Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 21 2018

what it do what good whats poppin its ya girl Alondra and its Ya girl Paola

and today were gonna be doing the candy cane challenge

and before we get started make sure you like comment subscribe and turn your post notifications on let's get started

12 mins on

We have four flavors of these bullshit's

We have four flavors of these candy canes

I'm going to guess which ones which and if you get it wrong you get wrong and if you don't you don't you win?

The hell with that

So we have four candy canes and we have to guess which flavor is which whoever gets it, right

the most times wins and whoever loses loses

If you know their candy cane flavors

Or whatever let's do it. Okay, so it was

Six and a half hours later


It was blueberry

Doesn't it? Yeah, that one does not say that watermelon. Um, what are these bootleg wait?

um jellybeans that don't even taste like the actual thing is a good

Alondra do not be smacking like that

Okay, no

Stuff like it. What is it? Uh, you can still taste it

I just not tastes like blueberry

It tastes like but I don't so now it's her round again

Just quickly no don't bite it off. I

Know I want to be like why can't she bite? Yeah because you think we're gonna eat all of these one date

Did you anybody know after I just said don't be bite it off

It's a hell's wrong with you

Alondra we don't have to all of these now, you know bitch about this every single one of them. I

Love them still not pretty sure right. Mm-hmm

Are you gonna eat it all

You keep idea. Are you gonna eat it off? Nope?

Blueberry the Bluebird know

That this movie that blueberry is better than this blueberry like this will taste like a bean boozled okey?


Wonder why do you have to chew like that?

Great great. No one the last one that

One what is the caller the name look

Okay, yes

It's the nasty Boo Berry

How do you put this back?

So great. Really then I said wait. No those watermen

You want to give me the whole thing

She won that fact we don't know if we went around the same amount what

We don't know feed waiters, we don't know we bought

Both ate the same amount of candy canes that the other one did I don't even know that make sense, but who gives a fuck?

she won I


Nothing happens maybe in another time

We're more bolder

Thanks, Rick. What the hell are you gonna say?

Thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up comment down below which I likes next

For more infomation >> Candy Cane Challenge || Taste Test! - Duration: 6:54.


【鹿島】安部裕葵、涙「きつすぎて、苦しすぎて」レアルに3発打ち砕かれた ***[News Chanel] - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 【鹿島】安部裕葵、涙「きつすぎて、苦しすぎて」レアルに3発打ち砕かれた ***[News Chanel] - Duration: 3:22.



For more infomation >> TAPETE DE BARBANTE COMO FAZER PASSO A PASSO - Duration: 0:55.


Mercy Hospital Using E-prescribe for Prescriptions for Narcotics - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Mercy Hospital Using E-prescribe for Prescriptions for Narcotics - Duration: 1:34.


Perna de Peru no Forno - Duration: 1:55.

• 1 turkey leg (medium size) • 500 g (or more) potatoes cut into medium cubes or whole small potatoes skin on • 6 big garlic cloves, peeled • 2 heaped teaspoons of paprika • 2 heaped teaspoons of salt • 100 ml of olive oil • 1 heaped tablespoon of dried oregano • 2 bay leaves • 300 ml white wine • pork lard as needed

prep time: 10 MINUTES / marinate: 12 to 24 H / oven time: 1 HOUR / difficulty: EASY yield: 4

Roasted Turkey Leg

olive oil

garlic cloves



dried oregano

blend to puree with a magic wand or a blender fitted with a blade

cut 2 or 3 long pockets into the flesh

place in a container

spread the seasoning over the leg and inside the pockets

on both sides

put the bay leaves inside the pockets

Drizzle with white wine

cover with cling film

and keep in the refrigerator overnight

on baking day transfer to a large baking dish

place potatoes all around

add the marinade liquid

place some pieces of lard over the potatoes and meat

Bake at 180º C/ 350º F for at least 1 hour (depends on the size of the leg)

or until internal temperature reaches 74º C / 165º F

Roasted Turkey Leg

For more infomation >> Perna de Peru no Forno - Duration: 1:55.


Salmos | SALMO 99 - "A Santidade de Deus" - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Salmos | SALMO 99 - "A Santidade de Deus" - Duration: 1:45.


DIY Gold Mirror Decor / Large and Small gold mirrors - Duration: 9:02.

Hi guys.

This is Lu-Ann Skaggs.

And Welcome to the channel.

Now if you guys would like to see.

How I made these very easy.


Beautiful Gold mirrors...

Then keep on watching.

Now guys I made this other Gold mirror.

