Sunday, December 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 2 2018

We present the painting of Władysław Wałęga from 2014.

It is oil on canvas - "untitled".

Wałęga, born in 1940, belongs to the well-known and currently recognized non-professional painters.

His paintings in a dynamic and full of surrealism shot depict a world of rich imagination

deriving from religious and chtonical symbolism or astral based on sleep logic.

Wałęga combines the richness of color, dreamlike visions with expressive emotions,

that emanate from his canvas.

Initially painting was for this creator form of resocialization,

later it became part of the therapy until you got a pass for active artistic life.

His paintings are exhibited and also was bought to the collection of many Polish museums.

The painting, available in the antique shop's offer, was presented at the exhibition of an individual painter,

which took place in the Folk Art Gallery and Unprofessional KPCK in Bydgoszcz in 2015.

and it was reproduced in the catalog for this exhibition.

Please visit

For more infomation >> Władysław Wałęga „bez tytułu", olej na płótnie z 2014 r. - Duration: 1:15.


Senran Kagura 7EVEN Is Facing Regulation Issues - Duration: 2:05.

Many games have been running into issues lately with Sony's new content policies, which has

seen a range of suggestive Japanese games being made to have changes before release

on Sony's platforms.

Unfortunately there has been no official statement on this from Sony and all information so far

has come from what affected developers have been able to divulge.

We now have some new comments on the situation from Senran Kagura producer Kenichiro Takaki

and it turns out that these new regulations are creating some problems for the upcoming

release of Senran Kagura 7EVEN.

Senran Kagura 7EVEN was first announced Summer 2017 but since then not much new information

has been revealed.

The game will be the next mainline entry in the Senran Kagura series and was planned to

be a PlayStation 4 exclusive.

As translated by Twinfinite however, this has led to some issues due to Sony's new worldwide


Takaki stated in a recent interview: "Recently, regulations on sexual depictions

have become increasingly strict worldwide.

For such aspects, we have to make things in a way that they won't be misunderstood.

Due to that, we're facing difficulties which we hadn't in the past.

I believe it'll take some time.

We have to think in a broad way about how to somehow make it happen."

The Senran Kagura series is already no stranger to running into issues with Sony's new regulations

- with the later Western release of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal being made to remove

the interactive "Intimacy Mode" before being allowed to be released.

For now, that's all we know on the situation but consider subscribing to the channel to

stay up-to-date on this and other stories involving video game regulations and how games

are changed around the world.

Until next time, thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Senran Kagura 7EVEN Is Facing Regulation Issues - Duration: 2:05.


Trying The Victoria's Secret Model Diet & Workouts For a Week - Duration: 12:19.

For more infomation >> Trying The Victoria's Secret Model Diet & Workouts For a Week - Duration: 12:19.


PVD Philosophy | S1E5 | The Ideal-self Philosophy of Steve Jobs | 4K - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> PVD Philosophy | S1E5 | The Ideal-self Philosophy of Steve Jobs | 4K - Duration: 10:26.


EVERYONE IS PLAYING THIS GAME?! | Fortnite Battle Royale - Duration: 19:32.

For more infomation >> EVERYONE IS PLAYING THIS GAME?! | Fortnite Battle Royale - Duration: 19:32.





Radicchio rosso di Treviso: raccolta ed imbiancamento. - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Radicchio rosso di Treviso: raccolta ed imbiancamento. - Duration: 6:09.


A Fazenda: Rafael Ilha detona veganos, os chamam de "doentes" e internet repercute - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Rafael Ilha detona veganos, os chamam de "doentes" e internet repercute - Duration: 6:58.


✅ Gf Vip 2018 Francesco e Giulia, l'altra verità sulla coppia: "Non è innamorato" - Duration: 3:08.

Foto gentilmente offerta da Ufficio Stampa Mediaset, Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi solo amici? Ivan Cattaneo dice la sua a Ultime dalla casa  Quando parla di Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi Ivan Cattaneo è sempre un po' ambiguo, nel senso che al Gf Vip 2018 pur palesando simpatia per lei e attrazione e innamoramento per lui non si è mai tirato indietro quando ha dovuto criticarne la storia

E non è stato di certo il primo a farlo, visto che parecchi hanno accusato il ragazzo di non volere iniziare davvero un fidanzamento con l'ex concorrente di Pechino Express

Lo stesso Monte peraltro non ha mai nascosto di avere molti dubbi sulla relazione che sta nascendo con la sua Giulia

Le continue liti di Francesco e Giulia: Ivan ha torto?  I due in effetti discutono continuamente e lo dimostra anche l'ultimissima sfuriata notturna che ha scatenato polemiche infinite

E come ben sapete, non è stata di certo l'unica polemica: fatta eccezione per il momento in cui Monte pianse con Walter, in molti hanno dubitato del reale interesse di lui nei confronti della figlia di Fariba

A causa di Fariba peraltro lo stesso Monte ha dovuto ritirare in ballo Cecilia e questo non è proprio il massimo per una relazione agli inizi

Diciamo insomma che le opinioni di Cattaneo, per quanto eccessive possano essere ritenute, non sono poi così distanti dalla realtà

"Francesco può amare e innamorarsi di tutti, visto che non è innamorato", Ivan parla chiaro  Difatti Ivan è proprio l'assenza di innamoramento che ha messo in evidenza durante Ultime dalla casa prima di rilasciare delle dichiarazioni piuttosto importanti su Jane ed Elia: "Francesco – queste le parole di Cattaneo – può amare e innamorarsi di tutti, visto che non è innamorato di Giulia

Forse anche Giulia non è proprio così innamorata di lui. Stanno bene insieme perché sono molto amici, vanno d'accordo, sono cane e gatto spesso, quindi c'è questa bellissima intesa

Come c'è un'intesa bellissima tra Stefano e Benedetta. Ma l'amore è molto più lontano"

Tanto affetto insomma, ma l'amore è un'altra cosa, come canta Arisa. Ivan infatti è convinto del fatto che "forse fuori magari qualcosa [può nascere ndr] ma non credo nel loro caso"

Parole che piaceranno senza dubbio insomma sia a lui sia a lei… Ivan non ne ha per nessuno: le opinioni su Stefano e Benedetta e sulle strategie di alcuni concorrenti  L'ex gieffino non sembra neanche apprezzare peraltro chi emerge solo per una storia d'amore mediatica: "Valete per quello che valete voi, non perché avete una storia d'amore mediatica, perché se si parla solo della vostra storia non viene fuori niente"

Ivan ha sempre fatto discutere per le sue osservazioni: ne ha avute per Stefano Sala (parlando di ciò che diceva su Dasha); non ha lesinato particolari sulle strategie di qualche concorrente e ne ha dette quattro anche sulla meditazione di Walter

Quelle su Francesco Monte sono solo alcune insomma delle dichiarazioni più interessanti che da acuto osservatore quale è ha rilasciato in questi giorni

Condividete il suo punto di vista? Oppure credete che spesso esageri davvero?

For more infomation >> ✅ Gf Vip 2018 Francesco e Giulia, l'altra verità sulla coppia: "Non è innamorato" - Duration: 3:08.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : COM BRASIL ANÃO, ARGENTINA LIDERA MERCOSUL EM NEGOCIAÇÕES COM A RÚSSIA - Duration: 2:46.


Entrevista de emprego pelo Skype - Como funciona? - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Entrevista de emprego pelo Skype - Como funciona? - Duration: 5:20.


Hạ đẹp Philippines, HLV Park Hang-Seo 'đối xử' với học trò cưng khiến BLV Quang Huy phải cất lời ! - Duration: 27:09.

For more infomation >> Hạ đẹp Philippines, HLV Park Hang-Seo 'đối xử' với học trò cưng khiến BLV Quang Huy phải cất lời ! - Duration: 27:09.


Nightcore - Wrong for Me - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:29.

This video includes lyrics on the screen!

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Wrong for Me - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:29.


Comida Callejera en Yokohama | El Barrio Chino Más Grande de Japón - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> Comida Callejera en Yokohama | El Barrio Chino Más Grande de Japón - Duration: 12:26.


Beautiful and Strong Arms 30 minutes - Duration: 31:42.

Hello gorgeous !!!

How are you?

