Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 21 2018

Come on! We are IN2IT!

I am Sunghyun

I am Inho!

I am Hyunuk, hola~

I am Inpyo

I am Yeontae, gracias

I am Isaac!

I am Jiahn, hola!

Hello everyone!

We're really happy to get to meet you all through ZanyTV

We came to ZanyTV after hearing that we received a lot of questions from all of you


So we will try our best to answer as many of your questions as possible!

IN2IT, are you ready?

The first question is from Alexandra Rodriguez

What advice would you give to a person who wants to become an artist like you

I have something very simple to say

If you feel like you might regret not trying

it would be better to just go and try it out.

In the time your thinking about it, you might as well be trying it out already

Try before you regret

I also have advice to give

Instead of waiting for an opportunity you should try and actively search for opportunities

He's right

I think that Sunghyun might have good advice to give

High height, high quality advice

As we as artists make music

I consider enjoying listening to and making music the most important traits of an artist

Isaac came all the way to Korea to pursue this career

So I came from another country to Korea

And I think your wish to become an artist has to be very strong

You are not allowed to give up easily

If you fall, you have to get up again

Say something in English, too

So, like me, I fly from Malaysia to Korea to challenge my career

This singer career

I would recommend you guys to please be strong and never give up!

Please be - what did you say?

Be strong and never give up!

The next question from Michelle Avalos

Do you know any words in Spanish?

Bonita! (Pretty!)

I know a longer phrase

"Ya sabes-----" /mumbles/

Not knowing what he is saying!

What did this mean?

/starts mumbling again/

Gracias (Thank you)

Soy coreano, I'm Korean

Soy coreano

Soy... no?

Soy coreano!

Soy Isaac-no?

Soy Malaysiano?

I don't know. Is this how you say it?

How about "Besa-me mucho"?

Is it "perden"?

Perden? Parden?

You know quite a lot of Spanish

I do, I do

What is "bonita" again? - Pretty

Yo soy bonita?

And "Te amo"

Te amo!

"Gracias" means "thank you"

Let's move on to the next question

The next question is from Alejandra Arias

What has been the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

I was class president in middle school

The teacher came in

And I embarrassed myself

In Korea you usually have to say "Attention! At ease! Attention! Bow!"

But I got up when the teacher came in and I said




Did you get a phone call?

I really don't know

It just came out

I just stared like this

I was standing in front of the class like this

The teacher was here

And I was supposed to say "Attention!" So when I said "Hello!" instead

The teacher went

What? Can't you focus?

Go out and clean

That is really embarrassing

Really REALLY embarrassing

My nickname in Middle School was "Hello"

Let's move on to the next question

The next question is from Cielo Guerra


I can't make that sound

Me neither

Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

So many!

Our training room!

A ghost lives in our training room

It moves about like a shadow

Right! Sometimes, when one of us is there training by himself

I was looking into the mirror in the bathroom

and something passed behind me

Like this-

I just thought my eyes played tricks on me

but when I went back to the dance studio

I had the feeling that someone was next to me

and I saw that shadow again

Not like this, though

I was in the recording booth, by myself

and you know how scary it is there

So I said "Come out!"

"Come out! I know you're there, come out!"

I heard that these things happen a lot in places like recording studios

And you also get goosebumps if a ghost is close to you

Whenever I'm the last one to go home

I have to turn out the lights

and go down a corridor to leave

So I turn off the lights and then have to check if they are actually all turned off

And sometimes it feels like something is running towards me from out of the darkness

So I just run out

Okay. Let's move on to the next question

This is the last question from our fans

Daniel Rodriguez


When did you decide that you wanted to become an idol and

what was your biggest inspiration to become an idol?

When I was a student, around 14 years old,

I decided that I wanted to be an idol.

It was pretty late, actually.

Sorry, what?

It would habe been good if I had found out about K-Pop earlier

I got to Korea pretty late and debuted at a relatively old age

That's where I feel a bit of regret

So what happened was that I was watching TV

and I saw TVXQ's "Mirotic"

Until then I had only been listening to Chinese songs and Western pop songs

So when I saw TVXQ, I wondered:

Which language is this? How can they be so cool?

So I looked them up and found out that they were Korean stars

And I decided that I wanted to be like them, as cool

So I came to Korea right away and tried!

So your biggest inspiration was TVXQ?

Yes, I saw them and decided right away

Oh right and then there is Got7's Jackson

He is a foreigner, like me

And he's been living in Korea for a few years now

And he could do this, because his will is so strong

I want to learn to be like this, too

So Jackson is my inspiration, too


I promise I'm not lying

Since I was born, I thought - You have to do this?

It seems like has been my calling to be an artist

Were you born with a mic in hand?

It's like the word 'artist' rained down on me

It's really not a lie. Since I was very young

I always said that I wanted to be a singer

So when we had to write down in school what we wanted to do when we grow up

I was thinking of "singer", maybe since fourth grade

I'd go to sing karaoke and such

So I always wrote and said "singer" when I was asked

and in the end, I have become a singer!

What was your biggest inspiration?

My family, I'd say

Everyone in my family enjoys singing

and likes dancing, too

We would go sing karaoke together

and the songs I sang there turned out to be my first steps to become a singer

Who is your inspiration?

There was no special moment that made me think "I want to become a singer"

I've just always enjoyed singing

That's what it was

And one day, the idea came to me

I'm sorry

But what really made me decide to try to become an idol

was Big Bang and J. Park

Seeing them jump and dance and sing on stage

they were very impressive and looked like they were having so much fun

So this is when I started putting real effort into my training

When I was 12, K-Pop started to be really popular

Big Bang, Wonder Girls, SNSD

This is when I fell in love with music

and through puberty I spent a lot of time listening to music

So one day I decided that I wanted to try it, too

and started to learn how to dance

So we started at the same time. You were 12, I was about 14

Oh right!

A special connection!

I ended up performing a dance cover of a song at a school festival

and this was the happiest I had ever been, this moment on stage

And I decided, that this is the career I want to pursue

Let's see what amazing story has been pushed to the end by Inho

It's not really an amazing story

In middle school I was really interested in musicals

Actors like Park Euntae

Cha Jihyun

Or Ok Juhyun

I thought that these musical singers and the way they sing is unbelievably impressive

So I thought, that I have to become a musical singer

I entered the survival show Boys24

and have become an idol

So I think I am doing my best to reach my dream of being a musical singer

gaining experience

And all of these steps are my inspiration and help me grow

Everyone! It's not important how you start off

You will be able to fulfill your dreams

So don't worry too much when you're starting off

You can do everything you said out to do!

You just have to start! Then you can reach your goal

But now that I heard your story

a musical came to my mind. It's called "This Moment"

Why does he make him sing all the time?

You can do it, everyone! Good luck!

We got to answer to the questions that all of you left on the ZanyTV channel

How was it? Did you have fun?

Me, too. I enjoyed it

Episode 1 is coming to an end but we still have episode 2 left

As we will meet you all again in episode 2 with a tongue twister game

Wait just a bit!




F. High Modo - Preparao' Pa' To' 👿 - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> F. High Modo - Preparao' Pa' To' 👿 - Duration: 1:52.


FIFA 19 World Tour | Neymar Jr vs DJ Snake - Duration: 2:52.

Ladies and gentlemen,|the king of Paris.


You have to see him,|it's impressive.

Here it is!

He's way too fast...

He's on top of the world!

This is Paris!

Paris is a different city.

It's the city of love.

For me it's a great honor

to be defending a team

from Paris.

Let's go.

Shoot, shoot, shoot|is his philosophy.

Just look at|this tremendous technique.

I have no choice.|I have to play with PSG.

There's no way|I can choose any other team.

I was born here.|I grew up here.

Paris is in my blood,|in my veins, in my heart.

I wanted to be a football player,|but I was not good enough.

So I decided|to make music, you know.

Without music,|there's no life.

How spectacular is that!

I used to go there.|That was my spot.

The crazy people are here.

Neymar! Neymar!

I think that Paris|is a big challenge

for me as a player

as with everything.

I play a lot.

I'm a very competitive guy.

I don't like to lose.


They kept up|the pressure, didn't they?

Two years ago we|played against Barcelona

and Neymar was playing against us.

His skills, his vision...

He sees everything in advance.

He made my cry.

Sorry, sorry!


It's a quick play.

He broke my heart.

That's the defender, trailing now!

This is someone that you|want with you, not against you.

I dedicate myself to the max.

A great chance!



Back into play!

Football is the biggest sport|in the world, you know?

Anybody can play.

You don't need no money.

You just need a ball.

I remember|the times we used to bet

a two-liter bottle of soda.

11 friends can play together|and have a good time.


Change front now!

When you go to see a game

for 90 minutes you forget|everything about your life.

I cannot talk and play|at the same time.

I'm very glad to be an inspiration

for all these kids,

for everyone who likes fútbol...

Because we come|from the same thing.

From the bottom, we show the kids|that if you work hard and stay focused

you can become a champion.

This is DJ Snake|and this is Neymar.

For more infomation >> FIFA 19 World Tour | Neymar Jr vs DJ Snake - Duration: 2:52.


