Van Duynstraat
Pulizia del Fegato e Cistifellea con i Sali di Epsom - salute e vita - Duration: 15:33.La pulizia del fegato e della cistifellea può essere utile per risolvere molti disturbi come stanchezza cronica,
umore negativo, mente annebbiata, mal di testa, difficoltà a digerire, allergie, acne, ansia e sovrappeso.
Il fegato è uno degli organi più importanti del corpo, pesa fino a 4 chili,
e svolge oltre 500 funzioni come la coagulazione del sangue, la produzione di bile,
favorisce la digestione e la funzione intestinale, sintetizza il colesterolo,
regola i livelli di zucchero nel sangue e molto altro.
Il fegato è come il laboratorio chimico del corpo, riceve 1,4 litri di sangue al minuto e ripulisce dalle tossine in circolo.
E' un organo fondamentale per quanto riguarda la disintossicazione di base del corpo.
Senza questo organo importantissimo, moriremmo entro 24 ore.
Tutto ciò che si mangia, si beve, si respira e si assorbe attraverso la pelle viene purificato dal fegato.
Ogni giorno il tuo corpo immagazzina sostanze chimiche dannose e ciò che non viene eliminato finisce nell'organismo,
incluso il fegato.
La pulizia del fegato e della cistifellea è stata ideata dalla Dr.ssa Hulda Clark e diffusa anche da Andreas Moritz e Pierre Pellizzari,
Viene consigliato di farla due volte all'anno. e apporta numerosi benefici alla salute. Programma antiparassitario intestinale.
Viene consigliato dalla Dr.ssa Clark di eseguire un protocollo antiparassitario prima della pulizia del fegato.
Non è possibile a fondo pulire un fegato che contiene parassiti vivi: non si espellerebbero molti calcoli e non si avrebbero tutti i benefici.
Il programma antiparassitariodella Dr.ssa Clark dura 18 giorni e prevede l'assunzione di mallo di noce nera,
Pulizia del fegato e della cistifellea. chiodi di garofano e artemisia.
Per la pulizia, scegliete un giorno come il sabato, giacché il giorno successivo potrete riposare. Ingredienti.
Sali di Epsom: 4 cucchiai grandi di sali di epsom in polvere oppure 60 compresse di sali di epsom (in totale 60 gr).
Olio di oliva: 1/2 tazza (120 ml) (l'olio di oliva leggero è più facile da mandare giù).
Pompelmo rosa fresco strizzato da voi: 1 grande o due piccoli, abbastanza da produrre 1/2 tazze di succo (120 ml).
Barattolo di vetro per mischiare i sali di epsom, l'olio di oliva e il succo di pompelmo.
Chiudete il recipiente e scuotete bene finchè non si forma un liquido biancastro omogeneo.
Ornitina: Da 4 a 8 capsule, per essere sicuri che riuscirete a dormire. (conservate in frigo la miscela).
Non omettete questa parte, o potreste passare una notte insonne.
Tintura alcolica di mallo di noce: da 10 a 20 gocce, per uccidere i parassiti che arrivano dal fegato; oppure due capsule di mallo secco.
Lavate due volte in acqua molto calda il pompelmo. Istruzioni.
Fate una colazione e un pranzo senza grassi, come ad esempio cereali cotti,
frutta, succo di frutta, pane e confetture o dolcificante (niente burro o latte).
Questo consente alla bile di accumularsi e sviluppare pressione nel fegato.
Una pressione più elevata spinge fuori più calcoli.
Limitate al minimo che potete la quantità di cibo. Otterrete l'eliminazione di più calcoli.
Prima smettete di mangiare, migliori saranno anche i risultati che otterrete.
Anzi, smettere di mangiare grasso e proteine la sera prima dà risultati ancora migliori.
Finite di mangiare per mezzogiorno, e dopo quest'ora potrete solo sorseggiare dell'acqua.
Ore 14:00: Non mangiate e non bevete più.
Se infrangete questa regola, più tardi potreste sentirvi piuttosto male.
Cominciate a preparare i vostri sali di Epsom.
Mescolate 4 cucchiai grandi (60 g in tutto) di sali con 3 tazze (720 ml) d'acqua,
e versate questo miscuglio in un vasetto sicuro.
Questo liquido servirà per quattro dosi, ciascuna da ¾ di tazza (180 ml).
Mettete il vasetto in frigorifero per raffreddarlo bene (questo è solo per comodità e per il gusto).
Ore 18:00: Bevete una dose (¾di tazza – 180 ml) della bibita ghiacciata ai sali di Epsom.
Se non l'avete preparata in anticipo, mescolate adesso un cucchiaio grande (15 g) di sale di Epsom con ¾ di tazza (180 ml) d'acqua.
Potete sciacquarvi la bocca, ma sputate l'acqua del risciacquo.
Togliete dal frigorifero l'olio d'oliva e il succo di pompelmo per farli scaldare a temperatura ambiente.
Ore 20:00: Prendete un'altra dose da ¾ di tazza (180 ml) di acqua con sali di Epsom.
Non mangiate dalle due del pomeriggio, ma non avrete fame.
Sbrigate tutte le vostre faccende serali.
Il rispetto della tempistica è fondamentale per riuscire nell'impresa.
Ore 21:45: Versate nel barattolo da mezzo litro ½ tazza (120 ml) di olio d'oliva (per migliori risultati ozonizzate per ½ ora).
Strizzate a mano il pompelmo nella tazza.
Con una forchetta togliete i pezzetti di polpa.
Dovreste ricavare almeno ½ tazza (120 ml) di succo.
Aggiungete questo succo all'olio d'oliva. Potete usare anche un limone strizzato.
Aggiungete anche la tintura di mallo di noce nera.
[Se nelle ultime pulizie del fegato non avete ottenuto calcoli, aggiungete acido citrico per avere successo.
Inoltre usare 2/3 di tazza d'acqua (160 ml) per i sali di Epsom, invece di ¾ (180 ml) può avere un effetto maggiore].
Avvitate strettamente il coperchio sul barattolo e scuotetelo forte fino a che il contenuto non diventa acquoso (solo gli agrumi freschi riescono a ottenere questo risultato).
Adesso andate in bagno una o più volte ancora, anche se ciò vi farà tardare un po' nell'assumere la bibita delle dieci.
Ma cercate di non tardare più di 15 minuti, o espellerete meno calcoli.
Ore 22:00: Bevete la pozione che vi siete preparati.
Con le prime sorsate prendete 4 capsule di ornitina per assicurarvi di dormire durante la notte.
Se già soffrite d'insonnia, prendetene 8.
Con l'aiuto di una grossa cannuccia di plastica vi sarà più facile mandar giù la pozione.
Potete usare anche del condimento per l'insalata, o dello sciroppo,
o un semplice dolcificante da deglutire tra un sorso e l'altro.
Se volete, portatevi la pozione vicino al letto.
Finitela entro cinque minuti (quindici minuti per le persone molto anziane o deboli).
[Se in passato avete avuto difficoltà a espellere calcoli aggiungete alla pozione ½ cucchiaio da tè (=5ml : 2) di acido citrico.
Sdraiatevi immediatamente. Potete metterlo in capsule].
Se non lo fate potreste non espellere calcoli.
Prima vi sdraiate, più calcoli espellerete.
Preparatevi con buon anticipo ad andare a letto: non pulite la cucina; appena avete bevuto tutta la pozione,
andate al letto e sdraiatevi sulla schiena, con la testa alta sul cuscino.
Cercate di pensare a cosa sta succedendo nel fegato.
Cercate di stare perfettamente immobili per almeno 20 minuti.
Potreste sentire una fila di calcoli che viaggiano come biglie di vetro nei dotti biliari.
Non c'è alcun dolore perché le valvole del dotto biliare sono aperte (grazie ai sali di Epsom!).
Dormite, altrimenti potreste non riuscire a espellere i calcoli.
Quando vi svegliate prendete la terza dose di sali di Epsom. La mattina dopo.
Se avete un senso di indigestione o nausea aspettate che siano passate, prima di prendere i sali di Epsom.
Non prendete questa pozione prima delle 6:00. Potete tornare a letto.
2 ore più tardi: Prendete la quarta e ultima dose di sali di Epsom.
Dopo altre 2 ore potete mangiare. E poi potete tornare a letto. Iniziate con del succo di frutta.
Potete aggiungervi un altro ½ cucchiaio da tè (= 2,5 ml) di acido citrico (o capsule) e ottenere ancora più calcoli.
Un'ora dopo potete mangiare del cibo normale, ma fate un pasto leggero. Mezz'ora dopo mangiate frutta. Nota.
Se non espellete calcoli usate un po' meno acqua dei ¾ di tazza (180 ml) per ogni dose di sali di Epsom,
ad esempio 5/8(140 ml) o 2/3 di tazza (160 ml).
Com'è andata? Durante la mattinata aspettatevi la diarrea. Questo è auspicabile.
Usate una torcia per cercare i calcoli biliari nella tazza del water insieme alle feci.
Cercate quelli verdi, perché sono la prova che si tratta di calcoli biliari genuini e non di residui di cibo. Solo la bile del fegato è verde pisello.
Le feci affondano, ma i calcoli biliari stanno a galla a causa del loro contenuto di colesterolo e di grasso per motori.