Welcome to a new exercise routine.

in routine today we will work the upper body

we will work arms, shoulders, back and abdomen

It will consist of two parts

First we will work with resistance weight

I will use in the first weight of 3 kg

and the second weight of 2 kg

and I will show you

and then we will do some exercises lying face up

It is a very nice routine and very effective

because it coordinates resistance exercises with aerobic exercise movement without resistance

So nothing

let's enjoy

and for her girls

Let's start with a warm up

come to the rhythm of music and energy

arm moves back and forward

to warm

shoulders back





once again

y cambia

por alante

venga dinámico

estira el hombro

bien bonito


dibuja circulos

y ves rotando la cintura

4 mas

lo mismo alante


muy bien

muy bien, estiramos dorsal alante

y lo mismo, atras abro



y atras

muy bien, rota un poco

movilizando la zona de la cintura

muy bien

coge aire

y nos vamos a preparar

primer ejercicio vamos a trabajar... biceps

curl de biceps

flexiona un poco las rodillas

y vamos arriba

los dos a la vez



al ritmo

ya sabéis que a mí me encanta acompañar todo con la música

aunque sean ejercicios de resistencia

como es el caso

al ritmo se lleva mejor

muy bien

cuatro últimos

muy bien, vamos a dejarlo

y vamos a hacer el mismo ejercicio

pero sin peso

vamos a meterle un poco de movimiento

con las piernas

talones arriba


sigue con biceps




empuja y doble

lo mismo



y doble

muy bien, una vez más

y una vez más

empuja una

y... cambia


combinando el ejercicio

de fuerza con el ejercicio cardio

muy bien


muy bien

cogemos de nuevo

cuerpo en 45º

y sube


estoy trabajando con pesas de 3kg, las grandes

tu puedes coger más peso o menos

o sin peso

y lo mismo atras

dale fuerza

nota la flexión del triceps

como encoge el músculo

ahora solo vamos a repetir

los ejercicios de fuerza


con el biceps

cogemos pesas

y de nuevo arriba


sonreir chicas

no hay dolor

como se nota verdad

muy bien, recuerda



la última




venga, lo unimos todo

luego haremos los ejercicios aeróbicos de movimiento, pero sin resistencia, todos juntos.

4 más

muy bien

acaba este combo

sin pesas

subiendo talones

no pares

rodillas arriba

y empuja

venga con energía y con ganas


4 últimas aquí

muy bien




empuja bien


aprieta puños

nota el ejercicio

no pares

vamos a coger las otras pesas

en este caso 2kg




espalda recta



muy bien

deja pesas

y quedate aquí


gran trabajo de hombros

y espalda alta

se nota, verdad?

muy bien


y abrimos



no hay dolor

4 más

soltamos pesas

y así

con la música

espalda recta

se nota, se nota

el trabajo de hombros

muy bien

de nuevo coge

y remo, arriba

muy bien

y ahora vamos a soltar las pesas

vamos a hacer un squat


y así


durante 30 segundos

madre mía, los hombros

muy bien

de nuevo

los tres ejercicios de fuerza


doble arriba

venga que lo tienes

cuida la postura


muy bien

y los dos últimos

muy bien




remo arriba

como vas?

mantén la respiración constante

eso te va a ayudar

oxígeno para esos músculos que estan trabajando

muy bien

4 más

deja las pesas

y ven conmigo con movimientos cortos

4 más


seguimos con los hombros

en plano inclinado

muy buen trabajo para los hombros



con energía, venga!

ya acabamos este segundo bloque de hombros


se nota!


vamos a tumbarnos en el suelo

voy a coger 3kg para el pectoral

vamos al ritmo


vale, vamos a dejar las pesas

y boca abajo


8 más

muy bien boca arriba

trabajamos triceps

baja y sube

a los dos lados de la cara

muy bien


y un ejercicio muy facil

uno... arriba

dos... arriba

si queremos un poco más de intensidad, subimos los gluteos y bajamos



puedes hacerlo como tu prefieras

muy bien


vamos con hombros

de rodillas




con las pesas de 3kg

deja las pesas

y vamos a apoyarnos con los codos

y de nuevo trabajo de hombros


puedes hacerlo así o así

apoyando las rodillas

o sin apoyarlas

muy bien

y ahora que?

principio, ejercicios de fuerza solo

30 segundos con cada ejercicio


no nos da tiempo a aburrirnos en esta rutina, verdad?

vamos a tope!

4 más

muy bien

quédate aquí



muy bien

4 más

se nota!


y toca pectoral

uno y uno

vamos este es el tercer bloque con resistencia

y luego ya vamos con el abdominal

hay que darlo todo!!

muy bien

y ahora que?

fase aeróbica

sin peso



venga, que son las últimas

5 segundos



deja caer





más intensidad

flexión... sube

flexión... sube

sin correr

muy bien

boca abajo


extensión inicial

cambio de brazo



y arriba


muy bien


parte de abdominales

boca arriba

trabajamos abdomen

brazos estirados




no paramos


una más

muy bien


reverse crunch

ahora trabajamos abdominal inferior

sin parar

sin parar

abajo, arriba

aproximadamente 50 segundos con cada ejercicio

muy bien

ya vamos a acabar la rutina de hoy

podemos continuar con una rutina de cardio de 15 minutos o una rutina de baile

lo que querais

muy bien



venga todo el rato con la misma

hemos trabajado abdominal superior

abdominal inferior

y ahora vamos con el oblicuo

no pares


muy bien, descansa un poco

y cambia


como siempre os digo... no olvideis la respiración

canta, canta


venga que podemos

esa resistencia muscular

no pares ahora

ahora no


relájate un poco

y vamos a seguir trabajando los oblicuos

con el segundo ejercicio, mira

giramos un poco las rodillas

y dejamos caer las piernas

lado a lado

buena música nos acompaña hoy

claro que sí

gira caderas

nota el entrenamiento

concéntrate en el movimiento


10 últimos segundos

y cambiamos

muy bien

ahora un poco de tablas

la tabla bien recta

y abre, mira!

toca a un lado y a otro


no balancees demasiado el cuerpo

mantente fuerte


4 más

muy bien

vale, relajamos

duro verdad

ya vamos a por el último

una tabla de nuevo. Balanceamos para adelante y para atras

trabajando así también los hombros


mantén la respiración



8 últimas

tu puedes!!

muy bien


muy.... bien

bueno, nos vamos a sentar para estirar

sobretodo la zona superior que es la que hemos trabajado

vamos a realizar unos círculos para atrás

desbloqueando la zona del cuello

que ha sufrido la mayor parte de la tensión

durante el ejercicio

muy bien

dibujamos medio circulo por delante

con el cuello

lado a lado

vamos a centrarnos sobre todo en estirar la zona del cuello

y de los hombros

que hoy la hemos trabajado mucho

deja caer aquí a un lado

rota un poco

mira hacia abjao

y sigue estirando

vamos hacia el otro lado


en paralelo

rotamos un poco

y empujamos abajo

muy bien


cruza las manos

deja caer el peso de tus brazos sobre la cabeza

manten la espalda recta

y luego aquí

justo el estiramiento contrario

avanza la barbilla

y estira el cuello

baja hombros

bueno guapísimas!

pues ya tenemos la rutina de hoy

es una rutina enfocada para mejorar la postura

poner unos brazos bien bonitos

y además tonificar el abdomen

no se a tí, pero a mi me ha encantado

y sobre todo con la última parte de relajación

me he quedado super, super, relajada

si te ha gustado

recuerda darle a like

suscribirte al canal si quieres seguir entrenando conmigo

y compartirlo con tus amigos, con tu familia, con la gente que aprecias

para hacer de esta familia

una familia enorme!

y poder disfrutar todos haciendo deporte

te mando un beso y un abrazo muy fuerte y te doy las gracias por estar ahí


For more infomation >> Beautiful and Strong Arms 30 minutes - Duration: 31:42.


EPISODIO 7 - Porco Drago - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> EPISODIO 7 - Porco Drago - Duration: 5:21.


Ariana Grande - thank u, next (JohnConcepcion Remix) - Duration: 3:27.

Ariana Grande - thank u, next (JohnConcepcion Remix) | JulyNice Music 2018

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - thank u, next (JohnConcepcion Remix) - Duration: 3:27.


Somebody To Love - Queen - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Somebody To Love - Queen - Duration: 4:54.


Kopter Gewinnspiel - Bekanntgabe des Abo Special Gewinners - Duration: 11:28.

For more infomation >> Kopter Gewinnspiel - Bekanntgabe des Abo Special Gewinners - Duration: 11:28.



Good Morning!

Today I'm going to shoot, woods,

some streams

some waterfalls i hope

I'm in the "Peneda Gerês National Park"

and this location is awesome, really awesome

It is expected that it will rain soon

I hope this does not happen

This is undoubtedly one of the seasons of the year

that I like most

the colors

oranges, yellows,

dark greens,

reds, the orange sometimes becomes red

sometimes it's even red

or even darker

it's like a...


I'll shoot pointing to this path.

iso100, f/10 and 1.6sec of exposure

come on

The sound you hear from rivers and waterfalls

is awesome.

ok this pat

iso100, f/11 and 1.6sec

let's see?

