Saturday, December 22, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 22 2018

El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 1979: con el temor de Julieta y los gritos de Francisca

Mientras Elsa viene a hablar con Antolina cara a cara, Julieta sigue muy preocupada por la sensación de estar siendo vigilada.

Además, Fernando comunica a María que quiere marcharse cuando los gritos de doña Francisca resuenan en La Casona… El lunes, en "El secreto de Puente Viejo".

El próximo lunes 24 de diciembre, Antena 3 arranca una nueva ronda de capítulos de "El secreto de Puente Viejo",

su exitosa ficción para las tardes que atraviesa una de sus etapas más intensas con el regreso de Francisca Montenegro.

Mientras en la entrega del viernes las amenazas de Francisca y la cita de Isaac y Elsa son protagonistas,

el lunes, Isaac apenas deja hablar a Elsa: ha venido para pedirle que se olvide de ellos y lo deje en paz.

Elsa queda herida y luego viene a hablar con Antolina: necesita aclarar lo ocurrido.

Por otro lado, Julieta teme que la sensación de que está siendo vigilada sea una jugarreta de su imaginación, por eso no quiere dar la voz de alarma.

Más tarde, encuentra su chal manchado sin explicación aparente. Intenta no darle importancia para no estropear el momento.

Luego se prueba el vestido de novia. Está preciosa, pero subyace una preocupación soterrada.

Entretanto, el vagabundo misterioso embruja a Melitón y Tiburcio para que recuerden cuando les gustaba la Navidad durante su infancia.

Como consecuencia, aparece en el coro una reproducción de ellos de cuando eran pequeños.

Por su parte, Irene ha conseguido trabajo como corresponsal de un periódico nacional por recomendación del señor Totana: a este hombre no hay quien lo entienda.

Finalmente, Fernando comunica a María que quiere marcharse. Ella lo lamenta: había aprendido a confiar en él.

En esta confesión tiene lugar por primera vez un acercamiento sincero.

En La Casona comentan los ecos de la reaparición de doña Francisca cuando sus gritos resuenan por toda la casa.

For more infomation >> El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 1979: con el temor de Julieta y los gritos de Francisca - Duration: 3:26.


Reencuentro sorpresa entre Paula Echevarría y David Bustamante - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Reencuentro sorpresa entre Paula Echevarría y David Bustamante - Duration: 2:29.


صرخة روح و حرقة القلب ...Grito del espíritu y el ardor de corazón - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> صرخة روح و حرقة القلب ...Grito del espíritu y el ardor de corazón - Duration: 0:53.


Víctor Fernández, en su retorno al Zaragoza: entrenador y niño - Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Víctor Fernández, en su retorno al Zaragoza: entrenador y niño - Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 5:26.


Letizia | De gris y con medias (de cristal): la reina se salta sus propias normas - Duration: 2:54.

 El espíritu navideño aún no ha llegado a Zarzuela. Pese a que el rojo es uno de los colores fetiche de la Reina, parece que doña Letizia ha preferido inaugurar el mes de la Navidad con uno de los colores más sobrios del espectro cromático, el gris

Los Reyes han sido los encargados de inaugurar en el Museo Reina Sofía la muestra "Poéticas de la democracia

Imágenes y contraimágenes de la Transición", en el marco de actividades previstas por el 40 aniversario de la Constitución Española

 Para esta cita, doña Letizia ha estrenado un elegante vestido-abrigo en color gris -muy al estilo de los modelos por los que suelen decantarse otras royals como Kate Middleton- de corte 'new look', largo por encima del tobillo, manga larga y escote cruzado, inspirado en el wrap dress de Diane Von Furstenberg

Por primera vez en mucho tiempo, y cual estrella de Hollywood, doña Letizia ha apostado por las medias de cristal para vestir sus estilizadas piernas, algo muy poco habitual en ella, que suele optar por no llevar medias o utilizar spray a modo de maquillaje

La Reina ha ceñido su nuevo vestido con un cinturón fino y lo ha combinado con zapatos de salón de Prada y bolso tipo 'Kelly' de Hugo Boss que estrenó durante una visita a Estados Unidos y que recuerda a los clásicos por los que optaban figuras como Jackie Kennedy, Grace Kelly o incluso Diana de Gales

Como joyas, ha escogido los pendientes 'Plume' de Chanel, de oro blanco y diamantes

 Una semana importante  Esta es una de las semanas más importantes para la Monarquía que supone la reaparición de la Familia Real al completo

El próximo jueves, con motivo del aniversario de la Carta Magna, los Reyes, don Juan Carlos y doña Sofía, así como la princesa de Asturias y la infanta Sofía participarán en los actos de celebración de dicho aniversario en el Congreso

Un reencuentro muy especial que tendrá lugar tras más de seis meses en los que no se ha podido ver a todos los miembros de la Familia Real juntos en público, salvo en la fotografía oficial que la Casa del Rey distribuyó con motivo del cumpleaños de la reina doña Sofía el pasado mes de noviembre

For more infomation >> Letizia | De gris y con medias (de cristal): la reina se salta sus propias normas - Duration: 2:54.


