Thursday, December 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 21 2018

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events are purely coincidental.



My granddaughter must cross the border.

I told you I didn't do that stuff anymore,

but you help me, I help you.

You got over Dad quickly.

Were you spying on us?


All I see is a criminal who deserves

to have his nose broken.

I'm surprised your wife would say that

after everything we did together.

What did you do, -------? Tell me!

<i> It's time to retrieve</i> <i> what's mine.</i>

I need that money underneath the governmental palace.

What's the plan?

To beat Teca to the punch and take his stash.

What are you going to do to me?

We're going to a family get-together.

Your grandpa really wants to see you.

Get to work. This ain't the beach.

You too. Coordinate everything properly.

Let's go. Move it.


How'd you sleep?


Better than ever.

I'm happy to hear it.

I want my guests to be happy.

Here. A gun.

For you to defend yourself or kill somebody or whatever.

I have to kill someone?

It's just a figure of speech.

Like kill or be killed.



Tuti looks so happy at her new place.

What are you doing touching her, fool?


It's fine.

Who's this? Your little brother?


Rooster found her a fancy place.

Thanks, Hierbatero.

You're welcome, boss.

Make sure everyone has extra magazines.

We'll place the ammo and explosives

in the black truck and the bulletproof vests

in the gray one.


We have to find the money before Teca does.

Quickly. In and out.

Alberto, you think all this is legit?

If it's a trap, we'll find out soon enough, don't you think?

So we'll just attack head on.

We're ready for anything.

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Come here.

Let me ask you a question.

Any word on Vicenta?


She called that one time, hung up,

and that's the last I heard from her.


Don't worry, I'm sure she'll call again.

Leticia, are you coming with us?

No, I'm staying with Almeida at the lab so we can coordinate.

That way we ensure that nothing goes wrong.

We've got to hurry.

-You got a radio for me? -Here it is.


Grab a weapon.

Let's close this.

-You all set? -Yes, sir.

I don't want to hurt your mom.

Or your girlfriend.

Or the sluts she's always hanging out with.

But if you leave again,

they can hide or move to a different country

or change identities or get ------- plastic surgery,

but I will find them and kill them!

Is that clear?

Boss, Teca's men attacked the club.

They left a message behind.

I'm going to kill that bastard.

I can't hear you!

Yes, I'm clear.


But why do you say it? You know I want to be with you

and work by your side.

I told you that Rooster and that FBI agent kidnapped me.

I didn't leave because I wanted to.

And just like the Aceros have hurt you,

they've hurt my mom.

I want to see those people dead just like you do.

Very good.

I just needed to hear it.

Next time I give you a weapon, you defend yourself,

even if it's me grabbing you by the neck.

-Relax. -Relax?

We agreed we were going to make this work, didn't we?

We didn't agree to anything.

-We didn't? -No, we didn't.

Did we?

Come with me.



Alvaro, don't do that. You'll kill him.


Let him go!

Come with me.

Are the trucks loaded?

Yes, sir.


Ramoncito, take Brutus and Hierbatero.

You two listen to everything he says.

Why this rat? He's new to the organization.

Because in the short time he's been with us

he's proven to have bigger ----- than both of you.

What happens if Rooster or the cops show up?

We'll be ready for them.

Seems risky to me.

Yes, I know it is, but we have to hope everything works out.

Now that I think about it, Teca wouldn't be dumb enough

to go over there with Hector behind bars.

If he hid the money underneath the governmental palace,

well, what can you say about that?

That he's smart. Who'd look there for it?

Look who's here.

Gomez, what do you have for us?

He's efficient.

Everything you requested.

Uniforms and IDs.

Go hand them out.

Excuse me.


Alberto, let's go over this one last time.

Rooster, you and your men will enter through the main entrance

and head straight to the basement.

You and your men will head up top.

Yes, and Azuceno will be outside,

making sure everything goes smoothly.

-We're ready. -Hey, be very careful.

Let's get this show on the road!

Come here.

Don't worry.

Let's go.

Come here before you get run over.

We'll be in touch.

I just hope everything goes well.

It will.


May I come in? I want to talk.

I don't want you to get the wrong idea...



How'd you sleep?


I couldn't stop dreaming bad things.

You had a nightmare?

Yeah, I dreamt we couldn't cross

and that Immigration arrested me and threw me

in one of those ICE meat lockers,

never to see anybody again.

I need you to trust me.

We need to have cool heads or we'll get caught.

Everything's going to be fine, don't freak out.

Look at this long line, and Mr. Nice Guy

hates when people are late.

We'll get there, Meche.

Good morning, Danielito.

I made you a wonderful breakfast.

Eat it all before it gets cold.


Take good care of my Danielito.

Count on it.

We love him like he was our own.

Sometimes I feel like I'm his mother.

The kid's going to have a great time.

Thank you.


Hey, I won't be long.

I'll be back in a jiffy.

What if something happens to you?

Nothing's going to happen.

The Holy Virgin will be protecting me from heaven,

and she'll be watching over you too.

I want to protect you too.

I know, but where I'm going, kids aren't allowed.

And you can help me by staying here

and not getting into trouble and behaving yourself.

And by going to bed early.

Come here.

Bless me.

Behave yourself.

I try and I try, but I can't clear my mind.

I tell myself not to think of anything,

but I can't help but think of everything.

How do you do it?

Elenita, it takes a long time to master meditation.

You must be patient.

Once you can achieve it, your life will totally change.

Lucas, Danielito's gone.


He's not in his room.

I asked around and nobody's seen him.

What if he was kidnapped?

Calm down, Nancy. That's impossible.

We slept in the same room all night.

But we didn't tuck him in and he told us...

He's got to be somewhere.

I looked everywhere for him, and Vicenta's got many enemies.

Let's not jump to conclusions.

Did you check Jimmy's room?

Yes, I checked there, the kitchen, the backyard.


Let's keep looking for him.

What if he was kidnapped?

He's probably hiding. We'll ask around.

Thank you very much.

If I see a baby who resembles you and your wife,

I'll let you know.

I suppose so.

Next time they request a white kid, you bring me a white kid!

Vicenta, I just heard a noise back there.

You're probably just stressed out.

No, I think somebody's back there spying on us.

I swear I heard something.

We'll have to pull over.

I can't risk them inspecting the truck.

If they say anything, we're just going to the bathroom.

I'm so tense.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

Elizabeth couldn't have just disappeared.

Calm down, we'll find her.


She didn't even spend the night here.

The last time I saw her was after her riding lessons.

Maybe she went back there.

No, I called the caretaker, who said she didn't.

Besides, I don't think Elizabeth would go back there.

Why not?

See you tomorrow.

See you.

You seem to have forgotten my father quickly.

You're imagining things.

Know what bothers me most?

That you keep saying how much you miss my father,

that life isn't the same without him.

These lessons are just an excuse to find yourself

a new boyfriend, you hypocrite.

She got upset with me yesterday.

She thinks I like the instructor.

Let's search the house for her. I promise she'll turn up.

Kids, please help us find Elizabeth.

Let's look over here.

But where? Yes, her room.

Elizabeth, where are you?

Come out! Don't hide!

What if something bad happened to her?

No, she probably did something bad.

I always hide when Mom and Dad scold me,

or when I don't want to show them my grades.

Don't be dumb!

Let's look for her in the storage room.

Elizabeth! Where are you?

Be right back.

Don't move.

Don't worry.




What are you doing here, sweetie?

Sorry I scared you, but why are you here?

How could you do this to me?

Something bad could've happened.

How long have you been hiding there?

But nothing happened to me. I just wanted to protect you.

Honey, please don't do that again.

Are you mad I hid in the truck?

No, I could never be mad at you.

But what if something had happened to you

or somebody kidnapped you? How long have you been there?

Were you cold? Are you hungry? Did you eat?

For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 45 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:32.


Esa No Soy Yo 👦🏻💅👧🏼 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 31:28.

For more infomation >> Esa No Soy Yo 👦🏻💅👧🏼 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 31:28.


Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 71 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:44.


Kill me.

Or you can use it to kill Circe.

What if the Ibarras are right

and the confiscation of the drugs was no coincidence?

Don't take this the wrong way, you didn't betray us,

but what about Diego?

Don't you worry, we'll see each other soon.

-You're of no use to me. -You're threatening me now?

Piochas, you know what you have to do.

All I'll say is that Gavino didn't kill my brother.

I'm gonna mess you up and...

Do it!

I want to know if Diego spilled the beans.

Oh, damn.

I need him to pay.

I want to see him suffer.

I want it to hurt, even if it's just a little.

It's nice to be back home.

This is my home, my beloved Mexico.

Nobody's getting me out of here.



Hi, Porfirio.

Want some breakfast?

No. Thank you.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Why?

You're quiet.

That makes two of us, Chabela.

You were very quiet yourself when we got back from Babel.

I figured you'd gotten into a fight with someone there.

-No? -No.

No. Not at all.

Nothing happened with Paloma?


I only ask because she's annoying.

Did something happen between you and Paloma

that you want to discuss?

You're so hot.

Oh, Corona!

What is it?

I can't.

What do you mean you can't?

Not at all. Did you see us arguing?

No, and everyone at Babel likes you.

Alright. Can you take care of this?

Yeah, I'll clean up in a bit.

