Vlan Yapısı Nedi? Nasıl Yapılandırılır? - Duration: 22:06.-------------------------------------------
Al Bano, Natale con Loredana Lecciso. E Romina? Ecco con chi lo passerà la Power.... - Duration: 14:39.-------------------------------------------
8 NOVOS EPISÓDIOS DE MIRACULOUS!! SINOPSES E TEORIAS DA 3ª TEMPORADA!! - Duration: 5:18.Are you excited for new episodes of Season 3? So I bring good news: a list with the names of the next 7 miraculous episodes.
Some synopses, and obviously many theories. Are you ready? So let's go there because here is Pamy and you're watching My Favorite Show!
Warning, although the list is running on the internet, in my research,
the only episodes I've seen are confirmed by official channels until then, were the first three,
but this does not stop us from already beginning to imagine how others would be,
in the case of being real. The list goes from episodes 2 to 8, we have:
Good news for those who got super curious about the episode of a supposed MariCat,
this episode is scheduled to come to the air on December 30, and is called "Papa Garou" or "Weredad".
This name comes from the words "Werewolf" and "dad".
A brief synopsis of this episode says that Tom, finding that Cat Noir is not in love with his daughter Marinette,
will be sad and become akumatized into a big wolf who will arrest his daughter
to protect her from the world and so that no one breaks her heart.
Now he needs is to put her in a tower and start singing that Papa knows best.
I confess that I did not expect this turnaround, I thought that this would finally be an episode that
Adrien/Cat Noir would finally start liking Marinette but nooo, even the kitty comes with the "she's just a friend",
I honestly can not stand these two , I think I'm going to focus more on Alya and Nino,
at least they're working out in this show.
And there's more, in this episode, when Mari is kidnapped by her father,
ends up getting separated from Tikki becoming unable to transform.
Will Cat be able to defeat a villain without his Lady? Or is it his turn to ask for help?
A week is a long time to wait for this episode.
(I hope they do not postpone any more too)
Then we will have "Animaestro", it can be a joint of animation or animal with maestro.
In the case of being a Akumatized animal-related, my theory is that it may be something like the story of
Flautist of Hamelin who used his music to hypnotize the rats of the city,
thus ridding it of an infestation.
I hope this power does not work with superhero black cats.
"Bakerix" I imagine it's a mix of Bakery with Imperatrix,
it must be Sabine Cheng's turn to be Akumatized because of her bakery.
Backwander can mean... wander... in reverse? Wandering backwards?
Is it an Akumatized who does a moonwalk?
Or maybe a 2.0 Reverser whose power is to make the victims do everything backwards?
I'd pay to see Ladybug trying to talk back and forth.
"Silencer" may be science teacher Mendeleiv, who could not stand the mess of her class anymore
and gained the power to take away the voice from all her victims.
This would prevent the heroes from using their powers since they need to talk to do so.
In the episode Onichan Miraculous will turn into an anime.
Pfft I'm kidding, I honestly do not know what to expect from this.
Chris Master may be another character inspired by a real-life figure,
in this case a professional wrestling fighter. Someone calls Anansi for a duel? My bet is on her.
In addition to the episodes on this list, we will also have Metronomic.
I guess that driver we saw in Queen Wasp is Akumatized for some reason,
and turns not only himself but his locomotive too.
And Thomas Astruc also gave us a mini spoiler saying that Cat Noir
would play on the piano a song for his Lady. If that does not soften her little heart, I give up.
And for now that's it, if you want more news do not forget to click on the button to subscribe
and activate the bell to receive fresh spoilers and more theories.
Thank you so much for watching! A kitty's kissy and see you next time!
Andrea Agnelli : Bisogna cambiare per affrontare il futuro e le nuove sfide - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic / Navi / Verbr. 1:30 / - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
La peste suina africana minaccia l'Europa. Cos'è e come viene trasmessa? (also subtitles english) - Duration: 4:48.HEALTH & FITNESS
Today's topic is:
The African swine fever
African swine fever is a highly contagious infectious disease.
It is caused by a virus from the Asfaviridae family and affects European wild pigs, wild boar and suidae.
Suidae are a family of mammals that includes more than the two previously mentioned, the warthog, the potamocere, the ilocero and the babirusa.
The disease is not transmissible to humans but is devastating to the animals and the consequences have repercussions with economic damage on the economy of the affected country.
What are the symptoms?
High fever up to 40-42 degrees
Leukopenia (decrease in the number of white blood cells)
Vomiting and hemorrhagic diarrhea
Hemorrhagic enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine)
Dyspnea (difficulty breathing)
Splenomegaly (increase in spleen size)
African swine fever is an endemic disease in Sub-Saharan Africa, meaning it is constantly present in that territory.
For a long time this infectious disease has frightened Sardinia, which is still today a High Risk region, and in these last days is creating alarms in Italy.
Cases have been registered in Belgium, a European country from which Italy imports live pigs.
According to some experts, in addition to having increased the wild boar population in an uncontrolled way, they could have been pushed towards the Euopean countries by large-scale hunting expeditions by the Russians.
Denmark has even announced plans to build a 1.50m high anti-boar wall and 70km along the border with Germany (although many have seen it as an expedient to close the borders)
How to cure?
There is no effective vaccine, unfortunately, as this type of virus is able to block the formation of neuralizing antibodies in the animal that has been affected.
The only solution is to proceed with the slaughter of infected animals.
Prevention can be done by delimiting the infected areas and proceeding with a disinfection;
control the movement of live pigs;
carry out regular health checks on all farms.
How is the infection?
The infection occurs through direct contact with infected animals, in particular with urine and faeces.
This is a situation that occurs very frequently given the small spaces in which they are used to living these animals.
Contagion can also occur with the ingestion of meat products from infected animals (such as contaminated kitchen waste)
or contact with any object previously contaminated by the virus (clothing, vehicles and equipment, etc.)
If you liked the video,
leave a like
and subscribe to the Youtube channel
E.JUNNY - Almost (Feat. WMW) - Duration: 3:52.
Why are you star-
-ing at the sky empty whenever?