Cristina se pasa por el 'Pedroche' el límite de 10 euros y acaba castigada por regalarle este abrigo - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Cristina se pasa por el 'Pedroche' el límite de 10 euros y acaba castigada por regalarle este abrigo - Duration: 8:07.


Limpiando Terrarios de TUPINAMBIS RUFESCENS "Bloody & Mery" Red Tegu 1 - Duration: 5:52.


welcome to another video

today we want to show you a small update of the terraria of

our females of tupinambis rufescens

and now what are you listening to

is that the systems are plugged in rain

of our chameleons besides look just that one is eating there that

last and our female of pardalis and around here hidden but I do not see it until

scratching the moult up the jackson female and good

going back to what we were going to look at the you know why, why not?

Sometimes it is necessary to maintain the weird terrariums that we forgot

and this happens so that we that you have an idea to look at everything

we have everything we have here It is also seen more

there more terrariums here we have a small rack and here

we have this area too so this is a non-stop

maintenance and what we wanted to teach it was basically this because after

practically 23 months and clean up is terrarium or it is keeping day to

day but without changing substrate or anything Well, there is some rest of the muda

what we are going to do now is change them there you are seeing bloody and inside

of that let's move away this mary also because

we have put them together now so that they were calm while while

we clean this terrarium we want teach now so you can see the

difference that I like for them and for and for us too

now as they are hibernating and talking in other terms because they do not hibernate the

same way that many animals is like that sometimes they wake up during

days and us, as we saw we are seeing them with

a lot of activity to get to clean them

so here it has already reached the heat season later what

let's do is place different terraces and place some spot

the more you are watching the illumination is ultraviolet here is mercury vapor

in other terrariums we are using hd and little by little we're going to change and we're going

to put absolutely all with hy of next see the difference of one to

another here we had trunk put but we have decided to remove it that is more

quiet now that it is winter and this giant palm bark is the

which will be used as a string so we're going to leave it here and now

Then I will show you when we put it on your site

and we have it in place that is Mary is eating watching how

Aunt is getting he is eating a great virus speech and

ferb cockroach of the skull I think we made a video about how to raise

and it is a beast that increased before that there are moments during hibernation

in which sometimes they come out and they activate a little bit of us since

Today we have given him the cane we have offered him to play with her to be able to take her out cool

because she is quite nervous and has reacted quite well

of the wound in the nose

we put another trunk already long ago that he did not do it and he started scratching

below him and bng to force and in the end the wound was made so what are we going to

to do is to cure it again

and leave the tranquility It is beautiful a female rufete in high

white that if I remember correctly, it came from quality

look what more beautiful thing please

For more infomation >> Limpiando Terrarios de TUPINAMBIS RUFESCENS "Bloody & Mery" Red Tegu 1 - Duration: 5:52.


El independentismo responde así a la oferta de Sánchez: "Tumbemos el régimen" - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> El independentismo responde así a la oferta de Sánchez: "Tumbemos el régimen" - Duration: 3:33.


Reciclaje Bros. | Parodia animada de Super Mario Bros. 2 - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Reciclaje Bros. | Parodia animada de Super Mario Bros. 2 - Duration: 0:28.


¿Qué es InSight? - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué es InSight? - Duration: 2:01.


Tour Du Lịch Sài Gòn #4 BÊN TRONG KHÁCH SẠN 5 SAO NỔI TIẾNG - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Tour Du Lịch Sài Gòn #4 BÊN TRONG KHÁCH SẠN 5 SAO NỔI TIẾNG - Duration: 10:53.


Cristina Pedroche 'calienta' al personal con el modelito que llevará para las campanadas - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Cristina Pedroche 'calienta' al personal con el modelito que llevará para las campanadas - Duration: 2:04.


Marcelo, el lateral accidental - Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Marcelo, el lateral accidental - Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 3:46.



combine these three products drink and apply on the stomach: results in 3 nights.

Hello my loves, Welcome to my youtube channel, again

me pink moony, today we are going just talk about coffee to lose weight, I

will you explain how and how much how long does it take

but before getting to the heart of the matter remember to subscribe. , like and comment

, but also think about the notification bell , think also of my new pink Moony chain


My loves already know that there are several types of coffee the one that interests us mainly

it is the green coffee, the unroasted coffee , so not yet grilled, but of course

you do not have any normal coffee , okay, first of all know that

Coffee is a doubly interesting drink for both athletes and those who want

just lose fat, look me, for those who do not know me

looks like I'm round and yet I'm coming back from far away, 80 KG of lost and yet

my skin is not falling apart, I'm going tell you everything here for those who follow

a diet to lose fat., this will greatly help you I am the proof

, know that Coffee caffeine stimulates the adrenal secretion of adrenaline,

which improves physical performance and increases the basal metabolism and the

energy combustion.