The $200 Decluttering Challenge #declutteringchallenge - Duration: 6:23.

alright hey guys this weekend I am gonna sell a bunch of stuff around my house

I have a printer, I have a futon, I have some clothes, I have this webcam, I have some stools

I have a whole bunch of stuff and I'm just gonna try to unload all

this stuff declutter and make a little bit of money in the process

so I think my goal in all this is going to be to make $200 from selling all this

stuff off so I encourage you to join me if you want to try to challenge yourself

to find stuff around your house and see if you can make $200 with it being

around the Christmas season this is a great time to unload some stuff as well

as have a little extra cash it seems like everybody could use a little extra

cash around this time of the year and to be honest I've actually had a lot of

success doing this I wrote an article years ago about how I went through my

entire house spent a month and actually decluttered and made over 2 grand by

selling all this stuff off and so if you want to see that exact process that I

use out of the video linked up above where I kind of go through all that but

in this video I'm gonna go ahead and just talk about one tool that I'm using

that I'm gonna do most of my selling on this weekend and if you do decide to

take this challenge and you post something about it on Twitter or

Instagram be sure to tag me and we're gonna go ahead and enter everybody who

tags us into a drawing for a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card so you might even be

able to get more money out of this whole thing okay so that's enough about that

I'm gonna flip over to my phone now so you can see exactly how simple this process

is and what I'm gonna be doing to sell off most of these items from around my house

alright assuming you know how to take pictures

with your phone we will now go to the process of listing and I'm gonna show

you how easy it is it's amazing it's awesome this isn't the only app that you

can use but I really like this one called letgo and they just make it really

really simple there's a lot of buyers on it in most areas that I've found and so

what we're gonna do is just click this big sell your stuff button and I'm just

gonna go ahead and select other items now we're allow access to our photos so

we can see you know we'll just go ahead and list first single list is this a

little futon thing we got here and I took a couple different pictures of just

showing how whatever different parts of it lay down and things like that and so

we're going to post this that says it listing its posted we're now going to

add a price I'm gonna go ahead and say 60 bucks or something like that I'm not

gonna put this on Facebook but you could do that if you want it if you want to

give it away free you could do that as well and then it is posted it's

literally that simple now if you want a better chance of selling it you can add

a little bit of description and so we're definitely going to do that just - or a

title in description so I'm going to call this like black

we'll do that and then like in description I'll say

and we could add more details like if it there was a brand name or something like

that but I think this probably should be good for this and then what'll probably

happen hopefully I will get into yeah so they also have ways you can kind of

amplify this a little bit some of these all this click over here let you see

what's going on so you can pay to kind of boost it and get in front of more

people and you can do this if you want but I would suggest trying it without

and see if you can get away doing this for free without having to do that and

so I'm just go ahead and list another item let's see I'll go ahead and put

this office chair up here post yeah and we'll say 25 bucks for this I guess

we'll just say office chair I don't know

non-smoking house because personally that's something that I well if you've

ever gone to somebody's house to buy something especially something with some

cloth on it and do you get there and it's a smoker sighs you're like yeah

yeah you know I mean if you're not smoke if you are smoker then maybe it doesn't

bother you but for me you know I'll say without pets - that's it yeah without

pets and that should be good just go ahead and click Save Changes and there

we are so as you can see it is just that simple and you can move to your house

really quick take pictures of whole bunch of stuff and put it up now what's

gonna happen let's see if I can go over here what's gonna happen is you're gonna

get messages from people who and this was an item I had listed a while ago

people are gonna ask you hey is the thing still available and then you can

answer yes it's still for sale or whatever it is and in any way you can

just start responding to them and what's great about is you can find out stuff

about them you know so you can look at their profile you can see if they're

verified yeah so that's what's great about this versus Craigslist and

Craigslist can't be good for some things but this is great because you actually

see the people on the other side a lot of times they will verify themselves by

linking a phone number by connecting their facebook account and so you can do

a little stalking on them if you want just to confirm that there's somebody

you want to you know buy from but yeah it's it's a great way to sell whole

bunch of stuff around your house and make some extra cash so that's my goal

for this weekend see if we can I have a handful of other things I'm gonna go

through and list and see if we can make 200 bucks by selling off some of the stuff

alright well you can see how simple this whole thing is and I'm gonna

get to work and start getting the rest of stuff listed and getting it sold and

so again if you're gonna join us in this challenge be sure to post something

Instagram or Twitter tag us (#declutteringchallenge) and we will get you entered into this giveaway

for this $25 Amazon Gift Card so typically with an app like letgo or

Craigslist or one of these local kind of sales listings place the best things to

sell are heavy things you don't want to ship now if you do have something you

can ship that isn't more than a couple pounds and isn't too big

eBay is the best place to because you're now serving a worldwide

market your potential for buyers is so much bigger and as a result you're much

more likely to get a higher price for the item that you sell and so if you

haven't seen our video how to do that we'll have that video linked up where I

go step-by-step through that entire process and then on top of that if you

have a whole bunch of books lying around your house the easiest way to sell them

is with this other tool and I'll have linked up in this video right here as

well alright so that's all for now hope you join me in the challenge and we will

and we will chat soon

For more infomation >> The $200 Decluttering Challenge #declutteringchallenge - Duration: 6:23.


Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 8:13.

Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids

For more infomation >> Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 8:13.


Vampire Princess Miyu [OVA 3] HQ - Duration: 27:28.

For more infomation >> Vampire Princess Miyu [OVA 3] HQ - Duration: 27:28.


C. High Modo - Flipping (My Life) 🔃 - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> C. High Modo - Flipping (My Life) 🔃 - Duration: 2:41.


Dominique Gallego invitó a todos a visitar su nuevo local comercial - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Dominique Gallego invitó a todos a visitar su nuevo local comercial - Duration: 2:46.


Manhunt for wanted man in Gray prompts school closures - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Manhunt for wanted man in Gray prompts school closures - Duration: 2:21.



For more infomation >> *NEW* TINSELTOES SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 7 Skin) - Duration: 17:03.


University of Utah crime stats - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> University of Utah crime stats - Duration: 2:32.


Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 8:13.

Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids

For more infomation >> Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 8:13.


刘诗诗不帮蒋劲夫,赵丽颖给朱一龙拉资源,周冬雨拒绝作配? - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> 刘诗诗不帮蒋劲夫,赵丽颖给朱一龙拉资源,周冬雨拒绝作配? - Duration: 1:41.


NASA interrompe Transmissão ao vivo da ISS após o aparecimento de um gigantesco OVNI - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> NASA interrompe Transmissão ao vivo da ISS após o aparecimento de um gigantesco OVNI - Duration: 3:58.


Settlement Reached For I-70 Expansion - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Settlement Reached For I-70 Expansion - Duration: 2:08.


I-Team Exclusive: Party Bus Safety - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> I-Team Exclusive: Party Bus Safety - Duration: 2:31.


Why I Chose Utah's Professional MBA: Meet Luke - Duration: 0:53.

(quiet music)

I decided to do the program for several reasons.

I knew professionally it was gonna help.

I was gonna learn things.

I felt it would be good for my career.

I do internet marketing which is kinda self-taught,

there's not really curriculum for that

and I felt like this would be a good compliment to that.

I'd kinda have a unique skill-set.

I'm Luke Alley, I'm Vice President of Digital Marketing

at Avalaunch Media.

I'm part of the University of Utah's

Professional MBA Program.

I felt that there'd be people I'd meet, too,

that could help the networking side of it.

It's not your general answer that you hear

but I did it also to show an example to my kids.

I want them to know that education is important

and then I just knew it was right.

It's helped me not only professionally,

not only in business but it's also

helped me in relationships.

(quiet music)

For more infomation >> Why I Chose Utah's Professional MBA: Meet Luke - Duration: 0:53.


Republicans PISSED At Trump - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> Republicans PISSED At Trump - Duration: 12:10.


Defense Sec. Mattis To Leave Trump Administration At End Of February | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Defense Sec. Mattis To Leave Trump Administration At End Of February | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:50.


How to Crochet Sweater Dress - Duration: 47:02.

Hi everyone! In today's video I will show you how to

crochet this sweater dress. This dress is pretty easy to make and

beginner friendly you only need to know basic crochet stitches like how to make a

chain stitch, slip stitch and single crochet. In this tutorial I will show

you how to make this dress in size small. For other sizes you can refer to my blog

as usual I will put the link to my blog in the description box below.

Ok this is the cuff of the sweater made of single crochet and the neck also

made of single crochet and the entire body was made of extended single crochet

okay the bottom also made of single crochet and the length of this dress

stopped just above my knees if you don't want to make a sweater dress you can

also make a regular sweater by making less rows and now let's take a

look what we need for this tutorial you need a 6.5 millimeter crochet

hook, tapestry needle for sewing, scissor,

stitch markers, measuring tape and yarn about 900 grams

I bought this yarn from Aliexpress but there's no label but I believe this is

aran or 8 ply worsted weight yarn. You can use any type of yarn you prefer that

can match the gauge. Now let's check the gauge first if you make 9 rows of 8

single crochet you should get about 3 by 3 inches, you can use any

hook size to obtain the gauge.

I will show you how to make the sleeve first. Make a slipknot and this is the cuff of

the sleeve, chain 9. One two three four five six seven eight nine and then we're

going to single crochet in the back bump of the second chain from hook here as

you can see this is the back bump of the chain. Twist your yarn to the back and

then insert your hook in the back bump here and continue the single crochet in

each of the back bump across.

okay when you single crochet you want to make sure your tension is not too tight

because you don't want your cuff to be dense and stiff, you want your cuff to be

nice and stretchy, so don't pull your yarn too tight when you single crochet and

now I'm in the last bump, you should get a total of 8 single crochet. One two

three four five six seven eight and this is how the bottom of your stitch should look

like. Now chain one turn your work around and for Row 2 just single crochet in

each of the stitch across, remember not to pull your yarn too tight you want

your cuff to be nice and stretchy not dense and stiff.