Sky is always
the same so it's a envy too much
Sometimes we think death
is easier
There is no rope I'll
save you
When we get to the epex
We are back to sqare one
But you know what
It is just that the world hasn't
Take care of you
Sometimes we think death
is easier
There is no rope I'll
save you
When we get to the epex
We are back to sqare one
When we get to the epex
We are back to sqare one
When we get to the epex
We are back to sqare one
Sốc!:Thủ tướng VN & Tổng thống Hàn 'làm khó' HLV Tuyển Việt Nam theo cách ít ai nghĩ đến ! - Duration: 17:04.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Shine Automaat (Navi / Airco / Panoramadak) - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
15 Days of Christmas 2018 day 14: Easy last minute D.I.Y. gift - Regalo fai da te dell'ultimo minuto - Duration: 7:21.Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel
and welcome to the second to last instalment of my series 15 days of Christmas
Here we are, Christmas is actually around the corner
and if you just realized that
you still have a few presents to buy
don't panic
as in today's video
I will share with you an idea for a last minute
customized D.I.Y. gift
this year I created for my girlfriends
these frames, which I'm in love with by the way and I bought them on H&M online
for a very reasonable price
but if you're very last minute
you can buy any frame you find in the stores
the peculiarity is that inside
I placed an illustrated portrait of each one of my friends
and I created the illustrations using a web site that I'll show you later in the video
so if you're looking for a
last minute custom made gift
don't miss the rest of this tutorial and these are the supplies you'll need
the portrait printed in color on paper or cardstock,
a frame of your choice,
a pencil,
a ruler,
and some glue.
First of all we need to create the portrait
to do that I used a web site called
let's start by selecting the gender
as you can see at the bottom you have a selection of all the components
the shape of the face
the complexion
the lips
the nose
the ears
the eyes
the eyebrows
the hair ect
Once we are satisfied with the result of the portrait
let's save the image by clicking on download
Brilliant, now let's open word and let's start
by writing the name of the person using a font we like
now let's insert the portrait
and the banner that you'll find on my blog
Let's layer the details correctly
and once we'll be satisfied let's print the portrait in the right size to fit our frame
here are my portraits ready
as you can see I added a floral detail, but it's optional
Now let's open the frame we chose and
and using a ruler let's measure the inside
in order to cut the portrait to the correct size
my frame measures
11cm by 15,5 cm
as I want to leave 1 cm on each side
my portrait will have to measure 9 cm by 13.5 cm
so using a ruler and a pencil
let's mark these measurements on the portrait sheet
Brilliant, we can now cut the portrait to the right size
let's erase the pencil marks
let's add a dot of glue on the back
and let's adhere the portrait inside the frame
if you chose a regular frame
you can use the paper sheet that usually comes with the frame
as a mask to cut the portrait to that same size
then you'll just have ti insert the portrait in the frame without adding any glu
Et voilà, our framed portraits are ready
Here are the framed portraits ready
I created one for each of my girlfriends
who by now should have already opened the gift
so this isn't goping to be a spolier
an easy and quick customized project
which I hope will help you with your last minute presents
if you liked this idea don't forget to give the video a thumbs up so that I will know it
I remind you that on my blog you'll find more pictures of the finished project
together with the list all of the supplies
included the link to the hexatar web site
and the link to my blogpost is in the downbar
or by clicking on the I above my head
If you haven't yet I also invite you to subscribe to my channel in order not to miss the last themed videos and all the future ones I'll upload
That's it for today, I'm signing off
I send you a thousend kisses and I'll see you tomorrow
with the last video of the series, ciao!
INSTAGRAM SINCERO | PARAFERNALHA - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Como Usar Cartão de Crédito (E GANHAR DINHEIRO) - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Donald Trump e la minaccia aliena - Zanc9 fa le voci #3 - Duration: 4:42.Hi guys!
I am Donald Trump, and I want to become the president of the USA, yeah!
Yeees! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
Oh, sorry, it's my assistant. It may be important…
Oh, this is some good news!
I actually AM the president of the USA!!
Yeees! Donald Trump! You are the best! Yeeeah!
Thank you guys
Anyway, I came here to tell you something really cool
We found aliens!
You know, the ones with green skin, who make whooo, whoooooooo!
Oh, again?
"Take it more seriously: they want to attack the Earth"
Oh, wow!
"They have black skin, huge teeth and three pairs of red eyes"
No matter how many eyes they've got, but their skin is BLACK!?
Where do they come from? South Africa!?
Mmm, let's ask him
"So, where do they come from?"
"They come from Vega"
Oh, they're Vegans!?
Don't worry dude: vegans are not dangerous
I know a couple of them. They only eat carrots, like rabbits
"They are planning an invasion"
Oh no! I don't want America to be full of rabbits!
Well, I'll put them on the blacklist
Now, let me call my dear friend from Russia
Hi, Vladi! How are you?
"Donald Trump, what are you doing calling me in the middle of the night??"
Are you kidding me? It's 6 p.m.
"The Earth is a sphere. There's the time zone: here in Moskow it's 4 o'clock"
Oh, I thought the Earth was flat
Anyway, did you hear about the vegans' invasion? We must do something!
"Ah, the aliens' invasion! Yes, the news leaked two weeks ago"
"Don't you worry, I have programmed a nuclear missiles system that will solve everything"
"The red button is ready. I just have to press it and everything blows up!"
Oh, ok. See you later then
Man, this is not good, not good at all
Atomic bombs? I don't like them. I don't like radiation: it ruins my hair!
Well, I've got a better idea
I'll build a wall, a great wall to separate the Earth from Vega
And I'll make vegans pay for that wall!!
Yeees! Donald Trump! Donald Trump! You are the best! Yeeeah!
As you can imagine, they both had their own minds
Putin sent missiles, while Donald Trump built the interstellar wall
However, Putin's missiles crashed into the wall and blew it up
So, aliens could reach the Earth unharmed, and the worst thing is...
La Familia Dedo De Navidad ♫ Canciones Infantiles ♫ Plim Plim - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
✅ Emma e Biondo news, la coppia risponde così alle malelingue: un video parla chiaro - Duration: 2:30.Emma e Biondo oggi: le news sulla coppia da Instagram Le news su Emma e Biondo di Amici sono tutt'altro che negative
I due cantanti infatti dopo la scorsa edizione continuano a vivere felici la loro storia d'amore nonostante le continue voci di corridoio su una loro presunta crisi
Entrambi si sono conosciuti durante il talent show di Maria De Filippi e lì hanno inizialmente nascosto la loro liaison amorosa; successivamente però è saltato tutto fuori e la stessa Maria diverse volte ha scherzato sul loro rapporto
A dire la verità, eravamo piuttosto scettici sul fatto che due ragazzi così giovani avessero potuto frequentarsi anche dopo la fine di Amici: le cose invece stanno proprio così
Emma e Biondo stanno ancora insieme infatti e si amano alla follia. Le ultime storie Instagram pubblicate da lui lo dimostrano chiaramente
Una cena romantica per Emma e Biondo: "Stai diventando romana" In uno degli ultimi video infatti Emma e Biondo mangiano assieme e lui scherzosamente fa notare a tutti come finalmente la Muscat sia diventata una vera romana
"Stai diventando romana, eh – queste le parole di Biondo –? Perché mangi carbonara! Spaghetti, carbonara e pecorino! Ti guardo!"
