Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 20 2018

Los Reyes de los Belgas y los Macron, Presidente y Primera Dama de Francia, dejaron patente durante su encuentro de anoche en el Castillo Real de Laeken, a las afueras de Bruselas, que las diferencias también suman.

Los reyes Felipe y Matilde agasajaron a sus invitados de honor, Emmanuel y Brigitte Macron, con una cena de gala a la que acudieron otros 170 invitados, entre los que se encontraban varios miembros de la Familia Real de Bélgica,

concretamente la princesa Astrid y su marido, el príncipe Lorenz, y el príncipe Laurent con su esposa, la princesa Claire.

Las tres damas de la realeza lucían la más alta etiqueta, vestido largo y tiara, como es propio de este tipo de veladas en Palacio.

La reina Matilde brilló con un vestido con escote de corazón e incrustaciones en las bocamangas, de la firma Armani, que combinó con la Diadema de las Nueve Provincias y unos espectaculares pendientes de diamantes.

Por su parte, la primera dama Brigitte Macron deslumbró también haciendo valer sus diferencias de título, estilo y cofre con un elegante vestido negro con decoración de lentejuelas en el cuello y la cintura y unos luminosos pendientes.

A falta de tiara, la característica melena de la Primera Dama francesa, seña de identidad de su modernismo, se coronaba con un moño italiano.

Felipe y Matilde de los Belgas posan con sus invitados de honor, el presidente Emmanuel Macron y la primera dama Brigitte Macron, en una de las bellísimas estancias del castillo de Laeken, que durante una temporada habitó Napoleón Bonaparte en 1804.

El castillo, próximo a Bruselas, fue construido entre 1782 y 1784 según los planos del arquitecto francés Charles De Wailly con el propósito de convertirse en residencia de verano de los Gobernadores de los Países Bajos, que en la época incluían el territorio de Bélgica.

La última visita oficial de un Presidente de Francia a Bélgica se remonta a la de Georges Pompidou en 1971, hace casi 50 años.

La cena de gala, responsabilidad del prestigioso cocinero belga Jean-Michel Loriers, estuvo compuesta por una sopa ligera de tomate con langostinos, ciervo asado con guarnición de avellanas y cerezas y una mousse templada de chocolate.

Todo ello regado con diversos caldos, entre ellos un Clos d'Opleeuw de 2014 y un Saint Estèphe Château Clauzet de 2012. El Presidente de Francia y el Rey de los Belgas brindan por la próspera amistad de ambos países.

La pareja presidencial francesa había llegado a Bruselas a última hora de la mañana para emprender una visita de Estado de dos días por invitación de los reyes Felipe y Matilde.

El programa comenzó con la tradicional ceremonia de bienvenida oficial en la plaza del Palacio de Bruselas, seguida de un almuerzo en el Palacio Real.

Luego anfitriones e invitados se trasladaron a Gante, donde el cuarteto visitó el Museo de Bellas Artes (MSK) para admirar la restauración del retablo de La Adoración del Cordero Místico, obra maestra de los hermanos Van Eyck que data del siglo XV. El presidente Emmanuel Macron llevó su discurso europeísta a Bruselas.

Apuesta por una Europa más fuerte, capaz de hacer frente a los desafíos internacionales, y en lo que toca a las relaciones bilaterales con Bélgica, pretende mejorar la cooperación en materia de lucha contra el terrorismo, para lo cual es necesario pasar la página de las diferencias.

Felipe y Matilde de los Belgas continuarán siendo los perfectos anfitriones de la pareja presidencial francesa en la visita de hoy al centro cultural La Valle en el barrio de Molenbeek,

en Bruselas, de donde eran originarios muchos de los jihadistas responsables de los atentados parisinos de noviembre de 2015.

"Molenbeek, territorio marcado por la imagen del drama terrorista, es también un lugar de iniciativas, de intercambio y de integración", señaló el presidente Emmanuel Macron en la red social Twitter, en el marco del segundo y último día de visita oficial a Bélgica junto a su esposa, la primera dama Brigitte Macron.




For more infomation >> UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: TRABAJO PRÁCTICO Y CONCLUSIONES - Duration: 4:54.


Dacia – Y so happy? - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Dacia – Y so happy? - Duration: 2:55.


Seat Tarraco 2018: enorme cochazo, pero mejorable. #seat #seattarraco #suv7plazas - Duration: 14:49.

For more infomation >> Seat Tarraco 2018: enorme cochazo, pero mejorable. #seat #seattarraco #suv7plazas - Duration: 14:49.


Pablo Alborán visita 'OT 2018' y propone crear un 'Operación Triunfo VIP' con él como participante - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Pablo Alborán visita 'OT 2018' y propone crear un 'Operación Triunfo VIP' con él como participante - Duration: 2:43.


Corre, brilla, luz, luz | Soy cámara V.O.S.E. - Duration: 19:49.

The earth has a different magentic field

depending on the latitude you are in.

Anything that distorts disorient them

Antennas or any other source of radio frequencies

undoubtedly disorients them but

we need more specific studies to know

how dangerous it is.

If we combine the disorientation by the antennas,

the night lights, the glass buildings,

the windmills, the wind power plants…

the entropic death caused by human

is absolutely brutal.

This is very sad... Very sad...

The little bird is dead.

It gives me goose bumps.

Touch him. He's dead.

He is alive!

Unfortunate bird... He has died.

In the migration period this confuses them completely.

All night migrants have a system of orientation by the stars.

In foggy nights they get disoriented, they get lost,

and many times, going towards a source of light,

they get hit against some building or structure and they die.

In the case of the Twin Towers, after the attack,

when they celebrated the memorial they installed some spotlights

that simulated the Towers, as a tribute.

Then they turned on the spotlights all the birds began to die

during the time of migrations, attracted by those spotlights.

They circled around that light and at the end they fell dead.

Just because of the exhaustion.

The fact that they work in group is very frequent.

The flock knows the migration path but

the bird works in group if he is interested as individual.

He helps others as long as they help him.

Natural selection is relentless.

If the individual doesn't survive, the individual will not be able to reproduce.

And if he doesn't get to reproduce, the species will become extinct.

To feed the population the plan was to have

the maximum agricultural productivity.

And as the sparrows ate the cereal grain,

they decided to eliminate all the sparrows

The workers left to the factories, the officials left to the offices,

the teachers and the students left of the schools ...

They killed millions of sparrows.

It is estimated that they killed more than two billion sparrows.

Then spring came.

And sparrows are granivores for most of the year,

but in the breeding season, the chicks eat insects.

When all the sparrows were dead,

the plagues of insects proliferated and devoured the crops.

The crops were completely ruined and

there was a terrible famine, diseases,

and many people died of hunger.

A world without birds would be an absolute disaster.

An absolute, absolute disaster.

This is very sad... Very sad...

The little bird is dead.

It gives me goose bumps.

Touch him. He's dead.

He is alive!

Unfortunate bird... He has died.

-What happened? -I don't know...

I don't know if the cat killed him.

I think he died of old age because he has a little mustache.

For more infomation >> Corre, brilla, luz, luz | Soy cámara V.O.S.E. - Duration: 19:49.


Cristiano Ronaldo prefiere perder dinero (miles de dólares) con tal de vender esta mansión - Duration: 3:05.

Cristiano Ronaldo no tenía compañera ni hijos cuando en el 2006 decidió invertir el equivalente a 4.87 millones de dólares en una residencia en Manchester,

Inglaterra El delantero portugués firmó con el equipo Manchester United en el 2003, pero no fue hasta tres años después que decidió tener su propia casa en territorio británico.

El delantero portugués firmó con el equipo Manchester United en el 2003, pero no fue hasta tres años después que decidió tener su propia casa en territorio británico.

