Coloring 7 Fashion Elements And Painting For Kids, Toddlers Coloring
Book For Children
Tronista di Uomini e Donne ricoverato in ospedale, mistero sulle cause | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Ekran ve Arka Kapak Değişimi #gsmiletişim - Duration: 10:01.Yes friends. Hello there.
Today in GSM Communication
Samsung Galaxy Note 8
we will do the screen change.
We'il make the phone full black.
Note 8
Yes it was broken from the bottom like you saw. He took a blow.
We're going to do the screen swap of this.
First we remove the sim card slot and pen.
Akadaş on. Removing the back cover
you need to pay attention to, behind
Near Field Comminucation
also called finger reader
There are flexes.
Let's watch them.
Otherwise, we can cause serious damage.
We open the lid slightly.
There we remove the finger reader and key socket.
Otherwise, you can
You can tear. You can hurt your friends.
Yeah, as you can see, a finger reader.
Let's see through the back cover.
Yes, the number of screws
Must have 16 screws.
Pay special attention to him.
We currently call NFC wireless charger
We're removing the NFC cover.
Friends first charge socket
We are removing the battery socket. This is the ringtone.
We remove the battery socket before everything else.
to avoid short circuit of the device.
Whichever repair you do
First of all remove the battery socket, friends.
Otherwise the device
It may cause a short circuit and
damages can be given.
The screw that holds the motherboard is black.
It is shorter than other screws.
We'il pay attention to him.
If we insert the long screw, the motherboard goes up to the screen instead
and breaks the screen.
Currently the charging socket and microphone
Remove the screws in the part.
We also call the external headphone socket.
The socket is currently on the external headphone socket.
We're removing the front camera.
The main thing on a device with friends is the motherboard.
Motherboard first of all
need to get proof. Motherboard
the device itself. Other parts are included.
But the motherboard is the device itself.
That's why we have to cut it out.
Vibration motor
We call the sensor
When we get the phone to our face
This liquid is volatile. No damage to the battery.
Adhesive under the battery
Leaves comfortable.
The parts that we have now disassembled to our new screen
We will attach.
Shattered parts with sequence of
friends will put on the new screen.
We're wearing the sensor.
We're wearing the vibration motor.
we are replacing it precisely.
We also wear the external headphone socket.
We're wearing the motherboard screw.
Finally we're wearing the battery.
After attaching all screws
We also wear the back cover.
In GSM Communication
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 screen replacement.
Thanks for watching. Let's remove the gelatin ...
把軟軟改造成史萊姆 (下) 變假水了~為什麼冬至要吃湯圓? [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
【字幕あり】アンパンチを中国語で書くと、バイキンマンがシャレにならないことになる - Duration: 6:01.-------------------------------------------
Natale in Casa Montagna - Duration: 1:49.Hello everyone! Christmas has arrived! What a beautiful feeling!
We are sure that on your tables you will certainly have Montagna egg pasta
I take this opportunity to thank all the people who love us
and that systematically buy our pasta
We wish you all the best because Christmas means birth
and where we are born there is Life so the Hope
Please, let us know how you will spend this Christmas
through the pictures of the laid table at Christmas and convivial moments
post them on Facebook, Instagram and on all our social networks
there will be a wonderful surprise for you!
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas from all of us!
Good evening everyone! I brought the tagliatelle!
Lucia, is water ready?
I brought the pasta ... you make the sauce! Let's eat Montagna tagliatelle!
Come on, dad, fast! I'll throw it in water and you go to the table!
All right Lucia!
Best wishes! Merry Christmas!
Best wishes to everyone! ...and eat Pasta Montagna!!
