Sunday, December 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2018

Hi everybody, this is Michael the Chief Information Officer of Fantom

and I just wanted to give a tech update on what's been happening recently within Fantom.

so I'm proud to announce that we've released our first version of

the golang implementation of the lachesis consensus algorithm also known

as the OPERA Core or the OPERA Chain. So, all development right now is happening

on our public Github repository so if you go to the Fantom Foundation website

and you click on github you will actually see you know all the code and

all the development and all the developers who are working on the

golang implementation of our chain we're also implementing a

rust implementation we've also released a whole bunch of different documentation

on what we're actually building what we're aiming to build in the end

as well as different applications that you'll be able to run on the public testnet

when that's released probably within a couple of months that it includes

mobile payments and and a storage that also includes on the use of a desktop

wallet application to allow you to transfer FTM over the testnet and also

documentation on how to experiment with the testnet and how to use the binaries and

and associated deployments for you to like do your own analysis of the chain as well

So there's a lot of resources that are open source right now and

I invite everybody to explore and to give a feedback to us, to to the developers

but also to the communities as a whole. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Fantom Developers Update 1 - Duration: 1:50.


洪金宝首次霸气回应跟范冰冰的关系,9个字说明一切真相 - Duration: 17:28.

For more infomation >> 洪金宝首次霸气回应跟范冰冰的关系,9个字说明一切真相 - Duration: 17:28.


A Fazenda 10 tem reviravolta e enquete aponta quem deve ficar com o prêmio de R$ 1,5 milhão - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 10 tem reviravolta e enquete aponta quem deve ficar com o prêmio de R$ 1,5 milhão - Duration: 4:01.


太突然了!林心如承认自己已是二婚 霍建华大发雷霆欲离婚,要她净身出户 - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> 太突然了!林心如承认自己已是二婚 霍建华大发雷霆欲离婚,要她净身出户 - Duration: 7:15.


《原来你还在这里》程铮和苏韵锦的问题到底处在哪儿? - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> 《原来你还在这里》程铮和苏韵锦的问题到底处在哪儿? - Duration: 7:54.


男朋友第1集:车秀贤金振赫异国初相遇 共度罗马假日式浪漫约会 | boy Friend 01 - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> 男朋友第1集:车秀贤金振赫异国初相遇 共度罗马假日式浪漫约会 | boy Friend 01 - Duration: 10:05.


Catia Paganote, ex-paquita, descumpre regra e é expulsa de 'A Fazenda' - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Catia Paganote, ex-paquita, descumpre regra e é expulsa de 'A Fazenda' - Duration: 3:15.


A Fazenda 10 tem reviravolta e enquete aponta quem deve ficar com o prêmio de R$ 1,5 milhão - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 10 tem reviravolta e enquete aponta quem deve ficar com o prêmio de R$ 1,5 milhão - Duration: 4:01.


Ex-BBB Adélia Soares mostra decoração do quarto do filho; confira vídeo e fotos! - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Adélia Soares mostra decoração do quarto do filho; confira vídeo e fotos! - Duration: 2:52.


A question on artistic freedom - Duration: 15:37.

It's difficult

What do I want to know?

A question on artistic freedom...

If I have a question?

Can I, can I am thinking about this?

A question on artistic freedom

Tic, tac, tic, tac...

Maybe a question for me here would be...

The question I would like to ask is...

Ah, yes

What is artistic freedom to you?

What is artistic freedom to you?

For me, artistic freedom, for me

is like my breath of life

it's my oxygen

For someone like me who does not express himself with words

who prefers to express himself

with art

it really is better

because with art you can do a lot of things

Artistic freedom, to me, means that you are able to do and say

and promote, and create

whatever you want

and in whatever shape, format or platform that you find suitable

Freedom to exercise your thoughts

Freedom of speech, freedom to speak

The freedom to exhibit your work

And exhibiting your work means a lot

because when you show your work

you really give yourself to the audience

And, when you give yourself to the public

you no longer have a choice

It means that people are free

to give their point of view

and you must accept all points of view

I think that freedom of expression goes both ways, no?

Of course, we are free to express what we think

but other people are free to express what they think about us

When you write, when you compose, when you paint, when you sculpt

the world is there

You do not see it but the world is there

But, if you express it in a language that nobody understands

it's useless

So, for me, freedom is not 100%


you can do anything

No. Freedom is about how you can adjust the situation

but at the same time, you have a freedom

to express

So, that inevitably involves tension

often with authority figures

with the opposition, with society and even with ourselves

Because we must not forget that there are often artists who censor themselves

There are some topics that people

systematically self-censor about

and those are often the ones we should be speaking about

I mean some red lines, some rules that you must obey

But, you break the rules

Yeah, but they arrested us

because of this

But we were not free

Yes, they arrested you, but you are free in your mind

…you don't understand

what it means to be of this land

you have to learn how to read

marks on the trees

Of course, there is a gender perspective in all this

even here in Scandinavia, where we're rumored to be so

egalitarian and

where women are supposed to be equal to men

Still, 70% of the musicians appearing on the festival stages are men

Still, there is a huge majority of men within the music industry

within the music business

the people who book festivals in Norway are almost exclusively men

Females are often double persecuted

not only because of them being outspoken, saying what they want

but also for being women saying it

It's complicated to express values when the TV, every day

shows you clips from international artists who are in their underwear

who are half-naked and yet

when it's an artist from here, they get locked up

Afterwards, they will tell you: "No, but that is because they are from elsewhere, but she's our woman"

So this expression: "She is from here, she is ours"

what does that mean?

The mother role, the wife role, or the

daughter role, that is

you know, that is limiting to their artistic creation

I remember a collective, up-and-coming, very strong here, that said

"Hey, Fatou, listen, we're doing an exhibition there

and we need a woman..."

I'll translate from Wolof, "bu tang", which means someone hot

"...and we thought of you. Are you available?"

But, of course I'm not available if I'm being categorized like that

On our ID cards, we do have <i>artist</i> as our professions

But that's like... not saying anything about our practice

Even if my neighbor, asked me "What are you doing for a living?"

it's better to say that I'm a designer

because if I say that I am an artist

they will kind of go: "What? An artist?"


call you with a different

mimic on the face

so they say: "Oh so he's an artist, you know"

It means that "he doesn't make money"

and "he smokes a lot"

"he sleeps on the street"

When speaking about artistic freedom

it would be necessary to also speak of before, maybe, of the status of the artist

because before being free to express oneself

one must legally exist

If you want to go to the West, for example

you do not have any evidence to prove that you are an artist

A lot of artists have to do

all kinds of other jobs

which they don't like and they don't want to do

but they have to do them just because of money

Does it impact creativity?

Does it affect freedom? Of course!

There is a proverb that says: "An empty stomach is not free"

We are shifting from a moment in which

the artist's role to society

on a more ideological or philosophical level, was valued

to a moment where artists are seen as

another force to drive the economy

What is selling? What is commercial?

Which customer group wants this?

Wants that?

