Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 21 2018


I have a stomachache

Ahh! Who is using the bathroom so long?

Right! Why do you spend so long in the bathroom alone?

Everyone waited so long to use the bathroom!

Ahh! I can not stand it!

Knock!!! Knock!!!!

Who is using the bathroom?

Come out now!!!


Cocomong.......that's why...


Aromi! That is You! In the toilet everyone use...



What the hell is this?

Uh ah! Im So embarrassed!

The flowers are so beautiful! I like flowers!

Uhhhh? It's also FART

Ohh! Aromi is suffering from constipation!


This is a nasty smell!

Knock!! Knock!!

Uh? who are you??

Yes~ this is Aromi's house


What is this??

Stop-shit medicine???


It can cure my constipation by eating this?

I try this one right now!

it's funny! That is actually a laxative!

Haha It's finally my turn!

I'm Sorry, Kaero!


I think something has happened to Aromi!

Aromi, If you keep coming out fart,

let's go to the hospital with me

Oh, there was such a thing.

Aromi, you don't have to eat a drug that you do not even know!

That's so dangerous!

Then, Try this one


I do not have any stomachache!

Friends, when you're sick,

you have to take the right medicine!

Of course, before that, to prevent the stomachache

Let's eat healthy vegetables and fruits!

when you want to move your bowels,

Just go to the bathroom!

If your stomach hurts and you continue to have diarrhea,

go to the hospital!

And you have to wash your hands often

to protect your stomache from bad germs!

Then your friends must be healthy!


For more infomation >> 방귀 뿡뿡, 변비에 걸린 아로미! 응가 하기! 영유아 배변 습관 l 기본생활습관 애니메이션 l 7화 배가 아파 [코코몽 키즈툰] - Duration: 3:33.


หวยฮานอย 21/12/61 แนวทางเลขเด็ดปลดหนี้(หวยเวียดนาม) - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> หวยฮานอย 21/12/61 แนวทางเลขเด็ดปลดหนี้(หวยเวียดนาม) - Duration: 7:32.


IQ Option Profitable strategy for Forex, Stocks, Commodities, ETFs, Indices Trading Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 17:36.

IQ Option Profitable strategy for Forex, Stocks, Commodities, ETFs, Indices Trading Urdu/Hindi

Please watch Video till end other wise you will miss important points

For more infomation >> IQ Option Profitable strategy for Forex, Stocks, Commodities, ETFs, Indices Trading Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 17:36.


1000 Abonnenten Verlosung - Umfrage - Duration: 16:35.

Welcome to my knife making channel.

Today I'm starting a raffle.

This begins with a small survey.

Namely... which of my knives do you like best of all?

Why am I doing this?

First of all because I want to know which knives you like.

And if possible, what you like about it.

I like to write what you don't like.

And besides, I'd like to push my channel.

According to the theory, you can use various Methods to adapt the YouTube algorithm to...

... draw more attention to my videos.

The best way to do this is to have the audience write comments more often.

Because I need you for this. I would like to thank you for your participation by raffling something.

There seems to be a widespread tradition among YouTubers, to raffle something once you have reached 1000 subscribers.

I'll do the same.

The 1000 subscribers are still a long way from being but now is a good time to start the raffle.


With 1000 subscribers I raffle this knife.

What do you have to do to win in the raffle to be?

The participation is naturally free for all.

All you have to do is make a special comment. to be a part of it.

And that's "Ich bin dabei." (I'm in.)

Writes this text as a comment in a any video.

I get a message with every comment...

...and I will put your YouTube name on the participants list in this case.

You only have to do it once.

And in addition please write a comment to this video.

Just write down which of the knives in that Video you like best.

Each knife is marked with a letter.

There are 27 knives and the alphabet has only 26 letters, so that I have labeled the two chef's knives U1 and U2 without further ado.

You can also choose more than one knife.

As soon as my channel has 1,000 subscribers. I will draw exactly one winner among the participants.

I'll make a livestream for that, in which the winner is determined.

I start with my knives from the year 2017 and older.

I have named these with the letters A to L.

A is one of my first knives from 2017.

The handle is made of walnut veneer and copper.

The blade is made of RWL34.

This is my first knife from Niolox SB1.

The handle again with walnut veneer.

Again RWL34, this time with Afzelia and mosaic pins.

Here's a rustic attempt at a little Two years to make something out of an old file.

My first demountable knife.

From RWL34, Bongossi, and G10, which glows in the dark.

Here a knife made of VG10 laminate, the handle is made of flamed oak.

blade with filework from RWL34, the handle from smoked oak.

And here's a heavyweight from O2. you can also hack.

The handle is made of flamed oak.

VG10 again, this time glued with Wenge and G10 that glows in the dark.

My first stonewashed finish from RWL34 with detachable Bilinga handle.

Here is an elongated knife made of 440B with Copper and elm.

A knife made from VG10 laminate with a very slim Boare handle and nickel silver ferrule.

After these knives, I decided a design considered, ...

...that I called StriderMT ...

... and after which I built dozens of knives.

I'll start with 8 prototypes from early 2018.

They have the letters M to T.

The first one has a blade of Niolox, sandblasted.

The handle is smoked oak.

Here I used Micarta for the first time.

Blade made of O2, sandblasted again.

Liner made of G10.

Here is a handle made of cocobolo and vulcanized fiber, Blade O2 again.

With this handle I have a liner made from Kydex tried.

Handle is Bubinga and the blade O2.

This knife will be raffled.

The handle is made of catalox and vulcanized fiber.

The blade made of O2, sandblasted.

All knives can be dismantled, except for this one. made of O2, walnut, vulcanised fibre and glued brass pins.

This knife has a Micarta handle again. and a blackened blade of O2.

This knife with an O2 blade. I used Python Micarta grips.

Now let's move on to the knives you can find in my shop.

These are there also no more than "prototype" is marked.

The two chef's knives must have a letter share.

The first chef's knife is made of O1 and has grip shells. Bongossi and riveted bronze jaws.

The second is identical in construction, only that the handle is made of ebony and the blade is much blacker.

Besides, I started the Bronze.

Here I used Böhler M390 for the first time, that I've hardened and frozen myself.

The handle is Micarta.

This knife from O2 and a handle from Bubinga and red G10 has a light stonewashed finish.

And another stonewashed blade, this time from Niolox, the handle is from Afzelia.

Finally, my two Hamon knives from C100.

The first with Micarta handle and sandblasted Blade.

The second one with polished blade and a Maple burl and blue G10 liner handle.

You can improve your chances of winning, by commenting on as many of my videos as possible.

Once you've written "I'm in." you can comment normally.

Count comments made in the past I'll go with you.

So that the commenting does not get out of hand and I count only one comment per video.

You can add as many comments to a video as you want. but I only count one per video.

If you comment on any of my videos you can increase your chance of winning the raffle by a factor of 40.

However, I would be pleased if the comments are still constructive and interesting for others.

Questions to the videos or suggestions, criticism and wishes are always welcome.

How does the winner tell me his address?

Of course not about the comments at Youtube, because here most are anonymously on the way - and should remain so.

So the winner has to send me an e-mail, and his YouTube name in it.

I will then ask the participant to do something to write very specific in the comments, ... that I know that the real winner and not someone else posing as the winner.

Then I'll send the knife by mail.

Of course I also take over the shipping costs.

The data I treat naturally confidentially.

I'm getting nothing out of this I hope that this channel will become even more popular.

Anyone can join.

Only if the winner is under 18 years of age is old, ...

I'll contact the parents before I send the knife.

And if the winner doesn't show up after 10 days. I'll raffle the knife again.

So in a nutshell: Writes in this or any other video...

a comment which contains the text "Ich bin dabei".

And writes in this video a comment, which of my knifes you like best.

Simply write the letter(s) in the comment.

I'd appreciate it if you'd write too, what you like about the knives.

The more videos you comment on, the higher your chance of winning.

So every comment is a "Los in the Lottery Drum".

But... multiple comments on the same Videos are allowed, but are counted only once.

I hope the rules are understandable.

I'll have a short video soon by explaining everything in a nutshell.

I wish all participants good luck.

For more infomation >> 1000 Abonnenten Verlosung - Umfrage - Duration: 16:35.


Miglior Microfono per YouTuber/Vlog: Recensione Rode Videomicro e Comparativa Rode - Boya - Duration: 13:22.

For more infomation >> Miglior Microfono per YouTuber/Vlog: Recensione Rode Videomicro e Comparativa Rode - Boya - Duration: 13:22.


ENGİNAR | ABC Alfabe Meyveler Çizgi Film Serisi | E Harfi - Duration: 2:23.


Letter e





Where are you Artichoke?

Well, friends!

Here's a fresh, green Artichoke with full of energy!

At the same time, artichoke is one of the healthiest foods for children.

Artichoke has vitamins A, C and K.

Friends, I said earlier that the artichoke is full of energy,

so if you eat artichokes, you will get energy.

In addition, artichokes protects us from diseases.

Do not forget to subscribe to our channel by clicking here.

Aaand watch the brand new cartoons.

For more infomation >> ENGİNAR | ABC Alfabe Meyveler Çizgi Film Serisi | E Harfi - Duration: 2:23.


Best Fun Video Shooting 2019 | Ame E Sai Madubi and Atik Islam |সিমনা মাল্টিমিডিয়া Simna Multimedia - Duration: 5:36.

সম্মানিত ভিউয়ার ভিডিওটা যদি ভালো লাগে তাহলে একটা লাইক দিন এবং আপনার মূল্যবান মতামত কমেন্ট করুন আর যদি সম্ভব হয় ভিডিওটা আপনার ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করে দিন।।। ধন্যবাদ জানাই সবাইকে

For more infomation >> Best Fun Video Shooting 2019 | Ame E Sai Madubi and Atik Islam |সিমনা মাল্টিমিডিয়া Simna Multimedia - Duration: 5:36.