Golden Opportunity to Settlement in South America 2018 - Duration: 6:45.Subscribe Now
Subscribe Now
Subscribe Now
È IMPOSSIBILE TROVARE TUTTI I PANDA NASCOSTI! - Duration: 5:10.-------------------------------------------
Samuca chora ao flagrar Marocas rezando por ele - Duration: 3:10.Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) tem um dia terrível na novela O Tempo Não Para. O empresário descobre que foi vítima de um golpe aplicado pelo próprio pai e ao confrontar Livaldo (Nelson Freitas), ainda o escuta dizer que Carmen (Christiane Torloni) fez lavagem cerebral nele
Exausto, ele chega em casa procurando por Marocas (Juliana Paiva) e a sogra diz que ela já está no quarto dormindo
Samuca abre a porta devagar com medo de acordá-la e acaba flagrando a esposa rezando por ele
"Senhor, peço por Samuel nesse momento. Sei que tudo que nos acontece na vida tem um sentido, mas peço que, se realmente o pior vier a acontecer, que eu e Samuel tenhamos forças para enfrentar tudo juntos, unidos pelo amor
Que o Senhor abençoe os nossos dias e fortaleça nossa esperança. Amém", diz Marocas emocionada
O empresário começa a chorar e a estilista nota que ele abriu a porta do quarto
"Deus ouviu suas orações, meu amor. Tenho certeza que, com você, sou capaz de superar qualquer coisa!", diz Samuca
Os dois dão um abraço apertado, com amor. Descubra o que vai rolar na novela O Tempo Não Para a partir deste sábado, 22/12
Veja mais no resumo da semana. 22 Dez Sábado Livaldo afirma a Samuca que é o dono da patente do adubo
Lúcio avisa a Cesária que as joias foram roubadas do museu e promete fazer de tudo para recuperá-las
Carmen fica horrorizada quando Dom Sabino diz que voltará a morar com Agustina. Carmen confessa a Padre Luís que sabe que ele está acobertando a falsa gravidez de Agustina
Carmen comenta com Samuca que Livaldo pode acabar com sua família. Confira o resumo completo do dia e da semana! saiba mais Juliana Paiva assume namoro com Nicolas Prattes: 'O conheci graças à novela' Juliana Paiva fala sobre casamento de Marocas: 'O Nicolas se recusou a me ver vestida de noiva'
安裝與開箱【ASUS 華碩】STRIX-GTX1060-DC2O6G 顯示卡 - Duration: 6:27.-------------------------------------------
Air Supply, Rod Stewart, Bryan Adams Soft Rock Songs - Melhores Musicas Grandes Sucessos - Duration: 56:20.-------------------------------------------
✅ Ascolti tv venerdì 21 dicembre, il Milionario di Gerry Scotti batte Sanremo Giovani - Duration: 2:25.Lo storico quiz show di Canale 5 ha vinto ieri contro la coppia Baudo-Rovazzi Con le feste ormai alle porte le reti si preparano a sfidarsi con la messa in onda di spettacoli, concerti e i tradizionali e immancabili film di Natale
Nell'attesa di immergerci nel clima delle feste, vediamo i dati Auditel relativi ai programmi in onda nella serata di ieri venerdì
Su Rai1 l'appuntamento era con la seconda e ultima puntata di Sanremo Giovani. Lo show condotto da Pippo Baudo e Fabio Rovazzi ha conquistato 2
046.000 spettatori pari all'11.49% di share. Su Canale 5 invece è andata in onda la terza puntata di Chi Vuol Essere Milionario?
Lo storico show condotto da Gerry Scotti ha tenuto davanti al video 3.397.000 spettatori
La trasmissione della rete ammiraglia Mediaset ha registrato uno share pari al 17
48%. Tornando alle reti Rai, su Rai2 l'appuntamento era con Maleficent. Il film Disney con protagonista Angelina Jolie ha interessato 1
764.000 spettatori pari all'8.03% di share. Infine su Rai3 Ogni Maledetto Natale è stato visto da 1
345.000 spettatori, registrando uno share del 6%. Su Rai1 Sanremo giovani: ecco chi ha vinto Chi Vuol Essere Milionario?, il quiz di Canale 5 condotto da Gerry Scotti, ha vinto dunque la sfida agli ascolti del venerdì sera
La trasmissione ha battuto la concorrenza rappresentata dalla seconda puntata di Sanremo Giovani
Lo show condotto da Pippo Baudo e Fabio Rovazzi ha incoronato vincitore Mahmood. Tornando alle reti Mediaset, ieri sera su Italia 1 l'appuntamento era con il film Batman Begins che ha intrattenuto 993
000 spettatori (5.2%) mentre su Rete4 Love Actually – L'Amore Davvero è stato visto da 884
000 spettatori con il 4.7% di share. I programmi in onda sugli altri canali Vediamo infine i dati Auditel relativi agli ascolti dei programmi in onda in prima serata ieri, venerdì 21 dicembre, sulle reti minori
Su La7 Propaganda Live – Best Of ha registrato . La trasmissione ha registrato Su Tv8 l'appuntamento era con il film Io e Marley che è stato visto da mentre sul Nove I Migliori Fratelli di Crozza ha ottenuto
Infine su Real Time/+1 Bake Off Stelle di Natale ha tenuto davanti al piccolo schermo
VW Polo - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Honda CR-V 2.0i ES Airco / Trekhaak / Top Conditie - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Американский профессор о коммунизме - Duration: 38:16.-------------------------------------------
Volvo XC90 D5 AWD Aut. R-Design Pano/Clima/Navi/Tel - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Возвращение 2.0 - Альтернативный Баланс #29 Масиаф - Duration: 40:51.-------------------------------------------