Some time ago.

And it's really nice.

And it has this 3D look and effect.

And if you guys want to see this one.

It would be linked after this video.

In the description down below.

And right up here in the I-cards.

Now a full list of all the materials needed for this project

Would be found in the description down below.

Now let's get started...😃

Now to get started.

We are going to be using these gold cupcake liners.

And they are 48 in a park.

And they are $1.00 a pack at Walmart.

Now this is a great value.

Because we only need one pack.

For our gold mirror.

Now there are three stacks of these gold liners in the pack.

And to make it easy.

It's easier to just take one stock.

And we'll be cutting it in half.

And we'll be doing this for all of the liners.

Now if this is your first time here.

Consider Subscribing. 😃

We have great videos like this.

Fashion 👗videos and more.

Every Thursday.

Now once we have our halves.

We'll be separating them into groups of threes.

Now this would make our project, go a lot faster

Now we'll take our groups of threes.

And we'll push it along this line.

Now we'll push it in like this.

All the way around.

Until we have a nice flat piece.


Now we'll give it a pull like this.

And we'll separate the pieces.

And we'll repeat this same process.

For all of our pieces.

Now I took this 13-inch mirror.

And placed it onto the foam board.

Now we're gonna draw a circle.

Around the 13-inch mirror.


Now we'll take our measuring tape.

And we'll measure an extra 3 1/2.

Around our inner circle, to make up outer circle.

Now we'll use our Exacto knife.

And we'll cut out our circle.

From our foam board.

Now we'll be gluing our pieces.

Onto the foam board, like this.

We'll have this side 1-inch up on the foam board.

And we'll have this side.

Right at the edge of the foam board.

And this is how we'll be gluing on all of our pieces.

Now for our second piece, we'll overlap it and have it come up right to the edge of this

speed right here and we'll make sure the other edge is right at the edge of the

foam board and we'll continue this all the way around now once we get back to

the last one we would raise the first one up and glue the last one in place so

that will continue the same pattern all the way around now for the second row

we'll be gluing the pieces between these areas now we'll be gluing them leaving

about a quarter inch space on each side now we'll glue the second one and we'll

overlap it a bit more than we overlap the first row because we're going closer

to the center and the center part is much narrower so we have to go narrower

to get to the center now we'll repeat this same process until we have all the

rules that we need now once I had the three rows I

decided to use this dollar trimmer instead so I removed it from the frame

and placed it on to the center of the cardboard and then traced around it and

once we raise up the mirror we could mock in all the spaces that we missed

now we'll continue filling in the space just as we did before now once we get to

the last row we would glue the last one above the line so that we would not be

able to see the board behind it so we're going to be gluing it here and we're

going to be turning the front piece above the line right here like this and

then we'll be gluing all the pieces just like this all the way around once we get

to the last piece we would raise the first piece up and we would glue the

last piece underneath the first piece so that we have one continuous row and now

that we have finished we will glue our mirror in place now as you could see all

the edges is underneath the mirror and this is what we are going for now I'm

using rubbing alcohol to clean the mirror and I'll be using this flow mesh

a prop and I'll be gluing it around the edge of the mirror using e6000 now there

are two lines going between the diamond wrap and I'll be cut in one line here

and I'll be leaving this line attached this will just make it easier to go

around the mirror without any strain now once we have that we could glue our

floor Machir up into place

now for the medium-sized gulimero I took the Dollar Tree frame and drew the

circle around it then I drew a circle half an inch to a quarter inch wider on

the outside edge now you can make your circle as big or as small as you would

like it to be then we'll take our small Dollar Tree mirror and place it into the

middle of our foam board and draw a circle around it now we'll repeat the

same process that we did put a bigger mirror for this medium sized mirror

making sure we have an inch to the front and we have the back line up right here

now for the center pieces we want to push the middle in together like this

this will make sure that all of our ends are covered in the final finished

product now we'll glue our small mirror into

place now I left this in the video to show what would happen if you did not

push the middle in together this did not go up underneath the mirror like all of

the other ones so what I would do for this one I would put a little bit of

glue on the bottom piece and just take miss top piece to the bottom piece so

that the edge would not be sticking out now for this medium goal mirror I did

not use the full massive rub I left it just like this now for the smallest

mirror the diameter of the foam board is six and a half inches and a small mirror