Now chain one turn you work around and for Row 3 just single crochet in each of the

stitches across and just continue with this pattern until Row 23. Okay here I

already made one sleeve, let me show you where we are now you are here. You are going to

make 23 rows of single crochet and after that you are going to continue to make the

body of the sleeve, we will increase the number of stitches every 5 rows and then

after that we will decrease the number of stitches. Now let's continue to make the

sleeve, this is 23 rows of single crochet we are facing the right side now. Okay

now chain 1 and this is Row 1 for the body of the sleeve we will count this as

Row 1, we're going to make one extended single crochet in each of the single crochet

space across. Insert your hook in the first single crochet space here, yarn over

pull through now you have two loops on your hook, yarn over pull through one, now

you have two loops on your hook, yarn over and pull through two loops, so that is

how you make extended single crochet. Insert your hook in the next space, yarn

over pull through, yarn over pull through one, and then yarn over and pull through

two. So that is how you make your extended single

crochet and you're going to make one extended single crochet in each of the spaces

across. Now just continue to yarn over pull through, yarn over pull through one and then yarn

over pull through two. As you can see you will put one extended single crochet in each

of the spaces across and you will get a total of 23 extended single crochet.

Okay now we are facing the right side of our work and I'm just going to hide the

ends of the yarn here at the back so you will know which side is the right side

and the wrong side. So the wrong side is where you hide the ends of the yarn. Now

just continue to make one extended single crochet in each space till the

end of row.

Okay you should get a total of 23 extended single crochet, now chain one

turn you work around and just continue to make one extended single crochet in

each stitch across. So you're going to repeat this pattern until Row 5.

Now I'm at the end of Row 2, chain one turn you work around and for Row 3

just extended single crochet in each of the stitch across and just

repeat this pattern until Row 5 and after Row 5 we will start to increase

the number of stitches. Okay now I have one two three four five rows of extended

single crochet and on the next row, Row 6 you are going to add one extended

single crochet in the first and in the last stitch. Now chain one turn your work

around and make two extended single crochet in the first stitch. One extended single

crochet and another one. So you are adding one extended single crochet in

the first and in the last stitch, so just continue to extended single crochet in

each stitch across until you only have one stitch remaining.

Okay here in the last stitch, you're going to make two extended single crochet, one

extended single crochet and two extended single crochet. So you add one extra stitch in

the first and last stitch and now you should get a total of 25 extended single

crochet. Okay we will increase every five rows on row 6, 12, and then row 18, row 24

and row 30.

Okay now I'm on row 7, I'm going to put a stitch marker on row 6 where we made the

increase. Chain 1, turn your work around and on row 7 we're not going to increase,

just make a regular row, extended single crochet in each stitch across and you

will get a total of 25 extended single crochet.

Okay now I already have 1 2 3 4 5 rows without the increase and on row 12, you're going

to increase again make two extended single crochet in the first stitch, one extended single crochet and two.

Continue to extended single crochet in each stitch across and in the last stitch

make two extended single crochet again, so you will get a total of 27 extended single

crochet on row 12.

Now put a stitch marker so you won't get confused on which row you've made the

increase. Now I'm at the end of row 12, make 2 extended single crochet in

the last stitch and just continue to increase every 5 rows until Row 30.

Okay now after you've made a total of 30 rows, we will start to decrease the

number of stitches for 16 rows.

Okay on row 31 we're not going to decrease yet, you're going to make another

regular row. Extended single crochet in each stitch across and after that on row 32,

we will start to decrease. You should get a total of 33 extended single crochet on

row 30 and row 31.

Okay row 31 will separate the row where you increase and decrease. Now chain one,

turn your work around and for row 32 we will start to decrease, you make

extended single crochet in the first stitch and then you're going to skip the next stitch and

continue to extended single crochet in each of the stitches across until you

have only two stitches left.

Okay I'm going to put a stitch marker on this row and now just continue until

you have only two stitches left and now I'm at the end I only have two stitches

remaining going to skip the next stitch and extended single crochet in the last

stitch. So that is how you decrease the number of stitches you should get a

total of 31 extended single crochet. Now on row 33 we're going to

make another regular row without decreasing just extended single crochet

in each stitch across and you should get a total of 31 extended single crochet on

row 33 you're going to decrease the number of stitches on every one row

every alternate row and now I'm at the end of row 33, chain 1 turn your work

around and on row 34, you're going to decrease the number of stitches again

extended single crochet in the first stitch skip the next stitch and continue

to extended single crochet in each stitch across until you only have two

stitches left.

I'm going to put a stitch marker on this row and then just continue to extended

single crochet in each of the stitches until you have two stitches left and now

I'm at the end I only have two stitches left, skip the next stitch and extended single

crochet in the last stitch. So that is how you decrease the number of stitches

Now just repeat this pattern alternately until Row 46 so you're just going to

decrease every one row and now I'm at the end of row 46, skip the next

stitch and extended single crochet in the last stitch and this is the last row,

row 46 you should get a total of 17 extended single crochet and this is how

your work should look like by now and you have a total of 16 rows of decrease

so the number of rows is 46. 30 rows of increase and 16 rows of decrease. Now

going to leave a long tail for sewing chain 1 and just pull your yarn

leave a long tail I'm just going to pull this, this is how I measure how long I

need, a little bit longer than the sleeve.

Now make another sleeve exactly the same, put this aside and now we are going to

make the body so the body is the same like the sleeve, going to start from the

bottom going up without increasing and then after that we will decrease for the

arm portion. So let me show you how to make it just like the sleeve, you're going to

make a slip knot and chain 9 and then for row 1 until row 55 you're going to

single crochet in the back bump of 2nd chain from hook and in each chain across. Okay

now I already made my 55 rows of single crochet, let's continue to make the body

extended single crochet in each single crochet spaces across so you have

a total of 55 rows for the band and for the body you should get a total of 55

extended single crochet just continue to make one extended single crochet in each space

now I'm at the end of row

okay now I have a total of 55 extended single crochet. Chain 1, turn your work

around and for Row 2 until Row 40 just going to extended single crochet in each

stitch across. Chain 1, turn your work around and just continue to extended single

crochet in each stitch across. So there will be no increase, just repeat this

pattern until row 40. Okay this is how your work should look like when you have

a total of 40 rows and if you want to make a shorter sweater just make less row

maybe about 30 rows, now after this you are going to decrease the numbers of stitches for the arm

portion. Ok the pattern is the same like how you make the decrease for the sleeve

chain 1, turn your work around and this is for row 41, extended single crochet in

the first stitch, skip the next stitch and extended single crochet in each

stitch across until you have two stitches left

okay now I'm at the end of row 41, I only have two stitches left skip the

next stitch and extended single crochet in the last stitch okay

now chain 1, turn your work around, for row 42 just extended single crochet

in each stitch across and this is the exact way on how you decrease for the

sleeve, you're going to make total of 16 rows of decrease. Okay now I am on the

last row, row 56 your last row should be a regular row and there will be no increase

on the last row, and you should get a total of 39 extended single crochet on your

last row so this is how your work should look like by now you have total of 16

rows of decrease and next we're going to leave a long tail for sewing, so now

just chain 1 and pull your yarn

I'm going to leave a long tail twice the length that I want to join and a little

bit more extra so I have enough yarn to sew the side seam together, cut off your

yarn and now just make exactly the same body for the back so you have two of

these and now we're going to join, I'm going to show you how to join all these

pieces together. Now just put your pieces all facing the right side and we're

going to use each of this tail to join the side seam together so for the sleeve

the long tail that have left from the sleeve will be used to sew the arm

portion here going to use the tail from the sleeve and then just continue to sew

to sleeve together and the left tail from the body will be used to sew the other

portion and continue on the side seam. Okay I will show you how to join the

sleeve to the body, I already join one of the sleeve and let me show you how to

join the other sleeve.

Okay you can use any other method you prefer to join the sleeve to the body

but I will show you how I joined the sleeve to the body facing the right side

so I don't have to flip the sweater to the right side out later

on when I've finished joining the sleeve, okay now let me align the sleeve with the

body first so I'm going to use the tail from the sleeve to join the arm portion and

continue to join the sleeve so just like this going to fold the back part so it

will be easier for me to sew the arm portion like this okay let me zoom in a

little bit more closer so you can see properly

okay a little bit closer okay can you see it? is it okay, okay so now

I'm just going to sew in zig-zag pattern like this so I'm going to pick

two loops from each side. I'm going to pick two loops here and then two loops from the

other side

and continue in a zig-zag pattern like this, I pick to look from this side

from two loops from the other side and then I'm going to pick two loops from this side

and two loops on the other side and just pull the yarn and you want to make sure

each of the rows from the sleeve and the body align with each other

if you have any other method that you prefer to sew the seam together you can

used it, just let me know in the comment below if you have other method that you

prefer because I don't know maybe this is not too neat I guess but that is how I

do it. So now going to continue until row 16 so we have 16 rows of

decrease so we have to join 16 rows for the arm portion, so this is the last row

and then I'm going to continue to join the sleeve, so facing the right side fold

your sleeve like this, this is facing the right side okay and now let's continue

to join the sleeve

okay for the sleeve you have 30 rows to join so you have to align each of the

rows properly so they have the same number of rows on each side

okay just like the arm portion I'm going to pick two loops from each side and sew

in a zigzag motion so I pick two loops here, two loops from the other side pull

your yarn, pick two loops from this side two loops on the other side and just

continue to sew the sleeve in a zigzag motion

and so this is the right side of your sweater already so you don't have to

flip this sweater on the right side out later are on because we are facing the

right side now. So now I'm at the last row I'm going to continue to join the

cuff so just like how you join the sleeve I'm going to pick two loops from each side

and then two loops from the other side and then just continue to do that till the

end of your cuff.

Okay now when you've finish just bring the yarn to the inside of the sleeve and

just make a knot and weave in the ends.

Okay this is how your work should look like by now and next you're going to continue

to join the side seam and the other arm portion, we're going to use the tail from

the body to join this portion here and continue on the side seam.

Okay insert your needle in the first stitch of your sleeve to bring the yarn

to the other side and then take two loops from this side and on the other

side, pull your yarn pick two loops from the side and two loops on the other side

pull your yarn and just continue to sew in a zigzag motion, that is how I

joined the arm portion facing the right side.

