Monday, December 3, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 4 2018

Tras diez años de hegemonía entre el crack rosarino y el portugués, el mediocampista de Croacia se llevó el premio mayor en París

La Pulga no tuvo su mejor año y terminó quinto. .La hegemonía de Lionel Messi y Cristiano Ronaldo llegó a su fin este lunes

Tras repartirse la cima del fútbol mundial los últimos diez años (cinco distinciones cada uno), esta vez el croata Luka Modric fue coronado con el Balón de Oro durante la ceremonia en el Grand Palau de París

El rosarino estuvo lejos del podio y quedó quinto. .Según la votación de France Football, el volante de Real Madrid (753 puntos), campeón de la Champions League europea y subcampeón del mundo con su selección, superó a Ronaldo (476) y al francés Antoine Griezmann (414), quien había levantado la Copa del Mundo en Rusia

Sin éxito en la Selección, la Pulga no tuvo su mejor año y terminó en el quinto lugar, su peor ubicación en 12 años

Fue superado por el también francés Kylian Mbappé (cuarto).Modric es el segundo jugador croata que recibe un premio y el primero en ganar el Balón de Oro

El anterior había sido Davor Suker, quien quedó segundo en 1998 detrás del francés Zinedine Zidane

Ese año, Suker fue el máximo goleador del Mundial de Francia, que ganó el local."Cuando sos chico tenés sueños y los míos eran ganar títulos

Este Balón de Oro es todo lo que yo podía soñar", señaló el jugador de 33 años. Y agregó: "Algo extraordinario he tenido que hacer en este 2018, el año de todos mis sueños

La clave fue el trabajo, la persistencia y creer en uno mismo". .Antes del reinado de Messi y Cristiano, el anterior jugador en recibir el Balón de Oro, cuando todavía lo realizaba sólo la revista France Football como ahora, fue el brasileño Kaká en 2007

Después se lo repartieron Lio y CR7. Messi lo ganó en 2009 el de la revista francesa y en 2010, 2011, 2012 y 2015 en FIFA Balón de Oro

Mientras que Cristiano sumó el de 2008, 2016 y 2017, de France Football, y en 2013 y 2014 recibió el compartido con FIFA

Tampoco fue un buen año para otros dos viejos socios de La Pulga. El uruguayo Luis Suárez y el brasileño Neymar quedaron fuera de los 10 primeros del Balón de Oro

El delantero del Barcelona ocupó la 13ª posición y por delante de él se clasificó el brasileño del París SG

Por su parte, Sergio Agüero, goleador de Manchester City y autor de un tanto en Rusia 2018, apareció en la 16° ubicación

For more infomation >> El croata Luka Modric se llevó el Balón de Oro y rompió con el reinado de Lionel Messi y Cristiano R - Duration: 4:03.


崔永元为什么敢得罪娱乐圈?不怕报复吗?...谁是他背后的地下力量? - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> 崔永元为什么敢得罪娱乐圈?不怕报复吗?...谁是他背后的地下力量? - Duration: 8:13.


KYOSHO samuraiの最新作「1/12 NISMO R34 GT-R Z-tune」がついに発売! - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> KYOSHO samuraiの最新作「1/12 NISMO R34 GT-R Z-tune」がついに発売! - Duration: 2:33.


曾仕强讲了生死!万字长文,首次公开,带你彻悟生死的奥秘 (第3部分) - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> 曾仕强讲了生死!万字长文,首次公开,带你彻悟生死的奥秘 (第3部分) - Duration: 21:44.


《杉杉来了2》将开拍?男主还是张翰出演,杉杉却换成了可爱的她 - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> 《杉杉来了2》将开拍?男主还是张翰出演,杉杉却换成了可爱的她 - Duration: 6:05.


アウディe-tron, 約1000万円、すでに2万5000台の予約が舞い込む - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> アウディe-tron, 約1000万円、すでに2万5000台の予約が舞い込む - Duration: 14:47.


【プリコネR】公主觀察 #7 近期重要更新一覽(下集)【公主連結R】 - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> 【プリコネR】公主觀察 #7 近期重要更新一覽(下集)【公主連結R】 - Duration: 14:47.


T-series vs Pewdiepie | INDIAN Vs Pewdiepie New Odia Video || Berhampur Aj.. - Duration: 4:09.

Subscribe Berhampur Aj For More Odia comedy..

For more infomation >> T-series vs Pewdiepie | INDIAN Vs Pewdiepie New Odia Video || Berhampur Aj.. - Duration: 4:09.