Effects of caffeine on the body It is proven that 200 to 300 mg of caffeine

(one to 2 cups of coffee, see chapter next according to the preparation of the coffee) before

an endurance sport session bring the body to burn a lot and quickly

fat and less glycogen (the carbohydrate reserve stored in the muscles).

Obviously, it increases the performance all by facilitating weight loss.

Nevertheless, beware of the abuse! In large doses, more than 3 cups a day, coffee can

cause gastric burns, diarrhea and painful contractures of the gallbladder

Biliary, nervousness and insomnia, palpitations heart attacks, cramps and increased blood pressure


I recommend this recipe to lose some weight using green coffee

* Put 10 green coffee beans in a glass water in the evening.

* Let macerate overnight.  * Drink the water in the morning.

* You slim down without changing diets, very effective against cholesterol ...

* I remain a supporter of accounting

caloric, heat credit flow. simplistic maybe but I tend to be wary

miracle weight loss techniques. * Less sugar, more fruits

* Less meat, more vegetables * Less soda, more water

* Less worry, more sleep * Less words, more actions

* Less TV, more gym

And above all, you have to sweat. Have your forehead wet at least once a day. 30

minutes of exercise. Amen.

In parallel think about the skin, for not what hangs, falls. , losing its elasticity

, in a vase prepare this, take some vaporous, vitago or small no be sick, what

you have on hand, a tiny amount , add everything from olive oil or even

Vera gel if you do not like it fat, and a bag of coffee

massage on the skin, just do it well penetrate and

leave as long as possible, the result is miraculous, the skin stays firm, tight

elastic even after 50 KG of lost, and especially that fight against. , veins, stretch marks

and any other signs of tromatism that occur has a huge weight gain

Thank you for watching this video until the end, as you know my

videos are easy simple fast, very accessible, for everyone, that's why

I invite you to share this for this touch a maximum of person it will help a

save many lives and make the world better.



Prince Charles « un état grave », il est sénile et alcoolique - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Prince Charles « un état grave », il est sénile et alcoolique - Duration: 1:25.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 100PK ComfortPlusLine ** LM VELGEN 15', NAVIGATIE** - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 100PK ComfortPlusLine ** LM VELGEN 15', NAVIGATIE** - Duration: 1:12.


(Fluid276) Mit dem Schnabelbecher schöne Muster machen! - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> (Fluid276) Mit dem Schnabelbecher schöne Muster machen! - Duration: 10:06.


5 أفكار تجعلك تقبل أو ترفض العمل الوظيفي - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 5 أفكار تجعلك تقبل أو ترفض العمل الوظيفي - Duration: 2:55.


MUCİZE 🐞❄ NOEL PENÇE #2 ❄🐞 Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kedi - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> MUCİZE 🐞❄ NOEL PENÇE #2 ❄🐞 Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kedi - Duration: 2:43.


Vịt Nướng Càn Khôn Mao Đệ Đệ - Tam Mao TV - Duration: 29:26.

For more infomation >> Vịt Nướng Càn Khôn Mao Đệ Đệ - Tam Mao TV - Duration: 29:26.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDi Dynamicline NU VAN €22.090 VOOR €21.090 RIJKLAAR!!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDi Dynamicline NU VAN €22.090 VOOR €21.090 RIJKLAAR!!! - Duration: 0:54.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 122pk Automaat Navi Comfortline - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 122pk Automaat Navi Comfortline - Duration: 1:08.



combine these three products drink and apply on the stomach: results in 3 nights.

Hello my loves, Welcome to my youtube channel, again

me pink moony, today we are going just talk about coffee to lose weight, I

will you explain how and how much how long does it take

but before getting to the heart of the matter remember to subscribe. , like and comment

, but also think about the notification bell , think also of my new pink Moony chain


My loves already know that there are several types of coffee the one that interests us mainly

it is the green coffee, the unroasted coffee , so not yet grilled, but of course

you do not have any normal coffee , okay, first of all know that

Coffee is a doubly interesting drink for both athletes and those who want

just lose fat, look me, for those who do not know me

looks like I'm round and yet I'm coming back from far away, 80 KG of lost and yet

my skin is not falling apart, I'm going tell you everything here for those who follow

a diet to lose fat., this will greatly help you I am the proof

, know that Coffee caffeine stimulates the adrenal secretion of adrenaline,

which improves physical performance and increases the basal metabolism and the

energy combustion.

