Okay, what we are gonna learn today is "how to write in japanese on Linux"
that is something that you could say well, not that difficult
you set your keyboard in japanese and start typing!
no. it's not that easy I tried very hard and only recently
i found a solution to the problem so, what you are gonna learn today is
how to do, this! so let's change it to "mozc"
we are gonna use mozc and fcitx and let's start typing like...
getsuyoubi ! Tac! and you can do this thing
then space and you can choose between different kind of... things
let's set this one and...
okay, for first we are gonna enter a root envinronment so "sudo -i" and.. root environment, okay!
and then we need to update our repository so "apt update" and let's wait for it
then.. we could do everything from the terminal but to help you in this process
I'm gonna use synaptic it's an helper for ubuntu distributions
and "apt install synaptic" okay, enter.
anyway, you can do this thing also by terminal and I'm gonna write the commands
here in the description so let's open Synaptic package manager, okay.
no problem and let's search for these packages
one is "fcitx" that is what we are gonna use to write
it's, let's say, the input method I don't know if it is correct
anyway I will call it "input method" and in particular I'm searching for
the japanese fcitx, mozc [italian talking] "gotcha!"
so, "mark for installation" and all these packages are gonna be
installed with it because are dependances and they are a lot but no problem
"Mark" and as you can see these now are grayed, ehm... greened!
because we are gonna install these so, if you want you can install
every other thing like "fcitx-table" for example okay, mark and maybe, the fonts!
let's say, "japanese fonts" and there are a lot of japanese fonts
so then in your favourite text editor or for example in Open Office or anything
you can select the japanese font and this will be applied correctly
so install what you want, it's all up to you.
Then, we are gonna need well well well nothing else
so "apply" , "apply" and let's wait for the packages to be downloaded
that's quite easy okay, it finished installing the packages
so "close"... we can minimize it this one too
and so, for first, we need to open fcitx so [typing slowly] fcitx... this one!
and as you can see, this icon happeared but that's not quite important
you could also not use that one maybe you don't have "xfce"
so maybe it could not appear but anyway, we will use this one so...
"configure" and we can configure our keyboard anyway, if you don't have that you can open it
by the menù and "fcitx configuration"
that's the same so now we are gonna need
to install the input method so now i've italian because my keyboard is
italian if you don't have that one you can edit
so let's click this "+" icon and search for japanese
that as you can see is not on the list because we need to check, ehm, uncheck
"only show current language" and let's go to search japanese
italian... japanese!
And in particular, mozc okay, "enter" and now we have 2 languages
now we need to set how to switch, between languages.
My favourite one is to not "ctrl - space" I don't like that one...
I prefer "super - space" so "super" is that windows icon on your kayboard
anyway you can personalize these kind of shortcuts
so let's open for example "mousepad" or your favourite text editor... "mousepad"
and let's start typing so... for example let's say "nichi"
oh.. it doesn't write anything! why? because we need to trigger out input method
so "super - space" mozc so nichi works, perfect!
nichiyoubi and we can select any thing we want
and then "enter" to confirm that's all
if you don't set the keyboard shortcut you can change it from... oh!
it's appeared an hiragana!
Okay, you can switch it by here using input method > mozc
if you don't set the keyboard shortcut okay, I think that's all you can
type anything you want "nihongo" ... okay
if you want you can you use for example you can type "1" and it is selected
so "enter" and... japanese ! this is everything I think you need to know
about typing then of course you can configure it from here
so you can... mozc tool there's this "hand writing"
this is something like... buggy because it's not at version 1
anyway if you want ot test it you can configuration tools , character palette ...
okay, I think that we convered everything that is essential
to write in japanese on Linux particularly in Ubuntu but
you can do that in anything for example I use Arch Linux
and I figured out how to do that in Arch Linux...
I've just ported on Ubuntu that is even easier because everything
is yet configured in your GUI and nothing
this is Francesco Yoshi if you have any question write in the comments
ちやね ciao ciao
Thank you very much for following this tutorial till the end
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