Contateli approssimativamente, verdi o marrone che siano.
Occorre che ne espelliate un totale di 2000 prima che il fegato sia pulito a sufficienza per sbarazzarvi in modo permanente di allergie o borsiti o dolori alla parte alta della schiena.
La prima pulizia potrebbe liberarvene per alcuni giorni, ma man mano che i calcoli da dietro si spostano in avanti vi daranno di nuovo gli stessi sintomi.
Potete ripetere le pulizie a intervalli di due settimane.
Non fate mai la pulizia del fegato quando siete malati.
A volte i dotti biliari sono pieni di cristalli di colesterolo che non hanno assunto la forma di calcoli rotondi.
Questi cristalli appaiono in forma di "pula" o pagliuzze galleggianti in cima all'acqua della tazza del water.
Possono essere color marrone rossiccio, con in mezzo milioni di minuscoli cristalli bianchi.
Espellere questo materiale è importante quanto purgare gli stessi calcoli.
Importanza di rimuovere i calcoli biliari.
Si pensa che i calcoli biliari si formino nella cistifellea, non nel fegato.
Si pensa che siano pochi, e non migliaia.
I calcoli non vengono collegati a dolori che non siano quelli di un attacco alla cistifellea.
È facile capire perché si pensi questo: quando si arriva a una crisi acuta di dolori,
alcuni calcoli effettivamente si trovano nella cistifellea, sono abbastanza grossi e abbastanza calcificati da essere visti ai raggi X,
ed hanno effettivamente causato un'infiammazione lì.
Quando viene rimossa la cistifellea, gli accessi acuti scompaiono, ma le borsiti e altri dolori e i problemi digestivi rimangono.
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BARÇA 2- 0 CELTA VİGO MAÇ ÖZETİ TÜRKÇE SPİKER 22 /12 /2018 - Duration: 4:26. For more infomation >> BARÇA 2- 0 CELTA VİGO MAÇ ÖZETİ TÜRKÇE SPİKER 22 /12 /2018 - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
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Marvel Avengers Infinity war Iron man, Captain America toys fight! Dinosaur appeared~! - Charles Toy - Duration: 11:05.Marvel Avengers Infinity war Iron man, Captain America toys fight! Dinosaur appeared~! - Charles Toy
Tram Ride Rotterdam Delfshaven - Marconiplein in 2018 - Duration: 4:36.Delfshaven
Van Duynstraat
How to Achieve Med School Goals For more infomation >> How to Achieve Med School Goals-------------------------------------------
Eli scores a strike on bowling, then proceeds to question life and reality for 1 minute. - Duration: 1:10.look at my wii sports bowling skills haha
Oh. Uh...
Aren't we supposed to do something better now?
Like, why are we still here?
I don't know, don't ask me.
Hey, I question life and reality too!
Everything you have done in the past has led to this very moment. Let that all sink in.
At this point, I seriously don't know anymore.
crawling in my skin
Wii Sports Bowling is so fun!
Horror Show!
HOW TO DRAW RUDOLPH | Best Christmas Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 4:47.How to draw Rudolph
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
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[SUB INDO] Prediksi Kezhu 100% Akurat - Duration: 0:19. For more infomation >> [SUB INDO] Prediksi Kezhu 100% Akurat - Duration: 0:19.-------------------------------------------
Take time for someone this Christmas - Samaritans - Duration: 1:06.My name's Kath and I'm a volunteer with central London Samaritans and as well as
being a listening volunteer with them I train listeners who are inmates in Wandsworth prison
to support other prisoners I've been a Samaritan for about five and
a half years now and one of the biggest tips I'd have for the Christmas period
is to remember that it can be quite lonely for a lot of people so if you or one of
your loved ones maybe is seeming a bit down then my suggestion would be take a
bit of time just to talk and if you're supporting someone else then you're just
trying to understand what's going on for them without any agenda of your own be
with them where they are and if you're the one who's feeling quite lonely don't
be afraid to reach out to someone who you know will just be present with you
and listen to what you have to say
How To Make Braised Baby Potatoes - Our restaurant customers love this Recipe ! /kkitchen - Duration: 3:17.Slice spring onion very thinly.
Chop the peppers
Add 3 tablespoons of cooking oil to make spring onion oil.
Add all spring onion except a little bit of it.
When the green onion is yellow, add the potatoes.
Mix potatoes well with oil.
potatoes should be coated by spring onion oil glossily.
Add some seasoning after the potatoes are coated by spring onion oil well.
The amount of water needed to cook is 7 tablespoons.
We put in three tablespoons of water at first. And then added water little by little.
Cover the pan to cook the potatoes well.
Poke the potatoes to make sure they are cooked well.
After the potatoes are cooked, add the rest of the seasoning.
Add prepared chili and green onion to finish.
Thank so much for watching.
If you have any questions about the recipe, please leave a comment.
When Calls the Heart Christmas 2018 Stream: Watch WCTH Online | - Duration: 8:39.When Calls the Heart Christmas 2018 Stream: Watch WCTH Online |
The episode that When Calls the Heart fans have been waiting for is finally here.
Tonight, December 25, we can watch When Calls the Heart's Christmas 2018 special at 8 p.m.
Eastern (7 p.m.
Central) on The Hallmark Channel.
After how heartbreaking the Season 5 finale was, fans can hardly wait to see what's next on the episode called "The Greatest Christmas Blessing." If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of the Hallmark Channel on your computer, phone or streaming device via one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Hallmark Channel is one of 85 channels included in the main Fubo bundle.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch most shows up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.
Philo TV.
Hallmark Channel is included in Philo's main 43-channel bundle, which is the cheapest among all streaming services if you plan on keeping it long-term.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch the show live on your computer via the Philo website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Philo app.
If you can't watch live, Philo also allows you to DVR programs and watch them up to 30 days later.
And even if you forget to DVR something, Philo also comes with a 72-hour rewind feature, which allows you to replay any event that has aired in the last three days.
Sling TV.
Hallmark Channel is included in the "Lifestyle Extra" add-on, which can be added to either the "Sling Orange" or "Sling Blue" base channel packages.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial of any bundle you want, and you can then watch the show live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
Preview & Recap.
Here's a preview for tonight's movie:.
You might need a refresher on how Season 5 ended, so here's a quick look.
This will have spoilers for Season 5 below.
The Season 5 finale was shocking for fans, and some are still trying to get over what happened.
Here's a recap of just what happened, to help prepare you for the Christmas 2018 special.
The penultimate episode of Season 5 ended on a cliffhanger, with fans wondering if Jack had died.
The finale let fans know right away the sad truth: yes, Jack was dead.
Jack and Elizabeth had gotten married, much to fans' delight after watching their love grow for five seasons.
But then Jack, the Canadian Mountie, was killed.
The finale showed Elizabeth and others attending his funeral and talking about how he had died.
Jack led a group of recruits through a mountain during a training assignment, when a landslide happened.
He died a hero, pushing two men out of the way and sacrificing his life in order to save theirs.
Throughout the finale, fans saw flashbacks of Jack.
And in a letter that Jack wrote to Elizabeth in case he died, he said:"take comfort that I will be watching over you for the rest of your days.
I will always be with you in spirit." His letter read, in full: "My dearest Elizabeth, I'm writing a letter I hope you never have to read.
If you are, then you know I won't be coming home.
Take comfort that I will be watching over you for the rest of your days.
I will always be with you in spirit.
But I need you to promise me one thing, Elizabeth: you will open your heart to love again.
Know that I want nothing more than your happiness.
You are the perfect woman.
You showed me what it feels like to be truly loved.
For that, I am eternally grateful.
Yours forever, Jack.".
During the episode, Elizabeth is comforted by other widowed women of Hope Valley who lost their husbands in a mining disaster.
They use their pain to help her, which is touching to see — just as she had helped others, they are now helping her.
At the end of the episode, Elizabeth felt nauseated from the smell of coffee, and realized that she was pregnant with Jack's baby.
Now we get to finally see what happens with her and her baby.
10 Things You Need to Achieve Before Age 30 (Animated Video) - Duration: 9:28.10 things you need to achieve by the time you are 30
Life feels more interesting between age 20 and 30.
From becoming an adult who now takes up more responsibilities to moving away from home,
starting a career and experiencing a number of life-changing events, these events are
all bound to happen and maybe a little scary.
However, certain milestones are expected to have been covered just before you hit that
age, 30.
Some, goals we set for ourselves, others, goals that were set for us by either our families
or society.
Anyway, irrespective of how and who the goals were set up by, there are certain things we
should have accomplished before the age of 30 (when we are still really young and free
to make mistakes that we can learn from and also recover).
In this video, we'll be sharing with you 10 Things you need to achieve by the time
you are 30.
If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting
videos like this.
Live all by yourself
Your 20s should be a good time to discover who you are and what your true abilities really
are and how can you do this if you still live with your parents or a roommate?
Alison Wojkowski advise, "Not with roommates.
Not with your parents.
Not with your significant other.
Go solo for a year or so and get to know who you are when no one else is around."
Living alone will help you have a clear vision of what you like to do, the kind of people
you like to be around, the kind of person you are, the kind of things you enjoy and
so forth.