MR.aroundo | Japanese Food | Beautiful Traditional Meal | ชุดอาหารสุดเก่าแก่ที่อุเอโนะ - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
Данила Козловский, известный актер, играет роль пассажира в моем фильме про такси, в игре Taxi Money - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Quanto vale seu trabalho? JÁ PAROU PARA REFLETIR? - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
【FX】〇〇を利用して勝つ!!!※プレゼントは概要欄から※ - Duration: 5:03.-------------------------------------------
【副業】なぜ副業で儲かるの!?その中身を教えます! - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Swift SUZUKI SWIFT 1.3 I 5DRS AUTOMAAT BJ 06-2011 - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
iTraffic X Review ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Don't Get iTraffic X Without My 😝 Crazy 😝 Bonus Bundle! - Duration: 9:17.did you know it's possible to click a few buttons and get unlimited free
traffic to your website or affiliate link and as little as 52 seconds if that
excites you pay close attention we've developed a software that does exactly
that it's called eye traffic X this software is mind-blowing and enables you
to get unlimited free traffic so you can finally make real consistent money
online so how exactly does eye traffic X work in a nutshell eye traffic X creates
unlimited set-and-forget traffic streams automatically simply add a few pieces of
information to the eye traffic X software click the mouse a few times and
bam and as little as fifty two seconds later the traffic starts rolling in high
traffic X is completely newbie friendly and you don't need any special skills or
experience to get traffic flowing and start making money it's fast it's easy
and it works the best part is everyone can benefit from the free traffic that I
traffic X can get for you including affiliate marketers product creators
econ store owners brick-and-mortar businesses list builders freelancers
authors coaches bloggers and vloggers stay-at-home parents students retired
people or anyone else wanting to get traffic and make money online
this makes high traffic X a must-have tool for anyone who wants to make money
online you can start getting free traffic and make money in just three
simple steps step 1 log into the cloud-based software from any device
with an internet connection step 2 tell the software where you want
your free traffic sent to can be any website or affiliate offer step 3
sit back while the software gets you top-quality traffic in 52 seconds or
less being able to drive traffic on demand catapults you right into the
laptop lifestyle you can make money 24/7 make money without any prior tech skills
or experience create additional income out of thin air
time you want bank extra money with just a few clicks of your mouse stop buying
software and training that just don't work like they claim work smarter by
using our software that does all of the heavy lifting for you travel the world
put your day job and live life on your own terms and you know what's really
killer about this software the results you can get are better than using paid
traffic and time consuming free traffic methods and that's not all because we
know how important it is to be able to get traffic from anywhere we've made eye
traffic ex cloud-based this means you can use the software on any device
anywhere in the world with an internet connection drive free traffic to your
websites or affiliate links when you're traveling or taking a vacation even if
you only take your smart phone you're probably thinking that this
revolutionary traffic getting software is probably very expensive although it
would be easy to charge you forty seven dollars per month for this and you'd
still be getting great value even at that price however you're not gonna pay
anywhere near that today during this special launch we're slashing the price
and eliminating the monthly fee but only for a limited time that means when you
get I traffic X right now you're not gonna pay forty seven dollars per month
for access to this fantastic software in fact you're not gonna have to pay
monthly at all by hitting the Buy button today you get instant access to it--
Rafic x for a single one-time only payment and that's not all when you act
today you'll receive premium money making bonuses worth four thousand two
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for real if you wait you'll pay more are you tired of struggling to get the
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then click the button below now to lock in your discount and get instant access
to I track X
hey everyone Billy dog just wanted to record this quick demo of I profit X
which is our latest software to be released on Wednesday the 19th of
December 11 a.m. Eastern so firstly what is high traffic X okay now I traffic X
is a cloud-based software tool that allows your customers to create you know
very quick videos and then it allows them to syndicate both videos to video
sites or rather upload those videos to video sites and then simply click the