And, I have also worked with marketing


so I know how to make art that is commercial

and people want to have on your walls

But, that is limiting

it is very limiting

We are here. We are lost. We evolve alone

and there are all kinds of predators

You have the local politician

You have the local businessman

You have the other creators

I think that one of the things to address all of this is having a legal status

having a certain structure

that certain practices are regulated

that we are protected by certain agreements

When discussing artistic freedom, I think about

access to everything that is cultural

It is important that we have this access

because culture is part of our daily life

To be able to go to see museums

to go see exhibitions

and also to be able to understand what message an artist

is trying to convey

If people are going to access

free arts

also the producer

has to be free

and the artist himself has to be free in history

Production is one step

It's only one step

This is not the end

That is to say, one can produce

but every artist wants his works to be seen

The first sponsor is the public

The public buys


for a concert

The public buys

CD's, even if it is a disappearing trend

People do not often think of having to pay to go

to a play, or a dance recital, or even to buy a book or a CD

We are still in this mentality of it being free

The public

is under the impression that they are choosing

their artists, their pieces

whereas I think that, in reality

the public is conditioned

by media pressure

One of the peculiarities of today's music

is that we invest more money in communication

for music than in its creation

Especially, now it's algorithm-driven


so on your gadget, for example, you see

exactly what you like

because the algorithm defines it for you

Digital has made a lot of things easier

It has allowed art to persevere

and enter other more international, dimensions

The Internet

is the only one place that we can

express ourselves freely

The internet can help to improve our skills, just by ourselves

We can learn by the Internet

Sometimes the Internet kind of demands that our work should be distributed for free

There will be readers with, and readers against

I don't think so

that the internet gave us freedom

but they gave us access to understanding what freedom is

Yeah...internet is...

It's like nuclear, you know

It can be both... It can be used both ways

So, through performances, through exhibitions

through festivals

then I can share

the real space

Because real space is very important

for people right now

I wish we could just breathe and just make all kinds of songs

and we didn't have to make protest songs

and we didn't have to always...


We need to work on the...

on how to communicate the art to the public

because there are very many different levels

People are not in the same level of education

different contexts

There is a good reason why

people who are not into arts themselves should care about

artistic freedom

because when the ceiling, when the threshold

of the freedom of speech is lowered

musicians and artists are often the first ones to notice it

There are always limits when we create

but now

it's about whether we are willing to go beyond our limits

or whether we give up

If we give up, we are dead

We are no longer creators

You see, people are applauding. They agree with me

Do you really feel free as an artist? If not

why? What is stopping you?

Do you think or feel the artist is responsible for the kind of art he is giving out to the society?

Does he sometimes censor himself?

What reason makes you want to censor yourself?

Does freedom of expression allow someone to offend millions of others?

How is artistic expression understood in your country?

What are you doing to promote artistic expression?

What do you think about artistic freedom for female artists in your country?

Where do women fit in the arts, in digital arts, and in visual arts?

Does the Internet give you more freedom or more barriers?

And, what if we talked about artistic freedom in terms of access to economy?

Are you making art looking for money...

or to express yourself?

What can we do more as artists and civil society?

How do you do foreign affairs without culture involved in it?

What is the benefit of artistic freedom...

for those who don't do art?

How do we continuously secure artistic freedom?

Why are you so scared?

What's the problem with a lady singing from a stage

or an artist expressing something that you don't totally understand

or a musician having a lyric that opposes your policy?

What's the problem?

Go into debate

Don't censor

For more infomation >> A question on artistic freedom - Duration: 15:37.


Goals of the Fantastic Last round of the Brazilian Championship 2018 - Duration: 12:31.

The 2018 Brazilian Championship ranu a championship that showed who is

worse strong I only knew you said this is paulo in the arena palms the

verdão received the victory in the delicious anticipated defending champ position

with 10 stars out of ten titles scattered across the grandstand

feline giant a festive game that it gets even better with edu victory

dracena is not a pun is not the victory that came from winning the game

edu dracena put the palm trees in front 1 to 0

in the second time novelty in the palm trees must be a ghost of brand pen

text from an incredible green galley and Sorry for the pen in the marker invaded the

area touched the mark and Anderson I think it was a penalty I think it is

that the touch of his friend I think it was only that the judge pointed out

this way the palm trees do not needs a penalty shootout gustavo escapes

with the help of the halfway detour 2 to 0 at least is that the already demoted

victory reacted tied with a goal from I think it's a goal

the assu luan what a wonder he has already received turning to get ready

moon 2 to 2 on the board but the palm trees is that business always gets one more

goal bruno henrique words 3 to 2

to close the victory a goal of the captain of truth and then if it was a question of

another captain that the president-elect has thrill the fan of the palm trees that

handed the medals to all players need to raise the public

health president what is this It's the party of the champion palm trees.

Brazilian of 2002 is what caught fire even today was the

Definition of relegation rosane tell nobre promised the organ degrees

I need to make a collusion a fitch die cold of my safe the liner

I believe in rio de janeiro in maracanã o fluminense received the Minas Gerais

I imagine fans nervous was not in the zone of

relegation in no round have you ever thought about going into the last one to be

it is necessary to stay the same as the heart when the judge scores a penalty

planet is penalty the first ones needing to win to

to get the lowest bidder down important for America in the season

2010 18 year responsibility entire left foot of the year when

hit the penalty kick in the Julius Caesar like venice cats more this fall in the

shall be at least one month December and also made a break with

rafael moura kicked the rebound out julius caesus as a cat a cezar britto

the most important defense of 2018 merger can separate a silver medal with

this other bid also new year 5 the goalkeeper this time Julius Caesar did not

only defended as cats there is also no lucky luck

The ball returned to the river Julião and goal

igor Julião himself ran out to catch the ball but whoever saved it was


igor julião's help takes the foot off of the day one day that will never leave the

head of our friend luan hardness and to make worse the things that the

Americans bring free profusion the richard sent the ball to him

the Fluminense did not score goals for eight full games

Look what thing came at the right time and xande fluminense 1 to 0

go out the bitter Rio de Janeiro this the title last year played there

lansing as luan just did not score for the america as julius caesar as a cat

is lost one more and guaranteed victory of the fluzon by 1 to 0

save the tricolor carioca and demoted america reason miner in green water

suffering in the condesa arena chapecoense received São Paulo and with a

Goal of leandro pereira the chape got rid of of relegation

goldachape with this relief goal victory of 1 to 0 commemoration with

survivors jackson fire and purple alan a wonderful happiness just not to

leave blank was prevented at the beginning of the game but

the arbitration did not even see Sao Paulo complained and the key can celebrate the 1 to 0

boring if it was not for that goal, chapecoense

would have been demoted because on the reef in retreat island sport received the saints

and at 39 minutes of the second half rogério manages the ball into the net.

the sporting in front this time the sport fulfilled its role

and depends on others to save themselves one or the sharp does not beat the

We have already seen that the key won the Basque lost the sport then even expanded with

the ernani took a goal from rodrigo may beat the Saints by 2 to 1 and needed

a defeat of the Basque who went to the fortress to face the ceará in the castelão

the Basque could have left soon nervousness with marrone but everton

when a cat defended the ceará luck of the Basque who had cat of the other

side also in the juninho kick 1 fernando miguel as a cat lost the

ball that would have arranged bastion Basque's fans got nervous until the

the end conferred on the cell phone as was the another game but everything worked out better than