Life-Saving Pet Oxygen Mask - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Life-Saving Pet Oxygen Mask - Duration: 0:26.


Interesante descubrimiento sobre estos dos ingredientes tienen numerosos beneficios para la salud - Duration: 13:12.

For more infomation >> Interesante descubrimiento sobre estos dos ingredientes tienen numerosos beneficios para la salud - Duration: 13:12.


Conqueror of Flames - Duration: 24:00.

For more infomation >> Conqueror of Flames - Duration: 24:00.


一名72歲老人拿出一塊傳家腰牌,自稱是「清朝」總兵後人,專家瞪大眼說..【楓牛愛世界 - 重傳】 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 一名72歲老人拿出一塊傳家腰牌,自稱是「清朝」總兵後人,專家瞪大眼說..【楓牛愛世界 - 重傳】 - Duration: 3:22.


VERIFY: Did 2018 have more foodborne illnesses? - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> VERIFY: Did 2018 have more foodborne illnesses? - Duration: 1:40.


电竞第一美男主播被粉丝骂到自闭,网友:还我们的电竞王俊凯! - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 电竞第一美男主播被粉丝骂到自闭,网友:还我们的电竞王俊凯! - Duration: 3:37.


In Searching - Movie - Duration: 1:30:37.

For more infomation >> In Searching - Movie - Duration: 1:30:37.


City of Gold - Movie - Duration: 1:42:25.

For more infomation >> City of Gold - Movie - Duration: 1:42:25.


102 Carla & Anke - Duration: 14:58.

Last week you were telling me you'd fallen madly for Anke

With you it's very different, though. It's really only been about you, all along.

Except I just couldn't admit it. That's why the thing with Anke.

You want ME, and so therefore you flirt with my lover?

You're married to my father. Even if it is just for show. How could I consider you?

So Anke was some kind of substitute, or what?

She was involved with you. And I was totally thrown for a loop. I thought it was about her.

Carla, I can't lie to myself anymore

I've fallen in love with you

Don't you believe me?

Oh, I do

I...I'm so glad!

The thing is, though...

I care about you. But only as a kind of friend, or daughter.

But maybe your feelings will change...


I'll be glad to help you when it comes to your feelings for women. But with me - you have to put that out of your head.

== And what about the date for Bernd's court hearing? == The trial begins next week.

== How did he take it? == He's hopeful, but anxious. Uhm, Bernd has asked you for a favor, by the way.

Which is?

Whether you could shoot Vanessa a little money for her birthday party

Tell Bernd he can count on me

Hang on a second

Come in

Do you have anything you want to let your father know?


Lars? How's Daddy doing?

He's holding up quite well

Please tell him that I really, really love him, all right? I think about him all the time.

Sure thing

Uh, and Lars...

And whatever you do, don't tell Dad I'm doing so awful right now

That's all right, somehow I have to get through it

I just feel so horribly alone

On my birthday, of all times

Thanks, Lars. Bye.

You'd like to be celebrating with your father tomorrow, wouldn't you?

Is that any wonder? Apart from Dad, I don't have anyone anymore.

I'm sure I wouldn't have forgotten your birthday

Right. I'm sure you were going to send me... a nice card.

And I thought at least you, of all people, would be able to understand me

What do you expect from me?

Nothing at all

But the fact you're hardly even speaking to me...

Vanessa, I'm sorry I haven't been in touch with you since that kiss isn't easy for me, either, to deal with this

I know you're going through a very difficult phase right now

I'd really like to help you

So, the others are attempting to hound you out of the apartment

All because I'm attracted to women

And that's why they gave the available room to Jana?

The boys are afraid I'll snatch the women away from them

Vanessa, I can't imagine that

Do you think I'm lying now, too? You're no better than Nico!


She's accusing me of having only made up my coming-out, too

Is it possible you've simply taken something the wrong way?

Nico picks on me about anything she can

I'll look into it

Anyway, we'll find a solution to your living situation, too

== Hi, Carla! And bye! == Hello. Wait a sec.

== I just finished talking to Vanessa. == Oh, did she need money again?

No. She told me that you guys are trying to drive her out. And that your part in that isn't exactly laudable.

Ah, so she said that?

Nico, a coming-out isn't something to be made fun of!

Carla, I couldn't give a rat's ass who Vanessa is going to bed with. But that she's into women?? I'm simply not buying it.

And about the bullying - that's a stinking pack of lies. She's just pissed, typical Vanessa. She isn't getting the room.

