Hi everyone! In today's video I will show you how to
crochet this sweater dress. This dress is pretty easy to make and
beginner friendly you only need to know basic crochet stitches like how to make a
chain stitch, slip stitch and single crochet. In this tutorial I will show
you how to make this dress in size small. For other sizes you can refer to my blog
as usual I will put the link to my blog in the description box below.
Ok this is the cuff of the sweater made of single crochet and the neck also
made of single crochet and the entire body was made of extended single crochet
okay the bottom also made of single crochet and the length of this dress
stopped just above my knees if you don't want to make a sweater dress you can
also make a regular sweater by making less rows and now let's take a
look what we need for this tutorial you need a 6.5 millimeter crochet
hook, tapestry needle for sewing, scissor,
stitch markers, measuring tape and yarn about 900 grams
I bought this yarn from Aliexpress but there's no label but I believe this is
aran or 8 ply worsted weight yarn. You can use any type of yarn you prefer that
can match the gauge. Now let's check the gauge first if you make 9 rows of 8
single crochet you should get about 3 by 3 inches, you can use any
hook size to obtain the gauge.
I will show you how to make the sleeve first. Make a slipknot and this is the cuff of
the sleeve, chain 9. One two three four five six seven eight nine and then we're
going to single crochet in the back bump of the second chain from hook here as
you can see this is the back bump of the chain. Twist your yarn to the back and
then insert your hook in the back bump here and continue the single crochet in
each of the back bump across.
okay when you single crochet you want to make sure your tension is not too tight
because you don't want your cuff to be dense and stiff, you want your cuff to be
nice and stretchy, so don't pull your yarn too tight when you single crochet and
now I'm in the last bump, you should get a total of 8 single crochet. One two
three four five six seven eight and this is how the bottom of your stitch should look
like. Now chain one turn your work around and for Row 2 just single crochet in
each of the stitch across, remember not to pull your yarn too tight you want
your cuff to be nice and stretchy not dense and stiff.
Now chain one turn you work around and for Row 3 just single crochet in each of the
stitches across and just continue with this pattern until Row 23. Okay here I
already made one sleeve, let me show you where we are now you are here. You are going to
make 23 rows of single crochet and after that you are going to continue to make the
body of the sleeve, we will increase the number of stitches every 5 rows and then
after that we will decrease the number of stitches. Now let's continue to make the
sleeve, this is 23 rows of single crochet we are facing the right side now. Okay
now chain 1 and this is Row 1 for the body of the sleeve we will count this as
Row 1, we're going to make one extended single crochet in each of the single crochet
space across. Insert your hook in the first single crochet space here, yarn over
pull through now you have two loops on your hook, yarn over pull through one, now
you have two loops on your hook, yarn over and pull through two loops, so that is
how you make extended single crochet. Insert your hook in the next space, yarn
over pull through, yarn over pull through one, and then yarn over and pull through
two. So that is how you make your extended single
crochet and you're going to make one extended single crochet in each of the spaces
across. Now just continue to yarn over pull through, yarn over pull through one and then yarn
over pull through two. As you can see you will put one extended single crochet in each
of the spaces across and you will get a total of 23 extended single crochet.
Okay now we are facing the right side of our work and I'm just going to hide the
ends of the yarn here at the back so you will know which side is the right side
and the wrong side. So the wrong side is where you hide the ends of the yarn. Now
just continue to make one extended single crochet in each space till the
end of row.
Okay you should get a total of 23 extended single crochet, now chain one
turn you work around and just continue to make one extended single crochet in
each stitch across. So you're going to repeat this pattern until Row 5.
Now I'm at the end of Row 2, chain one turn you work around and for Row 3
just extended single crochet in each of the stitch across and just
repeat this pattern until Row 5 and after Row 5 we will start to increase
the number of stitches. Okay now I have one two three four five rows of extended
single crochet and on the next row, Row 6 you are going to add one extended
single crochet in the first and in the last stitch. Now chain one turn your work
around and make two extended single crochet in the first stitch. One extended single
crochet and another one. So you are adding one extended single crochet in
the first and in the last stitch, so just continue to extended single crochet in
each stitch across until you only have one stitch remaining.