0 - 0 was the score after the first half. for the second time

there the heart of prayer in relation to All I'm commanding is the country's rival.

sometimes it happens that the supporter has The real problem with the heart is

better live the game do not be home to not be that special reason for

cardiac so we have a rat to ban a radio from the

uruguay who invented a special nation thinking for the first time

departure of the final of the liberators leaving the idea very good and luiz

Roberto on the ramp looks much better if I want everything ready, let's go there.

example the defense of the Basque goalkeeper who yourself on luis street

affecting the human wars of the United heart but the heart version favor

Juninho dominated kicked fernando Miguel avoiding the defeat of the Basque

now imagine the penalty that could have lowered the Fluminense on the table hit

júlio césar thinks he's kicking it. the jader and rock took the beats to

300 per minute julio cesar shines on maracana

please because my coronaries America needing victory in the year

hit defense of Julius Caesar and Raphael Moor kicks out on rebound

already thought the bids that defined the lowering your frequency inversion

seeking the victory to escape the lowering of beds

give a kiss with the chapecoense you know of who

Leandro Pereira I do not know, it was good with you.

Thanks, it's just solace. besides the draw of the ceará with Basque in

last round against the cruise came back I'm going to have a training or a male with everyone.

while playing my friend who was rival de britto in curitiba the already demoted the

paraná received international and inter went ahead with playing all day

brian nick lopes gave the pass to jonas Already send the network


the paraná tied in the extras george lucas paraná the international in the arena of

in Porto Alegre had a Corinthians the Guild was soon making 1

to 0 with jael taking advantage of deviation in way

everton just did not make the second because the trave prevented a beautiful goal from

everton taking out the cassio here and it arrived the line was inspired by this

Move is cool at the time of taking 10 stopped in the defense

We have to train and train today. pretty cream 1 corinthians 1 to 0

we will see the final classification of the Brazilian championship

the calories that are gone

the fastest horse in these bands the great champion finished the campaign

winner of 2008 with 80 points champion it's safe

the show show of this championship with 72 points

besides the two others classified for the liberators of 2009 are the

international level, which reached 69 The 66th São Paulo and the Athletic

miner who closes og 6 with 59 points the other athletic from Paraná was in the

bubble was one step away from the free finished in seventh place with 57 points

then on cruises 53 botafogo 51 santos 50 bahia 48 fluminense 45 eo

corinthians with 44 was the last classified for the South American Cup

then escaping from relegation to chapecoense with 44 points and the

Basque with 43,000 years more critical I figured it out but I saw faithful fans.

ayew also relegated to series b in the next year and became sports with 42

points the america miner 40 victory 37 and parana 23 points and as it happens

every year four teams go away four teams arrive to the next

season is coming along way and moral or the csa was the first team of the

history is followed on Wednesday third from the 3rd to the 2nd and

second to the first is that she will only stayed a year in the second

the goiás comes from green that is in fashion the first division who goes

politely wish luck to anyone who comes I wish luck because I did not have a good sound

the polzin

see what the chip in the ball is going to first division history

it was there in the exaggeration of the general General Joseph

I knew a wealth once generated

today that jorjão and then I do not go away so do not

Let's go tab

and is


For more infomation >> Goals of the Fantastic Last round of the Brazilian Championship 2018 - Duration: 12:31.


Frente a Frente com Phil Heath: Kai Greene | exclusivo - Duration: 16:21.

For more infomation >> Frente a Frente com Phil Heath: Kai Greene | exclusivo - Duration: 16:21.


Bangkok apartment tour | Downtown Thai condo review | Affordable accommodation Thailand Airbnb rent - Duration: 4:08.

hi guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is Tatiana and

I'm a fashion photographer

in today's video I'm going to show you my apartment

in Bangkok Thailand

I'm currently here on vacation and yeah

let's get right into it

I'm renting this apartment via Airbnb

by the way I have promo code for you so if you're interested please check the description

box below

I always try to choose very light apartment full of Sun

not too far from the city center

on the left you can see my workspace sorry it's a

bit of a mess because I've been working

then we have bedroom bathroom living

room slash kitchen

Hi Anton! Yeah, Anton's working here too

I apologize my

hands are constantly shaking

it's hard to hold the camera

let me show you a bit more of

a kitchen

there's everything you might need to here to cook

cooking utensils

here is already a bit of a mess too

because we've put our stuff here

soy oil, bottles, blender... everything yeah

here's a fridge

by the way let me know if you'd

like to see what's in my fridge video

ok let's close it and let me show you the

balcony with a beautiful view

here it is

the only negative thing about it is the noise

if you're very sensitive to noise especially when you go to sleep

and this place might not be so good for you

it's quite loud here because of the traffic

but for me it's ok

and here on the right side there is a small market

if closed now it's opening hours are early in the morning and in the evening

and downstairs on the left there is a spirit house

ok let's go back inside

here's a TV by the way

and I'm going to show you the bathroom

there's a shower with a water heater

toilet mirror

hello guys

okay and the bedroom with a huge bed wardrobe mirror and a small chair

and here we are

back in the kitchen and living room

I feel very comfortable in this apartment

and especially enjoy the view from her windows and the balcony

the sunset is

truly wonderful here

okay that's it guys thank you so much for watching

if you like this video

please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing it really helps me a lot and

if you have any video suggestions also please feel free to tell me

so yeah see

you next time, bye! :)

For more infomation >> Bangkok apartment tour | Downtown Thai condo review | Affordable accommodation Thailand Airbnb rent - Duration: 4:08.


Recycled paper DIY: How to reuse used paper - Duration: 5:46.

have you ever tried to make paper at home? in this video you will learn how

reuse recycled paper for pack yourself of the beautiful ones

sheets of paper that you can customize as you prefer and use as tickets

best wishes to give away at Christmas and at the birthday

hi I'm the creative Letizia of the channel Live with Letizia where you can find

many creative recycling projects, do it yourself and tricks for home. one of the

my dreams in the drawer was to be able to make paper at home but not

I knew just how to do this book I found the procedure and it is so

simple and gives so much satisfaction that once I started I could not

more to stop me if you like tutorials like this I recommend you sign up

now to my channel by clicking on sign up and on the bell for not

lose none of the upcoming videos. keep watching! you can learn how to do

at home with paper tickets recycled like these

to make sheets of paper and homemade tickets begins tearing to pieces about five small

sheets of recycled paper put them to macerate for 10 minutes in

glass of the blender adding about half a liter of hot water

in the meantime prepare the frame I use a 13 x 18 cm photo frame

but if you prefer you can use it a bigger one

remove the glass and the panel behind it then cut a piece of net for a mosquito net

bigger than the frame. fixed with points the mosquito net on the back of the

frame pulling well so that it stays well stretched

now frull paper and water and pour the composed in a large basin

making sure it's big enough to contain the frame. repeat the

proceeding with another five sheets e adds plenty of water to the

basin. mix the mixture for eliminate any lumps

now you can start creating your own sheets of recycled paper. immerse the frame and

