Today on Kris Krohn it's all about helping millennial millionaires escape
the rat race. I mean, think about it. Technically, I actually missed being a
millennial by a couple years. So, I'm Gen X or Y or Z or some other generation. But
I have the same problem that Millennials have. I mean, if you look at it today,
Millennials are deeply, deeply underappreciated. They're told that
they're entitled, they're told that they're lazy, they're told that they don't want
to work. And I think that the Millennials is perhaps the most misunderstood
generation because technology has created suction advancements, such a leap
forward that in my generation, it's easy to look at the younger people the way
older people are always doing and saying, "Those whippersnappers have it so much
easier they're now walking uphill in both ways." Right? I mean, it's just
this constant cranky. We're upset because you have it better than we had it. Nut
this is the reality. Millennials are actually pushing the map forward. If
you're watching this, you're not a millennial, I want you to listen very
carefully. We can say that they're entitled, we can say that they're lazy
but you can say, that I'm entitled and you can say that I'm lazy. Because I'm
basically off that generation and basically, I'll tell you what the problem
is for Millennials. They don't want to be duped the way we were. They don't want to
have the wool pull over their eyes and told this lie. Go to college, work for
somebody else and do it for 40 years and it'll be a better way. They're watching
their millennial buddies launching these tech startups and businesses that are
transforming and changing the world. And you know what? They don't want to pay
their 10-year dues just to have be at the lowest rung of the ladder and have a
chance to go somewhere. They don't want to be treated like the janitor. They want
to be given a real opportunity and they want to be given a chance to make a real
impact. And if you're a millennial watching this, you know that what I'm
saying is true. You're looking for a smarter way. You
know, there was a cartoon growing up back in my generation that
was like Disney Afternoon. We get home from school and there'd be like Darkwing
Duck and tailspin. And there would be duck tales and Scrooge McDuck. Had his
thick Irish accent and he would tell in his his three nephews. Huey,
Louie and Dewey. This total the aging me. But he'd always say, "Work
smarter not harder." And that's I feel like the mantra of the
Millennials. So, the Millennials are wanting out of the rat race. They want
help escaping. And I want to share with you how I escaped. And I want to share
with you how I'm helping thousands of Millennials escape this stupid rat race.
First of all, what is the rat race? The rat race basically sells us on this
dogma that if you get good grades and you go to college and if you're just
this crazy good hard worker that you can get a great job working the best hours
of your life. 50, 70 hours a week for somebody else do it for 40 years. And
everything will be right as rain bows and unicorns and cupcakes. Here's the
reality. Dude, who's believed in that garbage anymore? I'm not telling you that
college is bad or college is wrong. But college is as elementary as junior
high or high school. That college is not the golden ticket. Yeah, you want to be a
lawyer, you want to be a doctor. Yes you have to have a degree. And that's a
perfect path for you. But the majority with us, the majority of us that are
going to call it that path is not working. We're getting lame jobs that are
taking us absolutely nowhere in life. And this rat race basically means we get
stuck in this maze and we don't know how to get to the other side. There's cheese
in there supposedly. But I'm here to tell you there's no cheese. There's nothing in
there. Less than 1% of the people that take that degree will go on to actually
become financially free or live truly a great life, no. It's going to be a life of
struggle. It's going to be a life of lack, it's going to be a life of less. And
Millennials are catching on and they're basically sayingm "Alright, let's work
smarter not harder." So, I want to share with you something that has been around
but new technology. One of the ways that I love to help our Millennials escape in
this rat race... And don't worry, if you're 40 or 50 years old watching this video,
this applies to you. You can also be a millennial millionaire. But you better
start learning how to think like a millennial. Because if you actually put
it, they're demanding us to be smarter. They're demanding technology. They're
demanding that if they're going to put time and work effort and in that they want it
to yield something, they want it to yield a crop. They don't want it to be paying
their dues and going nowhere in life and spinning their wheels. Don't share this
video with your parents they might be mad at me.
So, what we're doing here in helping our Millennials is we're using ancient
technology. Dale Carnagie. You may be of heard of him. Super crazy influential
guy. And he basically said 90% of all millionaires made it in what? Real estate.
Real estate is ancient technology. But I'm going to overlay that ancient
technology today with a total hip modern day strategy that is making crazy
amounts of money. Because that's really what the Millennials want. How do I put
in my time and get rewarded? This is what I do. There are many ways of making money
but my core strategy, I do something in real estate it is called a lease option.
And it's a simple strategy that allows me within 30 days, maybe 2 or 3 months. I
can start learning how to do deals and number one, I'm doing them on my terms.
What I'm sharing with you takes very little time and it happens just on the
side. But what it does is on average, I make $5,000 up front.
Number 2, I don't... Dude, we're not into ownership. Millennials aren't into
ownership, they're into control. I'm not telling you to go buy a house. I'm
telling you to control a property. So I'll show you how to control a property
that someone else owns which allows you to make $500 on average
a month on that property. Now, with some properties that might be like $350
and with some it's going to be 8 or 9 hundred
dollars. We're going to go with $500 as an average. Now, this is
important. Because first of all, I freed myself from a job because I did 25
properties. 25 properties paying $5,000. That's over a hundred
thousand dollars. But more importantly, 25 properties doing
$500 a month, guess what that is? That is an excess of
$12,000 plus a month. And in fact, I was bringing in between these
two $12,000 a month consistently. And when that happened, you know what I did?
walked into my boss's office. I said, "Erin, I've been a college kid.