When you discover this truth about yourself, you are better placed to spend and utilise
your time in a way that you can easily build your life centred around your goals.
You need to remember that you are stuck with your life.
So the sooner you realise what you want, what you enjoy and what you want to spend your
life doing, the better for you.
Create a solid income
Your big plan might be to buy a house, acquire a landed property, go on vacation to some
of the expensive places/cities in the world, give your own nuclear family the best of life
as well as take good care of your parents and a whole lot of other things which can
and will only be possible if you have a solid income.
Now is the time to discover what place you are in your finance and consciously start
working your way up the ladder.
But until you are aware of what place you are, you probably might not be able to take
the right steps necessary to land you there.
Master your finance
Managing our finance isn't something we take seriously when we are young.
We lavish money and have a poor saving habit.
However, now that we are at this stage in our lives, it's time to learn how to manage
our finance.
Learning how to save for retirement and investment, emergency cash funds, budgeting, banking,
insurance, mortgages, investments, retirement planning, tax planning and estate planning
are all a part of personal finance education that we should be aware of if we are going
to become financially proactive and successful as well.
You can devise a budget (especially one that doesn't involve spending your whole paycheck
and anticipating the end of the month to get another) helps you live/spend within your
means and save enough to meet your long-term goals.
Overcome the fear of unknown
If you do not take risks, you may never know where your strength lies and how much you
are capable of achieving.
Fear actually gets smaller the closer we get to what scares us.
Besides, when we learn how to take calculated risks, we learn to position ourselves for
better available opportunities, which in turn position us for success in that field whatsoever.
Become Bilingual
You probably do not know this, but learning a new language becomes a little challenging/difficult
as you age.
You're probably wondering why you need to learn a new language, right?
You see, asides from the fact that a good number of people on the planet earth are bilingual,
which means learning a new language can help you communicate and relate with some others,
knowing a second language makes you more open-minded, and gives your brain a boost by enhancing
your memory and attention span, staving off diseases such as Alzheimer's and Dementia.
You might not learn how to speak a new language fluently, but making an effort to familiarize
yourself with it can also give you these benefits.
Learn how to accept and give feedback
Feedbacks are an essential part of growth and progress.
Rather than taking feedback personally, learn how to use the information to grow both personally
and professionally.
Also, learn how to give constructive feedback to people and don't be too harsh or disrespectful.
This will put you in a good place in your relationship with others, making you easily
Start a side business
If you intend to be proactive about your savings and financial freedom, then you should consider
diversifying your income and starting a side business is definitely one way to achieving
Even if your first business fails (and the statistics say it probably will), you're
gaining critical skills for the next project.
Starting a side business can create another source of income that can help you increase
your retirement savings and can even become your new career if it works out well.
Devise a strategy to deal with stress
Because life is tough, we are all bound to get stressed at some points in time by different
activities and the pressure that comes with taking certain decisions and engaging in them.
Simply put, with more responsibilities (which is something you'll be getting a lot as you
age) comes more stress.
Hence, the need to devise a strategy to deal with stress.
You can deal with stress by meditating, exercising, relaxing, learning how to manage your time
better and a host of other ways.
Find what works for you and be sure to destress when the need arises.
Make it an habit to invest in yourself
Roy T. Bennett said, "Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have
no time to criticize others."
Self-investment doesn't always have to be reading a book.
Whether is learning how to take care of your body by exercising and eating healthy meals
(well-balanced meals) or learning a new skill by going for certain events or taking certain
courses (online or offline) that can help you hone a skill, the most important thing
is to ensure that you are always well informed and a well-rounded person, career-wise and
Choose your partner wisely
If you plan on spending the rest of your life with someone who can be there for you as you
create and achieve your goals, then you might want to consider picking someone who will
buy into your life's vision in the first place and who will be willing to help you cross
every huddle along the way by providing mental, physical and financial support.
This stage of your life is when you start chasing your dreams and you will definitely
encounter obstacles at different points in time (it's totally normal).
So, you don't want to be with someone who will make you give up and throw it all in
the gutter but someone who will always help you see your obstacles as a pathway to success.
Choose wisely.
Thank you very much for watching our videos.
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our team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends
on social media.
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谢娜双胞胎穿的裙子价格曝光,网友:和李湘女儿比还是有差距 - Duration: 2:52. For more infomation >> 谢娜双胞胎穿的裙子价格曝光,网友:和李湘女儿比还是有差距 - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
NONSENSE, WOLFOO POLICE STOP THE THUNDER | Cartoon for kids - Duration: 16:43.Welcome to Wolfoo - Official Channel
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SUPERHERO BABY ALIEN HOME COMING 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 11:38.Hi Luka's fan. Today we continue with another episode on WOA Luka Channel:
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Warriors Rumors: Bulls' Robin Lopez Is Reportedly On Golden State's Radar | - Duration: 2:56.Warriors Rumors: Bulls' Robin Lopez Is Reportedly On Golden State's Radar |
Despite the upcoming debut of DeMarcus Cousins, the Golden State Warriors are still said to be looking to add depth at center.
Per Marc Stein of New York Times:.
One name to file away here: Chicago's Robin Lopez.
The Bulls have made Lopez available via trade along with the former No.
2 overall draft pick Jabari Parker, according to league sources, but moving the experienced center isn't so simple given his $14.4 million salary.
There will be little need for the Bulls to keep Lopez, 30, beyond Feb.
7 if they don't find a workable trade for him, which may set up the former Knick to emerge as one of most coveted buyout candidates.
Golden State's positional needs also could certainly change between now and then, but Kevon Looney is the closest thing to a proven center currently available to Coach Steve Kerr.
Bulls' center Robin Lopez is reportedly on the team's list.
Lopez has played a limited role for the Bulls this season, but the 30-year-old center still has value as a pick-and-pop option, rim protector and locker room leader.
The Warriors could use a little bit of all of that.
The key for the Warriors will be finding a deal that works financially, especially if the Bulls want someone to take Parker's $20 million deal as well, though next year's money is under a team option.
Lopez is a free agent at the end of the year too so anyone that takes on both deals will need to have or create cap space.
The Warriors have very few expendable contracts so it wouldn't be a shock to see a third team pulled in to make the trade work.
'연애의 맛' 김종민 &황미나, 커플링 맞췄다..모두가 응원한 공개 열애 - Duration: 7:30. For more infomation >> '연애의 맛' 김종민 &황미나, 커플링 맞췄다..모두가 응원한 공개 열애 - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
Lascelles' honest verdict on Van Dijk really speaks volumes before Liverpool v Newcastle - Duration: 4:01.Forget defenders, Virgil van Dijk has arguably been the Premier League's best player this season
There's still five months of the campaign to go and plenty can change, but no football fan can deny the Liverpool defender's impact since leaving Southampton in January
A once rickety Liverpool back four has been transformed into the most formidable defence in the league, with Van Dijk not only proving almost unbeatable but he's improving those around him
The likes of Joe Gomez, Joel Matip and Dejan Lovren have all raised their game in his presence, allowing Liverpool to hoover up clean-sheets in their title charge
As a result, the Reds were able to enjoy Christmas Day from the comfort of first place and with an unexpectedly large advantage over Manchester City, who surprisingly lost to Crystal Palace
Liverpool vs Newcastle And their next challenge looked a reasonably simple one, with Jurgen Klopp's men welcoming a struggling Newcastle United under their former boss Rafael Benitez
The Magpies have started to recover wins and points in recent weeks, but are still backed to struggle badly during their trip to Merseyside
Every member of the travelling team will be aware of the challenge they face and that includes trying to barge their way past Van Dijk and co
Lascelles' verdict on Van Dijk It's a task that Newcastle's Jamaal Lascelles knows will be incredibly tough and in the build-up to the game, he's given a remarkably honest verdict on Van Dijk to the Evening Chronicle
"Van Dijk is the best defender in the world. Every centre-half looks up to him and thinks he has got everything," Lascelles lauded
"People thought it was a high price tag but, since he moved to Liverpool, he has shown he is worth every penny
"Pretty much every centre-half will look at him and think: 'He has got it all.' He is good on the ball, strong, tall, and he is leader
Whoever plays next to him, he will make them look good too. "So he is one of the best in the world
I hate talking about other players but he is. Hopefully I can score one over him on Boxing Day, though
" Well, it's pretty hard to argue with that. From one central defender to another, it's clear that Lascelles has so much respect for Van Dijk and doesn't mind giving him a confidence boost before they go head-to-head
Say what you like about the form of Raphael Varane and Sergio Ramos over longer periods of time, it's become undeniable that Van Dijk is the world's best on current form
The true test will be whether he can maintain that same form at Liverpool and, above everything else, inspire them to the trophies that have evaded Klopp so far
As far as Liverpool fans are concerned: more of the same, Virgil.Do you think Van Dijk is the world's best defender right now? Have your say in the comments section below
Kanji of the week #23 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 9:25. For more infomation >> Kanji of the week #23 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 9:25.-------------------------------------------
Is Airbnb or VRBO Cleaning the Right Niche For You? - Duration: 7:16.Should you have a cleaning niche?
That's a great question and we're going to talk about it today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now today's show is brought to us by
And that's a website with a bunch of resources for people in the Airbnb industry, who have
a vacation rental by owner, or it's a short-term rental, or it's just a vacation rental, or
a cabin up in the mountains that you rent.
