Sunday, December 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 2 2018

So, you want to become an investor? Well I'm going to share with you how I did it

starting from absolutely nothing. Because hands-down, if you want to get in the

game, you're going to need deals and you're going to

need money. And in the beginning, I had none. But I still became an investor and

retired four and a half years later. I'm going to show you how today.

So how do you become an investor? Well, I'm going to share with you my 2 favorite

approaches and I want to back up and just make sure that you understand what

is an investor and how does this actually work. So, when you want to become

an investor in the game of real estate, what you need, you need money and you

need deals. Now, between these 2, I don't want you to focus on the money. I want

you to focus on the deals. Because really what makes an investor an investor is...

This person might be called the hard money. Like the financial partner. But

this person is the brains that know how. You need to invest in a career of

learning, its knowledge. What is the knowledge of actually how to find really

good deals? If you find good deals, what I'm telling you is that the money will

come. It's actually... There's all the money in the world for really, really, good

deals. So, if you want to become an investor, I want you to first drill down

on how to become an expert at finding the right kind of high ROI, Return On

Investment deals. Okay, so this is how to become an investor 101. This home has to

be a good deal and you got to ask yourself, "Why would someone want to put

money in a home?" You need to understand this. If they home is worth X and you're

buying it for that price, no one is going to be interested in it. You actually have to

do the warm Buffett. Buy low, sell high. So, if I have a house here, let's say that is

valued at $150,000. And let's just say for a moment

that you can actually purchase this home for $110,000.

There's a forty thousand dollar gap between what it's worth and what you owe.

That $40,000, I want to ask you, would you be better off if you

are worth $40,000 more? Could someone else with money that has

money to put down be better off? I'm actually giving you the numbers on my

very first deal that helped me become an investor. Now, if this is the scenario

with the deal, there are 2 ways of getting money. You either got the money

or someone else has the money. That's called OPM, Other People's Money. Now, when

I actually did my first house, I actually found one that I could move into and all

I needed with this first option was a 3% down payment because I was

going to live in it. Instead of a typical 20% which is what investors

need to do for regular bank financing, conventional

financing. Now, 3% down on $150,000. That's $4,500. 45 is not a lot. You can

borrow that from mom and dad, you can get that out of a 401k, you can just save up

for a little bit. In my case, I was poor making less than $20,000 a year. So it

took me a year and I saved up enough money so that I could actually do this.

But what I didn't know at the time because it was my first deal was that

there were way faster options. Here's what it looks like. It's called a partner.

And a partner is someone that already has the money. And they're looking for

intelligent places to put their money. Now, I want you to get into the mindset

of these in people with money. They live in a world where they've got money in

401ks, IRAs, the stock market. And on average

they're doing between 3 & 8 percent a year on their money. There's also a

magical force called inflation. It means that things are constantly going up with

time and every year it goes up 3%. So if they have their money earning 3%

somewhere but inflation is 3%, that actually creates a net zero effect. So

everyone knows in the financial game. If I'm learning 3% on my money, I'm actually

earning nothing. If you're keeping your money in a savings account earning 0.1%,

you're actually losing 2.9% roughly every single year. Investors or

people that want to become financial partners, they actually understand this.

The 401k did 5%. Subtract the 3, they're at 2%. We're looking for a deal here

where we say, "Hey, here's the plan." Let's say that you're doing my lease

option system. You can learn all about that and the link below. Talk to my

team. It is the number 1 system you should start with. I have another one on

partnering on how to get all the money you need for all your deals. On lease

option, here's what the game plan is. it's going to be, we're going to buy this house.

We're actually going to hold it for 3 years. We're going to actually

lease it out and we're going to have someone give us $5,000 as a down payment.

And they're going to pay a superior rent because they want to buy it.

So, let's actually say that there is a $500 a month cash flow on this property.

And then in three years, we're going to sell it for at least 150. So an investor looks

at this and watch how easily that you can actually crunch these numbers.

They're going to put 20% down on this property. That's going to be 30 grand. So

let's just say that with that and some closing costs, let's say there's

$35,000 in. And they want to know what am I going to get out of this?

Well, let's crunch the numbers. You're going to want to watch this video a few

times. You're going to want to pull up the calculator. What I'm sharing with you may

seem a little confusing at first but it's basic. And this is the basic stuff

you need to know if you're going to launch and become a successful investor. There

is 40 grand to make. The 5 grand down in 500 a month. 500 a

month over three years? That is (6, 12) 18,000 plus this is

23. Plus the 40. 40 thousand plus that 23,000.

That is potentially a $63,000 gain. If you actually say

"Hey, we're going to be 50/50 partners." They're only going to get half of that

money. So, they're going to get... We'll just round up and call it $32,000.

You're getting the 31,000. That's how we get to the

63,000. If someone puts in 35 grand and in 3 years,

gets their 35 grand plus 32 more, they're basically doubling

their money in 3 years. Now, you can plot your calculator and say, "If I want...

If I were going to double my money in 3 years, I'd be making 100% on

my money." What's 100% divided by 3 years? That's 33%

here on my money. Now you can do a more specific math. But this is

what I'm sharing with you. Remember how I told you that they're making 2, 3,

5, maybe 8% in a rare occasion or a good year? Now, all the

sudden, you're showing them possibility for what? For making 30%,

33%. That is almost 25% to 30%. And higher

percentage points than what they're actually earning. That is 6, 7 times

more money. 8 times more money than what they're doing. Can you see why

someone would say, "Oh, my gosh. Based on this, I will give you the money."

So, here's what you need to learn how to do. You need to learn how to become an

expert at finding good deals and then putting them past the people with money.

Now, you're sitting there and you're saying, "Kris, I don't know how to find

good deals. I don't know how to find people with money. I'm either young and

dumb or I'm old and dumb. (Pertaining to this knowledge) And I just don't know how

to do it." What you really need is a mentor. In the beginning, I had an individual

that had made 10 million dollars in real estate. And I did everything I could to

follow them around, go to their events learn from them. And within a short

period of time, I possess this knowledge and then guess what? I went out there and

4 and a half years later, I possessed 25 properties.

I had a $12,000 month residual income. It was awesome. So how do you get this

knowledge? Well, I'm in a position today where I work very part-time. I'm enjoying

a wonderful lifestyle, I'm traveling around the world. I'm just loving my life.

but the work that I do for me is the work that is meaningful to me. the most

meaningful work I know how to do is launch new investors that want freedom

in their life. Freedom to live the life of their dreams. I've done that now for

over 3,500 people. We've collectively done almost a billion dollars worth of real

estate. This brings me tremendous fulfillment.

So if you're looking for a mentor on your life, what I want you to do is I

want you to click the link in the description below. I want you to ask to

talk to a member of my team and say, "Kris, lease option, real estate. I need to

learn it. I want him to mentor with me. What does that look like?" And they'll

show exactly what it looks like. And I just want to spoiler alert. I don't want

a whole pile of money. What I want is for a little bit of financial skin in the

game for you and then I'm going to deliver 10 times the value and so much

more. And I'm going to get you on your path to becoming a very successful

investor. Now, click the link. Do that right now and if you are new to my

channel, make sure that you subscribe because every day, I'm dropping knowledge

like this. And if you'll watch these videos every day, you are going to become

a really good knowledgeable investor. Take care, you got this one life to live, live with us.

For more infomation >> How To Become An Investor - Duration: 8:51.


What Is A Core Message And Why Do I Care? - Duration: 12:05.

So, if you're watching this video then you have the same question of what is a

core message? And why do I care? So, whether that's the language you use

they're not of calling it a core message this really is an important topic if you

want to succeed in business. So, definitely stick around for this one.

Michelle McCullough. Good friend, expert speaker, author. How do you define a core

message? -Well, if you're looking at it from a business standpoint, your core

message is what do you want to be crystal clear to your audience about who

you are as an organization and what you do. And the best way to get clear on that

is to think through how you want people to describe you. So, how would you want

someone to describe your business? How would you want to someone to describe

your product or service? -Sounds a lot like we're talking about brand here. -It

is a lot of your brand and some people will consider their brand to just be

their logo or their colors or their design. But really, your brand is your

promise. It's your commitment. It's the things

that you offer. And the ways that people know how you can solve a problem for

them. -By talking about it in terms of a core message, it takes the conversation

of logo or brand to where it really needs to be to kind of be an impactful

or to be a real a real brand. -Sometimes people will think about a core message

being a mission statement. That can be part of your core message. But chances

are people aren't going to describe your business with your mission statement. Now.

your mission statement is probably really valuable for your team. It's good

for the your employees, people who that you work with so that they know the kind

of traits and values that you want them to display. But I also think that it's

really important to go beyond your mission statement and think about things

about how you want customers to feel when they come into your store. How do

you want customers to feel when they interact with you or how do you want

them to feel as a result of your product or service. While feeling words

can seem like not very valuable. At the end of the day, people make decisions to

buy based off of feelings. And so, you have to help them understand what kinds

of things you want them to feel. And almost adjust your logo or your colors

based off of your core message and your foundational messaging as an

organization. -Okay. So, can we jump into some examples? -Sure. -I mean maybe we'll

pick some big, prominent, well-known companies.

