Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 5 2018

Hi I'm Mike.

Priorities are something that we deal with everyday here on the ranch.

Each morning we have to decide what needs done now and what can wait.

Its those decisions, including a huge one that we made this winter, that dictate the

direction, of Our Wyoming Life.

Welcome back to our Wyoming life.

Thank you for continuing along with us as we explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary.

If you are new here, thank you for taking a few minutes from your day to join all of

us and becoming a part of the ranch.

Tuesday means its time for the project list.

This board behind me is a constant reminder of what needs done around the place, some

projects are time sensitive and some aren't.

Each project on the board needs done but some need done sooner that others.

Today we are going to be tackling a couple important ones that come down to food and

nutrition for the animals and we are going to take a look at a job that I am dropping

completely, retiring from if you will.

I'll tell you all about it as we go, but the first thing we are going to knock of the

list today is dealing with the pigs.

They need more food, they have about 50 lbs left and when we have only 50 lbs of pig food,

we are out of pig food.

So a quick trip to town in is in order to pick up more, first we need fuel.

When we came to the ranch, we weren't sure if it was forever or only temporary and when

coming here I decided to hedge our bets and start another business that focused on creative

services for businesses.

I started out doing voice work, working on radio commercials for businesses across the


From a car dealer in Wichita to cruise ship on board announcements.

This was essential at the time, to help us financially, ranching didn't pay much, especially

for a glorified ranch hand, and doing those voice overs quickly grew into building and

maintaining websites for local businesses as well.

I guess at that time, I was still holding on to a former life in the corporate world,

much different than life as seen around here now, although I did deal with a few pigs in

the corporate world.

Cleaning up messes, disposing of the evidence and fixing problems.

I am not sure that anything I did in my former life prepared me for dealing with the 4 legged

variety, the amount they eat, the destruction they can cause.

Pigs are like having a room full of 4 year olds, which you leave alone for hours on end

and just hope that nothing gets broken.

You can hope, but everytime I check them, I find something they are doing that they

shouldn't be.

Today it is their feeders.

Their feeders are normally screwed to the wall, but they have figured out how to tear

them off.

This morning we are going to reattach them again.

This time with lag bolts that hopefully will keep them from coming off again.

Although I don't hold out too much hope.

But this is a priority, without feeders the pigs cant eat, its that simple.

So it needs to be done.

Anyway, back to my retirement….

Doing the voice over work and website design and maintenance, was one way to hold onto

my previous way of thinking, but I can say that over the years it has really started

to get old.

Deadlines, set in place by someone else, have really become something that I cant stand.

You need to have this done today was the one I probably heard the most, but hey I have

other things to get done today.

I have animals that need fed, waters that need filled, fences that need fixed, whatever

it may be.

This is something that my clients didn't get, or maybe it was just that my priorities

were changing.

I was shifting out of that corporate way of thinking and more into a ranch style of thinking,

where you start to care about those things that are in your control and things that you

see a direct result from.

See, pigs are fed, and they are happy and most importantly, quiet.

But none the less, things went on like that for years.

Building websites, doing voice work and keeping clients happy.

Along the way, I thought more about keeping myself and my family happy.

And I continued to think about it more and more, that along with how important the ranch

is, for our future, and the cows.

The cows are fed, but they need cake.

Cake is a nutritional supplement the cows get, packed full of vitamins and minerals,

this stuff is like a treat for them.

They love it, they will follow you around like a puppy dog for it.

They will also almost trample you to get it.

That's why we built this trailer cake feeder last year.

A way to feed the cows cake from the cake feeder, which we used to have in the back

of the gator, but now on the trailer, it is not taking up the whole bed of the gator and

even though a bit more of a pain to hook up and use, it does save time and effort.

Today we are using it for the first time this winter, luckily everything still works, the

battery is charged and we are ready to go.

Each cow gets about 2 lbs of cake, although I cant really control how much each eats,

we are going to put out 300lbs of cake for them to gobble up as fast as they can.

Then its out to the cows, where an auger inside the feeder will push the cake out and down

a chute to the ground where they came come and get the nutrition they need and a change

from just hay.

I needed to make a change too.

So it was this winter that Erin and I decided to drop a portion of our business.

Take a look at our priorities and see where our time was best spent.

With that thought in mind we decided to drop the website and maintenance from our lives.

It doesn't seem like much, but it frees up Erin and I to concentrate on what we have

decided is a better direction to take our experience and lives.

The ranch has become the number one priority for both of us but through YouTube and social

media we have found a voice.

A chance to bring people closer to agriculture, people from all over the world and that is

where we are going to concentrate our secondary efforts.

It does hit the pocketbook a bit, and losing those clients that I have worked with for

years is a bit hard and I'm sure there might even be some hard feelings.

Priorities though, sometimes mean doing what is best for you and what is best for those

around you.

We hope that by moving farther in this direction we can continue to help others and in more

ways than ever before.

So that's my story for today, I'm retiring the website business.

Except for ourwyominglife.com of course, that one is still going strong.

Thanks for giving me a chance to share my story today, its one that has been hanging

on my mind for a few months, it wasn't an easy decision to make.

I had a lot of people that counted on me to help their businesses and help them grow,

but now they are in someone elses hands, and mine are put to work on another project.

I announced this decision to some of our subscribers in the herd report yesterday, the best response

I got was from Mark, who said Congratulations on your retirement, now get back to work.

Aint that the truth.

That's two things off the project list, fix the pigs feeders, hopefully for good,

and get the cake trailer up and running.

And one more thing that I can take off my personal project list forever.

I guess I have learned that you have to prioritize you own life too.

Figure out what it is that makes you happy, that supports your family and go for it.

It might be building websites, but one thing I know, is that as life goes on, things change

and what may have been the most important thing to you a few years ago, is now slowing

you down from where you really want to be and what you want to do.

More on the way from the ranch, we finally got a date for pregchecking and its coming

up really soon and we are going to find out who is pregnant and who isn't out here and

Erin has a new video coming out on Thursday, where she is going to be getting into the

holiday spirit.

If you are looking for Christmas gifts for that our Wyoming life fan in your life, go

and check out our website, ourwyominglife.com for brand new gear, drinkware, hats and more.

Until I see you again, have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Retiring One Project for Good - The Project List - Duration: 9:43.


ESL Pro League Season 8 Finals | Pre-match with fer - Duration: 0:40.

Hey everyone, fer here! Today we had our first match win over Sharks

we got a very commanding win over them

gave us a confidence boost for this tournament

Tomorrow for our second match we'll be facing NRG

we're waiting to get our revenge over them

since we lost against them in this last tournament in Chicago

it's going to be a great match, we're super hyped to play

we want that sweet revenge, let's go get them!

For more infomation >> ESL Pro League Season 8 Finals | Pre-match with fer - Duration: 0:40.


上司の理不尽なやりとりでイライラしない心を手に入れる方法 大宮 整体 - Duration: 9:29.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about how to decrease the getting annoyed by unreasonable thing of work place.