Emmanuel Macron, la guardia del corpo e la mafia russa: bomba sull'Eliseo - Duration: 2:06.

 L'affaire Benalla torna a turbare i sonni del presidente francese Emmanuel Macron

Il quotidiano online Mediapart ha infatti reso pubblico un pagamento effettuato da un oligarca russo, Iksander Makhmudov, a uno dei sodali dell'ex responsabile della sicurezza di Macron Alexander Benalla, Vincet Crase, anch'egli nello staff presidenziale

Il pagamento via bonifico fa riferimento al nome "Jupiter", soprannome di Macron

 Il bonifico, di 294mila euro, è datato 28 giugno 2018, periodo in cui Crase si trovava ancora alle dipendenze dell'Eliseo

Come riporta Il Fatto Quotidiano, che riprende le rivelazioni di Mediapart, Makhmudov ha un profilo inquietante: arricchitosi grazie alle privatizzazioni post-sovietiche, l'oligarca vanta un patrimonio di 6,5 miliardi di euro ed è da tempo sospettato di essere personalmente legato al gruppo criminale moscovita Ismajlovskaya

In Spagna è stata aperta una inchiesta su una sua azienda accusata di riciclaggio proveniente da attività criminali

benalla si conferma dunque come un personaggio "oscuro" nella vita politica di Macron

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron, la guardia del corpo e la mafia russa: bomba sull'Eliseo - Duration: 2:06.


She's Awake / Lei è sveglia ▲IL MIO PRIMO CORTOMETRAGGIO - Duration: 7:07.

she is my only reason for living

For her, I would do anything

I would do anything

For her, spend whole days

away from home

I'm at home

Wake up my love

it's a beautiful day

we could go for a ride one of these days

you must heal well

You know I'm here for you

certainly, the difficult moments were not lacking. but...

we have always overcome them, with our strength

I still believe it, we will overcome this too

it takes so little to be happy, that we do not realize it

no, i....

next week I'd like to surprise you, you'll see

no, really!

trust in me!

you are everything I have

I would do anything for you

Hello my love, are you awake?

there's a present for you in the kitchen

I always think of you when I'm at work

and I feel sad to know you're here alone

don't worry, i'm here for you

I'm there if you need me

I do not want to lose her

she changed my life

and i changed her life

i'll defend her

whatever happens to her

I think it's not the moment. No it is, let's try it!

No, i don't believe that.. Listen, if we don't do anything, nothing will change

i don't want!

I made you a promise and I want to keep it

You are everything for me, i'll do anything for you

no no

ehi my love you are already awake

there are some people who would like to take you with them

I'll take care of sending them away don't worry

you get well soon

do not worry do not worry

i love her

and I will love her for all the days of her life

I told you that she does not receive anyone

she will not come with you

she will not come with you

She's awake

She's awake

She will not come with you

she must rest

she will not come with you she will not come with you

support agents coming soon

no, i don't want to lose her

I love her

For more infomation >> She's Awake / Lei è sveglia ▲IL MIO PRIMO CORTOMETRAGGIO - Duration: 7:07.


#ilLabiolettore: Messaggio di fine anno 2018 [SUB ITA] - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> #ilLabiolettore: Messaggio di fine anno 2018 [SUB ITA] - Duration: 2:36.


Tv in lutto. Morto uno dei volti di 'Mistero': ha lottato con coraggio contro la malattia - Duration: 5:18.

     Lutto nel mondo della letteratura, del giornalismo e della televisione. È morto oggi a Milano, all'età di 57 anni, all'ospedale Niguarda, il giallista e giornalista Andrea G

Pinketts. Malato da tempo Pinketts, pseudonimo di Andrea Giovanni Pinchetti, era nato il 12 agosto del 1961

Tanti i libri che Pinketts ha pubblicato, tra cui 'Ho una tresca con la tipa nella vasca' edito da Mondadori nel 2014 e 'La capanna dello zio Rom', pubblicato dalla casa editrice di Segrate nel 2016

 "Parlo da un altro pianeta. Sto lottando per tornare nel vostro", aveva detto Andrea G

Pinketts, poche settimane fa, durante l'ultimo BookCity, durante un reading nell'ospedale dove era ricoverato

Lo scrittore e giornalista milanese è scomparso dopo avere lottato contro due carcinomi, che lo hanno aggredito uno dopo l'altro

Di lui resteranno le inchieste con le quali aveva contribuito alla soluzione di celebri casi di cronaca, come quello della setta dei di Satana e del cosiddetto "mostro di Foligno" Luigi Chiatti

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto)      E soprattutto i suoi numerosi romanzi noir: molti hanno per protagonista il suo alter ego Lazzaro Santandrea, al centro di avventure spesso grottesche nel capoluogo lombardo

"La malattia, in due fasi, mi ha spedito nello spazio. Devo stare tutto il giorno a letto, quando riesco a muovermi devo usare una sedia a rotelle

E sto sperimentando il magico mondo della morfina. Ti seda, ti fa passare il dolore, ma genera anche delle crisi violente

Mi sono strappato i tubi da solo. Quando sono arrivato qui, il personale medico credeva che fossi un pazzo furioso

Ora mi amano. Chiamano le mie parti intime Ivan il Terribile". (Continua a leggere dopo la foto)    Queste erano state le parole di Pinketts nell'ultima intervista rilasciata, nella quale aveva confidato anche che, più che al futuro, pensava alla felicità dei piccoli traguardi quotidiani, dal farsi la barba a potere ricevere i tanti amici che lo andavano a trovare e che non lo trattavano, sono sempre sue osservazioni, come una persona malata

Vincitore di premi letterari, tra i quali spiccano due edizioni del Mystfest e il premio Scerbanenco, ha alternato la carriera di scrittore a quella di giornalista, conducendo inchieste per riviste

Celebri i suoi reportage per Esquire e Panorama grazie ai quali ha, tra le altre cose, contribuito all'arresto di alcuni camorristi nella cittadina di Cattolica

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto)   Pinketts è stato pugile, fotomodello (nel 1986 è testimonial per una campagna pubblicitaria per Armani) e svolgeva anche il ruolo di opinionista in trasmissioni televisive

Nel 2006 ha partecipato alla prima edizione del reality La pupa e il secchione in veste di giurato, sostituendo per due puntate Vittorio Sgarbi allontanato dal programma a causa di una lite con Alessandra Mussolini

Dal dicembre 2008 al luglio 2014 ha scritto per la versione italiana di Playboy. Nel gennaio 2011 è stato inviato, al fianco di Daniele Bossari, Marco Berry e Melissa P

, nella quarta edizione del programma Mistero in onda su 1, condotto da Raz Degan

Anche nel 2012 continua la collaborazione con la trasmissione Mistero, dove con lui sono ancora presenti Berry, Bossari e la new entry Jane Alexander


For more infomation >> Tv in lutto. Morto uno dei volti di 'Mistero': ha lottato con coraggio contro la malattia - Duration: 5:18.


방귀 뿡뿡, 변비에 걸린 아로미! 응가 하기! 영유아 배변 습관 l 기본생활습관 애니메이션 l 7화 배가 아파 [코코몽 키즈툰] - Duration: 3:33.


I have a stomachache

Ahh! Who is using the bathroom so long?

Right! Why do you spend so long in the bathroom alone?

Everyone waited so long to use the bathroom!

Ahh! I can not stand it!

Knock!!! Knock!!!!

Who is using the bathroom?

Come out now!!!


Cocomong.......that's why...


Aromi! That is You! In the toilet everyone use...



What the hell is this?

Uh ah! Im So embarrassed!

The flowers are so beautiful! I like flowers!

Uhhhh? It's also FART

Ohh! Aromi is suffering from constipation!


This is a nasty smell!

Knock!! Knock!!

Uh? who are you??

Yes~ this is Aromi's house


What is this??

Stop-shit medicine???


It can cure my constipation by eating this?

I try this one right now!

it's funny! That is actually a laxative!

Haha It's finally my turn!

I'm Sorry, Kaero!


I think something has happened to Aromi!

Aromi, If you keep coming out fart,

let's go to the hospital with me

Oh, there was such a thing.

Aromi, you don't have to eat a drug that you do not even know!

That's so dangerous!

Then, Try this one


I do not have any stomachache!

Friends, when you're sick,

you have to take the right medicine!

Of course, before that, to prevent the stomachache

Let's eat healthy vegetables and fruits!

when you want to move your bowels,

Just go to the bathroom!

If your stomach hurts and you continue to have diarrhea,

go to the hospital!

And you have to wash your hands often

to protect your stomache from bad germs!

Then your friends must be healthy!


For more infomation >> 방귀 뿡뿡, 변비에 걸린 아로미! 응가 하기! 영유아 배변 습관 l 기본생활습관 애니메이션 l 7화 배가 아파 [코코몽 키즈툰] - Duration: 3:33.


M5S, i ribelli pronti a lasciare: "Siamo più del 50% del gruppo" - [Notizietv24] - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> M5S, i ribelli pronti a lasciare: "Siamo più del 50% del gruppo" - [Notizietv24] - Duration: 2:52.


Ege'nin Hamsisi/ Aegean Anchovy Trailer - Episode 22 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:43.

He is very smart and clever but he never used it for things that are sensible.

My return has been magnificent, right?


Where is wheeling and dealing, he has been there.

I have a fiance named Tayyar.

If he touches you, you'd lose your footing.

- Sorry, sister. - Such insolence!


Enough! Sister.

These man have a problem with me.

- You are going to trash me at the cemetery? - First I will trash you, then I will bury you.

- It's not easy to abduct a man with a heavy hand! - Not easy at all!

For more infomation >> Ege'nin Hamsisi/ Aegean Anchovy Trailer - Episode 22 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:43.


Spotkanie informacyjne dotyczące konkursu pt. „Kurs na MOOC" - część 1 - Duration: 54:49.

