time to invoke some Christmas spirit with a christmas kit build this
Christmas tree LED project and a Christmas style beer Fort Garry brewings
small batch special for the season naughty spiced Porter which seems
interesting no not usually one for spiced beers but I'll give this one a
shot at six and a half percent alcohol thirty IBU nice and low and of course a
porter from one of my favorite breweries locally here oh come on that's the
problem not having functional fingernail never
let that step stand in the way of giving me beer though is and also for those who
corrected me on proper pouring technique I'm well aware of it that other beer a
couple weeks ago just got away from me
maybe a little bit too gentle so what we got here yeah it smells like somebody
tossed a couple of Christmas fruitcakes into the into brewing that but the
unknowing Porter is nice I can definitely make do with that so this
Christmas tree kit here did a little bit of research on it and and found that
it's basically a couple of oscillator circuits that just blink the lights
which is interesting because these LEDs are self blinking LEDs let's just pull
one out here and you need a battery power it come on okay so here we go
here's these are self-flushing leds as we discovered when we did the mail Bank
so they just go RGB slowly for a few turns then they go RGB fast for a few
turns so realistically those don't even need all the circuitry to make them make
them go all blinky and fancy but we will make use of the circuitry anyway and
rather than me reverse engineering it which I was starting to do but then I
did a little bit of digging and found the actual circuit of it so each tree
has its own circuit completely independent of the other one the only
things that the two halves of the tree do are mechanically support each other
and I discovered that that slot is cut a little bit too tight so if I would open
ready they mechanically support each other and
they share their power supply board down at the bottom here other than that they
don't really have anything to do with one another
so yeah I guess I'll just oh yeah back to the circuit breaker so basically
these three transistors are driving half a dozen LEDs each just in a sort of an
open collector kind of a thing basically they're all tied to the positive rail
and when the transistors energized they pull it down to the ground and then
there's one random sparrow IDI which is this one right up here on top of the
tree which stays on all the time so what goes on basically the base of each
transistor has an RC circuit an RC timing circuit so this capacitor slowly
charges through this 10k resistor here which if my math is right and I mean I
didn't do the math myself I just use an online calculator that takes order to a
third of a second to charge this capacitor up above the 0.6 volts it's
the base--emitter forward voltage to turn that guy on when that guy turns on
it basically brings this point down to ground which means that this capacitor
is now charging through that resistor when it comes up this one turns on and
the same thing happens here this one turns on when this one turns on it
brings that point down to ground which is the bottom side of this guy and he
starts charging now then when the transistor turns off it'll I guess
discharge through there through the
yeah because both sides are yeah yeah so when this is yeah when this one's turned
off that's sitting isolated from ground so it's got a path through the resistors
and through the diodes yeah so and basically to just keep oscillating
around with bang bang bang bang bang bang not sure which one starts first
they get depends on which one's got more leakage or there's some residual
trigonal capacitors I don't know find out actually maybe I should breadboard
that sucker up first yeah I'll do that standby well that was harder than I
thought and took longer than I thought
mostly because as is often the case with these kits there's something weird going
on so if you look at the schematic the current limiting resistors are not
specified as to what their resistance actually is when I looked in the kit
there were three pairs of resistors of different values plus there was a bunch
of the 10k resistors which we need these 10k resistors here but the these series
limiting resistors weren't labeled as a so I checked these sets of resistors
there's two 1k there's two 2.2 k and there's two 330 ohm resistors so I did a
little bit more looking online and I found a I found an instruction sheet for
building this and it doesn't list what the values of the resistors are either
annoyingly but it implies in it's a little bit of English and mostly Chinese
that there are three different colors of LEDs
and that the resistors aren't all the same which would make sense because
different colors of LEDs have a different forward voltage and therefore
need a different resistor for current limiting but that's not what this kit
came with it came with these funky little blinking LEDs now what's the
benefit of having this oscillator shimmying between the three of them you
get a little bit more off time maybe so my options are either to bypass all the
circuitry and just give these things full time power or I suppose I could run
it this way what happens if I put a few of these guys in parallel like they
would be in the circuit okay so there's three in parallel there
would really be six in the circuit but
hmm looks like it's gonna work okay so I guess I will go with most of the
components that are included I'm gonna have to use some of my own 330 ohm
resistors but yeah I guess that'll sort of work so there's how the clusters are
going to end up executive decision these are all going to be 330 ohm resistors
for current limiting and this one too and other than that no other
modifications get the building like yes well we know there is one other
modification that I need to make and you take a file to these guys to make them
slot together a little bit of this kind of action
and I'll make it fit and I'll come back let's see if we can use this thing to
hold these weird shaped boards probably not a huge amount well that'll do until
I give the only D's on that yes taking you there I guess that'll do
throw the resistors and the transistors in a first so after the last video with
the horrible camera phone I've actually got a new phone this here is a samsung
s8 and so far I'm liking it the only thing I'm noticing with the camera is
when there's a lot of white in here these multiplex LEDs like those ones and
those will start getting a little flicker II take all that excess white
out and they get almost normal that's interesting
I don't know how annoying it's gonna be but I guess we'll find out over time so