I'm going to brush my teeth. See you later.

I'm going to go to sleep. I'm exhausted.

-I'll call you later. -Cool.

I'll do the same. I have to go see Gaby.

-Go for it. -Hey.

If you need to talk, I'm here for you.

Talk? About what?

Don't play dumb. Hello, ma'am.

Hi, Mrs. Mari.

I know you very well.

I understand if you don't want to tell me.

Just know that I'm here for you.

I know.

-Take care. -Hey.

Thank you for always being there for me.

It's nice to know you're there even when you get in my way.

-Thanks, man. -You got it.


<i> Diego.</i> <i> Hi.</i>

Hey... there's something I want to tell you,

but not over the phone.

If possible, I'd like to meet with you.

I'm on my way. Yeah.

Where's the report I asked for, Chavez?

I asked for the vehicle's license plate number.

Oh, we haven't received any results yet, sir.

Notify me as soon as you do. Hey, only notify me.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Gavino.

<i> Do you have any updates?</i>


It seems Mr. Augusto had enough time to get away.

<i> Any idea where he could be?</i>

No, but I have an address and phone number in Mexico City.

I think that bastard is probably hiding there.

You talked Jim up so much that now I have feelings for him.


Bravo! I knew it!

-Don't. -Tell me everything.

Do you have feelings for him or are you in love with him?

It's basically the same thing. He's my friend and boss.

We work together.

Thinking about him is making things more difficult.

What? Have you seen him?

He's very handsome.

He's tall and very attractive.

-He's perfect! Sleep with him! -Shut up!

-Want me to sleep with him? -Shut up! You're so rude!

Besides, I can't because he and Paloma have a history.

-Paloma's my friend and... -That happened years ago.

There's nothing wrong with it. What if he likes you too?

-He doesn't. -He does too.

If he did, I would've noticed.

He's a man. Maybe he hasn't mentioned it

because he thinks you only see him as a friend.

He would've said something by now.

Here's some sisterly advice: Go for it.

Are you crazy? What would I say?

-Forget it. -Who cares if he says no?

Quit giving me silly advice.

I'm not some 15-year-old who overthinks everything.

-Not happening. -He's so hot, though.

Yes, I know! Please stop.

Speak of the devil.

-I'll reply. -What? Give me my phone.

He's here.

"Okay, babe. I'll be right out. I love you."

Why are you wearing shorts?

What do you care? Give me my phone back.

Where are you going?

We're going to visit Nuria.

The girls and I agreed to take turns checking in on her.

-You're so boring. -Boring? I hate you.

Bye. I'll be back in a bit.

Have fun! Don't worry about me.

Shut up. Bye, kiddo.

I love you.


Let's see here. This one.

-Mara. -Chucho!

It's great to have you back!

How are you? Are you staying?

You brought your bag, so that means you are.

I just got in. I want to find a job.

Gaby's gonna be thrilled. Gaby, look who's here!

-Gaby's here? -Yes!

Immigration is keeping close tabs on her.

They could come for her at any moment.

No kidding? What are you going to do?

I'm not really sure. I think we're going to leave.

Gaby, get down here!

I'm looking for Diego. Have you seen him?

Diego? Oh, Emiliano.


We saw something, but we don't really know what's going on.

-Here comes Gaby. -What is it?

-Look who's here! -Hi, Gaby!

Chuchito, you're back! How are you?

I'm so happy to see you! I missed you!

Me too. It's nice to see you, too

He's so sweet!

Augusto, no.

What are you going to do? Please don't.




Open up, sweetheart.

If you don't, then I will.

Augusto, please don't! Let me go!

Please don't do this.

Are you going to leave now or later?

I swear I'll leave now. Please, just let me go.


Augusto, please!

Not so brave, are we?


You and your sister are going to leave this house,

but first you're going to give me what I always wanted...

Augusto, please don't.

... and never asked for.

Don't fight back.

If you do, I'll kill you.


Do you think they'll come?

Maybe they backed out.

No, they'll come. They'll be here soon.

Hi. We're here.

Mateo took advantage of them and they want to report him.

I don't know what to say. Thank you for being here.

We have to be heard and someone has to make that bastard pay.

That's right, sweetheart.

We should go inside if we're ready.

-Augusto, please. -Shut up!

I can't stand women who cry over nothing.

Please! Let me go!

-Please! -Now you want to play nice.

Last time, you weren't into it.

You even kicked me in the -----.

I'm sorry!


I can't stand women who cry over nothing!

Augusto, please let me go!

No, I won't.

-I'm sorry. -You women are all the same.

The only way you learn is with a good beating.

You don't get to leave until I say so.

Augusto, please! What do you want from me?

Take your clothes off.

-What? -Are you deaf?

Take your clothes off!

Now! Take them off!

Okay, okay!

Take them off!

Alright, alright.

No, not like that.

Dance for me like the whores

from the brothel where your sister works.

-Please don't. -Play some music.

-No, no... -Play some music!

-Stop it. -Gaby.

We need to have a serious conversation.

I know, but I've missed you so much!

You weren't away for that long.

-I missed you so much. -Me too, but we need to talk.

I have something important to tell you.

What is it?

Stop it. We're outside.

Let's go to your room.

You won't like what I have to say.

Sorry to interrupt. Where's Diego?

-Excuse me. -I'll catch up to you.

When we parted ways, he said he was going to catch some Zs.

Liar. He never came home.

Did you call him?

Yeah, but he's not answering.


How... are you?

Not well.

Can I give you a hug?


For more infomation >> Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 71 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:44.


Un violador enamorado 👩🏻✋👨🏾‍💼 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:43.

For more infomation >> Un violador enamorado 👩🏻✋👨🏾‍💼 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:43.


La Sultana | Capítulo 36 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:05.

Yes, Cennet.

Dervis Pasha.

He's been executed by our Sultan.

You'll pay too.

They'll order his execution.A.

They were in love.

Your Majesty...

I'm sorry for your loss, Your Majesty.

I'm sorry for our loss.

We were so close to being free when Humasa showed up.

And she talks about sacrifice.

She's never been in love.

What's wrong? Am I wrong?

If it's the sultan's wish, we can't complain.

Besides, I have nothing against Humasa.

Soon you will.

Remember, she's Safiye Sultan's daughter.

She should go back to Egypt. It's the best for everyone.

Don't get me involved, Sultana.

At least for now.

And I've decided

that Bulbul Aga

will be my right-hand man from now on.

That's not possible, Sultana.

Bulbul Aga has been punished and demoted.

His punishment is over.

If anyone has objections, say it to my face.

But remember, I have no protégés.

None of you has privileges.

Your Majesty, we were lucky to hunt something.

I hope you can clear your mind.

Me too, Mehmet.

Isn't Your Majesty going to eat?

Come in.

Your Majesty, I'll go to the city.

Kosem Sultan needs me there.

Sultana, did you send for me?

I need a map, Cennet.

Where are you going?

I'm worried. I can't take it anymore.

I'm going to Edirne. I need to see him.

But the sultan's just left.

It's only been a few days.

And Humasa Sultan...

maybe she won't allow you.

I don't care.

Take care of my princes, Eycan.

Don't take your eyes off them.

Sultana, Kosem Sultan...


What is it, Kosem? What's the rush?

I want to go to Edirne Palace to see the Sultan.

The Agas told me I can't leave without your permission.

It's not personal, Kosem.

Please, don't take offense.

It applies to everybody.

From now on, everybody must follow the rules.

Where do you come from?

Are you deaf?

He's very well dressed.

Are you a Pasha or something?

I don't want to break the rules, Sultana.

If I need your permission, I'll gladly ask for it.

I want to be with him.

I'm worried.

If the sultan had wanted,

he would've taken you with him, right?

Maybe he's running away from you.

Maybe your face reminds him of his mother.

Or maybe you remind him of Dervis Pasha,

because you despised him.

You should stay away from him.


you're not allowed to leave this palace

to see His Majesty.

-Sultana, I... -You're dismissed.

Nice sword.


Do you think something happened to him?

Allah forbid, Prince.

You wait here. Iskender.

Sultana, we shouldn't cause any more trouble.

What are we going to tell His Majesty?hd


Come in.

Has Odabasi, Halime Sultan wants to see you.

Send her in.


To what do I owe the pleasure?

Kosem Sultan.

It's in her nature to be uncontrollable.

Honestly, it's hard to control her.

I wonder what she did this time.

You know Kosem.

She didn't follow Humasa's order and left the palace.

She did?

She said she'd go to Edirne to see the sultan.


Allah, how could she leave on her own?

Excuse me, Sultana, but I need to join her.

It's very fancy.

It is.

Maybe too much for Zulfikar.

Aga, what way do we take?


I said the shorter one.

Don't choose that way, Sultana. It's very dangerous.

I won't say it twice.

Malkara's route.

Let's go.

Sultana, Halime Sultan can't keep a secret.

She told Zulfikar Aga Kosem had left the palace.

And of course Has Odabasi went after her.

I hope he doesn't ruin our plan.

Relax, Bulbul.

Everything will go as planned.

All we have to do is wait.

And that's what we'll do.

Okay, Sultana.

Safiye Sultan must be worried right now.

I hope you're right and everything works out fine.

You can count on that.