And it's for the people that do the cleaning of those turnover spaces.
So you've got a guest coming in,
you've got to turn it over and get it ready for the next guest.
If you do turnover service, you want to you to check
There's a bunch of resources on there.
There are cleaning tips, there are podcasts, there are blogs.
There's a whole bunch of fun stuff on there that will help you with your short-term rental
All right, on to today's show, which is from Nikki who has this question.
Nicki: Hi Angela, I own a cleaning business in San Diego, California.
My question for you today is, would you recommend a cleaning company to focus on a certain niche
when it comes to clientele?
I ask this because the bulk of my business comes from short-term vacation rentals.
I have about 30 units with one property management company and they want to continue to give
me more.
But I do have some residential clients ... from about eight to 10.
But I just feel like it's best for me to focus on building with different property management
companies, because this is where I shine the most.
And this brings my company massive revenue.
So would you say it's best to just focus on a certain niche and just grow from there?
Thanks so much, Angela.
I appreciate all your work.
Angela Brown: All right Nicki, I love your question, and it sounds like you've already
answered it.
If the majority of your business is coming from short term rentals, my suggestion is
that you've already found your niche.
And I would stay there.
Now, sometimes you search for a niche, and sometimes it finds you.
And so, it's interesting, because you have a choice.
You can always accept what finds you, or you can go chasing after something else.
It's always easier to let something find you.
Now it sounds like you're in an area where there's a lot of vacation rentals, and if
that is the case, and you are able to manage all of the different properties that are coming
your way, then boo-yah.
You're in the right place at the right time.
Now, they say, this is a Chinese philosophy, that resting things are easier to catch.
What that means is that if you go chasing after somethings,
oftentimes it will elude you.
So you go chasing after business.
And you go hunting down ... let's say residential cleaning.
Which are your by-weekly and maintenance cleans in this particular scenario.
And then it's harder to find those particular customers.
But why do you need those if somethings already come to you.
When you stop chasing, things come to you.
It's like the little dog.
The guy's out chasing his dog, calling and calling and the dog's nowhere to be found.
But when he stops calling and he ignores the dog, the dog come racing up to him and rubs
his body up against the guys leg and is like, "Ahhh.
Here I am."
So resting things are easier to catch.
Meaning, don't spend all your energy and resources chasing after something else when you've already
found a niche.
All right in the Airbnb industry there's a lot of that's stuff going on.
And we know that most ... and the majority of the cleaning is from 10 o'clock in the
morning until about three o'clock in the afternoon.
That's when guests are leaving, and the new guests are going to arrive.
So there's this weird little window where you have to come in and pull up all the sheets
and the linens, and do the laundry, and pick up all the food, and dust and vacuum and reset
everything for the next guest.
Now, if you are one person, it's going to be hard to maintain lots of properties.
But if you have multiple people, and this is not necessarily a maid service.
This might be working with lots of house moms.
Or a group of moms whose kids are in school during the day.
Their kids go to school, let's say at eight o'clock in the morning, and they get back
at 2:30 in the afternoon.
So they have this chunk of time during the day where they could pick up a couple of Airbnb's,
or one Airbnb, and they do that particular one every single time.
And if you have two or three of those types of house cleaners that are specific to what
you are doing, then what happens is, if you someone has, let's say a two day minimum.
They are going to be needing to turn their place three times a week, I guess.
So, usually, maybe three or four, but maybe it's only once.
So you might have work for them every day, or you might not.
At which point, you would put them on a different property.
So if you have two or four properties in a hub, you want two or three people so they
can rotate their schedules, and someone is always available for that quick turn.
So, it's a great niche.
And believe it or not, it's booming.
It is a huge element in business right now.
Especially in the house cleaning business.
Because there are a lot of Airbnb hosts that are doing so well as being hosts and super
hosts, that they are not staying on their one property.
They are investing in other properties and before you know it, they've got five or 10
properties that they are managing.
And a wise person will have multiple units in the same area.
So that they can hire a team of people to go in and manage that area.
Now if you are doing Airbnb cleanings, or VRBO cleanings, or whatever you want to call
those cleanings, the turnover service.
When you do those cleanings if you will stay in one geographic hub.
Just like you would a regular house cleaning business, that's even tidying down your niche.
Here's the reason why.
Let's say you ask everybody in this area, this very concentrated area, who do you know
who does this cleaning service?
They are going to recommend you.
But if you're scattered all over the city, nobody really gets to recommend you, and know
you as the go-to person, because it's impossible for you to maintain a particular area if you're
scattered all over.
So you don't want commute time because the window's very narrow, when you're going to
be able to get and clean those houses.
So you stay in your one concentrated area, and become that known person.
If you have a management company, and you're not a quite management company yet, you're
still ... it sounds like a maid service.
But if you're a management company, do you want somebody that lives and works in the
area, or do you want somebody who's managing you from 2,000 miles away?
The answer is no.
I want the boots on the ground.
I want the person that's there and can run over there if something malfunctions, and
they can see with their eyes.
And they can tidy things up, or they can help in the case of an emergency.
You want the person that's local.
And right now, Nicki, you are that person.
It sounds like this is your business.
And this is your calling.
So boo-yah.
You are in the right place at the right time.
And yes, I would say yes, stay with your niche.
All righty.
If you found this helpful, please recommend it to a friend or share it.
And until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
Chrismas Hill Climb Truck Driving - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 10:37.Chrismas Hill Climb Truck Driving (by Christmas Time : Santa Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ
Variedades Venta Pistacho Campaña 2019 - IberoPistacho - Duration: 0:42. For more infomation >> Variedades Venta Pistacho Campaña 2019 - IberoPistacho - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Tabi Podcast #3- Andre Youkhna (ING Marketing Group) - Duration: 51:31.what is up everybody welcome to the table a podcast this is where we get to
share the inspiring stories of hard-working individuals we hope that
you all can relate and feel motivated from these journeys our motto is advance
the path you believe this is episode three and today we are excited to share
the story of someone that started his entrepreneurship when he was just in
high school now in his early twenties he is the CEO and founder boasting over 300
employees and making more than 62 million in revenue he is nowhere near
finished what can we learn from his journey let's find out in this week's
episode what's going on everyone what's up man well it's good oh we have a new
guest today his name is Andre he is right here he's currently the CEO of ing
this company has been phenomenal throughout their past history if you
guys don't know in the past 12 months they've been generating over 62 million
dollars for their customers and within a month if you break that down and do the
math it's about 60 to 70 K for the company he's been working with various
companies various clients I mean with law firms clothing brands DJs some
Disney stars that can't name like the three brothers and this basically
started you started seven years ago right perfect and right now they have
two branches right now one in Glendale and one in New York and this is an all
digital marketing company so if you want to explain a little bit more about
yourself Andre you're more than welcome thank you speak a little closer to my
places are better yeah all right thanks for having me I appreciate it so pretty
much what we do is where our company name is I ng marketing group mm-hmm what
we do is we do anything from litter anything on the internet we take care of
so if it's social media marketing search engine optimization pretty much a
through Z we handle everything we do app development web development all that
stuff - like you mentioned we have various clients so we go from lawyers
doctors to literally artists and like famed like even like how you mentioned
the three famous brothers pretty much what they're the one famous brother is
our client and what he's doing is he's kind of doing his own music and he
wanted us to market his music but not in America he wanted to get big overseas
and Europe and stuff and then there was two DJ's that were partnering up with
him and those those two guys were the ones that approached me and then they
kind of told me about everything else and then we kind of got into business
and so we got them ranked number one on the top charts in Italy with nice grass
yeah it's pretty crazy because it was my first client that was in the
entertainment industry so I had no idea what I was doing so I was just like well
give it a shot and see how it goes and then it ended up working out well so
yeah man when did you so man this started seven years ago and from scratch
so you're basically in high school yeah so did you go to college or yes they did
yeah I mean okay if it was up to me I definitely wouldn't have gone to college
thought it was a waste of time and a waste of money and to be honest with you
everything that I've learned and everything I'm doing has been from
literally Google Google is like the new University I'm telling you like it's
like everything you everything you need to know you learn through Google like in
a heartbeat you can do your own research and figure it out and that's how I got
started that's how I've been running my business like that and as weird as that
might sound that's how I that's how I learned that's all right educate myself
I mean I went to Chapman University in Orange County got my bachelor's in
computer science mm-hmm so it's kind of a related niche so I learned how to
develop apps and websites and things of that nature and then as I was building
apps and websites for my clients they kept coming back to me and
asking me so hey man I need marketing done I need marking tonight marking done
and I would constantly refer them to like a buddy of mine that was doing
marketing and then another guy that was doing marketing so I was constantly
giving away clients that were yeah like at first initially there were my clients
they came to me to build a website or an app so I did that and then once they
asked for marketing services I couldn't provide it so I just give it to somebody
else and I was like dude get it together like you're literally giving free money
up now was there any anything for it I know my buddies weren't like oh here you
go like Dre here you go like yeah thank you so much yeah none of that so like
why am i handing out clients to people when I work my ass off to like get these