For more infomation >> Spotkanie informacyjne dotyczące konkursu pt. „Kurs na MOOC" - część 1 - Duration: 54:49.


1000 Abonnenten Verlosung - Umfrage - Duration: 16:35.

Welcome to my knife making channel.

Today I'm starting a raffle.

This begins with a small survey.

Namely... which of my knives do you like best of all?

Why am I doing this?

First of all because I want to know which knives you like.

And if possible, what you like about it.

I like to write what you don't like.

And besides, I'd like to push my channel.

According to the theory, you can use various Methods to adapt the YouTube algorithm to...

... draw more attention to my videos.

The best way to do this is to have the audience write comments more often.

Because I need you for this. I would like to thank you for your participation by raffling something.

There seems to be a widespread tradition among YouTubers, to raffle something once you have reached 1000 subscribers.

I'll do the same.

The 1000 subscribers are still a long way from being but now is a good time to start the raffle.


With 1000 subscribers I raffle this knife.

What do you have to do to win in the raffle to be?

The participation is naturally free for all.

All you have to do is make a special comment. to be a part of it.

And that's "Ich bin dabei." (I'm in.)

Writes this text as a comment in a any video.

I get a message with every comment...

...and I will put your YouTube name on the participants list in this case.

You only have to do it once.

And in addition please write a comment to this video.

Just write down which of the knives in that Video you like best.

Each knife is marked with a letter.

There are 27 knives and the alphabet has only 26 letters, so that I have labeled the two chef's knives U1 and U2 without further ado.

You can also choose more than one knife.

As soon as my channel has 1,000 subscribers. I will draw exactly one winner among the participants.

I'll make a livestream for that, in which the winner is determined.

I start with my knives from the year 2017 and older.

I have named these with the letters A to L.

A is one of my first knives from 2017.

The handle is made of walnut veneer and copper.

The blade is made of RWL34.

This is my first knife from Niolox SB1.

The handle again with walnut veneer.

Again RWL34, this time with Afzelia and mosaic pins.

Here's a rustic attempt at a little Two years to make something out of an old file.

My first demountable knife.

From RWL34, Bongossi, and G10, which glows in the dark.

Here a knife made of VG10 laminate, the handle is made of flamed oak.

blade with filework from RWL34, the handle from smoked oak.

And here's a heavyweight from O2. you can also hack.

The handle is made of flamed oak.

VG10 again, this time glued with Wenge and G10 that glows in the dark.

My first stonewashed finish from RWL34 with detachable Bilinga handle.

Here is an elongated knife made of 440B with Copper and elm.

A knife made from VG10 laminate with a very slim Boare handle and nickel silver ferrule.

After these knives, I decided a design considered, ...

...that I called StriderMT ...

... and after which I built dozens of knives.

I'll start with 8 prototypes from early 2018.

They have the letters M to T.

The first one has a blade of Niolox, sandblasted.

The handle is smoked oak.

Here I used Micarta for the first time.

Blade made of O2, sandblasted again.

Liner made of G10.

Here is a handle made of cocobolo and vulcanized fiber, Blade O2 again.

With this handle I have a liner made from Kydex tried.

Handle is Bubinga and the blade O2.

This knife will be raffled.

The handle is made of catalox and vulcanized fiber.

The blade made of O2, sandblasted.

All knives can be dismantled, except for this one. made of O2, walnut, vulcanised fibre and glued brass pins.

This knife has a Micarta handle again. and a blackened blade of O2.

This knife with an O2 blade. I used Python Micarta grips.

Now let's move on to the knives you can find in my shop.

These are there also no more than "prototype" is marked.

The two chef's knives must have a letter share.

The first chef's knife is made of O1 and has grip shells. Bongossi and riveted bronze jaws.

The second is identical in construction, only that the handle is made of ebony and the blade is much blacker.

Besides, I started the Bronze.

Here I used Böhler M390 for the first time, that I've hardened and frozen myself.

The handle is Micarta.

This knife from O2 and a handle from Bubinga and red G10 has a light stonewashed finish.

And another stonewashed blade, this time from Niolox, the handle is from Afzelia.

Finally, my two Hamon knives from C100.

The first with Micarta handle and sandblasted Blade.

The second one with polished blade and a Maple burl and blue G10 liner handle.

You can improve your chances of winning, by commenting on as many of my videos as possible.

Once you've written "I'm in." you can comment normally.

Count comments made in the past I'll go with you.

So that the commenting does not get out of hand and I count only one comment per video.

You can add as many comments to a video as you want. but I only count one per video.

If you comment on any of my videos you can increase your chance of winning the raffle by a factor of 40.

However, I would be pleased if the comments are still constructive and interesting for others.

Questions to the videos or suggestions, criticism and wishes are always welcome.

How does the winner tell me his address?

Of course not about the comments at Youtube, because here most are anonymously on the way - and should remain so.

So the winner has to send me an e-mail, and his YouTube name in it.

I will then ask the participant to do something to write very specific in the comments, ... that I know that the real winner and not someone else posing as the winner.

Then I'll send the knife by mail.

Of course I also take over the shipping costs.

The data I treat naturally confidentially.

I'm getting nothing out of this I hope that this channel will become even more popular.

Anyone can join.

Only if the winner is under 18 years of age is old, ...

I'll contact the parents before I send the knife.

And if the winner doesn't show up after 10 days. I'll raffle the knife again.

So in a nutshell: Writes in this or any other video...

a comment which contains the text "Ich bin dabei".

And writes in this video a comment, which of my knifes you like best.

Simply write the letter(s) in the comment.

I'd appreciate it if you'd write too, what you like about the knives.

The more videos you comment on, the higher your chance of winning.

So every comment is a "Los in the Lottery Drum".

But... multiple comments on the same Videos are allowed, but are counted only once.

I hope the rules are understandable.

I'll have a short video soon by explaining everything in a nutshell.

I wish all participants good luck.

For more infomation >> 1000 Abonnenten Verlosung - Umfrage - Duration: 16:35.


Projeto de pesquisa - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Projeto de pesquisa - Duration: 5:58.


Fisco, stangata in arrivo: le cartelle esattoriali spedite dopo le vacanze di Natale - Duration: 1:02.

 Per Natale i contribuenti saranno graziati. L'attività di notifica di quasi tutti gli atti di Agenzia delle entrate sarà infatti sospesa dal 23 dicembre al 6 gennaio 2019, con l'obiettivo di evitare disagi ai contribuenti in questo periodo particolare dell'anno

Ma dopo sarà una pioggia di cartelle esattoriali.  Nelle due settimane di sospensione era previsto l'invio di quasi 268 mila atti che resteranno invece congelati, ad eccezione di quelli inderogabili (meno di 13 mila)

In testa c'è il Lazio in cui saranno congelati 35.739 atti, seguito dalla Campania (34

971) e dalla Lombardia (29.902).

For more infomation >> Fisco, stangata in arrivo: le cartelle esattoriali spedite dopo le vacanze di Natale - Duration: 1:02.


Spotkanie informacyjne dotyczące konkursu pt. „Kurs na MOOC" - część 2 - Duration: 1:27:58.

For more infomation >> Spotkanie informacyjne dotyczące konkursu pt. „Kurs na MOOC" - część 2 - Duration: 1:27:58.


Ascolti tv Amici 18, puntata del 15 dicembre 2018: i dati Auditel del pomeriggio - Duration: 3:58.

 Come è andata, secondo i dati Auditel del pomeriggio di ieri, 15 dicembre 2018, l'ultima puntata dell'anno del talent di Canale 5 condotto da Maria De Filippi? Cosa dicono gli ascolti tv di Amici 18? Ecco cosa è successo durante la trasmissione in un pomeriggio al cardiopalma fra: liti, sfide ed eliminazioni e come hanno reagito i telespettatori

Amici 18: cosa è successo in puntata?  La puntata di Amici 18, l'ultima di quest'anno, si è aperta con una lite fra la maestra Celentano e due ballerini maschi

I due giovani non hanno seguito i consigli della docente e hanno fatto di testa loro presentandosi in puntata senza essere vestiti per una interrogazione di danza classica

Alessandra Celentano ha quindi chiesto la loro espulsione immediata, ma gli altri professori si sono schierati dalla parte dei ragazzi

 Alessandra Celentano ha poi concluso l'argomento dicendo che si sarebbe riservata di prendere personalmente altri provvedimenti contro i due trasgressori

 La squadra capitanata da Giordana ha perso altre due sfide contro la squadra capitanata da Tish

 Dopo la prima battaglia persa per 3 a 0 ad andare in sfida è stata la ballerina Giusy

In realtà la ragazza voleva accettare l'immunità che le avevano donato i suoi compagni, ma si è aperto in studio un vero e proprio dibattito e alla fine Giusy ha cambiato idea

 Pur dopo aver ballato al meglio delle sue possibilità Giusy ha perso la sfida e ha dovuto abbandonare, fra le polemiche, la scuola di Amici 18

   Nella seconda sfida, invece, è finito a rischio il cantante Daniel, giunto in studio dalla sala relax

 Come è successo ad un suo amico e collega sabato scorso, infatti, Daniel non ha potuto prendere parte alla puntata perché non ha svolto il compito affidatogli da Stash ed è stato trovato completamente impreparato durante l'interrogazione del leader dei The Kolors

 Il giovane, con problemi di memoria, è però riuscito a tenersi stretto l'ambito banco

 In puntata, infine, è stato ospite di Amici 18 Marco Carta. Ascolti tv Amici 18: i dati Auditel  Ecco i dati Auditel del talent di Maria De Filippi

 L'ultima puntata del 2018 di Amici 18 ha intrattenuto una media di 3.015.000 telespettatori e 20

72% di share.

For more infomation >> Ascolti tv Amici 18, puntata del 15 dicembre 2018: i dati Auditel del pomeriggio - Duration: 3:58.