what do we have here that's a little weird so we have some 10k resistors one
two and three that is those charging resistors for the
capacitors just these guys here so load those guys you know interesting to the
spread all over the place
one goes up there now that you go down here okay
and I suppose that could slow that oscillator down either by increasing the
size of those resistors to limit how quickly the current goes into the
capacitors or I could increase the size of the capacitors which are 22 micro
farad's at the moment but I think I'm just gonna leave it pretty much stock
now then those naturally want to sit up like that but I don't think that's the
best option for this kit I think in the morning down like that is probably
better lay those leads out so that they hold in place and the cut through
capacitors are all we don't nicely know lying down here that's cute you in there
so just before doing this I was going through my youtube subscriptions and I
noticed that an awful lot of my favorite electronics youtubers are choosing to do
kits in December I'm not sure whether it's just tis the season thing or
whether we've all just randomly decided to do similar things at the same time
now those aren't gonna stay there
when I flip the board over so I'm just gonna throw a little bit of the blue
tacky stuff which he's not actually blue tack it's just whatever no no name stuff
they hit at the dollar store but it serves the same purpose you get in line
not only not too concerned with cosmetics but this is a decoration so
try and do it sort of nice ish I am not entirely thrilled with this board holder
I've got another one in progress of a different type just waiting for some 3d
printing files to come back at the suggestion of one of you guys who was I
think it's the new religion suggested it and sent me a couple of 3d printing
files so I've gone down to the library and used their 3d printer or at least
put it into the queue for their 3d printer and once those come back I'll
have to do another kit build to to test them out but in the meantime I'll suffer
along with this guy here there's some solder oh yeah I'm also running out of
the really fine solder so I've had to resort back to this ancient
was at one point five seven millimeter from Radio Shack now the Americans in
the crowd I think a Radio Shack that's not that old
obsolete we've only lost Radio Shack in the last year or so in Canada Radio
Shack hasn't existed for decades I mean the stores formerly known as
Radio Shack turned into a thing called the source which was a shadow of the
glory of the former Radio Shack of my youth but when they were going there
making that changeover I went and did what many of you in the States did and
harvested up an assortment of good things including a couple of spools of
the solder makes yummy little solder that we all like so much better than
that safe good for you red free stuff that seems to be popular these days then
again no it's not illegal to use for us hobbyists it's just the illegal to
manufacture and sell stuff especially into the EU which this isn't that so I'm
not too concerned I do have some one milliliter and I think half millimeter
or point seven millimeter solder coming from China from a mail bag one of these
days so we'll see how that works hopefully it is actually lit it claims
to be lighted now then all those are good and not shorted and soldered can't
give them a quick trimming so that's the capacitor that basically the charging
the timing part of the circuit
done when it's the transistor of course which is the critical part of the timing
circuit it's the one that measures the threshold and decides when it's time to
flip over okay take my blue blobs off those aren't too bad that was horrible
so I'll just clean and should take him down I look better there we go
okay now I guess I'll put in some current limiting resistors and as I said
before I'm just gonna use three 30s out of my stash this is why I'm constantly
buying parts just for shop stock so that when a kid screws up or I need to do a
repair or something they don't have to wait it's here and for the price of them
why wouldn't you
and where is the third current linear resistor r2 down there oh wait there the
fourth one for the constant on led up at the top where is it go on the other side
oh it goes on the other half of the tree tree eh yeah it's got that extra extra
resistor for that one okay so that's those resistors let's put the
transistors in - why not live dangerously these are just common NPN
transistors there's nothing magical about them if I was designing a circuit
I probably would have used the 22 22 just because I have lots of them no
other reason it's it's just another very common joey beam part NPN transistor but
you do you do want all three transistors to be the same just so their forward
voltage in there their current to handle and keep it well not handling
capabilities but their own resistance is the same and stuff like that just to
sort of make all three circuits work together there we go and I don't even
have to blob anything on this time
this is relaxing enjoyable and that makes it even more enjoyable
hmm wonder if there's anything new but that glare I'm not seeing that go here
unless I look at the camera but you guys certainly are there so I just put the
handle of my cutters underneath one side no the board's tilted away from me makes
it interesting but since at least part of the reason I'm doing this is to give
you guys something though something interesting to look at hopefully
interesting anyway that might as well those just the transistors left last
will at least make it possible for you to see what I'm doing
I think I'm going to do the first half of this video in real time which is me
soldering this first one of the first board and the second board since it's
going to be 99% of the same I'll just do it off camera I don't know when you guys
are watching a kit build do you like to see duplicated effort or would you
rather cut to the chase there's something to talk about in the comments
okay everything's soldered little hair cut here and the last transistor okay so
that's it on this board except for all the LEDs and those are going to be
interesting to solder with this thing but we'll give her a shot
now then it's kind of hard to see there are sordid diode symbols printed in
there but then they got drilled they're plated over and drilled through I think
the arrows pointing towards the top of the tree in all cases they should be in
parallel right
so that one's in peril with that one yeah
d1 d6 okay so they're all kind of scattered around the tree so you get a