<i> If you need comfort,</i>

<i> you have the smile</i> <i> of your two sons</i>

<i> and the ones</i> <i> who haven't been born yet.</i>

<i> You're the fertile ground</i> <i> that makes my body germinate.</i>

<i> Please, don't uproot me.</i>

<i> If you don't come to us,</i>

<i> we'll come to you.</i>

<i> I swear.</i>

Come on, move that branch.

Keep it down, Aga.

This tree isn't here by chance. It's suspicious.

You think so?

Haci Aga.

Everybody, protect the Sultana.



Run, Haci Aga.

Don't move, or I'll slit your throat.

<i> Edirne Palace.</i>

For more infomation >> La Sultana | Capítulo 36 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:05.


Iniesta y Torres, dos milagros para Japón: un 40% más de público desde su llegada - Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Iniesta y Torres, dos milagros para Japón: un 40% más de público desde su llegada - Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 2:21.


Kit Ultra Ultra light Navidad - FELICES FIESTAS! - Duration: 4:29.

important important

do not try to buy this kit, as its sold out

5 million units where sold

good morning

this is the Christmas tent

what´s the weather?

hi from Melon Bites

Im in this place, doing some wind tests on this tent

leaving this tent

today´s mission

find some snow

its melting fast

and I will show you a Christmas Kit

so you can locate this place

"bola del Mundo"

its icy

that´s "bola del mundo"

that´s contaminated Madrid


Madrid, Segovia

"bola del Mundo"

the real reason to bring you here

is to show you this ultralight kit

this is the ultra ultra ultra light

its a kit with 5 items

that will change your life for ever

last generation items

with the most advanced technologies

the 5 items comes with a great light bag

made from gore tex

with a lifetime warranty

let´s see whats inside

the worlds most powerful headlamp

with 5000000 lumens

its to bright to use it

what else

the new natuhik towel

this is the micro micro micro fiber

when its dry its the smallest in the world

its amazing, it gets bigger when wet

for the techies

the new PANFROTTO tripod

its made from titanium and carbon fiber

its the most expensive in the world

being wating for this

the last and better ponchito from 3f

this is the one

the smaller, the lighter

this is ultra ultra

its amazing

and lastly

the kit kit

first aid kit

its the smalest first aid kit

last generation

its difficult to open, for security reasons.....


and all this in this great gore tex bag

weight tests

temporary available

thanks a lot for watching my videos!

wish you all happy holidays

and find some time, to enjoy nature

see you all in the next video

I don´t know where and about what

improvisation is great!

happy Christmas

For more infomation >> Kit Ultra Ultra light Navidad - FELICES FIESTAS! - Duration: 4:29.


Baby Shark Dance - Lingokids Edition - Songs for Kids - Duration: 3:00.

Cowy Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Cowy Shark doo doo doo doo doo,

Cowy Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Cowy Shark!

Elliot Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Elliot Shark doo doo doo doo doo,

Elliot Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Elliot Shark!

Billy Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Billy Shark doo doo doo doo doo,

Billy Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Billy Shark!

Lisa Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Lisa Shark doo doo doo doo doo,

Lisa Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Lisa Shark!

Hungry Sharks?


OK! Let´s go!

Hungry Sharks doo doo doo doo doo, Hungry Sharks doo doo doo doo doo,

Hungry Sharks doo doo doo doo doo, Hungry Sharks!

Cowy Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Cowy Shark doo doo doo doo doo,

Cowy Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Cowy Shark!

Elliot Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Elliot Shark doo doo doo doo doo,

Elliot Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Elliot Shark!

Billy Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Billy Shark doo doo doo doo doo,

Billy Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Billy Shark!

Lisa Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Lisa Shark doo doo doo doo doo,

Lisa Shark doo doo doo doo doo, Lisa Shark!

Hungry Sharks?


OK! Let´s go!

Hungry Sharks doo doo doo doo doo, Hungry Sharks doo doo doo doo doo,

Hungry Sharks doo doo doo doo doo, Hungry Sharks!

It's the end doo doo doo doo doo, It's the end doo doo doo doo doo,

It's the end doo doo doo doo doo, It's the end!


This was a super fun pool party!

Bye Lingokids!

For more infomation >> Baby Shark Dance - Lingokids Edition - Songs for Kids - Duration: 3:00.


Kate Middleton «un cauchemar » avec William, elle moque ses bizarreries - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton «un cauchemar » avec William, elle moque ses bizarreries - Duration: 1:19.


EL COMIDISTA | Consejos de pescaderos para los que no tienen ni idea de comprar marisco - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> EL COMIDISTA | Consejos de pescaderos para los que no tienen ni idea de comprar marisco - Duration: 5:31.


La reina de Inglaterra Isabel II pondrá a prueba el sentido del humor de su familia - Duration: 2:06.

 Empiezan las primeras navidades de Meghan Markle como miembro de la familia real británica y, con ellas, continúa la adaptación de la exactriz norteamericana a las costumbres y tradiciones inglesas de su familia política

 Más allá del estricto protocolo, la noche de Nochebuena tiene lugar en Sandringham una tradición que poco encaja con el carácter regio que se le atribuye a Isabel II

Antes de cenar, es costumbre en la residencia navideña de la Reina, intercambiar regalos de broma y, parece ser, que cuanto más surrealistas sean, mejor

 Según publicó el Daily Star, el año pasado, en su primera Nochebuena real, Meghan Markle regaló a la abuela de su entonces prometido un hamster de juguete que gritaba al apretar y que despertó las carcajadas de toda la familia al ser desenvuelto

Este ratón de plástico se sumó así a la tapa de váter de cuero que la Princesa Ana regaló a su hermano Carlos o a la alfombrilla de baño de animal print que Diana de Gales compró para Sarah Ferguson

 Por suerte para Meghan, el año pasado nadie se olvidó de explicarle cómo era 'el juego', algo que no pasó con las primeras navidades de Lady Di con la familia real

Según se publicó en aquel entonces, la Princesa Diana no tenía ni idea del estilo de regalos que se harían y compró jereys de cachemira para todos


For more infomation >> La reina de Inglaterra Isabel II pondrá a prueba el sentido del humor de su familia - Duration: 2:06.


Zapatillas de verano, con triángulo de crochet - Duration: 8:06.

Welcome to "Hecho entre encinas"[made among the oaks]. My name is María Isabel, here is a new tutorial.

For crocheting the sandals, you will only need 1 ball and the hook number 00, well,

equivalent to 2,5mm and one meter of beading ribbon for the edges.

I have crocheted a flower first, if you want to crochet this one, you could just click on the link above

on the screen and then you convert it into a triangle.

On the first row, I crochet 3 DC cluster, 5 chains, a

S.C. and 3 DC cluster, a SC, and so on, this would be the corner

of the bottom, and at the bottom, I only crochet S.C. stitches

Here, I will crochet the other corner here, from this point

then, you cover these chains with S.C. stitches so they are more consistant.

They are different ways to convert it into a triangle, you can do it as you want.

this is only my way.

Then, I told you this was the point that would be the corner

I begin crocheting S.C around the chains.

then, 4 chains and a double treble.

but without finishing it, Yarn over twice and you go through all the loops.

4 chains and at the same place, I crochet a 3double treble cluster, that is,

double treble but you do not finish them, once more , once more and I go through all the loops now.

This would be the corner, it is larger because of that.

Now, 5 chains and SC stitches in the middle, 5 chains

Um... well, you can fill in this part

I begin, one, two, three, four, five and a SC and on this part I will crochet SC stitches

one, two, three, four, five, a SC on the SC of the previous row

5 SC around the chains

and here I have crocheted 5 chains, then, on the other side the same so it is symmetrical, one, two

three, four, five and here I do the same thing, it is the other corner with 3 Double treble cluster

4 chains and 3 double treble cluster.

then, I crochet a double treble without finishing it, once more, yarn over twice, once more, I go through

several times and I go through all the loop, 4 chains

and once more, yarn over twice and a double treble, without finishing it

once more, yarn over twice, once more, double treble without finishing it, the last time

and I go through all the loops and then

I will crochet SC stiches around the chains.

You can see this part is larger and here I want it to be


You only crochet SC stitches on the rest of the row but on the next row, you can crochet DC stitches where you want it to be larger

or SC stitches on this part that you want to be V-shaped.

and this part you want to be larger, you can crochet DC stitches until you have

the size you need for your triangle.

well, you can now start to do it yourself.

For more infomation >> Zapatillas de verano, con triángulo de crochet - Duration: 8:06.


Suso Álvarez amenaza con abandonar 'GH VIP 6' horas antes de la final - Duration: 2:06.

