Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 4 2018

Hello everyone, this is Running On Empty ...

Food Review!

Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen and everyone watching, or perhaps listening!

This is Running On Empty Food Review. And I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek.

Well, first things first, I

I'm not feeling the best today admittedly. I just want to get that out there right now.

It's just been one of those days. You know? We all have them. It's one of those days for me

where I've just had a

an intensifying

headache. I would I would even call it on the verge of a migraine at this point.

You know, it's just getting worse and worse as it goes on pounding behind the eyes.

But nonetheless, as I said, there's a new item out. I had gotten it and

you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna do what needs to be done and

do a review.


I'll try my best and

nonetheless, even if it's not up to the usual standards

I promise you I'll do my best to get an accurate review sent your way.

This is for a new product from Wendy's. It's called their bacon maple

chicken sandwich. The name alone is one of those things that would really throw me off to be quite honest.

I would, I don't know, just part of me inherently wants to call it the maple bacon

chicken sandwich, and I imagine a lot of you

will as well. I know when I went ahead and ordered this I I ordered it the wrong way.

I said, you know, I want to get the maple bacon chicken sandwich, but it's called the bacon maple whatever, you know.

A name is a name. And that's all that there is to it. What does it have on it? Comes with a maple glaze.

So it's supposed to be like a...

Not necessarily just barbecue just a kind of a sweet glaze on this sandwich,



patty, you know so it's gonna be like a breaded fried chicken patty and it's going to have this maple glaze on top of it.

It's gonna have

three strips of bacon,

some cheese and then it's going to come

on a toasted croissant bun. It's an interesting combination. I have to give them credit for that. It sounds pretty good.

You know, there's some things from Wendy's that I'll,

you know, I'll get up, you know, I don't know. I don't know. I'm not a fan of the idea,

or whatnot, but this one sounds really good.

$5.99. That's the price and we've either

upgraded or downgraded? I don't know whatever you want to call it, but we went over to post-it notes - it's not a post-it -

it's a card,

index cards today.


Here it is! Let me turn the,

let me turn, there we go.

I tell you up here it gets a lot colder.

So it stall has some of its heat but don't be surprised if it doesn't look oven fresh because

30-degree air will do that to you.

I can still feel that warmth though, so that's good. Anyway, here's what it looks like. You can see

right there and I turned the focus off. So in due time when the camera wants to it has no other choice.

There you go. That's what it looks like. It's kind of, it's funny,

you could almost, it's indistinguishable quite frankly, the chicken from the croissant. But that you can see there's the croissant.

There's the chicken

patty and the bacon

on top.

Interesting though gotta say.

You can see there's the...

Let's wait for it.

All right.

Let's not. You can see there's the bacon and the,

you know, the cheese and the chicken you can see all of the ingredients that I mentioned. There it is.

There it is.

There I am with it.

So this is what we got: The bacon maple chicken sandwich from Wendy's. It's a very puffy

croissant bun. I got to give them credit on that.

Either way, I'll try it. Let you know what it tastes like and that's all that we have for you. So bacon maple

chicken sandwich from Wendy's going in!

That's what a napkin looks like! Not many people with ever seen one of those things before.

Almost, almost... I knew I was.

The autofocus was just so intense. I just I just had to leave it because I feel that that was more climactic than perhaps

I was

in today's review.

Here's what it tastes like:

I have... I'll keep it short this time around.

I have only one issue and one issue only. I think that


glaze on it is great. I think that's, I think that's a great addition and they did they did a good job with it.

I cannot complain. They did a good job with it.

It just goes really well with the bacon, goes well with the chicken. If the chicken for you ever happens to be a little bit dry,

that will add any moisture and it's delicious. I mean it just has that,

and it's like a like a maple barbecue type of glaze - not overwhelmingly sweet,

not overwhelmingly savory, a good mix in between and just a great a great sauce for this sandwich, ties it all together.

Cheese is fine. No issues the chicken patty.

From Wendy's I always enjoy,

I always like to get the chicken sandwiches when it comes down to Wendy's, believe it or not, more than their burgers.

I like the chicken sandwich. So they did a good job with that, you know a pretty solid

chicken patty. Could have, you know, is a little on the drier side. But again,

That's very likely no fault, but my own

because I had to

get over here and which is very cold cold cold air today. That's why I'm going with the sweater sweater vest today.

But anyway,


everything goes together well. Only issue is the croissant bun, and while it tastes fine,

it just...

It's not as flaky as I think as many croissants are. Like when I whenever I go to Starbucks

I always like to get the butter croissant from there - it's just this flaky buttery

croissant that's great. This on the other hand, was a lot more dense -

It was a lot thicker - and as a result, especially that bottom bun, while it gives the illusion of being nice and puffy and fluffy

It's like there's just more more bread, so to speak, than I would

necessarily want on this sandwich. If they were to cut down on that just a little bit

I think they they would have hit the nail in the head and I would say that it's just a really good sandwich.

I mean, I got to give them credit. It's one of those things that just goes together really well in my opinion and

despite any bun issues, I recommend you check it out. Price for this was around

$6 for the sandwich, which is a little pricey, but it's around your standard Wendy's price. Therefore, out of 10,

I'm going to be giving it... I'm gonna give it an 8.5 out of 10.

Because, if my only complaint is the bun, that goes to show that it's not a bad sandwich at all!

So give it a try, if you're interested. And also, if there's something you want to try out,

well, check out my newest radio show. You can find it on SoundCloud at


Ask yourself this:

What do I have to lose?

Well, maybe you have a lot to lose,

maybe you don't.

See, I'm just I'm just going on a on a gamble here, and I'm assuming you have nothing to lose.

But maybe you do. But if you don't have anything to lose, check it out! Maybe you'll enjoy the show. Some good talk,

discussion and music. It's there for you. You know, that's all that I'll say. Thank you!

Take care, and I hope to join you again in it in a few more days. Hopefully feeling a little bit better.

That's all and do take care!

For more infomation >> Wendy's NEW Bacon Maple Chicken Sandwich Review - Duration: 10:36.


Mass Effect: Andromeda - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 12:54.

Am I guilty for saying that Mass Effect: Andromeda is one of my favorite games from the past

few years or so?

It simply has something that other third-person shooters lack that got me stuck into it.

Yes, the game has had a rough launch, but a few big updates later, it's turning out

to be a great game.

Most people like you are here probably for one thing only – as the name of the video

suggests you are here to improve the performance of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Let's jump straight into it.

First of all, head over to my website and download this little software which is called

the Low Specs Experience.

Download link is posted in the description of this video.

Low Specs Experience is a free tool that I developed that will allow you to go above

and beyond anything possible in-game video options.

After you download it, simply install it and you will get these shortcuts on your Desktop.

Now start it and then go to the optimization catalog section.

Once you find yourself on this page, simply select Mass Effect: Andromeda from this drop-down

menu and then press load the optimization package.

Now select the destination folder where your game has been installed.

Simply select the destination folder of your game and then press OK and this window will


When the optimization control panel loads, simply select the method of optimization and

resolution you would like to run your game on.

After you did that simply press the execute optimization button and then start your game.

Feel free to experiment with resolutions and optimization methods to find what suits your

system the best.

That's all I had to share with you fine folks for this video.

I'm leaving you now with the rest of this gameplay to enjoy.

Please do like and subscribe if you found this video useful.

Dislike it if you feel the complete opposite.

I'll see you guys next time with a whole new video.

Till next time, take care and fly safely.

For more infomation >> Mass Effect: Andromeda - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 12:54.


Lady and the Tramp Zoodles and Meatballs | Disney Eats x Tastemade - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Lady and the Tramp Zoodles and Meatballs | Disney Eats x Tastemade - Duration: 1:38.





Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth) prezentuje swój zestaw perkusyjny - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth) prezentuje swój zestaw perkusyjny - Duration: 4:18.


LP.ОбычныеПриключения#2 АЛМАЗЫ - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> LP.ОбычныеПриключения#2 АЛМАЗЫ - Duration: 8:22.


【作品講評】オート先生の総回診【Karte.3】 - Duration: 2:09:36.

For more infomation >> 【作品講評】オート先生の総回診【Karte.3】 - Duration: 2:09:36.


Old High End E-Bike Or New Cheap Model | Ask EMBN Anything About E-Biking - Duration: 14:30.

