Saturday, December 22, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 22 2018

It's time to travel the globe and track your targets across exotic sandbox locations

in Hitman 2.

Join Agent 47 in the ultimate spy thriller story.

There are many people that requested me to do this video and cover Hitman 2.

So, here I am today – doing just that.

I hope this will be of some use for you so you can finally enjoy this great game.

It's time to improve the performance in Hitman 2.

Welcome to: 'going above and beyond' in Hitman 2.

So to improve the performance and make the game smoother – we'll need some help.

It's a very simple optimization process, just follow the guide carefully and pay attention

to what I'm doing and saying throughout the guide section.

So, before you do anything else – head over to my website and download this little software

which is called the Low Specs Experience.

Download link is posted in the description of this video.

Low Specs Experience is a free tool that I developed that will allow you to go above

and beyond anything possible in-game video options.

If it was possible otherwise, I wouldn't be making this video.

After you download it, simply install it, and you will get these shortcuts on your Desktop.

Start it and then go to the optimization catalog section.

From this drop-down menu select Hitman 2 and then press load the optimization package.

Now select the destination folder where your game has been installed.

Simply select the destination folder of your game and then press OK and this window will


When the optimization control panel loads, simply select the method of optimization and

resolution you would like to run your game on.

After you did that simply press the execute optimization button and then start your game.

Feel free to experiment with resolutions and optimization methods to find what suits your

system the best.

That's it from me for this video.

Don't forget to sub, like and comment if you found this video useful, and I'll see

you all next time with a whole new video.

Till next time, take care and fly safely.

For more infomation >> Hitman 2 - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 6:43.


Аниме приколы под музыку #87 | Смешные моменты из аниме | Аниме приколы - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы под музыку #87 | Смешные моменты из аниме | Аниме приколы - Duration: 6:56.


Liposucción de abdomen y brazos - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Liposucción de abdomen y brazos - Duration: 1:22.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 75pk Edition 5drs (Airco/Blue Tooth) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 75pk Edition 5drs (Airco/Blue Tooth) - Duration: 1:11.


Seat Ibiza 1.4 Sport 5drs. Airco/Cruise/Stuurbekrachtiging/Elek. Ramen/C.V./87.993km/APK:24-8-2019 - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.4 Sport 5drs. Airco/Cruise/Stuurbekrachtiging/Elek. Ramen/C.V./87.993km/APK:24-8-2019 - Duration: 0:53.


Opel Astra 1.4 TURBO INNOVATION 5DRS (150PK) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4 TURBO INNOVATION 5DRS (150PK) - Duration: 1:11.


BMW 1 Serie 116i 5Drs. M-Sportpakket Climate control, Stoelverwarming, PDC - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 116i 5Drs. M-Sportpakket Climate control, Stoelverwarming, PDC - Duration: 1:03.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT ComfortLine 5Drs Airco - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT ComfortLine 5Drs Airco - Duration: 0:44.


Postre de Navidad en forma de Estrella (Tarta de Queso) - Receta e historia de un desastre - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Postre de Navidad en forma de Estrella (Tarta de Queso) - Receta e historia de un desastre - Duration: 4:19.


Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi pazzi d'amore dopo il GF: selfie a letto e baci a volontà - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi pazzi d'amore dopo il GF: selfie a letto e baci a volontà - Duration: 4:48.


Milan Skriniar e Mauro Icardi sono i due volti della stessa medaglia all'Inter - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Milan Skriniar e Mauro Icardi sono i due volti della stessa medaglia all'Inter - Duration: 2:10.


Uomini e Donne: Teresa elimina Andrea e lui scoppia in lacrime | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Teresa elimina Andrea e lui scoppia in lacrime | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 8:27.


Nadia Toffa sconvolta, il messaggio che addolora tutti: "E' tristissimo" | Nuova Vita - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> Nadia Toffa sconvolta, il messaggio che addolora tutti: "E' tristissimo" | Nuova Vita - Duration: 7:08.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Première 69PK, 5-drs, climate, cruise, keyless, camera, lmv - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Première 69PK, 5-drs, climate, cruise, keyless, camera, lmv - Duration: 1:08.


Never Ride a Motorcycle Without This - Duration: 2:39.

before I started my youtube channel eleven years ago I used to do a TV gig

yes it was called crank it up here's one of my old shirts don't make fun of the

name, I did that on CBS TV for a couple of decades and people are saying, Scotty

ever happened to those old videos you did, well I dug around on my messy garage

and found a bunch of these old videos, so here's some old school Scotty,

there's nothing like a rocket ride on your sleigh this holidays except when a

flat tire lets you down, if you've ever noticed motorcycles don't have spare

tires, there's no room to put them anywhere, but even if you had a spare it

wouldn't do you that much good because the front tire is a different size from

the back tire, so you'd need two, but I found the solution and it's under my

seat, it's a progressive suspension tire repair kit, it's got everything you need

to fix the motorcycle tire right on a motorcycle, an air supply and patches to

patch the hole, here's a motorcycle tire with a nail in it and I'll show you how

easy the kit is to use, first you pull out the nail, then you get the glue and

the tool out of the kit and put some glue on the end of the tool, then you

stick it in the hole and ream it around to clean it out and get glue out of the hole

then you break the tire plug out of this little case and don't forget to take the

little green off so it'll stick well, then you put a little bit more glue on

the end to make sure it sticks in good, then you push it into the hole till it's

snug, then pull out the tool and cut the excess off to about a quarter an

inch from the end with a razor blade, then just screw the tank on so you can

fill it up with air, then just screw it onto your tire stem and squeeze the

trigger to fill it up with air, so before you blast off on a holiday ride

make sure you pack a parachute so you can have a soft landing, this is Scotty

Kilmer helping you blow it up, have a happy holidays, so if you never want to

miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Never Ride a Motorcycle Without This - Duration: 2:39.


Helping Millenials Escape The Rat Race - Duration: 11:56.

Today on Kris Krohn it's all about helping millennial millionaires escape

the rat race. I mean, think about it. Technically, I actually missed being a

millennial by a couple years. So, I'm Gen X or Y or Z or some other generation. But

I have the same problem that Millennials have. I mean, if you look at it today,

Millennials are deeply, deeply underappreciated. They're told that

they're entitled, they're told that they're lazy, they're told that they don't want

to work. And I think that the Millennials is perhaps the most misunderstood

generation because technology has created suction advancements, such a leap

forward that in my generation, it's easy to look at the younger people the way

older people are always doing and saying, "Those whippersnappers have it so much

easier they're now walking uphill in both ways." Right? I mean, it's just

this constant cranky. We're upset because you have it better than we had it. Nut

this is the reality. Millennials are actually pushing the map forward. If

you're watching this, you're not a millennial, I want you to listen very

carefully. We can say that they're entitled, we can say that they're lazy

but you can say, that I'm entitled and you can say that I'm lazy. Because I'm

basically off that generation and basically, I'll tell you what the problem

is for Millennials. They don't want to be duped the way we were. They don't want to

have the wool pull over their eyes and told this lie. Go to college, work for

somebody else and do it for 40 years and it'll be a better way. They're watching

their millennial buddies launching these tech startups and businesses that are

transforming and changing the world. And you know what? They don't want to pay

their 10-year dues just to have be at the lowest rung of the ladder and have a

chance to go somewhere. They don't want to be treated like the janitor. They want

to be given a real opportunity and they want to be given a chance to make a real

impact. And if you're a millennial watching this, you know that what I'm

saying is true. You're looking for a smarter way. You

know, there was a cartoon growing up back in my generation that

was like Disney Afternoon. We get home from school and there'd be like Darkwing

Duck and tailspin. And there would be duck tales and Scrooge McDuck. Had his

thick Irish accent and he would tell in his his three nephews. Huey,

Louie and Dewey. This total the aging me. But he'd always say, "Work

smarter not harder." And that's I feel like the mantra of the

Millennials. So, the Millennials are wanting out of the rat race. They want

help escaping. And I want to share with you how I escaped. And I want to share

with you how I'm helping thousands of Millennials escape this stupid rat race.