 Los nervios han jugado una mala pasada a Suso. El concursante parece no soportar ni un minuto más en la casa de Guadalix de la Sierra y así se lo ha hecho saber al super

El catalán se ha sentado en el confesionario para comunicar su abandono, una decisión muy precipitada dado que tan solo quedan unas pocas horas para que se celebre la gran final del concurso

Suso no parece estar muy contento con su paso por 'GH VIP 6', algo que ha manifestado en varias ocasiones cada vez que se ha percatado del apoyo exterior que tienen sus contrincantes, Miriam y El Koala

 "Yo quiero ganar el premio, no quiero ser finalista", ha llegado a decir el que fuera concursante de 'Gran Hermano 16', una declaración que refleja de alguna manera el temor que tiene Suso de regresar a la realidad

Pese a que el joven parecía estar dispuesto de hacer bomba de humo a última hora, sus compañeros han estado conversando con él y finalmente ha optado por continuar en la competencia

No cabe duda que Suso es todo un experto en lo que se refiere al mundo de los realitys -ya ha pasado por 'GH' y 'Supervivientes'-, pero todo apunta a que en esta ocasión no cuenta con todo el apoyo que le hubiera gustado

 [La promesa sexual que Aurah Ruiz ha hecho al finalista  tras su salida de 'GH VIP 6']  Este jueves los tres últimos habitantes de la casa de 'GH VIP 6' se enfrentarán al exterior

Después de tres meses Miriam, El Koala y Suso Álvarez saldrán del cautiverio en el que han estado durante más de tres meses, un esfuerzo de resistencia mental importante que

For more infomation >> Suso Álvarez amenaza con abandonar 'GH VIP 6' horas antes de la final - Duration: 2:06.


Sin emitir posicionamiento FEM por muerte de Dámaris - Duration: 1:18.

    Esta mañana, la Fiscal de Genero Wendy Chávez analizó en reunión todas las pruebas y videos que surgieron tras el incidente y esperan dar el posicionamiento en las siguientes horas

 A raíz del hecho surgieron dos versiones, la primera que la mujer murió de forma accidental al perder el equilibrio y la otra que decidió de forma intencional quitarse la vida

 En la muerte de la mujer, la FEM confirmó dos cosas, que Dámaris si tenia la carta póstuma y padecía enfermedad psicológica

 De acuerdo con la última actualización de los informes médicos, señalan que 1 de las pequeñas ya fue dada de alta en tanto que la otra aún permanece hospitalizada con condición estable

For more infomation >> Sin emitir posicionamiento FEM por muerte de Dámaris - Duration: 1:18.


Défilé du 20 désanm 2018 à Saint-Denis (fête kaf) - Duration: 11:36.

Hello guys and welcome to a huge celebration

Today is December 20,

and it marks 170 years...

since the abolition of slavery in French colonies.

An important day with a huge parade

For you, you just have to RELAX, CHILL and LISTEN:

And on that note, I'll see you...


And of course,...


For more infomation >> Défilé du 20 désanm 2018 à Saint-Denis (fête kaf) - Duration: 11:36.


Les réseaux sociaux, trop addicts ?! - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Les réseaux sociaux, trop addicts ?! - Duration: 8:34.



- Hi everybody ! - Hello !

Today, new day, we will do a historic tour with our friend Ruud

In the beautiful city of Arnhem, it's in the heart of the Netherlands

- And we are lucky to have a passionate guide to history - From the second world war!

He will tell us specifically the history of the "Arnhem Bridge"

Catches of the Arnhem bridge by the English, at least the tests

It's called "A bridge too far" I think, there is a film like that, we'll tell you all that!

We present you who is Ruud, right now!

Small very important point before starting this visit on the battle of Arnhem,

Know that Ruud is completely licensed to do this course, and to do the excavations,

- By the Arnhem Town Hall, and by the authorities - This is not the case of everyone,

- Do not try to find sockets, or grenades - It can be very dangerous!

because there are grenades that are still active, surely, in the soil

Know that special authorization is needed, and if we had the chance to do this report,

This is precisely because our guide, Ruud is entitled to do it!

Do not do silly things, do not go without authorization, and without knowledge especially!

We count on you !

- Where is Ruud? - Rrruuudd, Ruuuuddd

- Here we go, we're in the car with Ruud - Hi !

The biggest fan of "Voyage à Plein Temps" from the Netherlands

We'll do this trick, the Battle of Arnhem, the operation Market Garden

There, we are next to the fields where the parachutes, to take the Arnhem Bridge

The English arrived parachuted with these planes without an engine, to be as discreet as possible!

And these fields are actually 15 km from the bridge coveted by the Germans, as by the English

So the soldiers who landed here in parachute had to walk 15 km to get to the bridge,

Which has largely left time for Germans to see the English plan coming!

There was no effect of surprise for the shot!

- We are in fields that are next to the town of Wolfheze - And it's here that a lot of English,

That all the English besides, have landed with non-powered planes

who were towed by big planes with four engines, then dropped

and lands in all fields who are around us!

in fact it's impressive to see the number of planes that could have

The Germans were taken by surprise, because it was Saturday,

and the Germans did not know really not what was going to happen

And what told us Ruud, and who is pretty funny

is that there is a psychiatric hospital that is everything near, and the English arriving bombed it,

because they thought it could to be a barracks of Germans,

and all the people who were locked up in this psychiatric hospital have escaped

through the fields, and have come see the English who had just landed here

All the madmen were free, and around the English so the English have a lot of laughs about that

And now, it's a little fun side of the story

And Ruud goes here with metal detectors, and still finds pieces of the planters, the famous aircraft without engine

It's really a pleasure to visit this city with someone who is also passionate about his story,

because suddenly he tells us!

It is true that I am not particularly a big fan of war stories

but with someone so passionate, it makes the thing completely interesting!

- We hope to be able to communicate it too - So it's not easy, because you have to translate from English to French,

and in addition it's terms of the second world war, so it's not easy

So we will try to make as clear as possible, but we are sorry if sometimes it is not

So I asked Ruud what's the difference between the parachuting of men and those who have come with gliders

and he explained to me that with gliders, they could be six in

and they also carried ammunition, weapons, and Jeeps too

It was very big gliders! It will have allowed them that!

So that's the difference between parachuting and gliders

There we are on the North Road, this is the place by which the English had to pass

One of the places, there were three roads, the road North, the middle road, and the South Road

So this is one of the places by which the English had to go to the Arnhem Bridge

The problem is that the Germans were waiting for them, because they knew they were going to the bridge

What you also need to know is that in the woods, Germans, as they had preceded the English,

they had recovered ammunition and refueling the English!

And on that road, there were huge tanks that completely blocked the passage for the English

You have to know that the English arrived by parachute, so that they had nothing but their uniforms and guns

They had very little anti-tank that was very hard for them, so they could not resist against German tanks

Something happened too horrible during this clash,

is that Polish planes are arrived to help the English,

So they landed on the English side

And unfortunately the Poles have arrived with different uniforms, their uniforms,

and the English being under fire Germans were ordered to retreat,

and came face to face with the Poles who were coming to arrive and who were normally their allies,

but as they saw different uniforms, they thought it was German,

and they fired on the poles, the Poles defended themselves

and so the English were in the crossfire, those of the Poles and those of the Germans!

It created total chaos! So here there was a lot of damage!

That's a place where there is had a lot of massacres ...

On this side, it is the English side

On this side, it was German

It must have been English, for ammunition and refueling

And from there, it was also German

and the German tanks were positioned on this road here

And also there, it's the road North, to go to the bridge

So I do not know if I told you, but this operation from the Market Garden, so taking the Arnhem Bridge,

was orchestrated by Marshal Montgomery

and apparently she was much disparaged, because a lot of people told him he should not do it

that there were far too many Germans, that the strategic positions were not good

but he listened to himself, apparently he was a little too sure of himself

And we will continue the story through the key points of this battle

It must be known that this whole operation has been made for the war to end at Christmas 1944

And that was Marshal Montgomery's plan

- Unfortunately, as you you doubt it, it was a total failure! - Since it ended in 1945!

The river that flows here is the Rhine, and before trying to conquer the Arnhem Bridge,

the English tried to block this one

I do not know if you see it, Kim filmed it, we'll put it to you

But when they arrived, the Germans had destroyed the bridge, and the English tried to join Nijmegen

which is just a little further, it's 20 km away, but we see it really well because it's relatively flat!

Because Nijmegen was a city liberated by the allies

The English tried to cross, they were waiting for boats,

there were about 200 English people waiting on the shore to cross the other side

- Unfortunately, boats do not could accommodate only 10 people - And there were not many!

And there were not many boats, so it was very slow to cross,

There are some English people who have tried to cross swimming, and that sank, others were successful

And in the meantime, the Germans who were in point of height, exactly where one is,

bombarded them from this point, thanks to the tower which is right next, that I will film you

And the English were completely under the fire of the Germans

The photo you just saw represents the men who arrived alive until Nijmegen

- After crossing the Rhine - And there's the same picture on the other side,

And you have to know that on this crossing, there was more than 2000 people who died ...

This place is called Westerbouwing, and the Germans were trying to push the English back to the river,

and the general who was at the head of these soldiers were a little crazy,

You have to know that it was a SS infantry, so really the worst!

- They were young soldiers, as Marianne says, - The general who was at the head of this command,

was a little crazy, and he sent hundreds of young men, certainly SS, but directly to death

Because in fact the English were positioned here in small holes,

There is a hole where he had English, finally an English with a submachine gun,

therefore machine guns, and there was a little everywhere

So there, exactly where there is Ruud, there was the English soldier!

And he saw SS soldiers running, young boys and he had only to strafe them actually

And it was a carnage, so there is a wave, after they went back the SS,

their commander, completely crazy, told them  "You go back there, we are superior to all other races! "

While they were completely uncovered, the meadow makes them completely uncovered,

There is no tree, there is no bush!

And exactly where Ruud is, where there was the hole with the English soldier and the machine gun,

- We found, how many sockets Marianne? - Well, Ruud, who is doing research on the second world war

they found, in this hole there, more than 400 sockets!