raise it keeping it horizontal trying to get a uniform layer

of paper fibers. you will probably have to make a few attempts before succeeding

to obtain a uniform result

when you are satisfied let the frame then lean on a towel and

press to absorb the water in excess. flip the frame with the

cloth on top of sheets of paper newspaper gently raises the frame

and place another cloth on a sheet press again to eliminate as much water as possible

then turn it over on a large surface smooth I tried with the glass of the

frame and with a glass pan help yourself with the blade of a knife for

slightly raise the margins of the sheet gently raises the cloth

detaching it from the ticket

now all that remains is to let it dry completely to do first hand by hand

I put the sheets in the oven ventilated at 75 degrees until complete drying

you can customize yours handmade tickets with card

recycling in many ways: with cumin seeds,


resting napkin clippings

with powder colors for food from

spread directly on the sheet

or to be dissolved in water

after creating some sheets you will find you too the method that is more to you

congenial to obtain thicker sheets and homogeneous

For example, I realized that I can to make them better if I use a pan of

lower aluminum of the basin with less water in fact I can pass the

frame several times to accumulate more paper fibers for a single sheet

once dry, vaporize some water on each ticket cover with a cloth

clean and iron with hot iron

if you like tutorials like this you remember that you can subscribe now to

my channel by clicking and sign up on the bell to not lose anyone

of the next videos. how do you think? your tickets with recycled paper?

white or colored?


For more infomation >> Recycled paper DIY: How to reuse used paper - Duration: 5:46.


De cesariana, Sabrina Sato dá à luz Zoe - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> De cesariana, Sabrina Sato dá à luz Zoe - Duration: 4:55.


Foto: Atriz Thalita Carauta mostra filho que adotou com a namorada: 'Somos uma família' - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Foto: Atriz Thalita Carauta mostra filho que adotou com a namorada: 'Somos uma família' - Duration: 2:35.


Rođendanska pesma | Srećan rođendan Nerdživana | Birthday Song | Pevaj sa Sandrom - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Rođendanska pesma | Srećan rođendan Nerdživana | Birthday Song | Pevaj sa Sandrom - Duration: 2:08.


Guerra autêntica: A Fazenda 10 lembra o BBB dos bons tempos - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Guerra autêntica: A Fazenda 10 lembra o BBB dos bons tempos - Duration: 4:16.


XRP超好材料!新機能採用によりアジア諸国でripple爆発的に需要が高まり今後高騰!?暴落気味だったリップル将来的に爆騰間違いなし!2018年12月1月年末最新ニュース!最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> XRP超好材料!新機能採用によりアジア諸国でripple爆発的に需要が高まり今後高騰!?暴落気味だったリップル将来的に爆騰間違いなし!2018年12月1月年末最新ニュース!最前線暗号通貨最新情報 - Duration: 6:05.


Fantom Developers Update 1 - Duration: 1:50.

Hi everybody, this is Michael the Chief Information Officer of Fantom

and I just wanted to give a tech update on what's been happening recently within Fantom.

so I'm proud to announce that we've released our first version of

the golang implementation of the lachesis consensus algorithm also known

as the OPERA Core or the OPERA Chain. So, all development right now is happening

on our public Github repository so if you go to the Fantom Foundation website

and you click on github you will actually see you know all the code and

all the development and all the developers who are working on the

golang implementation of our chain we're also implementing a

rust implementation we've also released a whole bunch of different documentation

on what we're actually building what we're aiming to build in the end

as well as different applications that you'll be able to run on the public testnet

when that's released probably within a couple of months that it includes

mobile payments and and a storage that also includes on the use of a desktop

wallet application to allow you to transfer FTM over the testnet and also

documentation on how to experiment with the testnet and how to use the binaries and

and associated deployments for you to like do your own analysis of the chain as well

So there's a lot of resources that are open source right now and

I invite everybody to explore and to give a feedback to us, to to the developers

but also to the communities as a whole. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Fantom Developers Update 1 - Duration: 1:50.


洪金宝首次霸气回应跟范冰冰的关系,9个字说明一切真相 - Duration: 17:28.

For more infomation >> 洪金宝首次霸气回应跟范冰冰的关系,9个字说明一切真相 - Duration: 17:28.


A Fazenda 10 tem reviravolta e enquete aponta quem deve ficar com o prêmio de R$ 1,5 milhão - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 10 tem reviravolta e enquete aponta quem deve ficar com o prêmio de R$ 1,5 milhão - Duration: 4:01.


太突然了!林心如承认自己已是二婚 霍建华大发雷霆欲离婚,要她净身出户 - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> 太突然了!林心如承认自己已是二婚 霍建华大发雷霆欲离婚,要她净身出户 - Duration: 7:15.


《原来你还在这里》程铮和苏韵锦的问题到底处在哪儿? - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> 《原来你还在这里》程铮和苏韵锦的问题到底处在哪儿? - Duration: 7:54.


男朋友第1集:车秀贤金振赫异国初相遇 共度罗马假日式浪漫约会 | boy Friend 01 - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> 男朋友第1集:车秀贤金振赫异国初相遇 共度罗马假日式浪漫约会 | boy Friend 01 - Duration: 10:05.

------------------------------------------- = Clear Cell Phone Calls + Fast Mobile Internet (Indoors and in Vehicles)

For more infomation >> = Clear Cell Phone Calls + Fast Mobile Internet (Indoors and in Vehicles)


훈련에는 KF-16 전투기와 T-50 훈련기 등 항공 전력이 참가한다. - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> 훈련에는 KF-16 전투기와 T-50 훈련기 등 항공 전력이 참가한다. - Duration: 7:29.


Don't forget blessings for pets this holiday season! - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Don't forget blessings for pets this holiday season! - Duration: 0:39.


PewDiePie Vs T-Series - Duration: 3:36:37.

For more infomation >> PewDiePie Vs T-Series - Duration: 3:36:37.


Fantom Developers Update 1 - Duration: 1:50.

Hi everybody, this is Michael the Chief Information Officer of Fantom

and I just wanted to give a tech update on what's been happening recently within Fantom.

so I'm proud to announce that we've released our first version of

the golang implementation of the lachesis consensus algorithm also known

as the OPERA Core or the OPERA Chain. So, all development right now is happening

on our public Github repository so if you go to the Fantom Foundation website

and you click on github you will actually see you know all the code and

all the development and all the developers who are working on the

golang implementation of our chain we're also implementing a

rust implementation we've also released a whole bunch of different documentation

on what we're actually building what we're aiming to build in the end

as well as different applications that you'll be able to run on the public testnet

when that's released probably within a couple of months that it includes

mobile payments and and a storage that also includes on the use of a desktop

wallet application to allow you to transfer FTM over the testnet and also

documentation on how to experiment with the testnet and how to use the binaries and

and associated deployments for you to like do your own analysis of the chain as well

So there's a lot of resources that are open source right now and

I invite everybody to explore and to give a feedback to us, to to the developers

but also to the communities as a whole. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Fantom Developers Update 1 - Duration: 1:50.


[TWICE][分享]181202 T寶們收到來自偶像IU的禮物…「iPhone+GUCCI戒指+chanel運動鞋」完 - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> [TWICE][分享]181202 T寶們收到來自偶像IU的禮物…「iPhone+GUCCI戒指+chanel運動鞋」完 - Duration: 5:48.