Effects of caffeine on the body It is proven that 200 to 300 mg of caffeine

(one to 2 cups of coffee, see chapter next according to the preparation of the coffee) before

an endurance sport session bring the body to burn a lot and quickly

fat and less glycogen (the carbohydrate reserve stored in the muscles).

Obviously, it increases the performance all by facilitating weight loss.

Nevertheless, beware of the abuse! In large doses, more than 3 cups a day, coffee can

cause gastric burns, diarrhea and painful contractures of the gallbladder

Biliary, nervousness and insomnia, palpitations heart attacks, cramps and increased blood pressure


I recommend this recipe to lose some weight using green coffee

* Put 10 green coffee beans in a glass water in the evening.

* Let macerate overnight.  * Drink the water in the morning.

* You slim down without changing diets, very effective against cholesterol ...

* I remain a supporter of accounting

caloric, heat credit flow. simplistic maybe but I tend to be wary

miracle weight loss techniques. * Less sugar, more fruits

* Less meat, more vegetables * Less soda, more water

* Less worry, more sleep * Less words, more actions

* Less TV, more gym

And above all, you have to sweat. Have your forehead wet at least once a day. 30

minutes of exercise. Amen.

In parallel think about the skin, for not what hangs, falls. , losing its elasticity

, in a vase prepare this, take some vaporous, vitago or small no be sick, what

you have on hand, a tiny amount , add everything from olive oil or even

Vera gel if you do not like it fat, and a bag of coffee

massage on the skin, just do it well penetrate and

leave as long as possible, the result is miraculous, the skin stays firm, tight

elastic even after 50 KG of lost, and especially that fight against. , veins, stretch marks

and any other signs of tromatism that occur has a huge weight gain

Thank you for watching this video until the end, as you know my

videos are easy simple fast, very accessible, for everyone, that's why

I invite you to share this for this touch a maximum of person it will help a

save many lives and make the world better.



Kia Sorento 2.2 CRDi 200pk 4WD GT-Line Navi Cruise Lmv - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Kia Sorento 2.2 CRDi 200pk 4WD GT-Line Navi Cruise Lmv - Duration: 0:55.


Bị tiểu đường nên kiêng gì - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Bị tiểu đường nên kiêng gì - Duration: 3:48.


Bolo Casinha de Natal Iluminada - Lightened Up Christmas House Cake (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 19:17.

8in/20cm cake


Chill again.

Large straw

Push with another clean straw.

Paper towel

Chill once more.


I forgot to cut the window and put the paper, so I removed this piece and did as I show in the next steps.

Tracing paper 90g



1 large eggwhite

Add icing sugar until the desired consistency.

Cover with cling film until you use it.

3 large snowflakes + 3 medium snowflakes + 3 small snowflakes

See how I use this technique in the bricks of Haunted Castle's video - link in the description below.


Transfer the royal icing to a piping bag.



Snowflakes sprinkles

Sugar pearls

Icing sugar

Thank you for watching.



*Merry Christmas*

For more infomation >> Bolo Casinha de Natal Iluminada - Lightened Up Christmas House Cake (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 19:17.


Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk DynamicLine in zeer nette staat! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk DynamicLine in zeer nette staat! - Duration: 1:09.


Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 90pk Greentech Ambition - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 90pk Greentech Ambition - Duration: 0:51.


Best Mehndi Design 2019 Full Hand || Simple, Easy and Stylish || Step by Step for beginners - Duration: 4:20.

Latest Mehndi Design Best mehndi design

New mehndi design Simple mehndi design

Easy mehndi design Stylish mehndi design

Unique mehndi design Indian mehndi design

Arabic mehndi design Floral mehndi design

Subscribe channel for latest and stylish mehndi design

For more infomation >> Best Mehndi Design 2019 Full Hand || Simple, Easy and Stylish || Step by Step for beginners - Duration: 4:20.


Библия. Ветхий Завет. Исход 15 глава. - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Библия. Ветхий Завет. Исход 15 глава. - Duration: 5:14.


"It's the first time I've been allowed to take up space." – Camilla's story | A Mile in My Shoes - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> "It's the first time I've been allowed to take up space." – Camilla's story | A Mile in My Shoes - Duration: 9:20.


What I eat in a day #3 | Vegan Teen ( يوم كامل من الاكل النباتي ) - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> What I eat in a day #3 | Vegan Teen ( يوم كامل من الاكل النباتي ) - Duration: 1:26.


PSY – Co może jeść mój szczeniak? ERA o smaku kurczaka i indyka - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> PSY – Co może jeść mój szczeniak? ERA o smaku kurczaka i indyka - Duration: 3:38.