Just make sure you've joined 16 rows and here I have another one rows to join

okay that is 16 rows and next we are going to continue to join the side seam

of this sweater.

So I'm going around this armpit here to make sure there will be no hole so just

just go through each of the loop around until you reach the next row, just going to

align them properly and pull tight to close the armpit hole and next just

continue to join the side same by picking two loops on each side and sew in

a zigzag motion, okay this is the part where you have to be very patient it

took a long time to join the side seam together, but you know you just have to be

patient doing this and if you don't want to watch this part you can skip the

video. You can also use a smaller hook size to join the side same by picking

two loops on both side and pull the yarn using you hook, so if you don't have a

needle or you don't like to sew using a sewing needle you can use your hook.

Okay if you want an open slit at the bottom of your sweater you can just stop

joining the side seam here on the very first row but I don't want an open slit

for my sweater so I'm just going to continue to join this part together but

if you want an open slit just leave this part unworked.

Okay this is the inside or the wrong side of your sweater we have a slight

bump here and this is the outside and we are almost finished with our sweater, now the only thing left to do is then neck.

Okay now you can choose any side you want to be the front or the back of your

sweater and then I'm going to find the center stitch here we need to have an

equal number of stitches on each side and join your yarn in the center

stitch of the back of your sweater

okay just join your yarn here in the center stitch of the back of your

sweater and now I will count this as round one. Chain 1, and you're going to

make extended single crochet in the same stitch where you join the yarn and

continue to make extended single crochet in the next three stitches, okay after

you make 4 extended single crochet, you're going to make extended single crochet 2

together in the next two stitches. So now you have 4 extended single crochet, insert

your hook in the next stitch, yarn over pull through, yarn over pull through one,

insert your hook in the next stitch, yarn over pull through, yarn over pull through one,

yarn over and pull through all three loops on your hook.

So you decrease one stitch and in the next 4 stitches you're going to make

extended single crochet again and after that you're going to repeat the pattern

decreasing the number of stitch every 4 stitches. So just going to make

extended single crochet in the next 4 stitches, this is two, three extended

single crochet, four extended single crochet and in the next two stitches going to

decrease the number of stitch. Insert hook in the next stitch, yarn over pull

through, yarn over pull through one, insert your hook in the next stitch, yarn over

pull through, yarn over pull through one, yarn over pull through all three loops

on your hook. So that is how you decrease the number of stitch, so just repeat the

pattern around until you reach the end of the round.

Okay now I'm on my last six stitches, going to make extended single crochet 2

together in the next two stitches and then extended single crochet in the last

four stitches.

Now join with slip stitch in the first stitch here and for round two, you're going to

repeat the same pattern, chain 1 extended single crochet in the same stitch where

you slip stitch and then extended single crochet in the next three stitches.

Okay now continue to make extended single crochet 2 together in the next two

stitches and after that continue to make extended single crochet in the next four

stitches and after that just continue with the pattern until the end of round.

Ok here I'm almost at the end of round

just make extended single crochet in each of the remaining stitches and then

you're going to join with slip stitch in the first stitch, join with slip stitch

here in the first stitch.

Okay now we're going to continue to make the neck band, just like the sleeve here

but we're going to make it shorter only 5 single crochet. So now chain 6 and

continue to single crochet in the back bump of the second chain from your

hook and continue to single crochet in each of the bump until the end of your

chain and now you should get a total of 5 single crochet, one two three four five

next you're going to slip stitch in the next two stitches. Slip stitch in the next two

stitches here

turn your work around and just continue to single crochet in each of the

stitches,for Row 2

now chain 1, turn your work around and for row 3, you're going to single crochet in

each of the stitch across and slip stitch in the next two stitches, just

like row 1, so you're going to repeat this pattern alternately till the end of

your round. Okay now slip stitch in the next two stitches, turn your work

around and just repeat the pattern on row 2 and 3 alternately till the end of round.

Okay now I only have two stitches left you're going to slip stitch in the last

two stitches, turn you work around and just single crochet till the end

of row, now chain one and just leave a long tail for sewing.

Okay the neck of this sweater will be a little bit wider but still can cling on

your shoulder, so I won't called this sweater an off shoulder sweater but

still you can style this sweater like an off shoulder because the neck band

should be stretchy enough for you to slide it down your shoulder and style it like

an off shoulder sweater. Okay we're almost finished with this sweater I'm

just going to weave in the ends.

Okay now I'm done with the sweater and this is the final look. If you're a very

fast crocheter, I'm sure you can finish this sweater in about two to three days. It

took me about a week because I'm filming this tutorial but off-camera I

think I can finish the sweater in three days and let me know what your think

about this sweater in the comment section below and that's it for today

Bye bye, hope you enjoyed this tutorial and thank you for watching. Love~

For more infomation >> How to Crochet Sweater Dress - Duration: 47:02.


Vocal Coach reacts to Michael Buble singing It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas - Duration: 6:18.

Hello! Welcome to Beth Roars! I'm Beth and today I'm going to be doing a vocal

coach reacts to Michael Buble singing It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas.

Before we start, you can find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

My handle is @bethroars Also please do check out my website

where you can find more in-depth singing technique blogs and you can also book a

singing lesson from me. And last but not least, do check out my Patreon which is where you can get more exclusive content and you

can guarantee that your request definitely does happen. I just thought we

can't get through Christmas without listening to a bit of Buble sing a

Christmas song, can we? And I'm wearing a Christmassy, I mean the most

Christmassy jumper I've got. I should have a Christmas jumper shouldn't I.

Well, before we start, he's singing on Strictly which is also a requirement

of Christmas and Anton Du Beke will be there. Seeing him on telly is a

requirement of Christmas and they'll be harps and strings because Michael Buble

Oh and it looks like...the lights

like a snowflake

There is Anton

and the harp, and the trees! The Christmas trees!

Well, they are not Christmas trees. Normal trees. Twigs.

The thing about Buble is, it's all about the tone. He's got that

wonderful warm, jazz, scoopy, crooner thing. It just reminds you of Frank Sinatra.

That's why it goes to work with Christmas songs, because a lot of the Christmas

songs we listen to and still listen to, to this day are jazz songs or jazz

style songs and Buble just embodies that kind of swing, that suave, warmth of tone

so well. That's why he's so great singing them. That's why he sounds like Christmas

Mr. Christmas, Mr. Buble

So what's he doing? He's just doing all the standard, beautiful jazz things.

He's doing the scoops which are **SINGS** like think of, instead of

**SING** the famous Etta James song **SINGS** You need to have the scoop that's what

makes it so jazzy sounding and it's those slidey scoops that are making it sound

like that old school crooner. I think, to me, that's what defines crooning. Is a

scoopy style of singing. Big vibrato, relaxed diction, singing on the

consonants and then he's putting in a little bit if stacatto to make it feel

playful. Mm cute.

And he's playing with the rhythms, a very jazz thing to do

Beautiful dancing as well. This is my mom's favourite TV show.

And we went to see it live once as well. It was so good!

And then playing around with the melody. Nice.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

He doesn't do anything fancy with his voice but he has tone and it just feels

like a cuddle. I just want to say Merry Christmas to you all! I'm probably gonna

take a week off now. I'm gonna do some singing teaching training so I'll have

more cool things to come back and tell you about, more techniques to talk about.

But also I'm just going to spend a few days enjoying Christmas I'm being with my

family and I hope you guys get the chance to do that too! If you did like

this please do like and subscribe and I'll see you after Christmas! Bye!

For more infomation >> Vocal Coach reacts to Michael Buble singing It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas - Duration: 6:18.


FIFA 19 World Tour | Neymar Jr vs DJ Snake - Duration: 2:52.

Ladies and gentlemen,|the king of Paris.


You have to see him,|it's impressive.

Here it is!

He's way too fast...

He's on top of the world!

This is Paris!

Paris is a different city.

It's the city of love.

For me it's a great honor

to be defending a team

from Paris.

Let's go.

Shoot, shoot, shoot|is his philosophy.

Just look at|this tremendous technique.

I have no choice.|I have to play with PSG.

There's no way|I can choose any other team.

I was born here.|I grew up here.

Paris is in my blood,|in my veins, in my heart.

I wanted to be a football player,|but I was not good enough.

So I decided|to make music, you know.

Without music,|there's no life.

How spectacular is that!

I used to go there.|That was my spot.

The crazy people are here.

Neymar! Neymar!

I think that Paris|is a big challenge

for me as a player

as with everything.

I play a lot.

I'm a very competitive guy.

I don't like to lose.


They kept up|the pressure, didn't they?

Two years ago we|played against Barcelona

and Neymar was playing against us.

His skills, his vision...

He sees everything in advance.

He made my cry.

Sorry, sorry!


It's a quick play.

He broke my heart.

That's the defender, trailing now!

This is someone that you|want with you, not against you.

I dedicate myself to the max.

A great chance!



Back into play!

Football is the biggest sport|in the world, you know?

Anybody can play.

You don't need no money.

You just need a ball.

I remember|the times we used to bet

a two-liter bottle of soda.

11 friends can play together|and have a good time.


Change front now!

When you go to see a game

for 90 minutes you forget|everything about your life.

I cannot talk and play|at the same time.

I'm very glad to be an inspiration

for all these kids,

for everyone who likes fútbol...

Because we come|from the same thing.

From the bottom, we show the kids|that if you work hard and stay focused

you can become a champion.

This is DJ Snake|and this is Neymar.

For more infomation >> FIFA 19 World Tour | Neymar Jr vs DJ Snake - Duration: 2:52.


For those people who are depress/hurt please watch. - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> For those people who are depress/hurt please watch. - Duration: 1:07.


TRANSLATION ISSUES | Applied Behavior Analysis in Brazil | (RBT, BCBA, BACB) - Duration: 7:36.