that I placed in the middle is two inches and I would leave all the

materials listed down below in the description

now I repeated the same process but a small mirror as the two other mirrors

now I left this in the video to show you guys that when we are gluing down the

center pieces we need to push the center in a lot because we need to have a very

deep seeker this will help all of our ends to be

underneath each other just like this now this is very important it makes our

project much neater in the final project now we'll be gluing the 2 inch mirror

into place now I'll be using this e six thousand glue and I'll be using this to

glue down or flower mushy prop onto the edge of the mirror now once I was

finished with this I used double-sided tape for the small medium and for the

large mirror I use four double sided tape and one command strip in the middle

now to hang it on the wall I raise the pieces of like this and pushed

underneath it so that we wouldn't crush the pleats once I was finished I just

pushed the pleats back down and I can't tell you guys just how beautiful these

mirrors look on the wall every time I pass by this wall I totally appreciate

these mirrors guys and as always guys I would love to hear from you all in the

comment section down below if this is something that you like and

if it's something that you'd like to try out thanks for taking the time out to

watch the video you have a blessed and awesome day now if you like this video

you may also like these as well and don't forget to Like comment and

subscribe see you in the next one

For more infomation >> DIY Gold Mirror Decor / Large and Small gold mirrors - Duration: 9:02.


✅ Francesco Monte e Giulia news, la coppia sorprende: baci e coccole nella notte - Duration: 2:54.

Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi insieme: la coppia sorprende su Instagram  Finalmente Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi sono insieme! Non nel senso di fidanzati, perché questo è stato ufficializzato già qualche giorno fa

Intendiamo dire che oggi Francesco e Giulia sono insieme e da soli a Milano. L'ex tronista infatti oggi era in viaggio verso la sua metà e lo abbiamo potuto intuire dalle sue Instagram Stories, dove era in treno

Poco fa invece a pubblicare le foto insieme dopo il Gf Vip è stata lei! Da quando è terminato il reality show sono tutti a caccia di news su Francesco e Giulia

Tutti vogliono seguire l'evolversi di questa storia, chi perché si è affezionato alla coppia e la sostiene e chi invece perché vuole scoprire come andrà a finire

Non tutti, infatti, credono ancora oggi ai sentimenti nati tra Francesco e Giulia

Francesco e Giulia foto su Instagram: serata insieme da perfetti fidanzati  I due piccioncini si sono riuniti dopo alcuni giorni trascorsi da separati

I fan si erano già allarmati e temevano il peggio. C'è chi non riesce a capacitarsi del fatto che Francesco viva a Roma e Giulia viva a Milano e che per questo a volte siano lontani

Al momento le cose stanno così, faranno i pendolari per un po' di tempo poi chissà

Appena sono insieme comunque si mostrano felici su Instagram! Giulia ha pubblicato prima la foto in cui stringe la mano del suo Francesco, poi ne ha pubblicata una insieme in ascensore

La ragazza ha fatto sapere che erano in cerca di cibo e che sono usciti di corsa perché non volevano ordinare con consegna a domicilio

In ascensore, inoltre, Francesco ha dato un tenero bacio sulla testa a Giulia. Pubblicheranno altre foto nei prossimi giorni? Chi può saperlo

Se lei è sembrata una persona a cui piace pubblicare foto e video sui social, Monte è di tutt'altro avviso e già in Casa tentava di nascondere gli affari di coppia

Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi news, la storia procede a gonfie vele  In ogni caso già queste news su Francesco Monte e Giulia e le foto hanno fatto sorridere i fan! Finalmente tutti sono tranquilli e sanno che la storia procede bene

Non mancheranno le critiche per la coppia, anche Giulia ne ha affrontate di dure nei giorni scorsi

Tuttavia i due sembrano aver trovato il giusto equilibrio per portare avanti la relazione lontani dalla Casa del Gf Vip 2018

Sembrava non ci fossero i presupposti per la buona riuscita di questa coppia, tra incompatibilità caratteriali e incomprensioni a causa di Fariba, invece Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi stanno ancora insieme

For more infomation >> ✅ Francesco Monte e Giulia news, la coppia sorprende: baci e coccole nella notte - Duration: 2:54.


Sospechosos drones provocan el caos en aeropuerto londinense | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Sospechosos drones provocan el caos en aeropuerto londinense | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.


How To Completely Shut Down Claude Tutorial | Mobile Legends - Duration: 11:10.

Claude One of the most Op marksman ever in Mobile


He deals tons of damage, it's really easy to use, only needs one item to start snowballing,

he is very hard to kill, and has an absurd aoe Ultimate.

Are you not tired of all these OP heroes being released and it seems like there's

no way to counter them?

Well fear not, after watching this video you won't have to worry about Claude destroying

your whole team again.