La residencia, que acaba de poner en venta, está localizada en el sector Alderley Edge, del condado de Cheshire. La propiedad cuenta con cinco habitaciones.

El futbolista intentó vender esta casa en el 2009, cuando pasó del Manchester United al Real Madrid, en España, pero en ese momento no recibió una oferta que le pareciera aceptable.

Ahora, el padre de dos niños y dos niñas, está dispuesto a perder dinero, con tal de despedirse de este inmueble.

Cristiano Ronaldo pide el equivalente a 4.1 millones de dólares, cerca de 700,000 dólares menos de que lo que pagó por ella en el 2006 La mansión tiene tres pisos y es descrita como muy espaciosa.

Además de piscina bajo techo, tiene sauna, gimnasio y sala de cine, entre otras amenidades. Los baños también son amplios y su diseño maximiza el espacio.

Desde el 2009, el portugués de 33 años no ha convivido en este lugar.

Sí se reportó que en el 2014, tuvo como inquilino al futbolista Luke Shaw, que pagaba 8,800 dólares mensuales.

La habitación principal, tiene dos baños; uno diseñado para damas y el otro para caballeros.

Quien adquiera la casa, solo tendrá que pensar qué hará con un detalle que le puso el futbolista, ganador de 4 botas de oro.

Y es que en una de las ventanas, Cristiano Ronaldo pidió que se le colocaran unas barras en metal con sus iniciales y número de jugador: CR7.

Y mientras le surge una buena oferta, Cristiano Ronaldo se enfoca en jugar con el Juventus y en fortalecer a su familia, junto a Georgina Rodríguez.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo prefiere perder dinero (miles de dólares) con tal de vender esta mansión - Duration: 3:05.


Sabies què? Luis Cabedo - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Sabies què? Luis Cabedo - Duration: 0:25.


YMCA collects toys for donation - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> YMCA collects toys for donation - Duration: 0:20.



good that such people how are you welcome to a video more today I bring you

a fresh news you have seen in the news title about this game Black

Desert online for xbox and today they have brought us a note

in the page of good then Black Desert xbox that says the following thing:

adventurers in the first place we would like Thank you all for your patience in

the last months we have been working hard to make sure

that Black Desert on Xbox is the mmorpg experience you've been

waiting finally we can announce than anticipated orders eye! eye!

guys, eye! for Black Desert will begin on January 7, piece of news orders

already anticipated on January 7 we will announce the prices

of the pre-purchase, I believe that under my

opinion may be between 20 and 30 euros I do not think so, on that day we will announce

the order prices as I tell you and the launch characteristics of Black

Desert, as well as the release date and when it will be available for purchase at

through the microsoft store, if game the beta version we would like

thank you especially for all the comments logically the community that

always good during the beta afterwards they became very many

they say rectifications and there will be after the launch

updates and we have also taken as many of your

comments and we have been busy making changes that reflect

some of the things you have requested We hope to see you all in the world of

Black desert soon good Black Desert soon. As I tell you news

is that it just came out that they have announced with that note

January 7th! after kings good day January 7th rebates we can make now

the pre purchase and good unexpected but with great joy of being able to have

game news of your departure for this xbox version, news

newly informed We see you in the next video and greetings to all


For more infomation >> BLACK DESERT XBOX ¡PRECOMPRA FECHA! - Duration: 2:52.


24# DIY // 3 Ideas Para Hacer Centros de Mesa Navideños // 3 Ideas for Making Christmas Centerpieces - Duration: 3:01.

Today I bring you 3 easy ideas to be able to set Christmas centerpieces. They can be used both for decorating and for signaling the tables of the guests.

Centerpiece No. 1

- We use a box that we have at home or that we buy.

- We dye it with varnish and we are going to place a thick candle,

- We have lined the candle with burlap cloth and lace, we have tied it with a rustic thread.

- Next to the candle we put 4 balls of the color that we want tied to each other so that they move as little as possible.

Center of Table Nº2

- We use a salad bowl, vase or blo that we have at home.

- We put inside some Christmas bullets, at the base we put 5 large balls.

- On top we put 5 smaller balls.

Center of Table Nº3

- Let's make a mixture of the previous two.

- In a bowl, vase or salad bowl, in the center we put a thick candle.

- Surrounding the candle, we put tinsel of the color that we like.

On top we put 4 small Christmas balls.

I hope you like these ideas.

Thank you for following me BodaAdictas !!!

For more infomation >> 24# DIY // 3 Ideas Para Hacer Centros de Mesa Navideños // 3 Ideas for Making Christmas Centerpieces - Duration: 3:01.


UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 2.2 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 2.2 - Duration: 5:14.


Feliz Navidad 2018 - BICIESCAPA - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Feliz Navidad 2018 - BICIESCAPA - Duration: 1:36.


UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 1.3 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 1.3 - Duration: 4:03.


UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 2.1 - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 2.1 - Duration: 4:06.


Sentiero dei Funghi nel Bosco di Soleminis ~ 29 Novembre 2018 | Viaggiare in Sardegna - Duration: 3:55.

Mushroom Path in the Wood of Soleminis ~ 29 November 2018 | Travel in Sardinia

For more infomation >> Sentiero dei Funghi nel Bosco di Soleminis ~ 29 Novembre 2018 | Viaggiare in Sardegna - Duration: 3:55.


Que hacer con niños en Nueva York?.Guía de New York. - Duration: 8:25.

A guide is not complete, if we do not see some activities to do with children,

or not so kids. Come on?

Gulliver's Gate. By the name you can already imagine what this first is about

attraction aimed at the smallest of the house.

It's a world in miniature, you can not help but wonder when you put a foot

inside, and I assure you that you do not have to be a kid to have fun.

With interactive keys that you place on panels, you achieve the movement of

some pieces inside the model.

The models represent the different cities of the world, more than 25 to be

accurate, linked by rivers, trains, cable cars and roads.

Gulliver's Gate opened its doors in April 2017, next to Time Square and

It is a very good plan if you are with children, or for a rainy day.

It is estimated that the time to devote to touring Gulliver's Gate is

about a couple of hours. Schedules: every day of 10 am to

8 pm.

Admission is $ 36 for adults and $ 27 for children.

It is included in the Sightseeing Pass.

If you saw in our Belgian series, surely this will make you remember

Mini Europe in the city of Brussels, if you did not see it here we leave the link

so you can compare both attractions.

A visit to the M & M store may be a second option, if you are spending your

vacation with children.

M & Ms have existed since 1941 in the USA.

It has seven stores around the world, but the best known are those of

Las Vegas and New York.

The three floors store is in the heart of Time Square since 2006 and

It has a wide variety of M & M's products, not just chocolates.

This store is one of the largest, and distributed in three floors you can

find souvenirs, gifts, personalized, clothes, collectibles

dispensing glasses, stuffed animals, etc.

It is located at the corner of Broadway and 48 st., the schedule is from Sunday to

Thursday, from 9 midnight, and Friday and Saturday from 9 am. to

1 am.

National Geographic Encounter's, Ocean Odyssey. This attraction is a virtual trip

to the bottom of the ocean. The visit is accompanied by a guide and

It lasts approximately 90 minutes. It's a fun attraction, the effects

are very well achieved. If you are interested in the marine world, or are you

with children, it can be very interesting.

Apart you can not only watch but play during the tour with the

virtual screens, labyrinths, etc. The hours are from Sundays to Thursdays

10 am. to 9 pm. hours, Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Admission is $ 43 for adults and $ 35 for children.

It is included in the Sightseeing Pass.

Lego store. Although not very large located in

Rockefeller Center,It has constructions of some of the icons of the city.