You must know that all these stories are transcribed on both sides

That is, they found English texts, but also German texts,

And they crossed the stories, it's for we can talk about it with certainty

We go another point right away!

There we are on the south path to reach the Arnhem Bridge,

and here it was John Frost's regiment, so it was an English commander, who was with his troop

and who should join the Arnhem Bridge by the south road, this bridge has a crazy history,

- And we'll tell you - Besides, he still bears the traces

We'll show you that, it's a bit dark, sorry, but we'll go!

It should be known that there, the English walked, to go to the Arnhem Bridge,

So we just did exactly the same route than the one that the English did in 1944,

And the first man who walked forward, so the scout,

noticed that there was a vehicle of the army equipped with machine guns,

so they quickly got under the bridge and we can see on this wall all bullet impacts

Then the English decided to develop a strategy,

so they sent a small troop of men, six men, go over the bridge

to go destroy the jeep equipped with machine guns

The problem is that they came across soldiers Germans, they shot at them, they killed one

Two others stood up and said: "We surrender, we surrender!"

The six English soldiers wanting to recover them for the to make prisoners got up and went to see them

and that's when both German soldiers bent down,

and there was a machine gun behind who killed the six English soldiers

Among these six English soldiers, there were twins who are born 4 minutes apart,

and also died 4 minutes apart ...

- It's pretty amazing! - And it's after this massacre of the six soldiers English who had tried to cross,

that the Germans thought they could move on, so they have to cross the bridge,

and the English had put themselves in the little nook that's right there,

and they too have made sacred bullet impacts on the bridge!

This is the path that John Frost and his soldiers to go up to the Arnhem bridge which is there down

and hold it, the problem is that once they are here

there was a blockade of German with two machine guns to prevent them from going back

and there was also a blockade of Germans there, after buildings, to prevent them to go to the bridge

and what they did was that they threw smoke, to create an opaque wall for them to can go to the bridge!

And that's where they went on the bridge to hold it for four days, only 750!

They did not have to hold it normally only two days, more than 8000!

- So, here the story ends here! - You know everything about the Battle of Arnhem

- So it's a battle that lasted 10 days in all - The outcome of this battle is that the Germans won it,

and took the rest of the soldiers prisoner, so it was a German victory

But as we know, it is not they who won the war!

But it's not winning a battle that wins the war!

We hope you enjoyed this story, we thank Ruud for passing on his passion,

It's quite complicated to translate English, French, and not have a totally disjointed story!

In addition, we must remember everything very quickly, so it was pretty hard,

I hope it will be good enough, I hope you enjoyed this little piece of history

- If so, do not hesitate to put us a little like - Share if it may interest people around you

- There are drops on the lens, it starts to rain - We'll cut, we'll go eat!

We will continue to walk a little bit in Arnhem, and they make you big kisses!

For more infomation >> [VANLIFE #31] OPÉRATION MARKET GARDEN À ARNHEM - FOURGON AMÉNAGÉ - Duration: 12:57.


Jan Cartoon | Secret fruit basket # 42 | Best Learning Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Jan Cartoon | Secret fruit basket # 42 | Best Learning Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:01.


We Wish You A Merry Christmas - Play Doh Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 1:56.

Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.

For more infomation >> We Wish You A Merry Christmas - Play Doh Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 1:56.


Lẻ Bóng Cover | Micro Thu Âm ISK AT100, Sound Card XOX K10 - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Lẻ Bóng Cover | Micro Thu Âm ISK AT100, Sound Card XOX K10 - Duration: 7:11.


最新ニュース : 「NHK紅白歌合戦」の曲目発表 嵐は紅白SPメドレー、AKB48は「恋するフォーチュンクッキー」- 記事詳細| - Duration: 4:16.

  NHKが21日 大みそかの「第69回 HK紅白歌合戦」(後 時15)で出場歌手4 組(特別企画1組含む が披露する曲目を発表 た。  曲順は後日発 されるが、最終歌唱者 、デビュー40周年を えたサザンオールスタ ズが内定している

  <紅組> aik (13)カブトムシ  いみょん(初)マリー ールド いきものがか (10)じょいふる  川さゆり(41)天城 え AKB48(11 恋するフォーチュンク キー 丘みどり(2) の湖 欅坂46(3) ラスを割れ! 坂本冬 (30)夜桜お七 島 亜矢(5)時代 Su erfly(3)Gi ts DAOKO(初 打上花火 天童よしみ 23)ソーラン祭り節 018~どさんこve .~ TWICW(2 紅白メドレー2018 西野カナ(9)トリセ  乃木坂46(4)帰 道は遠回りしたくなる Perfume(11 FuturePop紅 SP 松田聖子(22 SEIKODREAM EDLEY2018  任谷由実(3)私が好 なユーミンのうた~紅 スペシャル~ MIS A(3)アイノカタチ 018 水森かおり( 6)水に咲く花・支笏 へ~イリュージョンス シャル~ Littl GleeMonste (2)世界はあなたに いかけている  <白 > 嵐(10)嵐×紅 スペシャルメドレー  木ひろし(48)VI A・LA・VIDA! 生きてるっていいね!  EXILE(12) XILE紅白スペシャ 2018 関ジャニ∞ 7)ここに King Prince(初)シ デレラガール 郷ひろ (31)GOLDFI GER'99~GO! O!2018~ Su hmos(初)VOL -AGE 三代目JS ulBrothers 7)R.Y.U.S. .I. 純烈(初)プ ポーズ SEKAIN OWARI(5)サザ カ SexyZone 6)カラクリだらけの ンダネス~2018紅 ver.~ DAPU P(6)U.S.A. 氷川きよし(19)勝 の花道~世界に響く和 鼓SP~ 福山雅治( 1)2018スペシャ メドレー (2) H y!Say!JUMP 2)UltraMus cPower~紅白ス シャルver.~ 星 源(4)アイデア 三 大知(2)BeMys lf~紅白スペシャル  三山ひろし(4)い っそ魂~けん玉世界記 への道、再び~ 山内 介(4)さらせ冬の嵐 刀剣男士コラボスペシ ル~ ゆず(9)うた ール YOSHIKI eat.HYDE(初 RedSwan  < 別企画> 椎名林檎( )と宮本浩次(初)獣 く細道  <企画コー ー> 刀剣男士(初) 剣乱舞~出陣!紅白歌 戦~ Aqours( )君のこころは輝いて かい?

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース : 「NHK紅白歌合戦」の曲目発表 嵐は紅白SPメドレー、AKB48は「恋するフォーチュンクッキー」- 記事詳細| - Duration: 4:16.


All I Want For Christmas Is You (Jazz version) Mariah Carey - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> All I Want For Christmas Is You (Jazz version) Mariah Carey - Duration: 3:25.


North Sentinel Island I sentinelese tribe I Andaman Tribes I RECTVMYSTERY - Duration: 7:44.

North Sentinel Island, by members of the indigenous community that he sought to convert to Christianity.

North Sentinel Island is part of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal

No missionary has ever got close enough to proselytise to them.

Chau took this as a challenge. He was killed shortly after arrival, his body visible from a distance on the beach. Indian police refrained from retrieving it.

Most of the media coverage has focused on the fact that Chau approached the Sentinelese in violation of Indian law

This reaction highlights the fact that much has changed in the last few decades in the way we think about indigenous people and their rights.

In the case of uncontacted peoples, this is interpreted to entail the right to be left alone.

Considering the devastating history of colonial interventions in the Andaman Islands

Very little is known about the Sentinelese. No outsider speaks their language.

For more infomation >> North Sentinel Island I sentinelese tribe I Andaman Tribes I RECTVMYSTERY - Duration: 7:44.


Không ngờ BÁN NGON + RẺ + DỄ THƯƠNG hèn chi XÂY NHÀ LẦU - CHỢ BÀN CỜ cận NOEL I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 13:42.

For more infomation >> Không ngờ BÁN NGON + RẺ + DỄ THƯƠNG hèn chi XÂY NHÀ LẦU - CHỢ BÀN CỜ cận NOEL I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 13:42.


Why I went to Japan for university? - Why did Japan accepted me? - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Why I went to Japan for university? - Why did Japan accepted me? - Duration: 6:33.


Mark Chesnutt - JITH - 2006 - (I was a photographer at this live concert) - Duration: 1:07:24.

For more infomation >> Mark Chesnutt - JITH - 2006 - (I was a photographer at this live concert) - Duration: 1:07:24.


Stop Stuttering or How I abolished the End of the World (prolonged speech technique) - Duration: 1:00.

Attention, please

There is not going to be the End of the World in 2012

I have abolished it

Thank You

For more infomation >> Stop Stuttering or How I abolished the End of the World (prolonged speech technique) - Duration: 1:00.


4. advent: Lær at lave en timer og Game Over-skærm i Scratch - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> 4. advent: Lær at lave en timer og Game Over-skærm i Scratch - Duration: 1:42.


Arsenal news: Arsene Wenger gives verdict on Unai Emery and new signings - Duration: 2:35.