First of all, what is the rat race? The rat race basically sells us on this

dogma that if you get good grades and you go to college and if you're just

this crazy good hard worker that you can get a great job working the best hours

of your life. 50, 70 hours a week for somebody else do it for 40 years. And

everything will be right as rain bows and unicorns and cupcakes. Here's the

reality. Dude, who's believed in that garbage anymore? I'm not telling you that

college is bad or college is wrong. But college is as elementary as junior

high or high school. That college is not the golden ticket. Yeah, you want to be a

lawyer, you want to be a doctor. Yes you have to have a degree. And that's a

perfect path for you. But the majority with us, the majority of us that are

going to call it that path is not working. We're getting lame jobs that are

taking us absolutely nowhere in life. And this rat race basically means we get

stuck in this maze and we don't know how to get to the other side. There's cheese

in there supposedly. But I'm here to tell you there's no cheese. There's nothing in

there. Less than 1% of the people that take that degree will go on to actually

become financially free or live truly a great life, no. It's going to be a life of

struggle. It's going to be a life of lack, it's going to be a life of less. And

Millennials are catching on and they're basically sayingm "Alright, let's work

smarter not harder." So, I want to share with you something that has been around

but new technology. One of the ways that I love to help our Millennials escape in

this rat race... And don't worry, if you're 40 or 50 years old watching this video,

this applies to you. You can also be a millennial millionaire. But you better

start learning how to think like a millennial. Because if you actually put

it, they're demanding us to be smarter. They're demanding technology. They're

demanding that if they're going to put time and work effort and in that they want it

to yield something, they want it to yield a crop. They don't want it to be paying

their dues and going nowhere in life and spinning their wheels. Don't share this

video with your parents they might be mad at me.

So, what we're doing here in helping our Millennials is we're using ancient

technology. Dale Carnagie. You may be of heard of him. Super crazy influential

guy. And he basically said 90% of all millionaires made it in what? Real estate.

Real estate is ancient technology. But I'm going to overlay that ancient

technology today with a total hip modern day strategy that is making crazy

amounts of money. Because that's really what the Millennials want. How do I put

in my time and get rewarded? This is what I do. There are many ways of making money

but my core strategy, I do something in real estate it is called a lease option.

And it's a simple strategy that allows me within 30 days, maybe 2 or 3 months. I

can start learning how to do deals and number one, I'm doing them on my terms.

What I'm sharing with you takes very little time and it happens just on the

side. But what it does is on average, I make $5,000 up front.

Number 2, I don't... Dude, we're not into ownership. Millennials aren't into

ownership, they're into control. I'm not telling you to go buy a house. I'm

telling you to control a property. So I'll show you how to control a property

that someone else owns which allows you to make $500 on average

a month on that property. Now, with some properties that might be like $350

and with some it's going to be 8 or 9 hundred

dollars. We're going to go with $500 as an average. Now, this is

important. Because first of all, I freed myself from a job because I did 25

properties. 25 properties paying $5,000. That's over a hundred

thousand dollars. But more importantly, 25 properties doing

$500 a month, guess what that is? That is an excess of

$12,000 plus a month. And in fact, I was bringing in between these

two $12,000 a month consistently. And when that happened, you know what I did?

walked into my boss's office. I said, "Erin, I've been a college kid.

There's been a great job putting me through college. It's helped me make sure

I didn't go into student loan debt. And it's been great, thank you. And I want a

$70,000 raise." And he looked at me and he laughed his head off.

There's no way I can give you 70... And I knew he wasn't going to. And I said

goodbye. I fired my boss that day. I left my job and that day I owned. I claimed my

own financial destiny. I'm not waiting on society to create some stupid, lame game

plan that there's no way it's going to get me what I really want in life. What do

you want? Listen, it's not like you want to be rich. It's not like you have to

have like a big old nice house, drive any car you want, travel all over the world.

What we really want these days is really simple. We want freedom. I want my life

back. I want my time back to do what I want. And whether I'm living in a

average-sized house where I'm using this wealth to live in like a mansion, dude,

that's your decision, that's a small by-product. The reality is reclaiming

your life. And for me, this system allowed me to do these 2 things and quit my

job. It was the best day of my life. Dude, I got in. I walked in with an empty box

to fill it up with all the crap from my desk. And I didn't want to take any of

that energy with me. So I just took my name tag, my name plate for my desk. Kris

Krohn. I grabbed that, I left the box. I got in my BMW top down and I raced home.

And I got on the phone with my wife and I said, "I did it." And then I call it my

father-in-law who had become one of my partners I said, "I did it." I just started

calling up my friends and saying, "I'm out." I'm out of this rat race. Friends, I've

been off financial life support now for well over a decade. And I can tell you

that the air is different when you're not working for someone else or when

you're not doing a job that you don't care about or that you don't appreciate.

Like I can't in this video convey the energy. There's no words that I know how

to find that can convey what it is to be a free man. Because slavery has been

reinvented. And we're all slave to it and it's this idea that society has. But I

broke free of it. And dude, my life doesn't look like anyone else's. I get to

do the coolest freaking stuff and the biggest thing that I meant to some

people like, "Oh Kris, you have your million dollar houses. And you drive

these nice cars." They don't get it what I'm really in it is I'm buying

experiences that are unforgettable. I'm living the life that few will ever know.

And that's why I went to an old-school technology a real estate put it on

steroids with a new system I put a twist on it that no one is doing in lease option.

And I actually call it compassionate financing. And if you want to know how to

go on a journey with me, if you want to take the ride, there's a link in the

description below where I can get with you and I'm going to tell you right now

that what I'm sharing is really new. For years, I actually would just build all my

own wealth. I'm doing something different now than I've ever done before. You see

this year, this system? I'll buy 250 homes this year. I'm going to

make somewhere around 7, 8 million dollars in the next 5 years just on

this year's work. And that's taking me a very small amount of my time. Which means

I've got other endeavors and I've got time to do other things. I've got kids

now. So I'm not like playing with my kids. It's snowing outside. We're heading out.

For you, I've carved out a little bit of my time and I've set it aside and it's

my mentor time. And it basically says, I'm going to give you all the tools the

contracts the resources the hand-holding. Everything you need inside my private

club. And for my Millennials or older that are saying, "I'm a freakin committed

action taker. I'm done with this societal plan, too. And I want out of the rat race."

I can show you how to get out of that rat race. Now, it took me 4 and a half

years. It doesn't have to take you that long. I've got students now.

Members of my club and organization that are doing it way faster. And you might be

the next one of them. However, if you know that it's not right timing or you

know, all I want you to do is subscribe. Watch more videos keep on learning and

educating. You need to you need to buddy up with millionaires. You need to buddy

up with people that think different. I'm sharing some thoughts that are probably

different than what you learned in your home. The things that I'm sharing with

you are different than what I learned in my home, right? There was no entitlement

here. I had to figure all this stuff out. I'm just passing it on now.