Alright made made it to the old historic town

it's very very gorgeous we actually just got out

we just got of the house for the first time today it's sunset today's topics to pool

we're going to talk about the issues of actually traveling and getting a lot of

work done as well as translational problems materials that are in one

language and the barriers that that causes... you've landed at the daily da

let's roll! Welcome to The Daily BAmy name is RyanO and September 2018

myself and Megan Miller we're on a trip down into Brazil to spread some behavior

analysis this is part three of the videos if you haven't already make sure

you watch the first two videos linked up here we're picking up where we left off

which is you're on the ground and you're trying to get as much work as you can

done first step is that we've gotten on the same page as to values goals of the

trip both internationally like via email before we met and then when we actually

landed in the country even though you're now in a different country the world

hasn't stopped you in this constant battle trying to keep up with

communication apps what's going on and the time zone differences can be a huge

pain not to mention always running into issues with power I carry this beast

gets me a lot of juice guaranteed to have a little bit of juice

no matter where you're at. So while this is going on there's still supervision

meetings Megan's conducting there's other meetings and people that I need to

check in with sometimes these meetings are happening at the middle of the night

the point is luxurious and awesome as these trips are they are a physical

struggle and like toll on your body and it's really hard to keep up with

everything. If anyone is gonna go on a trip like this the tip is to have a bare

minimum amount of time they say two to three hours that you're gonna plan just

to try to keep up since you don't come back to just mounds and mounds of work

than you need oh and what time you do have you need to use extremely wisely so

when we're in the car that is usually a time when everyone's cranking on their

phones getting the work done as fast as they can before the next activity the

next stop and it's the only one remember this is a highlight of the entire trip

and it's really just the good parts it's not interesting for you to watch me text

on a phone for three hours on and off throughout the day watch the emails that

are going out 11:30 at night waking back up at four o'clock in the morning like

it's just it's not exciting but it does happen. In today's day and age with

social media people know what is available in at all today I'm gonna be

talking from the perspective of the U.S. this is where I am residing any citizen

of so people see America has X, Y and Z in this case the PEAK training is one of

those but you can take any sort of example or infrastructure with the BACB

our professional organizations all of them alright. This expectation of what's

available what's currently going on in your area say what tools or sort of

training interventionist or practitioners or behavior analysts have becomes

a real issue so I was on this trip not sure what was gonna happen what my rule

was part of that was to document sure things like this but we actually found

immediately a need to be able to translate a couple of the pre-assessment

a couple of pre-assessment items from peak so that during the training that we

can they had something that was fit a little bit better for that culture

because little things will change like an example of metaphor that works very

well in the English in America does not hold up when we go into other countries.

A lot of other people have talked about this one area is Acceptance and

Commitment Therapy they have known issues with their metaphors across

different cultures so there's an active translational testing piece on the

effectiveness of those so these projects are pretty fun because it's like you

didn't know what happened and you have 24 hours to crank out some sort of video.

On a real heavy note like we saw so many parents

literally parents were crying in trainings or in meetings because they

know that the help that their children need is is out there some form of it but

it's not accessible so if I had one big call to action for behavior analysts I

know we are caught up in our day to day what's going on to our neck of the woods

but if you just step back for a second just a little bit and two things there

take appreciation for the other people that are out there that are working hard

to do other things help support and grow this community of folks this is not a

competition there's way too many people who need our help the time is here and

now to help support one another in behavior analysis and if you are

creating a tool like product a service start thinking about translation early

as early as you possibly can. And I know one thing that Megan ran into was she's

been presenting on the same topic since I think 2010 going around talking about

some advancements and autism treatment research etc and one person who's only

be in so many places so I know that she values and works towards creating these

sort of online opportunities I think we have more people that need to be doing

such things and not paying waling the hell out of them. Now despite how busy

these trips are I always take a little bit of time to make sure that we have

some sort of break throughout the day this particular day I'm gonna show you

was a workday for 12 hours I mean we have access to food we didn't eat food

because we we're so busy so it was like 5:30 or 6:00 in the

afternoon before we actually got out of house a little bit caught sunset at

least grab some food and jumped into another training day

right made it's the old historic town

very very gorgeous we actually just got out we just got a house for the first

time today it's sunset. In the eighteen hundred's Holland had taken over this

area... (translation) they were sending money to build a port in that space over (translation) they kept

sending the money (translation) when it was time to get you know they were they came to see

it (translation)and then they came in there was just grass (translation) and that's what they call like

grass port.. where did the money go was it like spent on other things? We don't know...

favorite things is that the folks there were able to bring together people that

normally wouldn't come together so there was folks traveling for two to three

hours of a drive back and forth each day for these seminars were going on the

afternoon that we were teaching so imagine getting off work at 4:00 driving

until 7:00 going from something from 7:00 to 10:00 driving back home then

getting up and going to work like that is is how valuable this information is

for folks. So I want to say thank you to the folks that attended I also wanted to

point again to the people that are doing the work I've linked them down in the

bottom of the description so please go follow support them give them a comment

a like something that tells them like hey I see you working hard because they

are watching this as closely as I am thank you so much tomorrow the

grassroots movement of a bunch of mothers with children with autism that I

mentioned in Episode one. End of day reason I'm tired we did for

behind-the-scenes Patreon I never know when you're gonna need some more content

That's your, Daily BA.

For more infomation >> TRANSLATION ISSUES | Applied Behavior Analysis in Brazil | (RBT, BCBA, BACB) - Duration: 7:36.


The $200 Decluttering Challenge #declutteringchallenge - Duration: 6:23.

alright hey guys this weekend I am gonna sell a bunch of stuff around my house

I have a printer, I have a futon, I have some clothes, I have this webcam, I have some stools

I have a whole bunch of stuff and I'm just gonna try to unload all

this stuff declutter and make a little bit of money in the process

so I think my goal in all this is going to be to make $200 from selling all this

stuff off so I encourage you to join me if you want to try to challenge yourself

to find stuff around your house and see if you can make $200 with it being

around the Christmas season this is a great time to unload some stuff as well

as have a little extra cash it seems like everybody could use a little extra

cash around this time of the year and to be honest I've actually had a lot of

success doing this I wrote an article years ago about how I went through my

entire house spent a month and actually decluttered and made over 2 grand by

selling all this stuff off and so if you want to see that exact process that I

use out of the video linked up above where I kind of go through all that but

in this video I'm gonna go ahead and just talk about one tool that I'm using

that I'm gonna do most of my selling on this weekend and if you do decide to

take this challenge and you post something about it on Twitter or

Instagram be sure to tag me and we're gonna go ahead and enter everybody who

tags us into a drawing for a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card so you might even be

able to get more money out of this whole thing okay so that's enough about that

I'm gonna flip over to my phone now so you can see exactly how simple this process

is and what I'm gonna be doing to sell off most of these items from around my house

alright assuming you know how to take pictures

with your phone we will now go to the process of listing and I'm gonna show

you how easy it is it's amazing it's awesome this isn't the only app that you

can use but I really like this one called letgo and they just make it really

really simple there's a lot of buyers on it in most areas that I've found and so

what we're gonna do is just click this big sell your stuff button and I'm just

gonna go ahead and select other items now we're allow access to our photos so

we can see you know we'll just go ahead and list first single list is this a

little futon thing we got here and I took a couple different pictures of just

showing how whatever different parts of it lay down and things like that and so

we're going to post this that says it listing its posted we're now going to

add a price I'm gonna go ahead and say 60 bucks or something like that I'm not

gonna put this on Facebook but you could do that if you want it if you want to

give it away free you could do that as well and then it is posted it's

literally that simple now if you want a better chance of selling it you can add

a little bit of description and so we're definitely going to do that just - or a

title in description so I'm going to call this like black

we'll do that and then like in description I'll say

and we could add more details like if it there was a brand name or something like

that but I think this probably should be good for this and then what'll probably

happen hopefully I will get into yeah so they also have ways you can kind of

amplify this a little bit some of these all this click over here let you see

what's going on so you can pay to kind of boost it and get in front of more

people and you can do this if you want but I would suggest trying it without

and see if you can get away doing this for free without having to do that and

so I'm just go ahead and list another item let's see I'll go ahead and put

this office chair up here post yeah and we'll say 25 bucks for this I guess

we'll just say office chair I don't know

non-smoking house because personally that's something that I well if you've

ever gone to somebody's house to buy something especially something with some

cloth on it and do you get there and it's a smoker sighs you're like yeah

yeah you know I mean if you're not smoke if you are smoker then maybe it doesn't

bother you but for me you know I'll say without pets - that's it yeah without

pets and that should be good just go ahead and click Save Changes and there

we are so as you can see it is just that simple and you can move to your house

really quick take pictures of whole bunch of stuff and put it up now what's

gonna happen let's see if I can go over here what's gonna happen is you're gonna

get messages from people who and this was an item I had listed a while ago

people are gonna ask you hey is the thing still available and then you can

answer yes it's still for sale or whatever it is and in any way you can

just start responding to them and what's great about is you can find out stuff

about them you know so you can look at their profile you can see if they're

verified yeah so that's what's great about this versus Craigslist and

Craigslist can't be good for some things but this is great because you actually

see the people on the other side a lot of times they will verify themselves by

linking a phone number by connecting their facebook account and so you can do

a little stalking on them if you want just to confirm that there's somebody

you want to you know buy from but yeah it's it's a great way to sell whole

bunch of stuff around your house and make some extra cash so that's my goal

for this weekend see if we can I have a handful of other things I'm gonna go

through and list and see if we can make 200 bucks by selling off some of the stuff

alright well you can see how simple this whole thing is and I'm gonna

get to work and start getting the rest of stuff listed and getting it sold and

so again if you're gonna join us in this challenge be sure to post something

Instagram or Twitter tag us (#declutteringchallenge) and we will get you entered into this giveaway

for this $25 Amazon Gift Card so typically with an app like letgo or

Craigslist or one of these local kind of sales listings place the best things to

sell are heavy things you don't want to ship now if you do have something you

can ship that isn't more than a couple pounds and isn't too big

eBay is the best place to because you're now serving a worldwide

market your potential for buyers is so much bigger and as a result you're much

more likely to get a higher price for the item that you sell and so if you

haven't seen our video how to do that we'll have that video linked up where I

go step-by-step through that entire process and then on top of that if you

have a whole bunch of books lying around your house the easiest way to sell them

is with this other tool and I'll have linked up in this video right here as

well alright so that's all for now hope you join me in the challenge and we will

and we will chat soon

For more infomation >> The $200 Decluttering Challenge #declutteringchallenge - Duration: 6:23.


