Natural remedy to raise the zeal of canaries and goldfinches for the breeding of canaries and for the breeding of goldfinches in captivity. Radish leaves for canaries and goldfinches.
Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again to a new video.
On this occasion and continuing with the section of home remedies or natural remedies,
let's talk about a home remedy that we will help to increase the zeal of the canaries,
goldfinches, parakeets and others. Specific, let's talk about the radish leaves, and
in this video I will explain all the properties and benefits they have, when it is advisable
give them and the different ways of contributing them. And without more, we started!
First, for those who do not know what is the radish, tell you that it is not more
that a plant that is usually grown for human consumption in salad or another
type of dishes. In particular, what we usually consume us is the tuber or the root,
what is this that you see here? But in our case, for the birds, be they canaries,
budgerigars, parakeets, etc. We are going to use the leaves of this plant as they contain
a lot of vitamins and minerals that are going to be very beneficial for our
birds The radish leaves contain a lot
of vitamins such as for example the vitamin A, C and E and minerals such as calcium or iron.
These vitamins and minerals during preparation for breeding and even during breeding,
they will favor the correct formation of eggs and future laying, and even at
same as other plants such as the nettle, the radish leaves also go
to contribute, to a certain extent, to favor the appearance of zeal in our canaries
or goldfinches, as long as we supply it in breeding period, because for a bird
Encele must also meet a series of very important factors. And all these
factors along with good nutrition, and in many cases without the need to add
no type of chemical to wax, will contribute to increase the zeal of
our canaries and goldfinches naturally as they reach the breeding season in
good condition. This natural remedy or home remedy has been
come using traditionally and in fact, those who are more veterans or those who have
the opportunity to meet other breeders more experienced you will surely have seen
or you may have heard that they put a small leaves of radish to the bird and that with this
They managed to increase their zeal and get It will glow naturally. Also, this
not only was used by breeders canaries or goldfinches, but also what
they used those who had partridges to climb also the zeal to the perdigón and so that it sang
plus. Therefore, thanks to the amount of vitamins
and minerals that contain radish leaves not only will we get the canaries,
goldfingers, or as I have mentioned before partridges are waxed, but also sing
more to be more waxed. And together with the above, the radish leaves,
Being an important source of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C,
they will help increase the defenses of the organism and strengthen the immune system
of the bird, which will help prevent diseases and even to favor recovery
from the same. Also, we can use the radish leaves
like other fruits and vegetables during the breeding season. In this way, parents
they will embuchar more easily the chicks and more frequently. What attached to a
good nutrition will help us get that these chicks grow strong and healthy
without any type of nutritional deficiency. And as I always tell you and you know, to me
I do not like to abuse any type of product or food, so during the breeding ground
alternate it with broccoli, a little apple or even locks, that you already know
which are pretty good fruits and vegetables for our birds.
Another curious property of radish leaves is that they act as an intestinal regulator and
of the digestive system. Hence, it is employ both to control and cut diarrheas
as to combat constipation problems. And when I refer to diarrhea, I mean
to those that are produced by some kind of nutritional imbalance or changes in the
feeding, since, if the diarrhea were produced by some kind of disease, what
better and more advisable would be to go to a veterinarian so that he can perform the
timely analyzes and treat the disease with the right medications.
In addition, the radish leaves also have expectorant properties, so we
they will help prevent possible diseases respiratory diseases and to treat certain problems
respiratory symptoms as long as they are not too advanced
You can find the radishes in any fruit store or supermarket, or even if you have
the possibility and a small space in your house, as it is my case, you can cultivate
in small pots, as it is a crop Pretty simple that hardly requires care.
We would just have to be careful that they do not lack water and with the snails
and birds on the street. In this way, we let's make sure that the leaf of the plant
will not have any chemical, kind pesticides or herbicides, and that our
Birds are going to have the best. If you opt for this option once the
radish has developed, you tear it, if the radish you like, you can eat it
and the leaves you put on your birds. As you know, before putting the leaves
of radish or any other type of fruit or vegetable to our birds, you have to wash them
well to remove any dirt, dust or small insects, and once
are well washed and ready for give them to our canaries or goldfinches.
Also, in the event that the radish is even small and you can not start it, with
You can tell some scissors small leaves to be given
to your birds. And for those who ask when
It is advisable to give the radish leaves to your canaries or goldfinches, tell them
as I always tell you, that both the leaves of radish like any other fruit or vegetable
we must always give it in moderation and without abuse, once or twice a week, and
whenever you can, alternating it with other fruits or vegetables In addition, the radish leaves
you can give it at any time of the year, evidently as I have mentioned before,
if you supply it in close periods to the breeding, will help to favor the
appearance of heat, and if you supply it for example in winter or at rest time,
well apart from completing your diet we are going to prevent and avoid respiratory problems,
like for example colds or catarrhs originated by changes in temperature.
As you have seen throughout the video the radish leaves you can give it
many ways: The most common is to append it directly,
that is, placing a small leaf, having it washed well previously, as I have commented
before, with a clamp at a high place in the cage in which they can not dirty them.
Or if you prefer you can peck it in small pieces and place it in some pastries or biscuits,
well alone or mixed with the paste breeding.
In the case that you choose to mix it with the pasta and do it during breeding, try
do it before the parents have babies so they are used to that pasta
and do not miss her. Also comment, I've heard some
breeders who administer it in the form of an infusion, but personally I've never used it
in this way, but I am telling you so that what you have in mind and so that
you know that you have that option. And finally, leaving aside the leaves
of radish, you can also contribute to the birds in moderation and without abusing some
radish seeds together with the mixture, what will provide them with greater vitality
and like the leaves, they will stimulate and favor the appearance of zeal. Further,
You can also germinate these seeds yourselves at home and you know that the
Germinated seeds are an important source of vitamins and proteins, and I would even dare
to say that they are one of the most important, but the best during the era
of breeding. By the way, up here you are I leave a video in which I explain how
make a very cheap homemade germinator for germinate the seeds and also a video
where I talk about the incredible benefits of germinated seeds for birds.
I hope you liked the video and I can serve, if so, do not forget
share it for your social networks and WhatsApp groups to help other breeders,
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a new video every week, over here I leave you a very interesting video, and as
always ... I wait for you in the next video.
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