The leaves are so many

that they skirt the stones the mounts

Look at these mushrooms


This composition is beautiful

a small stream

winding through the rocks

I'll do f/11, iso200 and 1/8sec

weather cleared a bit

I was photographing the mushrooms

and searching for other details

the weather cleared a little

but it must be in a short time

the sun appeared in the middle of the foliage

beautiful, awesome

but the sun already hid again.

The sound of water, beautiful

now is clear above the water

to focus accurately on the waterfall

very cool

I'll take a picture

iso100, f/11, and 0.6sec

in a moment the sun fell on the foliage

it was awesome

but I could not take the photo

now I am waiting to come again

watch the sun

oh come and go, come and go

it's getting dark again

I'll take the photo anyway

1sec, f/11, iso200

that's it, for lack of better

it's what we have

this is already awesome

Ok my friends

done for today

I'm tired

and on my way to the car. Still far from here

while you watched the video that took a few minutes

I'm already here for 7 hours

if you liked

I hope

you have enjoyed this location

It's very beautiful

if we join the place and the season

It's even more beautiful.

put a like if you liked

subscribe my channel

see you next in a location near from here

until next sunday



LES SOPHISTES - 5 raisons de les réhabiliter (étonnant) - Duration: 20:05.

For more infomation >> LES SOPHISTES - 5 raisons de les réhabiliter (étonnant) - Duration: 20:05.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : FHC: COM BOLSONARO, O SISTEMA POLÍTICO BRASILEIRO ACABOU DE QUEBRAR - Duration: 10:45.


Rebelde Way I - Capítulo 34 LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 40:01.

For more infomation >> Rebelde Way I - Capítulo 34 LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 40:01.



For more infomation >> O MELHOR COLÁGENO PARA PELE E MAIS - COLLAGEN CARE. #COLÁGENO - Duration: 2:56.



Hey guys

You're probably wondering what we bought on Black Friday

We got thousands of comments asking us about it

on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

"What did you guys buy?"

Our 5 subscribers always want to know what are we up to

So, this Black Friday we bought...

this baby right her... wait, it's backwards

This baby right here. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Wanna know how much we paid?

Well... tell them

We got it for just one real (brazilian currency)

That's right, we wanna thank Submarino, one of the best stores

Submarino had this coupon

that you could use on some HP products. They had all books

but they were all from different editions

All for one real, we just had to pay the shipment

and it didn't allow people to buy all books from the section at once

Every book you buy, you pay the shipment to it

So you could buy a book at a time

If you live in São Paulo

it's like, free shipment, R$1,10

but we live in Brazil's northeast, so we paid FIVE HUNDR...

Seven reais

Still cheap, we got it after ten days

Let's open this baby, BUT

We'll open it just so we can do the unboxing


we'll put it in the box again after it, because we wanna complete our HP collection

What we really wanted was to buy the HP box on Amazon

and this one on Submarino, but the box on Amazon was 120 reais

Amazon, if you're watching this, please lower the price to 100 reais, we really need it

We want to do a Harry Potter special, we want subscribers, damn it

- You should help us - Please

- Can they donate it to us? - They can, they must

It's just a souvenir, it'll mean nothing to you guys

- We're the greatest book channel - Won't do no harm, we are the best

We're in the top of the ranking

If the top was upside down

- But we are and that's it, let's now begin the... - Oohnboxing

- UNboxing

We got the knife

Let's rock

How do I open this thing

- The other side now - Careful with my face

- It went 100% wrong - He almost killed himself

We're not showing to the public

Look guys, subscribers

- Wow - Cool


No, stop it

Has to be an excitment song

What an anthem

Hard cover!

Just one real

- Actually it was 8, right - Shut up, son, don't ruin it

Submarino, we love you, if you wanna give us the complete box of the series

- Feel free to do it - Anyone who wants to give us

If you, subscriber, wants to give us the box, we accept it

We won't say no

Just a reminder: we'll just give it a quick look

And then we'll return it to the box, and take it out of there only

when we buy the HP box

Not when we buy, when you guys give it to us

- Please - That's how it works, have mercy on us

- I want to cry - Please don't

- Amazon, Submarino, Saraiva, Americanas - Subscribers

What else? That book store downtown, if you guys want to donate us the box, we accept it

- Time to open this up - Shall we?

He's looking for the knife, but I don't need it anymore

Looks like you're dying

Came with a jacket!

Come on, oh sh... ahh, bloody hell

Smells like...


Burnt too

So, this is the book

I'm not looking at the camera

It has a flap

Cover sheet (not sure how it's called)

What is this? Let me see

It's a wing?

It is a... it's something

It's a bamboo leaf, banana tree leaf, I don't know

Same in the back. Who are these?

Is it J.K.?

The writers of the book, that's actually a play

Here's J.K., and the other two who helped her

Look, how beautiful

My God! Guys!

So beautiful, man

- Wonderful - Let me see

Look at this

The pages are white, not yellow

Still good

- Can you read it? Is it readable? - Very readable

It's readable, but maybe some people will have trouble with it, the font's not so big

- Average size - Still good

Comes with some drawings, here's a wand

*at least we think it is

- A feather - Can you see it?

- Little feather right here - And I think that's it

- It's an amazing book - You don't know, you didn't read it

- We didn't read, we'll know it when we do - But it's beautiful

By the way, we want the HP box because we want to fight

We're scorpios

So we want

Punch each other until we explode

We were going to buy it, but it didn't work out

I mean, we did

But between the box and a good camera for our videos, we choose

The camera. *next video we'll be already using it

So, we want the box, and we'll only touch this book again when we have it or gain it

Whatever's best

And once we get it and record all the videos, we're going to share the books

He gets four, I get four

It's going to be really nice

A fight over who gets the better ones

I didn't notice this. There's a child

Inside this nest. I haven't noticed it when I saw the cover on Google

I think it's Potter's son

This kid is frightened and sad

That's how we look like

when Amazon, Submarino, Saraiva and Americanas don't lower the price of the HP box

That was it, put the book back in the package

Let me appear, I'm the star of this channel too

The book will be in here

And we'll start our Harry Potter special once we get the box, alright? Okay.

Amazon probably won't give it to us. "Probably"

But we'll have it someday, and it's gonna be awesome when we do, we've been longin for it for a while

- For a long time. - We can't wait to start the Harry Potter series

Series of videos

It'll be staying there

- Any message? - I have one

Next video is about...

Turtles All the Way Down, by John Green

I haven't started to read it yet, he did and liked it, but he has a terrible taste

So let's not give him credit

I'll start reading it. I hope it's good

If you liked this video, subscribe, give your love to this channel


be happy, drink water

- Bye guys - Eat rice and beans. Best food ever

- Bye guys! - Listen to music



Władysław Wałęga „bez tytułu", olej na płótnie z 2014 r. - Duration: 1:15.

We present the painting of Władysław Wałęga from 2014.

It is oil on canvas - "untitled".

Wałęga, born in 1940, belongs to the well-known and currently recognized non-professional painters.

His paintings in a dynamic and full of surrealism shot depict a world of rich imagination

deriving from religious and chtonical symbolism or astral based on sleep logic.

Wałęga combines the richness of color, dreamlike visions with expressive emotions,

that emanate from his canvas.

Initially painting was for this creator form of resocialization,

later it became part of the therapy until you got a pass for active artistic life.

His paintings are exhibited and also was bought to the collection of many Polish museums.

The painting, available in the antique shop's offer, was presented at the exhibition of an individual painter,

which took place in the Folk Art Gallery and Unprofessional KPCK in Bydgoszcz in 2015.

and it was reproduced in the catalog for this exhibition.

Please visit

For more infomation >> Władysław Wałęga „bez tytułu", olej na płótnie z 2014 r. - Duration: 1:15.


Senran Kagura 7EVEN Is Facing Regulation Issues - Duration: 2:05.

Many games have been running into issues lately with Sony's new content policies, which has

seen a range of suggestive Japanese games being made to have changes before release

on Sony's platforms.

Unfortunately there has been no official statement on this from Sony and all information so far

has come from what affected developers have been able to divulge.

We now have some new comments on the situation from Senran Kagura producer Kenichiro Takaki

and it turns out that these new regulations are creating some problems for the upcoming

release of Senran Kagura 7EVEN.

Senran Kagura 7EVEN was first announced Summer 2017 but since then not much new information

has been revealed.

The game will be the next mainline entry in the Senran Kagura series and was planned to

be a PlayStation 4 exclusive.

As translated by Twinfinite however, this has led to some issues due to Sony's new worldwide


Takaki stated in a recent interview: "Recently, regulations on sexual depictions

have become increasingly strict worldwide.

