So, you want to become an investor? Well I'm going to share with you how I did it
starting from absolutely nothing. Because hands-down, if you want to get in the
game, you're going to need deals and you're going to
need money. And in the beginning, I had none. But I still became an investor and
retired four and a half years later. I'm going to show you how today.
So how do you become an investor? Well, I'm going to share with you my 2 favorite
approaches and I want to back up and just make sure that you understand what
is an investor and how does this actually work. So, when you want to become
an investor in the game of real estate, what you need, you need money and you
need deals. Now, between these 2, I don't want you to focus on the money. I want
you to focus on the deals. Because really what makes an investor an investor is...
This person might be called the hard money. Like the financial partner. But
this person is the brains that know how. You need to invest in a career of
learning, its knowledge. What is the knowledge of actually how to find really
good deals? If you find good deals, what I'm telling you is that the money will
come. It's actually... There's all the money in the world for really, really, good
deals. So, if you want to become an investor, I want you to first drill down
on how to become an expert at finding the right kind of high ROI, Return On
Investment deals. Okay, so this is how to become an investor 101. This home has to
be a good deal and you got to ask yourself, "Why would someone want to put
money in a home?" You need to understand this. If they home is worth X and you're
buying it for that price, no one is going to be interested in it. You actually have to
do the warm Buffett. Buy low, sell high. So, if I have a house here, let's say that is
valued at $150,000. And let's just say for a moment
that you can actually purchase this home for $110,000.
There's a forty thousand dollar gap between what it's worth and what you owe.
That $40,000, I want to ask you, would you be better off if you
are worth $40,000 more? Could someone else with money that has
money to put down be better off? I'm actually giving you the numbers on my
very first deal that helped me become an investor. Now, if this is the scenario
with the deal, there are 2 ways of getting money. You either got the money
or someone else has the money. That's called OPM, Other People's Money. Now, when
I actually did my first house, I actually found one that I could move into and all
I needed with this first option was a 3% down payment because I was
going to live in it. Instead of a typical 20% which is what investors
need to do for regular bank financing, conventional
financing. Now, 3% down on $150,000. That's $4,500. 45 is not a lot. You can
borrow that from mom and dad, you can get that out of a 401k, you can just save up
for a little bit. In my case, I was poor making less than $20,000 a year. So it
took me a year and I saved up enough money so that I could actually do this.
But what I didn't know at the time because it was my first deal was that
there were way faster options. Here's what it looks like. It's called a partner.
And a partner is someone that already has the money. And they're looking for
intelligent places to put their money. Now, I want you to get into the mindset
of these in people with money. They live in a world where they've got money in
401ks, IRAs, the stock market. And on average
they're doing between 3 & 8 percent a year on their money. There's also a
magical force called inflation. It means that things are constantly going up with
time and every year it goes up 3%. So if they have their money earning 3%
somewhere but inflation is 3%, that actually creates a net zero effect. So
everyone knows in the financial game. If I'm learning 3% on my money, I'm actually
earning nothing. If you're keeping your money in a savings account earning 0.1%,
you're actually losing 2.9% roughly every single year. Investors or
people that want to become financial partners, they actually understand this.
The 401k did 5%. Subtract the 3, they're at 2%. We're looking for a deal here
where we say, "Hey, here's the plan." Let's say that you're doing my lease
option system. You can learn all about that and the link below. Talk to my
team. It is the number 1 system you should start with. I have another one on
partnering on how to get all the money you need for all your deals. On lease
option, here's what the game plan is. it's going to be, we're going to buy this house.
We're actually going to hold it for 3 years. We're going to actually
lease it out and we're going to have someone give us $5,000 as a down payment.
And they're going to pay a superior rent because they want to buy it.
So, let's actually say that there is a $500 a month cash flow on this property.
And then in three years, we're going to sell it for at least 150. So an investor looks
at this and watch how easily that you can actually crunch these numbers.
They're going to put 20% down on this property. That's going to be 30 grand. So
let's just say that with that and some closing costs, let's say there's
$35,000 in. And they want to know what am I going to get out of this?
Well, let's crunch the numbers. You're going to want to watch this video a few
times. You're going to want to pull up the calculator. What I'm sharing with you may
seem a little confusing at first but it's basic. And this is the basic stuff
you need to know if you're going to launch and become a successful investor. There
is 40 grand to make. The 5 grand down in 500 a month. 500 a
month over three years? That is (6, 12) 18,000 plus this is
23. Plus the 40. 40 thousand plus that 23,000.
That is potentially a $63,000 gain. If you actually say
"Hey, we're going to be 50/50 partners." They're only going to get half of that
money. So, they're going to get... We'll just round up and call it $32,000.
You're getting the 31,000. That's how we get to the
63,000. If someone puts in 35 grand and in 3 years,
gets their 35 grand plus 32 more, they're basically doubling
their money in 3 years. Now, you can plot your calculator and say, "If I want...
If I were going to double my money in 3 years, I'd be making 100% on
my money." What's 100% divided by 3 years? That's 33%
here on my money. Now you can do a more specific math. But this is
what I'm sharing with you. Remember how I told you that they're making 2, 3,
5, maybe 8% in a rare occasion or a good year? Now, all the
sudden, you're showing them possibility for what? For making 30%,
33%. That is almost 25% to 30%. And higher
percentage points than what they're actually earning. That is 6, 7 times
more money. 8 times more money than what they're doing. Can you see why
someone would say, "Oh, my gosh. Based on this, I will give you the money."
So, here's what you need to learn how to do. You need to learn how to become an
expert at finding good deals and then putting them past the people with money.
Now, you're sitting there and you're saying, "Kris, I don't know how to find
good deals. I don't know how to find people with money. I'm either young and
dumb or I'm old and dumb. (Pertaining to this knowledge) And I just don't know how
to do it." What you really need is a mentor. In the beginning, I had an individual
that had made 10 million dollars in real estate. And I did everything I could to
follow them around, go to their events learn from them. And within a short
period of time, I possess this knowledge and then guess what? I went out there and
4 and a half years later, I possessed 25 properties.
I had a $12,000 month residual income. It was awesome. So how do you get this
knowledge? Well, I'm in a position today where I work very part-time. I'm enjoying
a wonderful lifestyle, I'm traveling around the world. I'm just loving my life.
but the work that I do for me is the work that is meaningful to me. the most
meaningful work I know how to do is launch new investors that want freedom
in their life. Freedom to live the life of their dreams. I've done that now for
over 3,500 people. We've collectively done almost a billion dollars worth of real
estate. This brings me tremendous fulfillment.
So if you're looking for a mentor on your life, what I want you to do is I
want you to click the link in the description below. I want you to ask to
talk to a member of my team and say, "Kris, lease option, real estate. I need to
learn it. I want him to mentor with me. What does that look like?" And they'll
show exactly what it looks like. And I just want to spoiler alert. I don't want
a whole pile of money. What I want is for a little bit of financial skin in the
game for you and then I'm going to deliver 10 times the value and so much
more. And I'm going to get you on your path to becoming a very successful
investor. Now, click the link. Do that right now and if you are new to my
channel, make sure that you subscribe because every day, I'm dropping knowledge
like this. And if you'll watch these videos every day, you are going to become
a really good knowledgeable investor. Take care, you got this one life to live, live with us.
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