Amazing Christmas Nail Art Tutorials 2019 💅 20 Long Nails Art Designs Compilation ❤ - Duration: 10:26.

Amazing Christmas Nail Art Tutorials 2019 💅 20 Long Nails Art Designs Compilation ❤

Thank you for watching!

Hope you enjoy this video!

For more infomation >> Amazing Christmas Nail Art Tutorials 2019 💅 20 Long Nails Art Designs Compilation ❤ - Duration: 10:26.


Online Mindfulness-based Skype Counseling Therapy for Anxiety and Depression - Duration: 13:18.


My name is Peter Strong and I offer online therapy via Skype, Skype counseling therapy

using mindfulness-based techniques to help you better manage anxiety and depression.

So mindfulness-based therapy is extremely effective because it teaches you practical

methods that you can employ yourself between sessions and develop the necessary skills

to manage difficult emotions like anxiety and depression or addiction.

Mindfulness Therapy is about giving you practical tools.

One of the most practical tools that we will explore during our sessions together is mindfulness


So I teach mindfulness meditation, but specifically for the purpose of healing emotional suffering.

So during this kind of mindfulness meditation you learn how to meditate on your emotions.

That means being able to develop a conscious and non-reactive relationship with your emotions,

with your anxiety, with your depression, with your fear, with your obsession, whatever it

might be.

The most important thing you can do is learn to a develop conscious and non-reactive relationship

with these emotions.

Most of us have not learned this skill and the result is that when anxiety or depression

or obsessive emotions get triggered we simply become overwhelmed by them.

We become consumed by them.

This is called reactive identification and when we become identified with our emotional

reactions then they basically control us.

We lose that conscious perspective.

For example you have experienced what happens with anger.

If you get very angry you lose perspective, you essentially lose consciousness and you

become controlled by the anger.

So during mindfulness training we learn how to sit with our emotions, meditate on them

and develop non-reactive conscious awareness.

We call this equanimity and it's a very powerful skill.

It takes training, but if you train deliberately and you know what you're doing and you have

some good guidance you can very quickly get to a place where you can observe your emotions

without becoming overwhelmed by them.

This now puts you in a position where you can help change those emotions.

So the first most important thing that we're doing here is not feeding the emotions.

If you can sit with them without reacting you stop feeding them and if you stop feeding

any emotional reaction that reaction will begin to subside by itself.

So essentially you're reinforcing the neural pathways that allow emotions to resolve themselves

by continually sitting with your emotions and not reacting.

The second part of our mindfulness work is about healing those emotions, healing the

underlying emotional pain, whether it is fear or depression or guilt or anger or stress,

whatever it might be.

We work to heal that, and that is the response of compassion, which is a very important part

of mindfulness therapy and mindfulness training.

It Is not sufficient to just see emotional suffering.

We must respond to it in a way that promotes its healing.

This is the definition of compassion.

Now just establishing that relationship will greatly facilitate healing by not feeding

the reactivity.

It also facilitates healing by establishing this very important relationship in the mind

that we call the Tue Self-Little Self alliance.

So the Little Self is the emotion, the anxiety, the depression, whatever it might be.

That's the content of mind.

It is conditioned, it's reactive and it is stuck, essentially, not able to heal itself,

rather like a child.

True Self is that part of your being that is able to be aware of the Little Self.

So when you can observe your emotions clearly without reacting then that which observes

the emotions is your True Self.

Now the true self by its nature is less reactive.

Well In fact it does not react at all.

It is just completely present in a friendly and compassionate way.

But this is exactly what the Little Self needs.

Your internal fear needs to connect to that part of you, your True Self, that is not afraid.

This is what helps it heal in the same way that a parent can help a child overcome its

fear just by his presence.

When there is conscious and loving presence, that will heal the fear of the child.

So this internal alliance, this internal relationship, becomes fragmented when we suffer emotionally.

So when we are suffering from anxiety, the anxiety emotions become isolated, cut off

from our True Self.

The same for depression, it becomes isolated, contracted and cut off from True Self.

And we feel that.

Anxiety feels very claustrophobic, very alone, very fearful.

Depression has the same kind of qualities.

We feel very isolated, disconnected.

So building this alliance between True Self and Little Self is a major healing factor

in itself.

But we can also help the emotion heal by interacting with it with compassion.

And this often involves working with the imagery of the emotion.

So all emotions like anxiety and depression or compulsion or stress or guilt, whatever

it might be has certain specific internal psychological imagery that supports that emotion,

and that imagery is vital.

It's what actually causes the emotion.

It Is what gets triggered in the mind that then causes the emotion to take form.

So, for example, anger is very commonly associated with the color red and its imagery has that

characteristic color of red.

And it's often very hot.

So it has heat as a feature of its imagery, and other features as well.

Depression is associated with the color black.

And you can find all kinds of different imagery in your own experience, if you look, that

is associated with your emotions, the way you feel.

Now seeing this imagery is very, very useful because once you see the imagery, which is

formed out of habit, is reactive, you can change that imagery.

You can help the imagery change and this is the primary mechanism through which emotions

change themselves and heal.

When emotions heal they do so by changing their imagery.

They become smaller, the color becomes less intense, and so on.

So we can facilitate that.

We can speed up that process.

So this is all part of the compassionate response of mindfulness, is working with the emotional

imagery to help the emotion heal and to let go of its emotional suffering.

So this is a brief outline of mindfulness therapy that I offer during Skype counselling

therapy sessions.

If you would like to learn more contact me.

If you would like to schedule a trial session contact me.

I see people through Skype because I find that to be the most effective way of establishing

a good line of communication.

It's important that we see each other.

That makes the communication more effective.

The mindfulness approach is very, very effective.

I've helped hundreds of people over the last ten years or so using these methods.

And I tell all my clients you should expect to see significant changes within the first

three to four sessions.

This is substantially different than conventional talk therapy.

We're not spending our time talking about our feelings.

Rather we are examining how they work and how we can change those feelings.

How we can help them heal directly by working with our relationship to our emotions and

by working with the imagery of our emotions.

So if this interests you contact me and let's schedule a Skype Therapy session.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Online Mindfulness-based Skype Counseling Therapy for Anxiety and Depression - Duration: 13:18.


Questions to Ask Your Wedding Photographer BEFORE You Hire Them! - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> Questions to Ask Your Wedding Photographer BEFORE You Hire Them! - Duration: 12:21.


ASMR Sticky Creamy Alfredo pasta No talking - Duration: 5:41.

the pasta was really hot

Oh my.. this is so so good!!

I added whipping cream

so creamy

When I get stressed out I eat very creamy things

and eat a lot.. really

so today I made a lot of pasta for me!

You know.. stress from work :(


I'm getting full. .. hahahaha

That's all for today!

bye! Thank you for watching!!

For more infomation >> ASMR Sticky Creamy Alfredo pasta No talking - Duration: 5:41.


더 간절한 두 마리 토끼, 토트넘 카라바오컵 의미 크다 - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> 더 간절한 두 마리 토끼, 토트넘 카라바오컵 의미 크다 - Duration: 7:06.


HnknA - A CUTE crayon song (vostfr) - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> HnknA - A CUTE crayon song (vostfr) - Duration: 2:20.


Tridev Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:12.

Tridev Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name

For more infomation >> Tridev Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:12.


The End of Michael | fnaf cosplay - Duration: 1:34.

no, No, NO, No, No! What have we done?what have we done?!

Calm down Jeremy it will be Will be ok...

fritz you don't sound to sure, ar-are things not going to be okay?

Susie don't ask that, of course everything's gonna be okay

*crying* Gabe don't lie *crying sounds* we killed him...

Michael..You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die

You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die, You won't die,


*dying sounds*

*dying sounds*




I have work to do

♪ Music ♪

For more infomation >> The End of Michael | fnaf cosplay - Duration: 1:34.


Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 8:13.

Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids

For more infomation >> Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 8:13.


NASA interrompe Transmissão ao vivo da ISS após o aparecimento de um gigantesco OVNI - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> NASA interrompe Transmissão ao vivo da ISS após o aparecimento de um gigantesco OVNI - Duration: 3:58.


TRIBAL99- O AMOR É UMA M**** FEAT IVO EUSÉBIO - 10/22 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> TRIBAL99- O AMOR É UMA M**** FEAT IVO EUSÉBIO - 10/22 - Duration: 4:12.






Come on! We are IN2IT!

I am Sunghyun

I am Inho!

I am Hyunuk, hola~

I am Inpyo

I am Yeontae, gracias

I am Isaac!

I am Jiahn, hola!

Hello everyone!

We're really happy to get to meet you all through ZanyTV

We came to ZanyTV after hearing that we received a lot of questions from all of you


So we will try our best to answer as many of your questions as possible!

IN2IT, are you ready?

The first question is from Alexandra Rodriguez

What advice would you give to a person who wants to become an artist like you

I have something very simple to say

If you feel like you might regret not trying

it would be better to just go and try it out.