- Pedals, droppers, warranty and rims.

- It can only be one thing and that's the Ask EMBN Show.

- Topsey Kretts, clip less or flat pedals?


- Is it--

- Listen

- More of a ...

- Oh you go first.

- More of a personal opinion or what is best?

You know personally, I just use flat pedals

for 95 percent of my riding.

Occasionally, I'll stick a set of clips on

if I'm riding a long distance or more cross country,

just pure cross country miles.

- Topsey, I think it depends on the type

of terrain you ride.

Also, I think the climate comes into it as well,

'cause I, we tend to slide around a lot

in the northern hemisphere,

especially between October and April,

and I've been riding flat pedals for a long time.

However, last February we went to France

and rode with double World Downhill Champion, Fabien Barel.

And I was convinced that flat pedals were the best thing

for e-bikes until went riding with Fabien.

And he went up the most ridiculous climbs,

with clipped-in pedals and I can see that that is

that split second where you can get

that little bit more out of the motor.

I think it's possible to do slightly more

technical things on clips.

- I'd agree but I think you definitely

need to be that higher skilled level rider.

You know Fabien's obviously a high level professional.

I think as a beginner, if you're starting off

on an e-bike, I would probably err towards flats.

I mean you can get away from it, you can stick a foot down.

I think to be a good clipped-in rider,

you really need to be quite a high level--

- Really?

- Of riding. Yeah, I think especially

on an e-bike, I do more flats.

- Interesting, but do you know another thing?

It's a big topic, actually 'cause I was speaking

to the Don, Don's our colleague on GMBN,

and I've been quite a lot of tension

in my hamstrings and apparently

if you ride flat a lot of the time,

and we do ride flat a lot of the time,

you do tend to cramp up there a little bit,

so I've got to constantly stretch

out my hamstrings if you're riding flat pedals.

- I don't think it's quite such a big thing

on an e-bike as it is on a normal trail bike.

A lot of people ride clipped-in purely

for keeping that cadence nice and smooth

and the power output but I think

on the e-bike, obviously with the motor,

I don't think it's such an essential bit

of kit in my eyes.

- Chris, we could go 'round in circles all day.

In the meantime, Chris, Andy Sintes is asking,

"Hi guys, what is the height difference

"between a 27.5+ 2.8 and a 29 by 2.35 tire?

"Not much maybe so roll over would be very similar

"but would have better side wall stability on the 29."

Now that really depends, ultimately,

on what tire you are using,

whether you're using a downhill casing tire

or a cross-country casing tire

so you know what will weight there,

you could be having a 1.5 kilo tire work,

versus a 800 gram tire.

- Yep.

- Ultimately the roll over on both tires

is actually pretty good, but I think

you might find that if you're in really

worn out trail center terrain, where a lot of

the finer material has been washed out,

then that big 27.5 2.8 tire actually goes over

the square edges a little bit easier than

a lower profile 29 tire.

At the same time, a 29 inch tire in

the mud in slippery conditions is absolutely incredible.

What are your thoughts Chris?

- [Chris] I think the sidewall stability, definitely on

the bigger plus tires is something I know a lot more,

especially on the softer tire pressures, you know,

kind of like the more recommended low tire pressures.

You get a lot more flex in those sidewalls I think

with the 29 it offers you a skinnier tire to start with.

Less tall isn't as prone to tire flex in the berms, so--

- At the same time, I just want to add to this

is that on the rear of an e-bike it's really good

to have 227.5 2.8 tire, unless, of course,

you've got a really good angular 29 tire.

But, if you see more about e-bike tires,

then I've done a pretty in depth video

about just that topic.

More talk, increased use, and heavier weights mean

that we need more stability, more durability,

puncture protection, and of course grip on our e-bike tires.

Though, how on earth do you choose what type of tire to get?

This is our fundamentals into tire choice.

We're gonna cover everything from width, tire compound,

tread pattern, weight and much, much more.

- Do you have and suggestions for

a good quality, not super bike quality,

dual suspension e-bike for my wife?

She's only 146 centimeters tall

and currently rides a Merida Juliet 7.100

in extra small size even though that is a bit big for her.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

- Yeah, hi Connor.

I think good quality and super bike quality

is probably different when you measure e-bikes

to when you measure, like, classic mountain bikes,

because performance is measured in such things

as range, liability, rather than, saving

a couple hundred grams here and there

or having carbon fiber.

But, yeah--

Wow, so, that height--

146 centimeters, now I do know someone who's

that very same height and rides a small specialized Levo.

So, I think she wouldn't have a problem with that.

However, I would say that in terms of what bikes

are available, now Canyon do a really good women specific

e-bike Spectral:ON. They also do the non-women specific

if your wife might prefer a standard,

all around bike. My wife rides that as well.

Vitus do a really good bike at just over 3000 pounds.

So, there's quite a few bikes out there.

Cube do them. I think the lower end specialize--

- Yeah, Haibike as well.

- Yeah, Haibike's have got a massive range.

You best just go for the size small or extra small.

I think for the reach she should look at

the reach numbers on these bikes.

Down around, I'm thinking about 420 millimeter reach.

- Yeah, a lot of these manufactures, on their websites,

will actually have a geometry part of

the website where you can look--

- Recommended sizing.

- Yeah, measure those sort of seat tubes.

Main thing, when your measuring a bike

is going to be that seat tube height

and the reach as well. Just have a look

at those figures and make sure they all look pretty good.

- I also think, Connor, maybe you go into your bike shop

and get on a size small or extra small bike

and get the people in the shop to roll the bars back,

put the seat forward, so you can get a better idea

on just how the fit is on that e-bike.

And remember fit is something you can change on a bike.

- Kay, so we got this one in from Alex Kurkin Ask EMBN,

"How did you film the rock? Did you have to take

"a few passes to get different angles? Did you break

"it down into sections to take shots from above

"and following versus regular camera shots?"

- We can't give information like that away.

- "Super interested to learn about your process."

- Can't give information like that away.

- So, those videos are pretty hard to make,

you know, me and Steve might do multiple shots

on things, multiple takes--

- So you are going to give away the information.

- Yeah, especially when you make a mistake

and slide off and slip a pedal.

- [Steve] But there was no sliding off

in the making of the rock.

- [Chris] If we got it wrong on the rock,

it pretty much would be game over.

- [Steve] So, we had to get it right, basically.

- [Chris] Definitely, yeah.

We had a separate drone operator, camera man,

four Gimbals, multiple shoots

and not attempts, but shots, basically.

- Plus the other thing is you have to deal with

the banter between everyone in the group.

- That's a big part, you enjoy that, right?

- Right. Have a check out the rock video down here.

Was a great day out.

The rock. A real mountain rock face challenge.

(heavy metal music)

Woah, the exposure to my left is insane.


(heavy metal music)

This is from Cleber Tonus, or Cleber Tonus,

or Tonus Cleber, sorry. Apologies for that.

"Have you guys experienced the app Blevo?

"Besides managing the level of support called into

"it's cardiovascular and muscular fitness,

"it manages in three dynamic levels,

"generating a pedaling closer to that of

"a muscular bike and consuming much less battery.

"It has a completissimo and customizable panel.

"It generates statistics of everything

"and exports the roots to the straw of a top.

"You should try."

Whoa, cardiovascular and muscular fitness.

Chris, that's your completissimo, that's your department.

- Definitely sounds just up my street.

- I have not tried the app Blevo.

However, I do know that Chris Smith has.

- Yeah, I do use Blevo now and again on my Kenevo.

It's a pretty good app and you can adjust that

all the way down, but it's pretty similar to

the Mission Control app. It's obviously quite easy.

Where if you want to de restrict that bike

you can just swipe it and totally change that.

- But why would you de restrict your bike? Big jumps?

- If you wanted to ride, maybe some big jumps,

limited run up, things like that.

Or if you were just riding on private land

on flat tracts of--

- How does that affect the warranty on your Kenevo?

- I believe it invalidates the warranty,

but I'm not 100 percent clear on that,

but it's up to you. You know, you guys,

if you want to run that stuff.

- I'd rather keep my Kenevo.

- It is a good app, but yeah.

- Moving on. To Sarah Dobb. "Hi, I have only

"been mountain biking for four weeks

"and had my first crash nearly three week ago

"and I'm now nursing a chipped bone in my elbow.