Utilizzi strumenti per il controllo delle performance tuo business? - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Utilizzi strumenti per il controllo delle performance tuo business? - Duration: 2:24.


阿娇怀孕?袁咏仪参加婚礼一不小心说漏嘴了 - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 阿娇怀孕?袁咏仪参加婚礼一不小心说漏嘴了 - Duration: 4:32.


Hva er det viktigste IT fokuset for din bedrift i 2019? 🤔 - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Hva er det viktigste IT fokuset for din bedrift i 2019? 🤔 - Duration: 4:36.


หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 21/12/61 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(Vietnam xổ số Hà Nội) - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> หวยฮานอยวันนี้ 21/12/61 แนวทางหวยเวียดนาม(Vietnam xổ số Hà Nội) - Duration: 9:59.


방귀 뿡뿡, 변비에 걸린 아로미! 응가 하기! 영유아 배변 습관 l 기본생활습관 애니메이션 l 7화 배가 아파 [코코몽 키즈툰] - Duration: 3:33.


I have a stomachache

Ahh! Who is using the bathroom so long?

Right! Why do you spend so long in the bathroom alone?

Everyone waited so long to use the bathroom!

Ahh! I can not stand it!

Knock!!! Knock!!!!

Who is using the bathroom?

Come out now!!!


Cocomong.......that's why...


Aromi! That is You! In the toilet everyone use...



What the hell is this?

Uh ah! Im So embarrassed!

The flowers are so beautiful! I like flowers!

Uhhhh? It's also FART

Ohh! Aromi is suffering from constipation!


This is a nasty smell!

Knock!! Knock!!

Uh? who are you??

Yes~ this is Aromi's house


What is this??

Stop-shit medicine???


It can cure my constipation by eating this?

I try this one right now!

it's funny! That is actually a laxative!

Haha It's finally my turn!

I'm Sorry, Kaero!


I think something has happened to Aromi!

Aromi, If you keep coming out fart,

let's go to the hospital with me

Oh, there was such a thing.

Aromi, you don't have to eat a drug that you do not even know!

That's so dangerous!

Then, Try this one


I do not have any stomachache!

Friends, when you're sick,

you have to take the right medicine!

Of course, before that, to prevent the stomachache

Let's eat healthy vegetables and fruits!

when you want to move your bowels,

Just go to the bathroom!

If your stomach hurts and you continue to have diarrhea,

go to the hospital!

And you have to wash your hands often

to protect your stomache from bad germs!

Then your friends must be healthy!


For more infomation >> 방귀 뿡뿡, 변비에 걸린 아로미! 응가 하기! 영유아 배변 습관 l 기본생활습관 애니메이션 l 7화 배가 아파 [코코몽 키즈툰] - Duration: 3:33.


หวยฮานอย 21/12/61 แนวทางเลขเด็ดปลดหนี้(หวยเวียดนาม) - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> หวยฮานอย 21/12/61 แนวทางเลขเด็ดปลดหนี้(หวยเวียดนาม) - Duration: 7:32.


IQ Option Profitable strategy for Forex, Stocks, Commodities, ETFs, Indices Trading Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 17:36.

IQ Option Profitable strategy for Forex, Stocks, Commodities, ETFs, Indices Trading Urdu/Hindi

Please watch Video till end other wise you will miss important points

For more infomation >> IQ Option Profitable strategy for Forex, Stocks, Commodities, ETFs, Indices Trading Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 17:36.


1000 Abonnenten Verlosung - Umfrage - Duration: 16:35.

Welcome to my knife making channel.

Today I'm starting a raffle.

This begins with a small survey.

Namely... which of my knives do you like best of all?

Why am I doing this?

First of all because I want to know which knives you like.

And if possible, what you like about it.

I like to write what you don't like.

And besides, I'd like to push my channel.

According to the theory, you can use various Methods to adapt the YouTube algorithm to...

... draw more attention to my videos.

The best way to do this is to have the audience write comments more often.

Because I need you for this. I would like to thank you for your participation by raffling something.

There seems to be a widespread tradition among YouTubers, to raffle something once you have reached 1000 subscribers.

I'll do the same.

The 1000 subscribers are still a long way from being but now is a good time to start the raffle.


With 1000 subscribers I raffle this knife.

What do you have to do to win in the raffle to be?

The participation is naturally free for all.

All you have to do is make a special comment. to be a part of it.

And that's "Ich bin dabei." (I'm in.)

Writes this text as a comment in a any video.

I get a message with every comment...

...and I will put your YouTube name on the participants list in this case.

You only have to do it once.

And in addition please write a comment to this video.

Just write down which of the knives in that Video you like best.

Each knife is marked with a letter.

There are 27 knives and the alphabet has only 26 letters, so that I have labeled the two chef's knives U1 and U2 without further ado.

You can also choose more than one knife.

As soon as my channel has 1,000 subscribers. I will draw exactly one winner among the participants.

I'll make a livestream for that, in which the winner is determined.

I start with my knives from the year 2017 and older.

I have named these with the letters A to L.

A is one of my first knives from 2017.

The handle is made of walnut veneer and copper.

The blade is made of RWL34.

This is my first knife from Niolox SB1.

The handle again with walnut veneer.

Again RWL34, this time with Afzelia and mosaic pins.

Here's a rustic attempt at a little Two years to make something out of an old file.

My first demountable knife.

From RWL34, Bongossi, and G10, which glows in the dark.

Here a knife made of VG10 laminate, the handle is made of flamed oak.

blade with filework from RWL34, the handle from smoked oak.

And here's a heavyweight from O2. you can also hack.

The handle is made of flamed oak.

VG10 again, this time glued with Wenge and G10 that glows in the dark.

My first stonewashed finish from RWL34 with detachable Bilinga handle.

Here is an elongated knife made of 440B with Copper and elm.

A knife made from VG10 laminate with a very slim Boare handle and nickel silver ferrule.

After these knives, I decided a design considered, ...

...that I called StriderMT ...

... and after which I built dozens of knives.

I'll start with 8 prototypes from early 2018.

They have the letters M to T.

The first one has a blade of Niolox, sandblasted.

The handle is smoked oak.

Here I used Micarta for the first time.

Blade made of O2, sandblasted again.

Liner made of G10.

Here is a handle made of cocobolo and vulcanized fiber, Blade O2 again.

With this handle I have a liner made from Kydex tried.

Handle is Bubinga and the blade O2.

This knife will be raffled.

The handle is made of catalox and vulcanized fiber.

The blade made of O2, sandblasted.

All knives can be dismantled, except for this one. made of O2, walnut, vulcanised fibre and glued brass pins.

This knife has a Micarta handle again. and a blackened blade of O2.

This knife with an O2 blade. I used Python Micarta grips.

Now let's move on to the knives you can find in my shop.

These are there also no more than "prototype" is marked.

The two chef's knives must have a letter share.

The first chef's knife is made of O1 and has grip shells. Bongossi and riveted bronze jaws.

The second is identical in construction, only that the handle is made of ebony and the blade is much blacker.

Besides, I started the Bronze.

Here I used Böhler M390 for the first time, that I've hardened and frozen myself.

The handle is Micarta.

This knife from O2 and a handle from Bubinga and red G10 has a light stonewashed finish.

And another stonewashed blade, this time from Niolox, the handle is from Afzelia.

Finally, my two Hamon knives from C100.

The first with Micarta handle and sandblasted Blade.

The second one with polished blade and a Maple burl and blue G10 liner handle.

You can improve your chances of winning, by commenting on as many of my videos as possible.

Once you've written "I'm in." you can comment normally.

Count comments made in the past I'll go with you.

So that the commenting does not get out of hand and I count only one comment per video.

You can add as many comments to a video as you want. but I only count one per video.

If you comment on any of my videos you can increase your chance of winning the raffle by a factor of 40.

However, I would be pleased if the comments are still constructive and interesting for others.

Questions to the videos or suggestions, criticism and wishes are always welcome.

How does the winner tell me his address?

Of course not about the comments at Youtube, because here most are anonymously on the way - and should remain so.

So the winner has to send me an e-mail, and his YouTube name in it.

I will then ask the participant to do something to write very specific in the comments, ... that I know that the real winner and not someone else posing as the winner.

Then I'll send the knife by mail.

Of course I also take over the shipping costs.

The data I treat naturally confidentially.

I'm getting nothing out of this I hope that this channel will become even more popular.

Anyone can join.

Only if the winner is under 18 years of age is old, ...

I'll contact the parents before I send the knife.

And if the winner doesn't show up after 10 days. I'll raffle the knife again.

So in a nutshell: Writes in this or any other video...

a comment which contains the text "Ich bin dabei".

And writes in this video a comment, which of my knifes you like best.

Simply write the letter(s) in the comment.

I'd appreciate it if you'd write too, what you like about the knives.

The more videos you comment on, the higher your chance of winning.

So every comment is a "Los in the Lottery Drum".

But... multiple comments on the same Videos are allowed, but are counted only once.

I hope the rules are understandable.

I'll have a short video soon by explaining everything in a nutshell.

I wish all participants good luck.

For more infomation >> 1000 Abonnenten Verlosung - Umfrage - Duration: 16:35.


Fun & Easy English with Poems: THE LIMERICK - Duration: 15:42.

Hello. I'm Gill at engVid, and today we have a lesson on a particular type of comic poem,

which is called a limerick. Okay? So, these are some examples of limericks, and they're

a very popular form of poem. They're usually very simple; they're not, like, difficult

poetry that's hard to understand. They usually tell a story and it's usually quite funny;

sometimes it's a bit crazy, kind of what you call nonsense poetry. It doesn't really make

sense, but it's funny anyway. So, okay.

So, to begin with the first example, it's a nursery rhyme, which is the kind of poem

that children learn and listen to as they're children in the nursery where they're... When

people used to have big houses, they would have one room which was called the nursery

and they put their children in there, and they might have somebody to look after the

children, like a nanny or a nurse. And... As well as the mother and father, the children

would have other people to help to look after them and bring them up, and make food for

them, and so on. That's if they were rich.