And yes, in this game I am using Grock.

If I reckon, I was pretty confused after playing three games in a row and noticed my tanks

have no clues how to build and counter Claude.

For starter, if you are using tank, or a high HP hero.

The best item to get to counter him it's Blade Armor.

I have seen countless games where players only stick to one build and they don't adjust.

This item it's so damn good against Claude and it's pretty cheap.

It only costs 1660!

Blade Armor deal 25% of your opponent's physical attack back to them when a basic

attack is received.

This item it's so damn good against Claude and it's pretty cheap. It only costs 1660!

You would have more HP and more armor than Claude, so he would end up receiving a lot

more damage than you.

Secondly, the best battle spell against heroes that attack very fast it's Vengeance.

You will return magic damage per attacks received to your attackers.

And since Claude attacks twice and has an insane attack speed you can already imagine

how fast he will melt.

Some might argue that if you are using Claude you would just stop attacking when the opponent

activate Vengeance.

Well you don't activate it when he's just doing basic attack, you save it until Claude

uses his Ultimate, and he would end up self-destructing.

Now imagine that in your team you don't only have one hero but two that have either

Blade Armor and/or Vengeance.

It cloud be one tank plus a fighter or two tanks.

You can already imagine how scared Claude would be to even attempt to use his Ultimate

when you are all bunched up together.

Heroes that are good to counter Claude...

Some of the most obvious ones would be those heroes that can disable and stop his Ultimate

such as Chou, Saber, Minotaur and especially Gato.

Gato with Blade Armor it's such an incredible combo against Claude, since his second skill

will force Claude to attack him.

At the end of the duration, not only will Claude receive 25% of his own physical attack

dmg back to him, Gato will also launch a counter that deals tons of magic damage according

to his total HP.

So these are the three was that you can easily counter claude that anyone can do it.

Hopefully this video will help you get over the fear of Claude and I would leave you guys

with the rest of the gameplay so you can see for yourself how easily it is to counter him.

And before you forget, pause the video to hit that like button, subscribe and hit the

notification bell.

Thanks and enjoy the rest.

For more infomation >> How To Completely Shut Down Claude Tutorial | Mobile Legends - Duration: 11:10.


Fotógrafo demanda a JLo por foto en Instagram | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Fotógrafo demanda a JLo por foto en Instagram | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:19.


Cambio de reglas: solicitantes de asilo esperarán en México | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Cambio de reglas: solicitantes de asilo esperarán en México | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:41.


Exclusivo: Kate del Castillo ya vuela rumbo a México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Exclusivo: Kate del Castillo ya vuela rumbo a México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:29.


Dramático rescate de migrante herida durante el cruce ilegal | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Dramático rescate de migrante herida durante el cruce ilegal | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.


Temporal amenaza con echar por tierra planes navideños | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:12.

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Trump vuelve a amenazar con cierre del gobierno si no le dan el muro | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Trump vuelve a amenazar con cierre del gobierno si no le dan el muro | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:03.


Trump publica video donde aparece disfrazado de campesino en un musical | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.

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Lamentan fallecimiento de líder de culto a la Santa Muerte | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:33.

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For more infomation >> Ahora es posible conservar para siempre tatuajes de personas muertas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:04.


Explotan las llantas de un camión y el conductor sale lesionado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Explotan las llantas de un camión y el conductor sale lesionado | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.


Candy Cane Challenge || Taste Test! - Duration: 6:54.

what it do what good whats poppin its ya girl Alondra and its Ya girl Paola

and today were gonna be doing the candy cane challenge

and before we get started make sure you like comment subscribe and turn your post notifications on let's get started

12 mins on

We have four flavors of these bullshit's

We have four flavors of these candy canes

I'm going to guess which ones which and if you get it wrong you get wrong and if you don't you don't you win?

The hell with that

So we have four candy canes and we have to guess which flavor is which whoever gets it, right

the most times wins and whoever loses loses

If you know their candy cane flavors

Or whatever let's do it. Okay, so it was

Six and a half hours later


It was blueberry

Doesn't it? Yeah, that one does not say that watermelon. Um, what are these bootleg wait?

um jellybeans that don't even taste like the actual thing is a good

Alondra do not be smacking like that

Okay, no

Stuff like it. What is it? Uh, you can still taste it

I just not tastes like blueberry

It tastes like but I don't so now it's her round again

Just quickly no don't bite it off. I

Know I want to be like why can't she bite? Yeah because you think we're gonna eat all of these one date

Did you anybody know after I just said don't be bite it off

It's a hell's wrong with you

Alondra we don't have to all of these now, you know bitch about this every single one of them. I

Love them still not pretty sure right. Mm-hmm

Are you gonna eat it all

You keep idea. Are you gonna eat it off? Nope?