"Do you have any recovery suggestions?"

- Elbows, yeah. I've broke the radial head off

my elbow, so one of the big bones in the radius.

So that's floating around. Had that screwed back on.

Probably one of the nastiest crashes,

the worst injuries I've had is,

because the elbow isn't just a bending joint,

it actually is rotational as well.

So when you spin that it actually spins around.

It's a really hard one to get moving again.

Best advice for me was to actually go swimming,

so you got non weight bearing and a lot

of just resistance training without--

- What about physio stretch bands?

- Yeah, physio stretch bands and swimming.

That's the best way to get around any sort of elbow--

- No, e-biking though?

- Maybe gently e-bike riding.

- Gently e-biking.

Okay, this from Fluflo. Fluflo? Fluflo. Floflu.

"Hi guys, great show--" Thank you very much,

"What do you think about the specialized Roval rims?

"I've got a Kenevo and did damage both them

"many times. Which kind of rims

"are better for rocky trails?

"I live in North Garter Lake, you know

"of the area and the rocks there."

Garter, that's a pretty brutal place for rims.

Now, in a way you almost, rims and wheels,

you almost need to have them custom built

depending on where you ride

and your weight and your riding style,

but yeah, your right. Garter, what's

that crazy one on the east side of the lake?

Its absolutely mental. I don't know what its called,

but its brutal on bikes. When it comes to Roval,

are you talking carbon fiber?

Are you talking alloy on those rims?

If you get back to us on that, we can answer you.

But I think on e-bikes we tend to ride mostly

on alloy rims because of the slightly heavier weight

that Chris is carrying about with him.

And, yeah, but like loads of companies do them.

Obviously, like you say, Roval do good wheels.

DT Swiss have a great range, Mavic, Stan's.

But how about checking out

the 24 hole specialized Roval wheel.

That could be a good option for you

to get more sort of flex in the frontsies.

It's a far softer ride amongst

those brutal limestone Garter rocks.

- Just got this one in from Ian Webster.

- Ah, the weber.

- Ask EMB--

- What you laughing at?

- "I'm looking at a 2019 Levo FSR

"in aluminum, but I've seen an offer on

"a 2018 Levo Comp Carbon for the same price.

"Which should I go for?"

- Oh yeah, nice choice to have.

- It is.

- I think we can remember, Ian, is that

the 2018 is 135 month travel, whereas

the 2019 is 150. Obviously know, but

the 2019 does the 29 inch wheels,

2018, 27.5.

- Battery size? What are we talking on about

the same battery size?

- Battery size, yeah obviously you got 700 watt

there on the new specialized bikes,

but I think what's quite critical here

is that, depends how tall you are.

I think if you're a taller rider

the new Levos are slightly bigger

in range so you can get a bike that fits

you better. If you like, over six foot.

When it comes to alloy versus carbon,

I wouldn't worry too much about that

because the performance on an e-bike,

maybe you should be going for

the bigger battery rather than the carbon fiber.

But, yeah, I'd think about sizing

before anything, first and foremost.

- We've actually done a video on the new Levo.

- Yep.

- Check it out here.

- It's a good one.

(rock music)

- And finally, it's Tomy Boy, Tomy Boy.

"If I wouldn't ride the bike during the winter,

"what is recommended? Fully charge

"the battery to 100 percent, or just leave it

"at around 40 percent? And would be best to unplug

"the battery or leave it plugged into the bike?"

- I think your answer for that one is best

to leave it between 60 to 70 percent charged.

Just try to bring it inside if possible.

Batteries don't like extreme temperatures,

especially the cold or extreme heat.

Bring it inside somewhere nice cool

and quiet, like it's a battery,

like a nice temperature around 20 degrees Celsius

is a really good temperature to keep them at.

When it comes to leaving it plugged in,

it is not a good idea because that

battery charger could malfunction

or overheat, you know. It's not a good idea.

Very nice tip for charging them

is just actually buy a wall timer

so you can plug that into a socket,

leave it to charge for four or five hours

and then it will turn off if you

are going to leave it plugged in.

But best to remove it, bring it inside

the house. Nice and safe.

- Wow, wise, wise words from Christopher Smith.

So that's it guys, thanks so much

for sending your questions in.

We really look forward every week

to answer, or attempting to answer some

of the questions you send in.

Now, remember it's a two way thing,

so if you think you can add to

the conversation, please do leave

your comments down below.

In the meantime, if you want to

be inspired, check out this video

with double World Downhill Champion, Fabien Barel.

Which, he's riding clips and I'm riding flats

down in south France. Absolutely awesome.

- And one of the questions in this weeks show

was about the rock. Be sure to check

that one out if you haven't had a chance to see that.

A real epic climb that me and Steve did up in

the middle of North Wales. Really cool one.

Don't forget to--

- You can like, can you subscribe.

- Yeah, like and subscribe. Don't forget,

if you got any questions hashtag Ask EMBN.

Drop it in the comments, we'll get back

to you on next weeks show.

For more infomation >> Old High End E-Bike Or New Cheap Model | Ask EMBN Anything About E-Biking - Duration: 14:30.


Resident Evil 2 Remake: Ada Wong, Leon e Claire provati nella demo PS4 - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Resident Evil 2 Remake: Ada Wong, Leon e Claire provati nella demo PS4 - Duration: 5:12.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : TEMER, MOREIRA FRANCO E PADILHA PRATICARAM CORRUPÇÃO, DIZ DODGE - Duration: 2:24.


Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani nei guai? Tina Cipollari fa una segnalazione - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Gemma Galgani nei guai? Tina Cipollari fa una segnalazione - Duration: 9:03.


Uomini e Donne, Gemma Galgani fa impazzire i fan con gli abiti di Giulia De Lellis - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Gemma Galgani fa impazzire i fan con gli abiti di Giulia De Lellis - Duration: 8:56.


William e Kate: in arrivo il quarto figlio? Kate Middleton confessa: ecco la verità... - Duration: 11:28.

For more infomation >> William e Kate: in arrivo il quarto figlio? Kate Middleton confessa: ecco la verità... - Duration: 11:28.





Cachorro é espancado e morto em supermercado e gera revolta; entenda - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Cachorro é espancado e morto em supermercado e gera revolta; entenda - Duration: 3:50.


Inspirado em Neymar e Bruna? Graciele Lacerda exibe item romântico que a faz lembrar de Zezé - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Inspirado em Neymar e Bruna? Graciele Lacerda exibe item romântico que a faz lembrar de Zezé - Duration: 1:43.


Smart TV LED 50" Philips 4K 50PUG651378 - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Smart TV LED 50" Philips 4K 50PUG651378 - Duration: 1:19.


Alok Summer Mix 2018 🔥 Na Balada Jovem Pan 2018 🔥 Melhores Músicas Eletrônicas Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:48:22.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Alok Summer Mix 2018 🔥 Na Balada Jovem Pan 2018 🔥 Melhores Músicas Eletrônicas Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:48:22.


Пес отказывался есть и таращил испуганные глаза на незнакомых ему людей! - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Пес отказывался есть и таращил испуганные глаза на незнакомых ему людей! - Duration: 3:32.


Susana Vieira revela onde transou com um desconhecido e beija Tatá Werneck na boca - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Susana Vieira revela onde transou com um desconhecido e beija Tatá Werneck na boca - Duration: 3:46.


Silvio Santos menospreza atores de Malhação e debocha da Globo - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Silvio Santos menospreza atores de Malhação e debocha da Globo - Duration: 1:55.


Subir la cintura de un jeans poniendo un elástico - Duration: 6:36.