So, I dedicate some of my time of this YouTube channel. I started a few years

ago to help as many people as possible. It's been... Right now, I'm top 20 in the

world on real estate. And I will be number 1. Because one of my goals is to

get out there and be the strongest voice for influence from Millennials to say, "I

hear you and thank you for elevating our standards. And there is a better way." If

you're looking for that better way and you want real connection. And you want to

make a real impact, then let me show you how to create enough wealth that you get

your time back. Because the people that make the biggest impact on society today

are those that don't have their mind bought by a corporation. That they're

trading their time for money. When you own your time back, when you own

your life back, you're living life on your terms. You become a 3 thinker. As

a free thinker, you're going to be developing what society needs next.

You're going to come up with the next biggest idea. You're going to have the

ability to put money into charities and causes that you believe in. You're going to

have the ability to live life and your financial destiny on your terms. If that

connects with you. One, be a subscriber here because that's what this channel is

all about. And 2, if you're ready to take the ride, click the link below and

let me share with you what that looks like. If it's not for you, it doesn't

resonate. Awesome. But there's a really good chance that it will. And if it is,

then as long as you'll have the courage to take action, I'll be at your side and

together, we're going to freaking crush this thing.


For more infomation >> Helping Millenials Escape The Rat Race - Duration: 11:56.


926 E BERKLEY AVE - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> 926 E BERKLEY AVE - Duration: 12:42.


Peugeot 308 1.6 e-HDi Blue Lease Executive 17'' velgen Navi Pano - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6 e-HDi Blue Lease Executive 17'' velgen Navi Pano - Duration: 1:08.


Red Hulk, Green Hulk Help~! Dino mecard Kidnapped by Venom. Marvel Avengers Hulk Go! - Charles Toy - Duration: 10:07.

Red Hulk, Green Hulk Help~! Dino mecard Kidnapped by Venom. Marvel Avengers Hulk Go! - Charles Toy

For more infomation >> Red Hulk, Green Hulk Help~! Dino mecard Kidnapped by Venom. Marvel Avengers Hulk Go! - Charles Toy - Duration: 10:07.


How Does Outsourcing Hurt The Economy? - Duration: 5:41.

How does outsourcing hurt the economy? I know a lot about this because I've been

outsourcing for 9 years and so I want to talk to you about that in this

episode. Let's get right to it. How does outsourcing hurt the economy?

I'm going to say right up front. I am very biased. I've been hiring people

in the Philippines for 9 years and I counted as a great. great blessing both

to me and to the people that I hire. And looking at the economy, I can't see one

way that outsourcing hurts the economy. Even the things that you think are

obvious that you look at. And say, "Oh, this is hurting the economy." I don't see it

that way. I see it differently. And so I'm actually

in this video going to paint the picture of why outsourcing is so good for the

economy and I hope that you'll stick around. You don't have to agree with me

but I I really believe this and I think you'll find this helpful. If we start

with some basic level economics, outsourcing which is leverage. Okay,

outsourcing equals higher profit margins. So, if a company has higher profit

margins, they have more money then that means that the company can spend more.

Higher profit margins means higher spending. And spending is exactly what

boosts the economy. When more people are out spending the money. There's more

money being transferred around. Alright? Person A buys from person B. Person B now

has money to spend a person C. C spends a person D. And the more money moves,

the better the economy is doing. Another important thing to think about is

outsourcing lowers the cost of living. Think about Walmart. I'm not a fan of

that specific store anymore but the the concept of Walmart lowering the costs of

everything. Think of Amazon, okay? Think about the the flat-screen TV, the phone

that's in your pocket. The cost to manufacture that, if it weren't out

sourced, would be drastically higher and we'd have to pay way higher. So all the

products that we buy that we consumed we use that we depend on, we live like

kings now because of outsourcing. Outsourcing is drastically reduced our

cost of living so that for the same amount of money, we get to live like

kings. Okay, I know you guys are wanting to see this beautiful ocean. So let me

just turn the camera around for a minute. I know that I'm just a black silhouette

here. That's my assistant out there. Swimming in the water. Okay, back to the

topic here. Now, I want to share my story and put a little twist on outsourcing

because there is a big stigma that everything that's made in the USA is

better. You know, that's they're proud to be an American. We put "Made in the USA" on

products that are that are manufactured in the USA or or different, you know, that

they're not outsourced is that as if that's some type of virtue. But as I was

meeting my team for the first time 2 nights ago, we were at... We had this nice

wonderful dinner together. We all gathered in the same place and I was

just sitting there feeling such great joy thinking about the impact that I'm

having on their lives. Every one of them expressed to me how me hiring them was

such a big help. Or that they a lot of use the word help some of them use the

word blessing. One of them used the word opportunity. That even though I pay them

one-tenth of the amount that I would have to pay somebody in Utah where I

live. Because the cost of living here is so much lower, for them it's a great help.

I'm providing them a way of making a livelihood of being able to pay their

bills and being able to work from home and have freedom of time to control

their schedule. Now, think about this. Is it better to give a man a fish or to

teach a man to fish. So, that he can go out and catch fish for himself. If there

are people in need here in the Philippines, it's a really poor country.

And if there are people in need, I can just give them money. Okay, giving money

to the poor, that's a good thing, right? But what if I can hire him and have him

or her put her skill sets to work. And provide a living. And I can hire them

on an ongoing basis for years and years to come? To me, that's like teaching a man

to fish. So, that's why I believe outsourcing is so good when I'm so

biased for it. And you know, it was a simple answer. Simple economics but

outsourcing allows for more profit, more profit allows for more spending. More

spending means the economy is doing better. So what about the job? I'm going

to talk about this in more detail in the next episode. But you might have a job

that is outsourced. So now you're out of a job and you think that's hurt the

economy? Well, there's actually outsourcing creates more jobs just not

your specific job. So you just need to get a different job or you need to

become an entrepreneur and hire people in the Philippines. So maybe you liked

this video, maybe you hated it. Give it a thumbs up, give it a thumbs down. Share

your comments below. Be sure to subscribe and we'll see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> How Does Outsourcing Hurt The Economy? - Duration: 5:41.


Oliver...Olivia? - Marisa Citeroni - Book Trailer - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Oliver...Olivia? - Marisa Citeroni - Book Trailer - Duration: 2:18.


Suzuki Swift Sport Review by AutoTopNL (English Subtitles) - Duration: 6:03.