A commento della storia in effetti il rapper scrive che "finalmente ha capito che il pecorino sulla carbonara è meglio del parmigiano"
Insomma i soliti momenti felici di una coppia che più volte ha dovuto far fronte alle voci delle malelingue
L'ultima volta in effetti i più pettegoli avevano davvero esagerato ed entrambi diedero una risposta chiara a queste voci di corridoio
Le ultime news su Emma e Biondo: successi musicali per i due ex di Amici Emma sembra aver davvero rapito il cuore di Biondo: il rapper si è mostrato con lei anche quando ebbe un infortunio che fece preoccupare i fan e in molte altre occasioni
Entrambi peraltro stanno continuando a imporsi nel mondo della musica, lui con il pezzo Tokio Hotel e lei con il duetto con Shade Figurati noi
Dopo Amici insomma per i due ragazzi va tutto a gonfie vele, e speriamo sarà sempre così
Alla faccia delle malelingue che comunque continueranno sempre a ipotizzare la loro rottura
Il mondo del gossip è anche questo!
The Game of Life - Kriss Akabusi | Words of Olympians - Duration: 6:17.(WORDS OF OLYMPIANS)
(LONDON, 1960S)
My mother and father are from Nigeria.
They came to the UK in the 1950s.
In '62, they went back to Nigeria
and my mother and father lost contact with me.
I was brought up in a children's home.
Initially, I cried a lot.
When I got to 12, I realised I had to be self-sufficient,
that within me,
there was enough to survive.
I built on that surviving to thrive.
I had this mindset
that enabled fear to work for me.
For some people, fear holds them down.
They can't move.
But fear released me so that I didn't die.
I joined the army in '75,
and I met a guy called Sergeant Ian Mackenzie.
He was the athletic officer in my very first unit.
He was the one who saw in my sports that I had potential.
He also logged all my successes
and told everybody about it.
All of a sudden, I was getting positive affirmation,
not just from him,
but also my colleagues and peers in the army base.
The training is arduous.
It's endurance-based.
It's speed-based.
There was discipline, and I needed discipline.
The army's not for everybody, but it was my cup of tea.
I spent four years getting ready for the Olympic Games.
It's Hollywood!
They do things large, brash, big, bold,
and in Technicolor!
I was a young man, 25 years of age.
I'd never, ever crossed the pond before.
Moonwalking everywhere.
You got the jet-pack man flying in.
It was just crazy!
And here I was, in the middle of it.
I'm an English boy, fish and chips.
It was far out.
Todd Bennett, Phil Brown, Garry Cook -
I'd squeezed myself into that team in 1984.
We were real great friends, real great colleagues,
real great competitors.
So, with that sort of fraternity,
you learn to love one another.
My mouth goes dry, butterflies in my stomach.
I'm bubbling. I'm frightened.
Before I know, I'm exploding out of my blocks.
The first 60 meters, I'm giving it all that I've got.
It's a sprint.
I'm listening to my stride.
I kick in that turbo charger.
I go into that second bend.
I notice now that I'm closing down on some competitors.
My legs are going wobbly, and I'm flowing in.
And I see Garry, and Garry presents his hand,
and Garry recognises I'm spent.
Garry Cook, he was a schoolteacher.
He's disciplined enough to stay in his lane
for that first 100 metres of that second leg.
I look over the high-jump pit.
I see Garry flowing down the back straight.
Garry's fourth. We're in great shape.
Todd gets it.
The horns of Bennett come out of his head
as he grits his teeth.
Todd was very, very small.
People always used to say to him,
"Yeah, you're really, really good,
"but can you hack it with the big boys?"
I always felt that Todd had something to prove
and proved it by beating the big boys.
Todd does his bit.
Phil Brown was a really serious,
philosophical-type athlete
who had no interest in athletics.
"Who's he? Is he good? What time does he run?"
"Phil, he's the American champion!"
"Oh, good. What time does he run?"
With his nostrils flaring and his arms flailing,
Phil makes a break and then goes past the Nigerian
in the last 100 metres.
We are Olympic silver medallists.
It was my moment
where I became a world-class performer
on the international stage.
It was a family.
We were great friends.
I was just a small kid from a children's home
who used to get in trouble at school,
and here I am, actually accepting this
on behalf of the country.
Look at that flag and think, "This was because of us."
It was awesome.
Natale a Palazzo Rotati - Duration: 1:13.Here we are in the Calliope suite, the most romantic of the Rotati Palace
we are finishing up preparing because there are people who are coming from New York
It is a couple who is in love with this place this is now the fourth / fifth door that come
and they always do in New York-Bologna, Bologna-Fano, Fano-Palazzo Rotati
and they are really in love with this room, not only for Palazzo Rotati and Fano
And so we're ready for Christmas, our tree is ready
We are waiting you to spend the holidays with us
Greetings also from Jack and We wish a good start for 2019!
22 Aralık 2018 - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
夏になって歌え Little Glee Monster フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
BOLSONARO COMEÇA A SE ABORRECER COM DESTAQUE DE MOURÃO - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
🔸 Android TV Box - como conectar fone de ouvido com fio ( PT - BR ) + Legendas/CC - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Renault Mégane Estate TCe 130pk GT-Line R-link, Climate, Cruise, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Renault Mégane Estate TCe 130pk GT-Line Camera, R-link, Climate, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V60 1.6 D2 R-Design,NAVI,TREKH,SPORTSTOELEN,BLUE-TOOTH,CC,NEDERLANDSE AUTO,BOEKJES,NAP - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
[미정발게임번역]프린세스커넥트R_메인스토리_1장(불청객) - Duration: 8:52.-------------------------------------------
Стрим по Роблоксу и Forza Horizon 4 И бесплатный пиар!! - Duration: 11:57.-------------------------------------------
日産 GT-R、レクサス LC、ホンダ NSXを徹底比較 - Duration: 14:46.-------------------------------------------
Vlan Yapısı Nedi? Nasıl Yapılandırılır? - Duration: 22:06.-------------------------------------------
Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo Met Airco-Ecc, Navigatie, LM velgen. ( Vestiging - vIANEN ) - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Auris 1.2T Dynamic ( Navigatie, Climate control, Cruise ) - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo 140PK, Vol Leer, Schuifdak, Navigatie, PDC, Climate control, Stoelverwarming, - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Game of Thrones, True Detective, Big Little Lies & More Coming Soon in 2019 | HBO - Duration: 1:41.DAENERYS TARGARYEN: Shall we begin?
We are on a journey.
To the future.
So what happens now?
Something extraordinary.
♪ So what's the damage? ♪
♪ Have you got bones With what I said? ♪
DOMINIC CUMMINGS: Everyone knows who won.
But not everyone knows how.
-♪ But I'll keep going till I'm dead ♪ -My people!
♪ I leave the enemy ♪
♪ With more... ♪
These guys are like the voice of true New York.
All of America is talking about nothing else.
JON SNOW: There's only one war that matters.
We'll face it together.
