Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 20 2018

First of all, I do not want to create a feminist movement.

I believe that the women who signed the manifesto with me

had no intent of creating a movement.

All we wanted was to start a discussion that wasn't taking place yet,

or that had disappeared. We wanted to bring up a question

in order to enrich the debate. But I believe that,

well, personally I am too individualist

– and I believe that's also the case with other coauthors of the manifesto –

to really have the intent of creating a movement.

I believe that what's more interesting nowadays,

and maybe also in the context of the many different existing movements,

even inside Art and Literature,

which are fields I know very well, are the singular voices,

the individual experiences, and they are extremely personal.

That's what matters. The conflicts happen there,

and we should pay attention to that,

even though the #Metoo movement tried to encompass all the women

within the same few questions.

I believe that women's sexual claims

mean the right to choose their partners themselves;

that comes first, and it has not always been like that throughout history.

The fact that they may choose their partners and demand

sexual pleasure, as men have always do,

with the same freedom, has been a fundamental aspect of feminism since the beginning,

and it's such a pity that today it is being overlooked.

I know that, nowadays, there is this utopia

about educating children in a kind of sexual neutrality

so that they may choose their sex on their own.

I believe that gender is not… I mean, before gender

there is the body, the organs

and a sexual difference that is absolutely irreducible.

That doesn't mean that certain individuals

who feel unease with the sex they were born with

may not change their appearance.

We need to acknowledge them,

they must have the same right to social life as anyone else.

I think this is something that begins to impose itself in Western society.

However, to imagine that we will erase completely

all the sexual differences of humanity,

I believe that to be an utopia.

For more infomation >> Catherine Millet – Possibilidades e utopias sobre a sexualidade humana - Duration: 3:18.


Toffoli retira de Cármen Lúcia e passa para Mendes operação que investiga deputados do Rio - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Toffoli retira de Cármen Lúcia e passa para Mendes operação que investiga deputados do Rio - Duration: 8:25.


Suporte para Vasos - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Suporte para Vasos - Duration: 3:18.


Kirigami, Plasma Mobile, Plasma Desktop, Atelier e mais.... - Duration: 44:55.

For more infomation >> Kirigami, Plasma Mobile, Plasma Desktop, Atelier e mais.... - Duration: 44:55.


Tutorial | Caixa Shaker para Presente - Christmas Shaker Gift Box - Duration: 11:44.

Hi! I'm Susana from Pink & Fun

and today I'm going to make a shaker box

perfect for a gift

to match the card I made in the previous tutorial

So, to make the box

I'm going to use cardstock with 28cm x 28cm

and I'm going to score it at 4 cm

and at 8 cm

all around

And now, as I always do,

I'll cut off the 3 squares formed in the corners

I will also cut these creases

and trim a little bit in angle

to form the flaps

to assemble the box

fold the score lines

apply adhesive to the flaps

and glue them to the inside of the box

I'll do the same with these

the box is ready

Now I'm going to make the cover

so I cut cardstock with

24.2 cm x 24.2 cm

and I'm going to score at 3 cm and at 6 cm

all around

and I'm going to cut, just like I cut the box

like this...

but before assembling

I'll cut a window, 1 cm from the score lines

fold all the creases

and paste

Now, I'm going to cut some scrapbooking paper

using the 2nd die from this set

and the first from this

to create a frame

before attaching the frame to the box

I'll use some some more cardstock

with 11.6 cm x 11.6 cm

and I will also cut a window, 1 cm from the edge

and color all the way around with the same Copic marker

that I used on the previous video

Now I'll stick each other

and both, to the box

To make the shaker, I cut glitter cardstock

with 10.5 cm x 10.5 cm

as I have some fear that the acetate does not adhere well to the glitter

I decided to adhere it to cardstock, a little larger

I cut the acetate

with 12cm x 12cm

and instead of the 3D foam adhesive tape

which has adhesive also on the sides

and sometimes the ornaments get stuck there

I'll apply fun foam strips

with 1 cm each

leaving no free space between them

now, I'll apply double sided tape

on both sides

I'll put some confettis

and stars

and I'll cover everything with the cardstock

and now, glue to the lid

To embellish

I'm going to use some more dies from La Pareja Creativa

that I will list in the description box below or in my blog

I die cut everything in white cardstock

and I will color using the same Copic marker

I will also use 4 strips of cardstock

with about 3 mm each

and two of the little angels

of this set

and now just embellish

And the box is ready!

I hope you have enjoyed this video

Thank you so much for watching.

Merry Christmas

Kisses and see you next video!

For more infomation >> Tutorial | Caixa Shaker para Presente - Christmas Shaker Gift Box - Duration: 11:44.





Jessica Augusto - Obrigado Por Me Amar (Live Session) - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Jessica Augusto - Obrigado Por Me Amar (Live Session) - Duration: 5:22.


✅ Francesco Monte e Giulia, messaggi nella notte: Salemi svela tutto - Duration: 2:16.

Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi, messaggi nel cuore della notte: Salemi svela tutto  In molti iniziavano a rumoreggiare: tutto un bluff, fuori dalla Casa la storia è già colata a picco, perché non trascorrono tempo insieme? E se non possono, perché almeno non danno notizie che tutto vada bene? A Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi sono bastati un paio di giorni di silenzio social e televisivo, per sollevare parecchi interrogativi tra i fan

Nella notte appena trascorsa, forse anche a fronte dei tanti sospetti, la modella ha deciso di svelare la reale situazione

E non c'è stata alcuna sorpresa: lei e l'ex tronista stanno insieme, come ha documentato con un'Instagram Stories nel cuore della notte… Giulia e Monte in video chiamata, la Salemi immortala il momento: "Notte fiabe"  Giulia e Francesco continuano a essere separati fisicamente (per impegni personali e lavorativi), ma non sentimentalmente

A svelare il tutto la Salemi, che nella notte scorsa ha pubblicato tra le sue Instagram Stories uno scatto che dice molto

Nella fattispecie la foto ha immortalato un momento in cui Monte le manda un bacio attraverso una video chiamata

I due si sentono, si vedono – attraverso uno smartphone attualmente. Ci saranno tempi migliori – e si scambiano teneri gesti

Una coppia, a tutti gli effetti, insomma. I fan possono dormire sonni tranquilli

"Notte fiabe", ha scritto Giulia a commento dello scatto.   Giulia Salemi: la scarsa presenza social e la situazione con Cecilia Rodriguez  Il vociferare di una rottura lampo si stava cominciando a spargere tra qualche follower della coppia

Nella giornata di ieri, ad esempio, Giulia ha motivato la sua scarsa presenza social spiegando di vivere giorni caotici e, dunque, di non riuscire ad essere presente come al solito

Il fatto che non avesse fatto alcun riferimento a Monte aveva allarmato qualcuno e fatto traboccare qualche malalingua

Sempre a proposito di social e sempre a proposito della Salemi, è giunta poche ore fa una notizia curiosa

Lei e Cecilia Rodriguez non si seguono più. Che è successo? (qui tutti i dettagli della vicenda)

For more infomation >> ✅ Francesco Monte e Giulia, messaggi nella notte: Salemi svela tutto - Duration: 2:16.