 The Gunners have been in good form this season and find themselves fifth in the Premier League, three points behind Chelsea

 Emery brought five new faces to Arsenal in the summer, alongside transfer chief Sven Mislintat

 Stephan Lichtsteiner arrived on a free with Bernd Leno and Sokratis arriving from the Bundesliga

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Youngster Matteo Guendouzi and the impressive Lucas Torreira were also brought in by Emery as he looked to improve the Gunners

 And Wenger has admitted he is happy with the job the Spaniard is doing at the Emirates

 He told beIN Sports: "I think Emery is doing an excellent job. "With the recruits he has brought in, it has brought a form of defensive stability and so I think everything is going well

 "The team is in good hands and I always said that. A lot of people thought when I left the club that the team would need to completely rebuild – I never thought that

 "I am very happy that these people have been proven wrong." Questions remain over the future of Mesut Ozil at Arsenal though

 Emery left the midfielder out of his squad for the 2-0 defeat to Tottenham in the Carabao Cup on Wednesday night

 But when pushed on whether Ozil will be sold in January, the Spaniard was giving nothing away

 He said: "My focus now is analysing this match and also Saturday against Burnley is very important

 "We are going to assess every player, how they are tomorrow in training and for a difficult match against Burnley on Saturday

" Next up for Arsenal is a home clash with Burnley in the Premier League (12.30pm)

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Arsene Wenger gives verdict on Unai Emery and new signings - Duration: 2:35.


ENGİNAR | ABC Alfabe Meyveler Çizgi Film Serisi | E Harfi - Duration: 2:23.


Letter e





Where are you Artichoke?

Well, friends!

Here's a fresh, green Artichoke with full of energy!

At the same time, artichoke is one of the healthiest foods for children.

Artichoke has vitamins A, C and K.

Friends, I said earlier that the artichoke is full of energy,

so if you eat artichokes, you will get energy.

In addition, artichokes protects us from diseases.

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For more infomation >> ENGİNAR | ABC Alfabe Meyveler Çizgi Film Serisi | E Harfi - Duration: 2:23.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort, KERST AANBIEDING, Incl. Metallic - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort, KERST AANBIEDING, Incl. Metallic - Duration: 0:49.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort + Navigation Pack, RIJKLAAR, INCL. METALLIC - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort + Navigation Pack, RIJKLAAR, INCL. METALLIC - Duration: 0:49.


How to make Zig Zag Friendship Bracelet - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> How to make Zig Zag Friendship Bracelet - Duration: 3:56.


Poramon 2 - Full HD Movie | Bangla New HD Movie Poramon 2 Released | Siyam | Pujja Cherry - Duration: 47:46.

For more infomation >> Poramon 2 - Full HD Movie | Bangla New HD Movie Poramon 2 Released | Siyam | Pujja Cherry - Duration: 47:46.


Почему штраф за скорость ужесточат? - Duration: 3:56.

At a meeting of the government commission on road safety,

the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were instructed to

develop proposals to restore fines for speeding by more than 10 kilometers per hour,

canceled in September 2013.

These proposals should be prepared by the ministries

before March 1 of the next year.

Let's start from the beginning.

It would not have been these five years.

You can not return the past.

You can not return the past?


Well, of course you can.

In terms of road traffic deaths, Russia is ahead of many countries.

Therefore, improving road safety is definitely a good goal.

However, this news still raises several questions.

So, why in 2013, legislators, amended the Code of Administrative Offenses

to increase the threshold of lawful speeding from 10 to 20 km/h,

despite the insecurity of this innovation, which the Cabinet has spoken about today?

It turns out that the deputies did not think about the safety of people when making this decision.

Represent Bublikov died.

Why did he die?

I did not give such an order.

How did he die?

It is possible that at that moment they mistakenly believed

that the amendments did not pose a threat to people's life and health,

and now the government, having familiarized itself with reliable accident statistics due to speeding,

is in a hurry to correct deputies' fatal mistakes.

If I could go back to the beginning.

I would change everything.

However, in this case, it becomes not clear another.

Why is the deadline for this serious problem set before March 1, 2019,

that is, several months after its designation?

Is it just so that people do not spoil the upcoming holidays?

Think, Lyova!

We do not rush you Ivanovich.

Hurry us no where.

Probably still not safe. After all, both the government and legislators

will be able to live peacefully all this time, knowing that because of their inaction, many people may suffer.

According to statistics on the payment of fines for violation of traffic rules,

the main share of them are precisely the penalties for speeding in the range from 20 to 40 km / h.

In the current year alone, more than 81 million rulings were issued on this type of violations.

In other words, establishing responsibility for speeding by 10 km / h,

without a doubt, will significantly increase budget revenues.

Maybe not only him.

You have exceeded the speed on this part of the path.

Hold, we hurry.

Where did you see the bastard,

so that the traffic police employee took a bribe!

This is the traffic police!

Apparently, the main reason for tightening the law lies precisely in creating

conditions conducive to the growth of budget revenues,

and the connection between innovation and road safety is only a formal cover.

However, the government can be understood.

The budget has already lost millions of rubles from the cancellation of the "Spikes" sign.

Therefore, he has a reason to restore justice.

Moreover, changes in traffic rules do not require special justification.

Officially, they are all introduced solely to ensure the safety of road users.

I want to find fault, but not to anything.

Friends, seriously, breaking the speed limit is really very dangerous.

In this case, you risk your life as well as the lives of other people.

In addition, I can only say that while the government is preparing,

you can already begin to reorganize into moving at new speeds.

In this case, you will ensure real security, and prepare for the action of the new rules in advance.

Subscribe to the channel about everything with humor in order

to be aware of the most interesting news in the field of traffic

with a share of copyright humor. Take care of yourself, see you at our channel. Bye

For more infomation >> Почему штраф за скорость ужесточат? - Duration: 3:56.


HOW TO DRAW A RUDOLPH EMOJI | Best Christmas Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 2:59.

How to draw Rudolph

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW A RUDOLPH EMOJI | Best Christmas Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 2:59.


Pure Silk Spa Therapy Body Wash | Dollar Tree Gold? - Duration: 5:03.

hey guys welcome back to my channel so this week's Dollar Tree Gold is on the

Pierce Selke spa therapy body wash so if you'd like to see a full review of this

then please keep on watching also make sure that you guys subscribe to my

channel hit that notification valve bookmark my page I upload a video every

single day of the week and I know what you guys to miss any so guys obviously

picked this up at my local Dollar Tree it was a buck guys this is from pure

silk pure silk does the shaving cream okay I didn't know that they had body

washes guys this is coconut and oat flour guys really really nice this is a

fourteen fluid ounce bottle and guys it's not tested on animals which is

awesome kay it is made in Canada okay and guys the scent is very very light

it's got a very very light non-offensive fragrance so if you are sensitive to

fragrance you don't like a really harsh smelling body wash definitely check this

out it and guys I have been using this and guys I have to say it sets up really

really nicely and it's both too smooth and it's supposed to soothe dry skin has

the oat flour in it and coconut which is supposed to be moisturize into the skin

I've been using this for a couple of days and during the winter my skin gets

really sensitive - really - quite a few things and you don't like when you use

like a body wash or a lotion and like within a few minutes your skin feels

like really tight and like itchy and like you just go like this and you got

like flakes of skin coming off my skin gets that way during the winter and guys

I was really surprised because this did not cause that my skin didn't feel dry

it didn't feel tight it didn't fill itchy it's really a nice basic body wash

guys I mean I have my Nivea and dove body washes and those are like extremely

moisturizing absolutely love those but they're a little bit pricier but guys if

you are looking for a affordable moisturizing body wash I

at your local Dollar Tree looking for the pure silk spa therapy body wash k

it's bit moisture it moisturizes great it's it's clean rinsing though you know

how sometimes if something's too moisturizing it your skin still feels

slick or like you didn't rinse it off well enough that this funny watch does

not do that at use it comes off the skin great it but also leaves it very soft

and moisturized the biggest thing for me though is with the only being a buck and

didn't leave my skin like I said dry tight itchy flaky and just it's just a

really good basic body brush so if you are money's a little tight because you

know the holiday season and you need to pick up some body wash definitely check

out the pure silk a spa therapy body wash that quite a few different

fragrances I got the blue one which is the coconut and old flower really really

great body wash you get a large bottle you don't need a ton on your I use one

of those like netted bath puffs so I really really like this stuff smells

good but it's not overly scented it just has a very light fragrance and you it

doesn't linger it's not like when you get out of the shower or tub and like

caress I flew of caress but it caress is one of those body washes or bar soaps

that you can smell it for hours after you get out this you really can't even

smell it after you rinse it off so it's not going to be harsh or irritating to

people that do have sensitivities to fragrances but guys I really really like

this a lot and yeah I didn't even know that pure silk made body wash but I love

their shave cream and their body wash is really really good too just a basic

old-fashioned good body wash that is not tested on animals and it's moisturizing

and clean rinsing so I really really love this stuff but you guys I wanted to

do a short and sweet Dollar Tree cold this week but I hope you guys did enjoy

it guys is definitely a Dollar Tree golden my book for sure anyway guys if

you did enjoy this video please go ahead and give this video a thumbs up it

really helps me out also make sure you guys share this video

love getting the word out on a for products and yeah the Pierce silica body

wash is definitely one of them it's awesome awesome body wash and guys also

make sure you guys leave a comment down below what is your favorite type of

either body soap or body wash I'm always looking for new ones to try so leave it

down below in the comments and guys also make sure you guys follow me on my other

social media Twitter Facebook and Instagram it's all at budget glam babe I

will see you guys tomorrow for another video hope you guys have a great one bye

For more infomation >> Pure Silk Spa Therapy Body Wash | Dollar Tree Gold? - Duration: 5:03.