-Dracarys. -(DRAGONS ROARS)
♪ 'Cause this is What I live for ♪
-♪ I never quit, no, no ♪ -(BOTH SHOUTING)
-Life is about taking a risk. -♪ This is what I live for ♪
♪ I take another swing, so ♪
-♪ I never miss, no ♪ -What did you do?
♪ No, this is what I live for ♪
Why did all these families just give up on me?
-MUHAMMAD ALI: I'm still the best. -♪ This is what I live for ♪
Second time's the charm.
-Uh, it's actually fourth. -Fourth.
♪ This is what I live for ♪
♪ It's time to kiss the ring, oh I'm trying to get gold ♪
♪ 'Cause this is What I live for ♪
♪ This is what I live for ♪
-(AUDIENCE CHEERS) -Welcome, welcome, welcome!
♪This is what I live for ♪
I want more!
♪ This is what I live for I never quit, no, no ♪
♪ This is what I live for ♪
Ants vs. Swarms of Intelligent Mites - Duration: 20:50.Oh man!
Back with a report from the Antiverse this week, regarding several of my ant colonies,
as well as some of the beasts featured in recent videos on this channel.
But you read the title, and yes, it's true.
The ever foreboding mites have made a return and are covering the bodies of one of our
most beloved of ant colonies - the Platinum Dragons!
The Platinum Dragons, whose species are known as Polyrhachis ants or lesser weaver ants,
actually came to me already with a mite infestation.
Eventually, however, after a few months under our care, it began to look like the mites
had miraculously disappeared.
Well, turns out, I was wrong, and they're back attaching themselves to the bodies of
our ants, but guys, I do have a theory that may surprise you, and I'll be explaining that,
as well as what some of the other ants and creatures have been up to lately, in today's
epic update episode!
AC Family, gather round once again, as we check up on several ant kingdoms and fantastic
beasts of the Antiverse, our epic Ant Room that continues to fill us with shock and wonder,
here on the AntsCanada Ant Channel.
Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel, and hit the BELL icon.
Welcome to the AC Family.
Our story begins in an ant kingdom known as El Dragon Towers.
If you're new here or aren't caught up with recent videos, our Lesser Weaver Ants whom
you, the AC Family have named the Platinum Dragons, were moved into this enclosure, in
a quiet corner of the Ant Room, so they could be quarantined and closely monitored.
You see, this is what their old home used to look like.
A moated jungle called El Dragon Island, and though they seemed to like living on the island,
and even appeared to be ridding themselves of pesky mites, the colony wasn't growing
as fast as I'd expected, so they were moved off El Dragon Island and into this more observation-friendly
setup composed of stacked outworlds, now called the El Dragon Towers.
Now, before we look at the ants themselves and the new mites, I wanna show you these
new territories in which the Platinum Dragons have been living for the past several weeks.
Their home was no longer an island, but was now a land-locked terrarium with the same
dragon skull sitting powerfully at ground-level.
In fact, El Dragon Towers is still designed like a dragon.
There's the head, and two great green leaf wings stretching high up into the skies.
The space is composed of 3 stacked AC Outworlds and are well ventilated with many breathing
holes and offers a great deal of space for our arboreal ants to climb and forage.
I wasn't sure at first how the ant colony would respond to life in El Dragon Tower after
living on an island for so long, but I was quite surprised to see this, AC Family.
Have a look!
Turning the towers around so we can see the back.
Behold, AC Family!
This bottom test tube is their brown sugar water reserve, and up here, we have the colony
nesting quietly.
Let's check out the sugar water test tube.
In this watering hole, which is almost ready to be changed due to the cotton starting to
mold, our Platinum Dragons are hanging out.
In fact, the ants guard this carb-rich reserve with their lives, and have learned that this
is the place from which they could consistently collect some cherished liquid nectar from
the gods!
And have a look at this pair.
It may look like they're kissing.
They are in fact, transferring food, a process called trophallaxis.
From the looks of things, it does seem the ant on the left is drinking from whatever
the ant on the right is regurgitating.
But from this you can also see how bad the mite infestation is again.
But before I go into my thoughts on these new mites, let's have a look up at the main
Living snugly within this AC test tube, we have our Platinum Dragons and all their young.
If you look carefully you can see which ants have mites, and can even see some on the surface
of the test tube.
This setup also provides a reservoir of fresh water offering the ants hydration and some
There's actually some more ants congregating here, in their old leaf nest clipping taken
from the El Dragon Island, their old home.
It has since withered away, but the ants still love hanging out there which is totally fine.
And low and behold, here in the middle of the crowd is the queen, our Platinum Dragon
Royal Highness, layer of all the eggs, and the perpetuator of the ant colony.
She sits quietly in her spot reserving her energy for the great task of egg production
and laying.
Speaking of which, AC Family, it seems our queen has been very busy!
Take a look at all that healthy, growing brood.
Eggs, larvae of various sizes, and pupae were bunched together in piles, workers all tending
to and feed them, and also making sure the queen is fed well via trophallaxis so she
could keep producing all these eggs.
Now here's where my mite theory comes in, guys.
Ready for this?
Listen to this.
Look closely.
Do you notice something strange about the queen and all her brood?
You may or may not have noticed that she is actually mite-free!
Same as all the brood.
Mites can only be seen on the bodies of the workers.
Now this I found to be pretty mind-blowing, and here's why.
First off, these mites seen here thankfully, are not the parasitic, blood-sucking kind.
We've already established our suspicions that this was the case in a previous video.
The mites in their natural state are not body latching mites, as seen here, but rather,
are naturally roving mites which eat decaying matter and fungus.
But the mites transform into what are called phoretic mites, which specialize at attaching
themselves on the bodies of insects when environmental conditions become unideal for them to live,
for example when it gets too dry for them to live properly.
At this phoretic stage the mites don't have mouths or anuses.
They are just body latchers that stay attached to the host insects until conditions improve.
The biological purpose of this transformation from normal mobile mite to body latching phoretic
mite is to sort of hibernate on a moving transport vehicle host until the host brings the mites
to greener pastures.
Once environmental conditions become favourable for the phoretic mites, the mites proceed
to transform into the next life stage and fall off the host insect to continue life
as a normal mite.
It's an incredible evolutionary adaptation, if you think about it!
Now, here's the mind-blowing part!
From the looks of things, it does seem like the mites know which members of the ant colony
to attach to.
Upon speaking with my acarologist friend, Dr. Kaitlyn Campbell, it was never mentioned
that the mites were picky with whom they chose to body-ride, but based on what we're seeing
here, AC Family, it seems the mites only want to ride on the workers.
And this, AC Family, is what's mind-blowing!
The mites seem to know that the brood nor the queen are ideal vehicle hosts to take
them to greener pastures because the queen and the brood never leave the nest, whereas
the workers, do.