Blueberry the Bluebird know

That this movie that blueberry is better than this blueberry like this will taste like a bean boozled okey?


Wonder why do you have to chew like that?

Great great. No one the last one that

One what is the caller the name look

Okay, yes

It's the nasty Boo Berry

How do you put this back?

So great. Really then I said wait. No those watermen

You want to give me the whole thing

She won that fact we don't know if we went around the same amount what

We don't know feed waiters, we don't know we bought

Both ate the same amount of candy canes that the other one did I don't even know that make sense, but who gives a fuck?

she won I


Nothing happens maybe in another time

We're more bolder

Thanks, Rick. What the hell are you gonna say?

Thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up comment down below which I likes next

For more infomation >> Candy Cane Challenge || Taste Test! - Duration: 6:54.


【鹿島】安部裕葵、涙「きつすぎて、苦しすぎて」レアルに3発打ち砕かれた ***[News Chanel] - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 【鹿島】安部裕葵、涙「きつすぎて、苦しすぎて」レアルに3発打ち砕かれた ***[News Chanel] - Duration: 3:22.



For more infomation >> TAPETE DE BARBANTE COMO FAZER PASSO A PASSO - Duration: 0:55.


President Donald Trump Threatens To Shut Down Gov't To Appease His Base | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> President Donald Trump Threatens To Shut Down Gov't To Appease His Base | Deadline | MSNBC - Duration: 10:17.


Trump tells GOP leaders he won't sign bill to avoid shutdown - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Trump tells GOP leaders he won't sign bill to avoid shutdown - Duration: 1:43.


BREAKING: Defense Secretary James Mattis LEAVING White House - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Defense Secretary James Mattis LEAVING White House - Duration: 15:26.


Klopp: Liverpool don't have 's*** dressing room' - Reds avoid Man Utd problems - Duration: 4:55.

 Liverpool are unbeaten in the Premier League this season and lead title rivals Manchester City by a point

 They beat Manchester United 3-1 last weekend - a result that proved the final nail in Jose Mourinho's coffin

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** And, heading into tonight's match again Wolves, Klopp is keen to maintain their best start to a Premier League season

 Klopp was given cash to strengthen in the summer with Alisson, Naby Keita and Fabinho all arriving

 He also broke the transfer record for a defender when landing Virgil van Dijk in January

 But with options in his squad, Klopp has to change things around regularly to freshen it up and give big names game time

  That means even skipper Jordan Henderson has had to sit out big games including last Sunday's 3-1 win over Manchester United where he was used as a late substitute

 But there are no tantrums from top names which has helped keep the mood positive as Liverpool look to topple champions City

 And this is a far cry from rivals Manchester United, with rumours of major player unrest one of the causes of Jose Mourinho's sacking on Tuesday

 Klopp said: "Would the run be possible without the characters in the dressing room? No chance

I always say, it is never about one player or a second player. "It helps massively in our case that Ali and Virg are fantastic boys who 'solved' our problems if you like, but in a s*** dressing room there is no chance

That's how it is.  "Hendo didn't start against United or Milly [James Milner] because of injury but if you see who is talking in our dressing room before a game when the music is loud and people are shouting it is Milly and Hendo

 "Now Virg starts, even Ali throws in a few words. It is always the same players." Klopp believes the run to last season's Champions League final helped create the dressing room buzz at Liverpool

 They may have lost the final to Real Madrid but the ride brought the squad together as they were released from the pressure of the Premier League

 "I never had a problem with getting a dressing room like that," said Klopp. "So far I always had a good one

Of course the experience and the ride to the Champions League helps a lot, the atmosphere around these games was outstanding

 "It is not a holiday obviously but it is away from the pressure of the Premier League and no one expected us to get to the final, to beat City and all that stuff

But we could and that helped a lot." Klopp will be without Joel Matip and Joe Gomez over Christmas but he is hopeful defender Dejan Lovren will fit be to partner Van Dijk in the busy period

 But despite being top of the Premier League Klopp believes City are still the team to catch

 "I can't say that City are lucky here and lucky there. They aren't. Every matchday, they are spot on," he said

"They were last year, when they got 100 points and they stay in that mode. Chapeau

[Hats off.] I have to say it. There's no sign of weakness.  "They are the current champions

And they still play like champions. We are all the challengers. I only said 'Only City can stop City' because that's why we should concentrate on every game and not take any result for granted

 "We are all judged on that because they are the champions, they can do it, so it should be possible for us as well


For more infomation >> Klopp: Liverpool don't have 's*** dressing room' - Reds avoid Man Utd problems - Duration: 4:55.