Sốc !Trợ lý của HLV Park Hang-Seo đâu muốn ra đi vì nguyên nhân thật sự là... - Duration: 29:10.

For more infomation >> Sốc !Trợ lý của HLV Park Hang-Seo đâu muốn ra đi vì nguyên nhân thật sự là... - Duration: 29:10.


Simple Hair Hacks for BAD Hair Days! - Duration: 5:31.

if you have color hair like mine then you and go that your hair gets pretty

dry and brittle you want a quick fast tool to solve all of these hair dilemmas

so today I'm really excited to be partnering with Revlon for this video

this is the new Revlon salon hair dryer and volumizer this has a very unique

brush it's oval-shaped so it has boar bristles which is

supposed to smooth your hair I've heard a lot of great things about this tool so

let's turn on this baby

step one is to section my hair so I have super thick hair I just need to section

off else my hair just doesn't dry as you can see there's four different settings

the high low cool and off so the high is to draw your hair cool is to set your

hair and then obviously to turn off

usually when it comes to styling my hair I don't like to use the dryer and the

brush I have a really hard time navigating it by find that this is very

ergonomic fits in the palm of my hand it's really easy to hold and grip this

tool is supposed to straighten your hair but also provide a bend at the bottom

which kind of achieves that salon blowout look but without paying that

price this is the site that I tried using the Revlon salon dryer and then

this is my natural hair texture as you see it's pretty frizzy it's fairly like

dry and just while looking and this side is definitely a lot smoother something

that I probably wouldn't be able to achieve with just a blow-dryer alone and

here is the finished hair I can't believe how smooth that came out and how

straight and silky it looks I'm definitely loving this additional volume

I'm getting which I usually don't get I do feel like this tool would be a great

holiday gift for a sister mom cousin Fred and anyone who's looking for a hair

dryer and styler all-in-one this is super affordable at just $59 and you can

find it at any ol top you sure to check out this hair styler I'll have it linked

for you guys down below

my all-time favorite way to add style to second or third day hair is by using

hair accessories Berets hats ear muffs you name it it's so cute and I love it

you're not that time period when your hair it's just at a really awkward

length where the bangs are just a little bit too long and it's just like covering

your eyeballs for this tutorial you're going to need some nail polish and bobby

pins so first start by pinning your bobby pins over a piece of paper or

cardboard I'm going to apply a thick coat of polish over the bobby pins and

what's fun about this DIY is that it's so easy to customize your own bobbing

colors to match your style now all you have to do is let your bobby pins dry

just shake them around for a bit by I highly recommend letting them dry for

about an hour or two before you wear them

make your own DIY hair bows you can simply customize the patterns and colors

for any time of the year

simply tie your ribbon into a bow attach a bobby pin either with glue or by

sewing and pin to your hair and voila you have a super cute hairstyle

Merry Christmas

I just really wanted this video to help some of you ladies out there who are

always feeling like oh I'm having a bad hair day never let a bad hair day ruin

your day and ruin your mood because there's always a solution or little tip

or hack that can definitely fix it I wanted to thank you guys so much for all

of your love and support in 2018 so I wanted to do a little giveaway in this

video I'm going to be giving away the same hair tools I used in this video

from Revlon to one of you guys just to say thank you for all of your love and

support so I have to do is be subscribe my channel and leave a comment down

below and that's all you have to do to enter this giveaway you guys enjoyed

today's video comment down below and let me know which hack was your favorite and

let me know what other videos you would like for me to make I love you guys all

so so much and I hope you're having an amazing holiday season and I will see

you in my next video bye guys sunny day but it's cold outside losing

my heart breathing air that

For more infomation >> Simple Hair Hacks for BAD Hair Days! - Duration: 5:31.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Style Edition - Privacy Glas - Airco - Bluetooth - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Style Edition - Privacy Glas - Airco - Bluetooth - Duration: 1:01.





Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse AMG E 63 S 4MATIC+ Estate - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse AMG E 63 S 4MATIC+ Estate - Duration: 1:16.


Impara gli animali in inglese - Nome dei animali e suoni di animali per bambini - Duration: 7:33.

Animals name and sound for Kids

For more infomation >> Impara gli animali in inglese - Nome dei animali e suoni di animali per bambini - Duration: 7:33.


Las Noticias de la mañana, jueves 20 de diciembre de 2018 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Las Noticias de la mañana, jueves 20 de diciembre de 2018 | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 6:29.


Hatches médios: segmento está sofrendo com o modismo dos SUVs - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hatches médios: segmento está sofrendo com o modismo dos SUVs - Duration: 1:01.


The meaning of home - Duration: 4:42.

Home is where you can sleep, eat, play and live.

Home is a place where you feel loved, welcomed.

Your needs are met and the best place that anyone could have.

Home is love, a cozy place.

A place that you love, a place that makes you feel affection.

Home is a place that is hard do leave.

The good side is that you can live in another place,

but people need to respect you.

Home means "my home".

I can live at another places or countries.

But this will be my new home.

Home is a place that has care and love. Family's protection, union among relatives and firends

and all the things that you have.

Home is love, my bedroom, my fish.

Something precious and respect.

A place where you can find your family and people who like you.

Somewhere where you can speak, be listened and you feel like home.

Home is when you have a house.

Home is when you feel cozy, safe and happy.

Home means care, love and passion.

Home is where I feel respected, loved and comfortable.

House is a construction, home is a place where you feel welcomed, safe, comfortable and loved.

Leaving home is like to leaving part of my soul.

There are people who don't have a home, who leave their home behind,

and even die for it.

Home doesn't have to be the place where you live.

But the place where you feel well with your friends, family or where you have good memories.

Home is the place that makes you have a good feeling.

Because, sometimes, just one single feeling can save your life.

I have faith, feel love and like to feel good and positive feelings.

Home is somewhere that you like to be.

Somewhere that you will be ok.

Even if you have a lot or a little.

Because of it, home is not only a house.

It's a place I can nurture feelings.

Somewhere I can bring friends.

It's somewhere that you love, and you feel comfortable.

For me, it's not the place that you live.

But somewhere that you receive a lot of love and care.

It's somewhere that I can trust.

For more infomation >> The meaning of home - Duration: 4:42.


Aprender español: Verbos que cambian de significado con pronombre (nivel avanzado) - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Aprender español: Verbos que cambian de significado con pronombre (nivel avanzado) - Duration: 9:07.