Citroën C2 1.4i Ligne Ambiance - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4i Ligne Ambiance - Duration: 1:07.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D x-cite NAVI, CAMERA, LMV - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D x-cite NAVI, CAMERA, LMV - Duration: 1:13.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 1:05.


#42, eng/ 내가 스트레스를 푸는 방법, 온종일 베베와 집에서 🐶❤️ - Duration: 12:35.

good morning

As the weather gets colder, I feel more precious than usual when I hug Bebe in my bed.

In the summer, she sleeps on the floor, but since it gets cold, she stays with me all day.

She followed me brushing my teeth. so I hug her. She looks like a baby even though she is 10.

I love this moment. My home in the morning

Today, the concentration of fine dust is low, so I air out my room and clean up.

fresh morning air

I seem to clean up often, but I only do on a day off like this.

Today's lunch was made by my mom.

The smell is already the best.


It's really good.

After that, I have a Tea time.

Today's choice is citron tea

At home-made preserved citron, and hot water

I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to write.

It's been a few days since I took a break.

While I writing, Bebe nods off in my lap.

I'm going to go to the Cafe with Bebe to refresh myself.

Let's go

We arrived the cafe. It's daytime on weekdays, so it's quiet.

The fate of freelance workers. I can't rest when I busy, and I'm so bored when I have no work to do.

I like cafe in winter.

I recently changed my sub-laptop. it's light and fast, so I often work on video with it these days.

It's so pretty.

When I get bored with video work, do other things and refresh myself.

Like making a thumbnail for the travel video.


I've had so much work for a few weeks that I've had a headache,

but it's much better to spend all day at home and in cafe. Just bebe and me

Now I go home, drop her off,

And I come to another cafe for study in every Tuesday

it's already the third week.

They're all good people.

On my way home after Study.

I put winter shoes because it is cold these days.

Come back home and have a dinner.

Today's menu is Oil Pasta with beef.

Garlic, mushrooms, onions, peperoncino, and beef.

boil the noodles in boiling water.

Stir-fry that in an oiled pan.

I forgot to put pepperoni in, so I added it later.

If it is cooked properly, cover it with olive oil.

I added some chicken stock because I couldn't trust me.

It look so delicious.

A movie is essential to night like this.

My choose the movie 'contact'.

I've seen it in the movie theater before, but I watch again.

move to bed.

When I came back after get some tangerines. How cute she is...

It is a happy night with Bebe.

share a bite.

Then, see you next week! Bye :)

For more infomation >> #42, eng/ 내가 스트레스를 푸는 방법, 온종일 베베와 집에서 🐶❤️ - Duration: 12:35.


BMW X4 3.0i xDrive High Executive M pakket Stoelvent. 250pk Adapt. cruise 360 Cam HUD Panorama - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> BMW X4 3.0i xDrive High Executive M pakket Stoelvent. 250pk Adapt. cruise 360 Cam HUD Panorama - Duration: 1:17.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-cite Camera, Airco, 15'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-cite Camera, Airco, 15'' Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 0:53.


Happy St.Van Day (세인트반 궁물타임) - Duration: 2:37.

Hi! I am your birthday boy, VAV leader St.Van! Nice to see you! 你好. 我是今天的寿星, VAV的队长St.Van! 很高兴见到你们!

Q : What's the meaning of your real name "Geum Hyuk"? My name's Chinese character, "Geum" is gold and "Hyuk" is glittering. So it means glittering gold. 我名字的汉字是黄金的'金', 显赫的'赫'. 也代表着显耀的黄金的意思.

Q : When do you think it's your happiest moment of being VAV? 你觉得身为VAV最幸福的瞬间是? Now? I enjoyed and feeling happy as long as I work with my members. 最幸福的瞬间.. 现在吧. 只要跟成员们在一起, 我就觉得很高兴很幸福.

Q : What's your hidden charms that VAMPZ doesn't know yet? VAMPZ依旧不知道的, 金赫的潜在魅力是? My… hidden charms? What do you guys think? Please find it out for me~ I am curious too! 我的潜在… 魅力? 你们觉得呢? 帮我找找看吧~ 因为我也很好奇!

Q : What does VAMPZ means to you? VAMPZ对金赫哥哥来说是怎样的存在? VAMPZ is my motivation and my energizer, where I always can get positive energy from them! 我觉得VAMPZ就像是我的充电所, 不管什么时候都能从她们身上得到更多的正面能量和动力!

Q : 2018 is leaving soon, anything you wanted to tell your fans? 2018就快结束了, 有什么想对粉丝说的吗? I want to say thank you, for be with me all the times. 2018 is leaving soon, so I hope we can create more special memories in 2018 and also in the year 2019! 我想对你们说声谢谢, 谢谢你们一直在身边支持我们. 2018就快结束了, 接下来的几天也要跟VAV一起度过, 留下更多的美好回忆. 2019年我们也要一直在一起哦!