guys in the door and built them the website and everything so I was like all
right it's time to like get everything together I ended up partnering up with a
marketing firm in New York okay this was like two years ago so I ended
up partnering up the marketing firm where I was doing the development and
then they were doing the marketing mm-hmm and then sooner or later I just
got really close with the owner over there mmm and this was a story that I
was telling you about I was I was like I'm gonna tell you a funny story yeah
so I legitimately just started talking to this guy like it had a great bond so
I went out to New York met with the guy everything was cool
anytime he would get a client for like marketing and he noticed like this guy
needs to update his website he'd refer him over to me not giving him
a commission yeah and then any time I got a client that needed marketing
services who might send it over to him and then I'd get a commission yeah and
then as weird as this may sound the guy was getting a divorce and he was like
all right I gotta give half of everything that I own to my my ex-wife
now so he literally wrote off the marketing company to me that's where
that's where we went from me by myself to me and 300 contractors employees and
all that stuff Wow so crazy yeah that's how I went from no employees just me by
myself doing my own thing to having like 300 people under my wing and constantly
like managing these people and making sure that they're doing so that's how I
turned my like wet company into a marketing firm yeah how
many years ago with this was like three three four years ago and how old were
you at that time I was 19 nothing crazy 19 geez yeah it was it was it was a
crazy it was a crazy ride I mean I it wasn't my intention to take over this
company but it just ended up happening because this guy was like dude like I
really need a so it went out I guess an act like it was like a like a merger
yeah his company just came in to mind and then ing Marketing Group which was
ing just I was ING Group which is funny because my lawyers would constantly tell
me like you need to either change your name or change your logo because there's
ing financial right what is like in the in Europe and it's a like a bank it's
like oh there's company as well sure but their logo is a lion yeah and their
company name is ing mm-hm so I was thinking like I'm gonna start up like
I've mentioned this earlier to every Armenian company I'm Armenian so every
Armenian company literally has the guy's name in it so it's like whatever the
auto group you know or it's like it has platinum in it gold in it like something
like that so it always has that like five-star marketing group I think I want
to be different but I wanna I wanna have it in a way
where it's sounds corporate and it sounds legit so when I'm getting clients
people are like okay cool it's not some little like marketing firm it's like a
massive market from a sounds corporate it sounds amazing so I was like alright
I'm gonna go with ing Marketing Group mm-hm so I started doing that and I was
like alright cool and then I'll be out networking and I like talking to people
and then they'll be like so what's your company name I'll be like ing Marketing
Group they go like oh dude I've heard of this oh they probably never know who I
am but since I say ing Marketing Group like dude I know what you are I've heard
of you yeah so I had the logo it was a lion and it was called
dude like this was like seven eight years ago when I was
when I started doing this uh-huh so I was like all right this is not this is
not a good look for me I'm gonna get sued and I'm not gonna get sued lightly
like I'm gonna get sued like yeah me bad so what I did was my girlfriend kind of
inspired me to get the logo going so I changed the logo to a deer mm-hmm so now
it's like a like a nice-looking deer
like I ain't you marketing group so we're like clear the Lori's cleared
everything that like you're good to go so I'm good to go as far as that goes
but man knows it's been it's just been a crazy ride so you were 19 yeah and you
just took over the condemned are kidding agency yeah
so at that point what were you thinking like how are we going about like
handling a 300 contractor at that point it's very overwhelming
I'm like super overwhelming but once you're like all right like I got to do
this you just in that mode and you're like ready to go yeah just constantly
like and the thing is the way I work is I do everything to my standards so like
everything that I do has to be done a certain way
mm-hmm so a lot of people were let go and a lot of people were hired because I
like things done in a certain way and if you do it that certain way then you're
good to go mm-hmm and off the bat the contractors
the employees either love me or they hated me hmm so it wasn't like it wasn't
like oh he's a cool guy like we're good with them it's like dude I love this guy
he's amazing he takes care of us I was like dude I hate this guy and you know
I'm gonna quit or I'm gonna get fired mm-hmm so it's like one or the other but
once you're like once you have that you're like okay this is my chance I got
it like I gotta capitalize on this so that's exactly what I did I was like
there's no way I'm gonna let this chance like pass up I'm gonna take care of this
it was overwhelming when I first started but after why just like adapt to it and
you figure it out and you're like all right this house is done and you get it
done so yeah how long was that process like how long was it till you're like
okay I know how to do everything from one know how to do everything
yeah I'm still learning but probably like matter of like three to four months
was like my moment of like Arnim I gotta do this I gotta do this I gotta do this
and then within like six months it's like a year was where I was like art I
got it figured out I mean this is what I'm doing it yeah I'm gonna do it in the
south and everything just kind of starts to click you know within a year was when
I was like art everything started to click and I get it and it's all good so
yeah it was it was like I said it's been a crazy journey yeah once you figure it
out and once you know what's going on you're set and you're like ready to go
so yeah hmm I feel like when you're kind of thrown into the fire into the fire
that's when you actually build experience and you learn yeah like when
everything hits a fan that's when you kind of have to decide you know you know
what I need to adjust it yeah and that's it that's the only way to learn yeah
yeah especially if you want to hit the game winners like you got to lose a game
yeah I mean the way it's just like when you're thrown a bone and you're just
like I got it I got to make something happen because you're not gonna get this
opportunity I was like this is your chance and you gotta capitalize anything
don't then you got to do it yourself when you gotta start from scratch again
and that's right so I started from scratch like I had the opportunity to
work with my dad like going to his business and learned what he doesn't do
it but I just didn't want to be that guy that made his money from his dad like
doing what his dad does that's why I was like art what's your passion and I love
computers and I love software so I was like guard this is my passion and then I
just kind of took a couple detours and ended up where I am now so it's been
it's been a crazy journey but so what was your dad's business and like what
did you take from him and his business and how did you kind of like those
knowledge into your business right now he came here about 30 years ago about 30
years ago a immigrant from Iran Armenian he had to leave because of the
evolution going on over there so he came to America with literally no money with
nothing pretty much barely spoke the language I mean he still barely speaks
the language like it's like he's getting better but it's been 30 years and it's
hard for the guy to like yeah get to learn the language when you're like 30
years old moving here yeah difficult you know so he started a construction
company so he never he's always been like this and he's always told me this
mm-hmm like do your own thing do your own thing don't work for anybody don't
be an employee like do your own thing that's how you're gonna make money like
work for people gain experience and then do your own thing like constantly do
your own thing so he's always giving me that drive and he's always supported me
right so I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that like I did everything on my own
ground up like I put my own hard work money into it mm-hmm like our friend
here spend the time you know what I mean on his own company I'm not gonna lie to
you and say that I had that hardship because my father supported me through
that but at the end of the day it was like him constantly motivating me to do
better and be better and then start your own business and do your own thing yeah
so just constantly like for the sense of high school like I started DJing in high
school like I was like DJing you bought me my equipment and I did some gigs made
some money didn't pay him back for the equipment yeah and then sold the
equipment because I was like DJ's now might think they didn't give him the
money for like kept that money you know so he was constantly wanting me I was
constantly using the money for like my work right I know whatever I was making
I'll just keeping yeah so recently like a year or two ago when I like first
light with a guard I'm gonna open up an office I'm like net I need like two
grand to like paid a deposit and I need like another two grand to pay them first
month's rent and after that I'm not gonna ask you for anything cuz that I'm
gonna be making one mm-hmm so I was already like I was already like
making money but it wasn't consistent yeah yeah so this is like right sorry
not two years ago it's like three three four years ago when I think from him so
I was like I know I know I'm gonna have this reoccurring income and I know I
could pay you back yeah but I just don't have it right now
mm-hmm and especially because I had a bunch of banking issues shout out to US
bank for constant like putting my checks on hold and stuff yeah it's annoying as
hell but it's okay we're getting better these guys I I'm a young guy with like
big cheques coming through so like constantly putting a weak week-long hold
on my check so hmm I can't touch my funds for a whole week
so whatever long story short I asked him for money he gave me my money
I went put the deposit start this thing and then I literally like three or four
days later my check cleared and I'm like I'm here you go that like I gave him the
money back yeah and he's like holy crap like and that's what he knew like it's
getting serious actually doing things that like it's getting serious because
he paid me back yeah yeah it was a big relief off of him oh yeah he's been a
big big big motivation like like push for me like he's been awesome he had my
back through whatever I wanted to do and he's constantly pushing me to be better
and if they just get better at whatever I'm doing so yeah I'm lucky to have that
same with my mom I mean my mom's again been big big influence in my life a
family for me is big right and I'm the only child
mm-hm so it's literally me my mom my dad that's all I have yeah I mean I have
cousins of course and I love with the death mm-hm but you know how he's like
yeah my mom and your dad are like literally your backbone I'm lucky to
have that and I'm lucky to have that motivation and that push from very well
with my parents so yeah it's been a hell of a journey but it's good stuff
I mean you've been the legacy going though that's for sure especially if
you're the last child it's kind of like fewer to die like that's it I think it's
pretty dope huh you know you started all this like when did you decide that it
was marketing that you wanted to do yeah you know I honestly I decided to do
marketing when I saw that the man was so big because I mean I was in the industry