✅ Beatrice Valli in abito da sposa è una favola: la reazione di Marco - Duration: 2:24.

Beatrice Valli in abito da sposa. L'influencer è una favola: "Mi ha fatto senso"

La reazione di Marco Fantini  Beatrice Valli si presenta in abito da sposa ed è una favola

Intanto Marco Fantini si fa prendere un poco dall'ansia. A proposito, quando convoleranno a nozze i due piccioncini? Andiamo con ordine

Nelle scorse ore l'ex corteggiatrice di Uomini e Donne ha pubblicato una foto su Instagram in cui è apparsa con indosso un magnifico abito nuziale

No, non è quello che vestirà quando salirà all'altare con Fantini (la Valli lo ha indossato per un evento)

Tuttavia è servito come anticamera di quel che a breve dovrebbe succedere. Un grande emozione per Bea, che non ha tardato a descriverla: "Si, ha fatto senso anche a me indossare finalmente l'abito bianco (per una sera)! Che emozione però"

"Amore, basta vestirti da sposa. Mi fai venire l'ansia". Fantini sorride, ma la data di matrimonio è un rebus  E Marco? Come ha reagito nel vedere la sua compagna con l'abito nuziale? "Amore, basta vestirti da sposa

Mi fai venire l'ansia", ha commentato tra il serio e il faceto, in un clima scanzonato che ha spinto molti follower a incitarlo simpaticamente: "Sbrigarsi!"

Insomma, le nozze sono reclamate a gran voce, ma quando si svolgeranno? C'è già una data? Il rito nuziale ci sarà (salvo stravolgimenti sentimentali non auspicabili)

Resta da capire quando. La data precisa al momento non c'è, nonostante si sia creato un giallo qualche settimana fa sulla questione

Ad alimentarlo un piccolo 'scherzo'dell'ex tronista che, rispondendo alle domande dei suoi follower, ha snocciolato un 29 giugno 2019

Peccato che…   Fantini e Beatrice Valli: le nozze si faranno, ma quando?  Peccato che Beatrice non sapesse nulla e interveniva poco dopo, sempre via social e sempre in un clima goliardico e scanzonato, facendo sapere di non essere al corrente di alcuna data di matrimonio

Fantini burlone. Ciò che invece non è una burla sono proprio le nozze. La data esatta non c'è ma pare che ormai i due siano concordi nel salire all'altare molto presto

2019 o 2020? Fantini, ascolta i fan: non attendere troppo!

For more infomation >> ✅ Beatrice Valli in abito da sposa è una favola: la reazione di Marco - Duration: 2:24.


The Death Nut Challenge v1.: A sweeter than sweet death!!! (With English Subtitles) (Edit) - Duration: 10:55.

Hello, I'm Frank and welcome to Inland Rabbit's Chilipeper Mysterie.

And today's mystery is...

the Death Nut Challenge

With Carolina Reaper and Pepper X

Pepper X is the new hottest pepper, Ed Currie says. The developer from the now officially hottest: Carolina Reaper

A collaboration between Ed Currie and Blazing Foods, from David Foy. From the USA

But now imported it to Holland

There's a rules card included.

That I'm gonna translate in Dutch for you guys

Caution, extremely hot: wear gloves.

I did.

Then there's the nuts.

5 rows of nuts from milder to extremely hot

I have to check if I'm filming: yes, I'm filming. right?

I have to chew the nuts for 30 seconds.

And...after those 30 seconds I have to wait a minimal time of 90 minutes (oops, seconds)

before I take the next nuts. And then just repeat.

No milk, no water or other liquids.

If I finished that 5th nut I have to wait 5 minutes for an afterburn.

Post your video on Youtube

Well, here we go!

just wait...

So this is 30 seconds.

I can now swallow. But I didn't have anything left.

So it's quite hard.

You can see this one is empty.


This one is not so hot.

in it was:

Carolina Reaper and Ghost peppers. Getting Started!

4, 3, 2,1, 0

Stop! 2 minutes again.


This one is empty.

Youe see, guys?

in it was:

Scorpion Butch T Pepper and Carolina Reaper powder.

Still sweet, still not very hot.

But really tasty.

4,3,2,1, 0

give it 2 minutes again.


just gonna wait again.

still not very hot. It is sweet.

in it:

carolina reaper,

Chocolate Bhutlah

and carolina reaper powder.

it's getting a bit warmer. I'd say a..

2.5 for me.

maybe a 2, yes, 2.

Pain sets it

carolina reaper peppers, 7-pot doughlah.

7-pot brainstrain and carolina reaper powder.

7-pot peppers -

So I felt that...

7-pot peppers are called that way, cause people think they can provide heat for 7 pots of chili or some other meal

So it's a hot pepper. I think in my chili, it can provide for 4 pots? Like that?

Still sweet, but...

There's a bitter taste

I don't really like it.

2 minutes, again. in my mouth...

Empty, so we have to wait again.

This was of course the Death Nut.

in it:

the notorious Pepper X, Carolina Reaper, Moruga Scorpion and Carolina Reaper powder.

And so you can's empty.


I gave it the wrong time....the last nut.

we'll go to 5 minutes

5 minutes afterburn.

That was okay. I'd say

I give it a 4?


If you are a...

pepper grower or hot sauce maker...

or a maker of nuts or chips.

And you want a fun video of your product...

contact me, please: e-mail, facebook

my facebook business page. Or leave a comment.

For the viewers the same. Please, leave a comment.

"Hey, wow, great that you completed it" :D That I finished it.

Think of a...he's getting hot for a bit...

other challenge for me. Or just keep watching, of course. And e-mail me with, I dunno...

Maybe you want to do this challenge yourself...this Death Nut Challenge.

I'd reccommend it, but...

It's spicy.


give it a 4.5 for final score (1-10 scale).

I think 4.5, maybe 5...but...neh.

That's too high...maybe.

But it is extremely doable.

And eh...I'd say...

remember: it was a man in a green coat.

There's gonna be a on it. You can follow my channel.


the well known commucation adresses, all below.

with those links.

of and such...

Yes! Bye!

For more infomation >> The Death Nut Challenge v1.: A sweeter than sweet death!!! (With English Subtitles) (Edit) - Duration: 10:55.


Suporte para Vasos - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Suporte para Vasos - Duration: 3:18.


Renault Clio TCe 90pk Night&Day R-link, Airco, Cruise, 16'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCe 90pk Night&Day R-link, Airco, Cruise, 16'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:05.