What would you say Apple's core message is? -This is like a quiz. Uh-huh. Apple's core

message is simple, chic technology. So it doesn't have to be big. It doesn't have

to be difficult. It doesn't have to be detailed but it's simple but it's cool

and they want to be known for innovative technology that is... -I definite think

innovation is it... Yeah. Okay. what's the... What about Nike? -Just do it is their

tagline, right? But at the core of that is going in and accomplishing the things

that you really want. Like, if exercise is important for you,

get past all of the crap in your head and just do it and hopefully use their

products to do it. -So, how does a small business owner or a solopreneur really

defined their core message. -So, I think one of the best gifts you can give

your business every single year is sitting down at the end of the year and

asking yourself, "What worked? What didn't work? And what needs to change?" So you do

a little bit of evaluation. You see, you check your messages, you look at your

social media. Look at your blog posts and see if you feel like those messages

matched what your core messages as a business. And in most cases, you're going to

look at it and say, "It didn't. It didn't really match what I want." And maybe you

haven't really thought about your core message this strategic in this way. So,

now, as it after you've asked yourself those three questions, you say, "Okay, what

do I want to be known for? How do I want people to describe me?" And the trick is

you only can pick about 7 things. So, the mind can only remember 7 things

but the reality is is that your audience will probably only

remember you for one. But it gives you the opportunity as a business to list

7 things so that you can share different messages in each of those

places. So for example, I have a collision company that is a good friend of mine it

was a previous client. They're local in Utah. Obviously, their messaging isn't

going to go far. But their tagline is getting a car in a car accident could be

traumatic. Getting your car fixed shouldn't be. And that's one of their

core messages that while you might have had this traumatic experience and we're

going to take care of you. And we're going to make getting your car fixed to be super

easy. And we're going to make you feel cared about in the process. And I think that's

really great messaging. They also have a tagline that they use that is

exceptional care collision repair. But again, it kind of goes back to that core

message that we're going to fix your car but we care about customer service. Or

not just gearheads who are going to be punking out your car

and passing you the keys. We really care about the service part of that. And so, I

like the way that they thought through even on that small level, how do they

want people to feel working with them. And they put taglines out there that

supported those messages. And so at the end of the day, when people are

describing robear's collision, they're like, "Oh my gosh, those people were so

nice. They took really good care of me." And that's what they want people to know.

And to come back to. So, think about those core messages, think about 6 or 7

things that you can put out into the world that hopefully people would use to

describe you. And then give yourself 12 months.

Give yourself 12 months to put out there the messages that you really care about

and see if you start to get the kind of feedback that you want. And that people

are describing you in the ways that you care about. -So, I have a thought that I

want to get your take on. Once a core message is established, whether

intentionally or unintentionally, it seems that that's a hard thing to change.

There's one brand of car that is known for safety. -Sure. -And yet... And this was put

in... This was not my research. This was somebody else's research that I saw

presentation. But it comes to my mind that this car that's known for

safety, they then started doing some marketing as a luxury car. And it just

seemed a little off. The car might totally be luxurious that they're

promoting but it's like... "But that's of is? You know, that's this brand of car? Wait a

minute." And it just kind of opened my eyes to wonder. Do you agree that it's

pretty important to figure out your core message early on. Well at the same time,

we can re-evaluate and see what sticks and what not but if we if we're not

conscious of it early on then it can be hard to change. -Absolutely. So, but I will

also tell you there is hope. So, if there are people sitting out there thinking, "Oh,

wait. I think people are describing me in a bad way." I'm going to tell you a process

that we use that helps people transition to that. But if you're just getting

started, it's really good to begin as you mean to go on. And it's interesting

because there are a lot of people who have created their own monopolies, if you

will. So, like even back in the 80's, MTV got started and they didn't want

competition so they created Vh1. MTV and Vh1 were the same organization. The same

parent company. And... But then they made each of them their own unique brand. And

that car company, should they have just created a different line would have been

easier to promote that because they were trying to make a market shift. Your brand

lasts long beyond what you want it to sometimes. And so, it's really hard to

make... Because we're meaning making machines and we want to describe things

and we want to label. We want to say that's a flower and that's a tree and

that's a frame. You know, we want to be able to describe things. And so, it's hard

for humans to make that transition. But you can do that. And here... This is a

personal example. But my background is in marketing and advertising. I've done

marketing consulting and marketing speaking for almost 2 decades. But

3 or 4 years ago, I really wanted to produce a motivational book. In my

background, I love motivational speaking. I love motivational self-help books.

That's a piece of who I was and my interests. But it wasn't something I had

done professionally. And so, to launch that book, I

I needed to shift my audience from "Michelle McCullough, the startup princess.

Marketing... Coordinator marketing speaker extraordinaire" to "Michelle McCullough,

motivational speaker." And I can do both but my audience really didn't want me to

do both. They knew me as Michelle the marketing person. And so what I did is I

sat down into this exact same exercise. What I call the clarity exercise. And I

said, "What 7 things...? What 7 ways do I want people to describe me?" And the truth is,

is while they seem different, they're very similar. Marketing is telling a

story to get people to take action. Motivation is telling a story to get

people to change. And so, they're very similar and I had to do some of that

messaging. But I also had to say you know what? The things that you love about me

but people liked that I was a systems girl. People liked that I knew how to

message things. People liked the approach and positivity. But I could use those

same principles to share this. But then for a whole year, even before I launched

my book, I shared more of this part of me. And I was quick to say and easy to say,

"Hey, you might know me for this. But did you know that I got my first wrinkle in

day planner when I was 12? And did you know that I was the first person to ever

go through the Franklin Covey, what matters most training?" People needed to

know that it wasn't just me making us a quick decision or that I was completely

shifting my business. They needed to know that that was a part of me they didn't

know yet. And so, you can do that with your business too. Not, just an expert

business but even if you're shifting, figuring out how to say, "Hey listen, we've

always cared about X. But did you know that we love Y too?" And you can tell that

story but you have to be strategic and sharing those messages through social

media, through your blog posts, through your advertising. And make sure that it's

clear that people understand that you haven't changed. It's just a side of you

they haven't seen yet. And businesses that are successful with that like in

the beginning, Coke and Pepsi couldn't have anything else but Coke and Pepsi.

But they were like, "Hey, we're not Coke and Pepsi people. Were soda people." And so

now, they can have full lines of sodas and have different sodas in different

countries because the story came, became about soda. Not about coke. And so, you can

think about that and you can expand your business in your line. And in some cases,

it's going to need its own advertising. But as long as you tell the story, people

will come with you as long as they don't feel like you're abandoning them. And

going a different direction. It was a long answer but I hope that was helpful.

-Yes. So, I think are hoping that you get a sense that there's a lot here. That

there's a great importance of having a core message. It's really what takes

a brand from just a logo to being something that will really make a

difference that that people will really remember.

So, if anything, I hopefully this conversation has given you some tips of

being able to recognize first, what is a core message and why are we even talking

about it. And and how to... How to define what yours

is. So, make sure you subscribe. Look up Michele McCulloug. I'll put Her website down below in the description.

For more infomation >> What Is A Core Message And Why Do I Care? - Duration: 12:05.