For example,get work from work boss. After that work status is change and,boss get angry into you about that work. This is so unreasonable thing.

Maybe almost people feel unreasonable. Case that you worked as instructed,normal is pleased. If there is do thing like same in your work place,i think abnormal that work place.

But i am knowing method that decrease annoyed feeling. That method is two point there. It is point that can to watch consciously self condition. And one more is experience.

To watch consciously self from the third party perspective is so important. For example,if you lose one's temper by angry,can't watch calmly self condition. Maybe you can't feel the sense of other person when that.

There is not margin to understand self condition. Your head inside will be situation like that. I hope you watch that situation from third party perspective. This is the talk consciously.

"I am feeling angry when i received the unreasonable talk from my boss."

Time of that situation,to get this sense soon is important. But now is not that time. Please feel this sense when happened unreasonable thing.

What is that advantage? You maybe ask this question. Simple answer is to stress decrease.

One more reason is there,if you can to feel many emotion,you can to feel the longness of one day. Childhood is many stimulation there. Then child can to feel one day longness by that many stimulation.

But almost adult people is predict the people's reaction. Into this is no stimulation there. Case that do thing by predict,you may feel no stimulation.

If there is no stimulation into your life,your one year is so fast. This relate the no activity action. It had better feel angry emotion like that or worrying emotion. You can to feel fulfilling days by many emotion.

Then,experience of second reason. This experience is to it does not go as expected. This experience is be enrichment your life.

For example,there is person that look like weak. Many people watch that person and feel no angry. This is first impression. If things go forward as expected,you can't receive stimulation. But case that person come out angry,you can to receive many stimulation.

I recommend to involved with person that not as expected. There is that level. A little only,please meet person that different with self expectation reaction.

A weak-looking person was strong,etc. If influence that meet with person like that is increase,you don't feel angry by unreasonable talking. Almost case,people become angry by it does not go as expected.

The tolerance on that will expand. Even if your expectation become fail,you can to get restful feeling.

Please gain experience that exception become fail. Please increase that stimulation little by little. It is OK with once a one day. Please judge that is it a good stimulation for me.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> 上司の理不尽なやりとりでイライラしない心を手に入れる方法 大宮 整体 - Duration: 9:29.


【メルセデス新型AMG GT最新情報】マイナーチェンジ!ロードスター/GTR/GTC/GT3のスペックや燃費、価格、発売日は? - Duration: 23:45.

For more infomation >> 【メルセデス新型AMG GT最新情報】マイナーチェンジ!ロードスター/GTR/GTC/GT3のスペックや燃費、価格、発売日は? - Duration: 23:45.


Kia Picanto 1.1 LXE automaat. 5drs. - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.1 LXE automaat. 5drs. - Duration: 1:03.



Los ciclistas nacionales estuvieron presentes en la gala de premios que coronó a Eléider Álvarez como mejor deportista colombiano en 2018.

Los ciclistas colombianos Fernando Gaviria e Iván Ramiro Sosa aprovecharon su participación en la gala de premios que coronó al mejor deportista colombiano de 2018,

galardón que se llevó el boxeador Eléider Álvarez gracias a su título mundial en la categoría semipesado, para enviar un saludo e invitar a los fanáticos del ciclismo al Tour Colombia 2019.

El primero que envió la invitación fue el velocista Fernando Gaviria, quien será uno de los corredores de lujo que tendrá la competencia colombiana en febrero próximo y estará con su nuevo equipo, el UAE Team Emirates.

"Quiero enviar un saludo muy especial y esperar que todos estén planeando ir al Tour Colombia. creo que va a estar muy interesante porque el recorrido tiene de todos los terrenos y es muy interesante. ¡Espero que lo disfruten!",

expresó Fernando Gaviria en un video que compartió la organización del evento a través de su cuenta de Twitter.

De igual manera lo hizo el pedalista que se quedó con el premio a deportista revelación, gracias al título que obtuvo en la Vuelta a Burgos.

"Quiero invitarlos del 12 al 17 de febrero al Tour Colombia que se llevará a cabo en Antioquia. Quiero invitarlos para que vayan y pasen un rato muy agradable,

disfruten de este espectáculo, ya que van a estar las mejores figuras del ciclismo colombiano y del plano internacional", dijo Sosa.

Sosa hará parte de la nómina de colombianos que estará pedaleando en territorio antioqueño en poco más de dos meses.

Cabe resaltar que la competencia cuenta con la confirmación de los mejores ciclistas del planeta como Nairo Quintana, Chris Froome, Rigoberto Urán, Alejandro Valverde, Egan Bernal, Julian Alaphilippe, entre otros.

For more infomation >> LA INVITACIÓN DE FERNANDO GAVIRIA E IVÁN RAMIRO SOSA AL TOUR COLOMBIA 2019 - LeGossip 247 - Duration: 2:31.


E-Commerce Sales, Education Funding Featured In Daugaard's Final Budget Address - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> E-Commerce Sales, Education Funding Featured In Daugaard's Final Budget Address - Duration: 2:13.


Últimas notícia de hoje : DILMA: BOLSONARO ABUSA DO MEDO E DO ÓDIO - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : DILMA: BOLSONARO ABUSA DO MEDO E DO ÓDIO - Duration: 2:38.


ESL Pro League Season 8 Finals | Pre-match with fer - Duration: 0:40.

Hey everyone, fer here! Today we had our first match win over Sharks

we got a very commanding win over them

gave us a confidence boost for this tournament

Tomorrow for our second match we'll be facing NRG

we're waiting to get our revenge over them

since we lost against them in this last tournament in Chicago

it's going to be a great match, we're super hyped to play

we want that sweet revenge, let's go get them!

For more infomation >> ESL Pro League Season 8 Finals | Pre-match with fer - Duration: 0:40.


Salmos | SALMO 83 - "Julgamento de Deus Contra as Nações Inimigas" - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Salmos | SALMO 83 - "Julgamento de Deus Contra as Nações Inimigas" - Duration: 2:23.


【フォーミュラE】J SPORTS全戦放送決定、12月15日開幕戦をライブ中継 - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 【フォーミュラE】J SPORTS全戦放送決定、12月15日開幕戦をライブ中継 - Duration: 3:35.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 5-DRS Blue Lease (AC/BlueTooth) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 5-DRS Blue Lease (AC/BlueTooth) - Duration: 1:05.


Peugeot Partner Tepee Outdoor 1.2 e-THP 110 pk Navi/camera/PDC - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner Tepee Outdoor 1.2 e-THP 110 pk Navi/camera/PDC - Duration: 1:11.


Magnolia preparing for train viewing - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Magnolia preparing for train viewing - Duration: 2:08.


Peugeot 308 1.6 e-THP GTi 270 * Panoramadak * Full-Led koplampen * Navigatie * Rouge ultimate - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6 e-THP GTi 270 * Panoramadak * Full-Led koplampen * Navigatie * Rouge ultimate - Duration: 0:54.


More scooters? Lyft deploys 500 scooters in Austin - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> More scooters? Lyft deploys 500 scooters in Austin - Duration: 2:14.