Renault Talisman Estate TCe 200pk Initiale Paris EDC Leer, 4-Control, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Licht - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault Talisman Estate TCe 200pk Initiale Paris EDC Leer, 4-Control, R-link, Climate, Cruise, Licht - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI R-Line 105PK 5-DEURS AIRCO/CLIMATE CONTROLE AF FABRIEK R-LINE PAKKET 1E EIGE - Duration: 1:12.


Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi 170PK L2H2 Energy Airco/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.8913) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi 170PK L2H2 Energy Airco/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.8913) - Duration: 1:05.


Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi 170PK L3H2 Energy Airco/navi/Schuifdeur L+R (nr.8784) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi 170PK L3H2 Energy Airco/navi/Schuifdeur L+R (nr.8784) - Duration: 1:05.


钟汉良杂志盘点五——猫一样的男人,何以琛? - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> 钟汉良杂志盘点五——猫一样的男人,何以琛? - Duration: 11:52.


榜首之战,没想到天津女排会完胜上海女排,李盈莹的处境好尴尬? - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 榜首之战,没想到天津女排会完胜上海女排,李盈莹的处境好尴尬? - Duration: 3:50.


Self proclaimed King of RnB gives back in a major way - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Self proclaimed King of RnB gives back in a major way - Duration: 1:49.


Volkswagen Touran 1.6-16V FSI TRENDLINE ::: #YesWeSale – KHAN MEENEEMPRIJZEN, EINDEJAARSACTIE! ::: - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touran 1.6-16V FSI TRENDLINE ::: #YesWeSale – KHAN MEENEEMPRIJZEN, EINDEJAARSACTIE! ::: - Duration: 0:51.


S04E08 藝術作品一定要美嗎? - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> S04E08 藝術作品一定要美嗎? - Duration: 3:36.


Renault Mégane 1.4-16V Authentique 5Drs - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.4-16V Authentique 5Drs - Duration: 1:06.


Timothy's Christmas Karaoke - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Timothy's Christmas Karaoke - Duration: 3:15.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Now 5drs | airco | radio/ cd - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Now 5drs | airco | radio/ cd - Duration: 0:45.


$1.5B lottery winner in South Carolina still hasn't claimed prize - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> $1.5B lottery winner in South Carolina still hasn't claimed prize - Duration: 1:03.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, KERST AANBIEDING - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, KERST AANBIEDING - Duration: 0:40.


Self-guided Moose & Caribou Hunting in Alaska: Episode 5 - Moose Season Opens - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> Self-guided Moose & Caribou Hunting in Alaska: Episode 5 - Moose Season Opens - Duration: 14:27.


Glaber & Lagertha + Caroline & Lorenzo || When the Truth Hunts You Down [DSS Secret Santa] - Duration: 2:10.

Time and again you tore my heart from my chest.

This is not your decision.

I'm not interested in your opinion.

Did you have sex with her?

One day...

I will kill you.

For more infomation >> Glaber & Lagertha + Caroline & Lorenzo || When the Truth Hunts You Down [DSS Secret Santa] - Duration: 2:10.


Volvo V70 2.5T Momentum Clima/Cruise/Stuurbekrachtiging/Elek.Ramen/C.V./PDC/Leder/Trekhaak/6-Bak - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5T Momentum Clima/Cruise/Stuurbekrachtiging/Elek.Ramen/C.V./PDC/Leder/Trekhaak/6-Bak - Duration: 1:06.


IN OTHER NEWS: Utah to lower blood-alcohol limit - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> IN OTHER NEWS: Utah to lower blood-alcohol limit - Duration: 2:29.


Officers save motorist on their way to graduation - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Officers save motorist on their way to graduation - Duration: 1:36.


Bochka Bass Challenge TikTok & New Trending Musically Compilation #BochkaBass - Duration: 5:58.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time!

Please, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Bochka Bass Challenge TikTok & New Trending Musically Compilation #BochkaBass - Duration: 5:58.


WHAT TO SAY at Christmas! 🎄 Common Expressions - Duration: 23:43.

Hey there! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!

So Christmas is just around the corner and

in this lesson, I'll focus on some common English

expressions and vocabulary

that you'll hear at this time of year.

The Christmas holiday is celebrated so differently

around the world.

For some, it's a religious celebration. For others,

it's just a cultural celebration but an important one.

Most of you know that here in Australia we celebrate

Christmas a little differently.

It's not the quintessential white Christmas

that you imagine.

It's summer, it's lovely and warm.

We spend days at the beach over our holidays

and the food that we eat is a little less traditional.

We eat prawns and salads and cold ham and

all of those delicious things.

All of my students in South America,

Southeast Asia and even parts of Africa.

I mean, we definitely do things a little differently

down in the southern hemisphere, right?

If you celebrate Christmas in summer,

I want to hear about your traditions in the comments.

How do you and your family celebrate?

What's your favourite thing to do on Christmas Day?

Now for those of you who celebrate a more traditional,

white Christmas, you probably can't even imagine

Christmas in summer, right? A hot Christmas.

It must sound completely crazy to you.

And if you don't celebrate Christmas at all,

you've probably got another similar holiday

where you eat lots of delicious food with the people

that you love and maybe you share gifts with each other

so I'd love to hear about your celebrations as well.

If you've got time, add a quick description

into the comments, I'd love to read about it.

But back to Christmas.

There are some tricky words and expressions that are

used at Christmas time in English

so in this lesson we'll focus on how you can

say them confidently.

You'll practise how to wish someone a Merry Christmas.

You'll find out what a Kris Kringle is and

I'll help you to get in the Christmas spirit.

I'm sure that you've heard this greeting before,

it's probably the most

famous Christmas expression there is.

But so often, it's mispronounced by my English students

'merry' could be a little tricky for you if your native

language is Thai, Vietnamese or another

Asian language, because of that /r/ consonant sound.

So with the consonant, make sure that the tip of your

tongue is not touching anything

and that it's pushed up in the middle and pulling back

from the front of your mouth.

The edges of your tongue can touch the top inside teeth

Now 'Christmas' is also tricky because the T is silent.

Most native speakers just simply say

And the letter A here is unstressed

so you'll just hear it as the schwa sound.

It's flat, it's low in pitch.

If you're not sure what the schwa sound is,

then check out this lesson here that I made all about it

but let's try 'Christmas' together

Forget about that T sound in there,

you need to be a little lazy with the A.

Listen to the intonation there.

In most English-speaking countries, you'll hear

'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy Christmas'.

Both are good options.

The night before Christmas is also an important day.

Depending on the culture, some people actually eat their

big family Christmas meal on Christmas Eve

and not on Christmas Day.

And some cultures open their presents

on Christmas Eve.

But more importantly,

for many children around the world,

Christmas Eve is the time when Santa Claus comes

flying to their house with his sleigh and his reindeer

to leave Christmas presents under the Christmas tree.

It's a big night and it's also hard to pronounce.