For such aspects, we have to make things in a way that they won't be misunderstood.

Due to that, we're facing difficulties which we hadn't in the past.

I believe it'll take some time.

We have to think in a broad way about how to somehow make it happen."

The Senran Kagura series is already no stranger to running into issues with Sony's new regulations

- with the later Western release of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal being made to remove

the interactive "Intimacy Mode" before being allowed to be released.

For now, that's all we know on the situation but consider subscribing to the channel to

stay up-to-date on this and other stories involving video game regulations and how games

are changed around the world.

Until next time, thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Senran Kagura 7EVEN Is Facing Regulation Issues - Duration: 2:05.


Trying The Victoria's Secret Model Diet & Workouts For a Week - Duration: 12:19.

For more infomation >> Trying The Victoria's Secret Model Diet & Workouts For a Week - Duration: 12:19.


PVD Philosophy | S1E5 | The Ideal-self Philosophy of Steve Jobs | 4K - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> PVD Philosophy | S1E5 | The Ideal-self Philosophy of Steve Jobs | 4K - Duration: 10:26.


EVERYONE IS PLAYING THIS GAME?! | Fortnite Battle Royale - Duration: 19:32.

For more infomation >> EVERYONE IS PLAYING THIS GAME?! | Fortnite Battle Royale - Duration: 19:32.


Training mind & body for a Positive Mindset

For more infomation >> Training mind & body for a Positive Mindset


Justin Bieber - Mistletoe (Acoustic) - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber - Mistletoe (Acoustic) - Duration: 2:41.


Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas is You (Acoustic) - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas is You (Acoustic) - Duration: 3:50.





Sia - Snowman (Acoustic) - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Sia - Snowman (Acoustic) - Duration: 2:43.


Muscle Testing and the Law of Attraction LIVE Demonstration feat Gavin Stephenson - Duration: 14:50.

this video we're going to show you how to use muscle testing with the law of

attraction we're going to show you how to break past past limitations and how

to start living from a totally new paradigm welcome back to another video

my name is Erin and I help people expand their consciousness and this is

Gavin from wake up fulfilled and today we're making a pretty cool video I think

this is a videos gonna be something a little bit different than many of you

have seen before and right now we're in Costa Rica how you like Costa Rica oh

it's fun it's beautiful it's beautiful here nice weather nice tree bugs

everywhere yeah we've been here for a whole week there's three other youtubers

as well that we're here at this place called rythme in Costa Rica and we're

having a great time we're all last day we went through a whole week of

transformation and now it's all about we're trying to pop out as many videos

as we can so that we give you guys a whole bunch of content so today what

we're gonna be talking about is something that I know

Gavin showed me a long time ago and it has to do with something I read in the

book called power versus force so maybe some of you guys know and have seen my

videos when I show that skill of consciousness and at scale consciousness

there's different emotions that vibrate at a certain frequency and the idea is

that as we move up this vibrational scale we increase our frequency now what

Gavin knows and what Gavin has showed me is there is a process that he uses which

is called muscle testing and muscle testing will make you aware of what you

believe to be true and maybe you've seen the videos where I talk about how

beliefs create our reality but there's this really cool process that might have

Gavin share with you that has to do with knowing whether you believe something is

possible because the thing is if you don't believe something is possible

you're not even gonna start taking action with it you're not going to move

in that direction so you must believe it to be true before you actually start

moving to that direction so you want to share a little bit about muscle testing

and how powerful it is and how you've used it in your life sure so first I

want to talk about abundance and money because I've always wanted to make more

money in my life because I grew up in a really rough neighborhood and stuff and

you know my name was like a big deal for me and what I found is like I had these

beliefs that were stuck with me from achieving

yes in fact I've got sort of point where I was actually making a lot of money but

what would happen is our self-sabotage because I have beliefs underlying that

that said I could only make 60 K per year so what I'm gonna do in this video

I'll show you how to muscle test and find out exactly how much you could

potentially make per year and in how to change it and give you the ability to

manifest more because you don't want to like put hard effort into creating

something into your reality you like using a lot of force when using a lot of

force what happens is you you ruin your health it doesn't feel good it's

stressful and what you want to do when it comes to taking action is it needs to

be more flowing more enjoyable because if you're unmotivated and you're trying

to push yourself all the time like Gary Vaynerchuk start it's like hustle grind

you really hurt yourself it's unhealthy to do long term especially if you're not

fully aligned emotionally and mentally now when you are mentally and

emotionally aligned it's like easy to hustle because it's just like something

you just do naturally because you're in love of it you you're aligned with it

and stuff it's nature so muscle testing is basically a part of a applied

kinesiology and what it allows you to do is find out certain beliefs that you had

have even chiropractors use it in their practices and stuff to find out you know

what vertebraes are out of alignment and stuff like this so we can do it to find

out the least we can do it to find out what's wrong with our body we can do it

for many different things so muscle testing is simply using a part of your

body we can actually test Aaron right now to find out what he believes he can

make for ya so what we're gonna do is we're gonna use his body he's gonna put

his arm out and I'm gonna like be pushing down his arm and finding out

like what's what what he believes you could potentially make be I'm sure it's

very high okay so if you put your my friend okay and find out so what we're

gonna do is gonna say do I believe I can make a hundred thousand blows be it yes

okay do I believe that my counterpart goes be here you just push it push your

arm up okay all right so when he's Amish strong that

means this a yes okay money's army is no that means this when

it's arm is weak sorry that means it's a no okay so what we want to do is find

out where his no is we find out where he's known as we know

that's his cap or like how much he believes tempeh tempeh tential II make

yeah alright so let's try $500,000 beer do you believe you can make $500,000 for

you yeah okay okay so that's still strong what about million dollars beer

okay hello that's pretty strong tennis - lets go really high five million dollars

Pierre okay we're getting a little weaker there yeah okay and then we're

gonna do ten million dollars per year yeah yeah yeah so that there becomes the

weakness so what do you what he needs to do and if he wants to increase that now

to ten million which he doesn't necessarily have to be right but if you

want to increase that what he would do is find out when he says ten million

dollars per year in his body what he would do he is he would look for you

know a feeling or a sensation in his body where he has like a weakness or

like a dull ache or maybe like a sensation or like an emotion maybe for

me when I had ten million I feel like back here in the back of my neck like I

don't know a sensation back here so it feels like there might be beliefs that I

have around us so what you do is you look into that particular frequency that

energy right there and you just start repeating some horn upon upon oh okay I

don't even heard of that before well you simply repeat I love you I'm

sorry please forgive me thank you i love you i'm sorry please forgive me thank

you over and over and over again watch off feeling that that sensation and what

will happen to happen is that particular vibrational frequency will start to

dissolve okay so for you at home what you want to do is you can actually

use a different technique you can if you're with someone you can actually

test the belief doing it like we just shared review so strong would be a yes

and week would be a no or you can use this is the one I use and I teach in my

programs is you you do this little circle thing right here and then you put

these two fingers and belief and sorry you put these two fingers in between and

then you push them apart so pushing them apart when it's strong that's a yes when

it's weak that's a no so if I say my name is Gavin right it's nice and strong

if I say my name Aaron it's a really week yeah so that that's

basically how you test so you can test do I believe I can make a hundred

thousand dollars per year and okay yes do I believe it to make ten million

dollars per year look I get a clear no all right so I know these beliefs is

actually stopping me from reaching ten million dollars per year now you know

ten million dollars per year is a lot of money yeah okay so you don't necessarily

need to believe that but if you're someone at home and you want to increase

your income get a job that you want to manifest into your life or you know

start a business or whatever it is you need to be fully aligned with and the

way you do that is by finding the beliefs that you have around it and then

you release the energy from around it just by using the hähnel pone opponent

technique and just repeat and I love you I'm sorry please forgive me thank you

over and over and over again until you feel like that energy has completely

gone and if anything is it's like you know there's a lot of like affirmations

and like you know audio and subliminals and stuff and what I find is if you

still have that belief like here that you can't make more than 10 million

dollars per year that emotions still there it's gonna be hard for you that to

get to that level yeah and actually sustain it for a long period of time so

yes basically that's really cool I didn't know he's gonna do that we're

gonna do the live demonstration I thought that was really cool though and

I could feel it too every time you went up it was I could still straw I felt

strong at a hundred and five hundred and a million even it felt strong but it's I

could feel it yeah it was it was it was getting weaker as he went like I could

feel the the resistance begin to like increase where it was like harder to do

but yeah that's really cool so what you guys can do is go like this like Gavin

said put your fingers like this in between and then test it and you'll get

the answer to what yes or no is and this what he's sharing right now is the same

stuff they taught that they talked about in the book power versus force with dr.