Five Nights at Christmas - Bonnie's Holiday [Tony Crynight] - Duration: 1:40.

You can't wait for Christmas to come, can you?

Hello, guys, this is Tony!

Ho-ho-ho, merry Christmas!

I wish you all a wonderful season: presents, sweets, family reunions... all the good stuff!

Stay tuned, since I have a lot of ideas for the new year.

Like a Q&A, livestreams, short animations and of course a new FNAF project!

Don't forget to subscribe and to follow me on my social media accounts.

See you soon, guys, thanks for watching and a... buon Natale a tutti!!

For more infomation >> Five Nights at Christmas - Bonnie's Holiday [Tony Crynight] - Duration: 1:40.


Women's cat shirt - New Winter 3D Beads Cat sweatshirts - Duration: 0:18.

Women's cat shirt - New Winter 3D Beads Cat sweatshirts

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Should you decide you do not want to keep this women's cat shirt, please return it to us (in its original condition and

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so you can shop at our site in complete confidence. Women's cat shirt - New Winter 3D Beads Cat sweatshirts

For more infomation >> Women's cat shirt - New Winter 3D Beads Cat sweatshirts - Duration: 0:18.


Big rig tire crushes woman's car on I-45 North - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Big rig tire crushes woman's car on I-45 North - Duration: 1:03.


Dallas Barbershop A Bridge To Combat High Blood Pressure - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Dallas Barbershop A Bridge To Combat High Blood Pressure - Duration: 2:33.


Ryan: Trump won't sign current spending bill - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Ryan: Trump won't sign current spending bill - Duration: 0:33.


Absolutely Stunning THE CROFT tiny house Off-the-grid model - Duration: 3:56.

Absolutely Stunning THE CROFT tiny house Off-the-grid model

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning THE CROFT tiny house Off-the-grid model - Duration: 3:56.


Dolton Double Shooting Leaves Many Questions Surrounding An Alleged Squatter - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Dolton Double Shooting Leaves Many Questions Surrounding An Alleged Squatter - Duration: 1:41.


Judge wants more cash from crooked Down Syndrome president - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Judge wants more cash from crooked Down Syndrome president - Duration: 3:37.


Ian Wright has a message for Unai Emery over Mesut Ozil's situation at Arsenal - Duration: 3:14.

 Arsenal's scintillating unbeaten run came to a shuddering halt at Saint Mary's on the weekend as Southampton shocked the north London club 3-2

 Unai Emery has been a breath of fresh air since arriving to replace the legendary Arsene Wenger but the last few days have been thoroughly forgettable

 After the limp performance at Saints, it went from bad to worse for the Gunner's as rivals Tottenham Hotspur stormed the Emirates Stadium, dumping Emery's side out of the Carabao Cup

 While the Emery revolution has certainly shown signs of vast improvement, this recent blip has shown that there is still plenty of work to be done

 The Gunners are three points off that coveted top four and a whole 11 points behind league leaders Liverpool

Mesut Ozil's mysterious absence  One of the most interesting aspects of Emery's tenure has been his relationship with, and management of German midfield star, Mesut Ozil

 Ozil has spent large chunks of the season completely absent from the Arsenal squad with little explanation as to why

 Now, Arsenal legend Ian Wright has had enough of the whole debacle, calling on Emery to provide some clarity on the situation with Ozil

 Speaking after Arsenal's loss to Spurs, Wright made it clear that Emery needs to provide some proper answers

 "I've got to say now… We have got to find out what's going on with Ozil. He wasn't in the squad again

"  "Is he ill? What's wrong? We need to know because we cannot afford to carry that kind of weight in respect of wages and find out what is going on with our so-called star player

"  "Is he leaving in January? Is he leaving at some stage? Is he in the manager's plans? It doesn't look like it

 "So they're going to have to sort that out. But as long as the guys get together and go again, that's the main thing

"  There is no doubting that, on his day, Ozil is simply unplayable, but he is yet to hit it off with his new boss

 As a result, the Spanish manager has sidelined the German leading to mounting speculation that he could be shown the exit door in January

 It will be interesting to see what Emery has to say in the coming days.