Therefore, latching onto worker ants are a better choice for the mites becoming phoretic
mites because there is a greater chance they would be able to be taken to a better place
to live.
Isn't that just amazing?
The mites know not to attach to our queen nor the larvae and eggs.
I don't know how the mites managed to figure all this out, but they did!
So smart!
Unreal, right guys?!
Mites seem to have an impressive capacity to discern and choose their hosts, even if
their hosts are all the same species!
Something tells me mites are smarter than we all assume.
Now, this is quite the relief, guys, because our main reason for wanting to get rid of
phoretic mites in the first place was because Dr. Campbell mentioned too many phoretic mites
latching on to our queen and brood could cause some problems.
Well, if that's the case, based on what we're seeing here at this point, it seems the mites
are not a threat, and it's quite evident in the colony's overall health and increased
Our Platinum Dragons are still doing very well despite the phoretic mites.
Now here's another major thing I noticed upon going back to old videos where mites had made
their appearance on our ants, it seems the phoretic mites most appear around this time
of the year, from around November to about February.
And well, AC Family, it just so happens that these months happen to be the cooler, drier,
and windier season here in the Philippines where I live.
AC Family, I suspect this is no coincidence.
My theory then is that a rise in phoretic mites is a seasonal thing.
Perhaps the mites at this time of the year find it too dry for them to live properly,
so they enter phoresis and attach to other insects until the onset of the summer and
wet season, upon which they transform into their next life stage and fall off our ants.
Isn't that just a valuable piece of information, guys?
We wouldn't have discovered this had we not moved our Platinum Dragons into this more
clearer setup.
So, at this point, I do feel these phoretic mites should not be a threat to our Platinum
The mites aren't parasitic, the Platinum Dragon queen and brood live phoretic mite-free, and
if my theory is correct, the phoretic mites should be less apparent or completely gone
by March of next year.
AC Family, I think we can all let out a sigh of relief.
I'll be sure to send this video, as well, to Dr. Caitlin Campbell and see what she thinks
and if there is research on mite's decision capabilities and intelligence, as displayed
here in El Dragon Towers.
Alright, now let's get a few more updates on some of our other friends in the Ant Room,
starting with our new goddess featured in our last episode, living in a desert shrine
known as the Arachno Sanctorium.
Check out the amazing progress of that web!
She's been quite busy over the past 2 weeks.
You can see her cleaning herself inside her protective silken chamber.
Little by little, our green-bottle blue tarantula here has been adding on to the web construction
more and more every night.
Have a look at how complex the funnel web is.
The other end towards the top is nicely sealed for her protection.
Now in the last episode featuring this tarantula, you saw that she had a molting complication,
where the top of her carapace failed to shed off, and can you guess what has happened since
It's still there.
It doesn't seem to bother her at this point, and I expect that she'll be able to get rid
of this extra piece at her next shed.
For now, it's a decorative crown or hood, for the goddess of the Antiverse.
And hey, AC Family, while we're at it, this new goddess of ours needs a name.
Please take a moment to vote here for a name for our tarantula based on my top 5 picks
from your name suggestions in our last video.
Thank you, AC Council for your input!
And now moving on to an update to the episode before last, where the river of the Selva
De Fuego was overtaken by a green slime.
Turns out it was blue-green algae, and due to our treatments and added creatures, the
green monster is officially gone.
The waters are clear again and the plants winning the battle against the algae.
I love how clear the water is again.
It's therapeutic to look at, and I find myself just staring for hours.
And guess what?
Look at how big the tiny stow-away fry has grown!
Looks to me like the baby fish we discovered in that previous episode is a guppy!
How cute!
I know many of you guys guessed correctly!
Ten points for you if you did!
I have no idea what it's been eating since then, but now that's it's this big, I'll be
throwing in some fish flakes for it to feed on to help it grow big and healthy.
What should we name this little guy or girl?
Leave your name suggestions in the comments.
Remember our new carpenter ant colony?
I'm super thrilled to show you an update on them!
The carpenter ants are doing extremely well!
They've got a tonne of new brood and the workers, super vivacious.
They've also extended their tunnel work and living space to all areas of the nest.
Look at this larvae pile here.
I also love how they've chosen to use soil to strategically establish microclimates and
control hydration at desired locations of the nest.
This AC Hybrid Nest has proven to be an excellent home for this carpenter ant colony!
They've been eating well, including honey drops and roaches offered in a bottle cap
in their AC Outworld.
And guess what!
This booming supercolony finally has an official name!
I am happy to announce that you, the AC Family have voted for this carpenter ant supercolony
to be named the Lumberjacks.
May the Lumberjacks continue to prosper and lay more eggs in this AC Hybrid Nest Outworld
Now remember these?
These are the Chambers of Sudan, incubator chambers to our rhino beetle larvae which
were supposedly scheduled to emerge as fully developed adult rhino beetles around Christmas
Well, no sign of the beetles, but then again, it isn't Christmas yet, so we'll just have
to keep waiting.
Anyone out there as excited as I am for Christmas to come sooner?
As for the termites, I've been leaving them in peace for the past few months.
They're quite low maintenance because they only need wood and water every few months,
so it has been easy to forget they're even there.
I do want to give them privacy though, and I don't wanna go in a wreck their structures,
so I'll be sure to check up on them at some point in the future.
Finally, an update on the Bobbleheads, our Pheidole ants living on Avista.
No change to report here, other than that they've grown quite bigger since we last saw
Just to show you what I mean, let's place a freshly killed roach here and watch the
super colony emerge from hiding.
This entire sequence is not time lapsed, guys, so watch how quickly the ants learn about
the newly offered food.
Back at the nest things seem pretty chill, at first, but soon a commotion starts to build,
and very soon a massive highway begins to form on the wood bridge which takes the ants
to the bounty which awaits on the neighbouring island!
just love watching the Bobbleheads feed.
They are such voracious feeders!
And AC Family, that's it for now.
Now I know there are many other creatures and ant kingdoms in the Antiverse and parallel
dimensions to update you guys on, but I wanted to save these updates for our up coming AC
Holidays Special, uploading sometime within the week.
Thank you, AC Family for watching, and I will see you for our next video uploading in a
few days!
Until then, it's ant love forever!
Alright AC Family, what did you think of these updates?
Isn't it a relief that although the mites are back, we likely don't have to worry.
I will surely keep a close eye on the Platinum Dragons regardless and continue to update
you on their progress, as well as that of our other creatures of the Antiverse.
So, be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button and BELL icon now so you can keep updated, and
don't forget to hit that LIKE button every single time, including now.
Now, you may or may not have noticed that last week, I wasn't able to upload.
I was actually in Seattle raising funds for Dancember, a 24 hour live stream telethon
where we dance and perform for donations.
Turns out we managed to raise over $325,000 USD for Save the Children to help feed kids
around the world.