Okay here in the last stitch, you're going to make two extended single crochet, one
extended single crochet and two extended single crochet. So you add one extra stitch in
the first and last stitch and now you should get a total of 25 extended single
crochet. Okay we will increase every five rows on row 6, 12, and then row 18, row 24
and row 30.
Okay now I'm on row 7, I'm going to put a stitch marker on row 6 where we made the
increase. Chain 1, turn your work around and on row 7 we're not going to increase,
just make a regular row, extended single crochet in each stitch across and you
will get a total of 25 extended single crochet.
Okay now I already have 1 2 3 4 5 rows without the increase and on row 12, you're going
to increase again make two extended single crochet in the first stitch, one extended single crochet and two.
Continue to extended single crochet in each stitch across and in the last stitch
make two extended single crochet again, so you will get a total of 27 extended single
crochet on row 12.
Now put a stitch marker so you won't get confused on which row you've made the
increase. Now I'm at the end of row 12, make 2 extended single crochet in
the last stitch and just continue to increase every 5 rows until Row 30.
Okay now after you've made a total of 30 rows, we will start to decrease the
number of stitches for 16 rows.
Okay on row 31 we're not going to decrease yet, you're going to make another
regular row. Extended single crochet in each stitch across and after that on row 32,
we will start to decrease. You should get a total of 33 extended single crochet on
row 30 and row 31.
Okay row 31 will separate the row where you increase and decrease. Now chain one,
turn your work around and for row 32 we will start to decrease, you make
extended single crochet in the first stitch and then you're going to skip the next stitch and
continue to extended single crochet in each of the stitches across until you
have only two stitches left.
Okay I'm going to put a stitch marker on this row and now just continue until
you have only two stitches left and now I'm at the end I only have two stitches
remaining going to skip the next stitch and extended single crochet in the last
stitch. So that is how you decrease the number of stitches you should get a
total of 31 extended single crochet. Now on row 33 we're going to
make another regular row without decreasing just extended single crochet
in each stitch across and you should get a total of 31 extended single crochet on
row 33 you're going to decrease the number of stitches on every one row
every alternate row and now I'm at the end of row 33, chain 1 turn your work
around and on row 34, you're going to decrease the number of stitches again
extended single crochet in the first stitch skip the next stitch and continue
to extended single crochet in each stitch across until you only have two
stitches left.
I'm going to put a stitch marker on this row and then just continue to extended
single crochet in each of the stitches until you have two stitches left and now
I'm at the end I only have two stitches left, skip the next stitch and extended single
crochet in the last stitch. So that is how you decrease the number of stitches
Now just repeat this pattern alternately until Row 46 so you're just going to
decrease every one row and now I'm at the end of row 46, skip the next
stitch and extended single crochet in the last stitch and this is the last row,
row 46 you should get a total of 17 extended single crochet and this is how
your work should look like by now and you have a total of 16 rows of decrease
so the number of rows is 46. 30 rows of increase and 16 rows of decrease. Now
going to leave a long tail for sewing chain 1 and just pull your yarn
leave a long tail I'm just going to pull this, this is how I measure how long I
need, a little bit longer than the sleeve.
Now make another sleeve exactly the same, put this aside and now we are going to
make the body so the body is the same like the sleeve, going to start from the
bottom going up without increasing and then after that we will decrease for the
arm portion. So let me show you how to make it just like the sleeve, you're going to
make a slip knot and chain 9 and then for row 1 until row 55 you're going to
single crochet in the back bump of 2nd chain from hook and in each chain across. Okay
now I already made my 55 rows of single crochet, let's continue to make the body
extended single crochet in each single crochet spaces across so you have
a total of 55 rows for the band and for the body you should get a total of 55
extended single crochet just continue to make one extended single crochet in each space
now I'm at the end of row
okay now I have a total of 55 extended single crochet. Chain 1, turn your work
around and for Row 2 until Row 40 just going to extended single crochet in each
stitch across. Chain 1, turn your work around and just continue to extended single
crochet in each stitch across. So there will be no increase, just repeat this
pattern until row 40. Okay this is how your work should look like when you have
a total of 40 rows and if you want to make a shorter sweater just make less row
maybe about 30 rows, now after this you are going to decrease the numbers of stitches for the arm
portion. Ok the pattern is the same like how you make the decrease for the sleeve
chain 1, turn your work around and this is for row 41, extended single crochet in
the first stitch, skip the next stitch and extended single crochet in each
stitch across until you have two stitches left
okay now I'm at the end of row 41, I only have two stitches left skip the
next stitch and extended single crochet in the last stitch okay
now chain 1, turn your work around, for row 42 just extended single crochet
in each stitch across and this is the exact way on how you decrease for the
sleeve, you're going to make total of 16 rows of decrease. Okay now I am on the
last row, row 56 your last row should be a regular row and there will be no increase
on the last row, and you should get a total of 39 extended single crochet on your
last row so this is how your work should look like by now you have total of 16
rows of decrease and next we're going to leave a long tail for sewing, so now
just chain 1 and pull your yarn
I'm going to leave a long tail twice the length that I want to join and a little
bit more extra so I have enough yarn to sew the side seam together, cut off your
yarn and now just make exactly the same body for the back so you have two of
these and now we're going to join, I'm going to show you how to join all these
pieces together. Now just put your pieces all facing the right side and we're
going to use each of this tail to join the side seam together so for the sleeve
the long tail that have left from the sleeve will be used to sew the arm
portion here going to use the tail from the sleeve and then just continue to sew
to sleeve together and the left tail from the body will be used to sew the other
portion and continue on the side seam. Okay I will show you how to join the
sleeve to the body, I already join one of the sleeve and let me show you how to
join the other sleeve.