links of those you know those video sites to further social media sites so
somebody could upload a video to YouTube or dailymotion directly from within the
software and then click a bind and then the links of the videos that are now
uploaded to youtube or dailymotion then further gets syndicated to you know
additional social site sites such as Twitter Tumblr blogger and you know a
whole bunch of other sites ok so I mean what's ago you know a number of other
cool features inside the software so I'll quickly log in here and you know if
you do when you're going to count let David know and he'll be more than happy
to you know suit our fee so when you log in you can see your quiz name with this
you know familiar dashboard we can see the campaign's your some stats up here
how many videos uploaded how many links have been posted because some on the
left hand side you for all the different options that depending on which you know
depending on which option the customer purchases some of these features will be
in the more advanced you know in the more advanced versions of the software
cases until 100 tio2 so on so you've got these search keyword
keyword research tool you see which keywords somebody can potentially rank a
video for you put in new campaigns can you know when to order the usual
stuff you can attack something named title description tags you can either
choose a video that somebody's create themselves or they can create a video
very very quickly as well as that you've got a schedule a feature here so
somebody can schedule different times they want different videos to be posted
here are some other cool benefits such as you know it pulls in the top 10
offers at any given time so you can see right now we've got all these different
offers on jvzoo and you know this makes it easier for a
newbie to have it all in one place okay as well as that you know somebody can
create different video accounts and connect the different social media
accounts and then they've got the reseller panel where they can
potentially refill the reseller license to others than the agency panel to keep
track of all the agency clients that they get should they wish to do the
agency model again anyway your video training and that's pretty much it so I
hope you enjoyed this quick demo if you need anything if you you know if you
want access let us know and please know you know some of these advanced features
such as reseller agency these will be included in the more advanced version of
the software which is the OTO 1 2 3 or 4 and you know the basic feature of you
know trend or video uploading it to video sites and then syndicating those
links to social science that's what that's what will be included in the main
front end edition as well as the training so if you do have any questions
let us know hope you enjoy this quick video and I'll speak to you very very
soon and I hope to see you on the data book on the 19th 19th or disabled by 11
a.m. Eastern
CAILEE RAE - FLY 💗 Official Music Video - Duration: 4:03.♪ You should know ♪
♪ That you can change the world ♪
♪ In control so decide what you're worth ♪
♪ And you don't need to cover up your heart anymore ♪
♪ Anymore ♪
♪ Yeah you ♪
♪ You might be different but it's something new ♪
♪ Don't ever feel like you should hide your truth ♪
♪ If someone brings you down ♪
♪ You don't really need to think about it ♪
♪ You don't really need to think about it ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ You started taking off ♪
♪ You're up where you belong ♪
♪ That's why ♪
♪ No need to run away ♪
♪ From who you're meant to be ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Break the mold ♪
♪ We're just waiting to see ♪
♪ How you grow when you wake from your sleep ♪
♪ Just be bold ♪
♪ You've been who you're meant to be all along ♪
♪ All along ♪
♪ Yeah you ♪
♪ You might be different but it's something new ♪
♪ Don't ever feel like you should hide your truth ♪
♪ If someone brings you down ♪
♪ You don't really need to think about it ♪
♪ You don't really need to think about it ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ You started taking off ♪
♪ You're up where you belong ♪
♪ That's why ♪
♪ No need to run away ♪
♪ From who you're meant to be ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ You started taking off ♪
♪ You're up where you belong ♪
♪ That's why ♪
♪ No need to run away ♪
♪ From who you're meant to be ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
♪ Just fly ♪
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T Acenta - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Volvo S60 2.0T EDITION II Leer+PDC+Navigatie - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Opel Corsa 1.4-16V Rhythm Apk t/m december 2019 - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
grown-ish Season 2 | Sneak Peek: Nomi Invades Ana's Personal Space | Freeform - Duration: 0:49.Hey. You know I want you to feel comfortable in your own home,
so I told Vivek to chill out on the dealing.