David Hawkins it's muscle testing understanding that our muscles and our

body is integrated with the subconscious mind some people have even said I think

of more like Elliott Hulse say it before it's like your body is the subconscious

mind yeah there is parts of your body that correlate with certain with certain

beliefs and even I was just at that that stem cell thing that I'm doing

and there's laser they port they put on certain parts of the body which

correlate with certain organs which also correlate with certain emotions in which

would correlate with certain decision-making processes and certain

adrenal glands and all of this different stuff so

the body's like the map but it's it's it's about becoming aware of that and

allowing and diffusing the energy because even if you if you don't believe

that you can make a certain amount per year and you listen to affirmations you

do all this stuff it's cluttering up the mind and it might

be like you know maybe you start to believe it a little bit but there's

always going to be that resistance so it's like a tug-of-war like if you

believe oh I I want to I believe that I can have a successful business by at the

same time my name is the real Louisville but there's a huge conflict this yeah a

tug of war you're battling back and forth and that's why that's why you need

to do releasing and be fully aligned with what you are wanting to create

perfect yeah be a part of this I wanted to touch on briefly is the the power of

just awareness because what you told me it's funny because he said that his

belief that he used to believe was he could make sixty thousand dollars per

year my belief used to be sixty thousand dollars per year as well and I worked at

Barneys New York's on woman shoes in every year when I do my taxes it was

like almost right on it like sixty three thousand or sixty thousand and there

were there was one year where I think I got I got like ten thousand dollars as

something I forget what it was for bonus it was like a but yeah or something like

that and when I got it it was gone very quickly it was almost like it was like a

sabotage and that's because of the power of the self-image the way we see

ourselves our subconscious mind will do everything it can to be consistent to

the way we see ourselves so if Gavin's like oh I want to make a

hundred thousand a year I'm like I want to make a hundred thousand a year but

our barometers or our six set at sixty thousand there's it's like the energies

are just conflicting it's like no matter what we do it's like the subconscious

mind is gonna say yeah okay Aaron keep trying you know what I mean but you're

you're you're only capable of this but the key is to know that you're in you

were inside of a box you were inside of a box of I could only make sixty

thousand dollars per year once you become aware of the box is when you

start to transcend it because in that awareness you come out of the box you

look at the box and you say I don't choose this anymore

I would just unaware I was in a box I was unaware of my self-image so the

first step you can take right now is to become aware of your self-image become

aware of what your blocks are or become aware of your how you see yourself and

then work on these different beliefs work on beliefs about money work on

beliefs about relationships work on beliefs about life in general and

you come up to a certain point what Gavin was saying is imagine on the part

of the body and see where you feel that sensation go within and you might say

like when he was talking about his money beliefs in his neck when I think of it

for some reason goes around my heart I can feel like this little pull in my

heart when I think of like 10 million a year or something so maybe there's

something some belief I have that's attached to love or it's attached to me

doing my passion for a living and there's some subconscious

child stuff or you know I don't know but that's where I feel it so what I would

do is I would do ho oponopono on my heart center and I would wait until that

Energy starts to subside I would wait till it starts to it starts to loosen up

and go away and that's when we start to change our reality is that's a great

thing you don't need to know or go back to your childhood and find out the exact

belief or what happened whatever it is you just need to feel the sensation in

your body you need to find ya where isn't it's easy to feel you just close

your eyes just center yourself that breathe a little bit and just think

about that the money that you want or being in a relationship or whatever is

maybe when you feel think about relationships and maybe you've been

cheated on in a pastor so you went through something or whatever is fill

where that is in your body and start dissolving that because what what you're

doing actually is forgiving yourself you're releasing the energy and you're

sort of dispelling it out of your system and once that vibration is gone you know

it changes everything and one of the other examples around like the $60,000

PA is like people who win the lottery yes they own the lottery and then they

lose it all after a few years because sometimes a hundred million like they

spend over a hundred million dollars and they don't pay their taxes and they're

screwed right hundred million dollars because they saw themselves as only able

to maybe make a hundred thousand dollars you know or less or maybe like fifty

thousand dollars yes so it's crazy like you always come

back to what you believe and what you feel ya always come back to what you're

resonate imagine yourself is like a radio station that's you know you know

tuned into a specific frequency you want ourself what frequency are you tuned

into right and let you find out and you learn more about yourself you may have

to grow that and raise that to a higher vibrational frequency which goes back to

their power versus force once you raise your vibration on the scale of the power

versus force what starts to happen is you're trying to allow more into your

life and you have this sort of force so you have this energy powerful

energy to help you create more more what you would prefer yeah what you would

like to see whereas if you run lower on the scale it's like struggle frustration

when I you know I first slide my business was working a nine-to-five job

you know forklift driver working ten hours a day sleeping like for five hours

a night you know I was really grinding putting a lot of effort in I got really

sick stressful anxiety depression using all the force a lot of sorry out of yeah

a lot of thoughts yeah so now now I'm using a lot of power right which is a

much higher vibrational state and I'm able to allow more into my life so yeah

it's beautiful yeah thank you I I think this is it's like getting to the core

it's like a lot of people try to change the outer reflection in their life they

go around you know and even me for a lot of times trying to change the outside

can I change this can I change the external but the key is actually to

change on the inside and when you become aware of these beliefs then the outer

reflection changes anyways but it's all about awareness it's all about being

present to the moment it's all about allowing the emotions to be there it's

about self love that's why ho no pono pono can be very powerful because you're

literally giving yourself the love that you maybe haven't given yourself before

and then as you change that change your vibrational frequency and then it

changes everything in your life so thank you for coming on Gavin it's good to be

here I'm gonna have Gavin's channel but down below definitely check it out as

well he makes videos in the law of attraction and very similar content as

far as the topics go on this channel so some of you guys would be interested as

well on that we're gonna get to enjoying our final day here in Costa Rica and

we'll see you guys in the next video peace

much love and namaste

For more infomation >> Muscle Testing and the Law of Attraction LIVE Demonstration feat Gavin Stephenson - Duration: 14:50.


My Miracle Trip To Japan - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> My Miracle Trip To Japan - Duration: 8:14.


Congress Made Unpaid Interns Sign Non Disclosure Agreements To Keep Them Quiet - Duration: 2:37.

Unpaid interns in congress have been forced to sign non-disclosure agreements before taking

their jobs, as a way to prevent any of them from talking about the harassment or abuse

that they might suffer at the hands of elected leaders.

Now, can you imagine?

A young intern comes in, this is put in front of them.

"So, you know Mary, before you go to work here, you've got to sign this."

And Mary's going to sign whatever has to be signed.

Most of these kids are unpaid.

They're unpaid.

They're volunteering.


They're unpaid volunteers, they're working as interns.

They think that's somehow going to help their career down the road.

It might, I don't know.

But they sign this release.

Tell us about the release they sign.

Well, the release pretty much says you can't disclose anything of what you see or hear.

Now, are there some real reasons why they might have non-disclosures?

Sure, but there should be carve outs, for their discrimination, for abuse, for harassment,

whatever it is, there should be some carve outs.

That's what was interesting, where the offices that confirmed that interns had to sign and

they got copies of the NDAs, the non-disclosure agreements, the non-disclosure agreements

had no exceptions.

At the end, to report abuse or discrimination, it's all covered up, it's all secret.

Right, okay.

It's worse than that though, Peter.

When you read these NDAs, they read ... As a matter of fact, one comes ... It's both

sides of the aisle, Republicans, Democrats, they make them sign this ridiculous paper.

But it doesn't just go to issues about what are you hearing, what are the congress-

It's something sensitive.

Yeah, sensitive stuff, of course.

But some of these NDAs go as far as saying you can't even report if another employee

sexually abuses you, harasses you, steals, commits murder, you can't even report on that

other employee.

Now the problem is, these kids that are working this, their thinking, "My God, I'm going to

be sued if I do this."


Worse yet, I have to, at some point, use this as a job ... I'm going to be applying for

jobs, I'd like to be able to put this down and say, "You know, I did a good job."

But they're worried about the fact that that congresswoman or congressman that they worked

for is going to use this and really pull the trigger on this.

But when you get down to saying it's not just about the Congressman, it's also about people

who work there with the congresspeople.

Just other employees.


It seems like a big stretch.

They probably ought to reconsider doing this.

For more infomation >> Congress Made Unpaid Interns Sign Non Disclosure Agreements To Keep Them Quiet - Duration: 2:37.


Dear elites: Did you learn your lesson? | Anand Giridharadas - Duration: 3:00.