唐嫣为罗家添来喜讯,临近40岁晋哥终当爹?网友:恭喜罗晋 - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 唐嫣为罗家添来喜讯,临近40岁晋哥终当爹?网友:恭喜罗晋 - Duration: 4:19.


Samsung Galaxy A9 review | comparison with OnePlus 6T, Poco F1, and LG G7+ ThinQ - Duration: 15:13.

the Samsung Galaxy a nine is the brand exercising its engineering might this is

the world's first smartphone with quad cameras on the rear this phone comes at

a time when the world was just warming up to triple camera setups so is this

four camera toting Samsung Galaxy a nine any good you know what I'm not gonna

waste any more time and get right down to the review of the phone that I have

been using since the day of launch hi myself Ershad from Mr. Phone let's get down to

my review of the newly launched Samsung Galaxy a nine

before we move on don't forget to hit that subscribe button and the Balaton

right thanks to it to get notified whenever we put out an awesome new tech

video and you know what I have a couple of announcements as well the first one

is that we have a giveaway of the real me new one

a link to it should be in a card here somewhere and the second one is that mr.

phone Awards is still going on and we want your wood to pick the user Choice

winner so don't forget to vote for your favorite smartphone a link to which is

in the description below okay before I move on to the other aspects of the

smartphone I have to say this mad respect to Samsung for actually sticking

to their guns and not going down the knotch route in this day in age of

smartphones with edge to edge screen and a notch

display Samsung has managed to stay courageous and buck the trend every

single time the Samsung Galaxy a 9 as you can see doesn't have a notch either

we here at mr. Ford have been saying hashtag say no to the knotch and I think

Samsung is our ally in this matter the first thing that is striking about the

Galaxy a9 is the new gradient color scheme on a laminate blue color unit

although the variant that really caught my fancy was the bubblegum pink color I

also like the fact that Samsung bundles a neat transparent TPU case inside the

box to show off the color that said if you want something more understated

Samsung has a uniquely named caviar black color option for you as well as

for the construction you get glass in the rear and the front with a metal

railing it is a clean design and inspires confidence in its sturdiness in

fact I inadvertently dropped the phone once and not so much as a scratch

registered on the body the slightly tapered off rear makes the phone sit in

the palm easily but there is no mistaking that it is a massive phone so

one-handed usage is going to be tough also the rear is a fingerprint magnet so

you might have to keep a cloth handy at all times I also like how the cameras

are all stacked up vertically on the rear the square-shaped fingerprint

scanner is also at the right position I found the fingerprint scanner to be

slightly slow compared to the blazing-fast fingerprint scanners or

some other competing smartphones there's also a face unlock option and I found it

to be a hit and miss to the power button and volume rocker are placed on the rear

and in typical Samson fashion are incredibly tactile Samsung has also

added the Bigsby button on the left good measure but there is still no

option to reconfigure to a function of your choice that's a little limiting in

my opinion still the big sleep button is there in case you want to give big speak

a try which in all honesty is pretty decent

for system level commands like switch on Bluetooth and such neither Apple Siri

nor Google's assistant can achieve this level of system-wide integration of

their voice assistance but I have to say this Google assistant is leagues ahead

of any other voice assistant at the moment and bigsby has a lot of catching

up to do there are a couple of things I like more about the Galaxy Alliance

design the clean symmetry at the bottom with the ports and the speaker align

neatly and the fact that the SIM card tray accepts two nano SIM cards and a

separate micro SD card a my two favorite design choices overall the Samsung

Galaxy a nines design is the well thought out premium affair that we've

generally come to expect from Samsung phones the Samsung Galaxy a nine has a

six point three inch full HD Super AMOLED panel that looks great from the

get-go yes the note 9 and the S lines curved screens look slightly better but

the difference is mostly not going to be discernible by the naked eye in fact

this is one of the best smartphone displays in this price range from

watching Netflix to playing games I enjoyed the uninterrupted experience

because there is no not that said I think Samsung could have shaped slightly

more from the bezels to make it even more tempting but this is fine - I'm

just nitpicking here the viewing angles are great

there is very little color shift or no color bleeding either and you can change

the color gamut according to your preference from the settings as well for

the model phone can also get really bright the only feature missing from

this display is the support for HDR considering the oneplus 60 and the LED

seven-plus think you come with it oh and before I forget

Samsung has one of the best always-on this place in the industry and the

galaxy 9 is no different in although I really like the panel on the galaxy a 9

I have no complaints as such the Samsung Galaxy II 9 runs on Samsung experience

9.0 on top of Android 8.0 I would have ideally like to see Android

nine PI but this is what you get let me break down what I like and what I don't

like about the software on the Galaxy a 9 let's start off with the stuff I like

the fact that the UI has been streamed to work seamlessly and smoothly is

create agreed this is not long term usage but I am a heavy user

generally and I haven't managed to tax the phone yet Samsung is also now taking

your consent before installing first party apps like Samsung health and such

this is such a great step forward I like the fact that you can color code your

folders I also think that Smart Switch is one of the better switcher apps out

there you also have the option for running dual messenger apps for a dual

SIM phone this is a great feature there is an easy to invoke one handed mode

that is useful in a phone of this size but I have a question for you guys

how many actually use this feature on your phones to let us know in the

comment section below I really like Samsung's secure folder app that lets

you protect your personally different people I mean I know a lot of people who

want this kind of feature now moving on to the stuff that I don't like I can't

for the life of me understand why Samsung pre-installed Facebook on the

phone and doesn't let you uninstall it also secondly there are still a lot of

duplicate apps for example there is a gallery app add a separate photos app as

well and there are two calendar apps I mean that's a bit excessive the big

Street homepage is still a work in progress I like what Samsung is trying

with big speed but it really needs some concentrated work to be better than

Google assistant which is more than a couple of steps ahead of all the

voice-based assistants out there overall I like the fact that Samsung has

actually taken constructive criticism as feedback and toned down the heavy handed

experience of TouchWiz to something like the experienced UI on the Galaxy nn and

you know the other smartphones that have launched in 2018

shall we finally talk about the four cameras on the Samsung Galaxy a nine I'm

not going over the specs you can check it out from the mister phone app a link

to which should be in a card up top but what he need to know is that apart from

the primary camera you get a wide-angle camera a telephoto camera with 2 X

optical zoom capabilities and the final one for that sensing that's not it

the camera app is also loaded with features here are my favorite ones first

the app has three buttons to switch directly between wide telephoto and

regular modes I find that pretty intuitive really there is a special

scene optimizer mode from the more expensive flagship phones that is pretty

useful in optimizing shots for specific scenes for example the camera can

immediately recognize a landscape scenario and change the settings

accordingly my favorite feature of all is the flaw

detection feature it can immediately tell if someone has blinked or not and

you know a couple of other things as well all this comes in handy so many

times if someone moves in the I noticed in my testing that flaw

detection was not very aggressive but it did work many a times and that's pretty

useful there's also the super slow motion video recording option and I'm

not a fan of that feature honestly coming to the performance of the cameras

I have a detailed camera comparison of the galaxy a9 with the oneplus 60 and

the poco f1 coming soon before that let's quickly take a concise look at my

findings firstly the primary camera takes decent pictures in good lighting

conditions which surprisingly natural colors the saturation levels are not too

high unlike Samsung phones I've used in the past but there is a clear artificial

sharpening being employed by the software the low-light performance of

the rear camera is not too bad either but that is a heavy noise reduction at

play that softens the details the dynamic range by default is average at

best however the HDR mode does an acceptable

job of improving it the telephoto camera takes surprisingly good 2 X optical zoom