Here's When Mercedes Made Good Cars, 1990 Mercedes S-Class - Duration: 5:11.

it's time for show-off Sunday, where everyone has a chance to show off their

own car and here's this week's winner, I've tried to imagine what do people

mean when they described a vehicle by saying it goes like a train, does it gain

speed in a low but linear fashion, does it struggle going uphill, does it feel

stable at cruising speeds, although it seems that most of the time the saying

is using accurately, let's see if it fits at this Mercedes w126 350 SDL or the


since the saying never specifies which train it will be compared to this 1950s

Russian diesel locomotive which operates on a narrow gauge railway

visually there is nothing narrow about the s-class, but by looking closely there

might be some similarities, both have big mechanically controlled diesel engines

the locomotive has a 12 cylinder which consumes 60 kilograms of fuel per hour

and the Mercedes has a 6 cylinder which burns about 10 kilograms of fuel per

hour, check the interior and you will find that both have big round controls

at the front, though most likely for different applications and despite a few

other differences it must be said that the Mercedes actually does go like a

train just not this one a slightly faster

the previous owner in Florida did a good job in maintaining it, however it didn't

need quite a bit of work before it was roadworthy, after it served its initial

part as a wedding car, now it's just a perfect reminder to go and have road

trips whenever possible, it is something remarkable covering

miles with this car, the relaxed yet determined way it does it helps to enjoy

everything you set out to experience, something hypnotic about that old school

these are mechanically ticking away in the front, it's like diesel therapy, the

therapy gets even more enjoyable when you operate most of the perfectly

weighted levers and buttons, I say most because the climate controls don't match

the rest of the car, but that's judge by very high standards

though it's been said that it goes like a train, it's actually quite fun the

initial go from zero to 40, the torque is very well delivered and

enjoyable, however due to the huge turbo and the fact that there are only four

gears the turbo lag does appear on certain speeds, for instance it does

seems to be quicker from 110 to 130 then from 80 to 100, even if you stick it in

third, maybe that's where there is no pre down available, for some people the

agricultural nature of the engine will be off-putting and they will have

different sayings how this car goes and feels, but for those who enjoy this type

of therapy I wish they get a chance to drive or at least be driven in one of

these, well that was this week's video and

remember to have your car video highlighted here on my channel, check

this out, so if you never want to miss another one

of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Here's When Mercedes Made Good Cars, 1990 Mercedes S-Class - Duration: 5:11.


Celebrities Talk About XXXTENTACION - Duration: 10:11.


For more infomation >> Celebrities Talk About XXXTENTACION - Duration: 10:11.


What to see in Bratislava ART and MUSEUMS [2019] - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> What to see in Bratislava ART and MUSEUMS [2019] - Duration: 10:49.


Fabrizio Corona avvistato con un ex corteggiatrice di Uomini e Donne | Nuova Vita - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona avvistato con un ex corteggiatrice di Uomini e Donne | Nuova Vita - Duration: 2:20.


SABIDURIA DEL PARTO - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> SABIDURIA DEL PARTO - Duration: 3:52.


Bowlin's Picacho Peak Travel Center, 16543 Camnio Adelante, Picacho, Arizona on I-10 West, GP016646 - Duration: 26:05.


29 November 2018

Exit 246

Exit 246, Cortaro Rd

Interstate 10 West

Tucson, Arizona

Twin Peaks Rd

Power Substation

Avra Valley Rd

Exit 242, Avra Valley Rd

CalPortland, 11115 N Casa Grande Hwy, Rillito, AZ 85654 Marana, Arizona, (520) 682-2221

Cemex, 11500 Calmat Dr, Marana, AZ 85653 (520) 682-4063

Tangerine Rd

Exit 240, Tangerine Rd

Marana Rd

Exit 236, Marana Rd

Pinal Air Park Rd

Exit 232, Pinal Air Park Rd

APS Saguaro Power Plant, 25044 E Camino Adelante Rd, Red Rock, AZ 85145 (520) 682-2110

Red Rock Rd

Exit 226, Red Rock Rd

Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch, 17599 E Peak Ln, Picacho, AZ 85141, Red Rock, Arizona (520) 466-3658

Bowlin's Picacho Peak Travel Center & Dairy Queen, 16543 Camnio Adelante, Picacho, AZ 85141, Wymola, Arizona, (520) 466-7787


Shell Gas Station

For more infomation >> Bowlin's Picacho Peak Travel Center, 16543 Camnio Adelante, Picacho, Arizona on I-10 West, GP016646 - Duration: 26:05.


Nicocotier - Insomnie (Original Song) (Prod. Ben Maker - "Memories") - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Nicocotier - Insomnie (Original Song) (Prod. Ben Maker - "Memories") - Duration: 4:14.


Darksiders: Warmastered . Всадник апокалипсиса (Война)прохождение игры Стрим!!! - Duration: 2:59:33.

For more infomation >> Darksiders: Warmastered . Всадник апокалипсиса (Война)прохождение игры Стрим!!! - Duration: 2:59:33.


O CARRO SUMIU !!! - THIEF SIMULATOR - Duration: 16:47.

For more infomation >> O CARRO SUMIU !!! - THIEF SIMULATOR - Duration: 16:47.


Training mind & body for a Positive Mindset

For more infomation >> Training mind & body for a Positive Mindset


Things didn't work out... - Duration: 10:19.

You see guys sometimes you plan something perfectly and nothing works out

Our trip to London had one main reason: my favorite movie

in case you have been following us for a while now, you know which one it is

in the parking lot I saw several people wearing their Harry Potter uniform, Potterheads like me

Potterheads unite! Potterheads everywhere.. Slytherin represent!

So when we bought our flight tickets to London we only had one goal: to visit the Harry Potter studio tour

Until the day of the flight our excitement was unbridled but suddenly small things started to go wrong

it began at the airport in Munich.

guess what happened.. Our flight is delayed at the moment for 30 minutes

a 30 minutes delay is not the end of the world but like I said...that was just the beginning

in London we had to pick up our suitcase from the baggage claim but when we got it we noticed ...

it was broken

with a broken suitcase and now one hour delay, we took the train to the apartment in London and slept

the next day I was super excited to see squirrels in Hyde Park

but it was so windy that we couldn't walk and we didn't see any squirrel

It's super windy

it's just crazy all the leaves are flying around

and we didn't even see squirrels. So what was the point of coming here? I don't even know

and now let's talk about the tickets for the Harry Potter studios

when I wanted to buy them I realized that they were sold out for the entire year

I just wanted to cry but I was still hoping for a miracle

and out of nowhere two tickets were available for the next day

Select... -Go down go down!

here's a tip in case you want to go to the Harry Potter studios and there are no tickets

just keep refreshing the page over and over again and maybe you're gonna have luck

but luck was not on our side this time

is it gone now? -the number of tickets you have requested exceeds the available space for this event

oh my god there's only one ticket...

I don't understand so there's only one ticket? then I'm going on my own

we almost got the tickets now nothing is available anymore

twenty minutes later we kept moving

So we are on a double-decker bus

and now we're going to go to Chinatown - To eat beacuse Janik likes Asian food..

Asian food is.. -Asian food or mexican food?


No, you can only have one for the rest of your life

everybody's gonna hate me... okay that's it

after sitting on the bus for five minutes we realized..

guys were in the wrong bus.. -And it was.. Janik's fault

I admit it it was my fault

we got out, took another bus.

hopefully this one is correct

and finally ended up in Chinatown where we accidentally paid eight pounds for this bowl of rice

For rice!! Literally only for rice!

we wanted to go to the river fast but then we came to this store

we didn't buy anything so it was a waste of time and now it's getting dark..

guys we made it and we are about to see for the first time ever the Big Ben

Just now she said Big Bang .-the Big Bang theory

The Big Ben is one of London's most famous landmarks and we were excited to see it for the first time

can you see it guys? that's the Big Ben

You literally cannot see anything!

But you can see how tall it is so... impressive...

it was totally worth it to come here

so now we're going to the Westminster Bridge so we have a better view on the Big Ben

and we did have a better view, from the Riverside we were able to see the clock

the view from the Westminster Bridge was amazing unfortunately it was so windy that....

I cannot breathe. so annoying! it's so windy

and I had hiccups

okay guys Joss has hiccups I cannot breathe because of the wind.. oh my God

we're gonna cross the bridge now

I wanna go to the harry potter bridge,

somebody told me that these parlament what's also part of a Harry Potter movie, in like the, ministry of magic or something

it's pretty much dark already. -But we are still trying to record stuff..

Why are you focused? I'm not even focused!

okay I'm sharp guys. Get out of my shot!

the night got to an end, throughout the day a lot of things didn't go the way we planned but we enjoyed it either way

now the question that's left is: what did we do the second day?

well for this we have to back up a little bit

because sometimes when there's something that you really want

just keep refreshing the page over and over again and maybe you're gonna have luck

select! Add to basket..

please please please!

oh my god I'm shaking

what do I do? what do I do? I'm shaaaking! -Order confirmation!!

