Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,
or any other events are purely coincidental.
My granddaughter must cross the border.
I told you I didn't do that stuff anymore,
but you help me, I help you.
You got over Dad quickly.
Were you spying on us?
All I see is a criminal who deserves
to have his nose broken.
I'm surprised your wife would say that
after everything we did together.
What did you do, -------? Tell me!
<i> It's time to retrieve</i> <i> what's mine.</i>
I need that money underneath the governmental palace.
What's the plan?
To beat Teca to the punch and take his stash.
What are you going to do to me?
We're going to a family get-together.
Your grandpa really wants to see you.
Get to work. This ain't the beach.
You too. Coordinate everything properly.
Let's go. Move it.
How'd you sleep?
Better than ever.
I'm happy to hear it.
I want my guests to be happy.
Here. A gun.
For you to defend yourself or kill somebody or whatever.
I have to kill someone?
It's just a figure of speech.
Like kill or be killed.
Tuti looks so happy at her new place.
What are you doing touching her, fool?
It's fine.
Who's this? Your little brother?
Rooster found her a fancy place.
Thanks, Hierbatero.
You're welcome, boss.
Make sure everyone has extra magazines.
We'll place the ammo and explosives
in the black truck and the bulletproof vests
in the gray one.
We have to find the money before Teca does.
Quickly. In and out.
Alberto, you think all this is legit?
If it's a trap, we'll find out soon enough, don't you think?
So we'll just attack head on.
We're ready for anything.
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Come here.
Let me ask you a question.
Any word on Vicenta?
She called that one time, hung up,
and that's the last I heard from her.
Don't worry, I'm sure she'll call again.
Leticia, are you coming with us?
No, I'm staying with Almeida at the lab so we can coordinate.
That way we ensure that nothing goes wrong.
We've got to hurry.
-You got a radio for me? -Here it is.
Grab a weapon.
Let's close this.
-You all set? -Yes, sir.
I don't want to hurt your mom.
Or your girlfriend.
Or the sluts she's always hanging out with.
But if you leave again,
they can hide or move to a different country
or change identities or get ------- plastic surgery,
but I will find them and kill them!
Is that clear?
Boss, Teca's men attacked the club.
They left a message behind.
I'm going to kill that bastard.
I can't hear you!
Yes, I'm clear.
But why do you say it? You know I want to be with you
and work by your side.
I told you that Rooster and that FBI agent kidnapped me.
I didn't leave because I wanted to.
And just like the Aceros have hurt you,
they've hurt my mom.
I want to see those people dead just like you do.
Very good.
I just needed to hear it.
Next time I give you a weapon, you defend yourself,
even if it's me grabbing you by the neck.
-Relax. -Relax?
We agreed we were going to make this work, didn't we?
We didn't agree to anything.
-We didn't? -No, we didn't.
Did we?
Come with me.
Alvaro, don't do that. You'll kill him.
Let him go!
Come with me.
Are the trucks loaded?
Yes, sir.
Ramoncito, take Brutus and Hierbatero.
You two listen to everything he says.
Why this rat? He's new to the organization.
Because in the short time he's been with us
he's proven to have bigger ----- than both of you.
What happens if Rooster or the cops show up?
We'll be ready for them.
Seems risky to me.
Yes, I know it is, but we have to hope everything works out.
Now that I think about it, Teca wouldn't be dumb enough
to go over there with Hector behind bars.
If he hid the money underneath the governmental palace,
well, what can you say about that?
That he's smart. Who'd look there for it?
Look who's here.
Gomez, what do you have for us?
He's efficient.
Everything you requested.
Uniforms and IDs.
Go hand them out.
Excuse me.
Alberto, let's go over this one last time.
Rooster, you and your men will enter through the main entrance
and head straight to the basement.
You and your men will head up top.
Yes, and Azuceno will be outside,
making sure everything goes smoothly.
-We're ready. -Hey, be very careful.
Let's get this show on the road!
Come here.