shots with a good amount of details to the wide-angle camera is a bit of a

letdown with far fewer details and a fixed focus the galaxy in an can shoot

4k video without AIS and 1080p videos with stabilization but the video quality

is OK at best what impressed me was a stupendously good sound recording

something really has an edge with sound recording is what I have noticed

the selfie camera on the front takes good portraits and serviceable selfies

but once again these are not very detailed overall the camera is perfect

for people who want to post pictures to social media or you know check it out on

the phone over all the cameras on the Samsung Galaxy a nine are filled to the

brim with features aplenty if that's what you're craving for then the galaxy

Aaron is the perfect smartphone for you but if you're craving for more details

and a better sense of performance I think phones like the oneplus 60 and the

LG G 7 plus think you might serve your purpose the Samsung Galaxy II 9 comes

with the Snapdragon 660 system-on-chip and at least 6 GB of RAM with another

variant that comes with 8gb of RAM you also get 128 GB of internal storage in

both the variants with the option to extend the storage further using a micro

SD card so storage and RAM voice you are sorted no complaints there however a lot

of you might be thinking the real me 2 pro or the me a 2 which are much cheaper

comes with a Snapdragon c16 so this is a letdown on the galaxy a 9 well you're

not wrong entirely here's the thing though I have to highlight a certain

fact I ran our regular suit of benchmarks on the samsung galaxy a 9 and

the snapdragon 616 inside this phone gave me the best numbers that have

achieved on a snapdragon 60 doting phone yet for example I got an additive score

of you know one like 40,000 odd which is better than the real me to pros number

of one like 31,000 some say that the real me 2 pro has a light version of the

snapdragon 616 but I don't know how much truth is there in that statement when

moving on I also played a couple of games of pubsey on the galaxy a 9 and

ran game bench as well unfortunately the default settings are capped at mid level

so I couldn't push the smooth setting to ultra which runs a game at 60fps but I

got a constant frame of 30fps which is the maximum that the snapdragon 616 can

achieve with the phone heating up from 34 degree to 40 degree in a 20-minute

session which is normal well that said the galaxy and ein is not going to be a

powerhouse but it works as a workhorse I had no trouble in daily usage as the

performance was a great for that if you're not a sucker for more power and

are ok with playing just you know casual games and I know a lot of folks who like

that the galaxy era and should work well I was on an idol network and noticed

that the phone was Rocksteady with 4G connection and call quality as well also

the phone supports volte on both the Sims which is awesome and

most requested for feature I actually tried this out with two Gio Sims and it

works absolutely fine the Samsung Galaxy a nine is actually a great smartphone

for watching videos and listening to music on the go I tried my one more

triple drivers with the galaxy a nine and the bundled air force as well

the bundled ants are fine but the galaxy a9 could drive my one mores pretty well

I had a fun listening experience from the phone and all the parameters of

sound quality like bass treble soundstage all of that was really good

in fact with support for aptX out of the box the galaxy a9 was a stupendous job

with sound quality with wireless earphones as well

the single download fighting speaker on the other hand sounds a little harsh at

high volume

but I guess with white wine Elwin support for watching video streaming in

HD quality and a good pair of wireless earphones the galaxy a nice big 6.3 inch

display can be considered to offer a great multimedia experience I quite

enjoyed a couple of episodes of chef's table on the phone moving on to the

battery the Samsung Galaxy a nine has a 3800 mAh battery powering its internals

Samsung claims that the phone supports fast charging but it took me 2 hours and

20 minutes to charge this battery from 0 to 100 using the bundled charger I don't

know if that is fast charging though and of course there is no wireless charging

also I got an average screen on time of anywhere between 4 hours and 5 hours

this is good enough for a day's worth of usage for most people it is not great

but it is not bad either you can get a better battery life by turning off the

always-on display that should help so these are our findings after using the

Samsung Galaxy line for a long period of time my initial expectations of the

Samsung Galaxy and being a great camera smartphone were actually thwarted but if

you look past that marketing spiel the Galaxy a9 is a reliable performer and

has great multimedia performance right out of the box as well you come for one

thing and you get completely another in any case it's a good phone that's it if

you're buying a phone online you will get a phone with better performance and

better optics as well you know what let's just compare a few competitors

with the galaxy a 9 let's start off with the 1k 16 the 1 plus 60 is undoubtedly a

great smartphone under the peace 40,000 that offers flagship great performance

in most scenarios having said that the galaxy a 9 offers some tangible benefits

over the oneplus 16 in the form of a better AMOLED panel and you know what as

a matter of fact when I was testing the bullets Wireless with the galaxy a 9 it

sounded way better than it did with the oneplus 60 so there are a couple of

advantages that the galaxy and ion offers over the 1k 60 as well now coming

to the LG G 7 plus thank you the biggest downfall for that smartphone is the

software and the battery life both of which are actually better on the galaxy

a 9 so that's what you need to make a choice do you want a smartphone with

clean software performance and better battery life then the galaxy a9 is the

pick for you the LG G 7 plus thank you on the other hand offers better

performance and better optics and a good multimedia performance as well

now the poco f1 which obviously a lot of people's choice the

poco f1 is definitely a cost-effective performer and it offers a lot of

performance grant having said that the Pope f1 like a lot of you guys know

doesn't support Widevine l1 which means that it is not gonna play HD streaming

videos on the smartphone that is definitely available on the galaxy 9 the

galaxy n n also offers a far better premium build quality and a far better

display as well so you know these are the calls that you need to make before

you buy the galaxy a9 or the poco f1 you know what when I put it all together and

be pragmatic it's all very simple really the galaxy 18 is going to be a great

option for folks looking for a smart phone under a piece 40,000 in the

offline market couple that with the stellar brand value and superb after

sales service the Samsung phone is actually going to sway a lot of opinions

with people who want that kind of thing from a smartphone for everyone else the

one plus 60 is just a click away so that's it from me a shot for mr. phone

that was my full review off the samsung galaxy a 9 what do you think about it do

let us know in the comment section below until next time this is Ershad signing

off adios


For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy A9 review | comparison with OnePlus 6T, Poco F1, and LG G7+ ThinQ - Duration: 15:13.


张柏芝被传第三胎后现身,重要细节曝光:疑似戴着医疗识别带 - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> 张柏芝被传第三胎后现身,重要细节曝光:疑似戴着医疗识别带 - Duration: 3:43.


2018 Alamo Bowl set - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 2018 Alamo Bowl set - Duration: 1:26.


College Football Playoff teams announced and Ohio State didn't make the cut - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> College Football Playoff teams announced and Ohio State didn't make the cut - Duration: 1:12.


EXCLUSIVE: Atiku 'Won't Go To US Anytime Soon' Despite Lifting Of 'Travel Restriction' - Duration: 3:03.