Okay you can use any other method you prefer to join the sleeve to the body
but I will show you how I joined the sleeve to the body facing the right side
so I don't have to flip the sweater to the right side out later
on when I've finished joining the sleeve, okay now let me align the sleeve with the
body first so I'm going to use the tail from the sleeve to join the arm portion and
continue to join the sleeve so just like this going to fold the back part so it
will be easier for me to sew the arm portion like this okay let me zoom in a
little bit more closer so you can see properly
okay a little bit closer okay can you see it? is it okay, okay so now
I'm just going to sew in zig-zag pattern like this so I'm going to pick
two loops from each side. I'm going to pick two loops here and then two loops from the
other side
and continue in a zig-zag pattern like this, I pick to look from this side
from two loops from the other side and then I'm going to pick two loops from this side
and two loops on the other side and just pull the yarn and you want to make sure
each of the rows from the sleeve and the body align with each other
if you have any other method that you prefer to sew the seam together you can
used it, just let me know in the comment below if you have other method that you
prefer because I don't know maybe this is not too neat I guess but that is how I
do it. So now going to continue until row 16 so we have 16 rows of
decrease so we have to join 16 rows for the arm portion, so this is the last row
and then I'm going to continue to join the sleeve, so facing the right side fold
your sleeve like this, this is facing the right side okay and now let's continue
to join the sleeve
okay for the sleeve you have 30 rows to join so you have to align each of the
rows properly so they have the same number of rows on each side
okay just like the arm portion I'm going to pick two loops from each side and sew
in a zigzag motion so I pick two loops here, two loops from the other side pull
your yarn, pick two loops from this side two loops on the other side and just
continue to sew the sleeve in a zigzag motion
and so this is the right side of your sweater already so you don't have to
flip this sweater on the right side out later are on because we are facing the
right side now. So now I'm at the last row I'm going to continue to join the
cuff so just like how you join the sleeve I'm going to pick two loops from each side
and then two loops from the other side and then just continue to do that till the
end of your cuff.
Okay now when you've finish just bring the yarn to the inside of the sleeve and
just make a knot and weave in the ends.
Okay this is how your work should look like by now and next you're going to continue
to join the side seam and the other arm portion, we're going to use the tail from
the body to join this portion here and continue on the side seam.
Okay insert your needle in the first stitch of your sleeve to bring the yarn
to the other side and then take two loops from this side and on the other
side, pull your yarn pick two loops from the side and two loops on the other side
pull your yarn and just continue to sew in a zigzag motion, that is how I
joined the arm portion facing the right side.
Just make sure you've joined 16 rows and here I have another one rows to join
okay that is 16 rows and next we are going to continue to join the side seam
of this sweater.
So I'm going around this armpit here to make sure there will be no hole so just
just go through each of the loop around until you reach the next row, just going to
align them properly and pull tight to close the armpit hole and next just
continue to join the side same by picking two loops on each side and sew in
a zigzag motion, okay this is the part where you have to be very patient it
took a long time to join the side seam together, but you know you just have to be
patient doing this and if you don't want to watch this part you can skip the
video. You can also use a smaller hook size to join the side same by picking
two loops on both side and pull the yarn using you hook, so if you don't have a
needle or you don't like to sew using a sewing needle you can use your hook.