I have here this pants that I the shot is very short

you are already seeing it

and the waist also squeezes me

how am I going to solve this

I'm going to replace the waist that has an elastic waist

See, this

which is a little wider

and so I will have the highest shot, I will adjust more to the waist and clear to be rubber will not squeeze me

The first thing I have to do is remove the waist, then overcast, mount the rubber

I will put some pins on each side

and then, here in the union where the button is

so that it stays open to us, to have ease when putting it on

I'm going to put these brackets

I begin, the first step: I unstitch the waist

Now I'm going to pass an overcast here around the waist

and for those who do not have an overcasting machine, I'm going to tell you a way

to put the rubber without overcasting

we put the waist, the rubber, inside out for this side

the trousers over

we passed him a stitching, over here, finite

and now, we turn it around

and the stitching would stay here, We passed a backstitch also on this side

and so, the stitching would stay inside

you see

it would stay inside and it would not be seen, so we do not need to overcast

but I'm going to overcast it because to make a cowboy the seams are thick and if I double it

I would stay fat

I'm not going to do this system, I'm going to overcast it and then the rubber on top

to the ends of the rubber I have made a hem I have overhung and I have sewn

we found half of the rubber

and we make a signal

and now we are going to assemble it

we started

an extreme


right here

we put a pin

and the other extreme

to the other side

another pin

half of the rubber on the back

and we put another pin

we stretch a part

A) Yes

and we put another pin, here, on the side

and we are putting pins holding the rubber around

and now we pass the flat machine and we do a stitching around here by the filito

here in the opening I'm going to put these types of corteche

I'm going to put two

one a little higher and one lower

and these are going here on this side

here I have the pants finished

the zipper

the brackets

It has been very good

we won the shot that was what we want and we do not have to be tight

I am going to comment

the rubber in haberdasheries there are few options

or you find white you find black

at least where I live

find a wide rubber that is what I was looking for to raise the shot

as I have commented

I have had problems

nothing else have I found this

I would have acquired it a little wider

but in the end I found this that combines very well with this cowboy

you see

that is a bit ornate

And this is the result

if you liked the video, give "like"

and do not forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Subir la cintura de un jeans poniendo un elástico - Duration: 6:36.


Uomini e Donne: piccolo incidente per Nilufar Addati, labbro spaccato | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: piccolo incidente per Nilufar Addati, labbro spaccato | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:55.


Após suposta briga, Meghan Markle e Kate Middleton terão que passar o Natal juntas - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Após suposta briga, Meghan Markle e Kate Middleton terão que passar o Natal juntas - Duration: 2:58.


Uomini e Donne, arriva una scelta che lascia tutti interdetti da parte di Gemma Galgani - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, arriva una scelta che lascia tutti interdetti da parte di Gemma Galgani - Duration: 4:17.


How To: Clean Your Bike Shoes - Duration: 1:54.

Is this a shoe washing video?

Why do I get stuck with all the washing videos?

Don't we have an intern to do this?

Evan, get over here!

Hazelnut latte?

Two sugars?


Alright, great; wash my shoes, do a good job.

How To: Clean Your Bike Shoes

When chasing adventures on your bike, your shoes can take a beating.

Rain, mud, dust, dirt, it can get to be a real mess, and worse, it can wear down shoes more quickly.

To keep your shoes adventure ready, use these steps to clean them.

Most dirt can be taken care of by wiping down your shoes with a damp cloth after a ride.

But, really cruddy buildup is going to take a little more elbow grease.

Using a bucket of water and dishwashing soap and a soft brush, go ahead and scrub them thoroughly.

Pay special attention to buckles and cleats.

Your shoes may stand up to some hardcore abuse on the road or trail,

but you need to be gentle when washing to keep them in the best shape.

Anything harsher than dishwashing soap can break down the materials.

After scrubbing, rinse your shoes off with cool water.

Now, to dry your shoes quickly, first remove the insoles.

Loosen up the tongues and straps to give the most surface area access to air.

Then, stuff your shoes with balled up newspaper to soak up the excess water quickly.

Once your shoes have dried…

You know, I think I got it from here.


Once your shoes have dried, you're ready to ride!

To see all the great shoes Bontrager has to offer, visit trekbikes.com or drop in to your local Trek retailer.


For more infomation >> How To: Clean Your Bike Shoes - Duration: 1:54.


José Eduardo Agualusa – O problema do Brasil - Duration: 1:55.

I think that we should always try to look at the big picture

instead of focusing only in the politicians, right?

I've been visiting Brazil for a long time now. One of the thoughts

that came to me while visiting Brazil

in my trips, specially while visiting in the countryside, is that…

Brazil was able to make its population literate,

and more and more people are reading,

more and more people are getting educated, right?

Educated on different fields.

Brazil has never had... That never happened before.

I mean, 50 years ago, 100 years ago,

it was a mostly illiterate country.

Nowadays, most of the population knows how to read and how to write,

and they people are getting acquainted to books,

there are more and more people reading.

For example, the boom of literary events,

of events like this one, like Fronteiras do Pensamento,

but also of book fairs, literary festivals, all of those things…

It makes the number of readers grow…

I have seen this happening in Brazil, too.

So, this is very positive, this is something that makes me believe in Brazil.

So, I believe that what's on the table, the big crisis,

is a political crisis, a political structural crisis,


Brazil haven't collapsed in economic terms. Even though the country has terrible politicians

and a terrible use of power, Brazil is still above the waterline, isn't it so?

And is still surviving due to its resilience

and the quality of Brazilians as a whole.

So, the problem isn't that Brazilians aren't good enough,

but instead the lack of quality of its politicians.

For more infomation >> José Eduardo Agualusa – O problema do Brasil - Duration: 1:55.


Wendy's NEW Bacon Maple Chicken Sandwich Review - Duration: 10:36.

Hello everyone, this is Running On Empty ...

Food Review!

Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen and everyone watching, or perhaps listening!

This is Running On Empty Food Review. And I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek.

Well, first things first, I

I'm not feeling the best today admittedly. I just want to get that out there right now.

It's just been one of those days. You know? We all have them. It's one of those days for me

where I've just had a

an intensifying

headache. I would I would even call it on the verge of a migraine at this point.

You know, it's just getting worse and worse as it goes on pounding behind the eyes.

But nonetheless, as I said, there's a new item out. I had gotten it and

you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna do what needs to be done and

do a review.


I'll try my best and

nonetheless, even if it's not up to the usual standards

I promise you I'll do my best to get an accurate review sent your way.

This is for a new product from Wendy's. It's called their bacon maple

chicken sandwich. The name alone is one of those things that would really throw me off to be quite honest.

I would, I don't know, just part of me inherently wants to call it the maple bacon

chicken sandwich, and I imagine a lot of you

will as well. I know when I went ahead and ordered this I I ordered it the wrong way.

I said, you know, I want to get the maple bacon chicken sandwich, but it's called the bacon maple whatever, you know.

A name is a name. And that's all that there is to it. What does it have on it? Comes with a maple glaze.

So it's supposed to be like a...

Not necessarily just barbecue just a kind of a sweet glaze on this sandwich,



patty, you know so it's gonna be like a breaded fried chicken patty and it's going to have this maple glaze on top of it.

It's gonna have

three strips of bacon,

some cheese and then it's going to come

on a toasted croissant bun. It's an interesting combination. I have to give them credit for that. It sounds pretty good.

You know, there's some things from Wendy's that I'll,

you know, I'll get up, you know, I don't know. I don't know. I'm not a fan of the idea,

or whatnot, but this one sounds really good.

$5.99. That's the price and we've either

upgraded or downgraded? I don't know whatever you want to call it, but we went over to post-it notes - it's not a post-it -

it's a card,

index cards today.


Here it is! Let me turn the,

let me turn, there we go.

I tell you up here it gets a lot colder.

So it stall has some of its heat but don't be surprised if it doesn't look oven fresh because

30-degree air will do that to you.

I can still feel that warmth though, so that's good. Anyway, here's what it looks like. You can see

right there and I turned the focus off. So in due time when the camera wants to it has no other choice.

There you go. That's what it looks like. It's kind of, it's funny,

you could almost, it's indistinguishable quite frankly, the chicken from the croissant. But that you can see there's the croissant.

There's the chicken

patty and the bacon

on top.

Interesting though gotta say.

You can see there's the...

Let's wait for it.

All right.

Let's not. You can see there's the bacon and the,

you know, the cheese and the chicken you can see all of the ingredients that I mentioned. There it is.

There it is.

There I am with it.

So this is what we got: The bacon maple chicken sandwich from Wendy's. It's a very puffy

croissant bun. I got to give them credit on that.

Either way, I'll try it. Let you know what it tastes like and that's all that we have for you. So bacon maple

chicken sandwich from Wendy's going in!

That's what a napkin looks like! Not many people with ever seen one of those things before.

Almost, almost... I knew I was.