I know that it bothers you, so he's not gonna be selling here anymore.
Although to be clear, I will be using here.
A lot.
Well thank you, Nomi. It's really thoughtful of you.
The selling. Not the using.
But you know, baby steps!
Yeah. Listen, I'm all about, like, peaceful living.
You know, giving each other space.
And ultimately respecting each other's boundaries.
Aww! Huggy!
NE CHOISISSEZ PAS LA MAUVAISE TNT MINECRAFT !! Loud, Les Mondes de Ralph, Zig et Sharko ! | troll fr - Duration: 16:40.o
AVENGERS GOT A NEW SUPERHERO - Duration: 3:00.every superhero from The Avengers Has a Super Power
a super power that distinguishes him from others
he has the power of science and intelligence
Hulk !
he has an Ability that makes him turn to the Green monster
Captain America !
has a beard ..
He has the power of money and intelligence
Black Widow
she ahs the milk's Solution in Tunisia
he has the power of his father
Wallah ! Wallah
He could not lift the hammer
what ?
what is my super power ?
Focus and Accuracy
HEY ! Girls EYY
Visual acuity
last night i slept in a bad position , so my neck is hurting me tod
Like This ... i don't .. i don't know
hey how you doin'
come on man you make things move really slow
crazy dance skills
one punch man
YES ! I can kill with one punch
after having a huge training program
well ..
wass'up bro .. you have a cigarette or 10 dinars ?
no i don't ..
such a looser
what ?
you want some problems
eeee .. small detail will be edited
Princess Diana's confrontation with Camilla - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Shimano 105 Vs Shimano Dura-Ace | What's The Difference? - Duration: 20:32.-------------------------------------------
Snake Diet Fasting Weight Loss Journey Day 86 - Duration: 4:26.hi everyone its Mieka fasting weight loss today is day 86 of my weight loos journey
day 21 of my 30 day weight loss challenge and day 2 of my snake juice diet fasting yesterday I did not eat again that is two full days of no
eating how do I feel right now I feel fine
I feel fine something like non-food or weight related happen that's really bad
yesterday so that's kind of really messing with me and my stress level is
extremely high like to the max other than that I feel great like yeah but I
got lots and lots of sleep yesterday
exercise I would say one hour at the post office of walking lifting I was
there more than one hour I was there maybe three and a half hours but I'll
just count it as one hour exercise um yesterday I had games on my fast on my
day one and that still doesn't make sense to me cuz I've done many many many
fasts and that's never happened but I basically lost that weight back I did
not check might scale yesterday someone said put a 5 pound weight on the
scale and see if it's accurate I might do that today or tomorrow I have so much
work to do today I know that's simple and quick I just we should already be at
work so that's it I want to know how you're doing what day fast are you on
what kind of fasting are you doing any kind of fast enough
a lady at work yesterday told me her friend started doing intermittent fasting
like for a week and she is doing like 13 or 20 hours like 20 hours and
she's already lost 9 pounds and that's just by changing her fasting
schedule so you could do intermittent fasting snake juice diet fasting water
fasting Dry fasting Omad one meal a day right just choose one and do it
that's the whole point of this is just do your plan and do it every day and
stop cheating every day don't cheat every day like try your best every day
and keep going and you will be successful so today I am to 26.4 that is
- to the point for I hope this never happens again a plus during an 11 day
fast and I can eat today if I wanted to because with the snake diet you have to
at least go 48 hours and then you could have a 500 gram meal but I'm doing 500
calories because I'm not weighing stuff but a piece of chicken and broccoli
doesn't sound good to me I don't even I want if I finally eat I wanted to taste
good so I don't and I have to strategically plan it because I can be
eating it and then going to work and then I don't want to eat it and then go
to sleep and then I gotta wake up and weigh in then I'm gonna gain so I don't
even know I'm going to do this but I might eat today I might not so that's it
for today see you tomorrow God willing and it's 4:00 a.m. that's why my
Energy is low bye
ICO Enkronos Apps: a solution by Enkronos d.o.o. - Duration: 4:21.If you have no idea how to promote your goods or products,
be sure, it will not be a problem for you anymore.