The consonant sound at the end of 'Christmas'

links to the vowel sound at the start of 'Eve'

and the two words are usually pronounced as if

they were one big word and remember

don't pronounce that T.

And don't forget that final /v/ consonant at the end.

What on earth is that?

Well let's start with Santa,

you probably know him, right? This guy.

Also known as Santa Claus.

Yeah, in English that word is pronounced

just like 'claws' and 'clause'.

He's also known as Father Christmas.

He's known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick

and Kris Kringle in some countries

and of all of those names,

I think the hardest to pronounce is Kris Kringle.

So saying two words that begin with the /kr/

consonant cluster it's kind of like a tongue twister.

It really makes the muscles in your mouth work.

And don't forget that tiny little schwa sound there

in the syllabic consonant.

So it's an unstressed second syllable.

In some accents it's syllabic

otherwise there's a tiny little schwa sound in there.

This one might take a little bit of getting used to

but there's no time like the present.

Repeat after me.

It's like a tongue twister. How fast can you say it

without messing it up?

Now for me in Australia, Kris Kringle is actually

an activity played at Christmas time

especially amongst big groups of friends

or colleagues at work.

So it's a gift-swapping game. It's quite popular.

You write everybody's name on a small piece of paper

and put it into a hat or a bucket.

Then you choose one of the pieces of paper

without looking

and the person on this piece of paper is the one that

you have to buy a Christmas present for.

So you can't tell anyone who you're buying

your present for and there's usually an amount of money

that everyone agrees to spend so the presents

are all of the same value.

And there's actually a lot of different variations

on this game depending on where you are in the

English-speaking world.

It might also be called Secret Santa.

If you're in America, I think it's called Yankee Swap

or White Elephant, so there are lots of games where

everyone brings a present to a party and then you know

it's a bit of fun sharing those presents around.

But sometimes there's slightly different rules,

so if you do ever get invited to one of these

games at Christmas,

then make sure you just double-check the rules.

Now that we're on the topic of presents and gifts,

do you have anything special on your

Christmas wish list this year?

We usually exchange gifts at Christmas time and your

wish list is a list of all of the things

that you hope to receive.

Now most commonly this is done by children,

particularly because they write their list of gifts

they want to receive from Santa.

Now I'm wondering if you have a Christmas wish list.

If you do, what's on it?

For me, I would really like a pretty beach umbrella

and some new beach chairs,

that's what's on my Christmas list.

Fingers crossed that Santa sees that this year.

So this is a pronunciation nightmare

if you have trouble with the

and sounds.

For such a short phrase it's actually pretty tough to say

especially at the ends of these words.

So for the sound, your lips need to flare outwards.

And your tongue is pulling a little back

but your teeth are not quite touching

and of course, it's an unvoiced sound

so the air is pushing through your mouth.

The -st consonants at the end of 'list'

might also be tricky for you because it's a

cluster of consonants.

So the /s/ the /t/ sounds need to come together, right?

So you can probably make those sounds separately

but what about if you push them together?

Make sure that I can hear that T, please.

I want to hear that air stop.

Okay now put it all together.

That's another tongue twister

for you to practise this week Christmas!

Challenge yourself to say that as many times

as possible without messing that up!

Now you might also hear people saying that they are

in the Christmas spirit.

Someone who is in the Christmas spirit is feeling

excited and really happy about the holidays,

excited about seeing friends and family and

decorating the house and planning celebrations.

So you can use this expression when someone is

doing an action that's particularly generous or giving

like if a colleague brought some mince pies

to share with everyone at work to celebrate Christmas.

What a generous gesture!

You could say "You're in the Christmas spirit!"

If you don't know what mince pies are, I made a video

about it here a couple of Christmases ago.

Now since Christmas ends in the /s/ consonant,

the same sound that 'spirit' starts with,

then you can link those two sounds together

so the whole phrase sounds more like one word.

This sounds like Christmas spirit.

So those two consonant sounds, because they're the

same, we don't need to pronounce them twice.

They just pull together.

But what if you're not in the Christmas spirit?

I'm sure some of you might know someone who

can be quite grumpy at Christmas. They don't really like

that time of year. They don't like Christmas

and we call those people Scrooges

in an affectionate way. A Scrooge.

So the word 'Scrooge' is actually the name of a

really grumpy man in a famous Christmas story called

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

In the story, the main character, Scrooge, hates

everything about Christmas and he does his best to

avoid all of the celebrating,

all of the happiness of the holidays.

Now over time, it's become really common to call

anyone who is anti-Christmas, who doesn't really like

Christmas, a Scrooge.

Are you a Christmas Scrooge?

It's okay, you can admit it!

Sometimes I'm a bit of a Scrooge.

So to say this word is a little challenging.

It's an invented name so it's a bit of a strange word

but you'll hear it all the time at this time of year.

Make sure you practise the /sk/ consonant cluster

on its own before you even think about adding

the rest of it.

So hear that sound tapping at the back of my mouth

playing with that air as it's coming through.

Then you can add

So there's that sound.

Everything's pretty tight in my mouth there.

So we end up with that

shape from the vowel sound.

So then you need to add the consonant sound

like in 'jam'

Now that you can say the name, you can tell someone

"Come on! Don't be such a Scrooge!"

Remember, it's usually meant as an affectionate insult,

if that's possible. It's not really meant to be rude.

Usually people who are Scrooges are

completely okay about it, they accept it.

So do you know anyone who's a Christmas Scrooge?

Maybe don't name them in the comments

but share your stories about them if you want.

We already know that 'merry' is a synonym for happy

so it can also mean lively, cheerful and even

a little bit drunk. You're happily drunk.

So when it comes to Christmas parties and celebrations

usually the more the merrier.

The more people that come, the happier

and the more fun the event will be.

You can use this expression to say everyone's welcome

and although this expression is a way

to invite people to a Christmas party,

especially to say, you know,

bring your friends and family too

but this expression is common not only at Christmas.

You can use it at any time when you're inviting people

to join in an activity.

Everyone's welcome.

So let's say this one a few times together.

Both of these words are unstressed, so they reduce

down and become the schwa sound.

The other words are content words. They're stressed

and we hear them really clearly.

Stress that vowel sound there.

In my accent, you don't hear the

consonant sound at the end.

Well hopefully this lesson helped you to get

in the Christmas spirit.

In English-speaking countries

and in lots of other countries around the world,

this is such a special time of year.

So if you're celebrating

I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Now stick around for some extra practice

coming up in just a moment but before we get there

make sure you subscribe to the mmmEnglish family

here on YouTube, if you haven't already.

The more the merrier!

Click that red button right there.

Now let's go practise!



What are you up to?

I am just finishing some last-minute

Christmas wrapping.


Yes a few last presents to wrap before the big day.