The autofocus was just so intense. I just I just had to leave it because I feel that that was more climactic than perhaps

I was

in today's review.

Here's what it tastes like:

I have... I'll keep it short this time around.

I have only one issue and one issue only. I think that


glaze on it is great. I think that's, I think that's a great addition and they did they did a good job with it.

I cannot complain. They did a good job with it.

It just goes really well with the bacon, goes well with the chicken. If the chicken for you ever happens to be a little bit dry,

that will add any moisture and it's delicious. I mean it just has that,

and it's like a like a maple barbecue type of glaze - not overwhelmingly sweet,

not overwhelmingly savory, a good mix in between and just a great a great sauce for this sandwich, ties it all together.

Cheese is fine. No issues the chicken patty.

From Wendy's I always enjoy,

I always like to get the chicken sandwiches when it comes down to Wendy's, believe it or not, more than their burgers.

I like the chicken sandwich. So they did a good job with that, you know a pretty solid

chicken patty. Could have, you know, is a little on the drier side. But again,

That's very likely no fault, but my own

because I had to

get over here and which is very cold cold cold air today. That's why I'm going with the sweater sweater vest today.

But anyway,


everything goes together well. Only issue is the croissant bun, and while it tastes fine,

it just...

It's not as flaky as I think as many croissants are. Like when I whenever I go to Starbucks

I always like to get the butter croissant from there - it's just this flaky buttery

croissant that's great. This on the other hand, was a lot more dense -

It was a lot thicker - and as a result, especially that bottom bun, while it gives the illusion of being nice and puffy and fluffy

It's like there's just more more bread, so to speak, than I would

necessarily want on this sandwich. If they were to cut down on that just a little bit

I think they they would have hit the nail in the head and I would say that it's just a really good sandwich.

I mean, I got to give them credit. It's one of those things that just goes together really well in my opinion and

despite any bun issues, I recommend you check it out. Price for this was around

$6 for the sandwich, which is a little pricey, but it's around your standard Wendy's price. Therefore, out of 10,

I'm going to be giving it... I'm gonna give it an 8.5 out of 10.

Because, if my only complaint is the bun, that goes to show that it's not a bad sandwich at all!

So give it a try, if you're interested. And also, if there's something you want to try out,

well, check out my newest radio show. You can find it on SoundCloud at


Ask yourself this:

What do I have to lose?

Well, maybe you have a lot to lose,

maybe you don't.

See, I'm just I'm just going on a on a gamble here, and I'm assuming you have nothing to lose.

But maybe you do. But if you don't have anything to lose, check it out! Maybe you'll enjoy the show. Some good talk,

discussion and music. It's there for you. You know, that's all that I'll say. Thank you!

Take care, and I hope to join you again in it in a few more days. Hopefully feeling a little bit better.

That's all and do take care!

For more infomation >> Wendy's NEW Bacon Maple Chicken Sandwich Review - Duration: 10:36.


Mass Effect: Andromeda - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 12:54.

Am I guilty for saying that Mass Effect: Andromeda is one of my favorite games from the past

few years or so?

It simply has something that other third-person shooters lack that got me stuck into it.

Yes, the game has had a rough launch, but a few big updates later, it's turning out

to be a great game.

Most people like you are here probably for one thing only – as the name of the video

suggests you are here to improve the performance of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Let's jump straight into it.

First of all, head over to my website and download this little software which is called

the Low Specs Experience.

Download link is posted in the description of this video.

Low Specs Experience is a free tool that I developed that will allow you to go above

and beyond anything possible in-game video options.

After you download it, simply install it and you will get these shortcuts on your Desktop.

Now start it and then go to the optimization catalog section.

Once you find yourself on this page, simply select Mass Effect: Andromeda from this drop-down

menu and then press load the optimization package.

Now select the destination folder where your game has been installed.

Simply select the destination folder of your game and then press OK and this window will


When the optimization control panel loads, simply select the method of optimization and

resolution you would like to run your game on.

After you did that simply press the execute optimization button and then start your game.

Feel free to experiment with resolutions and optimization methods to find what suits your

system the best.

That's all I had to share with you fine folks for this video.

I'm leaving you now with the rest of this gameplay to enjoy.

Please do like and subscribe if you found this video useful.

Dislike it if you feel the complete opposite.

I'll see you guys next time with a whole new video.

Till next time, take care and fly safely.

For more infomation >> Mass Effect: Andromeda - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 12:54.


Lady and the Tramp Zoodles and Meatballs | Disney Eats x Tastemade - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Lady and the Tramp Zoodles and Meatballs | Disney Eats x Tastemade - Duration: 1:38.





Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth) prezentuje swój zestaw perkusyjny - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth) prezentuje swój zestaw perkusyjny - Duration: 4:18.


LP.ОбычныеПриключения#2 АЛМАЗЫ - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> LP.ОбычныеПриключения#2 АЛМАЗЫ - Duration: 8:22.


【作品講評】オート先生の総回診【Karte.3】 - Duration: 2:09:36.

For more infomation >> 【作品講評】オート先生の総回診【Karte.3】 - Duration: 2:09:36.


Gift Guide For Travel Lovers

For more infomation >> Gift Guide For Travel Lovers


Don't Be Afraid to Ask Questions - A.S.K. - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Don't Be Afraid to Ask Questions - A.S.K. - Duration: 0:45.


Plus belle la vie : Théo va-t-il mourir ? - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : Théo va-t-il mourir ? - Duration: 2:26.


Five Nights at Freddy's 6 Song: "Labyrinth" (SFM FNAF Music Video) - Duration: 4:41.

It's a bright new day, and it's your time to shine.

Time to take your career into your own hands.

Spend all your money, and the stars, they will align,

'Cuz you've become a part of Freddy's band.

Just be careful about what you buy,

You never know what's hiding inside.

But we can't prove anything, no.

So make sure you take,

All responsibility,

For whatever your new business plan will bring.

It's closing time.

Gotta clean up all the messes that were made.

Order supplies, and advertise.

Wait, I hear voices on every side.

And I wonder where,

I wonder why.

Where do they hide?

I'm sorry, you've been misinformed.

This is just a neverending labyrinth and nothing more.

Endless circles of fear.

Chasing cries of children that seem so near,

Out of reach, you will never find them.

Don't you see, this is where your story ends.

Closing time.

We're gathered here together just to play.

All these souls, in one place.

And this gift we appreciate.

Come together, friends.

We'll take them off your hands.

Don't try to defend,

Forget the money that you've spent.

We will be complete.

Your job is obsolete.

We can now do what we were created to do.

Father, I will make you proud.

I'm sorry, you've been misinformed.

This is just a neverending labyrinth and nothing more.

Endless circles of fear.

Chasing cries of children that seem so near,

Out of reach, you will never find them.

Don't you see, this is where your story ends.

This is where it ends.

Don't you see?

This is where your story ends.

It's a bright new day, and it's your time to shine.

Thank you for all you've done.

For more infomation >> Five Nights at Freddy's 6 Song: "Labyrinth" (SFM FNAF Music Video) - Duration: 4:41.


Michelle Obama Gets Honest About The 'Lean In' Philosophy | TODAY - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Michelle Obama Gets Honest About The 'Lean In' Philosophy | TODAY - Duration: 4:29.


Nightcore - Real Friends - Duration: 2:49.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Real Friends - Duration: 2:49.


Why KFC Can't Compete With McDonald's In Israel - Duration: 7:35.

Israel seems to repel American fast food chains. Starbucks. Subway. Dunkin Donuts.

They've all had to call it quits there. KFC has actually tried and failed three

times to appeals the Israeli market. But unlike its rivals, KFC is refusing to

admit defeat. In fact, the American fried chicken chain is trying again for a

fourth time. The Calculus reported the KFC plans to open 100 locations within

five years of reentering the market. That's especially ambitious considering

that at its peak it had just 10 restaurants in the country after

spending 20 years trying to build a following.