Good to know

before we start the review

I just came from a Lambo URUS

and just got in the Suzuki Swift Sport

which is a very big difference

especially in approach

the URUS is totally crazy

in power, sound, options, price, weight

and this is the complete opposite of that

but it's actually just as much fun

this is such a cool, compact, funny

little car

which might be a little disrespectful

it ha a 1.4 boosterjet turbo engine

with 140 HP

which is so little

you'd almost wonder why we have it

but you also get

what is the enemy of HP?

weight, of course!

this car weighs 945 KG!

that's ridiculously light!

an UP! GTi is heavier

even though is smaller

and you really feel it

it's because of that lack of weight

that strict diet

that makes it so quick

you can't really call it fast

but it's really enthusiastic

the steering is really good

the gearbox is great

a lot of feel

short throws and ratios

we see a lot of long gears these days

to increase efficiency and reduce CO2

but this is a drivers' gearbox

with the right ratios

to make it feel sharp

and of course this Swift Sport

also looks very sporty

it has 'carbon fiber' accents

it's not real of course

in the front bumper

the diffuser is made from this stuff too

and hugs the exhaust pipes

which looks great!

a real dual exhaust

which we don't see that often

it's a real exhaust

in stead of those fake bumper inserts

with a little grill in front of it

which aren't even connected

I'm talking to you Mercedes

it's a shame though

that they don't produce any sound

the engine sounds quite nice

but the exhaust

even though it looks great

it doesn't do anything

which is a point of improvement

I would go for an aftermarket exhaust

apparently it saves another 25 kg

which means you're at 920 KG

that low weight is the USP of this car

it's what makes it unique

but the weight is in the wrong place

they've made it unnecessarily high

so the weight is too high

and you feel that in the corners

it moves around, slides and tilts

because the suspension is also soft

so it's soft and high

which is a bad combination

Suzuki has made a great car again

which is super impressive, hardware wise

the standard equipment like heated seats

radar guided cruise control

digital radio

stuff you normally pay for

is included here

the interior is not very sexy

doesn't have any appeal really..

which goes for the entire car

it doesn't have the attraction

of an UP! GTi or a MINI

it's a very sober way

of building a very good car

the seats for example

these great bucket seats

very snug but not uncomfortable

they're just a little too high

a little too high is the credo of this car

but in the end

it offers a lot of value for money

and that's what this car is about

because for €24.000,- (NL)

you get a car full of potential

it's no coincidence

that you see these cars at the track so often

because it's tried an tested

it will not break down

not even if you have it chiptuned

to around 170 HP

another nice tip!

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift Sport Review by AutoTopNL (English Subtitles) - Duration: 6:03.


Atado a París - Marisa Citeroni - Book Trailer - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Atado a París - Marisa Citeroni - Book Trailer - Duration: 2:37.


#Build_Mas_4 in town - Braid for vape/gift - Spanos Coils - Duration: 5:17.

So, X-mas are here, we're close

only a few days left

3 to be exact

and we have bought a gift... to nobody!!

and we know that girls... you get upset

you moan much when you don't

get gifts in cases

like x-mas, easter, new years eve

your name day, mother's day

for those who are, for those who aren't mothers yet its a good opportunity

to moan a bit... what else

the months... how many months you are together (in a relationship)

how many months you aren't together. We can't escape

So we're at that point that we haven't got out of home

we're rotten in front of the pc screen and have done

100.000 different things when we get out, than buy

you a gift. That's why i'm here...

To get us out of this once again

Let's watch a fast forward of what

we're making today that can be

also used as a gift

So that was quickly a Celtic Braid

maybe my all time favorite braid

that meant

to be coils. You saw her

and can be a coil by coiling her up on a screwdriver

or by wrapping her around a wrist

also with thicker gauge

can be a bracelet! You can do whatever you want either vape

or decorate the hand of a friend

your mother's, your gf's, your wife's,

your chick's... whatever you want...

Like if you like the video, dislike if you didn't like it

Check out the description, always contains useful info

or almost always

And commend me your thoughts about Build_Mas

If you like it or not, to check out where we're at...

to plan next year, bro... That's all for now

Vape on & Build on

Merry Christmas!

For more infomation >> #Build_Mas_4 in town - Braid for vape/gift - Spanos Coils - Duration: 5:17.


Através dos olhos de Gabriel - Marisa Citeroni - Book Trailer - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Através dos olhos de Gabriel - Marisa Citeroni - Book Trailer - Duration: 2:35.



For more infomation >> COME AFFRONTARE LE FESTE IN MOVIMENTO E A TAVOLA! 2018 - Duration: 4:00.


Aerosmith - Steven Tyler - Jaded - cover - Kati Cher - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 3:49.

Hey guys!

If you like what you heard, please like and subscribe to my channel.

And if you want to get notified when I have a new, cool video come out, you need to go

to my channel and click on this little "BELL" icon, and it will actually notify you every

time I have a video come out.

Thanks, guys!

For more infomation >> Aerosmith - Steven Tyler - Jaded - cover - Kati Cher - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - Duration: 3:49.


JOCA TF - BOGOVI ROKANJA (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> JOCA TF - BOGOVI ROKANJA (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:07.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI R-Line Navi/Cruise - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI R-Line Navi/Cruise - Duration: 1:01.


Volvo XC90 2.0 T8 Powershift Twin Engine AWD R-Design 7 Pers. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 2.0 T8 Powershift Twin Engine AWD R-Design 7 Pers. - Duration: 1:12.


Hitman 2 - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 6:43.

It's time to travel the globe and track your targets across exotic sandbox locations

in Hitman 2.

Join Agent 47 in the ultimate spy thriller story.

There are many people that requested me to do this video and cover Hitman 2.

So, here I am today – doing just that.

I hope this will be of some use for you so you can finally enjoy this great game.

It's time to improve the performance in Hitman 2.

Welcome to: 'going above and beyond' in Hitman 2.

So to improve the performance and make the game smoother – we'll need some help.

It's a very simple optimization process, just follow the guide carefully and pay attention

to what I'm doing and saying throughout the guide section.

So, before you do anything else – head over to my website and download this little software

which is called the Low Specs Experience.

Download link is posted in the description of this video.

Low Specs Experience is a free tool that I developed that will allow you to go above

and beyond anything possible in-game video options.

If it was possible otherwise, I wouldn't be making this video.

After you download it, simply install it, and you will get these shortcuts on your Desktop.

Start it and then go to the optimization catalog section.

From this drop-down menu select Hitman 2 and then press load the optimization package.

Now select the destination folder where your game has been installed.

Simply select the destination folder of your game and then press OK and this window will


When the optimization control panel loads, simply select the method of optimization and

resolution you would like to run your game on.

After you did that simply press the execute optimization button and then start your game.

Feel free to experiment with resolutions and optimization methods to find what suits your

system the best.

That's it from me for this video.

Don't forget to sub, like and comment if you found this video useful, and I'll see

you all next time with a whole new video.

Till next time, take care and fly safely.

For more infomation >> Hitman 2 - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 6:43.


Аниме приколы под музыку #87 | Смешные моменты из аниме | Аниме приколы - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы под музыку #87 | Смешные моменты из аниме | Аниме приколы - Duration: 6:56.


Liposucción de abdomen y brazos - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Liposucción de abdomen y brazos - Duration: 1:22.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 75pk Edition 5drs (Airco/Blue Tooth) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 75pk Edition 5drs (Airco/Blue Tooth) - Duration: 1:11.


Seat Ibiza 1.4 Sport 5drs. Airco/Cruise/Stuurbekrachtiging/Elek. Ramen/C.V./87.993km/APK:24-8-2019 - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.4 Sport 5drs. Airco/Cruise/Stuurbekrachtiging/Elek. Ramen/C.V./87.993km/APK:24-8-2019 - Duration: 0:53.


Opel Astra 1.4 TURBO INNOVATION 5DRS (150PK) - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4 TURBO INNOVATION 5DRS (150PK) - Duration: 1:11.


BMW 1 Serie 116i 5Drs. M-Sportpakket Climate control, Stoelverwarming, PDC - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 116i 5Drs. M-Sportpakket Climate control, Stoelverwarming, PDC - Duration: 1:03.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT ComfortLine 5Drs Airco - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT ComfortLine 5Drs Airco - Duration: 0:44.