Okay if you want an open slit at the bottom of your sweater you can just stop
joining the side seam here on the very first row but I don't want an open slit
for my sweater so I'm just going to continue to join this part together but
if you want an open slit just leave this part unworked.
Okay this is the inside or the wrong side of your sweater we have a slight
bump here and this is the outside and we are almost finished with our sweater, now the only thing left to do is then neck.
Okay now you can choose any side you want to be the front or the back of your
sweater and then I'm going to find the center stitch here we need to have an
equal number of stitches on each side and join your yarn in the center
stitch of the back of your sweater
okay just join your yarn here in the center stitch of the back of your
sweater and now I will count this as round one. Chain 1, and you're going to
make extended single crochet in the same stitch where you join the yarn and
continue to make extended single crochet in the next three stitches, okay after
you make 4 extended single crochet, you're going to make extended single crochet 2
together in the next two stitches. So now you have 4 extended single crochet, insert
your hook in the next stitch, yarn over pull through, yarn over pull through one,
insert your hook in the next stitch, yarn over pull through, yarn over pull through one,
yarn over and pull through all three loops on your hook.
So you decrease one stitch and in the next 4 stitches you're going to make
extended single crochet again and after that you're going to repeat the pattern
decreasing the number of stitch every 4 stitches. So just going to make
extended single crochet in the next 4 stitches, this is two, three extended
single crochet, four extended single crochet and in the next two stitches going to
decrease the number of stitch. Insert hook in the next stitch, yarn over pull
through, yarn over pull through one, insert your hook in the next stitch, yarn over
pull through, yarn over pull through one, yarn over pull through all three loops
on your hook. So that is how you decrease the number of stitch, so just repeat the
pattern around until you reach the end of the round.
Okay now I'm on my last six stitches, going to make extended single crochet 2
together in the next two stitches and then extended single crochet in the last
four stitches.
Now join with slip stitch in the first stitch here and for round two, you're going to
repeat the same pattern, chain 1 extended single crochet in the same stitch where
you slip stitch and then extended single crochet in the next three stitches.
Okay now continue to make extended single crochet 2 together in the next two
stitches and after that continue to make extended single crochet in the next four
stitches and after that just continue with the pattern until the end of round.
Ok here I'm almost at the end of round
just make extended single crochet in each of the remaining stitches and then
you're going to join with slip stitch in the first stitch, join with slip stitch
here in the first stitch.
Okay now we're going to continue to make the neck band, just like the sleeve here
but we're going to make it shorter only 5 single crochet. So now chain 6 and
continue to single crochet in the back bump of the second chain from your
hook and continue to single crochet in each of the bump until the end of your
chain and now you should get a total of 5 single crochet, one two three four five
next you're going to slip stitch in the next two stitches. Slip stitch in the next two
stitches here
turn your work around and just continue to single crochet in each of the
stitches,for Row 2
now chain 1, turn your work around and for row 3, you're going to single crochet in
each of the stitch across and slip stitch in the next two stitches, just
like row 1, so you're going to repeat this pattern alternately till the end of
your round. Okay now slip stitch in the next two stitches, turn your work
around and just repeat the pattern on row 2 and 3 alternately till the end of round.
Okay now I only have two stitches left you're going to slip stitch in the last
two stitches, turn you work around and just single crochet till the end
of row, now chain one and just leave a long tail for sewing.
Okay the neck of this sweater will be a little bit wider but still can cling on
your shoulder, so I won't called this sweater an off shoulder sweater but
still you can style this sweater like an off shoulder because the neck band
should be stretchy enough for you to slide it down your shoulder and style it like
an off shoulder sweater. Okay we're almost finished with this sweater I'm
just going to weave in the ends.
Okay now I'm done with the sweater and this is the final look. If you're a very
fast crocheter, I'm sure you can finish this sweater in about two to three days. It
took me about a week because I'm filming this tutorial but off-camera I
think I can finish the sweater in three days and let me know what your think
about this sweater in the comment section below and that's it for today
Bye bye, hope you enjoyed this tutorial and thank you for watching. Love~
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