VAMPZ! Thanks for your birthday wishes! I am so happy because I have you guys celebrate birthday with me! Thank you! VAMPZ! 谢谢你们的生日祝福! 有你们为我庆祝生日, 我觉得特别开心! 谢谢你们!

For more infomation >> Happy St.Van Day (세인트반 궁물타임) - Duration: 2:37.


【東京都心で】真冬のソロキャンプツーリング【in 若洲海浜公園】 - Duration: 10:47.

Go camping on motorcycl e

Hi! I'm Gla(dius)Dr(um)Rider!!

That is SkyTree!!

I will go camping solo! !!!

Campsite I will go to is WakasuKaihin-park.



Fuji TV

Set up after check in.

Setting up completed!

I'm hungry so I make lunch.



Let's eat!


The sun will set ...

I cannot believe that this is Tokyo...

To make a fire!

very difficult...


Turn on the lantern

Good night...

I get up and ...

Motorcycle I know!!

Mr Ten who met during the around Japan journey!

I make beakfast.

To get home...

Thanks Gladius!!!!

For more infomation >> 【東京都心で】真冬のソロキャンプツーリング【in 若洲海浜公園】 - Duration: 10:47.


Hyundai Getz 1.1i GL - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.1i GL - Duration: 1:10.


【High Calories】 Heavy & Sweet!! Grilled Marshmallow Over Sweet Potato! [5000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 【High Calories】 Heavy & Sweet!! Grilled Marshmallow Over Sweet Potato! [5000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 6:35.


★Корень валерьяны и виноградное вино помогает улучшить остроту зрения и успокаивает нервы - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> ★Корень валерьяны и виноградное вино помогает улучшить остроту зрения и успокаивает нервы - Duration: 1:44.


MUCİZE 🐞❄ NOEL PENÇE #2 ❄🐞 Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kedi - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> MUCİZE 🐞❄ NOEL PENÇE #2 ❄🐞 Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kedi - Duration: 2:43.


Chelsea transfer news: Maurizio Sarri admit Danny Drinkwater does not feature in his plans in future - Duration: 2:31.

Maurizio Sarri has admitted Danny Drinkwater doesn't fit into his tactical system at Chelsea

Drinkwater, who has brought to Chelsea by Antonio Conte last summer a season after winning the Premier League title with Leicester City, has not played a single minute of competitive football under Sarri this season

The Italian coach's 4-3-3 formation means Jorginho plays as Chelsea's central midfielder with N'Golo Kante to his right and one of either Mateo Kovacic, Ross Barkley or Ruben Loftus-Cheek on the left

Sarri thinks Drinkwater is more suited to a two-man midfield, which means the 28-year-old must now decide if he will stay at Chelsea past the January transfer window because he does not fit into the team's set-up

Danny is in the list for the Premier League but is out of the list in Europe," Sarri told reporters on Friday

I think that he's a very good midfielder, but he is suitable for a midfield with two midfielders

With a three, he's not really a central midfielder."He's not suitable to play centre right or centre left

So I think that, for him, the problem is only my football."I don't know (his future)

It depends upon the club.It's up to him, I think.I don't know.".Get Chelsea latest news updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for subscribing

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Maurizio Sarri admit Danny Drinkwater does not feature in his plans in future - Duration: 2:31.


Christmas Video 2018 - Duration: 1:31.

hey it's Mike and I just wanted to wish you a very happy Christmas so however

you celebrate this holiday season whether you do celebrate Christmas time

or just have a break you know I just hope that it's a good time of year for

you that you spend a happy few days doing what you love to do whether that's

chilling at home, spending it with friends or family or however you spend

this special time of year just take a break relax enjoy the moments and I'm

looking forward to spending some more times on some more videos with you in

2019 that begins next week with a new year new you exercise that I'm going to

be sharing with you just to start looking at what you want to make it 2019

have a great opportunity a great new year so that's as I say that's next

week but for now I just wanted to send you my best wishes however you're

celebrating while spending this holiday season I just wanted to wish you

happiness joy and a very very Merry Christmas

take care

For more infomation >> Christmas Video 2018 - Duration: 1:31.


Will Clementine Die In The Walking Dead Final Season? - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> Will Clementine Die In The Walking Dead Final Season? - Duration: 8:31.


크리스마스 앞두고 '귀르가즘' 폭발하는 제이플라의 'All I Want For Christmas IS You' 커버 영상 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 크리스마스 앞두고 '귀르가즘' 폭발하는 제이플라의 'All I Want For Christmas IS You' 커버 영상 - Duration: 2:37.


Fantasy Kaleidoscope - Good News/Bad News (CC) - Duration: 3:21.

Good News/Bad News Announcement!!

The good news is..

Fantasy Kaleidoscope is still ongoing!