KFC started as one branch in Tel Aviv in the 1980s. It didn't last but was revived

in 1993. Ownership then changed hands again in 2003 but by 2012, Euromonitor

says KFC had closed up shop for good in Israel. KFC's failure isn't all that

shocking because of one simple foot very big problem, its menu. Israel is a

notoriously difficult market to crack because roughly 60% of the Jewish

population keeps kosher, meaning they follow a set of religious laws that

restrict them from eating certain foods. One of the major rules: don't mix meat

and dairy products and that happens to be the very definition of classic

Kentucky Fried Chicken. There have been all sorts of reasons that have been

offered through the centuries that's why that the case and I think most people

generally agree that that milk is that the substance of life but all mammals

suckle when they're born. Whereas need of course represents death

and so perhaps the prohibition of eating milk and meat together have to do with

valuing valuing life and not mixing tangible symbols with life and death.

To be fair, KFC did try to pivot to accommodate Israeli taste buds. Israel's

Ynetnews reported that food scientists in Dallas spent two years

perfecting a formula to make its fried chicken kosher. Normally when you make

fried chicken, the process looks something like this. You dunk the chicken,

scatter and bread it, seesaw it, rack it, and then fry it for 10 minutes.

The kosher KFC looks more like this. Here's the stuff that changes. Instead of

coating the chicken with milk powder, you use a milk flavored soy powder is a

substitute, which supposedly has the exact same flavor as the original recipe.

In 2009, KFC rolled out this kosher friendly fried chicken to try to tap into a wider clientele but the customer base just wasn't there.

So when they become kosher in 2009, they changed it to a non-dairy, or we call it a milk alternative, soy milk and

that changed the flavoring of the coating. So again, that didn't seem to help them in the market because KFC's about their taste.

Patrons complain the soil turn it just didn't taste as good and that the batter didn't stick properly to the chicken.

In every household, in Israel chicken is eaten at home. Its like a staple food. So you need to really give them

a good reason to eat chicken, you know, in a fast food restaurant or a fast food chain.

The year before KFC launched its kosher menu, it's Israeli locations were pulling in 4.6 million dollars but

by 2012, it was generating just a million dollars according to Euromonitor estimates.

The problem was not that people don't like KFC. They like KFC a lot. The problem was that, with KFC, you see,

there are some restrictions in the product. The product from KFC is very complicated, their products, and

they couldn't get the product right here. So, the company, they weren't willing to compromise.

These religious dietary laws also get into the ethics of how you have to treat animals when

they're live and how they're slaughtered. The animal should be should be

relatively cared for. You know, some of the modern cattle practices, for example,

raise questions for the modern thinker and to whether or not that practice

can lead to a kosher slaughter. But ultimately where the, where the tradition

lies on the at the moment that the slaughter the animals should be very

quick. Plus methods to ensure that the poultry is raised and killed in

accordance with kosher standards can get expensive. Because the process by which

it's slaughtered and then brought to the market, has more steps involved in it then than what we

find in the non-kosher food industry. But other foreign chains have managed to

master the kosher formula. Yum! Brands owns both KFC and Pizza Hut and unlike

its sister company, Israelis love Pizza Hut. It ranks third out of all fast food

options in Israel and you'd think that a kosher version of the Big Mac would be a

hard sell but McDonald's has actually ranked number one in Israel and that

includes its local rivals. Branches given kosher certificates have slashed dairy

from the menu and used custom blue and white signage. So, KFC clearly seems to be

struggling to strike the right formula for the kosher market but when it comes

to Halal, or Islamic dietary laws, KFC has been met with way more success. It has

nearly a thousand Halal certified outlets across the Middle East and it's

also caught on in the Palestinian territories. KFC has nine locations in

the West Bank and according to the New York Times back in 2013, there was

apparently an underground network that smuggled buckets of 12-piece chicken

into Gaza from Egypt for a marked up price of $27. There are

certain parallels to the religious rules that govern kosher and halal dietary

practices, with one very big exception: meat and dairy.

Halal, in general, you don't have the issue of mixing meats with dairy.

So you don't need to change the powder milk of the coating and hince its just about the way the product is slaughtered.

The dairy factor doesn't play a role and hince it doesnt change the flavor

Euromonitor tells us things may be different for KFC this time. There's currently a seismic shift

underway in Israel from fine dining to fast-food. There are also more

international consumers to capture. Since 2000, not only have more than 30,000

Americans moved to Israel but the country has also received an influx of

Europeans, many of whom are more accustomed to Western cuisine. CNBC

reached out to KFC to find out what they're planning to do differently this

time around but they're keeping their plan under wraps. For now, they just say

they're very optimistic about the Israeli market and strongly believe in

KFC success there. Analysts tell us that if KFC makes a few tweaks to its menu,

that could also make a big difference. So maybe fourth time will be the charm for KFC and Israel

For more infomation >> Why KFC Can't Compete With McDonald's In Israel - Duration: 7:35.


THIS IS AWESOME! 🙌 CIMA vs. T-Hawk - Duration: 1:53.

Get ready because here comes another top GWF moment from 2018!

Don't forget to ring the bell for youtube notifications!

Number 22 on the list brought our friends from Oriental Wrestling Entertainment to Berlin

for an OWE Showcase match at Legacy, where T-Hawk took on the ring hardened veteran, CIMA.

What did you think of the OWE showcase match?

Tell us in the comments below, and if you haven't yet done so, make sure you hit that

subscribe button!

For more infomation >> THIS IS AWESOME! 🙌 CIMA vs. T-Hawk - Duration: 1:53.


Parents Plan Funeral For 10-Yr-Old With Cancer. Then She Opens Eyes And Says 7 Words - Duration: 3:44.

For most of 10-year-old Abby Furco's life, she has only known one thing: cancer.

The sweet 5th grader was diagnosed with leukemia in 2011 when she was only 4 years old.

At the time, doctors only gave her a 20 percent chance of survival.

"We were devastated," Abby's mom, Patty Furco, said.

"We were basically told that she was going to, there was very little hope."

For the next six years, the family did everything they could to help Abby and give her the best

life they could.

She underwent a bone marrow transplant, intense chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and

a trial.

"We kept her surrounded by love because we knew at any moment we could lose her,"

Patty said.

"There were moments we didn't know if she'd pull through, she has so many infections

that could have ended her life.

All we could do was watch her fight and try to get better."

In October 2013 came a ray of hope.

Abby had finished her treatments and for one "beautiful" year was able to be a normal

kid again.

She attended school, went to soccer practice, and joined the Girl Scouts.

Then, the following September, the cancer returned, and this time it was worse than


"As hard as that first diagnosis was, this one tested every ounce of our being," Patty


"She became completely immobile, any movement hurt her and she hardly spoke."

She received another bone marrow transplant in February 2015, but just 15 days later she

was diagnosed with Graft-versus-host disease, a condition where the donated marrow begins

to attack the body.

The next month her kidneys began to fail.

She was put into intensive care and doctors told her parents that if they took her off

dialysis she would only survive 48 hours.

It was time to say goodbye.

"Doctors told us it was time to let her go, she was only awake for like an hour each

day," Patty said.

"We began preparing our other daughters for her death."

They put Abby in hospice care and her grandparents flew in to say their final goodbyes.

Then they began the heartbreaking task of planning her funeral, picking out her casket

and the music they would play.

Then a miracle occurred – Abby woke up.

"She told us, 'I have so much living to do,'" Patty recalled.

"We couldn't believe it," she added, "in a matter of days, weeks, months she

started walking and getting stronger.

It's an absolute miracle."

Doctors agree – there is absolutely nothing medically that can explain Abby's recovery.

"We helped her get home on hospice.

But when we started backing off, taking away treatments so she wasn't on so many meds,

she started getting better all on her own," said Abby's doctor, pediatric hematologist

and oncologist Jacob Wessler.

"She's had ups and downs, but if she continues on this path, she is going to make us all

look like fools!" he added.

"She's defied every single odd."

Abby is now in remission and receives IV steroids twice a day.

Her prognosis remains uncertain, but her family is hopeful.

They are taking each day as it comes and enjoying every precious moment they get with Abby.

"We watched her die and come back to life," Patty said.

"Now we're looking to the future."

Were you amazed by Abby's miraculous recovery?

So share this!

For more infomation >> Parents Plan Funeral For 10-Yr-Old With Cancer. Then She Opens Eyes And Says 7 Words - Duration: 3:44.


Joe: Running Against Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Work Anymore | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> Joe: Running Against Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Work Anymore | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 8:12.


The oldest story in the universe. - Duration: 3:34.

Rescue me, Chin Boy, and show me the stars!

Does it look real to you?

Does what look real?