A new instrument, which is built on safe Blockchain credit system,
will help with all advertisements and trade relations.
It is Enkronos – a new platform for business and market through the Internet.
Enkronos Apps are aimed to settle all commerce issues between sellers and customers.
How it works
Nowadays more and more deals are made with the help of the Internet.
With Enkronos Apps you can easily,
safe and in a fast way give the information about your product you want to sell.
All the Enkronos apps are installed with SSO setting, so it will not be difficult to use it
As module principle is used here, so all the actions will be clearly visible.
A user can have aссess to any sector he is interested in, for example, sport, architecture, economy
Due to Enkronos platform a customer can see a list of adds from different companies or sellers.
Then he chooses what he likes more and the information is quickly transferred through the data to a vendor.
In such a way it is a link between supposed marketers and clients.
As you see, it is rather comfortable and takes little time.
It is a big step ahead business development.
Enkronos project has a purpose to build profitable, trustful and regulative trade relations.
All the payments are done with the help of tokens. Tokensale has some stages.
Recently ENK tokens were sold for 12,6 million dollars.
Wow! It's a great success. It proves that the project is really perspective one and will continue working further.
The detailed information about Enkronos tokens on some exchanges will be given in the nearest future.
A new branch has been added recently – Feelgrid.
It is a digital platform, which makes possible to control and follow data as for weather changes,
forecast in large areas. Then all the results are analyzed. It can help to improve agriculture.
The platform has many contests anyone can take part in. One of them is Selfie photo contest.
Selfie photo contest
Enkronos gives a chance to win ENK tokens! To get them, you are to join the contest:
take a selfie photo and load it. Do not hesitate and participate. Join right now!
The biggest advantages of Enkronos
Let's summarize and remind some benefits of Enkronos Apps usage:
based on Blochchain, which means confidentiality of the personal information and privacy, it is a very important point;
simply solves advertising and trade solutions;
guarantees ethical conduct;
overall billing system;
ability to work on the platform with the help of such known apps, as Instagram, Google, Facebook, Twitter;
gaming platform is also available here;
segments grouping;
contests for users
As you can see, thanks to Enkronos many functions are real and helpful.
The project is catching and up-to-date.
Everyone can fully use all its advantages. Reach your goals together with us!
More detailed information you can find on the project official site,
will be able to join the official social networks and ask all the needed questions.
Look through the roadmap and be aware of all the events, news and all the coming updates.
Having read the technical document you will know about the details,
also you will be able to join selling and get aquainted with the team. I will give all the links below.
H O L D - O N - Duration: 2:44.[music]
Loving and fighting
Accusing, uniting
I can't imagine a world with you gone
The joy and the chaos
the demons we're made of
I'd be so lost if you left me alone
You locked yourself in the bathroom
Lying on the floor when I break through
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming "please don't leave me"
Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you
A long endless highway
you're silent beside me
Drivin' a nightmare I can't escape from
Helplessly praying
the light isn't fadin'
Hiding in the shock and the chill in my bones
They took you away on a table
pace back and forth as you lay still
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming, "please don't leave me"
Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you
I don't wanna let go
I know I'm not that strong
I just wanna hear you
Saying baby, let's go home
thanks for watching^_^
artist residency (week 1) vlog - Duration: 9:35.-------------------------------------------
SUPER TRAMPOLINE FLIPS (Bounciest Square Trampoline) - Duration: 4:49.SUPER TRAMPOLINE FLIPS (Bounciest Square Trampoline)
Super trampoline
super tramp
Super trampoline flips
I realize
but it up based on
what a fun whoa
wherever love goes there is also easily it's no mystery
and do an i we got history yay
wherever left flows there is also tragedy when we're eating to Dean and
you and I we got history in the literacy hey I'm for all the
all the pain
I love it groans with the memories let us super me new
Camino de Santiago in Catalonia, Spain - Day 2 | From Isovol to Pont de Bar - Duration: 17:57.Good morning, everybody!
This is Day 2 of our St James of Cerdanya Hike and we had a pretty good night in this
camping in Bellver, near Bellver.
Except for rain, it's been raining and thunderstorming almost all night long.
But we slept well nevertheless.
And our goal for today is to get to the next camping Pont d'Ardaix which in the middle
way to Seu de Urgell.