Lego System, better known as Lego, is a Danish toy company, its

most known product are the building blocks.

On Fifth Avenue and 50 street opposite Rockefeller Center, you will find

one of the two stores located in New York.

The hours are from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm, Sundays from 10 am to 6 pm.

It is a nice experience, both for children and adults.

Ripley's Believe it or not in New York, is a museum where the

most extravagant and incredible objects that you can imagine.

The Ripley's Museum was founded by Robert Ripley, a pioneer adventurer born in

1890. As it is already known, the Ripley Museum exhibits a large number of

oddities, which the founder himself collected.

The hours are from Sunday to Wednesday from 10 am to 11 pm, from Thursday to Saturday

10 to one in the morning.

Admission is $ 22 for adults and $ 16 for children,

but it is included in Sightseeing Pass and New York Pass.

Although today we are thinking about children, many of us grew up listening

the phrase: although you do not believe it.

Madame Tussaud, the wax museum is already a classic in the city.

Here some images of our visit in our previous trip

To not be repetitive, we leave you the link of the video of our visit to

Madame Tussaud.

Lastly we left Coney Island's Luna Park, the

amusement park. And we do not leave it for last because we think that is

its location, precisely the opposite, is extremely fun to go

with children and not so children. But as we already dedicate a whole video just

we leave here the link to not be repetitive, or in the prices, schedules

Not at all about the park.

Good traveling companions with children, up to

here our video today, we hope we have been helpful and have fun in

family.Do not forget to subscribe, like, until

the next!!!

For more infomation >> Que hacer con niños en Nueva York?.Guía de New York. - Duration: 8:25.


UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 1.2 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 1.2 - Duration: 4:13.


UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 3.3 - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> UNC- UPV- Campus Virtual: SERVICIOS TURÍSTICOS: MÓDULO 3.3 - Duration: 3:26.


Лучшее видео с трюками на самокате |Моя камера - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> Лучшее видео с трюками на самокате |Моя камера - Duration: 10:31.


50 IKEA Small Living Room Storage Ideas - Duration: 4:55.

50 Ikea small living room storage ideas

There's a reason we love being home –

it's where we get to be surrounded by the things we love.

So don't choose between your favorite books and that pretty vase – from cabinets to

bookcases, our living room storage units will help you find a place for it all.

If you've lost that loving feeling for your living room, chances are it's because it

hasn't got enough storage.

There's nothing more unappealing than being surrounded by clutter, so restore that relaxing

vibe with these fabulous living room storage ideas.

I hope you will enjoy this 50 Ikea small living room storage ideas.

For more infomation >> 50 IKEA Small Living Room Storage Ideas - Duration: 4:55.


Que hacer con niños en Nueva York?.Guía de New York. - Duration: 8:25.

A guide is not complete, if we do not see some activities to do with children,

or not so kids. Come on?

Gulliver's Gate. By the name you can already imagine what this first is about

attraction aimed at the smallest of the house.

It's a world in miniature, you can not help but wonder when you put a foot

inside, and I assure you that you do not have to be a kid to have fun.

With interactive keys that you place on panels, you achieve the movement of

some pieces inside the model.

The models represent the different cities of the world, more than 25 to be

accurate, linked by rivers, trains, cable cars and roads.

Gulliver's Gate opened its doors in April 2017, next to Time Square and

It is a very good plan if you are with children, or for a rainy day.

It is estimated that the time to devote to touring Gulliver's Gate is

about a couple of hours. Schedules: every day of 10 am to

8 pm.

Admission is $ 36 for adults and $ 27 for children.

It is included in the Sightseeing Pass.

If you saw in our Belgian series, surely this will make you remember

Mini Europe in the city of Brussels, if you did not see it here we leave the link

so you can compare both attractions.

A visit to the M & M store may be a second option, if you are spending your

vacation with children.

M & Ms have existed since 1941 in the USA.

It has seven stores around the world, but the best known are those of

Las Vegas and New York.

The three floors store is in the heart of Time Square since 2006 and

It has a wide variety of M & M's products, not just chocolates.

This store is one of the largest, and distributed in three floors you can

find souvenirs, gifts, personalized, clothes, collectibles

dispensing glasses, stuffed animals, etc.

It is located at the corner of Broadway and 48 st., the schedule is from Sunday to

Thursday, from 9 midnight, and Friday and Saturday from 9 am. to

1 am.

National Geographic Encounter's, Ocean Odyssey. This attraction is a virtual trip

to the bottom of the ocean. The visit is accompanied by a guide and

It lasts approximately 90 minutes. It's a fun attraction, the effects

are very well achieved. If you are interested in the marine world, or are you

with children, it can be very interesting.

Apart you can not only watch but play during the tour with the

virtual screens, labyrinths, etc. The hours are from Sundays to Thursdays

10 am. to 9 pm. hours, Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Admission is $ 43 for adults and $ 35 for children.

It is included in the Sightseeing Pass.

Lego store. Although not very large located in

Rockefeller Center,It has constructions of some of the icons of the city.

Lego System, better known as Lego, is a Danish toy company, its

most known product are the building blocks.

On Fifth Avenue and 50 street opposite Rockefeller Center, you will find

one of the two stores located in New York.

The hours are from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm, Sundays from 10 am to 6 pm.

It is a nice experience, both for children and adults.

Ripley's Believe it or not in New York, is a museum where the

most extravagant and incredible objects that you can imagine.

The Ripley's Museum was founded by Robert Ripley, a pioneer adventurer born in

1890. As it is already known, the Ripley Museum exhibits a large number of

oddities, which the founder himself collected.

The hours are from Sunday to Wednesday from 10 am to 11 pm, from Thursday to Saturday

10 to one in the morning.

Admission is $ 22 for adults and $ 16 for children,

but it is included in Sightseeing Pass and New York Pass.

Although today we are thinking about children, many of us grew up listening

the phrase: although you do not believe it.

Madame Tussaud, the wax museum is already a classic in the city.

Here some images of our visit in our previous trip

To not be repetitive, we leave you the link of the video of our visit to

Madame Tussaud.

Lastly we left Coney Island's Luna Park, the

amusement park. And we do not leave it for last because we think that is

its location, precisely the opposite, is extremely fun to go

with children and not so children. But as we already dedicate a whole video just

we leave here the link to not be repetitive, or in the prices, schedules

Not at all about the park.

Good traveling companions with children, up to

here our video today, we hope we have been helpful and have fun in

family.Do not forget to subscribe, like, until

the next!!!

For more infomation >> Que hacer con niños en Nueva York?.Guía de New York. - Duration: 8:25.


Меж двух столиц - Duration: 50:22.

Between the two capitals

Losinoostrovskaya station


Not departing for a long time...

1,5 hours later

Successful departure, Losinoostrovskaya station

Moscow Oblast

Stop, Fryazevo station

It seems something is going wrong...

I have already passed a freight access track to Orekhovo-Zuyevo a long time ago and going now along the backbone.

And the train isn't about to slow down...

Well, it remains only to relax and go non-stop in Vladimir!

Vladimir Oblast

Stop, Vladimir station

I can't get out of the car, because the station is still far away and the train stopped right at the guarded crossing...

Too much heat...

But there is a plan B!

3 hours later

Moscow Oblast

Transfer, Vladimir station

Jumping on the moving train, Vladimir station

Stop, Koloksha station

Stop, Petushki station

Stop, Krutoe station

Transfer, Krutoe station

Vladimir Oblast

Jumping on the moving train, Krutoe station

Stop, Karabanovo station

Yaroslavl Oblast

Stop, Alexandrov-2 station

Stop, Moshnino halt platform

Stop, Petrovsk station

Stop, Rostov-Yaroslavsky station

Stop, Kozmodemyansk station

Stop, Polyanki station

Transfer, Polyanki station

Jumping on the moving train, Polyanki station

One hour later

7 hours later

Unfortunately, all this time I was fast asleep and only in the morning I realized that I hadn't moved a meter ;[

2,5 hours later

And during these more than two hours I was only moved to another yard.