For more infomation >> Ian Wright has a message for Unai Emery over Mesut Ozil's situation at Arsenal - Duration: 3:14.


Arsenal news: Unai Emery tipped to launch Real Madrid raid in bid to solve problem - Duration: 3:17.

 The Gunners splashed out £22.5m on Bernd Leno in the summer. But with 37-year-old Petr Cech now in the twilight of his career, long-term competition for Leno is needed, which represents a dilemma for Unai Emery

ARSENAL vs TOTTENHAM | WATCH LIVE! Spanish news outlet Fichajes reckon a move to Arsenal would be an attractive proposition for Navas who is struggling for game time

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** The Costa Rica international is now playing second fiddle to Thibaut Courtois following his arrival from Chelsea

 And newspaper AS reported last week that he is unwilling to make do with a place in the reserves

 Manchester United were linked with a swoop to secure Navas' services back in 2015

 However, a part exchange deal for David de Gea failed to materialise. Leno was at fault for Southampton's winner against Arsenal on Sunday

 The German ace flapped at a Shane Long cross cross which gifted Charlie Austin an easy finish

 Speaking after the clash, Leno defended his dodgy decision making. "The last goal was a little bit unlucky for me because I wanted to get the cross because Austin was completely free and it was so close," he told The Evening Standard

 "I touched the ball a little bit but I missed it so it was a little bit unlucky. "No risk, no fun

 "Maybe next time I will get the ball or I will stay on the line look at the ball and nobody says 'You came out and didn't get the ball'

 "That's the life of a goalkeeper but I would do it again." Arsenal are facing Tottenham in the EFL Cup on Wednesday night and Cech looks set to start

 Emery is expecting a tough game against the Gunners' north London rivals. "I played a lot of derbies in France and Spain," said the Spaniard

 "A big derby in Spain is Sevilla versus Betis for the emotion. "When you are very close to the line you can't break this emotion when we are speaking about this derby

 "Tonight is the same. "The stadium will be full with supporters and more supporters from them because in the cup they have the possibility to have more supporters

 "Tottenham's level now is very big."

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Unai Emery tipped to launch Real Madrid raid in bid to solve problem - Duration: 3:17.


Happy Holidays, BBH | Strike BBH - Duration: 1:15.

(singing) I'm dreaming of a job

this Christmas.

Not like the ones BBH now do.

(Rebecca) Keep your word. Honor the contract.

(crowd) Keep your word. Keep your word.

Keep your word. Keep your word.

Keep your word.

(singing) ...for little Becky Sue.

I'm dreaming of a job

this Christmas.

just like the ones I used to do.

(Santa) BBH has been very, very

very naughty.

So this year, all they get

is coal.

(Scrooge) Even Scrooge knows

it's better to be generous

at the holidays.

For more infomation >> Happy Holidays, BBH | Strike BBH - Duration: 1:15.


Last Minute Gifts at Fresno Tractor Supply Co. - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Last Minute Gifts at Fresno Tractor Supply Co. - Duration: 5:23.


Mercy Hospital Using E-prescribe for Prescriptions for Narcotics - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Mercy Hospital Using E-prescribe for Prescriptions for Narcotics - Duration: 1:34.


Soulmate Embrace: How To Hold A Woman - Duration: 4:52.

This is how I've dreamed of being held by a man says every woman ever. You're

about to discover a powerful technique that melts lovers together. Hi, I'm Susan

Braton, trusted hot sex advisor, and I have a brand-new free gift for you. If

you want to be the best hugger ever, the link to the illustrated Soulmate Embrace

free download is in my show notes below. It is my gift to you. This touch

technique transports you both to a warm loving place even if you feel

disconnected. Now the Soulmate Embrace can enhance any relationship whether

you've just met or you've been married for decades.

It can even revive a passionless marriage. Ever notice that stress and

pleasure don't mix very well. You've probably had the experience of sitting

down to a beautiful meal that you couldn't really enjoy because you were

distracted or stressed out or upset. It's the same with true intimacy. At a

physical level, the primary cause of stress is frazzled nerves, and the best

way to rejuvenate tired nerves is to rest in someone's arms. Now if the two of

you are somewhere on the gender spectrum that's non-binary, decide who's doing the

holding and who's getting held and take turns. The masculine-feminine dynamic of

protector and protected is nourishing for all of us and I would I say man and

woman. I just mean the masculine or feminine because a man needs to calm a

woman's nerves before initiating sensual touch. This Soulmate Embrace technique is

