trying to open up some of those nasal
Passages I would use this blend I would probably put it on my chest and maybe my neck area
and Rayven is really great for it hoping open up the nasal passages it's really good for respiratory support Raven
Also feels very cooling and refreshing to the skin, when you apply it to your chest and neck area
Which is also can be great like I said you're having any respiratory
Issues and then the last oil peppermint peppermint as we as we talked before is really good for a
digestive system support and why that matters when you have any sort of congestion in your nasal passages is your digestive
Digestive system impacts everything in your body so if it's not operating properly and efficiently
that it's going to have a negative impact on everything including your immune system so you're gonna need that getting that immune system
support from your lemon oil you're gonna get that respiratory support from your Raven and you're gonna get that
digestive support from peppermint
So that's the really good combination and it's called deep breath that is a very good combination for like
I say if you're just having some real
Congestion or the kids are and I would put that like I say I would put that on my chest and on my neck area
the next one I would primarily on my chest you can put on the neck but I would definitely put it on really put on
Quite a bit all over the chest area
the next blend is
The last blend that I want to share with you it's one of my faves it's called be well be well is a blend that
I would use year-round but especially this time of year be well I'll hi Ben thanks for joining
Be well is the blunt is a blend that
even if you aren't feeling well you could use it even if you're feeling great you can still use it I
a lot of times like with my son if I I try to keep it on Amal time
but if not like if I hear him like coughing or sniffling
I'm like
Oh Lord you need to get I need
To use this blend on you this is a really powerful blend because it has a lot of immune system and it allowed me instant
Support the first thing you're gonna want to add is 15 drops of one of the best oils and that is your thieves oil
you're gonna want 15 drops of your thieves oil in a roller you're gonna then want ten drops of your frankincense and
Then you're gonna want five drops of your lemon oil
five drops of your lemon and then you're gonna fill the rest of your roller up
With your roll-on bottle up with your carrier oil that you choose it's a reason
We are adding the thieves of course I mean it does so many good things but especially for your immune system support
Thieves is great for immune system support and also provides respiratory support so well so if you weren't feeling well or the kids aren't feeling
Well, or even if they are like I say it's just a really good blend I would probably put this
Especially for kids like if they don't love the smell I would put it on their feet
I don't mind the smell so I could use on my forearms or chest or neck area but
I do tend to want to put this one on my feet and on my son's feet
So that's where I would probably apply this one but like
I say you're thieves you know it's gonna be great for your immune system support and your respiratory support among other things
Frankincense such a powerful oil is good for so many good things but it, also provides an
immune boost we need frankincense can
Also help just ease digestion and as we know to having a really efficient and properly working
Digestive system is very important in staying healthy and also frankincense is
Its antiseptic and it's a disinfectant so that what that basically is important for is hopefully it'll help our body kill off
Some germs so your to make sure that you have your 10 drops of frankincense in that roll-on - and then you don't have five
Drops of your lemon oil and as we talked before?
Lemon oil is just really what's good for number of things but one of the main things for this blend it's really good to help
With your immune system so every single one of those oils is going to help with the immune system
Which is really important?
Which is why the blend is called bewell?
Because you want to make sure that you have a really strong immune system to fight off any sort of germs coming your way
So those are my four blends that I love the most and then I'm happy to share with you if you have any questions on
those specific
blends leave them down below if you're happy to answer them or direct message me or send me an email and like I say if
You want to make any of those blends if you already have your premium starter kit you
can make every single one of those blends because you have every single oil needed for those blends plus much or
if you're curious the kit I'm still reading the promo of
$20 back so the kit is a hundred and sixty dollars and then I give you $20 back in either a paypal
Cash, or Amazon gift card plus
I give you a reference guide so you really
understand your oils you could read all about them and some of the uses for them and
I drop the link down there so if you're curious about that or if you honestly just have any questions about how to make these
Blends or just about oils in general you are more than
Welcome to message me I am happy to answer any questions you have
Oils and like I said consider making some of these blends
for um for anybody that like to say family or friends that you might see over the holidays that you don't get to see all
The time it's just a nice gift
idea and like I said just um
especially for people that you think that might be curious to get started with oils but aren't sure if they want to jump on in
Make them use your kit and make some blends for them and share it with them and see what they think so
with that said thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video I
Appreciate it as always and you're more than welcome to contact me with any questions and I hope you have a wonderful day bye-bye
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