Mhm. Come with me.

== Where? == To the apartment, we're going to work this out now. Come!

== I have plans with my uncle. == You can do that later.

Huh! Dude, I am not the maid here!

First of all: I have to get to art school. And second: I cooked lunch for everybody today. Have you already forgotten?

How could I? That revolting stuff still makes me sick just by looking at it.

Listen to me but good, princess!

Freeloading, and then acting like you're too good for anything - that won't cut it around here, okay?

What are you talking about 'too good'?!

I'm not crawling around on my knees in front of you and cleaning up your dirt

And who would you do that for, baby?


Crawl around on your knees for. For your lesbian pussies?

I'd love to be there for that

What a filthy mind you have!

Pffh, that was quite obviously a joke!

Of course!

That is not funny, that is sickening!

Oh don't bother. Compared to everything else, that was harmless.

What else did he say?

I don't wish to repeat it right now. But I'll be happy when I'm out of here.

== Oh, she's clearly just putting on a show! == Nico, that's enough!

Andi's comment was definitely out of line, but... he'll realize that, once somebody talks to him

It wasn't just the one comment. They've been bullying me for weeks! Ever since they found out I'm a lesbian.

Isn't 'bullying' a bit too dramatic? You're always going to hear dumb remarks.

It isn't just 'dumb remarks'. Why did they give Jana the room that was free and not me?

She already had a place to stay and I'm living here out of my suitcase

Jana is Robin's sister

And Andi's EX! Normally he'd be totally against her moving in, but because it works against me, he's suddenly all for it!

Where are you intending to go?

Can't I come back to you at Königsbrunn?

Vanessa, you know that isn't going to work

== Why not?! == We've discussed all this, you have to finally stand on your own two feet.

But where am I supposed to go?

I'll help you find a small apartment

Oh, that could take weeks! Can't I stay with you in the meantime?

Vanessa, that's ridiculous! You'll be able to endure staying here a few days longer.

No I won't! Plus which, tomorrow is my birthday. Which is already ruined if I have to stay here.

Do you want to celebrate it?

As long as it's not here and not alone

Listen, I'll make you a proposal. You unpack all your things again and I'll cover the cost of your party.

I'd rather have a room at Königsbrunn


I'm just saying...

And who knows? Maybe a party will smooth the waves again. So what do you say?


Hi Carla!

Wow, this is a major deal

Well yeah, you said you'd pay for the party

Yes. But I was thinking more of a... small affair.

Oh, then I guess I must have misunderstood something

Doesn't matter

This is for you

== Thank you! == You're welcome.

I already told you once to get lost! Instead, you're here monopolizing my friends.

Excuse me?!

Oh, Miss Innocent! I know how calculating you really are.

How was that again with Dirk? You were only with him because "he has so much money".

She was using him as her sugar daddy, that's the kind SHE is!

You don't need to be putting on such an act! Your coming-out was just a lousy scam.

You told me yourself you were only pretending to be a lesbian so that Carla would bring you back to the castle

It's midnight, it's her birthday. Party!

== Carla! == What were you thinking?!

I would have eventually told you I'm not a lesbian

Yeah? When?? After you were leeching off me at the castle again?

Yeah, go ahead and run off! You always run off when I need you!


What the hell are you all looking at?!

Fucking kindergartners! You can all just bite me!

== So, what do you think of the plan? == Yes, it could work, but Father should take a look at it, too.

== Ah. == Hello.

Well, at least you're working

Why did you do that?

I just wanted...uh...

I thought...

My feelings...

What about your feelings?

Uh... everything's all so topsy-turvy, and... lately, I don't even know myself what's going on with me

It's impossible to get an honest answer out of you, you don't take responsibility for your behavior.

You don't need to be surprised if one of these days nobody wants anything to do with you anymore

You may not attract any attention to yourself during the hearing, is that clear?

Not with your demeanor nor with your clothing

Best if you wear a simple outfit

Not too short

Carla, I've been studying law for three semesters. I know how you're supposed to behave in court.

Right. And I'VE been studying YOU for a considerable time. One never knows with you.

And please, no excessive turning on of the tear ducts, all right? That cuts no ice. Quite the opposite, it could hurt your father.

Okay. No high heels, no make-up, and no emotional outbursts.

Good. Then we've covered everything.



About my birthday party...


I am REALLY sorry I went so over the top, and of course I'd like to take care of the cost of the party myself

Sure! And with what, if I might ask?

I could work it off here?