Departure of some train to the North was just announced!

But this departing train is definitely not mine...

Seems like this one is going to depart now

Anyhow, no!

Jumping off the moving train, Yaroslavl-Glavny station

Transfer, Yaroslavl-Glavny station

Successful departure, Yaroslavl-Glavny station

Stop, Depo halt platform

Stop, Puchkovsky station

4 hours later

Unfortunately, this train was left and my drinking water runs out ;[

— Wow!

What have you forgotten here, it's interesting.

Such a beauty!

I suppose this is not drinking water.

*Deep breath*

Oh, my!

I hope [you] didn't hurt.

Run, run!

The car is full

Transfer, Puchkovsky station

Successful departure, Puchkovsky station

Stop, Panteleevo station

Stop, Danilov station

Transfer, Danilov station

There are no normal cars, only tanks ;[

An hour later

Vologda Oblast

Jumping on the moving train, Danilov station

8 hours later

While my freight train was handling passenger trains, I fell asleep

When I woke up, I realized that I hadn't moved a meter and the train was left again ;[

In less then half an hour after my departure, the train stopped at another station ;[

This time I don't want to lose a lot of time because of stop and I'll try to catch the passing trains

Stop, Baklanka station

Transfer, Baklanka station

Successful departure, Baklanka station

Stop, Gryazovets station

Tank-cars only ;[

Too fast ;[

Hoppers only ;[

Jumping off the moving train, Vologda-1 station

An hour later

1,5 hours later

Unfortunately, I couldn't film departure from Vologda-1 station, because the battery was low on the camera ;[

Having travelled only a few kilometers, the train stopped at the station Vologda-2 to pass the parallel moving train

In order not to waste time, trying to transfer to the parallel moving train...

Transfer, Vologda-1 station

Successful departure, Vologda-1 station

Stop, Vologda-2 station

Too fast ;[

Jumping off the moving train, Cherepovets-1 station

An hour later

Transfer, Cherepovets-1 station

Jumping on the moving train, Cherepovets-1 station

Stop, Nelazskoe station

Transfer, Nelazskoe station

Jumping on the moving train, Nelazskoe station

Stop, Kaduy station

So, who will depart earlier?

Stop, Siuch station

Transfer, Siuch station

Successful departure, Siuch station

Jumping off the moving train, Babayevo station

An hour later

2 hours later

Leningrad Oblast

Transfer, Babayevo station

Successful departure, Babayevo station

Stop, Yefimovskaya station

4 hours later

I fell asleep and woke up only in the morning at Valya station

As it turned out, the train was left again ;[

Looking around the station, perhaps there is a train on the way next to it preparing for departure.

Stop, Chudtsy halt platform

Stop, Valya station

2 hours later Saint Petersburg

My train turns to Shushary station, and I need to arrive to Sankt-Peterburg-Sortirovochny-Moskovsky (SPSM) station

1,5 hours later

Somewhere in an hour I left Rybatskoye station on the tanks that were stationed there

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to film this short route due to the fact that the battery got low on the camera once again ;[

I jumped off the train right in front of the Obukhovo passenger platform (which is one of the SPSM yards) and immediately headed to the metro

Transfer, Valya station

Successful departure, Valya station

Jumping off the moving train, Rybatskoye station

Transfer, Rybatskoye station

Successful departure, Rybatskoye station

Jumping off the moving train, Sankt-Peterburg-Sortirovochny-Moskovsky station


Damn, I got lost, such mazes are here!

Oh, a cat!


Cool cat.

P.S. If you see this message it means that you're likely watched this video from the beginning to the end. Plz write down in comments all noticed translation mistakes. Thanks!

For more infomation >> Меж двух столиц - Duration: 50:22.


Four Seasons | Momo Beats Cartoons | Preschool Learning Videos For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:34.

Four Seasons - Momo Beats Cartoons

For more infomation >> Four Seasons | Momo Beats Cartoons | Preschool Learning Videos For Babies by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:34.


The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.

The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys


I'm coming

Having fun yet



Never love a challenge

This is to look cool

I'm coming





For more infomation >> The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.


Ses Dönüştürmek (convert) - KORG PA Manager v3.2 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Ses Dönüştürmek (convert) - KORG PA Manager v3.2 - Duration: 1:47.


Deck The Halls | Little Red Car Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 15:59.

It's Christmas time!

The season of fun and celebration...

Deck the halls with boughs of holly,

Fa la la la la la la la!

'Tis the season to be jolly,

Fa la la la la la la la!

Don we now our gay apparel,

Fa la la la la la la la!

Troll the ancient Yuletide carol,

Fa la la la la la la la!

See the blazing yule before us,

Fa la la la la la la la!

Strike the harp and join the chorus,

Fa la la la la la la la!

Follow me in merry measure,

Fa la la la la la la la!

While I tell of Yuletide treasure,

Fa la la la la la la la!

Fast away the old year passes,

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

Hail the new, ye lads and lasses!

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

Sing we joyous all together,

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

Heedless of the wind and weather,

Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!

"Merry Christmas everyone!"

For more infomation >> Deck The Halls | Little Red Car Cartoons | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 15:59.


Merry Christmas 2018 - A Christmas Tree - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Merry Christmas 2018 - A Christmas Tree - Duration: 1:35.



Los Reyes de los Belgas y los Macron, Presidente y Primera Dama de Francia, dejaron patente durante su encuentro de anoche en el Castillo Real de Laeken, a las afueras de Bruselas, que las diferencias también suman.

Los reyes Felipe y Matilde agasajaron a sus invitados de honor, Emmanuel y Brigitte Macron, con una cena de gala a la que acudieron otros 170 invitados, entre los que se encontraban varios miembros de la Familia Real de Bélgica,

concretamente la princesa Astrid y su marido, el príncipe Lorenz, y el príncipe Laurent con su esposa, la princesa Claire.

Las tres damas de la realeza lucían la más alta etiqueta, vestido largo y tiara, como es propio de este tipo de veladas en Palacio.

La reina Matilde brilló con un vestido con escote de corazón e incrustaciones en las bocamangas, de la firma Armani, que combinó con la Diadema de las Nueve Provincias y unos espectaculares pendientes de diamantes.

Por su parte, la primera dama Brigitte Macron deslumbró también haciendo valer sus diferencias de título, estilo y cofre con un elegante vestido negro con decoración de lentejuelas en el cuello y la cintura y unos luminosos pendientes.

A falta de tiara, la característica melena de la Primera Dama francesa, seña de identidad de su modernismo, se coronaba con un moño italiano.

Felipe y Matilde de los Belgas posan con sus invitados de honor, el presidente Emmanuel Macron y la primera dama Brigitte Macron, en una de las bellísimas estancias del castillo de Laeken, que durante una temporada habitó Napoleón Bonaparte en 1804.

El castillo, próximo a Bruselas, fue construido entre 1782 y 1784 según los planos del arquitecto francés Charles De Wailly con el propósito de convertirse en residencia de verano de los Gobernadores de los Países Bajos, que en la época incluían el territorio de Bélgica.

La última visita oficial de un Presidente de Francia a Bélgica se remonta a la de Georges Pompidou en 1971, hace casi 50 años.