The bad news is..

The Creators are struggling a bit to get the series on track.... and no movie. (Only behind the scenes "movie")

The episodes might take longer to make, and It might take longer to air.

Episode 12 took a while to make. They had to make the BD instead (In the summer.)

They are currently working on episode 13, Lunamoon said (The artist).

But, since episode 12 set them back some, it might affect episode 13. It might make that episode come late.

Let's hope Episode 13 comes in time, and they can stay on track.

But, I think I know why episode 12 set them back some. In the Trailer you saw the fighting animation it was pretty good, so.. it probably took them forever to do that.

They are putting more effort into their fighting scene, that's good.

But, it will change their plans and due dates. We'll see soon!

What do you wish/want out of episode 12? Will Sanae, Kanako and Suwako show up?

So that's mostly, it.. good luck to the creators.

You can listen to the rest of this song called "Persona", by Yuuhei Satellite.

For more infomation >> Fantasy Kaleidoscope - Good News/Bad News (CC) - Duration: 3:21.


Amortecedores: conheça um teste simples para verificar o seu estado - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Amortecedores: conheça um teste simples para verificar o seu estado - Duration: 1:31.


PSY – Co może jeść mój szczeniak? ERA o smaku kurczaka i indyka - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> PSY – Co może jeść mój szczeniak? ERA o smaku kurczaka i indyka - Duration: 3:38.








NAJLEPSZE KSIĄŻKI 2018 ROKU 📚 | TOP 10 - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> NAJLEPSZE KSIĄŻKI 2018 ROKU 📚 | TOP 10 - Duration: 10:55.


¿Qué es InSight? - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué es InSight? - Duration: 2:01.


【High Calories】 Heavy & Sweet!! Grilled Marshmallow Over Sweet Potato! [5000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 【High Calories】 Heavy & Sweet!! Grilled Marshmallow Over Sweet Potato! [5000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 6:35.


HÖR AUF ZU LESEN, ES BRINGT NICHTS! 10X mehr lernen, durch DAS hier... - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> HÖR AUF ZU LESEN, ES BRINGT NICHTS! 10X mehr lernen, durch DAS hier... - Duration: 11:19.


Christmas on Mount Athos (Elder Moses) - Duration: 3:38.

Of course, on the Holy Mountain, we don't have the ornaments and the atmosphere that are in the world.

I mean there are no Christmas lights or Christmas trees,

and the Feast is better lived

in the mystery of the Divine Liturgy, following the Vigil for the Feast of Nativity of Christ,

through inspired and divine hymns of the Nativity of Christ,

after a fast of forty days, and a preparation through reading and prayer,

in order to cleanse the soul as much as possible,

to be able to live the great mystery of Christ's Incarnation.

That is, the way in which the Great God, the One that cannot be encompassed by the Universe,

the one surrounded by billions and billions of angels,

accepts to fully take the human nature,

except, of course, the sin, and to become Man, in the most supreme way.

As Saint Athanasius the Great says,

"God could not humble Himself more completely than He did!"

Christ could have come into this world in glory,

being served by billions of angels, so that people would have been surprised and wondered by Him,

would have been moved and would have followed Him.

But that One came like a foreigner, poor, ugly, unknown, small, like nothing.

No one received Him except the cave of the dumb animals.

And there, in the cave of Bethlehem, the beginning of the reconstruction and salvation of the world took place.

Thus, the monks of Holy Mountain, after the all-night vigil for the Nativity of our Lord,

and by their participation in the Holy Communion,

they commune with Jesus Christ, the One who became flesh for our salvation,

to strengthen them in the following twelve days, and throughout the rest of their lives,

because in each Divine Liturgy we live, and we try to feel

the Incarnation, the Preaching, the Miracles, the Crucifixion, the Burial, the Resurrection, and the Ascension of our Lord.

For more infomation >> Christmas on Mount Athos (Elder Moses) - Duration: 3:38.


ĂN BÁNH MÌ GIÁ 65,000 CHỢ NGƯỜI VIỆT INALA Ở ÚC // Hiền Cuộc Sống Úc ,, Vợ Việt Chồng Tây - Duration: 14:18.

For more infomation >> ĂN BÁNH MÌ GIÁ 65,000 CHỢ NGƯỜI VIỆT INALA Ở ÚC // Hiền Cuộc Sống Úc ,, Vợ Việt Chồng Tây - Duration: 14:18.