Patrícia Leitte culpa o BBB por enfrentar depressão novamente e dispara: "fiquei noites sem dormir" - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Patrícia Leitte culpa o BBB por enfrentar depressão novamente e dispara: "fiquei noites sem dormir" - Duration: 2:56.


A Fazenda 10: Evandro Santo tem conversa séria com Caique Aguiar e surpreende com declaração - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 10: Evandro Santo tem conversa séria com Caique Aguiar e surpreende com declaração - Duration: 11:27.


A Fazenda: Felipe Sertanejo faz reflexão sobre falsidade e comenta sobre os participantes - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Felipe Sertanejo faz reflexão sobre falsidade e comenta sobre os participantes - Duration: 11:09.


Mundo Verde - Paztor Thug (MC Pet Daleste e MC Yoshi - Mundo Verde TrapMix) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Mundo Verde - Paztor Thug (MC Pet Daleste e MC Yoshi - Mundo Verde TrapMix) - Duration: 3:55.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel 5-DRS (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel 5-DRS (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 1:12.


Exsecretario de Juan Gabriel muestra foto del cantante | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Exsecretario de Juan Gabriel muestra foto del cantante | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:48.


Retiran carne por contaminación con salmonela en EE.UU. | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Retiran carne por contaminación con salmonela en EE.UU. | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


Mujer burló seguridad para acercarse a AMLO | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mujer burló seguridad para acercarse a AMLO | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:57.


Seis policías muertos en enfrentamiento con criminales en Jalisco | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Seis policías muertos en enfrentamiento con criminales en Jalisco | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:11.


Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi Dynamique (R-Link Pakket) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi Dynamique (R-Link Pakket) - Duration: 1:05.


Volkswagen Caddy 2.0 SDi / AIRCO / R.ZIJDEUR - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 2.0 SDi / AIRCO / R.ZIJDEUR - Duration: 1:11.


Retiring One Project for Good - The Project List - Duration: 9:43.

Hi I'm Mike.

Priorities are something that we deal with everyday here on the ranch.

Each morning we have to decide what needs done now and what can wait.

Its those decisions, including a huge one that we made this winter, that dictate the

direction, of Our Wyoming Life.

Welcome back to our Wyoming life.

Thank you for continuing along with us as we explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary.

If you are new here, thank you for taking a few minutes from your day to join all of

us and becoming a part of the ranch.

Tuesday means its time for the project list.

This board behind me is a constant reminder of what needs done around the place, some

projects are time sensitive and some aren't.

Each project on the board needs done but some need done sooner that others.

Today we are going to be tackling a couple important ones that come down to food and

nutrition for the animals and we are going to take a look at a job that I am dropping

completely, retiring from if you will.

I'll tell you all about it as we go, but the first thing we are going to knock of the

list today is dealing with the pigs.

They need more food, they have about 50 lbs left and when we have only 50 lbs of pig food,

we are out of pig food.

So a quick trip to town in is in order to pick up more, first we need fuel.

When we came to the ranch, we weren't sure if it was forever or only temporary and when

coming here I decided to hedge our bets and start another business that focused on creative

services for businesses.

I started out doing voice work, working on radio commercials for businesses across the


From a car dealer in Wichita to cruise ship on board announcements.

This was essential at the time, to help us financially, ranching didn't pay much, especially

for a glorified ranch hand, and doing those voice overs quickly grew into building and

maintaining websites for local businesses as well.

I guess at that time, I was still holding on to a former life in the corporate world,

much different than life as seen around here now, although I did deal with a few pigs in

the corporate world.

Cleaning up messes, disposing of the evidence and fixing problems.

I am not sure that anything I did in my former life prepared me for dealing with the 4 legged

variety, the amount they eat, the destruction they can cause.

Pigs are like having a room full of 4 year olds, which you leave alone for hours on end

and just hope that nothing gets broken.

You can hope, but everytime I check them, I find something they are doing that they

shouldn't be.

Today it is their feeders.

Their feeders are normally screwed to the wall, but they have figured out how to tear

them off.

This morning we are going to reattach them again.

This time with lag bolts that hopefully will keep them from coming off again.

Although I don't hold out too much hope.

But this is a priority, without feeders the pigs cant eat, its that simple.

So it needs to be done.

Anyway, back to my retirement….

Doing the voice over work and website design and maintenance, was one way to hold onto

my previous way of thinking, but I can say that over the years it has really started

to get old.

Deadlines, set in place by someone else, have really become something that I cant stand.

You need to have this done today was the one I probably heard the most, but hey I have

other things to get done today.

I have animals that need fed, waters that need filled, fences that need fixed, whatever

it may be.

This is something that my clients didn't get, or maybe it was just that my priorities

were changing.

I was shifting out of that corporate way of thinking and more into a ranch style of thinking,

where you start to care about those things that are in your control and things that you

see a direct result from.

See, pigs are fed, and they are happy and most importantly, quiet.

But none the less, things went on like that for years.

Building websites, doing voice work and keeping clients happy.

Along the way, I thought more about keeping myself and my family happy.

And I continued to think about it more and more, that along with how important the ranch

is, for our future, and the cows.

The cows are fed, but they need cake.

Cake is a nutritional supplement the cows get, packed full of vitamins and minerals,

this stuff is like a treat for them.

They love it, they will follow you around like a puppy dog for it.

They will also almost trample you to get it.

That's why we built this trailer cake feeder last year.

A way to feed the cows cake from the cake feeder, which we used to have in the back

of the gator, but now on the trailer, it is not taking up the whole bed of the gator and

even though a bit more of a pain to hook up and use, it does save time and effort.

Today we are using it for the first time this winter, luckily everything still works, the

battery is charged and we are ready to go.

Each cow gets about 2 lbs of cake, although I cant really control how much each eats,

we are going to put out 300lbs of cake for them to gobble up as fast as they can.

Then its out to the cows, where an auger inside the feeder will push the cake out and down

a chute to the ground where they came come and get the nutrition they need and a change

from just hay.

I needed to make a change too.

So it was this winter that Erin and I decided to drop a portion of our business.

Take a look at our priorities and see where our time was best spent.

With that thought in mind we decided to drop the website and maintenance from our lives.

It doesn't seem like much, but it frees up Erin and I to concentrate on what we have

decided is a better direction to take our experience and lives.

The ranch has become the number one priority for both of us but through YouTube and social

media we have found a voice.

A chance to bring people closer to agriculture, people from all over the world and that is

where we are going to concentrate our secondary efforts.

It does hit the pocketbook a bit, and losing those clients that I have worked with for

years is a bit hard and I'm sure there might even be some hard feelings.

Priorities though, sometimes mean doing what is best for you and what is best for those

around you.

We hope that by moving farther in this direction we can continue to help others and in more

ways than ever before.

So that's my story for today, I'm retiring the website business.

Except for ourwyominglife.com of course, that one is still going strong.

Thanks for giving me a chance to share my story today, its one that has been hanging

on my mind for a few months, it wasn't an easy decision to make.