But also children of all sorts. I remember, as a child, hearing nursery rhymes, and my

mother especially telling me nursery rhymes. And the fun thing about them is that they

have a rhythm and a rhyme, so there's a pattern, which children enjoy hearing the pattern of

the rhythm and the rhyming of the ends of the lines. So, here's a nursery rhyme which

you may have heard. Perhaps you have a version of it in your own language, if English isn't

your first language. So, some of the words don't really make sense because they're more

to do with imitating the sound of a clock ticking. So, here we go:

Hickory dickory dock The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one The mouse ran down

Hickory dickory dock.

So, it's... It's a clock, there's a mouse. The mouse goes up the clock, the clock chimes

one: "Dong", and because of that, the mouse is frightened and runs down again. And then

that's it - that's all that happens, but it's quite fun for children to hear that. So, you

can see that there's a pattern, there: "dock" and "clock" rhyme, and then we have "dock"

again. So, if we use a sort of letter form of rhyme scheme, you can label that A, like

that. That's rhyme A. And then one is... Doesn't rhyme, so that's B. "One" and... Usually...

Usually the third and fourth lines rhyme. These don't exactly rhyme, but they're a little

bit similar. "One" and "down", and it's sort of what's called a half rhyme. So, it's a

kind of... You could call it B again, really, or B with a little one on it just to show

it's slightly different. But, anyway, this is... This sort of shows what the pattern

is: A, A, B, B, A is the rhyme pattern for a limerick.

And, also, the first two lines and the fifth lines are usually a bit longer than the lines

three and four. So: "Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock" so that's, like,

three strong beats. "Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock". But then we've

got: "The clock struck one", so that's only two strong beats. "The clock struck one, The

mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock". So, it's

that sort of rhythm; 3, 3, 2, 2, 3. So, that kind of pattern of rhythm and rhyme you find

in most limericks. Okay?

So, I hope you... I mean, "Hickory dickory dock", that's just imitating the sound of

the clock. So, don't worry about: "What are those words? What do they mean?" They don't

really mean anything, but the mouse-little animal-ran up the clock - it's a clock up

on the wall, so... Or it's a clock... Big, tall clock that stands on the floor, so a

mouse could run up it.

"The clock struck one". "To strike"... "To strike" is when the clock chimes. To strike;

to chime. If it goes: "Ding" or "Bong", anything like that, one sound to show that it's one

o'clock; it just makes one single sound for one o'clock. "The clock struck one". Usually

strikes because it's hitting something inside to make that sound. "The mouse ran down, Hickory

dickory dock". So that's... That's it. Okay. So, that illustrates the pattern.

And then we have an example from the 19th century. If you've seen another lesson that

I did called: "The Owl and the Pussycat", you might remember the name of the poet, Edward

Lear, who wrote a lot of funny poetry. He wrote a lot of limericks and other funny,

sort of nonsense poetry, which it is quite... Quite strange, but entertaining. So, this

one also you'll see it fits the pattern, and this is about an old man with a big, long

beard. And in the 19th century, in the U.K., in Britain, a lot of men had long beards;

it was the fashion in those days for men to have very long beards. Sometimes they would

be shorter beards, but sometimes they would have a beard right down to here. So, this

is about one of those men. So:

There was an old man with a beard Who said "It is just as I feared!" (I'll explain

that word in a minute). Two owls and a hen, (these are birds; owl

and a hen, they're birds). Two owls and a hen,

Four larks and a wren, (those are also birds - lark, wren).

Have all built their nests in my beard!

Okay, so let me just explain the maybe unfamiliar words. "The old man has a beard, He said 'It

is just as I feared!'" He was worried that something might happen. Fear. To fear or to

be... To be afraid of something. He had a fear that something would happen; he was afraid

that something would happen. And you can see that it's nonsense, really, because who would

be afraid that birds would start to live in somebody's beard? Okay. Anyway.

"Two owls and a hen, Four larks and a wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!" So,

the nest... The bird's nest is what they build when they lay eggs. So, if... If the bird

lays its eggs, it needs to have a nest, usually made of little twigs, and leaves, and things

put together. And the birds often build the nests themselves. So, they built their nests

in my beard.

So, how many is that? Two owls and a hen, that's three birds; four larks and a wren,

that's another five birds, so that's eight. Eight birds have all built their nests in

my beard. So, he's got eight nests in his beard, and maybe each nest contains at least

three eggs... So, shall we say an average of four eggs? I've drawn five eggs, here.

If we say an average of four eggs per nest... Four times eight - 32.

So, when those eggs... When the little baby birds come out of the eggs, can you imagine

what it would be like? So when you start to think logically: "What is going to happen

next?" It's not just, you know, some... It's not even just eight birds; it's eight nests

and lots of eggs, maybe 32 eggs, which are going to come out. They're going to hatch.

If the egg hatches, it breaks, and the little baby bird comes out of it. So, that would

be quite a... Something to watch. Okay.

So, you can see what a sort of nonsense poem it is; it's just not possible that that could

happen, but it's funny. It's just funny. So, that different kinds of birds would just build

their nests in his beard. Okay. So, if you haven't seen my other lesson with Edward Lear,

"The Owl and the Pussycat", he seemed to like to mention owls for some reason. So, have

a look at "The Owl and the Pussycat" poem, if you haven't already seen it. Okay.

And then, finally, we have an example of a limerick which actually breaks one of the

rules; the rule of the rhythm and the... The idea of having three strong beats, and two

strong beats, depending on which line it is. And those beats... This word "scan" is about

that. "To scan", it means it has to have the correct rhythm; it can't sort of go wrong.

It has to have a strong beat on a regular... On a regular basis. So, if it doesn't scan...

If a poem doesn't scan, it doesn't really sound right. It needs to have the right rhythm.


So, this limerick, it actually only breaks the rule in the last line. So, it follows

the rule for the first four lines. It follows the rhyming rule and the rhythm rule, but

it's just in the last line that it goes wrong, but it's quite funny the way it does that.


There was a young man from Japan Whose limericks never would scan.

And when they asked why, ("they" being just other people; when people asked why).

He said 'I do try!' (So up to here it's all fine, but then we've got the last line, here).

But when I get to the last line I try to fit in as many words as I possibly can.

So, even... That does rhyme with "scan" and "Japan", but you can see how it's far too

long to fit the usual rule of the rhythm. But it's funny because the subject is that

he couldn't scan; he couldn't get his limericks to scan, because: "when I get to the last

line I try to fit in as many words as I possibly can".

Okay, so there are two examples of limericks which follow the rules, and one example that

shows how you can break the rules. You can have one that breaks the rhyming rule, and

you could have no rhyming at all at the ends, and that also will sound funny; it will make

people laugh simply because it breaks that rule of rhyming.

Okay, so I wonder if you might be interested in trying to write a limerick of your own,

and have a try; and if you succeed, post it in the comments section of the engVid website

- comments. We will also have a quiz on there, so look out for that, too.

Okay? And we're looking forward to seeing all your limericks, so have fun with it. Okay,

so thanks for watching and see you again soon. Bye.

For more infomation >> Fun & Easy English with Poems: THE LIMERICK - Duration: 15:42.


Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.


Hyundai i30 Wagon 1.4 T-GDI Premium, RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 Wagon 1.4 T-GDI Premium, RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 1:06.


17 Shocking Facts That You Didn't Know About Nita Ambani - Duration: 4:07.

17 Shocking Facts That You Didn't Know About Nita Ambani

For more infomation >> 17 Shocking Facts That You Didn't Know About Nita Ambani - Duration: 4:07.


জীবনের সবচেয়ে বড় স্বপ্নের কথা জানাল রানী রাসমনির ঐন্দ্রিলা || Bengali Serial Oindrila Saha - Duration: 1:26.

News Bangla 360

For more infomation >> জীবনের সবচেয়ে বড় স্বপ্নের কথা জানাল রানী রাসমনির ঐন্দ্রিলা || Bengali Serial Oindrila Saha - Duration: 1:26.


Christmas Video 2018-2019: "Todos me miran" (EN subtitles available) - Duration: 1:48.

You made me feel like I was worthless

And my tears fell at your feet

I looked in the mirror

and I didn't recognize myself

I was only what you wanted to see...

And I let down my hair

I dressed as a queen,

I put on heels

I made myself up beautifully

And I walked towards the door

I heard you scream at me

but your chains cannot stop me anymore

And I looked at the night and it wasn't dark anymore

It was made of sequins

And they all look at me, they look at me

they look at me

because I know I'm fine

because everyone admires me

And they all look at me, they look at me

they look at me, they look at me

because I do what few would dare

And they all look at me, they look at me

they look at me

some with envy but in the end

but in the end, but in the end

everyone will love me

This Christmas

put yourself in the spotlight

Happy Holidays!

For more infomation >> Christmas Video 2018-2019: "Todos me miran" (EN subtitles available) - Duration: 1:48.


Small signs the town of Paradise is healing as residents return to their homes - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Small signs the town of Paradise is healing as residents return to their homes - Duration: 1:36.


Jingle Bells | Christmas Songs for Children | Xmas Songs for Kids | Cartoons - Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:42.

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh

Or the fields we go laughing all the way

Bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright

What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight

Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh

Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh

Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh

Or the fields we go laughing all the way

Bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright

What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight

Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh

Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh

For more infomation >> Jingle Bells | Christmas Songs for Children | Xmas Songs for Kids | Cartoons - Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:42.


방귀 뿡뿡, 변비에 걸린 아로미! 응가 하기! 영유아 배변 습관 l 기본생활습관 애니메이션 l 7화 배가 아파 [코코몽 키즈툰] - Duration: 3:33.


I have a stomachache

Ahh! Who is using the bathroom so long?

Right! Why do you spend so long in the bathroom alone?