EXCLUSIVE: Atiku 'Won't Go To US Anytime Soon' Despite Lifting Of 'Travel Restriction'

Atiku Abubakar, presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), does not intend to travel to the United States "anytime soon".

As reported by SaharaReporters on October 31, Gbenga Daniel, Director-General of the Atiku Presidential Campaign Orgsanisation (APCO), had said Atiku had received "signals from American officials" to apply for visa and it would be granted.

On Saturday, TheCable reported that the visa had been granted, and even added that Atiku had travelled to the UK, from where he would proceed to the US to spend some time.

Atiku's spokesman confirmed in a tweet that although the former Vice President indeed travelled to the UK, he had since returned. SaharaReporters now understands that the US trip is not on the cards anytime soon.

According to a source very close to former President Olusegun Obasanjo, who played a big role in the securing of the visa, the former Vice President will be busy back home for a while.

"The ban has been lifted but it doesn't mean he is travelling like today or anytime soon," the source said. "The restriction has been lifted, which means he can travel anytime he wants. But he's not planning a US trip soon.".

A second source familiar with Atiku's campaign itinerary said ordinarily, it would be impossible for the presidential candidate to travel to the US at a time when full-fledged campaigns are kicking off.

"His campaign kicks off in Sokoto tomorrow, Monday, which means there's an official cover for his decision to stay back in Nigeria," said the source.

"However, if you look at how much of an issue his US avoidance has been in his campaign so far, you would understand that Atiku won't mind taking a few days off to make that trip to the US to prove that he is not wanted for corruption, just to give his campaign that massive anti-corruption lift.".

Atiku hasn't stepped on American soil for well over decade dating back to his Vice Presidency, allegedly due to the belief he would be arrested for allegations of corruption, including one by US congressman Williams Jefferson that part of the $100,000 cash found in his refrigerator was intended as bribe for Atiku for his role in helping American firm iGate secure a contract to expand broadband in Nigeria.

For more infomation >> EXCLUSIVE: Atiku 'Won't Go To US Anytime Soon' Despite Lifting Of 'Travel Restriction' - Duration: 3:03.


Scandalous: Chappaquiddick 12/02/18 11PM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 31:18.

For more infomation >> Scandalous: Chappaquiddick 12/02/18 11PM | December 02, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 31:18.


한 사진작가가 혹독한 겨울을 나면서도 미모를 잃지 않은 여우들의 귀여운 모습을 공개했다. - Duration: 2:00.

최근 온라인 미디어 보어드판다는 러시아 사진작가 이반 키슬로브(Ivan Kislov)가 촬영한 여우들의 사진을 소개했다.

이반 키슬로브는 최근 러시아 시베리아 최북동부에 위치한 추코트카 자치구를 방문했다.

이 지역은 건조한 기후와 강한 바람, 7월에도 영하로 떨어지는 기온 등 생명이 살기에 잔혹한 환경이지만 이 곳에서도 아름다운 생명의 흔적이 있었다.

바로 겨울 나기를 준비하는 야생 동물들. 키슬로브는 곰, 순록, 늑대에 이르기까지 많은 동물들의 사진을 찍었지만 그 중에서도 가장 기억에 남는 동물은 여우라고 밝혔다.

키슬로브는 "여우들은 호기심이 많아 카메라에 가까이 다가오고, 자진해서 기꺼이 사진 모델을 해준다. 덕분에 다양한 모습을 담을 수 있었다"고 말했다.

사진 속 여우들은 무리를 지어 다니며 서로의 체온으로 추위를 달래 주기도 하고 내리는 눈을 맞으며 평온하게 눈을 감은 모습이다.

여우들은 겨울잠을 자지 않는 동물로, 극지방에 서식하는 여우들은 날이 추워지면 굴을 파서 단체 생활을 하고 물고기나 바다표범 등을 사냥해 겨울을 버틴다.

키슬로브는 "여우의 모습을 사진으로 촬영하며 정말 심쿵을 느꼈다"며 "너무 귀여워 셔터를 누르면서도 심장을 움켜 쥐어야만 했다"고 설명했다.

극한 환경 속에서 추위와 싸우는 여우들의 사진을 좀 더 감상해 보도록 하자.

For more infomation >> 한 사진작가가 혹독한 겨울을 나면서도 미모를 잃지 않은 여우들의 귀여운 모습을 공개했다. - Duration: 2:00.


usa today : Halsey Absolutely Slays Performance Of 'Without Me' During Victoria's Secret Fashion Sh - Duration: 2:38.

The VS Fashion Show wasn't ALL about the models — there were some pretty epic performers, too! This year, that included Halsey, who absolutely killed it with her performance of 'Without Me' on the catwalk

 Halsey's new song, "Without Me," has quickly been climbing the charts, and she brought it to the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2018, which aired on Dec

2. Halsey belted out the track during the third segment of the show, which was themed "Flights of Fancy

" Veteran VS model, Martha Hunt, opened the section, while stars like Bella Hadid, Devon Windsor, Willie Harlow and more also walked while Halsey performed

This segment also featured the $1,000,000 Fantasy Bra, which was worn by Elsa Hosk this year

   For the performance, Halsey wore a revealing feathered skirt, which was tied at the waist and had a slit all the way up the singer's thigh

She paired it with a simple white crop top, putting her abs and toned legs on display

At one point during her set, Halsey held hands with Bella and they strutted side-by-side down the runway

Halsey totally looked like one of the models as she showed off her amazing figure in this ensemble! The show also featured performances from Kelsea Ballerini, Shawn Mendes, Rita Ora, Bebe Rexha and more

 The VS Show taped in New York City last month, and afterward, Halsey took to social media to dish on her secrets for looking so good during her performance

"I definitely did a lot of sit ups" she admitted on SiriusXM. "I had a head start, though

I don't know if you saw my Halloween costume, but I had to get ahead of the game!" @halsey And #ElsaHosk = Perfection 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕🔥#VSFashionShow pic  — AshSlay (@ash_slay) December 3, 2018    Halsey released her last album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, in June 2017, so fans are anxiously waiting for the next record

So far, she hasn't revealed any plans for another album, but "Without Me" is definitely the perfect kick off to whatever's coming next!

For more infomation >> usa today : Halsey Absolutely Slays Performance Of 'Without Me' During Victoria's Secret Fashion Sh - Duration: 2:38.


Did you hear what Gary Neville said after Lucas Torreira's stunning goal for Arsenal? - Duration: 3:03.