I had a lot of people that counted on me to help their businesses and help them grow,

but now they are in someone elses hands, and mine are put to work on another project.

I announced this decision to some of our subscribers in the herd report yesterday, the best response

I got was from Mark, who said Congratulations on your retirement, now get back to work.

Aint that the truth.

That's two things off the project list, fix the pigs feeders, hopefully for good,

and get the cake trailer up and running.

And one more thing that I can take off my personal project list forever.

I guess I have learned that you have to prioritize you own life too.

Figure out what it is that makes you happy, that supports your family and go for it.

It might be building websites, but one thing I know, is that as life goes on, things change

and what may have been the most important thing to you a few years ago, is now slowing

you down from where you really want to be and what you want to do.

More on the way from the ranch, we finally got a date for pregchecking and its coming

up really soon and we are going to find out who is pregnant and who isn't out here and

Erin has a new video coming out on Thursday, where she is going to be getting into the

holiday spirit.

If you are looking for Christmas gifts for that our Wyoming life fan in your life, go

and check out our website, ourwyominglife.com for brand new gear, drinkware, hats and more.

Until I see you again, have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Retiring One Project for Good - The Project List - Duration: 9:43.


ESL Pro League Season 8 Finals | Pre-match with fer - Duration: 0:40.

Hey everyone, fer here! Today we had our first match win over Sharks

we got a very commanding win over them

gave us a confidence boost for this tournament

Tomorrow for our second match we'll be facing NRG

we're waiting to get our revenge over them

since we lost against them in this last tournament in Chicago

it's going to be a great match, we're super hyped to play

we want that sweet revenge, let's go get them!

For more infomation >> ESL Pro League Season 8 Finals | Pre-match with fer - Duration: 0:40.


上司の理不尽なやりとりでイライラしない心を手に入れる方法 大宮 整体 - Duration: 9:29.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about how to decrease the getting annoyed by unreasonable thing of work place.

For example,get work from work boss. After that work status is change and,boss get angry into you about that work. This is so unreasonable thing.

Maybe almost people feel unreasonable. Case that you worked as instructed,normal is pleased. If there is do thing like same in your work place,i think abnormal that work place.

But i am knowing method that decrease annoyed feeling. That method is two point there. It is point that can to watch consciously self condition. And one more is experience.

To watch consciously self from the third party perspective is so important. For example,if you lose one's temper by angry,can't watch calmly self condition. Maybe you can't feel the sense of other person when that.

There is not margin to understand self condition. Your head inside will be situation like that. I hope you watch that situation from third party perspective. This is the talk consciously.

"I am feeling angry when i received the unreasonable talk from my boss."

Time of that situation,to get this sense soon is important. But now is not that time. Please feel this sense when happened unreasonable thing.

What is that advantage? You maybe ask this question. Simple answer is to stress decrease.

One more reason is there,if you can to feel many emotion,you can to feel the longness of one day. Childhood is many stimulation there. Then child can to feel one day longness by that many stimulation.

But almost adult people is predict the people's reaction. Into this is no stimulation there. Case that do thing by predict,you may feel no stimulation.

If there is no stimulation into your life,your one year is so fast. This relate the no activity action. It had better feel angry emotion like that or worrying emotion. You can to feel fulfilling days by many emotion.

Then,experience of second reason. This experience is to it does not go as expected. This experience is be enrichment your life.

For example,there is person that look like weak. Many people watch that person and feel no angry. This is first impression. If things go forward as expected,you can't receive stimulation. But case that person come out angry,you can to receive many stimulation.

I recommend to involved with person that not as expected. There is that level. A little only,please meet person that different with self expectation reaction.

A weak-looking person was strong,etc. If influence that meet with person like that is increase,you don't feel angry by unreasonable talking. Almost case,people become angry by it does not go as expected.

The tolerance on that will expand. Even if your expectation become fail,you can to get restful feeling.

Please gain experience that exception become fail. Please increase that stimulation little by little. It is OK with once a one day. Please judge that is it a good stimulation for me.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> 上司の理不尽なやりとりでイライラしない心を手に入れる方法 大宮 整体 - Duration: 9:29.


【メルセデス新型AMG GT最新情報】マイナーチェンジ!ロードスター/GTR/GTC/GT3のスペックや燃費、価格、発売日は? - Duration: 23:45.

For more infomation >> 【メルセデス新型AMG GT最新情報】マイナーチェンジ!ロードスター/GTR/GTC/GT3のスペックや燃費、価格、発売日は? - Duration: 23:45.


Kia Picanto 1.1 LXE automaat. 5drs. - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.1 LXE automaat. 5drs. - Duration: 1:03.


Smart Beta ETFs

For more infomation >> Smart Beta ETFs


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort Navi/Clima - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort Navi/Clima - Duration: 1:12.


Fiat 500L 1.4-T-JET LOUNGE 120PK Navigatie - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500L 1.4-T-JET LOUNGE 120PK Navigatie - Duration: 1:05.


Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T Connect Edition7p. - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T Connect Edition7p. - Duration: 0:48.


Kpop Teasers That DIDN'T Match The Comeback - Duration: 10:48.

The teaser showed a badass/ girl crush concept however the MV was cute.

compared to the horror themed teaser, the Mv was more comedic than it was dark.

The instrumental was completely different.

The teaser is completely opposite to MV. It's literally night and day.

The first teaser was powerful and had a more hiphop style but the song was pop.

Both the set and sounds were different to the MV

The teasers made it seem like EXO were going to ride motorbikes.

the teaser portrayed a transition Korean theme yet that wasn't the concept for the MV.

The teaser shows a possible plot with a futuristic vibe.

Looking at the teaser alone you'd think it's a calm song.

The mv was pop but the teaser had a futuristic vibe to it.

The teaser sounds completely different to the comeback.

The teaser was calm but the song is upbeat.

The teaser and Comeback are polar opposites.

The member teasers for the "TT Film" were random and cute whereas the comeback was cute but Halloween themed.

The teaser was simple but unique however it had nothing to do with the comeback.

Their debut teaser was badass concept so fans were shocked to see their debut song be so cute.

The teaser looked like club song but the comeback was classy and sexy.

while the pathcode wasn't for the comeback (it was for their concert) fans associate it with CMB and how different it is.

MISS A - TOUCH The teaser made it seem like the comeback was plot driven but it was more dance centred.

NCT DREAM - WE GO UP The teaser is very calm.

Both trailer and MV were full of mystery and horror but VERY different to each other.

The teaser sounds different but both are catchy.

The teaser had a retro vibe.

Although this was the teaser for the album You'd think the office theme would appear in the comeback.

The teaser sounds mature and has a more simpler concept than the MV.

For more infomation >> Kpop Teasers That DIDN'T Match The Comeback - Duration: 10:48.


Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T Connect Edition7p. - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T Connect Edition7p. - Duration: 1:09.


Christmas decorations can lead to a high light bill, some say they don't mind - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Christmas decorations can lead to a high light bill, some say they don't mind - Duration: 2:04.