So it will be the same distance 20 kms, so we think we'll make it ok like yesterday's.
But without losing things of course.
Also we are feeling muscle aching all over the body, you know how it feels.
But we are used to it, the first day of any hike is like that.
So, anyway.
And now we are heading to the only shop that we'll meet in 2 days so we have to buy some
veggies and fruit, hopefully.
Because all we have left is dry food.
And it's no good for the digestion system.
So we are heading there.
See you on the way!
Dry food is no fun, but at least it's warm.
Feels so nice to walk through the forest after so many fields yesterday.
Yeah, it's very muddy and slippery though, so have to be careful.
We feel so lucky and fortunate today that we met the squirrel in the forest because
it is a very rare occasion that it happens.
Good start of the day.
This route is quite difficult we can't go very fast.
But we have to hurry up for the shop to be open.
So let's hurry up.
What is that?
It's not a cherry.
Some berries?
Are you sure it's not poisonous?
It's edible?
I need you alive.
Have to make our own path through the river.
There's so much water on the paths that we go through, impossible to get through.
Oh, my God.
Probably we will be all wet one more time.
We are not sure if it's this path or not, it's not looking like a good route.
This route was no joke, we are all wet.
We are just from the supermarket, bought some fruit: peaches, tomatoes, quinoa, cookies
also, water, lots of water, bananas, youghurts that we will eat now, some bread.
And most importantly chocolate, that's always feels like a treat when you have chocolate.
So, let's have a snack.
It's hot and beautiful day but we hope it's not gonna rain in the evening as it was yesterday.
Because it's no fun to set up a tent and prepare food in these conditions.
It's very challenging and complicates everything.
So we are really hoping for the good weather this evening.
We'll see.
First uphill ever we met on the way.
We got a bit lost and turned away from our route just cause it wasn't obvious the marking
in this place, there was no cross or anything.
So we thought we have to turn left and we had to turn right.
It's kind of dissapointing.
We had to make a loop, had to walk uphill and now downhill.
In some places you don't have very obvious marking, not good.
Do not repeat the mistake that we do now, going uphill in the middle of the day with
10 kg backpacks, that is not safe for you.
Feels so good to be in the horizontal position after so many hours.
We were so overhot, that we felt like having a break, so enjoying it.
The sun is covered by clouds now and it should be easier to walk, hypothetically.
But we are still sweating like crazy because it's still very warm.
To be honest we are super tired and want to rest so badly but the last 5 kms here we go.
Last extreme stretch, killing us.
We almost arrived at our camping spot.
It was a great day, more difficult than yesterday.
Definetely there were mountains and hills, ups and downs, ups and downs, you know.
It made it more challenging for us definetely.
And we were really hot most of the time.
The heat was killing us as well.
But the scenery was really beautiful and we enjoyed it so much all the way through.
And if it wasn't so much weight on our shoulders we would enjoy it even more.
And it was second day around when we meet almost no people.
Just several people.
maybe it is because we are in the middle of the week, on the weekend there's more people,
don't know exactly.
But we enjoy being lonely, we are kind of people that enjoy solitude.
Tomorrow will be next exciting day of our hike.
Really looking forward to it.
See you tomorrow!
Thank you so much for watching!
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to always stay up to date with all our recent hikes and adventures.
Make sure to check out the detailed map of the hike in the description below the video.
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Hope you are all having a wonderful day and we'll see you in our next video!
The Best Sad Love Songs Colection - Best Songs For Love - Greatest Hits Sad Love Songs - Duration: 1:18:30.greatest love songs 70 80 90, love songs 70's 80's 90's, most romantic love songs of all time, most romantic love songs, romantic love songs, greatest love songs 80's 90's, greatest love songs, greatest love songs of all time, greatest love songs playlist, greatest love songs collection, greatest love songs 2018, greatest love songs 70's, romantic love songs ever, romantic love songs 70s 80s 90s
Американский профессор о коммунизме - Duration: 38:16.-------------------------------------------
2000 SUBS Q&A + MUKBANG with BOYFRIEND | PART 2 (TURN ON CC) - Duration: 39:02.Ok, what really happened is that SHE APPROACHED ME FIRST LOL
She introduced herself to me
"Hi I'm Niki"
we "met" on the internet..
like everyone nowadays..