Where you are right now.

Does it seem real?

It is real.

Are you real?

It's a dream.

Are you actually, properly real?

Yeah, confirmed. Actually, properly, real!

You dreamed it for yourself because the truth was too terrible.

Where am I?



What happened?

I let Clara Oswald get inside my head.

Trust me.

She doesn't leave.

I never know why...

I just know who.

Don't even argue.

Let's go.

This doctor...

What about you and the Doctor?

He's your what, exactly?

To you, I haven't been born yet.

He's not my anything.

And to you, I've been dead a hundred billion years.

Four and a half billion years?

Is my body out there somewhere? In the ground?

You died again.

What do you mean, "again"?

You died billions of years ago.

But here we are, talking.

So I am ghost.

You can't see me, can you? You look at me and you can't see me.

You remind me of someone.


Do you have any idea what that's like?

Someone who died.

To you, I'm a ghost.

You still won't be there.

Well, whoever she was, I'm not her.

It was her.

We must be nothing.

If you want me to travel with you, that's fine. But as me.

I'm not a bargain basement stand-in for someone else. I'm not going to compete with a ghost.

Please, just...

Can you really see no difference in me?

Just see me.

Tell her that you're in love with her and always have been.

Tell her there's no point in wasting time because things happen and then it's too late.

How did you know?

I know that face.

Your eyes.

Those big, sad eyes.

With your eyes and your never giving up.

And your anger.

I was dead and gone. Why would you even do that to yourself?

I am responsible for what happened to Clara. She was in my care.

I had a duty of care.

Nobody's ever safe. I never asked you for that, ever.

Because if I hadn't, I'd have buried you a long time ago.

No, you wouldn't.

Everything ends.

No, not everything.

Everything ends.

Except you.

Not love.

Goodbye, Clara.

Not always.

Goodbye, Doctor.

And I think you might be scared.

Why does everybody think that I am so scared?

You're not afraid?

I'm not afraid.

Let me be brave.

Life would be so much simpler if we'd liked the right people.

If you love me —

And if you love him...

People you're supposed to like.

You'll come back.

But then I guess there'd be no fairy tales.

I grew out of fairy tales.

You are not the only person who ever lost someone.

That's the story of everybody.

It's the oldest story in the universe, this one or any other.

Boy and girl fall in love, get separated by events.

War, politics, accidents in time.


My Clara.

She's thrown out of the hex, or he's thrown into it...

And remember me.

Since then they've been yearning for each other across time and space, across dimensions.

This isn't a ghost story, it's a love story!

You said memories...

I don't believe in ghosts.

...become stories when we forget them.

If something can be remembered...

Maybe some of them become songs.

You have to trust me, Clara. I'm real!

Just one more step!

It can come back.

You're back.


For more infomation >> The oldest story in the universe. - Duration: 3:34.


DIY 3D Red Glitter Lips | Beauty School | InStyle - Duration: 1:33.

I love red lipstick.

It's a perfect holiday party look

but since I wear it's so often, I want to find a way to dress it up.

So the answer is what I call the 3-D lip.

That's lipstick, lip gloss, and glitter.

I'm gonna show you how to get that look.

Apply as you would normally,

whether that's with a lip brush or straight out of the bullet.

You could stop here if you wanted to, but the fun of the 3d lip is adding an extra layer.

I'm going to use something with pigment because it really

makes the red come out and gives it that three-dimensional effect.


While your gloss is still wet,

now's the time to apply the glitter.

You could use any shade you'd like.

I'm putting a little in my palm and then

I'll use my finger to dab it on from there.

I started by applying it to the center of my lips and diffusing it outward

but now, I'll add another layer for extra impact.

And there you have it!

A glittering lip look

that will be right at home at any holiday party.

For more infomation >> DIY 3D Red Glitter Lips | Beauty School | InStyle - Duration: 1:33.


Fox News Guest Says People Die EVERYDAY From Pot Overdoses - Duration: 3:50.

On Monday, Fox & Friends decided to take a little bit of time to tell us just how dangerous

and actually deadly marijuana can really be.

Now, what sparked this conversation is the fact that in Florida, a 12 year old boy brought

a pack of marijuana gummies to school and distributed it to some of his classmates,

uh, five of them ended up in the hospital because they got very ill.

So obviously according to Fox News and the people at Fox & Friends, this is a huge international

story, a deserving of wall to wall coverage.

People are dying from these marijuana gummies.

So take it away, Fox & Friends.

But no one talks about this.

THC is addicting.

People back the.

I know so many people, they say they were told one thing and they tend to get addicted

to it.

And that's an addicting substance there.

There is a price to pay for Pot.

There absolutely is a price to pay for pot.

You know, I spent my entire adult life in law enforcement and a lot of it investigating

traffickers of drugs and it's not a minor nonviolent felony.

It's ruining families and killing people every day across the United States, and we stand

here in denial thinking that it's not a gateway drug to drugs that's killing people.

You don't start with cocaine.

You probably start with marijuana and it leads to other things, right?

That's absolutely right.

Alright, let's get several things straight here.

First and foremost, it feels like the people at Fox & Friends and that a Polk county sheriff,

we're actually reading, talking points from the early 1980s.

Uh, all of which, by the way have been debunked.

Marijuana is not actually a gateway drug.

And yes, there are plenty of people in this country who do start on things like cocaine.

Uh, contrary to what Ainsley Earhardt said there, but the sheriff, that's what really

drove me crazy here, is he says, people die every day from this, talking about marijuana.

People die every day in this country.

Well, according to the government's own statistics, there have literally been zero cases of people

dying from a marijuana overdose in all of recorded history.



Not One, never.

So right off the bat, the sheriff loses all credibility by saying something that is verifiably


But here's what really gets me about all of this.

Why is Fox News carrying water for major pharmaceutical companies?

Because that's what these attacks on marijuana are about.

It's coming from Big Pharma.

They're the ones who fund the campaigns in states where they're trying to legalize recreational

or medicinal marijuana.

They've pumped millions upon millions of dollars into these efforts.

They pay off politicians in DC to stop any kind of marijuana research, medical research,

whatever it is.

They don't want it to happen because they don't want people to understand that there

may be a low cost and no side effect alternative to their blockbuster pills.

So why is Fox News doing their job for them?

Well, I think the answer simple, advertising.

Some of the biggest advertisers on all cable news channels, and even just in this country

in general, our major pharmaceutical companies.

So when you see Fox & Friends out there telling us that kids are dying from marijuana gummies,

just understand that those are talking points that are coming directly from the major pharmaceutical

companies who are terrified of losing any part of their profits to medical marijuana,

which is exactly what would happen and what is happening in areas all over the country

where marijuana has become legalized.

For more infomation >> Fox News Guest Says People Die EVERYDAY From Pot Overdoses - Duration: 3:50.


Folsom School District Under Fire after 12-Year-Old Bullied Over Race - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Folsom School District Under Fire after 12-Year-Old Bullied Over Race - Duration: 2:15.


Jonathan Wilson - "Me" [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:50.

♪ Me ♪

♪ Let's look at me ♪

♪ Did I pirouette again ♪

♪ Out of the dream? ♪

♪ Just me ♪

♪ And all that I could be ♪

♪ And have I sang of peace at least? ♪

♪ Have I helped my fellow man at all? ♪

♪ Just a song with me in question ♪

♪ Cry for deeper understanding ♪

♪ Botticelli's angels flying ♪

♪ Don't mind living, don't mind dying ♪

♪ Just a song with me in question ♪

♪ Cry for deeper understanding ♪

♪ Botticelli's angels flying ♪

♪ Will I live forever ♪

♪ Playing cards with Jesus ♪

♪ In some gold salvation army ♪

♪ Making plans ♪

♪ For the future ♪

♪ Surrounded by ♪

♪ Celestial mothers ♪

♪ Where will we be when we are? ♪

♪ I think I need a cup of tea ♪

♪ I need everything ♪

♪ In the leaded mirror ♪

♪ I was crying ♪

♪ Think I need a cup of tea ♪

♪ I need everything ♪

♪ Why would we be where we were? ♪

♪ Where will I be when I am? ♪

♪ Where will I be when I am? ♪

♪ Where will I be when I am? ♪

♪ Where will I be when I am? ♪

♪ Where will I be when I am? ♪

♪ Where will I be when I am? ♪

For more infomation >> Jonathan Wilson - "Me" [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:50.