the best way I know of to do exactly that. It allows you to dip into the

sensual animal of your body and melt your cares away. I get a lot of emails

from people all over the world who've told me they have had profound shifts in

their relationship as a direct result of weaving this technique into their

intimate play. Kathy from Stanford said "When my man started holding me this way,

it completely changed our relationship. We're closer now than ever before and I

enjoy making love again." That's how profound this can be. Rob from

Palo Alto said, "Why didn't I think of this? It's

obvious this is a total game changer that takes the guesswork out of fore play." When

a man and a woman learn to hold and be held in this exquisitely loving intimate

way, the rewards are immediate. Now here's just a list of few of the benefits

of a Soulmate Embrace and I'm giving this to you. Remember this is a deeper

emotional connection, more interesting sensual pleasure, more passionate loving

connection, stronger, longer and deeper pleasure together, a sense of safety

behind closed doors which leads to more intimate adventurousness, profound

openness and heart sharing, and a stronger feeling of belonging to each

other, and a greater confidence in your love for each other. I mean that's just

the short list of what the Soulmate Embrace can do for you. That's why people

call it a game-changer. What I love most about the Soulmate Embrace is how it

cultivates polarity. Polarity is that delicious passion that's caused that arc

of magnetic attraction of opposites in a Soulmate Embrace. Both the masculine and

the feminine get what they need. For the man or the partner holding the masculine

pole, the intent is to slow down and allow the feminine partner to fully

surrender a woman needs, to let go physically before she can open up

emotionally, and she needs to open up emotionally before she can connect

intimately. It's really that simple the cascade of letting go on multiple levels

over a longer time than the typical catch-and-release

hug is what makes the Soulmate Embrace technique so powerful. John wrote to me

and he said, "I feel like more of a man since you taught me how to hold my woman."

That way I wasn't really surprised the Soulmate Embrace magically triggers the

masculine-feminine polarity guys like John desire but don't seem to get in the

stress of everyday life. So grab all the steps to the Soulmate Embrace technique

in the show notes below this video. You'll be on my email list when you

opt-in it. I'll be sending you additional relationship love and intimacy

techniques. You can unsubscribe with one click any time but you won't want to. So

go ahead and click that link now and get the full instructions to hold and be

held in a way that nobody but me teaches, and while you're there, give this video a

thumbs up. Subscribe to my better lover YouTube channel and post a comment or a

question and I will answer it and I'll see you inside the Soulmate Embrace.

For more infomation >> Soulmate Embrace: How To Hold A Woman - Duration: 4:52.


Where Avatar Began // A:TLA's Unaired Pilot - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> Where Avatar Began // A:TLA's Unaired Pilot - Duration: 5:54.


Lisa Vanderpump Chokes Up In Wild New 'RHOBH' Trailer: They're Trying To Make Me Look 'Terrible' – W - Duration: 3:01.

Lisa Vanderpump can be heard tearing up in the epic new trailer for 'RHOBH'! Watch all of the crazy drama unfold here!    This new trailer for RHOBH is everything we wanted AND more! If you're looking for some Grade-A drama to unfold right before your very eyes, look no further than this new preview of the upcoming season

First off, right in the beginning, you can hear Lisa Vanderpump tears up as she describes her rift between the other housewives and herself

"They're all trying to make me feel like a terrible person," Lisa admits, clearly choked up

And when it comes to Denise Richards wedding, Lisa says, "I don't know why she's doing it so quickly

" However, even more drama goes down between Lisa and Dorit Kemsley. "I love you," Lisa says

"How can you say that you love me?" Dorit responds. To which, Lisa replies, "Well, I actually don't

" While we're not sure who the last person Lisa throws shade at, she doesn't hide her disdain for whoever it is

"I'm not going to say what a f***ing bitch she was," Vanderpump reveals. "Up, I said it!" Watch the whole trailer below!    We reported earlier how several of the housewives are upset with how Lisa has teased leaving in the next season

"Several of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast members are beyond frustrated that Lisa is refusing to film with her," a source told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY

"They also feel angered over her recent interview on The Talk for calling them out for not attending her events

They feel like she isn't being truthful and find it unfair that they have to show up to work everyday and film all while she doesn't

"  In addition, Kyle Richards admitted that there is still hope that she and Lisa mend their relationship

 "I do not want to see her walk away," she told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY. "I feel like we can work through anything

We care about each other, we're friends. I don't think any relationship is beyond repair in life

There's always repair — Room for repair."  We'll keep you posted with all of the latest news about Lisa

In the meantime, check out all of her most recent photos in our gallery above.

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