Kin Crew & Peter Jackson - Don't Matter (Lyrics) ft. JRDN - Duration: 3:20.

Ou baby

(Lover under covers baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Lover under covers baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

Ou baby

And be my lover under covers baby

You should come and see me

And if he ain't giving you what you need

Cause I ain't tryna take you from him girl

I know you've got a man But it don't even matter

I love it when she slow wind

So focused when she slow wind

Me flex she watch the whole time

That body like a gold mind

I love it when she slow wind

So focused when she slow wind

Me flex she watch the whole time

(Lover under covers baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Lover under covers baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

Ou baby

And be my lover under covers baby

You should come and see me

And if he ain't giving you what you need

Cause I ain't tryna take you from him girl

I know you've got a man But it don't even matter

She brought a girl brought a girl I was mackin

Ain't we cute me and my chick matching

5 karats on my chain broke into fractions

I ain't into talking me I like action

Brand new escalade came with a chauffeur

Canadian girl I got me a smoker

I'm straight champagne she like Kurz mimosa

I took her to my condo just south of Boka

Ou baby

(Lover under covers baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Lover under covers baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

Ou baby

And be my lover under covers baby

You should come and see me

And if he ain't giving you what you need

Cause I ain't tryna take you from him girl

I know you've got a man But it don't even matter

Here's your chance baby take it

Your final destination

Baby you know I've been waiting


(Have you now)

And there's no way that I can't have you now

I feel you from a distance girl

Baby tell me who you gonna call (Gonna call)

When he's not Around You

(Lover under covers baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

(Ou baby)

For more infomation >> Kin Crew & Peter Jackson - Don't Matter (Lyrics) ft. JRDN - Duration: 3:20.


Lovren explains why 'mature' Liverpool won't celebrate Wolves win - Duration: 2:19.

 Dejan Lovren believes the "maturity" of Liverpool's hard-fought triumph at Wolves showcased the development of Jurgen Klopp's side

  The Reds cleared a sizeable hurdle in their pursuit of the Premier League title as they made it seven straight league wins

  Lovren had spoken in the build up to the game about the prospect of going the entire season unbeaten and those bold words were backed up with deeds as Liverpool defended expertly and controlled proceedings at Molineux

 "It was a tough game but we showed our quality and our experience," Lovren told Liverpoolfc

com  "I'm sure if we had played a couple of seasons ago here we would have struggled

We have learned from these previous seasons how to play these difficult games and we did it quite well

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  "In some difficult times we kept the ball and sometimes we showed, like the boss said, this matureness and this readiness again when we lose the ball to be there and to stay hungry to the end of the game because we know what we are playing for

 "It wasn't an easy pitch with the rain and everything but again we showed the quality, everyone was believing and everyone was ready from the beginning

It was, trust me, a big three points."  Lovren insists the Reds will continue to stay grounded as the focus turns to the visit of Newcastle on Boxing Day

 "It's no time to celebrate or anything. We have Newcastle next on Wednesday so let's keep this momentum and keep it going game by game," he added

For more infomation >> Lovren explains why 'mature' Liverpool won't celebrate Wolves win - Duration: 2:19.


Ask Joyce • Holiday Edition - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Ask Joyce • Holiday Edition - Duration: 5:28.



because she moved her head like this...

well what time did tayana leave here?

what time did you leave here?

whats going on? where did you just come from?

how did you just come from school when i told you today you didnt have to go...

what time did you go to "school?"

why would you go to school at 12???

dont tell me atleast you went to school

i didnt tell you to go i told you to stay

you had your own stuff you wanted to do

if they school calls me and tells me you weren't there, you're in trouble

because i dont get school starts at 8 and you went at 12

yes master LMBO


Come here..

come here, bend down

come closer

come closer

hurry up come to me

i said come here

im not going to do anything i said come here

tayana..come here

come here

bend down so i can see what that is



why didnt i see it yesterday

come sit come sit N explain to me what that is

oh shit lmboooooooo

sit down

to the wall? she hit herself (LMAO)

because she moved her head back

i pushed you on the chair

i dont know not my problem

i dont wanna dieeee i dont wanna cry...

she got beat up... duh

why didnt you come to an adult

come to me..

give me your phone

let it go

ill bite you let go

For more infomation >> HICKEY PRANK | CARIBBEAN MOM GETS VIOLENT !!!! TAYANA CRIES... - Duration: 10:53.


7 Strange Facts About How Humans Communicate - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 7 Strange Facts About How Humans Communicate - Duration: 3:11.


Demi Lovato Slams Reports About Her Recovery On Twitter: 'I Still Need Space & Time To Heal' - News - Duration: 5:20.

Demi Lovato took to Twitter on Dec. 21 to tweet about her frustration with the false reports going around about her recovery after her near-fatal overdose last summer

   Demi Lovato, 26, has had enough of the false rumors going around about her recovery post-rehab and she took to Twitter to express it

The singer, who left rehab around early Nov. after receiving treatment for a near-fatal overdose that left her in the hospital back in July, posted a series of messages on Dec

21 about her decision to keep the details about her struggles to herself and urged her fans not to believe everything they were reading

 "I love my fans, and hate tabloids," her first message started. "Don't believe what you read

People will literally make up stuff to sell a story. Sickening." "If I feel like the world needs to know something, I will tell them MYSELF," she continued in another message

"Otherwise people stop writing about my recovery, because it's no one's business but mine

I am sober and grateful to be alive and taking care of ME."    Demi then went on to explain her plans about publicly speaking out about what happened to her in the future

"Someday I'll tell the world what exactly happened, why it happened and what my life is like today

but until I'm ready to share that with people please stop prying and making up shit that you know nothing about

I still need space and time to heal.," she wrote. "Any 'source' out there that is willing to talk and sell stories to blogs and tabloids about my life isn't actually a part of my life because most of the sh*t I see is soooooo inaccurate

So newsflash: your 'sources' are wrong."  The talented star concluded her messages by thanking her fans, who have been showing her support throughout everything, and expressing gratitude for her current life and the people around her

"I would love to set the record straight on all the rumors out there but I literally don't owe anyone anything so I'm not going to," she explained

"All my fans need to know is I'm working hard on myself, I'm happy and clean and I'm SO grateful for their support

I'm so blessed I get to take this time to be with family, relax, work on my mind, body and soul and come back when I'm ready

I have my fans to thank for that. I'm so grateful, truly. I love you guys so f*cking much  thank you

"  Since Demi's been out of rehab, she's been seen with Henry Levy, who has been rumored to be her sober coach/companion

Although Demi has not publicly revealed any information about the details of her relationship with Henry, there's been many reports that the two are more than friends and some people, including celebs like Wendy Williams, have expressed concern about how dating could affect her sobriety

If I feel like the world needs to know something, I will tell them MYSELF. Otherwise people stop writing about my recovery, because it's no one's business but mine

I am sober and grateful to be alive and taking care of ME ✌🏼  — Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 22, 2018   Someday I'll tell the world what exactly happened, why it happened and what my life is like today

but until I'm ready to share that with people please stop prying and making up shit that you know nothing about

I still need space and time to heal.  — Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 22, 2018    We continue to wish Demi a happy and healthy recovery and look forward to any new projects she may have in the future!

For more infomation >> Demi Lovato Slams Reports About Her Recovery On Twitter: 'I Still Need Space & Time To Heal' - News - Duration: 5:20.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *Exterior Pack Black + Bose® Personal® audiosysteem* - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *Exterior Pack Black + Bose® Personal® audiosysteem* - Duration: 0:54.