We got them!

one success

here we are

and we have our tickets I'm so excited

we took away two things from this trip:

first don't let your mood get ruined when your flight is delayed,

your suitcase is broken,

you don't see squirrels,

you take a wrong bus,

you pay 8 pounds for rice,

you can't see the Big Ben,

and you don't get the tickets you want.

it's your choice to spend your time thinking about all the things that didn't work out

or to forget about them and make the best out of it

because you might miss out on a fantastic day

and second:

sometimes 20 minutes of trying can make a difference

now nothing can hold her anymore

I'm so angry that I forgot my wand!

Nobody wants to play like that with me..

it was the best day ever

it's bright again guys which means we are out

as we enjoyed our last night in front of the Buckingham Palace we already came up with a goal for our next time in London

to see the Big Ben

For more infomation >> Things didn't work out... - Duration: 10:19.


Student Had The Best Response When A Teacher Questioned Her Drawing - Duration: 4:07.

Student Had The Best Response When A Teacher Questioned Her Drawing

Little children can be amazingly hilarious.

They are brutally honest and don't really care if you get offended by their opinion.

They always speak their mind and many times come with witty comebacks that leave us adults


here are some of the best responses of kids that will put a smile on your face and will

remind you why we love them so much.


A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing.

She walked around to look at the artwork.

As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.

The girl replied, "I'm drawing core of earth."

The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what core of earth looks like.

Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing the girl replied, "They will

in a minute."


A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten

Commandments with her five- and six-year-olds.

After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is

there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"

Without missing a beat, one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, "Thou shall

not kill."


One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink.

She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast

to her brunette head.

She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white,


Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or

unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."

The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, "Momma, how come

ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"


A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of blood.

Trying to make the matter clearer, he said, "Now class, if I stood on my head, the blood

as you know, would run into it and I should turn red in the face."

"Yes, sir," the class said.

"Then why is it that while I am standing upright in an ordinary position the blood

doesn't run into my feet?"

Bobby shouted, "Cause your feet aren't empty."

Share this with your friends if it made you laugh.

For more infomation >> Student Had The Best Response When A Teacher Questioned Her Drawing - Duration: 4:07.


Kylo Ren + Rey II Cherry {AU} - Duration: 2:08.

It's about this boy and this girl

and they love each other more than anything.

Ever had a dream that felt real?


when we touched hands I saw your future.

So real, you thought you were awake.

You're the voice in my head.

I saw something too.

But they can never be together.



You'll stand with me.

What we had was

real and it was

beautiful and intense and weird and terrifying,

and I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else.

There's this curse,

they fall in love

and then just when they're happiest,

the girl dies.

For more infomation >> Kylo Ren + Rey II Cherry {AU} - Duration: 2:08.


'항공우주 난쟁이'가 쏘아올린 작은 로켓, 25년 만에 '거인'으로 자랐다 | korean army - Duration: 14:41.

For more infomation >> '항공우주 난쟁이'가 쏘아올린 작은 로켓, 25년 만에 '거인'으로 자랐다 | korean army - Duration: 14:41.


BROKE AF Skincare Routine - Amazing Budget Winter Skincare Products For Men Oily Skin ✖ James Welsh - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> BROKE AF Skincare Routine - Amazing Budget Winter Skincare Products For Men Oily Skin ✖ James Welsh - Duration: 9:17.


Fall of Apple | Super Easy Russian - Duration: 5:49.

I noticed that Apple slowly but surely

gets worse and worse and worse and worse, the innovation that they made in

two thousandths with an iPhone, with an iPod, with the same ipad, iMac, and so on

now we don't notice it anymore, they no longer bring anything new to the

market, on the contrary, they repeat what is already there.

For example, like the Apple Watch, Samsung already had it for many many years and then Apple

joined them, which is very strange. And of course, everyone says that Steve

Jobs was exactly the face of that motivation .. that innovation, but I think it's not about

Steve Jobs, and the matter is even in us. We .. I have an

iPhone myself. I don't know why, because I have

an old iphone 6, and it so far it works and I

I'm not complaining about anything for now. The problem is in us, in that we gave Apple

such a fashion banner. If you have Apple product, then you are fashionable, then you

advanced, then you stand well well on your own feet in this society. And therefore

Apple doesn't even try anything new

they just give you the same thing you have

but at the same time they take large sums of money from you because now the phones

Apple and so on, Apple products are far away from the best, but it became a certain

worn jewelry just because it is fashionable.

For more infomation >> Fall of Apple | Super Easy Russian - Duration: 5:49.


Led Zeppelin - Black Dog (Jorgen Odegard Remix) - Duration: 3:50.

♪ Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move ♪

♪ Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove ♪

♪ Ah, ah, child, way you shake that thing ♪

♪ Gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting ♪

♪ Hey, hey, baby, when you walk that way ♪

♪ Watch your honey drip, I can't keep away ♪

♪ I don't know, but I've been told ♪

♪ A big-legged woman ain't got no soul ♪

♪ All I ask for, all I pray ♪

♪ Steady rollin' woman gonna come my way ♪

♪ Need a woman gonna hold my hand ♪

♪ Won't tell me no lies, make me a happy man ♪

For more infomation >> Led Zeppelin - Black Dog (Jorgen Odegard Remix) - Duration: 3:50.



For more infomation >> TSERIES VS PEWDIEOIE : LIVE SUBS COUNT : INDIA :MAKE NO 1 TSERIES - Duration: 12:01.


Small Business 101: Episode 48 - Business Advice You Should Ignore - Duration: 4:36.

Alex: Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of Small Business 101 here on

Arbeit U. Spencer: Yes and we have a great episode today. Are you thinking about starting

your own business? These are the questions you need to ask according to

Emily. Alex: Yeah, you ask these three questions and you're on your way to

Spencer: You're on your way to starting your own business. Alex: All you gotta do. What problem

are you solving? Spencer: Boom! Alex: Quick. Write it down Spencer: Yeah write that done. Don't let that go by.

Alex: What do you believe in? Spencer: Great question as well. Alex: Write it down. And third how are we

different? Spencer: Yes and if you can answer all those three you're probably a

millionaire already. Alex: Wow. Spencer: Yeah, alright. This was fun. See you guys later.

Listen obviously, poor Emily on the other side, just like I feel like an idiot but

obviously we're joking, right? Alex: Yeah I hate these yeah blog post when I read

them. They're just so boilerplate and stale. Like there's so much, there's so

many variations of this. I've never once when, we opened Arbeit, sat down and

answered these questions. I'm not saying the concept like... Spencer: Yeah, I mean it's

great solve problems and if you can solve a major problem you're gonna

be rich. Alex: The problem is that... Spencer: Not all businesses solve problems.

Alex: No, a lot of these like influencers on social media today

post this content and they're like oh, just do this and boom, you're a

millionaire and that's just not how it works. Like you can't just answer these

three questions and now oh you're gonna if you can answer these you're gonna

have Spencer: Bank gonna say 1 million bucks. Alex: Like the answer to every

one of these questions will probably change. It's changed for me and maybe

that means I'm doing something wrong but the answer to every one of these

questions has changed drastically for me. Spencer: What was the problem you were solving

when you first started? Alex: None, we didn't have a problem to solve. Spencer: What to do with my

life was the problem he was solving. Alex: No, we just were like oh hey people like

this let's do it. So I guess maybe we didn't really think thoroughly

through all what's the problem in the industry we just kind of had a

solution already and people loved it so we went from there. Spencer: I mean but you did it

as a way to save money on your dialer. Like you guys were using a dialer and it

was expensive and Alonzo was like hey. Alex: Alonzo's cheap so he wanted to save money.

Spencer: So the problem you're solving is we're paying too much on a dialer. Alex: Well I guess.

Yeah, but I don't know if it was a problem

across all collection agencies probably. I don't think most collection agencies are

too concerned about ah I need to cut costs on my dialer. What most

collection agencies probably want is just better production and a better product

and more stable product and stuff like that but at the time we just yeah and we

inherently made that I guess out of us having Alonzo being cheap. Spencer: Which is

not a bad thing. Alex: Yeah, the point is those answers change all the time. The problem

at the beginning you think your problem that you're solving could be people want

a cheap product and then as you grow and grow as a company and you realize that's

only one very small percentage of

the people that we're dealing with that want that. Spencer: You don't want to deal with cheap people.