Mom jumps on hood, turns tables on would-be car thief - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mom jumps on hood, turns tables on would-be car thief - Duration: 1:14.


Shocking Footage Shows Time Traveler VANISHING - Duration: 5:37.

The shocking footage of a time traveler vanishing moments before a tragic accident is leaving

people in utter disbelief.

Welcome to Inform Overload, Im your host Johnny Rogers and if youre new to the channel, we

tell you about the most interesting news stories we find on the internet, and we make them

more entertaining Hit that thumbs up button if you love Inform

Overload and if youre new here dont forget to subscribe so you can see more of me and

Charlotte of course.

This is one of those clips you have to watch a hundred times to catch the shadowy figure

seemingly dissolve into thin air seconds before the truck explodes on camera.

Its one of those clips that upon first glance personally freaked me out.

I had to dive into the details, watch it a dozen time, pausing and unpausing, then watching

it a dozen more times.

Especially after we just did that story on the time traveller who returned from the year


The truck in question was the main story here and rest in peace to the driver, 24 year-old

Anthony Carnevale.

Anthony was transporting his barbecue and gas containers to his new home when the truck

suddenly went up in flames.

Reports say that the driver must have been unaware that the gas containers in the truck

were partially open leading to a gas leak to ignite from an uncapped 12-volt battery.

Another reason why I just let someone else do the barbecuing.

When an Australian news site was covering this tragic accident many people hit the comment

section to point out the time traveler vanishing in the background.

Unfortunately this took a lot of the attention away from the actual story of this poor man

losing his life far too soon.

Luckily Energy Safe Victoria released a public awareness campaign about the risks involving

un-secured valves which resulted in an agreement to have all small gas cylinders equipped with

a safety valve, but not until January 2020 for some reason.

I feel like that should be an immediate thing.

A dude literally just barbecued himself because there arent safety valves and Australians

said - ahh well get to it mate, we still gotta worry about the dingos eating babies.

At least they started the process, so I feel like while they have that covered, lets cover

this vanishing time traveller.

With comments such as - Does anyone else see the person walking on the footpath disappear

into thin air - or - No one else notice the time traveller vanishing in the background

- We thought we would take a closer look at this and provide a more logical explanation.

Its difficult to catch and you have to look very closely, but if you notice the moment

the man disappears there is nothing else moving in the shot.

Theres no clouds moving, theres no birds flying, theres nothing moving.

It happens so fast that its very hard to catch and the video editing is timed brilliantly.

We see a white car moving across the intersection from the right side to the left leaving the

frame as the man is walking and the moment its out of frame the man disappears and the

truck enters from the left side.

At 4 seconds into the 19 second video clip the man has seemingly dissolved.

Thats where the clip is cut - leading it to then jump forward to the time where the truck

enters which would result in a continuity error with the footage.

The reasoning for this clip could be as something as harmless as the news company having to

cut down the footage to post.

I dont think someone was doing this purposefully to trick viewers or that a man actually vanished.

It is one of those coincidences though that are obviously hard to ignore even if the comments

are overwhelmed with people saying - A person walking literally vanishes and seconds later

the truck explodes.

For the conspiracy theorists this is juicy footage that makes it easy to ignore the small

cut and to the untrained eye would freak anyone out.

I want to turn a question over to you though, is the man a vanishing time traveller, was

it a video editing continuity error or did some doctor the footage later on to create

a new story.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

With that lets get to todays featured comments from the Time Traveler from 3700 bring back

part of robot video.

I felt that was perfect for this Alien Hunter 46 says - You can buy that robot

hand at hobby lobby...in the toy department.

-Well as the 46th Alien Hunter I trust your expertise

Wolf Pack says - Once again.

Another time traveler.

What's new in 2018? -Apparently time travel

Anna Snow says - I dont believe this.

Though I do think a war between humans and robots is probably going to happen way way

in the future. -I mean crazier things have happened

jason morgan says - Aspects of time travel can only be accomplished in space travel at

tremendous speed only able to go forward faster not backwards

-Everybody listen up, we have a time travel expert in the comment section

Marlar House says - Of course Johnny is going to say this is fake, he has to throw us off

so we won't learn the truth, that he is an android from 2150A.D.

-Now why would you think of such a crazy thinnn *Have Charlotte slap my back to kickstart

my failing android body* Thank you for watching Inform Overload, Hit

that thumbs up button if you enjoyed this video.

If youre new here dont forget to subscribe and if youre not new here then share this

video with your friends.

If you want more videos like this one just click the playlist on the screen and if you

have hot tips on any new and exciting stories that you want us to cover just find my instagram

in the description below and send me a DM.

From Inform Overload, Im Johnny Rogers and until next time take care.

For more infomation >> Shocking Footage Shows Time Traveler VANISHING - Duration: 5:37.


Paternity Leave with Rob King | Ep.6 | The Dad - Duration: 3:47.

- And then, the pediatrician opened the baby's mouth,

and inside there were

baby teeth.

And it went from being a cute, adorable baby,

to a monster.

(monster roaring)

(monster roaring)

(intro music)

So my son has started teething

and there is drool.

There's a lot of drool.

Like, here is actual footage of my wife and I

dealing with my son's drool.

(dramatic music)

Clothing, gone.

I hold my son for a minute, I look like this.

(water squirting)

All of my son's teething has actually inspired me

to write a children's book of my own

called, Daddy Can I Eat This?

Daddy, can I eat this?

It looks real good.

Daddy, can I eat this?

It must be food.

If it's close to my mouth,

and I grab it real tight,

daddy, can I eat this hand tonight?

I'll chew on my toys, and I'll drool on your shirt.

Daddy, if I eat this book will it hurt?

I'm just a little baby, I don't know what's right.

Maybe I'll just eat daddy's face tonight.

And let me know what you think,

and if I get enough people that are interested,

maybe I'll write it as an actual book.

And if people hate it that much,

we'll never speak of it again.

So, we've got options.

This next segment is really just me

complaining about things,

but we gave it a name.

Who's Got Time For That?

(electronic music)

On today, Who's Got Time For That,

Rob McElhenney and his dad bod.

Now, the Always Sunny in Philadelphia

star and creator, used to look like this.

And now, he looks like this.

And according to him, it only took a few steps.

Like, lift weights six days a week,

stop drinking, don't eat after seven,

no carbs or sugar, or food at all,

get the personal trainer from Magic Mike,

sleep nine hours a night,

and run three miles each day.

That's all.

- Ain't nobody got time for that.

- McElhenney was obviously trying to point out

how it shouldn't be difficult as it is to do,

and unrealistic for must.

He also noted that the studio he works with

paid for him to do it all,

because he wrote it into the show.

So, I wrote it into my show

that I need to be super ripped, as well,

but The Dad can't afford all that.

So, I'll I got was this Shake Weight,

a bag filled with off brand diet pills,

and a personal trainer that I'm pretty sure

is not certified.

- C'mon.

Pull it back and pull the thread, c'mon!