Everyone waited so long to use the bathroom!

Ahh! I can not stand it!

Knock!!! Knock!!!!

Who is using the bathroom?

Come out now!!!


Cocomong.......that's why...


Aromi! That is You! In the toilet everyone use...



What the hell is this?

Uh ah! Im So embarrassed!

The flowers are so beautiful! I like flowers!

Uhhhh? It's also FART

Ohh! Aromi is suffering from constipation!


This is a nasty smell!

Knock!! Knock!!

Uh? who are you??

Yes~ this is Aromi's house


What is this??

Stop-shit medicine???


It can cure my constipation by eating this?

I try this one right now!

it's funny! That is actually a laxative!

Haha It's finally my turn!

I'm Sorry, Kaero!


I think something has happened to Aromi!

Aromi, If you keep coming out fart,

let's go to the hospital with me

Oh, there was such a thing.

Aromi, you don't have to eat a drug that you do not even know!

That's so dangerous!

Then, Try this one


I do not have any stomachache!

Friends, when you're sick,

you have to take the right medicine!

Of course, before that, to prevent the stomachache

Let's eat healthy vegetables and fruits!

when you want to move your bowels,

Just go to the bathroom!

If your stomach hurts and you continue to have diarrhea,

go to the hospital!

And you have to wash your hands often

to protect your stomache from bad germs!

Then your friends must be healthy!


For more infomation >> 방귀 뿡뿡, 변비에 걸린 아로미! 응가 하기! 영유아 배변 습관 l 기본생활습관 애니메이션 l 7화 배가 아파 [코코몽 키즈툰] - Duration: 3:33.


Exercise Song | The Supremes Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 32:53.

Exercise Song The Supremes

For more infomation >> Exercise Song | The Supremes Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 32:53.


网曝贾乃亮深夜与好友聚餐,携俩神秘女共返住处,坐实离婚传闻? - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 网曝贾乃亮深夜与好友聚餐,携俩神秘女共返住处,坐实离婚传闻? - Duration: 2:59.


Little Snowflake | Christmas Carols For Children | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes by Kids ABC TV - Duration: 16:04.

Little Snowflake

For more infomation >> Little Snowflake | Christmas Carols For Children | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes by Kids ABC TV - Duration: 16:04.


El Chapo's beauty queen wife returns to trial with twin daughters - Duration: 15:26.

The wife of alleged drug kingpin Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman attended her husband's trial with the couple's seven-year-old twin daughters on Thursday morning after missing two hearings earlier this week

Emma Coronel Aispuro appeared to be in good spirits as she arrived at the courthouse in Brooklyn - donning a rather pricey ensemble

 The former beauty queen's $100 Carolina Herrera T-shirt, $815 Louis Vuitton sneakers and Gucci sunglasses - all styles from recent seasons - provide convincing evidence that her spending habits haven't changed while her husband is behind bars

 The girls, Emaly and Maria Joaquina, are also impressively dressed in matching outfits featuring $185 Burberry sneakers

 Coronel had missed hearings on Monday and Tuesday, sparking speculation about the reason for her absence given that she had appeared at every previous day of the six-week trial

 Scroll down for video  Guzman's lawyer Eduardo Balarezo had said Coronel was only absent from the trial to spend time with their family and sort out personal business

 He told the New York Daily News: 'She is fine. Just had to take care of some things

'  A source had assured the New York Post that 'he'll get to see their girls'. Earlier this month the 29-year-old posted a picture on Instagram with the caption, 'few brave people stay to the end, I will never abandon you', after rumors circulated that she was cheating on Guzman with a singer

 The public prosecutor earlier requested the judge in the case prevent any contact between Coronel and El Chapo to stop the alleged leader of the Sinaloa cartel getting messages outside the trial

  Coronel was born near San Francisco in California and her father was Guzman's deputy who was jailed along with her brother while operating smuggling routes across the Mexican border with Arizona

She grew up in the remote village of La Angostura in the state of Durango, Mexico, with her brother, who was arrested at the same time as her father

Coronel entered the Coffee and Guava Festival beauty pageant in the town of Canelas, Durango, which is where El Chapo proposed to her in 2007

    In the rare interview last week she said she is doing what any wife would do - appear a few feet away from her husband while he stands trial

Coronel told the Spanish-language Telemundo: 'I think it's what any wife would do in my place, be with her husband in difficult times

'In one way or another so that he feels, and sees me present, and feels my support

'Guzman has pleaded not guilty to a 17-count indictment, including international drug distribution, money laundering, conspiracy, firearms and running a criminal enterprise

 During the the trial yesterday one of Guzman's lieutenants, Pedro Flores, returned to the witness stand for a second day to reveal how he double crossed his boss and secretly recorded their phone conversations

The 37-year-old told the jury that along with his identical twin brother, Margarito Flores, he moved tons of cocaine in the U

S. for the Sinaloa Cartel.Prosecutors played part of a call to Guzman that Pedro Flores made on November 15, 2008 to negotiate prices on a shipment of cocaine

'Amigo!' a cheerful voice identified as Guzman's says at the start of the call, which Flores recorded on a device he bought at a Radio Shack in Mexico

'Here at your service,' Guzman continues, 'You know that.'  Flores then asked whether Guzman could cut the per-kilo price they had originally agreed on to $50,000, a discount of $5,000

Guzman sounds happy to help out, as long as Flores was willing to.'I'll pick up the money tomorrow,' Guzman says with little hesitation

'That price is fine.'Flores asks Guzman in a brief follow-up call on the same day if he could deliver another large shipment of heroin to replenish the Chicago-based distribution network that the twins still controlled from Mexico

 Guzman questions why, since it was his understanding that the Flores twins had already received a shipment from another cartel supplier

'Yes, but what they sent was not good,' he responds. 'It doesn't compare to what you had

'In the end, Flores told the jury, the kingpin feared far and wide 'agreed to my terms

'Though the Flores twins ran much of the Sinaloa cartel's U.S. distribution for years, they were not above more menial tasks, the Chicago Tribune reported

 Flores said that he was in charge of securing a 'burner' cell phone for himself and other cartel members, and tested them by calling a number familiar to all Chicagoans: 312-588-2300

'That's the number for Empire carpeting,' Flores explained, referring to the Chicago company that for decades has run TV commercials advertising the number in a sing-song jingle

Flores did not perform the jingle in court, and the Brooklyn court seemed perplexed at the number's significance

RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next El Chapo's wife is suddenly a NO-SHOW in court: Concerned

'I had no clue': El Chapo's former beauty queen wife breaks. El Chapo's wife speaks out in first interview in two years

El Chapo prosecutors ask judge to sanction drug kingpin's. Share this article Share 1

4k shares During cross-examination, Guzman's attorney tried to cast doubt on Flores by tying him to the 2003 murder of Latin Kings boss Rudy 'Kato' Rangel Jr in a Little Village barber shop - a death memorialized in a song by the rapper DMX

The murder was long said to be a jewelry robbery gone wrong, but Guzman's defense attorney brought up the rumor that Rangel had ripped off the Flores twins for hundreds of kilos of cocaine before his death, and the fact that Margarito Flores soon went on to marry Rangle's widow

On the stand, Pedro Flores denied that he had ordered the hit on Rangel. 'Not for the woman or 200 kilograms?' the attorney asked

'No,' Flores responded. Flores' first day of testimony on Tuesday was the first time that either brother had been seen in public since 2015, when they were both sentenced to 14 years in prison in a sweetheart deal for turning federal informants on the notorious cartel

In his first day of testimony, Flores said that he had worked his way up from street dealing in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood, eventually running afoul of a supplier in Mexico, who kidnapped him when he was on the run from a federal indictment

Flores testified that the kidnappers handcuffed and blindfolded him, and took him to a remote house where they held him for several days until his brother secured his freedom, the Chicago Tribune reported

His brother's first words to him, he said, were that he smelled bad and: 'I met Chapo

' In exchange for dealing with the kidnapper, Guzman wanted the twins to use their experience distributing cocaine in the U

S. for the Sinaloa cartel, Flores said.Flores described his first meeting with Guzman in 2005, saying he was taken by private plane to a rough landing strip on the incline of a mountain

Driving from the airstrip to the compound, Flores said he saw grisly signs of the cartel's violence, including a naked man chained to a tree, who crouched and stared at the truck as it passed

Guzman appeared from the thatched-roof concrete villa wearing a hat, with a shiny handgun in his waistband and an AK-47 propped nearby, and his first words were to tease Flores for wearing shorts, the court heard

'He said with all that money, I couldn't afford the rest of the pants?' Flores said

 Another Sinaloa cartel leader, Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada, was there for the negotiations, Flores said

'You guys have my respect,' he quoted Zambada as saying. 'Imagine if you guys were triplets

'Flores said that the brothers used their know-how to turn Chicago into a national distribution hub for the Sinaloa cartel, taking advantage of the city's central location

As he grew more comfortable with Guzman, whom he called 'The Man', Flores began to give him regular gifts - gold plated guns, which he admits were too heavy and inspired by watching too many movies, as well as a gag gift of a pair of jean shorts like the ones he wore to their first meeting, given in a box shaped like a Viagra pill

 The drugs flowed north in trucks filled with fruit and vegetables - sometimes so much of them that it affected market prices in Chicago when the brothers dumped their cover goods, Flores said

One time, the brothers received a shipment of cocaine in a truck full of live sheep

Flores said they were baffled about what to do with the sheep, and eventually paid a friend $10,000 to get rid of them

'I'm looking at a bunch of live sheep,' Flores said. 'What are we gonna do with them?' 'I was concerned the cover loads were getting kinda weak,' he recalled

Around 2008, Flores said he began to fear for his life when the cartel split into two factions, with both sides insisting that the twins deal exclusively with them

 The bloody civil war within the cartel meant 'we were in a lose-lose situation,' he said, 'because we had to choose a side

' Flores contacted the DEA and began working as an informant, even making recordings of Guzman with a digital recorder that he bought at a Mexican Radio Shack

 Guzman has denied that he was the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, saying he is being set up by shady government cooperators

If convicted, he faces life in prison without parole. 