AC Family, if you'd like to donate towards such a worthy cause please feel free to hit
the blue donate button that you see beside or under this video, or click the link I will
put in the description box!
They are accepting donations until the end of the year.
Thank you to all who already supported in this critical season of giving!
Also a special announcement!
Although it's past the order date at AntsCanada.com for arrival before Christmas, our awesome
Holidays Promo is still in full effect until the end of the year, for all you ant keepers
and ant lovers wanting to get into the hobby this year!
And boy have the ant lovers gone ant love crazy so far!
So, guys, here's the deal!
Anyone ordering our new Ant Towers, which are already on sale, or any of our Hybrid
Nests or Hybrid Nest Gear Packs, will also get our newly revised 2019 version of the
Ultimate Ant Keeping Handbook, with new and updated ant keeping info, a huge new section
on nuptial flight schedules and distribution info per species, and tonnes of gorgeous ant
Just order an Ant Tower or Hybrid Nest or Hybrid Nest Gear Pack, add the new e-book
to your cart and use the coupon code "antlove2019" and you get the e-book for free!
If you've always wanted to start ant keeping, don't miss out on this opportunity and check
out our ant keeping gear at AntsCanada.com.
I look forward to you all keeping ants with me!
If you're new to
the channel, and want to catch up on all your AntsCanada Lore, feel free to binge watch
this complete story line playlist here, which traces the origins of all the ant colonies
of the ant room, so you can follow their stories and better appreciate how these ant kingdoms
came to be, and why we love them so much!
AC Inner Colony, I have left a hidden cookie for you here, if you would just like to watch
extended play footage of our Platinum Dragons living within El Dragon Towers!
You'll love looking closely at these marvelous ants and inspecting those phoretic mites latching
onto them.
And before we proceed to the AC Question of the Week, I'd like to plug my daily vlogging
channel, daily vlogs of my journey as a Youtuber with creatures like my baby African Grey parrot!
If you love birds and animals, and traveling, exploring the world, check out my vlog channel!
I'm also giving away FREE round trip tickets to beautiful Philippines from anywhere in
the world you live, so be sure to visit the channel and subscribe to qualify for the contest.
And now it's time for the AC Question of the Week!
Last week we asked:
Why was the Arachno Sanctorium a better suited home for our
green-bottle blue tarantula?
Congratulations to Willi W. who correctly answered:
The new home is better suited because naturally this species lives in desert like environments.
That's why you chose fake plants because they don't require any water like real plants which
would add moisture to the habitat.
Congratulations, Willi W., you just won a free e-book handbook from our shop!
In this week's AC Question of the Week, we ask:
Why do we suspect that phoretic mites might be a seasonal thing?
Leave your answer in the comments section and you could also win a free e-book handbook
from our shop!
Hope you can subscribe to the channel as we upload every Saturday at 8AM EST.
Please remember to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video to help
us keep making more.
It's ant love forever!
Finally Blacky give birth newborn baby today |Congrats Blacky birth baby in Amber |Monkey Daily 2260 - Duration: 10:30.
KISS IFLIGHT AIO - Flight Controller Review - Duration: 4:25.Hello everyone, I am Mirko, and today we see this Flight Controller great for FPV drones
This is the iFlight KISS FC, if you want to buy it you can find the link in description.
As the name suggests, this flight controller has the KISS firmware.
in fact Flyduino has licensed Iflight to use its own firmware
So all the configurations of this board will have to be done through the Kiss GUI configurator
Let's see now the contents of the box.
Inside the package we find: the flight controller,
an external board that will be used to update the ESCs and configure the OSD,
a 12AWG power cable with XT60 connector,
a set of cables to connect ESC 4 in 1 and a set of cables for the external board
The card looks like a classic ALL IN ONE with integrated PDB,
In fact, the power cable must be connected directly to the flight controller.
Supported batteries are 2S to 6S.
On the 4 sides we have pads for connecting individual ESCs.
Up to the end of the signal pad we also have the one for ESC telemetry,
I remind you, this flight controller can only read ESC KISS.
If you have ESC 4in1 you can connect them directly in this JST connector.
The hardware of this board is based on the KISS V1, then F3 processor and MPU6050 gyroscope
It is not the latest generation hardware but in the KISS ecosystem it is still valid.
Finally, we have an OSD integrated into a KISS FC
feature that is now a standard for flight controllers with betaflight
As a result, we also have pads to connect the camera and video transmitter to the flight controller.
In the top row we have the VIN for the camera signal,
a 5V pad if we want to power it at 5 Volts,
a VBAT pad if we want to supply it with the direct voltage of the battery
and a GND pad for the ground
In the lower row we have the VOUT for the VTX signal, a 5V pad, the VBAT and finally the ground.
I found a good choice to put side by side the 5V and VBAT pads both for the FPV CAM and for the VTX
in order to make the configuration as simple and practical as possible
Here we have the BOOT button which is used to update the firmware,
for the update procedure you can follow my guide by clicking on the link at the top right or in the description
On this side we have pads to connect the various peripherals.
In these two pads we connect the Buzzer, while the LEDs in the two pads below,
We connect the signal here, the ground refined and the positive on this big pad 5 Volt.
The pads below are for the receiver,
all the most used FPVs are supported
like FRSKY, Crossfire, etc.
In conclusion, we can say that this flight controller is an interesting choice if you want to get closer to the world of KISS.
It is certainly preferable to the standard KISS V1.
The slightly higher price is compensated for by both the equipment and the additional features.
In fact, integrated OSD and PDB are features that should not be missing in any flight controller.
The KISS V2 is also the top of the KISS range at the moment,
although the cost of this card is definitely higher.
My advice is to buy this iFlight KISS FC if you're assembling your first drone.
while if you are an experienced user and want to spend a little more you can evaluate the KISS V2
This was my review of the iFlight KISS FC.
Thanks for watching the video please like and subscribe to the channel.
If you want you can also support me on Patreon by clicking the link at the end of the video.
2018/12/22 午前9:43 (、〒841-0204 佐賀県三養基郡基山町宮浦840−1) - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
Saturday Morning Video Forecast 12/22 - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
15 Days of Christmas 2018 day 14: Easy last minute D.I.Y. gift - Regalo fai da te dell'ultimo minuto - Duration: 7:21.Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel
and welcome to the second to last instalment of my series 15 days of Christmas
Here we are, Christmas is actually around the corner
and if you just realized that
you still have a few presents to buy
don't panic
as in today's video
I will share with you an idea for a last minute
customized D.I.Y. gift
this year I created for my girlfriends
these frames, which I'm in love with by the way and I bought them on H&M online
for a very reasonable price
but if you're very last minute
you can buy any frame you find in the stores
the peculiarity is that inside
I placed an illustrated portrait of each one of my friends
and I created the illustrations using a web site that I'll show you later in the video
so if you're looking for a
last minute custom made gift
don't miss the rest of this tutorial and these are the supplies you'll need
the portrait printed in color on paper or cardstock,
a frame of your choice,
a pencil,
a ruler,
and some glue.