so I was doing the web development and all that stuff but when I noticed
the demand for marketing was so big I was like alright it's time to learn and
it's time to like like get actual like make tracks like do things that actually
help people you know like you're building them a website and then they're
taking that web they have a brilliant idea well they think they have a
brilliant idea a lot of designs come to me and go like I need this app built and
I'm like I'm not the guy to do it for you because I don't believe in your app
idea like I really don't yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take your money tell
you you're gonna do well and then you end up not doing well like no amount of
marketing is gonna help your app take off I'm sorry and I'm not gonna charge
you 40 grand to build your app because I know it's not gonna work out I had an
experience where I built somebody an app I charged a guy like 30 grand to build a
app I built it I gave it to him he failed and then I turned out to be the
bad guy you know so I was like all right I'm not gonna take any projects that I
don't believe in it's not happening that's smart
yeah all right if I back your project if you come to me when you're like I need
you to do marketing for this if I don't believe in it I'm not gonna take you on
like I'm just gonna be like I'm sorry I'm not the guy but go talk to this guy
because this guy will do anything for money yeah like right now money is not
money's not what drives me anymore yeah I want to see people be successful
and that's why if you come to me with an idea and you're like okay look like for
example like I have this clothing brand that I want to market it mm-hmm I look
at it I'm like I like the name I like the brand I like the mission I like this
I like that let's do it so just see the potential or potential I
see that it has it could go places and I'm definitely gonna back it but if I
see like you're just another clothing brand
you're just you're literally just another clothing brand doing the same
thing the other guys doing yeah yeah and you have no mission statement you're
literally just doing it for the profits and you have nothing behind it it's like
I I can't help you yeah yeah I would love to but I can't like we were talking
about it earlier with the Shopify stores mm-hmm we 10x people's revenue with
Shopify and a heartbeat yeah but again it comes on to the
competition and it comes down if I believe in the product or not
mm-hmm so there's that yeah anybody else want to ask questions no I
remember back in high school Andre always used to carry around you
know a suitcase so that kind of like you know shows you what kind of mentality
that he had like how would you how'd you describe like that process you
know like how did you like come up from that I mean I literally have gone
through so many businesses since high school till today yeah I've gone through
so many different businesses until I found what I was interested in and what
my passion was yeah well I like I was I started off with the DJing that I
mentioned yeah and then I went to the stock market so I started doing trading
stocks doing binary options doing this doing that you know and I was making
good money but I started losing my hair mmm cuz it was constantly your stress
through a wig I've literally went bald and I've no more hair because of that
stuff like legitimately you're waking up every morning and like you're up a grand
mm-hmm and then like by the end of the day you're down to grand mmm like I woke
up in the morning I was happy I was up a thousand dollars and I was having a good
time yeah and literally like 2 3 hours later
you're down to granny you're like dude not only did I lose a thousand dollars
that I was up and I'm down another two yeah those costly so I was like I went
through that phase I wanted to stock market phase realize it wasn't for me
mm-hmm started building my own applications and
my own websites and doing all that stuff I had some successes and then I had some
failures so I built the flappy bird came out and the guy in panic things like
holy crap I can't handle all this stress and whatnot
so I built something called turtle swim literally the same game yeah underwater
uh-huh and you're a turtle yeah so literally that's what I did mm-hm I was
like all right cool I did that and then I literally spent $500 building that app
getting the graphics done and then I sold it for $14,000 no you know how old
I was Highschool I don't even remember how old
I was when that happened but it was like my first successful app and tile tile
run came out you guys remember that piano one was like you have to click the
white squares and was constantly doing that they okay yeah yeah yeah so I was
constantly scanning apps it's like I would write the code for the game based
off of it yeah and then I would change the the graphics of it so I made
something called uh what was it it was the it was tile run was that the
original game and mine was called like alligator run or something like that you
were you had feet and you were running on like lily pads and then if you mess
up like an alligator would eat you yeah I sold that out for like eight grand so
I was like costly like they have like five hundred dollars like fourteen
thousand five hundred eight grand like five hundred like everything cost me
like five months lost built and then I was building these apps and then people
were downloading them mm-hmm and I actually started doing that like
probably like five six years ago mhm that's when that whole industry was huge
like rescanning app yeah huge and then I met some guy named Justin Garcia he was
in New York he's like some influencer type of guy and he had a big network so
he started telling his friends and like they started marketing and that's when I
honestly think I pioneered that whole like in the end of the vines and the
videos like people are playing games and it's like a shout out for the game I
literally my app was one of the first was called venti link and I was one of
the first apps to ever do that that app had like hundreds of thousands of
downloads and it was making crazy money off of bad revenue and then in-app
purchases we're having crazy money off of it and then we ended up selling that
yeah that was a very big number and I can't say the number yeah so that's one
of those type of things so there was that and then right after that was like
our cool I ran out ideas and I was like are done with this take a break a break
and then I start making other people's app ideas and
websites I would not come here so that's where I started doing that mm-hmm but
everything else but okay yeah geez you might actually be a little tired by 30 I
know I mean I just recently hired an employee where he was sitting down and
the interview that I was doing with him kind of reversed so like I was asking
him questions then after a while he's like alright let me ask you a couple
questions I've never had anybody do that an interview before like you're trying
to work for me and I'm asking you questions to see if you're a good fit
for me right but he turned around I was like
let me ask you a couple questions okay
hire the guy because of that yeah back in the beginning I didn't think that he
was like like he wasn't qualified yeah and then right after what he did that I
was like holy crap that was pretty dope look I've never had anybody do that bad
the guy started asking questions like where do you see yourself in five years
oh my god my trying to get a job you're like what's going on here you know so I
was like tripping out how's a guy you know what I'm gonna give this guy shot
like you sorta ask me these questions like so where do you see yourself in
five years but still doing this you know as I have about 10 years I'm still doing
this yeah I know he's like what about like an exit strategy using your stuff
like selling the company I was like no you know I don't there's no way I'm
gonna do that cuz once I hit that revenue that I want to hit yeah I could
sell the company for millions mm-hmm but I don't want to mm-hmm I want to hold on
to it mm-hmm and I want to just hire management that could run it and then
I'll just constantly make my reoccurring income because uh how SEO works is
clients pay you monthly I'm gonna get ranked on Google right now once they're
there they need to maintain it mm-hmm and in order to maintain it they
constantly keep paying you right so it's like a rent for Google cheese this is
like a whole nother level that I'm learning right now marketing it's a
crazy it's a crazy world and it's a create the digital industry is just
insane mm-hmm but the if a client is happy with their rankings and whatnot
they're constantly gonna pay you right and if they're not happy then they're
gonna drop you mm-hmm we rarely get dropped mm-hmm Wow
that's good and the best part is we don't have contracts with our clients a
lot of these SEO companies don't have a contract with their client they'll be
like you're locked in for 12 months mm-hmm you're locked in for six months
whatever maybe you're locked in for this much time and you're paying us this this
much and there's nothing you could do about it we don't do any of that it's
like dude sign up we're gonna provide you a report at the end of the month and
you like what you see mm-hmm pay us the next month and we'll continue doing what
we drive you don't like what you see drop us mm-hmm we rarely get dropped
because we're constantly producing Andry constantly giving results showing result
so the clients are like why would I not yeah we had this one sunglass company
come in pay us six grand a month mm-hmm and generate $20,000 a month with
something sunglasses online mm-hmm they're making $14,000 like ROI okay I
don't know what their cost of goods are mm-hmm but that's how much they're made
I make you 14 grand you know why would you not yeah you literally just they're
a brick-and-mortar store that they didn't have an online presence now they
do now they do mm-hmm and they're making an extra 14 grand mm-hmm why would you
not yeah like you're losing out on money if you're not doing this so it's huge
it's a big market and it's just constantly growing yeah I'm gonna start
hiring him right now yeah it's a whole different ball game and especially
because look there's Instagram ads there's Facebook ads and it's all paid
we do that as well we manage people's paid advertising but people aren't
looking for your product like you're showing somebody something that they're
not looking for yeah like I'm just scrolling through my facebook feed or my
Instagram feed and you're I'm seeing your product but I don't want your
product mm-hmm but if I google it I'm looking for it too so if you're coming
up number for that I mean 75% of all clicks go to
the top for results hmm so true so literally like nobody how
many times have you google something on what's the second page yeah you know
what I rarely rarely happens so when you're ranked there and people are
searching for that term they obviously want the product mm-hmm so they'll buy
the product your your conversion rates much higher mm-hmm so that's so true
yeah there's a bunch of that stuff I mean 90% of all Internet traffic starts
on like major search engines so being Google Yahoo search 90% of all Internet
activity start there yeah unless you know where you're going you're gonna
google it so you're gonna open up the browser and then Google whatever or
you're gonna be like I'm going to Facebook so you put in Facebook and you
go straight to Facebook mm-hmm but again it's just it all depends on competition
and how fast you're gonna be able to ring for it so we can rank somebody for
10 keywords and matter of two months three months and then there's some
keywords that are very difficult to rank for what you been doing like six months
yeah but once you're there you said yeah like you said you have like 20,000
people searching that term and you're getting 75% of those clicks mhm
so I don't even know the math but you're looking at what I can seventy-five you