For more infomation >> El Chapo's beauty queen wife returns to trial with twin daughters - Duration: 15:26.


Christmas Tree Kit Build - Duration: 39:27.

time to invoke some Christmas spirit with a christmas kit build this

Christmas tree LED project and a Christmas style beer Fort Garry brewings

small batch special for the season naughty spiced Porter which seems

interesting no not usually one for spiced beers but I'll give this one a

shot at six and a half percent alcohol thirty IBU nice and low and of course a

porter from one of my favorite breweries locally here oh come on that's the

problem not having functional fingernail never

let that step stand in the way of giving me beer though is and also for those who

corrected me on proper pouring technique I'm well aware of it that other beer a

couple weeks ago just got away from me

maybe a little bit too gentle so what we got here yeah it smells like somebody

tossed a couple of Christmas fruitcakes into the into brewing that but the

unknowing Porter is nice I can definitely make do with that so this

Christmas tree kit here did a little bit of research on it and and found that

it's basically a couple of oscillator circuits that just blink the lights

which is interesting because these LEDs are self blinking LEDs let's just pull

one out here and you need a battery power it come on okay so here we go

here's these are self-flushing leds as we discovered when we did the mail Bank

so they just go RGB slowly for a few turns then they go RGB fast for a few

turns so realistically those don't even need all the circuitry to make them make

them go all blinky and fancy but we will make use of the circuitry anyway and

rather than me reverse engineering it which I was starting to do but then I

did a little bit of digging and found the actual circuit of it so each tree

has its own circuit completely independent of the other one the only

things that the two halves of the tree do are mechanically support each other

and I discovered that that slot is cut a little bit too tight so if I would open

ready they mechanically support each other and

they share their power supply board down at the bottom here other than that they

don't really have anything to do with one another

so yeah I guess I'll just oh yeah back to the circuit breaker so basically

these three transistors are driving half a dozen LEDs each just in a sort of an

open collector kind of a thing basically they're all tied to the positive rail

and when the transistors energized they pull it down to the ground and then

there's one random sparrow IDI which is this one right up here on top of the

tree which stays on all the time so what goes on basically the base of each

transistor has an RC circuit an RC timing circuit so this capacitor slowly

charges through this 10k resistor here which if my math is right and I mean I

didn't do the math myself I just use an online calculator that takes order to a

third of a second to charge this capacitor up above the 0.6 volts it's

the base--emitter forward voltage to turn that guy on when that guy turns on

it basically brings this point down to ground which means that this capacitor

is now charging through that resistor when it comes up this one turns on and

the same thing happens here this one turns on when this one turns on it

brings that point down to ground which is the bottom side of this guy and he

starts charging now then when the transistor turns off it'll I guess

discharge through there through the

yeah because both sides are yeah yeah so when this is yeah when this one's turned

off that's sitting isolated from ground so it's got a path through the resistors

and through the diodes yeah so and basically to just keep oscillating

around with bang bang bang bang bang bang not sure which one starts first

they get depends on which one's got more leakage or there's some residual

trigonal capacitors I don't know find out actually maybe I should breadboard

that sucker up first yeah I'll do that standby well that was harder than I

thought and took longer than I thought

mostly because as is often the case with these kits there's something weird going

on so if you look at the schematic the current limiting resistors are not

specified as to what their resistance actually is when I looked in the kit

there were three pairs of resistors of different values plus there was a bunch

of the 10k resistors which we need these 10k resistors here but the these series

limiting resistors weren't labeled as a so I checked these sets of resistors

there's two 1k there's two 2.2 k and there's two 330 ohm resistors so I did a

little bit more looking online and I found a I found an instruction sheet for

building this and it doesn't list what the values of the resistors are either

annoyingly but it implies in it's a little bit of English and mostly Chinese

that there are three different colors of LEDs

and that the resistors aren't all the same which would make sense because

different colors of LEDs have a different forward voltage and therefore

need a different resistor for current limiting but that's not what this kit

came with it came with these funky little blinking LEDs now what's the

benefit of having this oscillator shimmying between the three of them you

get a little bit more off time maybe so my options are either to bypass all the

circuitry and just give these things full time power or I suppose I could run

it this way what happens if I put a few of these guys in parallel like they

would be in the circuit okay so there's three in parallel there

would really be six in the circuit but

hmm looks like it's gonna work okay so I guess I will go with most of the

components that are included I'm gonna have to use some of my own 330 ohm

resistors but yeah I guess that'll sort of work so there's how the clusters are

going to end up executive decision these are all going to be 330 ohm resistors

for current limiting and this one too and other than that no other

modifications get the building like yes well we know there is one other

modification that I need to make and you take a file to these guys to make them

slot together a little bit of this kind of action

and I'll make it fit and I'll come back let's see if we can use this thing to

hold these weird shaped boards probably not a huge amount well that'll do until

I give the only D's on that yes taking you there I guess that'll do

throw the resistors and the transistors in a first so after the last video with

the horrible camera phone I've actually got a new phone this here is a samsung

s8 and so far I'm liking it the only thing I'm noticing with the camera is

when there's a lot of white in here these multiplex LEDs like those ones and

those will start getting a little flicker II take all that excess white

out and they get almost normal that's interesting

I don't know how annoying it's gonna be but I guess we'll find out over time so

what do we have here that's a little weird so we have some 10k resistors one

two and three that is those charging resistors for the

capacitors just these guys here so load those guys you know interesting to the

spread all over the place

one goes up there now that you go down here okay

and I suppose that could slow that oscillator down either by increasing the

size of those resistors to limit how quickly the current goes into the

capacitors or I could increase the size of the capacitors which are 22 micro

farad's at the moment but I think I'm just gonna leave it pretty much stock

now then those naturally want to sit up like that but I don't think that's the

best option for this kit I think in the morning down like that is probably

better lay those leads out so that they hold in place and the cut through

capacitors are all we don't nicely know lying down here that's cute you in there

so just before doing this I was going through my youtube subscriptions and I

noticed that an awful lot of my favorite electronics youtubers are choosing to do

kits in December I'm not sure whether it's just tis the season thing or

whether we've all just randomly decided to do similar things at the same time

now those aren't gonna stay there

when I flip the board over so I'm just gonna throw a little bit of the blue

tacky stuff which he's not actually blue tack it's just whatever no no name stuff

they hit at the dollar store but it serves the same purpose you get in line

not only not too concerned with cosmetics but this is a decoration so

try and do it sort of nice ish I am not entirely thrilled with this board holder

I've got another one in progress of a different type just waiting for some 3d

printing files to come back at the suggestion of one of you guys who was I

think it's the new religion suggested it and sent me a couple of 3d printing

files so I've gone down to the library and used their 3d printer or at least

put it into the queue for their 3d printer and once those come back I'll

have to do another kit build to to test them out but in the meantime I'll suffer

along with this guy here there's some solder oh yeah I'm also running out of

the really fine solder so I've had to resort back to this ancient

was at one point five seven millimeter from Radio Shack now the Americans in

the crowd I think a Radio Shack that's not that old

obsolete we've only lost Radio Shack in the last year or so in Canada Radio

Shack hasn't existed for decades I mean the stores formerly known as

Radio Shack turned into a thing called the source which was a shadow of the

glory of the former Radio Shack of my youth but when they were going there

making that changeover I went and did what many of you in the States did and

harvested up an assortment of good things including a couple of spools of

the solder makes yummy little solder that we all like so much better than

that safe good for you red free stuff that seems to be popular these days then

again no it's not illegal to use for us hobbyists it's just the illegal to

manufacture and sell stuff especially into the EU which this isn't that so I'm

not too concerned I do have some one milliliter and I think half millimeter

or point seven millimeter solder coming from China from a mail bag one of these

days so we'll see how that works hopefully it is actually lit it claims

to be lighted now then all those are good and not shorted and soldered can't

give them a quick trimming so that's the capacitor that basically the charging

the timing part of the circuit

done when it's the transistor of course which is the critical part of the timing

circuit it's the one that measures the threshold and decides when it's time to

flip over okay take my blue blobs off those aren't too bad that was horrible

so I'll just clean and should take him down I look better there we go

okay now I guess I'll put in some current limiting resistors and as I said

before I'm just gonna use three 30s out of my stash this is why I'm constantly

buying parts just for shop stock so that when a kid screws up or I need to do a

repair or something they don't have to wait it's here and for the price of them

why wouldn't you

and where is the third current linear resistor r2 down there oh wait there the

fourth one for the constant on led up at the top where is it go on the other side

oh it goes on the other half of the tree tree eh yeah it's got that extra extra

resistor for that one okay so that's those resistors let's put the

transistors in - why not live dangerously these are just common NPN

transistors there's nothing magical about them if I was designing a circuit

I probably would have used the 22 22 just because I have lots of them no

other reason it's it's just another very common joey beam part NPN transistor but

you do you do want all three transistors to be the same just so their forward

voltage in there their current to handle and keep it well not handling

capabilities but their own resistance is the same and stuff like that just to

sort of make all three circuits work together there we go and I don't even

have to blob anything on this time

this is relaxing enjoyable and that makes it even more enjoyable

hmm wonder if there's anything new but that glare I'm not seeing that go here

unless I look at the camera but you guys certainly are there so I just put the

handle of my cutters underneath one side no the board's tilted away from me makes

it interesting but since at least part of the reason I'm doing this is to give

you guys something though something interesting to look at hopefully

interesting anyway that might as well those just the transistors left last

will at least make it possible for you to see what I'm doing

I think I'm going to do the first half of this video in real time which is me

soldering this first one of the first board and the second board since it's

going to be 99% of the same I'll just do it off camera I don't know when you guys