4-Minute Sequence Burns Fat For 48 Hours - Duration: 6:58.

Hey everybody out there, coach Dan Long with Get Lean In 12.

And yes, we are here, we're live, right now inside the gym,

and I have a 4 minute workout.

If you've got 4 minutes, just 4 minutes, guess what.

It's time for you today to get it on with me,

right here, in the gym because I got a work out for you.

Now here's the cool thing about this workout, Every Minute

On the Minute, EMOM.

Every minute on the minute, I want you to do a new exercise.

There is no breaks, zero breaks, you've been on break all day.

It's time to get it done with me.

Now you will need some dumbbells.

You can use 5-pound, 10-pound, 15-pound, you name it.

Hey, if you're feeling amazing today and you want to do 20,

25-pound, then you get it done.

Now listen, before I get started on this workout,

this link up here, don't touch it, don't click it,

don't look at it because at the end of this

I have something for you that goes with this workout that's

going to help you shed the unwanted belly fat

and get the body that you desire.

Now especially if you're over the age of 40 like me, 45.

Get your dumbbells.

Are you ready?

We got 1 minute on each exercise.

Now I'm going to perform these exercises,

you got to get your dumbbells right now,

and let's make this happen together.

Now I'm gonna stand back here so you can see me.

So first exercise, very simple.

You're gonna go separate your feet, point your toes out.

First exercise is dumbbells dropped down by your side.

You're going to go into a squat and at the same time, raise up.

See that?

Watch this.

Back down by the side, squat, raise, press.

Back down, we could go like this, squat, raise, press.

Just like so.

This is going to burn massive amounts of calories.

This, keep your chest up, chin up by the way,

and when you press, that's what you're going to do.

Now that's the first exercise and I want you to do that for 1

solid minute.

Next exercise is going to be same thing.

You got your dumbbells but this time we're

going to turn sideways.

Go into a reverse lunge, bicep curl, back down, same side,

reverse lunge, bicep curl.

Just like so.

Now you're going to go 12 on the left side,

then you're going to go right side, bicep curl.

Just like so.

You got this?

Bicep curl.

That's your second exercise.

Again, elongated muscles burn a massive amount

of fat and working upper body all at the same time.

Next 1 is going to be cardio based.

Cardio based on the next 1.

Separate your feet, point your toes out, drop 1 dumbbell,

you only need 1 for this.

You don't have a kettlebell, guess what, you got

a dumbbell, that's fine.

This is what we're going to do.

Down into a squat, brings this in between,

the legs up, and swing.

Kettlebell swing.

Chest up, chin up.


Use the hips to thrust when you bring the dumbbell up.

Just like that.

Kettlebell swings with the dumbbells.

So we're doing it with the dumbbell swing.

That's exercise number 3.

Exercise number 4, and your last 1,

remember EMOM, 1 every minute on the minute for 4 minutes.

Next 1, that was cardio based.

Now we're going to go a little more static,

and again, I will only need 1 dumbbell.

On this one, I want you to go into a reverse lunge.

Static hold that lunge, bring it down 90 degrees, 90 degrees,

make sure the knee is not past the toes.

See this hand?

Underneath, grab a dumbbell, bring it over top.

Underneath, bring a dumbbell, grab it on top.

Now you're going to do this for 15 seconds.

Ooh, right leg is on fire.

Then switch legs, opposite side, same exact thing.

Underneath, bring it, and over top.

Remember, not around here, over top, over top.

I'm already sweating my butt off, I know you are.

15 seconds, and then you would switch, 15 seconds back

to the opposite leg, 15 seconds back to the opposite leg.

And that is your 4 exercises for a 4 minute EMOM workout,

Every Minute On the Minute.

That is a workout that will kick your butt.

It will burn massive amount of calories

and yes, it will work if you're over the age of 40.

Now if you're like me, and you're over the age of 40,

and your hormones feel like they're

taking, and for some stupid reason,

belly fat will not release, and you're

having a hard time finding out why that belly fat will not


It's because you're not moving correctly

and you're not using the protocols

that you should be to help you get that dream

body that you desire.

Now because you're here with me today, guess what.

First thing I need you to do, if you love this and you want more

from me, put down in the comments below right now,

"I love your workouts!!"

"I love your workouts!!"

2 exclamation marks.

Put that down in the comments.

Hit a like, hit a heart, hit a share for me,

get it out to the world.

We're now almost 340,000 people strong using the Over 40

Ab and Flat Belly Solution.

If you're looking for more moves like this,

and you need more moves, and you need

the protocol to go with this, to help

you release that stubborn belly fat, well I have it for you.

It's at this link, but before you go there,

let me tell you something.

You're going to click this link here in a minute.

You're not only going to see me, 45 years old, living

with my dream body, you're going to see my wife,

she's almost 42, living, three kids with her dream body.

You're going to see my partner and close

friend, Shaun Hadsall.

He's 47 years old, he's a ripped grandpa with abs.

His wife, Karen, you're also going

to see she's 58 years old beating out colon

cancer with this exact system.

So if you're ready, and you're over the age of 40,

like me, and all the rest of, I just said on that page,

then it's your turn to get your dream body.

All you got to do is click this link.

It'll take you there.

It will show you exactly what you

need it's called the Over 40 Ab and Flat Belly Solution.

I want to thank you for being with here, today,

stopping on the feed.

Please don't forget to show me that love down below.

All right.

Have an amazing day.

Click this link now.

It'll take you to your dream body.

Keep going strong and I'll see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> 4-Minute Sequence Burns Fat For 48 Hours - Duration: 6:58.


Volvo V70 2.5T Momentum VERKOCHT ! ! ! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5T Momentum VERKOCHT ! ! ! - Duration: 1:09.


My Jobs Before YouTube... | VLOGMAS DAY 20-21 - Duration: 13:53.


For more infomation >> My Jobs Before YouTube... | VLOGMAS DAY 20-21 - Duration: 13:53.


Sean Dyche explains what was said in heated exchange with Emery after Arsenal 3-1 Burnley - Duration: 2:59.

 Arsenal returned to winning ways on Saturday afternoon by overcoming Burnley 3-1 at the Emirates Stadium

 The Gunners went into the game as clear favourites and took the lead through Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang after 14 minutes

 The Gabonese striker then added his second just after half-time, only for Ashley Barnes to halve the deficit with just under half-an-hour remaining

 Burnley pushed for an equaliser but Alex Iwobi ensured all three points would go to Arsenal by striking hime in stoppage time

 The match will be remembered for being a feisty affair.  Ashley Barnes often found himself in the thick of things, having an ongoing battle with Sokratis during the 90 minutes

 And, that tension spoiled over to the bench after the game.  Sean Dyche and Unai Emery could be seen having a frosty exchange after the game as they clearly disagreed on something

 Watch the moment below:  Sean Dyche has now revealed what was said, and it seems Emery was confronting him after he constantly shouted at the referee during the game

 When asked what was said, Dyche revealed that Emery said to him, per the Mirror: "You were shouting at the referee, you were shouting at the referee

"  And Dyche said in response, "Yes I absolutely was. Have a merry Christmas."  Dyche then accused three Arsenal players of diving

 "It wasn't a 3-1 game, I think all would agree with that." he said.  "We conceded soft goals and one was marginally offside

When you come here you do need decisions and so many went against us.  "Noone wants to see diving in the game but there were two today, well three I think with Xhaka late on when Vudra goes through with him and I know he's dived because he's looking at the referee within a milisecond of going down

 "I don't want to see that and I don't think anyone else should want to see that

 "I can't accuse individuals but nobody wants to do anything about it. And to top it off, I think that's 60 games without a penalty

 "I'm alarmed by how often it happens."