Don't worry.
Let's go.
Come here before you get run over.
We'll be in touch.
I just hope everything goes well.
It will.
May I come in? I want to talk.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea...
How'd you sleep?
I couldn't stop dreaming bad things.
You had a nightmare?
Yeah, I dreamt we couldn't cross
and that Immigration arrested me and threw me
in one of those ICE meat lockers,
never to see anybody again.
I need you to trust me.
We need to have cool heads or we'll get caught.
Everything's going to be fine, don't freak out.
Look at this long line, and Mr. Nice Guy
hates when people are late.
We'll get there, Meche.
Good morning, Danielito.
I made you a wonderful breakfast.
Eat it all before it gets cold.
Take good care of my Danielito.
Count on it.
We love him like he was our own.
Sometimes I feel like I'm his mother.
The kid's going to have a great time.
Thank you.
Hey, I won't be long.
I'll be back in a jiffy.
What if something happens to you?
Nothing's going to happen.
The Holy Virgin will be protecting me from heaven,
and she'll be watching over you too.
I want to protect you too.
I know, but where I'm going, kids aren't allowed.
And you can help me by staying here
and not getting into trouble and behaving yourself.
And by going to bed early.
Come here.
Bless me.
Behave yourself.
I try and I try, but I can't clear my mind.
I tell myself not to think of anything,
but I can't help but think of everything.
How do you do it?
Elenita, it takes a long time to master meditation.
You must be patient.
Once you can achieve it, your life will totally change.
Lucas, Danielito's gone.
He's not in his room.
I asked around and nobody's seen him.
What if he was kidnapped?
Calm down, Nancy. That's impossible.
We slept in the same room all night.
But we didn't tuck him in and he told us...
He's got to be somewhere.
I looked everywhere for him, and Vicenta's got many enemies.
Let's not jump to conclusions.
Did you check Jimmy's room?
Yes, I checked there, the kitchen, the backyard.
Let's keep looking for him.
What if he was kidnapped?
He's probably hiding. We'll ask around.
Thank you very much.
If I see a baby who resembles you and your wife,
I'll let you know.
I suppose so.
Next time they request a white kid, you bring me a white kid!
Vicenta, I just heard a noise back there.
You're probably just stressed out.
No, I think somebody's back there spying on us.
I swear I heard something.
We'll have to pull over.
I can't risk them inspecting the truck.
If they say anything, we're just going to the bathroom.
I'm so tense.
I've got a bad feeling about this.
Elizabeth couldn't have just disappeared.
Calm down, we'll find her.
She didn't even spend the night here.
The last time I saw her was after her riding lessons.
Maybe she went back there.
No, I called the caretaker, who said she didn't.
Besides, I don't think Elizabeth would go back there.
Why not?
See you tomorrow.
See you.
You seem to have forgotten my father quickly.
You're imagining things.
Know what bothers me most?
That you keep saying how much you miss my father,
that life isn't the same without him.
These lessons are just an excuse to find yourself
a new boyfriend, you hypocrite.
She got upset with me yesterday.
She thinks I like the instructor.
Let's search the house for her. I promise she'll turn up.
Kids, please help us find Elizabeth.
Let's look over here.
But where? Yes, her room.
Elizabeth, where are you?
Come out! Don't hide!
What if something bad happened to her?
No, she probably did something bad.
I always hide when Mom and Dad scold me,
or when I don't want to show them my grades.
Don't be dumb!
Let's look for her in the storage room.
Elizabeth! Where are you?
Be right back.
Don't move.
Don't worry.
What are you doing here, sweetie?
Sorry I scared you, but why are you here?
How could you do this to me?
Something bad could've happened.
How long have you been hiding there?
But nothing happened to me. I just wanted to protect you.
Honey, please don't do that again.
Are you mad I hid in the truck?
No, I could never be mad at you.
But what if something had happened to you
or somebody kidnapped you? How long have you been there?
Were you cold? Are you hungry? Did you eat?
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