Low, low, low, now you know.

All the things are gonna get worked.

- All right, let's wrap up with a new segment

called, I'm a Dad Because.

Now, I wanna know what makes you

the unique dad that you are.

You can share funny, serious, weird stories,

whatever you want, okay.

I'll give you an example.

For me, I'm a dad because,

whenever someone asked me if I wanted a extra serving

of anything, I'd always respond with the same corny line,

yeah I guess so, I'm not driving tonight.

It's not funny and I'm embarrassed every time I say it,

but I say it every time.

Share your, I'm a dad because stories

in the comments, and maybe I'll give you a shout out

on a future episode.

Oh, and if you're a parent that happens to be

dealing with a child who's teething, good luck

and watch out for this.

(monster roaring)

(outro music)

For more infomation >> Paternity Leave with Rob King | Ep.6 | The Dad - Duration: 3:47.


How to Find the Mole Fraction of a Gas - Duration: 3:44.

The mole fraction of a gas consists of the moles of that specific gas divided by the total moles of the gas mixture.

This page is part of my Gas Laws Guide which teaches you how to use each gas law using step by step examples,

it can also help you avoid common mistakes and cut your study time in half!

To get this guide, you'll find the link in the description box.

Now we'll apply this formula in 2 different examples,

one finding the mole fractions when given the mass

and the second finding the mole fraction when given the partial pressure and total pressure.

Example 1: A solution is prepared by mixing 100.0 grams of water

and 100.0 grams of ethanol. Determine the mole fractions of each substance.

We can use our mole fraction formula for either a gas mixture or in this case a solution.

Since we are finding the mole fractions of each substance, we will alter the mole fraction formula

for each specific substance of water and ethanol.

We'll start by converting the grams of each substance to moles.

To do this we will find the molar mass of each substance.

For water we have 2 hydrogens multiply that by the mass of hydrogen and we get 2.02

and there's only one oxygen so our mass is 16. Add all these up to get the molar mass of water.

Align the grams so they can cancel and place 1 mole of water on top and we just found our moles of water.

Now let's find the molar mass of ethanol. There's 2 carbons, multiply 2 by the mass of carbon and we get 24.02,

now for the hydrogens we have 6 multiply that by the mass of hydrogen and we get 6.06 and there's only one oxygen so our mass is 16.

Add all these up to get the molar mass of ethanol which is 46.08 grams per mol.

We'll place the grams of ethanol we just found on the bottom since we want the grams and grams to cancel, and 1 mol of ethanol is left on top.

And these are our moles of ethanol.

So far we found the moles of each substance now we need the total moles of the solution.

To find the total moles of the solution we will add up all of the moles of the substances in the solution.

Adding the moles of water and moles of ethanol will give us this.

We'll place our total moles of the solution in our formula, divide each and we just found each mole fraction.

Note: mole fractions do not have any units since the moles cancel out.

Example 2: The partial pressure of F2 is 300.0 torr in a mixture of gases where the toal pressure is 1.00 atm.

What is the mole fraction of F2?

We will use a different formula this time since we are given our partial pressure and total pressure.

Before plugging everything into the formula, always make sure to check your units.

Both pressures are in different units, we need them to be the same so you can either have both pressures be in atmospheres or in torr.

I'll choose torr. Remember that 1 atm is equal to 760 torr.

So our total pressure can be rewritten as 760 torr.

Now that all the units are the same we will plug everything into our formula and solve for the mole fraction.

Divide both sides by 760 torr and our mole fraction is this.

But we need to round up to 3 sig figs since our lowest given sig fig value was 3.

And this is the correct mole fraction.

Click here for more help with partial pressures,

click here for a complete guide on everything gas law-related

and check the description box for my recommended resources on online tutoring and homework help.

And remember stay determined you can do this!

For more infomation >> How to Find the Mole Fraction of a Gas - Duration: 3:44.


The Truth Behind Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart's Breakup - Duration: 7:16.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart anchored one of the biggest film franchises ever, as

well as the tabloid-favorite romance that grew out of it around 2009.

But infidelity, rumors, and just plain old Hollywood drama forced them apart in 2013.

Here are some of the reasons behind Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's breakup.

A faulty foundation

When Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart first got close, Stewart was dating actor

Michael Angarano.

Some reports suggested an overlap in the relationships, with Stewart and Pattinson being spotted holding

hands just a week before Angarano came to visit Stewart on the Twilight set.

But Stewart wasn't the only one who brought drama and potential infidelity to the relationship

at its very beginning.

Jezebel reported in 2012 that Pattinson was hooking up with fellow Twilight star Nikki

Reed, only ditching her when Stewart finally came around.


The cheating scandal

The gossip world seemed to explode when Stewart was busted cheating on Pattinson in the summer

of 2012 with her married Snow White And The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders.

Stewart eventually confirmed she was in a relationship with Pattinson for the first

time in her public apology.

"This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person

I love and respect the most, Rob.

I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry."

Sources told Us Weekly that Pattinson was humiliated by the incident… but was still

in love with Stewart.

Lack of trust

Even though Pattinson took Stewart back after she was caught cheating on him, the damage

was done.

And by May 2013, the pair were done for good.

Sources told Us Weekly that the duo would often fight about Stewart's infidelity and

alleged selfishness, with one insider noting:

"He really put her through the wringer.

Ultimately, it was like, 'Either we move past this or we don't.'

It wasn't good for either of them."

Another source told Us Weekly that the pair had a blow-up fight when Pattinson skipped

a birthday party Stewart had planned for him.

At the time, the insider had hopes that Pattinson and Stewart would reconcile and give their

love another shot, but considering how much they were reportedly arguing in the wake of

Stewart's indiscretion, ending their relationship might have been the right decision.


Unsurprisingly, Pattinson found it difficult to move past Stewart's infidelity, and a source

told Hollywood Life that the film heartthrob became "consumed" by the possibility of Stewart

cheating on him again.

And Pattinson was reportedly in an intense state of paranoia as their relationship headed

toward the point of no return.

An insider said:

"Her cheating basically opened other doors in their relationship of what they didn't

like of each other."

Was he a player too?

While he was dating Stewart, Pattinson was accused of hooking up with Caitlin Cronenberg.

The two met when Pattinson appeared in a 2012 film, which was directed by her dad, David


According to Hollywood Life, Caitlin was seen with her arm on Pattinson at the film's wrap

party in July 2011 - when he was still very much involved with Stewart.

The publication insisted that he and Caitlin were just friends, but we're not sure what

to believe at this point.

"I trust you."


He was also linked to Riley Keough whom he met through Stewart when both women starred

together in the 2010 film, The Runaways.

Though he didn't begin dating Keough until after his relationship with Stewart came to

an end, it's still a bit shady that he would hook up with one of her friends.

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"


Hated by his inner circle

Insiders claimed Pattinson's sisters were, quote, "disgusted by Kristen" after the cheating

scandal erupted, and that they held onto their resentment towards her for months.

Even after he allegedly told his sisters to forgive Kristen, they still just felt the

actress' efforts were all just empty promises and manipulations.