Apply Lipstick Step by Step to Have Sweet Lips - Duration: 3:09.

Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.

For more infomation >> Apply Lipstick Step by Step to Have Sweet Lips - Duration: 3:09.


DIAMOND Liquids vs The Buddy | Kick The Buddy gamehot 2019 - Duration: 13:58.

DIAMOND Liquids vs The Buddy | Kick The Buddy gamehot 2019

For more infomation >> DIAMOND Liquids vs The Buddy | Kick The Buddy gamehot 2019 - Duration: 13:58.


Arsenal news: Mesut Ozil transfer plans REVEALED and they could copy Chelsea - Duration: 2:28.

 Ozil - who only signed a new deal worth £350,000-a-week at the beginning of 2018 - has been marginalised by the Arsenal boss

 Having started just 11 of the Gunners' 26 matches in all competitions this season, Ozil has borne a lot of criticism from the fans over his work-rate, and he could move on when the window reopens

 Such has Ozil's standing at the Emirates plummeted that he wasn't even included in the match day squad for the 2-0 Carabao Cup quarter-final defeat against Tottenham on Wednesday

 According to The Times, the Gunners would prefer to offload Ozil to raise funds for new signings

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** But with the size of his salary, it is suggested that the north London outfit fear they will not be able to get a suitable offer for him

 Previously, the German midfielder was the subject of bids from Fenerbahce before he penned a three-and-a-half-year deal

 However, it is suggested that Arsenal may be forced to subsidise his wages in order to sanction a deal

 Should they do so, it would be similar to when Chelsea loaned out Fernando Torres to AC Milan

 And ESPN pundit Steve Nicol reckons Ozil's time at the Emirates is coming to an end

 He said: "Yes [I expect Ozil to leave]. "It's a matter of time. "I'm sure he will be hoping it will happen in January

 "Wages are going to be a problem. "But I think he will move and a deal will be sorted one way or the other

" Arsenal are in action at home to Burnley on Saturday (12.30pm).

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Mesut Ozil transfer plans REVEALED and they could copy Chelsea - Duration: 2:28.


林志玲的素顏,男人看了懷疑人生?粉絲:想不到天地差別! - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> 林志玲的素顏,男人看了懷疑人生?粉絲:想不到天地差別! - Duration: 5:24.


✅ O presidente Michel Temer sancionou a lei que cria a duplicata eletrônica - Duration: 2:01.

 O presidente Michel Temer sancionou nesta quinta-feira (20) uma lei que cria a chamada duplicata eletrônica, sistema no qual empresas poderão registrar comprovantes de crédito gerados pela venda de mercadorias ou prestação de serviços

 O modelo prevê o funcionamento de centrais autorizadas pelo BC (Banco Central), que vão concentrar a guarda dos títulos e fazer a transferência de titularidade

O BC deve regulamentar a atividade. A expectativa de especialistas do setor é de que o sistema entre em operação na segunda metade de 2019

 No modelo tradicional, os títulos são registrados em cartórios e as informações ficam dispersas, o que cria frestas para fraudes e falhas

Frequentemente, grandes clientes também criam restrições para o uso de recebíveis por parte de seus fornecedores

 Com o modelo eletrônico, as chances de fraudes são praticamente eliminadas

Além disso, credores potenciais terão mais condições de cruzar dados para medir o risco dos tomadores e oferecer crédito com taxas equivalentes

 A informação de inadimplentes será aberta. O texto obriga a adesão imediata de todos os cartórios de protesto do País a uma central nacional de serviços eletrônicos compartilhados

Esses cartórios terão que oferecer gratuitamente ao governo acesso às informações dos seus bancos de dados

 Segundo o texto, a duplicata em papel não será extinta e poderá ser emitida normalmente, especialmente em localidades menos desenvolvidas do país e com mais dificuldades de acesso aos recursos de informática

 A lei foi sancionada um dia após o Conselho Monetário Nacional ter regulamentado o uso de recebíveis de cartão de crédito como garantia de operações de crédito, em medida que visa estimular a concorrência e dar mais flexibilidade a lojistas

duplicata eletrônicamichel temersanciona

For more infomation >> ✅ O presidente Michel Temer sancionou a lei que cria a duplicata eletrônica - Duration: 2:01.


✅ Kim Kardashian faz sessão de fotos dirigida pela filha - Duration: 1:20.

Kim Kardashian compartilhou em seu Instagram, uma série de fotos junto com sua primogênita North West

A socialite não explicou do que se tratava a sessão de fotos em que ela está trabalhando, mas revelou que a filha de cinco anos a visitou no set e pediu para fazer uma sessão com a mãe

"Eu e minha melhor amiga. North veio me visitar no set e disse: 'mamãe, podemos fazer uma sessão de fotos juntas, só eu e você!'

Eu segui suas poses e direção, então aqui está! Eu sempre sonhei em ter uma menina e ela é perfeita!", derreteu-se Kim

As fotos tiveram mais de 2 milhões de 'likes', incluindo o da mulher que emprestou seu ventre para o nascimento de Chicago, La'Reina Haynes

Notícias Relacionadas   20/12/2018 | 19h00m - Julia Teixeira Aplicativos da família Kardashian vão chegar ao fim   19/12/2018 | 20h33m - Giovanna Prisco Kim Kardashian se emociona ao receber Jennifer Lopez em sua casa   18/12/2018 | 20h18m - Caroline Huertas Kim Kardashian exibe curvas e usa acessório diferentão

For more infomation >> ✅ Kim Kardashian faz sessão de fotos dirigida pela filha - Duration: 1:20.


EL COMIDISTA | Consejos de pescaderos para los que no tienen ni idea de comprar marisco - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> EL COMIDISTA | Consejos de pescaderos para los que no tienen ni idea de comprar marisco - Duration: 5:31.


Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 45 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:32.

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events are purely coincidental.



My granddaughter must cross the border.

I told you I didn't do that stuff anymore,

but you help me, I help you.

You got over Dad quickly.

Were you spying on us?


All I see is a criminal who deserves

to have his nose broken.

I'm surprised your wife would say that

after everything we did together.

What did you do, -------? Tell me!

<i> It's time to retrieve</i> <i> what's mine.</i>

I need that money underneath the governmental palace.

What's the plan?

To beat Teca to the punch and take his stash.

What are you going to do to me?

We're going to a family get-together.

Your grandpa really wants to see you.

Get to work. This ain't the beach.

You too. Coordinate everything properly.

Let's go. Move it.


How'd you sleep?


Better than ever.

I'm happy to hear it.

I want my guests to be happy.

Here. A gun.

For you to defend yourself or kill somebody or whatever.

I have to kill someone?

It's just a figure of speech.

Like kill or be killed.



Tuti looks so happy at her new place.

What are you doing touching her, fool?


It's fine.

Who's this? Your little brother?


Rooster found her a fancy place.

Thanks, Hierbatero.

You're welcome, boss.

Make sure everyone has extra magazines.

We'll place the ammo and explosives

in the black truck and the bulletproof vests

in the gray one.


We have to find the money before Teca does.

Quickly. In and out.

Alberto, you think all this is legit?

If it's a trap, we'll find out soon enough, don't you think?

So we'll just attack head on.

We're ready for anything.

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Come here.

Let me ask you a question.

Any word on Vicenta?


She called that one time, hung up,

and that's the last I heard from her.


Don't worry, I'm sure she'll call again.

Leticia, are you coming with us?

No, I'm staying with Almeida at the lab so we can coordinate.

That way we ensure that nothing goes wrong.

We've got to hurry.

-You got a radio for me? -Here it is.


Grab a weapon.

Let's close this.

-You all set? -Yes, sir.

I don't want to hurt your mom.

Or your girlfriend.

Or the sluts she's always hanging out with.

But if you leave again,

they can hide or move to a different country

or change identities or get ------- plastic surgery,

but I will find them and kill them!

Is that clear?

Boss, Teca's men attacked the club.

They left a message behind.

I'm going to kill that bastard.

I can't hear you!

Yes, I'm clear.


But why do you say it? You know I want to be with you

and work by your side.

I told you that Rooster and that FBI agent kidnapped me.

I didn't leave because I wanted to.

And just like the Aceros have hurt you,

they've hurt my mom.

I want to see those people dead just like you do.

Very good.

I just needed to hear it.

Next time I give you a weapon, you defend yourself,

even if it's me grabbing you by the neck.

-Relax. -Relax?

We agreed we were going to make this work, didn't we?

We didn't agree to anything.

-We didn't? -No, we didn't.

Did we?

Come with me.



Alvaro, don't do that. You'll kill him.


Let him go!

Come with me.

Are the trucks loaded?

Yes, sir.


Ramoncito, take Brutus and Hierbatero.

You two listen to everything he says.

Why this rat? He's new to the organization.

Because in the short time he's been with us

he's proven to have bigger ----- than both of you.

What happens if Rooster or the cops show up?

We'll be ready for them.

Seems risky to me.

Yes, I know it is, but we have to hope everything works out.