La cena de gala, responsabilidad del prestigioso cocinero belga Jean-Michel Loriers, estuvo compuesta por una sopa ligera de tomate con langostinos, ciervo asado con guarnición de avellanas y cerezas y una mousse templada de chocolate.

Todo ello regado con diversos caldos, entre ellos un Clos d'Opleeuw de 2014 y un Saint Estèphe Château Clauzet de 2012. El Presidente de Francia y el Rey de los Belgas brindan por la próspera amistad de ambos países.

La pareja presidencial francesa había llegado a Bruselas a última hora de la mañana para emprender una visita de Estado de dos días por invitación de los reyes Felipe y Matilde.

El programa comenzó con la tradicional ceremonia de bienvenida oficial en la plaza del Palacio de Bruselas, seguida de un almuerzo en el Palacio Real.

Luego anfitriones e invitados se trasladaron a Gante, donde el cuarteto visitó el Museo de Bellas Artes (MSK) para admirar la restauración del retablo de La Adoración del Cordero Místico, obra maestra de los hermanos Van Eyck que data del siglo XV. El presidente Emmanuel Macron llevó su discurso europeísta a Bruselas.

Apuesta por una Europa más fuerte, capaz de hacer frente a los desafíos internacionales, y en lo que toca a las relaciones bilaterales con Bélgica, pretende mejorar la cooperación en materia de lucha contra el terrorismo, para lo cual es necesario pasar la página de las diferencias.

Felipe y Matilde de los Belgas continuarán siendo los perfectos anfitriones de la pareja presidencial francesa en la visita de hoy al centro cultural La Valle en el barrio de Molenbeek,

en Bruselas, de donde eran originarios muchos de los jihadistas responsables de los atentados parisinos de noviembre de 2015.

"Molenbeek, territorio marcado por la imagen del drama terrorista, es también un lugar de iniciativas, de intercambio y de integración", señaló el presidente Emmanuel Macron en la red social Twitter, en el marco del segundo y último día de visita oficial a Bélgica junto a su esposa, la primera dama Brigitte Macron.



Sünger Bob'un yaratıcısı Stephen Hillenburg'ü tanıyalım (Türkçe altyazılı) - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Sünger Bob'un yaratıcısı Stephen Hillenburg'ü tanıyalım (Türkçe altyazılı) - Duration: 1:54.


EDM Hay Nhất 2019 EDM 9D Nghe Là Nghiện Nhạc noel 2019 MAX EDM 2019 - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> EDM Hay Nhất 2019 EDM 9D Nghe Là Nghiện Nhạc noel 2019 MAX EDM 2019 - Duration: 4:18.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 75PK 5D BMT Cross Up! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 75PK 5D BMT Cross Up! - Duration: 0:51.


Refleksi Reuni 212: Sebuah Taktik Psikis BERBAHAYA - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Refleksi Reuni 212: Sebuah Taktik Psikis BERBAHAYA - Duration: 10:25.


Girls like you maroon 5 | Dad and daughter singing| Cute!! - Duration: 1:00.

i need a girl like you

For more infomation >> Girls like you maroon 5 | Dad and daughter singing| Cute!! - Duration: 1:00.


Bye Lena Problems (Пока Лена Проблем) - Animation meme (ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 1:04.

I've got many things to do

I'm going to pay


Taxes, taxes, taxes..


And here's such bullshit

Ya, ya, ya

And old friend of mine comes to me on the street


Hi, you good?

I'm good, what about you huh?

Uh, well I'm going to do business

In a suit

Can you accept me?

I've got no place to live

And for your information

Lena is a slob


Bye bye Lena

Knee deep problems


Bye bye Lena

Knee deep problems


Bye bye Lena

Knee deep problems?


Subscribe to my channel

Subscribe to my channel

But I'm not forcing you


But I'm not forcing you


For more infomation >> Bye Lena Problems (Пока Лена Проблем) - Animation meme (ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 1:04.


보크스 돌파티 40 갑니다!! - Duration: 1:46.

The screen door closes (Train announcement)

Please select an arrival station (Incheon International Airport Terminal 1)

Please select a train

After you select the number of people, Please put in cash

I am issuing a ticket

The deposit can be refunded at the deposit refunding machine at the getting off station.

The seat number is listed on the receipt,

In the morning,

AM 11, I left home

Now is



I spent

almost 10 hours


I'm arrived


Tomorrow is important

Well, then

See you tomorrow morning

For more infomation >> 보크스 돌파티 40 갑니다!! - Duration: 1:46.


내 선물 받자마자 박살낸 조시.............😢 😭 - Duration: 18:58.

almost done!

time flies!

already 20th...?!

after 4 days

Christmas Eve!

after 5 days


wrapping all Christmas gift for my friends

I have a runny nose

Today, It's Christmas after few days so..

I am wrapping Christmas gift for my friends

almost done

It's secret but let's say Rose can't watch my Youtube

Oh, it's not fit..

oh no

let's fold it one more time

These are Jolly's gifts for Ollie and Josh

These are for Chris, Lizzie and Jenny

I am going to deliver all the Christmas gift

but they can't open it today

they have to open Christmas gift in the morning on 25th of December

25th is holiday for them

for me as well

there is no reaction video for this unfortunately

I'm going to ask to take photo of themselves with gift


the most exciting gift today is Jolly's gifts

because they are going to film Jolly today

so I will ask them to use these on their video

writing down the name on Christmas gift

I'm going to attach name tag

so cute!!

this is for Juno

the biggest gift among these

Josh and Ollie will open these today so

I just wrote initial

this bag is the biggest one so I'm going to put all Christmas gift here

these are for Jolly

I'm going to bring these down now

this is KoreanEnglish man fashion

I was trending number 1 on the internet

thanks for trending number 1

I think my name is weird so people clicked it

Gabie kook = National cost??

people think it's for the money from the government

like National secret??

it wasn't this full but it's so full now!

so pretty

isn't it like inside the fairy tale?

this is for Juno

put all the Christmas gift under the tree

I feel like I'm a Santa Grandfather

I was a kind of Santa and I'm going to home for work

when Ollie and Josh are coming back home after work

I will give them Jolly's gift

I'm so excited!

when filming begins for Jolly

starting like this and

even the colour is similar inside!

oh, true


jingle bell dance time lol

Christmas is Christmas but I have to work on this

I forgot to film this before starting editing

I cut off 3 hours footage as 33 minutes

this is human triumph

I haven't finished yet. I have another episode to edit

do you want to eat banana first?

you are not feeling well so eating banana makes you feel okay

you have to eat lots of fruit


you gonna eat?


I'm using Final cut pro for editing that you wonder

eat it

this is behind the scenes of fun and cozy vlogmas

I bought Jolly mugs a month ago

there were only two mugs left...

I was so excited to give Jolly mugs

I'm a bit pissed

he didn't do that on purpose

I have to let it out

but it's still so sad

anyway, they are using my Christmas gift on Jolly

have you guys ever smashed a gift unintentionally like Josh?

that should be two...

For more infomation >> 내 선물 받자마자 박살낸 조시.............😢 😭 - Duration: 18:58.


Tia & Starring: Châu Đăng Khoa x Đàm Phương Linh | Muốn Có Anh (I à í a) - Official M/V - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Tia & Starring: Châu Đăng Khoa x Đàm Phương Linh | Muốn Có Anh (I à í a) - Official M/V - Duration: 4:11.



Actually, I don't like horror game

Do you know Granny?

Recently I found it

It's a horror game!

I hear that it's very scary!

I'm so chicken

But I want to try this game!

I don't usually play game.

I think my game's skill is bad!

But i want to try to play Granny!


I think this game's rule is...

I have to run away from Ate

I don't know how to use it

What's this?

So scary!!!!!


Very very scary!!!!