looking at fifteen thousand people going to your website about every month just
based off of the searches mm-hmm so I mean would you say maintaining super
rank is just as hard as bringing it back or is a little bit easier it's easier
it's easier once you're there you've set that bar and you just got to maintain
that bar mm-hmm yeah so it's it's much easier to maintain it doesn't get there
when you're getting there you're constantly fighting other companies
other websites other or whatever's you just constantly fighting them to get
into that place yeah but once you get there you just have to maintain it and
it shouldn't all these like trying to compete with you yeah no it's fine
it's 200 so earlier you were talking about when
you took over the company there's things that you want to do a certain way right
yeah so as a leader of your company how do you set the culture and what what is
your culture my right thing with my contractors and employees is that I'm
not I'm not that guy that's like okay this is what needs to get done and doing
it and get it done and bring it to me by this time it's not like that the way I
work is like I'll tell you okay this is what needs to be done mm-hmm and I'm
gonna do it with you mhm so I don't tell them what to do and
then sit back and be like why didn't you do it this way what everything correctly
like it's your first time doing this with me I'm gonna literally walk you
through it show you how I like it done mm-hm and at that point if you have any
questions or can't get it done in that way let me know and I'll explain it to
you mmm and then the second time that's what I'm gonna do that guard this is
what you need to do and get it done yeah first time I walk them through it I tell
them how I like it second time again if they mess up on something I'm not gonna
get angry he's like I get it it's your second time doing it so I'll explain to
them again third time same thing but like by the
fourth fifth time you should know how to do it and just handle the handle it you
know so I don't really delegate as far as like okay it's your first time doing
it go do it like I'll walk you through it step by
step I'll walk you through it make sure you understand it and then kind of take
a step back right you know what I mean so I'm not like hardcore of like you
screwed up like you're out of here yeah I'm not Trump I'm not like you're fired
get out like you know I think you might that have happen you might have that
copyrighted I probably shouldn't have said that I'm gonna get a letter in the
mail so yeah I mean it's most most of its like just like more of constantly
like just communications big with me Asian is huge time off and all that
stuff you could take all the time off you need like I don't care just get the
work done like you have ten things to do you could do it in a matter of an hour
and then you could go home yeah I don't care as long as you get what needs to be
done done and it's all that matters mm-hmm so as far as like the culture and
like the vibe at the office goes it's like very relaxed very chill and I hate
to say it but it's very like startup vibes you know like
everyone's doing their own Silicon Valley time yeah that and I need that
because I'm very like I'm very like like I said like I'm conservative you know
that I'm like this is how I like things done and this is but I'm having that
type of while I got a to look at Google and I see like slides and like like nap
pods I'm like what is going on like are we working here with like petting dogs
and like like taking naps during the day yeah yeah yeah I have beer on tap like
what's going on like we're trying to get work done but I noticed that it works
mm-hmm like the employees are much happier and it works out in their favor
yeah oh my god let's bring that dog in let down that beard the fridge doesn't
have like a nap pod laughter like and it works it's crazy
but it works it's not like the olden days were like you were like art this is
what you need to get done and this is what how're you gonna do it you know in
a cubicle yeah it's crazy it's crazy because in business when I
was taking my business courses we learned that there's like two different
types of like motivation financial motivation and like the comfort
motivation we're like you're like okay you wanna you want to make more money
this is what you're gonna do and I'll give you like 20 bucks extra every hour
know what I mean so people were like more motivated than the guard I need
that 20 bucks so I'm gonna do it much faster and I'm gonna get it done much
faster mm-hm and then there was the other type where they're like
comfortable and they were comfortable where they worked and whatnot it and
it's always at the bait is it more money that makes people motivated or is it
like the comfort of the job and like being able to talk to your boss and
getting the time off that you know yeah what's more motivating to people mm-hmm
and I think in nowadays as weird as it may sound because we're constantly like
okay I need this money I need this money people like that comfort mm-hmm
especially with kids graduating college and university and stuff it's crazy but
they want more comfort because they want to feel more involved and they want to
be doing better they want to be helping Society yeah it's not about the money
and it's crazy because I'm the same age of these kids and it's about like
helping people for me but obviously I have a bottom line that I need I need to
get to yeah I mean but a lot of these kids nowadays are graduating especially
from the Liberals it's a lot of I want to help the
community yeah I help it get better and do this and do that so it it's like yeah
it's crazy so as far as the culture and the vibe goes yeah go startup relax take
the time off and then whatever you need I need a week off take a week off no
then especially set your contractor most of them are contractors and they're not
employees and so that you work on your own time you don't have to come into the
office every day you don't have to be there from 9:00 to 5:00 you could come
in at 4:00 leave at 5:00 you could come in at 10:00 leave at 12:00 you know like
whatever as long as you get the work done you're good that's how it works
I feel like a lot of companies they don't really let you do that anymore -
yeah it's definitely something we're for you I feel like it's work hard play
smarter yeah you know where other companies are like work hard play hard
yeah but if you're playing smart like if you can get your job done in an hour
yeah what else can you ask for you know we're gonna do for the other nine hours
when you're just wasting it yeah but I think that's a really good point that
you stuck out I mean that's that's very that's that's awesome that you're
running like employees that are under you and you fo around like 300 employees
and you're kind of giving them the culture and the vibe no they should
definitely I mean like I said it literally makes no difference to me if
you get the job done in an hour or if you get it done in ten hours as long as
it's done the way that it needs to be done
mm-hmm if you're done go home mm-hmm go spend time with your family go out
with your friends mm-hmm do whatever you need to do this is how much you're
getting paid for this project mm-hmm get it done and we're good yeah I mean get
it done to the specifications that I needed to get it done and we're good
no that's a big that's a big thing and they love that freedom that's the
biggest thing that I get from my contract as my employees they love the
fact that they could work whenever they want they could work from wherever they
are it doesn't matter like you could take a trip to Thailand and be in
Thailand and doing the workdoesn't matter
just get it done you know it's crazy because like my company
culture is kind of like that right now they don't care when I come in
as long as I get my work done and that's it . Mine's opposite, I'm on the other side. I feel like the older
companies you know they're just more strict nowadays like startups are a
lot they're more, you know inviting to like the culture and their employees
but also a good thing like the other hard thing about like startups and
stuff like what you said before like the thing about these companies is if you
don't perform and you don't bring the numbers he's gonna fire you I
actually a hundred percent agree with that yeah you don't want any lazy person
- mm-hm because that's kind of toxic yeah yeah
so like as the CEO like what the most challenging thing that
happened and like how'd you overcome it like were there employees that were
just lazy like you give them that culture and were there like employees
that just didn't perform or like I mean the biggest thing is it's not for
everybody mm-hmm it's really not for everybody
especially because a lot of the majority of the contractors we have or
salespeople uh-huh so they have to go business to business go to networking
events and get sales because that's how they get paid they get paid a commission
mm-hmm so they close the deal for like six grand they're getting paid 20% of
that six grand all right so depending on how many deals they're able to close per
week per month mm-hmm they're able to either have us like a
good income and be comfortable there have a terrible income and be miserable
yeah you know what I mean so we had one guy that brought in one sale mm-hmm in
the first month which isn't bad you're getting paid let's say $1,000 right and
that thousand dollars is reoccurred so every month that clients a client and
you're gonna be getting paid that thousand dollars yeah
the second month he brought in nothing the third month he brought in nothing
mm-hmm all right so he's still making $1,000 a month yeah the fifth month he
brought in like four or five clients out of nowhere
now he's making like six thousand dollars a month hmm and that's every
single month and then let's say month seven eight nine ten he's at twenty
clients for example right mm-hm he's making like 20 grand a month and at
that point you can literally take a step back and be like I'm done yeah exactly
like I'm done I'm comfortable with 20 grand a month and I'm done
mm-hmm so you literally don't work you're constantly getting a check from
me mm-hmm of 20 grand because you brought in these
clients and they're your clients and you're getting paid that money yeah so a
lot of people turn around and go like sounds like a pyramid scheme yeah sounds
like a Ponzi scheme yeah what part of that is - what
part of that pyramid yeah you're a salesperson yeah you work at a
dealership yeah you sell Lexus you get Commission
on the Lexus you sold yeah what's the difference you're selling a
service and getting a commission on the service you sold yeah how I've had so
many people look at me like sounds too good to be true man Yeah it does It's just hard work though. IT's not as easy as it sounds though right? Bringing in clients
to pay six thousand a month that's f****ing hard yeah even
closing one client I feel like it would be pretty tough yeah oh yeah it sounds
like from what you're telling me like his first month when he closed the
client he probably struggled in those last 4-5 months like he felt the
fire yeah motivated it's all trial and error yeah you walk into
a business you say one thing and you see it turned them off he doesn't want it anymore
mm-hmm yeah sorry you can keep going so yeah it's just constant like
trial and error so you walk in you say something it turns off the client
alright I'm not gonna do that again you walk into another one you like alright
I'm not gonna do that you know that worked so I'm gonna do that you just
constantly trial error trial error trial error until you figure it out and you're like
alright this is what needs to be done this is how I'm gonna do it and you just start
consistently closing deals and then at that point you're like salesmanship is a
skill yeah yeah it is very difficult so this is what want to ask you I know
there's a lot of you know there's a lot of trials and errors that you went