Christmas Video 2018 - Duration: 1:31.

hey it's Mike and I just wanted to wish you a very happy Christmas so however

you celebrate this holiday season whether you do celebrate Christmas time

or just have a break you know I just hope that it's a good time of year for

you that you spend a happy few days doing what you love to do whether that's

chilling at home, spending it with friends or family or however you spend

this special time of year just take a break relax enjoy the moments and I'm

looking forward to spending some more times on some more videos with you in

2019 that begins next week with a new year new you exercise that I'm going to

be sharing with you just to start looking at what you want to make it 2019

have a great opportunity a great new year so that's as I say that's next

week but for now I just wanted to send you my best wishes however you're

celebrating while spending this holiday season I just wanted to wish you

happiness joy and a very very Merry Christmas

take care

For more infomation >> Christmas Video 2018 - Duration: 1:31.


#Sprichaus #Subkulturen #Delphinov - Duration: 13:05.

For more infomation >> #Sprichaus #Subkulturen #Delphinov - Duration: 13:05.


✅ Cartoni Disney, dove e quando in tv: programmazione per Natale 2018 - Duration: 1:40.

Programmazione cartoni animati Disney per Natale 2018: su che canale, quando e a che ora  Che Natale sarebbe senza i cartoni animati Disney? Per il 2018 la Rai offre una ricca programmazione delle fiabe di Walt Disney

Da Biancaneve a Frozen, passando per Rapunzel e La Bella addormentata nel bosco, sono tanti gli appuntamenti televisivi per rivivere i classici Disney amati da grandi e piccini

Un'occasione per far divertire e rilassare i bambini in questo periodo così magico ma pure un momento emozionante per gli adulti che possono ammirare le nuove storie create dai produttori americani o rammentare vecchi ricordi d'infanzia

 Di seguito una lista dettaglia di canali, date e orari per non perdersi neppure un cartone animato Disney sul piccolo schermo! Sabato 22 dicembre  Rai Due, ore 21

05 – Rapunzel Domenica 23 dicembre  Rai Tre, ore 20.30 – Alla ricerca di Nemo Lunedì 24 dicembre  Rai Due, ore 21

05 – Frozen (clicca qui per sapere di più su Frozen 2) Martedì 25 dicembre  Rai Due, ore 9

45 – Bolt, un eroe a quattro zampe  Rai Due, ore 17.10 – Classici Disney Topolino & Paperino  Rai Uno, ore 21

25 – Biancaneve e i sette nani Mercoledì 26 dicembre  Rai Due, ore 11 – Classici Disney Topolino e Paperino  Rai Uno, ore 21

25 – Cenerentola Giovedì 27 dicembre  Rai Uno, ore 21.25 – La bella addormentata nel bosco

For more infomation >> ✅ Cartoni Disney, dove e quando in tv: programmazione per Natale 2018 - Duration: 1:40.


Letizia | De gris y con medias (de cristal): la reina se salta sus propias normas - Duration: 2:54.

 El espíritu navideño aún no ha llegado a Zarzuela. Pese a que el rojo es uno de los colores fetiche de la Reina, parece que doña Letizia ha preferido inaugurar el mes de la Navidad con uno de los colores más sobrios del espectro cromático, el gris

Los Reyes han sido los encargados de inaugurar en el Museo Reina Sofía la muestra "Poéticas de la democracia

Imágenes y contraimágenes de la Transición", en el marco de actividades previstas por el 40 aniversario de la Constitución Española

 Para esta cita, doña Letizia ha estrenado un elegante vestido-abrigo en color gris -muy al estilo de los modelos por los que suelen decantarse otras royals como Kate Middleton- de corte 'new look', largo por encima del tobillo, manga larga y escote cruzado, inspirado en el wrap dress de Diane Von Furstenberg

Por primera vez en mucho tiempo, y cual estrella de Hollywood, doña Letizia ha apostado por las medias de cristal para vestir sus estilizadas piernas, algo muy poco habitual en ella, que suele optar por no llevar medias o utilizar spray a modo de maquillaje

La Reina ha ceñido su nuevo vestido con un cinturón fino y lo ha combinado con zapatos de salón de Prada y bolso tipo 'Kelly' de Hugo Boss que estrenó durante una visita a Estados Unidos y que recuerda a los clásicos por los que optaban figuras como Jackie Kennedy, Grace Kelly o incluso Diana de Gales

Como joyas, ha escogido los pendientes 'Plume' de Chanel, de oro blanco y diamantes

 Una semana importante  Esta es una de las semanas más importantes para la Monarquía que supone la reaparición de la Familia Real al completo

El próximo jueves, con motivo del aniversario de la Carta Magna, los Reyes, don Juan Carlos y doña Sofía, así como la princesa de Asturias y la infanta Sofía participarán en los actos de celebración de dicho aniversario en el Congreso

Un reencuentro muy especial que tendrá lugar tras más de seis meses en los que no se ha podido ver a todos los miembros de la Familia Real juntos en público, salvo en la fotografía oficial que la Casa del Rey distribuyó con motivo del cumpleaños de la reina doña Sofía el pasado mes de noviembre

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