shimmering effect that's kind of neat but the common side is the square holes
and the common sight on the schematic is the positive side which is the longer
lead right now then in the in that build article that I found it shows putting
the LEDs like that oops dude focus here please
thinking new camera shows putting LEDs or like that that's kinda neat and
actually so where did I bend that I bent that right where the little step down
yes I'm gonna have to quickly figure out a method to bend those things
consistently hang on here okay well that was easy my method is just to
use these pliers you have a band okay I think maybe I'll do have a handful of
these and then see what happens when I saw to them on okay so just randomly
they bent three of them that way and one of them that way let's quickly blob them
down here now this tacky stuff it softens when you heat it so it's gonna
kind of melt a little bit here but if I let it cool back down it'll just settle
right back down yet
how am I gonna grip that so it's that things not working very well for me
anymore and move on to my old friend the dremel device it's essentially very
similar to the Panduit vices that are commonly used in the electronics world
in the making of small things world the only real difference is well there isn't
much of a difference this one was also fairly costly that's the one thing these
other vices are not as cheap as you'd think they should be but it's got a
heavy cast base and this is all cast metal so it it holds nicely it doesn't
deform or Bend that's good I think you know what if I give this thing power
right now those guys should probably light shouldn't they any reason that
they wouldn't no I don't think so so this is cooled already enough that
it's not it's making a liar out of me it's mostly not too sticky anymore let's
put that over there so what happens if I throw a bit of power on this cross
yeah man okay I'm just gonna do exactly the same thing with the rest of those
LEDs so when I was setting up to solder this whole pile of LEDs it occurred to
me that there might be other ways to hold them in place and so I'm trying one
of those ways right now and that is to use Kapton tape because Kapton tape is
really sticky it comes off clean and it's heat
resistant so it shouldn't get all goopy and damaged try and save those pieces
for the other board although it's super cheap so maybe it doesn't matter
anything there we go there's all the elite of youth on shall we see if it
works how brave are you feeling so negative and some positive and are we
going into current-limiting me no really so there's a couple not working D 1 D 6
D 5 D 4 so that's all one circuit that's all in this circuit over here I'm pretty
sure it was working before
can't do a bit of troubleshooting okay there we go that's more like it
so my problem my fault my failure I had a solder bridge across I think it was
this led down here because I got too much well blob on there so as soon as I
D blow up that we're all good
nice now all I have to do is repeat that - the mistakes on the other board soon
okay how many do you think I screwed up that time I guess we all find out right
away what could possibly go wrong
connected and on again I have one string that aren't working okay higher
magnification let's figure this out
there's the problem that led d4 is in backwards
I'm betting even if I just lift it out the thing I'll start working yep there
we go that was the culprit so all I got to do is put him back in there right way
around which is this away choke anvil pointy thing pointing that way Ariel
that's what you like to see
yeah real work you know oh yeah trim the leads off and attach side a to side B
okay so there's five from my USB power bar these two are the
negatives these were the positives they put it through so there's nothing there
switch on five volts excellent the last thing to do is to fit these two boards
together oh I have made yet another mistake why didn't somebody tell me I
was doing that okay yeah so if you didn't see it this top LED here is
completely in the way quickly disorder him
okay remembered I'm gonna clean that hole up right now - so since either
through plate at hole or plated through holes this makes it a lot easier heat it
from the backside and suck it from the top side see that holes yay okay now
then does it matter which side goes where yes there's little arrow there and
a little arrow there won't you apparently point to the component side
of t'other board I can get those through there without too much collision
that was a little bit unexpected okay I can put that transistor up there that
little capacitor back where it belongs just barely get this one into the
picture okay flip it over and put another one on the backside here
I'm down there okay that ought to hold it nice and rigid no
I guess I can put this led back on the top crap which one was negative which
one is positive it's getting harder to find a place to grab that thing by
okay there's the tree part of the tree that's just a matter of attaching the
tree to its base so down here we have positive and negative there positive and
negative there so there's the two positives and down here shows the two
positives over there so that's these two and they go that way like that you know
then how to make that hold hmm there's my Baba blue stuff here okay and I'm
thinking again in the absence of any information and he's gonna go a bunch of
solder on down there is that slot he's played it through yeah that is actually
holding okay
you know a prettiest way of doing it it seems to work electrically and I don't
awful works electrical I'll find out in a minute here they're all like leaving
big blobs behind but seems to be what this thing wants so I'll just finish
hitting this thing up I guess some solder seems to have seeped down into
the bottom there a little bit anything so now then just a matter of bolting
that guy on okay there there tis try it with the USB power first Oh would you
look at that you know its splendor they don't just dim the lights for this
occasion and cast a shadow
blinking LEDs Wow that works see I find some batteries to
try it that way too
or would that be pushing me luck okay
three double A batteries this is one of those holders we kinda have to put the
two side ones in first and then the middle one
just cuz the way it grips hey ready three two one
contact well shit oh wait there there goes the haha yeah
man okay there is my kit build happy holiday season which will be going on
all month I'm glad you guys chose to spend some time with me seeing what I'm
up to in my shop I really do appreciate it thanks for everybody stopping by and
I will talk to you later
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