One of the things that happened in recent years was that as globalization – which

is kind of a catch-all term for what was happening in terms of increased economic interdependence,

growing trade, technology, technological penetration of many industries and automation and all

those things – and everything the internet did was that because all of those things integration

of the world, countries coming closer together, technology, the internet.

Because all those things have a nice ring to them, a kind of moral glow, the people

who were ardent champions of globalization always spoke of globalization as though it

were not just an ideology or a process but kind of truth and light.

And that anybody who along the way whether in the steel towns of eastern Ohio or in large

swathes of this country where this kind of revolution actually meant much choppier employment

and precarious wages.

Or in large swathes of the world where the increasing pace of life meant that yes, you

might make a lot of money, but then industries would kind of vanish as fast as they came.

Anybody complaining about what globalization was doing to them was richsplained by these

defenders of globalization that you're being provincial.

What, do you not like the coming together of nations?

Are you against the peoples of the world connecting?

Are you against technology and the empowerment?

You don't want people to be empowered?

And there was this way in which anybody who was raising alarm bells over the 30-40 year

period that I'm talking about here was cast as being narrow-minded, provincial and small-hearted.

And I think that is one of the reasons our antennae in the elite citadels of American

life failed to detect so many incoming transmissions about the modern world actually not working

for most people.

And perhaps failed to detect some of the shift that led on the left to Bernie Sanders winning

as much as he did despite all the obstacles for him as a candidate.

And Donald Trump successfully winning because I think we didn't really understand how much

people meant it when they were telling us all along that the New World wasn't working

for them and it didn't matter how morally superior the high tech interdependent world,

you know, it didn't appear how much, how people thought it was.

For more infomation >> Dear elites: Did you learn your lesson? | Anand Giridharadas - Duration: 3:00.


Kiiara - Messy (Lyrics) Sabai Remix - Duration: 3:19.




Let's stop before it gets m-m-m-m-m-m-messy

It's not too late to say you never met me

Let's stop before it gets h-h-h-h-heavy

Let's stop before it gets m-m-m-m-messy

And I should take my own advice

If there's a cool, then I think that I lost it

Second time you stay the night

f there's a line, then I think that we crossed it

Just got some problems from my past, yeah

It's nothing personal

If you wake up and I'm not there

I always jump in way too fast, yeah

I try to tell myself you gotta take it slow


Let's stop before it gets m-m-m-m-m-m-messy

It's not too late to say you never met me

Let's stop before it gets h-h-h-h-heavy

Let's stop before it gets m-m-m-m-messy

And I should take my own advice

If there's a cool, then I think that I lost it

Second time you stay the night

If there's a line, then I think that we crossed it

It kinda scared me, I'll admit

When I woke up, I saw your toothbrush on the sink

Making a habit out of it, yeah

Been sleeping over for the past couple of weeks

For more infomation >> Kiiara - Messy (Lyrics) Sabai Remix - Duration: 3:19.


Ariana Grande - Santa Tell Me (Acoustic) - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - Santa Tell Me (Acoustic) - Duration: 3:23.


"New Communism" To Drive Out Trump and Pence? - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> "New Communism" To Drive Out Trump and Pence? - Duration: 10:18.


'You can't always lean in, because sometimes that doesn't work': Michelle Obama - Duration: 5:22.

'You can't always lean in, because sometimes that doesn't work': Michelle Obama said to NYC audience

Former First Lady Michelle Obama caused a stir during her arena book tour on Saturday when she said that marriage inequality can't be solved by women 'leaning in' because 'that s*** doesn't work all the time.

Obama made the comment during her appearance Saturday at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, where a large crowd of thousands came to see her promotional appearance for her memoir, Becoming.

The former First Lady was commenting about whether women can experience equality in both their marriage and the workplace - 'that whole "so you can have it all"', as she referred to it. 'Nope, not at the same time,' Obama said.

And it's not always enough to lean in, because that s*** doesn't work all the time.'. 'Lean in' is the phrase that was made popular by Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg.

Sandberg's book, Lean In, was a 2013 best-seller whose aim was to empower women in the workplace. The book ignited a cultural discussion about challenges faced by women in the business world, including pay disparity and discrimination.

Michelle Obama's use of the four-letter word 's***' sent the crowd into a frenzy at Barclays Center, according to social media. 'THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE IN BARCLAYS JUST LOST OUR COLLECTIVE S***' tweeted Jeanna Kadlec.

Sheryl Sandberg¿s book, Lean In, was a 2013 best-seller whose aim was to empower women in the workplace +4. Sheryl Sandberg's book, Lean In, was a 2013 best-seller whose aim was to empower women in the workplace.

A Twitter user named Megan tweeted: 'Despite waiting in the rain for an hour to get into the Barclays Center, I was just in the same room as Michelle Obama and she accidentally said "s***" and it was amazing and my life has been forever changed.

Erin Strecker tweeted: 'At Barclays tonight, Michelle Obama said: "It's not enough to Lean In because that s*** doesn't always work!" Tattoo it on my body!'.

Kevin Flynn tweeted: 'Tonight at the Barclays Center Michelle Obama accidentally said "s***" in front of thousands of people and it ruled. The former First Lady's memoir has become the most sold book this year, according to CNN.

As of December 1, Becoming, which hit the market just two weeks ago, has sold more than 1. 1 million hardcover copies.

Its sales have outpaced those of the top two political books this year - Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury and Bob Woodward's Fear.

The second most popular book in terms of hardcover sales this year is Magnolia Table, a cookbook by TV star Joanna Gaines.

When factoring in e-book and audio, Becoming has sold a total of more than 2 million copies in the United States and Canada since its November 13 release, according to the book's publisher, Random House.

The hardcover edition of Becoming is now in its sixth printing - meaning the publisher has had to order more copies so as to keep up with demand.

After the current printing, there will be 3.4 million copies of the book in print in the U.S. and Canada, according to Random House.

Becoming is also number one on the best-seller lists in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and other countries.

Michelle and former President Barack Obama each have been working on memoirs this year, for which they negotiated a $65million dollar deal with Crown Publishing Group/Penguin Random House. His book is expected in 2019.

For more infomation >> 'You can't always lean in, because sometimes that doesn't work': Michelle Obama - Duration: 5:22.


Ann Coulter: 'Trump Will Be The Last Republican President' - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Ann Coulter: 'Trump Will Be The Last Republican President' - Duration: 2:48.


ESPN break down why Ohio State couldn't make it into the College Football Playoff - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> ESPN break down why Ohio State couldn't make it into the College Football Playoff - Duration: 1:18.


How To Get An Ear Infection | 4 EAR-Resistible Ways! - Duration: 3:42.

Hello boys and girls.

In this video, I'm gonna be telling you how to get an ear infection, because winter, well,

it just doesn't suck enough already.

Let's eff-up your ears too.

I mean it's not like you listen to anyone anyways.

So what do you need your ears for?

Queries of the Interweb.

What's going on?

Joel here and I amusingly answer questions that are searched for every single day on

the interweb.

Be sure to smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell so that you don't

miss anything.

So let's talk about how to get an ear infection on purpose, like what normal people do.

There's nothing normal about you if you're watching this video.

The first thing you're gonna want to do is you are going to want to be around sick people.

If there's sick people in your school, sick people in your house, go near them, okay.

If you have a friend who has a cold, get him to cough in your ear.

It might be a little bit of a weird favor to ask but if they're really your friend,

they'll do it and they won't...they, they won't question it.

They'll just do it.

I did make a video on how to give yourself a cold.

There'll be links to that below.

It's probably a suggested video here too if I've uh, if I've gotten a hold of Youtube's

next-up algorithms, huh.

You know the videos that show up on the side that show related videos of what you should

watch next.

I, have a feeling that I figured that out now.

Having a cold as well, also makes you very susceptible to getting an ear infection.

So give yourself a cold, be around a cold.

Another way to get an ear infection is to not clean your ears after swimming okay.

If you go swimming in the ocean, or swimming in a pool... you know frick'n Charlie peed

in the pool.

Don't wash your ears afterwords.

Don't clean your ears.

Just let the water soak in there.

That ear is as good as infected.

You go swimming with Charlie and you might as well have a first responders team nearby.

God knows all the crap that's in the ocean.

You know how they tell you to clean behind your ears?

You're not gonna do that.

Don't clean behind your ears.

Leave your ears alone okay.

Let them be free spirits, all right.

Your ears are just freelance workers in a job market.

They're not really looking to climb the corporate ladder.

They just kind of want to do their own thing.

Essentially they're unemployed but because they technically work for themselves, they

still have a little bit of dignity.

Leave your ears alone.

Do not clean those things, your ear lobes.

Leave em' alone.

You have any smokers in the family?

Because another way to give yourself an ear infection is to be around second hand smoke.