Alex: Ninety percent of the people in the collection industry don't want a cheap

product they want something that just works because you know

with something yeah that's... Spencer: So I mean even now the problem you're

solving now is completely different. Alex: Right and then what do you

believe in I mean that's just a weird question but Spencer: I believe I can fly. Alex: I guess that matters a

little bit but... Spencer: That's a completely ridiculous question. Well, I guess it matters a little bit.

Alex: I don't know like what do you believe in. What does that mean? Spencer: Yeah, I mean

you know it's it's a buzz filled question like you know. Alex: I mean you could talk

of like core things like how you wanna treat you know people that you work

with. Spencer: Oh, yeah. Customers. Alex: That I guess doesn't change and it

shouldn't but it could very easily change for companies and there's been

times where it could have changed for us but we you know we kept on it and not

saying that was the right or wrong thing but I could see a business easily

changing and then how are we different? Again that changes constantly because

your competitors are constantly changing. I mean you might be

different today and then in two weeks they'll release something that's

identical to what you have and now you're not different anymore.

Spencer: So the moral of the story right is don't buy this crap, right? Like

don't believe that there's three questions you need to answer to start

your own business. Alex: Yeah, there's way more into it. Spencer: Yeah but it's more in depth. It's

constantly evolving. Alex: I mean maybe it helps to write this stuff out but in

general, yeah it's constantly evolving. Don't think oh I got to answer these

3 questions and now the rest of the time i'm business, I

gonna stick with what these are you can always change and you need to really.

That's it. Spencer: Mic Drop. Alex: Thanks for watching. Spencer: See you next week. Alex: See ya.

For more infomation >> Small Business 101: Episode 48 - Business Advice You Should Ignore - Duration: 4:36.


This 1-Day Diet Trick 'Rebalances' & 'Optimizes' 6 of Your Body's Fat-Loss Hormones - Duration: 5:03.

Hey everybody.

My name is Shaun Hadsall.

I'm a 47-year-old grandpa and stubborn fat

expert who's been in the health and fitness industry

over 20 years.

I'm the founder of Get Lean in 12.

And in today's video, I have a brand new,

one-day diet protocol that I want to introduce you

to that's specifically designed for the current hormonal

condition of people over 35 years old.

So if you're in your 40s, your 50s, and your 60s,

and you're looking to re-optimize six of your body's

most important hormones, you're looking

to maintain a healthy weight, boost your metabolism,

and fight against many of today's modern health

challenges, pay close attention, stop by, say hello,

drop a comment below.

Let us know what area of the world that you're from.

And right now, I want to share three simple steps that

are the backbone of a brand new system

that I've created called the Over 40 Hormone Reset

Diet that will help you re-optimize those six hormones.

Now, somewhere around this video,

you're going to see a link to click or tap.

You can go over to my brand new website introducing you

to the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet.

At the bottom of that website, you're

going to see a list of published scientific studies showing

that everything that I'm talking about, educating you

about inside this video is backed up

by published studies and real scientific research.

So the first step if you're over 35 years old, in your 40s, 50s,

or 60s, that you must take in order

to re-optimize your body's hormones

is using strategic meal timing.

You see, simply by changing the time of the day

that you eat your first meal just 4 or 5 days a week,

you can take the weekends off if you want,

you can optimize growth hormone up to 1,200% more than normal.

Now, this also will help you regulate ghrelin levels.

Ghrelin is the hormone that's responsible for regulating

your appetite.

So this can help you fight against cravings and hunger.

So those are the first 2 hormones

with strategic meal timing, is growth hormone and ghrelin.

Now, step 2 is strategic meal combination.

So when you do eat, it's very important

that you combine your foods the right way.

Again, just 4 or 5 days a week, taking the weekends off

if you want.

By doing this, you regulate to import hormones, insulin

and cortisol.

So when you combine your foods the right way,

you keep insulin levels stable.

This is what keeps the body healthy.

This is what helps you maintain a healthy weight,

and this really does help you fight

against many of today's modern health challenges.

The next hormone is cortisol.

Your cortisol cycle can get out of whack, especially

if you start following today's trendy diets,

like the ketogenic diet, the paleo diet, the vegan,

vegetarian, and plant-based diet.

All these are healthy for a short period of time,

but they're not designed for the current hormonal condition

of people who are in their 40s, 50s, or 60s.

So it is very important that you combine

your food the right way, and this

will help reset your cortisol cycle that

can get disrupted with many of today's most trendy diets.

So by combining your meals the right way,

you can optimize your cortisol cycle.

This can help you sleep better, recover faster,

and have more energy.

Now the third and the final step is the most fun is strategic,

high carb cheat meals.

Now, you can't go crazy and binge

for hours on end each weekend and expect

to get results just by being clean 5 days of the week.

However, strategic, high carb cheat meals

will help you optimize 2 very critical hormones, your thyroid

and your leptin levels.

And see, when you follow a traditional diet that's

low in carbs, keto, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, plant based,

all these diets lack carb intake.

Now, we all know that gorging on carbs, especially

unhealthy ones is not healthy for you.

However, we have to remember that glucose from carbohydrates

is the building block of TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone.

So without strategically timing a high carb cheat

meal a few days of the week, you suppress T4 to T3 conversion.

And the way to re-optimize this is

to have a strategic high carb cheat meal at least once

or twice of the week.

The second hormone is leptin.

Research shows when you avoid carbohydrates,

and you keep your body in a low calorie

deficit for more than a week or 2 at a time,

leptin levels can suppress by up to 50%.

So by strategically having a high carb cheat

meal a couple of days of the week,

you reset those leptin levels.

So there you have it, 6 hormones that you

can rebalance and optimize, following the 1-day diet


At the link somewhere around this video

we offer you a 90-day money back guarantee.

You'll see a lot of 30-day guarantees,

you'll see a lot of 60-day guarantees,

but you hardly ever see a 90-day money back guarantee.

Everything instantly downloads, nothing physical at all.

You'll just download some PDFs, click the link

around this video.

Go read all about the proven evidence based

scientific studies backing up this 1-day protocol,

and learn all about my wife's inspiring story.

She's 11 years older than me.

She's 58 years old, and her and I both

use this protocol 4 or 5 days of the week,

and people are always freaking out when they find out

that we have 5 grandkids.

So anyway, we're five minutes in.

I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day

to check this out.

If you liked it, click the like button.

Drop a comment below if you have questions.

My team will do its best to get back with you.

Thanks for watching, and keep going strong.

For more infomation >> This 1-Day Diet Trick 'Rebalances' & 'Optimizes' 6 of Your Body's Fat-Loss Hormones - Duration: 5:03.


Hiding from Security in Massive Abandoned Military Base - Wasteland Operations #02 - Duration: 19:04.

In this episode:

Spotted, spotted! At number 4!

Before we start with the episode, we have a very special announcement for you!

In the past few months we have been working on an urbex calendar for 2019.

Today we're happy to share the result with you.

We have created a large wall calendar printed on both sides

in which we present you our best photos from this year's adventures.

And since our content is all about storytelling, you can find descriptions to each location

next to several high-quality images.

We designed the whole calendar by ourselves.

And when it comes to the print, we also payed attention to high quality.

For example, we decided to take especially thick photographic paper.

So, if you want one of those for you or as a present, let us know quickly.

Because this calendar is a limited edition and there are only 50 pieces in total.

You can't order the calendar in an online store but directly from us.

This means we will pack it up ourselves and send it straight to your address.

And if you wish, we will also sign your calendar.

In the video description down below, you will find all the information you need.

At the end of this video I will remind you of that.

But first: Have fun watching our new episode of Wasteland Operations!

In summer we spent two days in a ghost town to play an outdoor game we developed by ourselves.

If you haven't watched the pilot episode of Wasteland Operations yet,

we recommend you to do this first.

The link to the episode is displayed right now at the top end of your video player.

You will learn the game concept, the rules and see the playing field.

This however is the last episode of Wasteland Operations we shot in summer.

In the next months, we will go play again but until then you can look forward to our regular urbex documentaries again.

So, for now enjoy the last episode of Wasteland Operations!

Before we now start with the round, we have a tip for you:

Most of the time we were speaking German with each other.

So, make sure to turn on English subtitles.

This is quite easy here on YouTube.

Just click on this small symbol in the player.

Right next to it you can pick a language.

And of course, you can do this as well with the YouTube app on your mobile device.

We're back in the wasteland!

This time the security team consists of Emily and Till.

They compete against Marco as the agent.

Let's jump directly into the prep phase and see which mission our agent gets.

It's game mode Distraction.

By the way, this time Cornelius from the BWT crew is match official.