Now that I think about it, Teca wouldn't be dumb enough

to go over there with Hector behind bars.

If he hid the money underneath the governmental palace,

well, what can you say about that?

That he's smart. Who'd look there for it?

Look who's here.

Gomez, what do you have for us?

He's efficient.

Everything you requested.

Uniforms and IDs.

Go hand them out.

Excuse me.


Alberto, let's go over this one last time.

Rooster, you and your men will enter through the main entrance

and head straight to the basement.

You and your men will head up top.

Yes, and Azuceno will be outside,

making sure everything goes smoothly.

-We're ready. -Hey, be very careful.

Let's get this show on the road!

Come here.

Don't worry.

Let's go.

Come here before you get run over.

We'll be in touch.

I just hope everything goes well.

It will.


May I come in? I want to talk.

I don't want you to get the wrong idea...



How'd you sleep?


I couldn't stop dreaming bad things.

You had a nightmare?

Yeah, I dreamt we couldn't cross

and that Immigration arrested me and threw me

in one of those ICE meat lockers,

never to see anybody again.

I need you to trust me.

We need to have cool heads or we'll get caught.

Everything's going to be fine, don't freak out.

Look at this long line, and Mr. Nice Guy

hates when people are late.

We'll get there, Meche.

Good morning, Danielito.

I made you a wonderful breakfast.

Eat it all before it gets cold.


Take good care of my Danielito.

Count on it.

We love him like he was our own.

Sometimes I feel like I'm his mother.

The kid's going to have a great time.

Thank you.


Hey, I won't be long.

I'll be back in a jiffy.

What if something happens to you?

Nothing's going to happen.

The Holy Virgin will be protecting me from heaven,

and she'll be watching over you too.

I want to protect you too.

I know, but where I'm going, kids aren't allowed.

And you can help me by staying here

and not getting into trouble and behaving yourself.

And by going to bed early.

Come here.

Bless me.

Behave yourself.

I try and I try, but I can't clear my mind.

I tell myself not to think of anything,

but I can't help but think of everything.

How do you do it?

Elenita, it takes a long time to master meditation.

You must be patient.

Once you can achieve it, your life will totally change.

Lucas, Danielito's gone.


He's not in his room.

I asked around and nobody's seen him.

What if he was kidnapped?

Calm down, Nancy. That's impossible.

We slept in the same room all night.

But we didn't tuck him in and he told us...

He's got to be somewhere.

I looked everywhere for him, and Vicenta's got many enemies.

Let's not jump to conclusions.

Did you check Jimmy's room?

Yes, I checked there, the kitchen, the backyard.


Let's keep looking for him.

What if he was kidnapped?

He's probably hiding. We'll ask around.

Thank you very much.

If I see a baby who resembles you and your wife,

I'll let you know.

I suppose so.

Next time they request a white kid, you bring me a white kid!

Vicenta, I just heard a noise back there.

You're probably just stressed out.

No, I think somebody's back there spying on us.

I swear I heard something.

We'll have to pull over.

I can't risk them inspecting the truck.

If they say anything, we're just going to the bathroom.

I'm so tense.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

Elizabeth couldn't have just disappeared.

Calm down, we'll find her.


She didn't even spend the night here.

The last time I saw her was after her riding lessons.

Maybe she went back there.

No, I called the caretaker, who said she didn't.

Besides, I don't think Elizabeth would go back there.

Why not?

See you tomorrow.

See you.

You seem to have forgotten my father quickly.

You're imagining things.

Know what bothers me most?

That you keep saying how much you miss my father,

that life isn't the same without him.

These lessons are just an excuse to find yourself

a new boyfriend, you hypocrite.

She got upset with me yesterday.

She thinks I like the instructor.

Let's search the house for her. I promise she'll turn up.

Kids, please help us find Elizabeth.

Let's look over here.

But where? Yes, her room.

Elizabeth, where are you?

Come out! Don't hide!

What if something bad happened to her?

No, she probably did something bad.

I always hide when Mom and Dad scold me,

or when I don't want to show them my grades.

Don't be dumb!

Let's look for her in the storage room.

Elizabeth! Where are you?

Be right back.

Don't move.

Don't worry.




What are you doing here, sweetie?

Sorry I scared you, but why are you here?

How could you do this to me?

Something bad could've happened.

How long have you been hiding there?

But nothing happened to me. I just wanted to protect you.

Honey, please don't do that again.

Are you mad I hid in the truck?

No, I could never be mad at you.

But what if something had happened to you

or somebody kidnapped you? How long have you been there?

Were you cold? Are you hungry? Did you eat?

For more infomation >> Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 45 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:32.


Arrivee de Dadju a Dakar, Le chanteur francais au Senegal, un concert de Dadju a Grand Theatre ce 22 - Duration: 10:14.


hello dear Senegalese surfers

and good evening depending where you find

thank you for following us we

today at the international airport

bd of Dakar and to host a star

international fame is no longer to

present because it is known

France to Senegal in Africa and even

everywhere when I say

oh oh oh it tells you something

Well you're right it is

including dadou star francs

French artist will happen a

minute now here in Dakar

this coming is announced as a prelude to a

concert he will hold on Saturday 22

December on the esplanade of the great

Dakar theater so it's not a

event to tell you was stuck

not what will happen soon so we

awaiting his arrival eagerly

yeah yeah but still responded

fall before I think

collection he said as I said as

I said just we just got

and already quite clear we already have a

superb home there are many people

who came to greet

it was last year it was great

fine but there is hope

this year it will happen again

muc are left but we will

From left to ok expecting my

yes signal a word we know I

not hear the question

I had heard the matter waves

issued his music

it will heat like never Freindlich

and here I am here preparing a whole

new concert different from that of

Last year

So many come just to many


ok thank you very much but the ladies


you have seen I have just barely

arriving it held two conferences

just now and there in his car

about to leave he could be

obviously distinguish through

the windows of the car windows

Obviously windows and add well

is inside it prepares

Press conference to be held

tomorrow at 15 hours and then on Saturday

you will have the concert to be held at

on the esplanade of the big stage


Dazhou you see inside the

drive a white car you want

see distinguished through the window

and here he will hold tomorrow

press conference at 15h as I

the ai said just now and then

concert to be held on December 22

2018 on the esplanade of the great theater

Dakar Senegal so that all

awaited and here

it is now it comes

arrived and as I told you ai

on time and all the press throughout the

press has mobilized to host

Dazhou da diaw was like we usually

to call the big gus loan also

that is with him

and now prepares concert will

held on December 22 there inside

his car is a little hard to get

to him because it is a good star

Here security is strengthened

présentement could distinguish

Home or on the other side with

black sunglasses and cap well

obviously there

wearing his hat we can not

distinguish his eyes he has closed the

with glasses

Here then we will go to see

motorcycles there are 3 5 mm that are just

face remains strong procession we will

So call it an ambulance

also been mobilizing for more


I wonder if you see dadou ago

a sentence out of his car


the month of May



60 people

shafia chicks

previously it was not

how to do

no no no




Attention is the first time that there

while the entire account or the time

accused ok guys what are you

tell the fans they are innocent

after tomorrow it will be something

strong retains our concerts

jazz or what you play

dakar international

dedication to you you're the best

we are together





I do not know










For more infomation >> Arrivee de Dadju a Dakar, Le chanteur francais au Senegal, un concert de Dadju a Grand Theatre ce 22 - Duration: 10:14.


【동방MMD】 아웃사이더 【샤메이마루 아야】 1440p 60fps - Duration: 3:27.

Listen, listen, I want to turn this world upside-down.

There's just no such thing as time at its best.

Now now, it goes something like that. Gather around boys and girls

put your hands together for this pleasing drama that has begun.

Geniuses domineering the outside world.

A partner who's the best at being the worst.

It's such a simple, clear-cut wish.

Won't someone please bring me to my senses?

I can use this body I have now to lift the weight of the stones that I bear.

What's something that only you can do?

Don't stay here.

I don't need your comfort.

So that it doesn't end up becoming a barren wasteland

I hid that name and appeared here.

After searching for, forcing out, and sneering at

those who act as they please, I cry.

Aah, how pathetic Nothing but selfish complaints.

Even if I deny it, even if I do something, even if I blame someone.

Aah, I had a flashback. Those cowards make me feel weak in the knees.

My emotions and spirit have rotted away.

Take that one day you don't want to remember and spit it out here.

Won't you throw away everything you don't need, and destroy me right here?

Now I will wait for our farewell with my mouth clamped shut

even if the wounds of that night which have seeped into my soul can't be healed.

Don't let me see your tears; I don't need that shame.

So that nothing will be lost

things that are unchanged will still remain here.

Before the night is dyed with lightーthat's right, I'm telling you to leave.

Overflowing into a monochrome world where colors don't exist.

A stained world full of lies where love doesn't exist.

The demon within my heart will undoubtedly never forgive me.

A shadow falls over the setting sun.

If I was allowed to greet tomorrowー

Perhaps I would have been saved.

Even so, Iー

I can use this body I have now to lift the weight of the stones that I bear.

What's something that only you can do?

Don't stay here.

I don't need your comfort.

So that it doesn't end up becoming a barren wasteland

I hid that name and appeared here.

After searching for, forcing out, and sneering at

those who act as they please, I cry.

Because this tiny bit of courage will ignite the fire in my heart.

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