First of all we need to create the portrait
to do that I used a web site called
let's start by selecting the gender
as you can see at the bottom you have a selection of all the components
the shape of the face
the complexion
the lips
the nose
the ears
the eyes
the eyebrows
the hair ect
Once we are satisfied with the result of the portrait
let's save the image by clicking on download
Brilliant, now let's open word and let's start
by writing the name of the person using a font we like
now let's insert the portrait
and the banner that you'll find on my blog
Let's layer the details correctly
and once we'll be satisfied let's print the portrait in the right size to fit our frame
here are my portraits ready
as you can see I added a floral detail, but it's optional
Now let's open the frame we chose and
and using a ruler let's measure the inside
in order to cut the portrait to the correct size
my frame measures
11cm by 15,5 cm
as I want to leave 1 cm on each side
my portrait will have to measure 9 cm by 13.5 cm
so using a ruler and a pencil
let's mark these measurements on the portrait sheet
Brilliant, we can now cut the portrait to the right size
let's erase the pencil marks
let's add a dot of glue on the back
and let's adhere the portrait inside the frame
if you chose a regular frame
you can use the paper sheet that usually comes with the frame
as a mask to cut the portrait to that same size
then you'll just have ti insert the portrait in the frame without adding any glu
Et voilà, our framed portraits are ready
Here are the framed portraits ready
I created one for each of my girlfriends
who by now should have already opened the gift
so this isn't goping to be a spolier
an easy and quick customized project
which I hope will help you with your last minute presents
if you liked this idea don't forget to give the video a thumbs up so that I will know it
I remind you that on my blog you'll find more pictures of the finished project
together with the list all of the supplies
included the link to the hexatar web site
and the link to my blogpost is in the downbar
or by clicking on the I above my head
If you haven't yet I also invite you to subscribe to my channel in order not to miss the last themed videos and all the future ones I'll upload
That's it for today, I'm signing off
I send you a thousend kisses and I'll see you tomorrow
with the last video of the series, ciao!
Jingle Bells | KinToons | Christmas Carols For Children | Cartoons For Kids - Super Kids Network - Duration: 1:33.Jingle Bells
Why Meghan Markle is 'frustrated' with aspects of Palace life - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
How to Get Cheap All Inclusive Vacations | Discount No one Talks About - Duration: 3:35.How to Get Cheap All Inclusive Vacations
what's up everybody Larry Porter here and I'm back once again in today's video
I want to talk about how to save you some money on your vacation packages so
I want to share with you one tip of one powerful tip they can really help you
out we'll be right back
all right welcome back welcome back so I want to share something with you if you
really want to save some money on a vacation package and so if you want I'd
like to take exotic vacations go to Punta Cana Cancun all these exotic
places kick don't sit on a beach drinking a
margarita you know with an umbrella in it I want to share something with you
that can help you save some money okay so here's the major thing okay if
you if you right now if the biggest thing that will cost you for How to Get Cheap All Inclusive Vacations
all-inclusive things or vacation package like that would be the flight the flight
getting there I just found out something that can really save you some money now
I recommend taking charter flights private charter flights
those are gets you rip very very cheap packages okay they got a lot of cheap
packages that you can take a one-stop flights okay I mean nonstop I'm sorry
non-stop flights going to maybe Cancun from your destination or Punta Cana all
type of other places you know Casa Mia so if you take a private charter flight
it will save you a ton of money okay they already have pre-built packages
based upon charter flights and certain dates that will save you money so we
were just looking at a trip last night and save found out that a deposit was
only $100 for the entire trip for a person so and this was due to going
through the charter flight now a regular flight would be way much more money but
charter flights private charter flights can save you money on your flight okay
as well as your fake a vacation package if it's all included so you got your
your flight your vacation packages your all-inclusive everything all built into
one and you'll have to pay a small deposit
you know baby basically around $100 so just want you to put that into play you
know think about going through through a charter flight versus a regular air
flight that saves a ton of money if I correct me if I'm wrong I want to say
you can only get certain charter flights certain ones through a travel agent so
you might want to go through a travel agent and go through see about getting a
charter flights okay so that's my time hope you found value from this video if
you did give us a thumbs up like this video subscribe and we'll see you on the How to Get Cheap All Inclusive Vacations
next video all right happy traveling
Gorgeous Appalachan Cabin THOW For Sale in Blue Ridge, Georgia - Duration: 1:14.Gorgeous Appalachan Cabin THOW For Sale in Blue Ridge, Georgia
GIVING AWAY PRESENTS!! + STARTING A NEW GIVEAWAY!! - Growtopia - Duration: 12:42.make sure to subscribe!
Young entrepreneur Matt shares his advice on becoming successful - Meet Londoner #320 - Duration: 3:12.Myself in three words, fun, loyal
and someone recently described me as
gregarious which I googled and I liked what I read,
so gregarious.
My name is Matt Turner, I am 28 years old,
and I am a very proud owner and Managing Director of
Clown Fish Events.
At about 13 years old my friend John and I, we got really
interested in sound and lighting and staging
so we used to help out at local churches and
village halls and fairs and we would invest into speakers
and lights, I did a paper round for four years that's what
bought the kind of first round of equipment
and with that, we started doing discos and DJs
and small parties in back gardens.
I think when I was 18, and I told mum and dad
I wanted to start an events business
with no prior experience or no prior work knowledge
I think this was a bit nuts and weirdly it's that sentiment
that kind of gave me a lot of energy to kind of
make a point and prove them wrong a little bit.
There's something so cool about live events,
they happen once they have been a real time,
you can't get it wrong but one shot.
There's something really exciting, the adrenaline I get
from a live event is kind of my passion and what I love.
It's often overwhelming,
I think I've learnt to take things in my stride, but clearly
there's a financial aspect to all of this and we have
to stay solvent there are ten or eleven
full-time salaries to pay each month.
I've made loads of mistakes, I wasn't trained I came
straight in from school trying to sell the business
I've certainly hired the wrong people,
I've certainly bought the wrong things
and I've certainly let people down as well.
But the whole thing is like I just say is one big learning
life experience and we endeavour to get better.
I think I've struggled a little bit to manage people
you know, older than me double my age sometimes
but I think we are a good brand, and if you do things
with confidence people do take you seriously.
I think for the first five or six years I worked really hard
particularly, I don't think I did much else other than try
and strive and build the business.
Fast forward a bit to now, I'm allowed a bit
more time off the company has grown significantly
that it doesn't completely need me to be here
in each and everyday sense,
so as a result, I'm a bit more intentional about finding
hobbies and fun things good so I've just started fishing,
I've just entered the London Marathon for next year,
so I started running, I spent a lot of time
on the south coast and I love the theatre.