Now Marco has to throw the dice again to pick the targets he has to swap with each other.

Number 3.

Okay where was target 3?

At the balcony.

Exchange with… target 4.

Before the agent now chooses his equipment, he has to roll the dice to find out his spawn.

He has three possible spawn points on the map.

If the dice shows a one or two, he starts at spawn one.

It's a tunnel in front of a building at the top end of the map.

If he rolls a three or four, he gets spawn number two

which is in one of the upper floors of this building.

In case of a five or six the agent starts in another tunnel.

But this one is in the radioactive zone.

It's a three.

So, this means the agent starts right here.

The spawn is also the location where he needs to end his mission in order to be successful.

This means since I need to start here I have to get over there.

Then from that position to target 4.

Back again to where I was and up again. -Yep.

Easy. I think I'll move through the basements.

You can try but you have to get from building to building.

Alright then, let's choose your gadgets.

Important: I need a USB dummies, at least one.

The USB dummy:

With this gadget the agent receives a fake USB stick which looks confusingly similar to the targets on the playing field.

He can swap them with a real USB flash drive he takes in order to disguise his theft.

But if the security takes a closer look, they might see the difference between real and fake USB sticks.

Since every target has a different color, the agent has to pick carefully which dummy he takes.

Marco chooses the violet USB flash drive to swap it with target three.

In the meantime, security is choosing their gear and they're nearly done with it.

This makes 50. Plus the Walkie talkies,that makes 70.

So we got 30 left.

One headset.

Still 5 more points to spend.

Shall we take a tin can trap?

That costs us 5 points doesn't it?


Who takes the headset? You should take it, I already broke the other one remember?

Ah now we don't have any respirator mask.

None at all?

That sucks.

We better do without the headset.

No I think I can forgo my blowout pill.

Now I can take the binoculars with me and you can have the respirator mask.

The agent is also nearly done with his selection.

If I'd take the blowout pill I'd still have 15 points left.

Camouflage net, still got 10 left.

You could take the mask with you.

I don't even need it but okay.

The players have picked their gadgets.

Now let's take a short look at agent and security before we start with the game.

So here we got a good gadget, the movement sensor trap.

I thought it would be smart to put it in here...

That should work.

Before the round starts, security has some more time to install their traps.

At this point they're placing the movement sensor.

So how does it work, I activate the trap by pushing that button?

Exactly but please don't do it now.

During the gadget selection security also bought a trap out of tin cans.

This one is installed near target number two.

We've placed the tin can trap right here and disguised it a bit.

The rope is going all the way over here, let's see if we're successful.

Let's start with the round!

The agent has a timeframe of 30 minutes to complete his mission.

If he doesn't manage to fulfill the assignment within that time, the security team wins.

There they are.

Good, I'll take advantage of that and leave the building at the front side.

Is there enough time?

Okay I reached my position what about you?

I'm in the building, blowout.

That was the signal for a blowout.

I'll just wait here in the building till it's over.

It's really creepy in this building over here.

All good, target 5 is still here.

I don't see nobody.

Object number 3 is safe.

Spotted, spotted!

At number 4, number 4!

He's wearing a camouflage net!

He's running towards target 5.

He disappeared in the building near spawn 2.

I'll check the basement.

Shit, blowout. I'll stay in the building he must be somewhere close.

I got a pill.

Alright that's the next blowout.

As soon as it's over I'll go for it.

Emily, Emily, that building – upper floors or basement.

Could you check that nobody leaves the building unseen?

Object 1 is still here.

If you ask me he is on his way to target 3 or 4.

Well number 4 is still here too. I'll check target 3.

What the hell is that another blowout?!

Object 6, no wait 5 is a dummy!

He's probably going to exchange that.

Alright, good job.

He'll exchange with number 3 I guess.

Yeah well sorry I meant target 3.

The purple one, that's the dummy.

When is that blowout finally over?


Okay is she going to number 4?

Yes she is.

I think she will continue her patrol and I'll use that to my advantage.

I'll just have to be very fast now.

As soon as I grabed number 4 I'll come back here as fast as I can.

After I dropped the USB here I will rush to my spawn and win the game.

I spotted him near target 3.

I think he's going to exchange!

I'm on my way!

Damn dude!!

Unfortunately, the agent didn't make it this time again.

It took around 20 minutes for the security to catch him.

But it was a thrilling round!

We had so much fun and we can't wait to play another game of Wasteland Operations in winter.

Maybe there will be a snow edition for you guys.

However, we're still developing the concept of the game.

So, if you have any ideas to improve Wasteland Operations

share them with us in the comment section down below.

What other game modes should there be?

What gadgets are missing?

What kind of random event should we implement?

We're looking forward to your feedback and hope that you will visit us again in the wasteland!

I hope you liked our latest episode.

Before we end the video, I would like to address two things:

First of all, at the end of this year we want to release a Q&A video

in which we will answer all the questions you always wanted to have an answer to.

So, if there is something you want to know about us, our project BWT or simply urbex in general

- it doesn't matter what - just send us your questions.

You can do that via Facebook, Instagram, mail or use the comment section down below.

It doesn't matter we always read everything.

Secondly, don't forget about our urbex calendar.

It's limited and so there are only 50 pieces in total.

So, if you want to grab one, send us a text.

That's it guys. See you next time and keep exploring.

Next time you will see one of our regular urbex adventures again.

Stay tuned because we have a really cool spot for you.

Also, don't forget to send us your questions for our upcoming Q&A video until then.

And if you're interested in our new and limited calendar,

take look in the description down below to get all the info you need.

For more infomation >> Hiding from Security in Massive Abandoned Military Base - Wasteland Operations #02 - Duration: 19:04.


MediaBuzz 12/02/18 11AM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:28.

For more infomation >> MediaBuzz 12/02/18 11AM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:28.


Nicocotier - Insomnie (Original Song) (Prod. Ben Maker - "Memories") - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Nicocotier - Insomnie (Original Song) (Prod. Ben Maker - "Memories") - Duration: 4:14.


Top 5 Favourite Films (Non Animated) - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Favourite Films (Non Animated) - Duration: 11:01.


TOP in-ear headphones to buy- 2019 review - Duration: 9:50.