A source told Life And Style that even Pattinson's pal, Katy Perry, also warned him to stay away

from Stewart.

The source revealed:

"Katy has told Rob that she thinks it's a really, really bad idea for him to reunite

with Kristen.

Katy warned him that Kristen will end up hurting him again."

She hated the media attention

Since the breakup, Kristen Stewart has been vocal about how much she hated fans' attention

on her relationship with Robert Pattinson.

She told the Sunday Times in March 2017:

"I didn't talk about my first relationships that went public because I wanted things that

are mine to be mine.

I hated it that details of my life were being turned into a commodity and peddled around

the world."

She also told Elle UK she kept the romance quiet because she felt that everything was

being trivialized.

"We were turned into these characters and placed into this ridiculous comic book, and

I was like, 'That's mine.

You're making my relationship something that it's not.'

I didn't like that."

He hates fame

Robert Pattinson didn't like the infamy attached to the romance either, telling The Washington

Post his relationship with Kristen Stewart wasn't a publicity stunt.

"For one thing, it would be a terrible marketing tool, and it's not utilized very well at all.

People will say anything.

I'm still amazed that people even believe anything [that's said about us]."

A pal of the actor told Radar Online that the cost of fame was something the former

couple used to complain about a lot.

"Rob really can't stand being famous, even though he loves his job.

I'm sure all the hell he went through with Kristen was the final straw for him as far

as fame is concerned."

Hectic schedules

Once The Twilight Saga's filming and promotional tours were done, they moved on to other projects,

and as a result, they simply grew apart.

A source told Radar Online, in late January 2013, that distance became a big issue when

Pattinson flew to the Land Down Under to film a new movie.

"With Robert out the country, a thousand miles away working in Australia, Kristen has been

missing him badly."

With an 18-and-a-half hour time difference between them, the source added it was tough

for Pattinson and Stewart to communicate with each other regularly.

Pattinson allegedly was horrible at sending text messages and keeping in touch, and Stewart

reportedly became frustrated that he wasn't giving her enough attention.


A source told E! News that part of what made Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart stick

was that the actor felt Stewart was the only person who understood him.

Said the source:

"[Stewart is] the only person who [Pattinson] can talk to about [fame], and he feels like

they are both on the same level and they understand one another."

"You'll always be my Bella"

It seemed as if their bond from appearing in the ultra-successful Twilight Saga was

the glue that kept them together.

But, clearly, it wasn't enough to help their romance go the distance.

Following their 2013 breakup, an insider told Hollywood Life that Stewart had become super

needy for Pattinson's affection, and things had gotten so bad that Pattinson, quote, "felt

like an adult taking care of a child."

They weren't equals

Kristen Stewart admitted on an episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show that her youth made

her relationship with Robert Pattinson extra intense.

"I was 17 or 18 when it all kind of went down, and that's like the most uncomfortable,

terrible, weird…

You're 17-years-old and like, 'Ahhh!'"

A source also told Hollywood Life the couple's four-year age gap played a big role in the


Pattinson allegedly felt like he was in charge of Stewart, and always being in control of

their doomed romance became way too tiring for him.

"You better hold on tight spider monkey."

Their age difference was also apparent in the way they chose to live their lives, with

the insider stating:

"[Stewart was] too concerned about being an LA hipster and he's preoccupied with working

these days."

Are they reconciling?

We never thought we'd see these two back together again following their split.

But life has a funny way of healing even the most intense vampire bites.

"Robsten" fans were shocked in June 2018 when the former lovers were reunited at a mutual

friend's birthday party.

An insider told E! News:

"Kristen smoked a cigarette and Rob stood and talked to her quietly.

[...] They were both serious, but stood together alone behind a car and exchanged a few words."

If that doesn't sound hopeful enough, less than two weeks after their reunion, Pattinson

had some kind words to say in regards to his ex.

When Entertainment Tonight asked him to name some of the exceptional women he's worked

with, he said:

"I thought you were going to say Kristen Stewart, cuz I saw you guys just hung out

the other day!"

"Kristen, too, Kristen Stewart as well, yeah, yeah, yeah."

Do you hear that noise?

It's the sound of Twihards' jaws dropping!

For more infomation >> The Truth Behind Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart's Breakup - Duration: 7:16.


Whats In My Wallet - Duration: 5:13.

What's in my wallet? Duane here with how to build credit TV and in this video I'm

gonna be talking about what's currently in my wallet. This little thing here is

my wallet so that's what we're gonna be talking about in this particular video.

But before we get started I have a quick message.

Once again my name is Duane with how to build credit TV and on this channel we

talk about everything you need to know about credit, credit cards and how to

make money using credit cards. As a matter of fact I was able to make over

$1,700 using one credit card. So if this sounds like something which you're

interested be sure to subscribe to our Channel and click that notification bell

so you don't miss a thing. Okay so when it comes to what's in my

wallet I decided to go ahead and get a minimalist type of wallet here. It's

really like a card holder it actually comes with a strap where you can put

your cash on it but I was like I didn't like the strap. I liked how this looks

and the fact that this is clean and simple and it has your credit cards in there

just like that and your credit cards pop up. So in this wallet currently I'm gonna

basically talk about the four credit cards that I have in my wallet right now.

So the first credit card that I have that's up for everybody to see in the

front is the Amex gold card. So this is in my wallet because I just got this card

and I want to make sure that I'm putting all my spending for the most part that's

food related whether it's dining out or groceries is gonna go on my Amex gold

card. This card right here so this card is pretty important and like I said I

want to make sure that I put spending on it so that I can accumulate a lot of

points. So when I'm ready to redeem it for travel I have no problems and I have

a lot of points from which to choose to redeem it for flights or hotels so I

pretty much can redeem it towards anything pertaining to travel. So that's

why I have the Amex gold card in my wallet currently. The next card that I

have in my wallet is the American Express blue card. This card right here

you can't see it very clearly because it has all my information on it but I have

this card in my wallet because currently on this card I have quite a bit of cash

back that I've accumulated. And I want to spend it because of course christmas is

coming up and I have to buy gifts my kids. So I have this card in my wallet

because I have a lot of cash back on it and I'm gonna buy some gifts without

actually using my money so that's kind of cool. The next card that I have in my

wallet currently is the Bank of America cash plus or the cash rewards card from

Bank of America. And you can kind of see it here has my name right there in the

front so this is the cash rewards card from

Bank of America. And the reason why I have this card currently in my wallet is

because I also have some more cash back that I need to redeem on that particular

credit card. I got the credit card and I spent $500 and I got $200 back as

a sign up bonus for spending $500 within the first 3 months. So I currently have

$200 on my Bank of America cash rewards card that I'm gonna use so it's in my

wallet because tis the season. The last card that I have in my wallet and my

favorite card currently is my Discover card.