I'm very scared!


What's this game?

So scary!

She appeared suddenly

What's this?

I don't know

No! No! No!

What's this?

What should i do??


I can't open the door!

What should i do?


It's so difficult!

She will come back early.

I don't know how to play


I can't do this anymore.


Where am I?

She is scary

You're still here?

The code is all gone already..

It's disgusting!

I snapped at her

I'm not afraid of anything

I got so mad


I can't do this game

What's this?

I can't do it

I can't do it


I couldn't do anything

My game's skill is so bad!😂

I'm sorry!

Maybe, this video is so boring!

I'm not good at playing game

And this game is too scary for me😂

It is making me queasy

So scary!!!

I will play Granny on easy mode later!

I again realized my game's skill is bad😂

I couldn't do it anything

I just run away from the woman

I think this video is very boring

I'm so sorry!

But this is the reality.

If you know other funny game, please tell me!

Please tell me easy game!

I will play it next time!

Thank you!

I'm sorry!

I couldn't cleared the game

The woman is so scary!

For more infomation >> THE SCAREDY-CAT PLAYS A HORROR GAME!!【GRANNY】 - Duration: 12:24.


Dimash @ Slavic Bazaar 2018 | Part 2 | Vitebsk Day 2 - Duration: 41:54.

Another day. Yesterday was a fantastic evening with Dimash's fans at the cafe.

we had a great time

but we went to sleep at 4 am ...

It's now 2:00 PM

and we will eat breakfast

that's how the life of the fans looks

We're going to explore the city a bit later

and then we will go to a children's song contest

finals today

and in the evening there will be a concert opening the Slavic Bazaar. Dimash everywhere!

and Yazik again

(Hi everyone)

We got cutlery, so beautifully served, I like such familiar atmosphere

it is a pity that there were no Belarusian dumplings

but if you don't have what you like, you like what you have

I have super lavender lemonade



will make me live today!

thank you, tasty!

I will take over

breakfast dinner

I have a chicken

I also have a chicken with pineapple

with roasted onion, cheese is pulled ..

how is bread in russian?


a toast?

three times lucky

a toast ?

now I know how to say - a toast to the salad!

Yazik was missing somewhere

we still have some time before the concert, that's why we decided to go sightseeing

on the occasion of the Slavic bazaar, there are many stalls in Vitebsk

there are plenty of stalls in the whole city where you can buy everything

souvenirs, local products

works of art

food, clothes

there is everything!

Where is that Jacek? I hope I will find him soon

I still have to buy a magnet with Vitebsk

you can also listen to music

it's very nice here, and hot!

Vitebsk is a very nice city, but it is a pity that it is far away from the Polish border

because it is almost at the border with Russia

It is a long journey by car, maybe that's why not many people come here from Poland. And it's really worth it

I don't know if you see things behind me? beautiful architecture, the city is clean

and the people here are very nice and friendly

if we can't find something or have questions - everyone here helps us

everyone is very helpful

just like in Kazakhstan!

I recommend!

Next year at the Slavic bazaar, the delegation from Poland should be definitely bigger!

but it's great that we are here this year

ok, I think I have to call Jacek because I cannot see him anywhere

We are running through Vitebsk!

We saw Dimash!


no, I do not want to sing after Dimash


If I try to sing like Dimash my head will explode!

please, sing it!

I encourage you!

I cannot persuade him

Dimash beautifully sang "All by myself"

and now we are going to fix my internet in a phone!

my internet ate 80 Belarusian rubles and it stopped working!

and I have to have internet to show You the last concert live!

See how lucky Monika is !? she hugged him once, and the second time she took a picture with him!

and I was just a photographer!

once from the hill, once uphill;)

like in life!

we're rushing on

but we are not alone here, we are together

it was a good choice,to take Yazik!

she kidnapped me!

Yazik is fanning me !

he catches some papers and fanns!

good boy

he was a good boy and he drank little! (words of the Polish song :))

Well, Internet users did not know you from this side ;)

again control

now we are leaving, so there will be no control

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

the president is sitting behind us, these are not jokes ...

here you need to be serious

we have honorable places! ;)

I love ballet! I love ballet!

It was Goran Bregovic :)

and this is how our wonderful stay in Belarus ends

The Slavic Bazaar is still in progress, but not for us

Yazik sings - it's dark now, all the lights have gone out ..

it's dark now, the night is long ...

after one beer, Yazik finally began to sing

I don't know what would have happened if he drank two!

probably a concert

we're going to a taxi

Goodbye, goodbye Vitebsk!

see you someday!

For more infomation >> Dimash @ Slavic Bazaar 2018 | Part 2 | Vitebsk Day 2 - Duration: 41:54.


Jak składać propozycje nie do odrzucenia - wywiad z Laurie Richards + Konkurs - Duration: 50:18.

For more infomation >> Jak składać propozycje nie do odrzucenia - wywiad z Laurie Richards + Konkurs - Duration: 50:18.


Christmas Bonsai Tree - Duration: 13:18.

This bonsai never die :D

We use the Nose Pliers to create the natural branches

You should let the branches grow in the curved position

Tree roots also produce similar curvatures

Try with other colored particles

I use copper wire gauge 25

Create a knot to hold the pearl

I use larger pearls for the two lower branches

You should not squeeze too pearls flexible will be more beautiful

Use smaller pearl seeds for the remaining branches

Once completed, you get a special bonsai tree.

Can decorate your desk or give your friends gifts. :3

For more infomation >> Christmas Bonsai Tree - Duration: 13:18.


Why I chose Sheffield | #MadeinSheffield - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Why I chose Sheffield | #MadeinSheffield - Duration: 1:11.


Ben Stiller on Shooting in a Prison - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> Ben Stiller on Shooting in a Prison - Duration: 8:39.


Ben Stiller Stole from Jimmy Kimmel - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Ben Stiller Stole from Jimmy Kimmel - Duration: 4:21.


Marina de Tavira & Yalitza Aparicio on Movie Roma - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Marina de Tavira & Yalitza Aparicio on Movie Roma - Duration: 5:30.


Stealing Emma Chamberlain's Brand - Duration: 10:43.

hey baby girl welcome back to the chan chan so here's the sitch this morning

I woke up I looked outside I thought perfect conditions for thrifting

yeah I'm hiding in the corner right now cuz it's so uncomfortable vlogging in

public I can't even stress the fact of old baby now but in reality I have two

friends surprising I know fry friends they are professional drifters like with

a freak ascetic mean the freezer through student basically they just dragged me

into this so double D just like me baby girl oh my don't get embarrassing

hey guys this lady's staring at me hey baby girl we need to walk we need to go

I mean I don't really know what to say

Gillian do you want to be hideous what the Frick 17

should I go ask the manager - they have Gucci footballs do you guys have good

flip-flops are we going for the freaky look or the classic Julian baby girl

yellow Oh

put it on we all need Blazers well you have to

turn it this this way guys we need to make a thumbnail find it

wait guys find the most hideous thing you can put on your feeding body and

then making a thumbnail

probably but late do it for the vlog

who accidentally recorded my wanker I feel like that was a felony just looking

at it I'm going to dance

I think we should all pick out an outfit to go try it on the locker room and make