Obviously second hand smoke is dangerous for you, it's bad for you but you know, here's

an idea.

If you uh, hold you breath and go you know, move your head around in some smoke and, and

move out of it, just so your ears get exposure, that's a good way to give yourself an ear


Or if you have a really creepy old aunt who smokes those long one hundred and one Dalmatian

cigarettes, you could get them to shove that in your ear or just blow... get someone with

a hookah to just like... like right into your ear.

Hookah smoke... hookah, hookah.

Another way to give yourself a ear infection on purpose is to touch your face a lot.

You know sir-laughs-a-lot?

I don't...

I don't know who that is.

But you're gonna become sir-touches-his-face-a-lot.

Something to do with the germs on your face and then they go into your nose and then you

just start getting sick and then you're ear gets infected and then your eustachian tubes

clog up.

And that's okay.

Nobody's gonna judge you.

Just touch your face some more okay.

Shove your finger in your ear.

Get your friend Charlie to give you a wet willy all right, a wet willy.

You guys have any other great suggestions for videos, go ahead and leave it in the comments.

I'll see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> How To Get An Ear Infection | 4 EAR-Resistible Ways! - Duration: 3:42.


Unai Emery responds to Mesut Ozil questions after North London derby win - Duration: 2:20.

  Unai Emery swerved questions on absent star Mesut Ozil after Arsenal's North London derby win over Tottenham

 Arsenal came from behind to extend their unbeaten run to 19 matches with a 4-2 success over their rivals at the Emirates on Sunday

 But conspicuous by his absence from the match day squad was the German playmaker

 Ozil, 30, has been an unused substitute at Bournemouth last weekend.  And while Emery named the same starting XI as at Dean Court, Ozil wasn't part of his 18, with Arsenal declaring pre-game that he had suffered "back spasms" in training on Saturday

 However, there have been suggestions that Ozil's absence was down to a training ground bust-up with his manager when he found out he would not be starting on Sunday

 Speaking post-game, Emery gave little away.  Asked whether Ozil could have played today, Emery responded: "He has back ache

"  Asked how he suffered the injury, the Spaniard declared: "I don't know."  Emery gave the same answer when questioned about whether Ozil was in attendance for the victory

 And when quizzed on whether he had told Ozil he wouldn't be playing, the Gunners boss responded: "This is a good day to speak about players who played"

 Ozil's long-term future at the club remains up in the air, despite him signing a £350,000-a-week contract back in January

 That deal was inked before Emery's arrival at the club, and the pair's relationship has appeared to be little more than a marriage of convenience - despite Ozil recently wearing the captain's armband

For more infomation >> Unai Emery responds to Mesut Ozil questions after North London derby win - Duration: 2:20.


The Journey - Montana-Wyoming Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range and Beyond - Duration: 13:59.

Fasten your exploration seatbelts because today we're back on the Wild Horse Range.

Well, sorta -- stick around for a little bit and let's see where the journey takes us.

It's been about six months since I shot the initial footage.

So I thought I needed to reintroduce it.

Explain that maybe sometimes we don't end up where we think we might be in the end.

And sometimes it's more about The Journey.

Actually, I'm not even towing a trailer right now.


This is just water.

This trip, my priority was to visit the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center to better understand

how the horses faired over the long winter and advice on what to look for on my journey.

If you plan on taking a trip to the range, this is an excellent resource for information.

The staff has always been friendly and accommodating to me.

If you're looking for a fully guided tour by the people that have the most intimate

knowledge on the range as well as the vehicles and skills to navigate the rocky terrain,

these are the folks to come see.

But today, I'm in search of something special.

Something I wasn't able find last time I visited.

It is a beautiful day out there, guys.

We've already been through the long journey up the mountain.

And to those who haven't seen it, there will be a link in the description to last season's


So let's go ahead and skip some of the old and see what we can capture new.

Here we go.

We're about a third of the way up and here is the first horse I've spotted over the left.

I'll leave you alone buddy.

We're climbing in elevation and it's getting kinda chilly up here.

Ghost Tree.



Stud Pile.

I love these fields here.

They are just full of flowers right now.

Everything's green.

This is my favorite part of the journey on Burnt Timber Ridge Road - along this area.

I do believe that is a foal right over there laying down!

[playful music volume increases]

A few months have passed since my last visit

to the range.

I've made numerous attempts to journey back but none of those have really panned out.

Now I'm back and in search of the foals I saw earlier this year.

The snow and cold temperatures have arrived.

So today, I came in my daily driver to shelter from the wind and the chill.

So far, I haven' had much luck.

I've journeyed up from the dry climate below, all the way up to the snowline - carefully

scanning the horizon for our equine friends.

Every once in a while I see some tracks from wild horses or coyotes, and rabbits.

There's quite a bit of human footprints up here as well.

The snow is getting deeper in some of these shady areas, and I'm trying to be mindful

of my unaltered street vehicle.

Well guys, I've finally reached my limit right up there and was forced to back down.

The conditions are slick and with my open differentials and less than stellar off-road

tires, I may have met my match.

Before I take another go at this area up here, I want to check the snow level and make sure

it's even worth driving up there.

I haven't seen any signs of the horses lately, so I think that we're actually going to be

having better luck behind us.

There's signs of life everywhere, but these appear to be a couple days old though.

You know, as I continue to drive on, I'm beginning to feel a bit frustrated.

So right now as it stands, I have an incomplete film and I'm just looking for that last little

bit to push me over.

I just can't seem to find what I'm looking for up here.

Uh- now you do you do plan on having horses on your on your Wild Horse Range film, right?


I've really gotta rethink this. - Right?

Where could they be?

I planned this.

I took advice and researched before I left.

I journeyed far up the mountain, and back down again.

Every half mile stopping, getting out the vehicle, hiking on top of the hills,

and the next hill, and then the next.

Sometimes seeing signs of life.

I know they're here - they're all around me.

Were they just up the pass where I hiked above?

Were they in the next knoll below?

I got the feeling that I'm chasing after a ghost.

Just a few months earlier this area was teaming with life.

And as the hours and the miles passed, I became restless and tired till finally...

I realized something.

I had been looking for something so specific and so intently.

I had something in mind that I couldn't seem to capture.

But along the way, I had discovered something different.

What am I chasing after?

What is the point of my films, the point of my creative outlet that I so laboriously pursue?

From the beginning, I've had a general idea of what I wanted to film, but then I just

sorta let it happen - let it flow in a natural stream of unplanned events - taking advantage

of what's in front of me, seizing the opportunity, and then hitting that little record button.

I stand here, realizing that this very moment,

and this moment,

and this moment,

and all these moments I've photographed and recorded, this very experience I'm experiencing right now

will be streamed to countless others around the globe.

What do you dream of?

What do you long to experience?

What is it in life that you are chasing?

When you see life passing you by, what do you notice along the way?

What is important to me,

to my family,

to my friends,

and to you?

What are you after?

So I encourage you.

Journey down that road.

Down that path.

Through that gate.

And maybe into that building.


Then explore.




Life is all around us.

The seasons cycle.

Time passes.

In the end, I'm here to share what I love to do with an audience that loves the same things.

I'm here to share with people that love discovery, to open up their minds for new experiences

so they can feel the same feeling, or to get new ideas where to adventure, or simply to

motivate them to get out from behind the computer, the phone, the tablet.

To step outside and journey to the great outdoors.

And if you're not able to - that's OK.

Let us bring it to you so that you may enjoy the journey with us as well.

We're glad you're here.

So fasten your exploration seatbelts, and lets' go!

I may not have found what I was looking for, but I've found something else.

For more infomation >> The Journey - Montana-Wyoming Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range and Beyond - Duration: 13:59.


Crazy Funny Dellor Fortnite Rage Compilation Reaction - Pete - Duration: 12:47.