through but I wanted to ask because you were generating so much money at a young
age was there a time when you were kind of getting in trouble with the law or
like getting sued someone tried suing you and like you know like kind of the
real deep sh*t or like you're like oh damn I don't know what to do and how did you
kind of overcome tht obstacle as far as making the money and getting in trouble with
the law it would probably be just constant constant speeding tickets my
license got suspended and like my dad's gonna hear this and my insurance
right now is like 6 grand a year because of just me by myself is like 6 grand
because of my ticket and the license getting suspended and all that but that
was as far as I got to like getting in trouble with the law with the speeding
tickets because I was just driving fast and I was just having a good time being
a kid yeah and now I Drive like a snail like I'm literally like on my way home
from like yeah I got 2 hands on cruise control like 70 max Lowkey I do that to. I put that thing on cruise and set and I'm chill
one more ticket they might handcuff me me and take me to jail like I don't know at this
point they're probably like dude like enough's enough like legit like you-
I'm literally cruise control like 70 max mm-hmm
and my windows are tinted so it's constant like young kid in a BMW tinted
Armenian pull them over let's see what he has cause I'm like now I'm like
windows down 75 both hands if you text me I'm not answering good luck like
literally yeah yeah get home like a to b a to b a to b
that's it so now I'm good so I'm not getting any tickets
I'm not doing any of that stuff yeah I guess far as that goes nothing
I'm clean off of that stuff and then just a whole money thing it was just
like constantly- like no one tried to like pursue you or anything like that
Oh big time I had to I had people reaching out like that I hadn't talked
to in years trying to get like a handout you know constant handouts and I'm not
the type of guy that's gonna turn you down I'm not like if you ask for a
handout I'm not gonna give you that handout but I'll give the opportunity
I'll give you a lending hand yeah like yeah yeah i Dre like I'm not like I'm
struggling right now this that like I need this much I'll be like I will make
that happen but why don't you do something in return
yeah how much do you need I need a thousand dollars all right go get a
client mm-hmm bring the client you get a thousand dollars a month I'm not gonna
give you a thousand dollars today I'm gonna give you a thousand dollars a
month mm-hmm and be like how do you want me to do..bro, figure it out. knows somebody
yeah I mean like everybody knows somebody like I'm sure like you know
somebody that you could probably go talk to today and close your first deal I know
you probably know like everybody like your uncle your dad your cousin your
this your that your friends friend you know like you know somebody that owns a
business that needs help so go talk to that person bring them in and I'll pay
you yeah so I did that with a couple of
people and they're happy now yeah like The Godfather
you want something? I'm more than willing... but here's an offer you can't refuse but go get me a client I'll give you this money every month
yeah like you were asking for it for once
like you want it once no I'll give it to you every month just go get a client hey there's no free
handouts yeah no I mean again I'm the last guy to talk because my dad
literally gave me a free handout that's my dad and it wasn't my choice to be born
it was his choice yeah he's like I want to have a kid here's my kid now I gotta
take care of this kid you know it wasn't like dad like you got to.. it was his
choice you know so that's different than when some kid from high school that you
haven't talked in like six years sees you on Instagram and then DMs you like hey
man can you give me like a thousand dollars like I really need it like my
dad's not doing too well I'm so sorry about your dad man like I'm really sorry
like if you need anything mm-hmm like let me know I'm more than
willing to help yeah but I'm not giving you money like I'm not giving you cash I
gave you have medical bills you need to pay then send the medical bill yeah I
don't know what you're doing with that grand you know I got you telling me your
dad's hurt your dad's doing this you guys I get it mm-hmm but like a lot of
people use that and then turn around and do it it's like do something else
with the money yeah I'm like I'm not giving you handouts like none of that
stuff I'll give you a lending hand I'm more than willing to help people yeah I
do it all the time like all the time if I need some if I see somebody and these
up is that I was I I've been to that point where yeah I needed help
mm-hmm but nobody would help me except my dad again so like it's been like the
road of like ups and downs yeah when you're at that point where you have
nothing like you're making no money mm-hmm and you're literally like just
you're like constantly reaching in every hole that you find like
maybe I could get something from here maybe I could and you're constantly just
no money nothing you're doing terrible once you get to where you are you're
like all right I got here because of hard work mm-hmm
and I focus and I got it done mm-hmm so if you want to do that like you want to
get to where like where it's at you got to do that - yeah and the thing is with
like I'm a big Lupe Fiasco fan and then one of his songs he goes like the
lines right here and you get it and then they move it so you never keep it up
enough you go something like you're like reaching for the upper-crust you get it then they
move it so you never keep it up enough yeah so that's constantly how it is
you're like I want to reach this income and then you reach it and it's not enough. that's life though
that's why rich people aren't happy you're constantly trying to get more and
more and more to the point where I was like dude like I don't need more I
just want to do something that's helping these businesses be better get
better you know so yeah yeah I mean yeah as far as like that goes that's pretty
much it like people just constantly reaching out for a handout like am I need to hand
out yeah as far as the law goes just speeding tickets but other than that
it's been all good thank god it's been all good so yeah so what kind of define
your happiness in your terms that's a good question to become successful you
know like what makes you happy I guess family, man family . family means
I'm just being able to spend time with my family
mm-hmm spending time with my girlfriend it's just it's the best part just being
able to like take off work whenever I want and enjoy the small moments and
enjoy that like I don't want to go into work today I'd rather go get brunch with
my girlfriends so that's what I'm gonna do so like things like that having that
freedom and being able to not go in and just know that everything's taken care
of mm-hmm is like that peace of mind is amazing that makes me happy knowing that
I don't have to be there for the work to be get done and also just being able to
spend time with my family like it's big for me like my mom my dad they're literally
my rock and I'll do anything for them so definitely having that is big i'ma
ask my last question yeah so I just want to point out to our audience too there's
reoccurring theme in our episodes helping the community and not wanting to
go to college or learning most of your stuff from your experience
so the last question would be to your success would you attribute it to hard
work more or luck I think a little bit of both mm-hm
I think definitely a little bit of both the hard work came in from me actually
doing the work yeah and then the like the luck
came in where I ended up acquiring a company with sh*t-ton of employees
without really doing anything like I didn't pay for it mm-hmm I just worked with the company
and then the owner of the company was like all right I got to take a step down
mm-hmm and I need you to take over so that's exactly what happened so I think
was a little bit of both it was me working hard
mm-hm me getting to where I was at me meeting that company mm-hmm and then working with that company
showing him that I'm consistent mm-hmm
and that I actually want this and then him turning around and being like alright
here you go so the guy was an old guy too he was-
you're 80 years old who gets a divorce at 80 I've never seen that in my life the guy
legit got a divorce at 80 but he was like he had no kids had nobody to pass
his company down to so they just ended up like just literally merging it with
mine mm-hmm and then him I still pay the guy yeah the guy's like 84 years old I
still give him like a little bit of commission here and there thank him all
the time but that's just it's a little bit of hard work a little luck and kind
of like yeah I'm and got it together and meet everyone actually I do have another
question what advice would you give 18-year old Andre oh oh ah I would
probably just tell him to keep his head up and do what he's doing I mean there was a
lot of times where I was like just give up man like do what everybody
is doing go to school mm-hmm get a job work your 9:00 to 5:00 and do all that
and it was just constantly like you're not gonna do it you're gonna fail
you're gonna fail miserably everyone's gonna laugh at you mm-hm a lot of that
was going on in my head and also with that I was also motivated but I kept
jumping from one thing to another mm-hmm so one of my biggest things like
one of my one of the biggest point is I give myself my 18 year old self , my
19 year old self would be stay on track hmm focus on one thing and one thing
only be the best at that thing hmm stop
jumping from here to there to here like stop jumping like
e-commerce to SEO to Instagram to app development to website development
just focus on one thing what do you want to do mm-hmm
do that and be the best at it and get it done that's it so definitely that just
just stay focused first of all mmm know what you're
passionate about and it's hard at that age but just try to figure out as soon as
you can and just do it get it done yeah that'd be probably boom well I guess
that's all that was a great episode I'm actually really
excited to drop this episode yeah thanks for stopping by we appreciate you
here check them out ING Marketing Group you got all your
needs yeah we'll definitely on our website on YouTube or even Instagram
we'll be tagging Andre on their Instagram and you can check out his Instagram and
his clients and what he does and if you're even interested you can always DM
him too but uh other than that it's great to have you on Andre sure appreciate
ya I just wanna thank you guys for having me I appreciate your time as well
and I wish you guys nothing but the best honestly I do just seeing you like
seeing Charles especially I've known him since high school (we played football together)
yeah yeah I think it might have been since not middle school-you went
to Rosemont? yeah Rosemont I've known him and when I saw his post on Instagram and
stuff about the brand and about like the mission and everything and I was just
like this is beautiful and I wish you guys nothing but the best and if you
guys need any help you know where I am. Hey who knows we might work together in a couple years, shoot
like anything you guys need let me know any pointers you guys need I mean I hand
out advice like it's nothing so if you guys have any questions like hit me up
shoot me a text DM me whatever it is I'll get back to you
guys and like I said thank you guys for your time I appreciate it and I wish you
guys nothing but the best literally nothing but the best you guys get really
really big because I love the product I love the brand I love everything about
it so I mean thank you man we appreciate that for sure but anyway thanks yeah stay tuned for our next
episode cutting in 3 2 1 we're out
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