this video it's changing room and then this video will be funky and fresh

shouldn't even listen to where I freakin said Gucci Bell

Gucci Gucci I'm not quite sure the Gucci is so the one and only item of clothing

that I picked out for myself is this sweater so I know you're probably

thinking um how do you feel about this sweater right and personally I'm pretty

proud of it I feel like it completes my inner inner inner Ziff completes my

inner organs and just makes me me so don't get on me what do we think okay so

so Julia Annie already have their own outfits picked out and I'm kind of in a

bit of a pickle the disrespect anyway so I'm sure I'm kind of stressing

right now to go oh wait why do I actually like this okay there's

definitely a man staring at me right now but I could sit so yeah I'm kind of

stressing right now because I'm trying to find outfit

okay I think I've made my final decisions ten for the review Gillian you

actually look good what is it what are you trying to do here you look normal

Annie Annie gets a photo shoot okay so as a continuing for heating search for

the Gucci apparel I'm dodging haters left right cos all eyes are on me right

now but for like it's fine I'm fine hey guys welcome to the section of the

video where we basically just sing freakin copy written music that I'll

probably get a strike on but like it's okay we're just living our lives yeah

Feliz Navidad okay okay happy the least Naveed they ask you

how you are you just going to say that you're fine you're not really fun Wow

Wow surprise surprise I know you're probably freaking out right now

um two in one video anyway so you're probably gonna need some explaining for

the next part because if you don't have it and you're just gonna be confuse and

then I don't I don't know just which won't go on with your life anyway

basically um they were going to be too hilarious and the Chamberlin jokes but

someone didn't freaking understand how to work in iPhone 7 mm sorry just had

something in my throat anyway yeah so

oh okay I really think this fits my aesthetic of trash

so Annie just found the steal of a century there's a food maybe she

wouldn't be a slut oh my god I'm gonna throw up on that I'm gonna buy it just

so I can burn it the good Kush oh my god

I need coffee so sleepy funny give me your thoughts on Thursday 15 I think was

a great time we found a lot of good items and I can't wait to do it again

you know Justine really just makes me feel

completeness you're seeing really just needs to feel complete don't put the

pair of honkers cleft who welcome to my hall / review so what do I have to say

about the third thing at first I was a skeptic I women with a frown and it was

upside down well no it was a frown and it wasn't upside down because I'd be

smile and so I freaking walked in and I was like what is this trash I'm I'm not

feeling the thrift I'm not understanding the culture and towards the end of the

experience it touched me like the thrifting gods touched my soul and I'm

not exaggerating I don't know what it was I don't know maybe it was like a

shift in the environment or I don't even hey but like it hidden like I freaking I

understood thrifting I bought five things and I'm a broke

bitch so that's the T so I mean I guess all forgetting haul it up and show you

what I got be good alright so to start off I got this orange freaking sweater

that des knows pumpkin season anymore but oh

okay oh we're still going up all right we're going fast so the next thing that

I got is this green thing okay we fell but I don't know I felt like it just

really went even though it's kind of hit is like I guess when you're in there

everything just looks good you know I mean it's kind of weird okay oh okay now

we're fixing okay now we're still gonna flex on the haters so this is a sweater

that Gillian wanted really bad but I took it because I found it first dumped

slut anyway oh that's really mean I probably oh okay we're done so the last

thing that I freaking bought is this camcorder right pretty cool

I'm freaking now it was only four dollars - which makes my life even

better because again I'm a book bet if it works that's also cool but if it

doesn't like it still looks cool so I'm still gonna put it up do you know what

I'm saying

For more infomation >> Stealing Emma Chamberlain's Brand - Duration: 10:43.


How To Get FREE FIFA 19 COINS * FIFA 19 Coins Hack * (100% Working) 🤑 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> How To Get FREE FIFA 19 COINS * FIFA 19 Coins Hack * (100% Working) 🤑 - Duration: 3:25.


달라진 김태우 골프접대 진술..신빙성 '흔들' - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> 달라진 김태우 골프접대 진술..신빙성 '흔들' - Duration: 4:48.


[GOT7]ซับไทย แจ็คสันจะทำวิธีไหนที่จะทำให้เด็กชอบตัวเอง 555 น่ารัก - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> [GOT7]ซับไทย แจ็คสันจะทำวิธีไหนที่จะทำให้เด็กชอบตัวเอง 555 น่ารัก - Duration: 3:47.


The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.

The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys


I'm coming

Having fun yet



Never love a challenge

This is to look cool

I'm coming





For more infomation >> The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.


Edge Of Eternity - Queen Croctas, Axolotl, Naughty Flavio, End of Chapter 1 - Ep. 8 - Duration: 37:47.

For more infomation >> Edge Of Eternity - Queen Croctas, Axolotl, Naughty Flavio, End of Chapter 1 - Ep. 8 - Duration: 37:47.


Lær for Livets adventskalender - 2. søndag i advent - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Lær for Livets adventskalender - 2. søndag i advent - Duration: 0:57.


Lær for Livets adventskalender - 3. søndag i advent - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Lær for Livets adventskalender - 3. søndag i advent - Duration: 0:56.


29 ⭐ [OS FRUTOS DO ESPÍRITO] O espirito no homem e os desejos da carne ⭐ LIVRO de URANTIA EM AUDIO - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 29 ⭐ [OS FRUTOS DO ESPÍRITO] O espirito no homem e os desejos da carne ⭐ LIVRO de URANTIA EM AUDIO - Duration: 10:02.



Los Reyes de los Belgas y los Macron, Presidente y Primera Dama de Francia, dejaron patente durante su encuentro de anoche en el Castillo Real de Laeken, a las afueras de Bruselas, que las diferencias también suman.

Los reyes Felipe y Matilde agasajaron a sus invitados de honor, Emmanuel y Brigitte Macron, con una cena de gala a la que acudieron otros 170 invitados, entre los que se encontraban varios miembros de la Familia Real de Bélgica,

concretamente la princesa Astrid y su marido, el príncipe Lorenz, y el príncipe Laurent con su esposa, la princesa Claire.

Las tres damas de la realeza lucían la más alta etiqueta, vestido largo y tiara, como es propio de este tipo de veladas en Palacio.

La reina Matilde brilló con un vestido con escote de corazón e incrustaciones en las bocamangas, de la firma Armani, que combinó con la Diadema de las Nueve Provincias y unos espectaculares pendientes de diamantes.

Por su parte, la primera dama Brigitte Macron deslumbró también haciendo valer sus diferencias de título, estilo y cofre con un elegante vestido negro con decoración de lentejuelas en el cuello y la cintura y unos luminosos pendientes.

A falta de tiara, la característica melena de la Primera Dama francesa, seña de identidad de su modernismo, se coronaba con un moño italiano.

Felipe y Matilde de los Belgas posan con sus invitados de honor, el presidente Emmanuel Macron y la primera dama Brigitte Macron, en una de las bellísimas estancias del castillo de Laeken, que durante una temporada habitó Napoleón Bonaparte en 1804.

El castillo, próximo a Bruselas, fue construido entre 1782 y 1784 según los planos del arquitecto francés Charles De Wailly con el propósito de convertirse en residencia de verano de los Gobernadores de los Países Bajos, que en la época incluían el territorio de Bélgica.

La última visita oficial de un Presidente de Francia a Bélgica se remonta a la de Georges Pompidou en 1971, hace casi 50 años.

La cena de gala, responsabilidad del prestigioso cocinero belga Jean-Michel Loriers, estuvo compuesta por una sopa ligera de tomate con langostinos, ciervo asado con guarnición de avellanas y cerezas y una mousse templada de chocolate.

Todo ello regado con diversos caldos, entre ellos un Clos d'Opleeuw de 2014 y un Saint Estèphe Château Clauzet de 2012. El Presidente de Francia y el Rey de los Belgas brindan por la próspera amistad de ambos países.

La pareja presidencial francesa había llegado a Bruselas a última hora de la mañana para emprender una visita de Estado de dos días por invitación de los reyes Felipe y Matilde.

El programa comenzó con la tradicional ceremonia de bienvenida oficial en la plaza del Palacio de Bruselas, seguida de un almuerzo en el Palacio Real.