For more infomation >> Sean Dyche explains what was said in heated exchange with Emery after Arsenal 3-1 Burnley - Duration: 2:59.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Aut. N-Connecta (NAV/PDC/LMV/BT) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Aut. N-Connecta (NAV/PDC/LMV/BT) - Duration: 1:08.


Tales of Demons and Gods Season 3 Episode 28 English Sub and Indo Cc - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Tales of Demons and Gods Season 3 Episode 28 English Sub and Indo Cc - Duration: 7:16.


my 1st tattoo 😭 *painful* vlog I guess - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> my 1st tattoo 😭 *painful* vlog I guess - Duration: 8:18.


S3xual assault case against Steven Seagal dropped - Duration: 3:00.

Sexual assault case against Steven Seagal dropped Hollywood action star Steven Seagal will not face

Prosecution after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her

When she was 17 the Los Angeles?

County District Attorney's Office

Said time had run out to pursue the case brought by a Dutch model who alleges she was groped in a hotel room in 2002

Prosecutors did not name the alleged victim but lawyer Lisa bloom identified her as Dutch model

Fabiola Dottie's Dottie's who didn't come forward until several years after the alleged assault

Accuses Seagal of attacking her during what she thought was an audition in the W Hotel in Beverly Hills

she claims Seagal slipped his hand underneath her clothing and touched her inappropriately

She is one of several women who have come forward with allegations of sexual assault

or harassment against the 66 year old under siege star he has denied all claims of misconduct in

Paperwork released Friday a prosecutor said the case was referred for further

investigation which did not yield evidence

sufficient to meet the requirements of state law involving the statute of limitations

therefore the cases declined due to the expiration of the statute of limitations it said the time limit for prosecution of sexual

offences ranges from six years to three in California depending on the seriousness of the allegations

Blume released a statement thanking the district attorney for a careful review but saying

Prosecutors hands had been tied by this unfair law which bars the courthouse door even to young women like my client

Fabiola Dottie's who is highly credible she said her client was a minor at the time of the incident but that

California law still requires she have independent evidence that clearly

corroborates her claims the law fails to recognize that few minors are emotionally ready to seek justice

Against their rapists until many years later she added

instead it offers rapist a get out of jail free

Card if they simply pass an

Arbitrary time deadline and the law seems to presume that victims are lying

Creating an unfairly high evidentiary standard not required in other criminal cases

few rapists commit their crimes in the presence of witnesses

prosecutors had declined earlier this year to file a case against Seagal involving an alleged sexual assault in

1993 citing the statute of limitations


For more infomation >> S3xual assault case against Steven Seagal dropped - Duration: 3:00.


Wait Until You See the Brand New Prototype Trump Just Rolled Out for the Border Wall - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Wait Until You See the Brand New Prototype Trump Just Rolled Out for the Border Wall - Duration: 3:02.


How To Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls • Tasty - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> How To Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls • Tasty - Duration: 11:09.


Rowerem do Azji Centralnej - #26 Nasz pierwszy raz w burdelu - Duration: 19:00.

To Central Asia by Bicycle

Our first time in a brothel

Today we slept near the river

close to the rock city of Vardzia.

It's located a kilometer from here.

At night we had a beautiful view, cause Vardzia is illuminated at night.

That whole hill was illuminated.

And we slept here because yesterday, Dorenda saw on the map that there's a hot spring here.

Locals also said that we could try to find a camping spot here.

At night it was frosty.

Also now the wind is still quite cold.

Inside the tent it was -3 degrees

and I found a bottle with water that was frozen.

So for sure there was frost.

And it's cold, even if the sun is shining.

But it will be warmer, cause the forecast said it would be 16 degrees.

Yes, it will be warmer.

Now we'll enter this building, you'll see it soon.

This is how they made it.

Look! On this side, it's 1.80 deep.

Here it's a bit less deep.

A pool with hot water.

How would you estimate the water temperature?

Here from this pipe... - It's not too hot, but very nice.

I can't tell how many degrees it is.

I would just call it hot.

Just like when you take a bath.

It's not so hot as to get burnt

but it's just nice and warm.

Nice and warm, and near that pipe it's hot.

That's where the hot water comes from

and it's really hot.

Here you can see how it's steaming.

Yesterday we bathed about an hour

together with a girl from the cafe and two friends of hers.

At some point, I was too hot and I had to get out.

Earlier, there was a car with the owner of this building

and you had to pay to get in.

But later he left, and we went in.

Now it's empty, the owner isn't there yet

so if we wanted, we could bathe another time

but it's too cold outside to sit in the water.

We already bathed.

Why would we do it twice. I'm clean already.


So this is what the building looks like.

Then there's still a couple of deserted buildings, I don't know what used to be there.

But there's the spring here, so maybe they wanted to build a bigger bathhouse.

Doesn't matter.

See that mountain there? There is a road there

and we'll go up there today.

Only it's not a mountain, cause once you get up there, it's a plateau

which stretches for quite some kilometers to the east

and we'll ride to Tbilisi across that plateau

and then down along the river to the city itself.

About 200 more kilometers.

So this is the situation: we prepared breakfast

oatmeal with apple and dried fruits.

And you know what? Yesterday we still cooked

and there wasn't much petrol

but it seemed enough for breakfast.

But it's almost finished and we can't light the stove.

So we can't cook on the stove today.

We'll gather some wood

and make a campfire to cook breakfast on.


We put on water for the tea.

But it's not boiling yet.

But it will in a minute.

We started to climb. The road has at least... how many hairpin bends?

At least 14, but they may not all be visible.

We have to go to that top there.

But the nicest of it all is

that we'll have a nice view on the rock city of Vardzia all the time.

So we'll be able to see how the perspective changes

as we are getting higher

until we'll finally watch at the city from above.

Here we already have a view from 1500 meters high.

Those men are working here.

They gave us some bread and cheese.

We talked a bit.

Yes, I'm saying good things about you. I just told that you fed us.

That we ate together.

Thanks a lot.

If you would be at our place...

we would drink wine, and vodka and chacha.

But the water is also good.

There was no wine, but there was tasty water.

Here it's relatively flat

so I can ride with one hand

to film a bit.

Just now I couldn't even ride

because there were so many loose stones and it was so steep

that the wheels didn't have any grip.

The front wheel slipped away, cause it's uphill.

Here you can nicely see the road with all those bends.

And the rock city of Vardzia.

Down there.

We had a very nice meeting with those men who were working on the road.

We passed by just as they were having lunch.

Lunch maybe is too big a word.

Just bread, cheese, khachapuri.

And cucumber. But it's always nice to eat a bit

during such a steep climb.

I have eaten well.

And I have strength again to go on

to the plateau, which is coming close now.

But now I have to stop

cause I have to take this turn without camera, otherwise I may fall.

It must have been colder here than down there.

In the valley it was -5.

But here there are icicles.

In the sun, it's 26 degrees.

And we're eating ice.

Everything is covered in ice here.

Just icicles.

We're almost up there.

Here in the valley...

here you can see the road.

We climbed up from the valley.