are watching a kit build do you like to see duplicated effort or would you

rather cut to the chase there's something to talk about in the comments

okay everything's soldered little hair cut here and the last transistor okay so

that's it on this board except for all the LEDs and those are going to be

interesting to solder with this thing but we'll give her a shot

now then it's kind of hard to see there are sordid diode symbols printed in

there but then they got drilled they're plated over and drilled through I think

the arrows pointing towards the top of the tree in all cases they should be in

parallel right

so that one's in peril with that one yeah

d1 d6 okay so they're all kind of scattered around the tree so you get a

shimmering effect that's kind of neat but the common side is the square holes

and the common sight on the schematic is the positive side which is the longer

lead right now then in the in that build article that I found it shows putting

the LEDs like that oops dude focus here please

thinking new camera shows putting LEDs or like that that's kinda neat and

actually so where did I bend that I bent that right where the little step down

yes I'm gonna have to quickly figure out a method to bend those things

consistently hang on here okay well that was easy my method is just to

use these pliers you have a band okay I think maybe I'll do have a handful of

these and then see what happens when I saw to them on okay so just randomly

they bent three of them that way and one of them that way let's quickly blob them

down here now this tacky stuff it softens when you heat it so it's gonna

kind of melt a little bit here but if I let it cool back down it'll just settle

right back down yet

how am I gonna grip that so it's that things not working very well for me

anymore and move on to my old friend the dremel device it's essentially very

similar to the Panduit vices that are commonly used in the electronics world

in the making of small things world the only real difference is well there isn't

much of a difference this one was also fairly costly that's the one thing these

other vices are not as cheap as you'd think they should be but it's got a

heavy cast base and this is all cast metal so it it holds nicely it doesn't

deform or Bend that's good I think you know what if I give this thing power

right now those guys should probably light shouldn't they any reason that

they wouldn't no I don't think so so this is cooled already enough that

it's not it's making a liar out of me it's mostly not too sticky anymore let's

put that over there so what happens if I throw a bit of power on this cross


yeah man okay I'm just gonna do exactly the same thing with the rest of those

LEDs so when I was setting up to solder this whole pile of LEDs it occurred to

me that there might be other ways to hold them in place and so I'm trying one

of those ways right now and that is to use Kapton tape because Kapton tape is

really sticky it comes off clean and it's heat

resistant so it shouldn't get all goopy and damaged try and save those pieces

for the other board although it's super cheap so maybe it doesn't matter

anything there we go there's all the elite of youth on shall we see if it

works how brave are you feeling so negative and some positive and are we

going into current-limiting me no really so there's a couple not working D 1 D 6

D 5 D 4 so that's all one circuit that's all in this circuit over here I'm pretty

sure it was working before

can't do a bit of troubleshooting okay there we go that's more like it

so my problem my fault my failure I had a solder bridge across I think it was

this led down here because I got too much well blob on there so as soon as I

D blow up that we're all good

nice now all I have to do is repeat that - the mistakes on the other board soon


okay how many do you think I screwed up that time I guess we all find out right

away what could possibly go wrong

connected and on again I have one string that aren't working okay higher

magnification let's figure this out

there's the problem that led d4 is in backwards

I'm betting even if I just lift it out the thing I'll start working yep there

we go that was the culprit so all I got to do is put him back in there right way

around which is this away choke anvil pointy thing pointing that way Ariel

that's what you like to see

yeah real work you know oh yeah trim the leads off and attach side a to side B

okay so there's five from my USB power bar these two are the

negatives these were the positives they put it through so there's nothing there

switch on five volts excellent the last thing to do is to fit these two boards

together oh I have made yet another mistake why didn't somebody tell me I

was doing that okay yeah so if you didn't see it this top LED here is

completely in the way quickly disorder him

okay remembered I'm gonna clean that hole up right now - so since either

through plate at hole or plated through holes this makes it a lot easier heat it

from the backside and suck it from the top side see that holes yay okay now

then does it matter which side goes where yes there's little arrow there and

a little arrow there won't you apparently point to the component side

of t'other board I can get those through there without too much collision

that was a little bit unexpected okay I can put that transistor up there that

little capacitor back where it belongs just barely get this one into the

picture okay flip it over and put another one on the backside here

I'm down there okay that ought to hold it nice and rigid no

I guess I can put this led back on the top crap which one was negative which

one is positive it's getting harder to find a place to grab that thing by

okay there's the tree part of the tree that's just a matter of attaching the

tree to its base so down here we have positive and negative there positive and

negative there so there's the two positives and down here shows the two

positives over there so that's these two and they go that way like that you know

then how to make that hold hmm there's my Baba blue stuff here okay and I'm

thinking again in the absence of any information and he's gonna go a bunch of

solder on down there is that slot he's played it through yeah that is actually

holding okay

you know a prettiest way of doing it it seems to work electrically and I don't

awful works electrical I'll find out in a minute here they're all like leaving

big blobs behind but seems to be what this thing wants so I'll just finish

hitting this thing up I guess some solder seems to have seeped down into

the bottom there a little bit anything so now then just a matter of bolting

that guy on okay there there tis try it with the USB power first Oh would you

look at that you know its splendor they don't just dim the lights for this

occasion and cast a shadow

blinking LEDs Wow that works see I find some batteries to

try it that way too

or would that be pushing me luck okay

three double A batteries this is one of those holders we kinda have to put the

two side ones in first and then the middle one

just cuz the way it grips hey ready three two one

contact well shit oh wait there there goes the haha yeah

man okay there is my kit build happy holiday season which will be going on

all month I'm glad you guys chose to spend some time with me seeing what I'm

up to in my shop I really do appreciate it thanks for everybody stopping by and

I will talk to you later

For more infomation >> Christmas Tree Kit Build - Duration: 39:27.


Apply TOOTHPASTE & BANANAS On Your Skin That Will Change Your Skin Forever- Skin Whitening Face Pack - Duration: 2:27.

Hi friends, today I will share with you a miracle Face Pack That Will Change Your Life.

This simple beauty face pack will make your skin fair, glow and whiten within 20 minutes.

It will remove all dark spots and dark patches, and it helps reduce the redness of irritated

skin, even out skin tone and tighten pores.

So before starting the face pack, please subscribe to my channel to watch more videos, and press

the bell icon so that you don�t miss any of my videos.

At first take a ripe banana.

Cut it and take a half piece of banana.

Peel off the banana and make paste.

You can use your hand or a spoon to make it paste.

If you have blender, you can use blender to make paste.

Then add 1 tablespoon of toothpaste.

Remember, you should use any white toothpaste.

If your toothpaste is colorful, don�t use it.

Then add 1 tablespoon of rose water.

Then mix all the ingredients.

Banana contains potassium and vitamins E and C, which all promote clear glowing skin and

moisturize our skin.

It has Anti-aging effects and help us to get rid from acne and pimples.

Toothpaste absorbs excess oil from our skin and dry out pimples and whiten dark skin.

Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated

skin, even out skin tone and tighten pores.

Now apply the mixture on your skin gently.

Massage and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.

After 15 to 20 minutes, wash off with water.

You can apply it 2 times in a week.

Regular use of this face pack, your skin will whiten and softer than before.

It will remove all dark spots and dark patches, It works as an anti aging effects, so that

you will look more younger.

For more infomation >> Apply TOOTHPASTE & BANANAS On Your Skin That Will Change Your Skin Forever- Skin Whitening Face Pack - Duration: 2:27.


又要生第四胎?贾静雯回应:生三个女儿已经够了 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 又要生第四胎?贾静雯回应:生三个女儿已经够了 - Duration: 2:29.


ত্বকের কালো দাগ দূর করতে কলা আর মধুর অসাধারণ ফেসপ্যাক - Spotless Skin Permanently - Duration: 3:50.

English Subtitle Coming Soon

For more infomation >> ত্বকের কালো দাগ দূর করতে কলা আর মধুর অসাধারণ ফেসপ্যাক - Spotless Skin Permanently - Duration: 3:50.


Ege'nin Hamsisi/ Aegean Anchovy Trailer - Episode 22 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:43.

He is very smart and clever but he never used it for things that are sensible.

My return has been magnificent, right?


Where is wheeling and dealing, he has been there.

I have a fiance named Tayyar.

If he touches you, you'd lose your footing.

- Sorry, sister. - Such insolence!


Enough! Sister.

These man have a problem with me.

- You are going to trash me at the cemetery? - First I will trash you, then I will bury you.

- It's not easy to abduct a man with a heavy hand! - Not easy at all!

For more infomation >> Ege'nin Hamsisi/ Aegean Anchovy Trailer - Episode 22 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:43.


Why you shouldn't post links to PDFs on social media without informing your audience - Duration: 1:48.

So stop what you're doing if you post links to monthly reports or to PDFs in general.

Watch this video.

I feel like it's pretty much an Internet epidemic especially on LinkedIn.

I think people just don't really know the best practices.

But when I'm surfing LinkedIn on my phone the last

thing that I want to do is open a PDF or automatically

download a PDF to my phone. Do you know how hard it is to

actually read the PDF on your phone?! You have to zoom in.

(This is me making the PDF bigger.) And then kind of thumbing

around so that you can get to all the columns and read everything. It's just not user friendly.

While PDFs are great for printing things out or reading them on your desktop,

or maybe you have a document that you want formatted correctly.

That's all amazing. But tell me first that you're linking me to a that you want formatted PDF

so I'm not surprised when I open it.

Just don't fucking do it.

Can you please stop linking me to PDFs?

Have a landing page that you're pushing people to.

And then on that landing page have something like

"Download the PDF now" or whatever it may be, but don't just

blindly tell people click below and not tell them that

they're going to be opening a PDF. I don't want to download these things to my phone

Or have the text from the PDF actually on

website as HTML and then have a PDF that's printable.

So, I guess I'm try to say is

don't link to PDFs because it's not best practice and it's fucking annoying.


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