Luego anfitriones e invitados se trasladaron a Gante, donde el cuarteto visitó el Museo de Bellas Artes (MSK) para admirar la restauración del retablo de La Adoración del Cordero Místico, obra maestra de los hermanos Van Eyck que data del siglo XV. El presidente Emmanuel Macron llevó su discurso europeísta a Bruselas.

Apuesta por una Europa más fuerte, capaz de hacer frente a los desafíos internacionales, y en lo que toca a las relaciones bilaterales con Bélgica, pretende mejorar la cooperación en materia de lucha contra el terrorismo, para lo cual es necesario pasar la página de las diferencias.

Felipe y Matilde de los Belgas continuarán siendo los perfectos anfitriones de la pareja presidencial francesa en la visita de hoy al centro cultural La Valle en el barrio de Molenbeek,

en Bruselas, de donde eran originarios muchos de los jihadistas responsables de los atentados parisinos de noviembre de 2015.

"Molenbeek, territorio marcado por la imagen del drama terrorista, es también un lugar de iniciativas, de intercambio y de integración", señaló el presidente Emmanuel Macron en la red social Twitter, en el marco del segundo y último día de visita oficial a Bélgica junto a su esposa, la primera dama Brigitte Macron.



Confira quem ganhou o que no amigo secreto do 'Família Record' - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> Confira quem ganhou o que no amigo secreto do 'Família Record' - Duration: 9:15.



For more infomation >> GLEISI: CAROLINA LEBBOS AFRONTA A SUPREMA CORTE - Duration: 1:44.


ESOcast 189 Light: World's Largest Array of Gamma-Ray Telescope comes to Paranal - Duration: 1:37.

ESO's Paranal Observatory will host and operate the southern array

of the world's largest and most sensitive array of gamma-ray telescopes.

99 telescopes of the southern Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be constructed

by the CTA Observatory in the pristine observing conditions of the Chilean Atacama Desert.

Another 19 telescopes will be on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.

Gamma rays are emitted by the hottest and most powerful objects in the Universe.

When gamma rays hit the atmosphere, they produce flashes of eerie blue light…

...which will be captured by CTA's mirrors and high-speed cameras.

CTA will try to understand the most puzzling astronomical mysteries...

...supermassive black holes, supernovae, and even dark matter itself.

Produced by ESO, the European Southern Observatory. Reaching new heights in Astronomy.

For more infomation >> ESOcast 189 Light: World's Largest Array of Gamma-Ray Telescope comes to Paranal - Duration: 1:37.



For more infomation >> AS 9 MULHERES MAIS IMPRESSIONANTES DO MUNDO! - Duration: 3:46.



For more infomation >> GTA V ONLINE - DLC DE NATAL CARRO NOVO E NOTÍCIAS ! - Duration: 13:35.


Streamer MIXIGaming và Những Câu Nói Được REMIX Cực Hay | KhảiHuy - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Streamer MIXIGaming và Những Câu Nói Được REMIX Cực Hay | KhảiHuy - Duration: 6:32.


華語電影主題曲 - Duration: 20:35.

For more infomation >> 華語電影主題曲 - Duration: 20:35.


VW T3 na Bałkany - Student's EuroTrip 2018 [PL/ENG sub] - Duration: 4:43.

The goals are pretty simple -

do 10 000 kilometers,

visit 16 countries

and to discover the Balkans.

With only few days to go before our journey

"Bus na luz – Balkans 2018"

we are working hard.

We will drive for 10 000 kilometers

We decided to visit 16 countries.

We give ourselves 4,5 weeks to do that.

Wish us good luck!

We've noticed a massive leak under the bus

and it's gearbox oil.

Now, we're near a closed gas station.

Actually, everything is closed on a Sunday in Austria

so we don't have high hopes for a rescue.

Our gearbox's name is Jessica

and we've put a lot of money into her

so we hope she'll be satisfied now.

Thanks to Karl, one of the best

race car drivers in Europe,

we managed to fix our bus.

We got a ticket for illegal camping

in Slovenia,

but I think it was worth it.

There's only couple of minutes before the final

game of the World's Football Championship

Croatia vs France.

This is one of these stories that

are so unbelievable, that even we

can't believe it. Two small dogs

run up to us. They are puppies

that would end up hit by a car

or would starve to death. Few minutes with them was enough to decide that we want

to take them back to Poland with us.

"Every man can find freedom"

"I feel free…"


"Not being afraid to die."

"That's how I think."

I did it. I climbed the Mt Olympus.

We're on the TransAlpinian route

at the 30th kilometer.

For more infomation >> VW T3 na Bałkany - Student's EuroTrip 2018 [PL/ENG sub] - Duration: 4:43.


A Professora de Música - Série - Episódio 12 - Duration: 3:15.


Written and directed by Edson Bastos and Henrique Filho

Girls, you're going to be the next.

Cida and Célia.

With you, the talented Cida and Célia.

You want to take me to the school.

But I don't want it anymore.

I can go by myself already. Even behind this huge sun

You think you still make a fool of me.

But I don't believe in you.

The lie of the little fly

that actually was an injection.

You don't need to protect me.

I am full of tricks, don't you forget.

I'm not going to look at me

With eyes of those who doesn't look at me

I am going to talk about

the recipe of who doesn't accept me

From now on I'll be me!

With my hair I'll be me!

With my clothing I'll be me!

With my soul I'll be me!

My ancestors were also me!

I'm proud so I'll be them too!

And despite being young

I'm all grown up to know

I don't own anyone a thing.

My hair, my clothing

My soul doesn't matter to you.

My skin, my body

I don't own anyone a thing.

I don't own anyone a thing.

I don't own anyone a thing.

I don't own anyone a thing.

And now, the great moment!

Let's reveal the tonight winners.

For more infomation >> A Professora de Música - Série - Episódio 12 - Duration: 3:15.


The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.

The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys


I'm coming

Having fun yet



Never love a challenge

This is to look cool

I'm coming





For more infomation >> The Incredible Hulk Vs Red Hulk Rescue Iron Man Captain America - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.


Rachel Sheherazade detona Alexandre Frota e ironiza seguidores de Jair Bolsonaro - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Rachel Sheherazade detona Alexandre Frota e ironiza seguidores de Jair Bolsonaro - Duration: 4:03.


🎦 #30 - Ácido Poli-l-láctico: para que serve? - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 🎦 #30 - Ácido Poli-l-láctico: para que serve? - Duration: 3:29.


Reignited Trilogy, Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage [Autumn Plains - 1/5] - 100%, Let's Part 11 - Duration: 37:08.

Aham! That Ripto has caused enough damage! All his meddling has cost me a fortune.

If it wasn't for Spyro, I'd be bankrupt! If Ripto were here, I'd give him a piece of my mind.

In fact, I'd give him a lot more than that! I was a champion bantamweight boxer at University, and I still know a few moves... Take that, and that!



[shrieks] Why, you... you...!

For more infomation >> Reignited Trilogy, Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage [Autumn Plains - 1/5] - 100%, Let's Part 11 - Duration: 37:08.


50 IKEA Small Living Room Storage Ideas - Duration: 4:55.

50 Ikea small living room storage ideas

There's a reason we love being home –

it's where we get to be surrounded by the things we love.

So don't choose between your favorite books and that pretty vase – from cabinets to

bookcases, our living room storage units will help you find a place for it all.

If you've lost that loving feeling for your living room, chances are it's because it

hasn't got enough storage.

There's nothing more unappealing than being surrounded by clutter, so restore that relaxing

vibe with these fabulous living room storage ideas.

I hope you will enjoy this 50 Ikea small living room storage ideas.

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