 Torreira sealed the match, making it 4-2 to the hosts, and pushed Arsenal ahead of their rivals in the Premier League table

 Arsenal move up to fourth and above Tottenham on goal difference. Torreira's strike came from a wonderful flowing move as Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang slipped him through and he fired past Hugo Lloris

 And former Manchester United forward and Sky Sports pundit Gary Neville got very excited by the goal

 READ MORE: ARSENAL FANS WANT A LUCAS TORREIRA STATUE "It's shaking. This stadium is shaking," Neville said

 BBC sport pundit Bradley Allen described it as scintillating. "Arsenal didn't take their chances early in the first half but what we've got to admire is how clinical they've been in the second half," he said on BBC Radio London

 "Lucas Torreira just buried that one.4-2! Scintillating from Arsenal." The 22-year-old signed from Sampdoria in the summer for around £27m and is going down a storm so far at the Emirates

 After a slow start he looks like the key man in the midfield alongside Granit Xhaka

 Arsenal goalkeeper Bernd Leno claimed Torreira was perfect. "Torreira is incredible," he said

 "He's a fighter and he's so important for our game, for the whole defence. He produced another perfect game today

" Former Arsenal midfielder Emmanuel Petit has hailed his influence. "In terms of fighting spirit, Arsenal have needed a player like Torreira," he said

 "With the old back four that I played with and during the Invincibles' era, we had players with anger who would fight for every ball

 "Arsenal have been too glamorous in the past few years, and not dirty enough, but with Torreira, the dirt is coming back into the team

 "He is not the most talented player, but he is like a dog on the pitch, he is a leader and sets an example

 "He doesn't impress you physically, but you can feel his breath on your neck, and his foot in your calf because he is there all the time, and that is the kind of player you need in a team


For more infomation >> Did you hear what Gary Neville said after Lucas Torreira's stunning goal for Arsenal? - Duration: 3:03.


usa today : Kelsea Ballerini & The Chainsmokers Rock Out To 'This Feeling' At VS Fashion Show - Duration: 2:45.

'This Feeling' by Kelsea Ballerini and The Chainsmokers is one of the biggest songs of fall, so it was only fitting they performed it at one of the biggest events of the season — the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, of course!  Is that Kelsea Ballerini…or a Victoria's Secret model?! It was hard to tell the difference as the country singer took the stage alongside The Chainsmokers for a performance of their hit "This Feeling" during the VS Fashion Show on Dec

2! The trio belted out the track during the Golden Angel segment of the show, which featured models like Candice Swanepoel, Stella Maxwell, Jasmine Tookes and more strutting down the runway

Kelsea fit the theme, too, as she showed off her insanely toned legs in a teeny, sparkling mini dress

GORGEOUS!    The VS Show was actually taped in New York City last month, and after photos came out from the show, Kelsea made quite a statement when she called out a troll who told her to "lose some weight" (WHAT?!?!!)

"First of all, I'm not a model, I'm a singer," she fired back. "Second of all, I'm not responding to this to give you attention because you don't deserve that

I'm responding because I am a healthy, normal chick which I pride myself on and work hard for, and want other girls to see that and know that "skinny" is not always the goal

And or you to think it's okay to comment on my weight or size is disgusting. I'm going to get a burger now

" SLAY, girl!  Along with Kelsea and The Chainsmokers, the VS Show also featured performances from artists like Rita Ora, Bebe Rexha, Halsey, Shawn Mendes and The Struts

Plus, with models like Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, Gigi Hadid and more walking in the show, it was a star-studded night! Kelsea and @TheChainsmokers performed their hit single #ThisFeeling at the #VSFashionShow tonight! Check out the full performance! pic  — Kelsea Central (@KelseaCentral) December 3, 2018   Part 2! pic  — Kelsea Central (@KelseaCentral) December 3, 2018    Kelsea recently wrapped up a tour with Keith Urban, and has been promoting her new single, "Miss Me More," along with "This Feeling," in recent weeks

She'll kick off 2019 on the road with Kelly Clarkson, and will be headlining her own tour in the spring, as well

Its' going to be a good year!

For more infomation >> usa today : Kelsea Ballerini & The Chainsmokers Rock Out To 'This Feeling' At VS Fashion Show - Duration: 2:45.


Scott Padgett Weather Update - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Scott Padgett Weather Update - Duration: 2:49.


看邱泽和罗晋穿黑色西装,才知道唐嫣挑男人的眼光有多好 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 看邱泽和罗晋穿黑色西装,才知道唐嫣挑男人的眼光有多好 - Duration: 3:40.


Minden Gardnerville Topaz Real Estate Market Report | October 2018 | Nevada Homes for Sale - Duration: 5:00.

Hi everybody Phillip Goodman here from the Nevada Real Estate Group at Keller

Williams Group One Inc in Reno Nevada and I'm here today with Sabrina Carstensen,

our Gardnerville Minden Topaz expert. How have you been Sabrina? I've been good, how about yourself?

I've been quite well thank you. It was a very busy summer selling and buying

season and October was still a busy one too. So let's dive right into MLS and

see exactly what happened in October down south. Sounds great.

Sabrina were first looking at the 2018 October sales data here on the top

and then down here the 2017 October sales data. Couple quick things to point

out:83 units sold in 2017 80 in 2018. Sabrina let's talk about the

median price how are things trending? Well compared to last year we are up 14%

As you can see in 2017 97% of asked price was received whereas this year

we're receiving 97.5%, so like you said it's eerily close. And that

half a percent - is there anything we can attribute that to in the the difference

of what the sellers are asking for and what they're actually getting? Well

that's the thing sellers and agents are doing a better job at valuating

properties thus we're seeing less price reductions now in October 2018. Let's

talk about days on market. We typically think that if a property is on the

market too long something's wrong with it, or sometimes the property is so good

it's not on the market very long. But are we seeing any sort of

correlation between days on market and median prices? Not really and that's

that's the difficult thing. And the tricky thing about our market is there's

really no rhyme or reason as to why a home is sitting on the market for 80

days whereas another one sells in five days.

It's really difficult because a home that's priced at $300,000

potentially could sit on the market for 84 days whereas you know home that is

$600,900 is on the market for 68 days. There's really no correlation as to

how many days it's been sitting on the market for. And so if you're a seller

don't come in with these high expectations that your property's gonna

sell quickly and if you're a buyer don't be skeptical about the property that's

been on the market for a while already. Exactly. Sabrina, as we look at the total

properties on the market right now at 289 with the median a price of $459,000

knowing how things have been trending what should a buyer do now? They need to

buy now. It could inflate another 14% and if that's the case then the

buyer really needs to buy now to really capture this market the way it is, this

current median price. Our featured property of the month is 34 Conner Way

and Sabrina you know a little bit about this house. I do know about this house. It

is 3-bed 2bath 1364 square feet. It is on .19 acres. It backs up to BLM

land and has amazing views. It's about seven minutes from town. And as you can

see it is just adorable. Oh it's cute. I like the the gray touches especially

the backsplash back here. Nice functional horseshoe kitchen. This is great. And you

can tell that they're ready to move. They are definitely motivated. So that is your

October market report for Gardnerville Minden topaz for October 2018 and with

the holidays coming up so many things up and down Main Street right Sabrina?

Absolutely there's really too many events to name.

We've got Santa. We've got Christmas lights. We have parades. We have

Christmas shopping on Main Street Gardnerville to keep all that business

local. Yeah! Support the small businesses Definitely help out the mom-and-pop

shops. Well for more information about any of the market data that you've seen

today you can contact Sabrina at the information you see on your screen now.

Hopefully you found all this information very helpful and you'll give it a like

and a share on your social media as well. for Sabrina Carstensen for the Nevada

Real Estate Group at Keller Williams Group One Inc in Reno Nevada I'm Phillip

Goodman. We'll see you next time.

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