Twilight Saga (2012) Cast : Then And Now 2018 - Duration: 10:13.

Twilight Saga (2012) Cast : Then And Now 2018

For more infomation >> Twilight Saga (2012) Cast : Then And Now 2018 - Duration: 10:13.


What I'm Most Afraid of in Mexico City (Plus a Massive Parade! And Dinosaurs!) - Duration: 15:19.

hey guys so this is our second full day in Mexico City

Jesse is still stick as a dog in bed at home so Harper and I have come out here

here is the agenda for today first breakfast second Walmart I know I'm sorry but we

did not bring the stroller because it is filthy and falling apart and my

experience yesterday has taught me that that is just not gonna work in Mexico

City this is a very big city with lots of walking and I'm gonna go to Walmart

and buy a cheap stroller for somebody to ride in and then after that we are going

to the Museum of Natural History because they have dinosaur bones so that is

going to be our day oh and Harper has found a flower with

petals we're here at this beautiful fountain and there's something going on

which seems to be the thing in Mexico City I'm finding like you walk

somewhere and there's a giant crowd you're like oh something is going on but

I don't know what it is everybody's happy and they have balloons

so it would appear that Harper and I have stumbled on to the Mexican Macy's

Thanksgiving Day Parade

there's a giant teddy bear floating down the street

and there's more coming oh my gosh

Hey so Harper and I have made it to the

Natural History Museum so anyway we are here to see bones specifically

dinosaur bones and it's pretty exciting it has taken us most of the day

to get here I thought that Walmart was gonna be a quick stop to just grab this

stroller see stroller lifesaver but there was a huge parade today

so anyway traffic was madness traffic has been madness the whole time I think

it's probably always madness you can tell me this is a massive city. ooh look at this

this museum is really cool the first

little building we went into was a little bit underwhelming but I was like

whatever and then we come to this one I'm like what the heck

look at these mariposas

all right we are outside of the museum we've had a really nice visit

I think the tickets cost me thirty-six pesos Harper I think was free I don't

know I'm not sure if she was supposed to be free but we paid thirty-six pesos for

the museum and it's nice to just sit outside for a few minutes so Harper is

collecting some some rocks and seedpods and things to build a dinosaur skeleton

here on this bench it was funny I was thinking today when we were near that

parade it was such a huge crowd and so many people and I was very very

concerned about pickpocketing so I was being-- because I'm like a triple target

right I'm a gringo today I'm I'm dressed like a gringo I've got tennis shoes on

I'm super casual right now I've also got a kid right so I you know we parents are

tend to be a little bit more distracted because of small people so that makes

you more of a target oh look at that so anyway I go to all these lengths to make

sure that I don't have anything valuable in my backpack like somebody gets into

that they're getting wipes and dried blueberries and I had my hand on the

separate bag that I had that had my wallet in and anyway it was so funny to me

because I realized that my main concern was pickpocketing and if that had been

in the United States I would be looking out for whether somebody was gonna show

up with a gun or plant a bomb or something like you don't even realize

like how often you think about that until you're in an environment where you

don't really have to think about it which is not to say that people don't

get shot here obviously or you could not get shot here but

my friend Greg and I were talking the other day like how many mass shootings

have there been in the United States since we've been in Mexico that was

always on my mind anytime I was in a place that had a lot of people and

here I just don't think about that I do think about pickpocketing all right we

are gonna figure out how to get back to our neighborhood we're about an hour

walk but um after our adventures in traffic earlier today that might

actually take less time than trying to use any type of vehicle to get there

For more infomation >> What I'm Most Afraid of in Mexico City (Plus a Massive Parade! And Dinosaurs!) - Duration: 15:19.


Absolutely Beautiful Off-Grid School Bus Conversion For Sale in Plymouth, Massachusetts - Duration: 3:23.

Absolutely Beautiful Off-Grid School Bus Conversion For Sale in Plymouth, Massachusetts

For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful Off-Grid School Bus Conversion For Sale in Plymouth, Massachusetts - Duration: 3:23.


Magali Berdah redoute-t-elle le débrief des chroniqueurs de TPMP après sa participation aux Princes - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Magali Berdah redoute-t-elle le débrief des chroniqueurs de TPMP après sa participation aux Princes - Duration: 4:43.


Bundle up & bring the pets inside! - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Bundle up & bring the pets inside! - Duration: 1:35.


10 (Powerful) Ways To Help A Friend In Grief - Duration: 6:27.

hey there today I'm going to share with you 10 ways to help a friend in grief if

your friend has just lost a loved one then they need you they need you there

they need the support of you ok when we go through grief or we feel lost we feel

empty we feel alone and we really just need somebody there to be there for us


so here we go so the first thing that I would love for you to do for them is to

be just fully present to show up and be present with your friend that's all that

they need they just need you there just go over to their house show up and be

present with them so they can be in their pain

number two is talk about their loved one that died don't ignore what happened

their loved one clearly has just passed away and they're now gone so they really

want to talk about it so ask your friend that's in grief you know would you like

to talk about what happened don't ignore that this has happened you know really

bring this up but you can even like ask a question like tell me more about your

mother that just passed away tell me more about your husband what were they

like in this situation you know really just talk about them they want to talk

about it number three is listen more and talk

less I let them do the talking you're there to listen to them just be there

and be an ear for them listen to whatever they have to say and support

them number four is tell stories about their

loved one that has passed and it could be something that you know their loved

one did to impact your life it makes your friend feel good they want to talk

about their loved one that has passed they want to hear stories about them you

know when people talk about my mom even now and it's almost been seven years it

makes me so happy because my mom will always be a part of my life you know our

family that has passed it will always be a part of our lives and it's important

to bring it up talk about it talk about stories there can be funny stories

stories it's okay number five it is bring them comforting

remedies and when I went through all of my loss and my best friend she came over

she brought me essential oils she brought me bubble bath and tea and you

know certain things like that like things that I would use on a daily basis

even candles okay like after my mom passed I lit a candle every night in

honor of her and then also a tip is to get your friend valerian tea it is

amazing it works wonders so when we are in grief we have a hard time sleeping or

getting to sleep and valerian tea is an all-natural tea that helps you you know

calm down and have a really great sleep so that's something else that you could

do also lavender oil is wonderful even eucalyptus bubble bath but is beautiful

okay and stuff like that to really help no your friend calm down and and just be

in their healing process okay number six is ask them if if you can make phone

calls for them or even send out emails to friends of the family or you know

other people that need to know and be contacted that that that person has

passed because when we go through loss of a loved one we are overwhelmed like

we can't even think clearly and we feel temporarily crazy and just to have that

on your plate as well to talk to people after you've just gone through the loss

of your loved one is a lot if you want to volunteer to you know make calls for

them write emails that is a huge weight off their shoulders so bless you for

doing that they will greatly appreciate it and they

will remember you for it number seven is don't fix them they don't need to be

fixed they are in grief they are feeling not themselves at all they will not be

acting like the way that they normally act they are going to be confused lost

overwhelmed and deep sadness they need to be in their grief right now they've

just gone through a loss okay so you don't need to fix them at all don't try

to fix them just be there for them as they're moving through this number eight

is let them be in their pain don't try to tell them to stop crying they need to

feel it if they are crying or they need to scream or get angry or you know

anything let them be in paint and that okay let them feel it in

order to heal we need to feel okay so just know that it's okay if they're

feeling that way also number nine is this is not about you it's about them so

if they are maybe getting you know frustrated with you or they they could

be taking you know out their emotions on you but just just know that it's not

about you it's what they're experiencing so don't feel any hurt like you're being

a bad person or a bad friend you're doing the best that you can do and just

know that okay so this isn't about you this is about them and being in their

grief and then the last one number 10 all you need to do is love them just

love them show them love bring the love be the friend that you are show up with

an open heart just go with the flow and be present for them they just need you

right now they just need you to be there in the most difficult time in their life

grief isn't easy and because that they have you they are gonna be comforted in

such a big way and you are such a great friend for watching this video to learn

more about how to help your friend in grief be the best friend that you can be

love with your full heart you were gonna do great if you have any questions or

comments please post them down below I am here to serve you and to help you

help your friend in grief by

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