There's been a great job putting me through college. It's helped me make sure
I didn't go into student loan debt. And it's been great, thank you. And I want a
$70,000 raise." And he looked at me and he laughed his head off.
There's no way I can give you 70... And I knew he wasn't going to. And I said
goodbye. I fired my boss that day. I left my job and that day I owned. I claimed my
own financial destiny. I'm not waiting on society to create some stupid, lame game
plan that there's no way it's going to get me what I really want in life. What do
you want? Listen, it's not like you want to be rich. It's not like you have to
have like a big old nice house, drive any car you want, travel all over the world.
What we really want these days is really simple. We want freedom. I want my life
back. I want my time back to do what I want. And whether I'm living in a
average-sized house where I'm using this wealth to live in like a mansion, dude,
that's your decision, that's a small by-product. The reality is reclaiming
your life. And for me, this system allowed me to do these 2 things and quit my
job. It was the best day of my life. Dude, I got in. I walked in with an empty box
to fill it up with all the crap from my desk. And I didn't want to take any of
that energy with me. So I just took my name tag, my name plate for my desk. Kris
Krohn. I grabbed that, I left the box. I got in my BMW top down and I raced home.
And I got on the phone with my wife and I said, "I did it." And then I call it my
father-in-law who had become one of my partners I said, "I did it." I just started
calling up my friends and saying, "I'm out." I'm out of this rat race. Friends, I've
been off financial life support now for well over a decade. And I can tell you
that the air is different when you're not working for someone else or when
you're not doing a job that you don't care about or that you don't appreciate.
Like I can't in this video convey the energy. There's no words that I know how
to find that can convey what it is to be a free man. Because slavery has been
reinvented. And we're all slave to it and it's this idea that society has. But I
broke free of it. And dude, my life doesn't look like anyone else's. I get to
do the coolest freaking stuff and the biggest thing that I meant to some
people like, "Oh Kris, you have your million dollar houses. And you drive
these nice cars." They don't get it what I'm really in it is I'm buying
experiences that are unforgettable. I'm living the life that few will ever know.
And that's why I went to an old-school technology a real estate put it on
steroids with a new system I put a twist on it that no one is doing in lease option.
And I actually call it compassionate financing. And if you want to know how to
go on a journey with me, if you want to take the ride, there's a link in the
description below where I can get with you and I'm going to tell you right now
that what I'm sharing is really new. For years, I actually would just build all my
own wealth. I'm doing something different now than I've ever done before. You see
this year, this system? I'll buy 250 homes this year. I'm going to
make somewhere around 7, 8 million dollars in the next 5 years just on
this year's work. And that's taking me a very small amount of my time. Which means
I've got other endeavors and I've got time to do other things. I've got kids
now. So I'm not like playing with my kids. It's snowing outside. We're heading out.
For you, I've carved out a little bit of my time and I've set it aside and it's
my mentor time. And it basically says, I'm going to give you all the tools the
contracts the resources the hand-holding. Everything you need inside my private
club. And for my Millennials or older that are saying, "I'm a freakin committed
action taker. I'm done with this societal plan, too. And I want out of the rat race."
I can show you how to get out of that rat race. Now, it took me 4 and a half
years. It doesn't have to take you that long. I've got students now.
Members of my club and organization that are doing it way faster. And you might be
the next one of them. However, if you know that it's not right timing or you
know, all I want you to do is subscribe. Watch more videos keep on learning and
educating. You need to you need to buddy up with millionaires. You need to buddy
up with people that think different. I'm sharing some thoughts that are probably
different than what you learned in your home. The things that I'm sharing with
you are different than what I learned in my home, right? There was no entitlement
here. I had to figure all this stuff out. I'm just passing it on now.
So, I dedicate some of my time of this YouTube channel. I started a few years
ago to help as many people as possible. It's been... Right now, I'm top 20 in the
world on real estate. And I will be number 1. Because one of my goals is to
get out there and be the strongest voice for influence from Millennials to say, "I
hear you and thank you for elevating our standards. And there is a better way." If
you're looking for that better way and you want real connection. And you want to
make a real impact, then let me show you how to create enough wealth that you get
your time back. Because the people that make the biggest impact on society today
are those that don't have their mind bought by a corporation. That they're
trading their time for money. When you own your time back, when you own
your life back, you're living life on your terms. You become a 3 thinker. As
a free thinker, you're going to be developing what society needs next.
You're going to come up with the next biggest idea. You're going to have the
ability to put money into charities and causes that you believe in. You're going to
have the ability to live life and your financial destiny on your terms. If that
connects with you. One, be a subscriber here because that's what this channel is
all about. And 2, if you're ready to take the ride, click the link below and
let me share with you what that looks like. If it's not for you, it doesn't
resonate. Awesome. But there's a really good chance that it will. And if it is,
then as long as you'll have the courage to take action, I'll be at your side and
together, we're going to freaking crush this thing.
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