Advice for young entrepreneurs, I would say
absolutely go for it. It is absolutely nuts,
so realise the ride you're in for, but really importantly,
surround yourself with great people,
surround yourself with people that you can trust,
look up to, old or younger or the same age
doesn't really matter but fundamentally go for it
and you got nothing to lose, apart from your livelihood.
click the videos to watch more Londoners and don't
forget to subscribe
Chelsea star 'offered to Crystal Palace' - but it's not Tammy Abraham or Victor Moses in January - Duration: 2:52.Michy Batshuayi's days of being loaned out by Chelsea are reportedly coming to an end
The Belgian international has spent the most of 2018 away from Stamford Bridge.Following the arrival of Olivier Giroud in January he spent the second half of last season with Borussia Dortmund
That loan spell in which he netted nine goals in 14 appearances across all competitions was halted prematurely following an injury which placed his participation at last summer's World Cup in doubt
Batshuayi recovered in time to feature in Russia but found himself out of favour upon his return to Stamford Bridge under new head coach Maurizio Sarri
As a result he was loaned out to Valencia, but has struggled for form during the first half of this season
It's been reported that the La Liga want to cut short the striker's loan deal, and now reports in Belgium claim the Blues have offered him to London rivals Crystal Palace
The report also states that Monaco, AC Milan and Roma are all monitoring developments closely
The Eagles have been tipped to bolster their attacking options in the new year and have been linked with moves for Victor Moses as well as Tammy Abraham
However, Palace boss Roy Hodgson refused to discuss any transfer speculation."This is the time when players get linked with football clubs," Hodgson told reporters on Friday
Every press conference could be spent discussing the relevance or irrelevance of names that are put forward, but it is understandable that because we haven't scored many goals that any goalscorer that may or may not be available is going to be linked with clubs like ourselves, Cardiff, Huddersfield and Burnley
As far as I'm concerned I don't intend to comment on any individual players, I think it's a dangerous thing to do for several reasons
Also it can be very disrespectful.It can end up with you making disrespectful comments about a player which you certainly don't want to do and it also shows a lack of respect for the other clubs
Sometimes these other clubs I don't quite know how Aston Villa feel about their player being linked with other clubs, so therefore I prefer to leave all that speculation to continue apace
It makes for interesting reading."As a manager I prefer to keep my counsel and announce something when and If we have something to announce
Get Chelsea latest news updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing
Klopp is WRONG about the title race - VVD is why Liverpool can succeed - Duration: 5:54.The national media were impressed with a hard-fought Liverpool triumph at Molineux which underlined their title credentials
There was plenty of praise for Virgil van Dijk, who capped another immense display for the Reds with his first Premier League goal for the club
Chris Bascombe in The Telegraph wrote: "Van Dijk does not take up positions. He marks territories
Molineux is the latest venue for Liverpool's centre-back to plant his victory flag, in doing so demonstrating why Jurgen Klopp can succeed where the club's other recent title pacesetters failed
"Many will look to Van Dijk's goal against Wolves, Liverpool's second,but it was the nonchalant shrug on Adama Traore early in the second half that typified his excellence, the striker's whippet pace nullified with ease
"Attackers need a Satnav to find a way past Van Dijk. His headed clearances have become so routine they are barely noted
He has become a £75 million bargain. "Not that you will hear premature adulation for his charges from Klopp, who recoils at the hint of individual praise above collective excellence
This was Liverpool's 11th Premier League clean sheet of the season. The last time they won the title in 1990 they kept 12
" Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now The Daily Mail 's Dominic King wrote: "Jurgen Klopp will not admit it, certainly not at this stage, but his view on the title race is wrong and he should address it
"Asked ahead of a potentially taxing trip to Wolverhampton, who was the biggest threat to Manchester City, Klopp replied 'Manchester City'
No – they aren't. "The whole country recognises his team are the real deal and, at the Etihad Stadium, they feel Liverpool's breath on their necks
"Thanks to goals either side of half-time from Mohamed Salah and the magnificent Virgil van Dijk, Liverpool will be top of the table on Christmas Day regardless of what Pep Guardiola's side do to Crystal Palace on Saturday afternoon and the omens are good
"Each of the last four teams to hold that position on December 25 have gone on to become champions and the more you watch Liverpool, the more you appreciate this is a team well equipped to meet its destiny
Be under no illusions they will go the distance." See how the players rated in the 2-0 win over Wolves here The Times ' Paul Joyce wrote: "In the end, all it took was two moments of pure quality, two left-foot finishes of sheer impudence, to set Liverpool apart
"The coolness of Mohamed Salah from close range was replicated by Virgil van Dijk in the second half and there was nothing the defenders from Wolverhampton Wanderers could do but begrudgingly admire those skills
"The rest of the Premier League will be similarly entranced for a little longer
"Liverpool know better than most that sitting astride the summit at Christmas guarantees nothing; they did so five years ago and remain the only team in the past nine seasons not to go on and fulfil festive promise, but Klopp's side should savour the view regardless
"On a filthy evening in the Black Country, and with Molineux rocking to its highest home attendance — 31,358 — since 1981, a little more was revealed about the resolve — and quality — of this squad
" The best pictures from Liverpool's 2-0 victory at Wolves View gallery The final word belongs to The Guardian 's Stuart James
He wrote: "Klopp has assembled a formidable side and victories such as this one will do nothing to dampen the belief that Liverpool are authentic title challengers and capable of stretching Manchester City in a way that would have been unthinkable for anyone last season
"Liverpool have now recorded seven successive top-flight games, their unbeaten Premier League run stretches to 19 matches, and when Klopp spoke afterwards about possibly needing as many as 105 points to win the title, it did not seem outlandish to imagine his team finishing the season with that sort of haul
"Mohamed Salah is the Premier League's top scorer once again, after taking his tally for the season to 11 with an exquisite goal, and the Egyptian also set up Liverpool's second
Virgil van Dijk, with his first goal for the club since he scored on his debut against Everton in the FA Cup, converted Salah's cross and it was particularly impressive to see the way in which Liverpool closed the game down thereafter
" Read more Liverpool stories
#HTownRewind: Dec 22, 1918 - Duration: 0:47.In today's HTown Rewind, we're traveling back to 1918, 100 years ago today, when, just
like today, people were thinking about gifts for Christmas.
But what was on William Fry's list probably didn't make it on yours.
He asked the Harris County sheriff if he could hand out tobacco to prisoners in the county
jail on Christmas Day.
This quote from him, it's something else.
He told the Houston Post, "I have a little money saved up and I want to bring a little
Christmas cheer into these jail cells by giving the boys some cigars, cigarettes, smoking
and chewing tobacco."
I don't know if he got his Christmas wish, but that's your HTownRewind for December
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