Who are your presents for?

Mostly for friends actually, I'm not spending Christmas

with my family this year so

most of these presents are for my friends.

This year I'm having a pretty quiet one actually.

I'm not going back to Melbourne. Normally I fly home

to Melbourne where all of my family lives.

This year I'm not. My family's coming over to visit me

in Perth after New Year's so

I'm just having a really quiet relaxed Christmas this year

and not doing a lot of the crazy running around

and preparing, organising everything that

usually happens.

Well normally I am back in Melbourne and my family,

I have quite a big family,

all of my cousins and my aunties and uncles

and my grandparents are usually there.

And so we have a big lunch or a big dinner and

sort of give each other presents and

it's a really good opportunity to catch up because

now all of my cousins have grown up,

we're all adults, we don't see each other that much

so it's a really great chance to catch up.

I'm actually really glad that you asked that question

because it's one that comes up all the time

around this time of year, particularly in English-speaking

countries where everyone is celebrating Christmas

or at least everyone gets

time off work at that time of year.

So even if you're not celebrating Christmas

or you don't really, you know, believe in Christmas

and you don't sort of spend time celebrating

at that time of year,

it's still a time when you get days off work and you know

here in Australia, at least, it's really great weather.

Everyone really makes the most of that opportunity to

you know, catch up, with family or friends

and that kind of thing.

So when you get asked this question:

"What are you doing at Christmas? or

"Have you got any plans at Christmas?"

It can be asked in so many different ways.

There are so many different

questions that can get asked

but actually, the answer to all of them

is exactly the same.

So when you get asked this question, it's not so much

specifically what you're doing on Christmas Day

even if, you know, you're not actually celebrating.

It's talking about this period of time

around the Christmas holidays so it could be

you know, from anywhere around the 21st of December

through to the 2nd or 3rd of January, depending on

you know, when the public holidays are.

This time of year, it's because everyone's got

time off work, they're, you know, often going on holidays

or doing special things

whether they're related to Christmas or not

so if you don't celebrate Christmas, you know,

it's easy to answer this question as well.

You can simply say


but we're doing this instead or we're going to visit family

or we're taking advantage of the holidays

and we're going to Italy.

Something like that.

So even if you don't celebrate Christmas,

you can easily answer this question,

you just need to have a couple of ideas

at the ready.

Some of the things you might say are

where you're going,

who you're doing it with,

whether it's friends or family,

whether it's a big celebration or not, whether it's

low key or you're having a quiet one like me.

And also, you know, what your plans are,

what types of things you'll be doing,

what activities you'll be doing,

whether you're staying at home, whether you're

travelling to somewhere else.

So any of these ideas are things that you can talk about

when you answer that question

and if you're like me this year

and you're doing something a little different to what

you usually do then answering this question

by contrasting or comparing the way that you

usually celebrate with what you're doing this year is

also the perfect way to answer this question.

So for me, I usually fly home and I visit my family

and we have a big Christmas celebration

but this year I'm having a quiet one

and my family are actually coming to visit me.

So it's a little different and I can talk about the

difference in that answer.

So I'm curious,

what have you got planned this Christmas?

What are you doing with your family over the holidays?

I'm really interested to find out.

I'm sure we have completely different ways

of celebrating all around the world

but I want you to try and answer that question

using the tips and advice that I gave

during this little extra bonus section of this lesson

so try and tell me what you're doing,

where you're doing it, who you're doing it with,

what you're eating,

if you're celebrating - particularly if you're celebrating

in a religious way. If you're not celebrating,

tell me what you'll be doing instead

or what you usually do at this time of year.

I'm really interested to find out.

Well I hope that you enjoyed that lesson

and that you've got a few new expressions to use

this year at Christmas time.

If you enjoyed this lesson then make sure you subscribe

to the mmmEnglish channel by clicking that red button

just down there.

If you want to keep watching some more Christmas

related videos, I've got a few others right here.

So I'll see you in the next lesson!

For more infomation >> WHAT TO SAY at Christmas! 🎄 Common Expressions - Duration: 23:43.


Tu Lagawelu jab Lipastic | step to step dance Tutorial | Parveen sharma - Duration: 12:25.

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song is removed due to copyright issues

song is removed due to copyright issues

song is removed due to copyright issues

song is removed due to copyright issues

song is removed due to copyright issues

song is removed due to copyright issues

song is removed due to copyright issues

song is removed due to copyright issues

कोपी राईट के कारण गाना हटा दिया गया है

कोपी राईट के कारण गाना हटा दिया गया है

कोपी राईट के कारण गाना हटा दिया गया है

कोपी राईट के कारण गाना हटा दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

पुरे सोंग के साथ सरे डांस स्टेप्स आप एक अलग विडियो में देख सकते हैं उसका लिंक निचे डिस्क्रिपशन में दे दिया गया है

For more infomation >> Tu Lagawelu jab Lipastic | step to step dance Tutorial | Parveen sharma - Duration: 12:25.


GODZILLA Hotel Gracery Shinjuku Room Tour (Tokyo, Japan) - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> GODZILLA Hotel Gracery Shinjuku Room Tour (Tokyo, Japan) - Duration: 10:08.


The Death Nut Challenge v1.: A sweeter than sweet death!!! (With English Subtitles) (Edit) - Duration: 10:55.

Hello, I'm Frank and welcome to Inland Rabbit's Chilipeper Mysterie.

And today's mystery is...

the Death Nut Challenge

With Carolina Reaper and Pepper X

Pepper X is the new hottest pepper, Ed Currie says. The developer from the now officially hottest: Carolina Reaper

A collaboration between Ed Currie and Blazing Foods, from David Foy. From the USA

But now imported it to Holland

There's a rules card included.

That I'm gonna translate in Dutch for you guys

Caution, extremely hot: wear gloves.

I did.

Then there's the nuts.

5 rows of nuts from milder to extremely hot

I have to check if I'm filming: yes, I'm filming. right?

I have to chew the nuts for 30 seconds.

And...after those 30 seconds I have to wait a minimal time of 90 minutes (oops, seconds)

before I take the next nuts. And then just repeat.

No milk, no water or other liquids.

If I finished that 5th nut I have to wait 5 minutes for an afterburn.

Post your video on Youtube

Well, here we go!

just wait...

So this is 30 seconds.

I can now swallow. But I didn't have anything left.

So it's quite hard.

You can see this one is empty.


This one is not so hot.

in it was:

Carolina Reaper and Ghost peppers. Getting Started!

4, 3, 2,1, 0

Stop! 2 minutes again.


This one is empty.

Youe see, guys?

in it was:

Scorpion Butch T Pepper and Carolina Reaper powder.

Still sweet, still not very hot.

But really tasty.