back in the days there was this website/social media platform used by majority filipinos named FRIENDSTER
FRIENDSTER was a social media platform
it was like.. what was the other one?
no before Facebook..
the one used in the US..
so basically he sent me a message on friendster and that time I didn't reply to him lol
do u remember?
the very first message was
because we got together in 2010
but he was already sending me messages 2/3 years before we got together
but I've never replied to him because at that time I was already taken lol
and I'm faithful lol
so I've never replied to him
but then in 2010
he did send me a message, again..and that time I was single..
and I had just turned 18 y/o and I thought "let me reply to this person"
I saw his profile(on friendster) and I read he was 23 y/o and I was like "ome he's 5 years older than me"
I was a bit shocked(by his age) but then I thought "f**k it let's reply to him"
so I replied to him, we talked a lot, we exchanged numbers, we added each other on facebook, we met and then we got together and now we're here doing this video hehe
so basically we "me" on the internet lol
are u not going to tell your version of how me met?
but it's the same of yours why should I tell them the same thing? I don't know maybe you remember another story
like what?
I don't know, maybe you remember how you met another girl and not me lol
isn't it like the previous question?
No because there are couples who have been friends before they actually got together
what does "get on" mean?
I think it's like "how to do support each other"
so it's like "how do we get along"
so, we've been together for almost 9 years..
so it's obvious that in these almost 9 years we had to learn how to get along etc if we didn't we wouldn't be together for so long hehe
even if there were many times when we were about to break up
like in all relationships we fought a lot
we had our ups and downs
I think one of our strong point is that whenever we encounter problems
a lot of people/couples usually choose to give up (whenever they encounter problems in their relationship)
like "oh I can't stand you anymore!let's break up!"
I'm not saying everyone is like that but a lot of people/couples really chose to break up during tough times
about us..
yes, we's normal to fight..but we always try to.. how do u say that??..
we try not to put "pride" in our relationship..
ofc it's hard not to sometimes..there are moments when you're stubborn and you're like "no I don't wanna talk to him"
but in the end, we always think "ok if we wanna stay together and make things work out between us we have to talk it out, let's find a solution to our problem, I'm sorry"
even if you know you did nothing wrong and you know it's not your fault but HIS fault, just say sorry
Because to us, it's more important to lose an argument than to lose the person you love and care know what I mean?
that's what I think..
we try to solve things right away, we never let the day pass without solving the problem
you are the prideful one!
yes I know I'm the prideful one but in the end we always make up and resolve the problem :)
in the end we always choose to solve things right away.
what about you? what do you think? do wanna add something?
Also the real reason why we've been able to last this long is because I'M SUPER PATIENT(u need a lot of patience with him lol joke I love u bhe ahaha)
I'm the type of person who always wants to find a solution to solve the problem..if we can talk it out let's talk it out..but if we reach a point where there's no solution and the only solution is to break up, then it is what it is..but always try to solve it and don't give up right away
after almost 9 years of us being together
even if it was just 1 year 2 years it's hard(to chose to break up) because those are still 2 years of your life you spent with this person..
instead of giving up right away and break up, think and find a solution together first
*idk why we ended up giving relationships advices instead of answering ur question lol*
so to wrap it up, find a solution first, don't think of breaking up right away as an option,
if it can be solved then solve it..
if there's a hole in the roof then fix it..
*HASHTAG #ThankYouKuyaJeremy"*
and you?
I've got to experience many adventures
I've to travel and visit many countries..which it wasn't in my plan(before meeting you)..all I wanted was to go to Japan, once accomplished that I was going to die in peace
I got to know a world I didn't know nothing about thanks to you..
and you are the reason why now I have goals I want to achieve in life, you are the reason why I'm working so hard..
if I was single, no serious relationship, I would already have a complete gaming set lol (but because he got goals for us now he's focus on achieving them instead of spending money on dumb stuff)
I wouldn't have goals if I was single, I wouldn't think of building something for my future..
You didn't change me, but you inspired me to change and improve myself in a better way and you're the reason why I now want to create a future with you..
what's my fave food???
Cotoletta! (usually it's a veal breaded cutlet)
Kaldereta (Kaldereta or caldereta is a goat meat stew from the Philippines. Variations of the dish use beef, chicken or pork).
what about you?what's ur favorite food?
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