And after that, everything would be forgiven and forgotten?

Do you know what's way worse?

My alleged coming-out. That really wasn't the greatest thing, I know.

"That wasn't the greatest thing"?!?! THAT WAS THE WORLD'S WORST!

I know plenty of women who have a genuine problem with it

And that YOU turn it into an artificial stunt just so I will bring you back to Königsbrunn...

That can't be worked off so easily

== Hello. == Hello.


== Not a problem. What does your father say to this development? == He's just as astonished as we are.

Yeah, well that doesn't surprise me. Sylvia had pulled up stakes in Düsseldorf.

Yeah. And then she comes back in order to help Bernd. Do you understand that?

No, not at all. She hates him.

She could have given her testimony months ago! Why wait until now?

Oh, it's futile to break your brains over it. In the end, all that matters for us is the result.

== What do you think? When will he be released? == The question isn't 'when', but still 'if'.


Sylvia's testimony first has to be recorded and then reviewed

I'm afraid

In the name of the people, the following verdict is rendered:

The defendant is acquitted

The cost of the proceedings, as well as all expenses accrued by the defendant, will be handled by the state

For a period of one week, this judgement can be appealed

If I've understood the chief prosecutor correctly, he will not be making use of that option

Oh man, thank you!

Please take a seat, I will now state the reasons for the verdict

You have no idea how wonderful it is ... to not be standing in front of a wall again ... after every third step

It must have been horrible

Let's have a drink to it

My little family. Oh, I'm so happy to be with you again.

To, uhm...


No, to us

And to... to nothing ever separating us again in the future

You guys will excuse me?

What's wrong with her?

She knows

What? What does she know, what?

That I'm a lesbian and that our marriage exists only on paper

May I?

Sure, come in

You want some too?

No thank you, I've already had more than enough today

Well then...

Uh... you wanna join me? It's nice and warm.

I'd like to talk about our relationship

Sure. Wherever and whenever you want.

Unfortunately, it isn't... exactly simple

Well, let me guess, you want a divorce


I mean, now where everybody knows anyway how things stand between us

... you don't want to be with me a second longer than necessary, got it

That's not the way I meant it! I just think we should use your return as a new beginning.

You sure seem to be in a hurry

I just wanted to talk to you about it as soon as possible. I can wait. I, too, want your future to be secure.

== And Vanessa's? == Hers too!

My position in the Holding?

I will work on that


As long as you're basically in agreement with getting a divorce, we don't need to rush anything

Sure. Sure, to those conditions. I just need a little time.

You'll have it

For more infomation >> 102 Carla & Anke - Duration: 14:58.


Le 9 logiche in Terapia Breve - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Le 9 logiche in Terapia Breve - Duration: 5:26.


Beautiful Flowers Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 15 to 8 Dots - Duration: 5:39.

Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

Beautiful Flowers Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 15 to 8 Dots

Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya

For more infomation >> Beautiful Flowers Rangoli Designs for Sankranti With 15 to 8 Dots - Duration: 5:39.


Yugo and Lala: Saving the Red Crown Forest - Movie - Duration: 1:16:10.

For more infomation >> Yugo and Lala: Saving the Red Crown Forest - Movie - Duration: 1:16:10.


Isu nunnem, lo tawng ang che . Khb - 58 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Isu nunnem, lo tawng ang che . Khb - 58 - Duration: 2:27.



For more infomation >> PODCAST - AWASHAMU, UNE HISTOIRE DE FEMMES - Duration: 15:18.


సంతానం ఆలస్యం అవుతున్నదా? అయితే ఇలా చేయండి | How to get rid of Baby Delay Problems - Duration: 1:08.

Marriage after so much time period delaying babies problem then

Visit Once Sri Kalahasthi Temple

Perform Rahu - Kethu - Kuja Graha's Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Pooja

Fix a Naga - Shila in any Temple

Better if you have done this on " Vidhura Swaddha " : located in Karnataka State., or

Perform Santhaana Gopala Krishna Vratham with perfect conditions in your own home respectively.,

If Possible complete this 2 Shanti poojas for better good results.,

Then your desire will come true confirmed surely you will be blessed with a baby.,

" Sarve Jana Sukino Bavanthu "

For more infomation >> సంతానం ఆలస్యం అవుతున్నదా? అయితే ఇలా చేయండి | How to get rid of Baby Delay Problems - Duration: 1:08.