4,3,2,1, 0

give it 2 minutes again.


just gonna wait again.

still not very hot. It is sweet.

in it:

carolina reaper,

Chocolate Bhutlah

and carolina reaper powder.

it's getting a bit warmer. I'd say a..

2.5 for me.

maybe a 2, yes, 2.

Pain sets it

carolina reaper peppers, 7-pot doughlah.

7-pot brainstrain and carolina reaper powder.

7-pot peppers -

So I felt that...

7-pot peppers are called that way, cause people think they can provide heat for 7 pots of chili or some other meal

So it's a hot pepper. I think in my chili, it can provide for 4 pots? Like that?

Still sweet, but...

There's a bitter taste

I don't really like it.

2 minutes, again. in my mouth...

Empty, so we have to wait again.

This was of course the Death Nut.

in it:

the notorious Pepper X, Carolina Reaper, Moruga Scorpion and Carolina Reaper powder.

And so you can's empty.


I gave it the wrong time....the last nut.

we'll go to 5 minutes

5 minutes afterburn.

That was okay. I'd say

I give it a 4?


If you are a...

pepper grower or hot sauce maker...

or a maker of nuts or chips.

And you want a fun video of your product...

contact me, please: e-mail, facebook

my facebook business page. Or leave a comment.

For the viewers the same. Please, leave a comment.

"Hey, wow, great that you completed it" :D That I finished it.

Think of a...he's getting hot for a bit...

other challenge for me. Or just keep watching, of course. And e-mail me with, I dunno...

Maybe you want to do this challenge yourself...this Death Nut Challenge.

I'd reccommend it, but...

It's spicy.


give it a 4.5 for final score (1-10 scale).

I think 4.5, maybe 5...but...neh.

That's too high...maybe.

But it is extremely doable.

And eh...I'd say...

remember: it was a man in a green coat.

There's gonna be a on it. You can follow my channel.


the well known commucation adresses, all below.

with those links.

of and such...

Yes! Bye!

For more infomation >> The Death Nut Challenge v1.: A sweeter than sweet death!!! (With English Subtitles) (Edit) - Duration: 10:55.


🇮🇱 Israeli Settlements. A Key to Prosperity with Lev Haolam - Duration: 2:34.

imagine this was the land of Israel 3,500 years ago it was to this place the

God brought Abram and promised this land to him and his descendants this is the

land where Abram Isaac and Jacob David and Solomon lived this is the land of

the forefathers of Israel here for hundreds and hundreds of years

the Jewish people built their homes raised their children cultivated the

land and worshiped one God but now everything has changed Judea and Samaria

the biblical heartland of Israel is suffering from chaos and violence there

is hope after thousands of years of Exile these heroes came back to the land

of their forefathers they came back despite being repressed and isolated

they came back to live in this land to fulfill biblical prophecies as God had

promised them all they have is faith unfortunately some people don't want

this to happen they tried to stop the communities from growing

they boycott products from Judea and Samaria they lie and their lies spread

in the media this is the reason live hollom was created we found a way to

help the courageous people of Judea and Samaria the Pioneers who live in this

land be the means to support themselves and develop in their community they need

food shelter and basic infrastructure they're working hard to develop the Land

of Israel to make the land bloom but they need help from those who believe in

them those who believe in their businesses and in the right to build

their homes in Judea and Samaria the best way to help as pioneers is to buy

their products at level um we connect Israel's supporters from all over the

world to businesses in Judea and Samaria we enable our subscribers to buy high

quality natural organic products from the heartland of Israel to support the

pioneer look what we have already achieved with

more than 3000 supporters from all over the world who are a part of the level um

family and with many more who believe in our mission we can make a difference

join us today and let us bring prosperity back to the Land of Israel

together go to our website subscribe and make a difference today

For more infomation >> 🇮🇱 Israeli Settlements. A Key to Prosperity with Lev Haolam - Duration: 2:34.



Hello everybody and welcome in this new video

After that I rode it with Erika, now I record a test ride of this bike

Suzuki Gladius 650 model year 2009

I was 19 years old in 2009

and I usually bought motorcycle magazine

I remember this bike when it was announced, like a different version of Suzuki SV 650

In magazine's test ride the bike was described such an easy bike, ideal for beginners

also for woman, for the reduced height of the saddle.

Today we are here

to discover

if those magazine's test rides were right or not

The bike has got two cylinders

650cc, engine and chassis are very close to Suzuki SV 650

Luckily today I have found a SV meanwhile I was walking

I show you this clip of the two bikes parked one close to the other

to discover how much these bikes are really similar

What did I feel on the first meters on this bike?

The fuel tank is really small

I'm happy to try it some weeks after Yamaha MT07 test ride

Because of the similar engine

and almost same cc

so compare the two bikes is not wrong

The fuel tank has got 12 litres, so it's small but it can store enough fuel

my girlfriend is 1.64m tall

and she can lean her feet on the floor easily, and she feel more confortable riding this bike than on my Fazer

beacuse of the reduced height of the bike's saddle

and also for the weight, only 185kg without liquids

really a good result.

The engine has got 72 HP and 64 Nm of torque

This bike is totally original

The fuel indicator is broken, there aren't aftermarket parts

The biggest merit of this bike is the power at low rpm, like all the 2 cylinders bike. It has got a good accelleration after the turns

rotating the twist grip there is always enough power

The bike arrives until 9000rpm but

the best of this engine arrives at lower rpm

in my opinion the optimal shift range is at about 7000rpm

In my opinion is a bike really interesting for beginners and women

because you can reach a good drive feeling quickly

because of the high handlebar and the saddle , like I said before

In my opinion this handlebar, in sport ride mode, results too high

and force the pilot to ride too erect

The bike is impressive for its small dimension, like a bicycle

The dimension can be compared to the Yamaha MT 07, but this is a 9 years old bike

And 9 years ago the construction standards were different

And its rivals at that time were bikes with 4 cylinders, heavier and a little bit high performing

More I ride 2 cylnders bikes, more I like

For street riding mode, a fun bike must be 2 cylinders

I show you its moves between the turns

As you can see

The indicators can be read also with the sun on them

I forgot to tell you that I'm not wearing my protective jacket

because this Sunday tour hasn't been programmed and all my equipment is at the laundry shop

Talking about this bike's flaws, I didn't like two things

The first one is an excessive on off effect at the first touch of the twist grip

I don't know if it's an issue of this bike or all the model producted

but on restarts from low speed, on off effect can be cleary felt

The second flaws of this bike is the gear

For more infomation >> TEST RIDE SUZUKI GLADIUS 650 - NON ME L'ASPETTAVO MA...😏😏😏 - Duration: 7:34.


How to Pronounce THE - Duration: 2:59.