And it's almost flat here.

This is a plateau, so there won't be a descent yet.

A kilometer ago we met some men who were improving the road.

But for us it only became worse

cause they just littered it with stones

so we're slipping a lot.

Sometimes, you're pedalling, and the wheel is just turning around in one place.

And then, with a speed like now - 5 km/h

of course you stand still right away and fall over

if you didn't get off the bike already.

So it's heavy. Sometimes we have to push.

In the morning when we were preparing breakfast, it was so cold

that, when I was peeling the apples

after half an apple my fingers were hurting from the cold already.

I had to blow my hands.

And now it's sunny.

It's hot.

And this steep climb.

It's hot now. But that's nice.

When we stand still, it's nice, there is not so much wind.

Interesting gate.

This is the main road across the plateau.

A village. It reminds me of Central Asia.

Of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Such short-grazed grass by the sheep and horses.

There's a bit of wind

but it's not much colder.

We'll have to look out for something to eat.

Maybe we'll see someone, then we'll ask him.

I think this is a wild region where there's not many tourists.

There's been a strong wind today all day.


At night, it was -5 degrees.

Today we rode only about 30 kilometers.

Maybe a bit more.

During almost the whole day, we rode about 22 kilometers, like yesterday.

Only the last 10 kilometers or so were a bit faster.

It was faster because there was asphalt, and before there was only gravel.

But that wasn't the worst thing. The worst thing was the wind.

Yes. In the beginning we were climbing, so it was slow.

And after that, there was wind.

And the road was bad.

We were a bit worried already about where we would sleep tonight

cause there is a strong wind and it's cold.

We are in an area here where Armenians live.

Near the shop I spoke to someone who said it was -15 at night.

Did you still hear that, or were you gone? - I was gone already.

He said it was -15, which I can believe, seeing those icicles.

And at our place in the valley it was also cold.

We're at almost 2000 meters here.

We were following that road and the guy from the petrol station...

We asked if they had petrol. - Of course.

And he looks at our bicycles and goes, "What do you need petrol for?"

Then we asked where we could camp sheltered from the wind.

He told us about a truck parking for Turks. - With a restaurant.

Cause we reached a road where there are more cars again

among others Turkish trucks.

So we arrived at that restaurant.

We went inside.

The lady told us to sit down at a table right away

And asked what we want to order.

But we said, no, we have a question.

We don't have enough money to eat in a restaurant.

But we would like to camp here

cause there are buildings here so there is a bit less wind.

No problem! Just pitch the tent in any place where there is less wind.

Then she grabbed her husband or so by the hand.

And we came here... Now I will probably be less audible.

She showed us this little house.

So tonight we'll sleep in this little house.

For sure it will be warmer than in a tent.

Cause lately it was really cold.

It doesn't matter that it's not a luxurious building.

The most important thing is that it has 4 walls, a roof, a door and a window.

We're going to the restaurant anyway, cause we were offered tea.

I asked if it will be possible to buy an onion or so, and that was not a problem.

So we'll see.

They seem not to know Russian well here.

A bit of Russian, and a bit of Turkish.

No, I think they're Turks.

Yes, but we know only a bit of Turkish.

People fed us well in Adjara

where the majority are Muslims.

And here again.

The Georgians are kind

but we didn't experience such hospitality yet from Orthodox Georgians.

We'll see.

We won't judge yet, but...

At the moment we still have too few statistics to draw any conclusions

but so far, everything seems to indicate that Muslims are more hospitable.

I just read that during the Soviet Union

near this town, one of the biggest Soviet military bases was located.

Possibly these are its barracks.

It's a big terrain.

And the second interesting fact about this place is

that this area is called the Siberia of Georgia.

Because it's cold.

Not just today, but in general.

This is the Turkish bar.

We've been invited to the Turkish restaurant.

We got rice with lamb.

Very tasty.

Coke, tea, coffee.

And finally the kind of Turkish bread that we were looking for all the time in Turkey.

Very tasty flatbread.

But I will tell you a secret. I don't know if you can see it

but I think this is more than just a restaurant

judging by the clothes of some of the ladies

and the behaviour of some of the men.

It's good Dorenda is sitting with her back that way, so she doesn't see anything.

I have a mirror in front of me.

But why, do you think that I can't handle it

since you're saying it's good I don't see it?

I don't know.

Anyway, when we finish eating, we can go dance.

Curious about the rest of our 8-month bike trip?

Then follow our channel.

For more infomation >> Rowerem do Azji Centralnej - #26 Nasz pierwszy raz w burdelu - Duration: 19:00.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo Met Airco-Ecc, Navigatie, LM velgen. ( Vestiging - vIANEN ) - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo Met Airco-Ecc, Navigatie, LM velgen. ( Vestiging - vIANEN ) - Duration: 1:06.


Pokemon's Plush Christmas Tree!! - Duration: 4:40.

Pikachu: Hmmm.... . Now where to cut it?

Vulpix: Come on! Hurry up, your taking long enough already


I'm not fat Vulpix!

I just have a big butt.... alright!

Here let me show you!

See! It's just big!

Vulpix: Ewww! What's wrong with you! Don't stick your butt in my face!

Charmander: The hot chocolate milk is just about ready!

Do you guys want marshmallows?

Oh yeah! Thanks Charmander!

Yes please

Eevee: Ohhhh... same here!

I'm going to add some cinnamon in my milk

it tastes really good like that!

Pikachu: Ughhh.... not me. I'll pass on that dude

What! Why not mate!

Cuz I'm lactose intolerant.

Just thinking of milk is already making me gassy

See what I mean!

Your going to turn into the weezy pokemon!

You know it bro!

Pillsbury Doughboy: Foxy, do you mind finish cooking the rest of these for me?

Foxy: Sure no problem

I'm gonna get the butter spread

Little Jesse: Wow!

Ok lemme try, lemme try!

Pillsbury Doughboy: This is gonna be such a peaceful...

Bonnie: Woah!!

Eevee: Hey Pikachu, can you turn this into popcorn please?

Pikachu: Oh yea for sure! Stand back!

Now be sure not to hurt yourself ok?

Man! I got this! Don't trip hommie.

Alrighty we go!


Awww...... ****

Pikachu: aww dudes...

I got a tingling feeling in my Pika-Rump!


Boo-yah! ....

Yea son!

That's what I'm talking about!

Eevee: I love Christmas time!

putting decorations on the tree is so fun!

Hey stop that Charmander!

That popcorn is for the tree!

Charmander: Well I'm hungry!!

I want some yummy in my tummy

mmmmm..... get in my belly!

Pikachu: I'm thirsty yall!..... I"m gonna get some water

Oh snaps! Charmander, my bad!

Charmander: O.M.G! You didn't just step on my toes!?

Dude I'm sorry, it was an accident

Bro! Look what you did!

You broke my nail

Eh hommie are you alright? That toenail does look pretty bad

Yea, I guess I'll survive

You got to be careful! Because it's tuff to be as handsome as I am

and I have to take good care of my image

I agree with you there Charmander!

Toad: I love pizza!

Miffy: This looks so delicious

Toad: This is the greatest place....

Vulpix: It's not working!

Do you think you can power up the tree?

and this time without hurting yourself?

Of course I can power up that tree!

you better stop laughing at me so much...... Vulpix!


Charmander: When everyone get's back to SugarVille, they're gonna love this tree!

Vulpix: Yeah.... as long as Little Jesse doesn't eat all the popcorn

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