Ex-BBB Ieda Wobeto, de 72 anos, brinca sobre namorado de 36: "Mãe dele podia ser minha filha" - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Ieda Wobeto, de 72 anos, brinca sobre namorado de 36: "Mãe dele podia ser minha filha" - Duration: 4:23.


Relembre 8 casais do Big Brother Brasil que estão juntos até hoje - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Relembre 8 casais do Big Brother Brasil que estão juntos até hoje - Duration: 1:25.


【プリコネR】公主觀察 #7 近期重要更新一覽(下集)【公主連結R】 - Duration: 14:47.

For more infomation >> 【プリコネR】公主觀察 #7 近期重要更新一覽(下集)【公主連結R】 - Duration: 14:47.


キヤノンEOS Rレビュー - インドで結婚式を撮る - Duration: 16:07.

For more infomation >> キヤノンEOS Rレビュー - インドで結婚式を撮る - Duration: 16:07.


Participante do BBB18, Breno Simões tem dívida de quase R$ 800 mil com ex-funcionária - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Participante do BBB18, Breno Simões tem dívida de quase R$ 800 mil com ex-funcionária - Duration: 3:03.


El croata Luka Modric se llevó el Balón de Oro y rompió con el reinado de Lionel Messi y Cristiano R - Duration: 4:03.

Tras diez años de hegemonía entre el crack rosarino y el portugués, el mediocampista de Croacia se llevó el premio mayor en París

La Pulga no tuvo su mejor año y terminó quinto. .La hegemonía de Lionel Messi y Cristiano Ronaldo llegó a su fin este lunes

Tras repartirse la cima del fútbol mundial los últimos diez años (cinco distinciones cada uno), esta vez el croata Luka Modric fue coronado con el Balón de Oro durante la ceremonia en el Grand Palau de París

El rosarino estuvo lejos del podio y quedó quinto. .Según la votación de France Football, el volante de Real Madrid (753 puntos), campeón de la Champions League europea y subcampeón del mundo con su selección, superó a Ronaldo (476) y al francés Antoine Griezmann (414), quien había levantado la Copa del Mundo en Rusia

Sin éxito en la Selección, la Pulga no tuvo su mejor año y terminó en el quinto lugar, su peor ubicación en 12 años

Fue superado por el también francés Kylian Mbappé (cuarto).Modric es el segundo jugador croata que recibe un premio y el primero en ganar el Balón de Oro

El anterior había sido Davor Suker, quien quedó segundo en 1998 detrás del francés Zinedine Zidane

Ese año, Suker fue el máximo goleador del Mundial de Francia, que ganó el local."Cuando sos chico tenés sueños y los míos eran ganar títulos

Este Balón de Oro es todo lo que yo podía soñar", señaló el jugador de 33 años. Y agregó: "Algo extraordinario he tenido que hacer en este 2018, el año de todos mis sueños

La clave fue el trabajo, la persistencia y creer en uno mismo". .Antes del reinado de Messi y Cristiano, el anterior jugador en recibir el Balón de Oro, cuando todavía lo realizaba sólo la revista France Football como ahora, fue el brasileño Kaká en 2007

Después se lo repartieron Lio y CR7. Messi lo ganó en 2009 el de la revista francesa y en 2010, 2011, 2012 y 2015 en FIFA Balón de Oro

Mientras que Cristiano sumó el de 2008, 2016 y 2017, de France Football, y en 2013 y 2014 recibió el compartido con FIFA

Tampoco fue un buen año para otros dos viejos socios de La Pulga. El uruguayo Luis Suárez y el brasileño Neymar quedaron fuera de los 10 primeros del Balón de Oro

El delantero del Barcelona ocupó la 13ª posición y por delante de él se clasificó el brasileño del París SG

Por su parte, Sergio Agüero, goleador de Manchester City y autor de un tanto en Rusia 2018, apareció en la 16° ubicación

For more infomation >> El croata Luka Modric se llevó el Balón de Oro y rompió con el reinado de Lionel Messi y Cristiano R - Duration: 4:03.


崔永元为什么敢得罪娱乐圈?不怕报复吗?...谁是他背后的地下力量? - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> 崔永元为什么敢得罪娱乐圈?不怕报复吗?...谁是他背后的地下力量? - Duration: 8:13.


KYOSHO samuraiの最新作「1/12 NISMO R34 GT-R Z-tune」がついに発売! - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> KYOSHO samuraiの最新作「1/12 NISMO R34 GT-R Z-tune」がついに発売! - Duration: 2:33.