Hello, everyone! Hello! Today, we're gonna work on the pronunciation of the voiced th sound in English


Yes, a voiced sound is a sound that is produced

with a vibration of the vocal cords


Like this. Yes, so let's compare the two th sounds in English

the th sound in math

- voiceless - and the th sound in with


so repeat

No vibration and vibration

Now repeat these words with a the sound in initial position

Be careful not to pronounce a D sound instead of the, okay. So let's repeat









Very good! Now repeat these words with the in medial position









Very good. Now let's repeat these words with the in

Final position. So repeat after us






Very good! Now compare these pairs of words with D


th them

Repeat after us, okay

day - they

den - then

diss - this

dare - there

dough - though

wordy - worthy

doze - those

very good

So now, you know the pronunciation of the voiced th sound

If you liked this video

Please hit the like button and to see a video about the pronunciation of the voiceless sound click on the card

Don't forget to share this video with your friends

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For more infomation >> How to Pronounce THE - Duration: 2:59.


FOX & Friends 12/20/18 7AM | December 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:44.

For more infomation >> FOX & Friends 12/20/18 7AM | December 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:44.


How To Stop Being Depressed And Lazy - Duration: 5:53.

Hey shy professionals, Myke Macapinlac here and in this video, I'm going to talk about

how to stop being depressed and lazy.

I'm about to share with you some simple but effective techniques that I teach my coaching

clients whenever they feel like they're stuck in a rut so make sure you watch the entire


If you are technically skilled like an engineer, programmer or a developer, and you want the

most practical advice on how to become more social, confident, and charismatic, make sure

you subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when I post a new video every

single week

I get it.

Sometimes, shit happens.

But if you want to improve your interactions and create more meaningful relationships,

you have to learn how to stop being depressed and lazy.

Your ability to control your emotions play a significant role in improving your social


Being in a sour mood not only affects how you feel but also the people around you.

What shows up in your mind also shows up in your body.

That's why it's hard to be charismatic with a frown on your face.

Give this video a like if you're ready to get my best tips on how to stop being depressed

and lazy.

Alright, let's jump right in.

Tip #1 Meditate regularly

I can't think of a better way to start my day than having a moment of silence to be

with myself.

Remember, you are not your thoughts.

Meditating regularly allows you to control what goes in your head.

It helps you live your life more intentionally because you're training your mind to give

whatever meaning you want to your circumstances.

There are so many ways you can meditate.

Personally, I like to use a guided meditation app.

How you meditate in the beginning doesn't matter.

Just get in the habit of doing it regularly at the same time every single day.

Tip #2 Review your goals

It's hard to feel motivated if you have nothing to work towards.

Having clearly defined goals give your life meaning and purpose.

I think it's important that you ask yourself what you really want in all aspects of your

life and why you want it.

For myself, I review my personal, fitness, relationship and career goals on a regular


That's why I'm jumping out of bed every morning because I'm excited to take action and move

towards them.

If you want greater happiness in your life, figure out a worthwhile project and get on


Happy people always have cool things they're working on every single time.

Tip #3 Practice gratitude

Have you ever been around someone who complains a lot?

It's irritating, isn't it?

So don't be that person.

Rather than complaining, I invite you to shift your focus and look for things to be thankful


You'll realize that life is never as bad as you make it out to be and that you have

lots of good things that are going well for you.

You can start simple by being thankful for the bed you slept on and waking up that day

because you have another opportunity to live your life and pursue your goals.

Also, make sure you take a moment and pause until you get a feel for whatever it is you

appreciate when you're doing this exercise.

Slow down and don't rush it.

Tip #4 Smile more often

Your mind and body are interconnected.

If you change one, the other follows.

Smiling can instantly improve your mood but it works better if you combine it with positive


Fake it if you have to.

You can always find something to smile about.

Tip #5 Move your body

You are your number one asset.

When you take care of your body, your body takes care of you.

Find a physical activity that you enjoy and stick to it.

Whether it's going for a walk, hitting the weights or playing sports, it doesn't matter.

Whatever you choose, just get your body moving.

It's one of the best ways I know to get you out of your head and be more present in the


Tip #6 Get more sleep

It's hard to be in a good mood if you're sleep deprived.

Limit your caffeine intake later on during the day and get off your computer a few hours

before you go to sleep.

Also, you'll want to train yourself to go to bed at the same time every single day.

You'll feel better overall if you're well-rested.

Tip #7 Find inspiring friends

I've said this many times in the past, and I'll say it again.

You become the average of the people you surround yourself with that's why you have to be mindful

of who you spend time with on a regular basis.

You can't help but adopt the mindset and habits of those you hang out with all the time.

If you want to learn how to stop being depressed and lazy, make a conscious effort to be around

people who are positive and optimistic.

There you have it, I promise you that if you implement even one of these techniques, it'll

help you stop being depressed and lazy.

If you are technically skilled like an engineer, programmer or a developer, and you're tired

of struggling socially, I've put together a special cheat sheet that will help you go

from shy to social, just click on the link below and I'll send it to you right away.

If you like this video, go ahead and hit the like button, subscribe and share it with someone

who you know could benefit from it.

Now, it's your turn.

Which of these techniques are you going to implement right away?

Leave me a comment below and let's have a conversation around it.

Alright that's it for for now and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How To Stop Being Depressed And Lazy - Duration: 5:53.


'I know agent who met Man Utd to discuss transfers... FIVE Galacticos mentioned' - Duration: 1:54.

 Andy Mitten, editor of the acclaimed United We Stand magazine, spoke to an agent who discussed possible deals with both Manchester giants on the same day

 And the approaches, he says, were worlds apart. City were said to have been 'very specific' about exactly the type of players they wanted to bring in

 However, United were keen to discuss the possibility of signing 'five Galactico players' in a bid to win the Champions League

 "I know an agent who met Man City and Man United on the same day," Mitten told the Beyond the Pitch podcast

 "He's got good players this lad. He said City were very specific about what they wanted in each position for the next year and two years

 "And he went to United and it was all about names. "It was all 'if we have five Galatico-style players, that's how you win the European Cup'

" READ MORE: MAN CITY PREDICTED LINE-UP VS CHELSEA  Mitten went on to discuss United's £52million deal to sign Fred, who was also wanted by City

 The Brazilian has been capped at international level but it wasn't all good noises from people who knew him well

 "Fred, who cost £52m. When he signed I saw United fans writing really optimistic things about him," he explained

 "So I tracked down people who knew him, had played with him. "I spoke to six different people and three of them said off-the-record 'he's a nice guy, he's a good player

He's not Manchester United class'. "When I'm getting that information I'm thinking this isn't as good as it could be

 "This isn't people saying this guy is going to be a world beater, that's why Manchester United have signed him

This is people putting alarm bells in straight away."

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