In the time your thinking about it, you might as well be trying it out already

Try before you regret

I also have advice to give

Instead of waiting for an opportunity you should try and actively search for opportunities

He's right

I think that Sunghyun might have good advice to give

High height, high quality advice

As we as artists make music

I consider enjoying listening to and making music the most important traits of an artist

Isaac came all the way to Korea to pursue this career

So I came from another country to Korea

And I think your wish to become an artist has to be very strong

You are not allowed to give up easily

If you fall, you have to get up again

Say something in English, too

So, like me, I fly from Malaysia to Korea to challenge my career

This singer career

I would recommend you guys to please be strong and never give up!

Please be - what did you say?

Be strong and never give up!

The next question from Michelle Avalos

Do you know any words in Spanish?

Bonita! (Pretty!)

I know a longer phrase

"Ya sabes-----" /mumbles/

Not knowing what he is saying!

What did this mean?

/starts mumbling again/

Gracias (Thank you)

Soy coreano, I'm Korean

Soy coreano

Soy... no?

Soy coreano!

Soy Isaac-no?

Soy Malaysiano?

I don't know. Is this how you say it?

How about "Besa-me mucho"?

Is it "perden"?

Perden? Parden?

You know quite a lot of Spanish

I do, I do

What is "bonita" again? - Pretty

Yo soy bonita?

And "Te amo"

Te amo!

"Gracias" means "thank you"

Let's move on to the next question

The next question is from Alejandra Arias

What has been the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?

I was class president in middle school

The teacher came in

And I embarrassed myself

In Korea you usually have to say "Attention! At ease! Attention! Bow!"

But I got up when the teacher came in and I said




Did you get a phone call?

I really don't know

It just came out

I just stared like this

I was standing in front of the class like this

The teacher was here

And I was supposed to say "Attention!" So when I said "Hello!" instead

The teacher went

What? Can't you focus?

Go out and clean

That is really embarrassing

Really REALLY embarrassing

My nickname in Middle School was "Hello"

Let's move on to the next question

The next question is from Cielo Guerra


I can't make that sound

Me neither

Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

So many!

Our training room!

A ghost lives in our training room

It moves about like a shadow

Right! Sometimes, when one of us is there training by himself

I was looking into the mirror in the bathroom

and something passed behind me

Like this-

I just thought my eyes played tricks on me

but when I went back to the dance studio

I had the feeling that someone was next to me

and I saw that shadow again

Not like this, though

I was in the recording booth, by myself

and you know how scary it is there

So I said "Come out!"

"Come out! I know you're there, come out!"

I heard that these things happen a lot in places like recording studios

And you also get goosebumps if a ghost is close to you

Whenever I'm the last one to go home

I have to turn out the lights

and go down a corridor to leave

So I turn off the lights and then have to check if they are actually all turned off

And sometimes it feels like something is running towards me from out of the darkness

So I just run out

Okay. Let's move on to the next question

This is the last question from our fans

Daniel Rodriguez


When did you decide that you wanted to become an idol and

what was your biggest inspiration to become an idol?

When I was a student, around 14 years old,

I decided that I wanted to be an idol.

It was pretty late, actually.

Sorry, what?

It would habe been good if I had found out about K-Pop earlier

I got to Korea pretty late and debuted at a relatively old age

That's where I feel a bit of regret

So what happened was that I was watching TV

and I saw TVXQ's "Mirotic"

Until then I had only been listening to Chinese songs and Western pop songs

So when I saw TVXQ, I wondered:

Which language is this? How can they be so cool?

So I looked them up and found out that they were Korean stars

And I decided that I wanted to be like them, as cool

So I came to Korea right away and tried!

So your biggest inspiration was TVXQ?

Yes, I saw them and decided right away

Oh right and then there is Got7's Jackson

He is a foreigner, like me

And he's been living in Korea for a few years now

And he could do this, because his will is so strong

I want to learn to be like this, too

So Jackson is my inspiration, too


I promise I'm not lying

Since I was born, I thought - You have to do this?

It seems like has been my calling to be an artist

Were you born with a mic in hand?

It's like the word 'artist' rained down on me

It's really not a lie. Since I was very young

I always said that I wanted to be a singer

So when we had to write down in school what we wanted to do when we grow up

I was thinking of "singer", maybe since fourth grade

I'd go to sing karaoke and such

So I always wrote and said "singer" when I was asked

and in the end, I have become a singer!

What was your biggest inspiration?

My family, I'd say

Everyone in my family enjoys singing

and likes dancing, too

We would go sing karaoke together

and the songs I sang there turned out to be my first steps to become a singer

Who is your inspiration?

There was no special moment that made me think "I want to become a singer"

I've just always enjoyed singing

That's what it was

And one day, the idea came to me

I'm sorry

But what really made me decide to try to become an idol

was Big Bang and J. Park

Seeing them jump and dance and sing on stage

they were very impressive and looked like they were having so much fun

So this is when I started putting real effort into my training

When I was 12, K-Pop started to be really popular

Big Bang, Wonder Girls, SNSD

This is when I fell in love with music

and through puberty I spent a lot of time listening to music

So one day I decided that I wanted to try it, too

and started to learn how to dance

So we started at the same time. You were 12, I was about 14

Oh right!

A special connection!

I ended up performing a dance cover of a song at a school festival

and this was the happiest I had ever been, this moment on stage

And I decided, that this is the career I want to pursue

Let's see what amazing story has been pushed to the end by Inho

It's not really an amazing story

In middle school I was really interested in musicals

Actors like Park Euntae

Cha Jihyun

Or Ok Juhyun

I thought that these musical singers and the way they sing is unbelievably impressive

So I thought, that I have to become a musical singer

I entered the survival show Boys24

and have become an idol

So I think I am doing my best to reach my dream of being a musical singer

gaining experience

And all of these steps are my inspiration and help me grow

Everyone! It's not important how you start off

You will be able to fulfill your dreams

So don't worry too much when you're starting off

You can do everything you said out to do!

You just have to start! Then you can reach your goal

But now that I heard your story

a musical came to my mind. It's called "This Moment"

Why does he make him sing all the time?

You can do it, everyone! Good luck!

We got to answer to the questions that all of you left on the ZanyTV channel

How was it? Did you have fun?

Me, too. I enjoyed it

Episode 1 is coming to an end but we still have episode 2 left

As we will meet you all again in episode 2 with a tongue twister game

Wait just a bit!




FIFA 19 World Tour | Neymar Jr vs DJ Snake - Duration: 2:52.

Ladies and gentlemen,|the king of Paris.


You have to see him,|it's impressive.

Here it is!

He's way too fast...

He's on top of the world!

This is Paris!

Paris is a different city.

It's the city of love.

For me it's a great honor

to be defending a team

from Paris.

Let's go.

Shoot, shoot, shoot|is his philosophy.

Just look at|this tremendous technique.

I have no choice.|I have to play with PSG.

There's no way|I can choose any other team.

I was born here.|I grew up here.

Paris is in my blood,|in my veins, in my heart.

I wanted to be a football player,|but I was not good enough.

So I decided|to make music, you know.

Without music,|there's no life.

How spectacular is that!

I used to go there.|That was my spot.

The crazy people are here.

Neymar! Neymar!

I think that Paris|is a big challenge

for me as a player

as with everything.

I play a lot.

I'm a very competitive guy.

I don't like to lose.


They kept up|the pressure, didn't they?

Two years ago we|played against Barcelona

and Neymar was playing against us.

His skills, his vision...

He sees everything in advance.

He made my cry.

Sorry, sorry!


It's a quick play.

He broke my heart.

That's the defender, trailing now!

This is someone that you|want with you, not against you.

I dedicate myself to the max.

A great chance!



Back into play!

Football is the biggest sport|in the world, you know?

Anybody can play.

You don't need no money.

You just need a ball.

I remember|the times we used to bet

a two-liter bottle of soda.

11 friends can play together|and have a good time.


Change front now!

When you go to see a game

for 90 minutes you forget|everything about your life.

I cannot talk and play|at the same time.

I'm very glad to be an inspiration

for all these kids,

for everyone who likes fútbol...

Because we come|from the same thing.

From the bottom, we show the kids|that if you work hard and stay focused

you can become a champion.

This is DJ Snake|and this is Neymar.

For more infomation >> FIFA 19 World Tour | Neymar Jr vs DJ Snake - Duration: 2:52.


The $200 Decluttering Challenge #declutteringchallenge - Duration: 6:23.

alright hey guys this weekend I am gonna sell a bunch of stuff around my house

I have a printer, I have a futon, I have some clothes, I have this webcam, I have some stools