Sip of a coffee. Oh my goodness. That's so very good Oh,

my psiabooshka's this is very very good for you. Oh my god

Hey, what's going on my crazy psiabooshka's, this is Pete coming back with another awesome video

And today I'm gonna be reacting to Dellor's Fortnite mega rage 31

This is gonna be the part where he's gonna get basically get paid to die on the actual a stream

So it's going to bring you a cool to watch pretty funny to see Dellor is one hell of a dude

His rages are one of the best I've ever ever come across if your guys haven't seen the previous Fortnite rage

compilation that I've done with my mate Paulo then go ahead and have a look we've been reacting to

Lyndonfps and was super hilarious. So guys go and watch that now and then come back to this video now

Also, you guys probably wondering what the hell man. Where's your glasses and second

Do you be like well, hang on you got pretty decent lighting


That's just because I'm using this neewer 18-inch lighting ring and my glasses have a special reflecting coating

Due to the fact that I'm staring at the monitor

Every single day for about ten to eleven hours because I work with computers and then I come home and I do my YouTube thing

and all that so I'm gonna have to get myself a second pair of glasses for when I'm shooting those videos for now I've decided

To try it and just take them off basically and see what it is if I can manage I think I'm gonna be fine

Cuz my my eyesight, it's not so bad. I'm still gonna wear them for the gameplays

If you haven't seen the unboxing video of my new lighting kit

then go ahead and have a look at it now and then obviously come back to this video later to watch it entirely cuz it's

Gonna be pretty awesome last time. Like I said, we've had a lot of fun with Paulo

So I'm hoping that it's gonna be pretty pretty fun and cool to watch this video today. So

Let's flipping do this. Oh, by the way, and for those of you who are new to my channel

I would highly appreciate if you subscribe and if you do that do not forget to headbutt that notification bell button

as hard as you can, you know what I'm saying? It's good for you

Yeah, I'm disconnecting

How did you not get third-party

how did you have a third party I should have disconnected I should have disconnected from now on I'm

Disconnecting if I think I need to disk in it, it's not it's true. I'm right

The game is fucking bad. Fortnite is in the worst shape. It's ever been in

Every fucking game is Cal finals. It's the fucking Olympics

Go for it god damn it. All right

He's gonna suicide here we go, Donna

There's a really good player you guys know

Holy shit, I played this so well, and I got cycled. Anyway god damn it, man

son of a fucking bitch

That makes me never want to play again Yeah, right you always say that Dellor

You always say that doing

That makes me never want to play again Yeah, right, right

By the way, I'm gonna include Dellor's YouTube and twitch channel here as well as the original video

So you guys can have a look for yourself exactly what it is


My god, yes it is. Yes. It is. Sometimes very lucky. Oh my goodness

How I hit that way fucking more than he hit me

That's what happened to me so many times as well, but I always die so it doesn't make notes to me, you know

Fucking bad players walking Christ this game is learning

Fucking pong on Atari he was fucking more responsive than this pile of shit. Oh,

My god

Yomi just fucking kill me. I guess this game is bad

Damn it shit. I'm talking literally embodying his fucking head man

Fuck you bad game fucking bad game, man

Holy shit fucking fucking

Bug Bob game buh-buh-buh company. Oh my god. Oh,

You gotta be kidding - another fucking dimension

Look at this blue and it's it's weird sometimes. How you how you losing?

Dude suck my fucking asshole Oh

I'm damn. I'm so good. It's unreal. Oh

My god, actually I don't care



God this fucking pussy fucking oh

My god nice fucking stream sniping I know he is everyone is every single player is every fucking time

I play this game. Everyone is like

Oh my god guys, that's ok

Shooting nothing

I can't play it on shame anymore, man. I just can't do it my bullets go through people. I can't play

Yeah, people gonna be going on stream with you know to watch keep stream and they're gonna be doing the CTS fin text-to-speech thing

Brilliant he's headed with those text-to-speech stuff, you know all the time. So hilarious

Oh fuckin place she's got how I didn't know there's we go today

The one

Very good, very good to my kilometer


It's so bad, it's just third party after


Right guys, so that would be end of the clip

basically and Wow I have to say Dellor is one of a flippin kind, you know, what I mean?

He's one of my favorite players in Fortnite because of these rages that he does. I mean, don't get me wrong

He's really really pro player. But the way he rage is so funny. That actually wasn't the funniest of his rages

So let me guys know in a comment section if you want to see more of those kind of reaction videos and if you want

To see some more of those. I'll definitely make sure to make more of those also, don't forget like share and subscribe

Turn on your post notification by hitting the bell notification

You know what to do my crazy psiabooshka's

And I thank you all for tuning in and I'll see you guys pretty soon with another video. Pete out. Peace

For more infomation >> Crazy Funny Dellor Fortnite Rage Compilation Reaction - Pete - Duration: 12:47.


Ja¥en x District - Float - Duration: 3:13.

it's like 3 o'clock, i can't stop i'm floating, astronaut

she like "where we goin? i forgot"

it don't matter nah light it up

i don't care where we go

light it up i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

it don't matter nah i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

light it up i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

it don't matter nah i just want u i know

girl lets take a trip to the moon isolated let's be alone

facing off the edge of unknown yeah

it's like 3 o'clock, i can't stop i'm floating, astronaut

she like "where we goin? i forgot"

it don't matter nah light it up

i don't care where we go

light it up i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

it don't matter nah i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

light it up i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

it don't matter nah i just want u i know

insomniac yeah my aura is fading black girl

what I seem to lack

is the need or the want to be turning back

nahh uhhh this quiet is so loud

she said let's zone out i know what you're about

she wanna me fuck right now

it's like 3 o'clock, i can't stop i'm floating, astronaut

she like "where we goin? i forgot"

it don't matter nah light it up

i don't care where we go

light it up i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

light it up i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

light it up i just want u i know

light it up i don't care where we go

light it up i just want u i know

For more infomation >> Ja¥en x District - Float - Duration: 3:13.


Psychologist Says Trump Appeals To Men With "Fragile Masculinity" - Duration: 4:59.

According to a new op Ed in the Washington Post, a New York university psychologist,

along with a psychology doctoral student, have kind of identified part of Donald Trump's

base and they believe that fragile masculinity is what helps Donald Trump maintain what little

bit of support he actually has.

Um, and they did a lot of great research for this and I fully agree with them 100 percent.

The science they use is quite sound, but here's what they were, they're basically trying to

say is that Donald Trump was able to attract men in this country to vote for him, but it

was men who are suffering from what they're calling fragile masculinity and they've come

up with the fragile masculinity hypothesis because that's what this is.

This is a hypothesis.

They're laying out their evidence and they're trying to make sense of it.

One of the things they did to determine whether or not these fragile men supported Donald

Trump was they compared voting records for a certain area with Internet search terms,

and this is the best part.

Here are the search terms that they found a correlated the most with Donald Trump.

Supporting areas of the country, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, how to get girls,

penis enlargement, penis size, steroids, testosterone and Viagara areas who had higher search, uh,

uh, I guess queries for those particular terms.

We're more likely to vote for Donald Trump.

Now, if you're very secure in your masculinity, I'm assuming you're not searching for things

like erectile dysfunction or hair loss or how to get girls and penis enlargement, but

those were the people in the areas who tend to vote in higher numbers for Donald Trump.

And here's what's even interesting.

They went further back to see if maybe this was just a republican thing and it turns out

it's not because there is no correlation between those search terms and increased support for

John Mccain in 20 2008 or Mitt Romney in 2012.

This is a uniquely Trump experience.

Donald Trump has awoken the cult of fragile masculinity.

And here's how they did it and they explained it this way.

Trump comes out there and when you are lacking in your own masculinity or you're too insecure

about it, you will latch on to a politician or a leader who exhibits the traits that you

feel are necessary to be masculine, which Donald Trump, honest to god, totally not masculine,

but he can give that appearance.

I guess I could see that to insecure people, he has this hairpiece or whatever the hell

is going on up there because he's too proud to admit that he's actually bald audit.

Bud started losing my hair at 19 years old, never looked back, whatever it happens, he's

overweight, but he's a bully and he's a tough guy and he's gassing children at the border

and sticking them in cages and somehow that makes him a manly man.

He eats Mcdonald's almost everyday.

He goes golf and he's a billionaire with a hot wife who married them only for his money,

but they don't see that part of it.

They just see he's a billionaire with a hot wife.

That's what they think masculinity is supposed to be, and that is why they've latched onto

Donald Trump because according to these psychologists, they lack those traits in themselves.

This is toxic and toxic masculinity is something that affects a this entire country, coast

to coast and border to border, but when that toss a toxic masculinity becomes our politics,

which it has with Donald Trump, then we've got real problems.

That's why poll showed that 45 percent of men would not be comfortable with a woman

being president.

This is absurd.

We have to move past this.

These men need to figure out what it is in their lives that is missing, that is making

them feel so insecure and I understand insecurities are a big issue.

They affect men and women, you know, different cultures, different races and religions and

all of that.

But if that's what you're suffering from, then do yourself a favor.

Do the country a favor and start setting up some appointments with therapists.

You know, try to get to the root of your problems.

Don't try to latch onto this person, this creature, Donald Trump, that you think is

the embodiment of masculinity, putting the entire country at risk just because you're

too insecure about yourself to actually go sit and talk to somebody in workouts, your


There are simple solutions to some of these problems and seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist,

therapist, whatever it is.

If some of these men had taken that step three years ago, maybe we wouldn't have a jackass

like Donald Trump sitting in the oval office.

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