Now the Discover Card I have this in my wallet because I do the majority of my

spending on this card because Discover card matches all the cash back that you

earn during your first year of membership. So that's pretty much the

cards that I currently have in my wallet. I don't really use a lot of them I

basically just use the Amex gold card and my Discover card so that's currently

the cards I have I'm just gonna show you guys again real quickly here. So that you

can see these four different credit cards that I have currently and that's

what's in my wallet. And I'm just trying to see if I can

cover up my information here. Alright so here you go so these are the four credit

cards that I have currently in my wallet as you can see. I hope you guys can see

that if you can't see it I'm sorry but that's currently what I have in my

wallet. If you have any questions about any of these cards or if you're

interested in any of these cards there will be some link below the video in the

description. Especially for the Amex gold card that makes blue card and as well as

a Discover card. If you're interested in getting those cards use the link in the

description below it helps our channel quite a bit. Thank you so much for

watching this video about what's in my wallet. If you have any questions please

feel free to leave them down below and I'll answer it as soon as I see it. If

you liked the video please be sure to give it a thumbs up it helps our channel

quite a bit. And if you haven't subscribed to this channel consider

subscribing to the channel because on this channel we talk about everything

you need to know about credit, credit cards and how to make money using credit

cards. So if this sounds like something in which you're interested be sure to

subscribe and click that notification bell so you don't miss a thing. Once

again my name is Duane with how to build credit TV and I approve this video.

I'll see you in the next video. Until next time take care and be blessed.


For more infomation >> Whats In My Wallet - Duration: 5:13.


Trying Japan Wendy's First Kitchen Japan Only Menu | Japanese Fast Food - Duration: 11:25.

For more infomation >> Trying Japan Wendy's First Kitchen Japan Only Menu | Japanese Fast Food - Duration: 11:25.


Are You a Mentally Strong Person? - Duration: 5:10.

Are You a Mentally Strong Person?

People with strong mentality have traits that make them different.

Not all people are strong enough to handle mental breakdown, but these strong people

can handle them because they are prepared for that.

If you want to know the traits of people with strong mentality, we have 13 behaviors that

indicate just that.

What you can do with this information is, if you know someone like them, you can hang

out with him or her and learn how they do it.

So in this video, I'm going to share with you some behaviors that reveal someone is

mentally strong.

But before that, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video until the end to

know the complete information.

Here's the 13 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Mentally Strong.

#1 - Balancing emotion with logic.

The first thing that you should note is the ability to balance their logic with emotion.

They know that emotion can affect the way they think.

They are also aware that they should trust their guts in certain situation, enabling

them to choose wise decision in difficult times.

#2 - Choosing productive behavior.

It is extremely easy to be involved in random activity that has no benefit at all.

Someone with strong mentality will not sway easily to join unnecessary activity.

They are picky, and they usually miss some friends because of this.

However, it turns out to be a great habit because they can be mentally strong as they

are more independent.

#3 - You are confident.

Mentally strong people are pretty confident as they know what they are doing.

They also know what the consequence, and they are willing to accept that.

#4 - They are adaptive.

Mentally strong people also can adapt well in different situation.

They have a really good heart which allow them to be able to handle things even in difficult

situation with no family or friend.

Eventually they can make new friends to live.

#5 - They face their fears.

Strong people also have the capability and the willingness to fight against their fear.

We all have one fear towards something, and it is not something that should be avoided.

Mentally strong people know this, and that's why they can face their fears

#6 - They learn from mistakes.

Though it seems simplistic and most people can do that, it is not that easy.

Some people fall in the same hole twice, three times, or even multiple times.

It really needs a special effort to be able to learn from mistakes.

#7 - Self acceptance and self improvement.

The next thing that you probably don't see is the ability to accept oneself while improving


Some people cannot understand where they fall short and know how to improve their problems.

#8 - They celebrate other's success.

Another aspect of mentally strong people is to stand for other people's success.

Common people will be jealous and they cannot do anything but to keep finding a way to tackle


#9 - They believe in their values.

Strong people have beliefs, and they are tied to their opinion.

So you can't just make them forget to their ideas and ideology, especially in a meeting,

because they are truly a firmer believer.

#10 - They prefer honing their skills.

Instead of showing off their skills, they prefer to sharpen their skills.

They know they need more ability to perform better.

They will do that for the sake of themselves.

They also don't want to make other regret, and that's why they are motivated to improve

their skills.

#11 - They live a real life.

Another possibility that makes a great difference is that they don't have a fake life.

They don't live for others, and that's why they do things for themselves.

#12 - Hardship is opportunity.

They see things differently from other people, and one of them is hardship.

While people think that hardship is the sign of bad luck, because you are required to do

more effort, people with strong heart think it as an opportunity to upgrade.

After all, only by overcoming countless hardship, people will grow bigger and bigger.

#13 - They think self-worth differently.

Another thing that they see differently is all about self-worth.

They feel good about themselves and it is not all about the achievement that they can


No matter how bad or good it is, they don't think it matters too much compared to themselves.

Well, those are the 13 behaviors that reveal someone is mentally strong.

So, really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Are You a Mentally Strong Person? - Duration: 5:10.


got a car that doesn't run? donate it! - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> got a car that doesn't run? donate it! - Duration: 1:39.


'Holly Star' Movie Preview: Sloan & Andy Reminisce On Their Cute Ice Skating Date — Watch - Daily Ne - Duration: 1:42.

HollywoodLife has an EXCLUSIVE preview of the movie 'Holly Star,' which arrives on digital and VOD on Dec

4. Watch this clip and prepare to fall in love!    Holly Star follows Sloan, who returns home to Maine for the holidays and gets caught up in a mysterious treasure hunt with her paintball-obsessed best friend, her tango-dancing grandmother, and her childhood sweetheart

In our EXCLUSIVE preview, Sloan and Andy go ice skating together. At first, Sloan regrets her decision, but Andy's not going to let her off the ice that easy

 Andy helps her out when she's uneasy in her skates, and they have a lot of fun together

"Honestly, you're better than you used to be," he says. Sloan nearly slips and falls, but Andy catches her before she hits the ice

Sloan still snorts when she laughs, and that reminds Andy of the good ole days. "That is impressive

I thought by now maybe you would have pulled yourself together, but I don't know," he jokes with Sloan

These two are adorable! Do we sense romance in the air?    The movie stars Katlyn Carlson, Brian Muller, and Teya Patt

Holly Star was directed by Michael A. Nickles. This small-town Christmas movie, filmed on location in Maine, is just the thing to get you in the holiday spirit! Holl

For more infomation >> 'Holly Star' Movie Preview: Sloan & Andy Reminisce On Their Cute Ice Skating Date — Watch - Daily Ne - Duration: 1:42.


HBCUs continue court battle, claiming racial inequality - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> HBCUs continue court battle, claiming racial inequality - Duration: 2:35.


Rustic Beautiful The Sebastian Tiny House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Rustic Beautiful The Sebastian Tiny House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:17.


Absolutely Stunning Kerrijo's 24' Tiny Home By Mitchcraft Tiny Homes - Duration: 5:31.

Absolutely Stunning Kerrijo's 24' Tiny Home By Mitchcraft Tiny Homes

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