I have a whole bunch of stuff and I'm just gonna try to unload all

this stuff declutter and make a little bit of money in the process

so I think my goal in all this is going to be to make $200 from selling all this

stuff off so I encourage you to join me if you want to try to challenge yourself

to find stuff around your house and see if you can make $200 with it being

around the Christmas season this is a great time to unload some stuff as well

as have a little extra cash it seems like everybody could use a little extra

cash around this time of the year and to be honest I've actually had a lot of

success doing this I wrote an article years ago about how I went through my

entire house spent a month and actually decluttered and made over 2 grand by

selling all this stuff off and so if you want to see that exact process that I

use out of the video linked up above where I kind of go through all that but

in this video I'm gonna go ahead and just talk about one tool that I'm using

that I'm gonna do most of my selling on this weekend and if you do decide to

take this challenge and you post something about it on Twitter or

Instagram be sure to tag me and we're gonna go ahead and enter everybody who

tags us into a drawing for a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card so you might even be

able to get more money out of this whole thing okay so that's enough about that

I'm gonna flip over to my phone now so you can see exactly how simple this process

is and what I'm gonna be doing to sell off most of these items from around my house

alright assuming you know how to take pictures

with your phone we will now go to the process of listing and I'm gonna show

you how easy it is it's amazing it's awesome this isn't the only app that you

can use but I really like this one called letgo and they just make it really

really simple there's a lot of buyers on it in most areas that I've found and so

what we're gonna do is just click this big sell your stuff button and I'm just

gonna go ahead and select other items now we're allow access to our photos so

we can see you know we'll just go ahead and list first single list is this a

little futon thing we got here and I took a couple different pictures of just

showing how whatever different parts of it lay down and things like that and so

we're going to post this that says it listing its posted we're now going to

add a price I'm gonna go ahead and say 60 bucks or something like that I'm not

gonna put this on Facebook but you could do that if you want it if you want to

give it away free you could do that as well and then it is posted it's

literally that simple now if you want a better chance of selling it you can add

a little bit of description and so we're definitely going to do that just - or a

title in description so I'm going to call this like black

we'll do that and then like in description I'll say

and we could add more details like if it there was a brand name or something like

that but I think this probably should be good for this and then what'll probably

happen hopefully I will get into yeah so they also have ways you can kind of

amplify this a little bit some of these all this click over here let you see

what's going on so you can pay to kind of boost it and get in front of more

people and you can do this if you want but I would suggest trying it without

and see if you can get away doing this for free without having to do that and

so I'm just go ahead and list another item let's see I'll go ahead and put

this office chair up here post yeah and we'll say 25 bucks for this I guess

we'll just say office chair I don't know

non-smoking house because personally that's something that I well if you've

ever gone to somebody's house to buy something especially something with some

cloth on it and do you get there and it's a smoker sighs you're like yeah

yeah you know I mean if you're not smoke if you are smoker then maybe it doesn't

bother you but for me you know I'll say without pets - that's it yeah without

pets and that should be good just go ahead and click Save Changes and there

we are so as you can see it is just that simple and you can move to your house

really quick take pictures of whole bunch of stuff and put it up now what's

gonna happen let's see if I can go over here what's gonna happen is you're gonna

get messages from people who and this was an item I had listed a while ago

people are gonna ask you hey is the thing still available and then you can

answer yes it's still for sale or whatever it is and in any way you can

just start responding to them and what's great about is you can find out stuff

about them you know so you can look at their profile you can see if they're

verified yeah so that's what's great about this versus Craigslist and

Craigslist can't be good for some things but this is great because you actually

see the people on the other side a lot of times they will verify themselves by

linking a phone number by connecting their facebook account and so you can do

a little stalking on them if you want just to confirm that there's somebody

you want to you know buy from but yeah it's it's a great way to sell whole

bunch of stuff around your house and make some extra cash so that's my goal

for this weekend see if we can I have a handful of other things I'm gonna go

through and list and see if we can make 200 bucks by selling off some of the stuff

alright well you can see how simple this whole thing is and I'm gonna

get to work and start getting the rest of stuff listed and getting it sold and

so again if you're gonna join us in this challenge be sure to post something

Instagram or Twitter tag us (#declutteringchallenge) and we will get you entered into this giveaway

for this $25 Amazon Gift Card so typically with an app like letgo or

Craigslist or one of these local kind of sales listings place the best things to

sell are heavy things you don't want to ship now if you do have something you

can ship that isn't more than a couple pounds and isn't too big

eBay is the best place to because you're now serving a worldwide

market your potential for buyers is so much bigger and as a result you're much

more likely to get a higher price for the item that you sell and so if you

haven't seen our video how to do that we'll have that video linked up where I

go step-by-step through that entire process and then on top of that if you

have a whole bunch of books lying around your house the easiest way to sell them

is with this other tool and I'll have linked up in this video right here as

well alright so that's all for now hope you join me in the challenge and we will

and we will chat soon

For more infomation >> The $200 Decluttering Challenge #declutteringchallenge - Duration: 6:23.


La Vida Puede Cambiar en un Instante: Ayuda Local - Anuncio 2018 | Covered California - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> La Vida Puede Cambiar en un Instante: Ayuda Local - Anuncio 2018 | Covered California - Duration: 0:16.


La Vida Puede Cambiar en un Instante: Ayuda Económica Disponible - Anuncio 2018 | Covered California - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> La Vida Puede Cambiar en un Instante: Ayuda Económica Disponible - Anuncio 2018 | Covered California - Duration: 0:16.



For more infomation >> *NEW* TINSELTOES SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 7 Skin) - Duration: 17:03.


Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 8:13.

Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids

For more infomation >> Cars for Kids, Fr Legends Drift BMW - Car Game Android gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 8:13.


TRANSLATION ISSUES | Applied Behavior Analysis in Brazil | (RBT, BCBA, BACB) - Duration: 7:36.

Alright made made it to the old historic town

it's very very gorgeous we actually just got out

we just got of the house for the first time today it's sunset today's topics to pool

we're going to talk about the issues of actually traveling and getting a lot of

work done as well as translational problems materials that are in one

language and the barriers that that causes... you've landed at the daily da

let's roll! Welcome to The Daily BAmy name is RyanO and September 2018

myself and Megan Miller we're on a trip down into Brazil to spread some behavior

analysis this is part three of the videos if you haven't already make sure

you watch the first two videos linked up here we're picking up where we left off

which is you're on the ground and you're trying to get as much work as you can

done first step is that we've gotten on the same page as to values goals of the

trip both internationally like via email before we met and then when we actually

landed in the country even though you're now in a different country the world

hasn't stopped you in this constant battle trying to keep up with

communication apps what's going on and the time zone differences can be a huge

pain not to mention always running into issues with power I carry this beast

gets me a lot of juice guaranteed to have a little bit of juice

no matter where you're at. So while this is going on there's still supervision

meetings Megan's conducting there's other meetings and people that I need to

check in with sometimes these meetings are happening at the middle of the night

the point is luxurious and awesome as these trips are they are a physical

struggle and like toll on your body and it's really hard to keep up with

everything. If anyone is gonna go on a trip like this the tip is to have a bare

minimum amount of time they say two to three hours that you're gonna plan just

to try to keep up since you don't come back to just mounds and mounds of work

than you need oh and what time you do have you need to use extremely wisely so

when we're in the car that is usually a time when everyone's cranking on their

phones getting the work done as fast as they can before the next activity the

next stop and it's the only one remember this is a highlight of the entire trip

and it's really just the good parts it's not interesting for you to watch me text

on a phone for three hours on and off throughout the day watch the emails that

are going out 11:30 at night waking back up at four o'clock in the morning like

it's just it's not exciting but it does happen. In today's day and age with

social media people know what is available in at all today I'm gonna be

talking from the perspective of the U.S. this is where I am residing any citizen

of so people see America has X, Y and Z in this case the PEAK training is one of

those but you can take any sort of example or infrastructure with the BACB

our professional organizations all of them alright. This expectation of what's

available what's currently going on in your area say what tools or sort of

training interventionist or practitioners or behavior analysts have becomes

a real issue so I was on this trip not sure what was gonna happen what my rule

was part of that was to document sure things like this but we actually found

immediately a need to be able to translate a couple of the pre-assessment

a couple of pre-assessment items from peak so that during the training that we

can they had something that was fit a little bit better for that culture

because little things will change like an example of metaphor that works very

well in the English in America does not hold up when we go into other countries.

A lot of other people have talked about this one area is Acceptance and

Commitment Therapy they have known issues with their metaphors across

different cultures so there's an active translational testing piece on the

effectiveness of those so these projects are pretty fun because it's like you

didn't know what happened and you have 24 hours to crank out some sort of video.

On a real heavy note like we saw so many parents

literally parents were crying in trainings or in meetings because they

know that the help that their children need is is out there some form of it but

it's not accessible so if I had one big call to action for behavior analysts I

know we are caught up in our day to day what's going on to our neck of the woods

but if you just step back for a second just a little bit and two things there

take appreciation for the other people that are out there that are working hard

to do other things help support and grow this community of folks this is not a

competition there's way too many people who need our help the time is here and

now to help support one another in behavior analysis and if you are

creating a tool like product a service start thinking about translation early

as early as you possibly can. And I know one thing that Megan ran into was she's

been presenting on the same topic since I think 2010 going around talking about

some advancements and autism treatment research etc and one person who's only

be in so many places so I know that she values and works towards creating these

sort of online opportunities I think we have more people that need to be doing

such things and not paying waling the hell out of them. Now despite how busy

these trips are I always take a little bit of time to make sure that we have

some sort of break throughout the day this particular day I'm gonna show you

was a workday for 12 hours I mean we have access to food we didn't eat food

because we we're so busy so it was like 5:30 or 6:00 in the

afternoon before we actually got out of house a little bit caught sunset at

least grab some food and jumped into another training day

right made it's the old historic town

very very gorgeous we actually just got out we just got a house for the first

time today it's sunset. In the eighteen hundred's Holland had taken over this

area... (translation) they were sending money to build a port in that space over (translation) they kept

sending the money (translation) when it was time to get you know they were they came to see

it (translation)and then they came in there was just grass (translation) and that's what they call like

grass port.. where did the money go was it like spent on other things? We don't know...

favorite things is that the folks there were able to bring together people that

normally wouldn't come together so there was folks traveling for two to three

hours of a drive back and forth each day for these seminars were going on the

afternoon that we were teaching so imagine getting off work at 4:00 driving

until 7:00 going from something from 7:00 to 10:00 driving back home then

getting up and going to work like that is is how valuable this information is

for folks. So I want to say thank you to the folks that attended I also wanted to

point again to the people that are doing the work I've linked them down in the

bottom of the description so please go follow support them give them a comment

a like something that tells them like hey I see you working hard because they

are watching this as closely as I am thank you so much tomorrow the

grassroots movement of a bunch of mothers with children with autism that I

mentioned in Episode one. End of day reason I'm tired we did for

behind-the-scenes Patreon I never know when you're gonna need some more content

That's your, Daily BA.

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