in-ear headphones are the most compact headphones available in the market the

best wired in ear headphones offer a great listening experience by blocking

out the outside world and channeling sweet sounds into your ears at number

four we have the shure se425 oh end which uses a dedicated tweeter and

woofer for a precise and balanced sound the detachable cable and formable wire

enables easy replacement and secure comfortable fittings the se425 comes

with a comfortable sound isolating sleeve kit from Sansa phonics that fits

perfectly and blocks up to 37 DBS of ambient noise these earphones also come

with a cleaning tool and a soft zip compact carrying case it has an

integrated passive crossover which ensures that high and low frequencies

remain distinct and defines shure se425 s fit kit includes flexible foam

silicone and triple flange sleeves in multiple sizes for optimal comfort bass

response and sound isolation up to 37 DBS

the reinforced cable is lockable for safe canet for safe connection while in

use and detachable for easy replacement the se425 earphones come with a

detachable and kevlar reinforced cable that allows easy personalization and

replacement the gold-plated MMX connector has a lock snap mechanism

allowing 360 degree rotation for a comfortable fit the se425 s offer

notable exclusions of external noise and hence they can be listened to at lower

volumes lower than less isolating earphones of course you can turn the

se425 s up loud if you want and they won't show any symptom of distortion

however it's at normal volumes that the se425 s really impress like the se425 s

dual drivers reproducing music with uncanny delicacy and precision the role

of the included sound isolating sleeves is twofold which involves blocking

ambient noise and ensuring a comfortable customized fit because every ear is

different the fit kit includes three sizes of the Flex and black foam sleeves

as well as one pair of triple flange and one pair of universal fit yellow foam

sleeves experiment with size and style that creates the best fit for you a good

seal to key is optimizing sound isolation and base response as well as

maximising comfort during extended wear a durable compact carrying case is

included with this as to provide a convenient tangle-free solution to store

and travel with your earphones number three is the B&O veil play h3a and CBN

OH it features a brushed metal outer casing made from a single piece of

aluminum with 29 precision drilled holes that B&O says works as air vents for

more natural sound reproduction the ANC here stands for active noise

cancellation which means the bail play h3 and sea targets folks that want to

enjoy their music without any ambient noise from the outside world getting in

the way it emphasizes unparalleled comfort airtight fits and in-line device

control it's housing was crafted out of a single block of scratch resistant

aluminum which is surprisingly lightweight unlike the original h3 and

be a no-bail play the h3 AMC does not have any other color variants besides

the black aluminum version B&O basically implemented a small mic and a special

ANC circuit in the h3 s housing this mic picks up ambient noise and

sends it to the ANC's circuit effectively it converts the signal into

anti noise as long as the unit has a battery this enables the wearers to

enjoy their music with far better clarity and comfort you can also use the

headphones for talking as there's a built-in mic along with the usual three

buttons that iOS users can take to their advantage turned on and fully charged

the bh3 in your headphones will provide a quoted

20 hours of noise cancellation but if you run out of juice mid commute the h3s

can be used passively to the cables a little thicker than the original h3s but

still features the same inline controls for taking calls and adjusting the

volume second place is the Sennheiser momentum m2 ie I up these headphones

have a premium design an acclaimed sound performance thus matching style and

substance the momentum range has a reputation for style and comfort and

these new in ears continue to trend as they mix a modern look with a classy

finish the earpieces look striking on the deep red color wave perfectly

complemented by a 2-tone headphone cable an inline remote the momentum range is

set apart by design and the m2 ie I lives up to that name its ear tips are

comfortable enough although Sennheiser only bundles two replacement sets of

tips which may not be the right fit depending on the individual users ear

canals the deep red metallic finish lends a touch of class to the casing

while the Sennheiser logos on each earpiece shine and glimpse in the light

there's loops that go through the cables right before connecting with the ear

buds which helps keep them angled away from the earpieces simple touches like

this show that some thought has gone into making these in-ear attractive

small details from the Sennheiser logo and cable loops are on each piece and

make the momentum in ears stand out from the crowd

at this level even the inline mic in remote has been designed to blend in

with the rest of the package the chunky yet discrete buttons don't leave you

fumbling around and the mic has you reading loud and clear Sennheiser's

momentum range has made a real impact and it's fair to say the latest edition

delivers on all fronts they're a step above the closest rivals and definitely

worth a jump in price number one is the bear dynamic Byron it's one of the best

in your headphones we've come across bear dynamics long-standing expertise

with headphones makes its mark with a new Byron there's a level of heft and

control to the sound that you don't tend to hear with budgets in ears it combines

incredible sound and high quality craftsmanship thus offering

exceptionally detailed sound for your phone featuring a microphone and remote

the Byron lists you comfortably control your music while also answering calls

you can now attend your calls with ease without compromising on your end

listening to your music so you can enjoy your music experience ergonomically

engineered these headphones have been designed to give you the best fit for

long periods the wired Byron is a fairly simple design it features a regular

4-pole jack that leads up to a wide split and ultimately lightweight metal

housing for the nine millimeter drivers the cable is reasonably tangle free but

like Kevlar there's no frills the cord leads up to the left earbud and has

three buttons inline pods with the microphone the driver housing has silver

accents and looks fairly decent through the finish and it could have certainly

been better being lightweight adds to the comfort level when wearing these for

extended periods of time the earbuds are petite and you'll barely feel them in

your ears there's three pairs of your tip sizes

once in these in ears are comfortable to wear for hours the slim sturdy cable

doesn't feel flimsy nor is it prone to twisting or tangling the Byron is a no

frill no nonsense in your headphone that tries to draw on bear dynamics rich

legacy in making high-end audio and make it more accessible to the masses it's

got the adequate base to give you most of your regular tracks that don't need

much thump and at the same time detail isn't entirely lost the mid boosted

sound signature does make it a bit more mellow than most discerning ears would

care for add to that the slightly off build quality and lack of a carry case

for downstairs you can't dismiss very easily if an in-ear that sounds good

with most common genres and performances is your top priority you won't go wrong

with the byron please don't forget to check the video description as a will

have additional info such as pricing this video was about the best in your

headphones available in the market and if you liked what you saw go ahead and

hit like if you want more videos subscribe to our channel and share the


For more infomation >> TOP in-ear headphones to buy- 2019 review - Duration: 9:50.


Insulation. Is it all that????? - Duration: 4:25.

HI everyone. Over the last couple of weeks i have been in and out of roof spaces

quite a lot, and pointed out various issues with insulation up there and trying to

get across way it's so important that your insulation is full and complete and

not disturbed, so what I've done is I've devised a little experiment that it's

something you can do in your home but what about asking not to do it in your

home because I said it's quite dangerous but I'm hoping to try and actually

explain the importance of insulation in your roof spaces, walls, ceilings etc how

that actually affects mould growth and condensation in particular. So please

please please have a little watch of the experiments leave a comment below and

please like and subscribe and hit the little bell. Over and out

so this is part of the experiment; what we're going to do is

we're going to use a standard run of the mill little glass pot lid. okay and I'm going

to turn kettle on. okay get some steam up there

okay so you can already see there that's all just moisture okay that's we

running water so hot steam hitting cold surface that's what happens

now let me show you what happens when we heat this up a little bit. Okay so

I've got my oven over here so we're just gonna heat this up. I'm going to warm the

surface up of the of the pot lid and we'll see the difference now I remember

how much water came off before. okay that should be warm enough. Folks

please don't try this at home

you see there is a void in the actual area that is hot. Okay there's no

steam can hit that that's why it can't condensate there because the temperature

at that joint or at that part of the pot is higher the most called dew point. Now

you can see around the edges here which didn't get heated up

that's where the water condensates and that my friends is why you need to have

insulation. we need to heat up that surface so water cannot condensate. You

can see that that's there's no water there whatsoever all because that's nice

and warm so if you've put the heating on in your house all you're gonna do is

heat up the surface because of a bunch of the insulation warm up the surface

and water then cannot condensate back and that is exactly it works. Hope this has

been informative if it has please hit the subscribe button leave a comment I

comment and I reply to every single comment that's made good or bad that's

not a challenge by the way but please tell your friends and we'll see you soon


For more infomation >> Insulation. Is it all that????? - Duration: 4:25.


Absolutely Gorgeous The Tiny house Odyssey | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Absolutely Gorgeous The Tiny house Odyssey | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:13.


Phenomenal Woman Sketchbook Sundays #12 Maya Angelou - Duration: 4:21.

Hello hello, beautiful

Solsa, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to check out my channel

I wanted to welcome you to sketchbook Sundays. I'm exploring the idea of pairing beautiful poems passages and

inspiration together with beautiful abstract paintings in today's video

I'm introducing another stunning poem by Maya Angelou, which is called

phenomenal woman

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies

I'm not cute or build-to-suit a fashion model shiz

But when I started to tell them they think I'm telling lies

I say it's in the reach of my arms the span of my hips the stride of my step the curl of my lips

I am a woman phenomenally

Phenomenal Woman, that's me

I walk into a room just as cool as you please and to a man the fellow stand or fall down on their knees

Then they swarm around me a hive of honey bees I say it's the fire in my eyes

And the flash of my teeth the swing in my waist and the joy in my feet. I am a woman phenomenally

Phenomenal Woman, that's me men themselves have wondered what they see in me. They try

So much

But they can't touch my inner

Mystery when I tried to show them they say they still can't see I say it's in the arch of my back

The son of my smile the right of my breasts the grace of my style. I am a woman phenomenally

Phenomenal Woman, that's me. Now. You understand just why my head's not bowed

I don't shout or jump about or have to talk real loud when you see me passing it ought to make you proud

I say it's in the click of my heels the bend of my hair the palm of my hand

The need of my care because I'm a woman

Phenomenal Woman, that's me

Phenomenal woman by Maya Angelou what a stunning stunning

poem by an


powerful strong

Woman, so what did you guys think about the painting and the poem? I'm really really enjoying

Painting too Maya Angelou. She is truly inspirational

so go ahead and drop a comment down below letting me know what it is that you guys thought and

If you have not done

so go ahead and subscribe to my channel for more art and inspiration and

I also have a few links down below. I have a donation link through PayPal. I also created a

Profile on stock websites where I am selling my images and film about ninety-five percent of the stock at my videos

I filmed myself and I also have a profile through pixels

Which is an amazing website for photographers to contribute images free of charge

So if you need any images go ahead and check out my free stock photo collection, and I just want to thank you guys

So much

For joining me here

For sketchbook Sundays and join me again next Sunday and then until then I wish you a beautiful

Creative day. Bye


For more infomation >> Phenomenal Woman Sketchbook Sundays #12 Maya Angelou - Duration: 4:21.


Pavlova Recipe | Recipes by Carina - Duration: 7:05.