曾仕强讲了生死!万字长文,首次公开,带你彻悟生死的奥秘 (第3部分) - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> 曾仕强讲了生死!万字长文,首次公开,带你彻悟生死的奥秘 (第3部分) - Duration: 21:44.


《杉杉来了2》将开拍?男主还是张翰出演,杉杉却换成了可爱的她 - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> 《杉杉来了2》将开拍?男主还是张翰出演,杉杉却换成了可爱的她 - Duration: 6:05.


Things I Do When I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything | #31daysofchia - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Things I Do When I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything | #31daysofchia - Duration: 5:56.


T-series vs Pewdiepie | INDIAN Vs Pewdiepie New Odia Video || Berhampur Aj.. - Duration: 4:09.

Subscribe Berhampur Aj For More Odia comedy..

For more infomation >> T-series vs Pewdiepie | INDIAN Vs Pewdiepie New Odia Video || Berhampur Aj.. - Duration: 4:09.


Joe T. Robinson & Arkadelphia To Meet in 4A Championship Game - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Joe T. Robinson & Arkadelphia To Meet in 4A Championship Game - Duration: 1:59.


【Tリーグ】東京・張本が最多8勝 水谷欠場なんの世界5位の貫禄 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> 【Tリーグ】東京・張本が最多8勝 水谷欠場なんの世界5位の貫禄 - Duration: 2:33.


WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 03) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2018 (December 03) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 1:37.


【Tリーグ】張本智和、世界ランク自己最高5位に浮上も「通過点」 Tリーグでも快勝 - Duration: 3:13.

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For more infomation >> 【Tリーグ】琉球・丹羽孝希が超満員のホーム開幕でエースの気迫! 「今までにない声援が力に」 - Duration: 3:24.


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Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton will spend Christmas together despite rift rumours - Duration: 3:28.

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Mourners wait in long lines to pay their respects to President George H.W. Bush - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Mourners wait in long lines to pay their respects to President George H.W. Bush - Duration: 2:35.


The View From Here: Lee - Duration: 4:12.

If I were to choose not to do anything more,

what would my chances be?

And at that time is when he said, "I'd give you a few months."


That was the stark reality.

It's really, not only is it true,

but someone beyond my control is gonna take away

the life that I come to got pretty used to.

Well seeing as how the chemo therapy

didn't seem to really do anything, I needed to really,

wanted to anyway, sit down with my children and

really discuss what the future would hold.

The thing I didn't realize, but they very quickly

made it poignant to me, this is your life, mom.

This is your illness that you're going through.

We've already told you, we are here, we support your

decision, it's your body, you decide.

Realization for a lot of my friends at that

particular point was, some who were kind enough

to be honest enough, you're giving up.

And we sat down, had a little cup of tea

and a conversation to the point of no, I really don't have

a whole heck of a lot to do with it.

It's just what it is and I am prepared to deal with it,

enjoy as much as I can, the life and my family

and then of course, I prayed a lot.

I did have a good communication with the gentleman upstairs

and came to the realization,

His will be done.

I think I'm pretty much every morning get up

with a smile on my face just because I know

I have another day to enjoy whatever it brings.

Whether it be go out on the terrace and just

look at that part of the city and watch all those people

going to work, earning a living, taking care of

their families, dealing with hard times maybe in their lives

and then coming back, I call this my little castle.

I had to get used to living by myself

and it's so funny how you can get pretty darn greedy

when it comes to your own life.

I don't wanna die just yet.

Got used to the fact my poor husband being gone

and all my babies grown and gone,

and grand babies coming into this world.

I wanted to be able to see if I couldn't be a part of that.

At the end of the day, sitting here and looking

out that window at the sunset and the beauty and majesty

that my heavenly father can create,

it just fills me, I don't feel sick, I don't feel sick.

Oh, I won't kid you, there are times

when I feel so sick that it's all I can do

to crawl from the bedroom to the bathroom,

but I made it and I get up and walk back

and fall back to sleep knowing that

I'll get to see another tomorrow.

And if I don't, I'm trying to make really sure

that I enjoy today, that I enjoy the here and now.


For more infomation >> The View From Here: Lee - Duration: 4:12.


The Age of Adulting - Movie - Duration: 1:42:05.

For more infomation >> The Age of Adulting - Movie - Duration: 1:42:05.


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For more infomation >> Port St. Lucie man credits state trooper with saving his life - Duration: 2:16.


Steve Jobs IN KHMER - History of APPLE COMPUTER - Duration: 10:38.

Steve Jobs IN KHMER - History of APPLE COMPUTER

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