I'm sharing with you how to make a Pavlova, this a popular dessert here in New Zealand

made out of egg whites and sugar.

It's kind of like a meringue on the outside but like eating a sweet fluffy cloud on the

inside, served with freshly whipped cream and whichever kind of fruit is in season.

It's eaten all year round but especially around Christmas you'll find it everywhere.

Welcome to recipes by Carina where I show you how to make classic and simply delicious

recipes, make sure to subscribe for a new video each week.

I also have a bunch of other Christmas recipes here on my channel, including how to make

a gingerbread house so make sure to subscribe and take a look.

You're going to need 6 egg whites for this dessert.

Separate the eggs one at a time in a seperate bowl before adding it into a large bowl or

the bowl of your stand mixer.

It's important to do this in a smaller bowl first just incase an egg yolk breaks, it doesn't

ruin the whole batch.

Any trace of yolk and the meringue just won't whip up properly as the fat in the egg yolk

suppresses it.

You'll need some sort of mixer for this recipe whether thats a hand mixer or a stand


We're going to be whipping the egg white into a meringue on quite a high speed so there

is no way you'll be able to do it by hand.

A stand mixer is easier as you have both of your hands free for slowly adding your ingredients

but a hand mixer will be just fine.

If you would like the full recipe for this Pavlova it will be on my website as well as

the full measurements in the description box below.

Let me know in the comments below if you've ever made or tried a Pavlova.

There is a little bit of a debate over whether its a Kiwi or Australian dessert, but it's

most definitely from New Zealand.

It's named after a Russian ballerina who visited in the 1920s.

Usually freshest is best put pavlova is actually a great way to use up any older eggs you may


The whites aren't as tightly bound as they age meaning they whip up for Pav much better.

You may be wondering what you should do with all of those leftover egg yolks.

They'll keep in the fridge for a few days but a great way to use them up is to make

a lemon curd, this pairs perfectly on top of a Pav.

If not they're great to add into scrambled eggs for a richer flavour.

When you've separated all of your eggs turn your mixer onto a low speed at first until

the egg whites become foamy, then turn to a medium speed.

When you're make a meringue it's important to start on a low speed first as using a high

speed creates air bubbles much more quickly but they aren't uniform.

This makes the meringue much less stable and more prone to collapsing.

While the egg whites are whipping up, measure out the sugar.

You'll need castor sugar for this recipe or it may also be known as super fine sugar.

It's not as fine as icing or powdered sugar but a lot finer than granulated white sugar.

If you can't find this just place your normal sugar in a food processor and process until

it is finer.

We need this type of sugar as it dissolves much easier and faster into the meringue.

You'll need one and a half cups or 250g.

You'll notice I give the measurements in metric and imperial so no matter where you

are from in the world it should be easy enough to follow the recipe.

Whip the egg whites until they form stiff peaks.

Stiff peaks are when you remove the beater and the egg whites form a peak that doesn't

fall to the side.

Now with your mixer on a high speed start to add your sugar about a tablespoon at a


This makes sure all of the sugar dissolves into the egg whites and if you were to just

pour in the whole lot your egg white would completely collapse, loosing all of that air.

The meringue should get glossier, fluffier and brighter white with each tablespoon of

sugar you add.

This is the time where it's important that you've used a large enough bowl as it will

grow in size considerably.

Don't rush the sugar, it should take you quite a few minutes to add it all in.

When all of the sugar has been added beat the meringue for a further 5-7 minutes on

high speed.

After this time check your meringue.

Take a bit between your fingers and if you can feel any grittiness from the sugar beat

for another minute and check again.

You want it to be completely smooth as this means all of the sugar has dissolved.

If you ever make a pavlova and you get that sugary water that comes out while baking this

is usually because some of the sugar hasn't dissolved and is melting in the oven.

The last couple of ingredients we'll need are corn flour or corn starch, same ingredient

just different names depending on where you live in the world, and vinegar.

Turn the mixer off and measure out 2 teaspoon of the corn flour and add it straight to the

bowl, followed with 1 teaspoon of white vinegar.

Turn your mixer onto high and beat for 30 seconds or so just until the ingredients are

fully incorporated.

Turn your meringue out onto a lined baking sheet and shape it into a 9 inch or 23cm circle.

This doesn't need to be exact, just eye ball it.

You don't want it to be smooth, this dessert is the most rustic thing you can think of.

Place the pavlova into a 130C or 260F oven for an hour and 5 minutes.

After this time turn your oven off and without opening the door leave the pavlova to cool

completely for about 4 or 5 hours or overnight is best.

Cooling gradually helps to stop the pavlova from collapsing.

The pavlova keeps in an airtight container for about a week.

To serve the pavlova whip up about a cup and a half of cream.

If you've ever had trouble whipping cream before I have a full video full of tips and

tricks and even how to fix over whipped cream.

Ill have it linked in the description box below if you're interested.

Top the pavlova with the whipped cream and top with fresh fruit.

Traditional is strawberries and kiwi fruits but pavlova goes with nearly everything so

use your favourites.

I'm going with a mix of in season fresh berries.

Let me know if you're going to make this Pavlova and don't forget to subscribe to

my channel for more recipes.

Thank you for watching and I will see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> Pavlova Recipe | Recipes by Carina - Duration: 7:05.


5 things we learned Southampton vs Manchester United draw 2-2 | News Now #mufc - Duration: 4:33.

Five things we learned from Premier League draw.

Stuart Armstrong struck his third goal in two games to fire Southampton into an early


Mark Hughes' men were two goals clear on 20 minutes when Cedric cracked home a terrific


Manchester United forward Romelu Lukaku cut the lead by rounding off a terrific team move

in the 33rd minute.

The second half failed to live up to its predecessor with neither side managing to find a winner.

Here are five things Starsport learned from the 2-2 draw.


Armstrong shines.

Stuart Armstrong continued his impressive run of form in front of goal.

He bagged a brace in last weekend's defeat at Fulham, and added to his collection with

an impressive strike past David De Gea.


United's defensive struggles.

Jose Mourinho's side are not going to finish in the top four if they continue to struggle

in defence.

Scott McTominay and Nemanja Matic were called in from midfield to plug holes at the back,

but they are not long-term answers.


Southampton throw away another lead.

Southampton will struggle to stay in the Premier League, if they throw away another lead.

They led relegation rivals Fulham last weekend before losing, and were pegged back by United

despite holding a two-goal cushion.


Pogba struggles.

Paul Pogba was dropped to the bench for the midweek Champions League win against Young


He was named in the starting XI here but failed to impress and was careless in possession.


Mourinho and Hughes under pressure.

Mourinho and Hughes are unlikely to be sacked after this game.

A draw is unlikely to be enough to convince Ed Woodward to axe Mourinho, while Saints

will be pleased to have picked up a point from a game they probably expected the lose.

The two managers both remain under intense pressure, however, and it would be a surprise

to see them last the course

of the season.

Manchester United star Fred reveals his fury at Jose Mourinho.

Fred revealed he was annoyed with Jose Mourinho, after his lack of first-team football cost

him a place in Brazil's most recent squad.

The former Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder has struggled to make an impact at Old Trafford

and has found himself on the sidelines in recent weeks.

As a result, Fred was left out of Brazil's squad to face Uruguay and Cameroon in November

– and he couldn't hid his frustraion at the situation.

'I've played very little at United, so it's normal for Professor Tite not to be

able to evaluate me, even though I've worked hard with him before,' Fred said.

'Of course, I was annoyed, but I have to know how to deal with the sadness to be able

to help me take a step forward.'

While Fred was frustrated at Mourinho dropping him, he has vowed to prove himself at Manchester

United and to not let his disappointment affect him.

'The coach has chosen not to put me in the team.

That's his choice.

I still do my job and I can't let it affect my mindset, I cannot let that shake me.

I have to be patient.

'It's been a bit of a difficult start for me at United because I have not been ­playing

so much.

I had a lot of games in Shakhtar, but it's a little bit different here.

It's normal, of course, a process of adaptation to a different league.

'Although I've been to Europe before, now I am in a different country and I have

to go through a new process of ­settling in.

But today I see myself much better and I hope that my football will be 100% soon.

'I think I had a great performance against Young Boys in the Champions League.

We had the opportunity to score a few times before we scored the goal at the end, but

I was very happy to have returned to the field and I hope to continue playing more.

'I remain focused on my work at ­Manchester United.

'And I hope to be back in the squad soon for my country to be able to be in the Copa

America for Brazil.'

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